A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

30 June 2011


Sen. Rand Paul challenges TSA chief – Tenth Amendment Center Blog

Lighting up the feds – Tenth Amendment Center Blog

The Electric Comet: The Elephant in NASA's Living Room?

YouTube - ‪A99 #OpESR RICO Class Action Lawsuit Against the Federal Reserve‏

Embarrass the USDA into submission. Now why didn't I think of that? | Farm Wars - Attack on Heterosexuality is Satanism

Hard times generation: Homeless kids - 60 Minutes - CBS News

U.S. Navy Seal team who killed Bin Laden may have used night vision contact lenses | Mail Online


Digital Globe Satellite View Of Ft Calhoun/ June28


Radiation in Our Food -

YouTube - ‪Fort Calhoun 10 mile mandatory evacuation area. Video Credites to:addicts4christ1‏

Flood Waters Close in on Nuclear Power Plant in Nebraska | KEZI

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Radioactive Tellurium Detected in Seawater at Water Intake | EX-SKF

Elderly volunteers to help Fukushima nuclear cleanup | The Japan Times Online

Los Alamos wildfire: National laboratory managers see little threat from New Mexico's Las Conchas fire -

Los Alamos Fire: Initial Air Samples Show No Elevated Radiation Levels - ABC News

Hose leak again halts water unit | The Japan Times Online


Nuke Plant Inspections Find Flaws in Disaster Readiness - ProPublica

Is New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory Safe from the Las Conchas Wildfire? - TIME NewsFeed

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

IMF urges US lawmakers to raise $14.3B debt limit - Yahoo! News

BofA to Take `Big Hit' From Settlement, Miller Says - Video - Bloomberg

Riki Ott: Lots of Inconvenient Truths -- Chemical Illness Epidemic in the Wake of the BP Blowout

Activist Post: Western Media: Iran, China, and Pakistan! Oh My!

BBC News - Underwater landslide likely cause of 'mild tsunami'

How to Record the Cops, Ct’d . . . | The Agitator

Feds show fake safety records in WV mine blast - Yahoo! News

Hawaii Woman Blames Drug For Fracture - Video - KITV Honolulu

The Sun Sets On The FIRST New Zealanders

Could food-packaging chemical rob men of their sex appeal?


Tripoli bombed but steadfast [Voltaire Network]

Iran 'will not make longer-range missiles as Israel is already in reach' | World news | The Guardian

Robert Fisk: Iran's war games go underground - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Israeli Anti-Freedom Flotilla II Propaganda

Gaza activists say ship sabotaged in Greece - Telegraph

Israel steps up campaign to stop flotilla sailing to Gaza in defiance of blockade | World news | The Guardian

Libya: Germany replenishes Nato's arsenal of bombs and missiles - Telegraph

Egypt: Security forces clash with Cairo protesters | World news |

'Islamic Mickey Mouse' provokes anger in Egypt - Africa, World - The Independent

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: And What About Jewish Anti Gentile Studies?

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Self Reflection in Mondoweiss

Astronauts evacuate space station to avoid space junk hurtling towards them | Mail Online

The Navy Bought Fake Chinese Microchips That Could Have Disarmed U.S. Missiles

The Business Of America Is War

Getting Used To Life Without Food

What Will Fracking Do to Your Food Supply? |

Debt-laden Greece finds no buyers in 'fire sale' of national assets | Business | The Guardian

little-house-secrets-great-plains-reuters: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Inside the Fed’s Vault: $1 Billion Worth of Unused Coins | Moneyland |

China's Bad Debt and Slowing Growth | Oil

New San Francisco bridge built in China to be shipped to US - Telegraph

Netherlands parliament rules against ritual animal slaughter | World news | The Guardian

Trials of 'super WiFi' that uses white space between TV channels to begin in Cambridge | Mail Online

This is Devon | Injunction to move by the end the of month

Piracy at Sea:A tale of two crews | Opinion Maker

New study is wake-up call for diet soda drinkers - HealthPop - CBS News

Why guzzling a diet drink can make you fatter - they can trigger the appetite | Mail Online

Junk food adverts really do make children hungry for unhealthy meals, say scientists | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Diabetes time-bomb alert

Top 10 UFO incidents in the UK - Telegraph

Huge UFO Near Nuclear Missiles Acknowledged By Technicians


+DEMYSTIFYING 9/11 | Opinion Maker


U.S. Senate passes resolution threatening to suspend aid to Palestinians - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Activist Post: California tells online retailers to start collecting sales taxes from customers

Amazon ends deal with 25,000 California websites | amazon, affiliate, california - The Orange County Register

Revolutionary Politics : CIA asset: 'Libyan opposition is al-Qaeda'

YouTube - ‪CIA asset: 'Libyan opposition is al-Qaeda'‏

YouTube - ‪Prison industrial complex‏


YouTube - ‪The Obama Press Conference Unplugged‏


*12:07:32/(29 June'11)YouTube - ‪President Obama News Conference‏


*Transcript of Obama News Conference - Washington Wire - WSJ


The 5 Campaign Messages in Obama's Press Conference - WNYC


YouTube - ‪Afghanistan - WarOnWant Executive Director Speaks‏

YouTube - ‪British Army Cuts Mean More Private Contractors‏

YouTube - ‪BREAKING! Iran Test "Nuke-Capable" Missiles!‏

+VIDEO - Obama On The National Debt In 2007... - Home - The Daily Bail

+Flashback 2006: Obama On Raising The Debt Ceiling: Video - Home - The Daily Bail

+Obama On The National Debt - SOTU 2010 (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

+Flashback: Obama Tells C-Span 'We've Run Out Of Money' - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : Jim Rogers: Holding Dollar, Euro and says Let Greece Default

Revolutionary Politics : US Congress Is In The Pocket Of US Corporations 29-Jun-11

Revolutionary Politics : TSA Is NOT Security It's A JOKE!

A disturbing trend: Neo-Nazi codes | The Upshot - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: 'Project Gunrunner' Whistleblower Says ATF Sent Him Termination Notice

YouTube - ‪Ron Paul: People Are Finally Waking Up To The Tyranny 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Ron Paul: People Are Finally Waking Up To The Tyranny 2/2‏

Ron Paul: U.S. should declare 'bankruptcy' - Jun. 28, 2011

The Dirt on Nuclear Power - Benjamin J. Sovacool - Project Syndicate

YouTube - ‪SWAT Team Honored For Raiding Wrong House?‏

Iran shows downed US drones to Russia

New Rules For Western Banks, Same Hypocrisy

Texas Gov. Perry urges US attorney general to act against pro-Palestinian protestors

‘NATO Drops Uranium Bombs On Libya’ :

Fukushima radiation fears: children near nuclear plant to be given monitors | World news | The Guardian

Documents reveal TSA ignored dangers of body scanners | Homeland Security News Wire

A message for Israel and Evangelicals: Genesis isn’t a policy guide -

Federal appeals court rules health care reform bill constitutional - 12160

YouTube - ‪Bloomberg's Anti Gun Ad Suggests Second Amendment Enables Terrorists‏

The TSA's tentacles spread | Jennifer Abel | Comment is free |

Bankers Laugh As Athens Greece Burns. Wall Street Licks Their Chops As Protestors Are Beaten.

Bachmann Campaign Starts With a Bang

Activist Post: Big banks relieved as Fed sets debit card rule

Madoff Trustee Sues JPMorgan For $6.4 Billion: "They Were At The Very Center Of Madoff Fraud" - Home - The Daily Bail

BUSTED: SEC's Top Lawyer Sued By Madoff Trustee In Clawback Suit For Family's Ill-Gotten Ponzi Gains - Home - The Daily Bail

Nine Myths And Misconceptions About Money That Can Literally Kill You | Video Rebel's Blog

Activist Post: Cops Just Love Those Tasers - Mentally Handicapped Boy Tasered, Pepper Sprayed and Hog Tied

Activist Post: UK Family Living Off-the-Grid Facing Prison Over Faux Environmental Issues

The Intercept: Adam, Get Their Guns: How Al-Qaeda’s Spokesman Advances the Israel Lobby’s Gun Control Agenda

PressTV - US conducts targeted killings in Somalia

Authorities Arrest Nigerian Olajide Noibi For A - Flash Player Installation

Member Of Greek Parliament Assaulted By Angry Mob For Flip-Flopping On Austerity Vote | zero hedge


U.S. Government Finally Exacts Revenge On Iran/Contra Whistleblower Cele Castillo

YouTube - ‪Congress to Hold Holder in Contempt?‏


*Free Cele Castillo:(


All The Stones Are Set To Fall, Will They Fall On You?

Russia Agrees To US-Saudi War After Deadly Attack On Nuclear Experts

Video: Pentagon Plans To Alter DNA To Breed Out Religious Impulses

How climate change could cause a 30-year war - The Week

Supreme Court to Decide Constitutionality of Warrantless GPS Monitoring | Threat Level |

Napolitano defends ICE immigration memo | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Biggest Tax Avoiders Win Most Gaming $1 Trillion U.S. Tax Break - Bloomberg

U.N. declares rinderpest wiped out worldwide

U.N. Chief Endorses U.S.-Bashing ‘Anti-Terror’ Conference Hosted by Iran |


**MAKE THIS STORY GO VIRAL -- You Thought California State Pensions Were Out Of Control? Wait Until You See This List From Illinois - Home - The Daily Bail


Global Hypocrisy: France Arming Libyan Rebels -

"Stolen Elections" Battle Cry of the Color Revolution - - IMF urges US lawmakers to raise $14.3B debt limit

Western Media: Iran, China, and Pakistan! Oh My! -

Feds buying up farmland they flooded; Soros in on it -

50 U.S. Health Care Statistics That Will Absolutely Astonish You -

Odd Letter From Corps Upsets Property Owners - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City - Charlie Veitch Is Either An Idiot Or A Bought And Paid For Shill - New study is wake-up call for diet soda drinkers - Microsoft director admits EU data not exempt from Patriot Act spying

New Species Invasion Threatening British Waters

Radioactive Smoke From Los Alamos Fire Hasn't Been Found, Officials Say

Hugo Chavez Health Postpones Latin Summit

Bank Of America Sets Aside $14 Billion In Settlement

Lindsay Lohan Released From House Arrest

Baby Ban In First Class Of Malaysian Airlines

Amanda Knox "Extremely Happy" With Ruling

Debt Deal Must Be Made By August 2, Obama Says

JFK Airport Runway Taken Over By Turtles

Tracy Morgan Mocks Mentally Handicapped In NYC Comedy Show

582 Saabs Ordered by Mystery Buyer, Could Pay Staff's Wages

Sterilization Victims Of Eugenics Program : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

CFR Hails Wikileak Dump : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Collusion! The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto : Deadline Live With Jack Blood » Launch Code for U.S. Strategic Nuclear Missiles Was Twelve Zeros Until 1977

This is Devon | Injunction to move by the end the of month » Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accompanying Gas-Well Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing

Methane contamination of drinking water accompanying gas-well drilling and hydraulic fracturing

Didn't pick up after your dog? DNA will tell - Florida Wires -

'Flying lab' to monitor smoke near NM nuclear lab |

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

Japan’s newest popstar outed as CGI creation

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

FOX News Discusses the New World Order and the Global Elite (video)

Alien encounters ‘within twenty years’

Internet startup searching for the 'recorded future' | Video |

Obama to bid farewell to Defense Secretary Gates - Yahoo! News

Mark Halperin SUSPENDED For Obama 'D*ck' Comment (VIDEO)

High court undoes Scalia's pro-tobacco order - Yahoo! News

Alfred Evans gets 42 years in killing of homeless D.C. drug addict in ’03 - The Washington Post

Arsonist convicted of trying to kill Md. policeman is sentenced to 24 life terms - The Washington Post

American tourist left on Great Reef by tour boat company | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

Punishing Pakistan and Challenging China

South Africa’ s Youth Face a Grim Future

Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy

The War Against Libya

Afghanistan: Victory in Defeat

US Must End Wars Fought to Hike Corporate Profits

Money and Intervention in Venezuela. Wikileaks: US Embassy Requests Funding for Anti-Chavez Groups

Vietnam versus Afghanistan: Victory in Defeat

Idiocy Reigns Supreme

Journalism as a Weapon of War in Libya

"Libya is a Rich Man's War!": The Bombers of Libya are our Real Enemies

Five Lessons of the Balkan Conflict

A World Overwhelmed By Western Hypocrisy

When the Public Rises, We'll Want an Ally in Congress

VIDEO: Cash and Cyberware on the US Offensive

Can The Fed Stop Quantitative Easing?

VIDEO: Debt Contagion and the Global Economic Collapse

VIDEOS: Fukushima Nuclear Power Station: Tepco Designs Container to Store Deadly Radioactivity

Nuclear Accident May be Imminent as Flood Berm Bursts at Fort Calhoun Nebraska Nuclear Plant

Fire Threatens Plutonium and Uranium Release at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Local News | Seattle Times special report: Twisted ethics of an expert witness | Seattle Times Newspaper

Arizona Police Told To Search Arrestee iPhones For Anti-Police Apps - informationliberation

Paramount Cease and Desist Targets 3D Printer ‘Pirate’ | TorrentFreak

Alien Infiltration | Mysterious Universe






Articles: The Purposeful Flooding of America's Heartland

Engineering Transcendence: Addendum from 2011

Gold And Silver Ownership And Prices Not Be Affected By Dodd-Frank Legislation On July 15 | zero hedge

It's Official: China Is The "Mystery" Daily Buyer Of Billions Of Euros | zero hedge

» Obama on Libya: “I Don’t Even Have to Get to the Constitutional Question” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama 'defiance' of Constitution earns impeachment call

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

Houston Veterans Claim Censorship of Prayers, Including Ban on 'God' and 'Jesus' -

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Louisiana Supreme Court Allows Vehicle Searches on a Hunch

Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns | World news | The Guardian

United Nations’ New Arms Watchdog: North Korea | Danger Room |

U.S. Resumes Official Contacts with Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood » Publications » Family Security Matters

Rice Supply Tightening in China May Boost Imports, Inflation - Businessweek

Microsoft seeks patent for spy tech for Skype - Computerworld

Natural gas to rule the world of the future - English

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Prepper Dad? Even Robert Kiyosaki Is Warning That an Economic Collapse Is Coming

The Screaming Fundamentals For Owning Gold And Silver - Blogs at Chris Martenson

Special Report: A little house of secrets on the Great Plains | Reuters

Feds find fix was in on 'study' of homosexuality in ranks

Another Step Closer To A One World Religion: 50 U.S. Churches To Read From The Quran On Sunday

+Illegal Aliens Out of the Shadows, Welcomed at Senate Hearing - HUMAN EVENTS

+DREAM Act Testimony: Citizenship for Illegals Would Boost Economy - HUMAN EVENTS

U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood - Tim Mak -

FFX Subsidized Housing Tenants Live Large On Your Dime

Putin says Russian 2012 election will be dirty | Reuters

Long Island Officials Warn Of Rapidly Spreading - Flash Player Installation

U.S. Monthly Combat Deaths in Iraq at 3-Year High -

Republicans Seek ‘Slash and Burn’ Cuts to Slow U.S. Economy, Schumer Says - Bloomberg

Mark Halperin suspended over Obama remark on Morning Joe (video) - Tim Mak -

Mark Halperin Suspended Indefinitely from MSNBC - TVNewser

Bill Clinton Network Exclusive: Proposes Debt Impasse Deal, but Fears GOP Too Hamstrung by Ideology - ABC News

Corporate Jet Benefit Gets Six Obama Mentions, Aids Little in Deficit Cuts - Bloomberg

The missing facts in President Obama’s news conference - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Oops! Obama messes up his daughter’s age - TODAY People -

Woman falls to her death from rooftop of the W Hotel - Post Now - The Washington Post

Feces smeared at transit station | Kytja Weir | DC | Washington Examiner

US woman took dead baby shopping

Ore. man stung by scorpion on commercial flight - Yahoo! News

Authorities Arrest Nigerian Olajide Noibi For A - Flash Player Installation

Texas lawmakers let pat-down ban die - The Hill's Transportation Report

North Korea to Head U.N. Conference on Disarmament | The Weekly Standard

Fall River Mayor: Body May Have Been In Pool Du - Flash Player Installation

That is a bridge too far: World's longest sea bridge opens to traffic in China... but it will only hold the title for five years | Mail Online

BBC launches tool silencing Wimbledon players' grunts: Shrieking Maria Sharapova | Mail Online

First Death in Minnesota from Powassan Virus

Anthony Weiner's wife Huma Abedin taking time off from job and from him -

+Durbin: Maybe Illegal Alien Will Become President Someday

+Senator Introduces Homeland Security Secretary to ‘Hundreds’ of Illegals—at Capitol

Congressman on Stopping Illegal Aliens: 'I'll Do Anything Short of Shooting Them'

Obama Praises Homosexual ‘Spouses’ in Gay Gathering at White House

Obama: 'I Think Appropriate Actions Will Be Taken' in ATF's Botched Gun-Tracking Project

Sen. Rand Paul: U.S. Debt 'Number One Threat to Our Country'

Lieberman: Medicare Will Go Broke and ‘Take Our Government Down With It’

Obama Reaching Out to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood

New Name, Same Old Focus for Islamic Bloc

President Hosted Unscheduled ‘DNC Event’ at White House, Visitor Logs Reveal

Actor Richard Dreyfuss: ‘I Ceased Being a Democrat a While Ago’

Hezbollah Activity In Venezuela Limited To Fundraising, Says State Department Official

Bachmann Takes Obama to Task over High Unemployment, Obamacare, Gov’t Spending

Fed Says Economy Needs $600B Bond-Purchase Program

Senators Concerned by Photo ID Requirement to Vote

Obama Says U.S. Companies Need Freedom to Relocate

Obama: A Lot of the 'Fuss' over Libya Is Politics

GOP President Candidate Herman Cain Has Book Deal

Pro-Obama Group Launches Ad Campaign Accusing GOP of Undermining Economy

Colbert Looks for Answers on Campaign Finance

Influx of Militants Fuels Violence in Northern Afghanistan

Al-Qaida May Be Buying Libyan War Weapons, Spain Says

Census: Fewer Black Children in Biggest U.S. Cities

Education Dept. Helps Americans Compare Costs of Different Colleges

Crack Prisoners Could Get Break on Sentences

Humana refusing to hire smokers in Arizona; Will test applicants for nicotine

Somalia is 6th country where U.S. is using drones to target terrorists

Democrat: Weak U.S. laws impede ATF agents trying to stop gun trafficking by Mexican cartels

Obama uses combative new tone to retake reins on economic, foreign policy issues

Bachmann tells Obama to take off his Supreme Court robe

Obama’s new counterterrorism strategy will focus on would-be terrorists in U.S.

House GOP living up to 'Pledge to America'

Michele Bachmann reveals long-ago miscarriage while speaking at S.C. town hall

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel pushing gay marriage for Illinois

Medical-marijuana dispensaries facing deadlines, long lines

Fox News Poll: Romney Remains Top GOP Preference as Perry Draws Close Behind

Estate Tax Uncertainty Unsettles Small Businesses

Los Angeles Schools Blasted for Limiting Homework

More children living with grandparents, Census shows

Perry urges punishment for Americans protesting Israel in flotilla

E-signatures challenged by Maryland ACLU are defended by Utah ACLU

Bill would give U.S. flag to families of federal workers killed on job

DNA samples will determine who isn't scooping the dog's poop


+Request For Information - Underwater Body Bags - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities

FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, Blankets, and Body Bags :

Joyce Riley: They Are Flooding Us On Purpose! Underwater Body Bags :

Feds Buying Up Farmland They Flooded; Soros In On It :

New Madrid's Giant Pipeline Bomb | Before It's News

Jewish Bureau Of Al Qaeda Adam “Pearlman” Gadahn Used To Push Gun Control Measures :

Surging Bachmann Under 'Well-Orchestrated' Media Attack

Media Ignores Biden, Obama Gaffes While Targeting Bachmann

Palin: Celebrity Critics Are Haters

Ron Paul: US Should Declare Bankruptcy

National Journal: Message of Obama's Speech 'Us vs. Them'

Please Don't Go, Iraqi Kurds Tell U.S. Troops

Casey Anthony's Defense Expected to Rest Case

FBI Probes Mishandling of Arlington Cemetery Remains

John Lennon Was a Closet Republican, Claims Assistant

Your Core: Start Here for a Stronger Body

Rush Limbaugh: Obama, Other Liberals 'Burglars'

Bill Clinton Impressed by Michele Bachmann

Pawlenty’s ‘Isolationist’ Dig Signals GOP Split

Gates: Defense Not the Cause of Deficit

Obama Messes up His Daughter's Age

Bill Clinton's Group Offers Recipe for Economy

GOP Must Win the Deficit Debate

The Rise of the Independent Voter

US Should Not Alienate Pakistan

Shut Down: Arizona's Idea to Restrict Political Speech

*Activist Post: 13 Natural Remedies For Radiation Exposure

*Activist Post: Army Corps Of Engineers Intentional Flooding Of America's Heartland - This Is Selective Bankruptcy! (Video)

Activist Post: Two more potential nuclear disasters in the United States

Activist Post: Egypt Rejects IMF Conditions

Activist Post: British Sheep Talk to We Are Change (Video)

Activist Post: Big banks relieved as Fed sets debit card rule

Activist Post: Top Obama Advisor: Homeland is "Primary" Focus of Counterterrorism

Activist Post: US refocuses on home-grown terror threat

Activist Post: Globalism in History: Internationalism and Her Law

The New Era of "All Natural" False Flag Disasters | Before It's News

Activist Post: Obama vows to keep pressure on crippled Al-Qaeda


YouTube - ‪Alex Jones Keynote Speech at Talkers Magazine New Media Seminar in New York City 1/2‏

YouTube - ‪Alex Jones Keynote Speech at Talkers Magazine New Media Seminar in New York City 2/2‏


**Ron Paul on C-SPAN: In Depth Interview, the Road to the White House


Obama on Libya: “I Don’t Even Have to Get to the Constitutional Question”

Mark Halperin suspended over Obama remark on Morning Joe (video) - Tim Mak -

Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up The Truth At Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun And Fukushima?

Top Obama Advisor: Homeland is “Primary” Focus of Counterterrorism

Poisoned Riots: Cops sprayed chemicals, hard to breathe in Athens

50 U.S. Health Care Statistics That Will Absolutely Astonish You

The 5 Steps of How The Fictitious 9/11 Story Was Implanted Into The Public Consciousness

TSA “respectful and sensitive”?! My granny panties!

Town Stony Stratford to ban smoking in public following New York's lead | Mail Online

Sony backs U.S. cybersecurity legislation after data breach | The Raw Story


Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products


Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil a great insect killer -


Estimated cost of post-9/11 wars: 225,000 lives, up to $4 trillion

Fact Sheet: National Strategy for Counterterrorism

Press Conference by the President

Gates Sends Message Thanking Troops for Service

Joint team conducts exhaustive probe into claims

Reduction in UK nuclear warheads begins

YouTube - ‪Lets blow ourselves up! - Japan's Kamikaze message to OPEC‏

YouTube - ‪Poisoned Riots: Cops sprayed chemicals, hard to breathe in Athens‏

YouTube - ‪CrossTalk on Gaza: Flotilla 2.0‏


It took awhile, but Facebook/Zynga finally got around anti-gambling laws in the U.S. | Max Keiser

Facebook Money? Will The Feds Shut Down Facebook's Power Grab For Online Currency? | Consumer Watchdog

Food Stamps For Fast Food? Yum, Say Restaurants


Is the Massive Puerto Rico Trench Awakening? | Before It's News

+Earth's Core: A Moon-Sized Crystal Ball | Before It's News

Woman Gang-Raped By 7 Halliburton Employees "Signed Away" Her Right To Sue? How Justice Has Become The Privilege Of Corporations | Before It's News

This Chart Has Been Predicting The Stock Market For Three Years | Before It's News

Neptune As Never Seen Before, View Swirling Purple and Green Atmosphere, Rotation Measure For First Time | Before It's News

Earthquake Triggers In Pacific Ocean | Before It's News

Mobile Phone EMF Disturbs Learning and Causes Body Hotspots Says Study | Before It's News

Major Step Forward: Genetic Alterations In Pig Tissue May Allow For Human Transplantation | Before It's News

10 Traditional Newspapers that Successfully Moved Online | Before It's News


*Gabrielle Giffords Shocking Past Exposed! | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪UPDATE 6/27/11 Giffords aid EXPOSED! GABBY'S STEPDAUGHTER‏

1-9-11/Nine-Year-Old Victim's Uncle: 'How Do You Prepare For Something Like This?' | Crooks and Liars

“14th Amendment: Democratic Senators See Debt Ceiling As Unconstitutional”


** - The Power of 1


**The Real Reason Gov. Rod Blagojevich was Arrested and Convicted‏


Teachers reluctant to discuss 9/11 - Telegraph

Demystifying 9/11: Israel and the Tactics of Mistake | Veterans Today

9/11 Launch of The Audacity of The Infidel | Before It's News

Mankind Able to Eat Its Own Faeces - Scarletwhore

The Express Lane To Natural Born Clarity. | Before It's News

Latest Usurper Approval Index...way Too Much Approval... | Before It's News

This Should Be Front Page News!...drudge, Breitbart Where Are You?...forward To Your Congressional Representatives...demand An Investigation Of Obama's Crimes! | Before It's News

Natural Born Citizen For Dummies...a Must See!... | Before It's News

Startups Without Financial Projections are Doomed | Before It's News

It’s Official: China Is The “Mystery” Daily Buyer Of Billions Of Euros | Before It's News


One Eyed 'Cyclopes' Shark found in Mexico waters *PHOTO'S* | Before It's News

The Purple Car Coincidence | Before It's News

Part 20: Human overload--burgeoning cities of poverty | Before It's News

Nation of Islam mosque receives award in using modern technology | Before It's News

The Blowback From Obama's Strategic Oil Release Has Already Begun | Before It's News

Immigration Is Hurting The U.S. Worker | Before It's News

Power Grid Tampering Will End an Era | Before It's News

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches | Before It's News

Moon Man: Predictor Of Weather And Earthquakes | Before It's News

US Cost of War at Least $3.7 Trillion and Counting | Common Dreams

“After you Brother!” Qadaffi Stays and Obama Leaves?

Israels Sacred Mantras

A World Overwhelmed By Western Hypocrisy

Idolizing Absolute Power: The Pro-Assassination Crowd

The Painful Collapse of Empire:

How Greed Destroys America

Video:The Militarization Of The US Police Force


*Wikileaks Mirrors



Why the Left Fears Libertarianism by Anthony Gregory

Just Say No to School Vouchers . . . Again

The Drug War’s Einsatzgruppen by William Norman Grigg

Sam Konkin and Libertarian Theory by David Gordon

Arthur Ekirch on American Militarism by Ralph Raico

A World Overwhelmed by Western Hypocrisy by Paul Craig Roberts

The Screaming Fundamentals For Owning Gold And Silver by Chris Martenson

History You Might Have Missed by Chris Sullivan

50 U.S. Health Care Statistics That Will Absolutely Astonish You

*The Alex Jones Show – June 28th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 28th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 28th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 27th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’

*4 Part-Max Igan – Red Ice Radio Interview part 2 |

RIBA comes under fire for hosting ‘bonkers’ 9/11 talk |

*3 Parts:Dr. Webster Tarpley Reports from Tripoli: Devastation at The Hands of NATO & Obama Continues |

YouTube - ‪6/27/11 Ron Paul's audit of gold too expensive?‏

It Gets Even Crazier: AT&T, Comcast, And Other ISPs Introduce The “Three Strikes” Internet Censorship Deal |


*1:48:00/Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business / Vimeo


*Cannabis Cures Cancer - YouTube Channel


The CrowHouse:What Google and Facebook Are Hiding


**The CrowHouse:Sometimes Asking the Right Questions is the Answer...**


"A Practical Guide to'Free Energy' Devices"


Docstoc (


The Suburbs - Movie info:(


OVGuide /Online Video Guide




TRAILERS - TheMovieBox.Net


The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)


Rotten Tomatoes


Mark Halperin suspended after calling Obama a 'dick' on live TV

Banks Run Roughshod Again

Paranoid Glenn Beck Cries About How Mean New Yorkers Are To Him And His Family

Jimmy Kimmel unveils 'Michele Bachmann's story of America'

Newstalgia Reference Room - Selling Point Four - 1950.

Pat Buchanan attacks Mexicans over USA soccer match, claims California will be 'lost' soon

Stephen Colbert Asks Grover Norquist to Choose Between Terrorized Grandmothers and Higher Taxes

President Obama To Congress on Debt Ceiling: Get It Done!

Over 1 Million signatures captured to overturn Ohio's SB5

Affordable Care Act Constitutionality Upheld By 6th Circuit

Oh, for Fox Sake - Stewart Hits Wallace for His Network's Feigned Victimhood Game

Bachmann Fans Alter Wikipedia To Fit Michele's "Facts"

Fox talkers dream up Latino votes for GOP by focusing on Obama immigration failures -- but omit where Republicans really stand

Brit Hume says Michele Bachmann gaffes like 'John Wayne Gacy' can doom her campaign

Isikoff: Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds

Turning victims into perpetrators: Right-wingers defend Prosser's chokehold by claiming assaulted colleague was the aggressor

Natural Love And New York

Bernie Sanders on Shared Sacrifice


Rahm Emanuel Threatens Layoffs If Chicago Unions Don't OK Cost Cuts

Rahm Emanuel: 625 city worker layoffs if union won’t accept reforms - Chicago Sun-Times

Lee Sustar: Showdown in Chicago

Rahm Can Look at Burke's Cops | NBC Chicago

Immigration: Out of White House, Rahm Emanuel pushes hard for DREAM Act - Los Angeles Times

Emanuel, Duncan praise federal DREAM Act in advance of Durbin's Senate hearing - Chicago Tribune

Rahm Emanuel, Arne Duncan trumpet DREAM Act despite political barriers | eCampus News

Garry McCarthy Calls Gun Laws Government Sponsored Racism | News One

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn Proclaims August 28, 2011 as "Weed Out Hate Day" - PR Newswire -

Gov. Quinn Considers Casino Legislation

Young Harness Racing Driver to Gov. Quinn, 'Please Sign Senate Bill 744 As-Is'

Ex-Quinn official draws $1,000 fine for political emails - Chicago Tribune

City panel wants outdoor patios, rooftop gardens open until midnight - Chicago Sun-Times

Ill. likely to see fierce battle over gun control - Herald News

Walgreen Expands in Chicago -

Mayor Rahm Emanuel offers unions choice: 625 layoffs or work-rule changes - Chicago Tribune

Temperatures headed for upper 90s -

Navy Pier to get revamp that will cost taxpayers $155 million - Chicago Sun-Times

Man Lied About How He Found $17K | NBC Chicago

Struggling Chicago public high schools get millions - Chicago Sun-Times

81 sick, injured cats euthanized at Oak Park animal shelter | News |

Blago juror talks - Lake County News-Sun

Grease from Taste of Chicago to become biodiesel fuel - Chicago Sun-Times

Suicide at Waukegan post office - Lake County News-Sun

Bill Clinton kicks off U.S. jobs confab in Chicago - Chicago Sun-Times

Lake Michigan beaches among worst in nation, study finds - Lake County News-Sun


"Fighting Irish" Prosecutor Fitzgerald, Bags Blago | Conservative, Politcs | IrishCentral

Why Blagojevich's conviction will not end Chicago's corrupt political culture - Chicago Political Buzz |

Plainfield Woman on Blago Jury Says Former Governor Rightly Convicted - Plainfield, IL Patch

Blagojevich tragedy not as alien as we might like - Chicago Sun-Times

Dana Milbank: Ex-Gov. Blagojevich all shook up | Statesman Journal |

Florida Airline Channels Blago, Offers 'F-ing Golden' $17 Fares

His Own Worst Enemy: Why Rod Blagojevich Should Expect a Stiff Sentence - WNYC

Blago Conviction Could Mean Jesse Jackson Jr. Probe

Can Jesse Jackson Jr. Overcome The Political Hot Seat? | News One

The Associated Press: Blago's hairstyle would be fine in federal prison

What’s the matter with Illinois? With Blagojevich conviction, state has most imprisoned governors - The Reliable Source - The Washington Post


'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2' will have 'very, very good' 3D effects -

Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D, review - Telegraph

The Scoop - Lohan celebrates freedom with night out on the town

Randy Jackson, Steven Tyler Confirmed For 'American Idol' Season 11 - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Tinker Tailer Soldier Spy Trailer: The Circus Comes to Town -- Vulture

Harrison Ford on LaBeouf: 'Indiana Jones'... | Gather

Tom Petty to Michele Bachmann: Quit Playing 'American Girl' | Rolling Stone Music

In Which I Say Goodbye to Los Angeles and Tell Paul Haggis to Go to Hell

‘Girl with Green Eyes’: 47 Years Later

Tales from the Silverdocs Documentary Film Festival

Same Jon Stewart Who Uses Race Card Doesn’t Like Being Dealt One By Fox News

‘Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon’ Review: In a Word …. Awful

More on John Lennon’s Move Away from ‘Imagine’: Evolution is ‘Absolute Garbage’

Proof: Lindsay Lohan Understands Economics Better Than Our President

Palin Quotes From ‘The Undefeated’ Premiere On Vicious Celeb Attacks, MSM

Report: John Lennon Closet Republican, Ronald Reagan Fan

Will Ferrell and Adam McKay attached to sort-of-religious comedy Swear To God | Film | Newswire | The A.V. Club

Alec Baldwin, flake and worse | Facebook

Bill Maher | religion | The religious fanaticism of Bill Maher | The Daily Caller

Netflix, Open Road Sign Multi-Year Streaming Deal | The Wrap Movies

Shia LaBeouf is still saying stuff that Megan Fox probably wishes he wouldn't | Film | Newswire | The A.V. Club

AFP: UK warns Myanmar over 'menacing' tone towards Suu Kyi

The Associated Press: UN says Sudan's army continues attacking civilians

Khaled Said verdict – and Egyptian justice – delayed again -

Saudi prince proposes oil war with Iran -

Lebanon court says indictment to remain sealed | Reuters

Lateline - 30/06/2011: Thailand prepares for landmark election

Young Communists Embrace In-the-Black Over Mao Red Books as Party Turns 90 - Bloomberg

BBC News - China's Communist Party: 'Red tourism' in Yan'an

Iran Foreign Ministry Says West is Exploiting Syria | Iran | English

Europe E. Coli Probe Looks at Egyptian Seeds - Bloomberg

Afghanistan arrests two former officials over bank fraud scandal | Reuters

Taliban says prisoners swapped for French hostages - Telegraph

YouTube - ‪Freed French hostages reunited with families‏

BBC News - French President Sarkozy stays cool in security scare

AU Summit Expected to Focus on Libya Crisis | Pan Africa | English

NATO Says Organizer of Attack on Kabul Hotel Has Been Killed -

YouTube - ‪Kabul attack raises security questions in Afghanistan‏

Obama to do Twitter session on economy on July 6 | Reuters

Stephen Colbert's super PAC gets approval - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Michele Bachmann says a miscarriage helped define her anti-abortion stance -

Bulger In Court For Two Key Hearings - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston - White House Aims to Disrupt Al-Qaida Online - Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bill Clinton Says U.S. Lacks Plan Needed for Global Success - Businessweek

The Associated Press: Census: Fewer black children in biggest US cities

Republicans Seek Spending Cuts to Slow Economy, Schumer Says - Bloomberg

2 dead, several injured after shootings at 2 clubs - Florida Wires -

Obama awards Defense chief Gates presidential Medal of Freedom | Reuters

YouTube - ‪Obama Honors Gates on Last Day As Defense Chief‏

YouTube - ‪Obama warns against US debt default‏

Boarding Pass Arrest: Nigerian Who Slipped by Airport Security a 'Storyteller' - ABC News

Romney to visit shuttered Pennsylvania steel plant to attack Obama’s jobs record - The Washington Post

Mitt Romney playing coy on fundraising? | Deseret News

NM fire poised to become largest in state history - Bend News US National -

YouTube - ‪Video of wildfires raging close to nuke weapons lab in Los Alamos‏

Greek tourism industry sees rebound despite clashes | Reuters

UPDATE 3-First Solar plants win U.S. loan guarantees | Reuters

U.S. caught China buying more debt than disclosed | Reuters

Countrywide Bond Investors May Get 9% of Mortgage Losses in ‘Game Changer’ - Bloomberg

U.S. Corn Futures Plummet on USDA Reports -

EBay shares get lift from debit card rules The Ratings Game - MarketWatch

U.S. IPO lawyers see a weaker second half | Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal

Smoking cessation: Texts help smokers quit -

America's dirtiest beaches revealed | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Duct tape: Fighting contagious disease with safe zones - Los Angeles Times

The Body Odd - Coffee buzz protects brain from Alzheimer's

Study: Can a Soda Tax Help Curb Obesity? – TIME Healthland

Rinderpest, a Centuries-Old Animal Disease, Is Eradicated -

Jared Loughner Medication to Continue, Judge Rules - International Business Times

One-Third Of Americans Experience Chronic Pain

Would your doctor pay for wasted time? -

How much can you cut your breast cancer risk?

Contamination still a big problem for U.S. beaches | Reuters


Tests Show Wireless Network Could Harm GPS Systems - ABC News

Infancy of Universe Seen in Brightest Quasar Yet | Wired Science |

Israeli Algorithm Sheds Light On The Bible's Writers | | Lexington, Kentucky

Hysterical Final Cut Pro Users: Apple Doesn't Owe You Anything

NASA bids farewell to amazing relic, the shuttle | Reuters

Google+ invites halted due to 'insane demand' -

MediaPost Publications California Law Will Tax eCommerce 06/30/2011

MySpace: 4 Lessons Learned from the Collapse | PCWorld

YouTube - ‪NewsCorp Unloads MySpace at Huge Loss‏

Behind the scenes with In Session at the Casey Anthony trial – In Session: - Blogs

Casey Anthony prosecutor’s terribly misguided plea to Dwight Howard - Ball Don't Lie - NBA Blog - Yahoo! Sports

From Casey Anthony to Alice Crimmins moms on trial mesmerize

Kim Kardashian Has Spoken: Casey Anthony Verdict Will Be Shocking! | Radar Online

YouTube - ‪Defense expected to rest today in Casey Anthony murder trial‏

Casey Anthony trial: The worst kind of checkbook journalism? - BlogPost - The Washington Post

The Autistic Hacker - IEEE Spectrum

Is Drug Resistance in Humans Coming From Chickens? | Wired Science | Environment | ASCII Code in Italian Crop Formation

German Lab Generates the Strongest Magnetic Field Ever Created | Popular Science

Brilliant, but Distant: Most Far-Flung Known Quasar Offers Glimpse into Early Universe: Scientific American

UFO Mothership Over London? Not Likely | Aliens & Flying Saucers on Earth | Extraterrestrials |

Doctors to help boy with hairy face | Orange UK

Radio makes Britons happier than TV and web - Telegraph

Hitchcockian Crows Spread the Word About Unkind Humans | Crows Learn Dangerous Faces | Animal Intelligence | LiveScience

Britain's own Special Agent Mulder exposes his X files - Telegraph

Ghostly mirage appears over river in Huanshan City, China | Mail Online

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' | Science | The Guardian

Can neuroscience explain our paranormal obsession? - Neuroscience -

Asteroid Buzzes Earth in Close Shave | Asteroid 2011 MD & Asteroid Photos | Near-Earth Objects |

Neutrino Transformation Could Help Explain Mystery of Matter | Wired Science |

UFOs filmed above BBC building in London | Mail Online

Yoda ugliest dog: Chinese-crested Chihuahua mix wins title | Mail Online

BBC News - Circus offers 'clown-selling' for people's big-top fear

YouTube - ‪Dr. Webster Tarpley Reports from Tripoli: NATO Pillaging A Continent for The Global Elite 1/3‏

YouTube - ‪Dr. Webster Tarpley Reports from Tripoli: NATO Pillaging A Continent for The Global Elite 2/3‏

YouTube - ‪Dr. Webster Tarpley Reports from Tripoli: NATO Pillaging A Continent for The Global Elite 3/3‏

YouTube - ‪Destroying Humanity with Social & Bioengineering - Alex Jones Tv 1/3‏

YouTube - ‪Destroying Humanity with Social & Bioengineering - Alex Jones Tv 2/3‏

YouTube - ‪Destroying Humanity with Social & Bioengineering - Alex Jones Tv 3/3‏

» TSA Too Busy Searching Diapers Over Checking Passports, Flight Passes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Napolitano, Europeans Warn al-Qaeda May Get Libyan Weapons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Idiocy Reigns Supreme Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Unemployment: No Extended Benefits For People Laid Off From Now On

» Farage: Arab Spring Could Lead to “Mediterranean Summer of Discontent” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hundreds injured in fresh Egypt clashes Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: Pakistan tells US to leave 'drone' attack base

» The IMF joins Bernanke in threatening US legislators Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. must hike debt limit soon to avoid shock: IMF | Reuters

Meet The IMF's New Leader, Christine Lagarde : NPR

Missouri could become the next state to require drug testing of welfare applicants | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Smart Meters: We can monitor everything you do in your home (Video)

Maryland Adds Environmental Literacy in High Schools -

» The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust Pt 1 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Action Alert: FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Nanotechnology | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

» Tenth Anniversary Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Infowars Insider: 2011 Bilderberg Conference Challenged by Activists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pentagon fails to probe thousands of sexual assaults: GAO | The Raw Story


+Adapting for a Green Economy

-2030 Energy Outlook


Energy: the new thirty years' war | Michael Klare for TomDispatch | Comment is free |

Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather Is a Product of Climate Change: Scientific American

The secret role of energy in bringing U.S. jobs back - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

If Renewable Costs Are Down, Why the Financial Uncertainty? | Renewable Energy News Article

Clean-energy advocates on alert after Senate vote to kill ethanol subsidies -

Hot under the collar in the shale gas boom | The Oil and the Glory

Nuclear plants need scrutiny, not hysteria | The Des Moines Register |

A reality check on nuclear fusion at MIT | Green Tech - CNET News

Surging Gas Demand Is Boon for Qatar -

Michele Bachmann for President 2012: Don’t Call Her a Feminist - The Daily Beast

Where are the adults in Washington? -

RealClearPolitics - An Exceptional Fourth of July

The Health Care Mandate’s Big Win In The Sixth Circuit | The New Republic

Whether it's health care or cars, Obama knows best | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Why, Oh Why, Was O in Iowa? -

The Jews Aren't Going Anywhere

RealClearPolitics - Perry Adviser: Secessionism Criticism Is Baseless

Rick Perry has a history of acrimony with George W. Bush -

RealClearPolitics - Defending the Supremely Powerful

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Priority Is "Equality", Not Jobs

Attack on Kabul Hotel Raises Security Concerns -

Will Senate Confirmation Gridlock Finally End?: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg

Leading article: The euro survives for another day - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Government's role in industry: The long arm of the state | The Economist

Missile Defense Malpractice -

Obama: Republican Leaders Must Bend on Taxes -

Obama picks fight with GOP over tax cuts for the rich - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

ObamaCare Doesn't Add Up -

Once Made in the USA

WOLF: Obamanomics is shovel-ready - Washington Times

Political Animal - Why the blame game matters


*The Costs of U.S. War Since 2001 (pdf)


*Cost of War to the United States | COSTOFWAR.COM


iCasualties: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties


Outpost of Tyranny | Foreign Policy

Obama's America prefers to ignore the Middle East - The National

Russia's Approaching Nonelection -

If Hugo Goes - By Michael Shifter | Foreign Policy

Robert Fisk: Iran's war games go underground - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

RealClearWorld - Pakistan's China Card

Minority Report - by Lee Smith > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

BIS report: The West must stop living on the never-never - Telegraph

China's Confucian makeover | Isabel Hilton | Comment is free | The Guardian

Arab Spring: Egyptians and Tunisians need more than free speech. - By Anne Applebaum - Slate Magazine

Peter Goodspeed: Chinese aircraft carrier enters geopolitical tempest | Full Comment | National Post

Chávez should get credit for economic miracle - Andres Oppenheimer -

Analysis: Gandhi scion yet to prosper in heat of Indian politics - The Scotsman

What does Abbas really want? - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Forget Missile Defense, the Threat Is Afghanistan | Opinion | The Moscow Times

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: A new Palestinian strategy unfolds

Turkey Inspires Islamists and Liberals, But in Very Different Ways - Global Spin -

Arab Spring Sprung? | Standpoint

The Soul;Understanding the source of our soul and its eternal essence.

Let Freedom Ring: The Muslim Call for Religious Freedom « Public Discourse

The American Spectator : The Decline of Faith

Michael Giltz: "The Book Of Mormon" -- Why Aren't More People Offended?

Hebrew School » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Twitter not blessed by pope’s presence -

Why Mormonism's moment has come | World news | The Guardian

Bachmann’s faith: None of our business? » GetReligion

Opinion: A religious test for president? - Jeff Greenfield -

5 Myths Atheists Believe about Religion « SpeakEasy

Bill Maher | religion | The religious fanaticism of Bill Maher | The Daily Caller

Religion: U.S. evangelicals see secularism as a threat :: The Republic

An Evangelical Guide to the GOP Primary

Top Evangelical, Catholic, and Mainline Bodies Issue Evangelism Rules | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Can Unitarian Universalists Make It Another 50 Years?

The pope tweets – and not just about eggs benedict for breakfast | Alan Wilson | Comment is free |

The Pro-Life Attitude toward Unplanned Pregnancy | Crisis Magazine

Muslim Mickey Mouse Tweet by Christian Billionaire Sparks Controversy | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints remind its leadership to steer clear of politics – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Where real influence lies | Joel J. Miller

Priests, plots … and Hugo Chávez | Hugh O'Shaughnessy | Comment is free |

New Statesman - The Joy of Secularism: 11 Essays for How We Live Now

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Watching Muslims profess Christ -- in the face of persecution - News with a Christian Perspective

Christian Curmudgeon Condemns “Go the F*** to Sleep” | Philosophical Fragments

The Amazing World Inside a Human Cell | Cell Nucleus | Endoplasmic Reticulum & Mitochondria | Cell Facts | LiveScience

Is Pi 'Wrong'? | Mathematicians Want to Say Goodbye to Pi | Calculus, Geometry & Math of Circles | Life's Little Mysteries

Climate Science Disclosures - Freedom Of Information Or Chilling Effect?

Nuke Plant Inspections Find Flaws in Disaster Readiness - ProPublica

Complex Islamic response to evolution emerges from study - SciDev.Net

Fossils reveal rapid evolution in ancient eyes | COSMOS magazine

mental_floss Blog » What Are Eye Boogers, Anyway?

Is drug resistance in humans coming from chickens?

New Drug Hope for 'Aging' Kids - ScienceNOW

Pruney fingers grip better : Nature News

Silver pen has the write stuff for flexible electronics | News Bureau | University of Illinois

At Small Scales, Tug-of-War Between Electrons Can Lead to Magnetism Under Surprising Circumstances - UB NewsCenter

Flipping spins, one proton at a time -

Study on football: Women get up faster | Science Codex

RealClearScience - Blame Organic Industry For E. coli Outbreak

Bacteria and a glass of milk - it's a new way to immunise

A Clockwork Chemistry - Guy Kahane - Project Syndicate

Is War A Side Effect of the Male Libido? - Alex Knapp - Robot Overlords - Forbes

Hitchcockian crows gossip about mean humans - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

NASA: Last Space Shuttle Mission Will Launch July 8 | Final Shuttle Missions & Atlantis' STS-135 Mission | NASA Shuttle Program & Shuttle Retirement |

'Sizing Up the Universe' Book Puts Cosmos in Perspective - TIME

Solar power from space: Beam it down, Scotty | The Economist

BBC News - Dark matter may solve 'radio filaments' mystery

Deep sea gold rush: Mining hydrothermal vents - environment - 29 June 2011 - New Scientist

Vegetarian Dinosaur Fought With Its Head : Discovery News

Fertility drops in global recession - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

RealClearMarkets: Market-Related News, Analysis & Commentary

Reagan gets no credit, Obama gets no blame

'Shariah' should equal 'pariah'

Obama's failed counterinsurgency strategy

Supreme Court strikes a note for liberty

I'll take stupid any day

Needed: A 2nd declaration of independence

The joys and perils of public video

Why prosperity doesn't matter to D.C.

The Upside of Playing Fiscal Chicken

Take a tip from Hitler … on energy

Religious Left Gripes to Obama | FrontPage Magazine

Online retailers strike back at new tax - San Jose Mercury News

President Clinton Job-Creation Blueprint Fact Check - ABC News

Exclusive: S&P to deeply cut U.S. ratings if debt payment missed | Reuters

UK inflation: Why politicians secretly yearn for inflation... | Mail Online

How Kissinger whitewashes Red China

Housing and Finance: Bank of America Expects $20 Billion in Charges, Loss for Quarter - CNBC

Is this Britain's luckiest woman? Former bank worker earns living by winning competitions | Mail Online

To Catch a Predator's Chris Hansen 'caught cheating on his wife' | Mail Online

Legally killed: 21 dementia victims given lethal injections by Dutch doctors in 2010 | Mail Online

» INVESTIGATIVE REPORT: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana - Big Government

Indiana appeals judge's ruling on Planned Parenthood | Reuters

The Associated Press: Kansas abortion doctors sue to block state rules

Octomom Nadya Suleman: I hate my babies and my older children are animals | Mail Online

Technology News: Communication Systems: Microsoft Wants to Patent High-Tech Snoop Software

Kerry: I could've been 'great' president -

White House dumps 'secret shopper' survey of doctors - Sarah Kliff -

AFP: US group 'concerned' about climate science threats

Veterans Die Facing Mountains of Red Tape | Danger Room |

Look where 'Audacity of Hope' is stirring things up now


+Eligibility takes center stage at National Press Club

+Computer expert calls Obama document 'obvious fake'

+Esquire: Corsi 'execrable piece of s---'

+'Damage will be determined by the jury'

+'The news media appears not to have asked a single question'


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Did Obama DOJ protect alleged terror conspirator?

The PJ Tatler » Breaking: Judicial Watch sues DOJ over CAIR terror case dismissals

Congressman asks IRS to probe 'Muslim Mafia'

Astronomer finds 110 spectacular deep-space objects

Adm. McRaven: Obama administration has no plan for captured terrorists - The Washington Post

We won’t let US derail our stateh... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

U.S. Designates Israel as Country That Tends ‘To Promote, Produce, or Protect’ Terrorists; Also Calls Israel Anti-Terror Partner |

Gaddafi arrest warrant issued by International Criminal Court | Mail Online

Obama dismisses 'fuss' about Libya battle - Washington Times

Libya: Gaddafi resorts to elderly women soldiers as civil war takes its toll | Mail Online

Saudi official: Riyadh will seek nukes if ... JPost - Middle East

Owners of land taken over by feds getting day in court

Obama may be losing the faith of Jewish Democrats - Ben Smith -

President Hosted Unscheduled ‘DNC Event’ at White House, Visitor Logs Reveal |

Obama Political Campaign Filmed Two Videos of President in the White House |

Anthony Weiner plans to go to rehab for his sexting problem before he looks for a new job -

WND sues Esquire for faked report

Birthers Sue Esquire Over Parody, Seeking More than $200 Million - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - Forbes

Senator joins chorus claiming Obama eligible

Feinstein defines 'natural-born citizen'

Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

Barack Obama's Birth Certificate: Digital Document Authentication | Decoded Science

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Newspeople give Obama free election advertising?

Rush Limbaugh: U.S. has no chance with Obama

Mark Halperin suspended over Obama remark on Morning Joe (video) - Tim Mak -

Obama 'defiance' of Constitution earns impeachment call

U.S. recognizes Muslim Brotherhood - Tim Mak -

Perry urges punishment for Americans protesting Israel in flotilla | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Judge: 'Muslim Mafia' can proceed with suit

Muslim charity's work, reputation at stake over IRS filings | The Tennessean |

Obama 'defiance' of Constitution earns impeachment call

'Shariah' should equal 'pariah'

What if that birth certificate is phony?

Will media finally awaken to the real CAIR?

2,000-year-old ossuary authentic, say researchers

Long necked and with 'spiritual' eyes: Experts uncover stunning 1,400 year old fresco of St Paul in Roman catacomb | Mail Online

Bride left red faced after email criticising her future-mother-in-law goes viral | Mail Online

Google to go way of Ma Bell?

UFOs filmed above BBC building in London | Mail Online

Illusionist Dynamo 'walks' on Thames: Magician crosses river on foot | Mail Online

Amusement park staff hide boss' car and replace it with Lego version | Mail Online

*30 June

American Minute for June 30th

June 30th This Day in History

Today in History: June 30

This Day in History for 30th June

June 30 Events in History

June 30th in History

Today in History: June 30

YouTube - ‪Today in History for June 30th‏


Debbie Schlussel:Olajide Oluwaseun Noibi: Hey, Another Would Be Nigerian Islamic Terrorist . . . w/ U-Michigan ID!

Debbie Schlussel:“Transformers: Dark of the Moon” Review

Debbie Schlussel:Announcing Official HAMAS “Flotilla Cruise Line” Web Site

Debbie Schlussel:John Lennon’s Alleged “Closet Republicanism” Is Irrelevant to His Public War on America

Did the Emancipation Proclamation really free any slaves?

Questions for Ron Paul on Foreign Policy

Patriotism - Pledge - Paul - Party: 2011 Update

Are You Morally Obliged to Pay Your Mortgage?

China's Moves on Cuba Need to Be Stopped

Obama’s ineligibility: It is time to create a genuine opposition

Part time profs now want in on unionization

Leave Me Alones vs Make It Betters

Obama’s ineligibility: Proof that Congress is lying

Flotilla II: The Merchant Ships of Hamas Propaganda

Progressivism Masquerading as Education

Concerns about anti-Mormon Bigotry

Eviscerating Christianity: On Hell and Exclusivity of Christ

No Child Left Inside Act, Agenda 21 in the classroom

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for martial law

Carbon ‘markets’ aren’t

EPA regulations — our economy’s golden goose?

China’s Coal to Liquids Program Not Allowed in the United States

New EPA Label for E-15 Will Likely Not Be Seen Anytime Soon in Oklahoma

Agenda 21′s Fearless Leader Hates America

Demagogue In Chief Slams Corp. Jets After Spending Stimulus Money on Them?

ATTENTION: GOP – Do NOT buy the lies of the snake oil salesman in the White House!

Obama’s “Sacred Cow”: Higher Taxes on the Rich!

Challenge to Christians: How Christian Are You?

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President

ICE agents slam Obama immigration policy

Obama will Resign and for Good Reason

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

The Obamayyad of Barry Hussein

A Dangerous Point of View...Indeed

America's Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb

How Race Gets Rubbed Out of the Story

Ten Lessons From Federal Spending

Our partners in peace, the Muslim Brotherhood?

Rick Perry calls out Eric Holder on Gaza Flotilla

American Leftism: An Infantile Disorder

Are Mormons Second-class Citizens?

The media think they get a veto

The Arizona Fires and the Border

A Nutshell History of Climate-Change Hysteria

All is not well in Obamaland as fundraising falls short

Obama-supported tax break for private jets comes under fire - from Obama

Let's have a Light Bulb Party!

Chris Wallace and Michele Bachman, A Different Look.

Latino lawmakers hinder immigration enforcement: Truth-O-Meter

Who is raping whom in Norway?

Imagine John Lennon as a Republican

Warmist Cargo Cult Science Returns

When It's OK for Liberals to Demonize the 'Other'

Putin's Russia And Obama's America

The Fatal Flaw Crippling Recovery

Obama's Mickey Mouse Administration

President Quixote's Legacy: Confused, Ill-Educated and Not Too Bright

Unreasonable Judge, Unreasonable Ruling

Robert Gates' Disastrous Tenure at DoD

Iraq and the Misnamed 'Arab Spring'

A Union 'Off-Target'

The Un-American American President

Is Obama Making His Next Career Move?

The Mendacity of Barack Obama

MSNBC ‘Indefinitely’ Suspends Analyst Halperin for Calling Obama a ‘D*ck’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Shocks S.C. Crowd: Reveals She Had a ‘Devastating’ Miscarriage | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

TIME Editor Mark Halperin Calls Obama ‘Kind of a D*ck’ During Live MSNBC Show | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is George Soros Forging a Closer Alliance With the Muslim Brotherhood? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Frank Wolf Asks IRS to Investigate Whether CAIR Has Illegally Solicited, Received Foreign Funds | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Guru Deepak Chopra Endorses Big Bang, Says ‘There Was No Time Before Creation’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Huffington Post to Readers: ‘Create Your Own Religion’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Clinton Admits We Are Now Reaching Out to the Muslim Brotherhood | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

No Joke: Stephen Colbert Testifying Before FEC To Defend His ‘Super PAC’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Israeli Software Resurrects Debate About the Bible’s Authors | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sen. Dick Durbin Tells Group of Illegal Aliens: You Could be President One Day | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rev. Jim Wallis & Progressive Christian Friends Party Down at Left-Winged ‘Wild Goose Festival’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Immigration Protestors Storm the RNC Headquarters, Demand GOP Policy Changes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Luxury Spa Brand Helps Hamas With Every Soap and Lotion Sold… | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Jobless Benefits Claims Stuck Above 400,000 for 12th Straight Week | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Oops: Obama Gets Daughter Malia’s Age Wrong Twice During Press Conference | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

French President Sarkozy Attacked While Shaking Supporters’ Hands | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Inner City Parents Protest Teachers’ Union, NAACP Over Charter School Lawsuit

Audio:Sarah Palin, the Quotable Rogue

Obama Hypocrisy on Campaign Finance

American Exceptionalism Is Why We Win, They Lose

Troopathon: Unplugged, Exposed & Unhinged

Mayor Michael Bloomberg Wants to Take Away Your Guns Before Al Qaeda Gets Them

Union Geniuses: Use Beleaguered Pension Funds to Finance Real Estate Rehab!

God Bless Our Military? Not At The Houston National Cemetery.

Economic Freedom & Quality of Life

Is Bachmann the New (Small-’R') Republican Mother?

Insane: Why Keep School Seniority? Older Teachers Have Mortgages!

Are Jewish Democrats Beginning to Say No To Obama?

White House: Smart Cars and Leafs for Thee

Freedom Collapses in Europe – So We’re Taking It to the Seas

Audio:Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann, a Tale of Two Campaigns Mayor Ed Koch on Rent Control, his Sexuality, Andrew Cuomo, and How He Helped Save New York

Lawmakers seek to freeze paychecks, put end to automatic salary raises -

Obama Campaign Signals Fundraising Fail | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Obama stops short of endorsing gay marriage

Dozens of US cities line up to contest 2010 census

Prisoners could be released early for crack crimes

Mortgage exec gets 30 years for $3 billion fraud

Massachusetts lawmaker apologizes for "Hitler" remark

Woman's body in public pool goes unreported for two days

Man pleads guilty to creating fake Army unit

Woman charged for preacher kiss at gay pride event

White House snubs McConnell invitation to Obama

Andrew Grice: Public rejects Brown's 'global solutions' approach

'Price of electricity could rise up to 20% by next year'

Jordan's old guard's efforts thwart drive for reforms

Danny Danon: Send African migrants to Australia

Google+ 'blocked in China'

Nigerian flies N.Y. to L.A. with old boarding pass not in his name

Fukushima children test positive for internal radiation exposure - Nerves Show on Team Obama - Thursday, June 30, 2011

Obama dismisses 'fuss' about Libya battle - Washington Times

Houston Veterans Claim Censorship of Prayers, Including Ban on 'God' and 'Jesus' -

Poll Numbers Continue Alarming Trend for Obama « Commentary Magazine

Note To Obama: $250,000-a-Year Earners Can’t Afford Jets - The Wealth Report - WSJ

FLASHBACK: AP: Stimulus includes tax break to promote private jet sales | Charlie Spiering | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Obama Pushes Tax Hikes in Budget Talks, Calls Aug. 2 'Hard Deadline' on Debt Ceiling -


Police Report: All Assault Rapists in Oslo Follow Muhammad - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Russia convicts colonel of exposing US spy ring - Yahoo! News

Mainstream media covers up horrifying Obama mistake | Michael Barone | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Senior Leader of Al Qaeda Group Captured While Dressed as Woman -

Officials: Hotel Gunmen Tied to Pakistan-Based Insurgent Group Allied With Taliban -

Top 10 Pros and Cons - Prostitution -

Dems Push Ahead With DREAM Act, as ICE Offers New Guidelines for Illegal Immigrant Cases -

Lennon was a closet Republican: Assistant | World | News | Toronto Sun

Schoolgirl sisters aged 14 and 15 'scoured internet for 'easy' ways to kill grandfather and get their inheritance early' | Mail Online

The real face of fame: Stars caught without makeup

Mogul, possibly hedge fund manager David Tepper, leaves behind ATM receipt showing $100M balance -

New York Breast Cancer Charity Used $9M in Donations as 'Personal Piggy Bank,' Authorities Allege -

Chris Hansen Caught Cheating On Wife By Hidden Camera: 'To Catch A Predator' Host Nailed: Report

Philosemitism: France: anti-Semitic Dieudonné shooting first "popular comedy on the Holocaust"

MSNBC’s Mark Halperin: Obama Was ‘Kind of a Dick’ at Press Conference

Lessons in Media Bias for Jon Stewart

MMfA Soros Bloggers Suddenly Interested in Intellectual Property Rights

Progressive Media Narrative Unravels in Prosser vs. Bradley

Sound Bite For the Day: Girl Fight

Fourteen Clear Factual Errors in Richard Stengel’s Essay on the Constitution (And I Am Looking for Your Help)

Michele Bachmann Is Right on The Founding Fathers Work To End Slavery

Why Can’t Old Media Learn That Obama Has Contempt for Them?

Did Left-Wing Rhetoric Inspire Assault of Glenn Beck’s Family?

Olbermann: Bachmann’s a Pig *UPDATE: Olbermann Responds

MSNBC Fares Well Without Olbermann -

Lincoln Said It Best: The Founding Fathers Opposed Slavery | The Weekly Standard

Iran: Israel Is Within Range Of Our Missiles

Shaykh Muhammad Hassan: Islam Prefers a Strong, Immoral Warrior

Nuclear Iran: Our Greatest Failure?

Islamist Government of Sudan Signs a ‘Framework Agreement’…While Still Committed To Genocide

Cheering For Mass Murder: Suicide Bombers Strike Hotel In Kabul

Chinese Crackdown Docs Leaked

Audio:Vice Admiral Norbert Ryan: The New Greatest Generation

Report: John Lennon Was Closet Conservative And Reagan Fan

Staying True To The Greater Good

Former Israeli MP: Obama and Clinton Are ‘Opportunist Politicians’ Who Can’t Teach Us Anything About Democracy

Library Of Congress Funds Castro Propaganda Film

China Promises EU Bailout, As Officials Discuss The ‘French Model’

No Evidence Muslim Brotherhood Is Committed To Democracy

Reversing the Downward Trend of National Security Journalism

Erdogan: Imprisoning Turkish Generals—and Ending Secularism

Energy: China’s Coal To Liquids Program Not Allowed In the United States

Is ‘Victory’ A Dirty Word In Hebrew?

Hugo Chavez back on TV after surgery in Cuba

Obama vows to keep pressure on crippled Al-Qaeda

How the demise of a trusted adviser could bring down Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

FBI Invites Virulent Westboro Baptist Church to Assist in Counterterrorism Training Program | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Shocks S.C. Crowd: Reveals She Had a ‘Devastating’ Miscarriage | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Clinton Admits We Are Now Reaching Out to the Muslim Brotherhood | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

No Joke: Stephen Colbert Testifying Before FEC To Defend His ‘Super PAC’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

French President Sarkozy Attacked While Shaking Supporters’ Hands | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Fastest Lap Around Manhattan: Driver Sets New Record | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hidden Camera Nails ‘To Catch a Predator’ Host Chris Hansen With Younger Woman | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

U.S. Adds Israel to ‘Promoter, Producer, or Protector’ of Terrorists List | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Lightning Strikes Uganda School Killing 23 | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

North Korea to Head UN Conference…on Disarmament? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are Jewish Democrats Turning Away From Obama? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Resurrects Tax Increase Argument During Debt Speech | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Texas Man Dumps 4-Year-Old Son on Highway — Docs Remove 500 Cactus Spines | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update w/Video: Houston VA Cemetery Censors God & Jesus From Funerals | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Was John Lennon a Closet…Republican? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Was Michele Bachmann Unfairly Maligned Over Her ‘Founding Fathers’ Comments? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Scott Brown Is Selling Campaign Baseball Cards — Error or Home Run? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are Michigan‘s Financial Emergency Rules Really a ’Big Government’ Power Grab? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Caught on Video: Russian President Loses Control of SUV & Nearly Hits Crowd | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Woman Seated Near Beck at Movie Claims Innocence…But What Does Twitter Tell Us…(With UPDATES!) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ Author: I’m Preparing for Economic Collapse | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Mormon Church Bans its Leaders From Politics | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Silicon Tragedy: NewsCorp Sells MySpace for Just $35 Million | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.1

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.2

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.3

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.4

‘07/Ron Paul

*1:05:32-('07)YouTube - ‪Candidates@Google: Ron Paul‏


30-Jun-11 World View ....

29-Jun-11 World View ....


June 29, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

06/29 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-29-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, June, 29, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 06/29/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Redding News Reveiw

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3


Appliance disruptions feared in power grid test - CBS News

Google forced to change privacy practices after report the search giant publicises the home addresses of wi-fi users | Mail Online

A sinister cyber-surveillance scheme exposed | Barrett Brown | Comment is free |

Hacker Data Release Reveals Feds Domestic Spy Program Has Grown Far Beyond Our Wildest Nightmares

How anything you've EVER said on the internet could be seen by employers as government approves Social Intelligence Corp | Mail Online

Wisconsin Deja Vu: PA Republicans Ram Through Draconian Budget, 'Unprecedented' Power Grab. Voters, Wake Up!

Michele Bachmann's husband calls gays 'barbaric"

Contaminated Water at #Fukushima Increased to Over 120,000 Tonnes | EX-SKF

ABQJournal Online » UPDATED: Las Conchas Fire Set To Become Biggest in N.M. History

YouTube - ‪UFO Mothership & Fleet Over London UK 24th June 2011 (Credit alymc01) [HD]‏


Is New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory Safe from the Las Conchas Wildfire? - TIME NewsFeed

Huge UFO Near Nuclear Missiles Acknowledged By Technicians


**News Video:MSNBC’s Mark Halperin: Obama was ‘Kind of a Dick’ at Press Conference

Kucinich Coddles Syrian Dictator Assad

Sen. Coburn: Obama’s Rhetoric ‘Dividing People and Class Warfare’

Inner City Parents Protest Teachers’ Union, NAACP Over Charter School Lawsuit

Begala: Federal Budget Over Last Two Years Not Related to Debt Situation

Judge: Prison Can Forcibly Medicate Loughner

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir: Mitch McConnell ‘Suffering Some Kind of Mild Dementia’

NBC News Mentions Jet Tax Loophole Twice, Ignores It Was Part of Obama’s Stimulus

Police: Dead Body in Public Pool For Two Days While People Continue Swimming

29TH/Pledge: Sign The Petition

Levin Breaks Down Obama’s Press Conference

Casey Anthony’s Father Breaks Down on the Stand

Protester: Obama is Royalty, Alien from Outer Space

Dream Act Supporters Storm RNC Offices

Bachmann on Media: ‘They Want to See Two Girls Come Together and Have a Mud Wrestling Fight’

John Bolton: Obama Doesn’t Care About National Security

Palin: Hollywood Celeb Critics ‘Full of Hate’

‘I Am Not Engaging in Scare Tactics’

Obama: ‘Fuss’ from Congress Over Libya Just ‘Politics’

Scare Tactics: Obama Claims Food Safety Compromised if Debt Ceiling not Raised

Daddy-In-Chief: Obama Scolds, Compares Congress to Malia and Sasha

Obama Passes Buck on Debt: ‘These are Bills Congress Ran Up’

Live Action Investigative Report: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana

Herman Cain Hammers Obama in New Video: A Failure to Lead

Palin on ‘The Undefeated’: Movie Shows How Media Tries to Destroy Person’s Reputation

Stage Right Show – Keith Olbermann Calls Michele Bachmann a Pig, and Lies About It!

Stage Right Show – Guests: Adam Baldwin & Ken Klukowski

28TH/Media Matters Throws Sad Little Party Celebrating Beck’s Finale

Olbermann: Bachmann’s a Pig (Update)

Sarah Palin Attends Premiere of ‘The Undefeated’ in Iowa

New Solar Plane Can Fly Day or Night

Syrian Troops Beat Protesters as Crackdown Continues

Greece in Turmoil as Rioting Continues

Economic Freedom and Quality of Life

‘Fat Ass Burger’ Located Across from Weight Watchers

27TH/Blago Guilty

Huge Gang Brawl at DC Caribbean Festival

**Markets Video:Drilling Company Fears 5-Inch Lizard

The Billion-Dollar Hedge Fund Woman

One-on-One with Peter Thiel

Euro Needs a New Story

Real Estate Won't Sink China, Says Author

29TH:Rosenberg: U.S. At Risk of Post QE2 Downturn

Meredith Whitney Says Beware of July 1st

Ballmer: Office Moving to the Cloud

Amazon May Leave California Over Sales Tax

Holmes: (The Right) Gold Stocks Are Cheap

*29TH:World Video/Malaysia Negotiates Refugee Swap

Is bin Laden's Death a Turning Point for the U.S.?

Major Rusty Bradley Talks Troop Drawdown

Afghanistan Hotel Attack Kills 10 Civilians

Russian 'Betrayed Sleeper Agents'

Libya Rebels Face Medical Crisis

Protesters Clash With Riot Police In Athens

Lagarde: 'I Feel Very Proud, Very Moved'

Karzai: Afghan People Need Peace

Russia's Control of the Nagorno-Karabakh Issue

Gingrich on Greece's Crisis and the U.S. Debt

Pawlenty on the Middle East

Deficits and Defense

**Politics Video:Romney Ad From Allentown, PA: Obama Isn't Working

Cornyn: Obama Should Be "Ashamed" For Diminishing Presidency Yesterday

Rep. Allen West: First Principles For National Security

Halperin: Obama Was A "Dick" Yesterday

Krauthammer: War Is Not About Vindicating A President's Prior Words

Sen. Sherrod Brown: GOP "Committing Class Warfare"

Fineman: Obama Was The Adult In The Room

Coulter Slams Sexist Media For Trying To Start Bachmann, Palin Fight

Alter: "We're Talking About Some Of The Wealthiest Americans"

29TH/Bachmann: Media Wants "To See Two Girls Come Together And Have A Mud Wrestling Fight"

Mark Levin: Obama Presser About "One American Against Another"

Durbin: Illegal Alien Could Be Our Future President

Watch Live: Obama's Press Conference

John Kerry: "I Would Have Been A Good President, Maybe Even A Great One"

Friedman: "Pure Crap" That Obama Is Anti-Israel

Sen. McConnell: Democrats Want A "Bailout From The Taxpayers"

Gingrich: "Obama Is The Most Successful Food Stamp President In American History"

Herman Cain Ad: "A Failure To Lead"

Does Bill Maher Hate Women?

Obama: No New Taxes, But Must "Tackle Spending In Tax Code"

Obama: Libya "Fuss" Is About "Politics"

Obama: "I Do Not Want To Engage In Scare Tactics" On Debt Ceiling

Obama Gets Age Of His Own Daughter Wrong

Obama "Amused" When People Say He Should Be Involved In Debt Talks

Obama Supports DREAM Act: "Let's Make Sure Those Kids Can Stay"

Obama: Sasha And Malia Homework Habits Better Than Congress

Obama: "Food Inspection Might Be Compromised" Without Tax Increases

Obama Dodges Question About Unions And Boeing

"Portraits" from Priorities USA Action

Krauthammer: Media Matters Should Not Be Asking For A Subsidy

Chris Hayes: "Bizarre Founding Father Fetishism" Going On

Palin On Presidential Run: "I'm Still Thinking About It"

Media Matters Violating IRS Rules?

Obama: GOP Has No "Proactive Vision Of How To Move Forward"

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