A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

09 June 2011

The Kinks - Better Things (1981)

The Highwaymen - Desperados waiting for a train


TopTVBytes - Sample TV's Best Moments


YouTube to mp3 Converter(


Vast Solar Eruption Shocks NASA and Raises Doubts on Sun Theory |

Peru approves 10 year ban on GM crops

Roundup Birth Defects: Regulators Knew World's Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report Finds

6 Real Examples of Food Terrorism | Farm Wars

*Carbon Dating Indicates the Bosnian Pyramid Built Over 10,000 Years Ago

Questions surround feds' raid of Stockton home |

Is Your Governor For Sale to the EPA?


Internet Censorship Bill Introduced


S.968 : Reported in Senate: PROTECT IP Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress


Facebook Used by Courts to Find Those Who Are ‘Only Online’ - Businessweek

DNA Can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies « Quantum Pranx

BBC News - Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?

Video: Chinese army forces chief ’confirms first China aircraft carrier’ - Telegraph

Developing countries lead surge in energy demand - Yahoo! Finance

China to get new skyscraper every five days for three years - Telegraph

Turin Shroud 'the creation of a Renaissance artist' - Telegraph

Smile! You're on bin cam. The snooping device that can record everything you throw away | Mail Online

Facebook quietly switches on facial recognition tech by default • The Register

Root Cause Of Society's Problems - The Special People

Best Friends Forever? Produce Growers and Pesticide Makers Deepen Their Bond | Common Dreams

Alfvén Triumphs Again (and Again)

Solar flare: Sunspot cycle threatens to disrupt Earth communications and power | Mail Online - Radio waves cure for the misery of asthma

Want to have better self-esteem? Saddle yourself with mountains of credit card debt, new study claims | Mail Online

Female activist: Muslim men need sex slaves to keep from committing adultery

Australia's UFO files mysteriously disappear - Telegraph

China warns U.S. debt-default idea is playing with fire | Reuters - The Fed Built Communism on America's Dime

This is the Dead Land, this is Cactus Land: The Moral Hazard of Modern Banking: How Banks Create and Destroy Money

Worries grow that U.S. could default on debt | Investing | Financial Post Eliminate Bernie Madoff Style Accounting and the Real US Debt is $61 Trillion

Yale Pulls the Plug on Anti-Semitism Institute | NBC Connecticut

Activist Post: Good, Bad, and Ugly Day for Investor Protection

Activist Post: Edward Steves and his Million Dollar Gold Arbitrage: A Lesson in Wealth Preservation

Growing Up Jewish | Real Zionist News

Barack Obama's approval ratings on economy hit new low - Telegraph

Dimon confronts Bernanke over banking rules - Business News, Business - The Independent

US Federal Reserve chairman sends stocks falling with fears over recovery | Business |

Food inflation hits two-year high | UK news |

Rising food and oil prices are biggest threat to recovery, says World Bank | Business |

US Taxpayers: Raked Over The Fake War Coals Again and Again | Opinion Maker

Republican party reptile who feeds on liberals - Americas, World - The Independent

Robert Fisk: The dumping ground for despots welcomes another - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Robert Fisk: The people vs the president - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Pakistan’s commitment to WOT | Opinion Maker

India: Protests against corruption spread - Asia, World - The Independent

YouTube - F-16 Fighter Jet Crashes with Nuclear and Chemical Weapons in Wisconsin


Revolutionary Politics : Jesse Ventura "We're Like The United States Of Hypocrisy!"

*YouTube - The Age Of Ron Paul

Libyan rebel group sells first oil to U.S. -

The Intercept: When Peru Practiced Mass Sterilization With IMF Blessings

The Intercept: Fitch Warns Of Possible 'Junk' Rating On U.S. Treasury Bonds

Phil Giraldi Spills the Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | My Catbird Seat

The Case for Divine Right « Verbellum

What An Audit Of The Fed Might Reveal About Maiden Lane I, II, III - Home - The Daily Bail

The Top 10 Failures Of Federal Reserve Chairman Helicopter Ben Bernanke - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - Austin Anti TSA Rally - Jack Blood And The Showmebby - "Security Is Another Name For Control!"

YouTube - Bob Tuskin With Josh Ruebner On Ending Israeli Occupation And Golan Heights Protests/ Massacre

+Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole :

The Creeping Nausea of American Exceptionalism | My Catbird Seat

Switzerland Nuclear Power Phaseout Approved By Lawmakers

YouTube - We are change SAN AN tx truth exposed radio Austin tsa rally 6 4 11

YouTube - BREAKING: Home Raided By SWAT for Student Loans

Rand Meeting: The Long Shadow of 9/11: America’s Response to Terrorism :

Washington's Blog:Americans Don't Believe Government Lies: "Forty-Eight Percent Say That Another Great Depression Is Likely To Occur In The Next Year ... More Than Eight In Ten Americans Say That The Economy Is In Poor Shape" F

Huma Abedin, Pregnant, Still Supports Anthony Weiner and Supports His Political Career - ABC News

*The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable

Activist Post: Obama says sorry to Karzai for civilian deaths

Activist Post: Difficult to put timetable on Kadhafi endgame: US Mullen

Activist Post: Slashing Local Food, Rural Development, Child Nutrition, and Conservation

*Foreclosure Fraud - Slideshows - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul Gains Support of Bartenders, Waiters, and Waitresses!

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » 3 Ways to Shelter Your Cash from Inflation

YouTube - Police, camera action . .

The Intercept: OPEC Meeting in Shambles as Iran and Venezuela Push Their Agendas

Lone Star Watchdog: Are the State Governors Ready to Sell Out to the Communist Chinese?

Lone Star Watchdog: We Must Kill the UN Small Arms Treaty

Senators seek crackdown on Bitcoin currency | Reuters


No Need To Audit The Federal Reserve According To GOP Flavor Of The Month, Idiot Herman Cain - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics : 'IMF billions will give Egypt's sovereignty to the West'

Local media: SWAT team busts into house over student loan default | Raw Replay

Bernanke's Self-Serving Bold-Faced Lies | Mike Shedlock |



*(47 min)YouTube - Money As Debt-Full Length Documentary


Bernanke's Helicopter Only Delivers Cash To People With Helipads (Video Lowlights From Today's Speech, Transcript) - Home - The Daily Bail

The Free Press -- Independent News Media from Columbus, Ohio

Trees: sucking up the carbon | Watts Up With That?

Stop checking the facts: “Your Internet search has just helped kill the planet” | Watts Up With That?

Revolutionary Politics : Will Our Economy Trigger Violence In U.S.? People Are Frustrated & Angry & Disgusted With Our Govt!

Facebook For Foreclosures, New Record - 32nd Straight Monthly Deficit, Geithner Criticizes U.K. Regulation, Short Seller Gets Death Threats From Chinese (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

A Free Thinker's Journey: Hot radioactive particles in Seattle at 50 percent of levels seen in Tokyo — Latches onto lung tissue

The destruction of the middle class will not be televised – 56 percent of American workers have less than $25,000 saved. Even worse 60 percent of retirees have less than $50,000 saved. 45 million on food stamps and the consequences of peak debt.

Federal Regulators: Nuclear Accident Plans Are Lacking :

Viagra-induced rape: ICC ups the ante on propaganda as desperate NATO struggles to crush Libyan resistance | empirestrikesblack

Janet Tavakoli: Third World America 2011: Forget "Fast Tracking to Anarchy" We've Arrived

Structural Unemployment: The Average Unemployed American Looks For A Job For 20 Weeks Before Giving Up | zero hedge

World Of Mysteries: United Nations report : Internet access is a human right

President Obama, the Audacity to Recognize a Palestinian State is Now | Intifada Palestine

Obama administration Intensifies Secret Yemen Airstrikes - 12160

Chosen People - God Liked My Ancient Illiterate Ancestors Better Than Yours, So There!

dropsafe : Easy AppleID Password & Account Theft

Apple Developer {dis} Connection or … How My Apple ID Was Hijacked « eMac Consulting

5 Reasons Internet Access in America is a Disaster |

The Excavator: The Public Banking Movement Comes of Age

World War Nears After Vatican-Knights Templar Talks Fail

U.S. Senate introduces resolution chastising Obama on Libya

Middle East Peace: What have Obama and Netanyahu wrought? - by Henry Siegman | The Middle East Channel

YouTube - Simply Amazing Solar Prominence Eruption!

U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes -

Fresh Downgrade Threat to U.S. Debt -

Factbox: Part of Missouri River closed, crops at risk | Reuters

Ahmadinejad Isolated by Battle With Iran's Supreme Leader - Golnaz Esfandiari and Kourosh Rahimkhani - International - The Atlantic

Ahmadinejad admits to dangerous rift with clerics - World Watch - CBS News

AFP: Ahmadinejad vows to answer criticism with 'silence'

Iran: Israel and U.S. are trying to provoke a regional war - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Mexico Drug War Update |

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - N.Korea 'Test-Launches Short-Range Missile'

The Associated Press: NKorea threatens to expose taped talks with South

China, Russia Could Make U.S. Stealth Tech Obsolete | Danger Room |

China-US Collision Course And Crowning Of Oil And Gold - OpEd

Activist Post: NATO-led coalition to plan post-Kadhafi Libya: US officials

Aw, c'mon, City, ticketing a gardener? - Donn Esmonde - The Buffalo News


*Daily Job Cuts - (



Syria: Tension mounts in Jisr al-Shughour as government sends tanks into town where 120 troops killed - Telegraph

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Palestine Vs. Solidarity Movement

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Kalandia Checkpoint on Al Naksa Day 05/06/11



Michael Arato for Congress! - informationliberation

Newark TSA Supervisor Sentenced for Bribery - Local News - New York, NY -

TSA Considering Banning Photography Of Checkpoints -

- Steve Jobs Proposes Eco Temple Headquarters for Apple as Factory Workers Who Make the Company’s Products Die from Explosions and Suicides -

+ Post A Picture That 'Causes Emotional Distress' And You Could Face Jailtime In Tennessee -

Is this the checkpoint of the future? -

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes

* The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild -

U.S-Canada Perimeter Security and an Integrated North American Command -

New airport scanner which will take just five seconds - Telegraph

Government recruits doctors to become thought police, pinpoint potential terrorists among their patients -

Doctors asked to identify potential terrorists under government plans | Politics | The Guardian

Humans become 'pets' in rise of the machines: Apple co-founder -

Real-Life Mercenaries to Star in Blackwater, the Videogame | Danger Room | » Bank Not Responsible for Letting Hackers Steal $300K from Customer

Bank Not Responsible for Letting Hackers Steal $300K From Customer | Threat Level |

Food safety chief defends raw milk raids : Politics Blog

LAPD Commission Puts Brakes On Red-Light Cameras « CBS Los Angeles

Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA | Food Freedom

**Friends in High Places: Bilderberg 2011 Kicks Off - CNBC

+ Whole Foods admits its organic foods contain genetically modified ingredients -

They Call This Justice. Supreme Court Gives CIA Torturers, Boeing a Free Pass -

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Technology | The Guardian

Are Ridiculous Airport Security Measures Killing Airline Profits? -

10 Myths That Politicians Want You to Believe - TheStreet

The Big Banks Have Sold Us Out. Democrats And Republicans Have Sold Us Out. No One Is Defending Our Interests. Our Future Is Going Up In Flames. It’s Time For Us To Stand Up And Defend Ourselves -

When Cocaine and Monsanto's Roundup Collide, War on Drugs Becomes a Genetically-Modified War on Science -

USA has record $61.6 TRILLION in unfunded obligations; $534,000 per household. -

FLASHBACK:Joplin MO tornado: At least 89 dead as twister cuts 4-mile swathe through Missouri town | Mail Online

+ - Shadow world government Bilderberg to meet in Switzerland - Rich, Famous and Powerful Converge at Bilderberg - Japan’s next gizmo: brainwave-controlled cat ears

AP sources: bin Laden files prompt new scrutiny - Yahoo! News - Jobless claims rise, trade gap narrows - Poll: 48% of Americans Say That Another Great Depression Is Likely to Occur in the Next Year

++++ - Next-generation Internet addresses tested


ICANN : Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(

NEWS - U.S. voters uncomfortable with Mormon president - U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes


*(2:05:18)YouTube - THE SECRET RIGHT- VOLUME ONE-Josh Reeves(low quality upload)


+High Quality Bilderberg 2011 Video & Photos, St. Moritz :

Bachmann Campaign Manager Rollins Goes After Palin

Poll: 75% of Americans Approve of Obama Personally

Court to Decide Obamacare Fate in States' Suit

Former Polish President Lech Walesa Hospitalized

Anti-terror Treaty Seen as 2nd Amendment Threat

OPEC: Output Decision Not a Political One

Former Shell Chief: Obama Has No Power Over OPEC

Rasmussen Poll: 75% Support Photo IDs for Voters

IRS De-certifies 275,000 Nonprofits

Obama Faces Tough Fight for 2012

Citigroup: Hackers Access 200,000 Credit Accounts

Shiller: Housing, Jobs May Push US Into Recession

Romney, Huntsman Shine at Faith & Freedom Conference

As We Grind Toward a Depression, Weiner Makes Headlines

Anthony Weiner's Viral Adventure

Al-Qaida Leader al-Zawahiri on bin Laden's Death

Occupational Licensing Hurts the Poor

Faith and Freedom Conference Calls for GOP Unity

Govt Addicted to Spending

Fox's Kilmeade Aims Talk at 'Core of People's Lives'

GOP Hawks Splintering over America's Wars

Weak Econ Data Emboldens GOP Deficit Hawks

Obama Still Mulling Tapping Petroleum Reserve

» Bomb Scare Shuts Down Road to Bilderberg Meeting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In Saudi Arabia, Royal Funds Buy Peace, for Now -

Barack Obama invites Gabon dictator Ali Bongo to White House | Mail Online

Ohio restaurant referenced by Obama is closing - FOX19 News and Weather - Greater Cincinnati Area

Get Ready for the Next Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers - CNBC

Lack of buyers may force Treasury to boost rates - Washington Times

Green Buildings Hazardous to Health? Report Cites Risks of Weatherization -

Coal Regs Would Kill Jobs, Boost Energy Bills - Washington Whispers (

VIDEO: Apple's Proposed HQ Like a 'Spaceship' | NBC Bay Area

96-year-old woman confesses to 1946 murder - World news - Europe -

'The day after Iran's first nuclear test is a normal day' | World news |

Revolutionary Guard website praises idea of testing nuke weapon - The Washington Post

77 cadets sent to hospital after lightning strike - CBS News

FBI Busts Man Duped In Facebook Ploy | The Smoking Gun

Underwater 'Rivers' Discovered on Ocean Floor - Yahoo! News

Pennsylvania Woman Admits Robbing Bank Dressed As Clown « CBS Philly

Obama healthcare law: Judges sharply challenge Obama healthcare law -

Healthcare overhaul fight in pivotal Atlanta court | Alabama's 13

Alabama governor signs nation's toughest immigration law | Reuters

HealthWatch: Sitting Vs. Smoking « CBS San Francisco

Lupe Fiasco Calls Obama a "Terrorist" | NBC Chicago

New Whispers of Perry 2012 Bid -

OpEdNews - Article: RIP? News Coverage of Local Government

OpEdNews - Article: Should al-Qaeda have the right to bear arms?

OpEdNews - Article: Study Finds Smiling Men are Less Attractive to Women

Smiling men less attractive to women: study - Technology & Science - CBC News

OpEdNews - Article: The Emperor Wears no Clothes in Theory: Theories Underlying Major US Policies are Problematic

OpEdNews - Article: The Growing Powers of the Executive Branch

3 Years After Bitter-People-Clinging-to-Guns Speech, Obama Creates ‘Rural Council’

Sen. Al Franken: In 2 Years, Obama ‘May Not Be the President’

Obama Administration Spends $17.4 Million to Explore Market for Carbon Credits

Looking Worse for Weiner: X-Rated Photo, Wife Pregnant

Fed Passes China as Top Owner of U.S. Debt

She Gets It: 'We Owe It to the Taxpayers to Limit Spending'

'Debbie Downer' Plays Wasserman Schultz

Can't Knowingly Give Illegal Immigrants a Ride in Alabama

First Lady Pushes Healthy Habits for Toddlers

Rich Libs Want Higher Taxes On Millionaires, But Won't Donate Own $$$ to Pay U.S. Debt

OPEC in Disarray: Won’t Boost Output, So Oil Prices Rise

Federal Agency Using Prizes and Competitions to Improve Health IT

DNC Chair Has Literal Problem with Defining ‘Literally’

State Department Reporting on Terrorist Safe Havens Lacking, GAO Finds

Obama Administration to Public Schools: Gay Clubs Have Equal Right to Form on Campus

Education Dept. Blocks Reporters from LGBT 'Youth Summit' Sessions for Teens

Obama Administration Youth Summit: Gov’t ‘Has Finally Come Out of the Closet'

Concerns About Turkey’s Direction at Home and Abroad as Election Nears

Merchants beat bankers in Senate debit card vote

Court: Using Car to Flee Can Be Considered Violent

Dutch find different E. coli on beet sprouts

As NATO Bombs Tripoli, World Powers Chart Libya Without Gadhafi

China Plays Mediator to Libya's Fighting Factions

Libya Contact Group Discusses Funding for Rebels

Santorum hopes Google will do something about ‘filth on the Internet’ | Raw Replay

Jesse Ventura channels Hunter S. Thompson on CNN

Stewart reacts to ‘Weinergate’ referencing his show

Maddow: ‘Weinergate’ is ‘more gossip than news’

Breitbart leaks photo of Weiner’s naked penis

British AG rules out probe of David Kelly's death

VIDEO: Bilderberg 2011: Globalists' Meeting Behind Closed Doors

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People

Obama's Fourth War Intensifying, Who Will Be Victim Of the Fifth War?

VIDEO: The Real Dangers of Nuclear Power and Nuclear War

Lost Memories: Unpacking the Reagan Myth (before it spreads)

America's Unipolar World and the Countervailing Powers of the Eurasian SCO Military Alliance

Evolution, Religion and Mankind’s Impact on Climate Change : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Walmart Loves Unions…Outside The U.S. : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

YouTube - Wis. Union Protesters Disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony

Safely Thaw Meat in Hot-Water Bath

5 Tips for Shopping Farmers Markets

Bilderbergers May Give Green Light to Mexican Central Banker as New IMF Boss | Old-Thinker News

NATO Endorses Decision to Extend Libya Operation

NATO Plans for Libya Without Gadhafi

US Panel Questions Success of Afghan Nation-Building

Al-Qaeda No. 2 'Vows Jihad' In Bin Laden Eulogy

Afghanistan Could Face Economic Crisis After 2014

Taliban says shoots down U.S. drone

Japan to Impose Changes in Nuclear Regulatory System

Lynn: U.S. Must Prepare for Future Warfare Trends

US Becoming More Leery of Long Wars

USAF funds future ICBM studies

UN Force Launches Offensive against DRC Armed Groups

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

'Doomsday Plane' Would Save President and Joint Chiefs in Apocalypse Scenario - ABC News - New study finds arsenic in chicken

Pandemonium's Engine is a Scary Machine

China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk

YouTube - 1st and 4th amendments "don't matter"

Chicago State's Attorney Lets Bad Cops Slide, Prosecutes Citizens Who Record Them


Updated: Feds Seize New Domain, Add To “Batshit” Conspiracy Theories | TorrentFreak


*The Truth About Vaccines and Modern Medicine -


Questions surround feds' raid of Stockton home |

Texas Gov. Perry Bilderberg's Ace in the Hole? - informationliberation

Bilderberg 2011: The polished blue line | World news |

Our Economic Future: From Best to Worst Case - informationliberation

The Next American Revolution Won't Be Like the First - informationliberation

SUVs safer than ever, but small cars still perilous

Deficit talks resume Thursday with Biden presiding

Poll shows Americans are torn over raising debt limit

GOP-led House panel plans hearing on Boeing plant in S.C.

Romney: No apologies on global warming stance

U.S. seeks help from Egypt in recapturing terrorists freed during revolution

FCC chairman agrees to strike Fairness Doctrine from rulebooks

FCC report finds serious shortage in local reporting

More people dropping TV in favor of watching Web content

Exxon makes major oil discovery in Gulf

Federal judges sharply challenge healthcare law

Judges said to be skeptical of individual mandate in healthcare law

White House, GOP trade barbs over report criticizing health law

White House redefines ‘winning’ in Afghanistan ahead of review

Ann Coulter's book gets Matt Drudge's touch

Giffords is talking but gets frustrated, staffer dishes

EPA: Study underscores need for more extensive air monitoring around schools

Obama administration's education program to focus on jobs

Palin chief of staff blasts Bachmann's stategist

U.S. can't justify its drug war spending, reports say

N.J. to release shrimp-like crustaceans to combat mosquito problem

Huntsman running for president without criticizing Obama by name

White House spokesman evades another round of questions

AFL-CIO urges recess appointment for Elizabeth Warren

'You lie' Congressman Wilson endorses Pawlenty for president

Autism linked to hundreds of genetic mutations

Expert: Extending FBI chief's term would be unconstitutional

Federal proposal would toughen debt restrictions on mortgages

Gov. Brewer calls special session on extended jobless benefits

Houston couple makes wrong turn, keeps going — for 500 miles

*Ron Paul vs. the GOP Establishment by Justin Raimondo --

+ Robert Kennedy Assassination

Why TSA, Wars, State Defined Diets, Seat-Belt Laws, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, and Efforts to Control the Internet, Are Essential to the State by Butler Shaffer

Patriotism Is the Last Refuge of an Idiot by Mark R. Crovelli

The Influence and Origins of FDR by Ralph Raico Serious Mob Attacks in Downtown Chicago

A Whiff of Secession and Nullification by Alan Caruba

Zombie Spending on Things Already Consumed

Libya: Connect the dots—you get a giant dollar sign - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

SWAT team launch dawn raid on family home to collect woman's unpaid student loans | Mail Online

3 Ways to Shelter Your Cash From Inflation by Terry Coxon


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 8th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 8th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 7th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 7th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 7th, 2011


Bilderberg News 6-8-11 |


*Radiation News 6-8-11

Radiation News 6-7-11




**Film: The Power of the Purse (Webmasters Most Referred Film) |


YouTube - Ron Paul: My Job Is to Be the "Repeal" President

*3 PARTS:Gerald Celente on the Alex Jones Show |

3 VIDEOS -Jesse Ventura/ Police State |


US keeping secret stash of smallpox viruses at lab in Georgia to use for future bioweapons |

‘US drone rockets contain toxic agents’ |

China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho |

**3 VIDEOS&ARTICLE LINKS:Fluoride Poisoning — It’s All Over |

6 Mile by 3 Mile Hole Ripped in Ground 2 1/2 Miles Away from Chile Volcano | Before It's News

Mysterious Cracks Across The Planet | Before It's News

Entangled Photons Created from Quantum Dots | Before It's News

The First Globular Cluster Outside of Our Galaxy | Before It's News

Pre-Paid King: Motorola Triumph Heading To Virgin Mobile. | Before It's News

One Year to Earth Summit 2012: A New Generation Goes to Rio | Before It's News

US Air Force Offers Glimpse Of 'Doomsday' Plane | Before It's News

*3 VIDEOS:Decoding History Series 1 | Before It's News

+Statement from the President on the Resignation of Mike Leiter | Before It's News

+Readout of the President Meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria | Before It's News

*Executive Order - Establishment of the White House Rural Council | Before It's News

Did Weiner Secretly Convert to Islam to Marry a Muslim? | Floyd Reports

Disturbing language reality facing America | Before It's News

The Harmful Effect of Unskilled Immigrants on American Workers | Before It's News

"They would plant seized weapons from unrelated raids on the bodies of the dead casualties and take staged photos for their official reports." | Before It's News

Ron Paul vs. The TSA: Amazing Ron Paul Video! | Before It's News

A Link Between Bat Deaths and Pesticides? | Before It's News

Mystery Animal Deaths: 13 Dogs in UK, 300 Sheep in Saudi Arabia (within 1 hour!) | Before It's News

UFO Cow Abduction,Video | Before It's News

Recent WND Inquiries Appear To Have Established Obama’s Birth In Hawaii. | Before It's News

A Conspiracy to Change the “natural born Citizen” Requirement | The Post & Email

U.S. - Venezuelan Relations - Just Frozen or Beyond Repair? | Oil

Frequency quake pattern shows force for large release of seismic energy still building near Japan | Before It's News

Yellowstone: the next big one is anyone’s guess — but you don't want to be here scientist warn | Before It's News

Religious Right Pseudo-Historian Barton: The Founding Fathers Wanted Schools to Teach Creationism | Before It's News

Julian Assange Sydney Peace Prize: full video | Before It's News

+ 3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting Your Business | Before It's News

+ Cloaking Your Links to Protect Your Commission | Before It's News

Polls all say it: Dems will get punished if they vote to cut benefits from Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security

Colbert Attempts to Prove Palin's Version of Paul Revere's Famous Ride

The Smoking Gun: Attack On Weiner Was Coordinated With Darrell Issa's Office. Hmm.

Sarah Palin Shows Her Mean Girl Persona In "Apology" For Stealing Romney's Spotlight

Uygur: Pawlenty's Budget Proposal Just More Voodoo Economics

Joe Lieberman becomes Glenn Beck's newest fanboy and will attend his 'Restoring Courage' Rally

They made their bed, but they don't want to lie in it.

Americans for Prosperity Posts Fake Eviction Notices

Delta Airlines charges returning home US Troops, $2800 for extra baggage: UPDATED

Sean Duffy Haz a Sad: He Can't Find the ACA Replacement Plan

Five Democratic Senators Tell Biden To Reject GOP Medicare Plan

How The Bush Tax Cuts Blew Up The Deficit And Debt

N. Carolina GOP Pushes Bill That Forbids Voting For Straight Party Lines

Michele Bachmann's new strategist Ed Rollins blasts Sarah Palin as being "Not Serious"

Tim Pawlenty's Ridiculous Google Test

Worst-Case Scenario: Not Just A Meltdown, But A 'Melt-Through'

Rush Limbaugh's freak out response to caller when he gets reminded about his Blue Pill adventure

Bill Moyers: 'Democracy Should Be a Brake on Unbridled Greed and Power'

Things that happened while everyone was obsessing on Weinergate

Domestic terrorism of the right-wing kind: One of the Obama administration's most abject failures

Orbitz To Review All Ads On Fox News

Ayn Rand & GOP vs Jesus

Sean Penn Still Defending the Indefensible

Brietbart: The Movie

Hizzoner: Alec Baldwin for NYC Mayor?

Two Movies With Anti-abortion Messages Seek Distribution

How Andrew Breitbart Broke Weinergate

AUDIO:The Fall of the Traditional American Family 3 Reasons Not to Fund Art with Taxes (& Yes, There’s a Weiner Connection!)

Twitter for Schmucks

Madison, Wisconsin…Entitledtown, USA

The Schakowsky Conundrum Continues – Countdown To Hamas Flotilla 2

Kids Doing the Unions’ Lobbying Dirty Work

Obama Wants American Taxpayers to Bail Out Greek Politicians and Dig the Debt Hole even Deeper

Weiner’s Wife Huma Abedin Is Pregnant

FOX News: Andrew Breitbart ‘Mortified’ After Opie and Anthony Snag & Post Weiner Shot (Video)

Statement on Opie & Anthony’s Illicit Capture and Release of Photograph

The Answer, Mr. President, Is It’s a Longer Trend

AUDIO:Austan Goolsbee’s Exit and Debating the Need for QE3

Letting the Fox Design the Hen House

Supreme Court Upholds AZ Law Punishing Businesses That Hire Illegal Aliens!

The Audacity of Progressivism

Sound Bite For the Day: Vindication

Pelosi Blames GOP for Unemployment [Video]

Weiner: I Did Not Have Sext with that Woman!

Ed Schultz Is Officially Saner Than Joan Walsh

WeinerGate’s Collateral Damage: Howard Kurtz

Weinergate Reality Check

Credit Where It’s Due: Ed Schultz

Politico’s Kinder Hit Piece Hinges On “Unnamed Sources”

NewsBusted: “Who’s Ready for Recovery Summer 2?”

Sound Bite For the Day: Flashback – Somebody’s Got to Defend Weiner

Sudan Unleashes The Dogs Of War On The People Of Nuba Mountains

Video: Egyptian Shaykh Incites Muslims to Burn Down Churches

Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Democrats to Form ‘Perfect Slavery to Allah Party’

Obama Administration Shrouding Our Role In Libya

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: ‘We Refuse To Recognize A Jewish State’

Muslim Brotherhood: Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

Pravda: Is Obama Anti-Black?

Sunni Versus Shia Divide Splitting Kuwait

Syria: Assad Will Fall; But Will The Muslim Brotherhood Follow?

Sharia 101: On Video Muslim Cleric Explains How To Whip Fornicators

Afghan Mission Unsustainable

USMC To US Army: You Can’t Use OUR Camo; Army To USMC: The H— We Can’t!

Palestinians Are Pawns In The Hands Of Syria, Iran And Hezbollah

The Emptying Of Yemen

Why Does Obama Want To Give Missile Secrets To Russia?!

A Humble Challenge To Bill O’Reilly

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry


‘Primetime Propaganda’: Help Us Expose Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Four


Lupe Fiasco Calls Obama a "Terrorist" | NBC Chicago

Althouse: Jon Stewart has put his friendship with Anthony Weiner above comedy.

Weiner’s Reckless Pattern - Political Admirers Became Online Pursuits -

Rep. Weiner's failure to pay party dues may haunt him - The Hill's Ballot Box

Weiner’s Reckless Pattern - Political Admirers Became Online Pursuits -

Larry Flynt - Rachel Maddow - David Vitter | Mediaite

Revolutionary Guard praises idea of nuke testing


9-Jun-11 World View ......

8-Jun-11 World View......


New Museum of Tolerance receives initial nod

World Agape as America Runs Over the Debt Cliff and the GOP Searches for a Candidate

Russia contests UN on Syria protesters, nuclear work

Report: Gabrielle Giffords struggling to communicate, return to Congress uncertain

Nearly 2,000 Syrians flee to Turkey; more poised at border to escape violence

UNSC to rebuke Syria despite Russian opposition

Crews protect resort town from massive Ariz. fire

Florida drought wilts crops, sparks wildfires

Obama to meet jobs council on Monday

Weiner abides despite new photo, baby on the way

IAEA adopts resolution to report Syrian nuclear issue to UNSC

U.S.-Mexico border shootout wounds suspected drug runners

High unemployment claims, food prices slow economy

Embattled Rep. Weiner insists he won't resign

Most U.S. kids get vaccines, but parents still worry

WBEZ's Robert Wildeboer examines closing arguments in the Blagojevich retrial | WBEZ


Prosecutors Resume Closing Arguments in Blagojevich Retrial

Blagojevich defense starts closing arguments -

TriValley Central > Casa Grande Dispatch > Top Stories > Prosecutor tells jurors: Blagojevich lied to you

WBEZ's Robert Wildeboer examines closing arguments in the Blagojevich retrial | WBEZ

Rod Blagojevich Corruption Trial Closing Arguments | Prosecutor Details Blago's 5 Alleged Shakedowns

Blagojevich deliberations could start today | WBEZ

What can Blagojevich’s defense team argue? - Chicago Government |

Beloit Daily News - your source for news, entertainment, sports, opinion, events, community, shopping and more > News > Illinois News

Blagojevich defense starts closing arguments

Rahm Emanuel

Rahm Emanuel on the spot - Chicago Tribune

Emanuel takes away CHA chief Lewis Jordan’s cars, police drivers -

Series of mob attacks pose first major challenge for Mayor Rahm Emanuel, acting Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy |

Editorial: Rahm Emanuel’s old-style politics - Chicago Sun-Times

Blagojevich and Emanuel talk political deal on tape - Chicago Government |

New top cop takes office: 'Let's get to work' | WBEZ

Clout St: Emanuel, McCarthy say 'marginal' amount of new officers to 'mob' attack hot spots

New top cop McCarthy to make $50,000 less than Weis - Chicago Sun-Times

David Ormsby: Is Pat Quinn Challenging Rahm Emanuel to Regain Political Relevance?


Flash mobs or flash thugs have plagued South Side - Chicago Sun-Times

'Flash Mob' Attacks Used By Gun Rights Advocates To Build Concealed Carry Support

Flash mobs being connected to violent crimes - Standard-Examiner

Garry McCarthy: Officers seek to break up flash mobs before they form - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Flash Mobs Apparently Robbed, Attacked Four Men Over Weekend

Guardian Angels Target Flash Mobs | NBC Chicago

Change of Subject: Guess what? Garry McCarthy is Chicago's new police superintendent

Prison chaplain indicted for aiding mob killer Frank "The Breeze" Calabrese |

Highlights From June's City Council Meeting | Progress Illinois

Clout St: Emanuel unveils presidential picks for City Colleges of Chicago

Chicago aldermen propose random drug testing for city employees | WBEZ

CHA Gets Angry Earful Over Drug Testing Proposal |


YouTube - Raw Video: Weiner's Wife Traveling With Clinton

Hillary's Lesbian Affair with Muslim Aide? - Atlas Shrugs

Is Hillary Clinton a Lesbian?

The Truth About Hillary. - By Blake Wilson - Slate Magazine

Does Hillary Have a Lesbian Connection to Weinergate? | Floyd Reports

Huma Abedin - Hillary Clinton's personal assistant

Do you believe the rumor that Hillary has an ongoing lesbian relationship with Huma Abedin? - Yahoo! Answers

Hillary and Weiners wife Lovers? Clinton-Abedin-Weinergate? or Desperate Weiners -


YouTube - Just Frends - Sarah Vaughan


Pressure Mounts for Rep. Weiner Resignation - All Star Panel - Special Report -

Feminist Wire Daily Newsbriefs: U.S. and Global News Coverage

Panetta Demurs on Afghanistan Drawdown -

Obama to focus on rural America's economy – The 1600 Report - Blogs

President Obama invites controversial president of Gabon, Ali Bongo Ondimba, to the White House

For Cate Edwards, a Recurring Role as Family Glue -

UniSource Starts Tucson Plants to Avert Fire-Caused Blackout - Bloomberg

Michelle Obama to appear on 'iCarly': Will she get to eat spaghetti tacos? -

DiMasi case closing arguments likely tomorrow -

Mormon question may again dog Romney's presidential bid | Reuters

Biden-led budget talks resume on Capitol Hill - San Jose Mercury News

Romney defends opposition to auto bailout in Detroit | Reuters

MTV teen pregnancy shows prompt pro-abortion rights views: Survey - Faith & Reason

The Associated Press: US spy agency will seek low profile in leak case

Might Giving Mueller Two More Years as FBI Head Be . . . Unconstitutional? - Law Blog - WSJ

Rick Santorum: Climate change is ‘junk science' - Darren Samuelsohn -

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Jurors shown images of Caylee's skull - Crimesider - CBS News

Casey Cries As Photos Of Caylee's Remains Shown - Orlando News Story - WESH Orlando

Despite reports, police say missing Indiana student not involved in fight - Chicago Sun-Times

YouTube - Search for Spierer expands beyond Bloomington city limits

Romania and Bulgaria face Schengen entry delays | Reuters

Is Nigeria's Boko Haram a Wahhabi group? -

Senate report urges Obama to rethink U.S. aid to Afghanistan - CNN

Russia Targets ’Vicious Circle’ of Red Tape With $1,000 Fines - Bloomberg

The Associated Press: AP Exclusive: Hamas considers hands-off approach

9 shot dead in attack on Afghan party -

Special Report: After Japan, where's the next nuclear weak link? | Reuters

YouTube - Japan plans changes to nuclear safety rules

The Associated Press: Turkey ruling party eyes victory in Sunday vote

YouTube - Rampage video: Wild elephants charge people, kill man in Mysore, India

BBC News - China aircraft carrier confirmed by general

YouTube - Video of China first aircraft carrier made out of Soviet warship

Syria and Turkey: Nearly 2,000 Syrians flee to Turkey -

Explainer: How will Syria crisis unfold? - CNN

Clinton: Qaddafi Associates Seeking to Negotiate Transition of Power -

Gates to NATO Allies: Do Not Rush Out of Afghanistan | USA | English

ICC: Evidence shows that Qaddafi ordered rape of hundreds -

With President Absent, Yemen Battles Islamist Militants | News | English

TriValley Central > Casa Grande Dispatch > World News > Sources: Bin Laden documents sharpen US aim

YouTube - People & Power - Osama my neighbour

BBC News - Researchers' hope of 20 new vaccines in next decade

U.N. Chief Calls for World to End AIDS by 2020, Christian News

Legal battle over Obama’s health-care law moves to Atlanta courtroom - The Washington Post

CDC Report Shows Bathroom-Related Injuries Cause Thousands of Visits to ER - ABC News

Chemical Suicide: Austin Mueller's Story - ABC News

Maggie Kozel, M.D.: Rethinking Health Care Spending

Is Bing Crosby singing, or did you have too much caffeine? | Deseret News

Super 8 movie review -- Super 8 showtimes - The Boston Globe

Poll: Who gave the best performance on the CMT Music Awards? -

Netflix helps boost Blu-ray player & disc sales — Online Video News

Oprah Winfrey's Finale Episode Draws 16.4 Million Viewers - Movies, TV & Music -

Charlie Sheen wacky behaviour weirded out co-star Jon Cryer

Jon Cryer Breaks Silence on Charlie Sheen: ‘We Felt There Was No Control Over Him’ - The Hollywood Reporter

Lindsay Lohan wins restraining order against man | Reuters

Warner Bros may change Hangover 2 tattoo for DVD | Reuters

How M.F. Husain, the 'Picasso of India,' tested free expression -

Multimillionaire pooch dies at age 12 (84 in dog years) - TODAY Pets & Animals -

Man accused of planting spyware to photograph women | Reuters

Soyuz spacecraft closes in on space station - Technology & science - Space - -

Google Sued Over Chromebook Name | News & Opinion |

Woman Loves Facebook Friends So Much She Tattoos Them On Her Body | PCWorld

Historic Image of Living Eye Reveals Microscopic Structures at Work -

World IPv6 Day fails to kill the internet • The Register

YouTube - World Tests IPv6: Why 4.2 Billion Internet Addresses Just Weren't Enough

In Latest Attack, Hackers Steal Citibank Card Data - ABC News

Facebook may have privacy battle on two fronts - Computerworld

Guitar Chords: Google Logo is Playable Doodle in Honor of Les Paul on 96th Birthday - ABC News

YouTube - Coolest Google Doodle Ever? Les Paul Birthday Inspires Playable Digital Guitar

U.S. Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Climb - Bloomberg

OIL FUTURES: Crude Gains As OPEC Fissures Raise Concerns -

Trade Figures Give Stocks a Boost -

UPDATE 2-U.S. targets poor-performing mortgage servicers | Reuters

America's lost trillions in household wealth - Jun. 9, 2011

Daily Journal - CME move threat puts focus on Illinois' unpopular corporate income tax hike

The Bitcoin Triples Again -

Senators target Bitcoin currency, citing drug sales | The Digital Home - CNET News

Wholesale inventories and sales both increase

Microsoft Loses at Top U.S. Court in Patent Case Involving Toronto’s I4i - Bloomberg

The 17 Cities Where Home Prices Are Still Falling Like A Knife

Ford Plans to Triple Its Production of Electric Vehicles, Hybrids by 2013 - Bloomberg

Study Finds SUV Drivers 50% Less Likely to Die in a Crash Than Those in Cars -

Wet spring will likely cut corn crop, prices will stay high -

Adrian becomes first major Pacific hurricane


Economic Consequences of Human Action

N.C. House passes bill to lower ballot access barriers

What does Bernanke have up his Sleeve after QE2?

Immortalizing Anthony’s Wiener

The Rise of the Post-American Empires

EPA Protecting You Into An Early Grave

The REAL reason fuel bills are going through the roof?

Inhofe Introduces Amendment to Bring Down Authorization Level of EDA Bill

Mexicans blast execution of criminal alien murderer in Texas

America’s Hidden Epidemic—An Interview with Arnold Mann

On Eligibility, It’s Up to the States

Racebaiter Wasserman Schultz Calls Ballot Security Legislation ‘Jim Crow’

Matthews Fails to Convince Dem Congresswoman that Bush Tax Cuts Were All Bad

OPEC 1 – America 0

Obama’s ineligibility: Our permanent political class is the enemy

Inhofe Hearing Statement: Joint Hearing on Air Quality and Childrens Health

EPA agenda: First bedbugs, next… Black Death?

Americans Will Suffer Under New Obamacare Mandates

Alfred E. Obama: What, me worry?

Obama’s CIA Director Linked to Spies Through Communist Party Figure

Ten Questions for Leon Panetta

*YouTube - AFP editor Mark Anderson probes Bilderberg 2011

Debbie Schlussel:Bend Over for a Ton of New Libyan US Citizens: Judge Seeks Asylum for Libyan “Students”

Debbie Schlussel:Sad to Say, John Edwards Indictment is Shaky, Fails to Show Crime

Debbie Schlussel:Not Sure About This Abortion Billboard

Obama's Undeclared War on America

Europe's Shift to the Right of Obama

Sole Loyalty: The Identity Politics of Immigration Reform

Both Sides Would 'End Medicare As We Know It'

The Twilight of the Educated Gods

NOAA Fisheries Science: A Guess, a Coin-Flip, and a Kick in the Teeth

AT test

DOE 'SWAT' raid still troubling after story corrections

Commies on parade

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Democrats to Form 'Perfect Slavery to Allah Party'

Democrats very late to board the Weiner resignation bandwagon

Rev Guard website article: 'The Day After Iran's First Nuclear Test is a Normal Day'

The First Amendment Lives

Debt Ceiling Negotiations: the GOP's Advantage

Reuters headline: 'New Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise'

Our secret war in Yemen

Citigroup says bankcard accounts hacked

Maxine Waters ethics probe being stalled

Obama's Libya debacle

Obama and the End of Western Civilization

Call Democrats Out for Racist and Anti-Semitic Connections

RAND Corp: Iran 8 weeks from the Bomb

GOP Contenders: Please Put Your Egos On Hold

2012 is Not about Unemployment. It's about Oil.

The Strategic Debate We Need To Have

The Predictable Middle East Crisis

Virtual Money, Ugly Reality

Who Spent the Peace Dividend?

The Federal Reserve and Financial Repression

Medicare is Bad Medicine for Young America

Naomi Oreskes, Conspiracy Queen

The Real Problem with Taxes

Rep. Anthony Weiner's wife Huma Abedin puts on a brave face during trip to Abu Dhabi with Hillary Clinton -

‘Gay Girl in Damascus’ may not be real - The Washington Post

Weiner, Spitzer, Clinton Had a Certain Look -

Judges seem receptive to health care challenge - Washington Times

Democrats push Weiner to resign immediately - Washington Times

GOP candidate: Global warming is 'patently absurd'

Wiener-Facebook-Transcript-Watermarked.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Only 24% Say They Share Obama's Political Views - Rasmussen Reports™

Anthony Weiner or Beavis? Celebrity look-a-likes




Top GOP Economists Call Pawlenty’s Economic Plans ‘Impossible’ | The Blaze

Report Says ‘Green Buildings’ May Be Hazardous to Your Health | The Blaze

Americans Ranked World‘s ’Funniest’ Nationality | The Blaze

So Which Oscar Winner Will Direct Film Adaptation of Vince Flynn‘s ’American Assassin’? | The Blaze

Iran Plans to Triple Nuke Output, Install More Advanced Centrifuges | The Blaze

Update: Comedian Apologizes for Kill-Palin Joke…While Bashing Palin | The Blaze

(Updated) X-Rated Weiner Pic Leaked After Breitbart Shows it to Satellite Radio Hosts | The Blaze

Will Federal Judges Declare All or Part of ObamaCare Unconstitutional? | The Blaze

Computer Repairman Accused of Using Laptops to Spy on Showering Women at Christian College | The Blaze

Someone Tell Obama the Good News: The Egyptian People Don’t Want Our Money | The Blaze

Fifth Weiner Woman Identified | The Blaze

Lawrence O‘Donnell and Dem Congressman Actually Do a Segment Attacking Palin’s Bus Tour Based on 10-Year-Old Piper Palin Saying She Was on Vacation | The Blaze

Palin Resurrects ‘WTF’ Phrase to Blast Obama on Giving Missile Defense Secrets to Russia | The Blaze

Israel Is Cancer and Must Be Uprooted: New Hamas Rep to Tehran, Ultimate Goal Is to Destroy the Zionist Regime | The Blaze

Legendary Investor: Approaching Crisis ‘Worse’ Than ‘08, Yuan Will be Safer Than Dollar | The Blaze

MSNBC Host: If There Is Civil Unrest Because of Unemployment It‘s Totally the GOP’s Fault | The Blaze

Janet Napolitano: Using Common Sense and Concentrating Terrorist Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 Is Not Good Logic | The Blaze

Are You Ready to See Pics of Hannity From Way Back When? | The Blaze

Dem. Sen. Al Franken During Hearing: Obama Could be One-Term Prez | The Blaze

Weiner Again Vows Not To Resign During Sidewalk Interview | The Blaze


Ixquick Search Engine

Startpage Search Engine


Don't Hold Your Breath - TIME

David Axelrod Downplays Bad Jobs News, Says Austan Goolsbee To Play Big Reelection Role

Is Obama's re-election bid really in trouble? - The Week

Henninger: Obama's Worst Week, Pawlenty's Best -

The Problem With Obama's Re-Election Pitch -

Fanniegate: Gamechanger For The GOP? | Via Meadia

Another “WTF” Obama Foreign Policy Moment* | Facebook

The 11th Circuit In Atlanta Hears Lawsuit Against Affordable Care Act; Judges Ask Tough Questions, Send Mixed Messages | The New Republic

The Obamacare Lawsuit: From the Courtroom in Atlanta | Cato @ Liberty

RealClearPolitics - Anthrax Attacks and America's Rush to Judgment

RealClearPolitics - Mark Kirk and the Politics of Moderation

Left-wing talking heads wrongly blame Andrew Breitbart while helping Anthony Weiner spread his lies

Grace-Marie Turner: ObamaCare and the Future of Employer Health Insurance Coverage. -

Ethanol subsidies: Do Iowans even care about them anymore? - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Different Decisions

RealClearPolitics - Is John Edwards' Fall a Tragedy?

The simple fact that's not really so simple -

Senate votes to let Fed trim debit card swipe fees - Yahoo! News

Autos Insider | GM's Akerson pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News

FCC Agrees to Take 'Fairness Doctrine' Off the Books -

O’Donnell hails FEC complaint dismissal – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Highlighting Ayn Rand’s Atheism, Liberals Aim To Sow Discord Among Republicans –

Is China Trying to Bankrupt US? | The Diplomat

A foreign policy of instability cannot save Syria at home - The National

Afghanistan war: Should Obama change the U.S. strategy? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

Testing the Afghan exit ramps - The Washington Post

Assad has run out of friends in Syria, and out of time - Telegraph

Europe Is Warning Us - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

Iran nuclear negotiations: It's time to reopen the Iranian nuclear talks -

When Iran gets nukes -

Russia, China look to own interests despite better ties - The China Post

Pyongyang Spring - By Sebastian Strangio | Foreign Policy

China-Pakistan strategic ties deepen | The Japan Times Online

The IMF and democratic responsibility | European Voice

A False Dawn for Yemen's Militants | Foreign Affairs

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: A decisive choice

Defending cyberspace

Will the US really withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan? | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |

After Years in the Dark, Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Struggles in New Role - Thanassis Cambanis - International - The Atlantic

How New is Egypt’s “New” Foreign Policy? by Barak Barfi - Project Syndicate

Opinion: Why Russia's anti missile defense - Yousaf Butt -

A Cure for the Resource Curse | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Don`t save the last dance for him | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Newt: For Shariah law before he was against it - War Room -

More Than 9 in 10 Americans Continue to Believe in God

The Heresy of End Times Predictions | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

The American Spectator : Ayn Rand and Karl Marx

The Fountainhead of Satanism | First Things

Defining the Big Bang : Starts With A Bang

'Wild and weird' weather leaves its mark -

Murder Mystery Grows: Viruses Attack Healthy Bees, Too | Bees, Agriculture & Colony Collapse | LiveScience

Underwater spiders use webs as 'gills' : Nature News

How To Build A Dinosaur

Seeing Things On Mars: A Long History of Martian Illusions and Human Delusions |Pareidolia & Optical Illusions |

mental_floss Blog » How Cryptic: 4 Famous Unsolved Ciphers and Codes

Parents, not government, should decide on circumcision -

Pill to mend a broken heart 'developed by scientists' - Telegraph

BBC News - Spitting and urinating chimps 'replay Aesop's fable'

Dumb Entertainment Can Have Impact Your IQ - Miller-McCune

Ecology biased against non-native species? | ASU News

Mutations : when benefits level off - CNRS Web site - CNRS

News: Lifelong gap in health between rich and poor set by age twenty

Citrate Key in Bone's Nanostructure | Ames Laboratory

Ancient Assyrian Dictionary Completed by University of Chicago Scholars -

Ancient Greek Knew Geology Thousands of Years Before His Time | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Update: Pyramid Hieroglyphs Likely Engineering Numbers | Archaeological News

Brain scan: Alpha geek | The Economist

BBC News - Majestic shuttle in unique station image

Poll: Should Sick People Be Paid to Risk Their Lives? | Wired Science |

Computer Crash Test: Will Your Internet Access Come to a Screeching Halt on June 8?: Scientific American

The end is always nigh in the human mind - opinion - 07 June 2011 - New Scientist

Stephen Jay Gould mismeasured skulls in racial records dispute - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Fish swim as if they're riding bicycles | Science |

Strangely behaving supernovae leave physicists bemused

No tickets for London 2012? It's YOUR fault, says Olympics chief | Mail Online

World's most pierced woman gets married to balding civil servant - Telegraph

Germans voted as the 'least funny nationality' in international poll | Mail Online

Bigfoot Group Watchful along Flooded Missouri River « CBS St. Louis

A planet going the wrong way

Untouched magical temple soothes Japanese tsunami survivors - Washington Times

Sun Unleashes 'Spectacular' & Powerful Eruption | Solar Flares, Sun Eruption & Sun Storms | Space Weather & Solar Cycle 24 |

Turin Shroud 'the creation of a Renaissance artist' - Telegraph

Written on the skin: the story of magical tattoos | Lifestyle | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

Dozens of 'incubators' for jihad found in U.S.

Muslim says chopping off hands is 'compassionate' admits it 'hacked' Fox News

The last word on Weinergate

Hillary's advice for Weiner's wife

Weinergate: Told ya so

East Coast whorehouses and Weiner outrage

Breitbart 1, Weiner 0

Obama: Hope, change and the occasional sex dream

Our most dangerous enemy

4 curious errors in Obama's 'Dreams'

Channeling Malcolm X

How to protect American jobs

When Your Base Is Nuts

Palin documentary: 2012 game changer

The Bernanke Scandal: Full-Frontal Cluelessness | Common Dreams

Yemen: Into the unknown | The Economist

Editorial: Arab Spring turns to summer's bloody turmoil -

Santorum's run: It won't last long - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Obama Aides Said to Discuss Seeking Employer Payroll Tax Cut - Bloomberg

John Kerry may scrap Libya resolution - Manu Raju -

Lawmaker tweeting falls in week after Rep. Weiner's troubles - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Funding for Cuba programs stalled in Congress - Americas -

*9 June

American Minute for June 9th

June 9th in History

This Day in History for 9th June

June 9th This Day in History

June 9 Events in History

Today in History: June 9

Today in History: June 9 » History Net

YouTube - Today in History for June 9th


Is Another Tech Bubble Good for Options?

President Obama Authors The Economic Recovery That Isn’t - Louis Woodhill - Unconventional Logic - Forbes

The Economy: When Will Happy Days Be Here Again? - Knowledge@Wharton

To Win Support for Free Trade, Overhaul Aid to Displaced Workers -

Obama Considering Another Stimulus Tax Cut | The New Republic

Sizing up the Fed's few options - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

The economy is recovering -- really - 1 - how to invest - MSN Money

5 reasons I’m banking on bank stocks now Jeff Reeves - MarketWatch

Big Funds See Red in China -

There's No Stimulant In Stimulus -

RealClearMarkets - Government Spending, and the 18% of GDP Myth

TaxVox » Blog Archive » Rx for a Double-dip Recession: Cut Government Spending by 15 Percent

running-out-of-options-on-economic-policy: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

To get jobs, areas develop industry hubs in emerging fields -

The German Example - Economic Scene -

Treasury’s Timothy Geithner finds his footing - The Washington Post

Jamie Dimon Becomes Wall Street’s Hero Figure - CNBC

muni-bond-revival-wsj: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance


**8TH/Transcripts:Obama's Remarks on Education and Manufacturing

Senators Menendez & Chambliss on Afghan Exit Plan

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

7TH/Press Conference w/Pres. Obama & Chancellor Merkel

Bernanke's Speech on the U.S. Economic Outlook

Analysts Debate What Gov't Can For the Economy

Roundtable on the Next Steps in Libya

Interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

Interview with Representative Jason Chaffetz

Guest: Representative Carolyn McCarthy

Guests: Representative Jan Schakowsky

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain


Dozens of 'incubators' for jihad found in U.S.

Pastor's daughter arrested for sex with 3 girls, 1 boy

Warning issued that Islam is coming

Child brides as young as 5 married off in secret to middle-aged men | Mail Online New Zeal Blog » Panetta Hearing for SecDef on Thursday: Obama’s CIA Director Linked to Spies Through Communist Party Figure

Obama approval rating falls below 50 percent - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Noted during Obama visit, Chet's restaurant to close - Toledo Blade

Sen. Al Franken: In 2 Years, Obama ‘May Not Be the President’ |

AFL-CIO urges recess appointment for Warren - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate?

Documents show marriage of Obama's parents a sham

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Best government rules least ;GOP presidential hopeful Gary Johnson talks CNN debate exclusion, debt

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Welfare state fuels border problem;GOP presidential hopeful Gary Johnson talks entitlements, drugs


Dozens of 'incubators' for jihad found in U.S.

Pastor's daughter arrested for sex with 3 girls, 1 boy

Child brides as young as 5 married off in secret to middle-aged men | Mail Online New Zeal Blog » Panetta Hearing for SecDef on Thursday: Obama’s CIA Director Linked to Spies Through Communist Party Figure

Obama approval rating falls below 50 percent - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

GOP candidate: Global warming is 'patently absurd'

Mitt Romney: No apologies on climate change stance - Darren Samuelsohn -

Herman Cain Says He's Rising Up, Doesn't Mind Contending, Christian News

Planned Parenthood: A 2012 litmus test? - Sarah Kliff -

Illegal immigrants: Supreme Court allows California tuition policy for immigrants -

Iran: Advanced centrifuges to be set up soon at Qom nuclear site - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

US to push bill denying... JPost - Arts & Culture - Entertainment

Gadhafi's daughter files war crimes lawsuit against NATO - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Weiner -- Yukking It Up with Porn Star During Scandal |

Congressman Anthony Weiner's Blackjack Chick Lisa Weiss Placed on Leave From Bellagio Hotel and Casino |

Arizona wildfire calms overnight

FDA links some prostate drugs to cancer risk

Analysis: FCC's slow pace on Internet rules puzzles some

Religious homosexuals join the march for Gay Pride


**NEWS VIDEOS:Behar: ‘How Do We Know (Weiner Pic) Isn’t Breitbart?’

Weiner Confronted Outside Lawyer’s Office: ‘Do You Know If It’s a Boy or a Girl?’

Feminism Officially Dead: Maddow Characterizes Weiner’s Behavior as ‘Bad Manners’

Disgusting: Anti-Walker Protesters Disrupt Wisconsin Special Olympics Ceremony

Herman Cain: Homosexuality Is a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’

Weiner Constituent Flees ‘O’Reilly Factor’s’ Jesse Watters

Franken: Obama Might Not Be President in Two Years

Liberal Pundit: ‘Worst Part’ of Weinergate Story is Breitbart Was Right

Watch the Video the Eniviromentalist Industry Has Censored from YouTube

Breitbart on the X-Rated Weiner Pic Leak

Dennis Miller: Weiner a ‘Nasty Piece of Work’

Trump on Weiner Scandal: ‘Maybe He Has a Death Wish’

8TH/Spitzer to Breitbart: We Don’t Agree on Much But You’ve Been Vindicated

Kurtz: Breitbart Did Nothing Wrong on Weinergate Story

Radio Host Assured Breitbart Studio Had ‘No Camera’ to Catch Glimpse of X-Rated Weiner Pic

First Democrat in Congress Demands Weiner Resign ‎

‘Don’t Show It Anywhere’: Breitbart to Opie and Anthony When Showing X-Rated Weiner Pic

Coulter: Only Violence at Tea Party Rallies Comes From Liberals

Mediaite Owner Dan Abrams: Breitbart Was Right

Piers Morgan Asks Ann Coulter if Tea Party is Modern Version of Hitler and Mussolini’s Followers

Salon’s Joan Walsh: Weiner ‘Made Me Look Stupid’

Jon Stewart Takes Full Responsibility for Not Covering Weiner Presser

‘Red Eye’ Throws Party for Breitbart, Complete with Robots

7TH/Stage Right Show – Guests: Big J’lism’s Dana Loesch & Washington Times’ Kerry Picket

World Wonders What Happened to Jon Stewart Who Said a Guilty Weiner’s ‘Got to go’

Big Government’s Joel Pollak Explains How Big Government Ran with Weinergate Story

MSNBC’s Uygur on Weiner: ‘You Know How Many Times I Lied To Girlfriends?’

Breitbart and O’Reilly Discuss Left-Wing Smear Tactics in Weinergate Saga

Blitzer: I Believed Weiner Was Hacked

CNN’s Morgan Plays the Mormon Card on Romney


**Markets Video:California to Lose Thousands of Jobs for 3-Inch Fish?

Rogers: Only a Crisis Can Fix U.S. Debt Problem

Post OPEC Boost to Be Short-Lived

Gross: Treasuries Are Toast

Whitney: States Fall into Debt Pit

BullHorn: Banks in the Penalty Box


**World Video:Central Asia at a Turning Point

Europe's Economy, Libya Pose Test for U.S.-German Relationship

Al-Qaeda Warns U.S. Of Muslim Rebellion

Yemen Collapsing, U.S. Anti-Terror Push on Hold

Tactical Breakdown of the Saleh Assassination Attempt

Does OPEC Have America Over a Barrel?

U.S. Not Faring Well in Afghanistan

Is $18.8 Billion in Aid Worth It?

Yemen's Future Hangs in the Balance

Traffic Police Regulate Iran's Dress Code

NATO Intensifies Airstrikes On Libya

Major Battle Looms In Rebellious Syrian Town

Storm Batters Chilean Town

Bloodshed Assured as Gaddafi and Assad Remain in Power

8TH/Building Strong International Security Partnerships

What Should U.S. Be Doing in Syria?

Arab Spring, Violent Summer?

Yemen Violence Hampers War on Terror

Is Yemen Up For Grabs?

Raw Video: NATO's Blistering Airstrikes In Libya

'Just Matter Of Time' Before Gaddafi Resigns

Gaddafi Refuses To Give In

Yemen Leader Hurt Worse Than Thought

Graphic Video: Ambush Kills 120 Syrian Police, Soldiers

U.S. Troop Drawdown in Afghanistan

Education Key to Building Afghan Security Forces' Capacity

Yemen 201

Tension in Shughour as Syrians Flee to Turkey


**Politics Video:Franken On Obama: "In Two Years He May Not Be The President"

Welch: Everything I See Tim Pawlenty Say Appeals To Me

Weiner Not Resigning: "I'm Going To Get Back To Work"

Romney: UAW "Bought And Paid For" Obama's 2008 Campaign

Michelle Malkin On Obama's "Economic Saboteurs"

Burton: GOP Candidate Will Get "At Least 47% Of the Vote"

Bob Franken: Pawlenty Wants An "Oligarchy"

Dem Congressman Pushes Transaction Tax: "You Move The Money, We Get Our 1%"

Krauthammer: "I'm The Longest Running Liberal Sleeper Agent"

Lawrence O'Donnell: Lying Should Not Be A Reason To Resign

"Daily Show" Slams "Insane" Weiner For Apologizing To Bill Clinton

Ed Schultz Again Pleads With Weiner To "End This" And Resign

8TH/Wisconsin Union Protesters Disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony

Donald Trump: Weiner "Has A Death Wish"

Bill O'Reilly: "Eugene Robinson Has A Cot" At MSNBC HQ

Rangel's Advice To Weiner: Focus On Keeping Your Family Together

American Crossroads Ad On Wasserman Schultz: "Debbie Downer"

Rendell Changes His Mind: Weiner Should Resign

Herman Cain: President Obama Has No Clue What Creates Jobs

Durbin: This Is Obama's Economy Now

Carney Dodges Weiner Question: "No Comment"

Ron Paul: I'm The Only Candidate With "Credibility" On Economy

Obama: We Have To Light More "Sparks" Across America

Krauthammer Tells GOP To Lay Off: Let Weiner "Unravel" Himself

Bill O'Reilly: Anger Over Obama's Handling Of Economy

Jon Stewart Does "Press Conference" On Not Covering Weiner Scandal

O'Donnell: Most Voters "Don't Really Know Anything About The Economy"

"Ed Show" Panel Showdown: Schultz Takes On Press Over Weiner


YouTube - Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head - Alex Jones 1/3

YouTube - Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head - Alex Jones 2/3

YouTube - Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head - Alex Jones 3/3


**Bilderberg 2011: Master Page


3 VIDEOS:Jesse Ventura & Alex Jones: Declaring Independence Against The Red Coat Pedophile TSA

Libyan rebel group sells first oil to U.S. -

Tony Blair: EU needs elected president, former PM says - Telegraph

New TSA Technology with Alex Jones

Ron Paul: Holding the President Accountable on Libya

The Elite’s Plan For Global Extermination

Here It Comes: Obama Considering Another Fiscal Stimulus

Obama Administration Spends $17.4 Million to Explore Market for Carbon Credits |

To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States

US keeping secret stash of smallpox viruses at lab in Georgia to use for future bioweapons

YouTube - Bomb Scare Shuts Down Road/Trains to Bilderberg Meeting - Alex Jones Tv

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson Calls for Peaceful Protest at Bilderberg Meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland

» Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderbergers Build Wall to Hide Attendees Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gates says no hasty U.S. troop cut in Afghanistan | Reuters

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

Get Ready for the Next Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers - CNBC

Qaddafi Son Told Rebels of Exit Plan: Aide - Bloomberg

New airport scanner which will take just five seconds - Telegraph

YouTube - How five-second airport scanner tunnel works

Healthcare overhaul fight in pivotal Atlanta court | Alabama's 13

Congressman wants feds to define crossover violence along border | Austin

Raids target Central Valley gangs that operate across U.S.-Mexico border - San Jose Mercury News

YouTube - Ron Paul "What Should The Role Of Govt Be? For Me It's To Promote Liberty & NOT Police The World!"

YouTube - Jesse Ventura "We're Like The United States Of Hypocrisy!"

YouTube - Keiser Report: GIABO! (E154)

YouTube - Ron Paul on Newsmax TV 6/8/11: No Debt Increase - Just Quit Spending!

GCN News/ Selenium: Super Mineral «

EPA: Environmental Propaganda Activists—The myth of killer mercury | NetRight Daily


Redding News Reveiw 1

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

1 What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

2 What Really Happened With Michael Rivero

June 8, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-08, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-8-11

The Manning Report- 8 June 2011

06/08 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, June, 08, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 06/08/2011

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