A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

08 June 2011


Parents urge Tokyo to rethink radiation monitoring | The Japan Times Online

#Fukushima II (Not I) Nuke Plant Wants to Dump 3,000 Tons of Water into the Ocean | EX-SKF

PM - Heartbreaking evacuations as Fukushima's nuclear fallout spreads 07/06/2011


Autism Ideas - Part 1: The Brainy Ms Grandin

Autism Ideas - Part 2: Offit, Come Off It

Autism Ideas – Part 3 – Kissinger’s Brice’s Mind Files | we must know

Autism Ideas - Part 4 - Kissinger's Brice's Mind Files

Autism Ideas - Part 5: Spinning And Sensory Integration


Australia’s UFO files mysteriously disappear - Telegraph

YouTube - Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI

Trump’s Back! Casting Doubt on Birth Certificate – Patriot Update

Is Your Governor For Sale to the EPA?

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities « 2012 The Awakening

EU ag ministers hold emergency E.coli summit as outbreak source remains mystery

Chile volcano causes ash cloud and lightning tears the sky apart | Mail Online

How Low Doses Of Radiation Can Cause Heart Disease And Stroke

Melted Fuel at Fukushima May Have Leaked Through, Yomiuri Says - Bloomberg

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes


*Inside Chernobyl /Video

*The Light Bulb Conspiracy/ Video

*UFO The Council Of 8 = Incredible/ Video

*David Icke About Vaccines/ Video

*CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy-Unaired Documentary/ Video

*The U.N. Deception /Video


Proof of Chemtrails in 1971! « The PPJ Gazette

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Technology | The Guardian

10 Tipping Points Which Could Potentially Plunge The World Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare

'Iran could produce a nuclear weapon within two months' it is claimed as U.N. atomic watchdog reveals concerns | Mail Online

Revealed: the untold story of the deal that shocked the Middle East - Middle East, World - The Independent

James Carville | Obama | The Daily Caller

*PressTV - Paul committed to his mottos?

*YouTube - Ron Paul on Lew Rockwell Radio 06/07/11

*YouTube - Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 06/07/11

IMAGES : Arizona wildfire: Wallow Fire near Alpine

Arizona fires: Wallow Fire continues to grow

*IMAGES Vocano in Southern Chile Erupts - Incredible photos of a volcano eruption in Chile -

What If 1500 Architects and Engineers Said U.S. Terror Wars Are Fraudulent

Prominent Swiss Politician Calls For Arrest of Kissinger at Bilderberg

Revolutionary Politics : 'Imaginary enemies' costing Americans $1 trillion

Gov. Perry adds sanctuary cities to special session agenda | Texas Politics | a blog

Revolutionary Politics : U.S. Soldiers Are Being Highly Medicated By Military Doctors!

Lone Star Watchdog: The White House has Texas in the Crosshairs to Bring the Lone Star State to its Knees.


+When Cocaine and Monsanto's Roundup Collide, War on Drugs Becomes a Genetically-Modified War on Science |




Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals

Lockerbie: Attack or a trick?

*Can We Party like it's 1776 and Just Start Over? Thomas Jefferson's Top 10 Quotes on Money and Banking - Home - The Daily Bail

MUST SEE VIDEO: Dennis Kucinich Calls For Congress To Take Back The Power Of The Purse, Demands The Abolition Of The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - The Power of the Purse

"The Power of the Purse"

YouTube - The Power of the Purse DVD1

YouTube - The Power of the Purse DVD2


Activist Post: Obama Nearly Triples Bagram Detainee Population

Obama loses bin Laden bounce; Romney on the move among GOP contenders - The Washington Post

Homeless charity program about to be homeless itself -

Facebook quietly switches on facial recognition tech by default • The Register

Weiner repeatedly lied (about Israel and Palestine– does anyone care?)

Hackers got hacked: One in four U.S. hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Mail Online



$50-60 Billion Laundered from US/others into Illegal Colonies

Airlines aim to take hassle out of security checks - Yahoo! Finance

Hacked security giant offers to replace 40m key fobs - Channel 4 News

Activist Post: Whole Foods admits its organic foods contain genetically modified ingredients

YouTube - The High Cost of Just Getting By

Activist Post: Dept. of Education breaks down Stockton man's door with SWAT team over student loans

The Intercept: Analysis: OPEC could pour oil on troubled politics

Study: BPA chemical exposure is underestimated - Green House -

How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: Why Individuality is Feared as a Threat to Collectivism and Tyranny.

BofA Forecloses On Home That Never Had A Mortgage, Owners Sue And Win Judgement, BofA Doesn't Pay So Couple Forecloses On Bank Of America (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

Taxpayers Dollars Still Bailing Out Insolvent Banks Including Citigroup, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo & Bank Of America - Home - The Daily Bail

Congressman blasts airport security and screeners - National Law Enforcement |

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Our Economic Future: From Best to Worst Case

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : IMF rolls out $3 BLN bailout to push Mubarack's men to top of pyramid

CIA’s Bin Laden Hunter Ordered to Stand Down 10 Times

From Dodd-Frank to Dud (ProPublica), Obama 'Proud' Of Losing $14B On Auto Bailouts, Warmonger Obama Pressures Merkel For Libya Increase (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - Paulson july 16 2009

Palin fans attempt to rewrite Paul Revere’s Wikipedia page | The Raw Story

Remember Building 7 Ad is Airing – and Poll Results Coming Soon |

The Golan Heights, Zionism and Resistance | Intifada Palestine

Facebook Used by Courts to Find Those Who Are ‘Only Online’ - Businessweek - LAPD Commission Puts Brakes On Red-Light Cameras

Global Economy: Obama Presses Europe, Pledges Help for Greek Crisis - CNBC

Autos Insider | GM's Akerson pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News

Real-Life Mercenaries to Star in Blackwater, the Videogame | Danger Room | - Cruise passengers tell of seven-hour security 'revenge' nightmare - Humans become 'pets' in rise of the machines: Apple co-founder

Sun Unleashes 'Spectacular' & Powerful Eruption | Solar Flares, Sun Eruption & Sun Storms | Space Weather & Solar Cycle 24 | - Airlines look to eye scanners and futuristic security tunnels - USA has record $61.6 TRILLION in unfunded obligations; $534,000 per household - Are Ridiculous Airport Security Measures Killing Airline Profits?

True Cost of Fannie, Freddie Bailouts: $317 Billion, CBO Says |

Sweet (USS) Liberty | Mantiq al-Tayr


*The Photographers Right;Your Rights and Remedies When Stopped or Confronted for Photography


*Prosecution for TREASON


Doctors will launch court fight if Dr David Kelly inquest demand is turned down | Mail Online

YouTube - A Scandal

*Whole Foods admits its organic foods contain genetically modified ingredients -

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild - » Bank Not Responsible for Letting Hackers Steal $300K from Customer

U.S-Canada Perimeter Security and an Integrated North American Command -

10 Myths That Politicians Want You to Believe -

Researcher: Iran can produce nuke within 2 months - Israel News, Ynetnews

YouTube - Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Lehman could escape with just a public rebuke - Business - NZ Herald News

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions -

The Gitmo no one talks about - War Room -

The Secret History of Boeing’s Killer Drone | Danger Room |

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Chloroform Traces Found In Trunk

"Bio Station Alpha" Found On Mars, Debunked By Experts

Dash Diet May Suppress Weight Gain In Teens, New Study Suggests

Deterrence won't stop cyber-attacks | Jeffrey Hunker | Comment is free |

Former DNC Chair Kaine Says Weiner Should Resign

Video: Trump Calls Anthony Weiner a 'Psycho'

Pelosi Formally Requests Weiner Ethics Probe

Reid Says He Can't Defend Weiner

GOP Leaders Priebus, Cox Call for Weiner to Quit

Rush: Weiner Face of Democratic Family Values

Key Numbers for Obama’s Re-Election Chances

Dem Sen. Durbin: Pull Troops From Afghanistan

Joe Miller Wants to Sink Mitt Romney in 2012

Rep. Weiner's Wife Goes MIA

Ginni Thomas: Tea Party, GOP Must Mesh for Clout

Quinnipiac Poll: A Third Worry About Mormon Prez

Rove: Obama’s Low Poll Numbers Surprising

Coulter: Romney Would Probably Lose to Obama

Jon Stewart Cuts Wrist While Mocking Friend Weiner

McCaughey: Obamacare Reforms ‘Decimate’ Medicare

On Newsstands: Hillary Clinton, the Comic Book

Newsweek Cover Story Mocks Romney, Mormonism

More Republicans Consider Brief US Default

Republicans Demand Weiner Quit, Dems Circle Wagons

Delta Charges Returning Soldiers $2,800

Strauss-Kahn Maid's Lawyer Appeals for Other Victims

Obama Lawyers To Appeal Healthcare Ruling

Anti-War GOP Rep. Gains Traction With Colleagues

China Warns US Debt-Default Idea is 'Playing with Fire'

Protect Yourself From Cellphone Radiation

Education Dept. Blocks Reporters from LGBT 'Youth Summit' Sessions for Teens

House Investigations Subcommittee Chair Can't See How Weiner Stays in Congress

Jeff Bridges: I Have ‘A Lot Of Faith’ In 'Champion' Obama

Brent Bozell: Media Go Leaner on Weiner

Rich Libs Want Higher Taxes On Millionaires, But Won't Donate Own $$$ to Pay U.S. Debt

Terry Jeffrey: Elena Kagan's Telltale Recusal

U.S. Adults Overestimate Homosexual Population by As Much As Tenfold

Geithner Wants Globalization of Standards for Financial Institutions

EPA Bans Many Household Rat and Mouse Poisons

Obama Administration Youth Summit: Gov’t ‘Has Finally Come Out of the Closet'

Romney: 'Humans Contribute' to Global Warming

Panetta, next Defense secretary, backs responsible troop cuts

AP Sources: Edwards emails acknowledge payments

Scientists unveil new mobile app to identify trees

CDC Study: Gay, Bisexual Teens Do Riskier Things

OPEC likely to increase oil production

US: China Ends Wind Power Subsidy Program

GOP Leader 'Cautiously Optimistic' on Debt Talks

Tip about bodies in rural Texas turns up nothing

Judge to rule if ex-pediatrician raped patients

Senior citizens' medical pot collective stirs up trouble

Activist Post: Just Can’t Run: Seattle Residents Breathing Fukushima Radiation (Video)

Activist Post: Connecticut: Lawmakers Vote To Decriminalize Adult Marijuana Possession

Activist Post: The Bravery of Targeting Unarmed Civilians

Activist Post: Kevorkian’s call to defeat the cacocracy

Activist Post: Geneva Conventions Redefined: The New U.S. Department of War


Part 1 of 3: An Interview About Vaccines with Helen V. Ratajczak, PhD -

Part 2 of 3: An Interview About Vaccines with Helen V. Ratajczak, PhD -


YouTube - Manchester PD Mass Arrests, Camera Seizures

YouTube - TSA Pat Down Makes Elderly Lady Feel Like a Fugitive - Read Description Box - Texas TSA, DHS

- FDA sends US marshals to seize elderberry juice concentrate, deems it 'unapproved drug' - informationliberation

VIDEO: Bilderberg 2011: Globalists' Meeting Behind Closed Doors


Occupying Iraq, State Department-Style

Israel: A Choice To Kill

US-NATO War Served Al-Qaeda Strategy

How the Empire will Prevail?

+Obama Is a War Criminal

The American Empire Must Be Stopped

Smiting the In-fiddle

Paul Ryan Vows to Continue Kevorkian’s Work

Gates outlines aggressive agenda for US imperialism in Asia:

Misrepresenting The Iran - Al-Qu'ida "Connection"

Gov. Rick Perry Vetoes Internet Tax Bill

'Castle Doctrine' Clears Two Who Were Protecting Their Residence

Letter: Dept. of Education Should Be Investigated for Loan Practices

Anthony Weiner Shares Democratic Scandal Spotlight

Romney, Huntsman Shine at Faith & Freedom Conference

President Obama's Premature Victory Lap

Bin Laden Deputy Issues Eulogy Video | South Asia | English

Clinton Prepares For Economic Oriented Africa Tour | Africa | English

NATO Plans for Libya Without Gadhafi | North Africa | English

Obama, Merkel Expect Gadhafi To Leave | News | English

Obama Welcomes UN Chief's Bid for 2nd Term | USA | English

Sun Unleashes Spectacular Solar Flare | Science and Technology | English

CERN Scientists Refine Antimatter 'Trap' - ABC News

Video - Michael Prince: The Bases 9 Interview - Cyborgization of Humanity - Seattle exopolitics |

New super-fast biometric ID system may allow card-less ATMs - The Mainichi Daily News

Is this the checkpoint of the future? -

Post A Picture That 'Causes Emotional Distress' And You Could Face Jailtime In Tennessee - informationliberation

When All You Have Is a Hammer - informationliberation

Marc Faber's June Outlook: Deflationary Collapse or Inflationary Bust | Black Swan Insights

President Obama’s phony accounting on the auto industry bailout - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Senate Confirms Former RIAA Lawyer for Solicitor General | Threat Level |

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions -

Oscar-Nominated Filmmaker Misuses DMCA To Take Down Video Of Reporter Asking Him Tough Questions | Techdirt

News Bias Explored

YouTube - Miami Beach Memorial Day Shooting May 30th 2011, cellphone video

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

The Global Debt Crisis: How We Got In It, and How to Get Out

Obama's Unhealthy Addiction to War | Global Research TV

How the Empire will Prevail: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

Afghanistan: Losing the war

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

The Decline of Trade-Unions in the US and Canada

Mladic Arrest Will Not Open EU Doors to Serbia | Global Research TV

The US-Canada Perimeter Security and an Integrated North American Command

New Silk Road could revitalize war-torn Afghanistan

Gaza: A View From the Ground

Deflationary Depression in America: The Double Dip Economic Recession

America's Unipolar World and the Countervailing Powers of the Eurasian SCO Military Alliance

Lost Memories: Unpacking the Reagan Myth (before it spreads)

BREAKING NEWS: Intense NATO Bombings of Tripoli

Media Manipulation and the Endless Onslaught of Empire

Still in Denial: Pope Benedict XVI Visits Croatia

Is Oil set for a Big Price Jump?

Joe Lieberman to attend Beck rally | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

BBC News - New elements added to chemistry's periodic table

Solar flare erupts, creating spectacular images - Yahoo! News

White House says Senate Dems' jobs bill is too expensive

Anthony Weiner explained himself, apologized to Bill Clinton

Lack of buyers may force Treasury to boost interest rates

Afghan nation-building programs not sustainable, report says

Border Patrol, police investigating murder of rancher in New Mexico

Builder of an unusual home found guilty Tuesday of violating building codes

Federal judge affirms ban on direct corporate contributions to political candidates

Whole Foods offering one-on-one food education with supermarket coaches

Former Clinton Interior Secretary Babbitt criticizes Obama on the environment

3-judge panel hearing arguments today on Obamacare legal challenge

Democrat is trying to change the public’s perception of “ObamaCare”

Bernanke: We 'urgently' need to fix the debt problem

Horror movie 'Human Centipede 2' is banned in the UK

Arizona AG blasts Obama for getting involved in voter ID lawsuit

Democrat asks if Sarah Palin received special treatment from National Park Service

Jennifer Granholm op-ed: Let Mitt Romney go bankrupt

Gun control group Sues Florida Over 'gag' on doctors asking about firearms

National Anthem Banned at Mennonite College's Sporting Events, Sparking Outcry

Rep. Betty Sutton (D-Ohio) first to return Weiner cash

Eric Cantor (R-Va.) is first to call on Anthony Weiner to resign

State setting new rules on concussions in young athletes

Obama, Merkel downplay Libya disaccord

Top Pentagon lawyers invited to lunch with radical Al Qaeda cleric in 2002

Pawlenty proposes deep cuts in federal spending, tax rates

Pressure builds for sale of F-16 jets to Taiwan

GOP freshmen spend big bucks on office budgets

Greenpeace stages protest at Mattel office over Barbie packaging

Couric on Trump: 'He was just acting like a jackass'

Liberal activists report: EPA's critics dominate airwaves

Bosnia: Exposing Media Disinformation and Anti-Serb Propaganda | Global Research TV

Will The Banksters And The Corpocracy Eventually Own It All? 29 Statistics About Extreme Income Inequality In America That Will Blow Your Mind | Republic Broadcasting Network

10 Tipping Points Which Could Potentially Plunge The World Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare | Republic Broadcasting Network

Keep The Change: 20 Ways That The U.S. Economy Has Gotten Worse Since Barack Obama Became President | Republic Broadcasting Network

- Destroy the Globalists | Republic Broadcasting Network

YouTube - Restore America, Paul vs Obama

YouTube - The Osama Deception

*The 25 Rules of Disinformation | Republic Broadcasting Network


Dumbing Down Society Part I: Foods, Beverages and Meds | Republic Broadcasting Network

Dumbing Down Society Part II: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines | Republic Broadcasting Network

Dumbing-Down Society Part III: How to Reverse its Effects | Republic Broadcasting Network


Activist Post: The History of Health Tyranny: Codex Alimentarius, part 1

• View topic - Health Tyrants: Codex Alimentarius, part 2, -some history

Activist Post: Structure of Health Tyranny: Codex Alimentarius, Part 3


Protocols of Zion ( Modern English)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion


Audio:The Anti-Federalist Papers @ Republic Broadcasting Network


BBC’s Disinfo Piece: “Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?”

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”


Naming Names: Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen

Irrational Consumerism (or The Few Companies Who Feed the World ...

10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen




What is RFID?


*The Alex Jones Show – June 7th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 7th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 7th, 2011


*(2 Part)The Alex Jones Show: Bilderberg Conference of Global Power Brokers set to Meet |

*YouTube - Ron Paul on default

*(2 Part)Film: Mavi Marmara – The Inside Story |

YouTube - Bilderberg 2011, Ron Paul 2012, Hacking the Feds

YouTube - 2012 Election & Media Manipulation • NBC/Faux News • May 10th, 2011


**(7 Videos)Ron Paul News 6-6-11 |


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 6th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 6th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 6th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – June 5th, 2011


*2 Videos-Top Bilderberger: Eurozone Collapse Threatens Global Currency Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(Videos)6 Real Examples of Food Terrorism |

YouTube - 'Terrorist food poisoning?! It's sociological warfare developing!'

The Silver Bear Cafe:Pick Your Poison Joel S. Hirschhorn

E. Coli confirmed in SWVA child that died, possible "outbreak" in NETN under investigation |

+The Windsors’ Global Food Cartel: Instrument for Starvation |

+Keep The Change: 20 Ways That The U.S. Economy Has Gotten Worse Since Barack Obama Became President |

Ten reasons why the U.S. war in Libya is a CIA operation

PressTV - 'Libya war could bring Obama down'

Activists Converge on Kansas Base, Demand Fair Trial for Manning | Truthout


U.S.-Canada Perimeter Security and an Integrated North American Command – Dana Gabriel |

Gold and the Collapsing Dollar -

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III |

10 Tipping Points Which Could Potentially Plunge The World Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare |

YouTube - Drone-Kill Culture: Predator Playstations

Facebook quietly switches on facial recognition tech by default • The Register

+YouTube - Unemployed Youth Spare No Change, New TSA Technology, Not So Whole Foods, WWW War

+YouTube - 6/6/11 - Disobedient Dancers Victorious! French Really Do Hate Freedom, War on YOUth, NYPD Blew


*Radiation News 6-7-11

Radiation News 6-6-11


*Ron Paul: They’re not mocking my candidacy any more |


Major Swiss Newspaper Gives Bilderberg Front Page Coverage


Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head

Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head |


BBC News - Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?


**(3 Videos)Jesse Ventura & Alex Jones: Declaring Independence Against The Red Coat Pedophile TSA

The Coming Economic Hell For American Families

*China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

‘IMF billions will give Egypt’s sovereignty to the West’

OPEC Talks Break Down, No Deal to Lift Oil Supply - CNBC

Asleep at the wheel

+Citizen Sues Atlanta Fed Based on Allegation that It’s Issuing Federal Reserve Notes That It Has No Intention of Redeeming, Which Amounts to Counterfeiting … Asks that Atlanta Fed’s Charter be Forfeited

**GOP Establishment Attempting To Redistrict Ron Paul Out Of Office

*Ron Paul: Holding the President Accountable on Libya

*The Threat of State Terrorism To America By The U.S. Deep State: Cracking The Chicago Code

Government recruits doctors to become thought police, pinpoint potential terrorists among their patients

Doctors asked to identify potential terrorists under government plans | Politics | The Guardian

Fisheries Agency opposes plan to dump radioactive water into sea

Fukushima nuclear plant may have suffered 'melt-through', Japan admits | World news |

New airport scanner which will take just five seconds - Telegraph

QE 2 Was A Disaster: Here Is Why US Fiscal “Stimulus” Was A Complete Failure As Well

US immigration officials treat innocent cruise ship passengers like terrorists in seven-hour Guantanamo Bay-style security check

Cruise passengers tell of seven-hour security 'revenge' nightmare - Telegraph

20 Facts About US Inequality That Everyone Should Know (With An Update On The Uber-Wealthy And Global Wealth Inequality)

Roy Masters: “Hypnotic States Of Americans”

YouTube - Hypnotic States Of Americans - Hypnosis Demonstration

‘Terrorist food poisoning?! It’s sociological warfare developing!’

Towards a Worldwide Inflationary Depression

Syria to send army to town after scores killed | The Raw Story


Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus | World news |


**Article Links:Bilderberg/


**AudioRon Paul: I’m Running Against Keynes;Ron Paul in conversation with Lew Rockwell

The Safe Banking Fantasy by Gary North

Our Economic Future: From Best to Worst Case by Doug Casey

Jacob Hornberger on Libertarian Law, Religion and the Growing US Police State by Anthony Wile

RealClearMarkets - An Entirely Predictable Economic Dip

From 'Golden Fetters' to Handcuffed Investors by George F. Smith

Greeks Grab Their Money from the Banks – Time is Running Out | Forex Crunch

YouTube - Those Of Us Fortunate To Have A Good Salary In This Country Shouldn't Mind Paying Our Debts pt.1

YouTube - Those Of Us Fortunate To Have A Good Salary In This Country Shouldn't Mind Paying Our Debts pt.2

YouTube - TSA Tunnel, Anthem Banned, NATO Fail, Iran Nukes

YouTube - Ron Paul on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano 6/7/2011

GCN News: Prominent Swiss Politician Calls For Arrest of Kissinger at Bilderberg «

*5-31/Rep. Paul to Fed: Tell Us Everything, or Else -

GCN News: British Foreign Secretary Says Bombing of Libya to Last Beyond Christmas «

GCN News: Gadahn Call for Gun Violence Merges With Obama’s “Under the Radar” Anti-gun Agenda «

*GCN News: Bilderberg Group: 2011 Meeting «

**99 Things You Probably Didn't Know You Can Compost | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Fun with a Pocket Knife: How to Play Mumbley Peg | The Art of Manliness

GCN News: Ticks! (Yikes…) «

GCN News: Big Brother May Be Watching… «

Documents show FCC coordinated 'Net Neutrality' effort with outside group | Conn Carroll | Nation | Washington Examiner

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 1/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 2/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 3/3

YouTube - Max Keiser: The Private Federal Reserve Bank, "A Global Mafia Cartel" 1/2

YouTube - Max Keiser: The Private Federal Reserve Bank, "A Global Mafia Cartel" 2/2

**Exclusive: Live Video & Photos from Bilderberg (Continually Updated) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

**(3 Videos/Links)Fluoride Poisoning — It’s All Over Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DOD, Homeland Security Collaborate in Cyber Realm Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*3 Videos/ Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+New airport scanner tunnel (video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bill of Rights: An Endangered Species Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Al Qaeda Video: Buy Automatic Weapons and Start Shooting Americans - ABC News

Civilian appeals conviction by US military court

YouTube - Ejercito Mexicano incauta Narcotanques.wmv

Mexican cartels now using ‘narco tanks’ - The Washington Post

Activist offers GPS 'life preservers' for illegal migrants crossing US-Mexican border -

» Holding the President Accountable on Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Just Can’t Run: Seattle Residents Breathing Fukushima Radiation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Japan: Land Of The Rising Sun And The Irradiated Ground Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dollar Index at 1-Month Low as China Warns on US Assets - CNBC

French Ban Words 'Twitter' And 'Facebook' From TV, Radio

Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature | Technology |

Yemen: Has al Qaeda disappeared? - International Business Times

Remember Building 7 ad -and Poll Results |

Pentagon files death penalty case against five accused 9/11 plotters - Guantánamo -

Qaeda No. 2 Delivers Video Eulogy to Bin Laden -

British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago) | Mail Online

*Geophysicist: Black hole has breached Earth's core | Before It's News

Scientists are sounding the alarm: the mysterious cracks appear across the planet

Sonia Sotomayor And Elena Kagan Vote The Same All The Time | Before It's News

Voter’s Registration Cancelled!! | Before It's News

Is this the checkpoint of the future? | Before It's News



Full Disclosure Network: "the news behind the news": State Supreme Court Judges & State Bar Officials Target Of Corruption Lawsuit

Mexico Opens its doors to Foreign Investment In Oil & Gas as Supply Challenges Mount | Before It's News

Congress Investigates the Sexual Flings of Rep. Anthony Weiner but Not Obama, the Imposter President Sitting in the Most Powerful Office in the World | Before It's News

Video: Boehner Expresses Concern with ObamaCare’s Dangerous Rationing Board, Vows Republicans will Continue Fight for Repeal | Before It's News

YouTube - Another EU 10-year plan wasting more taxpayer money - Marta Andreasen MEP

Death By Debt | Before It's News

+ The First Language Ever Spoken On Earth | Before It's News

2,700-Year-Old Stash Of Pot Found | Before It's News

Aliens Buzz Over Dallas Cowboy Football Game On Live TV! | Before It's News

UFOs, Mental Telepathy and Ghost Stories | Before It's News

Recordings Released Of US Military Probing UFO In British Woodland | Before It's News

New Footage Of Roswell Alien Surfaces | Before It's News

600 Dead Penguins and other Animals wash up in Uruguay | Before It's News

*Prince William, Baphomet, and the NWO | Before It's News

+ Background on the President's Visit to Northern Virginia Community College Alexandria Campus | Before It's News

+ President Obama and Skills for America's Future Partners Announce Initiatives Critical to Improving Manufacturing Workforce | Before It's News

Video: Black Senate Candidate Rips Obama’s Assault on the Constitution | Before It's News

Articles: The Federal Reserve and Financial Repression

TIME-Magazine urges Americans to go to Greece and help the country financially | Before It's News

Kucinich - The Founders Did Not Intend For America to Be Run By Big Banks and Wall Street | Before It's News

"Terrorists" Interviewed: The Newest Faces of Terror in America | Before It's News

Afghanistan: Cross-border Terrorism Proved « viewmaker

The Reasons For Chemtrails | Before It's News

Part 13: Human overload--energy and the silent lie | Before It's News

Enhance your cooking experience with Cooktorial iPhone application | Before It's News

Dollar Matters: Simple Ideas for Better Finances | Before It's News

33 Famous Couples Who Met in College | Before It's News

Mark of the Beast – Holy Grail | Before It's News

*Ron Paul vs. The TSA: Amazing Ron Paul Video! | Before It's News

*'Super Breed' Of Medicinal Cannabis Developed By British Drug Firm

Only 24% Say They Share Obama's Political Views - Rasmussen Reports™

OPEC leaves output on hold, causing oil price jump - Yahoo! Finance


U.S. cancer drugs shortage has doctors scrambling | Reuters

Facebook: 'We should've been more clear' on face-scanning tech • The Register

'Magic' temple soothes tsunami survivors - Washington Times

Dangerous Dog Ordinance in College Park « CBS Atlanta

Local High School Teacher Accused Of Sexting Students « CBS Pittsburgh

Bernanke's Talk Kills Stock Rally -

Lack of buyers may force Treasury to boost rates - Washington Times

Developing countries lead surge in energy demand - Yahoo! Finance

For Huma Abedin, a Private Life, Tested -

Huma Abedin isn't divorcing Rep. Anthony Weiner any time soon -

Emanuel Vows ‘Full Force’ Of Law Will Bring Street Thugs To Justice « CBS Chicago

Random attacks cause concern in Chicago -

Police Supt. Garry McCarthy vows to hunt down ‘flash mob’ suspects - Chicago Sun-Times

Mobs Attack on City Buses: Police | NBC Chicago

Officials: Flash Mobs Already Plague South Side « CBS Chicago

Phone-hacking scandal widens to include Kate Middleton and Tony Blair | Media |

Mom says school bus bullies torment young girl - TODAY'S TMJ4

China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk

VIDEO: Apple's Proposed HQ Like a 'Spaceship' | NBC Bay Area

CTV Ottawa- Two die in bizarre crash involving bear on Hwy. 148 - CTV News

United Nations Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right - Techland -

Weiner Called Clinton to Explain: Report | NBC New York

Margaret Thatcher won't meet with Sarah Palin during her trip to London, en route to Sudan: report

The dirty trick that launched Anthony Weiner's career - New York City -

NHS indignity: Peter Thompson's body ignored for hours in corridor of Edale House unit | Mail Online

Weinergate: The women behind the sexting politician

Rasmussen Poll: Disgusted Voters' Approval of Congress Plunges to 9%

Wiener-Facebook-Transcript-Watermarked.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Last stop for Obamacare before Supreme Court | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner

Only 24% Say They Share Obama's Political Views - Rasmussen Reports™

Health Officials: Latest U.S. E. Coli Cases Unrelated to Outbreak in Europe -

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions -

'A Gay Girl in Damascus' Blogger Kidnapped at Gunpoint in Syria -

SEIU marches with Southern California Communists in May Day demonstration | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Americans fed up with bad customer service - Business - Consumer news -

US doesn't make cut for happiest nations list - TODAY News -

Ultimate fighting legislation not going to happen in New York, Silver says

CROUSE: SlutWalking our way to Gomorrah - Washington Times

Perry is a blue state governor in a Red State!

What does Bernanke have up his Sleeve after QE2?

Too many Regulations are stifling Growth and the American way of Life!

Obama and the End of Western Civilization

Call Democrats Out for Racist and Anti-Semitic Connections

RAND Corp: Iran 8 weeks from the Bomb

GOP Contenders: Please Put Your Egos On Hold

2012 is Not about Unemployment. It's about Oil.

The Strategic Debate We Need To Have

The Predictable Middle East Crisis

AT updated software teething period nearly over

Bernanke channels his inner Pollyanna for growth estimates

Revisiting administration unemployment projections

Obama's troubled personal relations with foreign leaders

The light bulb police

A Texas Town Honors a Soldier Killed in Afghanistan on Memorial Day

How to sweep Weinergate under the rug

Weiner resignation: Be careful what you wish for, GOP

Pointing Fingers at Weak Fields

College board asks for 'alternative' to national anthem

General Motors CEO Dan Akerson Calls for Hike in Federal Gasoline Tax

Why Our Elites Just Can't Get No Respect

Government-Assisted Economic Suicide

The Real Problem with Taxes

Naomi Oreskes, Conspiracy Queen

Medicare is Bad Medicine for Young America

OK - Just What Is the Ryan Medicare Plan?

Who Spent the Peace Dividend?

Virtual Money, Ugly Reality

Rep. Weiner and the Failure of Anger

Debbie Schlussel:Bend Over for a Ton of New Libyan US Citizens: Judge Seeks Asylum for Libyan “Students”

Debbie Schlussel:GREAT American Story: Holocaust Survivor Dr. Felix Zandman, of Blessed Memory

Debbie Schlussel:“The Road to Independence”: Great Movie About Beginning of American History

Debbie Schlussel:After State Dept “Glitch,” Millions of Muslims Could Get Green Cards, Citizenship

The Rise of the Post-American Empires

Digital deception & the media

Israel’s Missed Opportunities

A Whiff of Secession and Nullification

A River of Race Runs Through It

Obama’s ineligibility: Our permanent political class is the enemy

On Eligibility, It’s Up to the States

Racebaiter Wasserman Schultz Calls Ballot Security Legislation ‘Jim Crow’

Inhofe Hearing Statement: Joint Hearing on Air Quality and Childrens Health

EPA agenda: First bedbugs, next… Black Death?

Kyoto successor looks bleak at Bonn climate talks

Are we in Rome?

The Unshakeable Reality - Begging For A Solution!

CBI warns government of setting tough carbon targets

Ten Questions for Leon Panetta

Ways to Defeat Islamic Jihadism

Attack of the NGOs

The Post Reports on the Poor Republican Tax Heretics

Pelosi Blames GOP for Unemployment [Video]

2012 Presidential Choices – When Lincolnesque is Not a Luxury

American Mosques: Jihad’s Incubators

Dispatch of Suicide Hobbyist “Dr. Death” Kevorkian Offers Questions on Meaning of Life

Obama’s ineligibility: Picking up the pieces after political Armageddon

Another U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Goes Against Illegal Aliens

Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

Obama’s ineligibility: We know


Defense rests at Blagojevich retrial - WJBC - The Voice of Central Illinois

Rod Blagojevich Retrial: Uncharacteristically Offers Shorter Answers | ThirdAge

Prosecutors call Canadian executives as rebuttal witnesses in Blagojevich retrial :: The Republic

Blagojevich closing arguments possible today | WBEZ

+Defense rests at Blagojevich corruption retrial -

31 May:Jesse Jackson Jr. testifies of alleged extortion in Blagojevich retrial - Herald News

*Lipinski contradicts Jackson Jr. testimony, says he never asked Jackson Jr. for $25k contribution - The Blago Blog

FBI supervisory special agent: I offered to record Blagojevich's interview - The Blago Blog

Second roadway witness: Blagojevich said he would do $6 billion Tollway plan - The Blago Blog

Prosecution rebuttal witness: Blagojevich said he was 'the best damn governor in the history of the U.S.' - The Blago Blog

Defense rests case, prosecution begins brief rebuttal case with roadway witness - The Blago Blog

Blagoejvich defense puts FBI agent on stand to try to counter Tollway allegations - The Blago Blog

Defense calls witness to discuss grant for Chicago Academy - The Blago Blog


**Rod Blagojevich: The Blago Blog@ Chicago Sun-Times


Former Mayor Daley’s son profited after airport Wi-Fi deal - Chicago Sun-Times

High Salaries for Top Emanuel Officials - Chicago News Cooperative

Oprah Winfrey street sign never approved by City Council committee - Chicago Sun-Times

Ex-Mayor Daley’s U. of C. salary: $100,000 a year -

Former Chicago Mayor Daley joins law firm -

WLS 890AM:Gun rights group: Lawmakers to blame for rise in flash-mobs

David Ormsby: Is Pat Quinn Challenging Rahm Emanuel to Regain Political Relevance?

Art fraudster sentenced in Chicago -

Rahm Emanuel wants those involved in flash mobs, wildings ‘brought to justice’ - Chicago Sun-Times

New reports of mob attacks include CTA bus encounter | Bleader

Disclose the race of flash mob victims and attackers. - Dennis Byrne's Barbershop

A Brief History of Flash Mobs and Chicago Beach Violence - The 312 - June 2011 - Chicago

Chicago police need to target violent flash mobs - Chicago Tribune Column: Mike Jensen: Sickening fad of violent flash mobs

Media should retire 'flash mob' and use 'death mobs' instead | WBEZ

» Emanuel’s First Test: Gang Mob Attacks Continue in Chicago After Memorial Beach Closing - Big Government

Emanuel, police respond to mob attacks - Chicago Tribune

Quinn names Gery Chico chair of ISBE | WBEZ

Blagojevich and Emanuel talk political deal on tape - Chicago Government |


Transcript: Emanuel asked Blagojevich to appoint his choice as congressional successor - The Washington Post

Clout St: Emanuel's 911 center pick gets thumbs up from aldermen


Ohio governor grants clemency to death row inmate

Police expand search for Indiana college student

Medic: Shelling kills 10 rebels in western Libya

Nuke plant stopped spent fuel pumps to fight fire

Pfizer will stop selling poultry-pumping drug: US

U.S. lawmakers call for reduced role in Afghanistan

Delta boosts bag limit after soldiers complain

Scientists show heart can repair itself, with help

'US faces Jihadist renaissance after bin Laden killing'

PA may delay plans to ask UN for statehood in September

West Bank economy is not flourishing, UN agency says

Iran says it will triple uranium production capacity

Gaddafi forces shell Misrata; 'kill 12 Libyan rebels'

Around 200,000 Israelis visit KKL-JNF parks on Shavuot

Opec: acrimony in Vienna

'PA bans journalists from reporting human rights abuses'

Oil price rises sharply after Opec meeting collapses in disarray

Nato warplanes bombard Tripoli after Gaddafi vows fight to the death

L.A. public school system wastes $500 million on pointless training, report says

Palestinians Are Pawns In The Hands Of Syria, Iran And Hezbollah

The Emptying Of Yemen

Why Does Obama Want To Give Missile Secrets To Russia?!

A Humble Challenge To Bill O’Reilly

Audio:Douglas Murray: ‘Will They Actually Prosecute and Outlaw Seditious Behavior?’

RFK, Friend of Israel Gunned Down By Enemy of The Jews

Report: Is Stealth Technology Obsolete?

BIS Report Shows High US Exposure To European Defaults

Intelligence Report: Left-Wing Extremism On The Rise In Germany

Peruvian Political Shock Waves

People For Peace, Not Land For Peace

American Mosques: Jihad’s Incubators

Will Public Be Intentionally Distracted From Project Gunrunner Hearings?

Report: Iranian Atomic Bomb May Be 8 Weeks Away

Is Obama Deliberately Harming Israeli Covert Ops in Iran?

Mark Your Calendars: Armageddon Date Moved Up

Two Movies With Anti-abortion Messages Seek Distribution

‘Red Eye’ Podcast: Andy Levy’s Water Bed Aquarium

Blooming Obama Apologist: Richard Gere

Watch: ‘The Undefeated’ Trailer

Comedian Chris Titus ‘Jokes’ About Assassinating Sarah Palin (Updated)

World Wonders What Happened to Jon Stewart Who Said a Guilty Weiner’s ‘Got to go’

BigDawg Spotlight On: ‘the IN word’ – The Antidote to Liberal Arts & Political Correctness

‘Gasland’ Director Moves to Memory-Hole Video That Reveals Inconvenient Truths

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter One

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

Weinergate Reality Check

Credit Where It’s Due: Ed Schultz

Politico’s Kinder Hit Piece Hinges On “Unnamed Sources”

NewsBusted: “Who’s Ready for Recovery Summer 2?”

Joan Walsh Still Owes Me and Andrew Breitbart An Apology

Sound Bite For the Day: Flashback – Somebody’s Got to Defend Weiner

New York Times Columnist Kristof’s Foolishness

Will MSM Look into the Global Warming Abyss and Find Their Character?

Breitbart on TODAY: Big Gov’t Publisher Tells the Incredible Story Behind the Weiner Presser

Time to Apologize, Nation Mag Editor Chris Hayes and O’Donnell Producers

MSNBC: (2004) – Natural Disasters Create Jobs, (2011) – Natural Disasters Wipe Out Jobs

Ed Shultz Returns, Calls for Weiner’s Resignation

Wonkette Picks on an Adult for a Change, Fails Miserably

Revenge of The Nerds: ‘Big’ Blogs Scoop the MSM Yet Again

Breitbart Takes Podium at Anthony Weiner Press Conference to Challenge Media

Recap: The Most Ridiculous Leftist Defenses of Anthony Weiner |

White House condemns attack on West Bank mosque

A Hollywood Republican » Are Conservatives Really Blacklisted?

9 Things to Know About Andrew Breitbart - The Hollywood Reporter

Tom Selleck ‘haunted’ by missed chance to play Indiana Jones « Entertainment

Letting the Fox Design the Hen House

Supreme Court Upholds AZ Law Punishing Businesses That Hire Illegal Aliens!

The Audacity of Progressivism

Weiner in the Pressure Cooker

California Pushes for an ‘Amazon Tax’

Medicare: Reform It or Lose It

Self-Policing Bureaucrats Undermine Open Records Laws

VIDEO: Days After Being Arrested, Anti-War Group Code Pink Holds Second ‘Dance Protest’ at Jefferson Memorial

Judge Reverses Decision; Will Now Allow James O’Keefe To Attend Conservative Conference In California

The Pretense of Obama’s ‘Other’ Labor Board’s Investigation of Delta

Oops! Jan Schakowsky, Calling for Higher Taxes, Cites Source Who Collected $250,000 Earmark

The Left’s Hypocrisy On ‘Fake Candidates’ In Wisconsin

Breitbart on TODAY: Big Gov’t Publisher Tells the Incredible Story Behind the Weiner Presser

Obama Sinks With Economy

Big Banks Prepared to Strike Again

Audio:Sarah Palin’s Magical Mystery Tour

Did FCC Collude with Socialist Organization to Push Gov’t Regulation of Internet?

Anthony Weiner scandal puts wife Huma Abedin in the spotlight - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

NYT: Andrew Breitbart, Conservative

Sen. Reid says he can't defend Weiner


8-Jun-11 World View......

7-Jun-11 World View......


Experts Weigh In on Worrisome Toxin -

Caffeine: Too much linked to hallucinations -

Medical News: Flu Shots in Pregnancy May Help Newborns - in Infectious Disease, Flu & URI from MedPage Today

Many Alleged Sexual Assaults at VA Medical Facilities Not Reported, Study Finds -

Redirect Notice

Don’t demogogue me, dude! | The Albert Lea Tribune

House to vote on Medicaid changes | AP Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Bottled water more popular with minorities: Reason for health disparities? - HealthPop - CBS News

WHO Panel Connects Potential Cancer Cause to Cellphone Use | InjuryBoard Kansas City

Four execs face prison for off-label scheme - FiercePharma

Michael Jackson tour insurer wants policy voided - 06/08/2011 | Entertainment News from

Audit: Hurdles remain for upcoming Mars mission | Science and Technology news | - Houston Chronicle

Space Shuttle Endeavour over the years - Photos

YouTube - Spectacular launch of Soyuz spacecraft LIVE on RT

Facebook's facial recognition feature raises more privacy concerns -

Google Maps can now track buses and trains in real time

Google Maps Gets Real-Time Transit Data | News & Opinion |

Microsoft readying own Windows 8 tablet? | Microsoft - CNET News

iCloud: What you need to know | Cloud Computing - InfoWorld

Sun uncorks a massive solar blast - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

YouTube - Raw Video: Unusual Solar Flare Erupts

How the Apple iCloud compares to Google's cloud - Computerworld

YouTube - Apple takes to the clouds

Police expand search for Indiana college student

YouTube - Search for missing student goes viral

Signs of desperation among Wisconsin Republicans? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Rollins says Bachmann 'more substantive' than Palin - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Intel explosion in Arizona hurt 7, but not production |

John Alison, daring WWII fighter pilot who helped lead Burma invasion, dies in DC at 98 - The Washington Post

Parts of Missouri River closed to traffic as waters rise | Reuters

Mueller: 'Nobody is Indispensable' | Main Justice

FBI Will Increase Efforts to Battle Computer Hacking, Mueller Testifies - Bloomberg

Sarah Palin Gets Out-Meaned by Margaret Thatcher | Story | POWERWALL

Ohio governor spares condemned killer of 2 men scheduled to die next week for 1989 slayings - The Washington Post

Casey Anthony Trial: Who Is Defense Attorney Jose Baez? - ABC News

Michelle Obama To Appear On Nickelodeon's iCarly - Political Punch

Rep Frank backs delay in debit card fee cap | Reuters

Obama touts industry-college jobs initiative - Washington Times

DiMasi defense rips “180” on proof standard -

Poll: Record-high number think country headed into depression - Jennifer Epstein -

YouTube - Political Checklist: Troubled Economy a Problem for Obama

Reince Priebus knocks Dems' response to Weiner scandal - Molly Ball -

Tim Pawlenty's New Economic Policy Isn't New, and It's Not Really a Policy - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Arizona wildfire displaces more than 3,000 people -

YouTube - Metro fire crews join Ariz. fight

China Surpasses U.S. As World's Biggest Energy Consumer -

World Stocks Waver After Fed Chairman’s Remarks -

GM to invest $49M in Bedford, Indiana, plant | Detroit Free Press |

Airbus Reports 97 Net Aircraft Orders, Delivers 217 In Jan-May -

BP boss on defensive after Rosneft fiasco | Business | The Guardian

Brazil Markets Taking Latest Political Turmoil In Stride -

ExxonMobil discovers more oil in Gulf of Mexico - Jun. 8, 2011

Treasury 10-Year Securities May Yield 2.961% at Sale, Dealer Survey Shows - Bloomberg

The Associated Press: Report: IRS lax in checking auto buying deductions

U.S. debt to exceed size of economy this year -

CORRECT: Fitch: Failure To Lift Debt Limit Would Imperil US Rating -

Q+A-New bailout package for Greece from EU and IMF | Reuters

YouTube - IMF open to extending terms on official Greek loans

OPEC Can’t Find Consensus on Crude Oil Output Quotas - Bloomberg

Bernanke helps push out rate hike expectations | Reuters

YouTube - Bernanke Sees Faster Growth Ahead for Economy


**Transcripts:7th/Press Conference w/Pres. Obama & Chancellor Merkel

6th/Rep. Anthony Weiner's Press Conference

Roundtable on the Weiner Scandal

Remembering Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger

Geithner at the International Monetary Conference

5th/Guests: Austan Goolsbee and Representative Ron Paul

Guests: Minority Leader Pelosi and Governor Barbour

Interview with White House Advisor Austan Goolsbee

4th/Press Conference with Secretary Gates and Pres. Karzai


The Morning Plum - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Obama On Jobs: "We Don’t Know Yet What Happened" - HUMAN EVENTS

The case against "American exceptionalism" - History -

Pawlenty: ‘Let’s Grow the Economy by 5 percent’ - By Katrina Trinko - The Corner - National Review Online

The Most Important Nominations Held Up by GOP Senators | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - Accusation That Voter ID Is Racist Demeans Blacks

The NAACP enters an unholy alliance: It's fighting charter schools rather than supporting them - Obama and Bernanke Double Down on Economy - Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Opposing view: Expand investments to create jobs -

RealClearPolitics - It's Obama's Economy

The Earth Is Full -

Afghan nation-building programs not sustainable, report says - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Let's Not Forget About Obamacare

The GOP’s Henry VIII impulse - The Boston Globe

Who has what it takes to beat Barack Obama? - Telegraph

HURT: Just another disgraced, delusional creep on the Hill - Washington Times

The dirty trick that launched Anthony Weiner's career - New York City -

RealClearPolitics - Conservatives Insuperable If Inseparable

RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis

Turin Shroud 'the creation of a Renaissance artist' - Telegraph

Written on the skin: the story of magical tattoos | Lifestyle | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

First-of-its-kind fluorescence map offers a new view of the world's land plants

Ancient Assyrian Dictionary Completed by University of Chicago Scholars -

Alien abduction? Defence's X-Files are lost in space


*(Full Show MP3 : 1 Hour, 55 Minutes)6.4.11: Matthew Pellowski & Anastasia Konstantinou


1919 signed letter contains Hitler's first known stance on Jewish 'removal' – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Ancient Assyrian Dictionary Completed by University of Chicago Scholars -

Ancient Greek Knew Geology Thousands of Years Before His Time | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Pyramid Hieroglyphs Likely Engineering Numbers : Discovery News

The million-dollar puzzle that could change the world - physics-math - 07 June 2011 - New Scientist

Brain scan: Alpha geek | The Economist

BBC News - Majestic shuttle in unique station image

European E. coli outbreak: A simple taboo underpins the hysteria over a new German E. coli strain. - By Kent Sepkowitz - Slate Magazine

Poll: Should Sick People Be Paid to Risk Their Lives? | Wired Science |

NASA - NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory Catches “Surfer” Waves on the Sun

New data still have scientists in dark over dark matter | UChicago News

Dolphins use double sonar - Lund University

World's Fastest Bird? Chubby Snipe Snaps Nonstop Record

Cern, Alpha and antimatter storage: why antimatter should matter to us - Telegraph

Corpse Wax: Strange Substance Helps & Hinders Investigations | Adipocere & Forensic Investigations | LiveScience

E. coli: Rise of the Superbacteria - Newsweek

The American Spectator : Save the Smallpox!

Early Americans helped colonise Easter Island - life - 06 June 2011 - New Scientist

Scientists explain the spider web paradox | COSMOS magazine

Who Annoys You More, Climate Change Deniers Or Fetishists?

Archaeology dating technique uncovers 'property boom' of 3700 BC | Science | The Guardian

Two New Elements Join the Periodic Table | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Could Liquid Nitrogen Help Build Tastier Burgers? -

Anti-business Obama helps GOP - Chicago Sun-Times

Martin Feldstein: The Economy Is Worse Than You Think -

How will history judge Obama’s economic policy? - The Washington Post

Economic Disasters That Could Still Strike | The New Republic

The Growing Challenge of Measuring Growth - Brink Lindsey - Growing Pains - Forbes

It's time to focus on free trade - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Despite Opec’s Viennese whirl, the dollar is what determines oil prices - Telegraph

Washington’s Seizure of Sunk Capital — The American Magazine

RealClearMarkets - An "Unusual" Mortgage Coalition Reassembles

The Real Secret to 'Market Beating' Returns -

Holding stocks for 20 years can turn bad returns to good -

Why do we fear a rising China? - The Curious Capitalist -

Institutional Investor Global finance market news, analysis and research

The Death of the American Dream II | Via Meadia

US losing its technological edge? No! -

We need an ‘Evil Plan’ to foil our own leaders Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Wall Street’s biggest secret Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

You’re on your own, kids | James Saft

What to do about Libya’s stalemate? - The Washington Post

U.S. Braces for Withdrawal Along Iraqi Road -

The Rage of the 'Indignants': A European Generation Takes to the Streets - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Remembering Six Days in 1967 - By Michael Oren | Foreign Policy

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: Why it’s no longer Hafez Assad’s Syria

What Russia Fears in Asia | The Diplomat

RealClearWorld - The Next Palestinian Move

Reacting to a Greek tragedy - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 08, 2011

Bashar Assad's savage repression of Syrian people unwittingly makes case for strong Israeli borders

The next IMF boss: Inside job | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

How to exit Afghanistan without creating wider conflict - The Washington Post

After Golan clashes, is Israel rethinking the Assad (or Palestine) file? -by Daniel Levy | The Middle East Channel

Merkel's Visit with Obama: Blow Out Party for a Relationship of Waning Importance - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Egypt haunts Saudi Arabia again | Soumaya Ghannoushi | Comment is free | The Guardian

RealClearWorld - U.S. Bull Wants Help in the China Shop

Asia Times Online :: China's scramble for the African Union

Latin America’s Race to the Middle: Has Humala Renounced Chávez? - Global Spin -

Senate postpones meeting on Libya resolution - Meredith Shiner and Manu Raju -

White House says Senate Dems' jobs bill is too expensive - The Hill's Floor Action

2nd UPDATE: US Senate Poised For Vote On Modified 'Swipe Fee' Proposal -

Our view: Focus on national debt, not another stimulus -

Anthony Weiner is deluded if he thinks he can save his career after lying at weepy press conference

Radioactive politics over nuclear storage at Yucca Mountain - The Washington Post

Review & Outlook: Pawlenty's Growth Marker -

Our view: 'Fracking' with care holds key to energy future -

‘A Bad Man’: Weiner Woman Says Rep Used Government Line for Phone Sex | The Blaze

Weiner ‘Sextee’ Tells Hannity — ‘He’s Done This All the Time’ | The Blaze

Weiner’s Women: Congressman to Single Mom — ‘You Are Not Stalking Me…I Am Stalking You’ | The Blaze

Revealed: Weiner Allegedly Coached Porn Star Twitter Friend How to Lie to Press | The Blaze

In Radio Rant, Limbaugh Calls on Weiner to…Stay in Office? | The Blaze

Did GOP Rep Really Compare Gay Marriage to Incest? | The Blaze

Rush on Romney’s Global Warming Comments: ‘Bye, Bye Nomination’ | The Blaze

Meredith Vieira Says So Long on Final ‘Today’ Episode | The Blaze

Is the U.N. Trying to Strip Americans’ Second Amendment Rights? | The Blaze

Hillary Clinton: Wife, Mother, Politician…Comic Book Character? | The Blaze

China Overtakes US as Top Energy Consumer | The Blaze

Jon Stewart Cuts Wrist on Broken Margarita Glass During Sketch Mocking Weiner Newser | The Blaze

New Book Claims Famed Shroud of Turin Was Created by Renaissance Artist | The Blaze

Oil Surges as OPEC Unexpectedly Refuses to Increase Production | The Blaze

Solar Flare Eruption Creates Spectacular Video, Images | The Blaze

Take a Tour of The Military‘s ’Doomsday Plane’ That Can Survive a Nuclear Blast | The Blaze

Hollywood Writer Describes ‘Coming Out’ As a Conservative | The Blaze

Get a Sneak Peek of Apple‘s Proposed ’Spaceship’ Headquarters in Calif. | The Blaze

Report: Glenn Beck Mentioned in Weiner Sexts (Graphic Content) | The Blaze

Did Herman Cain Really Vow Not to Sign Any Bill Longer Than 3 Pages? | The Blaze

Gripping New Tornado Vid From Joplin Captures Tossed Cars, Injured Dog | The Blaze

Letter that Launched Hitler’s Political Career Acquired by U.S., Says Jews Are An ‘Alien Race’ | The Blaze

Witness: Police Pointed Gun at Us, Smashed Cell Phone For Filming Fatal Shooting | The Blaze

Romney Talks Faith in Contentious Interview: ‘I’m Not a Spokesman for My Church’ | The Blaze

After Violent Arrests, Dem. Congresswoman Wants ‘Dance Day’ at National Mall | The Blaze

NC Lawmaker Angry After Teacher Has Daughter Send Him Note About Budget Cuts | The Blaze

Left’s Fascism Exposed: Obama by Decree Should Strip Companies the Government Pays of Their Right to Engage in Political Activities Including Funding Think Tanks According to Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich | The Blaze

Ancient Men Stayed in Caves While Nomadic Women Roamed About | The Blaze

Sen. Joe Lieberman Says He Will Join Beck for ‘Restoring Courage’ in Israel | The Blaze

Lib Talker Calls on Obama to Starve People in Red States to Stop the GOP From Not Raising Debt Ceiling While Explaining the History Behind Why GOP Maintaining Debt Ceiling Would Not Stop U.S. From Paying Obligations | The Blaze

‘GBTV Is the Future’: Beck Announces Details of New Live Streaming Video Network | The Blaze


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate?

Documents show marriage of Obama's parents a sham

Trump's back! Casting doubt on birth certificate

Corsi hashes it out with Lt. Col. Lakin

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'They have exactly the right guy to eliminate';Democrat strategist assesses political fallout for Weiner in NYC district

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Iran '2 months away' from nukes?;Alireza Jafarzadeh: 'No one knows' if Tehran now has technology to build bomb


Blogger says he has X-rated photo involving Weiner

Rush Limbaugh urges Weiner to 'stand firm'

NYT: Tweeters warned 'schoolgirls' about Weiner - Politics - The New York Times -

OPEC leaves output on hold, causing oil price jump - Yahoo! Finance

Adoption agency fighting 'death sentence'

Dangerous Dog Ordinance in College Park « CBS Atlanta

Firms to cut health plans as reform starts: survey - MarketWatch

Obama Administration Youth Summit: Gov’t ‘Has Finally Come Out of the Closet' |

Issa sets up faceoff with Justice Department

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes

BREAKING: Hidalgo County homicide under investigation (3:40 p.m.) - Las Cruces Sun-News

Politician arrested for planning wave of terror

Iran pushing for Mideast war?

'Personhood' amendment fights for survival in court

Tim Pawlenty: I Would Sign Ban on Planned Parenthood Funding |

Man Faces Lawsuit for Billboard on Girlfriend's Abortion |

Romney now leads Obama among registered voters; 60% of Americans flunk the Democrat on the economy -

Perry's Planned Prayer Event Riles Critics -

Herman Cain in Iowa: I’d hire an openly gay staffer | Iowa Caucuses

James Carville | Obama | The Daily Caller

Obama Announces Job Training Program Amid Poor Economic Numbers -

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions -

Adoption agency fighting 'death sentence'

What Obama learned from Rev. Wright will 'help' U.S.?

Soros-funded, Marxist-led group pushes Net control

Iran pushing for Mideast war?

Neo-Nazi blood libel back in San Fransicko

Your government at work

Sarah's history lesson

For Christians only

President Obama’s phony accounting on the auto industry bailout - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

Obama's secret law in the Patriot Act

Palin documentary: 2012 game changer

'Nation-Builders Anonymous'

A black eye for black Americans

The cancer of regulation

Love of Constitution = stupidity?

The One-State Solution | FrontPage Magazine

America's Unhappy Anniversary: Ten Years of The Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy |


*The big list: Female teachers with students


**Oriental Institute | The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD)


Ancient Assyrian Dictionary Completed by University of Chicago Scholars -


Mother sues drug company Bayer after daughter Michelle Pfleger 'collapses and dies while on birth control pill' | Mail Online

Goshen College scraps national anthem at sporting events -

Rapture rape attempted sexual battery: Man accused of attacking woman pushing stroller in Daytona Beach blames Rapture - South Florida

Queens voodoo mom Marie Lauradin sentenced to 17 years in prison for setting daughter on fire

Allentown attempted murder princess: attempted murder child abuse, -

Teacher who punched student: ‘I had to defend myself’ - TODAY People -

Special needs teacher charged in affair with student | The Citizen

Virginia inmate Ophelia De'lonta files federal lawsuit after botched castration attempt

Woman is injured in Hamilton graveyard by falling tombstone during 'extracurricular activities,' police say |

PC Robert Nicholson sacked after 'inappropriate relationship' with girl, 14 | Mail Online

Witness releases new video of fatal police-involved shooting during Urban Beach Week - Miami Beach -

BB guns: BB guns may face tighter regulation -

Netherlands: Pot shops to be off limits to foreign tourists -

Police: Missing elderly couple found more than 500 miles away in Florida | Houston

Inflatable dolls keep men afloat | Video |

Christmas top ten toys unveiled by Tesco - despite the fact it's June | Mail Online

Don't try this at home! 'Superhands' chef takes cooking to the extreme by dipping his bare hands into BOILING fat | Mail Online

Updated with Video: Rep. Anthony Weiner Admits Sending Pictures

Administration Puts Little Effort Into Stemming The Tide Of Foreclosures From The Unemployed

Cantor: No reason to doubt Geithner's Aug. 2 debt ceiling deadline

Rick Santorum Makes It Official. He's 'In It To Win It' On The Republican Presidential Nomination

And Then There Were Three: Three Full Meltdowns Confirmed At Fukushima

Hartmann Debates One of the 'Tea Party's Favorite Doctors' on Her Article 'Who's Pushing Granny Over the Cliff?'

Pain at the Gas Pump? Blame the Kochs.

Our Economy's Best Chance

Social Security isn't out of the woods yet

White House Economic Adviser Austan Goolsbee To Leave This Summer

Michelle Rhee's Handiwork: Florida Diplomas For Sale And Much More

Herman Cain Good With Gays Because 'They Won't Impose Sharia Law'

81% of guests booked by Fox News opposed regulating greenhouse gasses

GOPese to English Dictionary

Polls all say it: Dems will get punished if they vote to cut benefits from Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security

Colbert Attempts to Prove Palin's Version of Paul Revere's Famous Ride

A Love Letter From Space

Iman Obeidi Leaves Libya For The United States

The Smoking Gun: Attack On Weiner Was Coordinated With Darrell Issa's Office. Hmm.

Sarah Palin Shows Her Mean Girl Persona In "Apology" For Stealing Romney's Spotlight

Uygur: Pawlenty's Budget Proposal Just More Voodoo Economics

Joe Lieberman becomes Glenn Beck's newest fanboy and will attend his 'Restoring Courage' Rally

They made their bed, but they don't want to lie in it.

Americans for Prosperity Posts Fake Eviction Notices


**NEWS VIDEOS:Salon’s Joan Walsh: Weiner ‘Made Me Look Stupid’

Piers Morgan Asks Ann Coulter if Tea Party is Modern Version of Hitler and Mussolini’s Followers

Jon Stewart Takes Full Responsibility for Not Covering Weiner Presser

‘Red Eye’ Throws Party for Breitbart, Complete with Robots

7TH/World Wonders What Happened to Jon Stewart Who Said a Guilty Weiner’s ‘Got to go’

MSNBC’s Uygur on Weiner: ‘You Know How Many Times I Lied To Girlfriends?’

Breitbart and O’Reilly Discuss Left-Wing Smear Tactics in Weinergate Saga

First Pictures Of Wisconsin F-16 Fighter Crash

Stage Right Show – Guests: Big J’lism’s Dana Loesch & Washington Times’ Kerry Picket

Big Government’s Joel Pollak Explains How Big Government Ran with Weinergate Story

Race Card: DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Calls Ballot Security Legislation ‘Jim Crow’

RNC Chair to Weiner: Scram!

CNN’s Morgan Plays the Mormon Card on Romney

Flashback: MSNBC Host Claims ‘Somebody’s Gotta Defend’ Weiner; Breitbart a ‘Proven Liar’

Blitzer: I Believed Weiner Was Hacked

Weinergate Wrap-Up: Rush at His Best

Breitbart Tells Matt Lauer How He Broke Weinergate Story

Time to Apologize, Nation Mag Editor Chris Hayes and O’Donnell Producers

Breitbart to CNN:People Send Me These Stories Because They Know the MSM is Liberal

Jon Stewart Spares Buddy Anthony Weiner the Full ‘Daily Show’ Treatment

Breitbart’s ‘Hannity’ Interview on Weinergate

Chris Matthews on Weiner’s Wife: ‘Maybe She’s Partly Responsible’

Allen West Responds to Weinergate

Carville on Democrat Reaction to Weinergate: ‘They’re Really Mad at Him’

Coulter’s Take on Weinergate

Weinergate: Meagan Broussard Speaks

Disgraced Schultz Advises Disgraced Weiner: Take One For the Team, Resign

6TH/Video Said to Show Syrian Protesters Under Fire

Breitbart Warns Left About Attacking Weinergate Whistle Blower: ‘Don’t Go There’


**Markets Video:Richard Branson's War on Drugs

Forbes: Fate of U.S. Dollar

Jamie Dimon Presses Ben Bernanke

Cramer: Market Could Continue to Decline

So What Exactly is the Cloud Anyway?

6TH/Apoteker: Further Easing 'Lethal Cocktail' for Bonds

China Denies Cyber Spying Role

Stock Touters Prey on Inflation Fears

Embrace the Rat Race?

Apple Takes to the iCloud


**World Video:Building Strong International Security Partnerships

What Should U.S. Be Doing in Syria?

Arab Spring, Violent Summer?

Yemen Violence Hampers War on Terror

Is Yemen Up For Grabs?

Raw Video: NATO's Blistering Airstrikes In Libya

'Just Matter Of Time' Before Gaddafi Resigns

Gaddafi Refuses To Give In

Yemen Leader Hurt Worse Than Thought

Graphic Video: Ambush Kills 120 Syrian Police, Soldiers

U.S. Troop Drawdown in Afghanistan

Education Key to Building Afghan Security Forces' Capacity

Yemen 201

Tension in Shughour as Syrians Flee to Turkey

7TH/A Perspective on U.S.-China Relations

Concerns Grow Over Yemen Turmoil

Limited Options in Yemen

Will al-Qaeda Take Control in Yemen?

Hashem Ahelbarra Discusses the Situation in Yemen

Yemeni Protesters Demand Transition

Pakistan Taliban: New Life From bin Laden's Death

IMF Backs Government Finance Plan

Life And Death On Afghan Front Line

Libyan TV Studios 'Hit By NATO'

Devastating Floods Hit Southwestern China

Memories Of D-Day

Condoleezza Rice on the Importance of Foreign Aid

Sestak: No One Will Win Libyan Civil War


**Politics Video:Obama: "We Got To Light More Sparks Across America"

Krauthammer Tells GOP To Lay Off: Let Weiner "Unravel" Himself

"Ed Show" Panel Showdown: Schultz Takes On Press Over Weiner

Bill O'Reilly: Anger Over Obama's Handling Of Economy

O'Donnell: Most Voters "Don't Really Know Anything About The Economy"

7TH/Patriotic Millionaires' Message To Congress: "Tax Me"

MSNBC's Ed Schultz Doubles Down On Call For Weiner To Resign

Former DNC Chair Tim Kaine: Weiner Should Resign

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus To Weiner: Resign

Chris Matthews Reads Dirty Messages From Weiner To Woman

Joan Walsh On Defending Weiner: "I Look Kind Of Stupid"

Herman Cain: "We Cannot Appoint Ourselves Policemen For The World"

Donald Trump: Anthony Weiner Is A "Psycho"

Woman Who Received Photos From Weiner Speaks Out

Charles Blow: Weiner Doesn't "Know How To Handle His Scandal"

Pawlenty Slams "Crony Capitalism" Between Obama And GM

Mark Levin: "Washington Is Very Sick And It's Getting Sicker"

Harry Reid To Weiner: "Call Somebody Else"

Limbaugh On Anthony Weiner And The "Culture Of Erection"

Charlie Cook: "Stimulus Has Been Totally Discredited"

DNC Chair: GOP Wants To "Drag Us All The Way Back To Jim Crow"

Bachmann Campaign Manager Ed Rollins: Palin "Has Not Been Serious"

Obama: "I'm Not Concerned About A Double-Dip Recession"

Kornacki: Weiner Now Has No "Rationale" To Be In Congress

Bill Press: Weiner Let Me Down, But He Shouldn't Resign

Krauthammer: Weiner Story Will Continue; He's A "Goner"

Bill O'Reilly: Congressman Weiner Comes Clean

*8 June

American Minute for June 8th

June 8 Events in History

This Day in History for 8th June

June 8th in History

Today in History: June 8

Today in History: June 8 » History Net

June 8th This Day in History

YouTube - Today In History For June 8th


June 7, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 7 June 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, June, 07, 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-07, Tuesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-7-11

06/07 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 06/07/2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 7th, 2011 |


Bilderberg Meetings | The official website

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