A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

10 June 2011


YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson Calls for Peaceful Protest at Bilderberg Meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland

YouTube - Bomb Scare Shuts Down Road/Trains to Bilderberg Meeting - Alex Jones Tv

» Bilderberg 2011: Photographs Of Delegates Arriving At Airport Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Clinton to Head Globalist Loan Sharking Operation at World Bank? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Revolution Against Bilderberg Gains Momentum Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Swiss Newspapers Cover Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

** Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NATO Chief Rasmussen to Discuss Expanding Libya War at Bilderberg Summit Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Swiss Security Rip Down anti-Bilderberg Banner, Steal Camera Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bomb Scare Shuts Down Road to Bilderberg Meeting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Video: Richard Perle, Bill Gates, Other Delegates Spotted At Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*High Quality Bilderberg 2011 Video & Photos, St. Moritz Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Europe Marches on Bilderberg Tyrants Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Plutocratic Puppeteers Meet In Switzerland For Annual Bilderberg Conference Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» BBC’s Disinfo Piece: “Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderbergers May Give Green Light to Mexican Central Banker as New IMF Boss Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Exclusive: Live Video & Photos from Bilderberg (Continually Updated) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Breaking: Secret Bilderberg Agenda Leaked by Mole Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Europeans to Converge on Switzerland for Bilderberg Protest Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*Survetta House - Google Maps

Elite Bilderberg 2011 Meeting Draws Scrutiny

» Leveraged-buyout magnate Henry Kravis and wife Marie-Josee Kravis arrive at Bilderberg 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head - Alex Jones 1/3

YouTube - Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head - Alex Jones 2/3

YouTube - Bilderberg to Decide IMF Head - Alex Jones 3/3

2011 Bilderberg Coverage Day 1 with Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes

VIDEO: Bilderberg Security Crackdown Initiated

High Quality Bilderberg 2011 Video & Photos, St. Moritz

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run

Bilderberg 2011: For he's a jolly good Rockefeller | World news |

The Local - MEP 'bloodied' sneaking into Bilderberg hotel

Luke Rudkowski Goes to Dinner at Bilderberg Meeting

Bilderberg: A Tea Party For The Oligarchical Elite? Think Again

RT – Bilderberg: world’s fate sealed behind closed doors

Bilderberger Rushed to Hospital?

BBC News - Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?

The Bilderberg Group, a controversial invitation-only gathering of the world’s power brokers, is set to meet in the Swiss resort of St Moritz on Thursday. - swissinfo

Bilderberg 2011: The polished blue line | World news |

Friends in High Places: Bilderberg 2011 Kicks Off - CNBC

Plutocratic Puppeteers Meet In Switzerland For Annual Bilderberg Conference

AFP editor Mark Anderson probes Bilderberg 2011

VIDEO Report: Richard Perle, Bill Gates, Other Delegates Spotted At Bilderberg, Medical Emergency For One Sick Bilderberger?

Police block roads into Bilderberg citing BOMB THREAT, Conference Postponed

Ruins of Liberty: Swiss Media: Large Protest Planned at Bilderberg, June 9 2011

PHOTO: David Rockefeller Arriving At Bilderberg 2011

Bilderberg 2011 Attendee Photos

Bilderberg 2011: The curtains are drawn | World news |

Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda

The Elite’s Plan For Global Extermination


** 2011


» Globalist Org Reports 15,000 Dead in Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

Obama healthcare law: Judges sharply challenge Obama healthcare law -

» Holding the President Accountable on Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Shootout between U. S. law enforcement and drug cartel on Texas border Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gadahn Call for Gun Violence Merges With Obama’s “Under the Radar” Anti-gun Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes

» Kitco Charged With Massive Tax Fraud Scheme, Business Viability In Question Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Drug firms go online to test and sell medicines -

Peru approves 10 year ban on GM crops

FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic (but keep eating it, yo!)

China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk

3 VIDEOS:Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - How five-second airport scanner tunnel works

New airport scanner which will take just five seconds - Telegraph

Get Ready for the Next Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers - CNBC

China ratings house says US defaulting: report - Yahoo! News

Qaddafi’s Son Approaches Rebels With Libya Exit Proposal, Jebril Aide Says - Bloomberg

U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes -

Japan mulls closure of N-reactors by April

Gates says no hasty U.S. troop cut in Afghanistan | Reuters

GOP Consultants Expecting Newt’s Guys to Jump to Perry - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

IMF: Lagarde Appointment "Done Deal", Says Rival - CNBC

» 10 Signs That Wall Street Is About To Go Into Panic Mode Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New TSA Technology with Alex Jones

2 VIDEOS:Jesse Ventura & Alex Jones: Declaring Independence Against The Red Coat Pedophile TSA

Japan: Land Of The Rising Sun And The Irradiated Ground

FCC chairman Julius Genachowski agrees to remove Fairness Doctrine from rulebook | The Raw Story

Obama Administration Spends $17.4 Million to Explore Market for Carbon Credits |

AFP: US reaches plea deal with NSA spy whistle-blower

Napolitano: No “Logic” In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35

US keeping secret stash of smallpox viruses at lab in Georgia to use for future bioweapons

YouTube - Massive Prominence Eruption / CME June 7 , 2011

NASA: Huge solar flare may disrupt power and communications | The Raw Story

To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States

Aussies may kill 1.2 million camels to reduce greenhouse gases | The Raw Story


*(w/Links)Is lithium the next fluoride? Medication may be added to the water supply


New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami

World entering era of permanent food crisis, with prices to double over next 20 years

18 Signs The Collapse Of Society Is Accelerating

Attorney general rules out new David Kelly inquest | Politics |

Janet Napolitano Visits NYU Law School to Discuss Need For Citizen Spies (Video)

10 Signs That Wall Street Is About To Go Into Panic Mode

US Treasury Burns $90 Billion in 8 Days

The Handling of the Economic Crisis May Lead to Civil Unrest

Time to take a chainsaw to spending


Obama Ordered To Secret Bilderberg Meet Over US Bio-Attack On Germany


Amid savage crackdown on protest, Obama welcomes Bahrain prince

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama Welcomes Thieving African Dictator to White House…

6 in 10 Americans Now Oppose Obama's War in Libya - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Gates Blasts NATO, Questions Future of Alliance -

Justice case against alleged leaker collapses - US news - Security -

Hackers Grapple With Rivals, FBI to Control Armies of Hijacked Computers - Bloomberg

James Carville | Obama | The Daily Caller

Russian presidential guards order black leather coats reminiscent of Stalin’s secret police - The Washington Post

AFP: Russia lost edge during Putin era: World Bank

Medvedev warns US of new arms race without shield assurances « Tribune – Comment, news and reviews from Britain's democratic left

New US-Russia arms race? Battle lines grow over missile defense. -


LEAP 2020

World Bank

IMF -- International Monetary Fund

World Trade Organization

United Nations

Federal Reserve System

Internal Revenue Service

Trilateral Commission


Council on Foreign Relations

Bilderberg Meetings


**Bilderberg 2011: Master Page


*Activist Post: Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List

YouTube - Bildeberg bans media

Activist Post: US denies Clinton seeking to be World Bank chief

Activist Post: Bilderberg Enforcers Destroy Free Speech at Conference (Video)

YouTube - Bilderberg 2011. Swiss Security Rip Down anti-Bilderberg Banner, Steal Camera


YouTube - World Bank creating poverty (BBC Newsnight)

YouTube - Ron Paul on Newsmax TV 6-8-11: We Do In Many Ways Have A Dictatorship

Hillary Clinton 'wants to quit to run World Bank' - Telegraph

YouTube - Ron Paul "What Should The Role Of Govt Be? For Me It's To Promote Liberty & NOT Police The World!"

YouTube - Ron Paul: Freedom is Popular

YouTube - Ron Paul: End Obamacare, Abolish the IRS, Eliminate Support for Big Government

YouTube - Ron Paul The Enemy of America. AIPAC PNAC Trilateral CFR NWO 2012

Bernie Sanders: The Top Ten U.S. Corporate Tax Avoiders - Home - The Daily Bail Casey Anthony Distraction

Firefox add-on with 7m downloads can invade privacy • The Register

18 Signs The Collapse Of Society Is Accelerating

Citigroup Hacked, Exposing 200,000 Accounts - 12160

Panetta: The next great battle America faces is likely to involve cyberwarfare - 12160

TSA Harasses Mentally Disabled Man As Possible Terrorist :

Exclusive: Expert: Americans will likely pay for Fukushima radiation deception - National Human Rights |

Political Irony › Only the little people pay taxes

The Safe Banking Fantasy by Gary North

The Economic Statistic US Elites Keep ‘Hush-Hush’ | Alrroya

Five Out Of Five Economists Agree: QE3 Is Coming - Home - The Daily Bail

Chris Whalen: "Geithner Is Wrong! There Is No Downside To Not Raising The Debt Ceiling" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

German Federal Constitutional Court To Challenge Greek Bailout, Claims Action Is Unconstitutional | zero hedge

3 Iraqi officials assassinated in Baghdad -

Ex-NSA official gets espionage plea deal -

Lone Star Watchdog: The Texas Governor May Not See The Light. So Lets Make Him Feel The Heat.We Want The TSA Bill Passed Into Law

Activist Post: Globalist Spin and the Syrian Unrest

10 Tipping Points Which Could Potentially Plunge The World Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare |

BBC News - Voyagers ride 'magnetic bubbles'

Afghanistan: Why Civilians are Killed | My Catbird Seat

The Audacity to Recognize a Palestinian State is Now | My Catbird Seat

Gasparino: DOJ Will Determine Whether Blankfein Stays as CEO Of Goldman, Board Willing To Sacrifice Lloyd In Exchange For Leniency - Home - The Daily Bail

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Goldman Sachs Got Billions From Taxpayers Thru AIG For Its OWN Account, Crisis Panel Finds; Contradicting SWORN Testimony From Execs - Home - The Daily Bail

Deadly Fungus Hits Joplin Like a Ton Of Bricks :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Why Are We Insisting To Keep Troops In Iraq When Their Government Is Asking Us To Leave?

Philip Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: NATO shortcomings 'could jeopardise Libya mission'

US, France, UK Declare War on Freedom of the Web

The Intercept: Alexander Cockburn: Where’s the evidence of Gaddafi’s war crimes in Libya?

The Intercept: The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

Biggest Solar Flare in Years Erupts, to Blow Earth's Magnetic Field - International Business Times

YouTube - US debt to exceed economy

Jack Cafferty: GE Paid No Taxes For 2009 & 2010: "Corporations Own The U.S. Government" - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - US Soldiers Tell The Truth THEY PLANTED WEAPONS & Killed innocent people!


THE DAILY STAR :: News :: Middle East :: Existence of Syrian-American blogger questioned

Air National Guard training flights grounded for now after crash

Gazprom Neft wants to start oil production in Venezuela in 2013 | Business | RIA Novosti

NRC Investigation Yields “New” Flaws In American Emergency Response – Nuclear Power Plant Inspection Findings Released :

Timo Soini: Why I Don't Support Europe's Bailouts -

Breaking: GOING ROGUE: DOCUMENTED NATO War Crimes in Libya :

Cops Arrest Journalists In Wisconsin For Filming Protest Crackdown | Alexander Higgins Blog

Corpse Left to Rot at Detroit's Hotel Yorba for Hours

Ministers fall for climate folly, warns ex-Civil Service chief | Mail Online

TSA Considering Banning Photography Of Checkpoints | Pixiq

Dr David Kelly: Attorney General refuses full inquest into weapons inspector's death | Mail Online

Middle East Peace: What have Obama and Netanyahu wrought? - by Henry Siegman | The Middle East Channel

BOMBSHELL REPORT - European Central Bank Risks Being 'Bankrupted' By Bailouts: "If Assets Fall By Just 4.23%, Its Entire Capital Base Would Be Wiped Out" - Home - The Daily Bail

Dr. David Mandy: Special Needs Son Harassed by TSA at Detroit Metropolitan Airport

Your 2012 Congressional Campaign Stump Speech | Video Rebel's Blog

Law bans Internet images that cause 'emotional distress' | Weird | News | Toronto Sun

Radioactive strontium detected 62 km from Fukushima No. 1 plant | The Japan Times Online

New flu virus emerges after child infected with two flu strains -

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: One Worker Fell Unconscious, 9 Workers Exceeded Allotted Radiation Level | EX-SKF

NHK WORLD English/Radiation in No. 3 reactor too high for work

#Radioactive Cement Here We Come! | EX-SKF

YouTube - Mutant Rabbit Born Near Fukushima Daiichi

#Radiation Contamination in Japan: "Let's All Help Fukushima Farmers" by Buying Their Produce | EX-SKF

#Radioactive Tea: Shizuoka Government Told Online Food Grocer Not to Publish the Test Result for Tea on Their Website | EX-SKF

Breaking the Silence › Video Testimony - Assessment Rubric

*Breaking the Silence (Organization)

Activist Post: Janet Napolitano Visits NYU Law School to Discuss Need For Citizen Spies (Video)

Churches Worldwide to Show Support for Israel May 23 - The Israel Project

*Gouge On Paper Money; Short History Of Paper-Money

Sound Money Bill Letter to 1100 State Legislators

This Costs The States 2 Billion Dollars A Year

Does kidnapped U.S. lesbian blogger Amina Arraf in Syria actually exist? | Mail Online

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - IDF-Lethal Ambiguity

Osama bin Laden's deputy vows Muslims will destroy America - Telegraph

Disturbing Language Reality Facing America


*Inside Job - The Movie*


*(8 Part)American's Journey: Inside Job (2010) Video - Full Movie


Phone-hacking scandal: Jonathan Rees obtained information using dark arts | Media | The Guardian

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils | UK news | The Guardian

Paul Drockton M.A.: Visions of the Coming Kingdom of God

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon "Freedom Festival" Honors Former Nazi's Compliance

Paul Drockton M.A.: Patriotism Vs. Globalism

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Zombies That Walk Among Us

YouTube - Freedom of Speech can mean Go To Jail

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - New York Times Concealed Ukrainian Genocide

IMF Financial Terrorism

Fed: Default would be dangerous; Fitch may cut rating | Reuters

China warns U.S. debt-default idea is playing with fire | Reuters

Global Economic Crisis Deepening

The War on Terror and It’s Motives | Opinion Maker

US universities in Africa 'land grab' | World news | The Guardian

Harvard scientists reverse the ageing process in mice – now for humans | Science | The Guardian

Half of UK population had swine flu during pandemic and many didn't even realise it | Mail Online

Lucas Whitefield Hixson | #Fukushima | #Enformable: Summer Brings New Problems Affecting Japan And World: Will Fukushima Cause International Higher Mortality Rates?

John King USA: Blog Archive - Japan's radiation twice as bad « - Blogs

Roundup Birth Defects: Regulators Knew World's Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report Finds

6 Real Examples of Food Terrorism | Farm Wars

James Turk's presentation on the gold price and the US dollar

Libya war costs US taxpayers $2m a day and still no Gaddafi | Mail Online

Exxon has 3 deepwater Gulf of Mexico discoveries - Yahoo! News

U.S. intensifying covert war in Yemen: report | Reuters

American Policy Center » Attack of the NGOs

AFP: Japan's TEPCO shares plunge 20% to new low

David Cameron warns against Syria UN veto - News, Books - The Independent

Blair demands more allied military action - World Politics, World - The Independent

European parliament refuses to release expenses report - Telegraph

Russia defies growing consensus with declaration of 'total war on drugs' | World news | The Guardian

Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature | Technology |

Endless War US Soldiers Tell The Truth: Confess to Institutionally-Sanctioned War Crimes

Tony Blair: EU needs elected president, former PM says - Telegraph

Apple plans new 'spaceship' HQ: Steve Jobs wows Cupertino council | Mail Online

U.S. Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Climb - Bloomberg

Exclusive - Bullard sees U.S. default as big global risk | Reuters

Sarah Burge: 'Human Barbie' gives daughter boob job voucher for 7th birthday | Mail Online

Electrical Fire Knocks Out Spent Fuel Cooling at Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Scientific American

#Fukushima I Nuke Accident: EU's "Stress Test" For Nuclear Reactors Just like US's "Stress Test" for Wall Street Banks | EX-SKF - Israel Created Hamas to Avoid Peace

Paul Drockton M.A.: Silver Price Manipulation and the Coming Silver Shortage


*1:02:47-YouTube - College Conspiracy


YouTube - Alabama Passes U.S. Toughest Immigration Law! (First They Came For The Mexicans... )

YouTube - Miami Beach Cops Also Seized NEWS Camera At The Scene Of Shooting

Labor Pains

Protest To End The Fed Kicks Off On 4th of July

Lack of buyers may force Treasury to boost rates - Washington Times

Democrats Demand Anthony Weiner’s Resignation | VF Daily | Vanity Fair

John Edwards – Is It A Federal Crime To Be A Sleaze?

Do Democrats Like Their Crow Grilled or Fried?


Are You Still Drinking Soda?

Selenium: Super Mineral


The Three Coming False Flags


EPA: Environmental Propaganda Activists—The myth of killer mercury | NetRight Daily

**Conducting Foreign Relations Without Authority: The Logan Act

Americans' equity in their homes near a record low - Yahoo! Finance

GE toxins found in foetuses, research shows - Story - National - 3 News

Globalist Spin & the Syrian Unrest: Cartoonish propaganda punctuates the last leg of the "Arab Spring." -

The Pesticides and Politics of America's Eco-War -

Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA | Food Freedom

YouTube - John Taylor Gatto: On Life and Education

Syrian Refugees Being Forced Over Turkish Border

Michelle Obama Promotes Fitness for Young Children

Hillary Clinton Not Joining World Bank, Spokesman Says

Heat Wave Overtakes the East Coast

Prince Phillip Turns 90

6,000 Nortel Networks Patents in Review at U.S. Justice Department

Second Mortgages? U.S. Mortgage Activity at a Stand Still

Barbie Protest Outside of Mattel Results in 10 Arrests

Warren Buffett Lunch Auction Already in the Millions

Ja Rule Begins 2-Year Prison Sentence in Gun Case

Bag Fees Backlash Forces Delta Airlines to Reverse Military Policy

Solar Flare Caught by Nasa Cameras » Farmageddon


YouTube - Radiation check in Japan June7/11

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

BBC’s Disinfo Piece: “Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?”

Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions (video)

Israel Attacks America

Libya: A Deafening Silence

Pakistan for Sale

Cyberwar, Stuxnet and People in Glass Houses

Could Obama Veto Palestine's Application to the United Nations

Is the White House Up for Grabs?

Early Childhood Military Education?


YouTube - AFP editor Mark Anderson probes Bilderberg 2011



High command quits Gingrich campaign - The Washington Post

Chicago Police Brace for 'Flash Mob' Attacks -

BBC News - Nicotine treatment 'could control obesity'

Six More Years: U.S. General Wants to Train Afghans Until ‘2017′ | Danger Room |

Corn Futures Climb to Three-Year High as USDA Slashes Inventory Estimates - Bloomberg

The Biggest Bank in France Has Suddenly Cut ATM Card Access to Cash in Half and People are Freaking Out! | Max Keiser

Why Is The Federal Government Running Ads Secretly Created & Owned By NBC Universal? | Techdirt

VIDEO: Bilderberg 2011: Globalists' Meeting Behind Closed Doors

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People

*The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

The Greatest Depression Has Only Begun

NATO is in an Act of War Against Africa

Towards a World War III Scenario.

Holocaust survivors denounce pope's Croatia statement

America's Next War Theater: Syria and Lebanon?

War as a "Humanitarian Endeavor": NATO’s Libya 'hope' strategy is bombing


VIDEO: Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights

The U.S. Is Developing a Strategic Military Technological Advantage Over Russia

US oil deal reveals real reasons behind Libya campaign

Obama's Fourth War Intensifying, Who Will Be Victim Of the Fifth War?

Afghanistan: Why Civilians are Killed? A People’s War: Not a "War on Terror"

USS Liberty: Government Betrayal and Cover-up Finally Exposed

VIDEO: The Real Dangers of Nuclear Power and Nuclear War

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Freemasons and The House of Rothschild

Lost Memories: Unpacking the Reagan Myth (before it spreads)

America's Unipolar World and the Countervailing Powers of the Eurasian SCO Military Alliance

The US-Canada Perimeter Security and an Integrated North American Command

The Decline of Trade-Unions in the US and Canada

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

Eurasian Heartland: America Breathes Life into a New Cold War

How the Empire will Prevail: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

YouTube - No Lock Boxes for Cedar Falls!

Must See Tom Woods Speech | National Inflation Association Blog

Hathaway Confirms Gold to Trade in the Five Digits

Why TSA, Wars, State Defined Diets, Seat-Belt Laws, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, and Efforts to Control the Internet, Are Essential to the State - informationliberation

Patriotism Is the Last Refuge of an Idiot - informationliberation

Anarchy in India - informationliberation

What Better Time than Now to End the Drug War? - informationliberation

War Costs Soar, and Yet More War Than We Bargained For - informationliberation

GOLDEN HOOKAH WINNER: Dope-Smoking, Menstruating Monkey Study Got $3.6 Million in Tax Dollars |

OUTRAGE OF THE WEEK: Cops Say It’s ILLEGAL for Kids to Play Outside, Unsupervised « FreeRangeKids

Feds Ridiculous Prosecution Of Whistleblower Thomas Drake Falling Apart | Techdirt

WikiLeaks Grand Jury investigation widens - Glenn Greenwald -

Malaysia: Pirate Bay, MegaUpload & Others Blocked By Government Order - informationliberation

Our Economic Future: From Best to Worst Case - informationliberation

The Next American Revolution Won't Be Like the First - informationliberation

Articles: Obama and the End of Western Civilization

Germany’s superbug is weaponized with Bubonic Plague DNA | Food Freedom

Panetta: Escalate Shadow Wars, Expand Black Ops | Danger Room |

The Ulsterman Report: Is Obama’s Watergate Moment Coming? | Newsflavor

Has Outpost Alpha From The Ahriman Gate Been Discovered?

Is Your Food Still Safe to Eat? - Digestive Health Center - Everyday Health

NHS indignity: Peter Thompson's body ignored for hours in corridor of Edale House unit | Mail Online

Human, More Human

Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills

An apple a day keeps your body toned and slender - Telegraph

China, Russia Could Make U.S. Stealth Tech Obsolete | Danger Room |

The Fall of Bilderberg: The People Strike Back | Old-Thinker News

Is this the checkpoint of the future? -

Humans become 'pets' in rise of the machines: Apple co-founder

Newsmax Joins Obama for White House Economic Summit

CNN Poll: 75% Approve of Obama Personally

Weak Econ Data Emboldens GOP Deficit Hawks

Shiller: Dismal Housing, Jobs Data May Push US Into Recession

Obama: More Relaxed as Campaigner than Leader

Senate Dems Hit Obama on Jobs

Lieberman: Increase Medicare Eligibility Age

Perry May Join Prez Race After Newt Debacle

Poll Shows Weiner May Survive Online Misbehavior

Gates Blasts NATO, Questions Future of Alliance

Gingrich Remains a Candidate, but How Serious?

Hatch: Obama's Borders Policy Undermines Israel

Scalia Rips Lawmakers as Sleepy, Lazy

Romney Won't Participate in Iowa Test Vote

Rick Perry 'Sees Void,' Making 2012 Plans

Gingrich Vows to Stay in GOP Presidential Race

China Agency: US Already Defaulting on Debt

2 Guilty in Murder of Journalist Checking Muslim Group

Tomb of Unknowns Beset With Cracks, Failed Fixes

Herman Cain Unabashed in Views on Gays

Study: Most Folks Won't be Able to Retire Until 80

Scientists Discover Why Smokers Tend To Be Thinner

Ron Paul Steals the Show at Faith and Freedom Conference

Obama Giving the US to China

Where Is Obama's Immigration Policy?

US Businessman Found Guilty in Terrorism Trial

GOP’s ‘Durbin Dozen’ Keeps Dodd-Frank Price Controls

GOP Medicare Reforms Deserve Better Marketing


*Wikileaks Mirrors



YouTube - A Scandal

Tax cuts push debt to new milestone


Toxin from GM crops found in human blood: Study : North: India Today

BP Oil Spill In Gulf Of Mexico: Oil And Corexit Is Killing Everything In Its Path! Photos :

Lone Star Watchdog: Are the State Governors Ready to Sell Out to the Communist Chinese?

East Jerusalem: Sharing our house with settlers - video

Romney Retreats From Iowa Straw Poll

Democratic Senator: Environmental Protection Agency Out of Control

Canada Pipeline Is Critical to U.S. Energy Security, Oil Industry Says

YouTube - Golden Hookah: Monkey Drug Addiction

GOLDEN HOOKAH WINNER: Dope-Smoking, Menstruating Monkey Study Got $3.6 Million in Tax Dollars

HHS Official Tells Youth Summit: We're Recruiting LGBTs to Adopt Kids

WH Praises as 'Global Leader' Gabonese President Accused of Corruption

Gingrich: 'Strategic Difference' Plagued Campaign

Rich Galen: Wings Come Off the Gingrich Campaign

127 Border Patrol and Customs Workers Arrested for Corruption

Parting Shot: Defense Secretary Gates Blasts NATO

Jennifer Garner: Obama's $500 Million 'Not Enough' for Federally Funded Toddler Education

'Today, We Gather to End AIDS,' Says U.N. Chief

Pakistan Pressed to Repeal Blasphemy Laws, End ‘Vigilante Violence’

Michelle Malkin: The Government Job-Training Juggernaut

Brent Bozell: Viacom’s Endless Violations

3 Years After Bitter-People-Clinging-to-Guns Speech, Obama Creates ‘Rural Council’

Ethanol issue slips behind jobs, deficit in Iowa

Panetta sees Gadhafi regime weakening in Libya

Merchants beat bankers in Senate debit card vote

Special dogs track allergens to keep kids safe

Clinton in Zambia Promoting Women's Empowerment, Commerce

Warplanes strike Islamic militants in Yemen

Custody Dispute Goes Viral after Judge's Decision

AP Source: Counterterrorism Chief Resigns

Survey Shows Americans' Conflicted Abortion Views

Study Shows Preschool's Benefits Are Long-Lasting

Malcolm X Daughter Pleads Guilty in NYC to Theft

Senate Bill Uses Libya Assets for Humanitarian Aid

NYC food truck selling wine with street tacos

Do more on jobs, Dems tell Obama

Robert Reich: Exempt first $20K of income from payroll taxes

Reeling from Ryan budget, GOP wary of debt deal vote

Panetta: OK if some troops stay in Iraq

Gingrich's loss could be Gov. Rick Perry's campaign

Romney runs in front; Democrats try trip-ups

MTV Cancels Racy Teen Drama 'Skins' After One Season

Senate spends historic amount of time performing a time-killing ritual

Apple to stop accepting DUI checkpoint apps

In Egypt, new energy for Islamists vying for political power

Republican congressman announces second hearing into Muslim-American radicalization

In Iraq, military still seen as dysfunctional

Pace quickens in Biden debt negotiations

Dems defend NLRB against GOP outrage on Boeing case

EPA to test Phoenix homes near old Motorola site

Supreme Court continues to define what constitutes a ‘violent felony’

Mexican national gets life without parole for woman's murder

RTD looks to relocate prairie dogs along planned DIA train route

Feral Pack of Dogs Terrorize Livestock in Washington State

Shooting deaths of five seals under investigation on Cape Cod

Chicago man acquitted in Mumbai attacks, convicted in Danish plot

Removing twister debris may cost tens of millions

Karzai arrives in Pakistan for reconciliation talks

Saudi-Iran split fractures OPEC's dominance of oil market

States considering online lottery sales

Michele Bachmann's new strategist Ed Rollins blasts Sarah Palin as being "Not Serious"

Tim Pawlenty's Ridiculous Google Test

Rush Limbaugh's freak out response to caller when he gets reminded about his Blue Pill adventure

Bill Moyers: 'Democracy Should Be a Brake on Unbridled Greed and Power'

Things that happened while everyone was obsessing on Weinergate

Domestic terrorism of the right-wing kind: One of the Obama administration's most abject failures

Orbitz To Review All Ads On Fox News

Ayn Rand & GOP vs Jesus

Social Security privatization and the War on Women

Wisconsin Board Approves Three Democrats for Recall

Sign Of Things To Come: Gingrich Aides Resign En Masse

Republican Dirty Tricks With Fake Primary Challengers in WI Recall Elections Could Backfire

Pay Your Student Loans Or Else! SWAT Team Visits Loan Defaulter--UPDATED

Greta Van Susteren Brings on Mr. Bastion of Morality Donald Trump to Discuss Weiner Scandal

And the Banks Lose One

Florida Activists Are Pushing Back Against Gov. Rick Scott And His Crazy Agenda

Santorum hopes Google will do something about 'filth on the Internet'

Herman Cain Won't Sign A Bill Longer Than Three Pages Long

Michelle Rhee and Astroturf: A Page Right Out of Freedomworks' Book?

Countdown: What It Means to Be "Hannitized"

CNN Poll: Americans Worried About A Depression. When Will President Obama Have His 'Aha!' Moment?

Dr. Paul's Case for Gold by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

WTF(wjd)? by Michael Roberts

He Didn’t Say 'Infidels': Homeland Security Theater, Continued by William Norman Grigg

The World According to Doug Casey

Ventura: 'Abolish All Political Parties' by Mac Slavo

Bandera County Sheriff's Office Issues Domestic Terrorism Warning - San Antonio & Texas News Story - KSAT San Antonio

Scientists warn of deadly shellfish in part of Alaska - Yahoo! News

Wallow Fire now likely to become AZ's biggest

Firefighters Secure Homes as Brush Fire Grows | NBC Miami

Hamas Summer Camps Train Next Generation Terrorists - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Battle Brewing Over Control Of SF Castro Distri - Flash Player Installation

Argentine lab clones cow to produce human-like milk - Yahoo! News

Scientists: ‘Super’ Wheat To Boost Food Securit - Flash Player Installation

NATO denies helicopter shot down in Libya - Yahoo! News

'I'm a Marxist,' Dalai Lama tells Chinese students - Faith & Reason

Like most Americans, Rep. Anthony Weiner can't afford to quit his job -

Wheelchair For Boy With Cerebral Palsy Stolen I - Flash Player Installation

IMF: Lagarde Appointment "Done Deal", Says Rival - CNBC

Connecticut: Lawmakers Vote To Decriminalize Adult Marijuana Possession | Before It's News

Weiner Told Porn Star To Lie, Offered PR Help | Before It's News

Ireland: Gay Presidential Front-Runner’s Campaign on the Brink of Collapse After Revelations He Supports Pedophilia | Before It's News

Beware the Algorithmic Gatekeepers | Before It's News

YouTube - Launch of Aquarius!

Aquarius Satellite Launches to Observe Earth’s Oceans

A Power Grid on a Chip | Before It's News

Pharmageddon: How America Got Hooked On Killer Prescription Drugs | Before It's News

Non-Alcoholic Wheat Beer Boosts Athletes' Health Say Sport Doctors | Before It's News

Richard Gage Talking About 9/11 on Primetime Irish Mainstream Television | Before It's News

Mystery 9/11 Aircraft Was Military 'Doomsday Plane' | Before It's News

Roberts: How Many U.S. Navy Seals Died At Bin Laden Compound Assault? | Before It's News

Nature unraveling: Giant rat plagues being reported across the globe | Before It's News

Interview: Debt Collector; Michelle Obama Tied to Social Security Number Belonging to Texas Woman Named Guadalupe Megndenez!? | Before It's News

Did The Banks Buy The Leading Foreclosure Investigator, Iowa AG, Tom Miller? | Before It's News

Republican States, like Texas, would Privatize Medicare, Cap Medicaid. GOP Real Death Panel. | Before It's News

Why Doesn't the UN Consider Energy Depletion? [Casaubon's Book] | Before It's News

Giant “Surfing” Waves Roll Through Sun’s Atmosphere

Should BlackBerry smartphones get Application Behavior option like the PlayBook? | Before It's News

Gulf of Mexico: An Officially Sanctioned Bio-Terrorism War Zone | Before It's News


Chicago Red Dragon Six-Day Warning | Before It's News

Chicago Red Dragon Six-Day Warning | Veterans Today

Chicago Aon Center Alert 6/3/11 – 6/9/11 | Veterans Today


Natural Allergy Relief | Before It's News

Woman Becomes Grandmother To Four Illegal Surrogate Children At Once | Before It's News

CIA chief Leon Panetta: "The next Pearl Harbor could be a cyber attack" - Alfie Dennen: "We're Not Afraid" | Before It's News

Angry Flash Mobs, Brought to You by Obama | Before It's News


**16 Survival Downloads, Field Manuals and Handbooks | Before It's News


Police warn of teen girls committing strong-arm robberies - Chicago Sun-Times

The Definitive Guide to Walking | Mark's Daily Apple

How to Cook in the Great Outdoors: A Primer on Dutch and Reflector Ovens | The Art of Manliness

Five Things to Consider Before You Buy a New Car by Eric Peters

YouTube - Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights

Open-Carry Experiment Shows Cops Don't Know Their Own Gun Laws | News and Opinion | Philadelphia Weekly


*Film: The Power of the Purse (Webmasters Most Referred Film) |


FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic |


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 9th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 9th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 8th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 8th, 2011


*Radiation News 6-9-11 |


*ARTICLE LINKS:Bilderberg 6-9-11 |

*ARTICLE LINKS:Bilderberg News 6-8-11

*ARTICLE LINKS:Bilderberg News 6-10-11 |


YouTube - LEWKA - WAR NING FT Bliss (New Video)

YouTube - Ron Paul: End Obamacare, Abolish the IRS, Eliminate Support for Big Government

*2 Part/Deadly Fluoride: Hoax on The Run with Dr. Paul Connett |

YouTube - 6/9/11-CA: Silly citizens, guns are for lawmakers, Disarming in NM, How to Survive Zombies

Child brides as young as 5 married off in secret to middle-aged men | Mail Online


*Botched Paramilitary Police Raids(INTERACTIVE)


(VIDEOS)Jesse Ventura Media Blitz |

YouTube - Ron Paul: My Job Is to Be the "Repeal" President

*3 VIDEOS:Gerald Celente on the Alex Jones Show |

YouTube - 6/8/11 - Troops vs Delta, Paid to NOT go to college, Pay up or else! DOE sends in SWAT?!



Government recruits doctors to become thought police, pinpoint potential terrorists among their patients |




**BeyondWeird (


Luke Rudkowski Goes to Dinner at Bilderberg Meeting |

We did it! Mainstream coverage of Bilderberg 2011 – Mark Dice |

World entering era of permanent food crisis, with prices to double over next 20 years

Senators seek crackdown on Bitcoin currency | Reuters

Obama healthcare law: Judges sharply challenge Obama healthcare law -

Sarah Palin's e-mails set for national scrutiny - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Casey Anthony Trial: She Sobs After Hearing Caylee's Bones Chewed by Animals - ABC News


Jurors at Blagojevich retrial begin deliberating - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Blagojevich jurors finally have the case. Defense files lengthy mistrial bid. - The Blago Blog

Jury deliberations begin in Blagojevich retrial | AHN

YouTube - Blagojevich On Retrial: 'It's A Lonely Time'

Rod Blagojevich case goes to jury; ex-gov, wife cry during defense closing - Chicago Sun-Times

WBEZ's Robert Wildeboer examines closing arguments in the Blagojevich retrial | WBEZ


United Airlines to bring 1,300 jobs to Chicago -

40 years ago, B.B. King rocked Cook County Jail - Chicago Sun-Times

Rod Blagojevich Corruption Trial | Jury Begins Deliberations in Blagojevich Retrial

Guv, Rahm Response To CME | Contracting “Fraud And Abuse” | Blago’s Tears - Chicago News Cooperative

Ex-student sentenced in computer case - Naperville Sun

CHA CEO Lewis Jordan on ropes early in Emanuel administration -

Doesn’t ‘flash’ suggest mobs will go away? - Chicago Sun-Times

Improv Everywhere Plans Flash Mob Of The Non-Criminal Variety In Chicago This Weekend

Art That Captures Passage Of Time | GazeboNews

Chicago Blues Festival getting grayer and grayer - Chicago Sun-Times

Blues Fest: Get to See the Same Bands, For Free: Chicagoist

Congressional districting, casino bills await Quinn's signature | WBEZ

Dueling Critics take the 'Northwest Highway' | WBEZ

2 Suspects in custody following the shooting of 2 girls, 2 and 7.

Santa's Village in East Dundee reopens - Chicago Tribune


Weight loss: Nicotine reduces appetite -

Multifaceted approach advocated for vaccine-hesitant parents

30 Percent of Employers Plan to Cut Health Insurance after 2014 | Business Finance

Some docs still prescribe tanning, despite risks - Health - Skin and beauty -

Disabled 'world's largest minority'

Bathroom injuries take big toll, study says: How to stay safe - HealthPop - CBS News

Medical Marijuana Law Doesn’t Trump Employer’s Drug Policy - Law Blog - WSJ

CTV British Columbia - Raising a child costs more than $200,000: U.S. report - CTV News

Study: Preschool Kids Less Likely to Grow Up as Criminals

Chimp attack victim's face 'looks fantastic' after historic transplant - TODAY Health -

Germany Says Bean Sprouts Likely E.Coli Source -

YouTube - Sprouts Source for European E. Coli Outbreak

The Scoop - Alec Baldwin getting support for mayor run -- from Chevy Chase

'Super 8' Movie Math | PopWatch |

Tracy Morgan issues apology for homophobic rant, says it 'clearly went too far' | Inside TV |

Black Eyed Peas Cancel Free Concert in Central Park | Rolling Stone Music

Skins canceled | PopWatch |

Jack White, wife to throw divorce party - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Russell Crowe Apologizes for Circumcision Tweets - ABC News

Stocks drop; could be longest losing streak since 2002 -

Fed Expands Capital Reviews to 35 Biggest Banks - Bloomberg

Oil Tumbles on Saudi Output, Economy - Bloomberg

A Critic's Take on the Mortgage Modification Program -

Gloomy economic picture pushes yields lower | Reuters

Gold futures drop on stronger dollar Metals Stocks - MarketWatch

Exclusive: Swiss, U.S. in talks on tax probe settlement | Reuters

Pandora ups IPO price to $10 to $12 per share | The Digital Home - CNET News

Mexico's Carstens: India neutral on IMF candidacy - MarketWatch

Warren Buffett lunch auction ends Friday night - Jun. 10, 2011

US Real Estate: Predicting Home Prices is Now Impossible — CNBC Realty Check Blog - CNBC

GM recalls Cadillac SRX over side-curtain air bag - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

Focus is on Ill. tax hike after CME threatens move -

Spain Approves Measure to Free Up Labor Market -

Woman Loves Facebook Friends So Much She Tattoos Them On Her Body | PCWorld

First Look: Motorola's Photon 4G calls and computes - Computerworld

Cupertino Councilwoman: Here's Why I Asked Steve Jobs For Free Wifi

Spanish police arrest three alleged Anonymous 'hacktivists' -

Page 2: Facebook New Facial Recognition Feature Raises a Few Eyebrows - ABC News

iCloud: 10 Things You Need to Know - Slideshow from

DailyTech - Microsoft Loses U.S. Supreme Court Decision, Fined $290M USD

BBC News - Aquarius 'salt mapper' satellite goes into orbit

Duke Nukem Forever is Out (Outside the US, Anyway), News from GamePro

What IPv6 Day Proves | News & Opinion |

Gadgetbox - Google Chromebooks now can be pre-ordered

AT&T to Offer Free Wi-Fi in 20 New York City Parks, but Is It Secure? | News & Opinion |

No new particle after all: Tevatron's second detector comes up empty

Apple steps in to defend ios developers against lodsys- The Inquirer

IBM demos graphene circuits • The Register

Codemasters hit by hacker attack | Technology |

Telegraph | Error 404 | Sorry, the page you have requested is not available

Les Paul Guitar Doodle Extended! Learn How to Play Songs [VIDEOS] - International Business Times

YouTube - Coolest Google Doodle Ever? Les Paul Birthday Inspires Playable Digital Guitar

The Canadian Press: US man convicted of murder after daughter testified he made her help dismember mom's body

Gabrielle Giffords 'unlikely to run again for office' - Telegraph

US prosecutor in NC quitting after Edwards charges -

Closings under way in Mass. corruption trial -

Rick Santorum launches radio ad for presidential campaign -

As Rep. Weiner Digs In, Potential Challengers Eye Seat -

NTI: Global Security Newswire - Defense Secretary Nominee Backs Prompt Global Strike Effort

Judge sets hearing on request to halt Georgia's new anti-illegal immigration law |

Huma Abedin and wronged political wives: few options, hard choices -

Suspect in KC toddler’s drowning death is a 5-year-old girl -

Judge Accepts Plea Deal in NSA Leak Case -

Mississippi flooding may have spread invasive fish - Beaumont Enterprise

Romney rivals slam Ames decision - Dan Hirschhorn and Juana Summers -

Jet from miracle splashdown arrives at NC museum -

YouTube - Raw Video: 'Miracle on Hudson' Plane on Road

Police use checkpoint in Indiana student search -

YouTube - Questions swirl over surveillance cameras in Bloomington

Break in windy weather to help crews at Ariz. fire -

Gingrich: strategic differences led to staff exit | Reuters

YouTube - News Wrap: After Top Staff Resign, Gingrich Pledges to Revive Campaign - Spy Agency Budget Reveals IT Projects - Next-generation Internet addresses tested - Federal Reserve: Default would be dangerous

Wichita experiences rare 'heat burst' overnight - KSN TV, Kansas News and Weather

Nuclear fuel has melted through base of Fukushima plant - Telegraph

AP sources: bin Laden files prompt new scrutiny - Yahoo! News

Ron Paul: What's Wrong with Him?


Economic Consequences of Human Action

Debbie Schlussel:Not Sure About This Abortion Billboard

Debbie Schlussel:Prominent Muslim “American” Businesses Celebrate “Legacy” of Khomeini

Debbie Schlussel:Impressed By Sarah Palin’s Jewish Star Necklace?

Debbie Schlussel:SCHMUCK That Needs to Be Cut: Russell Crowe Attacks Jewish Circumcision – Hollywood “Tolerance”

Morally-Schizoid Liberal Women and Their Weiner Husbands

The Real Lesson of Weiner: A Thought Experiment

The Oedipal Left

Recovery Slumber

America's Looming Quagmire in Yemen

Is Permanent Recession the New Normal?

A Nation of Government Dependents

Fact-Checking Limbaugh's Seminar Caller

Perry: It's a go?

Obama's missile secrets betrayal

Palestinians change bargaining stance

Fighting rages outside of Misrata (update: report that Gaddafi's son seeks terms)

WaPo and the Times call for Online activists to help smear Palin

The President's lies about why employment growth is so anemic

The Broussard Interview: Was Weiner's sexting partner an innocent bystander?

Weiner is no Tiger Woods

Spewing Red Ink, Red Tape and Red Politics

Newt staff exodus no surprise

Obama's Undeclared War on America

Europe's Shift to the Right of Obama

Sole Loyalty: The Identity Politics of Immigration Reform

Both Sides Would 'End Medicare As We Know It'

The Twilight of the Educated Gods

NOAA Fisheries Science: A Guess, a Coin-Flip, and a Kick in the Teeth

Call Democrats Out for Racist and Anti-Semitic Connections

RAND Corp: Iran 8 weeks from the Bomb

GOP Contenders: Please Put Your Egos On Hold

2012 is Not about Unemployment. It's about Oil.

The Strategic Debate We Need To Have

The Predictable Middle East Crisis

‘Pretty Ambitious’: Beck’s GBTV Plan Intrigues Media | The Blaze

SEIU California to Launch…a Republican PAC? | The Blaze

Inside the Gingrich Campaign Implosion — Daily Beast Exposes the Details | The Blaze

Dalai Lama to Chinese Students: ‘I’m a Marxist’ | The Blaze

Israeli Police Fire ‘Stun Grenades’ After Palestinians Hurl Stones at Temple Mount | The Blaze

Politico Issues Correction After Palin Camp Bashes Authors for ‘Making Up’ Quote | The Blaze

Meet the ‘Celebrity Weapon’ Likely Used to Kill Osama bin Laden | The Blaze

Investor Jim Rogers Blasts ‘Clowns in Washington’ During Beck Interview | The Blaze

Investigation: Mexican Cartels Using Money, Sex to Bribe U.S. Border Agents | The Blaze

Mexican Drug Runners Open Fire on TX Police Near Border | The Blaze

Slideshow: Take a Look at Cool Color Pictures Taken During World War II | The Blaze

Libyan Forces Claim They Shot Down NATO Chopper | The Blaze

Gates Hammers NATO, Questions Group‘s ’Dim’ Future | The Blaze

Trappers Catch, Kill Massive 12-Foot, 650lb. Alligator | The Blaze

It’s True: Using a Cell Phone During Takeoff & Landing Could Cause a Plane Crash | The Blaze

Dress-Wearing Women Aren’t Crazy About Glass Staircase at New $105 Million Dollar Ohio Courthouse | The Blaze

Marine Told She Can’t Wear Uniform to Her High - Flash Player Installation

Graphic Video Diary Shows Libyan Soldiers Shooting, Punching Rebels | The Blaze

Caught on Video: Turkish Cop Rides on the Hood of Getaway Vehicle — Survives Collision | The Blaze

Graphic Vid Allegedly Shows Coptic Christian Girl Being Sexualy Assaulted in Order To ‘Islamize Her’ | The Blaze

Watch: Palin Releases Video Recap of Her Epic ‘One Nation’ Tour | The Blaze

Top Counterterrorism Official to Resign, Will Leave ‘Huge Shoes to Fill’ | The Blaze

Herman Cain: Homosexuality Is a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’ | The Blaze

Blaze Source: Last Week Rick Perry Offered Job to Now-Departed Gingrich Campaign Manager | The Blaze

Is It Over? Gingrich Campaign Manager, Droves of Top Aides Quit (Vows To Fight on) | The Blaze

Washington Post, NY Times Invite You to Help Dig Through Sarah Palin’s E-mails | The Blaze

Reuters: Clinton Reportedly in Talks to Head World Bank, Clinton Camp Denies | The Blaze

Crooks Caught on Camera Chopping Down NYC Tree to Steal a Bike | The Blaze

Duped: Shamed Prosecutors Drop Charges in Husband’s Fake Facebook Murder Plot | The Blaze

Two Nutty Vids Show Just How Dangerous It Is to Bike in NYC | The Blaze

Unbelievable… Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorist Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not Good Logic (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Now that's what I call a disguise: Mexican man has 'sex change' surgery to avoid arrest | Mail Online

Elizabeth Edwards¿ secretly recorded video testimony helps nail John | Mail Online

Ten Years And Counting: Where’s The Global Warming? - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

'The day after Iran's first nuclear test is a normal day' | World news |

Poll shows that majority of voters in Weiner's district want him to stay -

Medical pot collective splits retirement community New Zeal Blog » Panetta Hearing for SecDef on Thursday: Obama’s CIA Director Linked to Spies Through Communist Party Figure

Judges seem receptive to health care challenge - Washington Times

Critics Sue To Stop Nevada Black Bear Hunt - News Story - KTVU San Francisco

SUVs safer than ever, but small cars still perilous -

Rep. Charlie Rangel stands up for Rep. Anthony Weiner -

New Type of Exploding Supernova Found—Brightest Yet

Liberty Texas 'Grave' Mistake: The Psychic Dilemma - ABC News

‘Artificial leaf’ moves closer to reality

BBC News - Voyagers ride 'magnetic bubbles'

China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk

Seeing Things On Mars: A Long History of Martian Illusions and Human Delusions |Pareidolia & Optical Illusions |

A planet going the wrong way

Untouched magical temple soothes Japanese tsunami survivors - Washington Times

Turin Shroud 'the creation of a Renaissance artist' - Telegraph

Written on the skin: the story of magical tattoos | Lifestyle | The Phnom Penh Post - Cambodia's Newspaper of Record

APNewsBreak: Idaho developer now wanted by judge

Lawyers cry foul as Khodorkovsky sent to secret jail

Court affirms rules on cable access to sports

Christian gays ask Vatican to condemn homophobia

Senator: Gadhafi's military seriously degraded

At least 28 civilians dead in demonstrations across Syria

Hong Kong seeks to cool property prices

Chinese internet chiefs toe party line

Police forcefully enter Temple Mount after stones thrown

Croatia takes major step towards EU membership

US inflation: no Chinese bogeyman

Universities asked to replace old degree classifications with new grading system

Qaddafi Is Raping Libya. Literally.

High Schools To Soldiers and Marines: Nix Those Uniforms

Don’t Worry: Terror-Free Toilets Are On The Way


Sunlight On The American Mosque

Syrians Flee To Turkey As Thousands Of Assad’s Troops Approach

Abortion ‘Rights’ And Servicewomen: A Solution In Search Of A Problem

M-MRCA Fighters And Indian Exports, In The Dawning Asian Century

What Does Peace Mean, Anyway?

Video Of China’s First Aircraft Carrier

Sudan Unleashes The Dogs Of War On The People Of Nuba Mountains

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Swipes at Sarah Palin

Weinergate Is Like… Bristol Palin’s Pregnancy

Palin So “Irrelevant,” Media Begs For Help In Sifting Through Her Emails

Retraction Request: Politico Fabricates Palin Quote in New Hit Piece

Was Maddow the First to Get the Weiner Story?

Mrs. Weiner’s Pregnancy Reads Like A Broadway Play

Sound Bite For the Day: Vindication

Pelosi Blames GOP for Unemployment [Video]

Weiner: I Did Not Have Sext with that Woman!

VIDEO: The People Speak-Should Weiner Pull Out of Congress?

OBAMA NLRB Silences SC Boeing employees’ voices; Gen. Counsel Says Employees Would ‘Complicate Complex Case’

Call to Action for Chicagoans as #ChicagoMOB Problem Continues

Healthcare: Let The States Decide

Pro Union Protesters Disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony

3rd Graders Indoctrinated in School Budgeting by Milwaukee Teacher

Mining Industry is Critical to America’s Future

The Faux Credibility of the Nobel Prize

FAA Bill Could Help Weaken Union Influence

Animal Trainer Fights to Save Career in USDA Court

Will House Leadership Undermine Commitment to Fiscal Responsibility?

While Obama’s Playing Games, Who’s Playing President?

The Consequences of the Clinton Curse

Free Press’s Contrived Outrage at the FCC

How Andrew Breitbart Broke Weinergate

AUDIO:The Fall of the Traditional American Family 3 Reasons Not to Fund Art with Taxes (& Yes, There’s a Weiner Connection!)

Twitter for Schmucks

Russell Crowe Goes on Anti-Circumcision Twitter-Rant

Breitbart to Baldwin: ‘He could do better than to call me ‘D-bag-in-chief’

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Previews Palin Film: ‘Supporters Are Going to Love It’

Jon Stewart Mocks Hermain Cain: ‘I Do Not Like to Read’

‘Super 8′ Review: Already One of the Best of 2011


Secure In Their Bigotry, Hollywood Caucus Refuses to Pass Anti-Discrimination Resolution


EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Four

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Five

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Help Us Expose Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist


MSNBC Hosts Spin Wildly After Weiner Fesses Up |

Howard Kurtz on Weiner: I've Never Seen Media Spin This Out of Control Over a Sex Scandal |

10 reasons why Anthony Weiner could survive sex tweet scandal – Telegraph Blogs

Lynch To Make Fun Of Weiner Scandal

Jane Lynch: 'I Dealt With My Own Internalized Homophobia' | The Wrap Awards


10-Jun-11 World View......

9-Jun-11 World View......


Court says fake daughter sex images not illegal - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Ohio man receives 13-year prison sentence in abortion clinic gunpoint threat - Toledo Blade

Artist of Surfing Madonna offers to remove mosaic - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

The Twitter Typo That Exposed Anthony Weiner

California teen entrepreneur asks: College? Who needs it? - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

Prince Philip says discriminating against the old is right on eve of his 90th birthday | Mail Online

Spots on wall of Tutankhamun's tomb indicate the Boy King may have been buried in a hurry | Mail Online

Mystery of Egyptian Pyramid's Secret Hieroglyphics Solved -

Forty-four years later,... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Ozzie: Sean Penn a 'clown' for views on Venezuela -

Nicolas Cage's Son Taken to Hospital in Restraints for Mental Evaluation -

Is Military Cadet Suing Patti LaBelle the Victim of Celebrity Power Trip? -

James Taylor: tales of a troubled troubadour - Telegraph

Les Paul Google guitar doodle is search engine's best yet | Mail Online

No tickets for London 2012? It's YOUR fault, says Olympics chief | Mail Online

Heavy lifting in N.J.: A 65 million-year-old sea turtle -

US doesn't make cut for happiest nations list - TODAY News -

Award-winning Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator, 70, helps convict Lothario next door after spying on his hot tub romps | Mail Online admits it 'hacked' Fox News

Forecast for U.S. cities: Confrontation, chaos?

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

What if some other behavior cost 25 million lives?

District 'data mining' students over grant money

District would rather censor Christians than raise funds

Senate candidate says 'constitutional crisis' Obama's fault

Neo-Nazi blood libel back in San Fransicko

Misguided 'conservatives' on debt limit

The Islamic threat in your neighborhood

Does Cain's test for Muslims fail the Constitution?

Atheists don't have no songs

Don't believe Michelle Obama

Defending marriage – as always

1 of the most effective congressmen ever!

'Demonic' is angelic

Obama's dilemma – and ours

OpEdNews - Article: Should al-Qaeda have the right to bear arms?

Our most dangerous enemy


The Patriots News: EVIDENCE BROADENS OBAMA NATURAL BORN CONSPIRACY by Managing Editor , 06/07/11


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'A huge overreach of federal authority';Grace-Marie Turner: 'Obamacare will cost 78 million employer-provided insurance'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Take the Taliban out just like bin Laden' ;Ex-Gen. Tom McInerney: U.S. should bring troops home from Afghanistan


Forecast for U.S. cities: Confrontation, chaos?

Capitol Alert: SEIU California launches Republican PAC to back moderates

Chicago Police Brace for 'Flash Mob' Attacks -

1 dead, 4 wounded on crowded NYC boardwalk - US news - Crime & courts -

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

HHS Official Tells Youth Summit: We're Recruiting LGBTs to Adopt Kids |

Muslim congressman defends renamed ACORN New Zeal Blog » Panetta Hearing for SecDef on Thursday: Obama’s CIA Director Linked to Spies Through Communist Party Figure

ACORN 1-ups MoveOn

Matthews: Weiner in Trouble Because His Behavior Offends 'Culturally Backward' Christian Conservatives |

District 'data mining' students over grant money

District would rather censor Christians than raise funds

9th Circuit judges asked: 'Will you choose tyranny?'

Senate candidate says 'constitutional crisis' Obama's fault

GOP candidate: Global warming is 'patently absurd'

Dozens of 'incubators' for jihad found in U.S.

The Islamic threat in your neighborhood

Warning issued that Islam is coming

Justice Officials in 'Panic Mode' as Hearing Nears on Failed Anti-Gun Trafficking Program -

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

Documents show marriage of Obama's parents a sham

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Walters finds Weiner picture 'flattering' - CLICK -

Bin Laden Files Prompt New Scrutiny - TIME

Osama bin Laden Hogged the Air Conditioner - Yahoo! News

'Abbas looking for way out of UN bid' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Syria: secret agents 'led massacre in Jisr al-Shughur' - Telegraph

IAEA reports Syria to UN Security Council over covert nuclear work - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Pastor's daughter arrested for sex with 3 girls, 1 boy


*The big list: Female teachers with students


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*10 June

American Minute for June 10th

Today in History: June 10

June 10 Events in History

June 10th This Day in History

This Day in History for 10th June

Today in History: June 10 » History Net

June 10th in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 10th


Woman gets 6 years in Calif.-to-Ohio pot scheme

Friends, family pay tribute to Dr. Jack Kevorkian

RealClearReligion - Hawking, God & The Math Ed Train Wreck

The China Syndrome | First Things

Whatever Works: How Christians Talk About Homosexuality | Religion Dispatches

Politics Journal: How Not to Mix Religion and Politics - India Real Time - WSJ

Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques | FrontPage Magazine

Interview: Michele Bachmann Shares About Her Faith and Family, Christian News

Dr. Tarunjit Singh Butalia: Learning From My Neighbors: A Sikh's Interfaith Journey

Pity the pandering U.S. candidate | FaithWorld

10 things the Belief Blog learned in its first year – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Jack Kevorkian: An indispensable radical - The Spirited Atheist - The Washington Post

On abortion, most Americans say they are ‘pro-life’ and ‘pro-choice’ - Under God - The Washington Post

BBC News - A tradition of Church v state

When Fear Breaks -

Commentary: Egypt's Brothers Rise | The National Interest

Breaking the war powers stalemate - The Washington Post

Is China Trying to Bankrupt US? | The Diplomat

Testing the Afghan exit ramps - The Washington Post

Commentary: The Horror of a Post-Saleh Yemen | The National Interest

Yemen Without Saleh - By Charles Schmitz | Foreign Policy

RealClearWorld - India Is Growing, But Indians Are Still Starving

Silvio Berlusconi's record: The man who screwed an entire country | The Economist

U.S. seeks help from Egypt in recapturing terrorists at large - Washington Times

Mexico is not condemned to failure - Andres Oppenheimer -

Sovereigntists in search of identity - The Globe and Mail

Washington Or Alabama - Who Is More Pro Science?

Report Faults Nuclear Regulator on Yucca -

The best anagram ever, and other silly Periodic Table games. (32) - By Sam Kean - Slate Magazine

A Simple Test Spots Bacteria | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Cancer therapy: Taking aim sooner | The Economist

Autism's Tangled Genetics Full of Rare and Varied Mutations: Scientific American

HOW, AND WHEN, TO MAKE A DECISION | More Intelligent Life

Why Does a Bug Turn Over On Its Back When It Dies? | Insects & Death | Life's Little Mysteries

How killer immune cells avoid killing themselves | Science Codex

Fragile X Protein Acts as Toggle Switch in Brain Cells | Woodruff Health Sciences Center | Emory University

Chemistry with sunlight | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

A New Way To Make Lighter, Stronger Steel -- In A Flash

How To Build A Dinosaur

Underwater spiders use webs as 'gills' : Nature News

Murder Mystery Grows: Viruses Attack Healthy Bees, Too | Bees, Agriculture & Colony Collapse | LiveScience

Seeing Things On Mars: A Long History of Martian Illusions and Human Delusions |Pareidolia & Optical Illusions |

mental_floss Blog » How Cryptic: 4 Famous Unsolved Ciphers and Codes

Pill to mend a broken heart 'developed by scientists' - Telegraph

Study: Asteroids May Have Served as Incubators of Life - TIME

Phage on the rampage : Nature News

10 top inventions for 2011 - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Computers -

Water-air Interface Barely There - Science News - Upside Down - Friday, June 10, 2011

RealClearPolitics - An Unemployment Catastrophe

It's Obama's economy | obama, issue, republicans - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - Why Newt's Campaign Never Got Off the Ground

Need a Light Bulb? Uncle Sam Gets to Choose: Virginia Postrel - Bloomberg

Rule by Rentiers -

More bad news for ObamaCare - Chicago Sun-Times

Pawlenty’s magical economic plan - The Washington Post

Professor disaster -

The problem isn't on the supply-side - War Room -

California prison system: 'Non-revocable parole' is putting too many dangerous felons on the streets -

James Bovard: My Summer Job Road to Perdition -

RealClearPolitics - Will Gingrich's Demise Be Perry's Rise?

Obama has his work cut out for him on the political map - The Washington Post

On race and crime in the City of Tribes -

President Obama Authors The Economic Recovery That Isn’t - Louis Woodhill - Unconventional Logic - Forbes

Editorials | Forced unionism bad for labor, Michigan | The Detroit News

Foreclosure limbo: Staying without paying. - Jun. 9, 2011

The Bernanke Scandal: Full-Frontal Cluelessness | The Nation

Money Magic by Raghuram Rajan - Project Syndicate

How High Gas Prices Could Help the Economy - Lisa Margonelli - Business - The Atlantic

Baum: Economy’s Naysayers Hold a Reunion - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Jobs Plan Takes a Page From Marx

Is Obama Alarmed About The Economy? Is He Cooking Up A Jobs Plan? Interpreting The Administration's Public Statements And Signals. | The New Republic

Reimagining Capitalism: Bold Ideas for a New Economy | The Nation

Addressing The Various Debt-Limit Delusions - Peter Ferrara - On The Cutting Edge - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - What Will We Do When Our Smart Phones Suffer a World Wide Wait?

Investing: Why bank stocks went bust -

Making the trend your friend Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

It's time to bet against the government- MSN Money

NATO’s Libya 'hope' strategy is bombing - The Globe and Mail

Biden, lawmakers pick up pace of debt-reduction talks - The Washington Post - In Her Shoes - Friday, June 10, 2011

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has rocky DNC start - Molly Ball -

Dems defend NLRB against GOP pushback on Boeing suit -

Review & Outlook: The Lone Star Jobs Surge -

Peru’s crossroads - The Washington Post

Anthony Weiner's saga gets worse

Opting out of Obamacare -

Lupe Fiasco on Calling Obama a Terrorist: ‘I’ve Got Nothing to Clarify’

Herman Cain Speaks with Forked Tongue

Obama Social Security Number By Jack Tymann

» Dear Mainstream Media, We Think You Might Want To Cover This… Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bilderberg 2011: George Osborne attending as chancellor | World news |

‘Libyan gold was globalist game all along’

Ron Paul on Newsmax TV 6-8-11: We Do In Many Ways Have A Dictatorship

Paul Watson’s/Aaron Dykes’ Final Bilderberg Report Day 2

F16 Crashes In Wisconsin, Eyewitness Claims Nuclear Weapons On Board As Military Plants Cover Story?

E. coli death toll hits 30 - The Local

New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami


June 9, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 9 June 2011

The Michael Savage Show 06/09/2011

06/09 The Mark Levin Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-09, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-9-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, June, 09, 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2


**NEWS VIDEOS:New Anti-Weiner Ad: Stop Sexting and Spending

Matthews: Weiner in Trouble Because His Behavior Offends ‘Culturally Backward’ Christian Conservatives

NY Times Begs Readers to Help Read Palin’s E-Mails

Palin Bus Tour: The Video

Teacher Filmed Himself Abusing Students

Chuck Todd Previews New Palin Film: ‘Her Supporters Are Going to Love It’

Jury Convicts Chicago Businessman in Danish Newspaper Muhammad Cartoon Plot

9TH/Feminism Officially Dead: Maddow Characterizes Weiner’s Behavior as ‘Bad Manners’

Raising Cain on the Factor

Campaign Staff Deserts Newt

Michigan Teacher’s Union Targets Legislator’s Business

Weiner Confronted Outside Lawyer’s Office: ‘Do You Know If It’s a Boy or a Girl?’

Disgusting: Anti-Walker Protesters Disrupt Wisconsin Special Olympics Ceremony

Herman Cain: Homosexuality Is a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’

Behar: ‘How Do We Know (Weiner Pic) Isn’t Breitbart?’

Watch the Video the Eniviromentalist Industry Has Censored from YouTube

Weiner Constituent Flees ‘O’Reilly Factor’s’ Jesse Watters

Franken: Obama Might Not Be President in Two Years

Breitbart on the X-Rated Weiner Pic Leak

Dennis Miller: Weiner a ‘Nasty Piece of Work’

Trump on Weiner Scandal: ‘Maybe He Has a Death Wish’

Liberal Pundit: ‘Worst Part’ of Weinergate Story is Breitbart Was Right

8TH/Spitzer to Breitbart: We Don’t Agree on Much But You’ve Been Vindicated

Kurtz: Breitbart Did Nothing Wrong on Weinergate Story

Radio Host Assured Breitbart Studio Had ‘No Camera’ to Catch Glimpse of X-Rated Weiner Pic

First Democrat in Congress Demands Weiner Resign ‎

‘Don’t Show It Anywhere’: Breitbart to Opie and Anthony When Showing X-Rated Weiner Pic

Coulter: Only Violence at Tea Party Rallies Comes From Liberals

Mediaite Owner Dan Abrams: Breitbart Was Right

Jon Stewart Takes Full Responsibility for Not Covering Weiner Presser

7TH/Big Government’s Joel Pollak Explains How Big Government Ran with Weinergate Story

Blitzer: I Believed Weiner Was Hacked

CNN’s Morgan Plays the Mormon Card on Romney


** Bombshell: Swiss Parliamentarians to Force Way Into Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**Google Translate/Two Italians trying to get into the top 'secret' Bilderberg

Italian MEP Mario Borghezio beaten by security for trying to attend Bilderberg meeting | London Patriot


**Google Translate URL Generates Instant Text-to-Speech MP3 Files


**World Video:The Future of War

Obama Haunted By Vietnam?

Could Libya Conflict Spread?

Clinton on Libya: 'Time is on Our Side'

NATO's Rasmussen on Libyan Endgame

Should the U.S. Keep Pressure on Gaddafi?

Should the U.S. End Its Role in Libya?

Western Allies Offer More Cash to Libyan Rebels

China 'To See Exports Softening'

Shooting Caught On Tape In Pakistan Sparks Probe

Deadline Looms To Replace IMF Chief

Syria Referred To UN Security Council

Volcanic Ash Chokes Chile Waterways

Fareed Zakaria on China

9TH/Central Asia at a Turning Point

Europe's Economy, Libya Pose Test for U.S.-German Relationship

Al-Qaeda Warns U.S. Of Muslim Rebellion

Yemen Collapsing, U.S. Anti-Terror Push on Hold

Tactical Breakdown of the Saleh Assassination Attempt

Does OPEC Have America Over a Barrel?

U.S. Not Faring Well in Afghanistan

Is $18.8 Billion in Aid Worth It?

Yemen's Future Hangs in the Balance

Traffic Police Regulate Iran's Dress Code

NATO Intensifies Airstrikes On Libya

Major Battle Looms In Rebellious Syrian Town

Storm Batters Chilean Town

Bloodshed Assured as Gaddafi and Assad Remain in Power

**Markets Video/9TH:Gross: Treasuries Are Toast

Rogers: Only a Crisis Can Fix U.S. Debt Problem

California to Lose Thousands of Jobs for 3-Inch Fish?

Whitney: States Fall into Debt Pit

BullHorn: Banks in the Penalty Box

**Politics Video:Gingrich: Staff Shake Up Due To "Strategic Differences"

Sen. Johnson: Obama "Phoning It In" With Debt Crisis

Krauthammer: When Dems Are In Power, Bad Economy Is Blamed On GOP

Schultz: We're Focused On The Wrong Things Like The Deficits And Budgets

O'Reilly: Obama Must Stop The Nonsense On The Economy

Wolffe: Iowa Straw Poll "Most Corrupt Part Of Early Presidential Process"

9TH/Carney: As Health Care Is Implemented, People Will "Recognize" And Appreciate It

Napolitano: No "Logic" In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35

Axelrod: "Elections Are Not Referendums, Elections Are Choices"

Sessions Debates CNN Host Over Economic Philosophy And Jobs

Joy Behar: How Do We Know That Isn't Breitbart's Penis?

New Sarah Palin PAC Web Ad: "American Foundations"

Romney: UAW "Bought And Paid For" Obama's 2008 Campaign

Chris Matthews: GOP "Rubes" Who Didn't Attend College "Hate Science"

MSNBC Host Blames Possible Civil Unrest Over Unemployment On GOP

Trump: Ryan Plan "A Total Disaster," Will Cost GOP The House

WH's Carney: Obama "Extremely Dedicated To Deficit Reduction"

Burton: GOP Candidate Will Get "At Least 47% Of the Vote"

Bob Beckel: "Why Does The Deficit Matter?"

Welch: Everything I See Tim Pawlenty Say Appeals To Me

Dem Rep. On Transaction Tax: "You Move The Money, We Get Our 1%"

Franken On Obama: "In Two Years He May Not Be The President"

"Daily Show" Slams "Insane" Weiner For Apologizing To Bill Clinton

Michelle Malkin On Obama's "Economic Saboteurs"

Mass Exodus Of Senior Campaign Staffers: End For Newt?

Bob Franken: Pawlenty Wants An "Oligarchy"

Weiner Not Resigning: "I'm Going To Get Back To Work"

Lawrence O'Donnell: Lying Should Not Be A Reason To Resign

Ed Schultz Again Pleads With Weiner To "End This" And Resign

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