A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 June 2011


The Michael Savage Show 06/06/2011


World War Nears After Vatican-Knights Templar Talks Fail


Catholic Church:

The Holy See(

ACT! for America Education (formerly American Congress for Truth)

Trends Research Institute

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Shadow Government Statistics

Bob Chapman ; The International Forecaster Blog

Bob Chapman /The International Forcaster

Lindsey Williams :The Energy Non Crisis

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics(

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)/


U.S. National Debt Clock : (


Greg Hunter; USA

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Marching In Step with AIPAC

Apparent Immunity Gene ‘Cures’ Bay Area Man Of AIDS « CBS San Francisco

YouTube - World Economy Collapse explained in 3 minutes

Tyranny Of The Majority Is Upon Us

Stop these useful idiots - Telegraph

Noah's Ark 'could arrive in London for Olympics' - Telegraph

Hacking collective targets FBI affiliate after Nintendo and Sony attacks | Technology | The Guardian

White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10 on Vimeo

3 nuclear reactors melted down after quake, Japan confirms -

Gov't may expand scope of evacuation order in Fukushima ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

Fukushima: Twice As Bad As Thought - Ecocentric - - Fukushima -- Japan's Faustian Bargain With the West

*Criminal complaint details birth-certificate 'forgery'

YouTube - Sarah Palin Got Pranked

msnbc video: Palin defends her telling of Revere’s ride

YouTube - Don't Talk - Angry Voicemail (Uncensored)

YouTube - About Israel & 9/11: Caller is Correct, Politician is Wrong

Russian envoy heads to Libya to begin settlement talks -

'I'm the king of the swimmers': Rare sighting of orang-utan taking a dip in crocodile infested river | Mail Online

YouTube - Rense & Pastor Manning - What Went Wrong


#Fukushima I Nuke Accident: Plutonium Found Outside the Plant | EX-SKF

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Areva's Water Treatment System Revealed | EX-SKF

E coli outbreak: German hospitals struggling to cope | World news | The Guardian

BREAKING NEWS: Alarm on Gene GM Crops: A Previously Unrecognised Effect on GM Plant Development

A Scary Side Effect of Eating GMO Foods | Natural Health News | Natural Health Resources | Live in the Now by

President’s Brother Behind Yemen Palace Massacre « Kawther Salam

Fierce clashes in Yemen; fate of Saleh uncertain -

Roy Tov – Casus Belli

Israeli defense minister: Syrian regime doomed | World news |

US seeks direct talks with Taliban's Mullah Omar - Telegraph

US 'considering greater troop reduction in Afghanistan' - Telegraph

The Arab spring is not blossoming - Telegraph

The page cannot be found

Violent reaction to family laws | Herald Sun

UN report calls for regulation to curb speculators pushing up food prices | Business | The Guardian

Eurozone Debt Cancel

French Ban Words 'Twitter' And 'Facebook' From TV, Radio

Butcher backlash after export horror revealed - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

US warns EU not to relax aeroplane liquids ban | World news | The Guardian

Terrorists 'will outsource attacks' | UK news |

Video: Record radiation levels at Fukushima | Gamut News

Why The Sea Turtle Is Becoming Extinct - Humans Again

U.S. high court OKs in-state tuition for illegals

Tolls Proposed on Route 422 - Local News - Philadelphia, PA -

Paul Drockton M.A.: Patriotism Vs. Globalism

National Debt Relief For Dummies

What We Must Do To Save Our Civilization


Is U.S. heading for baby boy boom after Japan disaster? Study finds nuclear radiation results in millions fewer female births worldwide | Mail Online

Scientists 'trap' and study elusive anti-matter - Telegraph

Why eating dirt can be good for your stomach... and act as a shield for your stomach | Mail Online

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Jewish life more valuable than Palestinians.

WikiLeaks: Indian Army and Siachen | Opinion Maker

James Carville | Obama | The Daily Caller

Daily economic briefings disappear from Obama's White House schedule -

US remains top military spender, institute says - Monsters and Critics

Chronic unemployment worse than Great Depression - CBS Evening News - CBS News

PressTV - Ex CIA agent urges the firing of US government

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Technology | The Guardian

PressTV - US Supreme Court deals mortal blow to privacy

PressTV - US slammed for holding inmates in solitary confinement for decades

Coffee prices: Higher prices for coffee beans mean a cup is costing more - Chicago Tribune

IMF warns on UK banks masking bad debts - Telegraph

AFP: Ahmadinejad condemns US 'meddling' in Syria

Fars News Agency :: Ahmadinejad Blames US for Bahraini Regime's Crackdown on People

Ahmadinejad says allegations of Iran’s nuclear weapons work discredit UN watchdog - The Washington Post

Ahmadinejad: World Powers Won't Stop Iran From Enriching Uranium -

OPEC meeting pits Iran, Venezuela against Saudis on whether to raise crude output level - The Washington Post

Matt Drudge responsible for Ann Coulter’s ‘Demonic’ book cover

Top 10 shocking things in Ann Coulter’s book ‘Demonic’ that will drive liberals crazy

Poll: Romney narrowly leads Obama among registered voters in a head-to-head race

Priebus wants Weiner resignation, Breitbart asks where’s House Republican leadership?

TheDC Morning: Barbara Walters is a crazy old bat

Comic Chris Titus hints at assassinating Palin ‘if she gets elected president’

Democrats targeting Paul Ryan in 2012

Katie Couric: Trump ‘was just acting like a jackass for a while’

Weiner admits sending photos, won’t resign

DCCC Chair, Pelosi call for ethics investigation against Weiner

Obamacare waivers weren’t in original law, appearance of political favors persists

Goolsbee, Obama’s top economic adviser, to resign after less than 10 months

The Justice Department’s unwatched revolving door

Club for Growth calls Santorum’s record strong at times, but says sometimes politics trump principle

House GOP blasts TSA for passing on privatizing screeners

Santorum kicks off his campaign with an attack on Obama

CBO hires Obamacare advocate to provide ‘objective’ health care budget numbers

Huntsman scores former Mitch Daniels supporters

Michele Bachmann hires Ed Rollins to run campaign

TheDC on TV: Jamie Weinstein talks Rand Paul, economic troubles on ‘The Big Picture’


The Gray Champion(


YouTube - Weiner? Weiner?? You can't make this stuff up.

YouTube - Helen Thomas tells Jews to go back to Germany

YouTube - ‪TSA Agent Arrested over 15 year old Sex Slave in Orange County‏!

YouTube - Ron Paul: End All The Unconstitutional Wars!

Rep. Anthony Weiner: 'The Picture Was of Me and I Sent It' - ABC News

YouTube - Ron Paul: U.S. Government Is Defaulting on the Average American All the Time

Weiner Admits He Lied, But Won't Resign

YouTube - Ron Paul: Government Is a Reflection of the People

YouTube - Ron Paul on CNN's State of the Union: I See A Fantastic Movement At The Grassroots

YouTube - 'Tripoli Brigade' trains to take capital

Video: Mock Hanging Outside Greek Parliament - Home - The Daily Bail


The Ostroy Report: "I'm Paul Revere, and You Know Nothing of My Work!"

YouTube - Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned The British

YouTube - !!ARE YOU ANTI-SEMITIC!! Another Nail in The Coffin!.mp4

NHK WORLD English/Govt. document shows offsite center dysfunctional

NHK WORLD English/No.1 reactor vessel damaged 5 hours after quake

A Voice In The Wilderness: Personal Secession – The Way to Freedom

Gates: No Rush For U.S. Troops To Leave Afghanistan : NPR

U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian Population" - Chemtrail Truth

PressTV - 'Suicide cult driving US econ. to abyss'

Lone Star Watchdog: Al Quada Threats Used to Go After Our Guns?

Activists Using Qik To Salvage Videos After Police Confiscate Cameras | Pixiq

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : PENTAGON BRIEFING FUNVAX - A New Vaccine to cure you of Religious Belief!!!

Obama, BP slammed over response to gulf oil spill: Issa report - National Law Enforcement |

Record Radiation Levels - 4,000,000 Microsieverts Per Hour -- Found Venting From Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant | Alexander Higgins Blog

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Silent Killers? People go missing after brutal police crackdown

TRANSCEND MEDIA SERVICE » Worlds Collide in a Luxury Suite

NISA doubles early fallout estimate | The Japan Times Online

Plutonium found in soil at Okuma | The Japan Times Online


INTERVIEW-W.Bank to suggest CO2 levy on jet, shipping fuel | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Thieves - Hustlers - Banksters, Chronic Unemployment Worse Than Great Depression, Hugh Hendry's QE Wheel Of Insanity, Why Soros Is Wrong For Selling Gold (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Pelosi Says Unemployment, Economic Blame Goes To Bush, Boehner, Absolves Obama, Reid & Herself (Face The Nation) - Home - The Daily Bail

MUST SEE: Rep. Walter Jones DEMANDS A Complete Fed Audit To Fed Counsel's Face: "The Federal Reserve Is NOT Held In High Esteem By Many People In This Country!" - Home - The Daily Bail

Taxpayer Dollars Still Bailing Out Banks - CNBC

U.S. Taxpayers Raked Over The Fake War Coals Again and Again | Veterans Today

A Deepening Rift Between Germany and Israel -

Former Political Prisoner Geronimo Pratt Dies :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

State, local governments set to see record job cuts, layoffs - Jun. 5, 2011

Abercrombie: Stop feeding homeless | KHON2 Hawaii's News Leader

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions -

The Global Debt Crisis: How We Got in It and How to Get Out | Truthout

Sherwood Ross | No "Shred of Evidence" Iran Building Nukes, Ex-Head of IAEA Says


Activist Post: RAND Researcher: Iran can produce nuke within 2 months

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Israel and 9/11 Motives by representativepress

10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship

Activist Post: FDA sends US marshals to seize elderberry juice concentrate, deems it 'unapproved drug'

U.S. Taxpayers Raked Over The Fake War Coals Again and Again | My Catbird Seat


**America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version/ 1:51:16

*(8 Parts)American's Journey: Inside Job (2010) Video - Full Movie

NEWS - Texas Governor Rick Perry to host prayer summit that calls upon Jesus to solve America’s problems

Kids in HSE care ended up working in brothels - Wikileaks, National News - - One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer'

True Cost of Fannie, Freddie Bailouts: $317 Billion, CBO Says |

State, local governments set to see record job cuts, layoffs - Yahoo! Finance

+Whole Foods admits its organic foods contain genetically modified ingredients -

They Call This Justice. Supreme Court Gives CIA Torturers, Boeing a Free Pass -

Will The Banksters And The Corpocracy Eventually Own It All? 29 Statistics About Extreme Income Inequality In America That Will Blow Your Mind -

Anonymous claims control of Iranian gov’t servers | The Raw Story

US says dropping bombs is not war, but guessing a computer password is -

BBC News - US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as 'acts of war'

Activist Post: Gates vows new weapons for US role in Asia

China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills |

The Secret History of Boeing’s Killer Drone | Danger Room |

Melted Fuel at Fukushima May Have Leaked Through, Yomiuri Says - Bloomberg

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Technology | The Guardian

New battery design could give electric vehicles a jolt

Attack kills 120 Syrian forces; crackdown feared - Yahoo! News

Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions (video)


*Film: The Power of the Purse (Webmasters Most Referred Film) |


YouTube - Bilderberg 2011, Ron Paul 2012, Hacking the Feds


**Ron Paul News 6-6-11 |


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 6th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 6th, 2011


*The Excavator: Jim Tucker & Alex Jones Bilderberg Report: Elite's Come Home to Roost in St. Moritz, Switzerland

**The Excavator: The Threat of State Terrorism To America By The U.S. Deep State: Cracking The Chicago Code


**Film: America’s Secret Destiny |


Ron Paul: They’re not mocking my candidacy any more | Raw Replay

YouTube - 2012 Election & Media Manipulation • NBC/Faux News • May 10th, 2011

The Windsors’ Global Food Cartel: Instrument for Starvation |

YouTube - Congress funding media propaganda machine

9/11 and Who Rules Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia and Western Hypocrisy

Inside al-Qaeda and the Taliban Beyond Bin Laden and 9/11

What Does Zionism Mean to You?

Wilkerson: For Truth, Justice and the American Way

WHO: Time running out to solve E. coli outbreak

Markets: US Influence on Global Economy ‘Overwhelming’: Investor - CNBC

Treasury Data: China Dumps Short-Term US T–Bills

UN: Food Prices Stay Near Record as Meat Costs Rise, Grains Fall

Delinquent Homeowners Get Mortgage Aid from Government

Hedge Funds: Paulson $9 Billion Hedge Fund Falls 6 Percent in May - CNBC

Calling CNN about this year’s Bilderberg meeting –

Fox News Mixes Up Tina Fey & Sarah Palin –

US judges tragic kickback greed exposes prison system profiteering –

Jesse Ventura “These 2 Parties Have Created A Corrupt System Based Upon Panhandling & Bribery!” –

Evolution, Religion and Mankind’s Impact on Climate Change –

Cops Smash Bystander’s Cell Phones To Cover Up Their Murderous Actions! –

No opting out of enlistment for opponents of gays in military: Sec. of Defense Gates –

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities –

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities

VIDEO: Bilderberg 2011: Globalists' Meeting Behind Closed Doors

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People


The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 1) | Hawai`i News Daily

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 2) | Hawai`i News Daily


10 Tipping Points Which Could Potentially Plunge The World Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare | Hawai`i News Daily

The Decline of Trade-Unions in the US and Canada

The Elite, the ‘Great Game’ and World War III

Afghanistan: Losing the war

Eurasian Heartland: America Breathes Life into a New Cold War

How the Empire will Prevail: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

Inhumane Prison Conditions in California

The Global Debt Crisis: How We Got In It, and How to Get Out

VIDEO: Obama's Unhealthy Addiction to War

The Social Crisis in America: Pick Your Poison

The Corporate Media Complex: Drawing Back the Veil on the U.S. Propaganda Machine

VIDEO: Fukushima Predicted: Regulatory Commission was Warned for Years

Fukushima. The Risk for Workers: "Levels of Radiation Could Increase Exponentially"

Is Oil set for a Big Price Jump?

Oil Prices Holding Steady Under $100

Morgan Freeman Asks The Big Questions On "Wormhole"

Casey Anthony Murder Trial Continues With Expert Scientific Testimony


YouTube - What is Bitcoin?


Bitcoin P2P Virtual Currency(


Part 1 of 3: An Interview About Vaccines with Helen V. Ratajczak, PhD -

Obama’s Deregulation of GMO Crops | Tikkun Magazine

A Scary Side Effect of Eating GMO Foods | Natural Health News | Natural Health Resources | Live in the Now by

» Prominent Swiss Politician Calls For Arrest of Kissinger at Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Humans become 'pets' in rise of the machines: Apple co-founder

CERN Scientists Refine Antimatter 'Trap' - ABC News

Video - Michael Prince: The Bases 9 Interview - Cyborgization of Humanity - Seattle exopolitics |

New super-fast biometric ID system may allow card-less ATMs - The Mainichi Daily News

"America Will Be Dismembered By Its Creditors"

Soros-funded, Marxist-led group pushes Net control

Smiting the In-Fiddle by Fred Reed

Up With Vietnamese Catfish by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? by Paul Craig Roberts

Return of the Anti-Interventionist Right by Patrick J. Buchanan

The One-Party Police State of the Republicrats by Jack D. Douglas

Holding the President Accountable on Libya by Ron Paul

The Great American Tax Dilemma by Jerome Tuccille

Different Decisions by Thomas Sowell

Obama Administration Youth Summit: Gov’t ‘Has Finally Come Out of the Closet'

Gallup: Liberals, Democrats, Grad Students, Easterners More Likely to be Atheists

Weiner: 'I Am Not Resigning'

Pelosi Not Calling for Weiner to Resign

Geithner Wants Globalization of Standards for Financial Institutions

U.S. Adults Overestimate Homosexual Population by As Much As Tenfold

Bush Solicitor General 'Proud' of Lady Gaga’s Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Problems Persist With DOD Contractors in Afghanistan, Report Says

Obama Again Chooses Friday Afternoon to Renew the Jerusalem Embassy Waiver

Jilted Ex-Boyfriend Puts Up Billboard Saying His Baby Was Aborted

Bozell: Planned Parenthood, Spiked

Pawlenty Proposes Three-Tier Income Tax System

White House Certain Obama's Libyan Intervention Is Legal

Breitbart Says Weiner Photos Are Legit

Transportation Secretary Bikes 2 Miles to Work; ‘Saved Us Some Money’ on Gas

True Cost of Fannie, Freddie Bailouts: $317 Billion, CBO Says

USDA Spending $10 Million to Promote Farmers' Markets in Michelle Obama's 'Food Deserts'

Website Says Weiner Sent Shirtless Photo to Woman

Gates Foresees ‘Modest’ Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan in July

AP Sources: Edwards emails acknowledge payments

Voters say Weiner can survive lewd photo scandal

White House brushes off House Libya resolution

Senators tell Biden to reject GOP Medicare plan

White House preps for German chancellor's Tuesday visit

NATO, Russia team up in anti-terror exercise

Obama backs UN secretary-general for new term

OPEC split over increasing oil production

UN Could Split Afghan Taliban, Al-Qaida Black List

Condom-Filled Acorns Prompt Pennsylvania Judge Complaint

Airlines Aim to Take Hassle Out of Security Checks

US: China Ends Wind Power Subsidy Program

Federal government says Mass. must join program to deport criminal offenders

'Erections have consequences'

Serious national-security and foreign-policy issues crowding Obama’s agenda

Subpoenas expected in congressional probe of Justice Dept's gun-tracking program

McConnell: Dem plan is to do nothing

Carville: Obama faces 'very rough' election without job growth

Patrick Kennedy’s new cause: brain research

Nobel Winner Withdraws Name for Fed Job Following GOP Resistance

Obama's Libyan debacle could undercut U.S. credibility elsewhere

President Obama’s phony accounting on the auto industry bailout

Ethics agency will not investigate complaint over Schwarzenegger affair

Comedian Jon Stewart goes easy on his friend Weiner

For Andrew Breitbart, a day of vindication on Weiner story

Democrats grumble over Harry Reid's agenda

U.S. govt's $61.6 trillion in unfunded obligations amounts to $534,000 per household

Gov. Rick Perry proclaims Aug. 6 as a day of prayer and fasting

Smoke from Arizona fire blanketing Denver area

Obama hits new lows on economy, poll finds

Green burials are gaining traction in the Washington area

Partisan clashes keep 2 Virginia supreme court seats empty

Internet tax push gains currency

Researcher: Iran can produce nuke within 2 months - Israel News, Ynetnews

Palin, Bachmann Taking GOP Race by Storm

Paul Raises $1 Million in 'Money Bomb' vs. Romney

Carville: There Will Be Civil Unrest — on Economy

GOP Embraces Norquist's 'No New Taxes' Mantra

Obamacare May Force 30% of Firms to Cut Coverage

UN: Food Prices Stay Near Record High

Steve Jobs Uses iCloud to Pick Apart PC Industry

Dr. Blaylock: MSG Can Make You Fat — and Sick

Dems Desert Weiner After Confession of Sexts, Lies

Romney: Palin 'Best Thing' That Could Happen to Me

Breitbart: I Had No Idea I Was on TV

Weiner: I'll Cooperate With Ethics Investigation

Dem Leaders Tongue-tied on Weiner's Future

Amity Shlaes: Krugman Wrong About 1937 Repeat

Weiner Refuses to Quit, Despite Lies, Online Sex

Ron Kessler: Reince Priebus Blasts DNC's Wasserman Shultz.

Author Shapiro Warns: Don't Touch That Leftist Dial

The Continuing War Against the Jews

Four-Year Degree No Longer a Prerequisite for Success

US Must Target Preachers of Terrorism

How Good Is John Edwards’ Defense?

The Field Is Ripe for a New GOP Candidate

How to Create Jobs Now

YouTube - OTJ: Should Kagan Recuse From Obamacare?

Homeland Security testing mind-reading terrorist 'pre-crime' detectors - Computerworld Blogs

Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus | World news |

US Has To Create 250K Jobs A Month For 66 Months To Return To December 2007 Unemployment By End Of Obama's Second Term | zero hedge

Marc Faber Interview: Here is What Faber is Bullish About - Insider Monkey

On "China Dumps US Bonds" Attempts At Clickbaiting | zero hedge

» Déjà Vu: Another Congressman Bares Naked Torso (and More) for Online Pal - Big Government

YouTube - Detained for photography in Baltimore

Let's Finally Dispense With 'Hero' Nonsense - informationliberation

Constitution Worship Revisited: I'm Still Fed Up! - informationliberation

Down With the Dictator - informationliberation

Gadahn Call for Gun Violence Merges With Obama's "Under the Radar" Anti-Gun Agenda - informationliberation

YouTube - Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab

YouTube - TSA Pat Down Makes Elderly Lady Feel Like a Fugitive - Read Description Box - Texas TSA, DHS

YouTube - Manchester PD Mass Arrests, Camera Seizures

Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

The American Empire Must Be Stopped

Israeli Stealth Ships in Raids on Iran

Congressional Representation or Repression?:

Libya: NATO's War Of Aggression Against A Sovereign African State

YouTube - Gaddafi's Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains 'Financial Terrorism'

The Creeping Nausea of American Exceptionalism

Will Greece let EU Central Bankers Destroy Democracy?

Video:Treason in Greece

QE2 Has Failed. Time To Move On

Undermining International Law

Do The American People Support the 'Special Relationship?'

The Rise of the Second-String Psychopaths

+War Is A Racket

Sweet Justice : Couple Foreclose On Bank of America


Hitler letter to be revealed, containing first written anti-Semitic comments - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

For Rep. Anthony Weiner, a dramatic fall via social media -

Madoff payroll manager Lipkin pleads guilty -

Glenn Beck to Charge Fee for Online Show -

Steep thrills: Coaster fan attempts to ride every coaster in the USA -

The Bottom Line on Sunscreens – Which Sunscreens Are the Safest? by Joseph Mercola

November 5, 2003: A Great Medicare Privatization Debate

Jeff Jarvis: The Amount of Effort Put into Weiner Story 'Was Just Pathetic'

Margaret Carlson on the Press Coverage of Trump and Palin: 'We are Always go Going to Follow the Shiny Object'

Sarah Palin's gaffe about Paul Revere caused her worshipers to try to edit mistake into Wikipedia

Fox News Warns Parents Of The Evils Of That Liberal Sesame Street Indoctrination

Fox News uses Tina Fey photo for Sarah Palin report

Welcome Back To The Casino. Instead of Mortgages, Now They're Gambling With The World's Food Supply

Blue America Welcomes Wisconsin Heroes Sandy Pasch And Chris Larson

Walkerville tent city up and running

The Tea-Party Utopia

Rick Santorum: 'America Was a Great Country Before 1965'

Updated with Video: Rep. Anthony Weiner Admits Sending Pictures

Administration Puts Little Effort Into Stemming The Tide Of Foreclosures From The Unemployed

Cantor: No reason to doubt Geithner's Aug. 2 debt ceiling deadline

Rick Santorum Makes It Official. He's 'In It To Win It' On The Republican Presidential Nomination

And Then There Were Three: Three Full Meltdowns Confirmed At Fukushima

Hartmann Debates One of the 'Tea Party's Favorite Doctors' on Her Article 'Who's Pushing Granny Over the Cliff?'

Pain at the Gas Pump? Blame the Kochs.

Our Economy's Best Chance


*The Alex Jones Show – June 6th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – June 5th, 2011


YouTube - Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk: Congress is Ignoring it's Constitutional Obligations

Thanks to Ron Paul, We Are All Libertarians Now |

*The Boiling Frogs Presents Paul Craig Roberts – Podcast Show #45 |

YouTube - Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Whitehouse crackdown on Whistleblowers; Exposing corruption is now Espionage! |

Whitehouse to want Streaming Media of any copyrighted materials to be a felony | USWGO Alternative News

+The Copyright Conspiracy is not about protecting rights but about enforcing propaganda against the population! |

Ten reasons why the U.S. war in Libya is a CIA operation

YouTube - Drone-Kill Culture: Predator Playstations

Goldman Prepares To Fight Carl Levin Allegations Of Massive Housing Short, Will Release Trove Of "Evidence" It Is Innocent | zero hedge


*Radiation News 6-6-11 |


YouTube - Max Keiser: The Private Federal Reserve Bank, "A Global Mafia Cartel" 1/2

YouTube - Max Keiser: The Private Federal Reserve Bank, "A Global Mafia Cartel" 2/2

*Top Bilderberger: Eurozone Collapse Threatens Global Currency Agenda

Fateful Spring: The OPEC and Bilderberg 2011 Meetings

+Keep The Change: 20 Ways That The U.S. Economy Has Gotten Worse Since Barack Obama Became President

*The Threat of State Terrorism To America By The U.S. Deep State: Cracking The Chicago Code

20 Facts About US Inequality That Everyone Should Know (With An Update On The Uber-Wealthy And Global Wealth Inequality)

*GOP Establishment Attempting To Redistrict Ron Paul Out Of Office

The dangers of bone-headed beliefs

New airport scanner which will take just five seconds - Telegraph

Dollar Index at 1-Month Low as China Warns on US Assets - CNBC

Drone surveillance in the US? Alex Jones says ‘the whole world is in danger’

Democratic change in Bahrain does not serve US interests: Kissinger

Are Ridiculous Airport Security Measures Killing Airline Profits?

Ron Paul: Holding the President Accountable on Libya

‘Terrorist food poisoning?! It’s sociological warfare developing!’

Towards a Worldwide Inflationary Depression

‘IMF billions will give Egypt’s sovereignty to the West’

‘Libya war could bring Obama down’

NATO jets target Libya state TV

Roy Masters: “Hypnotic States Of Americans”

YouTube - Hypnotic States Of Americans - Hypnosis Demonstration

Worldwide Freedom is Being Hacked

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 1/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 2/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 3/3

+ The Alex Jones Show: Bilderberg Conference of Global Power Brokers set to Meet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Elite’s Plan For Global Extermination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(2 Parts) Ryan Miklus & Alex Jones: TSA is The ‘Brown Shirt’ Army Obama Always Wanted Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Drone surveillance in the US? Alex Jones says ‘the whole world is in danger’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago) | Mail Online

» Down With the Dictator Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gadhafi: 'We will not surrender, we will not give up' -

Syrian Protesters Reportedly Given Money to Take Part in Protests Along Israeli Border -

Gold firms as dollar slides to one-month low | Reuters

Autos Insider | GM chief pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News

INTERVIEW-W.Bank to suggest CO2 levy on jet, shipping fuel | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Bleak teen jobs outlook: 25 percent unemployment and stiff competition -

French Ban Words 'Twitter' And 'Facebook' From TV, Radio

» DOD, Homeland Security Collaborate in Cyber Realm Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Tasered Suspect Dies in BSO Custody | NBC Miami

Islet cell transplant: Islet cell transplant emerges as diabetes cure -

McKinsey: 30% of Employers to “Definitely or Probably” Stop Offering Health Insurance after 2014 - Avik Roy - The Apothecary - Forbes

BBC News - Drug firms cut vaccine prices to the developing world

Civilian appeals conviction by US military court

» Bill of Rights: An Endangered Species Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Al Qaeda Video: Buy Automatic Weapons and Start Shooting Americans - ABC News

Mexican cartels now using tanks - The Washington Post

YouTube - Ejercito Mexicano incauta Narcotanques.wmv

Yemen: Has al Qaeda disappeared? - International Business Times

Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue' - Telegraph

Remember Building 7 ad -and Poll Results |

Former FBI Chief - Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI | Before It's News


Bin Laden Death Could Change Taliban Attitudes, Gates Tells Troops | Before It's News

Turbulent Sea of Magnetic Bubbles Found At the Edge of Our Solar System | Before It's News

A First-of-a-Kind Global Map of Land Plant Fluorescence | Before It's News

Freddy Launches Universal HHO Gas Kit

The End of the World 2012: NASA Tells All | Before It's News

2,700-Year-Old Stash Of Pot Found | Before It's News

Virus Will Alter "God Gene" to Eliminate Religious Fanatics in Middle East? (Video) | Before It's News

Shocker: Jupiter Once Roamed The Solar System, Came As Close To Earth As Mars Is Now | Before It's News

A Birth Control Pill For Men Be On The Horizon? | Before It's News

Tai Chi Could Be Key To Overcoming Cognitive Effects Of Chemotherapy | Before It's News

Kiss A Frog, Cure Cancer: Amazing Properties of Frog Skin May Hold Treatments for 70 Major Diseases | Before It's News

The wise man says: "Electronic waste pollution can cause cancer" | Before It's News

Witty's Lifestyle Blog: Can coffee make you hallucinate?

YouTube - Vitamin D Essential For Prevention Of Diseases

NO ONE TO VOTE FOR: Global media serves 'The Synagogue of Satan'

Obama’s alias Harrison Bounel found in the Torha Code.

Obama's ineligibility: Our permanent political class is the enemy | Before It's News

Anthony Weiner and Obama :Strange Bedfellows with another Shoe to Drop? | Before It's News

LTC Terry Lakin & Dr. Jerome Corsi Interview: Lakin Offered Book Deal By Nationally Known Author; Undocumented Worker In White House | Before It's News

Dolphins Use Double Sonar, They Can Send Two Echolocation Beams Simultaneously | Before It's News

*'Lucky' Larry's Chicago's Sears/Willis Tower Tenants are Moving out and it has an Asbestos Problem | Before It's News

*UPDATE: TV Series "Whistleblowers - the Untold Stories" -- UA Pilot and Spokesperson, Dan Hanley, Now Missing | Before It's News

Israel's Ethnic Weapon? | Before It's News

- Here are some examples of how EVIL is used in reshaping Humanities Mind for an Ideological Purpose | Before It's News


KGB OPERATION "BARACK OBAMA". Mikhail Kryzhanovsky | Before It's News


KGB HANDBOOK FOR OBAMA ("THE PROFESSIONAL" system). PART 1.Mikhail Kryzhanovsky | Before It's News

KGB HANDBOOK FOR OBAMA ("THE PROFESSIONAL" system). PART 2.Mikhail Kryzhanovsky | Before It's News

KGB HANDBOOK FOR OBAMA ("THE PROFESSIONAL" system). PART 3.Mikhail Kryzhanovsky | Before It's News


Jesse Ventura “These 2 Parties Have Created A Corrupt System Based Upon Panhandling & Bribery!” | Before It's News

WHO, HOW AND WHY KILLED JOHNN KENNEDY. Mikhail Kryzhanovsky | Before It's News

Rep. Weiner and the Failure of Anger

Slave masters, real and imagined

Those who seek to run our lives

Virtual Money, Ugly Reality

Misunderstanding Obama's Momma

What's important about Weinergate...And what's not

3 in 10 companies will drop health insurance coverage once Obamacare takes effect

NPR defends Palin?

Obama no longer receiving daily economic briefings

Obama even with Romney in new ABC poll

Big Media Eats Crow While Palin Plays Gotcha

Bernanke's Posturing Ignores Inflation Reality and Hurts Americans

Anti-gun physicians in Florida claim right to ask patients about gun ownership

Democrats are's not about Sex...

Who Spent the Peace Dividend?

OK - Just What Is the Ryan Medicare Plan?

The Federal Reserve and Financial Repression

Medicare is Bad Medicine for Young America

Naomi Oreskes, Conspiracy Queen

The Real Problem with Taxes

Why Our Elites Just Can't Get No Respect

Government-Assisted Economic Suicide

Debbie Schlussel/VIDEO: “Moderate” US Muslims Honor/Memorialize Ayatollah Khomeini

Debbie Schlussel/Samira Abdalla Salim, Another “Random” Jihadist: Koran Proselytizer Stabs Two @ MN Library

Debbie Schlussel/New Detroit Pistons Owner to Schlussel: “Israel Is Evil, I Support Palestine; US Govt Brainwashed”

What does Bernanke have up his Sleeve after QE2?

Too many Regulations are stifling Growth and the American way of Life!

Blogger says he has X-rated photo involving Weiner

Rep. Anthony Weiner sext pic scandal: Provocative new photos of Queens congressman hitting the web

Venezuela housing shortage a headache for Chavez | Reuters

It's time to confront this taboo: First cousin marriages in Muslim communities are putting hundreds of children at risk | Mail Online

Fighting in Libya 'could last until Christmas' as Gaddafi clings on, 'for months' | Mail Online

True Cost of Fannie, Freddie Bailouts: $317 Billion, CBO Says |

Utility 'smart meters': Fears of electromagnetic radiation from 'smart meters' are overblown -

Are wild horses native to the U.S.? A federal court seeks the answer -

SEIU marches with Southern California Communists in May Day demonstration | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Rep. Anthony Weiner's wife, ex-girlfriends and crotch-shot recipient Gennette Cordova -

Constituents react to Rep. Anthony Weiner's confession -

Rep. Anthony Weiner told online pal Lisa Weiss he was a 'caped crusader . . . looking for [a] sidekick' -

Report: Anthony Weiner coached woman to lie - Jennifer Epstein -

Rep. Weiner Admits to Sending Lewd Twitter Photo, Acknowledges Other Explicit Conversations -

YouTube - Oscar Mayer "Wiener" Ad 1965 in COLOR (THE BEST CLASSIC AD IN THE USA)

Breitbart: I Released Rep. Weiner Photos for 'Vindication' - Interviews -

Post-legal America and the National security complex

Dissent lands Chinese blogger in labour camp

Republicans Could Lose the House If They Get Boxed in on Debt Limit

Will 2011 be the year of the UK awakening?

In Egypt, Muslim Brotherhood becomes legitimate party

NHS reforms: David Cameron unveils key changes

Voters say Weiner can survive lewd photo scandal

GOP chairman demands Weiner resign

Japan admits being unprepared for nuclear disaster

Salmonella infections rise in US: study

Heated fight over E. coli farm payments breaks out

Obama: No fears of double-dip recession

GM CEO concerned about economy, deficit

Libyan leader Gadhafi vows to fight until death

Comedian Chris Titus ‘Jokes’ About Assassinating Sarah Palin

World Wonders What Happened to Jon Stewart Who Said a Guilty Weiner’s ‘Got to go’

BigDawg Spotlight On: ‘the IN word’ – The Antidote to Liberal Arts & Political Correctness

New ‘Reality’ TV Show To Focus On Race for 2012 Election

Why Did Weiner Screw Himself?

‘The Undefeated’ Review: Doing the Job the Corrupt MSM Won’t

‘Gasland’ Director Moves to Memory-Hole Video That Reveals Inconvenient Truths

BREAKING: Second Conservative Hollywood Heavyweight Resigns Over ‘Acceptable Discrimination’

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter One

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

Big Banks Prepared to Strike Again

+AUDIO:Sarah Palin’s Magical Mystery Tour

Did FCC Collude with Socialist Organization to Push Gov’t Regulation of Internet?

*Emanuel’s First Test: Gang Mob Attacks Continue in Chicago After Memorial Beach Closing

AUDIO:China’s Grip on U.S. Debt

The Boeing Lawsuit: How We Got Here

» Mr. Wiener, Did You Know It Is Internet Safety Month? - Big Government

» Pelosi Calls for Ethics Investigation of Rep. Weiner - Big Government

» Anthony Weiner’s Refusal to Resign Raises More Concerns About His Character - Big Government

» My Story - Big Government

» Weiner Press Conference Open Thread: UPDATE: ‘I Apologize to Andrew Breitbart’ - Big Government

» Déjà Vu: Another Congressman Bares Naked Torso (and More) for Online Pal - Big Government

» Weinergate Bombshell: New Woman Comes Forward Claiming Cache of Intimate Photos and Online Communications with Beleaguered Congressman - Big Government

Rep. Anthony Weiner: 'The Picture Was of Me and I Sent It' - ABC News

Anthony Weiner Twitter scandal: 'I sent lewd photos to 6 women and lied about it' | Mail Online

Review & Outlook: Anthony Weiner's Judgment -

Weiner Sexting Partner Reveals Her Identity, Says: ‘He Called Me On Congress Phone!’ | Radar Online

Andrew Breitbart takes over Anthony Weiner news conference - Maggie Haberman -

Breitbart Takes Podium at Anthony Weiner Press Conference to Challenge Media - Big Journalism

Weinergate Grows: Another Woman Provides Sex Messages From His Account | Radar Online

Weiner Used Jewish Sexual Stereotype To Facebook Sexting Partner | Radar Online


**Hillary and Weiners wife Lovers? Clinton-Abedin-Weinergate? or Desperate Weiners -

+The PJ Tatler » Flashback: Guess who officiated at Weiner’s wedding?


People For Peace, Not Land For Peace

American Mosques: Jihad’s Incubators

Will Public Be Intentionally Distracted From Project Gunrunner Hearings?

Report: Iranian Atomic Bomb May Be 8 Weeks Away

Is Obama Deliberately Harming Israeli Covert Ops in Iran?

Mark Your Calendars: Armageddon Date Moved Up

Portugal Throws Out Socrates, Hoping To Avoid Greece’s Fate

Why Would Anyone Rush Syria’s Border With Israel? The Pay is Good

Video: Syrian Army Soldiers Joke Over Shot Civilians

Bravo! US Reporter Bluntly Asks Chinese General Questions About Military And Chinese Intentions

Video: ‘We Ask A Person Nicely To Convert; But If He Refuses….We Fight Him’

Overhauling the Military Retirement System: A Lesson in Service Before Self

Hot Air From Obama Administration On Their ‘Energy Freeze’

What’s Worse For The Economy — China Or The Obama Administration? I Think We Know…

5 U.S. Soldiers Killed In Central Iraq

Egyptian TV Host: Arabs Lack the Capacity to Listen

Ed Shultz Returns, Calls for Weiner’s Resignation

Wonkette Picks on an Adult for a Change, Fails Miserably

Revenge of The Nerds: ‘Big’ Blogs Scoop the MSM Yet Again

Miami New Times Writer: Drudge Report ‘Kinda Racist’

Howard Kurtz and CNN Struggle Mightily to Identify ‘Reliable Sources’

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS Reporter for Blaming Breitbart for Weiner Coverage

Breitbart Takes Podium at Anthony Weiner Press Conference to Challenge Media - Big Journalism

Anthony Weiner's press conference substitutes copious apologies for copious lies. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine

‘Me and the pussys’: Weiner Sends Intimate Home Pic; Apparently Relishes Double Entendres, Too - Big Journalism

L.A. Times Journalist Tim Rutten, Historical Idiot - Big Journalism

‘It’s Me’: Rep. Weiner Sends Playful Photo to New Friend - Big Journalism

7-Jun-11 World View......

6-Jun-11 World View......

Syria warns of more marches on Israeli border

Man sentenced to 30 years for stabbing music director to death - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Researcher: Iran can produce nuke within 2 months - Israel News, Ynetnews

Mexican war on drugs reaches new low as drug gangs hang rival members from city-centre bridges | Mail Online

Police Supt. Garry McCarthy vows to hunt down ‘flash mob’ suspects - Chicago Sun-Times

Autos Insider | GM chief pushing for higher gas taxes | The Detroit News

President Obama’s phony accounting on the auto industry bailout - The Fact Checker - The Washington Post

MinnPost - Pawlenty budget plan: Fewer tax brackets and 'Google test' cuts

Iran sends submarines to Red Sea: report - Yahoo! News

Indian yoga guru slams 'murdered democracy' - Yahoo! News

'Borderline riot' at Alabama Adventure theme park sends police in, park guests out | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | World News :: Saleh's wounds 'worse than thought'

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions -

Dollar Index at 1-Month Low as China Warns on US Assets - CNBC

Obama loses bin Laden bounce; Romney on the move among GOP contenders - The Washington Post

NJ court: No shield law for message boards posters - Yahoo! News


Blagojevich Back On Stand -

Rod Blagojevich trial 2: Defense to begin redirect of Blagojevich; ex-governor less chatty in 7th day on stand |

Blagojevich gets more concise on cross-examination |

Rod Blagojevich says Senate trade would have been ‘a favor worth doing’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Monday Testimony Shows Blagojevich Retrial Intensifies | Progress Illinois

Supreme Court steers clear of case involving Obama Senate seat | Alaska Dispatch


Police crack down on bicyclists -

Quinn appoints Chico to head state school board -

New chief: Chicagoans must be weaned from calling 911 with non-emergencies - Chicago Sun-Times

CTA named most romantic transit system -

Low Mileage Kitchen: ‘Hobo packs’ ideal for in-season produce - Chicago Sun-Times

RealClearPolitics - Redistricting Wars Begin in Illinois

Victory: A Chicago casino for Rahm Emanuel, maybe | Industry | Gaming News

Quinn's "Las Vegas of the Midwest" Talk May Not Be Hyperbole: Chicagoist

Quinn: Budget impasse threatens 52,000 jobs

Illinois Casino Expansion Worries Indiana


+5th/Transcripts:Guests: Austan Goolsbee and Representative Ron Paul

Guests: Minority Leader Pelosi and Governor Barbour

Interview with White House Advisor Austan Goolsbee

4th/Press Conference with Secretary Gates and Pres. Karzai

3rd/Obama's Speech to Chrysler Workers in Toledo

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Interview with Representative Peter Welch

Interview with White House Advisor Austan Goolsbee

2nd/Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Analysts Discuss Romney's Campaign Announcement

Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Interview with Representative Paul Ryan

Panel on the Abortion Battle in Indiana

1st/Interview with Representative Anthony Weiner

Panel on the Anthony Weiner Scandal

Interview with Rep. Xavier Beccerra

Analyst Discusses the Debt Ceiling Fight

Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann

Media Availability with Secretary Gates

31st/Obama Announces New Commerce Secretary

Reps. Roskam & Clyburn Debate the Debt Ceiling

Guests: Representatives Kucinich and Carnahan

Interview with Representative Earl Blumenauer

Interview with Representative Peter Welch

Secretary Gates's Remarks at the USS Missouri

30th/President Obama Marks Memorial Day

Panel on the Bachmann, Palin Rumors

29th/Obama's Remarks at a Joplin Memorial Service

Guests: Sen. Min. Ldr. McConnell and Sen. Schumer

Guests: Sen. McCain; Reps. West and Edwards

Guests: Pres. Candidate Tim Pawlenty & Gov. Mitch Daniels

28th/Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM Tusk


What Sarah Palin Got Wrong — And We Did, Too - By Joel J. Miller - The Corner - National Review Online

Santorum could siphon off religious conservative support from GOP field – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

God's Politics? No Such Thing.

Carl Jung, part 2: A troubled relationship with Freud – and the Nazis | Mark Vernon | Comment is free |

Associated Baptist Press - SBC leader criticizes Obama on Israel

C. S. Lewis’s Aeneid | The Christian Century

New Government Scrutiny for ‘Catholic’ Colleges | Crisis Magazine

Missing faith: Getting religion in the newsroom | Deseret News

I want to convert to Mormonism, but my parents think it’s the occult. Help? | Ask Mormon Girl

The Mormon Moment - Newsweek

RealClearReligion - Would Captain Kirk Race for the Cure?

WORLD Magazine | Just listen | Janie B. Cheaney | Jun 18, 11

Pope: Family Life In Europe Suffers 'Increasing Disintegration'

Hay Festival 2011: Director of CERN had a private audience with the Pope - Telegraph

RealClearPolitics - Can a Mormon Become President?

The American Spectator : Choosing Ayn Rand or Jesus?

Rep. Anthony Weiner and the Sexual Roulette Syndrome | Psychology Today

MyPlate: Replacing food pyramid with a plate is a good start -

Could Liquid Nitrogen Help Build Tastier Burgers? -

Two New Elements Join the Periodic Table | 80beats | Discover Magazine

DailyTech - Adult Stem Cells/Hormone Transplant Mends "Unhealable" Bone Fractures

Archaeology dating technique uncovers 'property boom' of 3700 BC | Science | The Guardian

Early Americans helped colonise Easter Island - life - 06 June 2011 - New Scientist

Do Alligators Really Live in New York City Sewers? | Alligators, Crocodiles in New York City Sewers | Urban Legends and Myths | Life's Little Mysteries

Scientists explain the spider web paradox | COSMOS magazine

Who Annoys You More, Climate Change Deniers Or Fetishists?

Stanford climate scientists forecast permanently hotter summers beginning in 20 years

NASA - First-of-its-Kind Fluorescence Map Offers a New View of the World's Land Plants

Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Neutron analysis explains dynamics behind best thermoelectric materials

Be It Numbers or Words – The Structure of Our Language Remains the Same - Association for Psychological Science

RealClearScience - WHO Cell Phone-Cancer Report Skips Science

Cryptic mutations could be evolution's hidden fuel

Alien plants 'can help alleviate poverty' - SciDev.Net

5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet | Epicenter |

Is there life on Mars? We may soon find out | Science | The Observer

BBC News - Moons like Earth's could be more common than we thought

Brain scan can predict Alzheimer's Disease a decade in advance - Telegraph

Flu shot lowers odds for preemies; study highlights dangers of confusing anecdotes with data | The Panic Virus

Roar of the LOLcats: Internet Access is a Human Right, Says UN Report | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Erase entangled memory to cool a computer - tech - 06 June 2011 - New Scientist

The "New Normal" Weather | Fast Company

mental_floss Blog » How to Train Your Goldfish

Yemeni President Saleh in Saudi Arabia; Protesters Rejoice - TIME

United in Mutual Annoyance: What's Gone Wrong with German-US Relations? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Has Economic Power Replaced Military Might? by Joseph S. Nye - Project Syndicate

This Week at War: - By Robert Haddick | Foreign Policy

UN Celebrates Seven Billion People a Year Too Early |

Post-Spring priority: Restructuring economies - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference

The IMF can look beyond Europe - The Globe and Mail

Defending the border - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

What to do about Libya’s stalemate? - The Washington Post

U.S. Braces for Withdrawal Along Iraqi Road -

Remembering Six Days in 1967 - By Michael Oren | Foreign Policy

North Africa revolts lack leading men - The Boston Globe

The Emptying of Yemen - Daniel Pipes - National Review Online

What Russia Fears in Asia | The Diplomat

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: Why it’s no longer Hafez Assad’s Syria

Sudan's leaders aren't looking for a fight | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |

RealClearPolitics - The Oxymoronic President

Can Obama Overcome Obamanomics? - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Obama loses bin Laden bounce; Romney on the move among GOP contenders - The Washington Post

How Obama makes his case for a second term -

The American Spectator : The Joke's on Weiner

So what does Anthony Weiner do now? - War Room -

Z on TV: Jon Stewart: Weinergate has not been his finest hour - TV show critic David Zurawik on the show business, culture and craziness of television -

Richard A. Epstein and Mario Loyola: ObamaCare's Next Constitutional Challenge -

RealClearPolitics - In 2012 Battle, Obama Banks On First Lady's Appeal

The scary truth behind the new jobs numbers -

The New Politics of Climate Change : The New Yorker

What Paul Krugman Misses About 1937 Redux: Echoes - Bloomberg

Cramer - Accepting It's a Grim Market - TheStreet

Vacancies in top economic policy jobs can be harmful, Geithner says - The Washington Post

The Fine Print of Goldman's Subprime Bet -

Roger Lowenstein Reviews "Peddling Protectionism: Smoot-Hawley And The Great Depression" | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Ike, D-Day and the Age of Accountable Leaders

Massachusetts Is Third State to Reject Obama Immigration Program -

Dem-leaning lobby shops see influx of foreign clients -

Redistricting suits focus on Latinos - Richard E. Cohen -

If Anthony Weiner's secret, sordid Internet life doesn't end his political career, his lies should

Our view: 'Fracking' with care holds key to energy future -

TSA: Battle over airport screening -

Obama’s blunder haunts -

Apple iCloud Purchasing First Look -- InformationWeek

Deutsche Boerse, NYSE Offer Special Dividend - Bloomberg

India Remains Non-Committal on IMF Job | Economy | English

Groupon goes into groceries | Consumer | Crain's Chicago Business

U.S. Treasury Department Schedule for Tuesday, June 7 - Bloomberg

Current economy is literally making people sick

BBC News - MPs' horrified at Syrian children's deaths, says Hague

'A Gay Girl in Damascus' Blogger Kidnapped at Gunpoint in Syria -

'No western offer will stop Iran... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

China rejects Philippine's accusation on South China Sea issue

Forbidden in France: the words 'Twitter' and 'Facebook' -

100,000 Sudanese Displaced from Abyei | Africa | English

Naked Irishman Keith Whelan fails in bid to row solo across the Indian Ocean | Mail Online

Gaddafi vows 'we will not surrender' as Nato bombs his compound - Telegraph

Germany Faces Criticism Over E. Coli Outbreak -

This Syrian tinderbox could set fire to the region | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |

Japan pledges fresh nuclear safety measures - Asia-Pacific - Al Jazeera English

Pro-Syrian Palestinian group kills 11 refugees: sources | Reuters

Obama endorses U.N. chief for second term - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

YouTube - Ban seeks new term as UN chief

Yemen's Interim Leadership Rules out Transition Deal for Now | Middle East In Transition | English

YouTube - Yemen : US pushes for transition as Saleh vows to return

Lady Gaga fashion awards | PopWatch |

Simon Cowell sorry Cheryl Cole | Inside TV |

'MasterChef' recap: The naked truth -

MTV Movie Awards 2011 Pictures - Monsters and Critics

How many have died in Mexico's drug war? -

Calif. nursing student Michelle Le was murdered, say cops - Crimesider - CBS News

Mountain View Online : VIDEO: Mother of fatally shot infant speaks out

Long Island serial killer search targets aerial photo hot spots | Reuters

Dan Boren to announce he won't seek re-election in 2012 |

Foul play possible in disappearance of Indiana college student Lauren Spierer, police say -

YouTube - Search for missing IU student continues; police tight-lipped

Sound Economy with Jon Talton | Austan Goolsbee: International man of economic mystery | Seattle Times Newspaper

No respite from record floods along the Missouri River | Alaska Dispatch

Pawlenty offers voters a 'better deal' on the economy -

Rod Blagojevich trial 2: Defense to begin redirect of Blagojevich; ex-governor less chatty in 7th day on stand |

Maid will take the stand in Strauss-Kahn case

YouTube - Rape victims speak out in wake of Strauss-Kahn arrest

Everything's coming up Romney -

Testimony in Anthony trial focuses on trash bag - TODAY News -

YouTube - Casey Anthony murder trial: Air samples from her trunk

Weinergate: The women behind the sexting politician

YouTube - Lewd photo comes back to haunt US congressman

Russian Hacker Has Skype Fuming

New Space Station Crew to Launch Into Orbit Today -

Facebook, Microsoft, RIM Join Support for AT&T, T-Mobile Merger | News & Opinion |

LulzSec hacks Sony yet again, leaks data, denies arrest - Computerworld Blogs

Gmail Phishing Attack: China Cries Slander - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

Ranked: The Best and Worst Diets -

Cell Phones May Cause Cancer? - Technorati Lifestyle

Many U.S. employers to drop health benefits: McKinsey | Reuters

The Right Food for Your Pet -

Rep. Sessions: GOP Must Do Better Job Selling Ryan Plan

Gay and Bisexual Teens Putting Themselves at Greater Risk: New CDC Study - Technorati Lifestyle

Mental Disorders Leading Cause of Disability in World's Youth

Plate replaces pyramid on The Murfreesboro Post

HHS to improve care coordination with medical home demo - FierceHealthcare


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Documents show marriage of Obama's parents a sham

Trump's back! Casting doubt on birth certificate

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate 'forgery'

Corsi hashes it out with Lt. Col. Lakin

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Award-winning Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator, 70, helps convict Lothario next door after spying on his hot tub romps | Mail Online

Before and After D-Day: In Color - Photo Gallery - LIFE

Is Bio Station Alpha proof of life on Mars? | Space, Military and Medicine |

Ancient Roman Shipwreck May Have Held Giant Fish Tank | Archaeology & Shipwrecks | Ancient Trade of Live Fish | LiveScience

This Week in History: T... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Israel's largest underground water source discovered near Jerusalem convention center - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

11 Words Still Classified in Pentagon Papers

Alternative medicine: Think yourself better | The Economist

The Secret History of Boeing’s Killer Drone | Danger Room |

Ancient Assyrian Dictionary Completed by University of Chicago Scholars -

Ephemeral Antimatter Trapped for Amazingly Long 16 Minutes | Antihydrogen Atoms & Exotic Subatomic Particles | LiveScience

KING RAT | Shock photo of giant rodent blamed for child attacks | The Sun |News

Short Sharp Science: Deceptive puzzle may be solved after 74 years

BBC News - Moons like Earth's could be more common than we thought

Scientists Create Tiny Artificial Brain That Exhibits 12 Seconds of Short Term Memory | Popular Science

Gemasolar Power Plant The world's first solar power station that generates electricity at NIGHT | Mail Online

Time-Lapse Video Catches Milky Way Season in Swing | Wired Science |

BBC News - DNA computer 'calculates square roots'

*The big list: Female teachers with students

Special needs teacher charged in affair with student | The Citizen

Forget what Facebook says, the brain can only handle 150 friends | Mail Online

Return of the anti-interventionist right

Debt-limit victory close

For Christians only

Ex-White House reporters call successors 'too timid'

Democrats demean blacks – again

Why schools indoctrinate but banks don't

Have conservatives lost same-sex marriage debate?

The toughest state on illegals

Who says history isn't confusing?

The Religious Right and GOP Escalate Battle to Destroy Public Schools | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

This is no double dip

The American Spectator : The Electric Albatross

Media shame on eligibility

Your government at work

What Obama learned from Rev. Wright will 'help' U.S.?

Oy vay! Foreskin Man sparks cutting-edge scandal

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Honoring God and veterans;Rep. Johnson introduces bill to add FDR's D-Day prayer to WWII memorial

Democrat Michael Dukakis, who didn't get to be president, wishes the same for GOP's Mitt Romney -

President Obama and DNC Mobilize 2012 Campaign Volunteer Army - ABC News

Trump, Cain fire up Faith-Freedom crowd - Washington Times

States balk at illegals program - Washington Times

U.S. funding for future promises lags by trillions -

Dems fire back at GOP on unemployment - Washington Times

Doctors claim to have "functional cure" for HIV - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Weiner website: Protect kids from guys like me

Weiner Told Porn Star to Lie, Offered PR Help |

Rep. Weiner Admits to Sending Lewd Twitter Photo, Acknowledges Other Explicit Conversations -

Weiner "Ashamed," Vows to Stay in Office | NBC New York

Nancy Pelosi calls for Anthony Weiner ethics inquiry - John Bresnahan -

Porterhouse steak and lobster on food stamps!

Confessions of a trained Islamic terrorist

*7 June

American Minute for June 7th

June 7th This Day in History

June 7th in History

Today in History: June 7 » History Net

June 7 Events in History

Today in History: June 7

This Day in History for 7th June

YouTube - Today in History for June 7th


**Politics Video:Obama: "I'm Not Concerned About A Double-Dip Recession"

Krauthammer: Weiner Story Will Continue; He's A "Goner"

Bachmann Campaign Manager Ed Rollins: Palin "Has Not Been Serious"

Kornacki: Weiner Now Has No "Rationale" To Be In Congress

DNC Chair: GOP Wants To "Drag Us All The Way Back To Jim Crow"

Bill O'Reilly: Congressman Weiner Comes Clean

Bill Press: Weiner Let Me Down, But He Shouldn't Resign

6th/Weiner: "I Lied Because I Was Ashamed"

Coulter Talks About "Demonic": "Liberals Behave In A Mob-Like Way"

MSNBC's Ed Schultz To Anthony Weiner: Resign

Watch Live: Rep. Weiner Holds Press Conference

Breitbart Upstages Weiner: "I Want To Hear The Truth"

Carville: Democrats Are "Furious" With Rep. Weiner

Weiner Press Conference: "I Am Not Resigning"

ABC News Exposes Weiner's "Web Of Lies"

DCCC Ad: Don't End Medicare

Chris Matthews On Weiner's Wife: "Maybe She's Partly Responsible"

Weiner: "To The Best Of My Knowledge They Were All Adults"

Cantor: GOP Requires Trillions In Cuts For Raising Debt Ceiling

Carney: Obama "Enjoys Playing Golf On Occasion" ... "Aren't Many Opportunities To Get Outside"

Howard Dean: "Possible That Sarah Palin Could Win"

Santorum Trashes Obama At Announcement: "Who Are You Mr. President?"

Matthews Reacts To Scandal: "I'm Going To Be Nonpartisan Tonight"

Protestors Yell "Shame On You" At Strauss-Kahn

James Carville: Civil Unrest "Imminently Possible"

NY1: Weiner Will Not Resign

**World Video:A Perspective on U.S.-China Relations

No One Will Win Libyan Civil War

Limited Options in Yemen

Will Al Qaeda Take Control in Yemen?

Hashem Ahelbarra Discusses the Situation in Yemen

Yemeni Protesters Demand Transition

Pakistan Taliban: New Life From bin Laden's Death

IMF Backs Government Finance Plan

Life And Death On Afghan Front Line

Libyan TV Studios 'Hit By NATO'

Devastating Floods Hit Southwestern China

Memories Of D-Day

Condoleezza Rice on the Importance of Foreign Aid

Sestak: No One Will Win Libyan Civil War

6th/Geopolitics of Clean Energy

Yemen: Biggest Problem for U.S.?

Beckel on the Middle East

Power Vacuum Effect in Yemen

Wounded Saleh Leaves Yemen, Urged To Step Down

Greek Government Faces 'Critical Week'

Video Said To Show Syrian Protesters Under Fire

Humala Declares Peruvian Election Victory

Record Radiation Levels At Fukushima

U.S. Mission In Afghanistan

NATO Helicopters In Libya Air Strikes

Thousands Attend Pope's Croatian Mass

Southern Sudan: Would You Declare War?

Can Attack Choppers Turn Tide in Libya?

**Markets Video:Richard Branson's War on Drugs

Forbes: Fate of U.S. Dollar

Cramer: Market Could Continue to Decline

So What Exactly is the Cloud Anyway?

Gilt Groupe: IPO on the Horizon?

6th/Apoteker: Further Easing 'Lethal Cocktail' for Bonds

China Denies Cyber Spying Role

Stock Touters Prey on Inflation Fears

Embrace the Rat Race?

Apple Takes to the iCloud

*NEWS VIDEOS:Time to Apologize, Nation Mag Editor Chris Hayes and O’Donnell Producers

Breitbart’s ‘Hannity’ Interview on Weinergate

Chris Matthews on Weiner’s Wife: ‘Maybe She’s Partly Responsible’

Disgraced Schultz Advises Disgraced Weiner: Take One For the Team, Resign

Jon Stewart Spares Buddy Anthony Weiner the Full ‘Daily Show’ Treatment

Allen West Responds to Weinergate

Carville on Democrat Reaction to Weinergate: ‘They’re Really Mad at Him’

Coulter’s Take on Weinergate

Breitbart to CNN:People Send Me These Stories Because They Know the MSM is Liberal

Weinergate: Meagan Broussard Speaks

6th/CNN Anchors Talk Through Breitbart’s Entire Appearance at Weiner Presser

Breitbart Warns Left About Attacking Weinergate Whistle Blower: ‘Don’t Go There’

Breitbart on Weinergate: Organized Left Sought to Destroy Messenger; Give Credit to Dana Bash at CNN for Pursuing Story

Blitzer: Breitbart Vindicated

Breitbart at Anthony Weiner’s Press Conference

Weiner: I Lied, I Did It

Barbara Walters on Weinergate: Pics Intended for Wife; ‘This is How Much I Miss You’

Weinergate Bombshell: Woman Comes Forward With Cache Of Intimate Photos And Online Communications With Beleaguered Congressman

Video Said to Show Syrian Protesters Under Fire

Palin Pushes Back on Paul Revere Flap

‘Twilight’ Again Sweeps MTV Movie Awards

Prager: Breitbart is ‘Force of Nature’

Twilight Star Drops ‘F Bomb’ at MTV Movie Awards

‘The Herman Cain Train’

Oops! Fox News Uses Pic of Tina Fey Dressed as Palin in News Report

5th/NPR’s Totenberg on Weinergate: Move Along, Nothing to See Here

Journalists’ Sanctimonius Navel Gazing Over Weinergate Coverage

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS Reporter for Blaming Breitbart for Weiner Coverage

Maher on Palin: ‘Anybody Can Be President in this Dumb, F**ing Country’


June 6, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-06, Monday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-6-11

The Manning Report- 6 June 2011

06/06 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, June, 06, 2011

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show

What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 6th, 2011

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