A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

06 June 2011


*Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report


YouTube - ‪Rense & Pastor Manning - What Went Wrong‏

Rand Paul, Supposed Defender Of Civil Liberties, Calls For Jailing People Who Attend ‘Radical Political Speeches’ | ThinkProgress

YouTube - Eugenics; A Racist Spin Justifing Genocide

Analysis: Obama's job security about job creation - Business - Stocks & economy -

The postal service is running out of options - Business - US business - Bloomberg Businessweek -

YouTube - Thomas Woods speaks on Nullification at Nullify Now Los Angeles

* - Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals

9 Trillion Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve | Global Research TV

Hintz Discusses Debate Over Indicting Goldman Sachs - Video - Bloomberg

Ron Paul Interview on Debt Ceiling, Spending From June 3 - Video - Bloomberg

International Law and the Problem of Enforcement | Opinion Maker

NATO War Crimes In Libya Exposed

YouTube - Cynthia McKinney visits a hospital in Libya

+Fess Up, Fed by Ron Paul


Hunger is man-made - Herald Scotland | Business | Analysis



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Monsanto - (

BASF Global - (

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Shell -

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ExxonMobil Chemical -

BP Global -

Marathon Oil Corporation -

Texaco -


Sunoco, Inc. -

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GE -

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Conscious Media Network » Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped

Food chain at risk of being poisoned by terrorist groups - Telegraph

Johann Hari: How can America's 'War on Drugs' succeed if their Prohibition laws failed? - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

Armchair astronaut sets the internet alight after using Google to discover 'space station' on Mars | Mail Online

Is there life on Mars? We may soon find out | Science | The Observer

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon "Freedom Festival" Honors Former Nazi's Compliance

Offshoring Is Destroying America's Economy - Illuminati Behind Europe's Invasion-by-Migration

The NutriSmart system would put RFIDs into your food for enhanced information

*Political Correctness

YouTube - Part 1 The History of Political Correctness

YouTube - Part 2 The History of Political Correctness

YouTube - Part 3 The History of Political Correctness


U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian Population" - Chemtrail Truth

EPA's Greenhouse Gas Ruling Safe Despite Lawsuit, Legal Experts Say | Reuters

Calls to legalise cannabis and ecstasy - World Politics, World - The Independent

War on drugs has failed claims global narcotics watchdog | Mail Online

Jeremy Laurance: The antibiotic era has put millions of lives at risk - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Oxfordshire cuts test 'big society' as librarians are replaced with volunteers | Society | The Guardian

John F Kennedy made ominous legacy prediction a year before assassination - Telegraph

Hispanic population spreads across US - Telegraph

Black Eagle Trust Fund

Johann Hari: It's not just Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The IMF itself should be on trial - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

New strain of MRSA superbug may have spread from cattle to humans | Science | The Guardian


Charges of Corruption Taint Organic Trade Association (video) : TreeHugger

Mike Whitney: Wall Street's Role in Narco-Trafficking

After 29 months of the most left-wing presidency in US history, the American superpower is heading towards the economic abyss – Telegraph Blogs

Anonymous strikes again: Iranian and UAE governments hacked | Kevin Rawlinson | Independent Notebook Blogs


Autism Ideas - Part 1: The Brainy Ms Grandin

Autism Ideas - Part 2: Offit, Come Off It

Autism Ideas - Part 4 - Kissinger's Brice's Mind Files

Autism Ideas - Part 5 - The Vaccine Court As Such


Officials: No proof sprouts caused E. coli outbreak - Health - Food safety -

California is poised to outlaw gold prospecting | Mail Online

Yemen: Thousands celebrate as President Ali Abdullah flees for rocket wounds treatment | Mail Online

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Nahida the Exiled Palestinian: Jewish Voice for Peace? Really??

USDA offers to drop fine against rabbit seller -

Guess what lawmakers want counties to post!

Doorbell that tricks burglars into thinking you're home invented by schoolboy Laurence Rook, 13 | Mail Online

Not so sweet 16: Birthday girl goes into hiding after 1,500 Facebook users said they would attend | Mail Online

Fukushima to get 370 tanks for radioactive water - Yahoo! News

Federal Reserve bank flies the rainbow flag

‘We’re no Nazi book burners’ Scottish council hits back after false reports stir up global Jewish fury - Herald Scotland | News | Home News

Gunmen attack presidential palace in Yemen - Middle East, World - The Independent

'Saint Bono' facing huge Glastonbury protest ¿ for avoiding tax | Mail Online

Will Germany and France stave off a Greek default? - Telegraph

The big fat Greek sell-off - Telegraph

Report warns of 'new generation' Islamic militants radicalised in back streets - Telegraph

Forests fight back all over the world - Nature, Environment - The Independent - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Proof that fatty food is cooking up trouble for pupils’ test results

Crisis meeting is called as drought leaves crops dying in the fields | Environment | The Observer

Californians set to outlaw gold prospecting - Nature, Environment - The Independent

Taking anti-smoking pills was far scarier than dodging bullets and bombs in Iraq | Mail Online

No smoke without fire? States move to ban e-cigarettes from public places | Mail Online Bankster Holdings of PIIGS Debt

The Blood Drinking, Zombie Cannibals are Imploding. Reflections in a Petri Dish

"America Will Be Dismembered By Its Creditors"

Gates sees wider US military presence in Asia - Asia, World - The Independent

America's Addiction - Waging Illegal Wars

YouTube - Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan

New Male Birth Control Concept Shows Promise - Yahoo! News - Pat Tillman - Hero or Willing Dupe?

Taliban Move Into Kandahar City

YouTube - INSIDE JOB Official Trailer in HD!

Lone Star Watchdog: The Imperial Obama Administration,The Corrupt U.S. Senate,States Rights and the Nightmare of the 17th Amendment

Truth, the First Casualty of War: Friendly Fire, FUBAR, SNAFU, 9/11 and the Pat Tillman Story

WHO panel warns that cell phone use may cause cancer

Wedded to the warlords: NATO’s unholy Afghan alliance - The Globe and Mail

Barack Obama’s betrayal of Abraham Lincoln’s ideals > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

Thousands call for price on carbon tax in national campaign |


World War Nears After Vatican-Knights Templar Talks Fail

Russia Warns American Police State Now Rivals That Of Nazi SS - Wikileaks cable lays out North American ‘integration’ strategy


(2:06:18)YouTube - THE SECRET RIGHT- VOLUME ONE-Josh Reeves(low quality upload)

(2:36:02)YouTube - The Power of the Purse Volume 1 - Part 1 - Lee Rodgers

(2:15:11)YouTube - The Power of the Purse - Volume 1 Part 2 - Lee Rodgers

(5:00:22)YouTube - Ring of Power: Empire of the City-Full Length Documentary


Anonymous claims control of Iranian gov’t servers | The Raw Story

Infragard Atlanta, an FBI affiliate, hacked by LulzSec | Naked Security

INTERVIEW-W.Bank to suggest CO2 levy on jet, shipping fuel | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Kids in HSE care ended up working in brothels - Wikileaks, National News -

US says dropping bombs is not war, but guessing a computer password is -

BBC News - US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as 'acts of war'

Activist Post: Gates vows new weapons for US role in Asia

China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills |

32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid | Old-Thinker News

Homeland Security testing mind-reading terrorist 'pre-crime' detectors - Computerworld Blogs

Bahrain Charges Healthcare Workers for Anti-Government Protests

Larry Hagman "Dallas" Memorabilia Auctions for $500,000

+ 6 Real Examples of Food Terrorism : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

+The 25 Rules of Disinformation | The Vigilant Citizen

10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen

Naming Names: Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen


*Film(7 Parts): The War You Don’t See – John Pilger |


*Radiation(Aricle Links) |

Radiation News 4-30-11

Radiation News 4-29-11

Radiation News 4-28-11

Radiation News 4-27-11

Radiation News 4-25-11

Radiation News 4-24-11

Radioactive Fukushima Plutonium And Strontium Bombarding US West Coast Since March 18th

Radiation News 4-22-11

Radiation News 4-21-11

Radiation News 4-19-11

Radiation News 4-18-11

Radiation News 4-15-11

Radiation News 4-14-11

Radiation News 4-12-11

Radiation News 4-10-11

Radiation News 4-8-11

Radiation News 4-6-11

Radiation News 4-5-11

Radiation News 4-4-11

Radiation News 4-3-11

Radiation News 4-1-11

Radiation News 3-31-11

Radiation News 3-30-11

Radiation News 3-29-11

Radiation News 3-28-11

Radiation News 3-27-11

Radiation News 3-25-11

Radiation News 3-24-11

Radiation News 3-23-11

Radiation News 3-22-11

Radiation News 3-21-11

Radiation News 3-19-11

Radiation News 3-18-11

Radiation News 3-17-11

Radiation News 3-16-11

Radiation News 3-15-11

Japan Earthquake News – 3-14-11


Wal-Mart Tops U.S. High Court Agenda as Violent Video Game Ruling Looms - Bloomberg

+Prominent Swiss Politician Calls For Arrest of Kissinger at Bilderberg

China Promises Peace While Sailors Say They Are Being Fired Upon - Blogcritics Politics

China paper: Google could be hurt by hacking claim

Health care law waivers stir suspicion of favors

5 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq -

Germany: No proof sprouts caused E. coli outbreak - Yahoo! Finance

The dangers of bone-headed beliefs

AOL INSIDER: Here Are 12 Reasons Why The AOL-Huffington Post Merger Is Going Down In Flames (AOL)

You know how Sarah Palin said Paul Revere warned the British? Well, he did. Now, who looks stupid? -

Experts back Sarah Palin’s historical account -

Police cite Vernal man accused of paying bill with 2,500 pennies | Deseret News

Could the Net be killing the planet one web search at a time?

Saudi King Bans Men From Selling Lingerie

Researcher: Iran can produce nuke within 2 months - Israel News, Ynetnews

OPEC Overshadowed by Qaddafi in Most-Hostile Meeting Since 1990 Gulf War - Bloomberg

Roger Ailes Plays Nice - Newsweek

» Weinergate Bombshell: New Woman Comes Forward Claiming Cache of Intimate Photos and Online Communications with Beleaguered Congressman - Big Government

Young woman set to reveal she exchanged pictures in new 'Weinergate' expose | Mail Online

Disabled Dog’s Wheelchair Stolen In West Roxbury « CBS Boston

Teens Charged in Mob Attacks | NBC Chicago

Chronic unemployment worse than Great Depression - CBS Evening News - CBS News

President Obama and DNC Mobilize 2012 Campaign Volunteer Army - ABC News

Obama seeks reshaped image for 2012 run -

Decline and fall of the American empire | Business | The Guardian

Homeless feeding: 3 members of Orlando Food Not Bombs arrested for feeding homeless at Lake Eola -

Screech Machine Could Drive Teens Away From Park « CBS Minnesota

The End of the World 2012: NASA Tells All | Before It's News

'Mars Space Station Discovered ' | Before It's News

Massive UFO or new mini sun in orbit around our sun, 3.6X bigger than Earth, UFO Sighting News. | Before It's News

"The Lucifer Project" | Before It's News

Yahoo: Ancient "Runway" Found on Mars | Before It's News

Clearest Alien Photos Known | Before It's News

Physicists Detect and Control Quantum States in Diamond With Light........ | Before It's News

The Reasons For Chemtrails | Before It's News

Best Buy launching a new “Bill Checker” service to help customers save on wireless. | Before It's News Becoming Content Hub For Online Video As Major Studios Embrace The Future | Before It's News

UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock: Bloated Ideas And Myths About `UFOs'

Man vs. Nature: A Self-Cancelling Situation? | Before It's News

The Dirty Thoughts Which May Plague Our Lives | Before It's News

Plutonium Found Outside Fukushima Plant | Before It's News

Hackers attack FBI partner website | Before It's News

eBay online coin auctions continue to surprise as some GSA Morgan silver dollars soar | Before It's News

YouTube - US Soldiers Tell The Truth THEY PLANTED WEAPONS & Killed innocent people!


** 1:30:42/YouTube - 9/11 Mysteries (Full_Documentary)


YouTube - 9/11 and Who Rules Saudi Arabia

How the CIA created Osama bin Laden | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

Blagojevich trial June 6, 2011, Where is Rezko?, Blagojevich taking stand should lead to Rezko as Witness, Senate seat diversion | Before It's News

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate 'forgery'

Nebr. Senator's Office: "If you are a birther, you are a racist. End of discussion." | Before It's News

Shadow Government Statistics :(

How to Create a Website; a Guide For The Beginners | Before It's News

Create a Clickable Map to Display Specific Location | Before It's News

The Power Of Attraction Marketing | Before It's News

15 Affiliate Marketing Tips: Copywriting That Sells | Before It's News

*(4 Parts)The States Strike Back: Rise Of The Republic |

Whitehouse crackdown on Whistleblowers; Exposing corruption is now Espionage! |

*The Copyright Conspiracy is not about protecting rights but about enforcing propaganda against the population! |

PressTV - US drone strikes kill 21 in NW Pakistan

40 UK universities are now breeding grounds for terror | Mail Online

Libyan rebels will recognise Israel, Bernard-Henri Lévy tells Netanyahu | RFI

Some Reflections on the Geopolitical Situation

Undermining International Law

Saleh Is Gone. What Next For Yemen?

Do The American People Support the 'Special Relationship?'

The Rise of the Second-String Psychopaths

The John Edwards Case; Justice or personal vendetta?

Texas Gov. Perry Bilderberg’s Ace in the Hole?

White House disappointed Fed nominee was thwarted | Reuters

Goldman may seek to counter Senate findings: report | Reuters

Lewd-pic recipient worn out by Weiner scandal

Even ancient men seemed to like their man caves

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 1) | Hawai`i News Daily

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 2) | Hawai`i News Daily

Global Research TV (GRTV): See the World Through an Independent Lens


The Social Crisis in America: Pick Your Poison

How the Empire will Prevail: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

They Call This Justice: Supreme Court Legalizes Torture

The Corporate Media Complex: Drawing Back the Veil on the U.S. Propaganda Machine

VIDEO: Fukushima Predicted: Regulatory Commission was Warned for Years

The Anglo-American Relationship: Vision of a War Without End

Somalia: A UN Managed Catastrophe

War is Good For Wall Street

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People

Replacing Economic Democracy with Financial Oligarchy

Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and Jobs

VIDEO: Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers

Towards a Worldwide Inflationary Depression

YouTube - PENTAGON BRIEFING FUNVAX - A New Vaccine to cure you of Religious Belief!!!

The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Hellish And It’s On Its Way - Great Speculations - Buys, holds, and hopes - Forbes

The Terrors in Our Times: Do They Mean the End is Near? (Part 1)

The Terrors in Our Times: Do They Mean the End is Near? (Part 2)

Why Oath Keepers Is Dangerous |

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities

» British Intelligence: al-Qaeda May Contaminate Food After E.Coli Scare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Secret History of Boeing’s Killer Drone | Danger Room |

Roy Masters -- Why Words Can Hurt More than Sticks and Stones

YouTube - Freedom for Palestine - OneWorld

Transportation Secretary Bikes 2 Miles to Work; ‘Saved Us Some Money’ on Gas

True Cost of Fannie, Freddie Bailouts: $317 Billion, CBO Says

USDA Spending $10 Million to Promote Farmers' Markets in Michelle Obama's 'Food Deserts'

Gates Foresees ‘Modest’ Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan in July

2012: Santorum Says He’s 'In It to Win'

China’s Turn to Be Hacked

Waxman Equates GOP Energy Bill with ‘Secretive’ Bush-Cheney Plan

Obama Regulatory Czar Backs Off Call for Gov't to Attach Lower Value to Older People

Kagan Assigned DOJ Lawyer Who Argued Obamacare Cases In Appeals Courts

1,400 Health Care Waivers Raise Suspicion of Political Favoritism

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gave $1.29 Million to China

Santorum poised to enter GOP presidential contest

Rep. Ron Paul says he sounded alarm on deficits

CDC Study: Gay, Bisexual Teens Do Riskier Things

Court Orders New Look at Pennsylvania City Immigration Regs

Federal appeals court will hear challenge to Obama's health care law Wednesday

Departure of Yemeni leader deprives U.S. of an ally in fight against al-Qaeda

Few states have taken concrete steps to create health insurance marketplaces

Samuelson op-ed: Why we need to end Medicare ‘as we know it’

Federal pension payments continue after some retirees die

Trump, Cain, Israel fire up conservative crowd in D.C.

Charter school teachers may exit their labor union

POLL: Many voters expect to become poorer

John Edwards indictment a vindication for National Enquirer

Report: Prosecutors wanted Edwards to serve six months

String of major cybersecurity breaches builds momentum for government action

Texas Holds 'Don't Touch My Junk' Anti-TSA Rally

Parks get new life in urban centers

Downtown Phoenix parking lot paved in reflective coating

Katie Couric will sign with ABC for a syndicated talk show

West Presses Libyan Rebels for More Details on a Post-Qaddafi Government

Democrats yelp about Medicare, but stay quiet on Medicaid cutbacks

Obama adviser Goolsbee on jobs: 'One month is not a trend'

Hermain Cain says 2012 is his to lose

Conservative group blaming White House for pain at pump

Wisconsin Democratic activists want Feingold to be their next governor or U.S. Senator

Santorum Might Have a Good Shot, Politicos Advise

Santorum to Run as Reliable Conservative

Priebus: 'Are You Better Off Than Before Obama?'

Huntsman Likely to Skip Iowa Caucuses

Pawlenty's 'Principles:' Turn to God, Protect Unborn

CBS' Schieffer Takes Pelosi to Task on Economy

Obama, Boehner to Tee Off on Each Other — in Golf

Public vs. Private Life Issue in Edwards Case

NPR Gives Thumbs Up to Palin Film

Giuliani Tells Romney to Man Up on 'Mistakes'

Gates Outlines Afghanistan Drawdown Terms

China Accuses Google of 'Political Games' on Hacking

Treasury Official: Govt to Offer Home Delinquency Aid

Flaxseed Won't Help With Hot Flashes

Rep. Weiner's Tragicomedy a Sign of the Times

US Must Target Preachers of Terrorism

Four-Year Degree No Longer a Prerequisite for Success

Down With the Dictator by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

College for Dummies... and Non-Dummies by Gary North

We Are All Libertarians Now by Susan Westfall

Personal Secession – The Way to Freedom by Michael S. Rozeff

If Yemen Falls, so Does the Dollar Reserve? by Anthony Wile

Whatever Happened to the Spare Tire? by Eric Peters

10 Steps to Successful Integration When You Retire Abroad - EFAM | Escape From America Magazine | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine

Manvotional: Facing the Mistakes of Life | The Art of Manliness

Rat-eating plant discovered in Philippines - Telegraph

How to Take Care of Your Teeth (Hint: There’s More to It Than Brushing) | Mark's Daily Apple

+Can you spell as well as the winners of the Scripps National Spelling Bee? - By Nina Shen Rastogi - Slate Magazine

2 Hollywood Heavyweights Quit TV Caucus After Liberal Bias Unveiled | The Blaze

Watch an Atlanta Magician’s Car Trick Go Horribly Wrong | The Blaze

Teen Accused of Brutally Stabbing Israeli Fogel Family: ‘I’m Proud of What I Did’ | The Blaze

UK Home Secretary: Universities Are Complacent Over Muslim Radicals on Campus | The Blaze

Pro-Life Horror Movie Premieres in New Jersey | The Blaze

Newly Posted Video Shows Stunning Moment Iranian Military Jet Goes Down in Flames | The Blaze

Cameras Catch Lightning in a Bottle Chilean Volcano | The Blaze

5 U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq When 3 Rockets Slam Into Their Compound | The Blaze

Parents Who Left Kid in Hot Car at Strip Club Complain About Hot Cop Car | The Blaze

Does French D-Day ‘Art Installation’ Desecrate Omaha Beach? | The Blaze

Santorum Announces 2012 Run: ‘We’re In It To Win It’ | The Blaze

Army’s 101st Airborne Division Pays High Price for Afghan Surge Year | The Blaze

Videos Show Syrian Protesters Under Fire and the Gruesome Consequences | The Blaze

‘BDS’ and More Details About the Coordinated, Global Attack on Israel | The Blaze

Passwords Taken: Hackers Hit FBI Partner Organization | The Blaze

Israeli Troops Battle Protesters in Syria, 20 Dead | The Blaze

Police Forcibly Take Away Indian Yoga Guru as He Launches Protest Hunger Strike | The Blaze

Palin: I Didn’t Mess Up Paul Revere History | The Blaze

Obama Boldly Defies Michelle’s New Dietary Guidelines | The Blaze

AP: Abortion Showdown Could Cost Indiana $4.3 billion | The Blaze

Fire Completely Destroys Country Music Star Trace Adkins’ Home | The Blaze

Huntsman Lays out 2012 Strategy in Interview With AP | The Blaze

Be Inspired by a 2052-Voice ‘Virtual Choir’ | The Blaze

In Major Reversal, Appeals Court Allows TX Students to Pray at Graduation | The Blaze

White House Adviser Minimizes Bad Jobs Report | The Blaze

Over 200 Protesters Rally Outside Prison of Alleged Wikileaker Bradley Manning | The Blaze

‘It Went Way Up’: Wind-Blown Bounce House Injures 13 Kids | The Blaze

China to Asia: Hey, Don’t Worry About Our Really Big Military | The Blaze

Malaysia’s Obedient Muslim Wives Club Promotes Marital Sex | The Blaze

Hey America Those Floods Are Totally God’s Judgement Because of Your Filth and Abominations, Louis Farrakhan Explains How America Is Babylon | The Blaze

‘One Giant Vulnerability’: Obama’s Job Security Is All About Job Creation | The Blaze

Why Our Elites Just Can't Get No Respect

Government-Assisted Economic Suicide

Operation Saving Congressman Ryan

The Obamas: Chilidogs and Couture

Weinergate not petering out (updated - new pictures)

Assad stages bloody confrontation at border with Israel

Obama's lock-step liberals on the Supreme Court

Obama's Commerce Nominee Wants to Limit Energy Consumption and Redistribute Wealth

Will the Arab Spring Turn into Winter?

Palestinian who slaughtered Fogel family has no regrets

Is it time to push Cass Sunstein over the cliff?

David Brooks is willing to give war a chance

A Strange Death in Strange Circumstances

You Did Not Learn All You Needed to Know in Kindergarten

Mosques as Barracks in America

A Subtle Tyranny

Liberal vs Conservative: A Spiritual Battle

Amphibian Politics

The Coming of the Mahdi

Making Sense of the Syrian Uprising

Germany Opts for Economic Suicide

Politician, Heal Thyself

Israel's Pain -- Beyond Human Language

The Coming UN Crisis

Debbie Schlussel:Samira Abdalla Salim, Another “Random” Jihadist: Koran Proselytizer Stabs Two @ MN Library

Debbie Schlussel:VIDEO: “Moderate” US Muslims Honor/Memorialize Ayatollah Khomeini

Debbie Schlussel:Sunday Summer Fun: New Weird Ice Cream Flavors Hit the Market

Obama’s ineligibility: Our permanent political class is the enemy

The Battle of ‘The Alts’ against the Mainstream Media

Are we in Rome?

Scandal Nation

Sink To the Bottom With Me

What Is The Plan Of The Democrats To Move Forward?

Looking Ahead to September: Israel, the EU, and the “Moral Majority”

When anti-technology kills

Dispatch of Suicide Hobbyist “Dr. Death” Kevorkian Offers Questions on Meaning of Life

The Herman Cain Train

Betraying Our History

Dancing With Wolves (in Sheep’s Clothing)

Green Policies destroy the Wild Environment

Do GOP hopefuls trust Al Gore?

Gore-monism: Romney believes in manmade global warming

Experts back Sarah Palin’s historical account

It is time to reinstate the draft …for the GOP Presidential nominee!

Evil Confederate, German, Nazi, Racists Invades Mind of The Atlantic Writer

Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

The real Egyptian revolution

To have faith in America or not have faith – that is the question

Groups to call for closure of Taliban Imam’s Mosque

Ron Paul Endorses Heroin – A Study in American History

Barack Obama’s Contempt for War Powers Act Earns Him Bipartisan Rebuke from U.S. House

Fighting in Libya 'could last until Christmas' as Gaddafi clings on, 'for months' | Mail Online

Exes dish on Anthony Weiner's sext appeal -

Palin Says She Didn’t Mean to Overshadow Romney in Visit to New Hampshire - Bloomberg

New Al Qaeda Video: Buy Automatic Weapons and Start Shooting Americans - ABC News

It's time to confront this taboo: First cousin marriages in Muslim communities are putting hundreds of children at risk | Mail Online

My Way News - Al-Qaida militant killed in US strike in Pakistan

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

Americans Divided on Taxing the Rich to Redistribute Wealth

Auction of Unabomber's effects raises $232,246

Utility 'smart meters': Fears of electromagnetic radiation from 'smart meters' are overblown -

Howard Dean: Don't Get Too Cocky, Even Sarah Palin Could Beat Obama With A Weak Economy

Florida Homeowner Forecloses On Bank of America

Paul Ryan's Ayn Rand love gets called out by a 'Catholic' at Faith And Freedom Conference 2011

White House Economic Adviser Austan Goolsbee Defends Clever Strategy of Putting Cart Before The Horse

Palin: 'I didn't mess up about Paul Revere'

Nancy Pelosi on Face The Nation: Ask Speaker Boehner Why Congress Hasn't Gotten Anything Done

Bill Kristol admits the truth: 'The corporate tax rate is not killing big business in America.'

Wikileaks: U.S. Intervened To Keep Haiti Slave Wages Low On Behalf Of Hanes, Levi Strauss

Haley Barbour claims that Obama is raising gas prices on purpose

When Senate pages go bad...A Canadian firing

Michele Bachmann Pushes Planned Parenthood Sex Trafficking Lie During Ralph Reed's Wingnut Conference

This Week: You Know What's Blocking Economic Recovery? Dishonest Republican Talking Points

November 5, 2003: A Great Medicare Privatization Debate

Jeff Jarvis: The Amount of Effort Put into Weiner Story 'Was Just Pathetic'

Margaret Carlson on the Press Coverage of Trump and Palin: 'We are Always go Going to Follow the Shiny Object'

Sarah Palin's gaffe about Paul Revere caused her worshipers to try to edit mistake into Wikipedia

Fox News Warns Parents Of The Evils Of That Liberal Sesame Street Indoctrination


*iCasualties: Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Casualties


*Rare Marilyn Monroe Photos Released -



Blog: Remembering D-Day

Today June 6, 2011 is The 67th Anniversary of D-Day

First Wave at Omaha Beach - Magazine - The Atlantic

D-Day June 6, 1944

Home - National D-Day Memorial


The National World War II Museum Anniversary of the D-Day invasion at Normandy and The National WWII Museum's 11th birthday


+Hulu - Tom Brokaw Reports: D-Day: A Leap Into History

Dailymotion - D-Day: The Normandy Invasion - a TV video


YouTube - D-Day 6/6/44


Normandy landings - Wikipedia

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Today Is The 67th Anniversary of D-Day…

The American Spectator : Remembering D-Day With Ike and Reagan

Gotta Watch: Remembering D-Day – This Just In - Blogs


Prosecutors press Blagojevich on Senate seat calls involving Jarrett - The Blago Blog

Gov't plays tape of Blago using the word 'trade' -

Prosecutors quiz Blago on Senate vacancy -


Warren: Ethics Lessons From a Watergate Vet - Chicago News Cooperative


*Former Mayor Daley’s son profited after airport Wi-Fi deal - Chicago Sun-Times


Plane Dumps Fuel into Lake Michigan | NBC Chicago

Chile's Puyehue hosts a rock show not seen since the 60s | The Australian

Elite, educated women 'not welcome at green conferences' - Telegraph

Gates warns against quick pullback in Afghanistan | Reuters

YouTube - Gates Begins Farewell Visits With Troops

India Faces More Anti-Corruption Protests | Asia | English

NATO Steps Up Strikes in Libya -

Syria Says 40 Security Officers Are Killed by ‘Gangs’ -

U.N. Chief Says He Is Seeking a Second Term -

UN nuclear agency to send more missions to Japan -

Chinese maritime moves stir protests

Top Nigeria lawmaker arrested on corruption charge -

New Zealand Rocked By Magnitude 5.5 Earthquake

YouTube - Raw Video: Aftershock Rocks New Zealand City

5 US Soldiers, At Least 13 Iraqis Killed in Separate Attacks | Iraq | English

U.S. presses Yemen to start democratic transition now | Reuters

Sprouts Test Negative for Europe E. Coli Outbreak | Europe | English

Portugal's Next Govt Seeks Majority In Parliament To Execute Bailout -

Suspected US Drone Strikes Kill 17 in Pakistan | South Asia | English

YouTube - 26/11 plotter Kashmiri killed in drone attack

Halliburton securities fraud lawsuit reinstated | Reuters

With no data, Treasuries drop - Jun. 6, 2011

Does Mason want to get out of Groupon? - Fortune Tech

Spitzer: What will get the economy moving? – In the Arena - Blogs

Goldman Sachs To Defend Itself Against Senate Report - Halah Touryalai - Working Capital - Forbes

To Save Power, Tokyo Employees Start Workday Early : NPR

Thousands protest Greek austerity measures - The Washington Post

Buffett Lunch Bid Benefits Innovative San Francisco Charity |

OPEC Overshadowed by Qaddafi in Most-Hostile Meeting Since 1990 Gulf War - Bloomberg

Couple almost forecloses on Bank of America - The Early Show - CBS News

Tablets, other factors to dampen 2011 PC shipments | Crave - CNET

Gas glut is fading as global demand surges - Telegraph

Nobel winner Diamond drops bid to join Federal Reserve - Jun. 6, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleads not guilty to rape charges | World news |

YouTube - Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleads not guilty

Rep. Weiner sext pic scandal: New photos of Queens congressman reportedly about to hit the web

Anthony Weiner Hacking Excuse: Debunked? - The Hollywood Gossip

THE HILL POLL: Many voters expect to become poorer -

Roland Burris: Supreme Court lets stand ruling stemming from Burris controversy -

Rick Perry to Host Hate Group-Funded Prayer Summit | Mother Jones

'Mormons Rock!' says Newsweek cover story about LDS Church, Mitt Romney | Deseret News

Palin Closer to Presidential Run After Bus Tour? - Interviews -

Car Crashes Into Hotel, Traps Woman | NBC Washington

Illegal immigrants: Supreme Court allows California tuition policy for immigrants -

Anthony Sowell Update: Jury selection begins in "Cleveland Strangler" case - Crimesider - CBS News

D-Day Memorial Remembers Invasion, Celebrates Anniversary

WUWM: News - Supreme Court Hears Collective Bargaining Case

Forensics expert testifies in Casey Anthony trial |

Lauren Spierer Missing from Indiana University, Student Has Heart Condition - ABC News

Massive Arizona fire grows, remains out of control | Reuters

YouTube - Arizona Wildfire Triggers New Evacuation Orders

Iowa governor warns of 'very serious' flood threat -

YouTube - Dominique Strauss-Kahn pleads not guilty

MTV Movie Awards 2011 Pictures - Monsters and Critics

‘X-Men: First Class’ - A Guide To The Comics Behind The Movie

Jackson 'Thriller' jacket for sale | Celebrities | Entertainment | Toronto Sun

Bobby Kennedy Jr. battles big coal in US documentary | Reuters

Cancer costs put treatments out of reach for many | Reuters

Treatment is Key to Prevention of HIV/AIDS, Doctors Say |

CORRECT: Drug Companies Slash Vaccine Prices For Poorest Countries -

Page not found – TIME Healthland

Smokers quit after ban, but numbers ebb: study | Reuters

2,500 pennies: Is it legal to pay a bill in pennies? -

Cancer survivors inspire on National Cancer Survivors Day -

Apple's Jobs takes stage at WWDC -

Microsoft leaks details about next Halo game | VentureBeat

Nintendo Prepping New Console, But Do Buyers Want It? | News & Opinion |

Official Chinese Media Lash Out at Google -

Walmart Selling iPhone 4 for $147 | News & Opinion |

Antimatter exists in lab for record time - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Microsoft Said to Limit Device Makers’ Chip-Partner Choices - Bloomberg

Spear Phishing--latest attacks on Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Hotmail - Woodbridge, VA Patch

AT&T is cautiously optimistic about Windows Phone 7 | TG Daily

2012 Mini Coupe First Look - Motor Trend

Madagascar offers plethora of new species - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Lair of the Beasts: Monsters and Proof -

A Plethora of Fossil Possums | Wired Science |

From the Shadows: What was that Thing in the Sky?

Short Sharp Science: Deceptive puzzle may be solved after 74 years

Cryptomundo » Florida “Mad Gasser”: 1935

BBC News - Moons like Earth's could be more common than we thought

Scientists Find 'Werewolf' Gene -

The Echo Flight ICBM Incident: Retired USAF Officer Confirms Receiving A UFO Report Just as the Missiles Failed

Truck-size asteroid zips close to Earth - Technology & science - Space - -

Activist Post: Political Toadies and a Broken Down System

Revolutionary Politics : Foreclosuregate - Gerald Celente on Economics 101

Revolutionary Politics : Jim Rogers - Oil Prices Will Continue To Rise

The Intercept: Formal calls for probe into reporter's name on no-fly list

PressTV - 'Suicide cult driving US econ. to abyss'

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Technology | The Guardian

BREAKING NEWS: Alarm on Gene GM Crops: A Previously Unrecognised Effect on GM Plant Development

Activist Post: Corporate Profit Versus Life On Earth

Activist Post: Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals

Global Warming Alarmist: Forcibly Tattoo Man-Made Climate Change Deniers

But What About Blackwater? | Cop Block

Gadahn Call for Gun Violence Merges With Obama’s “Under the Radar” Anti-gun Agenda

Pakistan conspiracy: Bin Laden raid gets little credence in conspiracy-minded Pakistan - Los Angeles Times

Senators Want To Put People In Jail For Embedding YouTube Videos | Techdirt

Activist Post: Down with the Dictator

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : 'Terrorist food poisoning?! It's sociological warfare developing!'

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "We Don't Have Democracy In Our Country! The Parties Aren't Different They're ALL The Same"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "The War Against Libya Was Not Necessary! YES! That's Exactly What I'm Saying"

Activist Post: Will Market Manipulation Stop Gold and Silver from Rising?

Newsweek | Daily Beast poll | The Daily Caller

U.S. missile strikes kill 17 militants in Pakistan - sources - Yahoo! News


**YouTube - Cicero On Treason


Documents show FCC coordinated 'Net Neutrality' effort with outside group | Conn Carroll | Nation | Washington Examiner

GCN News: There Is No Rest For The Weather Weary «

GCN News: Bilderberg Group: 2011 Meeting «

GCN News: Edwards Has Lost His Power of Persuasion «

GCN News: Big Brother May Be Watching… «

Obama seeks reshaped image for 2012 run -

RealClearPolitics - Obama Tunes Out, and Business Goes on Hiring Strike

Obama Will Be Reelected in 2012 Despite Stagnant Economy, High Unemployment - The Daily Beast

David Skeel: The Real Cost of the Auto Bailouts -

RealClearPolitics - Romney: The Canary in the GOP Coal Mine

RealClearPolitics - Can a Mormon Become President?

RealClearPolitics - Palin's Indecision: Maybe She's Telling the Truth

From Abbottabad to Worse | Politics | Vanity Fair

Chinese Entrepreneurs Are Leaving China - Gordon G. Chang - New Asia - Forbes

RealClearPolitics - Ending Medicare 'As We Know It'

Vouchercare Is Not Medicare -

Taxpayers are still subsidizing billionaire bankers | Timothy P. Carney | Politics | Washington Examiner

Rep. Anthony Weiner doing his best to let lewd Twitter photo scandal sink his political career

A long-term solution to the U.S. government's fiscal health must take a back seat to the country's vital interest in avoiding default. -

EDITORIAL: Obama's nonwar in Libya - Washington Times

Free the free-trade agreements - The Washington Post

Obama gets an economic jolt - The Washington Post

Pelosi: GOP agenda doesn't create jobs - Face The Nation - CBS News

SlutWalks and the future of feminism - The Washington Post

Sarah Palin and the Politics of Winging It -

Vouchers: They're Baaaaaack! | The Nation


Democrats stay quiet on Medicaid cutbacks - Jason Millman -

GOP freshman unconvinced on Geithner's debt ceiling timetable -

U.S. Green-Card Lottery Scrutinized After Blunder -

Mormons Rock! - Newsweek

RealClearReligion - Would Captain Kirk Race for the Cure?

Jack Kevorkian's horrible career offers a warning against legalising euthanasia – Telegraph Blogs

Jack Kevorkian was right: Assisted suicide should be legal. But is it moral? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

WORLD Magazine | Just listen | Janie B. Cheaney | Jun 18, 11

Actually, that's not in the Bible – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Writing on the Wall

Pope: Family Life In Europe Suffers 'Increasing Disintegration'

Recognize the evils and rise above them | Eye of Faith

Why Liberalism Can’t Endure | First Things

A Big, Muddy Project Alright — The American Magazine

RealClearScience - WHO Cell Phone-Cancer Report Skips Science

Cryptic mutations could be evolution's hidden fuel

Alien plants 'can help alleviate poverty' - SciDev.Net

5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet | Epicenter |

Is there life on Mars? We may soon find out | Science | The Observer

Stick Up: Antimatter Atoms Trapped for More Than 15 Minutes: Scientific American

Hay Festival 2011: Director of CERN had a private audience with the Pope - Telegraph

Solar system models say Jupiter's foray robbed Mars of mass | Science Codex

Penn State Live - Carbon release to atmosphere 10 times faster than in the past

Early light refines the brain’s circuitry for vision | Brown University News and Events

Pioneering stem cell bandage receives approval for clinical trial

[Viewpoint] China’s boom threatened by tricks - INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Asia Times Online :: North Korea draws in US to save face

Netanyahu's success in Congress may come with a price - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Missile Defense Hyperbole Game | Opinion | The Moscow Times

The Shame of Serbia -

Leading article: The autocrat has fled, but the danger of civil war remains - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Telling truths about Al Qaeda - The Boston Globe

U.S. Tells Golan Protesters to Show Restraint After 23 Killed

Researcher: Iran can produce nuke within 2 months - Israel News, Ynetnews

Gadahn Call for Gun Violence Merges With Obama’s “Under the Radar” Anti-gun Agenda

Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions

Ron Paul: They’re not mocking my candidacy any more

Will The Banksters And The Corpocracy Eventually Own It All? 29 Statistics About Extreme Income Inequality In America That Will Blow Your Mind

How the Empire will Prevail: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities

Gates Foresees ‘Modest’ Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan in July |

US drone strikes kill 21 in NW Pakistan

Cash In On Chaos: Goldman Sachs ripped off Gaddafi?

Middle East: Protesters Reportedly Shot Dead By Israeli Forces During Golan Heights Demo | World News | Sky News

Pakistanis protest US drone attacks

Towards a Worldwide Inflationary Depression

Roy Masters: “Hypnotic States Of Americans”

Alex Responds to 9/11 Questions from BBC

Questioned by Paul, Fed denies any interest in gold

20 Facts About US Inequality That Everyone Should Know (With An Update On The Uber-Wealthy And Global Wealth Inequality)

Ron Paul to Attend NH Debate | The State Column

GOP Establishment Attempting To Redistrict Ron Paul Out Of Office


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 1/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 2/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Edition: The War on Terror is All Scripted! 3/3


YouTube - Max Keiser: The Private Federal Reserve Bank, "A Global Mafia Cartel" 1/2

YouTube - Max Keiser: The Private Federal Reserve Bank, "A Global Mafia Cartel" 2/2

-» The Elite’s Plan For Global Extermination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How the empire will prevail: Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago) | Mail Online

» Down With the Dictator Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(3 PARTS) Ryan Miklus & Alex Jones: TSA is The ‘Brown Shirt’ Army Obama Always Wanted Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(3 PARTS) Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bill of Rights: An Endangered Species Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

‘The Undefeated’ Review: Doing the Job the Corrupt MSM Won’t

‘Gasland’ Director Moves to Memory-Hole Video That Reveals Inconvenient Truths

BREAKING: Second Conservative Hollywood Heavyweight Resigns Over ‘Acceptable Discrimination’

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter One

Monthly Music Roundup: A Look Back at May 2011

Coldplay Promotes ‘Freedom for Palestine’ Song

‘Targets Down’ Review: Bob Hamer Hits the Bullseye

Larry Flynt Wishes Sarah Palin’s Son Trig Had Never been born

D-Day: 67 Years Ago Today

What’s Worse For The Economy — China Or The Obama Administration? I Think We Know…

5 U.S. Soldiers Killed In Central Iraq

Egyptian TV Host: Arabs Lack the Capacity to Listen

American Muslims Honor Khomeini’s Legacy in Washington

Osama Bin Laden Is Still Dead, Libya Rages On, And Obama Is Still Floundering

Yemen’s VP Takes Power, As President Saleh Is Evacuated To Saudi Arabia

The Dalai Lama On Secular Ethics – Part 1

The Dalai Lama on Secular Ethics – Part 2

81% of US Mosques Promote Jihad

The Obama Peace Plan: Rahm Emanuel Is Wrong

Russia’s World War II Experience Needs To Be Better Understood

TV Creators Push Back on Book Claiming Hollywood Shuts Out Conservatives - Wilshire & Washington on

Syrian state TV: Gov't forces death toll rises to 40

'Hipster Hitler' T-shirt line goes offline in Australia

PM: Naksa Day events meant to heat up Syrian border

Déjà Vu: Another Congressman Bares Naked Torso (and More) for Online Pal

Miami New Times Writer: Drudge Report ‘Kinda Racist’

‘Me and the pussys’: Weiner Sends Intimate Home Pic; Apparently Relishes Double Entendres, Too

L.A. Times Journalist Tim Rutten, Historical Idiot

‘It’s Me’: Rep. Weiner Sends Playful Photo to New Friend

Howard Kurtz and CNN Struggle Mightily to Identify ‘Reliable Sources’

Weinergate Bombshell: New Woman Comes Forward Claiming Cache of Intimate Photos and Online Communications with Beleaguered Congressman

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS Reporter for Blaming Breitbart for Weiner Coverage

When Did the Media Flip-Flop on the War(s)?

Politicians and Twitter: For better or worse? - CBS Evening News - CBS News

Are Time and Mark Halperin Racist? Herman Cain Omitted Twice in GOP Oddsmaking |

Fla. couple threatens bank with foreclosure

Obama to speak with Afghan's Karzai

Army expects full breach of Missouri River levee

EPA awarding $76 million for cleanups in 40 states

Rising forest density offsets climate change: study

Indiana: Abortion law for government to decide

Syrian TV: 120 security forces killed in north

Steve Jobs kicks off Apple event


6-Jun-11 World View......

5-Jun-11 World View......


Déjà Vu: Another Congressman Bares Naked Torso (and More) for Online Pal

Milwaukee Teachers Push for Taxpayer-funded Erections

+Audio:China’s Grip on U.S. Debt

The Boeing Lawsuit: How We Got Here

‘Me and the pussys’: Weiner Sends Intimate Home Pic; Apparently Relishes Double Entendres, Too

Progressive Democrats Of America Endorses New Flotilla Against Israel

Tennessee Trumps Wisconsin: Kills Teacher Collective Bargaining. Dead.

A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto on Fixing America

A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto For Fixing America – Part 2

DMV Clerks Make Pretty Bad Union Goons


Yfrog confirms that e-mail upload feature “has not been compromised in any way” « Hot Air

More evidence that Weiner sent infamous Tweet unearthed from TweetDeck... as his exes tell all | Mail Online

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS Reporter for Blaming Breitbart for Weiner Coverage - Big Journalism

White House shifts from ‘recovery mode’ to reviving private-sector spending - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Disabled man puts the squeeze on city businesses with handicap lawsuits -

Walton Family Faces a Tough Decision About Walmart's CEO - DailyFinance

House Keys | Sun Sentinel Blogs | State Farm customers report triple digit rate hikes

Wall Street suffers fifth straight week of losses - Business - Stocks & economy -

Pre-school girls are latest target of child cosmetics firms - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Ohio woman, 100, has bank account dating to 1913 - Yahoo! News

Why retire? Mailman, 91, logs 70 years of service - Good News -

Woman sues Dunkin' Donuts for sugary brew -

Chiquita sued over paramilitary payments - World news - Americas -

Food prices set to double by 2030, aid group says - Business - Retail - Food Inc. -

Black Unemployment Rate At 15 Percent, Is Discrimination To Blame? | News One

Half of Last Month's New Jobs Came from a Single Employer — McDonald's | The Weekly Standard

3-ways-social-security-payments-being-cut-smartmoney: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Can't raise taxes? Just call it a 'fee'

Your government at work

Media shame on eligibility


**Politics Video:Santorum Trashes Obama At Announcement: "Who Are You Mr. President?"

Howard Dean: "Possible That Sarah Palin Could Win"

Protestors Yell "Shame On You" At Strauss-Kahn

James Carville: Civil Unrest "Imminently Possible"

5TH/Palin: "Noble" Obama Wants To "Go Down With The Sinking Ship"

Paul Krugman: "We're In Lost Decade Territory"

Pelosi: Low Job Numbers "Due To Disasters In South And Mid-West"

Palin To Detractors: I Was Right About Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

Gov. Barbour: GOP Pick May Be An Unknown

Ron Paul Sees Change In Makeup Of Republican Party

Anita Dunn: GOP "Rooting For Failure On Those Unemployment Numbers"

Austan Goolsbee: "Stiff Headwinds" Slow Job Creation

"FOX News Sunday" On May Job Numbers

"This Week" Roundtable On Faith In Politics, Romney & Edwards

"This Week" Roundtable: Where Are The Jobs?


**World Video:Geopolitics of Clean Energy

Yemen: Biggest Problem for U.S.?

Beckel on the Middle East

Power Vacuum Effect in Yemen

Wounded Saleh Leaves Yemen, Urged To Step Down

Greek Government Faces 'Critical Week'

Video Said To Show Syrian Protesters Under Fire

Humala Declares Peruvian Election Victory

Record Radiation Levels At Fukushima

U.S. Mission In Afghanistan

NATO Helicopters In Libya Air Strikes

Thousands Attend Pope's Croatian Mass

Southern Sudan: Would You Declare War?

Can Attack Choppers Turn Tide in Libya?


**Markets Video:Apoteker: Further Easing 'Lethal Cocktail' for Bonds

Embrace the Rat Race?

China Denies Cyber Spying Role

Stock Touters Prey on Inflation Fears

Apple Takes to the iCloud


**NEWS VIDEOS:Weinergate Bombshell: Woman Comes Forward With Cache Of Intimate Photos And Online Communications With Beleaguered Congressman

Barbara Walters on Weinergate: Pics Intended for Wife; ‘This is How Much I Miss You’

Video Said to Show Syrian Protesters Under Fire

Palin Pushes Back on Paul Revere Flap

Prager: Breitbart is ‘Force of Nature’

‘Twilight’ Again Sweeps MTV Movie Awards

‘The Herman Cain Train’

Oops! Fox News Uses Pic of Tina Fey Dressed as Palin in News Report

5TH/NPR’s Totenberg on Weinergate: Move Along, Nothing to See Here

Journalists’ Sanctimonius Navel Gazing Over Weinergate Coverage

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS Reporter for Blaming Breitbart for Weiner Coverage

New Palin Film Generating Beltway Buzz; Journo Quotes Breitbart on Media’s Hatred of Gov

Obama Hits Golf Course Again

Maher on Palin: ‘Anybody Can Be President in this Dumb, F**ing Country’

4TH/Mark Shields: ‘What the Hell is a Member of Congress Having Portraits of His Crotch Available for Distribution?’

Richard Gere: Obama Doing ‘Extraordinary’ Job, Will Go Down as One of the ‘Great Presidents’

Girl Dies in Ferris Wheel Fall

Mexico Volcano Blasts Tower of Ash

3RD/Weinergate – Major Garrett: ‘Every Indication is That He Did It’

Klavan Solves Middle East Crisis with One State Solution

Choo-Choo Envy: Amid 9.1% Unemployment Obama Whines About Europe’s ‘Fancier Trains’

Weinergate: In Between Jokes Jon Stewart Begs Congressman: ‘Help Us Help You’

Obama’s Clumsy Jeep Analogy Gets Boos From Chrysler Workers

Massive Anti-Government Protests in Syria

Three Arrested for Feeding Homeless

Dr. Death: Dead


GOP Reacts to Obamanomics’ Horrible Unemployment News


Is Roland Bunce Northern Ireland's Next top model? - Fashion & Beauty, Woman -

Meet the Korean, Irish, Aussie and female wanna-Biebers |

King Penguin colony in South Georgia: Stunning pictures of world's largest crèche | Mail Online

iKini: Plug your iPod into this solar-powered bikini | Mail Online

'The Wonder Years': Where Are They Now?

Hypnotist David Days knocks himself out and leaves 3 'Martians' in a trance | Mail Online

Armchair astronaut sets the internet alight after using Google to discover 'space station' on Mars | Mail Online

Ancient Roman Shipwreck May Have Held Giant Fish Tank | Archaeology & Shipwrecks | Ancient Trade of Live Fish | LiveScience

This Week in History: T... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Israel's largest underground water source discovered near Jerusalem convention center - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

11 Words Still Classified in Pentagon Papers

Jewish groups blast 'Foreskin Man' comic book's 'overly anti-Semitic' images on circumcision

The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic and racist' - Telegraph

New 'Born This Way' Album Banned by Lebanon as 'Offensive to Christianity', Christian News

Alternative medicine: Think yourself better | The Economist

Did a pork-coated bullet kill Bin Laden? Yes, says firm who claim its pig fat gun oil is bought by U.S. military personnel | Mail Online

The rebirth of imperial measures: Why pounds are on their weigh back | Mail Online

Congress exempts itself from law – again

Your government at work

This is no double dip

Deport California's illegal immigrant prisoners

First Palestinians, then Mexicans?

Arizona vindicated

Empowerment: Solution America needs

Let's play fair in GOP primary debates

Dems accidentally uphold liberty

Most perverted politicians money can buy

The Invention of Lying

The Death of the American Dream II | Via Meadia

Top Gun girl fighter pilot will mix Dior with daredevil stunts at the RAF Cosford Air Show - Sunday Mercury

PC Robert Nicholson sacked after 'inappropriate relationship' with girl, 14 | Mail Online

Could the Net be killing the planet one web search at a time?

Couple fulfil life-long dream of visiting every state in US¿ before both being hit by van on final trip | Mail Online

Teenage girls flaunting more skin than ever as hemlines get shorter | Herald Sun

What your teens and tweens won't tell you |

Former teacher Carrie Shafer appears in court; pleads guilty - Louisville News Kentucky Indiana News Weather Sports

Playboy's 'blood money' deal with British widows to dodge jail - Telegraph

Malaysian man ordered to tweet an apology 100 times in defamation case

Record of 35 organs transplanted into 27 people... JPost - Health

ZEEK: Articles: Religion and Hybridity: Can someone be Jewish and Christian?

Israeli convert from Judaism named to Catholic Church's highest court - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Europe doomed if conscience isn’t rediscovered, Pope says :: EWTN News

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Support wilting for Libya mission;Rep. Fleming: Obama 'consulting rest of the world' while ignoring Congress

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate 'forgery'

Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records?

YouTube - LTC Terry Lakin Doesn't Regret Challenging Obama's Eligibility 6/2/11

Why is Obama's name different on passport?

Did Obama's father forget when he was born?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

2nd Jewish Temple just 'waiting to be unearthed'

D-Day survivors share memories |


Actually, that's not in the Bible – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Dems fire back at GOP on unemployment - Washington Times

Schools to kids: You can be boys or girls or both

Girls attack boy on YouTube video grabbing national attention - FOX 4 News | Cape Coral-Fort Myers-Naples Florida - WFTX

Howard Dean warns Democrats Sarah Palin could beat Obama in 2012 -

Trump, Cain fire up Faith-Freedom crowd - Washington Times

Greenspan 'Scared' Over Deficit; Calls for Debt Ceiling Rise - CNBC

*6 June

William J Federer's American Minute for June 6th

Today in History: June 6

This Day in History for 6th June

June 6th This Day in History

Today in History: June 6

June 6 Events in History

June 6th in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 6th


Bill Cunningham 6/5/11 HR 1

Bill Cunningham 6/5/11 HR 2

Bill Cunningham 6/5/11 HR 3


Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-05, Sunday


*ARTICLES:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'

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