A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

05 June 2011


YouTube - Simi Valley Nuclear Disaster

Activist Post: New Decentralized Currency Stimulating Underground Barter Economy

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - NeoCon/Zionist Policy Introducing Fascism Into This World

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - A Talk: The War Against Terror Within

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - I Have Zero Respect For The Mainstream Media: Gilad Atzmon Interview By Silvia Cattori

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Budrus Trailer

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Going Back to Lifta - A Palestinian Exile Returns

Palin flubs explanation of Paul Revere’s ride | The Upshot Yahoo! News

YouTube - Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan

NRC: Limerick nuclear generator 'scrams' for second time in 36 hours -Spring-Ford Reporter Valley Item - Montgomery News


*Bilderberg 2011 conference location and date revealed: from June 9-12 in St. Moritz, Switzerland — Bilderberg 2011

Bilderberg 2011 plans for more economic chaos and tax increases.


*Charlie Skelton's Bilderblog | World news |


Bilderberg 2010: What we have learned | World news |

The Bilderberg Meeting 2011 St. Moritz Switzerland | Gerald Celente Trends Blog


Study: Web users worry about snooping businesses - Yahoo! News

U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian Population" - Chemtrail Truth

Rais Bhuiyan was blinded in one eye by Mark Anthony Stroman in post- 9/11 hate crime and now fights to change attacker's death sentence | Mail Online

Texas TSA pat down ban may be back - The Hill's Transportation Report

China helps unravel new E.coli for embattled Europe - Yahoo! News

America's Addiction - Waging Illegal Wars

Gates sees wider US military presence in Asia - Asia, World - The Independent

Drug Suppresses Recall of Bad Memories, Leaves Non-Bad Memories Intact | Popular Science

After 29 months of the most left-wing presidency in US history, the American superpower is heading towards the economic abyss – Telegraph Blogs

Tim Westwood the war-monger | Jody McIntyre | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

EU child propaganda: silly or sinister? – Telegraph Blogs

The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic and racist' - Telegraph

Earthworm plague sweeps Cincinnati - Technology & science - Science -

Thousands Of Worms Turn Up Dead

New Male Birth Control Concept Shows Promise - Yahoo! News

First Read - Congress: Weiner-gate continues

YouTube - Marcia Kramer almost gets arrested over Weiner's Twitter - and Chris Matthews says this is bad

European E-coli outbreak likely caused by Genetic Engineering run amok… « Conservative Critic's Blog

Obama heads to Ohio to defend economic policies as jobless total hits new high | Mail Online

Is this the end of 'Mom and Pop' stores? Mini Wal-Mart 'express' stores may be coming to a town near you | Mail Online

Aerosol Operation Crimes & Cover Up

Paul Drockton M.A.: Silver Price Manipulation and the Coming Silver Shortage

Roy Tov – White September: Double Strike on Israel

60 years of Pak-China defence collaboration | Opinion Maker

Cryptomundo » Wood Knocking: More Historical Background

Truth, the First Casualty of War: Friendly Fire, FUBAR, SNAFU, 9/11 and the Pat Tillman Story

YouTube - witnesses speak about the real circumstances at Rafah crossing 4-6-2011

Israel government 'reckless and irresponsible' says ex-Mossad chief | World news | The Guardian

Washington's Blog:Housing Prices Have Already Fallen More than During the Great Depression ... How Much Lower Will They Go?




+Goon Squad: 'Lucky' Larry's Chicago's Sears/Willis Tower Tenants are Moving out and it has an Asbestos Problem


YouTube - McJobs: Fast food career the new American dream?


Wrong again Bam -

Florida couple forecloses on bank -

Police Officer Written Red-Light Tickets Ruled Unconstitutional - Fort Lauderdale City Buzz |


+Elena Kagan's conflict of interest--Stephen B. Meister -


The Intercept: Nuclear Event - Egypt is saved from a nuclear disaster - 3rd June 2011

YouTube - Banks foreclose on homes that they don't own

-Activist Post: Latest Video of Adam Kokesh Dance "Mob" at Jefferson Memorial, June 4, 2011

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "We Should Not Have These Perpetual Wars!"

:Revolutionary Politics : New Cold War for US/Russia?

YouTube - Privacy For Sale: iPhone 4 hackers open password marketplace

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "I Didn't Want The Troops To Go Over There In The First Place & I Want Them To Come Home"

:Revolutionary Politics : DSHS Pays 7 Million Dollar Settlement After Allowing Sexual Abuse Of 3 Foster Daughters For Years

Lone Star Watchdog: Feeding the Homeless Might Be a Illegal?Has the Government Declared War on the Homeless and the Good Samaritan ?

ah, mephistophelis.: "Sweet Justice:" B of A Foreclosed Upon By The Homeowners They Tried To Screw (VIDEO)

YouTube - Stop violating UN resolution or lose Moscow's trust! - Lavrov to NATO

4 in US now linked to German E. coli outbreak - Yahoo! News


+Top 10 Corrupt Politicians of 2010 | Economy Watch


Gates says war weariness, debt won’t deter US from widening military presence in Pacific Rim - The Washington Post

YouTube - Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam

Book Review - Among the Truthers - By Jonathan Kay -

NHK WORLD English/Gov't didn't release radiation data after accident

North Korea Vows 'Retaliatory Military Actions' Against South Korea

America's Addiction - Waging Illegal Wars

Perpetual War Is a Bigger Threat Than Terrorism - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Goldman Sachs Lost 98% of Libya’s $1.3B Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment - Agustino Fontevecchia - Moral Hazard - Forbes

NATO Helicopter Attacks Tantamount To Ground Operation: Russian Foreign Minister

God Bless America. And its Bombs

International law and the problem of enforcement > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

List of Sarah Palin Gaffes | Palin's Biggest Errors and Mistakes

'Cyber attacks are an act of war': Pentagon to issue new rules against hackers' | Mail Online

Obama's Commerce Nominee: Cap and Trade Good for ‘Hiding’ Carbon Taxes |

Proud of losing $14B -

Could the Net be killing the planet one web search at a time?

Activist Post: US says dropping bombs is not war, but guessing a computer password is

BBC News - US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as 'acts of war'

The Intercept: Why sanctions against Iran won't work

The Intercept: Former Egyptian Interior Minister Accused of Collusion in Alexandria Church Bombing

YouTube - Government Pays For Marijuana Study But INSIST Synthetic Chemical Is Used NOT WEED!

YouTube - Portugal set for $114 billion EU-IMF bailout

YouTube - Know Your Money: Gold & Silver

YouTube - 10 Million Ukrainians Exterminated

Wedded to the warlords: NATO’s unholy Afghan alliance - The Globe and Mail

Barack Obama’s betrayal of Abraham Lincoln’s ideals > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

YouTube - Video, night shots of UK Apache choppers at HMS Ocean, Libya strikes

WHO panel warns that cell phone use may cause cancer

The Bread and Circus economy: Lessons from the Great Depression Part 33. The McDonald’s and paper-mill education economy funded by a too big to fail bank. » Dr. Housing Bubble Blog

Activist Post: Worldwide Freedom is Being Hacked


New Al Qaeda Video: Buy Automatic Weapons and Start Shooting Americans - ABC News

YouTube - Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab


Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time


YouTube - Tungstengold Tungsten Gold Wolframgold Wolfram Bars


Gld ETF Warning, Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

YouTube - Gold Bars-- with Tungsten Cores

Gold News » Blog Archive » Fed Lawyer Alvarez: “The Federal Reserve Does NOT Own Any Gold at All”


*Six-Day War - Wikipedia

**Maps -


+Arabs are not entitled for "1967 borders" by International Law

Israel Education Initiative: The 1967 Border


Thousands march in Tel Aviv in support of Palestinian state based on 1967 borders - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Photos: 5,000 protestors in Tel Aviv say YES to 1967 borders

gulfnews : Blueprint for future Palestinian state

Abbas agrees to peace talks based on 1967 borders - FRANCE 24


New Mexico Supreme Court Lets Cops Grab Guns During Stops - Wikileaks cable lays out North American ‘integration’ strategy

Middle East: Protesters Reportedly Shot Dead By Israeli Forces During Golan Heights Demo | World News | Sky News

Kids in HSE care ended up working in brothels - Wikileaks, National News -

China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills |

MRSA Strain That Eludes Traditional Tests Found in Cow’s Milk, Study Finds - Bloomberg

Michael Hudson: Europe's New Road to Serfdom

Economy: When Will Economy Recover? 2014, If Ever, Survey Says - CNBC

Japan: green tea exports banned due to high radiation levels - Telegraph

Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’ -

“Business is Booming”; Wall Street’s Role in Narco-trafficking -

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”


The 25 Rules of Disinformation


10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen


Naming Names: Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen

+Ownership Chart: The Big Six | Free Press

mhp: The Seven Sisters


+FEMA: Region X


The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families (Part 1) | Hawai`i News Daily

The Federal Reserve Cartel The Eight Families (Part2)

Federal Reserve Bank, ownership - The Lawful Path - Bank List - Top Banks in the World

Online Financial Innovations: Internet Strategies for Financial Institutions. Top 150 Largest Banks

*World Bank Group(

IMF -- International Monetary Fund (

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System(

Internal Revenue Service(


Council on Foreign Relations(

Trilateral Commission(

Bilderberg Meetings (



Illuminati News (

The Illuminati(

Illuminati News (

Original Writings of the Illuminati(


*(4 Parts)Shadow Talk and a chat with Ben Stewart – Max Igan |


+Alex Jones Show – June 3rd, 2011


BodyGuard stun-device to help mere mortal crime fighters

Questioned by Paul, Fed denies any interest in gold

Alex Responds to 9/11 Questions from BBC |

*(3 Parts)Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated |

Why Oath Keepers Is Dangerous |

Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus | World news |

Public Unions Vs. The Unorganized Taxpayers: There Will Be Blood |


+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 3rd, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 3rd, 2011


Soros-funded, Marxist-led group pushes 'Net control

YouTube - Cash In On Chaos: Goldman Sachs ripped off Gaddafi?

Replacing Economic Democracy with Financial Oligarchy

Policymakers Have Made Another Depression Unavoidable

What Does the ICC Stand For?

Mexico's Failed War on Drugs

Calls to Legalise Cannabis and Ecstasy


*AFP Podcast interviews the spokesperson of the group behind the human rights billboards.....



Restricting the Movement of You & Your Money

Conservative groups launch anti-Obama campaigns | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

U.S. tries to reduce more homeowners' mortgages | Reuters

Strauss-Kahn to plead not guilty in New York on Monday | Reuters

Military Escalation: "Phase Two" of the War on Libya

The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

The Corporate Media Complex: Drawing Back the Veil on the U.S. Propaganda Machine

VIDEO: Fukushima Predicted: Regulatory Commission was Warned for Years

War is Good For Wall Street

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People

Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and Jobs

VIDEO: Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers

Towards a Worldwide Inflationary Depression

Falling US Birth Rates are not connected to Genetically Modified (GM) Foods

The Democrats and 'Lesser Evil' Politics

Social Media: Air Force ordered software to manage army of Fake Virtual People

BREAKING NEWS: Alarm on Gene GM Crops: A Previously Unrecognised Effect on GM Plant Development

Global Research TV (GRTV): See the World Through an Independent Lens

YouTube - Detained for photography in Baltimore

"The Human Species Will One Day Migrate to a Parallel Universe" -- Michio Kaku

When the multiverse and many-worlds collide - physics-math - 01 June 2011 - New Scientist

Homeland Security testing mind-reading terrorist 'pre-crime' detectors - Computerworld Blogs

What Debt Crisis? Fed Workers Making More Than Governors

Stephen Moore: Obama Wrong on Debt Ceiling

Analysis: Obama's Job Security about Job Creation

Ralph Reed: Obama’s Medicare Plan Means Rationing

Texas, Perry Wrestle with Higher Education Unrest

Ron Paul: Sound the Alarm on Deficits

Palin Didn’t Mean to Overshadow Romney

Goolsbee: Tough Month But No Economic Trend

Gates Begins Farewell Visits with Troops

Howard Dean: Palin Could Beat Obama in 2012

Pope Denounces 'Disintegration' of Europe Families

Madoff Underwear Sells for $200 at Fla. Auction

'Dallas' Star Larry Hagman Auctions Memorabilia

Romney: States Like Texas Foil National Insurance

Al-Qaida Commander's Death Increasingly Certain

Afghan Taliban Talks Appear to be Gaining Traction

Gates Pledges Wider US Military Presence in Asia

Carr: Jobs Report Lives or Dies on Guesswork

Greenspan 'Scared' Over Deficit, Urges Tax Hike

Obama Regulatory Czar Backs Off Call for Gov't to Attach Lower Value to Older People

Kagan Assigned DOJ Lawyer Who Argued Obamacare Cases In Appeals Courts

TSA: Al-Qaeda and Affiliates ‘Continue To Pose A Serious Threat’ to U.S.

Three of ‘World’s Worst’ Regimes Sit on U.N. Human Rights Council

Bozell: Exposing the Hollywood ‘Clique’

Bill Richardson on Witness List in NM Bribery Case

Food chain at risk of being poisoned by terrorist groups - Telegraph


Worldwide Freedom is Being Hacked – Will the “cyber threat” be the next bin Laden? |


ARCHIVED:Double Agent Gadahn Threatens Bush In Neo-Con Stunt

ARCHIVED:Mossad Agent Pearlman Releases Phony "Al-Qaeda Tape"

ARCHIVED:Mossad Double Agent Is Scriptwriter For Bin Laden Tape

ARCHIVED:Contrived Propaganda Tapes Reveal War On Terror Fraud


+Radiation News 6-4-11 |

+Radiation News 6-3-11 |


The F.·.W.·. Blog: CNN's Sis? Crowley: Bro. Ron Paul A Serious Contender in 2012?

Geithner says debt ceiling must be raised, Sarah Palin disagrees

Romney reaffirms stance that global warming is real

The problems of Mitt Romney

Author: 'Birth certificate' prompts departure of White House counsel

The easiest way to access Obama's original Birth Certificate


The Illuminati - Be seeing you…(


*The Architecture of Modern Political Power(


Blavatsky Archives(

. - (Graphic)/ - : Numbers


Biblioteca Arcana(


The Elena Kagan File - (


Freemasonry Watch - Memory Work


Entered Apprentice Handbook(


Fellowcraft Handbook(


Master Mason Handbook(


The Higher Degrees Handbook(


Masonic Abbreviations -

E Books

Download :The Hidden Life in Freemasonry

Download :Low Twelve – By Their Deeds You Shall Know Them

Download :Exposition of Freemasonry

Download :The Symbolism of Freemasonry or Mystic Masonry

Download :The Book of the Words

Download :The Origin and Evolution of Freemasonry Connected with the Origin and Evolution of the Human Race

Download :The Origin of Masonic Ritual & Tradition as Manifested by the Geometrical Design and Symbolism of The Great Pyramid

Download :The Occult Anatomy of Man

Download :Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All Religions and Governments

Download :Mysteria – History of the Secret Doctrines and Mystic Rites of Ancient Religions and Medieval and Modern Secret Orders


Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy | Secret Arcana


Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control | Secret Arcana


Israeli Forces Fire on Protesters -


Obama eats 2 chili dogs and fries day after wife Michelle unveils new dietary guide | Mail Online

Delinquent Homeowners to Get Mortgage Help From Government - CNBC

13 Hurt When Wind Blows Away Bounce Houses With Kids Inside In Oceanside « CBS New York

Hackers gather around the globe to fight climate change -

Are Time and Mark Halperin Racist? Herman Cain Omitted Twice in GOP Oddsmaking |

No opt-out for opponents of gays in military: Gates - Yahoo! News

News from The Associated Press

Russia: NATO 'one step' from land war in Libya - Yahoo! News

INTERVIEW-W.Bank to suggest CO2 levy on jet, shipping fuel | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Wounded Yemeni president in Saudi Arabia - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Top jihadist leader killed, followers say -

Activists: Syria government forces kill 63 - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Hundreds of Facebook users crash teen's birthday party - The Local

Trenton barber is accused of biting customer's ear in half after complaint about slow haircut |

Utah Man Cited For Trying to Pay $25 Doctor’s Bill in Pennies

Hypnotist's On-Stage Injury Leaves Three Audience Members in a Trance -

The End of the World 2012: NASA Tells All | Before It's News

'Mars Space Station Discovered ' | Before It's News

2011 And 2012 Could Be Technical Takeoff Years For Several Super Technologies | Before It's News

Antimatter Trapped for Amazingly Long 16 Minutes -

Mysterious Origins of Dark Sunspots Explained | Sun, Solar Physics & Sunspots | LiveScience

Space-Time Ripples: How Scientists Could Detect Gravity Waves | Einstein General Relativity & Space-time | LiveScience

+Chemtrail Slideshow 100 Pictures | Before It's News

Corporate Anarchy - How it All Works - Part One of Two | Before It's News

Worm turning on relentless immigration into the USA | Before It's News

Stalin's Ape-Human Hybrid | Before It's News

Free Energy Freedom – Our Power, Our Future

"Will Life Beyond Earth Have DNA Roots?" World's Leading Authorities Say "Maybe Not"

The 9/11 Attacks and the Black Eagle Trust Fund | Before It's News

YouTube - 9/11 and Who Rules Saudi Arabia

How the CIA created Osama bin Laden | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal


(1:30:42)YouTube - 9/11 Mysteries (Full_Documentary)


Check Out the Companies That Make ReadWriteWeb Possible

Setting Up Your Internet Marketing Home Office | Before It's News

Jon Stewart and Bill Moyers on News Organizations Undermining Journalism

MSNBC's Richard Lui Pushes Notion That Romney Was a 'Job Creator'

Rep. Vicky Hartzler compares same sex marriage to incest, polygamy, pedophilia

Krugman: Medicare Is Sustainable In Its Present Form

Against Their Own Interests

Fox guest Neal Boortz: Re-electing Obama like strapping on a 'suicide vest'

Bill Cunningham Threatens A "Peasant Uprising" Against Ohio Governor John Kasich

Watch NRA heads explode: Al Qaeda spokesman urges terrorists to buy lots of guns at gun shows

Message Synchronicity: Two Key Democrats Amplify Leader Pelosi – “Take Medicare Off The Table”

Gov. Rick Scott Only Cares About Babies Until They're Born, Cuts Pregnancy Programs

Five years later, George Allen apologizes for 'macaca' remark

DHS still targeting DREAMers like Ricardo Muñiz

New Rule: Contrary to What Republican Candidates Always Sell, Business Experience Does Not Make Someone a Good President

NJ's New State Motto for Gov. Chris Christie: Why Drive When You Can Fly?

Haley Barbour Urges Conservatives at Reed Event Not to Hold 2012 Presidential Candidates to Purity Test

+Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Weinergate? Palin's Bus? What about Healthcare?

Howard Dean: Don't Get Too Cocky, Even Sarah Palin Could Beat Obama With A Weak Economy

Florida Homeowner Forecloses On Bank of America

Paul Ryan's Ayn Rand love gets called out by a 'Catholic' at Faith And Freedom Conference 2011

White House Economic Adviser Austan Goolsbee Defends Clever Strategy of Putting Cart Before The Horse

Palin: 'I didn't mess up about Paul Revere'

Nancy Pelosi on Face The Nation: Ask Speaker Boehner Why Congress Hasn't Gotten Anything Done

92% of Americans Still Believe in God, But Youths, Easterners and Libs Aren’t as Likely To | The Blaze

Romney Reasserts Belief That ‘Humans Have Contributed’ to Global Warming | The Blaze

Bit ‘Hangover’ Actor Faces Las Vegas Sex Charge | The Blaze

NJ Fun Park Reopens Just One Day After 11-Year-Old Died in Plunge From Ferris Wheel | The Blaze

Top Al-Qaeda Commander Killed by U.S. Drone in Pakistan | The Blaze

Video Shows Protests and Gunfire in Syria — Report Clams 63 Killed | The Blaze

Costumed Utah Dad Embarrasses Son With Daily Wave to School Bus | The Blaze

Buy Guns and Start Shooting People: American Al-Qaeda Spokesman Calls on Americans to Carry out Random, Lone-Wolf Attacks | The Blaze

2012 Republican Hopefuls Court Religious Right | The Blaze

Florida Sheriff’s Deputies Bring Padlocks After Angry Homeowners Foreclose on…Bank of America! | The Blaze

Did Google Geek Discover ‘Space Station’ on Mars Surface? | The Blaze

‘One Giant Vulnerability’: Obama’s Job Security Is All About Job Creation | The Blaze

Hey America Those Floods Are Totally God’s Judgement Because of Your Filth and Abominations, Louis Farrakhan Explains How America Is Babylon | The Blaze

Really? Is Anybody Worried the Mob Might Have an Eye on Gambling in Chicago? | The Blaze

Facebook Invite Mistake: 1,600 People Crash German Girl’s 16th Birthday Party | The Blaze

‘It Went Way Up’: Wind-Blown Bounce House Injures 13 Kids | The Blaze

Why Is a California Teachers Union So Anti-Israel? | The Blaze

China to Asia: Hey, Don’t Worry About Our Really Big Military | The Blaze

In Major Reversal, Appeals Court Allows TX Students to Pray at Graduation | The Blaze

Obama Boldly Defies Michelle’s New Dietary Guidelines | The Blaze

Dispatch of Suicide Hobbyist “Dr. Death” Kevorkian Offers Questions on Meaning of Life

June 4, 1914 Dedication of Arlington Monument

Obama’s ineligibility: Picking up the pieces after political Armageddon

When anti-technology kills

Destroying the Dollar

Giving your online identity to Obama

How Liberals Cloud the Meaning of Natural Born Citizen

Green Policies destroy the Wild Environment

Do GOP hopefuls trust Al Gore?

Gore-monism: Romney believes in manmade global warming

Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

The real Egyptian revolution

To have faith in America or not have faith – that is the question

Groups to call for closure of Taliban Imam’s Mosque

Ron Paul Endorses Heroin – A Study in American History

Barack Obama’s Contempt for War Powers Act Earns Him Bipartisan Rebuke from U.S. House

Drug control should not concentrate on users says panel

The Administration’s Ugly Prediction for Coal Generation and Electric Rates

Obama And Rahm’s Black Bribe

What does Bernanke have up his Sleeve after QE2?

ebbie Schlussel:G-d Does “Assisted Suicide” on World’s Most Macabre Artist, Killer

Mix It Up: Poetry Beyond the White House

Paul Krugman: The Lesser of Two Evils?

National Curriculum or National Standards?

Top Ten Reasons Why Michele Bachmann Could Win the 2012 Republican Nomination

Ryan-Cantor 2012

ObamaCare: 'A Health Care Reform For All'?

Obama's Mounting Media Manipulation

The liberal mindset hits reality again

Afghanistan as it really is

Gunfight at the DC Corral: Palin vs Obama.

'Cornered' Obama and the administration's lies about the economy

Blago's retrial less of a circus, more focused

Yemen's Saleh in Saudi Arabia for 'medical treatment'

4 dead, 12 hurt on Israeli-Syrian border in 'Naksa day' clashes

Mitt Romney's global warming blunder

Wasserman Schultz looking ridiculous again

You Did Not Learn All You Needed to Know in Kindergarten

Mosques as Barracks in America

A Subtle Tyranny

Liberal vs Conservative: A Spiritual Battle

Amphibian Politics

The Coming of the Mahdi

Making Sense of the Syrian Uprising

Germany Opts for Economic Suicide

Politician, Heal Thyself

Is There A Doctor In The Town?

Joel Greenberg, the Washington Post's Palestinian Propagandist

Israel's Pain -- Beyond Human Language

The Coming UN Crisis

81% of US Mosques Promote Jihad

The Obama Peace Plan: Rahm Emanuel Is Wrong

Russia’s World War II Experience Needs To Be Better Understood

China’s Economy Slowing, With Possible Worldwide Consequences

Was The Death Of Fatima Abdallah An Honor Killing?

Where Is Pakistan Headed?

Fmr Cong. Cynthia McKinney On Libyan TV: Gaddafi-Style Direct Democracy Will Solve America’s Problems!

Sarah Palin: 1, The Mainstream Media: 0 in Memorial Day Weekend Slugfest

Maybe Anthony Weiner Has Been Hacked!

Radical Anti-Free Press Group Consulted with FCC to Push Obama’s Internet Takeover

DMV Clerks Make Pretty Bad Union Goons

Wisc. Dems Now Fear Public Backlash to Circus They Created

Obama Owns the Economy and Average Voters Know It

NY Teachers’ Union Should Heed JFK’s Advice When Demanding Higher Taxes

Churchill Never Used a Teleprompter [Video]

Krugman’s Mistake

A Simple Question For TSA

Dallas Animal Trainer Caught in USDA ‘Legal Circus’

Connecticut Governor’s Legislative Agenda Shocks State and Awes Unions

Michelle Obama Is Rearranging the Nation’s Dinner Plates

Big Labor Puts Politics Ahead of Jobs

‘Targets Down’ Review: Bob Hamer Hits the Bullseye

Larry Flynt Wishes Sarah Palin’s Son Trig Had Never been born

Do Politics Drive Hollywood’s Slow Response to Heartland Disasters?


Cartoon:Obama Nation: Interview with the President - Big Government

Cartoon:Bad Dogs - Big Journalism

Cartoon:UI: Team Spirit - Big Journalism


4-Jun-11 World View ......

5-Jun-11 World View......


Presidential hopeful, Danon, to head NY pro-Israel rally

Thousands visit Krakow's seven synagogues

Hundreds bid farewell to billionaire Sami Ofer in TA

Arava Power launches Israel's first solar field

40 injured in clashes in Jerusalem on Naksa Day

Palestinian youths charged with slaughter of Fogel family

20 killed as Israel fires on pro-Palestinian protesters

Egypt strikes $3bn IMF deal to 'relaunch' economy

Richard Dawkins heads line-up at private 18,000-a-year university

Hamas, Fatah squabble over establishment of unity gov't

China defends naval actions

Projection: Opposition wins most votes in Portugal

Gruesome US serial killer trial opens Monday

Germany: Sprouts likely cause of E. coli outbreak

OPEC set to roll over output amid weak economy, Libya unrest

Investors see risk of sharp falls in some commodities: BIS

Russia enters world of Islamic finance

Gay couples seek green cards despite likely denial

Apple's Jobs to take the stage as iCloud hype grows

Fine line between slowdown and stall

US 'deeply troubled' at killings on Israel-Syria border

Corruption investigations not slowing Richardson

Yemen unlikely to hit oil supplies, price: experts

Napoleon's English lessons sell for 90,000 euros

Major wildfire chars 144,000 acres in eastern Arizona

Missouri levee breach prompts evacuations in Iowa

Gabby Blagojevich faces biggest test in cross-exam

Dozens Detained During Anti-Government Strike in Bangladesh | News | English

YouTube - Scores arrested over Bangladesh strike

CTV Edmonton - Canadian dosimeters were put to use in Japan: embassy - CTV News

YouTube - Tanks to hold Fukushima's contaminated water

Indian guru Baba Ramdev: Indian guru's political foray turns violent -

Gates Wants Afghan Withdrawal to Leave Combat Troops -

Syrian forces kill 35 in fresh crackdown: report - World - CBC News

NATO Attacks Intensify Pressure on Gadhafi Forces in Libya | News | English

Pope visits grave of war-time cleric at end of Croatia trip - Monsters and Critics

Hamas closes traffic to Egypt until visa demands met -

Fatal blast shakes Nairobi gas station -

Hong Kong remembers Tiananmen as Beijing cracks down - The Washington Post

YouTube - Demonstrators remember Tiananmen

CTV Calgary- Yemeni protesters cheer president's departure - CTV News

Drone Strike Kills Top Pakistani Terrorist | South Asia | English

YouTube - Pakistan probably aided Kashmiri killing

Deadly clashes at Syrian border on Mideast war anniversary -

YouTube - 20 reported dead as IDF fires at crowds storming Israel-Syria border

Groupon IPO likely to boost three Chicagoans to billionaire status -

Half-marathoner recalled as a 'great kid' -

Palin: I Didn't Mean to Step on Romney's Toes During Campaign Rollout -

Sarah Palin defends comments that Paul Revere warned British: 'I know my American history'

Cain Tosses Establishment Playbook in Republican Presidential Bid -

Is Mississippi River reaching higher levels, more often? | The Natchez Democrat

Obama Is Focusing on Tax Incentives, Subsidies to Spur Jobs, Goolsbee Says - Bloomberg

The Associated Press: Public vs. private: Long an issue for John Edwards

Obama faces his own political 'headwind' on the economy -

Florida governor defends measure requiring drug tests for welfare -

Exes dish on Anthony Weiner's sext appeal -

Legislature Approves Pair of Controversial Bills - Clinton, CT Patch

Republicans bid to woo Christian conservatives - Telegraph

Palin bemoans crying 'wolf' over debt ceiling - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

The Associated Press: Texas, Perry wrestle with higher education unrest

Young balloonist becomes world-wide sensation |

YouTube - Boy trained to fly hot air balloon at four years old

YouTube - 12 Dead As Israeli Troops Fire Near Syria Border

Casey Anthony case resembles real-life CSI crime drama -

YouTube - Defense attacks forensics evidence

AP reports pipeline operations can restart | News 5 | News, Weather, Sports for Hastings | Kearney | Grand Island | Nebraska | Local News

Unemployment Strains Foreclosure Aid -

The Associated Press: Ohio woman, 100, has bank account dating to 1913

Web users worry about prying businesses, survey says - The Boston Globe

OPEC Is Expected to Lift Output Quotas -

IMF, Egypt Agree to $3 Billion Loan for Post-Mubarak Period

As Gates Foundation Grows, Critics Question Methods : NPR

Groupon Plans I.P.O. With $30 Billion Valuation -

So, Why Are Senior U.S. Officials Using Gmail? | PCWorld

Global warming crisis may mean world has to suck greenhouse gases from air | Environment | The Guardian

Wal-Mart Express to Test Small Store Format -

Will U.S.-revived Chrysler's headquarters move to Italy? - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

New skin cancer drugs: Vemurafenib, Yervoy 'breakthrough' for skin cancer -

30 years since first AIDS cases reported

On Medicare, GOP plan could be its problem - St. Petersburg Times

WHO Finding Adds to Debate Over Mobile Phones, Brain Cancer | Special English | Learning English

Bill allows denial of health insurance rate hikes

More Places to Get Exposed to Measles

E. coli: Antibiotic-resistant strain sequenced - Los Angeles Times

Box office report: 'X-Men: First Class' scores decent debut with $56 mil | Inside Movies |

The Deadbolt News - Jim Carrey Promises New Character for MTV Movie Awards

BBC News - Simon Cowell 'in talks to reinstate Cheryl Cole'

Reality TV show mom busted for meth |

X-Men First Class Wolverine adaptation | PopWatch |

CERN Scientists Refine Antimatter 'Trap' - ABC News

Spear Phishing--latest attacks on Gmail, Yahoo Mail and Hotmail - Woodbridge, VA Patch

New Oxford Dictionaries Online Entries will Have Techies Abuzz | PCWorld


+Rare Marilyn Monroe Photos Released -

The Most Beautiful Cars of Le Mans -

*Utility 'smart meters': Fears of electromagnetic radiation from 'smart meters' are overblown -

Palin Says She Didn’t Mean to Overshadow Romney in Visit to New Hampshire - Bloomberg

Disabled man puts the squeeze on city businesses with handicap lawsuits -

My Way News - Ambitious Weiner sees media strategy backfire

Venezuela housing shortage a headache for Chavez | Reuters

Americans Divided on Taxing the Rich to Redistribute Wealth

It's time to confront this taboo: First cousin marriages in Muslim communities are putting hundreds of children at risk | Mail Online

Report: Over 400 al-Qaida terrorists now i... JPost - Middle East

Hopes fade for peaceful Arab transition to democracy -

South Africa gays: In South Africa's black townships, being gay can be fatal -

Flag at the Fed reignites gay-rights debate | Richmond Times-Dispatch


**NEWS VIDEOS:Maher on Palin: ‘Anybody Can Be President in this Dumb, F**ing Country’

Gawker Writer Scolds CBS Reporter For Blaming Breitbart for Weiner Coverage

New Palin Film Generating Beltway Buzz; Journo Quotes Breitbart on Media’s Hatred of Gov

Obama Hits Golf Course Again

4TH/Mark Shields: ‘What the Hell is a Member of Congress Having Portraits of His Crotch Available for Distribution?’

Richard Gere: Obama Doing ‘Extraordinary’ Job, Will Go Down as One of the ‘Great Presidents’

Girl Dies in Ferris Wheel Fall

Mexico Volcano Blasts Tower of Ash

3RD/Klavan Solves Middle East Crisis with One State Solution

Weinergate – Major Garrett: ‘Every Indication is That He Did It’

Choo-Choo Envy: Amid 9.1% Unemployment Obama Whines About Europe’s ‘Fancier Trains’

Weinergate: In Between Jokes Jon Stewart Begs Congressman: ‘Help Us Help You’

Obama’s Clumsy Jeep Analogy Gets Boos From Chrysler Workers

Massive Anti-Government Protests in Syria

Three Arrested for Feeding Homeless

Dr. Death: Dead


GOP Reacts to Obamanomics’ Horrible Unemployment News

Paul Begala’s Weinergate Defense: ‘Who Cares’ and ‘Consider the Source’

2ND/The Stage Right Show: Guests – Ben Shapiro, Kurt Schlichter, Steven Crowder and Jon David Kahn

Creepy Eric Boehlert Assures Al Sharpton: Media Matters Will Continue Monitoring Fox News Despite Beck’s Absence

Weinergate: Congressman Tries to Frame Discussion as Protecting Innocents From ‘This Breitbart Guy’

Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ to Crowder: We Don’t Book Conservative Pundits

Primetime Propaganda: Big Hollywood’s Ben Shapiro Exposes the War Against Conservatives in Hollywood, Part 2

Big Hollywood’s Ben Shapiro on Hannity’s Great American Panel

‘She Just Molested Me!’ Woman’s Emotional Plea During TSA Search

Behar: Someone’s Out to Get Weiner

Weinergate: Weiner Calls the Cops… On Reporter for Asking Questions!

Is That Breitbart in Weinergate Taiwan Animation?

Israelis Stage March Through East Jerusalem

1ST/Talk Show Host Drops Senate Candidate On-Air For Dodging Questions About Ryan Plan

Space Shuttle Endeavor Touches Down For Last Time


+Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated

INTERVIEW-W.Bank to suggest CO2 levy on jet, shipping fuel | Energy & Oil | Reuters

NATO Helicopter Attacks Tantamount To Ground Operation: Russian Foreign Minister

Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’

Canada plans to open military bases abroad | The Raw Story

Questioned by Paul, Fed denies any interest in gold

Ron Paul Interview About Debt Ceiling, Spending

Peter Schiff: ‘US economy heading for disaster’

New Decentralized Currency Stimulating Underground Barter Economy

Are Nuclear Reactions Still Occurring at Fukushima?

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

Cluster Busted: The Banks behind banned ‘killer bombs’ in Libya?

Ron Paul tells Iowans he is a “mainstream candidate” for 2012 | Iowa Caucuses

YouTube - Ron Paul on CNBC 05 31 11 - Liberty is mainstream, Ron Paul is mainstream

Ron Paul: We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship

An Agent Of The King In Every Home

* GOP Establishment Attempting To Redistrict Ron Paul Out Of Office Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bleak teen jobs outlook: 25 percent unemployment and stiff competition -

+Ryan Miklus & Alex Jones: TSA is The ‘Brown Shirt’ Army Obama Always Wanted Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

-Following Shooting, Miami Cops Grab Cell Phones at Gunpoint, Destroy Them Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - In prison for debt

» British Intelligence: al-Qaeda May Contaminate Food After E.Coli Scare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Utah Man Cited For Trying to Pay $25 Doctor’s Bill in Pennies

» Following Pentagon’s Lead, NATO Says It Will Respond to Hacker Threats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! News Article: DOD, Homeland Security Collaborate in Cyber Realm

Sony Pictures Confirms LulzSec Hack as Group Targets FBI | News & Opinion |

» Bill of Rights: An Endangered Species Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - Ron Paul expects debt limit deal, but 'big trouble' ahead

YouTube - Are Your State's Nuclear Power Plants Leaking Radiation?

Enviro Elitists Keep America Unemployed | NetRight Daily

GCN News/ Big Brother May Be Watching… «

Advice for China -

The Death of Another Al Qaeda Leader Aids U.S.-Pakistan Relations - The Daily Beast

Drone Attacks Split U.S. Officials -

A blind eye won’t end repression - The Boston Globe

Choosing the IMF’s Next Leader by Joseph E. Stiglitz - Project Syndicate

Gmail hacking a sign of cyberattack threat -

Do the American people support the 'special relationship?' | Stephen M. Walt

The US is Losing Pakistan | The Diplomat

Thatcher's dream becomes a nightmare for a jilted generation | Andrew Rawnsley | Comment is free | The Observer

The death of Ilyas Kashmiri: Droning on | The Economist

EDITORIAL: Obama's nonwar in Libya - Washington Times

Egypt’s revolutionary justice - The Washington Post

Obama and the Debt Crisis - - Obama’s Ratings - Friday, June 3, 2011

U.S. economy is being suffocated by uncertainty -

RealClearPolitics - One Question Each

Obama Campaign Tries to Rebuild Envied Political Machinery -

Houses of Pain | The Weekly Standard

The Death of the American Dream II | Via Meadia

Bulb In, Bulb Out -

Why 2012 looks like a lot like 1860 | Star Parker | Columnists | Washington Examiner

RealClearPolitics - In Jim DeMint, Conservatives See . . . the Gipper?

Why the NAACP is suing New York - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Video - Klavan's One-State Solution: Give The Middle East To The Jews

Charges Against John Edwards: Are They Ridiculous? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Courageous Decisions

Homeland Security appropriations bill clears House - David Rogers -

Boehner introduces alternative resolution on Libya - The Washington Post

Rural Legislators’ Power Ebbs as Populations Shift -

House Democrats to Obama: Don't cave on Medicare -

Housing stats don’t tell full story -

America's jobless recovery: Not again | The Economist

Texas makes losers pay for bringing frivolous lawsuits | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Editorial: Jobs Slump — It's The Policy, Stupid -

Crony capitalist Bryson should be rejected at Commerce | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

The questionable legal case against John Edwards - The Washington Post

President Assad’s Bloody Hands -


**Politics Video:Palin: "Noble" Obama Wants To "Go Down With The Sinking Ship"

Ron Paul Sees Change In Makeup Of Republican Party

Paul Krugman: "We're In Lost Decade Territory"

Pelosi: Low Job Numbers "Due To Disasters In South And Mid-West"

Palin To Detractors: I Was Right About Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

Gov. Barbour: GOP Pick May Be An Unknown

Austan Goolsbee: "Stiff Headwinds" Slow Job Creation

Anita Dunn: GOP "Rooting For Failure On Those Unemployment Numbers"

"FOX News Sunday" On May Job Numbers

"This Week" Roundtable On Faith In Politics, Romney & Edwards

"This Week" Roundtable: Where Are The Jobs?

+4th/Krauthammer: Palin Has Future In GOP; Bachmann Will Do Well In Iowa

Maher: "Business Experience Does Not Make Someone A Good President"

Totenberg: Weinergate "Diversion" Is Something We "Shouldn't Care" About

Sen. Alexander On The NLRB Getting In Way Of Private-Sector Jobs

Maher: "I Think Anybody Could Be President In This Dumb F**king Country"

Obama Weekly Address: Growing Manufacturing & Auto Industry Turnaround

Palin: Not Being A Declared Candidate Is "Liberating"

Trump: Door Still Open

Florida Homeowner Forecloses On ... Bank


Armchair astronaut sets the internet alight after using Google to discover 'space station' on Mars | Mail Online

BBC News - Moons like Earth's could be more common than we thought

Scientists Find 'Werewolf' Gene -

The Echo Flight ICBM Incident: Retired USAF Officer Confirms Receiving A UFO Report Just as the Missiles Failed

Truck-size asteroid zips close to Earth - Technology & science - Space - -

Scientists Create Tiny Artificial Brain That Exhibits 12 Seconds of Short Term Memory | Popular Science

Gemasolar Power Plant The world's first solar power station that generates electricity at NIGHT | Mail Online

BBC News - DNA computer 'calculates square roots'

The Gralien Report » Insectual Relationships: Bug Beings and Mantis Men

BBC News - Outbreak is new form of E. coli

Mind readers: Eavesdropping on your inner voice - tech - 02 June 2011 - New Scientist

Color red increases the speed and strength of reactions

Ancient Roman Shipwreck May Have Held Giant Fish Tank | Archaeology & Shipwrecks | Ancient Trade of Live Fish | LiveScience

‘Worms from hell’ unearth possibilities for extraterrestrial life - The Washington Post

A Curious Case Of Foreign Accent Syndrome : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

Not Your Everyday Ectoplasm: Spirit Mediums and Nonhuman Weirdness | Mysterious Universe

BBC News - Marlborough Mound: 'Merlin's burial place' built in 2400 BC

Unseen for 1,800 years: Archaeologists find 120m tunnel leading to 'funeral chambers' deep below ancient Mexican city | Mail Online

Blanks for the Memories -

‘Mad Men’ of the future -

Mysterious waters: from the Bermuda Triangle to the Devil's Sea -

'Little Ice Age' Drove Vikings From Greenland, Study Suggests | Ancient Climate Change & Little Ice Age | LiveScience

BBC News - Mars 'remains in embryonic state'

800-Mile-Wide Hot Anomaly Found Under Seafloor Near Hawaii

Scientists Fool People Into Thinking They're Tiny or Giant | Brain Tricks & Body-Swapping Illusion | Human Mind | LiveScience

The book of secrets

The Amazing Kreskin On UFOs, Doomsday And His Own Mysterious Future (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

BBC News - Tests show Arctic reindeer 'see in UV'

New Technology Reveals Widespread Mislabeling of Fish -

Out of This World Space Memorials : Photos : Discovery News

The Gralien Report » Exploring Extra Sensory Sciences: Psi of the Quantum Kind

BBC News - Shock wave from trombone filmed

Disbelieving Free Will Makes Brain Less Free | Wired Science |

What Are the Mysterious Markings Found In the Great Pyramid's Hidden Chamber of Secrets?

Moon's Interior Wet As Earth's, Rocks Indicate | Earth, Moon & Solar System | Moon Formation & Giant Impact |

Could Conjoined Twins Share a Mind? -

How to spot a psychopath | Jon Ronson | Books | The Guardian

BBC News - Bacteria-rich hailstones add to 'bioprecipitation' idea

Ancient Sea Monsters Were No Shrimps | World's Largest Predators | Anomalocaridid Fossils | LiveScience

Why Kennedy's Moon Speech Was Crazy—and How the US Could Have Landed on the Moon With the Soviets

Densest Matter Created in Big-Bang Machine

BBC News - Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

The Strangest Numbers in String Theory: Scientific American

The Inspiring Story of the 45-y-o Woman Who Had Her Brain Completely Erased at Age 22

Hypnotist David Days knocks himself out and leaves 3 'Martians' in a trance | Mail Online

Teenage girls flaunting more skin than ever as hemlines get shorter | Herald Sun

What your teens and tweens won't tell you |

Pleeze help: Writing-challenged Brooklyn principal Andrew Buck asking parents, teachers for support - New York Daily News

Riverside's Hillcrest High: This fall, high-tech academic hub will have everything but students -

Mules are on the hot seat at JFK with trip to the 'Drug Loo' looming for caught narcotics smugglers - New York Daily News

Man accused of poisoning neighbor's tree through root on his property

Playboy's 'blood money' deal with British widows to dodge jail - Telegraph

Malaysian man ordered to tweet an apology 100 times in defamation case

Record of 35 organs transplanted into 27 people... JPost - Health

Europe doomed if conscience isn’t rediscovered, Pope says :: EWTN News

Israeli convert from Judaism named to Catholic Church's highest court - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

ZEEK: Articles: Religion and Hybridity: Can someone be Jewish and Christian?

Secret CIA documentary of captured Chinese agents to be released on YouTube | Mail Online

Disabled man puts the squeeze on city businesses with handicap lawsuits -

Woman sues Dunkin' Donuts for sugary brew -

Chiquita sued over paramilitary payments - World news - Americas -

Rush Limbaugh targeted by 'West Coast rage'

Armchair astronaut sets the internet alight after using Google to discover 'space station' on Mars | Mail Online

Ancient Roman Shipwreck May Have Held Giant Fish Tank | Archaeology & Shipwrecks | Ancient Trade of Live Fish | LiveScience

This Week in History: T... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Israel's largest underground water source discovered near Jerusalem convention center - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

11 Words Still Classified in Pentagon Papers

Jewish groups blast 'Foreskin Man' comic book's 'overly anti-Semitic' images on circumcision

The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic and racist' - Telegraph

The exorcist who cured the 'possessed' of Colombia in bizarre ritual ceremony | Mail Online

'Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our nation ...'

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Get government out of the way';Rep. Walsh: Jobless numbers reflect business owners' fear of government


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Support wilting for Libya mission;Rep. Fleming: Obama 'consulting rest of the world' while ignoring Congress

The world is getting warmer: Romney | Reuters

House chooses to shun ACORN successors

Pajamas Media » Obama Commerce Nominee Entangled with Chinese Business

Anthony Weiner's Laundry Guy Questioned By Creative Reporter - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Daily Kos: Bringing Breitbart (And Thomas) To Justice (Action Alert!)

Egypt's ex-finance minister sentenced to 30 years in jail - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Officials investigate restaurant where 18 E.coli victims dined - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

New MRSA superbug discovered in cows' milk - health - 03 June 2011 - New Scientist

Can'traise taxes? Just call it a 'fee'

My Plate, Your Plate, Everybody’s Plate

The Hindu : Front Page : Ilyas Kashmiri wanted to provoke India-Pakistan war

The Hindu : Front Page : Ilyas Kashmiri planned to kill Lockheed Martin CEO over drone attack: Headley

‘India has half-a-dozen Osama bin Ladens’ - Hindustan Times

Greenspan 'Scared' Over Deficit; Calls for Debt Ceiling Rise - CNBC

Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records?

YouTube - LTC Terry Lakin Doesn't Regret Challenging Obama's Eligibility 6/2/11

Why is Obama's name different on passport?

Did Obama's father forget when he was born?

Author: 'Birth certificate' prompts departure of White House counsel

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Operation Sleeping Giant - brought to you by Oath Keepers

Schools to kids: You can be boys or girls or both

Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records?

Media shame on eligibility

Couple fulfil life-long dream of visiting every state in US¿ before both being hit by van on final trip | Mail Online


Top Gun girl fighter pilot will mix Dior with daredevil stunts at the RAF Cosford Air Show - Sunday Mercury

*5 June

William J Federer's American Minute for June 5th

June 5th This Day in History

June 5th in History

This Day in History for 5th June

Today in History: June 5

Today in History: June 5 » History Net

June 5 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History: June 5th

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