A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

04 June 2011

4 JUNE - Senators Want To Put People In Jail For Embedding YouTube Videos - New bill upgrades unauthorized Internet streaming to a felony - Internet traffic to quadruple by 2015: Cisco - High ranking group urges an end to drug prohibition - Wikileaks cable lays out North American ‘integration’ strategy - Yemen's Saleh wounded as 7 die in attack on palace - Major Israeli Shipping Firm Accused by Washington of Doing Illicit Business with Iran

Truck-size asteroid zips close to Earth - Technology & science - Space - -

Greenspan 'Scared' Over Deficit; Calls for Debt Ceiling Rise - CNBC

Russia Warns American Police State Now Rivals That Of Nazi SS

Bipartisan Congress rebuffs Obama on Libya mission - Washington Times

Leaked U.S. cable lays out North American ‘integration’ strategy | News | National Post

Senators sound alarm over Patriot Act extension -

AFP: US lawmakers cut Homeland Security funding

Obama solicitor general: If you don't like mandate, earn less money | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

U.S. runs up massive trade deficits with China, Mexico, Japan and Germany | The Business Journals

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

US Real Estate: 20 Percent Mortgage Down Payment Under Fire — CNBC Realty Check - CNBC

China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills |

North Korea vows military action against South - Yahoo! News

China Calls US Culprit in Global 'Internet War' - ABC News

When will China’s economy overtake America’s? – Global Public Square - Blogs

YouTube - HBO Films: Too Big To Fail: Opening The Vault On The Financial Crisis (HBO)

:Revolutionary Politics : Greenspan: GDP & Unemployment NBC - 6/03/2011

Lone Star Watchdog: Gov. Rick Perry is a TINO(Texan In Name Only) He Is Not A Patriot But a Sell Out.

Susan Lindauer – Warning: This Message Contains Democracy! :

Inside Job Director Charles Ferguson With Charlie Rose: "It's A Wall Street Government" - Home - The Daily Bail

Alan Grayson: "Has The Federal Reserve Ever Tried To Manipulate The U.S. Stock Market?" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

+CHART: Who Funds The IMF? - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - FreedomPalooza


*(1:38:58)YouTube - G20 RAW Full Documentary

(1:13:33)YouTube - The great global warming swindle - Full version


Wife of man shot by Pima County SWAT tells story | Tucson


Improving Regulations: With Your Help « USDOJ: Justice Blog


*Executive Order 13563; January 18, 2011/ Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review



Revolutionary Politics : Firefox stands up against DHS. Refuses to pull plug-in that redirects to mirrored sites.

:Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "This Is About Standing Up For The Constitution & I'm Going To Do That!"

:Revolutionary Politics : Are Your State's Nuclear Power Plants Leaking Radiation?

- Stage Has Been Set For a Nuclear False Flag in America.

YouTube - Is The Willis Tower Being Set Up For A False Flag Terror Attack?


WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn!

Rahm Emanuel: U.S. does not expect Israel to return to 1967 borders - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Reuters: Ron Paul expects debt limit deal, but 'big trouble' ahead

PressTV - Iran calls for equal wealth distribution

Activist Post: Spinning the Economy to a Recovery

Maan News Agency: AIPAC praises US for boycotting UN racism conference

Israel To Name New Settlement After Obama « Aletho News

Activist Post: Why is the United States so obsessed with nuclear power?

Scientist: GM food safety testing is “woefully inadequate”

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Tool Time: MTA Didn't Read Patriot Act

BREAKING NEWS: Alarm on Gene GM Crops: A Previously Unrecognised Effect on GM Plant Development

E.coli superbug outbreak in Germany due to abuse of antibiotics in meat production

Palestine : Under Criminal occupation for 44 Years | My Catbird Seat

Jonathan Azaziah : Gaza and Al-Quds, Linked In Blood | My Catbird Seat

Lone Star Watchdog: Can Russia Maintain Stability and Overt a Third World War?

If This Is the Free Market, Why Do I Feel So Unfree?

Activist Post: New Decentralized Currency Stimulating Underground Barter Economy

NATO Wants to Free Africa From the Africans | Black Agenda Report


Network Overview:(


Obama’s commitment to Israel - The Washington Post

The Blood Drinking, Zombie Cannibals are Imploding. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Video:Thousands Of Worms Turn Up Dead

Earthworm plague sweeps Cincinnati - Technology & science - Science -

YouTube - US Congress gives hefty bonuses amid crisis

YouTube - SPECIAL REPORT: Symptoms of Tyranny, Oathkeepers in Arizona - Lament of an Spurned Homemaker - Pat Tillman - Hero or Willing Dupe?


iCasualties:( )


Edwards Charged Over Donations to Hide Affair - Bloomberg

An Agent Of The King In Every Home


Exclusive! Mormon Sex Slave Tells of Horrific Abuse by Church Leaders

Exclusive! Mormon Sex Slave Revelations: Part 2

Exclusive! Mormon Sex Slave Revelations: Part 3

The Curious Case of Roger K Young

"Hell Minus One", Glenn Pace and the Utah Illuminati Whitewash


Drop in U.S. birth rate is the biggest in 30 years -

Insider Trading Rules That Don’t Apply To Congress - Kyle Smith - Moneybull - Forbes

The Associated Press: Army judges weigh military trials for civilians

A Trader, an F.B.I. Witness, and Then a Suicide -

Pentagon may fight cyberwar with rockets - science-in-society - 01 June 2011 - New Scientist

Rare Earths Are About to Become a Lot More Rare -

“Business is Booming”; Wall Street’s Role in Narco-trafficking -

How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs | World news | The Observer


The 25 Rules of Disinformation | The Vigilant Citizen

10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen

Naming Names: Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen

Irrational Consumerism (or The Few Companies Who Feed the World) | The Vigilant Citizen


Witnesses said they were forced to hide video after Beach shooting - Miami Beach -

YouTube - HEAT-1X launch Copenhagen Suborbitals » Introducing iCensor: Apple Is Patenting Technology That Will Cripple Its Devices When They Are In the Proximity of ‘A Concert or a Classified Facility’

Japan: green tea exports banned due to high radiation levels - Telegraph

CSX train derails in Taunton; police investigate theft of railroad tracks - Taunton, MA - The Taunton Gazette

Economy: When Will Economy Recover? 2014, If Ever, Survey Says - CNBC


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 3rd, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 3rd, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 2nd, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 2nd, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 2nd, 2011


*(4 Parts)Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Nwo Shaping Our Culture to Their Design |

Ron Paul: “Barack Obama and the big government crowd are destroying our economy”

No “Conspiracy Theory”: Wikileaks Cable Confirms North American Union Agenda |

The Spirit of Thomas Jefferson Lives in Nullification |

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

GOP Establishment Attempting To Redistrict Ron Paul Out Of Office

The Public Banking Movement Comes of Age |

18 U.S. veterans commit suicide daily; largely due to psychiatric drugs |

25 Reasons & Signs that U.S. Public Schools have now become Equivalent to Prisons | USWGO Alternative News

Soros-funded, Marxist-led group pushes 'Net control

Following Pentagon’s Lead, NATO Says It Will Respond to Hacker Threats |

White House pushes back on efforts to end Libya intervention -

YouTube - Texas Senate Under Siege

*Radiation:Article Links

Radiation News 6-3-11 |

Radiation News 6-2-11 |


Ahmadinejad says Israel, U.S. will 'collapse' in near future - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Replacing Economic Democracy with Financial Oligarchy

Policymakers Have Made Another Depression Unavoidable

U.S. Could Be Headed for Iraq Redux

You’re Not Defending Our Freedoms

What Does the ICC Stand For?

An Unpalatable Truth

Mexico's Failed War on Drugs

Calls to Legalise Cannabis and Ecstasy

House Passes John Boehner's Modest Libya Resolution, Defeats Dennis Kucinich's Measure to Withdraw Troops

Making peace with the Taliban? UN pressed to lift Afghan sanctions

Controversy dogs Chomsky as he accepts Sydney Peace Prize

Goldman Said to Get Subpoena Over Its Role in Crisis:

Rich Welfare: Wanda Sykes on Bail Out for the Rich!

+BBC News - Google to abandon older browsers

Yemen president speaks after attack - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

U.S. pushed Goldman, others for legal loss estimate | Reuters

BBC News - Deepest-living land animal found

*The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

The Greatest Depression Has Only Begun

BREAKING NEWS: Western Libya Portrait is not What is being Painted by Mainstream Media

On Libyan-Tunisian border, it's back to the future with refugees

BREAKING NEWS: Alarm on Gene GM Crops: A Previously Unrecognised Effect on GM Plant Development

Libyan rebels will recognise Israel

The New Shape of the Struggle in Egypt

Victors' Justice and the "Responsibility to Protect": Who are the Real War Criminals?

R2P: "No Confirmation Whatsoever" according to the Pentagon that Gadhaffi "Fired on his Own People"

NATO's Endgame for Libya: Towards an Invasion?

The Democrats and 'Lesser Evil' Politics

Are Nuclear Reactions Still Occurring at Fukushima?

The Srebrenica Massacre: Evidence, Context, Politics

Libya And Ivory Coast: NATO Reverts To Law Of The Jungle In Africa

Falling US Birth Rates are connected to Genetically Modified (GM) Foods

Towards a Worldwide Inflationary Depression

YouTube - Detained for photography in Baltimore

Homeless feeding: 3 members of Orlando Food Not Bombs arrested for feeding homeless at Lake Eola -

YouTube - TSA molests mom, brings her to tears

YouTube - Undercover Cop Exposed: Det. Charles I. Newton

Prepare for Cyber-War Tonkin Gulf False-Flag Attacks From the US - informationliberation

The Wisconsin legislature's war against microbreweries - Isthmus | The Daily Page

15 Companies That Will Get Crushed When The Government Stops Spending

RIAA Wants To Put People In Jail For Sharing Their Music Subscription Login With Friends | Techdirt

When the multiverse and many-worlds collide - physics-math - 01 June 2011 - New Scientist

"The Human Species Will One Day Migrate to a Parallel Universe" -- Michio Kaku

NBC: Chemtrail Report ‘GeoEngineering’ :

Chicago’s Willis Tower: On ‘The Ledge’ With Echoes Of The World Trade Center :

Global Financial Hit-Men Exposed :

Silver Shield: Don’t Hold Your Breath :

E. Coli Outbreak a Massive Cover-Up? :

4 in U.S. now linked to German E. coli outbreak - TODAY Health -

Multiple Sources of E-Coli Outbreak Attributed – Spreading Faster Than H1N1 :

Ralph Reed: Obama’s Medicare Plan Means 'Rationing, Bankruptcy'

Glassman: Top Candidate May Come 'Out of Right Field'

McDonald's Created Half of All New US Jobs in May

Obama's Deference to China Makes Him Unfit to Be President

Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

Media Sexist on Possible Palin, Bachmann Bids

Analysis: Obama's Job Security about Job Creation

Obama: Automakers Inspire in Face of 'Headwinds'

Obama, Boehner to Play a round of Golf

Ron Paul Dismisses Boehner’s Debt Call

Romney: Climate Change is Real, Humans at Fault

Huntsman Says he Would Likely Skip Iowa Caucuses

Key al Qaeda Operative Killed in Pakistan by U.S. Drone

Gates Cites U.S. ‘War-Weariness’ on Trip to Afghanistan

So How Good Is the Feds' Case Against Edwards?

Obama Faces Tough Fight for 2012

Younger Fla. Imam Pleads Not Guilty in Terror Case

Feds Biggest Users of US Postal Snail Mail

Romney: States Like Texas Make National Insurance Impractical

Clock Ticking Down for Obama Appointments

Greenspan 'Scared' Over Deficit, Urges Tax Hike and Debt-Ceiling Rise

Newsmax - - Blogs

Pawlenty's 'Commonsense:' Turn to God, Protect Unborn

Republicans Seek to Rekindle Evangelical Zeal

Bachmann Calls on Christian Group to Help Block Health Law

Republicans Court Evangelicals at Faith Conference

Washington's Blog:Unemployment During the Great Depression Has Been Overstated and Current Unemployment Understated (We've Now Got Depression-Level Unemployment)

Let's Finally Dispense With 'Hero' Nonsense by Steven Greenhut

Tucson Murders and the Modern American Political Culture by William L. Anderson

The private sector is hurt by too much government involvement, says Marc Faber - Business Intelligence Middle East - - News, analysis, reports

Constitution Worship Revisited: I’m Still Fed Up! by Gary D. Barnett


Obama Regulatory Czar Backs Off Call for Gov't to Attach Lower Value to Older People

**('03)Lives, Life-Years, and Willingness to Pay Cass R. Sunstein


China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills

Richard Gere: Obama Is 'One Of Our Great Presidents'

*Kagan Assigned DOJ Lawyer Who Argued Obamacare Cases In Appeals Courts

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gave $1.29 Million to China

TSA: Al-Qaeda and Affiliates ‘Continue To Pose A Serious Threat’ to U.S.

Three of ‘World’s Worst’ Regimes Sit on U.N. Human Rights Council

Rep. Smith: U.N. and China Exporting 'One-Child' Policy to Nigeria, Africa

Obama Administration Must ‘Step Up’ Efforts to Stop Slaughter of Baby Girls in China, Congressman Says

Doctor Who Helped Others Commit Suicide Did Not Take His Own Life

Buchanan: Obama in a Dream World

Bozell: Exposing the Hollywood ‘Clique’

Obama, GOP differ on medical legal liability

Food pyramid out, 'My Plate' in for healthy eating

5 Tips for Finding the Right Personal Trainer

6 Pains You Should Never Ignore

Guide to the Interstate Transportation of Firearms

10 Homemade Organic Pesticides | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Can You Pass the 2011 Silver Quiz? by Jeff Clark

Land of Delinquents by Josh Barro, City Journal Spring 2011

The Washington Diet by Steven Malanga, City Journal Spring 2011

Who Will Police the Criminologists? by Charlie Beck, William J. Bratton, George L. Kelling, City Journal Spring 2011


Ex-Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger Dies

James Arness, Marshal Matt Dillon on ‘Gunsmoke,’ Dies at 88


*Wikileaks Mirrors



Beneath The Ice of East Antarctica: Dramatic Discoveries Mapped by Radar | Before It's News

Massive UFO or new mini sun in orbit around our sun, 3.6X bigger than Earth, UFO Sighting News. | Before It's News

All US Gold Gone? Russia says IMF Chief Jailed for Discovery. | Before It's News


The 9/11 Attacks and the Black Eagle Trust Fund | Before It's News

Truth, Lies & The Sarasota Herald-Tribune

9/11 'Instant Revisionist History' Exposed

Mohamed Atta & The Godfather of Sarasota

9/11: The Social Network

Mex cartels meet "The Enterprise" at Venice Airport

Who Funded 9-11 WTC? KAHN-GATE, THE INTERNATIONAL The Movie, Based on Fact or Fiction? | Before It's News


YouTube - Welcome To Terrorland - 9/11, Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus

YouTube - The Mohammed Atta / U.S. Intelligence Services Connection

Mohamed Atta Venice Flying Circus | dotSUB


United States VS. Ancient Rome | Before It's News

The New US Dollar – Retire the Federal Reserve Note | Before It's News

Julian Assange wins Martha Gellhorn journalism prize | Media |

WikiLeaks: Mexican drug gangs being armed with U.S. weapons | Mail Online

The Universe is a living organism | Before It's News

The Event and Comet Elenin - Honolulu exopolitics |

Free Energy Freedom – Our Power, Our Future | Before It's News

The Discovery of the Century; Evidence of Ancient Electrical Devices found in the Great Pyramid? | Before It's News

Consequences of misinterpreting the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution


*YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets

+ YouTube - Time Out Productions Interviews Charlotte Iserbyt


**UFO Sighting Reports And Photos:(


Prosecutors paint Blagojevich as slippery and evasive - Chicago Tribune

Blagojevich Faces Tough Questions From Prosecution : NPR

Blagojevich Argues with Prosecutor, Imperils His Defense - TIME

Nerves fray as Blago addresses 'golden' quote - Saturday, June 4, 2011 | 3:21 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun


Panel Calls War on Drugs a Failure -

YouTube - Losing the 'War on Drugs'

Top Pakistani militant Ilyas Kashmiri reported killed in US drone attack -

NATO Begins Helicopter Attacks to Pressure Qaddafi -

Yemen Government: Wounded President Remains in Country | News | English

More bloodshed as Syrian protests continue - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Thousands Rally in Hong Kong for Human Rights -

Army silent on Afghanistan battles

Serbian Prosecutors Want to Question Mladic | Europe | English

UN Condemns Sudan For Taking Over Abyei | News | English

US fears clashes in South China Sea: Gates - The Times of India

Two attacks in Tikrit kill as many as 34 - The Washington Post

WEST BANK: France enters the Palestinians' run to September -

Operation Cupcake: British Intelligence Agencies Hack al-Qaeda's Inspire Magazine, Replace Bombs With Cupcakes - TIME NewsFeed

No. 1 plant's air radiation highest measured so far | The Japan Times Online

Japan PM Kan to step down by August: report | Reuters

In Peru Election, Expats Take an Outsized Role -

World’s Oldest Champagne Sells for $78,400 at Auction - Bloomberg

Indian Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev Leads Anti-Graft Rally -

Lifetime sees symbolism in Klum nude shoot -

James Arness was Inspiring in His Roles - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

YouTube - James Arness of 'Gunsmoke' Fame Dies at 88

Doc and 150 fake HIV patients in $700,000 Medicaid-scam bust -

U.S. Health Officials Continue to Monitor E. Coli Outbreak -

Microsoft Said to Limit Device Makers’ Chip-Partner Choices - Bloomberg

Technolog - Hotmail, Yahoo Mail users also targets in attacks

Space Shuttle's Secret Alter Ego: Crime Fighter -

Facebook blasts Paul Ceglia, asks federal court to speed up case -

Two Engineers Launch Their Own Rocket |

Obama's economic analysis: Remembering the past - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Groupon Plans I.P.O. With $30 Billion Valuation -

Wal-Mart Express to Test Small Store Format -

Study: Web users worry about snooping businesses |

China under suspicion in U.S. for Lockheed hacking | Reuters

F.B.I. to Investigate Gmail Attacks Said to Come From China -

Gates Foundation backs city school 'tough decision'

Oil drops after weak jobs report - BusinessWeek

Keystone Pipeline Shut Down « CBS St. Louis

State Democratic Party Convention Kicks Off - Milwaukee News Story - WISN Milwaukee

TPaw: U.S. must turn 'toward God' -

President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner to meet for a golf summit to talk about debt ceiling

Bill Maher | Real Time | Politicians' Genitalia | The Daily Caller

Tornadoes a bane and boon to Mass. businesses -

Yale lab technician sentenced in killing of graduate student - The Boston Globe

Wallow Fire grows to 140,000 acres in eastern Arizona

Obama, Bush pay tribute to Lawrence Eagleburger - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Feds: Tour Bus Company Tried To Cover Up Name -

2012 Republican hopefuls court religious right - TODAY News -

FBI Expert: Caylee Anthony’s Believed Hair Sample Had Apparent Decomposition -

YouTube - Anthony trial: Tech smells decomposition

The Associated Press: In South Dakota, some blame Corps for flood threat

Expert: Edwards case difficult one to prosecute - The Early Show - CBS News

Kevorkian helped states pass assisted-suicide laws | The Enquirer |

YouTube - Jack Kevorkian Dies, Leaves His Mark


Casino towns fear expansion will rake in their chips -



Debbie Schlussel:G-d Does “Assisted Suicide” on World’s Most Macabre Artist, Killer

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, Another “Moderate” American Muslim Homicide Bomber

Debbie Schlussel:Homeland Security?: During Bomb Threats, Agency Policy to Lock Down Agents in Bldg to Get Blown Up

Debbie Schlussel:Immigration and Customs EnFARCEment: ICE Clueless as Agent Openly Steals & Sells Agency Loot on Ebay

Too many Regulations are stifling Growth and the American way of Life!

Gunfight at the DC Corral: Palin vs Obama.

The liberal mindset hits reality again

Obama and Boehner: Golfing buddies

NATO deploys Apaches in Libya for first time

Is Paul Ryan going to run for president?

Dennis Kucinich and Michele Bachmann on the same side?

Drill here Drill now works - because it already has!

Faithful Democratic Presidents Serve Just One Term

Why Libs do Not Deserve a Pass on Ethics Scandals

The grim math facing the jobless


Mix It Up: Poetry Beyond the White House

Paul Krugman: The Lesser of Two Evils?

National Curriculum or National Standards?

American Made In Your Hometown

Top Ten Reasons Why Michele Bachmann Could Win the 2012 Republican Nomination

Ryan-Cantor 2012

A Peaceful Neo-Nazi?

Obama's Mounting Media Manipulation

ObamaCare: 'A Health Care Reform For All'?

Another Devastating Jobs Report

A 'Brain-Dead Liberal' Awakens

It's Official: The Left Is Out of Ideas

Impeach the Czars!

The USA: Last Stop in Western Civilization

The GOP and the Working Class

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

Mladic calls charges against him 'obnoxious' -

Nigerian 'baby factory' raided, 32 teenage girls freed - Yahoo! News

Report: Over 400 al-Qaida terrorists now i... JPost - Middle East

Iran cleric: Killing Israeli children OK - Israel News, Ynetnews

Rare Marilyn Monroe Photos Released -

China coins: Chinese chef obsessed with ancient Jewish coins -

Flag at the Fed reignites gay-rights debate | Richmond Times-Dispatch

June 4, 1914 Dedication of Arlington Monument

Obama’s ineligibility: Picking up the pieces after political Armageddon

Pictures of Politician Not Wearing Things

National Debt is a Threat to National Security

Poverty is the Worst Carcinogen

Do GOP hopefuls trust Al Gore?

Gore-monism: Romney believes in manmade global warming

Evil Confederate, German, Nazi, Racists Invades Mind of The Atlantic Writer

Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

The real Egyptian revolution

Tolerance and Diversity—What are we Supposed to Tolerate?

To have faith in America or not have faith – that is the question

Useful Idiots

Ron Paul Endorses Heroin – A Study in American History

Groups to call for closure of Taliban Imam’s Mosque

The Administration’s Ugly Prediction for Coal Generation and Electric Rates

Behind the Weinergate

Obama And Rahm’s Black Bribe

Buy Guns and Start Shooting People: American Al-Qaeda Spokesman Calls on Americans to Carry out Random, Lone-Wolf Attacks | The Blaze

Romney Reasserts Belief That ‘Humans Have Contributed’ to Global Warming | The Blaze

92% of Americans Still Believe in God, But Youths, Easterners and Libs Aren’t as Likely To | The Blaze

Mexican Kidnappers Torture Businessman, Keep Him in a Wooden Cage for 7 Months | The Blaze

Awkward: At Chrysler Plant, Obama Says U.S. Economy Took Hit ‘Even a Wrangler Would Have a Hard Time With’ | The Blaze

After Escaping, Alleged Libyan Gang-Rape Victim Beaten and Deported Back to Libya | The Blaze

‘Jesus: Prophet of Islam’ — New Muslim Bus Ads to Debut in Australia | The Blaze

Say What? Biodegradable Products May Contribute to Global Warming? | The Blaze

Huckabee Clarifies His 2012 Remarks — Sort of | The Blaze

What Advice Did Al Sharpton Give Rep Weiner While Guest Hosting on MSNBC? | The Blaze

Iranian Woman Calls for ‘Slut Women’ to be Stoned…on the Pages of Calif. Paper | The Blaze

Rush Blasts Krauthammer on Palin | The Blaze

*4 June

American Minute for June 4th

Today in History: June 4

This Day in History for 4th June

June 4th in History

June 4th This Day in History

Today in History: June 4

June 4 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 4th


Human toll of deadly tornado cuts deep in Joplin

AP Interview: Ex-IMF chief case spotlights NYC DA

Plane that landed in Hudson heads to NC museum

E-cigs: No smoke, but some areas are banning them

18 activists arrested on Greenland oil rig

Pitfalls abound for prosecutors in Edwards case

Gates: Afghans must take more control of security

Russia-led fund grants Belarus $3 billion loan

Obama warns of 'tough headwinds' for US economy

Kevorkian helped states pass assisted-suicide laws

Former Egyptian finance minister sentenced to 30 years

Whereabouts of Yemen's Saleh in question after attack

Greenpeace activists force Arctic oil rig to stop drilling

Report: Hamas drafts final Schalit deal in Cairo

Egypt reopens Rafah crossing after Palestinian breach

Abbas cautiously accepts French peace-conference proposal

Anthony Weiner cancels Wisconsin speech to Democrats | Reuters

Three Employees Fight Back Against NLRB’s Demand that Boeing Move South Carolina Factory

Politics Grip Us

Anthony Weiner and the Law’s Peril

Daily Kos Founder Refused to Protect Identity of Underage Girls

John Edwards Charged in Felony Indictment

Audio:Are We Headed for a Great Recession?

EU Spends Tens of Millions in US on Left-Wing Causes

Unemployment at 9.1 Percent: Heckuva Job on that Stimulus, Mr. President!

Is America on the Verge of Another Credit Crisis?

Weinergate: Porn Star’s Tweets Contradict Weiner Statements to Media

White House: Auto Industry Jobs Up, Time For A Change?

Weiner Incident Calls Attention to Cyber Security

Wisconsin Democrats Lose Control Of Protesters They Inspired

Chaos Leads to Arrests at Wisconsin Legislative Hearing

NAACP Fights To Keep Kids Trapped in Failing Schools

Big Labor Puts Politics Ahead of Jobs

Michelle Obama Is Rearranging the Nation’s Dinner Plates

Connecticut Governor’s Legislative Agenda Shocks State and Awes Unions

Republicans Block Kucinich Proposal For Libya Withdrawal. Boehner: It Would Be Wrong To Pull Out

MSNBC's Richard Lui Pushes Notion That Romney Was a 'Job Creator'

Rep. Vicky Hartzler compares same sex marriage to incest, polygamy, pedophilia

Krugman: Medicare Is Sustainable In Its Present Form

Against Their Own Interests

Fox guest Neal Boortz: Re-electing Obama like strapping on a 'suicide vest'

Bill Cunningham Threatens A "Peasant Uprising" Against Ohio Governor John Kasich

Jon Stewart and Bill Moyers on News Organizations Undermining Journalism

Sarah Palin's American History Class 101

Delta Airlines is the Scott-Walker-in-the-Sky Airlines

Paul Ryan sure is saying candidate-like things for a guy who isn't running

Scott Walker Wants To Kick Men Out Of State's Reproductive Health Services

Ralph Reed: High Holy Rolling Cable Astroturfer?

House Republicans want to bring back Elizabeth Warren for yet another round of lying abuse

Moody's will downgrade U.S. credit rating if debt ceiling isn't raised within weeks

House GOP: Cut Medicare Or The Economy Gets It

Rand Paul's nutty rant: He's not a defender of free speech

Wonder Why Anthony Weiner Was Attacked? Wingnuts Needed A Diversion From His Clarence Thomas Recusal Campaign

Jon Stewart: Donald Trump Disrespects New Yorkers by Taking Sarah Palin to a Pizza Chain

Do Politics Drive Hollywood’s Slow Response to Heartland Disasters?

BREAKING: Lionel Chetwyn’s Open Letter of Resignation to Caucus for Producers, Writers & Directors

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Fallout: Prominent Conservative Resigns From Hollywood Caucus

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Producer Di Bona ‘Clarifies’ Anti-conservative Statements

WeinerGate: Devastatingly Hilarious Musical Mockery of Congressman is NSFW

‘X-Men: First Class’ Review: Superhero Prequel Worth Watching

‘Primetime Propaganda’: ‘Daily Show’ Tells Steven Crowder ‘We Never Book Conservative Pundits’

Jon Stewart to Anthony Weiner: If You Did This ‘You Gotta Go’

Where Is Pakistan Headed?

Fmr Cong. Cynthia McKinney On Libyan TV: Gaddafi-Style Direct Democracy Will Solve America’s Problems!

US Aid To The Arab Spring Must Go To Democracy Groups Not To The Islamists

Audio:Sudan Rally: Abyei and Nuba Mountains Are Still Under Attack

The people of South Sudan are under attack; support them tomorrow in DC

China Blames U.S. For ‘Internet War’

Manhattan Prosecutor Subpoenas Goldman Sachs’ Records

Germany’s Merkel To Southern Europe: You Need To Work As Hard As We Do!

Libya: Kucinich Turns World Upside Down, Boehner Turns It Back

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: ‘(Moderate Muslims) Accept Offensive Jihad, and Attacking the Infidels in Their Lands’

Report: Bin Laden Shot With A ‘Pork Fat Coated’ Bullet

Afghanistan: Get Out, Or Else?

Radical Anti-Free Press Group Consulted with FCC to Push Obama’s Internet Takeover

NewsBusted: Does Canada Have an Advantage Over America?

New New York Times Boss, Same as the Old New York Times Boss

Andrew Sullivan Uses Palin’s Child as Partisan Political Prop … Again

MSM’s Latest Anti-Palin Narrative: ‘Politico’ Blames Palin for Reporters’ Traffic Violations

Daily Kos Founder Refused to Protect Identity of Underage Girls

Weinergate: Porn Star’s Tweets Contradict Weiner Statements to Media

Newsweek : Joplin Tradgey Sign of Climate Change to Come

Fareed Zakaria to America: You’re Not so Great

I’ve Answered All the Questions, Haven’t I?

Rep. Weiner Staff Calls Cops on CBS News Reporter (but Not the Alleged Hacker)

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » RIP: James Arness Dead at 88

On Twitter, Katie Couric Wonders If Weinergate Is a 'Legit News Story' |

The evidence is clear: Weiner sent the penis tweet - » Paul Begala’s Weinergate Defense: ‘Who Cares’ and ‘Consider the Source’

US House presses Obama on Libya conflict

Success the only real option in Afghanistan: Gates | Reuters

Gates pledges wider US military presence in Asia

Michelle Obama to visit South Africa, Botswana | Reuters

Cartoon:Bad Dogs - Big Journalism


3-Jun-11 World View......

4-Jun-11 World View ......


Art, Propaganda and Evil’s Easy Way – UPDATE | The Anchoress

Daily Show producer to Steven Crowder: ‘We never book conservative pundits’ | The Daily Caller

H’wood Guilds Host Michelle Obama Event –

Gere says US must do more for Tibet

YouTube - Winston S Churchill: We Shall Fight on the Beaches

YouTube - The Wisdom of Winston Churchill

Economic news is bad for Obama’s reelection bid - The Washington Post

Jobs Numbers: Will Unemployment Sink Obama’s 2012 Campaign? - The Daily Beast

Mitt Romney campaign: This time, he's stressing his business experience. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Jobs Recession

The Obama Economy | The Weekly Standard

How John Edwards nearly ruined everything - War Room -

Column: Killer cellphones?! Don't believe the WHO hype -

What is a college education really worth? - The Washington Post

Editorial: Jobs Slump — It's The Policy, Stupid -

Crony capitalist Bryson should be rejected at Commerce | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

The questionable legal case against John Edwards - The Washington Post

The Mistake of 2010 -

What the Jobs Numbers Mean for America, Obama and You -

Unemployment: Those who remain unemployed have little or no political clout -

RealClearPolitics - Obamanomics in a Nutshell

A White Woman From Kansas -

Gates Is Right That Real Progress In Iraq Will Need Safeguarding By U.S. Troops | The New Republic

When did college become about simply landing a fat job? -

Homeland Security appropriations bill clears House - David Rogers -

Boehner introduces alternative resolution on Libya - The Washington Post

House Democrats to Obama: Don't cave on Medicare -

Rural Legislators’ Power Ebbs as Populations Shift -


*The World's Most Repressive Societies (pdf)


Arab unrest: How unstable will the Middle East's new democracies be? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: The momentous return of the Arab citizen

BBC News - Can anyone control Pakistan's ISI spies?

Middle East Progress » Blog Archive » Hersh, Iran, And What We Don’t Know

Yemen knows what it doesn’t want - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Asia Times Online :: China News, China Business News, Taiwan and Hong Kong News and Business.

Mideast peace process and the Arab Spring | The Japan Times Online

RealClearWorld - India's Role in Afghanistan

Dignity and Democracy: Escaping the Clutches of the Financial Markets - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Commentary: Pakistan Moves East | The National Interest

Asia Sentinel - North Korea Foxes the South Yet Again

Yemen's Tribal Showdown | Foreign Affairs

Rational and dangerous - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Column One: The real Egyptian rev... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -For Arab despots, the skies are limited

The cyber warriors are preparing for battle - Telegraph

RealClearMarkets - Obama Owns This Unemployment Report

DSK scandal at the IMF: How to choose the organization's next leader. - By Joseph E. Stiglitz - Slate Magazine

The Enemy Within -

Hope Is Not a Policy - By Kevin D. Williamson - Exchequer - National Review Online

Here's Why Groupon Could be the Worst Public Investment Ever | Wall St. Cheat Sheet

When Washington Took On Wall Street | Business | Vanity Fair

Why Did Stocks Top With Osama's Death? -

Is There A Difference Between QE And Printing Money? - Reuven Brenner - Leapfrogging - Forbes

The economy: Excuses, excuses | The Economist

Job numbers disapoint and the unemployment rates rises: Is it Time for more stimulus? - The Curious Capitalist -

Goodbye jobs, hello QE3? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

6 Reasons Housing Prices Aren't Rising

It's China's World, You're Just Investing in It

How Sustainable Is Groupon's Business Model? - Knowledge@Wharton

Should Investors Worry -

5 money moves one U.S. bond bull is making now Money Talks - MarketWatch

Did a pork-coated bullet kill Bin Laden? Yes, says firm who claim its pig fat gun oil is bought by U.S. military personnel | Mail Online

Spotting Bin Laden in Bizarre Places | Video - ABC News

Chinese view of bin laden's death - GlobalTimes

Rush Limbaugh targeted by 'West Coast rage'

11 Words Still Classified in Pentagon Papers

The exorcist who cured the 'possessed' of Colombia in bizarre ritual ceremony | Mail Online

It's all a bit tattoo much! Great-grandfather, 69, is Britain's most inked man | Mail Online

Scientists Create Tiny Artificial Brain That Exhibits 12 Seconds of Short Term Memory | Popular Science

Gemasolar Power Plant The world's first solar power station that generates electricity at NIGHT | Mail Online

Time-Lapse Video Catches Milky Way Season in Swing | Wired Science |

BBC News - DNA computer 'calculates square roots'

The Gralien Report » Insectual Relationships: Bug Beings and Mantis Men

Rare 'Midnight' Partial Solar Eclipse Amazes Northern Skywatchers | Solar Eclipses & Lunar Eclipses | Moon Phases & Eclipses |

Mind readers: Eavesdropping on your inner voice - tech - 02 June 2011 - New Scientist

Color red increases the speed and strength of reactions

Ancient Roman Shipwreck May Have Held Giant Fish Tank | Archaeology & Shipwrecks | Ancient Trade of Live Fish | LiveScience

Not Your Everyday Ectoplasm: Spirit Mediums and Nonhuman Weirdness | Mysterious Universe

BBC News - Marlborough Mound: 'Merlin's burial place' built in 2400 BC

A Curious Case Of Foreign Accent Syndrome : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

‘Worms from hell’ unearth possibilities for extraterrestrial life - The Washington Post

China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills |

Americans Divided on Taxing the Rich to Redistribute Wealth

Economy: When Will Economy Recover? 2014, If Ever, Survey Says - CNBC

Why the white working class is alienated, pessimistic - Yahoo! News

Mark Zuckerberg and the cruel myth of success

Obama administration may shut down 5 percent of for-profit programs under new rule - Yahoo! News

Stars mistaken for enemy aircraft - Israel News, Ynetnews

California lawmakers shelve bills to police their behavior - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Real-life Minority Report system can tell when you're THINKING about committing terrorism | Mail Online

Ahmadinejad and Khameini Lock Horns - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Hacker group Anonymous steals 10,000 Iranian government e-mails - 6/3/2011 - Computer Weekly

Two Suspected Cases of E. Coli in US Troops Probed

Brittni Nicole Colleps: Husband of teacher arrested for 'sex with FIVE students during home orgy' vows to defend her | Mail Online

Indiana Will Defy Obama Admin Order to Not De-Fund Planned Parenthood |

Bid for Do-Over in Simkin-Blank Divorce Divides a Court -

Arizona vindicated

Media shame on eligibility

God, civil disobedience and revolution

Palin: The 1st post-media candidate

Why 2012 looks like 1860

Tea partiers to the rescue

From pioneers to pansies

Nixon and today's progressive GOP

Elect quality Americans – willing or not!

The Holy Grail of energy: Nuclear fusion

Alone with God

OpEdNews - Article: Republican Budget Extremist and Cruel

I'm suing Hollywood for discrimination!

The Right To Be a Jerk - Reason Magazine

Dow Average Has Its Longest Weekly Slump Since 2004 on Employment Report - Bloomberg

New Al Qaeda Video: Buy Automatic Weapons and Start Shooting Americans - ABC News

Activists: Syria government forces kill 63 - World news - Mideast/N. Africa -

Japan: green tea exports banned due to high radiation levels - Telegraph

Girl, 11, Dies After Ferris Wheel Accident | NBC Philadelphia

Uncle Luke, Co-Founder Of Urban Beach Week, No Longer Attends Event « CBS Miami

Riverside officer dies after lightning strike in Joplin -

Sarah Palin's tour a rolling menace - Kasie Hunt -

Brody File Exclusive: Trump Says "The door would absolutely be open" To A Late Run For President

Muslim Group Offends Some Christians With Jesus Advertisements |

Economic Recovery Is Languishing as Americans Await Signal of Better Times - Bloomberg

Economy will force shift in Barack Obama’s 2012 strategy - Carrie Budoff Brown and Glenn Thrush -

RealClearPolitics - Video - Chris Matthews: Calling Obama's Economic Policies European Is A "Slur"


*The big list: Female teachers with students


*RCW - The Week in Pictures: May 29 - June 4 - FIFAstroika


**Politics Video:3RD/Obama At Auto Plant: Economy Hitting Bumps Even A Wrangler Can't Get Over

Steele: Don't Attack Romney Too Much That He'll Be Hurt In General Cycle

Edwards: "I Did Not Break The Law And I Never, Ever Thought I Was"

Dionne: Sarah Palin Making A "Guerrilla Raid" On The East Coast

Huckabee Not Out Of The 2012 Race For Certain

Limbaugh: Obama "Leading A War Against The Middle Class"

Alter: Romney's Health Plan Akin To Hillary Supporting Iraq War In '08

Sen. Sherrod Brown: "Extreme" GOP Trying To Out-Do Each Other

Bachmann: "America Will Not Rest Until We Repeal ObamaCare"

O'Reilly: The Economy Takes A Turn For The Worse

Barney Frank: America Is "Unusually Successful"

Rep. Paul Ryan: We Have A "Leadership Deficit" In Washington

Tom Friedman On "Jewish Apartheid" In Israel

Ingraham: GOP Field Needs To Do Something Other Than Attack Obama

Robert Reich To Obama: Bring Back The WPA


What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?

Hawaii shuts out WND probe of Obama birth

New 'birth certificate' anomalies inexplicable

Nordyke numbers expose Obama document fraud?

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Kenya probed claim Obama born in Africa

Why is Obama's name different on passport?

Did Obama's father forget when he was born?

Media shame on eligibility

Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records?

What the media aren't saying about Obama Sr.

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate


*2 VIDEOS/Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated

Soros-funded, Marxist-led group pushes 'Net control

Is Obama's GOP prayer partner a Dem wolf in sheep's clothing?

Federal Reserve bank flies the rainbow flag

A closer look at Obama's Pakistan trip

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Get government out of the way';Rep. Walsh: Jobless numbers reflect business owners' fear of government




*ARTICLE LINKS:s Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Author: 'Birth certificate' prompts departure of White House counsel

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Kagan Assigned DOJ Lawyer Who Argued Obamacare Cases In Appeals Courts |

The world is getting warmer: Romney | Reuters

'Tequila Party' takes its shot - Patrick Gavin -

House chooses to shun ACORN successors

Pajamas Media » Obama Commerce Nominee Entangled with Chinese Business

US kids should avoid energy drinks - health - 02 June 2011 - New Scientist

9/11 Al Qaeda plotter and top Bin Laden aide captured in Nahri Shahi, Afghanistan | Mail Online

Guess what lawmakers want counties to post!

Freshman Republicans leave meeting with Timothy Geithner frustrated - Jake Sherman and Marin Cogan -


**NEWS VIDEOS:Richard Gere: Obama Doing ‘Extraordinary’ Job, Will Go Down as One of the ‘Great Presidents’

Girl Dies in Ferris Wheel Fall

Mexico Volcano Blasts Tower of Ash

3RD/Weinergate – Major Garrett: ‘Every Indication is That He Did It’

Choo-Choo Envy: Amid 9.1% Unemployment Obama Whines About Europe’s ‘Fancier Trains’

Klavan Solves Middle East Crisis with One State Solution

Weinergate: In Between Jokes Jon Stewart Begs Congressman: ‘Help Us Help You’

Obama’s Clumsy Jeep Analogy Gets Boos From Chrysler Workers

Three Arrested for Feeding Homeless

Massive Anti-Government Protests in Syria

Dr. Death: Dead


GOP Reacts to Obamanomics’ Horrible Unemployment News

2ND/The Stage Right Show: Guests – Ben Shapiro, Kurt Schlichter, Steven Crowder and Jon David Kahn

Creepy Eric Boehlert Assures Al Sharpton: Media Matters Will Continue Monitoring Fox News Despite Beck’s Absence

Weinergate: Congressman Tries to Frame Discussion as Protecting Innocents From ‘This Breitbart Guy’

Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ to Crowder: We Don’t Book Conservative Pundits

Primetime Propaganda: Big Hollywood’s Ben Shapiro Exposes the War Against Conservatives in Hollywood, Part 2

Big Hollywood’s Ben Shapiro on Hannity’s Great American Panel

‘She Just Molested Me!’ Woman’s Emotional Plea During TSA Search

Behar: Someone’s Out to Get Weiner

Weinergate: Weiner Calls the Cops… On Reporter for Asking Questions!

Weinergate: Anthony Weiner’s Multiple Lewd Jokes in Front of Female Reporters

MSNBC Political Analyst ‘Analyzes’ How Romney Buttons His Shirt

Is That Breitbart in Weinergate Taiwan Animation?

Weinergate: GOP Rep. Cantor Urges Weiner to ‘Come Clean’

Weinergate: Congressman Jokes to Female Reporter: ‘I Was a Little Bit Stiff Yesterday’

Rep. Stearns Calls for House and FBI Investigation Into Weinergate

Israelis Stage March Through East Jerusalem

1ST/Space Shuttle Endeavor Touches Down For Last Time

Talk Show Host Drops Senate Candidate On-Air For Dodging Questions About Ryan Plan


YouTube - Ron Paul expects debt limit deal, but 'big trouble' ahead

YouTube - Keiser Report: Regime Change in Greece Now! (E152)

YouTube - Killer E Coli Strain In Europe "Like Nothing Ever Seen Before"

YouTube - Are Your State's Nuclear Power Plants Leaking Radiation?

GCN News:Big Brother May Be Watching… «

Enviro Elitists Keep America Unemployed | NetRight Daily

Documents show FCC coordinated 'Net Neutrality' effort with outside group | Conn Carroll | Nation | Washington Examiner

YouTube - Proof: Freedom of the Press is Almost Dead

Arnie Gundersen Interview: The Dangers Of Fukushima Are Worse And Longer-lived Than We Think

Are Nuclear Reactions Still Occurring at Fukushima?

Ron Paul Interview About Debt Ceiling, Spending

Alex Responds to 9/11 Questions from BBC

Showdown: Dancing Protesters to Face Gestapo at High Noon

Libya: UK Apache attack helicopters launch first strikes - Telegraph

Gaddafi’s Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains ‘Financial Terrorism’

Trouble for the Establishment in Europe, Protests Spread to France (Video)

Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus | World news |

HELL BREAKS LOOSE IN YEMEN: Four Guards Are Killed And The President And Premier Are Injured In Attempted Coup

Why Oath Keepers Is Dangerous

Cluster Busted: The Banks behind banned ‘killer bombs’ in Libya?

The American Dream: New Film Exposes The Corrupt Banking System

Treasury Continues To Dip Into Retirement Accounts, Prepares To “Take Out” $66 Billion Chunk To Make Room For New Bond Issuance

The Public Banking Movement Comes of Age

LAX security screeners targeted by GOP lawmaker -

BodyGuard stun-device to help mere mortal crime fighters

Declassified CIA Files Show Tests Of The First Stealth Plane In Area 51

Fukushima to check internal radiation exposure

‘There’s no safe radiation level’

Everything you've heard about fossil fuels may be wrong - Energy -


YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated 1/3

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated 2/3

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Royalty Incorporated 3/3


YouTube - Tx State Rep. David Simpson & Alex Jones: Rick Perry Exposed on Hiding Anti-TSA Groping Bill

BBC News - US strike 'kills' key Pakistan militant Ilyas Kashmiri

Bilderberg 2011: All aboard the Bilderbus | World news |

John Edwards pleads not guilty: 'I did not break the law' -

» Chossudovsky: US, NATO clearly going into ground war Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» In prison for debt Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DOD, Homeland Security Collaborate in Cyber Realm Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Three suspected cases of mystery e-coli in US - Yahoo! News

Sony Pictures Confirms LulzSec Hack as Group Targets FBI | News & Opinion |


Jesse Lee Peterson Show 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Redding News Reveiw

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-03, Friday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-3-11

06-03-11 WRH 1

06-03-11 WRH 2

The Manning Report – 3 June 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, June, 03, 2011

06/03 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 06/03/2011

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