A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

03 June 2011


Russia Warns American Police State Now Rivals That Of Nazi SS

Federal Judge Prohibits Prayer at Texas Graduation Ceremony -

AFP: US lawmakers cut Homeland Security funding

Obama solicitor general: If you don't like mandate, earn less money | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

NYT: Farm runoff rattles states on Mississippi - US news - The New York Times -

E.coli outbreak hits Britain: 7 victims in UK have contagious strain | Mail Online


YouTube - Government to impose martial law?

British intelligence used cupcake recipes to ruin al-Qaida website | UK news | The Guardian

Iran parliament: Ahmadinejad ministry move illegal | Reuters

Fars News Agency :: Iranian DM: Iran Ready to Give Crushing Response to US Aggression

Taliban vow more attacks against Pak govt, military facilities - The Times of India

CIA Now Thinks Greece Military Coup Possible

US wants cyber Armageddon?: Voice of Russia

Russia to accelerate GLONASS navigation satellite launches - Monsters and Critics

PressTV - Russia raps NATO over Libya mission

China Calls US Culprit in Global 'Internet War' - ABC News

China holds talks with Libyan opposition leader - Monsters and Critics

When will China’s economy overtake America’s? – Global Public Square - Blogs

China gives bleak assessment of its battered environment | Reuters

Germany: E. coli patients continue to rise -

Europe’s E. Coli Called Previously Unknown and ‘Super Toxic’ -

'Global war on drugs has failed,' key panel says - US news - Crime & courts -

YouTube - Detained for photography in Baltimore

Activist Post: SPECIAL REPORT: Symptoms of Tyranny, Oathkeepers in Arizona to Honor Marine Jose Manuel Guerena (Video)

YouTube - SPECIAL REPORT: Symptoms of Tyranny, Oathkeepers in Arizona


+Senators Want To Put People In Jail For Embedding YouTube Videos | Techdirt

*The Bill: S. 978 -


YouTube - Quantitative Easing Explained

YouTube - Is The Willis Tower Being Set Up For A False Flag Terror Attack?

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Gave $1.29 Million to China |

Three suspected cases of mystery e-coli in US - Yahoo! News

War Zones: As The Economy Dies, Murders, Shootings, Robberies And Looting Erupt All Over America :

Outbreak in Europe blamed on 'super-toxic' strain - Yahoo! News


Healthy World Affiliates(

Healthy World Store(

Vaccination Liberation(



+ News&Articles


BBC News - Outbreak is new form of E. coli

Hawaii Health Guide - Big Island Dairy Farmers fight radiation with Boron

‘There’s no safe radiation level’ | Free Malaysia Today

WHO hides the continuing polio epidemic

Even BP-Funded Scientists Find that the Use of Corexit Dispersant in the Gulf Made Things Worse ... but BP Still Tries to Blame Others for Destruction


Fed Opens Books, Revealing European Megabanks Were Biggest Beneficiaries | Common Dreams

YouTube - 2010-11-09 Greenspan Admission

Video: Ron Paul: "88% Of Fed Bailout Loans Went To Foreign Banks, And 100% Of NY Fed Loans" (Congressional Hearings 6-1-2011) - Home - The Daily Bail

Wanda Sykes On The Wall Street Bailout - Home - The Daily Bail

Is The Kingman MVD Taking Part In Illegal Gun Registration? :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Cluster Busted: The Banks behind banned 'killer bombs' in Libya?

Homeless feeding: 3 members of Orlando Food Not Bombs arrested for feeding homeless at Lake Eola -

TSA worker indicted: Former Transportation Security Administration employee indicted on federal theft charge -

Lone Star Watchdog: Is the TSA Caving In?Do We Trust Them?Are they Trying to Lull the States to Sleep So they Will Not Pass Laws to Restrict them?

Activist Post: War is the new normal

40 Signs The Chinese Economy Is Beating The Living Daylights Out Of The U.S. Economy

Insider Trading Rules That Don’t Apply To Congress - Kyle Smith - Moneybull - Forbes

Republicans Postpone Vote to End US Involvement in Libyan War, Fearing it Might Pass

Largest Banks Profited by Borrowing From Federal Reserve, Lending to Federal Government -

"There Is A Difference Between Bernanke And Houdini, Bernanke's Not A Magician, We're On The Verge Of A Great Great Depression, Near Panic Among Money Managers" (CNBC Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - World's Largest Trader: "We're On The Verge Of A Great, Great Depression"--"Near Panic"

Maan News Agency: AIPAC praises US for boycotting UN racism conference

Israel To Name New Settlement After Obama « Aletho News

DOW Dropping As America Officially Reaches 9.1% Unemployment :

Scientist: GM food safety testing is “woefully inadequate”

10 Reasons Why The “Economic Recovery” Is a Fraud

The Intercept: Johann Hari: The IMF itself should be on trial

Sunshine: Biological Weapons and Genetic Engineering

Dorset Biological Warfare Experiments 1963-75

Washington's Blog:Congressional Research Service Confirms Big Banks Borrowed Cash For Next To Nothing, Then Lent It Back to the Federal Government at Much Higher Rates

Solari :The Solari Report/

10 Reasons Why The “Economic Recovery” Is a Fraud

YouTube - Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part1)

YouTube - Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part2)

Pakistan conspiracy: Bin Laden raid gets little credence in conspiracy-minded Pakistan - Los Angeles Times

Activist Post: US replaces food pyramid with 'healthy plate'


YouTube - The History of Political Correctness Part 1 of 3

YouTube - The History of Political Correctness. Part 2 of 3

YouTube - The History of Political Correctness. Part 3 of 3


#Fukushima I Nuke Accident: Japan's Nuclear Safety Commission Ready to Loosen Already-Loose Radiation Safety Limit for Foods | EX-SKF

Fukushima Water Has More Radiation Than Released Into Air

Radiation monitoring continues near damaged Japanese nuclear plant, UN reports

Drinking Water RadNet Laboratory Analysis | Socrata | Making Data Social

Chinese, German researchers identify sequence of deadly E. coli

New MRSA Strain That Eludes Usual Tests Found in Cow’s Milk, Study Finds - Bloomberg

The NutriSmart system would put RFIDs into your food for enhanced information

Wall Street Baffled by Slowing Economy, Low Yields: Trader - CNBC

AP sources: House GOP crafting Libya measure - Yahoo! News

Obama campaign aims to raise $60 million this month - Yahoo! News

+ U.S. Law Allows Testing of Chemicals and Biological Agents on "Civilian Population" - Chemtrail Truth Bankster Holdings of PIIGS Debt

Osama Is Dead Again...A Few Of The Reports

Pakistanis Had Osama Where They Wanted Him

Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Plan to Filter the Internet

EPA's Greenhouse Gas Ruling Safe Despite Lawsuit, Legal Experts Say | Reuters - Illuminati Behind Europe's Invasion-by-Migration

The United States: A Country founded on Paganism


**Dictionary of Dieties and Demons in the Bible

Online Etymology Dictionary(

E. L. Easton - English Online


Wordwizard /

The Online Slang Dictionary/

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary:


Online Language Dictionaries and Translators(

Oxford English Dictionary(

Alphapage.html - University of Maryland

Learn Chinese Characters(

Chinese Etymology(/

Etymological Dictionary of Astronomy and Astrophysics(

Behind the

Word Spy(

Labyrinth Library: Old English(

Sumerian Language Page(

The Dialectizer(

The Devil's Dictionary(

Literature -

Probert Encyclopaedia -

Encyclopedia -

Dictionary -

The WWW Virtual Library(

The Cyberlaw Encyclopedia(

Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus -

Wordsmyth -

Merriam-Webster Online(

Freeality (

Yahoo! Babel Fish -

Internet Acronym Server(

Research: Mythology Resources(

The American Civil War (

Secret Teachings of All Ages

Internet Sacred Text (

e Book

The Two Babylons


Archives:Sherman Skolnick's Report(


Egyptian Muslim cleric: 'When I want a sex-slave, I go to the market and buy her'

French open investigation into former minister who had 'orgy with little boys' in Morocco | Mail Online

No News Obama Vows Victim Scheme | Opinion Maker

The Discovery of the Century; Evidence of Ancient Electrical Devices found in the Great Pyramid?

Killer E.coli strain described as deadliest yet | Reuters

Motorola i576 - 20 cell phones with highest radiation levels (photos) - CNET Reviews - Internet traffic to quadruple by 2015: Cisco - High ranking group urges an end to drug prohibition

Russian and Nato jets to hold first ever joint exercise - Telegraph

Major Israeli Shipping Firm Accused by Washington of Doing Illicit Business with Iran -

Rare Earths Are About to Become a Lot More Rare -

Pentagon may fight cyberwar with rockets -

A Trader, an F.B.I. Witness, and Then a Suicide -

Injections Can Sterilize Men for Ten Years -

Drop in U.S. birth rate is the biggest in 30 years -

The Associated Press: Army judges weigh military trials for civilians

The bin Laden hunter: ex-CIA man had bin Laden in his sights 10 times - Telegraph » Nickname for CIA’s Bin Laden Team: ‘The Manson Family’

YouTube - GE Walking Truck - Cybernetic Anthropomorphous Machine (CAM) 1969.

YouTube - BigDog Beach'n

YouTube - Nigel Farage: Trapped Inside an Economic Prison (Full Version - Ch. I, II & III)

“The Television Will Not Be Revolutionized”


The 25 Rules of Disinformation

Naming Names: Your Real Government

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you


Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control


*The Alex Jones Show – June 2nd, 2011


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 2nd, 2011


YouTube - Full Show - 6/2/11. Government gives away passwords, Economy Still Sucks, France Protests

*(4 Parts)Alan Watt & Alex Jones: Nwo Shaping Our Culture to Their Design |


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 2nd, 2011


YouTube - David Icke - The Global Banking Scam & The Wanking Bankers.


YouTube - More Blacks In Prison Than Slaves In 1850 - War On Drugs


25 Reasons & Signs that U.S. Public Schools have now become Equivalent to Prisons | USWGO Alternative News

YouTube - Ron Paul on Neil Cavuto: You Can't Get Back To Growth Unless You Have Correction

Hail Caesar – Paul Craig Roberts |

New mind-altering drug capable of literally modifying your memories |

Drug may take the edge off bad memories: study | Reuters

Corporate Media Dwells on Mitt Romney Candidacy, Ignores Ron Paul |

US Spying Detects No Iranian Nukes

The WH/Politico Attack on Seymour Hersh

The War in Libya Growing More Illegal by the Day

NATO: Free Africa from the Africans!

YouTube - US steps up cyber propaganda war

Judge Rules Corporations Can Contribute Directly to Candidates

Military Escalation: "Phase Two" of the War on Libya

*The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

BREAKING NEWS: Alarm on Gene GM Crops: A Previously Unrecognised Effect on GM Plant Development

Venezuelans Mobilize Against Obama's Sanctions

Social Media: Air Force ordered software to manage army of Fake Virtual People

Victors' Justice and the "Responsibility to Protect": Who are the Real War Criminals?

The New Shape of the Struggle in Egypt

What Does the ICC Stand For? The Imperialist Crime Cover-Up

VIDEO: Libya: We Might Soon See American Boots on Ground

"The American Dream": We Celebrate Patriotism and National Unity While Promoting Division Globally

"No Shred of Evidence", Iran Building Nukes, Ex Head of IAEA Says

Mladic and international justice: Age of deception. Who are the War Criminals?

Obama's Foreign Policy Objectives: The Geopolitical Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia Mosaic

Woman who filed complaint against Arlington police officer found strangled to death - informationliberation

YouTube - Govt Secretly Reimbursing People Who Get Stole From During TSA Interviews!

YouTube - In prison for debt

+Activist Post: NORAD to conduct (9/11 Style) exercise flights over Cape and Islands Wednesday

The Revolutionary New Birth Control Method for Men | Magazine

BBC News - Scandal-hit Israeli billionaire Sami Ofer found dead

A Trader, an F.B.I. Witness, and Then a Suicide -

New photos of spy plane launch Area 51 intrigue | The Upshot Yahoo! News

The Heavy Cost of the Bush-Obama Murder Rampage - informationliberation

Exporting Thuggery - informationliberation

MPAA: Cartelization, Not Creativity - informationliberation

After the Dollar: What Comes Next? - informationliberation

Repeal Socialism in Immigration, Employment, and Drugs - informationliberation

Documents show FCC coordinated 'Net Neutrality' effort with outside group | Conn Carroll | Nation | Washington Examiner

Hornberger's Blog - Reader Feedback

NY Congressman Anthony Weiner Says He's Done Talking About Twitter Photo, Time To Get Back To Work « CBS New York

Activist Post: Why is the United States so obsessed with nuclear power?

Activist Post: Study shows that 'more than half' of measles outbreak cases had been vaccinated

Activist Post: The Truth About 'Fluoride' (or what every Mother should know)

BodyGuard stun-device to help mere mortal crime fighters

Activist Post: TSA On The Ropes; Budget Slashed, Texas Grope Ban Returns

Is the Economy Recovering or is the MSM Spinning the Economy to a Recovery? | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Why the white working class is alienated, pessimistic - Yahoo! News

When the multiverse and many-worlds collide - physics-math - 01 June 2011 - New Scientist

"The Human Species Will One Day Migrate to a Parallel Universe" -- Michio Kaku

Activist Post: The Police State Recognizance Challenge Part II


Radiation News 6-2-11 |


Fess Up, Fed by Ron Paul

He Didn’t Say 'Infidels': Homeland Security Theater, Continued by William Norman Grigg

Doug Casey on DSK, the IMF, and the World Bank

Scrupulosity and the Condemnation of Every Existing Business by Jeffrey A. Tucker

US Government Experiments on Americans – LSD and MKULTRA by Russ Baker

Obama in a Dream World by Patrick J. Buchanan

Prepare for Cyber-War Tonkin Gulf False-Flag Attacks From the US by Jack D. Douglas

The Times They Have A’Changed by Thomas Luongo

Speaker Boehner Will Not Comment on Weiner Scandal

Wrong Direction: Unemployment Rate Up, Job Creation Down

Muslim Group Offends Some Christians With Jesus Advertisements

TSA: Al-Qaeda and Affiliates ‘Continue To Pose A Serious Threat’ to U.S.

On National Donut Day, Americans Urged to Protest Government Intrusion

Three of ‘World’s Worst’ Regimes Sit on U.N. Human Rights Council

Rep. Smith: U.N. and China Exporting 'One-Child' Policy to Nigeria, Africa

Obama Administration Must ‘Step Up’ Efforts to Stop Slaughter of Baby Girls in China, Congressman Says

Doctor Who Helped Others Commit Suicide Did Not Take His Own Life

Buchanan: Obama in a Dream World

Romney: 'Barack Obama Has Failed America'

Romney said he had right policy on auto companies

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities

Rahm Emanuel op-ed: 'Obama’s commitment to Israel'

Republicans split on how to improve their Medicare message

Bill would have a private firm check Customs and Border Patrol statistics

Weiner's constituents puzzled by his uncertainty

Authorities break multinational narcotics ring

Palin, Giuliani steal some Romney thunder in New Hampshire

Health care case: Appeals court judge is father of pro-repeal Republican

Vivian Schiller, ousted NPR chief, joins NBC News

President Obama believes the NATO mission in Libya is succeeding

Senator Pressures FDA to Finish Long-Awaited Sunscreen Label Rules

Christine O'Donnell: FEC complaint dismissed

Obama DREAM Act ad causes blacklash among Latino voters

Lack of retirement savings makes entitlements sacrosanct

Dissenters in GOP rethink Electoral College

Calif. Plant Creating Energy From Household Trash

Tests for E. coli strain not required in U.S.

Jennifer Lopez battling to prevent release of sex tape

73-year-old divorced man kills 5, plus himself, in Yuma

Devastation After Tornadoes Touch Down In New England

House GOP and President Obama Meet as Eric Cantor Cries

At Ellis Island, Sarah Palin attacks the DREAM Act: It 'usurps' legal immigration

Not Only Are U.S. Corporations Not Overtaxed, Some Of The Biggest Are Paying A Negative Tax Rate

Donald Trump rips Republicans for 'mistakes' on Medicare, says he might yet enter the race

Dirty Politics in Wisconsin -- Is Anyone Surprised?

Karmic Update: Russell Pearce recall campaign turns in 18,000 signatures -- more than twice what's needed

Senator Menendez says "NO" to cuts in Medicaid

10 Inconvenient Truths About the Debt Ceiling

Herman Cain's Reason To Vote GOP? "I Don't Snuff My Own Seed"

Rep. Steve King compares workers to commodities like beans and corn

June 30: Our long GlennBeckian nightmare finally has an end date

Robert Reich on Our Stalled Budget Talks and the State of the US Economy

Hunger Strike Against Cub Foods Ends As Clergy and Elected Officials Promise To Intervene

Jon Stewart: Donald Trump Disrespects New Yorkers by Taking Sarah Palin to a Pizza Chain

Wonder Why Anthony Weiner Was Attacked? Wingnuts Needed A Diversion From His Clarence Thomas Recusal Campaign

Rand Paul's nutty rant: He's not a defender of free speech

House GOP: Cut Medicare Or The Economy Gets It

Moody's will downgrade U.S. credit rating if debt ceiling isn't raised within weeks

Keeping Your Communications Private, by F.J.B. -

Whatever Happened to the Spare Tire? by Eric Peters

Cain: With All Due Respect, Obama Couldn't Run a Pizza Joint

Two Minnesotans to Battle for Prez Nomination

Analyst: Rebound Easier for Ensign Than Edwards

Republicans Criticize Palin Bus Tour

Greenspan 'Scared' About Deficit, Urges Tax Hike

If Giuliani Runs, He Vows to 'Do It Right' This Time

More Hints of Likely Bachmann Run for President

Sen. Marco Rubio to Teach College Part-time

Bleak Jobs Data Called 'Nail in Coffin' to Recovery

Palin Opposes DREAM Act

WH Counsel Bauer Leaves for Obama Campaign

Pope Heads to Balkans with Pro-EU Message

China Meets Libya Rebels in Latest Blow to Gadhafi

6 Pains You Should Never Ignore

Can That Muffin Fight Milk Allergies?

Killer E.Coli Mixes Toxin With Rare 'Glue'

China Helps Unravel New E.coli

Study: Web Users Fear Snooping Businesses

Obama's Deference to China Makes Him Unfit to Be President

Muslim Brotherhood Riding the Crest of Arab Spring

Time for Democrats to Offer Medicare Reforms

New Medicare 'Efficiency' Measure Deadly to Seniors

Obama on Middle East: Right Goals, Wrong Strategy


*Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian dies | Detroit Free Press |

Oakland County | Assisted suicide advocate Jack Kevorkian dies | The Detroit News


Gmail Hack Targeted White House -

China calls US culprit in global 'Internet war'

- Sarah Palin - Yahoo! News Photos

Did a pork-coated bullet kill Bin Laden? Yes, says firm who claim its pig fat gun oil is bought by U.S. military personnel | Mail Online

Employment growth slows sharply in May - Yahoo! Finance

Germany steps up hunt for deadly E.coli source - Yahoo! News

Germany says 199 new E.coli cases in two days - Yahoo! News

Killer germ: First outbreak of 'rare' microbe: - WHO - Univision Wires

Killer germ very antibiotic resistant: German researchers - Yahoo! Singapore Finance

Edwards expected to plead not guilty Friday ::

Uncle Luke, Co-Founder Of Urban Beach Week, No Longer Attends Event « CBS Miami

Mullen Says Pay, Benefit Cuts 'On the Table'

Ronan Parke: Britain's Got Talent isn't rigged | The Sun |Showbiz|TV|Britain Got Talent

Britain's Got Talent 2011: Ronan Parke says he's never met Simon Cowell | Mail Online

West Point cadet sues Patti LaBelle, bodyguards over alleged assault at Bush IAH | Houston

Cadet accuses Patti LaBelle's guards of airport attack (w/video) | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

10-year-old boy gets ticket for not wearing seat belt properly

VIDEO: Woman Screams For Help After TSA Molestation

Brothers' 92 years end the lifelong way: as twins - City & Region - The Buffalo News

Marshall asks Richmond Fed to remove rainbow flag honoring gay rights | Richmond Times-Dispatch

An Agent Of The King In Every Home | Before It's News

YouTube - Bio Station Alpha on Mars. The latest discovery by David Martines. Original Video

Beneath The Ice of East Antarctica: Dramatic Discoveries Mapped by Radar | Before It's News

Are Miniature Black Holes Everywhere? [Starts With A Bang] | Before It's News

Official GPS Data Reveal Superior Aviation GPS Service Provided To WTC & Pentagon During 9/11 Attacks | Before It's News

New MRSA Bug Found in Cows, Humans | Before It's News

Prime Your Memory Search Engine | Before It's News

+ 50 Things Americans Should Know About Our Economic Loss | Before It's News

What does a retracted paper mean? : DrugMonkey

Breitbart Source for Weiner Smear Deletes Twitter Account | Before It's News

Former Black Panther Elmer 'Geronimo' Pratt makes his transition | Before It's News

Winners of the 2011 Sexiest Vegetarian Next Door Contest |

Black boxes for vehicles to be compulsory by next month | Before It's News

Official U.S. Military Bibles Being Sold : Dispatches from the Culture Wars

YouTube - 6/1/2011 -- Steering the storm towards the USA with "cloud seeding" aka "chemtrails"

You show them mine; I’ll show them yours | Before It's News


*2012 Conspiracy -


+ How Much Do The Illegals Cost the U.S.? | Before It's News

A 'Brain-Dead Liberal' Awakens

It's Official: The Left Is Out of Ideas

Impeach the Czars!

The USA: Last Stop in Western Civilization

The GOP and the Working Class

Dorothy Rabinowitz Dismisses Doomsday Talk about Big Government

Obama camp knows he has a problem with Jewish voters

It's official: John Edwards indicted

Yemen's president injured in attack on palace

Is there really a connection between the unemployment rate and presidential elections?

Congress, White House showdown on War Powers Act

China's 'blue army' just warming up with cyber-attacks

Democrat State Senator punches colleague on chamber floor

Dr. Krauthammer and Gov. Palin: Analyzing the Analyst

How to Win Payoffs and Intimidate Enemies in Obama's America

Racial Violence Has Not Made It Into the Conversation about Race

Barack Obama and the Betrayal of Black America

Primetime Propaganda

Pick Your Poison

Too many Regulations are stifling Growth and the American way of Life!

Is It Okay to Prevent Protesting at Military Funerals?

The $1 Trillion Dollar Economic Injection

97 Democrats in the House voted to raise the debt limit without cuts!

How E Verify is Going to Help Prevent the Employment of Illegals

Patriot Act renewal gives terrorists another victory

Obama’s ineligibility: Picking up the pieces after political Armageddon

Pictures of Politician Not Wearing Things

National Debt is a Threat to National Security

Dancing With Wolves (in Sheep’s Clothing)

Explaining Germany’s anti-nuclear fanaticism: In a word, Schwärmerei

Giving your online identity to Obama

The Administration’s Ugly Prediction for Coal Generation and Electric Rates

Socialism’s Army of Occupation

Useful Idiots

Michael Savage interviews Matthew Vadum, author of Subversion Inc.

We found out what is up to - you need to see this!

Obama, Holder pursuit of Sheriff Joe Arpaio continues

Paul Begala Says Anthony Weiner Story Is ‘Nothing’

Taxpayers to lose $14 billion in Obama’s union payoff

Just What Is Rep. Weiner Covering Up?

Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

Obama’s ineligibility: We know

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities -

Mladic calls charges against him 'obnoxious' -

Federal Judge Prohibits Prayer at Texas Graduation Ceremony -

Feds bust Long Island pharmacist Lutful Chowdhury for Oxycodone, Hydrocodone drug ring that supplied drugs to teen before she fatally struck a retired doctor -

Korean War Veteran Dies While Replacing Flag at Ohio Home on Memorial Day -

Jailed Russian Tycoon Testifies in Court - Emerging Europe Real Time - WSJ

Pakistani who exposed al Qaeda cell found slain - Washington Times

Proposal to sell California's Ramirez Canyon parkland meets tough opposition - Wire - Lifestyle -

Prosecutor: Suspect in cop's death is gang member | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Nigerian 'baby factory' raided, 32 teenage girls freed - Yahoo! News

Report: Over 400 al-Qaida terrorists now i... JPost - Middle East

Judge slams prominent doctor linked to Charlie Crist for corruption - Miami-Dade -

Iran cleric: Killing Israeli children OK - Israel News, Ynetnews

Rare Marilyn Monroe Photos Released -


The Culture of Fear in the Workplace

The Culture of Fear in the Workplace: Part 2


Debbie Schlussel/Immigration and Customs EnFARCEment: ICE Clueless as Agent Openly Steals & Sells Agency Loot on Ebay

Debbie Schlussel/Hmmm . . . Sexual Assault on NY Hotel Maid Not Hyped B/c Perpetrator is Muslim

3 Arrested in Orlando for ‘Illegally’ Feeding the Homeless | The Blaze

White House to Jewish Chorus: Take Down Pro-Obama Video | The Blaze

‘Green Book’ Socialism: Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney In Libya Admits She Wants Gaddafi-Style Government In USA to Solve All The Problems of America | The Blaze

‘Our Entire Nation Is Osama’: Those Simply Displaced Palestinians Vow Revenge to the Jews & America, the Country of Heresy & Prostitution, Osama-Bin-Laden-Style | The Blaze

What Advice Did Al Sharpton Give Rep Weiner While Guest Hosting on MSNBC? | The Blaze

Rush Blasts Krauthammer on Palin | The Blaze

Iranian Woman Calls for ‘Slut Women’ to be Stoned…on the Pages of Calif. Paper | The Blaze

Naked Man Runs Wild Through Kansas, Dives Into Swimming Pool Full of Kids | The Blaze

U.S. Teen Killed by Security Guard in Costa Rica While on School Trip | The Blaze

Watch Weiner’s Office Call Cops on Reporter Trying to Get Interview | The Blaze

‘We’re Gonna Die!’ Two Guys Purposefully Drive Through Terrifying Tornado (Language Warning) | The Blaze

A Robot that Can Juggle Better Than a Circus Clown? See for Yourself | The Blaze

Watch: Car Crash Terrifies TV Reporter During Live Shot | The Blaze

Beck’s Interview With Ben Shapiro: Hollywood Libs Admit They‘re ’A Propaganda Tool’ | The Blaze

Left-Leaning Media Outlets Will Make it Possible for You to Read Palin’s E-mails | The Blaze

Update: Experts Claim Authorities Who Didn‘t Help Drowning Man ’Made the Right Choice’ | The Blaze

Update: Judge Bans Prayer at TX Graduation Citing ‘Irreparable Harm’ | The Blaze

Photo Captures Over 3,000 Penguins Huddling in Extreme South America | The Blaze

3 Americans May Be Infected With Potentially-Fatal, Mystery E-coli Strain | The Blaze

Nancy Pelosi: Dems Have ‘Very Good Chance’ to Take Back House | The Blaze

5 Confirmed Dead in Tragic Yuma, Ariz. Shootings, Suspect Identified | The Blaze

Gov’t Issues New Visual to Tell You How to Eat — And It Only Cost $2 Million | The Blaze

CA Man Drowns After Policy Forbids Rescue Workers From Saving Him | The Blaze

Palin Comes Face to Face With Impersonator in Boston! | The Blaze

Palin Jabs Romney Just Before He Announces Candidacy | The Blaze

Illinois Churches Urge Gay Clergy to Legalize Their Partnerships, Perform Civil Unions | The Blaze

Newsweek : Joplin Tradgey Sign of Climate Change to Come

Fareed Zakaria to America: You’re Not so Great

I’ve Answered All the Questions, Haven’t I?

Rep. Weiner Staff Calls Cops on CBS News Reporter (but Not the Alleged Hacker)

‘Primetime Propaganda’: To Protect Hollywood, MSM Focuses on ‘Sesame Street’

Vivian Schiller Joins NBC News in New Role as Chief Digital Officer

Roger Ailes and Mao: Basically the Same Guy

MSNBC: Obama’s Job Loss Blamed on Natural Disasters, Bush’s Job Growth ‘False’ Because of… Natural Disasters?

Today’s Weinergate Talking Point: It’s All About the Sex!

With Weinergate Story on the Rise, MSM Points to Chris Christie’s Helicopter Habits

MSNBC’s Matthews: Breitbart Didn’t Smear Sherrod; Video Wasn’t Deceptively Edited

Libya: Kucinich Turns World Upside Down, Boehner Turns It Back

Muslim Brotherhood Leader: ‘(Moderate Muslims) Accept Offensive Jihad, and Attacking the Infidels in Their Lands’

Report: Bin Laden Shot With A ‘Pork Fat Coated’ Bullet

Afghanistan: Get Out, Or Else?

Mubarak: ‘Miss Me Yet?’

Ahmadinejad Tells 45-Member Egyptian Delegation: Iran and Egypt Should Join Forces

Audio:Roger Noriega: Will Mexico Become Failed State?

Fighting Continues In Libya, Amid Chaotic International Politics

Understanding U.S. Operations in Libya

What Writing A Book Taught Me About Obama and Those Who Followed Him In 2008

‘Primetime Propaganda’: ‘Daily Show’ Tells Steven Crowder ‘We Never Book Conservative Pundits’

Jon Stewart to Anthony Weiner: If You Did This ‘You Gotta Go’

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Leftist Hollywood Schools America

WeinerGate: Where’s Twitter?

‘Primetime Propaganda’: To Protect Hollywood, MSM Focuses on ‘Sesame Street’

Taiwanese Animators Offer Helpful Suggestions to Avoid Next WeinerGate

Watch: Two ‘Captain America’ TV Spots

WeinerGate: Jon Stewart on ‘Anthony and Cleopenis’

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Why Hollywood Is Liberal

EU Spends Tens of Millions in US on Left-Wing Causes

Audio:Are We Headed for a Great Recession?

John Edwards Charged in Felony Indictment

Daily Kos Founder Refused to Protect Identity of Underage Girls

Anthony Weiner and the Law’s Peril

Politics Grip Us

Three Employees Fight Back Against NLRB’s Demand that Boeing Move South Carolina Factory

Rep. Benishek To Dems: ‘Shame On You’

Unions to Erect Tent City Outside Wisc. State Capitol

Senate Rejects Liu Nomination

Rep. Weiner Staff Calls Cops on CBS News Reporter (but Not the Alleged Hacker)

The EPA: Economic ‘Savior’ or Jolly Green Tyrant?

Cantor: Weiner Needs to ‘Come Clean’ on WeinerGate

Furious Mom of Weinergate Picture Recipient Demands Cocky Congressman Come Clean

Federal Workers Paid Millions to Work on Union Activities

AFL-CIO: Yeah, You Can Call That Socialist

Donald Trump Is No Ross Perot

Police could figure out Weiner guilt or innocence

Lauren Conrad's clothing line better off without MTV reality show -

Video Compilation: Anthony Weiner's Evasions - Guy Benson

Hollywood Explains the Economy by Nicole Gelinas, Judith Miller - City Journal

'King Kong' Special Effects Wizard Harry Redmond Jr. Dies at 101 - The Hollywood Reporter

3-Jun-11 World View ......

Is China bubble now an anti-China bubble?

Walmart announces $15bn buy-back plan

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh's compound attacked

Dr. Jack Kevorkian dies at 83; 'Dr. Death' was advocate, practitioner of physician-assisted suicide

Saudi Arabia looks to ban child bride

Growth worries stalk Chinese indices

Octomom case rattled fertility medicine

South Carolina governor's mansion, car damaged by falling tree

"The world is getting warmer": Romney

Anthony on video tells parents: We'll be together

Germany: E. coli patients continue to rise

Social issues fade as Republicans court conservatives

Russia awaits EU explanation on E.coliL: Putin

Wal-Mart CEO pushes plan to keep retailer growing

No proof U.S.-trained forces attack Yemen protestors: Pentagon

Playboy club returns to London, some hopping mad

U.S. raises Google hack allegation with China

'Unabomber' auction raises over $232,000

EDITORIAL: Obamacare's unlimited power - Washington Times

The economy: Excuses, excuses | The Economist

Health insurance: A California bill on health insurance rate regulation is a good move -

The Mistake of 2010 -

O's jobs-export economy -

Dorothy Rabinowitz: The Republican Who Can Win -

The GOP's dangerous arrogance - The Week

Why Hasn't Anyone Signed Up For the High-Risk Health Insurance Pools? - Megan McArdle - Business - The Atlantic

How big a problem will unemployment be for Obama? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

A healthy dynamic in job creation: Destruction - The Washington Post

Anemic Jobs Report | Points and Figures

Geithner and Goldman, Thick as Thieves | The Nation

Obama’s commitment to Israel - The Washington Post

Koch Test - by Tevi Troy > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

The Future of U.S. Innovation: Can Americans Keep Pace? - TIME

Falling Off a Cliff | Nealz Nuze |

Hollywood Accused of Rampant Liberal Bias in New Book - The Hollywood Reporter

Boehner introduces alternative resolution on Libya - The Washington Post

House Democrats to Obama: Don't cave on Medicare -

Rural Legislators’ Power Ebbs as Populations Shift -


Seductive Beliefs

Seductive Beliefs Part II


**Transcripts:2nd/Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Analysts Discuss Romney's Campaign Announcement

Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

1st/Interview with Representative Anthony Weiner

Panel on the Anthony Weiner Scandal

Interview with Rep. Xavier Beccerra

Analyst Discusses the Debt Ceiling Fight

Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann

Media Availability with Secretary Gates

31st/Obama Announces New Commerce Secretary

Reps. Roskam & Clyburn Debate the Debt Ceiling

Guests: Representatives Kucinich and Carnahan

Interview with Representative Earl Blumenauer

Interview with Representative Peter Welch

Secretary Gates's Remarks at the USS Missouri

30th/President Obama Marks Memorial Day

Panel on the Bachmann, Palin Rumors

29th/Obama's Remarks at a Joplin Memorial Service

Guests: Sen. Min. Ldr. McConnell and Sen. Schumer

Guests: Sen. McCain; Reps. West and Edwards

Guests: Pres. Candidate Tim Pawlenty & Gov. Mitch Daniels


The Death of the American Dream I | Via Meadia

Bend the Trajectory, Slow China's Growth_English_Caixin

Forget entrepreneurs, only banks can create wealth | Deborah Orr | Comment is free | The Guardian

The digital wallet soon to be in every pocket | MediaFile

RealClearMarkets - Wall Street's Random Walk Doesn't Exist

A Trader, an F.B.I. Witness, and Then a Suicide -

"Buy American" Is Un-American - Reason Magazine

U.S. monetary policy and gold standard: Pushing for a return to the gold standard -

Russia's Libya role irks China By M K Bhadrakumar

Success worth paying for in Afghanistan - The Washington Post

When Will China’s Economy Overtake America’s? by Yao Yang - Project Syndicate

Gates Is Right That Real Progress In Iraq Will Need Safeguarding By U.S. Troops | The New Republic

Iran and the Bomb: An Update by Jeremy Bernstein | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books

Johann Hari: It's not just Dominique Strauss-Kahn. The IMF itself should be on trial - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

The Wilson Quarterly: What Is Hugo Chávez Up To? by Joshua Kucera

To Save Yemen - By Edmund J. Hull | Foreign Policy

RealClearWorld - The Battle for Pakistan

Hiding in Plain Sight

Pentagon cyberwarfare strategy: It's about time -

Talking to the Taliban: Less than meets the eye | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Gearing up for Naksa - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

Opinion: China undercuts sanctions on Iran - Barbara Slavin - / Comment / Op-Ed Columnists - Intolerable choices for the eurozone

How the al-Qaeda Threat Lingers | The Diplomat

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : The story that killed Saleem Shahzad


More Wild Tales as Rod Blagojevich Takes the Stand in His Retrial - James Warren - Politics - The Atlantic

Blagojevich tells jurors of Senate seat calculations | Reuters

Blagojevich testifies: Sen. Reid, Rahm Emanuel, Valerie Jarrett and Obama Senate seat - Lynn Sweet

Prosecutors paint Blagojevich as slippery and evasive - Chicago Tribune

Rod Blagojevich Would Have Totally Killed Bin Laden Himself If He'd Only Been Given A Senate Seat

Blagojevich: Money was not the point - Chicago Government |

Blago: I would have killed Osama - Ben Smith -

Feds Begin Clash With Blagojevich - Chicago News Cooperative

After heat from the prosecutor, Gov. Dead Meat is well-done


Two trains bump at Chicago’s Union Station, no serious injuries - Chicago Sun-Times

Rahm Emanuel’s $75M CPS cuts mean longer rides, dirtier schools - Chicago Sun-Times

WSJ: Pyramid or plate? Which nutritional guideline graphic do you prefer?

Aids and HIV: 30 years on, millions of lives are being saved | World news | The Guardian

Cell Phones & Cancer Risk | Dallas - Fort Worth

How to Treat Chronic Fatigue

New MRSA strain appears in cows -

Is Your Commute Ruining Your Relationship? - Jenna Goudreau - The Other Half - Forbes

Weatherwatch: When the risk of sunburn is at its worst | News | The Guardian

Kevorkian never shy in assisted-suicide crusade - CBS News

YouTube - Jack Kevorkian, Known As Dr. Death, Dies

What is Subsidiarity?

Romney's in; Mormon faith still a hurdle - Washington Times

RealClearReligion - When Islam Meets Modernity

Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: Imams For Evolution

WORLD Magazine | Withering away? | Timothy Dalrymple | Jun 04, 11

Desmond Tutu: God Is Not a Christian

Tree of Life, Book of Job | Culture | Religion Dispatches

Cosmic cookery: How fringe religious groups helped launch the health-food movement. - By Daniel Fromson - Slate Magazine

"It's Sad But True That Most Discoveries In Biology Are Made By Physicists" - Freeman Dyson

DNA logic gates calculate square root using 130 different molecules

Quantum Mechanics Gets Weirdly Less Weird - ScienceNOW

RealClearWorld - Are Global Metal Wars Looming?

Greener Pastures | Conservation Magazine

How to Tell Male, Female Dinosaurs Apart : Discovery News

Yemen: President Ali Abdullah Saleh attacked in Yemen -

Blast at British Oil Refinery Kills 4 -

At stricken Japanese nuclear plant, water is the biggest worry - The Washington Post

UN: At least 150 drowned when boat from Libya capsized -

BBC News - Evacuation after arms depot blaze near Izhevsk Russia

Kan delayed-exit hint restarts feud | The Japan Times Online

Suicide bomber targets hospital north of Baghdad - Times Union

Israeli businessman dies amid controversy -

Was the auto bailout Mitt Romney's idea? -

Casey Anthony Jailhouse Tapes Show Toll on Cindy Anthony - ABC News

Virginia bus crash driver charged with manslaughter | Reuters

Rudy Giuliani sets 'late summer' timetable - Maggie Haberman -

Huntsman pushes conservative creds - Juana Summers -

Obama tours Chrysler plant, touts auto bailout - Jun. 3, 2011

Yale lab tech gets 44 years for killing student -

Jaycee Lee Dugard kidnapper Phillip Garrido was impossible to defend, says lawyer - Crimesider - CBS News

Barbour keeps knocking purity -

Michele Bachmann touts tangible conservative record - James Hohmann -

Federal Court Rules New York City Can Ban Schools From Churches -

More Wild Tales as Rod Blagojevich Takes the Stand in His Retrial - James Warren - Politics - The Atlantic

MILLER: John Edwards indictment a vindication for National Enquirer - Washington Times

YouTube - John Edwards indicted

Groupon plans to go public with $750M stock offering | Kansas City Business Journal

China brands Google 'snotty-nosed' as cyber feud intensifies | World news | The Guardian

The IPO Party: Will The ETF Join In? | ETF Trends

Jill Abramson Won't Wage War on Arianna Huffington | TheWrap TV

Mind readers: Eavesdropping on your inner voice - tech - 02 June 2011 - New Scientist

Color red increases the speed and strength of reactions

Ancient Roman Shipwreck May Have Held Giant Fish Tank | Archaeology & Shipwrecks | Ancient Trade of Live Fish | LiveScience

‘Worms from hell’ unearth possibilities for extraterrestrial life - The Washington Post

A Curious Case Of Foreign Accent Syndrome : Shots - Health Blog : NPR

UFO photographed in China

Not Your Everyday Ectoplasm: Spirit Mediums and Nonhuman Weirdness | Mysterious Universe

BBC News - Marlborough Mound: 'Merlin's burial place' built in 2400 BC

Rare 'Midnight' Partial Solar Eclipse Amazes Northern Skywatchers | Solar Eclipses & Lunar Eclipses | Moon Phases & Eclipses |

"X-Men : First Class" is First Rate - Celebrity Circuit - CBS News

'Gunsmoke' Star James Arness Dies at 88 - The Hollywood Reporter

Lindsay Lohan's electronic monitoring system replaced -

Camille Grammer Seeking Primary Custody of Her Kids - iVillage

'Tree of Life' - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

Yahoo, Hotmail Hit by Phishing Attacks Similar to Gmail Incursions - Security - News & Reviews -

Sony Hacked Again: How Not to Do Network Security | PCWorld Business Center

How big is Microsoft gambling with Windows 8? - Computerworld

Google Apps Giving Older Browsers the Boot | News & Opinion |

Danish Team's Homemade Space Capsule Blasts Off -

DLA Piper and the Facebook ownership case

Kelly, Giffords eager to reunite after 16-day space mission -

Illegal in Tennessee to share Netflix and other such passwords

Is Amazon diverting buyers from Corsi hit?

Soros-funded, Marxist-led group pushes 'Net control

Is Obama's GOP prayer partner a Dem wolf in sheep's clothing?

'South Park' among most conservative shows ever?

The ill-informed race mongers

Obama returns to his roots

Middle school yearbook groups Adolph Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush - Little Rock, AR

Crack cocaine sentence: Crack cocaine offenders may get early release -

Drugs: High-profile panel urges noncriminal approach to world drug policy -

13 pound 6 year old looked like a 'skeleton' - KLTV 7 News Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville |

Pasadena mom arrested in rape of 12-year-old boy | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Sacto 9-1-1: Phillip Garrido sentenced to life in prison; victim statements pour out emotion

Elderly healthcare: Death of 91-year-old puts spotlight on elderly healthcare -

Wayne Allyn Root's Blog - Why the Greatest Depression of All Time Has Begun

Welfare and this summer's riots

Video:The Arctic Light

Popular doctor treated bin Laden compound's kids - CBS News

Spotting Bin Laden in Bizarre Places | Video - ABC News

Chinese view of bin laden's death - GlobalTimes

Americans overdose on energy drinks, Gatorade

Horse herpes spreading quickly in the West - CBS News

Officials plan to exterminate county's wild pigs -

Chinese dog eaters and dog lovers spar over animal rights - The Washington Post

2 arrested in Osceola burglaries: Men allegedly targeted cars in Remington subdivision -

Hot Wheels stunt driver breaks world record ramp-to-ramp jump | Mail Online

BMX rider achieves world record three rotations (and lands safely) in back flip stunt | Mail Online

Statue of King Tut's Grandfather Discovered -

Hidden no more: Pyramid findings rock the Web | The Upshot Yahoo! News

Listening for the Enemy: Giant Ears on the British Coast - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

*3 June

American Minute for June 3rd

Today in History: June 3

June 3 Events in History

This Day in History for 3rd June

June 3rd This Day in History

Today in History: June 3

June 3rd in History

YouTube - Today In History For June 3rd


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Banging my head against the wall' ;Rep. Farenthold explains how GOP freshmen handling debt-ceiling showdown

WND RADIO WND Exclusive House GOP to Obama: 'Where's your plan?';Rep. Griffin describes debt-ceiling talks at White House

Author: 'Birth certificate' prompts departure of White House counsel

Did Obama's father forget when he was born?

Why is Obama's name different on passport?

Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

Supreme Court suspends 4th Amendment

Beer painting could land artist in the can

Anthony Weiner mishandled Twitter photo flap, crisis expert says -

Mother of picture recipient furious at Weiner scandal -

Stifled: Question about Obama getting snubbed

DNA Sequence Yields Clues to Germany's 'Super Toxic' E. coli outbreak - ScienceInsider

Nepal Plans New Criminal Code Forbidding Evangelism

Harold Camping: Dead Bodies Will Surface from Graves on Oct. 21 Doomsday, Christian News

The coming Turkish-led caliphate

State prepares to make public Palin's gubernatorial emails: Former Gov. Sarah Palin | Alaska news at

Dissenters in GOP rethink Electoral College - Washington Times

Operation Sleeping Giant - brought to you by Oath Keepers

Salazar backpedals: Politics stalls wilderness designation, again -

Americans Divided on Taxing the Rich to Redistribute Wealth

Some Immigrants Turn to Tea Party : Roll Call News


**Markets Video:Job Growth Takes a Big Tumble

Kissinger on China's Growing Economic Strength

iPads, iPhones Heading Off to Battle?

The Dollar Conundrum

2nd/El-Erian: Why the Fed Is Unlikely to Do QE3

Merk: Dump the Dollar

Banks Hit Roadblock to Foreclosures

GOP Top Dogs Push Obama on Debt

**World Video:Turmoil in Syria and the Regional Consequences

Countering China's Cyber Threat?

Yemen Faces Possible Civil War

Yemen on the Brink of Civil War

Yemeni Opposition Leader Talks to Al Jazeera

Zakaria: Obama 'Being Too Soft on Syria'

'Rampant Torture' in Syria

Fresh Battles Between Yemen Troops, Tribesmen

Syrian Helicopter Gunships Attack Protesters

A Regime Under Pressure In Syria

Japan Lawmakers Furious At PM Kan

Mladic Shuns 'Monstrous' Charges

Greece Bail-out Sparks Protests

Get Out of Libya, Get Out of NATO

Bernstein: Pakistan, Not Afghanistan is the Problem

2nd/Greek Aid Plan Days Away

Mitchell: Afghan, U.S. Relationship Getting Worse

Can U.S. Afford to Give Aid to Other Nations?

Syria is a Game Changer

Ajami: In Syria 'The Mask Has Fallen'

Pentagon: Cyber Attacks Now an Act of War

Signs of Gaddafi Regime Weakening

Greece Hopes To Agree On New Bailout

Street Battles In Yemeni Capital Leave 41 Dead

Mladic To Be Arraigned By UN War Crimes Court

Doctor Treated Kids From bin Laden Compound

European Food Outbreak Soars, Mystery Deepens

Francis Fukuyama: China vs. United States

Phishing Attacks Come From China?

**Politics Video:Obama At Auto Plant: Economy Hitting Bumps Even A Wrangler Can't Get Over

Huckabee Not Out Of The 2012 Race For Certain

Tom Friedman On "Jewish Apartheid" In Israel

Sen. Sherrod Brown: "Extreme" GOP Trying To Out-Do Each Other

Ingraham: GOP Field Need To Do Something Other Than Attack Obama

Robert Reich To Obama: Bring Back The WPA

O'Reilly: The Economy Takes A Turn For The Worse

Alter: Romney's Health Plan Akin To Hillary Supporting Iraq War In '08

Steele: Don't Attack Romney Too Much That He'll Be Hurt In General Cycle

Dionne: Sarah Palin Making A "Guerrilla Raid" On The East Coast

2nd/Rep. Ryan: Debt Ceiling "An Opportunity" To Control Spending

Klavan's One-State Solution: Give The Middle East To The Jews

Mitt Romney: ObamaCare Will Be Repealed

Joy Behar Of "The View": Somebody "Out To Get" Anthony Weiner

Weiner Calls Police On NY Reporter Trying To Interview Him

Bashir Responds: I Was Questioning How Palin "Deployed" The Flag

Pelosi: "Democrats Have A Good Chance Of Winning The House"

Reason Responds To Bashir: MSNBC Uses The Flag For Profit

SC Gov: Napolitano, Government Stopping State From Enforcing Immigration Law

Palin: If Romney Is Offended, I'll Skip New Hampshire

DNC Chair To Romney: If You Want To Know What Failure Is, Look In The Mirror

Herman Cain: We Don't Need To Raise The Debt Limit

Sen. Rubio: "Where Is President Obama's Plan On Medicare?"

Eugene Robinson: Romney's Top Button Doesn't Open Like Normal Shirts

Rep. Eric Cantor To Weiner: "Come Clean"

Palin Runs Into Stunning Lookalike During Massachusetts Visit

Romney Declares Candidacy: "Obama Has Failed America"

Bachmann: Pawlenty's Support Of Mandate "Will Trouble The Voters"

Weiner Tells Press: No More Questions

O'Reilly: Why The Congressman Weiner-Twitter Story Is Important

Joan Walsh Inclined To Give Weiner "Benefit Of The Doubt"

Reich: Ridiculous To Be Concerned About Debt In 5 Years Right Now

"Special Report" Panel Online On Cain, 2012, Etc.

**News Videos:Busted!

Massive Anti-Government Protests in Syria

Three Arrested for Feeding Homeless

Dr. Death: Dead

GOP Reacts to Obamanomics’ Horrible Unemployment News

Paul Begala’s Weinergate Defense: ‘Who Cares’ and ‘Consider the Source’

2ND/Creepy Eric Boehlert Assures Al Sharpton: Media Matters Will Continue Monitoring Fox News Despite Beck’s Absence

Weinergate: Congressman Tries to Frame Discussion as Protecting Innocents From ‘This Breitbart Guy’

Primetime Propaganda: Big Hollywood’s Ben Shapiro Exposes the War Against Conservatives in Hollywood, Part 2

The Stage Right Show: Guests – Ben Shapiro, Kurt Schlichter, Steven Crowder and Jon David Kahn

Jon Stewart’s ‘Daily Show’ to Crowder: We Don’t Book Conservative Pundits

Is That Breitbart in Weinergate Taiwan Animation?

Israelis Stage March Through East Jerusalem

Big Hollywood’s Ben Shapiro on Hannity’s Great American Panel

Behar: Someone’s Out to Get Weiner

‘She Just Molested Me!’ Woman’s Emotional Plea During TSA Search

Weinergate: Weiner Calls the Cops… On Reporter for Asking Questions!

Weinergate: Anthony Weiner’s Multiple Lewd Jokes in Front of Female Reporters

MSNBC Political Analyst ‘Analyzes’ How Romney Buttons His Shirt

Weinergate: GOP Rep. Cantor Urges Weiner to ‘Come Clean’

Weinergate: Congressman Jokes to Female Reporter: ‘I Was a Little Bit Stiff Yesterday’

Rep. Stearns Calls for House and FBI Investigation Into Weinergate

Malkin Chimes in on Weinergate: ‘Fess up or Shut Up’

Weinergate: Contentious Interview With Fox News’ Bret Baier

MSNBC’s O’Donnell Ridicules ‘Puritanical’ Attention Paid to Weinergate; Runs Interference for Congressman

1ST/The Stage Right Show: Late Night Conservative Talk

MSNBC’s Matthews: Breitbart Didn’t Smear Sherrod; Video Wasn’t Deceptively Edited

Talk Show Host Drops Senate Candidate On-Air For Dodging Questions About Ryan Plan

Space Shuttle Endeavor Touches Down For Last Time

Weinergate: Breitbart Tells CBS That Weiner ‘Invited This Level of Scrutiny’

Weinergate: CNN Producer Rep. Weiner Called ‘Jackass’ Says Evasion of Questions Raises Flags


YouTube - Ron Paul expects debt limit deal, but 'big trouble' ahead

YouTube - Keiser Report: Regime Change in Greece Now! (E152)

YouTube - Killer E Coli Strain In Europe "Like Nothing Ever Seen Before"

YouTube - Are Your State's Nuclear Power Plants Leaking Radiation?

GCN News The Dance of Freedom «

Ron Paul warns of 'dictatorship in Washington DC' - The Hill's Floor Action

GCN News Leaderless Resistance «

Enviro Elitists Keep America Unemployed | NetRight Daily

Documents show FCC coordinated 'Net Neutrality' effort with outside group | Conn Carroll | Nation | Washington Examiner

YouTube - Proof Freedom of the Press is Almost Dead

No “Conspiracy Theory”: Wikileaks Cable Confirms North American Union Agenda

Drudge Drives TSA Controversy To Viral Status

**GOP Establishment Attempting To Redistrict Ron Paul Out Of Office

Ron Paul: “Barack Obama and the big government crowd are destroying our economy”

Stop violating UN resolution or lose Moscow’s trust! – Lavrov to NATO

Iran not a nuclear threat, says Pulitzer Prize winning journalist

Libya Onslaught: ‘You can’t impose democracy by bombing civilians’

Iran vows crushing response if attacked

Unemployment During the Great Depression Has Been Overstated and Current Unemployment Understated (We’ve Now Got Depression-Level Unemployment)

Military Escalation: “Phase Two” of the War on Libya

Cluster Busted: The Banks behind banned ‘killer bombs’ in Libya?

Treasury Continues To Dip Into Retirement Accounts, Prepares To “Take Out” $66 Billion Chunk To Make Room For New Bond Issuance

The Public Banking Movement Comes of Age

Goldman Gets Subpoena From Manhattan DA

Did The Fed Just Give The Green Light To Sell The Stock Market?

Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

Obama Nominee: Redistribute Wealth To Keep Poor From Cutting Trees

Everything is OK in Hyde Park (Speakers Corner)


YouTube - The Eugenicist Mindset of The Global Elite Who Run Our Lives - Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - The Eugenicist Mindset of The Global Elite Who Run Our Lives - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - The Eugenicist Mindset of The Global Elite Who Run Our Lives - Alex Jones Tv 3/3


YouTube - We're Under Psychological Warfare Attack - Alex Jones 1/2

YouTube - We're Under Psychological Warfare Attack - Alex Jones 2/2


» Following Pentagon’s Lead, NATO Says It Will Respond to Hacker Threats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Spirit of Thomas Jefferson Lives in Nullification Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Embedding YouTube Videos May Soon Be a Felony Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Catherine Austin Fitts: The Political Move to Cut Retirees Payments Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul: We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» France stands with Spain in Solidarity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Robert Gates: Congressional moves on Libya 'dangerous' - Mike Allen -

Longer Libyan Commitment Sets Up Showdown With Congress -

Why "security" keeps winning out over privacy - War Room -

» Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama Breaks More Promises Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland security deploys mind-reading hardware - Nail the perp while he thinks of the crime | TechEye

In shift, feds target top execs for health fraud - BusinessWeek

Bruce Fein: McCain Dethrones the Rule of Law

Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue' - Telegraph


June 2, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report- 2 June 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, June, 02, 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-02, Thursday

06/02 The Mark Levin Show

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-2-11

The Michael Savage Show 06/02/2011

Jesse Lee Peterson Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Redding News Reveiw

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3


*The Green Agenda/

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