A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 June 2011


**Archives:Sunday, June 27, 2004 Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate


YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 1/3

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 2/3

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 3/3

YouTube - Wayne Madsen Special Report: Goldman Sachs Stole 1.3 Billion from Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund 1/2

YouTube - Wayne Madsen Special Report: Goldman Sachs Stole 1.3 Billion from Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund 2/2

» EPA On Radiation Alert As Fires Reach 50 Feet From Los Alamos Nuke Plant Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Final Showdown For TSA Groping Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fire Threatens Plutonium and Uranium Release at Los Alamos National Laboratory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Ron Paul: Obama’s Libya War Power Grab Impeachable Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Ron Paul: People Are Finally Waking Up To The Tyranny Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+3 Part/ Alex Expounds on The Dangers of Bisphenol-A, Including Sterility & Gender Bending Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Alex Jones Exposes International Criminal Court Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Charges dismissed against woman arrested while videotaping traffic stop from her front yard | The Raw Story

» The Bank Of America Non-Settlement “Settlement” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Towns Near N.M. Fire, Nuclear Lab Wary of Radioactive Smoke -

Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search | mother, search, adult - The News Herald

TSA defends removing adult's diaper for pat down - CBS News

TSA: Officers 'did not' make 95-year-old Florida mother with leukemia remove adult diaper

» Health Alert: 32% of Organic Produce Contains Rocket Fuel Chemical Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Test-tube burger coming soon: Lab-grown meat 'needed to feed the world' | Mail Online

* Monsanto trying to take over world seed supply, nation by nation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ Gerald Celente & Max Keiser – IMF At A Glance (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gold Rises As Greek Parliament Approves Austerity Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mayor Bloomberg Urges Gay Couples to Migrate to New York Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

PICKET: Anti-war left steps up against Obama - Washington Times

South China Sea sovereignty ‘indisputable’: China | The Raw Story

» Arab Spring Brings Corporate Locust Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

'World economy at stake' in Greek austerity vote

Meet The IMF's New Leader, Christine Lagarde : NPR

» Can The Fed Stop Quantitative Easing? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Activist Post: Europe challenge needs strong IMF leader: US

Federal Reserve Secrets and Lies | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog » Greece: Possibility of a Military Coup?

Greece could face military coup says Steven Cordell - Citywire

» Banging the Drums of War: Iran and the Neo-cons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Harold Koh, Top Obama Lawyer, Defends Libya Operation Over Congress' War Powers Objections

Afghan central banker resigns, fears for life - Yahoo! News

Dog DNA used to catch pooper-scooper scofflaws - Crimesider - CBS News

Maryland Adds Environmental Literacy in High Schools -

Activist Post: US Supreme Court to hear warrantless GPS case - Page Not Found

Chemical in plastic containers makes male mice act like females | The Raw Story

USDA and Corporate Agribusiness Continue to Push Animal ID Scheme | Cornucopia Institute

Google predicts U.S. will miss up to $3.2 trillion in GDP growth if green tech isn’t encouraged | The Raw Story

How anything you've EVER said on the internet could be seen by employers as government approves Social Intelligence Corp | Mail Online

BBC News - Microsoft launches Office in the cloud

Felony Penalties Proposed for "Illegal Streaming": Senate Bill 978 | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Kids Own Up To Ownership - Science News

Dominique Baettig demands Parliamentary Investigation Commission on Bilderberg Conference | We Are Change

Obama Administration Fires ATF Whistleblower - 'Fast And Furious' - Fox Nation

Nation & World | Huge border costs yielding mixed results | Seattle Times Newspaper

$90 billion hasn't secured border | The Columbus Dispatch

Ayatollah Turns the Terrorism Tables - Truthdig

"Rescue Me" Star Daniel Sunjata Joins 9/11 Protest March |

» Conspiracy Theory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paul forecasts 'important' message for Iowa straw poll

Los Alamos Fire: EPA Testing for Radiation - ABC News

Activist Post: Protective flood berm collapses at Ft Calhoun nuclear plant; KSU has radioactive leak

Debt-limit delay would jeopardize Social Security payments -

UPDATE 3-Los Alamos scurries to protect nuclear lab from fire | Reuters

Radioactive water leaks from Japan's damaged plant | Reuters

Action 3 News Video - Action 3 News - Omaha, Ne - Flash Player Installation

OPPD Officials Insist Nuke Plant Secure From Flood - Missouri River Flooding Extended Coverage News Story - KETV Omaha

Iceland Declares Independence from International Banks : Information Clearing House: ICH

YouTube - Christine Lagarde to head the IMF

Feds buying up farmland they flooded; Soros in on it | Food Freedom

Action Alert: FDA Releases Draft Guidance on Nanotechnology | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA - Asian Women Want Feminized Men

Vaccines as ‘Cluster Bombs’ | COTO Report

National Aquarium Director Faults Gulf Damage Assessment - Jeff McMahon - The Ingenuity of the Commons - Forbes

Fearful Afghan Central Banker Quits Post -

Napolitano defends ICE immigration memo | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Asian 'megapest' is chomping up US orchards - Yahoo! News

Jewish man Hasidic Simchon Schwartz charged with hate crime on Turkish neighbour | Mail Online

Case dismissed against woman arrested while videotaping police |

IEA Oil Dump A Disaster In The Making

Revolutionary Politics : Is US fighting a war in Libya?

Revolutionary Politics : Greece Protesters Riot Over NWO Take-Over Austarity Measures Tax Increases

Revolutionary Politics : As Long As A Dam Doesn't Break Upstream Everything Should Be Fine If One Fails All Bets Are Off!

YouTube - The Media As The Handmaiden Of War

Arab Spring brings Corporate Locusts Egypt's next step to "freedom

The science is settled: US liberals really are the dumbest creatures on the planet – Telegraph Blogs

Greenpeace and the IPCC: time, surely, for a Climate Masada? – Telegraph Blogs

Does Mitt Romney prefer dog-poop yogurt? – Telegraph Blogs

Frogs, scorpions, greens, lies… – Telegraph Blogs

little-house-secrets-great-plains-reuters: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance


YouTube - Who Is Our Government Serving! Us Or Global Elites?

Fukushima to Fort Calhoun: Radiation threat, data manipulation - National Human Rights |

Chemtrails are REAL – Mainstream Radio Show Covers Geo Engineering Of Our Skies! :

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Underwater- References of 10 Mile Mandatory Evacuation Area Scrubbed From News Sites

Eric Cantor is "invested in a fund that will skyrocket if there's a default" - 12160

White House to declare debt ceiling unconstitutional? - 12160

Athens Burns In Riots Just Hours Ahead Of Crucial Banker Bailout And Austerity Measures Vote

AR-15 Left Sitting On Trunk of Seattle Police Car | Slog

Cops investigate rifle left on back of squad car -

US Could Be Forced To Sell Sovereign Assets To China To Pay Off Over $100 Trillion In National Debt

FOX-35 TV News interviews Veterans For Peace on Afghan War - 12160

YouTube - Malaysia calls for Israeli leaders to be prosecuted for war crimes

YouTube - Greece Barricades: 'We don't owe! We don't sell! We don't pay!'

YouTube - Athens War Zone: Latest dramatic footage of Syntagma square riots

Activist Post: Bankers vs. People

World Bank to take stock as Egypt scraps IMF loan | Reuters

Activist Post: Will the Revolution Begin in London?

Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan wars: US cost is $3.7trillion and up to 258k lives | Mail Online

Google reveal that the UK Government lead the world in internet snooping | Mail Online

YouTube - Bailout Battlefield: Greeks fight against foreign fiscal take-over

A Brave New Zionist World | Real Zionist News

Did Mossad sabotage Russian plane? | Opinion Maker

Traders were dumping oil before IEA release of reserves - Telegraph

Five biggest threats to the US economy - Telegraph

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Leaders Accused of Billion Dollar Gold Theft

2011 MD misses Earth: Asteroid hurtles within 7,600 miles of Earth | Mail Online

U.S-China Governors Forum: Not All Sweetness & Harmony

China told to reduce food production or face 'dire' water levels | Environment | The Guardian

The Arc Manche: It's Rumpy Pumpy's Flying Circus! | Mail Online

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Nabih Saleh Clownistan!

China rebukes Cameron for pointing the finger over human rights abuses | World news | The Guardian

North Korea shuts down universities for 10 months - Telegraph

Is the internet bringing out your dark side? How technology is changing our personalities - for the worse | Mail Online

Google forced to change privacy practices after report the search giant publicises the home addresses of wi-fi users | Mail Online

Google report reveals British government web snooping - Telegraph

University reforms: 'dead-end' courses to be named and shamed | Education |

Tony 'Available' Blair: if nominated I will run, if elected I will serve – Telegraph Blogs

Chris Malloy hoverbike: Helicopter pilot invents world's 1st flying motorbike in his garage | Mail Online

Three hours in the sun a day 'can halve breast cancer risk' | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Calcium supplements ‘halve the danger of skin disease’

Indians pay surgeons to turn girls into boys - Telegraph

Update On The Sudden Death Of Obama’s Sister Lia Soetoro: Information From The Consulate General Of The Republic Of Indonesia. « Political Vel Craft

Nuclear reactor life spans get extended - US news - Environment -

Articles: The Purposeful Flooding of America's Heartland

AP IMPACT: Populations around US nuke plants soar - Yahoo! News

Ann Barnhardt: DOUBLE RED ALERT (Soros buying up farmland)

Army Corps offer to buy submerged farm land explained. « The Radio Patriot

Frankenpot – Marijuana gone GMO! | Farm Wars - World Banksters Prey on African Wildlife

Gonzalo Lira: “Dream A Little Dream”: How Long Would It Take To Pay Off The U.S. Federal Government Debt?

Billionaire George Soros Trying To Stack the Courts, Critics Say -

Special Comment: Why Petraeus is Wrong (and Stupid) on Torture

WARRIOR TALK NEWS - The Flash Mob Attack - How To Defend?

Revolutionary Politics : Bernie Sanders "Military Budget Has Tripled Since 1997!"

Revolutionary Politics : Jim Rogers: Europe will have to love China like never before

Ron Paul On War, Liberty, Bailouts & The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Video: Mitt Romney Loves The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Bernie Sanders Tells Obama, 'We Will Not Balance the Budget on the Backs of Working Families' | The Nation


YouTube - Greek leader 'dead man walking', Greek bailout 'collective punishment'

YouTube - More video of Greek riots, 18 detained, 4 police injured

YouTube - 'Athens police worse than anything we've seen before'

Lone Star Watchdog: Who Will Step Forward With Articles of Impeachment Against Obama?

The Intercept: Is Eric Holder above the law?

May 2011: Globe Warms, But U.S. Cools | Global Warming & Weather Records | LiveScience

Tests to resolve mystery Glastonbury death of David Cameron's friend Christopher Shale - Telegraph

Obama NY Fundraiser With Hedge Fund Bigwigs - $35,000 Per Plate, Pentagon Installed Chinese Microchips Made To Disarm U.S. Missiles, Among The Costs Of War Are $20B For Air Conditioning, Lagarde Selected As IMF Chief(15 LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - Israel claims Flotilla carries chemical weapons

Activist Post: CFR Hails Thai WikiLeaks Dump

Activist Post: Does Our Brain Really Create Consciousness?

Threats Of Nuclear Disasters Across US As 1 Sievert/Hour Water Found Leaking From Fukushima

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 1/3

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 2/3

YouTube - New Documents Prove TSA "Mischaracterized" Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners 3/3

*Ron Paul On 2012: Establishment, Media Unable To Exclude Me This Time Around

*Ron Paul on C-SPAN: In Depth Interview, the Road to the White House

+Ron Paul Reality Check: Should America Sell Fort Knox's Gold? - Yahoo! News

+Ron Paul’s Anti-Fed Message Drives 2012 White House Bid Gaining Respect - Bloomberg

RomneyCare Brings High Healthcare Costs, Calls for Price Controls

Report: Obama Films Campaign Ad In White House, Possibly Violating FEC Laws?

Report: Obama Films Campaign Ad In White House, Violating FEC Laws | RealClearPolitics

The Political Use of the White House ‘Just Got More Interesting’ - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Weekly Address: Winning the Future through American Innovation | The White House

+Monsanto trying to take over world seed supply, nation by nation

Roundup: Birth Defects Caused By World's Top-Selling Weedkiller, Scientists Say


*1:49:01/YouTube - The World According To Monsanto - FULL LENGTH


- New Study: Fluoride Can Damage the Brain – Avoid Use in Children

Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie

Bill Gates, Monsanto hijack ‘humanitarian aid’ efforts to push GMO agenda - Genetically Engineered Rice is a Trojan Horse: Misled by Bill Gates and Monsanto

Coming to a Store Near You: Radioactive Fish?

Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products

+Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil a great insect killer -

The true story of SV40, the cancer-causing virus hidden in polio vaccines

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' | Science | The Guardian

AFP: Iran secretly tested 'nuclear-capable missiles'

A World Overwhelmed By Western Hypocrisy

U.S. cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | The Raw Story

Austerity Riots – A Glimpse Of America’s Future?

Kabul attack: Nato kills Taliban squad members who launched suicide assault | World news | The Guardian

Congressman Kucinich to visit Syria, Lebanon | The Raw Story

AFP: Iran fires medium-range missile in war game

TSA “respectful and sensitive”?! My granny panties!

Occupational Therapy: The Psychosis of Exceptionalism

Welcome To The Recession: Manufacturing Surveys Imply US Economy Has Entered The Second Month Of A (Re)Recession

Jared Lee Loughner to be forcibly medicated by prison officials | The Raw Story

New Orleans police on trial for post-Katrina killings | The Raw Story

New Laws in Several States Restrict Later-Term Abortions -

Britain: Police Break Into Homes; Lecture People About Burglary Risks

Smart Meters: We can monitor everything you do in your home (Video)

Al Qaeda Threat Highlighted In National Gun Control Ad Campaign

Louisiana Supreme Court Allows Vehicle Searches on a Hunch - French woman sues Opus Dei, claims brainwashing - News Corp. on verge of Myspace sale - FBI Issues Bull Shit Alert Stating That Al-Qaeda Is Thinking About A July 4th Terror Attack - Hackers take down a second time - Microsoft patent application opens door to spying on Skype - TSA 'ignored warnings' on cancer cluster - More Proof Of Alex Jones Insanity

Ex-Citigroup VP Gary Foster arrested in $19 million fraud - Jun. 27, 2011

Evolution machine: Genetic engineering on fast forward - life - 27 June 2011 - New Scientist

50 U.S. Health Care Statistics That Will Absolutely Astonish You -

Odd Letter From Corps Upsets Property Owners - Kansas City News Story - KMBC Kansas City

Feds buying up farmland they flooded; Soros in on it -

KKR to Buy Top Web Hosting / Domain Reg. “Go Daddy”- But who is KKR? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

:: Cook County Treasurer's Office - Chicago, Illinois ::

Seven Killed In Taliban Attack On Kabul Hotel

Senators Quiz McRaven For Top Special Operations Slot

Army North exercise & DOD's response forces

Russia test fires Bulava missile after 8-month break

Iran capable of making missiles with over 2,000 km range

China Hosts Alleged War Criminal Bashir

US Army & Persistent Threat Detection Systems

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

Kurzweil: A Future of Humans Merged With Machines (video)

The first advertising campaign for non-human primates - life - 27 June 2011 - New Scientist

Researchers discover source for generating 'green' electricity

Turning heat to electricity - MIT News Office

A Sound Way To Turn Heat Into Electricity

Local News | Seattle Times special report: Twisted ethics of an expert witness | Seattle Times Newspaper

Paramount Cease and Desist Targets 3D Printer ‘Pirate’ | TorrentFreak

Steve Jobs Tells City Sopranos No! - informationliberation

Hornberger's Blog - Paternalism and the Drug War

The King's Censors - informationliberation

LulzSec releases law enforcement intelligence reports on U.S. Anarchists | The Informant

Al Gore's War on Children | Ayn Rand, Objectivism, and Individualism | The Atlas Society

How Low Has MySpace Sunk? It's About To Be Sold For Less Than $30 Million | Techdirt

Idolizing Absolute Power: The Pro-Assassination Crowd by James Bovard

The American Police State is the 'New Normal' - Yahoo! News

Pat Robertson warns God will destroy America over same sex marriage | Raw Replay



Cemetery of giant creatures found in Central Africa - English

China's first precious metal exchange opens

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Jun 28, 2011 - South China Sea disputes could lead to war in Asia: think tank

Feds find fix was in on 'study' of homosexuality in ranks

Jon Christian Ryter -- The Department of Education's S.W.A.T. Team

Creativity, evolution of mind and the "vertigo of freedom" | Hybrid Reality | Big Think

Chris Malloy hoverbike: Helicopter pilot invents world's 1st flying motorbike in his garage | Mail Online

Timothy N. Baldwin -- Where Are the Protectors of Montana’s People?

AFP: Iran secretly tested 'nuclear-capable missiles'

Election 2012: Generic Presidential Ballot - Rasmussen Reports™

North Korea shuts down universities for 10 months - Telegraph

Obama pushing behind scenes to win over big-dollar donors - The Washington Post

President Hosted Unscheduled ‘DNC Event’ at White House, Visitor Logs Reveal |

Obama Political Campaign Filmed Two Videos of President in the White House |

Obama To Vacation On The Vineyard

Contimated DNA on blade of knife and clasp of bra strap in Amanda Knox murder case in Perugia, Italy. -

Man has heart attack in Maine heart disease class | The Associated Press | News | Washington Examiner

Inside the Fed’s Vault: $1 Billion Worth of Unused Coins | Moneyland |

Radio makes Britons happier than TV and web - Telegraph

CLQ11.NYM: Summary for Crude Oil Aug 11- Yahoo! Finance

Woman Believes Beach Violence Covered Up | NBC Chicago

911 tapes reveal fights on North Avenue Beach before the beach was shutdown by police on Memorial Day |

Teens in a mob assault and rob Center City patrons | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/29/2011

Lennon was a closet Republican: Assistant | World | News | Toronto Sun

Must 'tackle spending' in the tax code: Obama - MarketWatch

How the demise of a trusted adviser could bring down Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Trials of 'super WiFi' that uses white space between TV channels to begin in Cambridge | Mail Online

Cuba airs new photos of convalescing Hugo Chavez - Yahoo! News

Alec Baldwin | Michele Bachmann | Inarticulate | The Daily Caller

Sarah Palin says celebrity critics are 'full of hate' | Film |

Baby Brody Curtis born without any SKIN | Mail Online

+How Should Government Treat Energy Producers? by Ron Paul

Say Goodbye to Los Angeles by Patrick J. Buchanan

Will Bulger's Arrest Uncover More FBI Corruption?

Don’t forget to come clean: file your FBAR by June 30th | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Can the Fed Stop Quantitative Easing? by Paul Craig Roberts

Does Sunlight Prevent Myopia? | Mark's Daily Apple

Obama Political Campaign Filmed Two Videos of President in the White House

Clinton: Meeting With 'Sex Workers' is 'People-to-People Diplomacy at Its Best'

Question for Napolitano: Should Drunk Driving Disqualify Illegals for Amnesty?

Lieberman: Medicare Will Go Broke and ‘Take Our Government Down With It’

Militants Attack Hotel in Kabul As U.S. Officials Discuss Reconciliation With Taliban

Hezbollah Activity In Venezuela Limited To Fundraising, Says State Department Official

Durbin Concedes Ten Commandments is Perfect Law--While Pushing Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Brent Bozell: Jon Stewart Distorts the Facts on Fox

Terry Jeffrey: Next Step, Persecuting Churches?

African Leaders Discuss the Future of One Dictator While Hosted by Another

Veterans' Cemetery in Houston Accused of Censoring Religious Speech

New Mexico Wildfire Threatens Nation's Leading Nuclear Weapons Lab

Congressman to CBS: Obama Has a 'Socialistic Agenda'

Michelle Malkin: AmeriCorps' Favorite Scandal-Plagued Mayor

Pro-Obama Group Launches Ad Campaign Accusing GOP of Undermining Economy

Obama Holding News Conference Wednesday Morning

Lawmakers Make Another Run at Immigration Bill

Obama 2012 Campaign to Go Beyond Email, Text

Bachmann Says Democrats Are Using 'Scare Tactics' on the Debt

GE Extends Olympic Sponsorship Through 2020

Judge Orders Charlie Sheen’s Wages Docked for Child Support

Myanmar Deports Actress Who Plays Pro-Democracy Leader Aung San Suu Kyi

Influx of Militants Fuels Violence in Northern Afghanistan

Mexico's President Feels 'Misunderstood' in Drug War

Pope Tweets for the First Time

Texas' Perry, with Eye on 2012, Makes California Swing

Special Operations Forces Under Stress, Commander Says

Animal Welfare Group Pressing Grocers to Stop Buying Pork from Iowa Pig Farm

Boeing Labor Dispute Turns Into Headache for Obama

Wal-Mart Stores Cutting Gas Prices for 3 Months

Hearing for 2 Man Accused of Seattle Terror Plot

Tenant: Stench Arrived after Alleged Serial Killer

Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes card-check legislation for farmworkers

Postal Service spent thousands on pro sports tickets, auditors say

HHS cancels 'mystery shopper' proposal

Lawmakers say modern warfare has dated the War Powers Resolution

Federal judge orders U.S. to better protect 40 endangered species

Two senators: Medicare age should rise to 67

EPA approves E15 fuel label despite engine risk

Tom Petty not pleased with Michele Bachmann’s use of ‘American Girl’

In N.H. visit, Bachmann praises moratorium on US income tax

Dems fault Obama for not using bully pulpit in debt negotiations

Jewish Dems losing faith in President Obama

Napolitano: Solution to immigrant crisis is reform, not deportations

Dream Act backers identify themselves despite deportation risk

30 illegal immigrants rescued from Arizona desert

Obama Troop Cuts Went Beyond Largest Withdrawal Offered By Top General

Student scores to be key factor in teacher evaluations

DEA Now Monitoring Krokodil, a Deadly Morphine Derivative

Watchdog Sues Pentagon for Records on Obama Entourage's 2009 Copenhagen Trip

Rep. Kucinich's Syria visit raises eyebrows

Ethics watchdog calls for FBI to investigate Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Calif.)

Senate approves Cole as Holder’s top Justice deputy

Rookie Ron Johnson threatens to tie up Senate

Police: Flier impersonated U.S. soldier to win airline upgrade

Embryonic stem cell bill gets Republican champion

Doctors offer unapproved stem cell therapies

Report: FBI launches Arlington Cemetery probe

Grassley: 'Debt We're Leaving Our Children Is Morally Wrong'

Glenn Beck’s Wife Attacked in NYC Park

Tea Party Leader: Simplify the Tax Code

Obama: America Needs to 'Up Its Game'

Christie Signs Bill Reining in Employee Benefits

NH Poll: Bachmann Grabs Number Two Spot

Jewish Democrats Feud Over Obama

Herman Cain Gets Deal for Memoir

Sen. Durbin: 'Disaster' May Ensue If Ceiling Stays

Quinnipiac: NY Catholics, Republicans Like Cuomo

Boehner: US Won't Default, Despite Alarm

Rove: Obama Shirks Presidential Duties

Gingrich: Tax Increase Is 'Socialist Economics'

Kucinich Praises Dictator Assad in 'Mistranslation'

Palin: No Decision About Presidential Bid

Cuomo's Gay Marriage Win Sparks Presidential Talk

UK: Iran Conducted Secret Missile Tests

Images Show Chavez on His Feet after Cuba Surgery

Geithner: Prioritizing Debt Payments Won't Work

Now Serving: 5 Surprising Summer Salad Additions

Can the Internet Help You Shed Pounds?

Does Vitamin D Reduce Melanoma Risk?

Tax Increases Will Not Spur Growth

Obama, Listen to Andrew Cuomo

Elitists Treat Bachmann the Same as Palin

Pope Pius XII Did Indeed Protect Wartime Jews

Obama Changes His Tune on Oil

The Rise of the Independent Voter

The Coming Destruction of U.S. Pensions | Before It's News

Pictures: Ancient "Solar Boat" Unearthed at Pyramids

Ancient "Solar Boat" Unearthed At Pyramids | Before It's News

Immigration Leader: “Obama Has Committed a Form of Treason,” Impeach Him! | Before It's News

Video: The Obama Legacy | Before It's News

The Screaming Fundamentals For Owning Gold And Silver | Before It's News

Muslim Brotherhood leader and former spokesman in the West calls for establishment of a global Islamic state | Before It's News

NAZI WWII Engineers Design UFOs For USAF! | Before It's News

Fidget Your Way To Fitness With Incidental Physical Activities | Before It's News

Caveman Cuisine: Chocolate Coconut Oil | Before It's News

15 Alarming Facts About Eating Disorders in College | Before It's News

Common Sense Tips for Applying for a Job Online | Before It's News

How To Protect Your Home From Wildfires | Before It's News

The Enemy of Survival - Fatigue | Before It's News

9/11 Launch of ‘The Audacity of The Infidel’ | Before It's News

The 5 Steps of How The Fictitious 9/11 Story Was Implanted Into The Public Consciousness | Before It's News

Oxygen Mysteries In The Solar Wind | Before It's News

Found: Martian Red Blood Cells Just Like Humans. | Before It's News

Wake-up America!... | Before It's News

Bottled Water Left In Car Extremely Dangerous- Cancer | Before It's News

Giant UFO Cube Orbiting Earth's Sun Discovered In NASA PHOTOS!!! The Borg? | Before It's News

'Aliens Will Be Found By 2031' | Before It's News

Possible DROID Bionic Snapped By Mr. Blurrycam. | Before It's News

Google Premiers Social Network | Before It's News

Top Russian scientist claims humans will meet aliens by 2031 | Before It's News

*The Alex Jones Show – June 28th, 2011

4 Parts:Max Igan – Red Ice Radio Interview part 2 |

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 28th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 28th, 2011

YouTube - 6/27/11 Ron Paul's audit of gold too expensive?

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 27th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’

*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – June 26th, 2011

YouTube - Gerald Celente : The Regular Guys Show -- Atlanta, GA Rock - 22 June 2011

+Rich Dad Advisors Discuss Food Storage for the coming 2012 Depression |

*2 Parts:Wayne Madsen Special Report: Goldman Sachs Stole 1.3 Billion from Libyan Sovereign Wealth Fund |

+Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 6/27/11: Tax Credits for Energy Market, Not Subsidies and Regulations |

3 Parts/Ron Paul on C-SPAN: In Depth Interview, the Road to the White House |

Alex Jones On RT: Gaddafi Arrest Warrant & G20 Police Provocateurs |

3 Parts/Dr. Webster Tarpley Reports from Tripoli: Devastation at The Hands of NATO & Obama Continues |


+Radiation News 6-28-11 |

+Radiation News – 6-27-11 |


YouTube - Internet crackdown_ FBI raids data facility -at night - Dangerous Pattern

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for martial law

Bachmann says she has the 'spirit' of John Wayne... Gacy

Morning Joe: Media Bias Is Always That Republicans Are Stupid. Just Don't Mention Bush, Palin, or Limbaugh

Blagojevich: 'Frankly, I'm stunned'

Chris Christie Thinks Parenting Question Isn't Constituent's Business, But He'll Answer Morning Joe. O'Donnell Wonders Why

What Does America Stand For?

Despite Pleas From Advocacy Organizations, White House Cuts Likely To Affect Spending That Helps The Poor

More lunacy from Michele Bachmann as she believes John Quincy Adams was a Founding Father

Why greed is bad (and inequality, too!)

Another Hannity Job: Cued-up Obama clips provide Bachmann all the cover she needs to toss off 'John Wayne' gaffe

Ted Nugent and Sherrif Joe Arpaio meet for Dinner to Heart each other

What's The Matter With Florida?

The Will to Fight in Debt Ceiling Drama

Another Round in the Bank Wars

Sen. Harkin: Army Corps Manual Needs To Be Revised For Climate Change Effects

Michele Bachmann's Praise of John Wayne and Why Our Corporate Media Will Never Say Why It's Really Ridiculous

Tom Petty reportedly issuing cease and desist letter to Bachmann

Bernie Sanders on Shared Sacrifice

Natural Love And New York

Turning victims into perpetrators: Right-wingers defend Prosser's chokehold by claiming assaulted colleague was the aggressor

Isikoff: Bachmann's husband got $137,000 in Medicaid funds

Are You Morally Obliged to Pay Your Mortgage?

China's Moves on Cuba Need to Be Stopped

The Dollar as the World Reserve Currency: Voice of a Contrarian

Debbie Schlussel:John Lennon’s Alleged “Closet Republicanism” Is Irrelevant to His Public War on America

Debbie Schlussel:With Career in Toilet, Homeland Security Approached Hezbollah Skank as “Bridge” To Middle East

Debbie Schlussel:Porous Borders, Moronic Neighbors Helped Whitey Bulger, Islamic Terrorists

Debbie Schlussel:She’s BAAACK: Bush ICE Princess Cashes In on Ignoring Illegal Alien Probs; Chipotle Raises Prices to Pay Her

Obama’s ineligibility: Proof that Congress is lying

Mad Media and Jewish Dogs

Who Da Flake? Obama Da Flake…

No Child Left Inside Act, Agenda 21 in the classroom

China’s Coal to Liquids Program Not Allowed in the United States

New EPA Label for E-15 Will Likely Not Be Seen Anytime Soon in Oklahoma

Part II: Taxpayer Friendly Platform

Agenda 21′s Fearless Leader Hates America

Saving the planet will destroy the economy

United Nations Praises Terrorist-Sponsoring Iran

The ACORN Useful Idiot Club welcomes Peter Hart of “FAIR”

A Diet for Government

Eviscerating Christianity: On Hell and Exclusivity of Christ

Israel and the west in the cross hairs

Judicial Watch Sues Department of Justice for Documents Detailing Decision Not to Prosecute Islamic

ICE agents slam Obama immigration policy

Victim of Weathermen Underground and Obama pal runs for mayor in Yonkers, NY

Is Obama Making His Next Career Move?

The Un-American American President

Iraq and the Misnamed 'Arab Spring'

Robert Gates' Disastrous Tenure at DoD

Unreasonable Judge, Unreasonable Ruling

More on Wisconsin Supreme Court Prosser-Bradley confrontation

Obama's Afghan troop withdrawal not among options presented by his generals

Historian Timothy Meagher thinks Obama too smart for the American people

Kucinich says Syrian press 'mistranslated' his effusive praise of Assad

TSA cancer danger coverup?

Hamas Rejects German Swap Proposal for Schalit

Erdogan: Imprisoning Turkish Generals -- and Ending Secularism

Israeli Defeatism In The Flesh

Fast and Furious Fiasco: Time to Abolish the ATF

Doctors' Loss of Moral Agency

Anxiety and Absurdity in the State of Israel

Economic Slavery: Modern-Day Indentured Servitude

The real face of fame: Stars caught without makeup

Russia convicts colonel of exposing US spy ring - Yahoo! News

Poll Numbers Continue Alarming Trend for Obama « Commentary Magazine

Police Report: All Assault Rapists in Oslo Follow Muhammad - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Towns Near N.M. Fire, Nuclear Lab Wary of Radioactive Smoke -

Senior Leader of Al Qaeda Group Captured While Dressed as Woman -

Mainstream media covers up horrifying Obama mistake | Michael Barone | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Officials: Hotel Gunmen Tied to Pakistan-Based Insurgent Group Allied With Taliban -

Top 10 Pros and Cons - Prostitution -

Egypt: Egypt's pro-democracy activists feel their grip slipping -

'Egyptian curricula states Jews, Christian... JPost - Middle East

Dems Push Ahead With DREAM Act, as ICE Offers New Guidelines for Illegal Immigrant Cases -

Michelle Obama¿s ¿goodwill tour¿ of Africa cost taxpayers up to $800,000 | Mail Online

Girls as young as ONE 'forced to have sex change operations in India' | Mail Online

Laogai Museum in D.C. focuses on human rights abuses in China - The Washington Post

Schoolgirl sisters aged 14 and 15 'scoured internet for 'easy' ways to kill grandfather and get their inheritance early' | Mail Online

The real face of fame: Stars caught without makeup

Is The V.A. Censoring ‘God’ Out of Funeral Prayers At Houston Cemetery? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Southern Baptists Fall Prey to Elaborate Gay Marriage Hoax | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Palin Taken Aback at the Hate in Her Documentary’s Opening | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

S.C. Teen Brutally Beaten by Mob Speaks Out: ‘I Don’t Know About Forgiveness’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Should Abortion Be Illegal Once a Heartbeat Is Detectable? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ Author: I’m Preparing for Economic Collapse | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is the Pledge of Allegiance ‘Divisive?’ Some Politicians in Oregon Think So | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Texas TV Reporter Apologizes For Smoking On-Air…While Covering Oil Fire | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did Keith Olbermann Insinuate Michele Bachmann Is a Pig? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Women Arrested for Recording Police from Front Yard Plans to Sue Rochester P.D. | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Here’s Hugo! Images Show Chavez on His Feet With Castro After Surgery in Cuba | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

National Gun Control Group Uses Al Qaeda Threat to Push For Stricter Firearm Regulation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Tossed for the Truth? ATF Fires ‘Project Gunrunner’ Whistleblower | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Nevada Principal Under Fire for Giving Graduati - Flash Player Installation

Caliphate Convention Set to Take the Netherlands by Storm | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Media Matters Celebrates Glenn Beck‘s Finale Show with ’Victory’ Party | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

NATO Choppers Kill Three Gunmen on Kabul Hotel Rooftop | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bin Laden’s Death Inspires Southeast Asian Al Qaeda Devotees to Fight Against the West | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Heartland’s Financial Distress Dictatorship: Decaying Michigan Town on Verge of ‘Democratic Collapse’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Prominent Egyptian Preacher: Islam Prefers Strong, Immoral Men | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann’s Former Chief-of-Staff: She‘s ’Not Seasoned and Ready to Lead’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pawlenty Slams Obama on ‘Anti-Israel Attitude’: ‘He Thinks Israel Is the Problem’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

UN Chief Actually Applauds Iranian Counterterrorism Conference Bashing US, UK, & ‘Israeli Regime’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Update: Bachmann Discusses Misspeaking in Iowa – ‘I Wish I Could be Perfect’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

On ‘Hannity’, Bachmann Now Accepts Wallace‘s ’Flake’ Apology | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Reports: Suicide Bombers, Gunmen Attack Kabul’s Intercontinental Hotel | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Tajikistan Gov’t Plans to Ban Child Participation in Church, Religious Activities | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze


A look inside Blagojevich jury box -

Airline Ad Plays Off Blagojevich Conviction in Promoting 'F-ing Golden' Low Fares -

Rod Blagojevich Guilty | Betty Loren-Maltese: Blago in for a ‘Shell Shock’ in Prison

How many years he gets may determine the prison where Blagojevich will serve his time - Chicago Sun-Times

Blagojevich tragedy not as alien as we might like - Chicago Sun-Times

Blagojevich, Trump Show Politics and Reality TV Don't Mix - Susan Milligan (

His Own Worst Enemy: Why Rod Blagojevich Should Expect a Stiff Sentence - WNYC

Lone ‘gentleman’ juror doesn’t feel sorry for Rod Blagojevich - Chicago Sun-Times

Blago Conviction Could Mean Jesse Jackson, Jr. Probe

Blagojevich Verdict: Gag order and gray areas: What the verdict means for Blagojevich and Illinois - WGN

Jurors suspect Rod Blagojevich was tailoring testimony to them - Chicago Sun-Times

YouTube - Guilty - man who tried to sell Obama's seat


Clinton hosting jobs summit in Chicago -

Emanuel: 625 city worker layoffs if union won’t accept reforms - Chicago Sun-Times

U.S. urges new rules after firefighter's fatal fall -

Wrigley rooftop businesses fail health inspections - Chicago Tribune

Wrigley Rooftops Violations: Several Rooftop Venues Outside Wrigley Field Failed A City Health Inspection - WGN

Chicago man gets 45 years for carjacking death -

NEA sends $2 million-plus to Chicago | WBEZ

Dozens of cats found in Cicero home euthanized - Chicago Tribune

Lura Lynn’s last moments with husband, former Gov. George Ryan –


German vampire killer drank blood and ate flesh of his two victims BEFORE killing them | Mail Online

Boynton Beach landlord sets man on fire over late rent -

Man arrested for trying to have sex with family dog | family, sex, springs - Northwest Florida Daily News

Raleigh woman's garden became her husband's grave - Yahoo! News

NYT: Birth moms track down kids on Facebook - Parenting & Family -

Manalapan praises its 24/7 surveillance cameras, but they leave some uneasy

Euthanasia on the rise in Holland: now being applied to patients with dementia |

Woman Sleeps, Showers with Gun - Fox News Video -

Suspected murderers Marissa Star Bilotti and Iftekhar Murtazawho marry in jail | Mail Online

Censors eye ratings system for artworks |

Alien encounters 'within twenty years' | Science | The Guardian

'We wouldn't have it any other way': Conjoined twin brothers, 19, give their first-ever interview | Mail Online

Ohio woman, Stephanie Robinette, sprayed police with breast milk after fight with husband: cops

Your partner is more likely to cheat if they worry about their sexual performance | Mail Online

Kailash Singh: The farm worker who has not washed in 37 years | Mail Online

How soaking in a warm bath can stop you feeling lonely | Mail Online

Cold War bomb shelters: A garish trip back in tome - Washington Times

The Associated Press: Obama stops short of endorsing gay marriage

'Person of interest' Jay Rosenbaum not interested in helping hunt for missing Indiana University student Lauren Spierer -

Poll: Majority would not vote to give Gov. Christie second term -

Supreme Court’s Term Dominated by First Amendment -

United in Campaigning, Tea Party Divides Over Governing -

Obama optimistic on debt deal, end to tax breaks | Reuters

Bill Clinton Kicks Off Jobs Summit | Story | POWERWALL

Rove-backed GOP group belittles Democratic counterpunch -

Crossroads GPS Ad Campaign Targets 21 Battleground Media Markets - The Note

Obama: GOP position on debt limit not "sustainable" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Sarah Palin the Undefeated | Story | POWERWALL

Bachmann on Palin: Not going to give media 'a mud-wrestling fight' -

WRAPUP 2-Obama calls for stimulus and debt reduction | Reuters

Bulger attorney asks for case consolidation | Reuters

2nd acquittal at NY toxic tower trial -

Overhead Bin - Turtles on runway delay flights at JFK

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Defense calls Casey's parents back to the stand - Crimesider - CBS News

YouTube - Worker Who Found Caylee's Remains Testifies

Opinion: A religious test for president? - Jeff Greenfield -

Bachmann’s faith: None of our business? » GetReligion

Jon Huntsman Sr. Role in Jon Huntsman Jr.’s Political Career - The Daily Beast

Why Mormonism's moment has come | World news | The Guardian

Abercrombie & Fitch's Religion Problem - OpEd

Twitter not blessed by pope’s presence -

How to Destroy a Culture in 5 Easy Steps | First Things

It’s Only a Game: How Not to Think about Video Game Violence | Religion Dispatches

3 Main Bodies in Christianity Reach 'Historic' Agreement in Evangelism Ethics , Christian News

Richard Bushman: 'The Book of Mormon' is like looking into a fun-house mirror; the reflection is hilarious but not really you – In the Arena - Blogs

A Better Form of Atheism: Rescuing the Christian Tradition from Religion | Religion Dispatches

Can cause of social justice tame our culture wars? -

Illusions of Equality | First Things - Cooperative Robots That Learn = Less Work for Human Handlers

Biofuels Take Off - Technology Review

Avastin: There's the truth and then there's the politics behind the cancer drug [The conversation] -

RealClearScience - Blame Organic Industry For E. coli Outbreak

Bacteria and a glass of milk - it's a new way to immunise

A Clockwork Chemistry - Guy Kahane - Project Syndicate

Is War A Side Effect of the Male Libido? - Alex Knapp - Robot Overlords - Forbes

Hitchcockian crows gossip about mean humans - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

China to open Beijing-Shanghai high speed rail link - Telegraph

NASA: Last Space Shuttle Mission Will Launch July 8 | Final Shuttle Missions & Atlantis' STS-135 Mission | NASA Shuttle Program & Shuttle Retirement |

'Sizing Up the Universe' Book Puts Cosmos in Perspective - TIME

Famous black hole confirmed after 40 years -

OHSU researchers discover MS-like disease in monkeys

Baylor University || Marketing & Communications || News

Scientist-Politician-Atheist Offers Own Money For Origin of Life Prize - ScienceInsider

Biologist spared jail for grant fraud : Nature News

'Science journalists have forgotten how to be journalists' | Martin Robbins, The Lay Scientist | Science |

Court's Video Game Decision and Game's Behavioral Effects - Miller-McCune

HOWARD: Obamacare's 'one size fits all' health care guidelines - Washington Times

If you thought feds wanted to track you before, check out now


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Adobe book editor positive: Obama certificate is phony

WND sues Esquire for faked report

What if that birth certificate is phony?

Feinstein defines 'natural-born citizen'

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


**Obama Long Form Birth Certificate Report


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Kentucky is adrift and in need of leadership';Gubernatorial hopeful David Williams vows to tackle job creation, education

Owners of land taken over by feds getting day in court

» INVESTIGATIVE REPORT: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana - Big Government

Did Obama DOJ protect alleged terror conspirator?

Congressman asks IRS to probe 'Muslim Mafia'

FAA, Congress called on to investigate Delta's 'discrimination'

GOP 12: Bachmann, Cain lead in positive intensity

Romney says he can work with Democrats -

My economic vision: A job for every home

Feds find fix was in on 'study' of homosexuality in ranks

Napolitano: DHS Not Looking to Deport 'DREAM Act Students' -

Mayors gun control group cites Al Qaeda threat - Justin Ho -

Towns Near N.M. Fire, Nuclear Lab Wary of Radioactive Smoke -

Glenn Beck New York | Glenn Beck Attacked | Beck Mob in Park | Mediaite

Bloomberg: ‘Rupert Murdoch is what God meant when he created a media executive’ | The Cutline - Yahoo! News

Is this Britain's luckiest woman? Former bank worker earns living by winning competitions | Mail Online

Just Four Global Events Will Determine Investors Fates | Institutional Investor

America’s Dangerously Out-of-Date View of China

The ‘strong-dollar’ policy of the US | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists

Pessimism Over Treasury Bonds Could Fundamentally Alter Portfolio Strategies | Moneyland |

Keynes Remains an Odd Guide to the Crisis - Brian Domitrovic - Past & Present - Forbes

Obama Needs to Get ’Caught Trying’ on Job Creation: Ron Klain - Bloomberg

The most important point in market history Todd Harrison - MarketWatch

The real causes of the economic crisis? They’re history. - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - A Review of HBO's "Too Big To Fail"

Peter Foster: The demons in Krugmanomics | FP Comment | Financial Post

Could Obama Just Ignore the Debt Ceiling? -

DANKER & HOENIG: Don't leave small business behind - Washington Times

A First Step To Sound Money - June 28, 2011 - The New York Sun

Bumbling Bernanke Bamboozled By Broken Bounce-back - Bill Frezza - Political Capital - Forbes

RealClearWorld - Somali Piracy Shows No Signs of Ebbing

The End of Liberal Interventionism - Jaswant Singh - Project Syndicate

Appeasing Jihadists | Hoover Institution

Terry Glavin: Afghanistan abandoned by its friends | Full Comment | National Post

Commentary: Pakistan's Army Rule | The National Interest

Asia Times Online :: Myanmar tilts towards civil war

China Plays Nationalism Card? | New Leaders Forum

Who Really Won World War II? | Opinion | The Moscow Times

International Criminal Court's Arrest Warrants Guarantee That Qaddafi Won't Be Leaving Libya Any Time Soon -

Americans Broadly Favor Obama's Afghanistan Pullout Plan

EDITORIAL: Obama courts disaster - Washington Times

Lagarde's To-Do List | Foreign Policy

Where is Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez? - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - A General's Farewell

The Limits of China as Villain | The Diplomat

After Chávez - Mark Falcoff - National Review Online

Assad deserves a swift trip to The Hague -

Should David Cameron really be lecturing China? - Telegraph

Let them ChiPak - The Times of India


The Obama Doctrine Defined « Commentary Magazine

China: Confucius is no match for Mao in Tiananmen Square face-off -

Hong Kong remains a crucial role model for China's future - The China Post

Greece debt crisis: Austerity kills the economy - Jun. 28, 2011

UPDATE: Senate Rejects Measure To Restrict US Funds For IMF -

Oil Climbs Most in Six Weeks as Supplies Drop More Than Expected - Businessweek

Tech titans in Top States for Business 2011 -

US HOT STOCKS: Bank of America, BJ's, Monsanto, Family Dollar -

Judge Recounts His Thoughts in Madoff Sentencing -

Small business wins in the debit card fee fight - Jun. 29, 2011

Treasuries drop on Greece vote - Jun. 29, 2011

Feinstein defines 'natural-born citizen'

About that 'debt limit deadline'

What if that birth certificate is phony?

Will media finally awaken to the real CAIR?

Certifigate and the document defector

Google+ could be Google's latest enterprise weapon - Computerworld

Here's One Reason Facebook Should Be Nervous About Google+ (GOOG)

Microsoft Pri0 | Skype will get added to Microsoft Office 365 | Seattle Times Newspaper

Spaceflight Now | STS-135 Shuttle Report | NASA formally sets July 8 for final space shuttle launch

Hackers Gone Mild: 6 Rebels Turned Insiders | PCWorld

NASA: debris is 'closest' ever to space station -

Sheen Admits Taking Steroids For ‘Major League’ Role | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos

Mel Gibson reaches divorce deal with longtime wife - KWGN

Princess Diana Newsweek Cover Sparks Controversy | Extra

Is 'American Idol' Choosing Replacements For Jennifer Lopez? |

Watch Tom Hanks’ Hilarious Impression of Director Ron Howard - OK! Magazine - The First for Celebrity News

'Mission: Impossible IV- Ghost Protocol' Trailer | Ology

How Kissinger whitewashes Red China

Smiling pooch pictured with Sarah Palin and Jon Stewart as 'Happy Dog' goes viral | Mail Online

Video: James Bond jetpack

Charlie Sheen to be killed off 'Two and a Half Men' next season, character will drive off cliff

Ryan O'Neal says Farrah Fawcett gave him a 'stolen' silk-screen by Andy Warhol -

Zsa Zsa Gabor's house for sale

'Zsa Zsa Gabor's daughter rages at Frederic Prinz Von Anhalt for releasing staged picture of her gravely ill mother | Mail Online

Seagull 'steals' video camera and shoots footage of its flight over French Riviera | Mail Online

Google to go way of Ma Bell?

UFOs filmed above BBC building in London | Mail Online

YouTube video sensations: where are they now?

President Allen West in our future?

Using slavery to trash the founders

About that 'debt limit deadline'

Lawrence B. Lindsey: The Deficit Is Worse Than We Think -

A Debt-Ceiling Deal: $1 In Tax Hikes For Wealthy For Every $1 In Cuts |

Muslim polygamy – in Seattle

Queers for Palestine?

'Mastermind' – from KSM to KFC

For The Record

Living large, Obama-style

Take a tip from Hitler … on energy

The power of independents

Say goodbye to Los Angeles

The American Spectator : A Question of Ethics: A Common Lie in a Common Cause

Sedentary lifestyle: Lazy cities ranked by Men's Health -

Top Democrats reject new plan to cut Medicare spending - The Washington Post

Dual Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees Drive Up Health-Care Costs -

Crib safety: Tougher rules for baby cribs now in effect -

Pain Costs U.S. $635 Billion a Year: Report - US News and World Report

New study is wake-up call for diet soda drinkers - HealthPop - CBS News

Judge to Hear Case on Drugs for Accused Tucson Shooter Loughner -

KCUR: Kansas Abortion Clinic Denied License; Another Files Suit (2011-06-29)

AAP Guidelines Address Youth, Obesity, and the Media

Dutch close to ban on kosher, halal slaughter

Senior CPC leader meets Zimbabwean delegation

The Associated Press: AP Interview: Palestinian PM skeptical of UN bid

Business Asia: The Fukushima Warning -

Chinese welcome Bashir with open arms | The Australian

Ireland: Avoid harming flotilla activists - Israel News, Ynetnews

BBC News - Yemen: Battle near Zinjibar 'kills at least 21'

Myanmar Warns Suu Kyi Ahead of Tour -

Fresh Sudan peace pact builds off of deeper efforts -

Review & Outlook: South China Sea Do-Si-Do -

Amanda Knox DNA evidence contaminated, appeal court hears | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Experts Contest DNA Evidence at Knox Trial

How will the Kabul raid affect a peace deal? [VIDEO] -

NATO warships fire on Gaddafi forces | Reuters

Britain Accuses Iran of Secretly Testing Nuclear-Capable Missiles | Middle East | English

Political turmoil raises pressure on Syrian currency | Reuters

North Korea Shuts Down Universities to Send Students to Work -

Obama Defends US Involvement in Libyan Conflict | News | English

Can Venezuela's anti-Chávez politicians unite? -

YouTube - Castro meets Chavez

Energy: China’s Coal To Liquids Program Not Allowed In the United States

Is ‘Victory’ A Dirty Word In Hebrew?

Keith Ellison: Misrepresenting The Pledge Of Allegiance

Our Iraqi, Afghan, and Pakistani ‘Allies’ Attend and Support Iran’s Anti-Western ‘Counter-terrorism Conference’

Report: Iran Has Underground Missile Silos

GOP Willing To Compromise On Military Funding; What Say The Democrats?

Stalin: Was He Involved With the Occult?

Audio:T. Boone Pickens: The Pickens Plan

German Support For Bailout Of Greece Falls Sharply

Meanwhile, Back in the Nation’s Capital…

Libya: Is an Oil Refinery Cafeteria a Legitimate Military Target?

Public School Converted To Islamic Center

Why Can’t Old Media Learn That Obama Has Contempt for Them?

Did Left-Wing Rhetoric Inspire Assault of Glenn Beck’s Family?

Olbermann: Bachmann’s a Pig *UPDATE: Olbermann Responds

Progressive Media Suffers Meltdown Over Akin’s ‘Liberalism and God’ Remark

Jon Huntsman: The Mainstream Media’s Unpalatable GOP Candidate

NewsBusted: Is Jon Stewart a Racist?

Sound Bite For the Day: “Jon Stewart Doesn’t Like Me Because I’m An American Black Conservative”

Does TIME Still Matter?

Progressive New Media’s Yellow Journalism on Prosser

Mediaite Compares Mentally Disabled to Neanderthals?

Freedom Collapses in Europe – So We’re Taking It to the Seas

Audio:Jon Huntsman and Michele Bachmann, a Tale of Two Campaigns Mayor Ed Koch on Rent Control, his Sexuality, Andrew Cuomo, and How He Helped Save New York

Democrats Need a 12-Step Recovery Program on Taxes

Premiere of ‘The Undefeated’ a Microcosm of President Palin’s White House: Mainstream Media Out, Tea Party In

Stonewall 2011: The Night New York Legalized Gay Marriage

Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Changes Published

Senate Ethics Committee Forced to Clarify Travel Cash Rules

Hutchison Tackles Liberal Distortion of Social Security’s Health

George Allen: Thomas Jefferson Oppose NLRB’s Tyrannical Assault on Boeing Employees

National Council of La Raza Funding Skyrockets after Obama Hires Its VP

Audio:The New Economics of College Football and the Need for Reform at the NCAA

Protestors and Riot Police Clash in Athens

It’s Not a Debt Ceiling, It’s a Debt Wall

Block-Granting Medicaid Is a Long-Overdue Way of Restoring Federalism and Promoting Good Fiscal Policy

Supreme Court Ruling Frees Families from Government Interference

Report: John Lennon Closet Republican, Ronald Reagan Fan

Big Hollywood Interview: ‘Terri’ Star John C. Reilly

Alec Baldwin Spews Hate on Bachmann: ‘Inarticulate and Full of Shi**’

Palin Said After ‘The Undefeated’ Ended: ‘Man, we’re gonna go down fighting!’

Trailer Talk: ‘Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol’

‘Transformers: Dark of the Moon’ Review: Repetitive, Played Out

BigDawg Spotlight: Patriot Rocker Jeremy Dodge Tells Us to ‘Stand Up’

Jon Stewart Under Fire: Steven Crowder & Herman Cain Rip Off the Clown Nose

Irony: Fox-Obsessed Jon Stewart Calls Fox News ‘Crybabies’

‘300′ Spinoff Closes In On Director

Trailer for Upcoming Anti-Palin Doc Promises Dishonest Hit Job

‘Bad Teacher’ Review: Hey Teacher, Leave Us Moviegoers Alone

Big changes to Fed debit card rule seen unlikely

New York man hoped to kill U.S. troops

Feds: Mine faked reports before fatal W.Va. blast

Dozens of US cities line up to contest 2010 census

Casey Anthony's father breaks down on the stand

Over 1,000 hurt as Egyptian police clash with youths

Jews, Muslims condemn Dutch ritual slaughter bill

Google social network takes on Facebook

Paramount to Pick Up Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Noah’ | /Film

Too Many Men in Tights? 5 Reasons the Superhero Summer Has Been a Bust | The Wrap Movies

Back in Iowa, Obama says USA must up its game

GOP bashes EPA over $100M in foreign anti-pollution grants - The Hill's E2-Wire

NY Times Reports Bachmann's 'John Wayne' Flub, Ignored Obama's Awful Fallen Soldier Error |

Clinton: Meeting With 'Sex Workers' is 'People-to-People Diplomacy at Its Best' |

Mexico president feels 'misunderstood' in drug war

Prosecutor presses inner circle on Gadhafi arrest


29-Jun-11 World View ....

28-Jun-11 World View....

*29 June

American Minute for June 29th

June 29 Events in History

Today in History: June 29

June 29th This Day in History

This Day in History for 29th June

June 29th in History

Today in History: June 29

YouTube - Today in History for June 29th


Stop the Fiscal War Against Our Children Now: Laurence Kotlikoff - Bloomberg - Nerves Show on Team Obama - Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Campaign Heats Up in Iowa as Obama and Republicans Call -

Peter Foster: The demons in Krugmanomics | FP Comment | Financial Post

RealClearPolitics - Redistricting Makes Taking Back the House Difficult for Dems

How To Stop Bachmann | The New Republic

Morning Jay: Polling Nonsense | The Weekly Standard

Obama Won’t Declare ‘Mission Accomplished’ on the Recovery. Should He Defend It at All? | Swampland

What the GOP field should know about Rick Perry - Sacramento Living - Sacramento Food and Wine, Home, Health | Sacramento Bee

RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis

RealClearPolitics - Al Gore's Ugly Rhetoric Is Nothing New

Those reckless Republicans - The Washington Post

HURT: Pols who beggared us begging for more - Washington Times

Utopia on the Hudson -

A Supreme Court win for political speech and political money - The Washington Post

Debt Limit Dog Days -

High court deals public campaign financing a heavy blow - The Washington Post

Parents are still the best filters - The Denver Post

Should American Taxpayers Finance another Big Fat Greek Bailout? | Cato @ Liberty

President, GOP hopefuls descend on Iowa as pivotal straw poll draws near -

Voters give Obama lowest rating yet on economy | McClatchy

Will Tea Party tilt the odds for Bachmann? -

RealClearPolitics - If Budget Talks Fail, U.S. Does Not Have to Default on National Debt

Real Union Enemy Isn’t Boeing, It’s Competition: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - 20,000 Leagues Under the State

Egypt: The Victorious Islamists by Yasmine El Rashidi | The New York Review of Books

Michael Levi: Energy, Security, and Climate » Blog Archive » Is Shale Gas a Ponzi Scheme?

Did ExxonMobil Break Its Promise To Stop Funding Climate Change Deniers? | Mother Jones

Energy Fact of the Week: Deep Oil and Gas « The Enterprise Blog

Playing Cat & Mouse with Global Oil - Commodities - Resource Investor

Rationalize and Reform the Energy Subsidy Mess: It’s Time - Brookings Institution

The Nuclear Safety Paradox | The Energy Collective

Kentucky coal companies remind us why we really, really need the EPA | Grist

Biofuels Take Off - Technology Review

Will Lack of Funding Dim the Solar Industry? - TIME

Canada's Tar Sands And Brazil's Rainforest | The New Republic


**27th/ Transcripts-Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with 2012 Candidate Newt Gingrich

Panel on Bachmann's 2012 Announcement

Analysts Discuss Bachmann's Entry into the 2012 Race

26th/Guests: Sen. DeMint and Reps. Pelosi and Rogers

Guests: Senators Reed & Webb, Gov. Christie

Interview with 2012 Candidate Michele Bachmann


Brit Hume says Michele Bachmann gaffes like 'John Wayne Gacy' can doom her campaign

Revolutionary Politics : Jewish Bureau Of Al Qaeda Adam "Pearlman" Gadahn Used To Push Gun Control Measures

Revolutionary Politics : Law without Government, Part One: Principles

Robin Griffiths - Buy Silver, The Lows for the Correction Are In

Turk - Summer Gold Trading Will Be One for the History Books

Press TV:US States creating their own banks

Los Alamos Fire: EPA Testing for Radiation - ABC News

OPPD Officials Insist Nuke Plant Secure From Flood - Missouri River Flooding Extended Coverage News Story - KETV Omaha

Who Cares About Your Bet, If The Casino Is Demolished?! | Don't Tread On Me

12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now | Pakalert Press

VIDEO - Obama On The National Debt In 2007... - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - Dated Evacuation Plans: Nuclear Crisis?


MasterCard Website Falls Under Cyberattack - Technology News - redOrbit

Israeli Anti-Freedom Flotilla II Propaganda | Sabbah Report

Chris Whalen: "Geithner Is Wrong! There Is No Downside To Not Raising The Debt Ceiling" (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

Chasing Bernie Madoff: Film Trailer For New Documentary Starring Harry Markopolos And The Incredibly Inept SEC - Home - The Daily Bail


» Ron Paul: Obama’s Libya War Power Grab Impeachable Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Salmonella outbreak linked to sprouts in five states -


YouTube - Engdahl: Libya intervention absurd, NATO criminal

YouTube - Does the Federal Reserve Cause Inflation?

YouTube - Ron Paul "There's A Simple Solution To All This & That Is Obey The Constitution!"

YouTube - Ron Paul "It Doesn't Talk About Special Forces CIA Contractors Or Unlimited Bombings"


GCN News: Gold Rises As Greek Parliament Approves Austerity «

GCN News: Can The Fed Stop Quantitative Easing? «

GCN News: Greek PM: Austerity is Patriotic Duty «

GCN News: Kissinger’s Marching Orders: Buy Out, Dismember, Destroy America «

GCN News: Final Senate Version of TSA Bill Authorizes Invasive Groping «

*GCN News: Ron Paul: Obama’s Libya War Power Grab Impeachable «

GCN News: Gaga For GABA: Love Nutrient For the Endocrine System «


**NEWS VIDEOS:Live Action Investigative Report: Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana

Daddy-In-Chief: Obama Scolds, Compares Congress to Malia and Sasha

Obama Passes Buck on Debt: ‘These are Bills Congress Ran Up’

Palin on ‘The Undefeated’: Movie Shows How Media Tries to Destroy Person’s Reputation

Obama: ‘Fuss’ from Congress Over Libya Just ‘Politics’

Scare Tactics: Obama Claims Food Safety Compromised if Debt Ceiling not Raised

28TH/Media Matters Throws Sad Little Party Celebrating Beck’s Finale

Obama to America: ‘Up Your Game’

Olbermann: Bachmann’s a Pig (Update)

Sarah Palin Attends Premiere of ‘The Undefeated’ in Iowa

‘Fat Ass Burger’ Located Across from Weight Watchers

Young Homeless Woman Overcomes Obstacles to Graduate

New Solar Plane Can Fly Day or Night

Vietnam Vet Threatened with Legal Action for Flying American Flag

Syrian Troops Beat Protesters as Crackdown Continues

Greece in Turmoil as Rioting Continues

Drunk Teen Falls Off Escalator; Plunges 20 Feet

Crowder on ‘Fox & Friends’: Jon Stewart’s a Bully

NewsBusted – NBC’s Under God and New York’s Gay Marriage

High School Principal Delivers Graduation Speech in Spanish

Oregon Town Rejects Proposal to Say Pledge Before Meetings

Economic Freedom and Quality of Life

Bachmann on Palin: ‘We’ve Never Had Cross Word Between Us’

27TH/Sharpton’s Heated Reaction When Challenged by Reporter

Dem Leader Clyburn: GOP Budget Plan ‘Immoral’ and ‘Un-American’

Supreme Court: California Can’t Ban Violent Video Game Sales

Blago Guilty

Huge Gang Brawl at DC Caribbean Festival

Dem Sen Jim Webb: Reasons President Used for Libya Action ‘Defy Historical Precedent’

Chris Wallace: ‘I Messed Up’ Asking Bachmann ‘Are You a Flake?’

26TH/ABC’s Christiane Amanpour Practically Begs Mitch McConnell to Raise Taxes


**Markets Video:Ballmer: Office Moving to the Cloud

Meredith Whitney Says Beware of July 1st

Rosenberg: U.S. At Risk of Post QE2 Downturn

Amazon May Leave California Over Sales Tax

Holmes: (The Right) Gold Stocks Are Cheap

28TH/PIMCO Sees Debt Ceiling Catastrophe

Ten Brands That Will Disappear in 2012

Arends: How Do You Pull a Whitey Bulger?

Ralph Nader's Revolt Against Cisco

Is Gold Entering a Bear Market?


**World Video:Deficits and Defense

Gingrich on Greece's Crisis and the U.S. Debt

Pawlenty: The Governments of Iran and Syria are Enemies of the United States

A Conversation with Tim Pawlenty

Pawlenty talks Afghanistan, Pakistan before speech

Is bin Laden's Death a Turning Point for the U.S.?

Major Rusty Bradley Talks Troop Drawdown

Afghanistan Hotel Attack Kills 10 Civilians

Malaysia Negotiates Refugee Swap

Libya Rebels Face Medical Crisis

Protesters Clash With Riot Police In Athens

Lagarde: 'I Feel Very Proud, Very Moved'

Karzai: Afghan People Need Peace

Russia's Control of the Nagorno-Karabakh Issue

Russian 'Betrayed Sleeper Agents'

28TH/The Road to Presidential Elections in the DRC

Did Pakistan Aid Osama bin Laden?

Inside Look of Embattled Syrian Town

Asian Giants Mull Free Trade Deal

China's Luxury Fast Train Debuts

Italy Rail Line Sparks Clashes

Tripoli: A Tale Of Two Cities

Chavez Absence Provoking Concern

Misrata Residents Celebrate ICC Warrants

Inflation Top of Chinese Agenda?

Kurt Campbell on U.S.-China Consultations

China: Solution for European Debt?

On Japan's Future

Accommodating the Enemy?


**Politics Video:Obama: No New Taxes, But Must "Tackle Spending In Tax Code"

Obama Supports DREAM Act: "Let's Make Sure Those Kids Can Stay"

Obama "Amused" When People Say He Should Be Involved In Debt Talks

Watch Live: Obama's Press Conference

Obama: Sasha And Malia Homework Habits Better Than Congress

Obama: "I Do Not Want To Engage On Scare Tactics" On Debt Ceiling

Obama: Libya "Fuss" Is About "Politics"

Obama Dodges Question About Unions And Boeing

Obama: "Food Inspection Might Be Compromised" Without Tax Increases

Krauthammer: Media Matters Should Not Be Asking For A Subsidy

Palin On Presidential Run: "I'm Still Thinking About It"

Obama: GOP Has No "Proactive Vision Of How To Move Forward"

Chris Hayes: "Bizarre Founding Father Fetishism" Going On

Media Matters Violating IRS Rules?

28TH/Sen. Sanders Makes Case To Not Slash Government Programs

Boehner: "We Are Out Of Road" To Kick The Can Down

Senate Approves Military Action In Libya For One Year

Bolton: Hillary Clinton "Nearly Irrelevant" In White House

Pawlenty Gives Policy Speech: Obama Has "Failed" In Middle East

Daughter: Sarah Palin "Definitely Knows" If She Is Running Or Not

Ezra Klein: We Need More Stimulus

Dionne: GOP Argument Is "Cutting Spending Is Good For The Economy"

Michele Bachmann To Chris Wallace: Apology Accepted

NBC's Chuck Todd Likens Michele Bachmann To "Ricky Bobby"

Robinson: It's A Bad Time To Mess With Economy, Stop Spending

Fineman: Bachmann Campaign Is Certainly Not Flakey

Krauthammer: Bachmann Is Now The Frontrunner In Iowa

Karl Rove: We Need To Take Away Obama's Blank Check


06/28 The Mark Levin Show

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

The Manning Report – 28 June 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-28-11

The Michael Savage Show 06/28/2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-28, Tuesday

June 28, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, June, 28, 2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

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