A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 June 2011

26 June

Boric acid being added to No.3 reactor fuel pool

Resumption of decontamination system not in sight

A Responsible End in Afghanistan? | Opinion Maker

What's Really Going On at the Israeli Institute for Biological Research? Exposing Israel's Most Dangerous Secret :: :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: []

State Terrorism US Speciality | Opinion Maker - Why are Babies Vaccinated for a STD?

Officials approve Monsanto phosphate mine in Idaho -

Activist Post: Can Obama say 9 Orwellian lies in 3 Afghanistan speech sentences? Yes, he can!

YouTube - Blair on Libya: We Must Be Players, Not Spectators Obama Calls for More Housing Projects

Activist Post: PNAC-Reborn: Calling for Greater Libyan War

Report: Fight fat even in toddlers, preschoolers - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Hezbollah members confess to spying for CIA: Nasrallah

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Radioactive Strontium from Ocean Soil Off the Plant | EX-SKF

TEPCO - Disaster In Slow Motion

Collusion in Kansas Force-Feeds Coal Power | Earthjustice

Power grid change could make clocks run fast and mess up stop lights starting next month | Mail Online

Saudi Arabian torment of migrant workers at mercy of abusive 'madams' | World news | The Observer

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - RT: Israelis want to run away to safety

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Sarah Gillespie: ‘How The West Was Won’

ERS/USDA Data - Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.

France stops sale of seeds from British firm after E.coli outbreak hospitalises eight people | Mail Online

Diabetes epidemic affecting 350m – and western fast food is to blame | Society | The Observer

Chinese Toxic Food and Whole Foods Lawsuit - Who's to Blame? | Farm Wars

Whales, plankton migrate across Northwest Passage - Yahoo! News

WILLIAM REES-MOGG: The Greeks are buying gold - so should you | Mail Online

Banker Occupation Of Greece

Greek debt crisis threatens to wreck EU's political future | World news |

Where Greece goes now, we will soon follow - Telegraph

Don't be distracted by Greece: Americans must also face financial facts - Telegraph

Name and shame the criminals: Minister wants photographs and identities posted on police crime maps | Mail Online

An unlikely hero battling India's corruption - Asia, World - The Independent

#Fukushima I Nuke Accident: TEPCO Created Radiation Dispersion Simulation Maps on March 12 | EX-SKF

Missouri River flooding prompts northwest Missouri evacuations - Columbia Missourian

YouTube - The Death of American Democracy

YouTube - AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know

The Society That Fails to Act

YouTube - Rochester Police Hand Out Curb Violation Tickets to Emily Good Supporters


+Obama EO Granting Amnesty To Illegals - Not So

+memo:Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion Consistent with the Civil Immigration Enforcement Priorities ofthe Agency for the Apprehension, Detention, and Removal ofAliens

Obama slips DREAM Act amnesty past Congress


*8 USC Sec. 1101 (1993)Immigration & Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C.


» Texas Gov. Perry Bilderberg’s Ace in the Hole? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Could Jon Huntsman be the answer to the Republican Party's prayers? - Americas, World - The Independent

What has the war in Afghanistan really achieved? - Asia, World - The Independent

Iran to hold 10 days of military exercises | World news |

AfricanCrisis:S.Africa: Crime: Johannesburg: Attempt to hijack me: Yesterday a black criminal threatened to shoot me... Its not even worth telling the Police...

Patrick Cockburn: Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Michele Bachmann: GOP presidential hopeful Bachmann fends off allegations -

Souris River crests in flooded Minot, North Dakota | Reuters

How will New York's gay marriage law affect the 2012 election and beyond? -

BBC News - China's Hu Jia release: Guarded welcome from Europe

Libya: Nato 'trying to kill Col Gaddafi' - Telegraph

Israel accused of trying to intimidate Gaza flotilla journalists | World news | The Guardian

Afghan Girl Tricked Into Carrying Bomb, Officials Say -

Commentary: Seeking China-U.S. cooperation in Asian-Pacific via new channel

Report: Elk Grove man injured in Amtrak collision; 28 people missing - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Bulger legacy longstanding at South Boston church

Triple murder suspect escapes from Oklahoma City-area jail |

Central bankers advise investors to lower expectations; suggest higher rates - The Washington Post

Greek reforms may be hard to deliver, warns deputy prime minister | Business | The Guardian

No Greece private sector deal for UK banks-Treasury | Reuters

LulzSec disbands after 50 day HackStock | TG Daily

Game Over: Five Reasons the iPhone 5 Will Dominate | PCWorld

Michael Jackson's Legacy, Two Years Later, By the Numbers - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Diabetes cases grow to almost 350 million worldwide

Streamlined Blagojevich corruption retrial turns into wait as jury deliberates

The argument for Blago that Blago can't give -

AIDS group to appeal court ruling on HIV transmission among porn actors -

Study reveals foods to eat and avoid to stave off age-related weight gain

Medical News: Dieting, Eating Disorders Start Early, Continue - in Pediatrics, Eating Disorders from MedPage Today

Medical marijuana caregivers charged by feds

Vandalism mars Pride Parade: Tires punctured on 51 floats -

Civil unions, gay marriage energizes Chicago Pride Parade, stepping off at noon today ( : Chicago, IL News)

Former Gov. James Thompson talks about economic development and tax incentives -

Mayor Emanuel encourages new education grads to work for CPS - Chicago Sun-Times

Cheerios cereal celebrates its 70th birthday |

A Bit of Good Economic News - Seeking Alpha

Obama takes flak for tapping emergency oil reserves | Reuters

Soros: European Solution Needed For Greece; A Country May Have To Exit Euro -

Biden revs up Ohio Democrats | The Columbus Dispatch

President sees high-tech future - Times Union

President Obama sets $60 million fundraising goal - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

House Dems: Closing special tax breaks not same as raising taxes -

OPEC and U.S. Oil Industry against Crude Release of SPR | Financial Feed

Republicans Quit in the Middle of Stubborn Budget Talks | Financial Feed

Huntsman loses DeMint - Maggie Haberman -

DeMint warns: Balance budget or else -

Palin movie debuts in Pella next week – and she’s invited | Iowa Caucuses

Tea party dilemma: What to do about Mitt Romney - Kenneth P. Vogel -

YouTube - Mitt Romney picks up allies, money and a Hires Big H burger in Utah

LulzSec Calls it Quits

NASA spacecraft Dawn's incredible journey - Los Angeles Times

The theology of iCloud | Tablets | Macworld

Beautiful Photos of 300 New Species Discovered in Philippines

Passwords, LulzSec, hackers: How to pick a password that's hard to hack -

A Timeline of Hacking Group LulzSec's Attacks - ABC News

Google closes Health and PowerMeter services - Telegraph

'Cars 2' Zooms to Top of the Box Office | Extra

Billy the Kid Image Fetches $2.3 Million at Auction in Denver - ABC News

BBC News - Death of Cameron's constituency chairman at Glastonbury 'unexplained'

Michelle Obama heads home after African journey - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Israeli army takes down section of West Bank barrier - The Washington Post

France says its E.coli strain same as Germany's - San Jose Mercury News

Six climbers found dead in French Alps | World news |

Yemenis Demonstrate Across Nation for Creation of Transitional Government - Bloomberg

Iran: Iran slams U.S. at terrorism-fighting conference -

BBC News - Taliban say husband and wife in Pakistan suicide attack

AFP: Karzai rules out asking for more US troops

Burma burns $48m of seized drugs

Chinese premier says no intention of pursuing trade surplus | Reuters

McCain: Egypt army wants swift power transfer - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Hamas prisoners announce one-day hunger st... JPost - Middle East

YouTube - Senior Tory found dead at Glastonbury festival, Michael Eavis confirms - Fox News: Homeland Security Is Big Business - Giant asteroid to 'narrowly miss' Earth - Texas considering Confederate flag license plate - PBS website hacked again - Private Prisons Love Mass Incarceration, And Want Politicians To Love It Too

War and Money: NY Fed Won't Say How Much Money Went to Iraq - CNBC - Mexican troops cross into the United States at Bridge Two

Report: Hugo Chávez in Critical Condition In Cuban Hospital - Fox News Latino

Concerns Continue to Mount on U.S. Bioweapons Violations :

Chromebook release may be Google’s first OS blunderKingpin SEO Webmaster Magazine | - Kingpin SEO Agency News

New Madrid’s Giant Pipeline Bomb! :

The Death of American Democracy [Video] | Sabbah Report

YouTube - The Real Reason for NATO Attacking Libya EXPOSED

American's Journey: NAZI: Petraeus says torture an option for US

Shilling Says New Recession Begins Next Year, Europe's IMF Game Is Playing Uncle Sam For Sucker, FDR & Quantitative Easing, Elizabeth Warren Update (15 LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Leader Of Mexico Drug Cartel Fingered As Head Of Fed's Gun Smuggling Operation

AT&T, Comcast, And Other ISPs Introduce The "Three Strikes" Internet Censorship Deal

YouTube - Family Guy - Undecided Voters

YouTube - Agent Orange Dioxin Barrels Seen Buried at Gainesville Koppers Superfund Site!!

YouTube - Hypocrisy at Guantanamo Bay

YouTube - Corporatism is killing democracy in US

The Intercept: How Did German Sprouts Become Contaminated?

Israel’s Fifth Column: The People in Between | Intifada Palestine

YouTube - 'Shame on England': Where to go if you're corrupt & wanted

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Gerald Celente And Max Keiser – International Monetary Fund at a glance

A-Team Hacker Group Leaks Alleged Identities Of 10 LulzSec And Anonymous Members

7 surprising things you're not supposed to know about sunscreen and sunlight exposure

YouTube - Journalists arrested for filming public meeting

YouTube - Jim Traficant | "Israel has used America like a whore!"

ERS/USDA Data - Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.

Vietnam and China Pledge to Peacefully Resolve Maritime Dispute | News | English

LEAKED: UK copyright lobby holds closed-door meetings with gov't to discuss national Web-censorship regime -

SCO: Russia, China sign deal to switch to trade in rubles, yuan -

Power-grid experiment could confuse clocks - Technology & science - Innovation -

Retiree comes home to find all his life belongings gone after bank forecloses on wrong home -

Max Keiser And Sandeep Jaitly Explain Why Modern Economics Is “Rubbish” -

Technocracy Endgame: Global Smart Grid

NASA Scientist Accused of Using Celeb Status Among Environmental Groups to Enrich Himself -

1997 Neo-Con report describes containing and collapsing China. -

PNAC-Reborn: Calling for Greater Libyan War -

Private Prisons Love Mass Incarceration, And Want Politicians To Love It Too -

Florida DNA database to help fight crime -

Sunflowers to clean radioactive soil in Japan -

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

The Lie Behind the Afghan War

Impeach Obama Now Or Forever Hold Up Peace

Obama Forfeits Peace Prize

The Audacity of the Obama Administration.

Brainwashing the Polite and Professional Way

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

Ethnic Cleansing of Black Libyans

America. The Working Class Versus the Middle Class

VIDEO: US vs Japan: The Threat of Radiation Speculation

Is the Chinese Economy Sputtering for the Same Reasons as the American Economy?

Obama's Trillion-Dollar "Sacrifice" Plan Targets Health Care and Social Security

This Is What Empires Do

Brainwashing the Corporate Way

Food Bombs and Wall Street

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

*Rebuilding America's Defenses (PDF)

Activist Post: The Day the Earth Stood Nil: Wisdom Vs. Cleverness

Obama Calls for Campaign of 'Nation Building Here at Home'; Will 'Co-Invest' Tax Dollars in Government-Corporate Partnership

Ted Turner: Climate Change ‘Most Serious ... Problem Humanity Has Ever Faced’

Help Wanted: For an 'Aggressive Program to Go After ... Deniers' of Climate Change

We’re Putting Unconstitutional ‘Concentration of Power in President,’ Says Constitutional Scholar

81 Republicans Flip-Flop on Libya Opposition Votes

Obama to Gays: Re-Elect Me and ‘I Promise You We Will Write Another Chapter’ in Your Story

Hispanic, White Achievement Gap as Wide as in 90s

Bin Laden Wanted New Name for Al-Qaida to Repair Image

Buckley Protege Brookhiser: GOP Must Learn From Past

Boehner: Obama Can't Buck Congressional Authority

American Crossroads Plans $20M Ads vs. Obama

Gallup: Obama Loses to Generic GOP Rival

Romney Rivals Key on Abortion as His Achilles' Heel

Romney the Runaway Winner on Financing

Michelle Obama Grateful for Media's Support

Jeb Bush Won't Rule Out White House Run in 2016

Sen. Kyl: GOP Willing to Raise Revenue, Not Taxes

Bachmann: Ax Minimum Wage to Spur Growth

Pelosi: GOP Insistence on Tax Deals a Non-Starter

DeMint: Political Consequences If There Aren't Cuts

Sen. McConnell: Tax Talk Doesn't Help Debt Parley

Rep. Rogers: Afghan Timeline Keyed to '12 Election

Christie: Unions Won't 'Get Their Way' All the Time

Iowa Poll: Romney, Bachmann Top Picks for Caucus

Actress Sorvino Presses to End Human Trafficking

Foes Say Chavez's Health Should Not Be Mystery

Iraq Court Gives al-Qaida Leader's Wife Life Sentence

Huntsman: Issues, Not Religion, Will Decide Race

Pot Legalization Unites Odd Couple in House

Chinese Inflation Threat a Paper Tiger?

Bug Bites: Soothe Your Symptoms

Sunflowers to clean radioactive soil in Japan

Power-grid experiment could confuse clocks - Technology & science - Innovation -

5 Bushehr experts died in Russian plane crash - CNBC

Sunny Sheu: Murdered for Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia? « naked capitalism

Obama’s focus on visiting clean-tech companies raises questions - The Washington Post

Drivers, engineer watched Nev. Amtrak crash unfold -

US lightbulb rules spark new political fight - Yahoo! News

Amazing tales: USF lineman lifts Cadillac, saves trapped man - Dr. Saturday - NCAAF Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Atop TV Sets, Cable Boxes and DVRs Drain Power -

How Can Anyone Not Realize the War on (Some) Drugs Is Racist? - informationliberation

No Good Guys in the War on Drugs - informationliberation

Hackers school next generation at DEFCON Kids | The Raw Story

Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search | mother, search, adult - Northwest Florida Daily News

LEAKED: UK copyright lobby holds closed-door meetings with gov't to discuss national Web-censorship regime - Boing Boing

Denmark Police Propose Ban On Anonymous Internet Use

IPCC assesses geoengineering proposals - SciDev.Net

Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?

Ancient Secret Images From The Book Of Revelations Released To The Public | Before It's News

Echoes of the Past: The Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan | Before It's News

Denver to hold 60 hours of adoration to pray for pope, priests | Before It's News

Iranian President: We must Expose 9/11,Holocaust | Before It's News

Iran Reveals Motive Behind 9/11 Attacks | Before It's News

Bush Insider: '911 Was An Inside Job' | Before It's News

Conspiracy Theory | Before It's News

A Water World In Space Confirmed | Before It's News

Astronomy Without A Telescope – Backgrounds

*Building the cosmic infrared background brick by brick with Herschel/PEP.

Plasmic Power Engine to Revolutionize Energy | Before It's News

Ex-MI6 chief altered Iraqi intelligence | Before It's News

Hurricanes: When To Stay, When To Go, How To Prepare | Before It's News

Jon Huntsman is the New Rockfeller, Not the New Reagan | Before It's News

National Popular Vote Plan Would Hurt Most States | Before It's News

Americans Will See if Republicans Are Any Different Than Democrats | Before It's News

Americans believe Obama destroying their freedoms

The ultimate put down | Before It's News

Assange: Facebook, Google, Yahoo spying tools for US intelligence | Before It's News

ALIPAC - Bill would freeze Obama admin's power to grant amnesty to illegals

ALIPAC - ICE agents warn Americans 'to brace themselves for what is coming'

The Barbaric Koran and Hadith | Before It's News

Breaking News: Tyrannosaurus Rex finally extinct. | Before It's News

- How to repay your favorite Bloggers | Before It's News

- 5 changes that you need to make to your blog before starting guest posting? | Before It's News

Iowa Poll: Romney, Bachmann in lead; Cain third; others find little traction | Iowa Caucuses

Bachmann: I'm serious, not a flake - POLITICO Live -

Obama shares spotlight with Palin, Bachmann – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Report: Hugo Chávez in Critical Condition In Cuban Hospital - Fox News Latino

Elderly woman asked to remove adult diaper during TSA search | mother, search, adult - The News Herald

Probably inevitable a country will exit euro: Soros | Reuters

Ray Nagin describes post-Hurricane Katrina paranoia in his new book |

Pelosi demands seat at debt talks -

House Dems: Closing special tax breaks not same as raising taxes -

Severed leg found 160 feet away on a ROOF four days after fatal car crash | Mail Online

She's a bit ruff! Chinese-crested Chihuahua mix wins the World's Ugliest Dog title | Mail Online

Police: Baby died from morphine in breast milk - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

French Fries and fat cakes for U.S. First Lady in Botswana | Video |

Suspected flash mob rips off Upper Darby Sears -

Teen Mob Hits Walgreens On The Mag Mile « CBS Chicago

Teenage gang charged under lynching law after 'savage attack on 18-year-old student' | Mail Online

Forecasts for Growth Drop, Some Sharply - CNBC

Obama—Obama: We Can't Just Cut Way to Prosperity - CNBC

Top cop Garry McCarthy likens federal gun laws to ‘racism’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Gingrich defends campaign strategy; criticizes gay marriage | Reuters

Oil release not a political move: Geithner - Yahoo! News

No 'him' or 'her'; preschool fights gender bias - Yahoo! News

4 Part:The Opportunities in Change – Max Igan |

YouTube - ELECTION 2012: Why I support Ron Paul

YouTube - The Lies a Fed Chairman Tells

National Press Photographers Association Slams Cops’ Camera Crackdown |

Adam Vs. The Man – The Freest State in the Union, Voluntarists for Ron Paul, Free Talk Live Media Empire |

We’re Putting Unconstitutional ‘Concentration of Power in President,’ Says Constitutional Scholar |

Ron Paul Slams Absurd Libya War Powers Debate |

Nuclear Attack On US Warned Imminent As Saudi War Nears

Video: Pentagon Plans To Alter DNA To Breed Out Religious Impulses

*TSA Plans Screening Americans in their Homes

Pharmacy robberies sweeping US - US news - Crime & courts -

Houston man forced to pay child support for child that DNA proves isn’t his | Houston - FBI Teams With 11 Countries to Unmask Scareware Ringleaders -

The coming death of open government - The Washington Post

NYT Reporter Seeks To Quash Subpoena; Says Gov't Tried To Intimidate Him | TPMMuckraker

YouTube - Radio Talk Show Host 'Lionel': Mainstream Media Has Lost All Credibility 1/3

YouTube - Radio Talk Show Host 'Lionel': Mainstream Media Has Lost All Credibility 2/3

YouTube - Radio Talk Show Host 'Lionel': Mainstream Media Has Lost All Credibility 3/3

-The Alex Jones Show: The Mafia Government We Live Under

- Max Keiser & Alex Jones: The History of What Happened to Greece

The Open Door in Afghanistan

Fast and Furious Fiasco: Time to Abolish the ATF

Record-High 36% of Americans Lack Confidence in Banks

We’re Putting Unconstitutional ‘Concentration of Power in President,’ Says Constitutional Scholar |

Roundup: Birth Defects Caused By World's Top-Selling Weedkiller, Scientists Say

Teaching Kids to Love TSA and Hate Tony Tiger | The Barr Code

» Hillary Clinton Channels the Neocons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Violence erupts as U2 rocks Glastonbury

Al Gore praises Mitt Romney on climate - Dan Berman -

Activist Post: US says won't rule out options on Venezuela sanctions

» Permanent U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan Occupations Planned Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Felony Penalties Proposed for "Illegal Streaming": Senate Bill 978 | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Ayatollah Turns the Terrorism Tables - Truthdig


*24th/Transcripts :Obama's Speech on Manufacturing at Carnegie Mellon

23rd/Interview with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

Interview with House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers

Interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint

Interview with Representative Jason Chaffetz

Panel on a DREAM Act Alternative

Clinton's Testimony to the Senate F.R. Committee

22nd/Obama's Address on Afghanistan

Senator McCain on Afghanistan and Libya

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with Senator Joe Manchin

Analysts Debate the Drawdown in Afghanistan

Interview with Representative Barney Frank

Interview with Representative John Garamendi

21st/Analysts Debate Obama's Next Move in Afghanistan

Senator Rand Paul on Obama and Afghanistan

Guests: Sen. Boxer, Reps. Schakowsky and Polis

Interview with Presidential Candidate Jon Huntsman

Roundtable on Huntsman's Candidacy

Guest: Representative Chris Van Hollen

Interview with Representative Krisi Noem

20th/Panel on the Supreme Court Decisions

Reporter Discusses Rulings by the Supreme Court

Guest: DNC Chair & Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

19th/Interview with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

Guests: Secretary Robert Gates and David Axelrod

Guests: Sens. McConnell, Schumer and Rep. Rogers

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Senators Dick Durbin & Lindsey Graham


Greece and the euro: The brewing storm | The Economist

NLRB tilts field -

A promise not kept - Sunday, June 26, 2011 | 2:01 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

The Supreme Court's decision in a huge sex discrimination case against Wal-Mart strikes a blow in support of class actions. -

It Has to Start With Them -

Abandoning Afghanistan Is Not A Solution - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2011

RealClearPolitics - Rethinking "The Long War"

Doyle McManus: President Obama is popular in Europe, where it doesn't count -

RealClearWorld - Reuters - World - Jun 26, 2011 - U.S., China broach South China Sea in Hawaii talks

Election season comes early in the Kremlin | The Japan Times Online

No wonder the coalition hasn't got many friends in the north | Andrew Rawnsley | Comment is free | The Observer

Where Greece goes now, we will soon follow - Telegraph

Deadlier U.S. guns raise death toll in Mexico - Andres Oppenheimer -

Apologizing to Turkey is in Israel's interest - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Eunomia » Turkish Nationalist Democracy Is Not a New Ottoman Empire

Fractured tales of Parti Québécois ferment - The Globe and Mail

Azerbaijan comes to Brussels

Libya: Nato must up its game to finish what it started | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Defense Secretary Robert Gates: A straight shooter retires -

Low-key Ban: The U.N. re-elects an effective secretary-general

Americans Shift to More Negative View of Libya Military Action

51% Want All U.S. Troops Out of Afghanistan Within A Year - Rasmussen Reports™

Rick Perry: A Texan’s ‘exceptionalism’ - The Washington Post

Why Is He Bi? (Sigh) -

Should We Blame Health Care Reform If Republicans Win In 2012? | The New Republic

‘We Don’t Estimate Speeches’ | The Weekly Standard

Iowa Poll: Romney, Bachmann lead Republican pack | Iowa Caucuses

Republican Race for President Gets Serious: Rick Perry, Bachmann and More - The Daily Beast

Obama’s focus on visiting clean-tech companies raises questions - The Washington Post

GOP war on workers' rights threatens middle class

Works and Days » There Are No Socialists

For NATO, failure is not an option - The Globe and Mail

Commentary: Libya: The Lost War | The National Interest

The Rise Of The Third Coast: The Gulf Region’s Ascendancy In U.S. - Joel Kotkin - New Geographer - Forbes

Cuomo's grand slam -

No big love for Mormons among American voters - Chicago Sun-Times

On the Electric Car’s Future -

Welcome to the world of jobless stagflation - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Thank you for not warning me about smoking - The Washington Post

Obama, The Deficit, And The Long Game | The New Republic

Speechworld vs. Realworld - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

The Weekend Interview with Jon Huntsman: A 'Conservative Problem-Solver' -

Queen of the Tea Party | The Weekly Standard

Squawk treatment: Progressives voice their anger at Obama - The Washington Post

The Failure of Al Gore: Part One | Via Meadia

Ethanol Production Wastes Corn -

Litmus test for U.S. factories, Greece

U.S. considers 56.2 mpg vehicle fuel standard: report

Home Depot accused of violating Buy American Act

Syrian activists to meet to chart way out of crisis

Obama gave commanders leeway on Afghan pullout

Knox murder appeal resumes Monday with key witness

New York gay parade celebrates pride, marriage law

US taps $45M in gear for terror fight in Somalia

Bachmann's campaign tests Tea Party power limits

Flood berm collapses at Nebraska nuclear plant

Foes say Chavez's health should not be mystery

How did Israeli helicopters almost get sold to Iran?

Ministry says status quo on Sabbath buses wont change

Hamas prisoners announce one-day hunger strike

High Court rejects petition by bereaved parents

Knesset C'tee to discuss controversial Army Radio Bill

Regulators confirm bank surcharges

By rejecting IMF loan Egypt risks undermining economy

Khmer Rouge trial fraught with drama in Cambodia

Police searching for British oleh missing for five days

Noam Shalit: PM's prison sanctions 'too little too late'

Sarah Palin ‘is’ America!

Hollywood Celebrates New York Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Garofalo: Clarence Thomas ‘Has Stockholm Syndrome’ But Tea Partiers are Racists

Tom Hanks’ Fuzzy Math: Obama Has Saved ‘About a Billion Jobs’

Bachmann Surges, Tied with Romney in Iowa

Should American Taxpayers Finance another Big Fat Greek Bailout?

Cartoon:Getting the Message.

A ‘Bono’-fide Double Standard

Van Jones Is Creating the Milli Vanilli of Tea Parties

Cartoon:Obama Nation: The Royal Treatment

Missouri Man ‘Not Happy’ with Revised USDA Offer

Union Apologists: Why Keep School Seniority? Older Teachers Have Mortgages!

Presidents and Political Ideologies

Chicago Police Superintendent Goes on Racial Rant, Slams NRA and Palin at Radical Church

The Debt Limit Increase Fix Is In

NewsBusted: Is ‘Green’ a Fraud?

The Curious Candidacy of Jon Huntsman

Cartoon:UI: Take Your Pick

President Obama’s Afghanistan Speech: Woefully Incompetent, Dangerously Irresponsible

Sound Bite For the Day: ‘Fortunately We Have Help From the Media”

Garofalo: Clarence Thomas “Has Stockholm Syndrome” But Tea Partiers are Racists

NewsBusted: Did ATMs Kill Our Economy?

Is Hillary Clinton’s Senior Adviser Running Interference For The Muslim Brotherhood?

The ‘New Egypt’? Cleric Vows Generation Will Be Martyred At Gates Of Jerusalem

Report: Hugo Chavez Near Death?

‘Islam Is A Religion Of Peace!’ And Of Rape, And Of Attacks On U.S. Military Installations, And Of…

Allen West: Palestine Does NOT Deserve A State

G20 Aims To Lower Food Prices By Government Edict

Culture Clash: Russians Sex Up Wendy of Wendy’s Restaurants

Report: 100 Days In, NATO Lacks Firepower To Topple Gaddafi?

New FBI Guidelines Will Help Terrorism Fight

On Bravo, Kathy Griffin Mocks Bristol Palin's 'Leno' Chin, Mangles Bachmann Speech |

Beck: Jon Stewart mocks black people and gets away with it | The Right Scoop

Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states - Washington Times

ABC Only Big Three Net to Fully Cover Seattle Islamist Terror Plot; NBC Gives It 17 Seconds |

Wife: Seattle bomb plot suspect is proud American

Fast and Furious Fiasco: Time to Abolish the ATF

The Gulf Cooperation Council vs. Iran

My Weekend in the Belly of the Beast

Everyone v. Everyone: The Era of the Class Action Lawsuit

Restore the RTC

How to Fix U.S. Health Care

Doctors' Loss of Moral Agency

Anxiety and Absurdity in the State of Israel

Economic Slavery: Modern-Day Indentured Servitude

Another Anti-Semitic/Radical Left Group Rears Its Ugly Head

Teachers Union fights closure of NYC's 'school from hell'

60 al-Qaeda terrorists escape from Yemeni prison

Hugo Chavez in 'Critical' Condition in Havana Hospital - Socialism or Death?

Mitt Romney Plays Mitt Romney on TV

Headline: 'One dead, 10 injured in overnight shootings' - Chicago or Baghdad?

What is going on at the Wisconsin Supreme Court?

Israel hits back at foreign journalists who seek passage on Gaza flotilla

Sarkozy dismisses US complaints about NATO, Libya

Where is Gilad Schalit?

Media deep thinkers grapple with the rise of the internet

Obama trips promote profits for his donors, not jobs for Americans

Bernanke's Soft Patch: It's the Uncertainty, Stupid!

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Is an Obama '12 Reelection Asset

The Ideas Behind the Words

Rick Perry: Drawing the Lines Clearly

The Death of Art Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Are We Ready for a Woman President?

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Vs The American Anti-Male Justice System

The Public Sphere and Tea Party Philosophy

Gay Marriage Legal In New York

The Debt Factor and the Economy.

Need a Good Chuckle? Read the “Journalist Canon of Ethics” for Sidesplitting Comedy

Up and Down With Demonic

Spending Insanely While the Economy Collapses

O’Reilly Factor: Newt Gingrich Lays Into Sarah Palin, Rudy Giuliani

Social Security; Ponzi Scheme or Potential for Greater Living?

Arab propaganda

Impending Implosion

Palestine: Forget Reconciliation Between Hamas And Fatah

Precedent supports climate skeptics

Challenge to Christians: How Christian Are You?

Obama’s ineligibility: Our Lexington and Concord moment is coming

White House Executive Order on Rural Council

Does Government Intervention Make Energy Cheaper?

Mullahs and Opiates

Van Jones: “America Is Not Broke”

Chicago’s New Top Cop: A Race Baiter That Stands Against the U.S. Constitution

Secure Borders? Where? For Whom?

10 Fundamentals That Conservatives Running for Office Must Understand

Obama Losing Dems on National Security at Critical Time -

US military leaders fear Afghanistan withdrawal will increase soldier deaths - Telegraph

Feds: Miami relative of accused imams also figures in Pakistani Taliban case - Miami-Dade -

Election 2012: Obama team courts wealthy donors -

My Way News - While US talks withdrawal, Afghan corruption soars

NAACP leader sees racism in sagging-pants saga

Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states - Washington Times

Slaughter ban sending horses across borders - Washington Times

George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 1

George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 2

George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 3


26-Jun-11 World View

25-Jun-11 World View


Americans believe Obama destroying their freedoms

Ryder to abortionists: 'Not with our trucks!'

NYC accused of putting price on 2nd Amendment

FAA investigation demanded of Delta-Saudi 'no-Jew' deal

Celebrities React to New York's New Gay Marriage Law - Today's News: Our Take |

The Road to Gay Marriage in New York -

SahilOnline English News :: Kenyan Muslim leaders call for death penalty for gays

Gingrich calls president 'radical threat to traditional America'

Terror probe targets group funded by Obama

Muslim Brotherhood Creates Super-Coalition - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

House Rebukes Obama on Libya, Stops Short of Funding Cutoff -

President 'becoming an absolute monarch' on war powers, Dem says - The Hill's Floor Action

Bill Gates Funds Gulen Islamist Movement » Publications » Family Security Matters

The coming Turkish-led caliphate

How Kissinger whitewashes Red China

Eligibility returns to Supremes' conference agenda

Adobe expert doubts Obama birth certificate

'Rathergate' expert on birth certificate: 'Highly suspicious'

Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Zogby poll: Romney not tops among Republicans

Bachmann may be Republicans' 'Ms Right' - News

Ron Paul Takes on Abortion: 'The Most Important Issue of Our Age' | Sunshine State News

Ron Paul goes mainstream? - Dan Hirschhorn -

Republican Hopefuls Press Romney on Abortion Rights -

Obama slips DREAM Act amnesty past Congress

Hamas posts 'Shalit photos' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Shalit family members chain themselves together outside Netanyahu's residence in Jerusalem - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama's decision suggests change in strategy to fight al-Qaida

Mauritania claims to have destroyed Al-Qaeda camp in Mali | RFI

Judge intervenes to let tea party hand out Constitution

The Alpha and Omega Strategy

YouTube video sensations: where are they now?

Republicans firm on taxes ahead of Obama meeting | Reuters

The strangest racing crash you'll ever see

One Per Cent: Japanese pop star created digitally fools fans

Inside an ancient Mayan tomb Photos | Inside an ancient Mayan tomb Pictures - Yahoo! News

Rare photos: Hitler and his victims - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Jewish Bodies Found in Medieval Well in England - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

The Associated Press: A Crusader town emerges under an old Israeli port

The Beer Archaeologist | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Confederate sub upright for first time since 1864 - Yahoo! News

Vancouver Riot Kiss Video

Husband of Lily Allen's hypnotherapist tried to amuptate his 'useless' legs with a hacksaw | News

Sleeping with baby earns coroner's ire |

Women really have gaydar say scientists - Telegraph

Snap out of it - a quest to stop dreaded brain freeze

It's true! Men's colds are worse

Young women say best age for children is 29 | Herald Sun

Anonymous alcoholics? Study finds web trolls get a feeling of abandon similar to drunks | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

Hacker's revenge of the $67,000 frozen chickens at Red Rooster |

Paedophile with computer file of 22 dead baby pictures reached 'new level of depravity' | Mail Online

Peppered by 150 shotgun pellets: Victim survives, but doctors warn he will die 25 years earlier because they cannot remove them | Mail Online

Mobster's run almost textbook case of evasion - Yahoo! News

Short Sharp Science: Elderly warned of death risk from common drugs

Dinosaurs were hot-blooded creatures, claim scientists who measured their body temperatures for the first time | Mail Online

Slaughter ban sending horses across borders - Washington Times

Beach warfare as Surf Life Saving Australia trademarks the term 'lifeguard' | Courier Mail

In Peru, Machu Picchu and Its Sibling Incan Ruins Along the Way -

Some Parents Allow Their Teens to Have Sex in Family Home - ABC News

Astronomers capture dazzling rainbow nebula swirling around Betelgeuse supergiant star | Mail Online

New Uncontacted Group Confirmed in Brazil | Wired Science |

Cosmic Log - Biological gems found in Philippines

UFO sighting increase ongoing over six weeks in Kansas City, Missouri area - National ufo |

Gale Crater on target to become next Mars landing site : Nature News

BBC News - Acoustic 'cloaking device' shields objects from sound

Kansas golfers hit consecutive holes-in-one on same hole in Hesston | Wichita Eagle

Nevada Gives Green Light to Self-Driving Cars | News & Opinion |

Ghostly image shocks St. John's wedding guests - News - MSN CA

Tiny camera reveals secrets of 1,500-year-old Mayan tomb - Telegraph

No ‘Him’ or ‘Her’: Swedish Preschool Goes Gender Neutral | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Six Dead, 28 Unaccounted For After Nev. Amtrak Crash | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

LulzSec Hackers Say They’re Disbanding | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

New Tactic: Pakistan Taliban Use Husband, Wife Suicide Bombers | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

US Border Security: Huge Costs With Mixed Results | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Doctor Who Survived 2003 Plane Crash That Killed Family…Dies in Plane Crash With His Second Wife | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama’s Signature: Is It Real or Is It Autopenned? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Wis. Justice Says He Didn‘t Put His Hands Around Fellow Justice’s Neck | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood Restarts in Indiana Following Federal Judge’s Ruling | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Prince of Monaco Gets Way-Cool Custom Lexus for His Wedding | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Huntsman: Religion Will Not, and Should Not, Be a Concern for Voters in This Race | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Spectacular Accident’: Grand Am Race Car Lands in Woods After Flipping Over Fence | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Frustrated Pelosi Demands More Say in Debt-Ceiling Negotiations | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘The United States of Islam’: Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Calls on Arab Youth to Launch a New Revolution in the West & Establish a Global Islamic State | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Progressive Super PAC Emerging as Key Tool for Soros and Other Liberal Billionaires | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Yum! Michelle Obama Feasts on French Fries and Fat Cakes in Botswana | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Iranian Prison Guards Allegedly Give Inmates Condoms to ‘Mass Rape’ Opposition Activists | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Muslims Shot, Christian Stabbed in Clash Over New Church in Southern Egypt | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Do as You’re Told’: Here‘s How Australian Tobacco Companies Are Fighting the ’Nanny State’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Truly Bizarre: Russian Woman Dies…at Her Own Funeral | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Prince: ‘You Wear a Burqa. There’s no Choice. People Are Happy With That.’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Not Everyone Thinks a Confederate Flag on Some Texas License Plates Would Be a Good Idea | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Young Illegals ‘Come Out’ to Push For Immigration Reforms | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Behold Yoda: Chinese Crested-Chihuahua Mix Deemed ‘Ugliest Dog’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Chris Murphy Wants Clarence Thomas to Be Investigated, Says ‘What He’s Done is Incredibly Serious’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Senate: Vote no on Sebelius' boy

Eligibility returns to Supremes' conference agenda

Americans believe Obama destroying their freedoms

NYC accused of putting price on 2nd Amendment

Terror probe targets group funded by Obama

U.S. aid funneled to al-Qaida?

See which NATO member is 'arming Muslim rioters'

Will media finally awaken to the real CAIR?

Certifigate and the document defector

Hitler was ineligible for presidency, too

*26 June

American Minute for June 26th

Today in History: June 26

June 26th in History

Today in History: June 26 | History Net

June 26 Events in History

This Day in History for 26th June

June 26th This Day in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 26th


**25th/Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address: "We Can't Simply Cut Our Way To Prosperity"

Rep. Ellmers Gives GOP Address: Stimulus Package Failed

Krauthammer: Debt Fight Headed For "Train-Wreck" On August 2nd

Maher: Why Aren't Democrats Blaming Floods, Fires On Climate Change?

Maher: Defending Health Care System Is "Like Defending Slavery"

**NEWS VIDEOS:Elitist NY Times Columnist: Kansas, Missouri ‘Middle Places’ Land of ‘Low Sloping Foreheads’

George Will: Huntsman Appeals to People Who Don’t Really Like Republicans

Classy Bill Maher Attacks Bristol Palin: ‘The S–t Doesn’t Fall Far From The Bat’

Norah O’Donnell: Obama Has More Aggressively Prosecuted the War on Terror Than Bush

ABC’s Christiane Amanpour Practically Begs Mitch McConnell to Raise Taxes

Dem Rep Clyburn: ‘Closing Loopholes’ Isn’t Raising Taxes

25TH/Garofalo and Olbermann Remind World: Tea Party Still Racist

Embarrassing: College Democrats Voice Insipid Reasons for Being Democrat

Freshman Rep Renee Ellmers Gives GOP Address: Small Business Wants Gov’t to Butt Out

President Features Advanced Technology in Manufacturing in Weekly Address

Yoda the Chihuahau Crowned ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’

Semi Collides With Amtrak Train, 2 Killed

Same-Sex Marriage Celebrations in Greenwich Village

WaPo Reporter: Bachmann ‘Barbie with Fangs’

24TH/Seattle Terror Suspect’s Wife Collapses in Burka Covered Tears

Mark Steyn on Obama: He’s Been Reading Too Much Thomas Friedman

RIP Peter Falk, 1927-2011

Mexican Soldiers Reportedly Cross Border Into U.S.

O’Reilly Challenges Soros Funded Media Matters’ Tax Exempt Status

Shock: From Church Pulpit Rahm’s Police Superintendent Claims Drugs and Gangs ‘Gov’t Sponsored Racism’

Crowder Explains: Middle Class NOT Shrinking, Just Whining

New Colonial Period TV Drama Produced by Tea Party Members

Obama: Gay Couples Deserve Same Rights As All

Shark Jumps Over Surfer

23RD/Stossel Reveals: Turned Down ACORN Story Due to ABC ‘Politics’

AZ Sen Kyl Reveals Why He Walked Out of Biden Budget Negotiations

23RD/Dutch Lawmaker Geert Wilders Acquitted of ‘Hate Speech’ Charges

President Obama ‘Misspeaks’ About Fallen Soldier

Justin Bieber Attacked By Man in NYC

Breitbart Set to Host ‘Troopathon 2011′

Muslim Marine Reservist Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings

22ND/Obama Announces Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal Scheduled for Few Months Before Election Day 2012

Coulter Debates O’Reilly: Get Out of Afghanistan Now

Breakdancing Gorilla Goes Viral

White House Announces Gruesome New Tobacco Label Warnings

MSNBC’s Matthews: Lying Rush Limbaugh is ‘Evil’ for Denying Global Warming

Father of Four Al Gore Calls for ‘Fertility Management’ to Control Pollution

Jon Stewart Squares Off with Fox News’ Chris Wallace

Amish Man in Horse and Buggy Busted for Sexting 12-Year-Old

Muslim Woman Escapes Jail Sentence in Australia Over Burka Controversy

NBC Pledge Controversy Intensifies

NY Senate Stuck on Gay Marriage As Rallies Grow

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