A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 June 2011


TSA stands by officers after pat-down of elderly woman in Florida -

TSA agents ask leukaemia sufferer, 95, in wheelchair to 'remove nappy' during Florida pat-down | Mail Online

Ghostly mirage appears over river in Huanshan City, China | Mail Online

UFOs filmed above BBC building in London | Mail Online

The American Police State is the 'New Normal' - Yahoo! News

"Probably inevitable" a country will exit euro: Soros - Yahoo! News

Israel: Journalists on flotilla face expulsion - Yahoo! News - Woody Allen - Moralist or Idolater?

Wisconsin supreme court judge attempts to 'throttle' fellow female justice during chambers argument | Mail Online

The Olgacom Scandal Explained: the connection of New World Order, China, Chemtrails & Big Business « olgacomscandal

Nothing found for Organic Lawsuit-seeks-to-invalidate-monsanto%27s-gmo-patents

Battle Over GMO Food Rages in Flanders Field - Salem-News.Com

Gala Night South Africa in Colours « Kawther Salam

Updated: Look Who’s Buying Up Flood Ravaged Farm Land

New Orleans mayor thought CIA agents were trying to POISON him after Hurricane Katrina | Mail Online

How anything you've EVER said on the internet could be seen by employers as government approves Social Intelligence Corp | Mail Online

Activist Post: Collapsing China

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

Event Horizon Chronicle: Binaural Tim Allen Wannabe Guns For The Third Eye

Flood wall fails at Fort Calhoun -

Fukushima residents' urine now radioactive | The Japan Times Online

Flood wall fails at Fort Calhoun -

Flood berm collapsed at Nebraska nuclear plant - News, Weather and Sports for Sioux City, IA:

Auxiliary building at Ft. Calhoun surrounded by water after berm failure — NRC letter said if water enters auxilary building, could have station blackout with core damage in hours « ENENEWS.COM

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Radioactive Strontium from Ocean Soil Off the Plant | EX-SKF

Collusion in Kansas Force-Feeds Coal Power | Earthjustice

Power grid change could make clocks run fast and mess up stop lights starting next month | Mail Online

Patrick Cockburn: Don't believe everything you see and read about Gaddafi - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

What has the war in Afghanistan really achieved? - Asia, World - The Independent

Iran to hold 10 days of military exercises | World news |

ERS/USDA Data - Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S.

Diabetes epidemic affecting 350m – and western fast food is to blame | Society | The Observer

Chinese Toxic Food and Whole Foods Lawsuit - Who's to Blame? | Farm Wars

Saudi Arabian torment of migrant workers at mercy of abusive 'madams' | World news | The Observer

Whales, plankton migrate across Northwest Passage - Yahoo! News

WILLIAM REES-MOGG: The Greeks are buying gold - so should you | Mail Online

Banker Occupation Of Greece

Greek debt crisis threatens to wreck EU's political future | World news |

Eurozone relief as China pledges debt bailout - Telegraph

Where Greece goes now, we will soon follow - Telegraph

Don't be distracted by Greece: Americans must also face financial facts - Telegraph

Name and shame the criminals: Minister wants photographs and identities posted on police crime maps | Mail Online

Power shortages force Japanese car firms into weekly shutdowns | Business | The Observer

#Radiation in Japan: Government Wants to Offer Japan's Seafood to Developing Nations | EX-SKF

Ft Calhoun Newest Photos Have Disappeared

Flooding: The worst is yet to come -

Nebraska Residents in No Danger After Floods Hit Nuke Plant: Waters Breach Berm at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station - ABC News

Waters Encircle Nuclear Plant -

YouTube - Rense & Rifat - Fukushima - The End of the West as We Know It

China: We'll spend billions to prop up the stricken euro | Mail Online

It's not only Greeks who've lost their marbles - Telegraph

Cost of air conditioning for U.S. troops in MidEast more than NASA budget | The Raw Story

Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie -

Another Step Closer To A One World Religion: 50 U.S. Churches To Read From The Quran On Sunday -

Power-grid experiment could confuse clocks - Technology & science - Innovation -

Max Keiser And Sandeep Jaitly Explain Why Modern Economics Is “Rubbish” -

*Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report

Activist Post: Can Obama say 9 Orwellian lies in 3 Afghanistan speech sentences? Yes, he can! Obama Calls for More Housing Projects

Could Jon Huntsman be the answer to the Republican Party's prayers? - Americas, World - The Independent

Don't be distracted by Greece: Americans must also face financial facts - Telegraph

Fukushima Scams

YouTube - The Death of American Democracy

YouTube - AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know

Obama EO Granting Amnesty To Illegals - Not So

State Terrorism US Speciality | Opinion Maker - Why are Babies Vaccinated for a STD?

Fukushima residents' urine now radioactive | The Japan Times Online - US taxpayers may pay for EU bank losses

Protesters to March on Capitol Over Sabotage of TSA Groping Bill

Groping Bill Killed by Texas House Committee

TSA Bill Replaced With Toothless Resolution?

War crimes court issues arrest warrant for Gaddafi

Nato is trying to kill Gaddafi, admits top U.S. commander | Mail Online

+Monsanto trying to take over world seed supply, nation by nation

+US vs Japan: The Threat of Radiation Speculation

+ White House & NRC Recommend 50 Mile Fukushima Evacuation, Yet Insist US Safe With Only 10 | Fairewinds Associates, Inc

Cover-Up Anger: Japanese outraged with govt keeping truth in the dark

Bomb blasts kill civilians in Afghanistan

Greece Deputy PM Warns Of Tanks In The Streets, Mass Suicides, If Second Bailout Voted Down By Greek Parliament

Assad may have passed point of no return: Juppe

Venezuela denies Chavez in critical condition | The Raw Story

Ex-MI6 chief altered Iraqi intelligence

Patriot Act Debate: Is the FBI Collecting Your Phone Data? - TIME

Felony Penalties Proposed for "Illegal Streaming": Senate Bill 978 | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Denmark Police Propose Ban On Anonymous Internet Use

5 Reasons NOT to Eat Genetically Modified Foods

10reasons_need.pdf (application/pdf Object)

We’re Putting Unconstitutional ‘Concentration of Power in President,’ Says Constitutional Scholar |

» Spanish Banks Hiding Over $70 Billion In Bad Real Estate Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Cracks beneath the façade - Phil's Favorites

Europe makes driving unpleasant to discourage car use

Test-tube burger coming soon: Lab-grown meat 'needed to feed the world' | Mail Online

Government plans secret survey on doctor access

$90 billion hasn't secured border | The Columbus Dispatch

Report: Feds downplayed ICE case dismissals | Chronicle | - Houston Chronicle

» Iran’s Khamenei says US supporting terrorism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ayatollah Turns the Terrorism Tables - Truthdig

Top 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses

The Lost Age of High Knowledge

Aging Nukes and Weakening Safety Standards: The Possible Fallout

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.1

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.2

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.3

In Depth Interview With Ron Paul pt.4

What's Really Going On at the Israeli Institute for Biological Research? Exposing Israel's Most Dangerous Secret By SALEH EL-NAAMI


Ron Paul: Spending Cuts Are Meaningless Without Transparency Into The Shadow U.S. Government Run By The Federal Reserve - Home - The Daily Bail

Phone links bin Laden and Pakistani agency

Activist Post: 5 Reasons NOT to Eat Genetically Modified Foods

The Individual Mandate Bullies Americans | InfoWarhorse

‘Cash cow’ speed cameras will be named for the first time in transparency drive | InfoWarhorse

Activist Post: Impeach Obama Now Or Forever Hold Up Peace

United States vs China. Moving towards World War III? :

New Paperback Demolishes Official WTC Story

YouTube - End the Bailouts

YouTube - Seattle Cop Points Gun At Man Filming Incident On Capitol Hill

YouTube - Energy Independence: Government Should Neither Inhibit Nor Subsidize Any Type of Energy

Floodwater Seeps Into Nebraska Nuke Plant Building - 12160

Anti-Neocons • View topic - CNN bsted lying about Ron Paul poll

The Sanitized Version of Neoconservatism | Intifada Palestine

Rare earth minerals prices skyrocket as China further cuts export quotas - 12160

Activist Post: Obama to meet US senate leaders on debt talks

Activist Post: Monetary Revolution and Alternative Money

YouTube - "My God This Is One Of the Stupidest Things I've Every Heard!" Keith Olbermann On General Petraeus

Marc Faber on 21st Century Investing, Why It's Too Late for the Dollar and Why Emerging Markets Look Good by Anthony Wile

What Fifteen Years Can Do, a Sad Night in Georgia by Ellen Finnigan

How Whitey Bulger Bought Boston by William Norman Grigg

Can Ron Paul Really Be Right About Everything? by Tom Mullen

The War Against ‘Isolationism’ by Justin Raimondo

The Keys to Economic Growth by Ron Paul

Bubble to Bubble, Dust to Dust by Bill Bonner

Dressing Taller: 10 Tips for Short Men by Antonio Centeno

Homer to Plato: Boris Johnson on the Ten Greatest Ancient Greeks

The Big Fat Greek Gravy Train: A Special Investigation Into the EU-Funded Culture of Greed, Tax Evasion and Scandalous Waste by Andrew Malone

The Case for Silver Spoons

What Fifteen Years Can Do, a Sad Night in Georgia by Ellen Finnigan

How Whitey Bulger Bought Boston by William Norman Grigg

Can Ron Paul Really Be Right About Everything? by Tom Mullen

The War Against ‘Isolationism’ by Justin Raimondo

+The Keys to Economic Growth by Ron Paul

Bubble to Bubble, Dust to Dust by Bill Bonner

Dressing Taller: 10 Tips for Short Men by Antonio Centeno

Homer to Plato: Boris Johnson on the Ten Greatest Ancient Greeks

The Big Fat Greek Gravy Train: A Special Investigation Into the EU-Funded Culture of Greed, Tax Evasion and Scandalous Waste by Andrew Malone

The Case for Silver Spoons

The American Conservative » How Whitey Bulger Bought Boston

The War Against ‘Isolationism’ by Justin Raimondo --

Bubble to Bubble, Dust to Dust by Bill Bonner

Dressing Taller: 10 Tips for Short Men by Antonio Centeno

Homer to Plato: Boris Johnson on the ten greatest ancient Greeks | Mail Online

The Big Fat Greek Gravy Train: A special investigation into the EU-funded culture of greed, tax evasion and scandalous waste | Mail Online

The Case For Silver Spoons, by F.J.B. -


Blagojevich Verdict TODAY: Jurors Agree On 18 Of 20 Counts

Jurors unaminous on 18 of 20 counts against Blagojevich | WBEZ

Rod Blagojevich Retrial | Verdict Reached in Corruption Retrial of Former Illinois Governor

Attorneys: Blagojevich verdicts on 18 of 20 counts should be read today. |







Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for martial law

Fomenting for Marxist Revolution on July 4

The Progressive Reactionarism of the Postmodern Left

Need a Good Chuckle? Read the “Journalist Canon of Ethics” for Sidesplitting Comedy

The New Dark (Green) Age

If Greenpeace can lie this easily, why should I believe it on any subject?

Arab propaganda

Redistribution of Wealth

The ACORN ‘Useful Idiot’ Club Welcomes Cynthia Tucker

Does Government Intervention Make Energy Cheaper?

Fox News Asks Michele Bachmann 'Are You A Flake?' - The Note

French Fries and fat cakes for U.S. First Lady in Botswana | Video |

Fuel Fix » China eyes Canada oil, U.S.’s energy nest egg

YouTube - Sen. Rand Paul Questions Invasive TSA Searches - 06/22/11

Obama Losing Dems on National Security at Critical Time -

Feds: Miami relative of accused imams also figures in Pakistani Taliban case - Miami-Dade -

US military leaders fear Afghanistan withdrawal will increase soldier deaths - Telegraph

Debbie Schlussel:And Netanyahu’s Son’s Comments Are “Sooo Offensive” Because . . . ?

Debbie Schlussel:Fun VIDEO: The Coolest Mad Scientist Food You’ll Ever See

Obama's Poll Wasteland

What a Real Victory in 2012 Would Look Like

Jews Not Welcome to Buy Delta Tickets to Saudi Arabia

The Oil Reserve Plunder Blunder

Pavlov's Voters

Wisconsin Battle Moves from Collective Bargaining to School Choice

When Evils Collide

Down To The Wire?

Why so many presidential mistakes in so little time?

Medical secret police calling doctors

Irradiate the Manure in 'Organic' Farming

The Shocking Truth about What's Going on in Libya

Texas...the Very Best of the 57 States

In Rose Bowl, Mexico is 'home' team as U.S. soccer team is booed (updated)

Folks with 'low, sloping foreheads'

Where do we go to get our reputations back?

Have the Democrats Given Up on Governing?

POTUS the Sneak

Israel Law Center Stops 'Audacity of Hope'

Fast and Furious Fiasco: Time to Abolish the ATF

The Gulf Cooperation Council vs. Iran

Everyone v. Everyone: The Era of the Class Action Lawsuit

How to Fix U.S. Health Care

Doctors' Loss of Moral Agency

Anxiety and Absurdity in the State of Israel

Economic Slavery: Modern-Day Indentured Servitude

Another Anti-Semitic/Radical Left Group Rears Its Ugly Head

Blagojevich jury has verdict, deadlocked on two counts: attorney

Google giving details of requests to remove content

FDA to independently review menthol cigarettes

Supreme Court to decide TV profanity, nudity case

Tour bus hits truck on Pa. highway, driver killed

China to use droppings to count endangered pandas

Outspoken Bachmann launches White House bid

Romney to tap ex-pat wealth in London

Kim Jong-Il heads to Russia

ICC issues arrest warrant for Gaddafi, son, spy chief

Iran parliament summons Ahmadinejad for questioning

Fleeing Russian spy told wife to 'be calm'

Italian banks: no long term growth plan

Kiryat Arba chief Rabbi arrested over book endorsement

Trailer Talk: ‘30 Minutes or Less’ Could Have You Checking Your Watch

Sucker Punch Squad: ‘Good Christian Bitches’ Pilot Script Bigoted Against Christians

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hate the Man, But Love His Scripts

Keynesians Are both Wrong and Dangerous

Department of Energy Ignoring Safety Issues to Save Time and Money

Do We Have the Right to Life Without the Right to Self-Defense?

Greece: Closer Than You Think

NYC ‘Pride’ Parade Turns Into Celebration of Gay Marriage

The Individual Mandate Bullies Americans

Bachmann Surges, Tied with Romney in Iowa

Should American Taxpayers Finance another Big Fat Greek Bailout?

*Cartoon:Getting the Message.

A ‘Bono’-fide Double Standard

Van Jones Is Creating the Milli Vanilli of Tea Parties

*Cartoon:Obama Nation: The Royal Treatment

*Cartoon:Order Up.

Crying Wolf: How Matt Taibbi and ‘Rolling Stone’ Did Michele Bachmann a Favor

Video Round-up: Advocacy, Elitism, and a Healthy Dose of Crazy from Our MSM

NewsBusted: Is ‘Green’ a Fraud?

The Curious Candidacy of Jon Huntsman

UI: Take Your Pick

President Obama’s Afghanistan Speech: Woefully Incompetent, Dangerously Irresponsible

Sound Bite For the Day: ‘Fortunately We Have Help From the Media”

The Anti-Hamas Essay HuffPo Wouldn’t Publish – From the American Jewish Committee’s David Harris

USMC To Train New Recruits With Scopes

Flotilla Organizers Should Change Course To Syria Or Libya – Gaza Not The Center Of Injustice

Libyan Rebels: Fierce Fighting Near Tripoli

Top Admiral: We Will Need Ground Troops In Libya

LA Is Now Part of Mexico? US Soccer Team Booed In Their Own Country

S. Korea Thanks America Over Korean War, And Warns N. Korea

Iran Holds ‘Anti-Terrorism’ Conference; Afghan, Iraqi, and Pakistani Presidents Attend

Is Hillary Clinton’s Senior Adviser Running Interference For The Muslim Brotherhood?

The ‘New Egypt’? Cleric Vows Generation Will Be Martyred At Gates Of Jerusalem

She's a bit ruff! Chinese-crested Chihuahua mix wins the World's Ugliest Dog title | Mail Online

BBC News - Circus offers 'clown-selling' for people's big-top fear

Cat steals from everyone in San Mateo neighborhood

The call of the weird: In praise of cryptobiologists - life - 22 June 2011 - New Scientist

From the Shadows: Ghosts, flies and scratches

Astronomers capture dazzling rainbow nebula swirling around Betelgeuse supergiant star | Mail Online

New Uncontacted Group Confirmed in Brazil | Wired Science |

Cosmic Log - Biological gems found in Philippines

UFO sighting increase ongoing over six weeks in Kansas City, Missouri area - National ufo |

Gale Crater on target to become next Mars landing site : Nature News

Ted Turner: Climate Change ‘Most Serious ... Problem Humanity Has Ever Faced’ |

Lawsuit Targets Celebrity Poker Game : NPR

Garofalo: Clarence Thomas “Has Stockholm Syndrome” But Tea Partiers are Racists - Big Journalism

Weinergate: The Story the Networks Never Liked

Wallace Asks Bachmann: 'Are You a Flake?' Apology Not Accepted - Michele Bachmann - Fox Nation

27-Jun-11 World View

26-Jun-11 World View

Amanda Knox Trial: Rudy Guede Testifies Monday

6 Bodies Found in French Alps

Hillary Clinton, Geithner Announce New Iran Sanctions

Michele Bachmann Hits the Sunday Talk Show Circuit

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

*The Alex Jones Show – June 27th, 2011

*Transhumanism and The Plan by Globalist to Evolve |

The Lie Behind the Afghan War

Brainwashing the Polite and Professional Way

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

Who Does The Law Serve?

Ethnic Cleansing of Black Libyans

America. The Working Class Versus the Middle Class

The Democratic Party and the Assault on Public Workers

VIDEO: Debt Contagion and the Global Economic Collapse

The Technological Revolution: The best of times, the worst of times

Serious Events Predicted for June 27- July 2 - Piers Corbyn | Before It's News

Supreme Court: California Cannot Ban Sales of Violent Video Games to Kids

Obama Will 'Co-Invest' Tax Dollars in Corporate-Government Partnership

Geithner: Taxes on ‘Small Business’ Must Rise So Government Doesn’t ‘Shrink’

EPA argues that seawalls and dikes will fail because ocean rise can’t be halted

Health care industry wants to block creation of a key piece of Obamacare

Michele Bachmann: Washington Is 'Corrupt Paradigm,' and I'll Change It

The Shift is About to Hit the Fan! Shepard Ambellas Earth Shifting Observations Confirmed? :

Michele Bachmann: The Newsmax Interview

Pelosi: GOP Insistence on Tax Deals a Non-Starter

Buckley Protege Brookhiser: GOP Must Learn From Past

Blago Verdict to be Read Today

Analysis: Growing Radical Ties in Pakistani Military

Europe Declares War on the Automobile

China Eyes Canada Oil, US's Energy Nest Egg

Sen. Webb Challenges Obama's Libya Policy

McCain: Egypt Military Wants Civilian Government

US Space Entrepreneur Accused of Aiding Iran

Agriculture Colleges, Extension Get Budget Squeeze

Six States Procede With Abortion Ban

Obama's Signature: Is it Real or Is it Autopenned?

Bachmann's Campaign Tests Tea Party Power

Pakistan's Taliban Vow Attacks on West

Soros: ‘Inevitable’ That Weak Nations Will Quit Euro

Global Diabetes Epidemic Balloons to Nearly 350 Million Cases

US 'Fast and Furious' Weapons Used by Drug Cartels

Bill Would Allow Illegals in-State Tuition for College

Secretary Gates’ Legacy: A Nuclear-Armed Iran

Copyright War Pits Silicon Valley Against Hollywood

Gov. Rick Perry's 'Texas Exceptionalism'

Ban: States must take measures to prevent torture

Chinese Dissident Released From Prison

Taiwan & spy report on China's ex-finance minister

Libyan Rebels Claim Advances in Western Mountains

USACE contracts for Afghanistan National Army

Pakistan army slams US media for baseless news

Google gets driverless car law passed in Nevada

Power-grid experiment could confuse clocks - Technology & science - Innovation -

YouTube - Gerald Celente : The Regular Guys Show -- Atlanta, GA Rock - 22 June 2011

Rep. Ron Paul pays $31,000 for Iowa straw poll |

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: The Mafia Government We Live Under 1/2

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: The Mafia Government We Live Under 2/2

Revolutionary Heresy: From Giordano Bruno To Alex Jones |

Who Does The Law Serve? – Paul Craig Roberts |

Genetic Modification Gone Wild: 10 Signs That Our World May Be Destined To Resemble A Really Bad Science Fiction Movie |

Those Graphic New Cigarette Labels Won’t Help, Psychology Says | 80beats | Discover Magazine

YouTube - The Lies a Fed Chairman Tells

Federal Reserve Secrets and Lies | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Enter the dragon 'to save the euro’ - Telegraph

The True Hollywood Story Of How the Left Took Over Your TV » Publications » Family Security Matters

The Paranormal and Quantum Physics | Before It's News

A Living Antibiotic Effective Against Salmonella, Predatory Bacterium Bdellovibrio Reduces Salmonella | Before It's News

Goodbye Cold Sores: 90% of World Population Carries Herpes Simplex Virus | Before It's News

Soros:" We Are on the Verge of an Economic Collapse” | Before It's News

Iranian President: We must Expose 9/11,Holocaust | Before It's News

3 Questions On Near-Earth Asteroids Answered By MITs Richard Binzel, Asteroid Named 2011 MD Passes Earth at 1:14 p.m. Eastern Time | Before It's News

Are Aliens Getting Less Camera Shy? UFOs Filmed Above BBC Building In London | Before It's News

Mysterious Symbolism In Mijas Spain | Before It's News

Statement by the President on National HIV Testing Day | Before It's News

The Knights Templar: Mexico’s Newest Narco Evangelicals Have Arrived | Before It's News

FEMA: STAGED EVENT - Miliatary Stacking Water + Explosives Placed On Dams - Martial Law Alert | Before It's News

Assange: Facebook, Google, Yahoo spying tools for US intelligence | Before It's News

Webster Tarpley: The Elite’s Plan for Global Population Extermination Exposed – Video | Before It's News

Activist Post: Look Who’s Buying Up Flood Ravaged Farm Land

Activist Post: Monetary Revolution and Alternative Money

Denmark Police Propose Ban On Anonymous Internet Use

Activist Post: The Day the Earth Stood Nil: Wisdom Vs. Cleverness

+Radiation News – 6-27-11 |

CBS' Bob Schieffer calls out Bachmann for her lies on 'Face The Nation'. She responds by prevaricating.

What's more important than Medicare?

Anger and Sexism Play In Wisconsin's Supreme Court

Administration To Use Mystery Shoppers To See How Hard It Is To Get A Doctor's Appointment

Jon Kyl Defends Republicans Refusal to Raise Taxes During Debt Ceiling Negotiations

This Week: Debt Ceiling Debate Is Kabuki Theater...But Who Will Break First?

Pelosi: 'Cantor can't handle the truth' on big oil subsidies

Mitch McConnell's Lie Goes Unchallenged

Chris Wallace Defends Fox Editing His Interview with Jon Stewart But Doesn't Mention Bill Sammon Edit

Gov. Chris Christie Would Veto A New York-Style Marriage Equality Bill In NJ

Chris Wallace asks Bachmann if she's a 'flake'

The EU Is Trying To Kill Greece - For Its Own Good, Of Course. Bankers Simply Must Not Lose Money, Losses Are For Peons Like Us

Some Straight Talk from Van Jones and Jared Bernstein on Republican Games With the Raising the Debt Ceiling

Karl Rove Just Won't Believe That Obama Can Win Re-Election

Fox News Watch Brings in the Red Eye's Greg Gutfeld to Defend Chris Wallace From Jon Stewart

Now That Banks Can't Use Overdraft Charges As License To Steal, They Plan To Screw Debit Card Users Instead


*article links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Founders vs. NBC, New York atheists, Part 1

Bachmann Launches Presidential Campaign, Says Nation 'Cannot Afford' Second Obama Term -

Americans believe Obama destroying their freedoms

Iowa Poll: Romney, Bachmann in lead; Cain third; others find little traction | Iowa Caucuses

Is 'evidence' of crimes erased before our eyes?

Fox News Asks Michele Bachmann 'Are You A Flake?' - The Note

Bachmann's campaign tests Tea Party power limits | Reuters

Bachmann says Obama upped gov't limos by 73% - CBS News

Obama shares spotlight with Palin, Bachmann – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

My economic vision: A job for every home

My Way News - AP-GfK Poll: People divided on looming debt crisis

'Toxic vote' could sweep GOP out of Congress for years

NYC accused of putting price on 2nd Amendment

U.S. Using ‘Mystery Shoppers’ to Check on Access to Doctors -

Helen Thomas claims to have reapplied for White House press credentials | The Daily Caller

President Obama Says NY Gay Marriage Vote Is Process Working 'As It Should' - ABC News

Gingrich calls president 'radical threat to traditional America'

Bill Gates Funds Gulen Islamist Movement » Publications » Family Security Matters

Eligibility returns to Supremes' conference agenda

Adobe expert doubts Obama birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

YouTube video sensations: where are they now?

Republicans firm on taxes ahead of Obama meeting | Reuters

Obama—Obama: We Can't Just Cut Way to Prosperity - CNBC

Stunning numbers want Congress to probe Obama's eligibility

Obama Targets $72 Billion Business Tax Break - Bloomberg

2012 contenders shun Hill support - Manu Raju -

Rep. Upton hints at spending bill rider to limit oil releases - The Hill's E2-Wire

*27 June

American Minute for June 27th

This Day in History for 27th June

June 27 Events in History

Today in History: June 27

Today in History: June 27

Today in History: June 27

June 27th This Day in History

June 27th in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 27th


Americans believe Obama destroying their freedoms

Terror probe targets group funded by Obama

Will media finally awaken to the real CAIR?

Certifigate and the document defector

Obama’s 2012 Game Plan - Print - Newsweek

RealClearPolitics - Like Chauncey Gardiner, Obama Is Profoundly Aloof

RealClearPolitics - Obama and the Advantage of Incumbency

RealClearPolitics - The Economic Paralysis

Bill Bradley: How Obama can spur immediate job creation -

RealClearPolitics - Bachmann Seizes Home Field Advantage in Iowa

Five Reasons Why I Believe Texas Governor Rick Perry Will Be Our President In 2013 -

The Pulse: Christie should run now; he may never be this hot again -

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Prudent Afghanistan Policy

The American Spectator : New York-Style Marriage

President Cuomo - The Week

Al Gore’s Reproductive Footprint - HUMAN EVENTS

Why China’s Heading for a Hard Landing, Part 1: A. Gary Shilling - Bloomberg

Steve Malanga: The Local Government Pension Squeeze -

Andrew Breitbart, the Right’s Frenetic Blogger Provocateur -

Payroll Tax Holiday Could Help Create Jobs - Economic View -

Bachmann Hits Romney, Defends Herself Against ‘Flake’ Charges - By Katrina Trinko - The Corner - National Review Online

Michele Bachmann's Holy War | Rolling Stone Politics

Doyle McManus: President Obama is popular in Europe, where it doesn't count -

Obama's (e)con job - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

It Has to Start With Them -

Sen. Webb has 'serious problems' with Obama’s handling of Libyan conflict -

The Unseen Effects of the Stimulus - Reason Magazine

RealClearPolitics - Acquitted of Political Incorrectitudes

Is Karzai's Accusation That Coalition Forces Are Polluting Afghanistan with Nuclear Material Accurate or an Over-Reaction?: Scientific American

Don’t get bugged by germs - Telegraph

Snakebite Treatment Buys Time - Science News

H&H Bagels closes: What makes New York City bagels so superior? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

Clearing up the climate debate « BraveNewClimate

Are you rational? | Psychology Today

Lifetime access to up-to-date info—is this the future of the textbook?

Hand-hacking lets you pluck strings like a musical pro - tech - 23 June 2011 - New Scientist

Genome editing, a next step in genetic therapy, corrects hemophilia in animals | Science Codex

Scientists discover protein complex linked to memory | BrandeisNOW

University of Minnesota engineering researchers discover new source for generating 'green' electricity : UMNews : University of Minnesota

Houston's structures thwart cleansing breezes | Physics Update - Physics Today

Saying Goodbye to Afghanistan : The New Yorker

Niall Ferguson: The Real Costs of Isolationism - Newsweek

How China sees the world -

Asia’s Maritime Confidence Crisis | The Diplomat

John Kampfner: Finally, the age of Western intervention is over - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

What's happening to America’s leadership role? - The Washington Post

[Viewpoint] Planning for China’s hegemony - INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

North Korea: The land of lousy options for the U.S. -

My Syria, Awake Again After 40 Years -

Don’t Come Home, America | The Weekly Standard

Asia Times Online :: Iran carves out an AfPak hub

Letter From Kabul | Foreign Affairs


A U.S. role in the South China Sea - The Washington Post

Wen Jiabao in Britain: Reassessing China - Telegraph

Editorial: Taking a harder look at Pakistan - The Denver Post

China's Assertive Behavior—Part Two: The Maritime Periphery - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Americans Shift to More Negative View of Libya Military Action

Why Can’t Banks Lend?

Making a Living With Multiple Part-Time Jobs -

College Degrees Are Valuable Even for Careers That Don’t Require Them -

Broken Families, Broken Economy | The Weekly Standard

$120 trillion: The shocking true size of our nation's debt -

RealClearMarkets - Social Security Shutdown? Bring It On!

Seven Questions To Ask About Any Congressional Debt-Limit Deal - Lawrence Hunter - Back on the Margin - Forbes

Articles: The Oil Reserve Plunder Blunder

Investors Have Plenty of Nothing -

A Plan to Tax the Foreign Income of U.S. Companies: Robert Pozen - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Global Economic Policy Is Paralyzed

The Aleph Blog » Blog Archive » The War Against Savers

Is the Media Stifling the U.S. Recovery? - Daniel Indiviglio - Business - The Atlantic

I Shouldn’t Want to Be Liked So Much Altucher Confidential

Calafia Beach Pundit: Why can't we cut our way to prosperity?

Playing Defense Until Fed Is Forced To Act Again | Stock Market Blog - Financial Blog - Investment Blog - Technical Analysis Blog

RealClearReligion - Sade, Sex, God and Gregorian Chant

Huntsman: Issues not religion will decide GOP race -

Bachmann: Got "sense" from God to run for office - CBS News

Preaching good sex, Muslim-inspired Obedient Wives Club spreads in Asia | FaithWorld

Bill Uhrich: Are Christianity and patriotism compatible?

Huntsman and Romney Bids Divide Utah Voters -

My Faith: Why I don't sing the 'Star Spangled Banner' – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Left-Leaning 'Wild Goose' Festival Draws Ire of Evangelicals, Christian News

Her.meneutics: Should Christians Pursue External Beauty?

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON (Tom Hill): The country's character crisis - News with a Christian Perspective

Vancouver Riot Kiss Video

Husband of Lily Allen's hypnotherapist tried to amuptate his 'useless' legs with a hacksaw | News

Ohio woman, Stephanie Robinette, sprayed police with breast milk after fight with husband: cops

Snap out of it - a quest to stop dreaded brain freeze

It's true! Men's colds are worse

Anonymous alcoholics? Study finds web trolls get a feeling of abandon similar to drunks | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews |

Mobster's run almost textbook case of evasion - Yahoo! News

Dinosaurs were hot-blooded creatures, claim scientists who measured their body temperatures for the first time | Mail Online

Test-tube burger coming soon: Lab-grown meat 'needed to feed the world' | Mail Online

In Peru, Machu Picchu and Its Sibling Incan Ruins Along the Way -

Some Parents Allow Their Teens to Have Sex in Family Home - ABC News

Obama Targets $72 Billion Business Tax Break - Bloomberg

2012 contenders shun Hill support - Manu Raju -

California elections: Presidential candidates will be frequent visitors to California -

My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant -

Delta's incredible 'no-Jew' fly policy

Trashing Michele Bachmann

Republicans and demon debt

New York has no authority to license 'gay' marriage

Welcome to entitlement sex

A More Civil Union

An American Weimar Republic

Welcome to the world of jobless stagflation - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Obama Targets $72 Billion Business Tax Break - Bloomberg

2012 contenders shun Hill support - Manu Raju -

California elections: Presidential candidates will be frequent visitors to California -

» Google Updates PageRank: Top Alternative News Aggregator Punished Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

60 Minutes: The Tragedy of Homeless Children

One-Armed Veteran Makes ‘Catch of the Year’ at Yankee Stadium | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

» New Documents Prove TSA “Mischaracterized” Safety Aspects Of Full Body Scanners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Britain Looks at Sending Libyan Occupation Force Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Texans to Launch ‘Citizen Filibuster’ Over TSA Groping Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Conspiracy Theory Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Who Does The Law Serve?

Ron Paul on C-SPAN: In Depth Interview, the Road to the White House

Did Los Angeles Change Its Homework Policy in the Name of Urban Equality? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is Bachmann Crazy For Believing God Has Given Her a ‘Sense of Assurance’ to Run for the Presidency? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann Makes 2012 Run Official: Voters Must Make a ‘Bold Choice’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Proper Procedure’: TSA Defends 95-Year-Old’s Diaper Pat-Down | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Ohio Veteran Fighting HOA to Fly American Flag on Pole Outside House | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Chris Wallace Responds: ‘The Joke…Is on Jon Stewart’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Former Lesbian-Turned-Evangelical Christian ‘Kidnaps’ Daughter, Vanishes Amid Custody Battle | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Supreme Court Will Rule If Gov’t Can Track GPS Units Without a Warrant | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Egyptian Leader Condemns Democracy, Calls it ‘Bad, Backwards and Retarded Idea’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Source: Liberal Wis. Supreme Court Justice Attacked Conservative Justice Before Alleged ‘Chokehold’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Video Shows Egyptian Protesters Hurling Stones at Police Cars | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Government To Use ‘Secret Shoppers’ to ‘Spy’ on Doctors | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Hague Issues Arrest Warrant for Gadhafi | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

TSA Officials Ask Elderly Woman With Leukemia to Remove Adult Diaper | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Shariah Compliant? Major D.C. Complex Won’t Lease to Banks, Bars | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze


**NEWS VIDEOS:Bachmann Talks Earmarks, ObamaCare And Gay Marriage On "Fox News Sunday"

Bachmann Is In: Candidacy Is About Independence From Large Gov't

Trump Tells Obama To "Roll Up His Sleeves," Don't Cut Military Spending

Dem Congressman: GOP Medicare Plan "Immoral" And "Un-American"

Bachmann Does Not Accept Chris Wallace's Apology

Hillary Clinton: More Work Is Needed For Gay Rights

Christie: "There's No One That I'm Ready To Support Yet"

Chief Justice Roberts Worried About "Impact" Of Cameras In SCOTUS

26th/Christie Talks Debt Fight, Oil And 2012 On "Meet The Press"

Nancy Pelosi: Cantor "Can't Handle The Truth"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Same-Sex Marriage In NY

"Meet The Press" Panel On Huntsman, Pawlenty, Palin & 2012

Sen. McConnell: Put Down The Talking Points On Debt Crisis

"This Week" Roundtable On Debt Talks

Michele Bachmann: "Insulting" To Call Me A Flake

Sen. DeMint: "Finish The Job" In Afghanistan

**Markets Video:How Can We Bring Tech Jobs Back to the U.S.?

VIX: A Look Back at the 'Fear Index'

Euro Speculators Are Now On The Run

Is Your Money Market Fund Safe?

Did Oil Reserve Release Leak to Traders?

**World Video:Strengthening U.S. Engagement With the World

Yemeni Academic on the Unrest in the Country

Burned Saleh Set to Return to Yemen

Roundtable: Mission Accomplished Or Abandoned?

New Suspicions Strain U.S., Pakistan Relations

The Effect of Afghanistan, Debt on 2012

McCain: U.S. 'Ready To Invest' In Egypt

China's Premier Pledges More UK Trade

Bomb Blast In Pakistan

Syrian Expats Thank Turkey

Thousands Work To Clean Up Fukushima Plant

China's Growing Aggression on the High Seas

China Becoming the Factory of the World

Waiting Game on Libyan front

26th/Afghanistan Plan is 2012-Focused

**NEWS VIDEOS:Chris Wallace: ‘I Messed Up’ Asking Bachmann ‘Are You a Flake?’

Huge Gang Brawl at DC Caribbean Festival

CNN: Congressional Staffers Received $6.1 Million in Bonuses

Dem Sen Jim Webb: Reasons President Used for Libya Action ‘Defy Historical Precedent’

TSA Forces 95-Year-Old Cancer-Stricken Woman to Remove Adult Diaper Suring Search

26TH/One-Armed Veteran Makes Awesome Catch at Yankee Stadium

ABC’s Christiane Amanpour Practically Begs Mitch McConnell to Raise Taxes

Dem Rep Clyburn: ‘Closing Loopholes’ Isn’t Raising Taxes

NY Times Columnist: Kansas, Missouri ‘Middle Places’ Land of ‘Low Sloping Foreheads’

George Will: Huntsman Appeals to People Who Don’t Really Like Republicans

Classy Bill Maher Attacks Bristol Palin: ‘The S–t Doesn’t Fall Far From The Bat’

Norah O’Donnell: Obama Has More Aggressively Prosecuted the War on Terror Than Bush

25TH/Embarrassing: College Democrats Voice Insipid Reasons for Being Democrat

Garofalo and Olbermann Remind World: Tea Party Still Racist

Freshman Rep Renee Ellmers Gives GOP Address: Small Business Wants Gov’t to Butt Out

President Features Advanced Technology in Manufacturing in Weekly Address

Yoda the Chihuahau Crowned ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’

Semi Collides With Amtrak Train, 2 Killed

Same-Sex Marriage Celebrations in Greenwich Village

WaPo Reporter: Bachmann ‘Barbie with Fangs’

24TH/Seattle Terror Suspect’s Wife Collapses in Burka Covered Tears

Mark Steyn on Obama: He’s Been Reading Too Much Thomas Friedman

RIP Peter Falk, 1927-2011

Mexican Soldiers Reportedly Cross Border Into U.S.

O’Reilly Challenges Soros Funded Media Matters’ Tax Exempt Status

Shock: From Church Pulpit Rahm’s Police Superintendent Claims Drugs and Gangs ‘Gov’t Sponsored Racism’

Crowder Explains: Middle Class NOT Shrinking, Just Whining

New Colonial Period TV Drama Produced by Tea Party Members

Obama: Gay Couples Deserve Same Rights As All

Anderson Cooper Smacks Down Blogger

23RD/Dutch Lawmaker Geert Wilders Acquitted of ‘Hate Speech’ Charges

President Obama ‘Misspeaks’ About Fallen Soldier

Breitbart Set to Host ‘Troopathon 2011′

Muslim Marine Reservist Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings

Police: Mobster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger Arrested

22ND/Obama Announces Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal Scheduled for Few Months Before Election Day 2012

Coulter Debates O’Reilly: Get Out of Afghanistan Now

Breakdancing Gorilla Goes Viral

MSNBC’s Matthews: Lying Rush Limbaugh is ‘Evil’ for Denying Global Warming

Father of Four Al Gore Calls for ‘Fertility Management’ to Control Pollution

21ST/Muslim Woman Escapes Jail Sentence in Australia Over Burka Controversy

NBC Pledge Controversy Intensifies

NY Senate Stuck on Gay Marriage As Rallies Grow

20TH/Jon Stewart Squares Off with Fox News’ Chris Wallace

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