A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 June 2011


Unmanned helicopter crash lands at nuke plant

High level of radiation exposure estimated

YouTube - Guns For Hire In Afghanistan

Holy Crop! Vatican Blesses GMOs, though ‘Unofficially’ | UK Progressive

Fatal cocktail of common drugs putting elderly at risk - Telegraph

Levee fails, but Brownville OK -

#Radiation in Japan: "Experiment" Just Got Bigger, As Fukushima to Fit All Infants, Kindergarteners, School Children with Radiation Monitoring Badges | EX-SKF

Nuclear radiation in Teton Valley? - Teton Valley News: : nuclear physics, nuclear technology, physics, united states environmental protection agency, idaho

Obama releasing 30M barrels from US oil reserves - Yahoo! News

Republicans walk out of budget talks over taxes - Yahoo! News

U.S. Military – The NWO Protectorate? « The PPJ Gazette

YouTube - Ufo Live Aufnahme Sehr Gut.avi

YouTube - Alien from New Mexico crash

With Afghan withdrawal, US focus turns to Pakistan - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Three Questions Trump DIDN’T ask Obama

Goldman Is Now Selling Oil Equities: Advises Clients To Buy Oil Equities | zero hedge

A Nuclear Plant's Flood Defenses Trigger a Yearlong Regulatory Confrontation -

Robot, drone fail on Japan nuke-plant missions -

Soggy Midwest faces new summer threat: more rain | World news |

'It was shaking and rumbly': Tsunami warning in ALASKA as 7.3 earthquake strikes coast | Mail Online

Giant asteroid to 'narrowly miss' Earth - Telegraph

Turkey tells Bashar al-Assad to cease Syria repression | World news | The Guardian

Turkish - Israeli Relations

Apple under fire for pulling Intifada app - Middle East, World - The Independent

Israel stages nationwide five-day emergency drill to prepare for missile or chemical attacks - Telegraph

Fighting Apartheid On Land And Sea - BDS Update

Amnesty questions claim that Gaddafi ordered rape as weapon of war - Africa, World - The Independent

Libya: Gaddafi pleads for attacks to stop as he accuses Nato of murder | Mail Online

Permanent US Iraq And Afghanistan Occupations Planned

In fleeing Afghanistan, the West relinquishes its grip on the world – Telegraph Blogs

Pakistan-India Relations: Fruitless Dialogue with India | Opinion Maker

Egypt activists threaten 'million-strong' protest to stop Islamists winning power | World news | The Guardian

The Greek crisis brings us even closer to the long-planned European empire – Telegraph Blogs

The sham fight with Germany over the Greek bailout – Telegraph Blogs

World stock markets suffer heavy losses | Business |

West plans to release emergency oil to halt rising petrol and energy prices | Business |

Gradual ascent of Chinese economy | Opinion Maker

Government: Govern-Men-T

Mining Helium-3 will Transform Dark Side of the Moon - Global Mining

Rossi Explains E-Cat Setup in New Video

Nobel laureate touts E-Cat cold fusion

Nuclear Regulatory Commission says spent fuel casks near flood water pose no threat | The Washington Independent

Fund to track Fukushima health | The Japan Times Online

The TEPCO B*stards At Fukushima

Fukushima Fuku-Ups Continue

Fort Calhoun Cooper Missouri Flood Alert Nuclear Power Plant Radiation Japan Japon EMF CEM EHS Earthquake Tsunami Mobile Phone masts Antennes relais

TEPCO Still Not Aware Radiation Can Kill...

VPR News: With House Vote, Welch Supports Mission In Libya

YouTube - Mexican troops cross into the United States!

Google Is Building A Skype Clone - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Help! The police have broken in

Japan's newest popstar outed as CGI creation - Telegraph

EDITORIAL: U.N. climate propaganda exposed - Washington Times

Tea Partiers Create Their Own TV Show and Production Company (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

Peter Falk, TV's rumpled Columbo, has died - Yahoo! News

Two held in US for alleged plot to attack recruiting centre in Seattle | World news | The Guardian

Some Of Obama's Greatest Statements

U.S. no longer mandating 100 percent screening of cargo containers | Homeland Security News Wire

Cold Fusion E-Cat Detailed In Video | Before It's News

What's to Blame for Wild Weather? "La Nada" - NASA Science

Flu jab for all under fives could save 'thousands of people' - Telegraph

Ron Paul, Barney Frank Introduce Bill That Would End Pot Prohibition : The Two-Way : NPR

YouTube - Al-Jazeera-TV:Piers Corbyn's Interview on Al Jazeera TV

UK False Flag Forecast Summer 2011 | Before It's News

Boston mob boss was hiding in plain sight | World news |

Low-calorie diet offers hope of cure for type 2 diabetes | Society | The Guardian

North Carolina Confronts the Ugly Past of Its Eugenics Law - COLORLINES

YouTube - Bloomberg: U.S. Immigration System Causing 'National Suicide'

BBC News - KLM plans to fly planes on reused cooking oil - "Good Ole Days" Weren't

Roundup: Birth Defects Caused By World's Top-Selling Weedkiller, Scientists Say

Activist Post: Monsanto's Leading Soldier in the War on Raw Milk

Activist Post: Newly published research in leading journals AGAINST fluoride and vaccines

- - Are the Future King & Queen Crypto Jews? by Bernard Starr

Bernard Starr: A Jewish King And Queen Of England? It's Possible - The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism - England's Jewish Aristocracy - England's Jewish Aristocracy (2)


Random Facts(


Images:The Great Missouri River Flood of 2011


Activist Post: Can Individualism Actually Benefit The Environment?

DEA head: A thousand dead children means we're winning war on drugs - War Room -

New Study: Fluoride Can Damage the Brain - Avoid Use in Children -- NEW YORK, June 21, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Babesiosis, an Infection by Tick Bites, Spreads -

Monju: The In-Vessel Transfer Machine Has Been Pulled Out | EX-SKF

City in Chiba Prefecture sets independent radiation dose standard for children - The Mainichi Daily News

#Radiation in Japan: Children as Subjects of Radiation Research? | EX-SKF

YouTube - Tsunami Japanese inside a car! 津波日本

YouTube - Tokyo Metro Area(Kashiwa) - Radioactive Playground - 22-06-2011

Engines not to blame for TU-134 crash – aviation committee — RT

Suicides upping casualties from Tohoku catastrophe | The Japan Times Online

YouTube - Alien from New Mexico crash

YouTube - Ufo Live Aufnahme Sehr Gut.avi

Holy Crop! Vatican Blesses GMOs, though ‘Unofficially’ | UK Progressive

Futuristic U.S. Power Reactor May Be Developed Overseas -


The Agitator(


(Promo)XFINITY: Home Security/Comcast


'Big Food' Money Accused of Influencing Science - ABC News

Monsanto, Wikileaks, and Lobbying Expenditures. | MyFDL

N.C. State researchers take lead in Smart Grid development | McClatchy

Here comes the sun: the cost of solar energy is crashing down – Telegraph Blogs

Humans really DO have a sixth sense that lets us detect magnetic fields | Mail Online

Could It Be? Spooky Experiments That 'See' The Future : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

Netherlands mint scannable coins — RT

Pentagon gets cyberwar guidelines - Yahoo! News

The Popemobile Is Going Green - Alex Knapp - Robot Overlords - Forbes

Activist Post: Be Free of Your Rights, Even Liberated From Life: Agenda 21 Comes Calling Stockman: Warns on U.S. “Bond Armageddon”; First Default Could Be to IMF

What’s Hiding in Your Veggie Burger? |

Activist Post: GM Milk and the Rise of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

Dangerous Fungi in Most Dishwashers : Discovery News

Stunning Mirage Claimed In China (VIDEO, POLL)

World's wealthiest people now richer than before the credit crunch, says study | Business | The Guardian

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - The Zionist Story (must watch)

Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Change Al-Qaida's Name : NPR


YouTube - Ron Paul Slams Absurd Libya War Powers Debate

YouTube - American in Tripoli: First Hand Account

YouTube - What you don't know about Gaddafi - Private Prisons Love Mass Incarceration, And Want Politicians To Love It Too - Archaeologists to raise ancient Egyptian ship

Nuclear experts killed in Russia plane crash helped design Iran facility - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

War and Money: NY Fed Won't Say How Much Money Went to Iraq - CNBC

Applied DNA Sciences Successfully Marks Mission-Critical Microchips for the Department of Defense - MarketWatch

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) versus Bilderberg: Where are Real Decisions Being Made? -

Al Gore, Agenda 21 And Population Control -

Editorial: Was Fast And Furious A Gun-Control Plot? -

TSA claims it will soon stop molesting little children, but not adults, veterans or senior citizens

Florida DNA database to help fight crime - WWSB ABC 7 Florida

Sunflowers to clean radioactive soil in Japan

Sunny Sheu: Murdered for Investigating NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia? « naked capitalism

Austrian company debuts revolutionary wingless aircraft

New focus on vaccines could spell new pharmaceutical jobs - Pharmaceutical Jobs

Sterilization Victims Of Eugenics Program : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


The Handbook of Human Ownership : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*1:34:00/YouTube - The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers


Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

NY Senate chamber erupts with cheers after same-sex marriage passes

Romney revives Thatcher campaign ad

Olbermann: Petraeus ‘unfit’ to lead CIA

Anderson Cooper slams reporter

Van Jones slams the GOP's deficit obsession

''The West Is Terrified of Arabic Democracies''

Imperialism 101

Exposing the Growing Corporatism Dominating American Diplomacy Abroad

BBC News - Newsnight online 'chat' with Lulz Security hacking group

Hackers attack Electronic Arts website | Reuters

+Woman who filmed cop from own yard charged with obstructing his administration of government - Boing Boing

Rochester Intimidation and Harassment at the Flying Squirrel | Indy TV on

YouTube - Rep. Renee Ellmers Questions Timothy Geithner At Business Hearing

YouTube - Why I Was Arrested Yesterday at a D.C. Taxi Commission Meeting

** Lindsey Williams & Alex Jones: Earth Shattering Events to Come Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Iranian President: We must expose the truth about Holocaust, 9/11 - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

What happens to Anthony Weiner’s staff? When the boss leaves, it’s political limbo for Hill aides - The Reliable Source - The Washington Post

Power grid change may disrupt clocks -

BBC News - Acoustic 'cloaking device' shields objects from sound

BBC Nature - Songbirds eavesdrop on predatory chipmunks

Kids Own Up To Ownership - Science News

Senator Leahy Praises US Gov't Censorship Of Websites As ICE Takes Another Victory Lap - informationliberation

How Can Anyone Not Realize the War on (Some) Drugs Is Racist? - informationliberation

No Good Guys in the War on Drugs - informationliberation

LulzSec leaks Arizona law enforcement papers (Updated with excerpts) - Boing Boing

Technocracy’s Endgame: Global Smart Grid

Earth in the Balance, Humankind on the Edge: Nathan Myhrvold - Bloomberg

Prosecuting The Public

Do the Largest Structures in the Universe Contradict Current Theory?

Lytro: The camera that could change photography forever - Yahoo! News

Video:Thousands of G-20 Detentions Illegal: Ontario Ombudsman

Video:RCMP vs Toronto Police - Who Wanted "Martial Law" Legislation?

Video:Toronto G-20: Will Police be Held Accountable After Scathing Ombudsman's Report?

+Another Republican Trick by Ron Paul

Ron Paul Bill Attacks Federal Marijuana War

Don't Trust the Fed?: Then buy gold, says Marc Faber

Jun 24, 2011 Gold Stocks Bottom While SP500 Tops Out! Morris Hubbartt

“My US-based broker will not allow me to buy this stock” | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Why Are Food Prices Rising So Fast?

Bernanke Channels Benchley by Gary North

The green killer: Scores of protected golden eagles dying after colliding with wind turbines | Mail Online

Al Gore, Agenda 21 and Population Control

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

Activist Post: G. Edward Griffin: The Name of the Game is Bailout

YouTube - The War on Drugs Is Insane!

Activist Post: These Parasites Are Destroying Us: Charlie McGrath


YouTube - Tribe meets white man for the first time (original)


YouTube - Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (1/5)

YouTube - Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (2/5)

YouTube - Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (3/5)

YouTube - Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (4/5)

YouTube - Tribe meets white man for the first time - Original Footage (5/5)


Activist Post: Felony Penalties Proposed for "Illegal Streaming": Senate Bill 978

Roundup: Birth Defects Caused By World's Top-Selling Weedkiller, Scientists Say

New Madrid's Giant Pipeline Bomb | Before It's News

Activist Post: Hezbollah members confess to spying for CIA: Nasrallah

Activist Post: Collapsing China

Republicans Back Away From The Ryan Plan

Gov. Cuomo Praises New York as Beacon for Social Justice After Passage of Gay Marriage Bill

Federal Judge Stays Indiana Law Cutting Off Planned Parenthood Funding Until She Hears Lawsuit

NY Senate Votes For Marriage Equality

Anderson Cooper embarrasses Daily Caller reporter with lecture on accuracy

Administration Takes Aim At Speculators, Releases Oil Reserves To Drive Down Prices. And It's Working!

- Barney Frank and Ron Paul Introduce Legislation to End Federal Ban on Marijuana

Afghan withdrawal gives WaPo a sadface

LulzSec Claims Hack of Arizona Law Enforcement Info

Jared Bernstein: Cantor's Behavior "Profoundly Irresponsible And Reckless." Isn't That What Republicans Do?

NC Governor Perdue Vetoes Voter ID Bill

New Regulations Likely to Shut Down the Last Three Abortion Clinics in Kansas

Some History About Michele Bachmann's Radical Religious Right Agenda

About Afghanistan, Troop Drawdowns, and War

The Courage of Undocumented American Jose Antonio Vargas: Breaking Unjust Laws

NC woman sterilized because state deemed her 'promiscuous'

Hundreds of Syrians Flee into Lebanon

Obama: Tech Innovations Can Spur Job Growth

Peter Falk Dies at 83

Chinese Premier Voices Support for European Economies

Social Injustice Highlighted at Silverdocs Film Festival

Farm Ministers Call for Commodity Market Regulation

Refugees, Migrants Face Health Challenges When Returning Home

Fossil Studies Show Dinosaurs Were Warm-Blooded

'Dawn' Spacecraft Speeds Toward Asteroid Rendezvous

Alien Species Not Always Welcome Visitors

NY Catholic Bishops Now Expect Efforts 'to Enact Gov't Sanctions Against Churches'

Steve Martin to Alec Baldwin: 'Now We Can Get Married!'

Help Wanted: For an 'Aggressive Program to Go After ... Deniers' of Climate Change

Ted Turner: Climate Change ‘Most Serious ... Problem Humanity Has Ever Faced’

+We’re Putting Unconstitutional ‘Concentration of Power in President,’ Says Constitutional Scholar

Geithner: Taxes on ‘Small Business’ Must Rise So Government Doesn’t ‘Shrink’

First Lady Praises Botswana As ‘Thriving Democracy’ But State Dept Cites ‘Violence Against Women,’ ‘Child Abuse,’ ‘Discrimination’

*81 Republicans Flip-Flop on Libya Opposition Votes

House Votes Against Authorizing--or Defunding--Libyan Intervention

House Weighs Cutting Off Funds for Fighting in Libya

Conservatives to GOP Leaders: Don't ‘Chicken’ Out, Back Balanced Budget Amendment

U.N. Chief Says U.N. Charter Was Flown From Nat'l Archives, Wrapped in Parachute, for Swearing-In

Obama Announces $500M Stimulus for High-Tech Manufacturing

Obama to Gays: Re-Elect Me and ‘I Promise You We Will Write Another Chapter’ in Your Story

Vindication? John Bolton Returns to Capitol Hill to Discuss Syrian WMDs

Clinton Foresees US Counterterrorism Ops in Afghanistan Beyond 2014

GOP Senator: ‘Absolutely’ No Tax Increases as Part of Debt Limit Deal

Boehner Holds Line: No New Taxes, Spending Cuts Should Exceed Debt Limit Rise

Report: Obamacare Public Health Povisions Still Unfunded

Oprah Receives South African Honorary Doctorate

Hispanic, White Achievement Gap as Wide as in 90s

Rapture Predictor Camping's Radio Show Replaced

To Cheap Out – or Not Cheap Out? by Eric Peters

Report: Phone Offers Clues to bin Laden's Pakistan Links

Brainwashing the Corporate Way

Food Bombs and Wall Street

Radioactive Dust From Japan Hit North America 3 Days After Meltdown

The Pentagon and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons

America's Worldwide Military Deployment

Obama's Trillion-Dollar "Sacrifice" Plan Targets Health Care and Social Security

Is the Chinese Economy Sputtering for the Same Reasons as the American Economy?

VIDEO: US vs Japan: The Threat of Radiation Speculation

15 killed in NATO air raid in Brega: Libya TV

Divisions Within the Military Alliance

Cynthia McKinney Denounces Libya Bombing

Italy Breaks Ranks Over NATO's Libya Mission

VIDEO: Speaking Truth to Power: The Faces of War

Farm Bankruptcies and Land Grabbing Worldwide

Stomach Acid is Good for You – Fix Your Indigestion Naturally by Margaret Durst

Rep. Upton to Newsmax: Obama's Oil Release Imperils US

Experts: Tapping Reserves Won't Push Gas Under $3

Boehner: Obama Can't Buck Congressional Authority

AP Poll: Americans Divided on Looming Debt Crisis

Tea Party Reps Split on War Cash for US in Libya

As US Talks Withdrawal, Afghan Corruption Soars

Mobster's Run Almost Textbook Case of Evasion

Tornadoes, Floods Deliver Blow to State Budgets

Romney Rips Obama, Says, 'Let America Lead'

Huntsman: Issues, Not Religion, Will Decide Race

Pot Legalization Unites Odd Couple in House

Romney the Runaway Winner on Financing

Norquist: Huntsman Will Sign Anti-Tax Pledge

Birinyi: Disappointing Fed Won’t Stop Bull’s Charge

Chinese Inflation Threat a Paper Tiger?

Bug Bites: Soothe Your Symptoms

Tapping Oil Reserve May be a Quick Fix to Save Obama

Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?

GOP Candidates Stumble Out of the Gate

McCain and the GOP's 'Isolation Strain'

Huntsman Is Out of Step With GOP

Obama Should Comply With War Powers Act

A Guide to Shellfish | Mark's Daily Apple

President Obama Apologizes to Family of Fallen Soldier - Political Punch

Exclusive: Top U.S. admiral admits we are trying to kill Qaddafi | The Cable

Army fires on funeral procession in Yemen - YEMEN - FRANCE 24

Syrian security forces open fire on anti-regime protests - SYRIA - FRANCE 24

Confederate Flag License Plate Sparks Debate « - Flash Player Installation

5 Deaths; Multiple Injuries after Amtrak crash near Reno says NDOT - My News 4 - KRNV, Reno, NV

W.H. releases DNC meet names - Josh Gerstein and Matt Negrin -


Chicago Police Superintendent: Compares Palin Hunting to Chicago Urban Crime - Katie Pavlich

Top cop Garry McCarthy likens federal gun laws to ‘racism’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Teen Mob Hits Walgreens On The Mag Mile « CBS C - Flash Player Installation


Greenspoint Mall says no to sagging pants |

Oil release not a political move: Geithner - Yahoo! News

Slaughter ban sending horses across borders - Washington Times

Water filling 2,500 homes in Minot as river rises - Yahoo! News

House rebukes Obama but won't halt funds for Libya - Yahoo! News

House rebukes Obama on Libya, but lets funding continue - Washington Times

Violence erupts as U2 rocks Glastonbury

Michelle Obama and family go on African safari -

Federal gun surveillance: ATF chief resists pressure to step down -

Ray Nagin describes post-Hurricane Katrina paranoia in his new book |

» Texas Lawmakers AWOL For Vote On TSA Groping Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Senator Jim DeMint Warns Republicans on Debt Ceiling Vote: They Will Be 'Gone' - ABC News

Google Confirms F.T.C. Antitrust Inquiry -

Google Is Closing Its Health Records Service -

Existence of 200 ‘uncontacted’ tribal people in Brazilian rainforest confirmed (PHOTOS) - International Business Times

Russian woman, Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, dies at her own funeral after being mistaken for dead

Imperious, arrogant, stroppy: No, not Wallis Simpson but Madonna, who has upset almost everyone on the set of her troubled film about the royal scandal | Mail Online

PBS website hacked again - On Media -

Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states - Washington Times

Police: Baby died from morphine in breast milk - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

+Obama’s Sturmabteilung Is Now Rolling Out In Thousands Of Locations Near You! :

Agenda 21 Indoctrination Going Global at Warp Speed :

Top 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses :

Military Tensions Between China And US Heat Up In Dispute Over South China Sea Islands :

Experts Claim 10 to 45% Chance Massive Earthquake And Tsunami Will Devastate Pacific Northwest :

Advisory: Possible Asteroid Impact On Monday June 27, 2011? :

The Ugly Truth: Video Of Libyan Rebel Beheading Gadhaffi Soldier And Other Nato War Crimes :

+All The Proof In The World: HAARP Is Wrecking Havoc Worldwide :

Why Is There A Media Blackout On Nuclear Incident At Fort Calhoun In Nebraska? :

Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant: Radioactive Plume Projections Released For the CONUS :

The Secret Covenant: Illuminati Tells All? | Before It's News

WARNING - VERY SHOCKING MATERIAL: These "Rebels" In Libya Are Not Boy Scouts, US, NATO Must Get Out, West Is On The Wrong Side Of A Civil War... | Before It's News

First Ever Television Picture of Mars Was Colored With Crayons in 1965 | Before It's News

Rome To Consider Possible Miracle Of ‘Rosary Priest’ | Before It's News

Another Step Closer To A One World Religion: 50 U.S. Churches To Read From The Quran On Sunday | Before It's News


**Full Scale Replica of Noah's Ark Under Construction in Netherlands | Before It's News


*52 min/YouTube - Hidden Planet - Cannibal Island


Beware: Your Green Cleaning Product May Be Toxic

15 Fascinating Psych Studies on College Students | Before It's News

10 Tips for Quitting Smoking or Drinking | Before It's News

Crazy with a Capital “C”

Not your Grandfather’s AMA | Before It's News

How to build loyal readers form social networks? | Before It's News

Russia, China sign deal to switch to trade in rubles, yuan | Before It's News

Fracking: Transforming America’s Energy Landscape | Before It's News

The Greatest Sentence That Was Ever Written | Before It's News


350 Million Adults Have Diabetes: Study Reveals The Scale Of Global Epidemic | Before It's News

Obama Raids Oil Reserve, But Still Blocks Producing More | Before It's News

22 Crafty Ways To Reuse Magazines | Before It's News

Warning: Nuclear Terror Attack June 26, 2011, Berlin Olympia Stadium? | Before It's News

CIA To Create Nuclear War Between China and India | Before It's News

Vegetable harvest time | Before It's News

Preserving and Storing your Produce - Cyprus Gardener - information, tips and advice on growing organic produce in a Mediterranean climate


+Looking For Domain Name Ideas? Use These Tools. | Before It's News

- Do You Have to Have Money to Make Money? | Before It's News

- Text Links Versus Image Ads | Before It's News

+The Global Web Development Community | Before It's News


*The Alex Jones Show – June 24th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 24th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 23rd, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 22nd, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 24th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 23rd, 2011


4 Parts:The Opportunities in Change – Max Igan |


YouTube - 6/24/11The Freest State in the Union, Voluntarists for Ron Paul, Free Talk Live Media Empire


*112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.1495 - Gold Reserve Transparency Act of 2011


YouTube - Ron Paul's Opening Statement: Monetary Policy Subcommittee - Gold & Fort Knox - 06/23/11


YouTube - Monetary Policy Subcommittee: IMF & Gold Pt. 1 - 06/23/11

YouTube - Monetary Policy Subcommittee: IMF & Gold Pt. 2 - 06/23/11


Ron Paul Holds Hearing on Gold Audit Bill - TheStreet


+Al Gore, Agenda 21 And Population Control |

Perry Supporter Claims Alex Jones Works For Obama |

» Texas Lawmakers AWOL For Vote On TSA Groping Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Court Brief: Raw Milk Legal to Drink in all 50 States, FDA Has No Legal Authority to Stop Interstate Transportation | Health Impact News

National Press Photographers Association Slams Cops’ Camera Crackdown

Editorial: Was Fast And Furious A Gun-Control Plot? -

IDF: Wages of Terror Are Sodomy « Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place

CIA swallowed by Pentagon? |

Peru implements ten-year ban on GMOs |

The Explosive Nature of Nanothermite |

China Formally Working With IMF To Avoid Eurozone Restructuring | zero hedge

9 Out Of 10 Americans Don't Expect Raises To Compensate For Rising Price Of Goods, Survey Says


+Radiation News 6-24-11 |

+Radiation News 6-23-11 |



The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


The end of Ponzi financing era in the United States and the World – When income, revenues, and swindles no longer support servicing debt. From California home owners, Greek bondholders, and Japanese zombie banks. » Dr. Housing Bubble Blog

News Navigator: Are there final disposal facilities for radioactive waste? - The Mainichi Daily News

The Intercept: Richard Gage Talk at Royal Institute of British Architects Ignites Firestorm

Santorum: ‘There’s No Such Thing As Global Warming’ | ThinkProgress

YouTube - Will 'illegal war' sink Obama's career?

The Intercept: EPA: Water Wells Contaminated Near Fracking Blowout Site

The Intercept: Exclusive: Top U.S. admiral admits we are trying to kill Qaddafi

Live: Congress Debates New Sex-Based American Dreams | Onion News Network

Obama Soldiers On by Justin Raimondo --

Vaccine Machine: A Look Inside The Immunization Dilemma | Long Island Press

Europe's IMF Game--John Bolton -

Anthony Lawson : The Death of American Democracy VIDEO | My Catbird Seat

Mother of victim of Marine Park rifleman defends his shooting -

Activist Post: US says won't rule out options on Venezuela sanctions

[Vanishing science jobs--Josh Bloom -

poorrichards blog: PNAC-Reborn: Calling for Greater Libyan War

Conrad Black going back to jail | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Dark Past: Michigan sterilized more than 3,000 people from early 1900s to 1970s |

Fed-Up GOP to Obama: No New Taxes

Free Market Economics: Big time trouble dead ahead thanks to the Federal Reserve. | High Court limits generic companies’ duty to warn

Martial law provision secretly passed in Congress Committee - National Human Rights |

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "Libya Didn't Attack Us They Don't Have Any Intention Of Attacking Us..."

Nevada Gives Green Light to Self-Driving Cars | News & Opinion |

Ghostly image shocks St. John's wedding guests - News - MSN CA

Tiny camera reveals secrets of 1,500-year-old Mayan tomb - Telegraph

Chinese find 55ft 'sea monster' | The Sun |News

Ingenious 'Flat Earth' Theory Revealed In Old Map | LiveScience

Enceladus, a Moon of Saturn, May Have Ocean Beneath Its Icy Surface -

Earth Must Be Ready for Next Big Solar Storm | The Sun & Space Weather | Solar Flares & Coronal Mass Ejections |

BBC News - 'Pandora' galaxy cluster crash yields dark matter clues

Psychic Octopus Search Undertaken By German Aquarium

E. coli outbreak caused by mix of 2 deadly strains -

Blow from taxi restores boy's sight: News24: South Africa: News

Breakdancing gorilla goes viral | Orange UK

Saturn's 'Ice Queen' Moon Helene Shimmers in New Photo | Saturn's Moons & Helene | NASA & Cassini Mission |

The Archaeology News Network: ‘Brain surgery' during Harappan civilisation?

Fried Kool-Aid hits County Fair circuit (Photos) - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Moving mirrors make light from nothing : Nature News

Flying Saucers Turn 64! A Look Back at the Origin of UFOs | The 1947 Kenneth Arnold UFO Sighting | Paranormal, UFOs & Alien Encounters | Life's Little Mysteries


Help Bring Back the Alien-Hunting SETI Telescopes | Wired Science |


SETI Institute:(




Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "There's A Simple Solution To All This & That Is Obey The Constitution!"

Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "We Have To Put An End To The Thinking That The Constitution Is A Doormat!"

Hacker Data Release Reveals Feds Domestic Spy Program Has Grown Far Beyond Our Wildest Nightmares

PressTV - Petraeus re-opens the torture debate

Investors Unload Euro -

CAIR loses nonprofit status - Ben Smith -

The Intercept: Hezbollah 'captures CIA spies'

Retirement As We Know it Is “Dead”: EuroPacific’s Pento - Yahoo! Finance

Is Fukushima Radiation Too Hot For Robots? T-Hawk Drone Crashes On Roof, Another Robot Stuck Inside Building

A Free Thinker's Journey: Rash of disasters raising concerns about emergency response resources

New Bill to Modernize 1938 Regulations that Allow Harmful Chemicals in Shampoos, Cosmetics -- WASHINGTON, June 24, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Policing the Police: The Apps That Let You Spy on the Cops - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Bankers Declare War on Commodities


War and Money: NY Fed Won't Say How Much Money Went to Iraq -

Sinister Public-Private Partnership to Spy on Web Users -

Report: Private Prisons Love Mass Incarceration, And Want Politicians To Love It Too | TPMMuckraker

Five Out Of Five Economists Agree: QE3 Is Coming - Home - The Daily Bail

Can Obama say 9 Orwellian lies in 3 Afghanistan speech sentences? Yes, he can! - National Nonpartisan |

Mexican troops cross into the United States at Bridge Two | Pro 8 - News, Weather, Sports - | Laredo, Texas | Local

American's Journey: Bill Moyers: Israeli Commandos on U.S. Soil during Katrina


YouTube - Ron Paul Slams Absurd Libya War Powers Debate

- Ron Paul Hearing to Investigate U.S. Gold Reserves | Coin News


YouTube - Tungstengold Tungsten Gold Wolframgold Wolfram Bars


Exploring Wall Street's 'Dirty Business' : NPR

Fed Balance Sheet Hits New Record, NY Foreclosure Nightmare Chart, Socialized Stocks Outperform U.S. Market, Barney Frank & Ron Paul Introduce Bill To Legalize Marijuana, AFLAC Quacks Big Losses (15 LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

BMG: Buy Bullion|Ron Paul: Gold Prices Could Hit $10,000 (Video)

The Intercept: U.S. Regulators Lowered Safety Standards to Accommodate Aging Reactors

Activist Post: US venture capitalists oppose 'rogue website' bill

Obama’s Drawdown Speech: More Orwellian Lies :

Mexico Arrests ‘La Familia’ Drug Cartel Leader…Who’s Also a BATF Gun Runner :

Activist Post: Bilderberg 2011: Better Late Than Never…(Videos)

Missing SAMs in Libya alarms the West

Christian faith is a reason to cast a vote for a candidate!

The Debt Factor and the Economy.

Agenda 21 infiltrates our States to Destroy America, Will Americans Fight Back?

Debbie Schlussel:Peter Falk: Proud American, Proud Pro-Israel Jew, of Blessed Memory

Debbie Schlussel:EXCLUSIVE: Where Did He Get $s For Terrorist Attack? Seattle Islamic Terrorist Filed Bankruptcy in May

Debbie Schlussel:Gabby Giffords Should Resign or Get Back to Work: Disabled But Writing Book on Taxpayer Dime

Debbie Schlussel:Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif & Walli Mujahidh: 2 More US Muslim Terrorists “Hijack Their Religion”

Debbie Schlussel:Oprah: Unemployed Muslim Aliens Will Make You “Happier Than Any Guy From a Church”

Debbie Schlussel:Sick of the Faux “Outrage” Over Southwest Pilot’s Private Conversation?

Debbie Schlussel:ABC: Hey, Parents Should Let “Adult” Teens Have Sex @ Home; What Could Go Wrong?

Debbie Schlussel:“Accident” or Jihad?: Egyptian Pilot’s Near Miss @ JFK Airport

Debbie Schlussel:Hyper-Sensitive USA: America, You Can’t Handle the Truth – Ebert, Mccain & Morgan Learn the Hard Way

Redistribution of Wealth

No Muslim Terrorism To See Here

Obama’s ineligibility: Our Lexington and Concord moment is coming

Syria’s Butcher and the World’s Shameful Silence

Does Government Intervention Make Energy Cheaper?

Mullahs and Opiates

Van Jones: “America Is Not Broke”

Obama’s ineligibility: We now have elective despotism

White House Executive Order on Rural Council

Challenge to Christians: How Christian Are You?

Ottawa Taxpayers Should Rejoice Over ACORN’s “Living Wage” Defeat

Cargo Cult Watch: Van Jones’ ‘American Dream Movement.’ | RedState

White House Graft With A Union Label? | RedState

Bernanke's Soft Patch: It's the Uncertainty, Stupid!

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve Is an Obama '12 Reelection Asset

Why Palin Can Win

The Ideas Behind the Words

Rick Perry: Drawing the Lines Clearly

The Death of Art Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Romney as Kerry Redux

Are We Ready for a Woman President?

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Vs The American Anti-Male Justice System

The Public Sphere and Tea Party Philosophy

Michelle Obama Tells Tales to South Africans

ACLU finds another reason to stop detaining border violators: gay and transgender abuse by fellow illegal aliens

With libertarians like this, who needs statists

The Liberal tea party?

Netherlands abandoning multiculturalism

Expecting the Unexpected

Obama's furry new plan unveiled in Pittsburgh

'Cars 2': Hollywood screws up again

Flying Follies

5 Russian nuke scientists helping Iran die in plane crash

An Aristocracy of Incompetence

Michele Bachmann, the GOP, and the Race Conversation

Before the Surge Troops Leave Afghanistan, Do Waziristan

Voter ID Showcases Democrat McLovins

Georgetown and the Islamist Money Changers

Understanding Supply Side Economics

Did the Supreme Court Tip its Hand on ObamaCare?

Obama Losing Dems on National Security at Critical Time -

Election 2012: Obama team courts wealthy donors -

Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states - Washington Times

NAACP leader sees racism in sagging-pants saga

My Way News - While US talks withdrawal, Afghan corruption soars

President Obama gets snubbed by Wall Street Dems -

Suspected LI pharmacy killer David Laffer appears in court, pleads not guilty -

Police unleash war on Maniac Latin Disciples gang, arrest 120 - Chicago Sun-Times

Proposed California High Speed Rail Route Cuts Through Farms to Protect Birds -

Household Insecticides May Be Linked to Autoimmune Diseases - Health News -

Slaughter ban sending horses across borders - Washington Times

Souris River rising slower as crest nears - Weather -

Accused child porn suspect found dead in Mexico of unknown causes

Yoda the chihuahau crowned World's Ugliest Dog - Telegraph

‘The United States of Islam’: Muslim Brotherhood Spokesman Calls on Arab Youth to Launch a New Revolution in the West & Establish a Global Islamic State | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Iranian Prison Guards Allegedly Give Inmates Condoms to ‘Mass Rape’ Opposition Activists | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Prince: ‘You Wear a Burqa. There’s no Choice. People Are Happy With That.’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Not Everyone Thinks a Confederate Flag on Some - Flash Player Installation

SC Police: Baby Died From Morphine in Breast Milk | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Blind Runner Embarks on 100-Mile ‘Ultratriathlon’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Take Back the Land’: Woman Arrested for Videotaping Police…Has a Long History of Radical Confrontation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Rep. Chris Murphy Wants Clarence Thomas to Be Investigated, Says ‘What He’s Done is Incredibly Serious’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are You Subsidizing Media Matters’ War on Fox News? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Bachmann‘s ’Money Blurts’ Inspire Small Donors to Dole Out Campaign Cash | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

AFL-CIO Union Chief Pledges 12 Million Workers to Van Jones Progressive Tea Party | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

House Refuses to Defund Libyan Operation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dem. Rep’s Surprising Anti-Obama Speech: President ‘Becoming an Absolute Monarch’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Sort of a Trend: Raise Your Kid Totally ‘Gender Neutral’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Seattle Terror Suspect’s Wife Collapses During Emotional Interview | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dramatic Vid Captures Strangers Rescuing Motorcyclist From Fiery Blaze | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

House Votes Against Obama’s Military Action in Libya | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Treasury Sec. Geithner: We Need to Raise Taxes on Small Businesses Because It‘s ’Fair’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Atheist Sues Florida Sheriff, Claims Harassment Because of Her ‘Non-Religious, Atheist Viewpoint’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Hugo Chavez’s Post-Surgical Radio Silence Raises Questions, Speculation | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

So Where Was Pelosi During Obama’s Afghanistan Address? At a U2 Concert | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Tea Party Gets Its Own Colonial America TV Show — Made by Tea Partiers | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Israel PM’s Son on Facebook: Muslims ‘Celebrate Hate and Death,‘ ’Terror Has a Religion and it Is Islam’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Dramatic Video: Thai Security Officials Duck and Cover as Roadside Bomb Explodes | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Michelle Obama Does Sit-ups, Push-ups and Plays Soccer With…Desmond Tutu | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is Delta Airlines Showing Signs Of ‘Creeping Sharia’ Law & Should Jewish Passengers Be Concerned? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Judge Orders Pro-Life Billboard Be Taken Down | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Three Muslim Males…Gun Down Everybody’: Seattle Plotters Imagined Own Media Headlines | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Mexican Convoy of Soldiers, Weapons Gets ‘Lost’ & Ends Up Crossing U.S. Border | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Osama’s Final Writings Reveal Obsession With Public Image, Considered Changing Group’s Name | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Conan Mocks Conservatives Who Think ‘Cars 2’ Has Liberal Bias | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Conan Mocks Conservatives Who Think ‘Cars 2’ Has Liberal Bias | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

French Motorcycle Crash Leads to Hilarious Twirling Wreckage | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze


ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability(


Planning Portal - Government unveils sustainable development presumption


Obama Signs Agenda 21-Related Executive Order







While You Were Watching Weiner Roast, We “LOST” Our Oceans | ATLAH Media Network

Saudi Arabia: Economic Terrorists | ATLAH Media Network

Dr. Manning After Hours | ATLAH Media Network

Foreign Investors Buying American Dream? | ATLAH Media Network

The ESSENCE of RACISM | ATLAH Media Network

Black and White Truth | ATLAH Media Network


YouTube - Ron Paul on Freedom Watch (06/23/11)

YouTube - Sen. Rand Paul Questions Invasive TSA Searches - 06/22/11

YouTube - Ron Paul on Happening Now - June 22nd, 2011.


YouTube - Keiser Report: Greece Resistance Special (E158)


GCN News: Feared By The King: An Homage To The Preachers «

+GCN News: Your Edible Landscape: Dandelions «

+ GCN News :Your Edible Landscape: A Wild Salad Recipe «

GCN News :Good Cholesterol, Bad Cholesterol: No Such Thing «

GCN News: Aging Nukes and Weakening Safety Standards: The Possible Fallout «

GCN News: The Lost Age of High Knowledge «

YouTube - Radio Talk Show Host 'Lionel': Mainstream Media Has Lost All Credibility 1/3

YouTube - Radio Talk Show Host 'Lionel': Mainstream Media Has Lost All Credibility 2/3

YouTube - Radio Talk Show Host 'Lionel': Mainstream Media Has Lost All Credibility 3/3

+Ron Paul Slams Absurd Libya War Powers Debate

Michelle Obama: “Fortunately, We Have Help From The Media”

Obama Administration Caught Running False Flag Against Second Amendment

*YouTube- OTJ: Louis Fisher

NASA To Fly Low Over Region For Air Quality Stu

*New Study: Fluoride Can Damage the Brain – Avoid Use in Children

Teaching Kids to Love TSA and Hate Tony Tiger | The Barr Code

‘Uncontacted’ tribe found in Brazil’s Amazon

U.S. ready to arm Philippines amid China tension | The Raw Story

Massaging the Monolith: Confusing Signals from the Persian Devils

The War on Drugs Is Insane!

World War III Defined: Wider War Unfolding in Middle East

Afghan Troop Withdrawal Is ‘No Change In Plans’ From Obama

Record-High 36% of Americans Lack Confidence in Banks

The State Of The Economy

YouTube - Max Keiser & Alex Jones: The History of What Happened to Greece 1/2

YouTube - Max Keiser & Alex Jones: The History of What Happened to Greece 2/2

YouTube - Gangster James "Whitey" Bulger Was in FBI Witness Protection Program - Alex Jones Tv

» Permanent U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan Occupations Planned Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Nicolas Sarkozy accuses Robert Gates of 'bitterness' - Telegraph

» Federal Reserve Shipped Billions to Iraq Which Were Then Stolen Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Reporters Arrested For Filming at D.C. Taxi Commission Hearing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Citgroup pegs hacker loss at $2.7 million -

Kids Own Up To Ownership - Science News

Diabetes rate 'double that of 1980' -

» Bill O’Reilly vs. Rapper Lupe Fiasco: Obama’s Foreign Policy Makes Him a Terrorist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» We Are Change Walk & Talk With Google’s Eric Schmidt, Jacob Wallenberg Bilderberg 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama unveils manufacturing initiative - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Michael Jackson's music emerging as true legacy - CBS News

LAPD -- We're Proud 'Columbo' Was One of Us |

Feds look into truck driver killed in Amtrak crash -

Huntsman and Romney Bids Divide Utah Voters -

President Bill Clinton Plays 'Not My Job' on Radio Quiz Show - The Note

Newt Gingrich: Obama Is So Bad, Black People Will Vote Republican | TPMDC

Indiana Planned Parenthood could resume services after federal judge struck down law blocking funding because of abortions |

News analysis: Comparing Obama and Romney health laws - ABC News

Lawyer: Ex-Detroit mayor to be released from state prison -

Government rows back on level of reduction in judges' pay - The Irish Times - Sat, Jun 25, 2011

Nevada presidential debate postponed in hopes of Perry candidacy - The Washington Post

Obama criticized for flubbing name of medal of honor recipient - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Casey Anthony trial delayed by unexplained legal issue | Reuters

Obama, GOP radio duel over government debt ceiling -

YouTube - Bulger and Greig return for federal hearing

Suicide Bomber Strikes Medical Facility in Eastern Afghanistan | Asia | English

House Spurns Obama on Libya, but Does Not Cut Funds -

Iran opens int'l anti-terrorism conference

Hamas: No Schalit release before Palestini... JPost - Middle East

Former Egyptian Minister Gets Prison Sentence -

E.coli: consumers advised not to eat raw bean sprouts - Telegraph

Libyan Rebels Say Soccer Players Join Cause -

No interviews, Twitter, travel for Chinese artist Ai | Reuters

Alice Walker: Why I'm joining the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza | World news | The Guardian

Storm drenches east China while drought plagues northwest

Iran is target of new U.S. sanctions - The Washington Post

Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and Son Get Life Terms for Rwanda Genocide -

The Associated Press: Militants raid Pakistan police station; 10 killed

Hundreds More Syrians Flee to Turkey -

Pakistan, India inch towards rebuilding trust

Lost Penguin in New Zealand Finds Way Home - ABC News

‘Safety Myth’ Left Japan Ripe for Nuclear Crisis -



Chicago test scores up, but officials not satisfied | WBEZ

Blago defense already asking for a mistrial | Barbara Hollingsworth | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Blagojevich jury deliberations drag on, quietly -

Motion Filed in Rod Blagojevich Trial Challenging Motions Under Seal

Former Winn. Co. States Attorney Paul Logli Weighs in on the Blagojevich Retrial


Ex-media mogul Conrad Black ordered back to prison; wife faints - Chicago Sun-Times


Cheerios cereal celebrates its 70th birthday |

Delta Partnership With Saudi Air a Controversial Connection | NBC Miami

Google Antitrust Scrutiny: The Price of Success | PCWorld

US stocks mixed over Greek drama - Taipei Times

Biggest Banks Must Hold 2.5 Percentage Points More Capital in Basel Accord - Bloomberg

GoDaddy Nears Sale to KKR -

BBC News - Why Chinese companies want to buy British businesses

Conrad Black Must Return to Prison After New 3 1/2-Year Sentence Imposed - Bloomberg

YouTube - Former media baron Conrad Black back in jail

Inside LulzSec: Chatroom logs shine a light on the secretive hackers | Technology |

Governments, businesses, people caught in hacker crossfire -

Small asteroid to pass earth, distance about earth’s diameter

Is Mozilla's Firefox 5 a More Stable Browser Than Its Predecessor? | PCWorld

Report Claims Twitter To Unveil New Ad-Strategy |

Google Shuttering Ailing Google Health, PowerMeter - Health Care IT - News & Reviews -

AppleInsider | Hacker pleads guilty to breaching AT&T to obtain iPad user email addresses

Rare 200 Amazon rainforest tribe spotted in the wild. Govt. conspiracy to hide them? (Photos) - International Business Times

Drug Companies Win Two Supreme Court Decisions -

Even baby fat needs weight-watching, National Academy of Sciences says - The Washington Post

Illinois health officials encourage testing for HIV |

TV and soda: Small habits cause excess pounds - Health - Diet and nutrition -

UN: Deaths up from cancer, diabetes, heart disease -

Cigarette warnings: New cigarette warnings could make you ill -


Measles cases exceed 2010 total after 5 months - Telegraph

First charges handed down after medical pot raids - BusinessWeek

Is J-Lo Leaving Idol? - Technorati Entertainment

Dave Matthews Band Caravan Pulls Into Atlantic City - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

As 3-D Wanes, ‘Transformers’ Director Goes on Offensive -

For Disney, 'Cars 2' Is a Merchandising Bonanza -

Cameron Diaz News - 10 Things You Didn't Know About Cameron Diaz - Celebuzz

Pottermore website launched by JK Rowling as 'give-back' to fans | Children's books |

Megan Fox News - 'Transformers' Style Showdown: Megan Fox vs. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley (PHOTOS) - Celebuzz

'Accused spy Ilan Grapel's remand extended by 15 days'

Israelis sentenced for theft of Auschwitz mementos

E coli outbreak leads to French ban on seeds from British firm

Afghanistan suicide car bombing kills dozens

Diabetes epidemic affects 350 million as crisis spreads to developing nations

Researchers take dinosaurs' temperature with teeth

Hacking suspect Ryan Cleary suffers from autism, court told

UN food agency to elect new chief

Mass. lab student hurt in chemical beaker blast

Brady Bunch mom got crabs in affair with NY mayor

Pakistani Taliban claims attack on police station

Iran's supreme leader accuses US of terrorism

Chaos feared as Syria crisis nears bloody impasse

Libyan state media says NATO airstrike kills 15

Story of a raid: US night operations anger Afghans

Yemen detains prison officials over al Qaeda escape

Dogs sniff out invasive plants on Western lands

Iconic Billy the Kid photograph up for auction

Central bank chiefs agree on measures for banks

Forces attack al Qaeda camp in Mali: source

Israeli envoy voices rare praise of wartime Pope | Reuters

Shallow 'Rolling Stone' Hit Piece is Just What Michele Bachmann Needed | The Awl

The American Spectator : The Kids Are Not All Right

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON (Kelly Boggs): No, I don't hate anyone - News with a Christian Perspective

How to hate ethically | Keith Kahn-Harris | Comment is free |

RealClearReligion - Unlikely King Behind the King James Bible

Explain it to me: Mormonism – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Columnists | The Spectator

Science Confirms It: Whining Is The Most Annoying Sound Ever - TIME NewsFeed

Those Graphic New Cigarette Labels Won’t Help, Psychology Says | 80beats | Discover Magazine

The Ticking Male Biological Clock -

Spotting the Tiniest Babies | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Australian scientists find new immune cell | COSMOS magazine

Blue Light Used To Treat Diabetes - Science News

Surprising Threat Looms for Wildfire-Scorched Arizona: Rain | Wildfires & Forest Fires | Wallow Fire | Landslides & Flooding | Monsoon Season | Our Amazing Planet

The responsibility of research: the dual use dilemma | The Student Blog

Dozens of countries queue up to go nuclear - tech - 24 June 2011 - New Scientist

Sleep switch found in fruit flies | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

'Orca ears' inspire Stanford researchers to develop ultrasensitive undersea microphone

PNNL: News - Model helps pinpoint cyanobacterial genes that capture the sun’s energy

Solar Wind Samples Give Insight into Birth of Solar System

mental_floss Blog » Whatever Happened to Hitler’s Body?

BBC News - Ladybird made into 'zombie' bodyguard by parasitic wasp

Legendary cryptids that turned out to be absolutely real

Human Genome Contaminated With Mycoplasma DNA - Technology Review

Leisure Tops Learning in Survey -

Static electricity: how does it work?

Dark Matter Candidates: Running for 23% of your Universe! : Starts With A Bang

Jonathan Dudley: Christian Faith Requires Accepting Evolution

Tiny camera opens up early Mayan tomb in Mexico | World news | The Guardian

Busted! Nearby Galaxy Is a Stellar Thief - ScienceNOW

Johann Hari: How to survive the age of distraction - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

Obama, The Deficit, And The Long Game | The New Republic

Speechworld vs. Realworld - Mark Steyn - National Review Online

Them That’s Not Shall Lose -

Obama's Thomas L. Friedman Moment - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Do tax cuts ever "pay for themselves"? Rarely. - By Annie Lowrey - Slate Magazine

America’s Labor Party | The Weekly Standard

The Weekend Interview with Jon Huntsman: A 'Conservative Problem-Solver' -

Squawk treatment: Progressives voice their anger at Obama - The Washington Post

Queen of the Tea Party | The Weekly Standard

Why this Supreme Court could be the best hope for gay-marriage advocates - The Washington Post

Steven Greenhut: California’s mess not Texas’ fault | california, texas, state - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Everyday Cheap Justice

The Failure of Al Gore: Part One | Via Meadia

Ethanol Production Wastes Corn -

RealClearPolitics - Did the IEA Just Deliver a QE3 Quick Fix?

Chris Christie's pension-reform triumph--Editorial -

An Unfair Burden for the Poor -

Review & Outlook: The Facts About Fracking -

RealClearPolitics - Presidential Race Made Easy

Support the Tropes -

Who takes us to war? - The Washington Post

FERRARA: The final ticks of America's bankruptcy bomb - Washington Times

How Obama should talk about the economy -

GOP Out to Sabotage American Democracy, by Michael Tomasky - The Daily Beast

The American Spectator : Obama's Oily Desperation

RealClearPolitics - Conservatism Does Not End at America's Shorelines

Meet the "Christie Democrats" | Mother Jones

Asking Voters for ID Is Not a Race Issue - Mary Kate Cary (

Who’s the isolationist now? - The Washington Post

This Week at War: End of the COIN Era? - By Robert Haddick | Foreign Policy

Drones and the CIA: Can we wage a global war without troops or allies? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Asia Times Online :: Islamists break Pakistan's military ranks

Gillard Stares Down ‘Electoral Annihilation’ With Carbon Tax - Bloomberg

Putting the Wilders Win in Context - By Nina Shea - The Corner - National Review Online

The Road Home from Kabul - By John Kerry | Foreign Policy

David Frum: Obama picked the wrong war | Full Comment | National Post

Why Israel is wrong about Iran | Meir Javedanfar | Comment is free |

ROBERTSON: Silent spring in North Korea - Washington Times

Demography: Getting on | The Economist

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: What the Arab revolts leave unanswered


*This Week in Pictures: June 19 - 25


Real Clear Markets - Video - Proposed Bill Allows States to Legalize Marijuana

The Remarkable True Story of the Company That Doesn't Lay Off Its Employees (LECO)

RealClearMarkets - How Big Gov't Strangles Job Creators

An Unfair Burden for the Poor -

The U.S. is too big to fail, right? Outside the Box - MarketWatch

Review & Outlook: The Facts About Fracking -

Catching Air Without NASA: How Will We Regulate Commercial Space Flight? - Wayne Crews - The 10,000 Commandments - Forbes

Another Way to Tap Home Equity -

Tips From the Super-Rich for the Rest - Wealth Matters -

RealClearMarkets - To Grow, An Economy Must Experience Highs and Lows

How free trade deals create U.S. jobs - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Wall Street is back in Silicon Valley, but its welcome may be worn out - Fortune Tech

What Now, Chairman Bernanke? - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - Bernanke Admits He Just Does Not Know

The story behind a B-school textbook fortune - Fortune Management

Welcome to the world of jobless stagflation - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

RealClearMarkets - Fall Of The Economic High Priests

Will Higher Taxes Tank the Economy?

Where the rich are keeping their money Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

+Ron Paul wants gold at Fort Knox audited - Jun. 24, 2011

Hollywood Celebrates New York Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Garofalo: Clarence Thomas ‘Has Stockholm Syndrome’ But Tea Partiers are Racists

Tom Hanks’ Fuzzy Math: Obama Has Saved ‘About a Billion Jobs’

RIP: ‘Columbo’ Star Peter Falk Dead at 83

‘Cars 2′ Review: Flawed but Still (barely) Worthwhile

New ‘Captain America: The First Avenger’ Trailer

‘Color Purple’ Author Alice Walker: Israel and America are Terrorist States

On Bravo, Kathy Griffin Mocks Bristol Palin's 'Leno' Chin, Mangles Bachmann Speech |

Herman Cain Responds to Jon Stewart's Stereotyped Black Dialect: 'Words Are Not Going to Hurt Me' (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

Jerry Lewis Rushed to Hospital Before Australia Show | The Wrap Media

Sound Bite For the Day: ‘Fortunately We Have Help From the Media”

NewsBusted: Did ATMs Kill Our Economy?

Schrodinger’s Flotilla

Credit Where It’s Due: Reporter Takes PeTA to Task for Their Microwave Baby Billboard

Credit Where It’s Due: Jack Cafferty on The Pledge of Allegiance

Soros and liberal groups seeking top election posts in battleground states - Washington Times

Bad Blood Brewing at White House Between Press Corps and Flacks Over Presidential Address - FishbowlDC

Brian Williams Addresses his Presidential Bid [UPDATED] | The New York Observer

Report: 100 Days In, NATO Lacks Firepower To Topple Gaddafi?


New FBI Guidelines Will Help Terrorism Fight


*FBI — FBI Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide (DIOG)


Liberal American Jewish Suckers

Fmr Cong McKinney In Libya Again: Americans Losing Their Homes While Libyan Govt Is Building Them For People

Audio:Marc Thiessen On ‘Isolationism’ In The GOP

Egyptian Presidential Candidate: Americans Killed Bin Laden In ‘Gang-Like Assassination’

Bernanke’s Great Historic Experiment Approaches Judgment Day

Getting Closer To justice For Fatima

Amnesty International Official: No Evidence of ‘Mass Rape’ in Libya

Audio:Congressman Duncan Hunter: What It Takes To Win In Afghanistan

Obama Taps Strategic Petroleum Reserve To Play Politics

Wife: Seattle bomb plot suspect is proud American

Union Apologists: Why Keep School Seniority? Older Teachers Have Mortgages!

Presidents and Political Ideologies

Chicago Police Superintendent Goes on Racial Rant, Slams NRA and Palin at Radical Church

The Debt Limit Increase Fix Is In

Liberal Republicans Push 100% Hike in Fuel Efficiency Standards

Government: The Great Dietitian

New Docs Show Intervention by Controversial Federal Agency in Foreclosure Crisis Negotiation Why I Was Arrested Yesterday at a D.C. Taxi Commission Meeting

Audio:Obama’s Sinking Economic Ship

DNC Chair Wasserman Shultz’s Desperate Attempt To Disenfranchise Republican Voters

Tales of a Failed State: More Problems with California’s ‘Amazon Tax’

GOP-leaning group launches ads criticizing Obama


25-Jun-11 World View ....

24-Jun-11 World View....


THE FULL STORY ; ARTICLE LINKS: Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

Eligibility returns to Supremes' conference agenda

Adobe expert doubts Obama birth certificate

'Rathergate' expert on birth certificate: 'Highly suspicious'

Fox News expert denies he claimed birth certificate legit

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Ron Paul goes mainstream? - Dan Hirschhorn -

Obama slips DREAM Act amnesty past Congress

Obama's decision suggests change in strategy to fight al-Qaida

Developing: Pakistani Brigadier Suspected Of Ties To 'Banned' Group : The Two-Way : NPR

Report: Osama bin Laden phone had links to Pakistan intel - Reid J. Epstein -

Federal gun surveillance: ATF chief resists pressure to step down -

The 'toxic vote' that could sweep GOP out of Congress for years

FAA investigation demanded of Delta-Saudi 'no-Jew' deal

Delta adopts Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy

Airline to Jewish rumor: 'Delta does not discriminate.' - Faith & Reason

Gingrich calls president 'radical threat to traditional America'

Terror probe targets group funded by Obama

Muslim Brotherhood Creates Super-Coalition - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

President 'becoming an absolute monarch' on war powers, Dem says - The Hill's Floor Action

Sun sets on solar 'popemobile' plan: Too slow, Vatican says - Faith & Reason

When the chickens come home to roost

Tea Partiers Create Their Own TV Show and Production Company (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

How Kissinger whitewashes Red China

Washington, D.C. – capital of corruption

A formerly free people

Thank you, Eric Cantor!

My Congressman’s Tough Job « The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College

Will media finally awaken to the real CAIR?

CAIR: Tax Deadbeat -

Turn off the illegal-alien jobs magnet

The Alpha and Omega Strategy

An American Weimar Republic

Thou Shalt Not Pollute

Birthers: You know who else wasn't eligible for the presidency? Hitler! - War Room -

Clueless in South Africa with Mrs. Obama

The science is settled: US liberals really are the dumbest creatures on the planet – Telegraph Blogs

Watch Hours of Surveillance Footage in a Few Minutes - Made in Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Video: Bird-sized drones the future of US warcraft - Telegraph

One Per Cent: Japanese pop star created digitally fools fans


Inside an ancient Mayan tomb Photos | Inside an ancient Mayan tomb Pictures - Yahoo! News

Confederate sub upright for first time since 1864 - Yahoo! News

'Murderous, blind sculptor strikes again!'

Fugitive mobster Whitey Bulger hid more than 30 guns in his seaside apartment - as he planned to go out 'in a blaze of gunfire' | Mail Online

Freed from GPS device, parolee allegedly takes part in burglary, shooting - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Dayton's News Source :: Raw News - Caught On Tape: Victim Grabs Gun, Shoots Alleged Robber

Mexican troops cross into the United States at Bridge Two | Pro 8 - News, Weather, Sports - | Laredo, Texas | Local

Dutch may label some cannabis as a hard drug | Reuters

Genetically modified pot a license to print money in Colombia

*25 June

American Minute for June 25th

Today in History: June 25

June 25 Events in History

This Day in History for 25th June

June 25th This Day in History

Today in History: June 25 | History Net

June 25th in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 25th


**Politics Video-Obama Weekly Address: "We Can't Simply Cut Our Way To Prosperity"

Rep. Ellmers Gives GOP Address: Stimulus Package Failed

Krauthammer: Debt Fight Headed For "Train-Wreck" On August 2nd

Maher: Why Aren't Democrats Blaming Floods, Fires On Climate Change?

Maher: Defending Health Care System Is "Like Defending Slavery"

24TH/Obama: "We Have Not Run Out Of Stuff To Make"

Sen. Lautenberg: Gov. Christie Is A Bully

NYT's David Carr: "Middle Places" Home Of "Low-Sloping Foreheads"

Gov. Chris Christie To Obama: "Show Up" For Debt Talks

Obama Praises Robots That "Boost The Performance Of Diapers"

"Ed Show" Panel On Making Marijuana A State Issue

Michelle Obama: "Fortunately, We Have Help From The Media"

Gen. David Petraeus On Leading: "I'm Not A Quitter"

Garofalo And Olbermann On "Racism" In The Tea Party

Klein: Cantor Threw "Country's Credit Rating Under The Bus"

Obama Will Hold Talks On Nation's Debt

Krauthammer Slams Obama Admin's "Lawlessness" On Immigration

American Crossroads Ad: "Shovel Ready"

Lawrence O'Donnell: "Paul Ryan, Republican's Worst Nightmare"

O'Reilly: Obama's Economic Policies Are Not Working

**NEWS VIDEOS:WaPo Reporter: Bachmann ‘Barbie with Fangs’

Same-Sex Marriage Celebrations in Greenwich Village

Yoda the Chihuahau Crowned ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’

Semi Collides With Amtrak Train, 2 Killed

24TH/Seattle Terror Suspect’s Wife Collapses in Burka Covered Tears

Mark Steyn on Obama: He’s Been Reading Too Much Thomas Friedman

Crowder Explains: Middle Class NOT Shrinking, Just Whining

RIP Peter Falk, 1927-2011

New Colonial Period TV Drama Produced by Tea Party Members

Mexican Soldiers Reportedly Cross Border Into U.S.

O’Reilly Challenges Soros Funded Media Matters’ Tax Exempt Status

Shock: From Church Pulpit Rahm’s Police Superintendent Claims Drugs and Gangs ‘Gov’t Sponsored Racism’

Obama: Gay Couples Deserve Same Rights As All

Shark Jumps Over Surfer

23RD/Stossel Reveals: Turned Down ACORN Story Due to ABC ‘Politics’

AZ Sen Kyl Reveals Why He Walked Out of Biden Budget Negotiations

Dutch Lawmaker Geert Wilders Acquitted of ‘Hate Speech’ Charges

President Obama ‘Misspeaks’ About Fallen Soldier

Justin Bieber Attacked By Man in NYC

Chris Wallace: Jon Stewart ‘In Denial About Bias of His Program and Mainstream Media’

Cantor Exits Biden’s Budget Talks, Citing ‘Impasse’ on Taxes

Southwest Pilot Suspended After Politically Incorrect In-Flight Rant Caught on Tape

TSA Changes Pat-Down Rules for Kids

Breitbart Set to Host ‘Troopathon 2011′

Muslim Marine Reservist Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings

Tom Hanks Gives Impromptu Dancing Weather Report on Univision

Fourteen Year-Old Boy Gets 1st Haircut Ever

‘Lost’ Actor Doug Hutchison, 51, Has A 16-Year-Old Bride

Police: Mobster James ‘Whitey’ Bulger Arrested

22ND/Obama Announces Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal Scheduled for Few Months Before Election Day 2012

Coulter Debates O’Reilly: Get Out of Afghanistan Now

Breakdancing Gorilla Goes Viral

White House Announces Gruesome New Tobacco Label Warnings

MSNBC’s Matthews: Lying Rush Limbaugh is ‘Evil’ for Denying Global Warming

Father of Four Al Gore Calls for ‘Fertility Management’ to Control Pollution

21ST/Amish Man in Horse and Buggy Busted for Sexting 12-Year-Old

NBC Pledge Controversy Intensifies

Muslim Woman Escapes Jail Sentence in Australia Over Burka Controversy

NY Senate Stuck on Gay Marriage As Rallies Grow

20TH/Jon Stewart Squares Off with Fox News’ Chris Wallace

NBC’s Weasel-Worded Apology Over Editing ‘Under God’ From Pledge

NBC Cuts ‘Under God’ From Pledge During US Open Coverage


The Michael Savage Show 06/24/2011

06/24 The Mark Levin Show

The Manning Report- 24 June 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-24, Friday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-24-11

June 24, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, June, 23, 2011

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

*24th/Shia and Rosie on 'Transformers' Romance

Mother hopes Bellfield lives in hell.

Violence erupts in Senegal over proposed election changes

Dowler's family humiliated during trial

Milly's sister's fury over trial.

Raw Video: Flooding Worsens in North Dakota

Police Pursue 71-year-old Pickle Thief

Clinton warns of escalation risk after Syria raid

N.Y. Gay Marriage: Why No Vote?

Peter Falk, 1927-2011

Kim Kardashian Guest Judges on 'Project Runway'

France to pull 100s of troops from Afghanistan

Search for New Octopus Oracle in Germany

Alienation from N.Ireland peace process fuels violence

Yemeni protesters demand interim ruling council

EU summit focuses on Syria, Greece and ECB leadership

Obama Invites Top Senators for Debt Talks

Mike Lohan on 'Celeb Rehab,' Suicide and Lindsay

FTC Launches Google Antitrust Inquiry

Ex-Detroit Mayor to Be Freed From Prison

Water Filling 2500 Homes in Minot As River Rises

Murders underscore brutality of Amazon forest land battle

Minot River Rises, Evacuees Fill Shelters

Turkey building giant tent city as Syrian refugees swell

TV's Columbo, Peter Falk, dead at 83

Bichir, Weitz Team Up for 'Better Life'

Semi Collides With Amtrak Train, 2 Killed

Mob Boss Brought Back to Boston, Faces Charges

Raw Video: NY Legislature Legalizes Gay Marriage

*25th/Cambodia awaits second landmark KRouge trial

South African suburb remembers Monaco's new princess

Monaco brushes up for world to watch wedding

Raw Video: NYC Gay Marriage Vote Celebrations

Gay Marriage Now Legal in New York

Bollywood fans cheer silver screen stars in Canada

Obama Weekly Address: New Technology

GOP Address: Job Creators

Today in History

Raw Video: the World's 'Ugliest Dog'

Royals visit regiment

Glastonbury keeps its magic

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