A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 June 2011


YouTube - Shit Burger: Japanese Researcher Creates Artificial Meat From Human Feces

Video: Japanese Scientist Makes (And Eats) Poop Burger: Gothamist


Declaration at Cooper Nuclear Station

Nebraska Floods: Nebraska Governor Requests Disaster Declaration

Mountain of problems still remains before Fukushima plant brought under control - The Mainichi Daily News

5.9 magnitude quake hits off Fukushima coast « ENENEWS.COM

Elevated radiation levels widespread in eastern Japan | SmartPlanet

Japan Facing Magma Surges, Volcanic Fury, Another 9.0 Quake

The Big Fukushima Lie Flies High | Common Dreams


YouTube - Strange Rolling Cloud

Libyan rebels blame West for lack of cash - Yahoo! News

June 2011 - Genomics at the Bedside

Hellooooo ... ? There's probably no one out there, at least not right now by AMY KINGSLEY

YouTube - The Truth About the Economy - Should a Father be His Son's Friend?

Lansdale woman can challenge terror law in poisoning case -

Can golf success carry over for Obama, Boehner? - Yahoo! News

Oracle seeks up to $6.1 billion in Google lawsuit - Yahoo! News

AMA Should Admit the Error of Its Ways by Americas Medical Society

U.S. Mayors To Push For First Anti-War Resolution Since Vietnam The Bastards Want to Track Our Gold!

Activist Post: The Journey to Jekyll Island

YouTube - Arizona Police Officer Execute Man For Telling Them They Needed A Warrant

Pak-US Relations: Need Reevaluation | Opinion Maker

Somalia jails Westerners for bringing in millions - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Clinton on Syria: Astounding Lies, Zero Legitimacy

Israel Should Forget The Idea of A Jewish State « Kawther Salam

Harvey Wasserman: Are We on the Brink of Burying Nuke Power Forever?

Daily Kos: eSci: Unsafe Radiation Found Near Tokyo, Vast Area of Japan Contaminated

China's ghost towns: New satellite pictures show massive skyscraper cities which are STILL completely empty | Mail Online

*China Amazing Mirage

Bilderberg 2011 Discussions Leaked Via Moles Inside - News - Domas Jefferson

Electromagnetic Pulse Waves

Area 51: the plane truth - Telegraph


Operation Phantasmagoria Part-I

Operation Phantasmagoria Part II


Ofergate: The Latest Zionist Propaganda Blitz Against Iran-Part 1

Hasbara Galore: Israel-Iran Trade and the Ofer Brothers Part-2

The Mossad Angle: All-Out Infilration Part 3


Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 1

Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War Part 2

Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 3

Libya: The Zionist Dragon and The Drums of War – Part 4


Mask of Zion: Pakistan-Part-I

Mask Of Zion: Part-II-Iraq

Mask of Zion: Part III-Egypt

Mask of Zion-Part IV-Conclusion

Mask of Zion


Autism Ideas - Part 1: The Brainy Ms Grandin

Autism Ideas - Part 2: Offit, Come Off It

Autism Ideas - Part 3 - Kissinger's Brice's Mind Files

Autism Ideas - Part 4 - The Vaccine Court As Such

Autism Ideas - Part 5: Spinning And Sensory Integration

Autism Ideas - Pt 6: The Thalidomide Doctor Who Got Struck Off

Autism Ideas Part 7 - An Interview About The Big Picture

Autism Ideas Part 8 - 'Rimlanders', Etiology, And TB Infection

Autism Ideas - Part 9: The Secret Lavender Liquid


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - ISRAEL VS ISRAEL - NEW TRAILER 2011

Afghanistan facing insolvency within a month, say officials | World news | The Guardian

US in talks with Taliban, says Karzai | World news |

Man with a suspicious device detained at the Pentagon | Mail Online

Paul Drockton M.A.: Jon Huntsman's Illuminati Ways

Greece bailout: IMF chief warns Greek crisis threatens global economy | Mail Online

Event Horizon Chronicle: The Final Meter Measures .999

Yearbook Porn: Big Bear High Students Could Be Charged With Possessing Child Pornography - Los Angeles News - The Informer

North Korea Tests 'Super-EMP' Nuke

electromagnetic pulse waves - Google Search

Duplicitous Congressional Posturing On Libya

Roy Tov – Attacking Libya, Sparing Syria

Israel warns Palestinians all deals are off if UN vote goes ahead | World news | The Guardian

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: Jews & Their Self Interest-An Interview with Philip Weiss

H1N1 Clonal Expansion of H274Y Tamiflu Resistance In Japan

Leo Galland, M.D.: Lyme Disease Symptoms: Key Facts About This Mysterious Illness

Keeping up with the hackers (chart) | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Political anger, discontent grows after President Obama’s visit to Puerto Rico - The Washington Post

BBC News - Foreign Office warns Britons to leave Syria immediately

To Know the End from the Beginning Visible Origami

Security Blogs Security Response | Symantec Connect Community Community

A Sea Shadow of its former self! 007-style stealth ship that cost $195m to build is heading for the junk yard | Mail Online

YouTube - Vancouver 2011 Riots - Super, Natural British Columbia

Activist Post: Clinton says 'no going back' in Syria

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "Abolish The Fed" - Yahoo Finance - Jim Rogers: Economic Outlook

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "Signs Al Qaeda More 'Determined' Than Ever To Attack America!"

The IPCC declares Greenpeace in our time - Telegraph

EDITORIAL: U.N. climate propaganda exposed - Washington Times

House Republicans Cut Food Assistance For Low-Income Families While Protecting Azaleas

Noticias SITECO: Diez mil mineros y estudiantes marcharon por la renacionalización del cobre y por educación pública

Sen. Mark Kirk — maybe he should be running Middle East policy? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Afghanistan facing insolvency within a month, say officials | World news | The Guardian

Hiding The Decline In Sea Level | Real Science

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People | Sabbah Report

Eisenhower's worst fears came true. We invent enemies to buy the bombs | Sabbah Report

Clinton on Syria: Astounding Lies, Zero Legitimacy :

YouTube - Prediction of The Arab Awakening ( in 2003 ) and the Role of Aljazeera and israel

YouTube - World Revolution Not Seen on TV- Rallies Around the World- Please Repost

Why does Britain tolerate its leaders? > Global > Redress Information & Analysis


Activist Post: 20 Tips For Surviving Economic Meltdown

Trading Of Over The Counter Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15 | zero hedge

Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: War with Syria, Iran and Lebanon in the Works?



FRANKLIN LAMB : Lebanon’s Sarah Palin Meets Captain America | My Catbird Seat

YouTube - Clarke and Dawes ask the million dollar questions ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation

American's Journey: Vid: Mainers Oppose Agenda 21 and Gateway 1 Corridor Action Plan

The Intercept: Industry lobbyists behind ‘scientific’ claims in IPCC press release

BofA Forecloses On Home That Never Had A Mortgage, Owners Sue And Win Judgement, BofA Doesn't Pay So Couple Forecloses On Bank Of America (Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

MUST SEE: Rep. Walter Jones DEMANDS A Complete Fed Audit To Fed Counsel's Face: "The Federal Reserve Is NOT Held In High Esteem By Many People In This Country!" - Home - The Daily Bail

'Audit The Fed' Update From Ron Paul - Sign The Petition - Home - The Daily Bail

Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: Why Are We In Iraq? A Simple Question

Ron Paul Wins RLC Presidential Straw Poll with 39.69% of the Vote

Ron Paul wins RLC straw poll - Jonathan Martin -

YouTube - Islamic Bad Guy Indetification Audio Visual Training Aid

PressTV - Yemenis stage massive anti-US rallies

PressTV - 15 NATO tankers torched in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: Time to Pack Our Bags | Veterans Today

YouTube - Obama sued for violating War Powers Act

YouTube - Media Blackout Nebraska Nuclear Plants Flooding !! (MIRRORED)

Activist Post: Private Prisons and the American Police State

File-Sharers An Easy Prey To Anti-Piracy Lawyers | TorrentFreak

YouTube - Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates

Obama Ordered To Secret Bilderberg Meet Over US Bio-Attack On Germany

US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic

US Orders News Blackout Over Crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant

Doomsday Ice Age Fears Fuel US-China Land Grabs In South America, Africa

Federal Judge Rules BP not Responsible For Damages Created by Oil Spill,Tax Payers Are:UPDATE Judge A Major Bond Holder in BP |

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

$5 billion ethanol subsidy loses big vote - politics -

NSA allies with Internet carriers to thwart cyber attacks against defense firms - The Washington Post

Experts: Weather extremes 'never before' seen - Weather -


*Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization(


TWA Flight 800, the CIA, and 182 Eyewitnesses


*(1:30:00)YouTube - Min. Farrakhan's Full Press Conference on US, NATO attack on Libya (June 15, 2011)


*(2:05:00)YouTube - THE SECRET RIGHT- VOLUME ONE-Josh Reeves(low quality upload)

*(2:36:00)YouTube - The Power of the Purse DVD1

*(2:15:00)YouTube - The Power of the Purse DVD2


Nepal to build £1.9 billion 'Buddhist Mecca' - Telegraph

IMF cuts U.S. growth forecast, warns of crisis - Yahoo! News - Entertainment industry rolls out support for Protect IP Act - Pentagon in Search of 'Secret' Farmers for Afghanistan


1 in 4 US Hackers are FBI Informants, Report Says | PCWorld


*CNET Hacker Chart


Keeping up with the hackers (chart) | InSecurity Complex - CNET News


Lawsuit Alleges Whole Foods Sold Frozen Vegetables from China Grown in a Polluted Region by Prisoners and Certified as Organic -

Illegal immigration: Government alters Secure Communities deportations -

Prepare to Have Your Email Read by the NSA - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

Senators Unconcerned About Massive Unintended Consequences Of Criminalizing People For Embedding YouTube Videos | Techdirt

Karzai: Afghanistan, US in talks with Taliban - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan -


5 June:World War Nears After Vatican-Knights Templar Talks Fail

Knights Templar heirs demand apology from Vatican - Telegraph


+New LulzSec evidence: member Nakomis is allegedly military counter-intelligence -

YouTube - LulzSec goes on hacking rampage for Lolz

Three Reasons to Fear Lulzsec: Sites, Skills, and Slant | News & Opinion |

LulzSec Hack Exposes 62,000+ Passwords: How to See If Yours Is Out There - Techland -

LulzSec: Hack Attacks Will Continue Until Group Caught | PCWorld


Overthrow Inc. | End the Lie - Independent News

Are Hacker Attacks False Flag Attacks to Justify a Crackdown on the Internet? -


**An Introduction to September 11 -The 9/11 Lie


Activist Post: Globalization: The Road to Global Governance

Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson -

Free State or Police State -

+Everything Our Governments Are Doing Now Was Planned BEFORE 9/11 -

Himmler’s daughter aged 81: She works with neo-Nazis and helps SS officers evade justice -

YouTube - Colonel 6 Reaffirms Ground Invasion of Libya, Other Middle East Countries by Obama - Alex Jones Tv

*4 Part: The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Video Exposing Google Chief Schmidt Censored by You Tube Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Collapse of Nations All By The Hand Of Corrupt Bankers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - Alex Jones: Crony Capitalism 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones: Crony Capitalism 2/2

» Kissinger, 2012-wannabe Jon Huntsman Discuss Cyber Threats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

President Carter urges U.S. to rethink drug war | The Raw Story


Website allows fellow drivers and businesses to message you |




Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature | Technology |

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors Abroad -

Google aims to speed up the Web with 'Instant Pages,' spoken search - San Jose Mercury News

Are social networks really boosting our sense of personal well-being? | Technology |

AFP: US scientists test on-off memory switch in rats

No Privacy on Amazon’s Cloud Drive | ZDNet

Google launches me on the web privacy tool- The Inquirer

Google Public Policy Blog: Me, Myself and I: Helping to manage your identity on the web

Drug firms go online to test and sell medicines -

Peru approves 10 year ban on GM crops

FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic (but keep eating it, yo!)

Stealth Vaccine Laws Allow Children to Consent to Vaccines

True fact: A common ingredient in commercial breads is derived from human hair harvested in China

Disposable coffee cups, carryout containers filled with cancer-causing agents

Radiation is Already Killing Babies

Pentagon Bomb Scare: Is the Suspect a Lone-Wolf Terrorist? - ABC News

Rick Perry is hot button topic at Republican conference | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Ron Paul: Rick Perry Would Dilute the Establishment Vote

BBC News - US builds net for cyber war games

U.S. Mayors To Push For First Anti-War Resolution Since Vietnam

Tepco Filtering Water at Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan -

South Korea Fires at Passenger Plane | News | English

US steps up ties to Syrian rebels: Voice of Russia

Lining the chessboard against the Resistance Bloc: war with Syria, Iran, and Lebanon in the works? [Voltaire Network]

Greek Debt Restructuring Off the Table: EU Official - CNBC

West Nile virus found in birds in Illinois -

Medicare Claims Show Overuse for CT Scanning -

Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces

YouTube - Solution to the Global Food Crisis - Let them eat TURD BURGERS!?

» Chilean TV covers Bilderberg 2011 and Rockefeller’s interest in the region Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


**Bitcoin Charts / Markets / mtgoxUSD


MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

+4 Parts/Why Dont You Change? – Max Igan |

Patrick Chovanec

YouTube - Ron Paul Road to the White House

The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley |


'Son of star wars' base in Yorkshire finally ready to open | Science | The Observer


'06/Neo-Fascist Pigs In Space

'06/Neo-Fascist Pigs In Space: Part Two


+Radiation News 6-19-11 |


Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? – Paul Craig Roberts |

The Chinese Government Is Buying Up Economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States |

Audio:Re-Humanizing Immigrants: Reflections by Maria Hinojosa |

Is A Bigger, More Expensive Obamacare Coming Next Year? |

The 9/11 Truth Movement Is The Conscience of The World |

Deadly E. coli was engineered? – Mike Adams |

The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War

Libya: Connect the Dots-You Get a Giant Dollar Sign

European Nations Balk at Their Role in NATO

9 Countries That Do It Better:

Why Regime Change in Libya?

NATO Incorporates Libyan Experience For Global War Template

The Lessons of Fukushima: Surviving Nuclear Disasters

Seeds of Destruction: The Diabolical World of Genetic Manipulation

YouTube - U.S. Soldiers Grow Opium/Heroin Poppy in Afganistan - Fox News

Activist Post: The Moral Hazard of Modern Banking: How Banks Create and Destroy Money

Activist Post: Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain; Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain To Another

Lies, Damn Lies, and Reports of Battlefield Atrocities

Sooner or Later Our Children Will Ask: "How Did This Happen?"

The Bush Tax Cuts: A Decade of Economic Disaster

Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

The Big Man Gone at 69; Springsteen Sax Player Dies Following Stroke

Issa: DOJ Covering Up on Mexican Gun-Running Scandal

Air Force Academy Creates ‘Worship Space’ for 'Earth-Centered Community’

Obama Campaign Adviser Hearing 'A Lot of Pat Partisan Platitudes' From GOP Field

McConnell: Debt-Ceiling Deal May Be for Short-Term

$1.15 Billion Going to Whom? Investigate 'Fraud-Plagued' Settlement With Black Farmers, Congressman Says

Plan to Let Drug Cartels Buy Guns in U.S. Approved at ‘Highest Levels' of DOJ

Pentagon Chief Says Partisanship Will Undermine Foreign Policy

Playboy Adds 'Runaway Bride' Sticker to July Issue

Election Fraud Indictments Handed Down Against GOP Aide's of MD's Former Governor Ehrlich

The BRAD BLOG : Should Neal Boortz be Prosecuted for Incitement to Murder? Removed from the Public Airwaves?

Obama, Boehner Seek to Ease Tensions Over Round of Golf

Castro Brothers Pay Hospital Visit to Venezuelan Leader

War Photographers in Harm’s Way

Prison Grooms Inmate Entrepreneurs

As Space Shuttle Program Nears End, So Do Jobs

Former Astronaut Develops Powerful Rocket

Analysts Question al-Zawahri's Skills to be al-Qaida's New Leader

Thousands in Portland take to bikes for naked ride | Reuters

Russia May Lower Holdings of U.S. Debt Instruments, WSJ Reports - Bloomberg

Censored expletives have gone mainstream on television -

Hearing Addresses Inmate Conversions to "Prislam" » Publications » Family Security Matters

Cosmic Log - IBM thinks about the next 100 years

The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III by Andrew Gavin Marshall

The State or the People: Who Is Sovereign? by John Tyner

Mexico Reforms Its Immigration Laws by Mark Nestmann

Best TV Dads | The Art of Manliness

Hair – Nutritional Fixes by Margaret Durst

African Penguins face extinction


Healing the world: part 1

Healing the world: part 2

Special report: healing the world Q&A

Healing the world: survey of 8 countries

Healing the world: Bangladesh

Healing the world: Ethiopia

Healing the world: Guatemala

Healing the world: Kenya

Healing the world: Malawi

Healing the world: Mali

Healing the world: Nepal

Healing the world: Rwanda


New report shows early chaos at Japan nuke plant

Head of ATF Likely to Be Ousted -

NATO strike on Tripoli kills civilians - LIBYA - FRANCE 24

NATO admits mistakenly striking Libyan opposition forces -

Medicare Claims Show Overuse for CT Scanning -

Judge has harsh words for Mom before sentencing her for spanking her kid

Book: Liberal Media Distorts News Bias - Washington Whispers (

Sega says 1.3 million users affected by cyber attack | Reuters

Sega Confirms Cyberattack -

Sega Attacked, Hacker Group Offers to Take Revenge - CNBC

Perry Road-Tests A Stump Speech - Hotline On Call

First Read - Perry: 'Stand up' and 'stop apologizing'

Rick Perry | Left Never Going To Like | President Bush | RealClearPolitics

Ron Paul: Federal Reserve's Addiction - TheStreet

Obama impersonator crosses the line at RLC - Jonathan Martin -

McCain hits 'isolationist' field - Maggie Haberman -

Teenage Flash Mob Robberies on the Rise -

Keith Olbermann hints at Anthony Weiner talk show on Al Gore's network - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Exposed: The secret guns sting that backfired on the US - Americas, World - The Independent

Carney | Obama | Border Weapons | RealClearPolitics

Author Mamet Tells Newsmax: Why I Turned My Back on Liberalism

Huntsman Rides Surge in Straw Poll Shocker

Gates: Obama Is within Law in Libyan Operation

Durbin: Lawmakers Making Progress in Debt Talks

GOP's Pawlenty Waits for Payoff from 2012 Grind

Obama Adviser Axelrod Needles GOP Field

Obama Mulling Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage

McCain Rips GOP Candidates for 'Isolationism'

Sex Scandals Highlight Dearth of Women in Politics

Gates Worried About Partisanship's Impact

George Allen: It’s Time for America’s Comeback

Activist Sprays Bachmann With Glitter

Cain Holds 'Tense' Press Conference

Romney Stresses Abortion Opposition in Editorial

Obama and Boehner Balance Putting and Policy

Obama, Gingrich Targets of Humor at GOP Forum

UN's Ban Seen as US Ally, Shoo-in for New Term

Gates: Military Pressure Key to Talks with Taliban

Carrier That Buried Bin Laden May Host Games

States Look to Internet Taxes to Close Budget Gaps

51 Pageant Queens Compete for Miss USA in Vegas

McKinsey: Obamacare to Cost $400 Billion More

Diet May Cut Vision-Loss Risk in Old Age

Try Gardening to Live Longer, Healthier

Obama Can't Count on Hispanic Vote

More Voters View Govt as Economic Equalizer

Slovakia to send 20 special services officers to Afghanistan

Iran, Afghan defense ministers agree to develop military cooperation

Pakistan summon Afghan envoy over incursion

Germany eases export control laws for India's nuclear sector

India to testflight cryogenic telecom satellite launcher rocket

Pakistan panel to probe lapses prior to US operations to kill Osama

Russia signs $1.7 bln deal for 2 French warships

**All The Proof In The World: HAARP Is Wrecking Havoc Worldwide :

United Nations Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council? :

Agent.btz virus returns, blamed on Russia and China, Western media putting pressure on SCO nations | End the Lie - Independent News

Military Convoys, Tanks, And The Need For Information! :

The Sun Rising Hard North :

Russia Says Apophis Will Hit Earth, NASA Says No | Before It's News

100% Proof The Military Has Alien TR-3B Craft to Travel Into Space. | Before It's News

+No Fly Zones Appear Across U.S. At Unprecedented Pace As Events Ramp-UP | Before It's News

Angels In Space"Top Secret Hallucinations" | Before It's News

Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying | Before It's News

Shrunken Head DNA Proves Horrific Folklore True : Discovery News

Common Ground Between Global Warming Activists and Skeptics | Before It's News

Who is LEOnid ELEnin? "Let's Take a Look" | Before It's News

Rare Earth Elements: Fact, Fiction, Hype | Before It's News

+Element 115 Is The Key To Free Energy Says Bob Lazar, Area 51 Scientist. | Before It's News

Awareness of heart attacks signs | Before It's News

Reggie Brown 'Obama impersonation' at Republican Leadership Conference 06/18/11 FULL VIDEO | Before It's News

FOIA and Presidential records act request made upon attorney General Eric Holder | Before It's News

Bin Laden “Halo Effect” Vanishes; U.S. Economic Confidence Plunges in Early June; Expectations Worsening

Ron Paul at 2011 Republican Leadership Conference New Orleans 06/17/11 FULL VIDEO | Before It's News

Rick Perry Speaks to Republican Leadership Conference 06/18/11 FULL VIDEO | Before It's News

WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme | Before It's News

Bohemian Grove: Where the Rich and Powerful go to Misbehave | Before It's News

Comet Elenin Earth Pole Shift 2011 | Before It's News

BASF Is Entering The Business Of Electrolytes For Lithium-Ion Batteries | Before It's News

Nibiru? Russia, June 2011 | Before It's News

Producing Energy Between Your Hands | Before It's News

Giant Alien Face found on Google Earth, in Canada, Millions of years old, UFO Sighting news. | Before It's News

Emotional honeybees and brainy jellyfish: More "surprises" in animal behavior | Psychology Today

Dr. Jack Van Impe Ministry Abandons TBN In Clash Over "Chrislam" | Before It's News

Video: White House Press Secretary Can’t Explain Billy Daley’s IndefensibleRemarks | Before It's News

Questions from 1961 | Before It's News

Video: Obama’s Failed Secular, Socialist Ideas are Destroying the USA | Before It's News

Farah predicts: Obama won’t run for 2nd term; cites birth certificate problems

Barack Obama and David Cameron Kissing with Tongues | Before It's News

Future humans will settle around other stars | Before It's News

Coping with mental health issues following a disaster | Before It's News


** - The Power of 1(


- A College Education. Is it Worth it? | Before It's News


*1:03:00/YouTube - College Conspiracy


*45 min/YouTube - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Apocalypse 2012 FULL LENGTH


Brian Lechthaler: SMS Language and Emoticons


*The Largest List of Text Message Shorthand (IM, SMS) and Internet Acronyms Found of the Web - kept current and up-to-date by NetLingo The Internet Dictionary: Online Dictionary of Computer and Internet Terms, Acronyms, Text Messaging, Smileys ;-)


Urban Dictionary: sms language


- 3 Controversial Actions Guaranteed To Shock You Out Of Your “Fail” Routine | Before It's News

- Are You Ready to Become a Professional Blogger | Before It's News

- Affiliate Marketing – An Easy Way to Success | Before It's News

- Defining What It Means to Be an Internet Marketer | Before It's News

- How to Get Rich Quickly! | Before It's News

- Men and Women Start Businesses With Unique Styles | Before It's News

- Living What You Believe | Before It's News

- How to be Taken Seriously as a Young Entrepreneur | Before It's News

- The Authentic Self: The Only Brand To Promote | Before It's News


Branding Strategy Insider(

Startup Professionals Musings(



The Simple Dollar » 25 Rules To Grow Rich By

The Simple Dollar » 31 Days to Fix Your Finances

The Simple Dollar » 14 Money Rules

The Simple Dollar » Eight Minutes to Financial Success

The Simple Dollar » Personal Finance 101: What Is an Asset?

The Simple Dollar » 15 Shopping Rules of Thumb


YouTube - 3d animation Barack Obama 3ds max zbrush










YouTube - Obama Launching World War III

The Collapse of Nations All By The Hand Of Corrupt Bankers

Anti-war protester Brian Haw who camped in Parliament Square dies, aged 62 | Mail Online

Fluoride Is Good For You :)

We Must Pay Our U.N. Bills, Obama Administration Insists |

Sun’s Output to Fall … Leading to a Mini Ice Age?

Leak Case Shows Resolve of U.S. Crackdown -

Debbie Schlussel:“Fathers” Day: Half of US Fathers Had Illegit Kids; 76% of Dads 20-24

The Muslim Brotherhood and Weiner

Racism, Injustice, and the Left

Understanding the Taliban Insurgency: The Cause, Motivation, and Culture of Resistance

Bahrain: Can The U.S. Do Anything?

It's Not about Israel - It's about Democracy

The Knowledge That Could Have Saved Congressman Weiner

Remembering the Altalena

When the Pursuit of Liberty Is Liberty's Greatest Enemy

Liberals Outsourcing Morality

There is a Cancer Growing on the IPCC and Al Gore

The War on the Family Rages On

Afghan peace talks: Viet Nam redux

Obama impersonator physically removed from stage at SRLC

Obama's Homeland Security SNAFU

La Raza taxpayer support boosted by WH hiring of their VP

House committee seeks to impose restrictions on Pakistani aid

Ron Paul landslide in GOP Conference straw poll

Greece's Papandreou asks for a vote of confidence - no, really

Why Obama's hometown has the highest gas prices in America

Did a NATO airstrike in Libya kill civilians?

Sen. Claire McCaskill Running Scared Claiming to be 'Feisty Independent'

More UN IPCC Climate Nonsense

The Honor of Leftists and Conservatives

AARP: Money First, Seniors Second

The Alternate Universe of Democrats

Has America lost its resolve?

Why America Needs Governor Perry as its President

Rick Perry, A Moderate's Conservative

Why History Says that Mitt Romney Will be the GOP Nominee

A Conservative Woman's Problem with Palin

Why Separating Church & State is a Fool’s Errand: Consider Magna Carta’s Origins

Obama will Resign and for Good Reason

America in a Chinese Mirror

Shariah Law is a Muslim Killer - Now They Want to Use It On Us

Obama Not Subject to Charges of Treason?

Where’s The “Science Story of the Century?”

The 20’ Tall Wall of Debt

How to waste your money – let us count the ways

Ed Schultz: Republicans Should Also Show the Same Kind of Character that Anthony Weiner Did Today

New Open Government and Spending Transparency Reforms Introduced

Illegal Immigration: Address Supply & Demand

Herman Cain, the Constitution, and the Resurrection of America

Government Lies the Rate of Inflation index Changed to Misinform the People

CIA Militarization Continues

Macroeconomic Radicalization 101

Two Capitalisms

Food and Goods Inflation on the Rise

When Secret Sats Spy on Us, Monsieur Legault Spies Back | Danger Room |

Japanese Scientists Create Meat From Poop -

What's causing all this recent crazy weather? -

Did the Nazis Have a Space Program? : Discovery News

Bigfoot Investigators Hope DNA Test Will Confirm Existence Of Two Man-Beasts

New Little Ice Age in store? - Telegraph

My Way News - Islamic group seeks place in a democratic Egypt

Mexican Gangs Stealing Growing Amounts of Fuel -

Navy Plans to Scrap First Experimental Stealth Ship -

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

Christians are more militant than Muslims, says Government's equalities boss - Telegraph

Nation needs long-term cuts, not a clash over current deficit - The Boston Globe

Will Obama and Big Green kill U.S. industrial renaissance? | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Signs of Life Spotted in the Senate -

Libya and the Potemkin alliance - The Washington Post

What to Do With Lemons -

Blame the ATM! -

Could Republicans Self-Destruct in 2012?

RealClearPolitics - Perry's Perfect Positioning

RealClearPolitics - Mitt Romney, Front-Runner

RealClearPolitics - Herman Cain's "Amateur Hour"

Issue for Jon Huntsman: His family's Iran business - Glenn Thrush and Kasie Hunt -

Obama as Dad -- A National Treasure and Role Model -

Don’t know much about history - The Boston Globe

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

Mark Steyn: Why liberals fell for ‘Muslim lesbian blogger’ hoax - Orange County Register

News Desk: Bloodbrother: Clarence Clemons, 1942-2011 : The New Yorker

RealClearPolitics - A Father's Conviction to Freedom

RealClearPolitics - A Shovel-Unready President

Republican Presidential Campaigns: Outsiders vs. Insiders - TIME

RealClearPolitics - The Money Hole

Bachmann's combative style scores while Pawlenty stalls | Reuters

The right really, really wants Obama to be Jimmy Carter - Barack Obama News -

Can This Presidency Be Saved? | Via Meadia

KUHNER: Obama, the new Caesar - Washington Times

The GOP's Strongest Candidate by Luigi Zingales - City Journal

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : David Frum, Politico: Trash Talk Radio for Cash?

J.D.B. v. North Carolina: Sonia Sotomayor shows Samuel Alito the value of judicial empathy. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

Politics and the Anatomy of Hate « Commentary Magazine

Will Putin be a Russian czar or a U.S. partner? - The Washington Post

Iran Is Key to Deciding America’s Energy Future | The Weekly Standard

No Savior - By Nathan J. Brown | Foreign Policy

Israel must say yes to Obama - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

RealClearWorld - What the U.S. Can Learn from Sweden


Drug wars: Colombia cartel's demise spawned the drug violence that now plagues Mexico -

Growing signs of political stalemate join Haiti’s other woes - Haiti -

China’s real estate bubble and its victims - The Washington Post

War crimes: Tyrants are right to fear the new technology witnesses | Editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Wherewithal of China's Grand Periphery Military Strategy

Afghanistan: The Impossible Transition - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace


**Politics Video:McCain: "Isolationism Strain" In GOP On Show At NH GOP Debate

Sen. Graham To Congress: "Shut Up" About Libya

"Daily Show" Host Jon Stewart On "FOX News Sunday"

Schumer On GOP: "Maybe They Don't Want The Economy To Grow"

McConnell: Obama's Over-Regulation Like "Bureaucrats On Steroids"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Romney, Pawlenty, Bachmann & 2012

Sen. Durbin Warns Don't Wait Until "High Noon" On Debt

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On War Powers Act

"This Week" Roundtable: Analyzing The GOP New Hampshire Debate

18th/Maher: Palin & Bachmann Are "Crazy, Know-Nothing, Jesus Freaks"

Perry: Left "Never Going To Like Us, So Let's Stop Trying To Curry Favor With Them"

Andrew Klavan's Economic Smackdown: Paul Ryan Vs. Barack Obama

Sen. Hoeven Gives GOP Address: International Trading Will Create Jobs

Obama Weekly Address: Responsibility Of Fatherhood


Gawker Scoops MSM, Confirms Ailes As One Of Chris Christie's Advisers

Rep. Louis Gohmert says Obama has more of an allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood than America

Chris Christie: "It's None of Your Business"

You Know Mitt Romney Is Out of Touch When...

Gov. Rick Perry's Texas Hoedown Scam called the 'Texas Miracle.'

New Rule: If You Thought the Current GOP Field for President Could Not Get Any Lamer, You Haven't Met Rick Perry

Were Fake Accounts Used To Trap Anthony Weiner?

DREAMer Felipe Matos Catches White House In Two Lies

Van Jones at Netroots Nation: "Tea Party, Quit Abusing Our Country!"

Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Podcast from Netroots Nation

Wearing FBI Wire, Alabama GOP State Sen Refers To Black Casino Patrons As "Aborigines"

NJ Dems Collaborate With Christie By Screwing Public Employee Unions

Rick Perry Claims Republicans 'Have the Wind at Their Back' for 2012 During Speech at Leadership Conference

Chris Wallace Praises Rick Perry's Record on Job Creation in Texas

Stewart tells Chris Wallace that Fox News is like 'ideological regimes'

Keepin' It Klassy: GOP Convention In NOLA Welcomes Obama Lookalike To Boos and Jeers

Questions and answers about Greek debt

Boeing's 747-8 in Paris for first appearance outside US

New Orleans police face trial in post-Katrina killings

Syrian forces prevent refugees fleeing to Turkey

Why Wall Street still says buy, and you shouldn't

Gunmen in Mexico kill 8 after FIFA tournament opens

Libya says NATO airstrike kills 9 civilians

Ailing Amy Winehouse cancels part of European tour

U.S. must not cut too much on defense: Pentagon executive

Blast leaves Tripoli street fearing NATO strikes

US ambassador hits back after Karzai criticisms

Calls grow in Egypt to delay elections

McCain uneasy over Republican 'isolationism'

'Big Man' Clarence Clemons recalled in NJ haunt

Report: Israel seeks prisoner exchange for Ilan Grapel

Syrian forces try to stem exodus of refugees to Turkey

Gates: Headway in Taliban talks may be months off

Gates confirms 'preliminary' Taliban contact

Economic Outlook: Fed's next move awaited

Despite IHH pullout, Israel on high alert for flotilla

Tunisia's ousted leader says his trial is a sham

Rare earth prices soar as China stocks up

Peres calls need for peace deal 'very urgent'

Guardian journalist badly beaten for the second time in Pakistan

Facebook group urges Shakira to cancel Israel visit

Moscow exchange merger nears

Robert Gates says Taliban contact 'very preliminary'

Migrants run Mexican gauntlet to make leap of faith to US

Academics quit fund body over plan to embrace 'big society'

Church of England set to allow celibate gay bishops

Weakened Al-Qaeda may speed US withdrawal: report

Islamic group seeks place in a democratic Egypt

Howard Fineman: Democrats Didn't Like Weiner Going On Fox News |

Video RFK JR: Air America Was More Popular Than Right-Wing Radio.. It Just Couldn't Get Corporate Sponsors. - Story

PBS's Mark Shields: Today's Low Taxes Are 'Fundamentally Un-American' |

Paul wins straw poll, Huntsman ranks second

Romney, pro-life group exchange fire - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

GLAAD president resigns - Ben Smith -

Keith Olbermann Warns Of “Bullshit” Attacks On His New Show And Says Donald Sutherland Will Be A Regular Commentator –

Weiner heckler apologizes - CLICK -

Why Oscars' 10 Best Picture Nominees Experiment Failed and What Happens Now - Hollywood Reporter

Finance Battle Key In Combating Terror

End Of The Middle East Christian?

A Do Or Die Moment for Israel

Europeans Devise A ‘Voluntary’ Bailout Of Greece

Nazi Grandma: Himmler’s Daughter Carries Her Father’s Flame To A New Generation of Nazis

British ‘Equality Chief’: Christians More Militant Than Muslims…

In The Company Of Heroes: A Private Gathering Of Combat Wounded Marines


What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 1 – ‘Gardens of the Righteous’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 2 – ‘Tafhim al-Qur’an’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 3 – ‘Umdat al-Salik’ (Reliance of the Traveller)

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 4 – Tafsir Ibn Kathir


NewsBusted: Is Obama’s ‘Bin Laden Bounce’ Over?

Sound Bite For the Day: “I Don’t Think You’re A Coward For Not Answering Questions!”

Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher Was Given Fake ID’s In Weinergate Story

“The President’s Not Our Boyfriend Anymore”

Scientists Agree, Salon Is Making False Claims To Spread Climate Change Hoax

The Sexist, Double-Standard Treatment of Callista Gingrich

Ending Illegal Immigration: A Risk-Benefit Analysis

Judges Gone Wild, Texas Style

What’s Wrong With Robert Reich

Netroots Nation 2011 Journal

Companies and Individuals Continue to File Trademark Applications for SEAL Team 6

As Voter Approval Sinks, Advisor Says Connecticut Governor Is ‘Choosing to Lead’ Free or Equal? – Johan Norberg Updates Milton & Rose Friedman’s Free to Choose

VIDEO: Save The Economy: BAN ATMs

Saving Capitalism One Fifth Grader At A Time

Why We Love Chris Christie: Chrystal Clear

Rock n’ Roll Used to Be About Personal Liberty

The Big Man: Clarence Clemons Dead at 69

The Poorly Behaved Housewives of New Jersey


George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 1

George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 2


The 007 Chronicles: ‘Quantum of Solace’ — Anatomy of an Under-Appreciated Bond Adventure

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘Dr. No’ (1962)

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘From Russia With Love’

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘Goldfinger’

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘Thunderball’

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘You Only Live Twice’

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘Diamonds Are Forever’

The James Bond Chronicles: Best of Films 1-7

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘Live and Let Die’

The James Bond Chronicles: ‘The Man With The Golden Gun’


19-Jun-11 World View ......

18-Jun-11 World View ......


Farah exposes radicals' plan to silence exposé

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

Soros frontman pushing for Muslim Brotherhood

Obama's DoD nominee linked to Cold War supporters of Soviets

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

Panetta keynoted pro-Soviet group's conference

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Kenya probed claim Obama born in Africa

Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

Why is Obama's name different on passport?

Did Obama's father forget when he was born?

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate 'forgery'

Documents show marriage of Obama's parents a sham

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate?

Obama forgers admit they produced phony documents

Meet 'PJ Foggy,' birth certificate fraudster

Sidekick duties: Causing trouble for Obama critics

Another senator dishes out Obama background story

Old media has jokes, puns and lies for Obama book

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

4 curious errors in Obama's 'Dreams'

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate

Obama: Hope, change and the occasional sex dream

Get rid of government – but 1st make me president

Where Ron Paul goes off the rails

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

Nurses warned over 'cleavage at work' - Telegraph

Regional flights exposed to risk of terrorist seizure |

Nicotine an appetite suppressant, study finds

Facebook: Maps show how social network is taking over the world | Mail Online

Is gun advice via text conspiracy? - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

JFK assassination investigator dies - Story - World - 3 News

Tourists hurt in Hill City's staged Western shootout

Sharks with frickin' laser beams? Oh yes | Space, Military and Medicine |

Video: Magician creates iPhone illusion show - Telegraph

Explosive Find: Excavated Bomb Suggests Early Start for Artillery - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Kon-Tiki explorer was partly right – Polynesians had South American roots - Telegraph

Blackbeard creative with his weapons - Science - World -

War of 1812 shipwrecks: Lake Ontario hunt on - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Himmler's daughter, 81: She works with neo-Nazis and SS officers | Mail Online


YouTube - All in the Family TV Intro (70's)

*19 June

American Minute for June 19th

June 19 Events in History

Today in History: June 19

This Day in History for 19th June

June 19th in History

Today in History: June 19

June 19th This Day in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 19th


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Condemning U.S. to economic suicide';Thomas Rustici: Constitutional amendment needed to force limits on taxes, spending

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'It's time for an American comeback';Ex-Sen. George Allen unveils blueprint for restoring economic competitiveness

NBC dumps 'under God' from Pledge at U.S. Open

Guess which country kicked out U.S. congressional delegation

Panetta keynoted pro-Soviet group's conference

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

U.S. soldiers are targets in Chinese training game

Weiner's mother-in-law a member of Muslim Brotherhood

Weiner eligible for sizable pension -

Huma feels trapped in marriage: pals -

Another senator dishes out Obama background story

Arizona Republicans rally for a 2012 fight - - Verde Valley News, Jobs, Classifieds

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

2012 GOP Candidates Sign Pro-Life Pledge; Romney, Cain Decline |

Santorum Hits Romney Decision to Not Sign Pro-Life Pledge |

Romney stresses abortion opposition in editorial | Reuters

Perry Road-Tests A Stump Speech - Hotline On Call

Ron Paul wins RLC straw poll - Jonathan Martin -

Obama impersonator ushered away at Republican convention - Story - World - 3 News

Barack Obama campaign donors 'rewarded with government jobs' - Telegraph

AARP Pivots on Social Security Benefit Cut -

Unmarried parents are 6 times more likely to split by the time child is 5 | Mail Online

The war on fathers

Video: To Whom Do The 'Territories' Belong? - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Report: Hezbollah spies nabbed - Israel News, Ynetnews

gulfnews : Muslim Brotherhood on charm offensive

Libyan rebels blame West for lack of cash | Reuters

7 million Syrians living in poverty - Israel Business, Ynetnews

Probe chief: Assad ordered Hariri killed - Israel News, Ynetnews

Japan finds hotspots in areas that seemed safe - The Washington Post


**NEWS VIDEOS:Rep. Steve King: GOP Votes on Pigford Motivated by False Charges of ‘Racism’

Texas Gov Rick Perry Electrifies GOP Leadership Conference

NPR’s Nina Totenberg: ‘I Finally Felt Sorry For Anthony Weiner’

Cal Thomas: Michele Bachmann Praise By Chris Matthews ‘Like Getting Civil Rights Affirmation From David Duke’

Conan O’Brien Delivers Perhaps the Finest Commencement Address

Pilot Dies in Poland Air Show Crash

Suicide Attack in Afghanistan Kills 9

E Street Band Sax Player Clarence Clemons Dies

Malkin Rocks Right Online

18TH/Failed Glitter Attack on Michele Bachmann

Save the Economy: Ban ATMs!

Chris Matthews Gushes About Michele Bachmann to Bill Maher

Maher: Chris Christie’s Weight Problem Worse than Anthony Weiner’s Self-Control Issues

Breitbart Addresses Right Online 2011

17TH/The Final Trailer, for the Final Part, of the Final Episode of ‘Harry Potter’

Breitbart Visits Netroots Nation, Called Racist

Rep. Allen West: Obama Has ‘No Clue, No Plan’

‘Why Aren’t You Speaking English?’; Texas State Senator Outraged Over Testimony Given in Spanish

Rep. Steve King Moves to De-Fund Pigford Settlement

Hoover Institution’s ‘Uncommon Knowledge’ Features In-Depth Interview with Andrew Breitbart

Obama: Weiner Will ‘Bounce Back’

Sheila Jackson Lee: We Need ‘Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

Mom Files Complaint After Daughters Given Oral Sex Survey In Middle School

Palin on Weinergate Scandal

Pawlenty Latest Victim of ‘Bedazzling’ Attack by Leftist Loons

Chris Matthews: Weiner Press Conference ‘Sort of Like the Hanging of Saddam Hussein’

16TH/Alan Colmes’ Gives Spirited Defense of Weiner

15TH/MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur: ‘Republican Vision Of Jesus–Tell Poor To Pound Sand’

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