A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 June 2011


“O” NO

YouTube - Obama Impersonator Misfires at GOP Forum


YouTube - eHarmony Video Bio


Top of the Flops: 10 Tech Products Ahead of Their Time [VIDEOS]

5 Clever Ways to Get a Job Using Social Media


Tony Hayward Teams With Nat Rothschild For Post-BP Comeback - Christopher Helman - Fuel - Forbes

Activist Post: The Moral Hazard of Modern Banking: How Banks Create and Destroy Money

Al Gore is Wrong: Global Cooling Could be on The Horizon as a Result of Solar Slumber (Maybe) - Los Angeles News - The Informer

Why does Britain tolerate its leaders? > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

The Big Fukushima Lie Flies High | Common Dreams

Drug addicts get methadone on the NHS... why can't I have the cannabis spray that eases agonies of MS? | Mail Online

To Know the End from the Beginning Visible Origami

Paul Drockton M.A.: E.T. Benson: "Romney/Huntsman Won't Save Constitution

Jon Huntsman's Illuminati Ways

The Rothschild-Mormon Legacy

YouTube - KTVK - Phoenix Police Hold BBQ Fundraiser For Killer Cop Richard Chrisman

The Crown Agenda: Order out of chaos « The PPJ Gazette

YouTube - Rense & Celente - The American Dream is Gone

Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution

Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash?

Greek Film Makes Case for Default

Libyan rebels blame West for lack of cash - Yahoo! News

Harvey Wasserman: Are We on the Brink of Burying Nuke Power Forever? - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Test drugs on pets says EU

Bad British diet is putting bones at risk of osteoporosis due to lack of vitamin D | Society | The Observer

WHO Inconsistent Comments on Japan H274Y Tamiflu Resistance

David Cameron's disillusioned senior policy adviser backs calls to pull out of Europe | Mail Online

Report reveals huge scale of corruption among Chinese government officials | World news | The Guardian

China's ghost towns: New satellite pictures show massive skyscraper cities which are STILL completely empty | Mail Online

Entrapping Innocent Muslims

Fugitive Egyptian minister is in London - World Politics, World - The Independent

Half a million displaced as Khartoum moves to crush Sudan's Nuba people | World news | The Observer

Muammar Gaddafi war crimes files revealed | World news | The Observer

Patrick Cockburn: Lies, damn lies, and reports of battlefield atrocities - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

U.S.-Saudi Arabia rivalry intensifies -

US: Wining Hearts and Minds or capturing it? | Opinion Maker

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

U.S. Airlines Took in $3.4 Billion in Baggage Fees Last Year - TIME NewsFeed

FAA Restricted Flying Zones - What's Up?

Federal Judge Blocks Red Light Camera Removal in Houston, Texas (voters passed referendum) - Why Dads are Afraid to say No to their Kids

The toxic truth about Japan's 'harmony' after the tsunami | Mail Online

Fukushima and the Mass Media Meltdown - Conscious Being Alliance

The Practical Implementation of Constitutional Tender – Tenth Amendment Center

Rockefeller Foundation to Foster Impact Sourcing in Africa: Poverty Reduction through ICT Jobs -

Daily Journal - Feds weigh comments on Monsanto Co.'s proposal to open new phosphate mine in eastern Idaho

Big Brother spying on WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange? No, it's a speed camera | Mail Online

States look to Internet taxes to close budget gaps - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: Private Prisons and the American Police State

Republican leadership conference: Michele Bachmann supports intelligent design | Mail Online

Len Aldis: Three Generations of Agent Orange - Defrocked Priest Looks at his Former Church

Gates warns Congress not to cut off Libya funds - Yahoo! News

River inches toward nuke plant shutdown level

Homes evacuated, roads closed as Missouri River tops levees | Herald Sun


Delenda Est Cabal - Part 1 - An Open Letter To Poppy Bush

Delenda Est Cabal ­ Part 2

. - War Evolves With Drones, Some Tiny as Bugs - TSA Now Storming Public Places 8,000 Times a Year - Wildlife Refuges to be Planted with GMOs - Lawsuit Alleges Whole Foods Sold Frozen Vegetables from China Grown in a Polluted Region by Prisoners and Certified as Organic - Eisenhower's worst fears came true. We invent enemies to buy the bombs

Knights Templar heirs demand apology from Vatican - Telegraph

Prepare to Have Your Email Read by the NSA - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

Senators Unconcerned About Massive Unintended Consequences Of Criminalizing People For Embedding YouTube Videos | Techdirt

The Many Killers Of The Music Industry: The Analog Era | Techdirt

The Many Killers Of The Music Industry: The Digital Era | Techdirt

Nepal to build £1.9 billion 'Buddhist Mecca' - Telegraph - Entertainment industry rolls out support for Protect IP Act - Pentagon in Search of 'Secret' Farmers for Afghanistan


*CNET/ Hacker Chart

Are Hacker Attacks False Flag Attacks to Justify a Crackdown on the Internet? -


*An Introduction to September 11 -The 9/11 Lie


The Secret History of Iraq’s Invisible War | Danger Room |

The Pentagon and slave labor in U.S. prisons -


The Four Horsemen of Banking

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part I: The Eight Families

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part III: The Roundtable & The Illuminati

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part IV: A Financial Parasite


What’s behind the global bankers’ austerity programs: Seizure of public property for corporations -


The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Roundtable & the Illuminati -


Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson -

Implanted Electrodes Loaded With Drugs Could Monitor Brain And Treat It When Necessary -

Free State or Police State -

Magic mushroom’s positive effects lasting over a year, say researchers | The Raw Story

12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now -

Missing Iraq cash 'as high as $18bn' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

US Neocons' New Overtures to Terrorist Opposition Group in Iran -

Panetta: Obama Can Unilaterally Use Military to Protect ‘National Interests’ |

Pentagon Ramps-Up Cyberwar Plans -


Activist Post: US confirms 'outreach' to Taliban

US drops criminal charges against Osama bin Laden |

Activist Post: BREAKING: Secret FBI Storage Drive to Shield Evidence from FOIA? (Video)

Activist Post: John McCain, Imperialist


**55 min/YouTube - Ron Paul gets to give indepth answers without some hack interrupting


GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham: Congress should ‘shut up’ about Libya | Raw Replay

Sen. Mark Kirk — maybe he should be running Middle East policy? - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Washington's Blog:Sun's Output to Fall ... Leading to a Mini Ice Age?

Revolutionary Politics : CIA Agent Says Bush Used C.I.A. To Smear College Professor

Revolutionary Politics : 40 Years of Drug War Failure: LEAP's Neill Franklin

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul - Sometimes I Question Some of These Polls - 19-Jun-2011

Washington's Blog:Nuclear "Regulators" Are Captured By the Nuclear Industry

Activist Post: The Chinese Government Is Buying Up Economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States

Activist Post: The Fake Bull Market: A Dollar Mirage

YouTube - The Fletcher Memorial Home -Roger waters film (Pink Floyd)

YouTube - US and China start war of words with Google

YouTube - A Global Cyber War Triggered

YouTube - Chinese Military Accuses US Gov't OF Starting A Global Internet War, Promises Retaliation.

American's Journey: US Agency's Gun Operation Stirs Anger in Mexico, US

Steven Spielberg 'demanded Megan Fox be fired from Transformers after Hitler comment' | Mail Online


Afghanistan facing insolvency within a month, say officials | World news | The Guardian

Legislation criminalizing creation of computer viruses enacted - The Mainichi Daily News

Video Exposing Google Chief Schmidt Censored by You Tube - 12160

Record Food Prices Linked to Biofuels - Technology Review

Bilderberg 2011: The tipping point | World news |

YouTube - Kmart Shoplifter Commits Suicide After Being Caught By Loss Prevention


*1:33:18/YouTube - The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers


Activist Post: The Handbook of Human Ownership (Video)


*1:45:49/YouTube - Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business



*Bitcoin Charts / Markets


Bitcoin *P2P Virtual Currency(


Symantec/Bitcoin Botnet Mining


*Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report


US Bio-Attack On Germany Warned May Start Global Pandemic

Video - Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying

+NBC apologizes for cutting “under God” from Pledge of Allegiance before U.S. Open - The Early Lead - The Washington Post

YouTube - Under God Removed by NBC during 2011 U.S. Open.. TWICE! Full Segment!

Washington's Blog:Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Says that the Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11

NSA allies with Internet carriers to thwart cyber attacks against defense firms - The Washington Post

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes

Federal Judge Rules BP not Responsible For Damages Created by Oil Spill,Tax Payers Are:UPDATE Judge A Major Bond Holder in BP |

Trading Of Over The Counter Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15 | zero hedge

Headed to the beach? Heads up for an invasion force -

The Associated Press: AP IMPACT: US nuke regulators weaken safety rules

A damning indictment of the White House’s spineless foreign policy: Barack Obama gets the Kremlin’s vote for 2012 – Telegraph Blogs

Obama's DoD nominee caught in 1-world scheme


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


NBC dumps 'under God' from Pledge at U.S. Open

How MSNBC is surviving after Olbermann -

Sex, media and a sign of the times

Report: Christian dies for beliefs every 5 minutes

USDA gay-sensitivity training seeks larger audience - Washington Times

Farah exposes radicals' plan to silence exposé

Is it fair to ask Muslims questions?

President's fidelity to oath on autopilot? - Washington Times

House GOP retreats from borrowing freeze

Short debt limit hike possible: McConnell - Yahoo! News

As 'Fast and Furious' Fiasco Unfolds, Obama ATF Nominee Prepares Return to Washington -

Gates warns Congress not to cut off Libya funds | Reuters

NYT: Obama's views on gay marriage 'evolving' - politics - The New York Times -

Hong Kong 'gay cure' doctor defends his role - Latest news around the world and developments close to home - MSN Philippines News

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

U.S. soldiers are targets in Chinese training game

Weiner's mother-in-law a member of Muslim Brotherhood

Possible trouble in Anthony Weiner's tax forms -

Another senator dishes out Obama background story

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

McCain rips Republican candidates for isolationism | Reuters

Santorum Hits Romney Decision to Not Sign Pro-Life Pledge |

Romney stresses abortion opposition in editorial | Reuters

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

Barack Obama campaign donors 'rewarded with government jobs' - Telegraph

Mathew Vadum - Obamas ACORN Red Shirts 05/24 by Mark Gillar | Blog Talk Radio

Court won't hear ACORN lawsuit over gov't funding

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam

Majority of Texas lawmakers want freedom from TSA

Another senator dishes out Obama background story

House GOP retreats from borrowing freeze

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

Soros frontman pushing for Muslim Brotherhood

Obama's DoD nominee linked to Cold War supporters of Soviets

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

Panetta keynoted pro-Soviet group's conference

Obama's DoD nominee caught in 1-world scheme

Where Ron Paul goes off the rails

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

Is it fair to ask Muslims questions?

Is it fair to ask Muslims questions?

Let freedom ring – in San Francisco?

In defense of libertarians

¿Por qué no hablas Inglés?

Answer the question!

War is peace

Judicial outlaws – the final chapter

The God Squad

Mark Steyn: Why liberals fell for ‘Muslim lesbian blogger’ hoax - Orange County Register

Video: Magician creates iPhone illusion show - Telegraph

Kon-Tiki explorer was partly right – Polynesians had South American roots - Telegraph

Explosive Find: Excavated Bomb Suggests Early Start for Artillery - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Blackbeard creative with his weapons - Science - World -

War of 1812 shipwrecks: Lake Ontario hunt on - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough - Telegraph

Microdrones, Some as Small as Bugs, Are Poised to Alter War -

Feedback Loops Are Changing What People Do | Magazine


A sulphuric hotspot covered in craters and giant lava flows: Nasa probe provides new clues as to how planet Mercury was formed | Mail Online

Area 51: the plane truth - Telegraph

When Secret Sats Spy on Us, Monsieur Legault Spies Back | Danger Room |

Japanese Scientists Create Meat From Poop -

What's causing all this recent crazy weather? -

Did the Nazis Have a Space Program? : Discovery News

New Little Ice Age in store? - Telegraph

BBC News - Powerful cosmic blast as black hole shreds star

How Charles Jencks is turning a wasteland into Northumberlandia | Mail Online

DARPA Lays Out Tech for 100-Year Starship Program | Human Interstellar Travel | Space Technologies for a Journey to the Stars |

Mercury Is Looking Less Boring Than Scientists Thought -

Observations: Where Will Our Energy Come from in 2030?

Sunspot Drop Won’t Cause Global Cooling | Wired Science |

Scientists See More Deadly Weather, but Dispute the Cause -

Scientists prove existence of 'magnetic ropes' that cause solar storms

Sun's Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity | Sunspots, Solar Weather & Solar Storms | Solar Cycle | Science | Part 1: Is This A Structure On Mars? Planetary Scientist Replies.

Nurses warned over 'cleavage at work' - Telegraph

Thousands of cyclists take it off for World Naked Bike Ride; meant to raise environmental awareness

Regional flights exposed to risk of terrorist seizure |

Cops: Teen fatally shot trying to rob off-duty cop -

Double robbery: Video shows robber paying $1 for gum to help open cash register in Fort Lauderdale - South Florida

Nicotine an appetite suppressant, study finds

Facebook: Maps show how social network is taking over the world | Mail Online

Video: Elderly man survives tenth floor fall - Telegraph

Scores of children abandoned at casinos |

Southern Baptists Reject Updated NIV Bible, Christian News

Is gun advice via text conspiracy? - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Navy Plans to Scrap First Experimental Stealth Ship -

Principal quits amid birthday spanking uproar - US news - Weird news -

JFK assassination investigator dies - Story - World - 3 News

Sharks with frickin' laser beams? Oh yes | Space, Military and Medicine |

States look to Internet taxes to close budget gaps - CNBC

California's plan to tax online sales hits a bump - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

A more confusing Internet? Soon, $185K will buy domain name | Technology News | - Houston Chronicle

Boeing says may have decision on 737 by end of year | Reuters

Energy & You — Special Report - CNBC

Medical tourism wins fans | Reuters Wealth

Madness on sea: A massive windfarm is being built off one or our most glorious coastlines and threatens an ecological disaster | Mail Online

Golden Eagles Wind Turbines | Clean energy: Clean energy clashes with safety of protected bird species - Los Angeles Times

Eldercare: How to hire your kids to take care of you | Reuters Wealth

Why Libertarians are wrong on trade

America's manufacturing might, and how to restore it

“War for talent” has employers ramping up employee benefits: survey | Reuters Wealth

Obama to deploy 'shadow' Internet?

Experience really does matter

Swedish projectile vomiting TV ad cited for being 'distasteful' - The Local

YouTube - Clean Up Halted Because Radiation Levels Too High At Exploded Nuclear Reactor In Japan


YouTube - 'Technical Error': NATO admits killing babies

YouTube - Ron Paul: I'm not a fringe candidate [NBC: 6-20-2011]

*(40 min)YouTube - Ron Paul at 2011 Republican Leadership Conference (RLC)


GCN News: Oh Yes He Can «

YouTube - Obama Launching World War III

One Nation Under….The Military-Industrial Complex

9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of “Conspiracy Theory”

Bilderberg-Approved Perry Set to Become Presidential Frontrunner

NATO Preparing Ground War in Libya

The Corbett Report | Sunday Update – 2011/06/19

The 9/11 Truth Movement Is The Conscience of The World

Fluoride Is Good For You :)

Barack Obama’s White House Rural Council: Central Economic Planning For America’s Heartland

Is A Bigger, More Expensive Obamacare Coming Next Year?

U.S. Pressing Its Crackdown Against Leaks

Senators Unconcerned About Massive Consequences Of Criminalizing Embedding YouTube Videos

+Disposable coffee cups, carryout containers filled with cancer-causing agents

+Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain; Allowing Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One Brain To Another

Common Ground On Climate

+ .brands approach with Internet name shake-up | Reuters

GCN News /The Lost Age of High Knowledge «

GCN News/ Big Food Propaganda Machine Labeling the Health-Conscious As Mentally Ill «

YouTube - I'm Labeled an Extremist for Telling The Truth - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/3

YouTube - I'm Labeled an Extremist for Telling The Truth - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/3

YouTube - I'm Labeled an Extremist for Telling The Truth - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/3

YouTube - Hardcore Tyranny is Coming, Evil Has Been Unleashed! - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 1/3

YouTube - Hardcore Tyranny is Coming, Evil Has Been Unleashed! - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 2/3

YouTube - Hardcore Tyranny is Coming, Evil Has Been Unleashed! - Alex Jones Tv Sunday Edition 3/3

+ 3 Part/The Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Exposed by Dr. Webster Tarpley Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

+ 3 Part/Bob Chapman’s Friday Report: Warnings Of A Great Depression or Hyperinflation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Collapse of Nations All By The Hand Of Corrupt Bankers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Will Washington Foment War Between China and India? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» “Popeye” History: Enslaving a Generation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Website allows fellow drivers and businesses to message you |




Facebook in new privacy row over facial recognition feature | Technology |

Google aims to speed up the Web with 'Instant Pages,' spoken search - San Jose Mercury News

AFP: US scientists test on-off memory switch in rats

No Privacy on Amazon’s Cloud Drive | ZDNet

Google launches me on the web privacy tool- The Inquirer

*Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rick Perry is hot button topic at Republican conference | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Ron Paul: Rick Perry Would Dilute the Establishment Vote

U.S. Mayors To Push For First Anti-War Resolution Since Vietnam

Tepco Filtering Water at Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan -

Anti-austerity protests spread across Europe | euronews, world news

Russia to Lower U.S. Debt Holdings -

» “Popeye” History: Enslaving a Generation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prepare to Have Your Email Read by the NSA - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

» Kissinger, 2012-wannabe Jon Huntsman Discuss Cyber Threats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

President Carter urges U.S. to rethink drug war | The Raw Story

White House Promotes a Smarter Grid - Technology Review


*(60 MIN) - Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets


+ 3 Part/The War Against Terror Within | Veterans Today

Entrapping Innocent Muslims | Veterans Today


Speaking Truth to Power: An Introduction | Veterans Today


Off Your Knees Germany (1 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003

Off Your Knees Germany (2 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003. ...

Off Your Knees Germany (3 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003. ...

Off Your Knees Germany (4 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003. ...

Off Your Knees Germany (5 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003. ...

Off Your Knees Germany (6 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003. ...

Off Your Knees Germany (7 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003

*20 June

American Minute for June 20th

This Day in History for 20th June

Today in History: June 20

June 20th This Day in History

June 20 Events in History

Today in History: June 20

June 20th in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 20th


Tunisia's Ousted President Says He Was Tricked Into Leaving

Suspected US Drone Attack Kills 11 in Pakistan

US Envoy Warns Afghan Leaders Against Criticizing West

Prison Grooms Inmate Entrepreneurs

Controversial Hearings into American Muslims and Radicalization to Continue

New Internet Name Rule Opens Door to Huge Changes

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

Killing Democracy One File at a Time: Justice Department Loosens FBI Domestic Spy Guidelines

Radiation and Nuclear Powers Stations

9/11 and the Orwellian Redefinition of "Conspiracy Theory"

World Debt is Unpayable, The Only Solution is Monetary Collapse

Seeds of Destruction: The Diabolical World of Genetic Manipulation

U.S. Conference of Mayors may Vote Monday Against Wars

VIDEO: Obama Sued for Violating War Powers Act


Yemen | Saleh | Air Strikes | Al Qaeda

Clinton on Syria: Astounding Lies, Zero Legitimacy :

More Troop Movements In CONUS :

Shepard Ambellas: The Ever-Shifting Moon & Tide :


**All The Proof In The World: HAARP Is Wrecking Havoc Worldwide :


No Fly Zones Appear Across U.S. At Unprecedented Pace As Events Ramp-UP :

The Final Meter Measures .999 :

Obama's Last Stand: His Bid to Jump-Start Economy Before 2012

Sen. Graham to GOP: Don't Shift to Obama's Left

Obama Mulling Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage

Gates: Obama Is Within Law in Libyan Operation

George Allen: It’s Time for America’s Comeback

Egypt's Mubarak May Have Cancer, Lawyer Says

Olbermann Returns to TV on New Network

Bernanke Fed Policy Leading to Stagnation

UN's Ban Seen as US Ally, Shoo-in for New Term

Fake Prescriptions Cost Taxpayers Billions

Marilyn Monroe's 'Subway' Dress Sells for $4.6M

Bachmann Takes 'Money Blurts' to New Heights

ICANN Approves Expansion of Internet Domain Names

Gov. Rick Perry’s Team Mulls Presidential Run

Obama Skips Hispanic Conclave Third Time

Republicans Distance Selves From George W. Bush

GOP Prez Candidate Sharpen Barbs vs. Romney

Hill Poll: 72% Say US Involved in Too Many Wars

Obama Wants Big 2012 Campaign Map

NBC Apologizes for Omitting 'Under God' in Pledge

Axelrod Respects 'Old Warhorse' Ailes

NY Archbishop: Gay Marriage 'Ominous Threat'

Weiner Sponsored Bill to Import 'Hot Supermodels'

Jon Stewart: Media Focuses on Sensationalism

McCain Rips GOP Candidates for 'Isolationism'

Rick Perry Could Unite the GOP

Men, 5 Foods You Need at 50-Plus

Can Spinal Manipulation Relieve Your Headache?

Will Hollywood Rescue Anthony Weiner?

Texas Governor Sounds Like A Candidate in Speech to Republican Gathering

Don't Call Us Occupiers When We're Dying for Your Country, U.S. Tells Karzai

Dems Try to Discredit Survey Showing Flaws in Obamacare

Obama Administration Stresses ‘Discretion’ in Deporting Illegal Aliens

USDA Pushing Government-Wide Homosexual Sensitivity Training

Issa: DOJ Covering Up on Mexican Gun-Running Scandal

Miss USA: Marijuana 'Very Important to Help Those Who Need It Medically'

Democrat Says Obama Not Showing 'Leadership' on Gun Control

Air Force Academy Creates ‘Worship Space’ for 'Earth-Centered Community’

Conyers: Decriminalize Pot

Rep. Ron Paul Says Young People Are Tired of U.S. Wars

Playboy Adds 'Runaway Bride' Sticker to July Issue

'NATO Will Be Defeated,' Gadhafi Rants

Sen. John McCain ties fires to illegal border crossings

Hospitals courting primary-care doctors

Banks tap another government fund to repay TARP

'With executive pay, rich pull away from rest of America'

GOP lacks a strong contender from the South

Texas Gov. Perry Sizes Up Roadblocks to GOP Bid

Poll: Majority says U.S. military involved in too many places

Samuelson: Mismatch between idle workers and open jobs

Automakers sell more cars without spare tires

Obama, Republicans prepare for 2012 showdown in Florida

Changes to Medicare, Medicaid to be discussed in hearings, debt talks

McConnell: Kentucky terror suspects should be tried in military court

Girls flock to American Girl store with $100 dolls

'Beauties only' dating site dumps 30,000 deemed too homely


YouTube - Jack Van Impe- Not buying into Chrislam 1 of 2

YouTube - Jack Van Impe- Not buying into Chrislam 2 of 2


FBI Cointelpro intensifies against innocent Targeted Individuals - National Human Rights |

No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money: Ronnie Barrett Responds To Felipe Calderon

Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces - Yahoo! News

DARPA Wants Artificial Lifeforms - Technology Review

MORGELLONS : ALTERED BLOOD; Clifford E Carnicom/ June 17 2011

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Miss USA 2011: Miss California Takes the Title

Lincoln Documents Discovered By Intern

Bar Code Pioneer Alan Haberman Dies At 81

The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War

Experts Fear Israeli Design to Balkanise Arab States

Libya: Connect the Dots-You Get a Giant Dollar Sign


Video:Addicted To Debt

Video:Black Money


More states require ID to vote -

Private eye tells homeless man of inheritance - Yahoo! News

2 million construction jobs may be lost for good - CBS News

Microdrones, Some as Small as Bugs, Are Poised to Alter War -

Diamond District sidewalks are paved with gold for Queens man -

Eisenhower's worst fears came true. We invent enemies to buy the bombs | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

Wearing FBI Wire, Alabama GOP State Sen Refers To Black Casino Patrons As "Aborigines"

NJ Dems Collaborate With Christie By Screwing Public Employee Unions

Rick Perry Claims Republicans 'Have the Wind at Their Back' for 2012 During Speech at Leadership Conference

Chris Wallace Praises Rick Perry's Record on Job Creation in Texas

Stewart tells Chris Wallace that Fox News is like 'ideological regimes'

Keepin' It Klassy: GOP Convention In NOLA Welcomes Obama Lookalike To Boos and Jeers

This Week: John McCain Bemoans Lack of War Support Among GOP Presidential Field

Gates: Human Cost of War Has Made Him Cautious About Wars Of Choice

Nicole Sandler Confronts James O'Keefe At Netroots Nation

Marsha Blackburn Praises Reagan, as Though He'd Still Be Welcome in Today's Republican Party

McCain: Illegal immigrants to blame for Arizona wildfires

Schumer Asks Incredulous Schieffer: Hey, GOP, Where Are The Jobs?

Rep. Marcy Kaptur To House: In this Economy, the Last Place to Cut is Food

AARP wobbling on Social Security

Kristol and Perino Feign Ignorance on Wall Street Pressuring Republicans to Raise Debt Ceiling

Justice Clarence Thomas Should Resign For His Egregious Conflicts of Interest and Unethical Behavior

YouTube - U.S. Soldiers Grow Opium/Heroin Poppy in Afganistan - Fox News

YouTube - Australian "Highway Patrol" motorbike chase w. actual dash-camera footage.

YouTube - Police Demand Video Camera.. Owner says NO


New York Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof: The Military as Socialist Model for America - informationliberation




Mussolini, "Doctrine of Fascism" (1932)


When the State Breaks a Man - informationliberation

Police Militarization Roundup | The Agitator

Just 11% Say U.S. Should Be World’s Policeman - Rasmussen Reports

Ron Paul | Libya | Why I'm suing the Obama administration over Libya | The Daily Caller

Obama’s ATM story can’t explain slow hiring Capitol Report - MarketWatch

If Table Saws Can Be Safer, Why Aren't They? : NPR

Allegations of civilian casualties in Tripoli on 19 June 2011

NATO to Investigate Libyan Claims of Civilian Deaths in Tripoli Air Strike

Gates Discusses Way Forward in Afghanistan

Iran, Afghan defense ministers issue joint statement

Pakistani forces kill 25 militants

British observers to conduct Open Skies Treaty flights over Russia

Final stage of Fatah-Hamas talks put on halt

Somali Prime Minister Resigns, Reversing Pledge to Stay

Why Is The Justice Department Pretending US Copyright Laws Apply In The UK? | Techdirt

The Ominous PROTECT IP Act and the End of Internet Freedom

WikiLeaks Reveals US Wanted to Keep Russia out of Libyan Oil

9/11 and Who Rules Saudi Arabia

Unemployment and Resistance in Saudi Arabia

The US, Gulf Kings and Brutal Repression in Bahrain

Why is Qatar so Active in Libya?

Modern Slavery in GCC Countries

Resistance to the "Arab Spring" is Futile

Dem. and GOP Governors Embrace Austerity

Obama Submits Legal Basis for Libyan War to Congress

Conversation at a Grocery Store by Butler Shaffer

Extremism Is the New Race Card by Tom Mullen

Jim Rogers: 2008 Was Bad ... Next Time Will Be Worse!

Republican maverick Ron Paul wins a second straw poll and reminds the critics why he matters – Telegraph Blogs

Operation Fast and Furious a Deadly Gov't Failure

Argentina: A Case Study in How An Economy Collapses by Chris Martenson and Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre

Congress: Hearings Show Widespread Islamic Radicalization in U.S. Prisons

Why I Defend Ron Paul Against His Republican Critics

I.B.M. Releases New Graphene Circuits

Federal Govt Has Recruited One-Fourth of U.S. Hackers as Informants

The Best Natural Bug Repellent | Mark's Daily Apple




*1:02:47/YouTube - College Conspiracy


Rep. Weiner's resignation not official yet -

Supreme Court limits Wal-Mart sex bias case - Yahoo! News

High court blocks states' climate change lawsuit - Yahoo! News

Court won't hear ACORN lawsuit over gov't funding - Yahoo! News

Medvedev hints he and Putin won't be 2012 rivals - Yahoo! News

Medvedev says wants to see Obama re-elected

Education - German Giant Says US Workers Lack Skills - CNBC

Athens protests: Syntagma Square on frontline of European austerity protests | World news | The Guardian

Not again! World's biggest airliner damaged after striking building with wing-tip while taxiing at Paris Air Show | Mail Online

Sunbathing NY Woman Suffers Third-Degree Burns After Bikini Overheats

AOL CEO Says Company 'Severely Undervalued' in Light of IPOs - Speakeasy - WSJ

After surgery, Chavez faces troubles in Venezuela

1,300 inmates in Venezuela standoff after riot

Update: Family says woman died protecting toddler from cow | The Des Moines Register |

Artificial meat could slice emissions, say scientists | Environment | The Guardian

Gates warns Congress not to cut off Libya funds - Yahoo! News

Antioch Copper Wire Thieves Reach New High – Or - Flash Player Installation

Opa Locka Church A/C Theft Leaves Congregation - Flash Player Installation

Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough - Telegraph

Police Arrest Two For Alleged Baby Funeral Scam - Flash Player Installation

Thieves Take $30k in Hair Extensions « CBS Atlanta

Man Mines Diamonds in Midtown Sidewalks | NBC New York

Axelrod Assures Admirers: "It's Cool To Be An Obama Supporter"

Orlando Hopes 'Homeless Meters' Help - Orlando News Story - WKMG Orlando

Concord Dogs Killed By Poisoned Meatballs, Poli - Flash Player Installation

Chinese Media Interprets Overseas Stock Fraud with Conspiracy Theory | China | Epoch Times

Bin Laden's Successor to Al-Qaeda Won't Have Same Support | World | Epoch Times

Pakistani Women’s Views on the Burqa | World | Epoch Times

State Senator Smith Announces Gun Buy-Back Program | United States | Epoch Times

Illinois Bans Self-Promotion on State-Funded Billboards | United States | Epoch Times

Saving Uganda from Its Oil | Opinion | Epoch Times

The Future of Entertainment Distribution | Technology | Epoch Times

Titanic’s Last Supper | Life | Epoch Times

Groundbreaking US Supreme Court Decision on the Tenth and Ninth Amendment | Before It's News

Russia Says Apophis Will Hit Earth, NASA Says No | Before It's News

Stunning! Buildings And Mountains Appear In China (Mirage) | Before It's News

Man has sight restored after 55 years | Before It's News

US Mayors Tell Congress: Bring War Dollars Home | Before It's News

'Jackass' Star Ryan Dunn, 34, Dies in Car Crash |


**Ryan Croft – Safety and Preparedness Videos**


20 Tips For Surviving Economic Meltdown | Before It's News

YouTube - 9/11 10th Anniversary

YouTube - Green Technology Uses No Batteries to Power Homes


+Blagojevich fake trial gets reported, William Cellini news altered, Obama protected | Before It's News


Did Obama Order a News Blackout on Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown? | Before It's News

Molecule That "Turns On Immortality Gene"! | Before It's News

CNN: China On The Edge? | Before It's News

Protesters, security forces clash in China -

Health Reform and Senses of Community | Before It's News

“The ABCs of Vitamins” All The Way to Z | Before It's News

China's Ghost Towns: New Satellite Pictures Show Massive Skyscraper Cities Which Are STILL Completely Empty | Before It's News

China Is Buying Up Land Across America | Before It's News

Rare Earth Elements: Fact, Fiction, Hype | Before It's News

WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme | Before It's News

Peak Oil Supply Constraints and Abiogenic Oil | | Expert news and commentary on intelligence, espionage, spies and spying

Refuting Obama's Horrific Attack On Small Business | Before It's News

Statement by the President on United States Commitment to Open Investment Policy | Before It's News

Preparing for the Rogue Wave of Collapse | Before It's News

Potato Salad Recipes for Summer Picnics | Life | Epoch Times

Eating outdoors is an essential part of summer, and nothing says picnic like potato salad.

+Defining What It Means to Be an Internet Marketer | Before It's News

+Why Keeping It Real Is Your Best Selling Tactic | Before It's News

YouTube - Gerald Celente with Roy Green Show Corus Radio Network 17 June 2011


*1:04:24/YouTube - Red Ice Radio - Ian Crane - Depopulation Disasters, Fukushima, E. Coli & Stuxnet


*55 min/YouTube - Red Ice Radio - Christopher Dunn - Gantenbrink's Door & The Giza Power Plant


*1:07/35/YouTube - Red Ice Radio - Dennis McKenna - Timewave Zero, Terrence & the Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss


*59 min/YouTube - Red Ice Radio - John Taylor Gatto - The School System


*1:02:59/YouTube - Red Ice Radio - Jordan Maxwell - The Dark Side of Occult Symbolism & Christianity



*40 min/YouTube - Ron Paul Road to the White House


The Collapse of Nations All By The Hand Of Corrupt Bankers – Bob Chapman |

Audio:CounterSpin – Shahid Buttar on civil liberties, Gareth Porter on Syed Saleem Shahzad |


'Son of star wars' base in Yorkshire finally ready to open | Science | The Observer


'06/Neo-Fascist Pigs In Space: Part One

'06/Neo-Fascist Pigs In Space: Part Two


A Sea Shadow of its former self! 007-style stealth ship that cost $195m to build is heading for the junk yard | Mail Online

Yes, It Is a Police State | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty

Military Convoys, Tanks, And The Need For Information! : The Bastards Want to Track Our Gold!

Judge has harsh words for Mom before sentencing - Flash Player Installation


+Radiation News 6-20-11 |


YouTube - Fukushima workers speak out

Preventing radiation contamination more important than TEPCO's stock prices - The Mainichi Daily News

Contaminated Water Processing at #Fukushima: The Water Was Simply Too "Hot" | EX-SKF

Record River Surge Recorded In Southeast Nebras - Flash Player Installation

Missouri flooding: Levees in two counties breached -

Daily Journal - Feds weigh comments on Monsanto Co.'s proposal to open new phosphate mine in eastern Idaho

Len Aldis: Three Generations of Agent Orange

The Crown Agenda: Order out of chaos « The PPJ Gazette

If Chris Wallace is Looking for Evidence of 'Liberal Media Bias' He Needs Some Better Examples Than Jon Stewart

Obama’s ineligibility: Congress says al-Qaida terrorist can be President

All in the Family - The Weiner Saga Continues

Where does American Exceptionalism Come From?

How Environmentalists Cause War and Repression

Romney A Weak Front Runner

NBC must offer a Clear Explanation as to Why They Removed ‘Under God’ from the Pledge of Allegiance

Information Warfare: It’s Worse Than You Can Understand

Where’s The “Science Story of the Century?”

Obama will Resign and for Good Reason

Energy independence, jobs within reach

America’s Decline Follows a Familiar Pattern

Carol Browner: Not just another multimillionaire socialist

Corrupt Officials Took $124 Billion Out of China

Gold Hits All-Time High in British Pounds

Time for the Religious Right to be felt

The Fed is Powerless

Romney turns his back on 50 million Americans!

Government Lies the Rate of Inflation index Changed to Misinform the People

CIA Militarization Continues

Macroeconomic Radicalization 101

Republicans Flicker On Light Bulb Ban Repeal

TSA Now Storming Public Places 8,000 Times a Year

Twenty-Nine Reasons to Be Angry And/Or Scared

The Insolvency Index

China's Counterfeit Economy: The Hidden Global Threat

More Enviro-Anomalies

Obama Selling Out Our Allies

SCOTUS throws out massive class action sex discrimination case

Blogs busting open AGW 'science' frauds

Ramping Up to Another Jihad Genocide in The Sudan?

Spanish protestors decry 'austerity' measures

Dems' goal is punishing Big Oil

Utah voters think Hatch should be retired

Assad offers reforms - opposition unimpressed

The Color Purple Author Calls America and Israel Terrorists

Tom Friedman's latest folly of a peace plan -- totally blind to Hamas's existence and agenda

Fatah-Hamas unity government on hold

The Muslim Brotherhood and Weiner

Understanding the Taliban Insurgency: The Cause, Motivation, and Culture of Resistance

It's Not about Israel - It's about Democracy

The Piñata of Spring

When the Pursuit of Liberty Is Liberty's Greatest Enemy

Liberals Outsourcing Morality

There is a Cancer Growing on the IPCC and Al Gore

The War on the Family Rages On

The Honor of Leftists and Conservatives

AARP: Money First, Seniors Second

MSNBC‘s ’Morning Joe‘ Mocks Rick Perry’s Weekend Speech: ‘Felt Like an Alien’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Police: 9-Year-Old Pakistani Girl Kidnapped, Strapped With Suicide Bombs | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are You Prepared For a Financial Emergency? Survey Says Most Americans Aren’t | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Are Americans Becoming More Libertarian-Minded? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Has Weiner REALLY Resigned? Nope | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Supreme Court Rejects ACORN Appeal | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

McCain Blames Some of Arizona’s Massive Wildfires on Illegal Aliens | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

CNN‘s Zakaria on How Conservatism ’Lost Touch’: GOPers ‘Resemble the Old Marxists Who Refused to Look at Actual Experience’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Idaho GOP State Sen. Arrested for Grand Theft, Drunk Driving After Odd Bender | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is MSNBC Tanking Without Olbermann? Not Quite… | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Library of Congress to Get Rare Map of Flat World | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Workers Punished After Disabled Gays Are Told t - Flash Player Installation

Columnist Mark Shields: Today‘s Low Taxes Are ’Fundamentally Un-American’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘You Not America’: Desperate to Remain Relevant Van Jones Begs Glenn for TV Time as He Attacks Fox’s Patriotism; Says It’s Un-American to Abuse Children With Your Lies | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘You’re Insane’: Jon Stewart Debates Media Bias With FNC’s Chris Wallace | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Investigators Still Wondering How 3 People Injured During Wild West Shootout Show | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

See Herman Cain Yell at a Reporter While Trying to Clarify Muslim Comments | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

High School Yearbook Accidentally Publishes Pic of Students Engaged in Sex Act | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

McCain Laments GOP Isolationist Strain: ‘I Wonder What Ronald Reagan Would be Saying Today?’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Michele Bachmann Hit With Glitter Attack, Organized Plot Exposed. | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Report: Gov’t Agencies Slow to Implement ACORN Funding Restrictions | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

U.N. Approves Iranian ‘Disaster Info Management Center,‘ Despite Experts’ Ballistic Fears | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Axelrod Targets Republicans, Says Obama ‘One of the Most Consistent People that I’ve Ever Met’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Stand Up, Stop Apologizing’: Texas Gov. Rick Perry Stirs Rumors of Presidential Run | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Pilot Killed During Accident at Poland Air Show | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Off-Duty Cop Dressed as a Clown Shoots and Kills Would-Be Robber | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Private Eye Locates Homeless Man to Give Him Good News – He’s Rich! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Russia and China’s New World Order: Chinese President Calls for Global Governance With Increasing Power for China and Russia Over Global Economic System | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Report: Taxpayer Funds for La Raza ‘Skyrocket’ After Leader Secures White House Job | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Did The RLC’s Obama Impersonator Go Too Far? Watch The Clip, Take The Poll. (updated) | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Future Does Not Belong to White Christians Over 55: Howard Dean Slams Tea Party & GOP as Dangerous, Desperate, Religious, Bigoted Haters | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Attacks Job-Killing ATM Machines, MRC TV Responds With Hilarious Spoof Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Deer With Wings’ Causes Power Outage in Montana | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Muslim Brotherhood Reveals Plans for Egypt: ‘A Nation of the True Islam’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

'Fast and Furious' Border Battle--Michael A. Walsh -

Porn Star -- I Was Hillary Clinton's Intern! |

Alabama illegal immigration: Alabama enacts strict anti-illegal-immigration law -

Changing Tides: Research Center Under Fire for 'Adjusted' Sea-Level Data -

Police Review Security Video in Hunt for Killer in N.Y. Pharmacy Massacre -

Head of ATF Likely to Be Ousted -

Mexican Gangs Stealing Growing Amounts of Fuel -

My Way News - Karzai: Afghanistan, US in contacts with Taliban

My Way News - More than 5 million affected by China flooding

FBI looking for weight-loss doctor charged with fraud -

Former Members Get Millions From Pensions : Roll Call News

Real-estate mogul tied to bribery scandal seeking homeless-shelter deal with New York City -

Christians are more militant than Muslims, says Government's equalities boss - Telegraph

Navy Plans to Scrap First Experimental Stealth Ship -


*1:37:45/YouTube - What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)


McConnell: Obama's Over-Regulation Like "Bureaucrats On Steroids"

RealClearPolitics - Obama Campaign Adviser Axelrod Needles GOP Field

Mixed message on Detroit -

RealClearPolitics - Our Reactionary President

Huntsman, Former China Envoy, to Run Against Obama -

Can We Prevent the Next Bubble? | Wired Science |

What to Do With Lemons -

Blame the ATM! -

RealClearPolitics - Perry's Perfect Positioning

RealClearPolitics - Mitt Romney, Front-Runner

RealClearPolitics - Herman Cain's "Amateur Hour"

Issue for Jon Huntsman: His family's Iran business - Glenn Thrush and Kasie Hunt -

Don’t know much about history -

Obama Needs to Put Winning the Present First: Albert R. Hunt - Bloomberg

Republicans Box Themselves In - Newsweek

Obama’s whirling-dervish economic policy - The Boston Globe

Follower in Chief | The Weekly Standard

The White Working Class: The Group That Will Likely Decide Obama’s Fate | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - GOP Isolationist? No, Just More Jacksonian

Republican candidates: GOP lacks a strong contender from the South -

It's not the Republican line-up but the economy that Barack Obama must fear | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian

10 Reasons Obama is a One-Term President - HUMAN EVENTS

RealClearPolitics - Rigging the 2012 Election

RealClearPolitics - Government Looks to Past, Free Enterprise to Future

Jon Huntsman Steps Into the Republican Vacuum -

RealClearPolitics - The Maturing of Corporate Social Responsibility

"Daily Show" Host Jon Stewart On "FOX News Sunday"

At New Network, Olbermann Sets Sights on MSNBC -

Stocks Haven’t Fallen That Much, Despite Recurring Worries -

The Mystery Broker Speaks Up -

Is a stock market turnaround in the cards? -

Michael J. Boskin: Five Lessons for Deficit Busters -

RealClearMarkets - California's Plan to Electrocute the Automobile Industry

Tom Petruno, U.S. economy, Federal Reserve: Don't look for more stimulus from the Fed -

RealClearMarkets - Why Are So Many Jobs Going Unfilled?

Obama The Luddite: Friend To Labor Unions, Enemy Of Job Creators - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

It's Still the Economy, Stupid - Newsweek

2012: The Media Can’t Save Barack From the Obama Economy - John Tamny - Political Economy - Forbes

What Happened to the White House's "Summer of Recovery"? -

The Slow Economic Recovery-Becker - The Becker-Posner Blog

Apprenticed Investor: Lose the News | The Big Picture

Internet Start-Ups Find New Metrics to Look Profitable; -

On Medicare, Krugman, Fools, and Bigger Fools - Dean Zarras - On Civil Society - Forbes

Why We Believe we are in a Secular Bear Market

Israel must say yes to Obama - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Iraq's lasting success will be measured in barrels per day - The National

Drug wars: Colombia cartel's demise spawned the drug violence that now plagues Mexico -

2011 Failed States Index - Interactive Map and Rankings | Foreign Policy

The Mideast's Next Dilemma - Newsweek

Rand and Rubio -

Mitt Romney & Jon Huntsman Foreign Policy: What They Have in Common With Reagan - The Daily Beast

Opinion: Reading Hamid Karzai in Kabul - Michael O'Hanlon -

Should Islamists have a role in the Arab Spring? -

Success Against Al Qaeda Depends on Success in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard

Demographics: The great shift from rural to urban life -

Putin Goes Soviet While Medvedev Offers Hope | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Food poisoning: The Difference Engine: Gut feeling | The Economist

RealClearScience - Is the Organic Food Industry a Scam?

Feedback Loops Are Changing What People Do | Magazine

Fact or Fiction: Do Babies Resemble Their Fathers More Than Their Mothers?: Scientific American

London to New York in 90 minutes: is this the Concorde of the future? - News & Advice, Travel - The Independent

Spitzer Spots Protostar's 'Crystal Rain' : Discovery News

Groundbreaking eye disease treatment trials to begin | Science | The Guardian

Tiny water insect makes record-breaking song with his penis | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

A glimpse of the end of our Solar System — University of Leicester

News - University of Exeter - Climate change disasters could be predicted

Stretchable electronics report how you feel – Uppsala University Sweden Professsor: Bankers can learn from Islam

Poll Momons: Prejudice against Mormon candidates persists, poll shows -

In ads, Mormons introduce themselves - The Boston Globe

NBC apologizes for omitting 'under God' in Pledge -

Planned Parenthood Funding: Madison and Subsidiarity vs. Obama and the Progressives |

RealClearReligion - Liberal Meltdown and Single-Sex Dorms

Trevor Phillips wades into debate on religion in modern society - Telegraph

Egypt: The rise of Political Islam - New Europe

On the Verge of Crisis in Sudan: ‘If the World Stands Idly By This Time, They Will Bring Genocide’ | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Downtown Journal : stories

Does Islam Stand Against Science? - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Kentucky gubernatorial campaigns say religion isn't an issue | Politics and Government |

Milk and Cookies?


+Rod Blagojevich Corruption Trial | Blago Trial Jury Deliberates for Sixth Day


Man, 19, to be charged with planting bomb in Evanston -

Al Capone Gun Up For Auction This Week With $100K+ Price Tag

Kirk unveils plan to ease transit privatization -

Medical News: Six Million U.S. Kids Have Food Allergies - in Allergy & Immunology, Allergy from MedPage Today

Study: Portable Kiddie Pools Kill a Child Every Five Days – TIME Healthland

Medical News: FDA Okays New Abuse-Resistant Opioid - in Product Alert, Prescriptions from MedPage Today

Medical News: AMA: Delegates Sharply Divided on Individual Mandate - in Meeting Coverage, AMA from MedPage Today

HHS employs predictive modeling to fight Medicare fraud -

Eight more U.S. counties named to White House drug-trafficking list – This Just In - Blogs


Get it to the Fenugreek? How Curry Can Seed Your Sex Life


50 Cent To Write Book For Teens On Bullying - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV

Jon Stewart vs. Chris Wallace: Who won? - The Week

Keith Olbermann announces first 'Countdown' guests | Inside TV |

'The Hobbit:' Evangeline Lilly Joins as Woodland Elf - Hollywood Reporter


Miss USA Alyssa Campanella :

YouTube - Raw Video: Californian Crowned Miss USA

*Miss USA 2011 Photos: Do We Look Like the State We're From?

Miss USA 2011 photos | A gallery of swimsuits, evening gowns and 51 sexy state-estants | Photo 1/103 | Metromix Chicago


ICANN approves plan to vastly expand top-level domains

AppleInsider | Hulu Plus for iOS complies with Apple's subscription rules, removes Web link

Notorious Hacker Groups Vow to Join Forces Against World Governments -

AFP: British Library, Google put thousands of books online

Gallery: Inside Japan's K Computer - world's top supercomputer | ZDNet

Google buys up SageTV to bolster Google TV with useful features

FCC to Attack Phone Cramming Charges | PCWorld Business Center

Global-warming lawsuit: Supreme Court rejects global-warming lawsuit -

Texas Becomes 1st to Require Fracking Disclosure - ABC News

Bernanke May Face ’Self-Induced Paralysis’ - Bloomberg

Local News | Boeing announces air show orders worth $11 billion | Seattle Times Newspaper

BBC News - Syria unrest: Assad's speech falls on deaf ears

BBC News - Libya campaign: Could Nato mission unravel?

Medvedev speech: nod or challenge to Putin's upper hand? -

Analysis: Germany goes back to black in snub to green power | Reuters

Why NATO and the Taliban are stepping up the fight - even as talks get under way -

On World Refugee Day, UN warns that poor countries bear greater refugee burdens -

In Chaos-Ravaged Syria, Truth Gets Tossed Out the Window - Global Spin -

Beginning of the end for nuclear power in Japan? -

The Hindu : News / International : China urged to shed ambiguity on maritime claims

4 killed, 5 injured in Taliban attack in northwest Pakistan - Hindustan Times

Ash cloud returns to Australia | More flight chaos feared

US flotilla ship: We intend to break Gaz... JPost - International

Thousands of Spaniards call for economic reform in new protest -

Sudan leaders reach peace deal over disputed Abyei region | World news | The Guardian

AFP: Suu Kyi to deliver message to US Congress

Impact of tsunami sends trade deficit to 2½-year high

Morocco's king bows to pressure and allows reform | World news | The Guardian

Black slaves, freedmen risked their lives to work as Union spies down South during Civil War - The Washington Post

Obama to Tweet Own Tweets - Mobiledia - The Mobile Future - Forbes

Nuclear energy regulators could be bending compliance rules: AP - POWER-GEN WorldWide

Michele Bachmann escapes her media narrative - The Washington Post

Father's Day 2011: How many presidential babies were born at White House? -

President Obama's Views on Gay Marriage 'Evolving' -

Man detained in Pentagon security case had prior arrest -

McConnell: Debt-ceiling deal may be for short term -

Boeing CEO Is Confident of Winning Labor Case -

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Judge Warns of Mistrial, Recesses Court for Day - TIME NewsFeed

Sen. John McCain defends comments linking illegal immigrants to Arizona wildfires [Video] -

Booted Obama impersonator defends performance at GOP gathering -

Is it too late for Rick Perry to get into presidential race? -

WATCH: Alyssa Campanella, Miss California, Wins 2011 Miss USA Pageant - TIME NewsFeed

Truck no longer considered in Spierer case | City & State | Indiana Daily Student

Ed Henry Leaves CNN for Fox News Channel - TVNewser

Will Obama and Big Green kill U.S. industrial renaissance? | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

First rule of economics: Do no harm - The Washington Post

Review & Outlook: The Accountable Care Fiasco -

Email dumps - Palin & U.Va. | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Democrats eye new jobs agenda - Manu Raju -

Administration wants to send trade pacts to Congress before recess - Business Monday -

Senate Dems outraise GOP, but Republicans pay off election debt - The Hill's Ballot Box - The Big Get - Monday, June 20, 2011

Defense firms see opportunity in cyber attacks

Euro slips against dollar on Greek aid delay

Picasso work loaned to West Bank goes on display

US drones kill 'six Haqqani fighters' in Pakistan

Iran sets new hearing date for US hikers: lawyer

IBM Launches Smart Cloud for Disaster Recovery and Data Archive

'France slams plan for e. J'lem housing expansion'

Man accused of murder admits getting thrill from cutting women's hair

Hospitals will be forced to admit medical errors, says government

Deportee slashes his throat as plane prepares to leave Gatwick

Klavan On The Culture » Jon Stewart, Bully

Jon Stewart Tells Chris Wallace Fox News Is Biased -- But Rest of Media Aren't |

Jon Stewart to Chris Wallace on 'Fox News Sunday': 'You're insane' | Ken Tucker's TV |

Jon Stewart to Chris Wallace: ‘My comedy is informed by an ideological background’

A MARVELous Summer at the Movies

Exclusive Excerpt: Former FBI Undercover Agent Bob Hamer’s ‘Targets Down’

Rock n’ Roll Used to Be About Personal Liberty

Surprise: Obama’s Onerous Tax Provision Very Popular with International Tax-Set Crowd

AUDIO:How to Handle the Debt Ceiling

Hey Conservatives, the Time for Pledges Is Over

Mexico Sues Georgia Over Immigration Law

Our Response to a Loyal Reader: We Have Provided Solutions to America’s Challenges

It’s Time to Think Big: Re-Elect President Palin, 2016

Your Handy Guide To Obama Board’s Attack on Workplace Democracy

Ending Illegal Immigration: A Risk-Benefit Analysis

Judges Gone Wild, Texas Style

What’s Wrong With Robert Reich

In Weiner case, cover up really was worse than the crime - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Keith Olbermann Teases Potential Anthony Weiner Show for Current TV (Video) - The Hollywood Reporter

Overly Dramatic One-Time Lib Host Melts Down Over James O’Keefe

The Daily Beast’s Illogical Propaganda On Weinergate

Daily Beast Hit Piece on Bachmann Uses Dead Link as Source

Olbermann’s Weak Attempt to Smear the Right [Video]

NBC Omits ‘Under God’ from Pledge *UPDATE: Apology? *UPDATE: Yes

NewsBusted: Is Obama’s ‘Bin Laden Bounce’ Over?

Sound Bite For the Day: “I Don’t Think You’re A Coward For Not Answering Questions!”

Video RFK JR: Air America Was More Popular Than Right-Wing Radio.. It Just Couldn't Get Corporate Sponsors. - Story

What We Learn About Obama From Syria

Terry Jones Attacked And Prevented From Protesting Muslim Festival

Explaining History To Thomas Friedman. Again.

Us Navy’s Sail Robot Sent Out To Sea

Violence By Ethnic Kachins Threatens Burma/China Relationship

In The Company Of Heroes: A Private Gathering Of Combat Wounded Marines

British ‘Equality Chief’: Christians More Militant Than Muslims…

U.S. must not cut too much on defense: Pentagon executive | Reuters

Jon Stewart Tells Chris Wallace Fox News Is Biased -- But Rest of Media Aren't |

Howard Kurtz Shocked Republicans Prefer Obama Jokes Over Those About Republicans |


20-Jun-11 World View .....

19-Jun-11 World View......

18-Jun-11 World View......

17-Jun-11 World View ......

16-Jun-11 World View ......

15-Jun-11 World View ......

14-Jun-11 World View......

13-Jun-11 World View ......

12-Jun-11 World View ......

11-Jun-11 World View......


**Markets Video-Energy Efficient Buildings

What's the Real Price of Gas?

Greek Drama: Waiting Will Make it Worse

Could Greek Default Equal Lehman's Bust?

You Don't Need Bill Gross

Get Ready for an Ice Age?


**World Video-Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Art of the Possible

Abdrahman Bafadel, Yemen Opposition Leader

Greek PM: Talks On New Bailout Package Under Way

Sec. Gates Urges Slow Drawdown In Afghanistan

Is the U.S. at War?

NATO Investigates Latest Libyan Civilian Death Claim

Countering China's Cyber Threat?

What Helped U.S. Find Osama bin Laden?

Cyber Warfare Heats Up

Thousands Protest In Madrid

Libya's Rebels Run Out Of Cash

Syrian Army Cuts Off Lifeline To Thousands

Paris Air Show Takes Off

John McCain Slams Republicans for Isolationism


**Politics Video-Holder: Justice Department Has Re-Opened The "Civil Rights Division"

AG Holder: Attorneys Are "Our Most Effective Terror-Fighting Weapon"

Ron Paul: I'm Not A Fringe Candidate; Calls U.S. "Warmongers"

Paul Ryan "Willing To Risk Losing" Seat Over Budget Fight

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: Republican "Isolationism" Helping Obama

Stockman: Unemployment Likely To Stay In Teens For Next Decade

19th-Schumer On GOP: "Maybe They Don't Want The Economy To Grow"

NBC Omits "Under God" From Pledge During Broadcast Of U.S. Open

McCain: "Isolationism Strain" In GOP On Show At NH GOP Debate

Sen. Graham To Congress: "Shut Up" About Libya

Sen. Durbin Warns Don't Wait Until "High Noon" On Debt

Obama Lookalike Kicked Off Stage After Risque Jokes At GOP Convention

George Will: "Five Wars, How Many Do These People Want?"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Romney, Pawlenty, Bachmann & 2012

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On War Powers Act

"This Week" Roundtable: Analyzing The GOP New Hampshire Debate


**NEWS VIDEOS:NBC Cuts ‘Under God’ From Pledge During US Open Coverage

NBC’s Weasel-Worded Apology Over Editing ‘Under God’ From Pledge

Howard Kurtz Slams Dick Morris for ‘Toeing GOP Line’

Jon Stewart Squares Off with Fox News’ Chris Wallace

Deer Runs Amok in Church

McIlroy Dominates, Wins U.S. Open

Miss USA is California Girl

NATO Admits Civilian Deaths in Libya Due to ‘Bomb Malfunction’

Mark Shields: Today’s Low Taxes Are ‘Fundamentally Un-American’

19th/Texas Gov Rick Perry Electrifies GOP Leadership Conference

Rep. Steve King: GOP Votes on Pigford Motivated by False Charges of ‘Racism’

Pilot Dies in Poland Air Show Crash

Suicide Attack in Afghanistan Kills 9

E Street Band Sax Player Clarence Clemons Dies

Conan O’Brien Delivers Perhaps the Finest Commencement Address

NPR’s Nina Totenberg: ‘I Finally Felt Sorry For Anthony Weiner’

Malkin Rocks Right Online

Cal Thomas: Michele Bachmann Praise By Chris Matthews ‘Like Getting Civil Rights Affirmation From David Duke’

18th/Failed Glitter Attack on Michele Bachmann

Save the Economy: Ban ATMs!

Chris Matthews Gushes About Michele Bachmann to Bill Maher

Maher: Chris Christie’s Weight Problem Worse than Anthony Weiner’s Self-Control Issues

Breitbart Addresses Right Online 2011

17th/The Final Trailer, for the Final Part, of the Final Episode of ‘Harry Potter’

Breitbart Visits Netroots Nation, Called Racist

Rep. Allen West: Obama Has ‘No Clue, No Plan’

‘Why Aren’t You Speaking English?’; Texas State Senator Outraged Over Testimony Given in Spanish

Rep. Steve King Moves to De-Fund Pigford Settlement

Obama: Weiner Will ‘Bounce Back’


World Crisis Radio 18th

World Crisis Radio 18th 2

Nutrimedical Report 17th

Nutrimedical Report 17th 2

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Magic Garden 18th

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