A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

18 June 2011


YouTube - Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates

The Anglo-American Endgame for Afghanistan

News : Email warned of ‘biblical flood’ - Capital Journal Pierre, SD newspaper since 1881

Free State or Police State -

BREAKING - Glenn Beck Endorses Ron Paul For President - Home - The Daily Bail

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "Obama Did Nothing Good About The Economy" - Ron Paul on FOX News 06/16/11

Cooler Earth: The Ice Age is coming... don't panic! | Mail Online

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus on Vimeo

Ralph Langner: Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-century cyber weapon | Video on

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "We're Spending Trillions Of Dollars On War That We Didn't Have To Get Into!"

New Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri's hatred of U.S. is deeply personal

Activist Post: Pentagon wants to 'extend' Afghanistan surge

Activist Post: Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”

YouTube - Ron Paul: Bold Economic Leadership

Ex-CIA Phil Giraldi…The Proper Place for Americans | Veterans Today

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul on Neil Cavuto: We Need Sound Money and a Balanced Budget!

SEC could file civil fraud charges against some raters | Reuters

YouTube - MSM agent provocateur attacks RT

YouTube - Fiat money inflation in France - Part 2: Assignats

Patterico's Pontifications » Rep. King Says Stage Set To Investigate Pigford…

YouTube - Fiat money inflation in France - Part 1: John Law

The 9/11 Reichstag Fire

YouTube - Ron Paul Road to the White House

YouTube - The Fight is Not Over! Don't Let Lock Boxes into Your Town!

YouTube - Jim Traficant | "Israel has used America like a whore!"

Netherlands first to regulate on net neutrality - 15 Jun 2011 - Computing News

Court Rules US Taxpayers, Not BP Or Transocean, Are Liable For Gulf Oil Spill Clean Up Costs

The Facebook CIA Cover | New World Order Facebooks Non Privacy Agenda

YouTube - Deadly E. coli was engineered?

Activist Post: Private Prisons and the American Police State

File-Sharers An Easy Prey To Anti-Piracy Lawyers | TorrentFreak - Entertainment industry rolls out support for Protect IP Act - China military paper urges steps against U.S. cyber war threat - Google Denies Special Deal For Barack Obama


+An Introduction to September 11 -The 9/11 Lie


Nepal to build £1.9 billion 'Buddhist Mecca' - Telegraph

Himmler’s daughter aged 81: She works with neo-Nazis and helps SS officers evade justice -

Everything Our Governments Are Doing Now Was Planned BEFORE 9/11 -

The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War -

Are Hacker Attacks False Flag Attacks to Justify a Crackdown on the Internet? -

US Neocons' New Overtures to Terrorist Opposition Group in Iran -

Mideast Uprising Outcome: CIA Gets the Libyan Rebel Terrorists to Ship oil to USA -

Free State or Police State -

Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson -

North Korea Tests 'Super-EMP' Nuke -

The UK Is Preparing To Return To "Glass-Steagall" -

Activist Post: Living in the Shadows: A World of Black Ops and Cyber Wars

Magic mushroom’s positive effects lasting over a year, say researchers | The Raw Story

Ban Ki-moon gets nod for second term as UN Secretary General

BBC News - Nato says Libya 'uses mosques as shields'

Afghan peace deal: Karzai confirms U.S. contacted Taliban for deal -

Protest called in Morocco after king's speech -

South Korea Fires at Passenger Plane | News | English

BBC News - Amanda Knox: Convicted murderer presents 'new evidence'

Former Zambian President Chiluba Dies of Heart Attack at 68 - Businessweek

More than 100 Yemeni clerics, tribal leaders call for presidential elections - The Washington Post

PressTV - Pakistan slams US accusations as 'malicious'

Obama, Boehner face off on the golf course | Story | POWERWALL

Pentagon Bomb Scare: Is the Suspect a Lone-Wolf Terrorist? - ABC News

Caylee Anthony's Body Moved, Defense Expert Says :

Michele Bachmann: Let's 'Get The Primary Over With Now'

Memory Implant Gives Rats Sharper Recollection -

Black hole shreds star, sparking gamma ray flash | Reuters

Is The World Crazy For Bitcoin, Or Has The Bitcoin World Gone Crazy?

Smartphone users now gobbling up twice as much data

Gene Simmons: The Sunday Conversation -

Cancer death rates continue to fall - The Boston Globe

GOP's Paul Ryan defends Medicare plan in new TV ad - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

Obama, We're At War. Stop Insulting Us.

We Invent Enemies To Buy the Bombs

Only the “Crazies” Get the Bank Giveaway Right


‘American Exceptionalism’ Just More NWO Rhetoric

Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the "High Priests of Globalization"

The Greatest Depression Has Only Begun

The Globalization of "Fast Food". Behind the Brand: McDonald’s

VIDEO: Pakistan: Toxic Chemicals in US Drone Strikes

Seeds of Destruction: The Diabolical World of Genetic Manipulation

YouTube - U.S. Soldiers Grow Opium/Heroin Poppy in Afganistan - Fox News

Censored expletives have gone mainstream on television -

Cosmic Log - IBM thinks about the next 100 years

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

CIA director tied to Marxist institute

‘Nothing More Impeachable' Than War Without Authorization, Says Constitutional Scholar |

Exposed: The secret guns sting that backfired on the US - Americas, World - The Independent

Alan Simpson, Erskine Bowles Predict Coming Economic Crisis

Rove's Group: Democrats Cover Up Obama Failings

Gallup: Obama Loses to Generic GOP Rival

Romney, Cain Nix Anti-Abortion Pledge

Obama Drives the Golf Cart, Boehner Sinks the Putt

Gov. Perry Aides Start Fact-Finding on Iowa

Palin: Bachmann Qualified for Presidency

Carrier That Buried Bin Laden May Host Games

Flashback : Why Gadhafi Won't Step Down

Obama Extends National Guard Border Deployment

Huntsman Attracts Gay Support

Pakistan Army Denies Colluding with Insurgents

McKinsey Report: Obamacare Will Cost Taxpayers Additional $400 Billion

Try Gardening to Live Longer, Healthier

Diet May Cut Vision-Loss Risk in Old Age

Army Announces Site for National Museum

White House Responds to Criticisms on Libya

Pro-Gadhafi Forces Hit Misrata, NATO Targets Tripoli

Security Force Captures Taliban Suspects

You Know Mitt Romney Is Out of Touch When...

Fox News host defends hecklers yelling 'pervert' during Weiner resignation

Whoopi Goldberg Tells Fox Business' Eric Bolling Where To Go

Glenn Beck: Ed Schultz is 'such a piece of trash'

Austerity! What is it good for? (Absolutely nothing!)

NBC/WSJ Poll: Americans Still Blame George Bush a Great Deal for Economic Woes

Tim Pawlenty's Birther Ally Calls Obama A "Jungle Alien" in NH House Party

Texas Tea Party leader, Rebecca Forrester says there are too many Hispanics in legislature to crack down on illegal immigration

Rep. Luis Gutierrez at Netroots: Latinos want to vote for President Obama, but being taken for granted will kill their turnout

Thom Hartmann and Leo Gerard at Netroots Nation on Making Goods in America Again

A Shout For Vitter Out Only Helps the GOP Get Away with Plunder

Olbermann tells Fallon about Boehner sex scandal 'rumors'

Executives Complain To Obama's Chief of Staff That Regulations Stifle Growth

More Proof that the EPA does Not Kill Jobs

Janice Hahn: GOP opponent linked to most 'racist, sexist' ad ever

Gawker Scoops MSM, Confirms Ailes As One Of Chris Christie's Advisers

Rep. Louis Gohmert says Obama has more of an allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood than America

Chris Christie: "It's None of Your Business"

Two Top Lawyers Lost to Obama in Libya War Policy Debate

Obama Launching World War III


*The Alex Jones Show – June 17th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 17th, 2011


*Radiation News 6-17-11


4 Parts/Max Igan – Resistance Radio Interview – June 16th, 2011

Goldman, JP Morgan Have Now Become A Commodity Cartel As They Slowly Recreate De Beers' Diamond Monopoly | zero hedge

» Globalists Want Permanent Occupation of Iraq Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Options for Creating U.S. Capabilities | RAND

Bigfoot Investigators Hope DNA Test Will Confirm Existence Of Two Man-Beasts

New Little Ice Age in store? - Telegraph

BBC News - Powerful cosmic blast as black hole shreds star

DARPA Lays Out Tech for 100-Year Starship Program | Human Interstellar Travel | Space Technologies for a Journey to the Stars |

Observations: Where Will Our Energy Come from in 2030? - Are the Future King & Queen Crypto Jews?

House Republicans Question Obama's Use of Autopen -

Obama administration braces for 'cyber warfare'... as CIA and Senate recover from security breaches | Mail Online

What’s behind the global bankers’ austerity programs: Seizure of public property for corporations | Intrepid

Hostile takeover: Subjecting the US to UN control « The PPJ Gazette

The Associated Press: AP Interview: UN warns of more food crises

The Facebook CIA Cover | New World Order Facebooks Non Privacy Agenda

Working America's Dismal State

Google denies giving Obama's re-election campaign access to voters' email addresses | Mail Online

No Privacy on Amazon’s Cloud Drive | ZDNet

Bilderberg 2011: The tipping point | World news |

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Rothschild-Mormon Legacy - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Express Yourself :: Why do we pretend to understand climate change?

Knights Templar heirs demand apology from Vatican - Telegraph

Johann Hari: Cheap meat, MRSA and deadly greed - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent

Jeremy Laurance: The world cannot afford to ignore this biological menace - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Cognitive Dissonance on Revolution Road. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Pentagon dreams of interstellar travel | World news |

BBC to apologise over 'faked footage' in Panorama report about Primark - Telegraph

Retired CIA Agents Say Obama’s Birth Certificate is Fake | Fellowship of the Minds

American Policy Center » Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson

Genetically Engineered Food Alters Our Digestive Systems! | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Activist Post: Living in the Shadows: A World of Black Ops and Cyber Wars

Activist Post: Supremes Make It Official: Wall St. and Corporate Execs are Above the Law When They Lie to the Investing Public

World's oldest religion honors Mother Goddess and nature

10 reasons to be cheerful about the coming new Ice Age – Telegraph Blogs

Gulf of Mexico Legal Biological Military Operation on Vimeo

Stefan Stern: Behind corporate walls, the masters of the universe weep - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Exposed: The secret guns sting that backfired on the US - Americas, World - The Independent

Black holes abound in early universe -

The Politics Of Cancer


Steak Made from Human Exrement: Is it Safe? | Food Safety | Artificial Meat | My Health News Daily

Japanese scientist makes poop burger (VIDEO) - International Business Times

Human feces: The meat of the future? | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online

Would You Eat a Burger Made from Poop?

Cyberspace should be platform for peace, not battleground

Issa: DOJ Covering Up on Mexican Gun-Running Scandal

Plan to Let Drug Cartels Buy Guns in U.S. Approved at ‘Highest Levels' of DOJ

Air Force Academy Creates ‘Worship Space’ for 'Earth-Centered Community’

Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

$1.15 Billion Going to Whom? Investigate 'Fraud-Plagued' Settlement With Black Farmers, Congressman Says

NOW Mute on Obama Calling Congresswoman ‘Cute’

Pelosi: Obama Communicating with Congress is Like ‘A Marriage’

Assistant AG: ‘I Do Not Know’ Who Authorized Plan to Let Drug Cartels Get Guns

ATF Director Could Watch Live Video of Cartel Gun Buys--While Permitting Them to Proceed

Gov't's Gun Scheme: ‘Loads of Weapons … for Criminals Was The Plan’

U.N. Human Rights Council Passes 'Gay Rights' Resolution, With U.S. Support

Obama: UN ‘Legitimated’ U.S. Action in Libya

Pelosi: Obama Doesn't Need Congressional Authorization for Libya Action

Flashback: 'Shovel-Ready' From Lauded To Laughter

ICE Announces Changes to Secure Communities

Obama Extends National Guard Border Deployment

AP Interview: UN Warns of More Food Crises

Anti-Abortion Group Calls Out Romney, Cain - Washington Wire - WSJ

Romney, Cain Refuse to Sign Pro-Life Pledge « Gray3′s Thirdsphere

Obama slammed at liberal conference - Washington Times

At Netroots Nation, Liberal Bloggers Sour On Obama : NPR

3 firefighters fired for looting Joplin busines - Flash Player Installation

BREAKING: Feds Bust $25M Indie Film Scam –

New treaty aims to protect millions of domestic workers - LABOUR - FRANCE 24

EU's contested plan for five-month paid maternity in limbo

Man Arrested After Craigslist Pot Post | NBC Connecticut

U.S. Homeland Security Committee demands TSA explain reports of racial profiling at Newark airport |

Zetas leader 'El Lazca' killed in Matamoros | matamoros, sources, close - Brownsville Herald

Teens Helped Unsupervised, Roaming Children in Jersey City

Keith Olbermann hints at Anthony Weiner talk show on Al Gore's network - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

“Why Aren’t You Speaking English?” | Houston News - KTRH NewsRadio 740 Houston News, Weather, Traffic

Carney | Obama | Border Weapons | RealClearPolitics

Keith Olbermann hints at Anthony Weiner talk show on Al Gore's network - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Obama admin to end health care waivers

Obama slammed at liberal conference - Washington Times

Cable after Glenn Beck and Keith Olbermann - Keach Hagey -

Helicopters intercept aircraft near US capital

Strauss-Kahn spurring debate on harassment: US author

Small plane plunges into river at Poland air show

US Republicans eyeing Texas governor for president

NY Gov. Cuomo the new face of gay marriage rights

Defense expert: Autopsy on Caylee Anthony 'shoddy'

Parties use dead-end bills to push political goals

Lawmakers step up pressure on Obama over Libya

3 killed, 1 seriously hurt in collision near Shiloh

UK urges British citizens to leave Syria immediately

Nato accuses Gaddafi of using mosques and children's parks as shields

Jailed Fatah leader's wife accuses PA of news blackout

Maher Claims Libs Never Talk About Nationalizing Oil Industry Before Calling Palin and Bachmann Know-Nothings |

Why Oscars' 10 Best Picture Nominees Experiment Failed and What Happens Now - Hollywood Reporter

Seraphic Secret: Hollywood For Sale

A Do Or Die Moment for Israel

End Of The Middle East Christian?

Finance Battle Key In Combating Terror

Tension Escalates in South China Sea

aUDIO:Jeff Smith: Pakistan’s Double Game

DADT Repeal Not A Moral Decision

Rise Of Gulf Cooperation Council Raises Concerns In Mideast

China Xeroxes Entire Austrian Village To Reproduce Back Home

DADT: Why I Question Repealing Morality, Part I

Nicholas Kristof’s Perversion of the U.S. Military Model

Scientists Agree, Salon Is Making False Claims To Spread Climate Change Hoax

The Sexist, Double-Standard Treatment of Callista Gingrich

CARTOON:UI: Searching for Needles

Sound Bite For the Day: “I’m Credentialed! I Belong Here!”

House Vote Enables Continued Funding of Pigford Fraud

“America’s Most Wanted” Saved?

‘Beautiful Boy’ Review: Detached, Well-acted Emotional Roller-Coaster

Tracy Morgan: Hollywood’s New Production Code Worse Than the Old One

NEA to Taxpayers: $20B per Year Video Game Industry Needs Your Help!

Trailer Talk: ‘Harry Potter,’ ‘Moneyball,’ Larry Crowne,’ More…

‘Green Lantern’ Review: Dim, Plodding Entertainment

Mr. Mission Impossible: Bill Maher

Following in Disney’s Footsteps, Companies and Individuals Continue to File Trademark Applications for ‘SEAL Team 6′

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 1 – ‘Gardens of the Righteous’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 2 – ‘Tafhim al-Qur’an’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 3 – ‘Umdat al-Salik’ (Reliance of the Traveller)

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 4 – Tafsir Ibn Kathir

As Voter Approval Sinks, Advisor Says Connecticut Governor Is ‘Choosing to Lead’ Free or Equal? – Johan Norberg Updates Milton & Rose Friedman’s Free to Choose

VIDEO: Save The Economy: BAN ATMs

Saving Capitalism One Fifth Grader At A Time

Why We Love Chris Christie: Chrystal Clear

CARTOON:Useful Idiots: Searching for Needles

Obama and the Anti-Investor Class

Breitbart Mobbed at Leftist Netroots Nation Confab

PROOF! Palin Is Evil…Or Something

Greece Is the Word

Turnaround Economy: Unemployment Worse than Obama Predicted Without Stimulus

CARTOON:Obama Nation: Non Answer Answer

AUDIO:Obama’s Failed Outreach to Business

Corndogs and a Disgraced Weiner


18-Jun-11 World View ......

17-Jun-11 World View......


George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 1

George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 2

Obama and Boehner Share a Moment During Much-Anticipated Golf Outing | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Muslim Brotherhood Reveals Plans for Egypt: ‘A Nation of the True Islam’ | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Russia and China’s New World Order: Chinese President Calls for Global Governance With Increasing Power for China and Russia Over Global Economic System | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Future Does Not Belong to White Christians Over 55: Howard Dean Slams Tea Party & GOP as Dangerous, Desperate, Religious, Bigoted Haters | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

‘Deeply Troubling’: Congresswoman Says Russian-French Warship Deal Is a Threat to U.S. Security | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Talking to Terrorists? Karzai Says Afghanistan & U.S. Are in Contact With Taliban | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Obama Attacks Job-Killing ATM Machines, MRC TV Responds With Hilarious Spoof Video | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Can You Guess Who Glenn’s Impersonating? Here’s Your Chance | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Air Scare: Report Says South Korean Military Fires at Civilian Jetliner by Mistake | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Coming Apart at the Seams? At Netroots Convention Lib Activists ‘Break Up’ With Obama | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

Is Buying Stolen Credit Card Numbers Really This Easy? | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

IRS Accidentally Deposits $110,000 in Man’s Bank Account, Then Arrests Him! | Breaking news and opinion on The Blaze

The Honor of Leftists and Conservatives

AARP: Money First, Seniors Second

The Alternate Universe of Democrats

Has America lost its resolve?

Rick Perry, A Moderate's Conservative

Why History Says that Mitt Romney Will be the GOP Nominee

RFK Jr: Air America 'was beating out right wing radio,' but evil corporate advertisers boycotted it

Civil unrest in China

Getting rid of a political millstone - Obamacare waivers to end

Obama's chief of staff calls economic policies 'indefensible'

Obama went lawyer shopping for War Powers Act opinion

Defiant Spanish Language lecture of Texas legislators goes viral with video

Bimbo Feminism

Obama Wants Engineering Students and 'Diversity'

It Is Easier To Vote Than to Get Hired Without a Proper I.D.

CIA Militarization Continues

Macroeconomic Radicalization 101

Two Capitalisms


Debbie Schlussel:“Fathers” Day: Half of US Fathers Had Illegit Kids; 76% of Men 20-24

Debbie Schlussel:Yonathan Melaku: Hey Another “Moderate” Muslim in US Military w/ Explosives, Qaeda Lit Near Pentagon

Debbie Schlussel:Mistake or Political Correctness?: TSA Erases Jihadist Graffiti on Plane

WSVN-TV - Man arrested after identity fraud

“Why Aren’t You Speaking English?” | Houston News - KTRH NewsRadio 740 Houston News, Weather, Traffic

KUHNER: Obama, the new Caesar - Washington Times

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

Cost of Obama’s Green-Car Mandate: 260,000 jobs - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Condemning U.S. to economic suicide':Thomas Rustici: Constitutional amendment needed to force limits on taxes, spending

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'It's time for an American comeback':Ex-Sen. George Allen unveils blueprint for restoring economic competitiveness


U.S. soldiers are targets in Chinese training game

Panetta keynoted pro-Soviet group's conference

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

Weiner's mother-in-law a member of Muslim Brotherhood

Another senator dishes out Obama background story

Old media has jokes, puns and lies for Obama book

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

2012 GOP Candidates Sign Pro-Life Pledge; Romney, Cain Decline |

Santorum Hits Romney Decision to Not Sign Pro-Life Pledge |

Bachmann: Schools should teach intelligent design – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Bobby Jindal warns against 'hating' Barack Obama - Jonathan Martin -

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

Will The Tea Party Change Washington?

AARP Pivots on Social Security Benefit Cut -

Unmarried parents are 6 times more likely to split by the time child is 5 | Mail Online

Pajamas Media » The Definitive Scandal: ‘Gunwalker’ Much Worse Than ‘Iran-Contra’

Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam

Air Force Academy Creates ‘Worship Space’ for 'Earth-Centered Community’ |

Changing Tides: Research Center Under Fire for 'Adjusted' Sea-Level Data -

Huge mirrors in the sky will be the future of tackling climate change, claim scientists | Mail Online

Israeli scientists find way to erase memories of drug addiction - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Gender-spotting tool could have rumbled fake blogger - tech - 17 June 2011 - New Scientist

Federal Workers Make 61 Percent More than Private Workers | The Pelican Post

Blackbeard creative with his weapons - Science - World -

War of 1812 shipwrecks: Lake Ontario hunt on - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Himmler's daughter, 81: She works with neo-Nazis and SS officers | Mail Online

Swedish docs set for mother-daughter womb transplant - The Local

BBC News - 110-year-old light bulb still shining in US

*18 June

American Minute for June 18th

Today in History: June 18

June 18th in History

Today in History: June 18

June 18th This Day in History

June 18 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 18th


Best Father's Day gift: A world without feminism

The forgotten fathers

The war on fathers

Michele Bachmann: A leader, not a manager

Did White House approve Project Gunrunner?

'Progressive' power via immigration

1,001 ways to waste your money

I remember Allan Bloom, Part 2

Is your representative for wife-beating?

A lesson from Joshua's playbook

Demonizing America’s silent conservative majority from Canada

Jewish Indy - Weiner's Rise and Fall: A Jewish Perspective

Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam

Old media has jokes, puns and lies for Obama book

Majority of Texas lawmakers want freedom from TSA

Another senator dishes out Obama background story

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

Soros frontman pushing for Muslim Brotherhood

Obama's DoD nominee linked to Cold War supporters of Soviets

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

Panetta keynoted pro-Soviet group's conference

Why Obama won't seek 2nd term

Where Ron Paul goes off the rails

Shariah Law is a Muslim Killer - Now They Want to Use It On Us

Liberal Twisted Logic Why Gas is Expensive

Obama Not Subject to Charges of Treason?

Obama’s ineligibility: Fighting back I

No Telling Where To Go Next

America A Greek Tragedy

Ed Schultz: Republicans Should Also Show the Same Kind of Character that Anthony Weiner Did Today

President Obama Shreds The Constitution Over The Shores Of Tripoli

Canada Gives the Bum’s Rush to Bill Ayers, Terrorist, Obama Pal, and ACORN Conspirator

Inhofe Joins Bipartisan Effort to Improve Offshore Permitting Process

Obama’s ineligibility: A willfully ignorant Congress

Illegal Immigration: Address Supply & Demand

Herman Cain, the Constitution, and the Resurrection of America

Palestine - Unleashing The Self-Determination Genie

Did Rep. Weiner Really Thank His Parents for the ‘Values’ They ‘Instilled’ I

Sarah Palin: America’s Real Frontrunner; Still on the Back Burner?

The Cost to Taxpayers of Missing Fathers

RealClearReligion - Why All the Fuss Over King James Bible?

In the Village: Teaching practical prophecy | Deseret News

Her.meneutics: The Cult of the Orgasm

RealClearReligion - Why So Many Atheists on CNN Belief?

Losers all around in French Muslim Council election | News by Country | Reuters

Rare cosmic blast traced to black hole -

Ethane: A Fingerprint For Life On Exoplanets

BBC News - Scientists to sequence thousands of insect genomes

Last roll of fabled Kodachrome lands in N.Y. museum -

The Power of Theory In Science : Starts With A Bang

A Quick Fix to the Food Crisis: Scientific American

Should Greenpeace Be Writing IPCC Reports?

Sewer Sampling Reveals Patterns Of Drug Use | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

History of water availability in the Rockies shows trouble ahead

Police Dogs Can Tell Identical Twins Apart By Scent | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Viruses go green – making solar cells using a bacteriophage

Smart Grid Challenges Individual Privacy - Miller-McCune

Five Predictions For The Future Of Energy | Fast Company

BBC News - US builds net for cyber war games

When Secret Sats Spy on Us, Monsieur Legault Spies Back | Danger Room |

Imagination Can Influence Perception - Association for Psychological Science

Scientists develop a fatty 'kryptonite' to defeat multidrug-resistant 'Super bugs' | Science Codex


**This Week in Pictures: June 12 - 18**


All Ahmadinejad's Men

Why Meir Dagan speaks out - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Will Putin be a Russian czar or a U.S. partner? - The Washington Post

Iran Is Key to Deciding America’s Energy Future | The Weekly Standard

The Green Movement: Two Years Later, The Iranian Regime Continues To Brutalize Its Own People | The New Republic

Syria: Who will take on Assad? | The Economist

Israel's Options for Dealing With a Nuclear Iran - US News and World Report

Arab Spring, Kurdish Summer -

Guy Sorman: Green ideology, not science, to blame for nixing nuclear power - The Scotsman

A wearily familiar bag of tricks | Opinion | DAWN.COM

Wherewithal of China's Grand Periphery Military Strategy

Afghanistan: The Impossible Transition - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Kelly McParland: Obama can’t control the world. Maybe he shouldn’t try. | Full Comment | National Post

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -Echoes of Arkan in Syria

Does Foreign Policy Matter? -

Al-Qaeda's New Boss: The U.S. Hunt for al-Zawahiri Begins - TIME

Commentary: Untangling the U.S.-Pakistan Alliance | The National Interest

Deepak Lal: China's hubris

Goldman Cuts GDP View to 2% as Economy Weakens - CNBC

Can We Prevent the Next Bubble? | Wired Science |

The Banking Miracle -

The Money Hole - Reason Magazine

RealClearMarkets - Reuters - Markets - Jun 17, 2011 - Analysis: High-frequency trade sparks flash fires in commodities

10 Quotes From the Past That Will Make You Feel Better About the Future

11 reasons stocks will storm back soon Jeff Reeves - MarketWatch

Investing In Precious Metals: Buy Silver Now As Open Interest Trends Upward | Markets |

Report: Push for higher troop levels in Afghanistan - Reid J. Epstein -

Defense fund is focus of debate over earmarks -

Lawmakers say House must move more quickly to embrace new technology - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Editorial: Congress needs to realize that it can't cut the deficit without cutting its spending, starting with obvious targets like ethanol subsidies. -

Audacious call: GM, of all companies, wants a higher gasoline tax

Review & Outlook: Obama and Boeing -

What Would War with Iran Look Like? - Jeffrey White - The American Interest Magazine

RealClearPolitics - A Shovel-Unready President

Republican Presidential Campaigns: Outsiders vs. Insiders - TIME

RealClearPolitics - The Money Hole

Bachmann's combative style scores while Pawlenty stalls | Reuters

The right really, really wants Obama to be Jimmy Carter - Barack Obama News -

Can This Presidency Be Saved? | Via Meadia

The GOP's Strongest Candidate by Luigi Zingales - City Journal

Tom Petruno, U.S. economy, Federal Reserve: Don't look for more stimulus from the Fed -

The Weekend Interview With David McCullough: Don't Know Much About History -

J.D.B. v. North Carolina: Sonia Sotomayor shows Samuel Alito the value of judicial empathy. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

Politics and the Anatomy of Hate « Commentary Magazine

Will Governors Hurt GOP’s White House Prospects? : Roll Call Opinion

Historical Ignorance Warps American Politics: Jonathan Alter - Bloomberg

Rick Perry's First 100 Days -

Weinergate: The Search for Meaning! | The Daily Caller


**Politics Video-Obama Weekly Address: Responsibility Of Fatherhood

Sen. Hoeven Gives GOP Address: International Trading Will Create Jobs

Maher: Palin & Bachmann Are "Crazy, Know-Nothing, Jesus Freaks"

Andrew Klavan's Economic Smackdown: Paul Ryan Vs. Barack Obama

17th/Romney Web Ad: Obama's 20,000,000 Bumps In The Road

WH Communications Director Pfeiffer Gets Hammered At Liberal Convention

Chris Matthews: George W. Bush A Man Of "Limited Mental Power"

Obama On Having A Son: "Michelle's General View Is We're Done"

Christie Tells Woman: "None Of Your Business" Where My Kid Goes To School

Harry Reid On Libya: "This Thing Will Be Over Before We Know It"

Obama: Weiner Will "Bounce Back"

Pawlenty On Romney's "Unemployed" Gaffe: "Cut Him Some Slack"

WH: "We Do Not Put Every Meeting On The Schedule, Nor Should We"

Matthews: If Spitzer Can Land A Job At CNN, Weiner Can At Fox News

CNN: Is "Newt's Wife Helping Or Hurting Campaign?"

O'Reilly: The Real Reason Anthony Weiner Had To Quit

Obama: I Play Basketball To Honor My Father

Hayes: Some 2012 GOP Candidates Running To Sell Books

Obama Glad "Men With Guns" Are Protecting His Daughters From Boys


**NEWS VIDEO:Maher: Chris Christie’s Weight Problem Worse than Anthony Weiner’s Self-Control Issues

Chris Matthews Gushes About Michele Bachmann to Bill Maher

Breitbart Addresses Right Online 2011

Save the Economy: Ban ATMs!

17TH/‘Why Aren’t You Speaking English?’; Texas State Senator Outraged Over Testimony Given in Spanish

Rep. Allen West: Obama Has ‘No Clue, No Plan’

Hoover Institution’s ‘Uncommon Knowledge’ Features In-Depth Interview with Andrew Breitbart

Sheila Jackson Lee: We Need ‘Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

Mom Files Complaint After Daughters Given Oral Sex Survey In Middle School

The Final Trailer, for the Final Part, of the Final Episode of ‘Harry Potter’

Breitbart Visits Netroots Nation, Called Racist

Rep. Steve King Moves to De-Fund Pigford Settlement

Obama: Weiner Will ‘Bounce Back’

Palin on Weinergate Scandal

Pawlenty Latest Victim of ‘Bedazzling’ Attack by Leftist Loons

Chris Matthews: Weiner Press Conference ‘Sort of Like the Hanging of Saddam Hussein’

Activist: Posing as Breitbart Employee, Shouting Racial Epithets ‘A Good Little Scam’

16TH/Breitbart: CNN Reporters Did Their Jobs, Helped Turn Weinergate Narrative from Fake Hack Story

Alan Colmes’ Gives Spirited Defense of Weiner

Ed Schultz: Right-Wing Talkers Openly Advocating Racism

Union Boss: ‘Welcome to Nazi Germany… Going to Take World War III to Get Rid of Adolf Christie’

Hear Breitbart’s First Reaction to Weiner Resignation Press Conference

Disgraced and Done

Rep. Anthony Weiner to Resign

Olbermann Isn’t ‘Man Enough’ to Admit O’Reilly Won

Lunar Eclipse Time-Lapse

Girl’s Graduation Celebration Goes Embarrassingly Wrong

Obama in 2009: If Economy isn’t Fixed in 3 Years There Will be a 1 Term Proposition

15TH/MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur: ‘Republican Vision Of Jesus–Tell Poor To Pound Sand’


YouTube - Obama Launching World War III

*Alex Jones Round Table with Oath Keepers

Will Washington Foment War Between China and India?

Deadly E. coli was engineered?

The Destabilization of Syria and the Broader Middle East War

Clean-up suspended at Fukushima plant

Gaddafi on Libyan TV pledges to defeat NATO | Reuters

Obama ‘ignore’ button: Congress has a say?

The 9/11 Truth Movement Is The Conscience of The World

48 Percent Of Americans Believe Another Great Depression Is Likely In The Next 12 Months – 19 Reasons Why They Are Not Completely Crazy

The Chinese Government Is Buying Up Economic Assets And Huge Tracts Of Land All Over The United States

Leading Financial Advisers and Trend Forecasters Urge People to Protect Themselves from the Coming Unrest

The Next Global Credit Crisis: Why U.S. Banks and Greek Debt Will be the Toxic Trigger

We Must Pay Our U.N. Bills, Obama Administration Insists |

Leak Case Shows Resolve of U.S. Crackdown -

Is A Bigger, More Expensive Obamacare Coming Next Year?

Disposable coffee cups, carryout containers filled with cancer-causing agents

The big fraud of green homes: they suffocate their owners with indoor air poisons

Obama administration gives green light for GMOs to be planted in national wildlife refuges

YouTube - Alex Jones: Crony Capitalism 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones: Crony Capitalism 2/2

YouTube - Colonel 6 Reaffirms Ground Invasion of Libya, Other Middle East Countries by Obama - Alex Jones Tv

* Infokrieg’s Alexander Benesch: Julian Assange Diabolical Propaganda Aids CIA’s Spin on Pakistan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Bob Chapman’s Friday Report: Warnings Of A Great Depression or Hyperinflation Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

U.S. Mayors To Push For First Anti-War Resolution Since Vietnam

Illegal immigration: Government alters Secure Communities deportations -

BBC News - US builds net for cyber war games

Website allows fellow drivers and businesses to message you |

Prepare to Have Your Email Read by the NSA - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

President Carter urges U.S. to rethink drug war | The Raw Story

» Kissinger, 2012-wannabe Jon Huntsman Discuss Cyber Threats Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AFP: US scientists test on-off memory switch in rats

Japan scientist synthesizes meat from human feces

Carney | Obama | Border Weapons | RealClearPolitics

Yonathan Melaku, Man Suspected in Pentagon Terror Scare Identified - ABC News

Man added to official 9/11 victims list - The Boston Globe

» Chilean TV covers Bilderberg 2011 and Rockefeller’s interest in the region Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hunt for Man Who Violated Parole, Fired at Police Turns into Domestic Terror Propaganda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Forget China, Americans Have Had All Their Communications Bugged For 20 Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Nepal to build £1.9 billion 'Buddhist Mecca' - Telegraph

Are Hacker Attacks False Flag Attacks to Justify a Crackdown on the Internet? -

Free State or Police State -

Activist Post: Globalization: The Road to Global Governance

Dangerous new plant disease linked to genetically engineered crops and pesticides -

The Secret History of Iraq’s Invisible War | Danger Room |

The Pentagon and slave labor in U.S. prisons -

Heavy metal vehicles roll out for Soldiers clearing combat environments » Lawsuit Alleges Whole Foods Sold Frozen Vegetables from China Grown in a Polluted Region by Prisoners and Certified as Organic

A Senior Banker Was Just Gunned Down In Puerto Rico In A Suspected Professional Hit Job

Fort Knox U.S. Gold Reserves to be Independently Audited and Assayed? Congressman Ron Paul Pressures U.S. Treasury | zero hedge

Genetic 'green light' could lead to a cure for hundreds of ills | Mail Online

The State or the People: Who Is Sovereign? by John Tyner

Fed Up With Freeloaders by Patrick J. Buchanan

Its Weight in Gold: The Real Prices of Things by Charles Vollum

Mexico Reforms Its Immigration Laws by Mark Nestmann

Best TV Dads | The Art of Manliness

Hair – Nutritional Fixes by Margaret Durst










Action Alert From Hawaii...

WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme | Before It's News

Right Wing Group Used Fake Identities to Stalk Rep. Weiner | Before It's News

MIRAGE - Buildings and mountains appear in China ( INCREDIABLE ) | Before It's News

US Orders News Blackout Over Crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant ... EYE Report | Before It's News

2011: The 2nd Great Depression - A Look at 1st Great Depression | Before It's News


*1:14:41/YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America Part 1-Full

(60 min)YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets


Syria Expands Crackdown on Dissent

Immigrant Women Especially Vulnerable to Sexual Harassment in Workplace

Armed Inmates Hold Off Troops at Venezuelan Prison

Your Medical Secrets Are No Longer Safe

Obama Has Failed on the Economy

Obama Can't Count on Hispanic Vote

Hearings Address Inmate Conversions to 'Prislam'


YouTube - Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 1

YouTube - Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 2

YouTube - Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 3


GCN News: In The Belly of The Beast: Alex Jones Wins Over Mainstream Colleagues «

GCN News: Crony Capitalism Descends Upon Greece «

GCN News :The War on Libya: Canada’s Parliament Endorses Military Escalation «

GCN News: The Lost Age of High Knowledge «

GCN News :Are Republicans Flip-Floppers On Health Insurance Mandates? «

GCN News: Big Food Propaganda Machine Labeling the Health-Conscious As Mentally Ill «

In Debt Ceiling Debate, Republicans In Congress Should Not Cut a Deal Without a Balanced Budget Amendment -

The Golf Summit: President Obama and Boehner Tee Off - ABC News

Keith Olbermann | John Boehner | Countdown | Mediaite

How Rich Are They? | Story | POWERWALL

Watchdogs file ethics complaint against Boehner over spending to defend DOMA – LGBTQ Nation

Illegal immigration: Government alters Secure Communities deportations -

Pentagon Bomb Scare: Is the Suspect a Lone-Wolf Terrorist? - ABC News

Casey Anthony trial: Defense continues to present its case -

Mitt Romney's abortion pledge - Alexander Burns -

Herman Cain Declines to Sign Pro-Life Pledge - The Note

2012 Voter Preferences for Obama, "Republican" Remain Close

Mitt Romney's Economic Nonsense | Politeia | Big Think

So Much For Midwest Nice: Bachmann Rallies Home-State Crowd As Conservative as Liberal Bloggers Square Off in Minneapolis - The Note

YouTube - Shields, Brooks on War Powers Debate, Obama's Inner Circle, Bachmann

Gene Simmons: The Sunday Conversation -

HARRY POTTER Author J.K. Rowling Launches Mysterious Franchise Tie-in Website | The Daily BLAM!

Joan Rivers on Tracy Morgan's Homophobic Rant: 'He Shouldn't Apologize' |

Hugh Hefner left with a huge wedding bill | AHN

FBI looking for weight-loss doctor charged with fraud -

Imperfect justice system greets sex assault victims at universities -

Northwest Herald | Accounting trick hides $1B in state spending

Witness Claims Amanda Knox Wasn't Involved in Roommate's Murder

The Hindu : News / International : 100 days on, Japan crisis lingers

Ban Ki-moon gets nod for second term as UN Secretary General

BBC News - Q&A: Palestinian statehood bid at the UN

Pakistan's Army Is Ready for Its Close Up -

Violent Clashes Reported as Thousands Protest in Syria -

YouTube - Could Saudi Women's Driving Protest Usher in Social Reforms?

American Cancer Society seeks volunteers - Red Bluff Daily News Online

The Associated Press: CDC: 1 in 4 high schoolers drink soda every day

New rules to cut confusion on sunscreen claims - CBS News

Weight Loss Surgery May Help Migraines

Medicare goes high-tech to head off fraud - BusinessWeek

Meal programs: Many needy California schoolchildren not participating in summer meal programs - Los Angeles Times

E Book

*e Book:Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler, by Antony C. Sutton at The Ralph Nader Library


*IBM and the Holocaust (


I.B.M. at 100 - Lessons in Tech Longevity -

Happy 100th birthday, Big Blue | Cringely - InfoWorld

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

Hitler was funded by American companies and Prescott Bush. Profits über Alles! by WHY? (You can stop war) on Myspace

IBM Caused World War II

Nazis in the Attic

YouTube - IBM Centennial Film: 100 X 100 - A century of achievements that have changed the world

American supporters of the European Fascists

Our Nazi Allies


- Speak To Sample Your Brand | Before It's News

- Affiliate Marketing – An Easy Way to Success | Before It's News

- Social Media Isn’t Free to Entrepreneurs or Anyone | Before It's News

The Associated Press: United recouping from canceled, delayed flights

Almost half of Greek voters oppose austerity deal: poll | Reuters

More Volatility Likely in Oil Prices -

Biggest Banks in Reverse Mortgages Exit Business -

Gov. Rick Perry's Texas Hoedown Scam called the 'Texas Miracle.'

**Element 115 Is The Key To Free Energy Says Bob Lazar, Area 51 Scientist. | Before It's News

Elevated radiation levels widespread in eastern Japan | SmartPlanet

Daily Kos: eSci: Unsafe Radiation Found Near Tokyo, Vast Area of Japan Contaminated

Giant Earthquakes Of The Pacific Northwest | Before It's News

Shrunken Head DNA Proves Horrific Folklore True : Discovery News

Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying | Before It's News

Physicists Say Sunspot Cycle Is 'Going Into Hibernation' Which Could Cause A Mini Ice Age Within A Decade | Before It's News

Regenerating the Ear and the Eye | Before It's News

10 sci-fi predictions that came true | Before It's News

Yemen: The Mother Of All Revolutions | Before It's News

Are Dolphins and Whales Alien Life On Earth? | Before It's News

MIRAGE - Buildings and mountains appear in China ( INCREDIABLE ) | Before It's News

NEGATIVE ENERGY CLOUDS :End Of World | Before It's News

NSA to Defend Defense Contractor Networks | Before It's News

Chemtrail Jet Caught Spraying | Before It's News

Non cellular humans in the future | Before It's News

Electromagnetic Pulse Waves

Morocco's king bows to pressure and allows reform | World news | The Guardian

IMF report on Iran's economic success draws scepticism | World news | The Guardian

Man with a suspicious device detained at the Pentagon | Mail Online

Paul Drockton M.A.: Jon Huntsman's Illuminati Ways

Area 51: the plane truth - Telegraph

Greece bailout: IMF chief warns Greek crisis threatens global economy | Mail Online

Event Horizon Chronicle: The Final Meter Measures .999

Yearbook Porn: Big Bear High Students Could Be Charged With Possessing Child Pornography - Los Angeles News - The Informer

Suppressed technologies Another reason we don't have electric cars


June 17, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Michael Savage Show 06/17/2011

The Manning Report – 17 June 2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

The Redding News Reveiw 1

The Redding News Reveiw 2

The Redding News Reveiw 3

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-17, Friday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-17-11

06/17 The Mark Levin Show

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