A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

17 June 2011


Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

YouTube - BREAKING! Gen. Vallely - 3 ex-CIA agents - Obama BC a Forgery! - Congress fears black backlash!

YouTube - Major General Vallely: CIA Agents Say Obama Birth Certificate Fraudulent - 6/13/11

Hawaii claims Obama 'birth certificate' is 'confidential'


*The SUA Blog—Stand Up America US


Retired CIA Agents Say Obama’s Birth Certificate is Fake | Fellowship of the Minds

Why Google Earth Pixelates Israel - Yahoo! News

American Policy Center » Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson

Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds | Business | Vanity Fair

In A Currency Tug-Of-War, The U.S. Dollar Loses…

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - What a Joker...

Activist Post: Supremes Make It Official: Wall St. and Corporate Execs are Above the Law When They Lie to the Investing Public

Activist Post: Living in the Shadows: A World of Black Ops and Cyber Wars

Genetically Engineered Food Alters Our Digestive Systems! | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

Cows churn out "human breast milk" - Yahoo! News

Mexico, other countries join Ga. immigration suit - Yahoo! News

4,000 goats die after vaccine injection in E China


World's oldest religion honors Mother Goddess and nature


Video:S Korea Measures 392 MicroSieverts Per Hour

Japan: Tepco to build sarcophagus over Fukushima reactor - Telegraph

TEPCO starts up water treatment system, but massive radioactive waste feared - The Mainichi Daily News

#Radiation in Japan: Nosebleed, Diarrhea, Lack of Energy in Children in Koriyama City, Fukushima | EX-SKF


Jon Huntsman revs up to take on 'a bunch of cranks' for nomination | Richard Adams | World news |

Jon Huntsman: Easy Rider heading for the White House? – Telegraph Blogs

YouTube - Fmr. Utah Gov. Huntsman Joining GOP Race

Kissinger: Huntsman A Good Candidate - News - Talk Radio News Service: News, Politics, Media

Kissinger Praises Huntsman, Declines Endorsement

Kissinger praises 'very intelligent' Huntsman - Washington Times

Huntsman to take page from Reagan - Print View

Kissinger, Huntsman: U.S., China need cyber detente | Reuters

Kissinger: Partnership with China vital for US

Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal?

Kissinger: A Weiner of His Time | The Moderate Voice

Bilderberg 2011: The tipping point | World news |

+Henry Kissinger WAR CRIMES

Huntsman: Mormon Illuminati Rising Star


Utah Illuminati Vs. US Constitution

CFR Corporate Sponsors

Paul Drockton M.A.: Corporate Illuminati Traitors

Paul Drockton M.A.: Unilever-Bilderbergs Corporate Sponsor

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Church Forwards Bilderberg Agenda

Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash?

The Real Problem On The Missouri River

Airspace Over Flooded Nebraska Nuclear Power Plant Still Closed

AIPAC Pushes Hard for War With Iran

Barack Obama campaign donors 'rewarded with government jobs' - Telegraph

Celebrity culture 'is making educated women dim-witted' | Mail Online

10 reasons to be cheerful about the coming new Ice Age – Telegraph Blogs

Ahmadinejad calls for regional security alliance to counter US influence | World news | The Guardian

Al-Qaeda appoints new Osama bin Laden: Ayman al-Zawahiri chosen to lead terrorist organisation - Telegraph

IMAGES: US Empire Looking for More Wars | Opinion Maker

Europe Braces for Serious Crop Losses and Blackouts: Scientific American

Russian Oil Company Lukoil Seeks Re-Entry to Iraq | Oil

14 year old commits suicide after racially motivated gang rape.

Israel’s Jewish Exodus | Consortiumnews

Arizona official says ethnic studies violates law - Yahoo! News - Feminism Tastes Bitter after Job Ends

YouTube - Radiation Levels in Tokyo - MUCH Higher Than TEPCO Reports - June 14, 2011

Nebraska nuclear plant managers answer rumors |

US Congress votes against Libya funding

AFP: Russia, China warn West against Arab interference

U.S. senators press Obama on Afghan withdrawal | The Raw Story

Paul Drockton M.A.: Al Queda and Narcotics Trafficking

Islamic cultural terrorism

Female activist: Muslim men need sex slaves to keep from committing adultery


YouTube - Dr Verkerk Moving natural medicine into mainstream Pt 1 of 5

YouTube - Dr Verkerk Moving natural medicine into mainstream Pt 2 of 5

YouTube - Dr Verkerk Moving natural medicine into mainstream Pt 3 of 5

YouTube - Dr Verkerk Moving natural medicine into mainstream Pt 4 of 5

YouTube - Dr Verkerk Moving natural medicine into mainstream Pt 5 of 5


Dietitians Are Buying Coke’s Line: Sugar, Fluoride, Artificial Colors are SAFE for Children! | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

YouTube - Still drinking coca cola? Watch this!

Still drinking diet soda? Don’t be a fashion victim! | Grist


+Cancer cure known for 35 years?


*1:48:00/Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business(Vimeo)


YouTube - Welcome to Sweden of Today.

American Policy Center » American Education Fails Because It Isn’t Education

Undeclared Israeli Nuclear Weapons: CIA Knew In 1974 That Israel Had Nuclear Weapons




Living in the Shadows: A World of Black Ops and Cyber Wars :

FBI: 9/11 Controlled Demolition Theory Is “Backed By Thorough Research And Analysis” :

YouTube - Ron Paul "Government Should Be There To Protect Our Liberties Not Run The Economy & Police The World

YouTube - Dennis Kucinich "We're Spending Trillions Of Dollars On War That We Didn't Have To Get Into!"


YouTube - Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 2

YouTube - Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 1

YouTube - Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary) - 3


YouTube - Democrats Warn: Beware Ron Paul!

GCN News :Big Food Propaganda Machine Labeling the Health-Conscious As Mentally Ill «

GCN News :The Lost Age of High Knowledge «

GCN News :Weather Mayhem: Worst Drought In 80 Years « - Chicago expanding Big Brother camera network - Iranian President Ahmadinejad urges Central Asian nations to create a New World Order - NSA allies with Internet carriers to thwart cyber attacks against defense firms - Pentagon in Search of 'Secret' Farmers for Afghanistan - Bush administration asked CIA to discredit blogger - Entertainment industry rolls out support for Protect IP Act

FBI to Expand Domestic Surveillance Powers as Details Emerge of Its Spy Campaign Targeting Activists (Video) -


**An Introduction to September 11 -The 9/11 Lie


Magic mushroom’s positive effects lasting over a year, say researchers | The Raw Story

The UK Is Preparing To Return To "Glass-Steagall" -

Special Report: SCO at 10: Charting a modern Silk Road of security and prosperity

China unrest as hundreds protest against Taizhou 'land grabs' | World news | The Guardian

Fukushima: It's much worse than you think - Features - Al Jazeera English

What’s behind the global bankers’ austerity programs: Seizure of public property for corporations -

- Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus / Vimeo

Ralph Langner: Cracking Stuxnet, a 21st-century cyber weapon | Video on

YouTube - Pentagon bomb scare BS

Activist Post: Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”

Activist Post: Pentagon wants to 'extend' Afghanistan surge

YouTube - Ron Paul: Bold Economic Leadership

Fake Revolutions

New Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri's hatred of U.S. is deeply personal

Chicago Chef Paul Kahan Slips Chef Knives Through TSA Security || Jaunted

The Intercept: Fake Terrorist Adam Pearlman, Appearing as Adam Gadahn, Presents a Hitlist of 40 Persons


+Afghan Opium Trade - C-SPAN Video Library

+YouTube - Opium Wars

+YouTube - "The Chinese and Opium under the Republic" by Alan Baumler (IUP Libraries' Breakfast and a Book)


YouTube - Ron Paul "Government Should Be There To Protect Our Liberties Not Run The Economy & Police The World

Ex-CIA Phil Giraldi…The Proper Place for Americans | Veterans Today

Adam Savage From Mythbusters TV: "TSA X-Rayed my junk, but they missed two 12-inch industrial razor blades in my coat" - Home - The Daily Bail


Activist Post: US Senate votes down ethanol subsidies

YouTube - Ron Paul "Government Should Be There To Protect Our Liberties Not Run The Economy & Police The World

Apple wants to turn off iPhone cameras — RT

MTV’s Baphomet & All-Seeing Eye Ad (video)

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils


*The Alex Jones Show – June 16th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 16th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 15th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 14th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 15th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 15th, 2011


YouTube - Arizona Police Officer Execute Man For Telling Them They Needed A Warrant

YouTube - Police Threaten To Arrest Citizen For Asking Questions

**4 Part/Alex Jones Round Table with Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes, Michael Boldin & Brandon Smith |

*Insider Leaks Reveal Full Bilderberg Agenda On War and Alternative Media Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

SWAT Team Mania: The War Against the American Citizen by John W. Whitehead

+Biometrics: your face, your fingerprint, your voice -

'You Can No Longer Think of Yourselves as Peace Officers': Militarizing 'Lockdown High' by William Norman Grigg

Audio Page:Media Roots Radio – Weinergate, Election Kick-off, Net Neutrality, War on Fun |

Prepare: Threat of Nuclear Meltdown In America Just Over the Horizon? |

+4 Parts/Max Igan – Resistance Radio Interview – June 16th, 2011 |

DOD Officials Discuss Using Virus, Vaccine To Manipulate DNA And Eliminate Religion

YouTube - Leaked Pentagon Video - Flu Vaccine Use to Modify Human Behavior

+JFK – Martin Luther King jr. – Ron Paul |

- Breaking News: 10 Congressmen brings Obama to Federal Court about illegal Wars |

Infowars Exclusive: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya |

China Social Unrest Getting Out of Control: Expert - CNBC

Beijing battling protest fires on all fronts | The Australian

PressTV - 'US builds secret base in Persian Gulf'

YouTube - RT crew caught in Athens tear gas chaos, slammed by Greek rioters

Is This It? Mass Rioting, Civil Unrest In Greece As Economists Warn Of Global ‘Armageddon Scenarios’

+Photos Of The Protestors Battling With Riot Police On The Streets Of Athens Greece

YouTube - Greece Chaos: 20,000 protest in Athens, cops fight masked rioters

The Cloud: Trojan Horse For Internet Takeover

Celente Slams “Cartoon News Network” GOP Debate |

Post-debate, Fox News personalities pile on Ron Paul |

The Revolution Will Not Be Deactualized

Minister Farrakhan Praises Libyan Leader and Lambasts UN-US-NATO Coalition

Video/The Libyan Crisis From The Libyan Perspective ; Libyan Crisis: Events, Causes and Facts

Presidency Grows Even More Imperial

Video/Keiser Report: Army of New Mubaraks

Obama Financial Suporters Get Top Jobs

12 More Signs That Society Is Collapsing

Life Expectancy Declining in Many Parts of US

John Pilger Replies On Lannan Ban On His Film

Pressure' on Pakistan army head over US ties:

Gadhafi's Son: Libya Can Be Ready For Elections In 3 Months:

War Powers Act Doesn’t Apply for Libya, Obama Says -

Congress holds second hearings on violent Islam

Ex-Spy Alleges Bush White House Sought to Discredit Critic -

US births down for 3rd year; economy may be factor - Yahoo! News

Most tumors not within cell phone radiation range | Reuters

Solar powered plane arrives in Paris | Video |

US steps up ties with Syrian insurgents

Nebraska Nuclear Reactor Flooded

VIDEO: Pakistan: Toxic Chemicals in US Drone Strikes

Bankers from the Too Big to Fail Banks Twist the Facts to Justify Continued Speculation

China and Allies Back Russia Against U.S.-NATO Global Missile Shield

The Globalization of "Fast Food". Behind the Brand: McDonald’s

Midwest Floods: Both Nebraska Nuclear Power Stations Threatened

Libya: "The Right to Protect" has Triggered a Humanitarian Disaster

Obama's Libya Defense Makes Bush's Lawyers Look Smart

Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11

Seeds of Destruction: The Diabolical World of Genetic Manipulation

YouTube - U.S. Soldiers Grow Opium/Heroin Poppy in Afganistan - Fox News

YouTube - John Stossel - The Licensing Racket

YouTube - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange releases video blog of his house arrest

The 40-Year War on Freedom - informationliberation

Free State or Police State - informationliberation


*MP3:Will Grigg on Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton


Why Do We Seek to Know the Future of Our World?

Killer stars from deep black space threaten Earth - English

CERN LHC Creates Temperatures 100,000 Times Hotter than the Center of the Sun

Radiation hotspots hinder Japan response to nuclear crisis | Reuters

The systematic financial pillaging of the middle class – Millionaires don’t feel rich unless they have $7.5 million while 45 million Americans live on food stamps. Another 50 percent cannot come up with $2,000 in the next 30 days.

KABOOM | NY Appellate Division | Bank of NY v Silverberg – MERS Does NOT Have The Right to Foreclose on a Mortgage in Default or Assign That Right to Anyone Else « Foreclosure Fraud – Fighting Foreclosure Fraud by Sharing the Knowledge

Privatize Marriage Now by Ryan McMaken

Ron Paul's Stock Portfolio by Robert Wenzel

Oxymoronic or Moronic? by Laurence M. Vance

Rape in Libya: America’s Recent Wars Have All Been Accompanied by Memorable Falsehoods by Peter Dale Scott

Slow Economic Growth and Other Costs of Avoiding Disaster by Bill Bonner

The Door is About to Shut for Americans

How to Remember a Person’s Name (And What to Do When You Can’t) | The Art of Manliness

Solutions: Do you have more confidence in yourself or your government? | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Electrolytes: What Are They & Why Are They So Good For Us? | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

YouTube - Kucinich, Paul: Obama breaking the law

Plan to Let Drug Cartels Buy Guns in U.S. Approved at ‘Highest Levels' of DOJ

Assistant AG: ‘I Do Not Know’ Who Authorized Plan to Let Drug Cartels Get Guns

ATF Director Could Watch Live Video of Cartel Gun Buys--While Permitting Them to Proceed

Gov't's Gun Scheme: ‘Loads of Weapons … for Criminals Was The Plan’

Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

U.N. Human Rights Council Passes 'Gay Rights' Resolution, With U.S. Support

Obama: UN ‘Legitimated’ U.S. Action in Libya

Pelosi: Obama Doesn't Need Congressional Authorization for Libya Action

U.S. Paying to Keep Libyan Anti-Aircraft Missiles Away From Terror Groups

Flashback: 'Shovel-Ready' From Lauded To Laughter

U.N. Human Rights Council Retaining Its Bias Against Israel

Obama Administration Sides With Planned Parenthood in Indiana Defunding Case

White House Gets Tough Questions From Liberal Bloggers

Hecklers Disrupt Weiner's Somber Resignation in N.Y.

Democrats Criticize Romney for 'Unemployed' Joke

Playboy Adds 'Runaway Bride' Sticker to July Issue

Mexico, Civil Rights Groups Challenge Georgia's Immigration Law

Rush, Malzberg: Weiner Already Plotting Comeback

Weiner Quits After Talking to Wife


*Transcript of Rep. Weiner's Resignation Statement

+Anthony Weiner: Timeline of a Scandal


Hustler Mag's Larry Flynt Offers Weiner a Job

Gates: New Al-Qaida Chief No Osama Bin Laden

Palin to Media: Have Anything Better to Do?

Hoekstra: Obama's Mideast Policy Is 'Muddled'

Romney: ‘I’m Also Unemployed’

Gallup: Any GOP Candidate Could Beat Obama

Pawlenty: Romney 'Co-Conspirator' on Obamacare

GOP Hopefuls Descend on South

Pawlenty Admits Missed Chance in GOP Debate

China Wants to Make Its News in the USA

Herman Cain Uses Corporate Titles for Staffers

Try Gardening to Live Longer, Healthier

Activist Post: Vietnam Agent Orange cleanup starts: US

Activist Post: Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson

What’s behind the global bankers’ austerity programs: Seizure of public property for corporations | Intrepid

GOP Primary Race Confuses the Media

US Should Copy Canada, Puerto Rico, to Solve Debt Dilemma

More Voters View Govt as Economic Equalizer

Don't Dismiss Newt Gingrich

Romneycare Is No Giveaway; Neither Is Obamacare

Muslim Brotherhood Targets US, Jews

GOP Debate Tells Us Candidate Has Yet to Emerge

Obama's Political Discourse Recalls Orwell

'False Positives' From Brady Law Bar Gun Ownership

Your Medical Secrets Are No Longer Safe

Will We Survive a Second Obama Term?

Mitt Romney Not Done In by Global Warming

Double-Speak Continues Over Obamacare, Taxes

Republican Debate Marred by CNN's Misguided Format

Is Obamacare's IPAB Unconstitutional?

Where Is Obama's Immigration Policy?

Hotels in major U.S. Cities warned of 'Mumbai-style' terror threat

Under new leader, al Qaeda issues hit list

Bill would create a single electronic platform to track all federal spending

Attorney General Holder: lawmakers endangering war on terror

Senate strikes at ethanol handout

State lawmakers still struggling with how to regulate and tax marijuana

AARP drops longstanding opposition to Social Security benefit cuts

Report of suspect device in car closes ramp to Pentagon

Gay GOPers turn out for Huntsman

San Francisco considers ban on goldfish as pets

Palin skewers media over email release

Obama says Weiner and wife will 'bounce back'

Ryan open to changing Medicare plan

Lawmakers mock Obama claim on Libya hostilities

Medvedev: Govt role in economy has to be cut

NSA allies with Internet carriers to thwart cyber attacks against defense firms - The Washington Post

China military paper urges steps against U.S. cyber war threat - Yahoo! News

Chinese president arrives in Moscow to boost cooperation - People's Daily Online

+Suspicious Man Found Near Pentagon | NBC Washington

Pentagon scare suspect found with terror phrases - CBS News

Man with Suspicious Device Detained at Pentagon, Material Inert - ABC News

Casey Anthony line fight: Fight breaks out among people waiting for Casey Anthony trial tickets -

Casey Anthony's lawyer questions paternity, halts court - Yahoo! News

IMF cuts U.S. growth forecast, warns of crisis - Yahoo! News

Weiner’s Pension, Benefits Could Top $1 Million : Roll Call News

The Associated Press: Historic Marine base gets 1st-ever female general

Wall Street: Wall Street Braces for New Layoffs as Profits Wane - CNBC

Rush Limbaugh launches his own brand of iced tea | Mail Online

Julian Assange bemoans bail conditions that have led to electronic tagging six months after first arrest | Mail Online

2012 Voter Preferences for Obama, "Republican" Remain Close

Anthony Weiner Approached for Cameo on 'Entourage' - The Hollywood Reporter

Bellevue family sues FBI over 'terrifying' raid - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

“Why Aren’t You Speaking English?” | Houston News - KTRH NewsRadio 740 Houston News, Weather, Traffic

Cat Survives High Rise Plunge


+Radiation News 6-16-11 |


**5 Part/Alex Jones Covers Government Secrecy on Coast to Coast AM-Chilling Information | Before It's News


*2:30:22/YouTube - 9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out (FULL LENGTH FILM)


Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying | Before It's News

Shrunken Head DNA Proves Horrific Folklore True : Discovery News

YouTube - UN Declares War on Property Rights - Most of the USA would be Off Limits to Americans

Obama's Ineligibility: Fighting Back I | Before It's News

Obama’s ineligibility: Fighting back I

Ex-CIA Agree Govt is Covering Up Phony Birth Certificate to Prevent “Black Backlash” | Before It's News

Agenda 21 for Dummies | Before It's News

Introducing the Hoverbike! | Before It's News

McKinsey Thought-Experiment: What If They Are Correct? | Before It's News

More Evidence of How the Media is Censoring 9/11

Government Ordered Media Not To Cover 9/11 | Before It's News

American Citizens’ Demand for Justice Against the Overthrow of the U.S. Constitution... | Before It's News

18 Facts About China That Will Blow Your Mind | Before It's News

PAUL: Obama's unconstitutional Libyan war - Washington Times

WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme | Before It's News

Is the Panetta Scandal the Next Alger Hiss Case? - Christian Newswire

Satellite Images: China's Ghost Cities | Before It's News

NSA to Defend Defense Contractor Networks | Before It's News

A College Education. Is it Worth it? | Before It's News


Website Personified: Making Your Business Website Interesting – A SPN Exclusive Article | Before It's News

How to Leave Voicemail Messages that Get Returned: 7 Steps to Action | Before It's News

7 Social Media Marketing Tasks You Can Outsource | Before It's News

AdSense for beginners | Before It's News

3 Controversial Actions Guaranteed To Shock You Out Of Your “Fail” Routine | Before It's News


Join The Revolution By Moving Your Money Out Of Wall Street Banks And Into Local Banks

The Federal Reserve Will Go Bankrupt, Don’t Listen to Bernanke: Jim Rogers - Yahoo! Finance

Cramer: 10% Correction Possible |

The Greek Bankruptcy Case Study Is Now A Cartoon | zero hedge

Nigel Farage: Bankers+politicians = ‘unholy alliance’ vs people |

Facebook Censoring Some Alternative News Sites While Allowing Hackers To Attack Others :

Gerald Celente on RT America |


Ron Paul 2012: NH Post-Debate Analysis |


RON PAUL 2012: NH Post-Debate Analysis | The Reality Report w/ Gary Franchi on


YouTube - INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya


YouTube - Obama Launching World War III

YouTube - The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 1/5

YouTube - The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 2/5

YouTube - The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 3/5

YouTube - The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 4/5

YouTube - The Secret History of Western Education: The Scientific Destruction of Minds - Charlotte Iserbyt 5/5


YouTube - Max Keiser: Mass Rioting In Greece As Economists Warn Of Global 'Armageddon Scenarios' 1/3

YouTube - Max Keiser: Mass Rioting In Greece As Economists Warn Of Global 'Armageddon Scenarios' 2/3

YouTube - Max Keiser: Mass Rioting In Greece As Economists Warn Of Global 'Armageddon Scenarios' 3/3


YouTube - Alex Jones: Crony Capitalism 1/2

YouTube - Alex Jones: Crony Capitalism 2/2


Apple assumes role of Big Brother by developing patent to automatically disable iPhone cameras at concerts (and police or government abuse incidents?)

Is Obama About to Install a Commie at the Pentagon?

Goldman, JP Morgan Have Now Become A Commodity Cartel As They Slowly Recreate De Beers’ Diamond Monopoly

Globalists Want Permanent Occupation of Iraq

America Is Being Raped … Just Like Greece and Other Countries

Blind China activist reportedly beaten unconscious | The Raw Story

TSA targets special needs traveler with invasive pat-down, confiscates his 'comfort' item as security threat

Obama administration gives green light for GMOs to be planted in national wildlife refuges

The new Ice Age: Warming could slow as sun simmers down

Apple to 'ban iPhone gig filming' | The Sun |News

Former CIA Admits They Sought Information To Discredit Juan Cole For Bashing Bush

Neil Boortz Calls For Acts of Domestic Terrorism

The fatal flaws in the Ryan plan that he doesn't want to talk about

Darrell Issa turns on his own witness on ATF Gun case Hearing

ALEC Publicopoly - The New Old Game In Town

Amid Media Heckling, Weiner Officially Resigns From The House

Michele Bachmann hides religious extremist views and wins CNN GOP debate, but that's about to change

Media Focus On Weiner Scandal Pre-Empts Pelosi Presser About Jobs

Romney to Unemployed: I'm really one of you!

GAO: Little evidence to support charges that killed ACORN

Libyan Rape Victims Murdered By Their Families

NBC not backing down after Gingrich demands apology

Go the F**k to Sleep - as read by Samuel L. Jackson

Fox News host defends hecklers yelling 'pervert' during Weiner resignation

Whoopi Goldberg Tells Fox Business' Eric Bolling Where To Go

Glenn Beck: Ed Schultz is 'such a piece of trash'

Austerity! What is it good for? (Absolutely nothing!)

YouTube - Gee... I Wonder Who CNN Wants To Ban From The Republican Debates Next?

Oil falls 2 percent, below $93 a barrel; gas lower

Man found with suspicious materials near Pentagon

Universal Health Services, Inc. to Present at the 2011 Wells Fargo Securities Healthcare Conference

Exclusive: Chipotle hires A-list lawyers for immigration probe

Medicare goes high-tech to head off fraud

Grain futures rise, livestock prices trade mixed

Film puts spotlight on NYC sex-crimes prosecutors

Digital pickpockets target Bitcoin virtual currency

U.S. to keep troops at Mexican border until September 30

France investigates 2 new suspected E. coli cases

More Kadima infighting: Dichter blasts Livni in interview

Holocaust exhibit vanishes again from Romanian subway

Protests ripple across Syria despite crackdown; 16 killed

'US consul in Egypt tells Grapel he is in big trouble'

Greenpeace head Kumi Naidoo arrested over oil rig protest

Public sector pensions: Work longer and pay more, says Danny Alexander

'Palestinian state declaration means the end of talks'

Israel warns Palestinians all deals are off if UN vote goes ahead

'Syrian security forces take over Maarat al-Numaan'

Anthony Weiner resignation interrupted by Howard Stern writer Benjy Bronk -

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel apologizes for agent brother Ari -

Friday back on YouTube | The Music Mix |

Smithsonian to display remnants of September 11 attacks | Reuters

Barbara Walters Mourns Weiner 'Tragedy,' Worries 'He's Never Had Another Job' |

NBC: Weiner Resignation Announcement 'Showed Much of His Strength as a Congressman' |

Chris Matthews: Fox Should Hire Weiner to Play 'Typical Liberal' Talking About 'Latest Scandal' |

NBC's Norah O'Donnell to cover White House for CBS - Mike Allen -

Book: Liberal Media Distorts News Bias - Washington Whispers (

Actress Rita Wilson named editor of 'Huff/Post 40'

Weiner's exit - Ben Smith -

President Obama Confident That Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin Will 'Bounce Back' - ABC News

Rep. King seeks to stop payment on farmers' discrimination claims - The Hill's Floor Action

Wisconsin ruling a boon--Michael A. Walsh -

Report: Illinois Clinics Hid Six Abortion Deaths, 4,000 Injuries |

NYC 9/11 memorial museum may charge $20 admission

In a switch, GOP's Michele Bachmann talks of empathy -

Obama Admin Blocks Alaska Drilling Effort - ANWR - Fox Nation

DADT: Why I Question Repealing Morality, Part I

Nicholas Kristof’s Perversion of the U.S. Military Model

Audio:Trevor Loudon on the Panetta Hearings

Video: It’s Okay To Take Sex Slaves From Non-Muslim Countries…

Why The US Consistently Fails To Predict Threats

Plea To Reopen The Case Of The Death Of Fatima Abdallah

Money Talks: Allah and The Arab Lobby at Yale

Ladies and Gentlemen, Behold Your President: Juan de Barrack Miguel O’Malley Hussein Patrick McShea Jorge O’Bamasito Lupe de Guadalajara Jesus con Carne.

Converting To ‘Prislam’

The New York Post Does It Again

The Blogging Hoax Unmasked

Rachel Maddow Blames Weiner Fall On Media Double Standard

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz, Chris Matthews Tango on Hardball

NewsBusted: Jodi Miller Broadcasts from Afghanistan!

Selective Outrage: L.A. Times Lashes Out at Tracy Morgan, Gives Palin-H8ing Comics Pass After Pass

Citizen Journalism Is Working

President Obama’s Cozy Relationship with Google

MSM Assumes the Position, Bachmann Wins

Anderson Cooper Amused By Bill Maher’s Hunting Remarks

Credit Where It’s Due: Chris Matthews Objectively Praises Bachmann Debate Peformance

White House Response to AIM “Green Jobs” Coverage Misunderstands “Market Forces”

New York Post Couldn’t Resist Weiner-Obama Headline

Audio:Obama’s Failed Outreach to Business

Corndogs and a Disgraced Weiner

House GOP Moves to Defund FCC Net Neutrality Efforts

Barack Obama’s Fatal Conceit

Obama Claims The UN Can Usurp Congressional War Authority

Indoctrination Fridays: California Federation of Teachers Works Unionizing Propaganda into Curriculum

The National Anti-Circumcision Movement: An Attack on Men and Women, Science and Religion What’s the Libertarian Position on Abortion?

Obama’s Israel Policy: “F*** The Jews, They Will Vote For Us Anyway!”

Digital Divide Remains as Broadband Stimulus Spending Leads to Less Usage

Darrell Issa, Allen West Vote To KEEP Pigford Funds

A Film About the Real Sarah Palin

State Senators Tries to Silence Critics of Union Organizing Drive

Nobel Prize Winner Analyzes the Obama Growth Gap

Audio:Washington’s Fight Against the Future of Higher Education

Taxpayer Funded Beer Bash, Ball Games and Scavenger Hunts at Holder DOJ

It’s Your Economy, Stupid!

‘The Undefeated’ Review: ‘By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them’

‘Green Lantern’ Review: ‘Frankly Fascist Sci-fi Philosophy’

Trailer Talk: ‘Twilight’ Sequel Looks Like Teen Soap Opera

Conan O’Brien Delivers Greatest Commencement Speech Ever?

About That E-Mail from Jon Stewart’s Producer to Steven Crowder…

America Hearts Obama: Time for a GOP Intervention


Independent: Sesame Street’s Pinko Puppets Brainwash Our Kids

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Help Us Expose Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Four

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Five

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Six

‘Primetime’ Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Seven

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Eight

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Nine

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Ten

**Week Review**

17-Jun-11 World View — Short-Term Bailout Of Greece Is Now Expected

16-Jun-11 World View — Thailand Heads For A Major Election Crisis

15-Jun-11 World View — Moody’s Puts France’s Banks On Review Over Greece

14-Jun-11 World View — Vietnam Escalates South China Sea Dispute With China

13-Jun-11 World View — Pro-Assad Crowd Attacks Turkey’s Embassy In Damascus


US Orders News Blackout Over Crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant

Doomsday Ice Age Fears Fuel US-China Land Grabs In South America, Africa

- Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying


Nation & World | Obama, Boehner staffs trade barbs over Libya | Seattle Times Newspaper

$5 billion ethanol subsidy loses big vote - Politics -

Alleged Al Qaeda Hit List Targeting Specific Americans Posted Online | The Blaze

‘P.R. Stunt’: Stewart Blasts Obama for His Accented Pronunciation of ‘Puerto Rico’ | The Blaze

Why Are Terrorists Updating Their Facebooks From Israeli Prisons? | The Blaze

Heckled: Audience Erupts in Cheers, Jeers During Weiner Resignation | The Blaze

Olbermann Refuses to Say He ‘Lost’ to Bill O’Reilly During Colbert Interview | The Blaze

WikiLeaks Enthusiasts Claim Assange Has Been Subjected to ‘Excessive and Dehumanizing’ Treatment | The Blaze

Slideshow: Ford celebrates 108th birthday | The Blaze

Nancy Pelosi Agrees: Obama Doesn‘t Need Congress’ Approval | The Blaze

Rep. Jackson Lee: ‘Christian Militants’ Might ‘Bring Down the Country’ | The Blaze

Revealed: New Satellite Images of China‘s ’Ghost Cities’ | The Blaze

Beck Calls Out Ed Schultz’s Hypocrisy | The Blaze

TX State Sen. Interrupts Immigrant’s Testimony: ‘Why Aren’t You Speaking in English?’ | The Blaze

Update: Reports Say Suspicious Pentagon Man May be Marine, Referenced al Qaeda | The Blaze

Weiner Could Still Collect Up to $1.28 Million in Pension Benefits | The Blaze

‘By The…Mighty Sword of Allah’: Scary Graffiti Found in Airplane Restroom | The Blaze

Beck Delivers Epic Weiner Roast — Complete With Best-of Clips | The Blaze

Canada Gives the Bum’s Rush to Bill Ayers, Terrorist, Obama Pal, and ACORN Conspirator

Demonizing America’s silent conservative majority from Canada

America A Greek Tragedy

President Obama Shreds The Constitution Over The Shores Of Tripoli

Obama’s ineligibility: A willfully ignorant Congress

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

The Cost to Taxpayers of Missing Fathers

The Terrorist Next Door

Time to end Carbon Stealth Taxes

Married to Marriage: 62% of Americans Say It’s One Man, One Woman, Nothing Else

The gloves must come off between now and 2012

Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act becomes law in Alabama

Who Checked Out Leon Panetta?

Congress agrees that Obama is above the law

Debbie Schlussel/Why did Michele Bachmann Hire Pan-Arabist Ed Rollins to Run Campaign?

Debbie Schlussel/HILARIOUS! Video: Gloria Allred Anthony Weiner Stripper Remix!

Debbie Schlussel/Troubling?: Bachmann’s Campaign Strategist Ed Rollins “Responds” to Schlussel on Arabism, Israel

Debbie Schlussel/Mistake or Political Correctness?: TSA Erases Jihadist Graffiti on Plane

50 to 80 million Americans are descendents of a Confederate soldier!

Obama Defies Congress Over Warmaking Powers



Unions, Judicial Activists and Democrats Lose Big in the Badger State

Medicare Reform: It's the Price-Fixing, Stupid

A Party of Political Peacocks

Barack O'Bully Wants to End Israel

What is Really More Fattening -- Chocolate Milk, or Government Dependence?

Boehner threatens to cut off funds for Libya

Romney Far Removed From Average Americans

Imported from Detroit...Misguided Marketing

Anthony Weiner's 'Come-back' Resignation

The cost of 'green cars' to the economy

Another scathingly brilliant idea from Jimmy Carter

Cowardly British Cops Cover Up Muslim Crime

IMF cuts US growth forecast; warns west they are 'playing with fire' on debt

California budget circus gets even more bizarre

A Liberal defends Weiner

Obama's Father's Day Fraud

Bimbo Feminism

The Golf Summit

Obama Wants Engineering Students and 'Diversity'

To Sext, or Not to Sext

Loose Pics Sink Ships

It Is Easier To Vote Than to Get Hired Without a Proper I.D.

UNRWA: Protesting Too Much

The Economy Dems Now Own -

Libya and the War Powers Act -

California’s Citizen Map Could Lead U.S. Out of Political Gridlock: View - Bloomberg

Anthony Weiner's Final Whine -

IBM: 1100100 and counting | The Economist

Boeing and the NLRB: Is the company trying to intimidate unions? -

EDITORIAL: Obama's euro-style unemployment - Washington Times - Pentagon: No More Big Defense Mergers - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Report: Push for higher troop levels in Afghanistan - Reid J. Epstein -

Biden Says Deficit Talks Seek Signal With $4 Trillion in Savings - Bloomberg

Defense fund is focus of debate over earmarks -

Lawmakers say House must move more quickly to embrace new technology - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Internal Republican fights make Boehner’s plan for debt deal harder -

Food aid stirs emotions, splits GOP - David Rogers -

RealClearReligion - Why So Many Atheists on CNN Belief?

Losers all around in French Muslim Council election | News by Country | Reuters

GODSTUFF: Jesus, Still Surrounded by a Bunch of Guys « The Dude Abides

Associated Baptist Press - Southern Baptists ‘cannot commend’ new NIV Bible translation

Hell, Heaven, and Progressive Catholics | Crisis Magazine

The biggest fish story | The Christian Century

After Controversy, Baptists Affirm Belief In 'Eternal' Hell

Beck, Hagee, and Lieberman Band Together to Fuel Armageddon Panic | Religion Dispatches

A 300-Year-Old Synagogue Comes Back to Life in Poland -

My Take: Overcoming the black church’s tradition of homophobia – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Last roll of fabled Kodachrome lands in N.Y. museum -

Kindles don't compare to books -

The Power of Theory In Science : Starts With A Bang

BBC News - Francis Galton: The man who drew up the 'ugly map' of Britain

A Quick Fix to the Food Crisis: Scientific American

House Moves to Ban Modified Salmon -

Plywood Gives You Cancer? Politics "Have Hijacked The Scientific Process"

Pocket Particle Accelerators Like This One Could Bring Safer Nuclear Power to Neighborhoods | Popular Science

Women more attracted to men in expensive cars - Telegraph

Scientists develop a fatty 'kryptonite' to defeat multidrug-resistant 'Super bugs' | Science Codex

UC Davis News & Information :: Lyme disease bacteria take cover in lymph nodes, study finds - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Where Have All the Flowers Gone? - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Imagination Can Influence Perception - Association for Psychological Science

Taxes and Congress: The wasteful ethanol fuel tax credit survives -

Why Bacteria, But Not Humans, Can Live on Caffeine | Drugs & Addiction | DISCOVER Magazine

Endorphin-fueled ‘runner’s high’ is taken as fact in the gym world. But is it? - The Washington Post

Men With Lean Physiques at 18 More Likely to Live Longer, Researchers Say - Bloomberg

Black holes there from the start in the Universe's first galaxies

BBC News - Neutrino particle 'flips to all flavours'

Voyager hits eerie calm at Sun's bubble boundary | COSMOS magazine

Breeding with Neanderthals helped humans go global - health - 16 June 2011 - New Scientist

Fixing Our Broken Oceans by Achim Steiner and Joshua S. Reichert - Project Syndicate

IPCC asks scientists to assess geo-engineering climate solutions | Environment |

Working at the Speed of Science | Current Affairs - ISNS

Did the Nazis Have a Space Program? : Discovery News

All Ahmadinejad's Men

The Limits to US-Vietnam Ties | The Diplomat

Papandreou’s last gasp to save the Greek economy - The Globe and Mail

Republicans Return to Reality -

Strategic Patience Is Strategic Blunder - By Joel Wit and Jenny Town | Foreign Policy

What Would War with Iran Look Like? - Jeffrey White - The American Interest Magazine

RealClearPolitics - End of the Affair

Mexico's challenge has to do with traits of its citizens -

Deception by the Boatload by Brahma Chellaney - Project Syndicate

The US-China Military Ties Reality | The Diplomat

Call Off the Global Drug War -

The EU’s cold shoulder for Turkey risks alienating a key Nato ally - Telegraph

A New Path for Al-Qaida: Zawahiri Confirmed as Bin Laden's Successor - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

China-India rivalry in the Maldives | The Jakarta Post

Libya and the War Powers Act -

Greece: As petrol bombs fly | Comment is free | The Guardian

African Union comes of age - The Boston Globe

Wherewithal of China's Grand Periphery Military Strategy

Afghanistan: The Impossible Transition - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Ahmadinejad’s Fall, America’s Loss -

Saudi Arabia's No Good, Very Bad Year - By Simon Henderson | Foreign Policy

PAUL: Obama's unconstitutional Libyan war - Washington Times

Adrian Hamilton: Nato is dead – it's just that we won't admit it - Adrian Hamilton, Commentators - The Independent

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : Neutral Afghanistan serves regional stability

Vladimir Putin Family Secrets: Russian Blogs Report Rumors - TIME

Commentary: One Hearty Party | The National Interest

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls

Analysis: Long way to go before Greek messy default priced in | Reuters

America’s Dangerous Debt Ceiling Debate by Mohamed A. El-Erian - Project Syndicate

8 reasons you stink at trading stocks Outside the Box - MarketWatch

6 Investing Ideas for Today's Slow-Growth Economy - US News and World Report

Crude oil whiplash? Blame the banks - Term Sheet

The New Urgency of Emerging Markets | Institutional Investor

Why John Maynard Keynes Was A Keynesian - Jerry Bowyer - The Great Relearning - Forbes

Wall Street partnerships: Brown-blooded holdouts | The Economist

A corporate payroll tax cut won't work - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

Alan Reynolds: Why 70% Tax Rates Won't Work -

Return Of The Dreaded Misery Index -

7 Ways to Help Entrepreneurs Help the Economy - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

Is Goldman Sachs Really The Evil ‘Death Star’ Of Capitalism? - Kyle Smith - Moneybull - Forbes

5 questions every investor should ask now Chuck Jaffe - MarketWatch

IBM joins elite group of 100-year-old companies -

RealClearMarkets - Bringing Sanity To Student Loans

Will keeping bankers apart put an end to bail-outs? - Telegraph

PIMCO | Economic Outlook - How Strategic Deficit Reduction Could Spur Growth

How to Know if You’re an Idiot | The Reformed Broker

Kids Prefer Cheese: ATMs destroy jobs?

RealClearMarkets - What Is a Real Economic Recovery?

Rebuild American infrastructure? Companies’ offshore profits can help. - The Washington Post

How The U.S. Can Avoid Japan’s Lost Decades - Reuven Brenner - Leapfrogging - Forbes

What Armageddon Could Look Like - TheStreet

There's no stock answer for mart's ups & downs -

Repurchases running at near record levels Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

MBA Jobs: Post-Crisis, a Brave New World - BusinessWeek

RealClearMarkets - Is Higher Ed Going the Way of Newspapers?

The Ingrates of Wall Street | The Nation


*15TH/Transcripts-Analysts on Obama, War Powers and Libya

Panel on Mitt Romney and Afghanistan

Guests: McConnell, Paul, Kucinich & Ruppersberger

Interview with Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann

Interview with 2012 Candidate Ron Paul

Guest: Representative Tim Johnson

Guest: Representative Keith Ellison

Interview with Representative Barney Frank


Casey Anthony Trial: Courthouse Brawl Prompts Changes to Trial Access - ABC News

Pentagon scare suspect ID'd as Marine reservist - CBS News

U.S. Formally Drops Charges Against bin Laden -

Defying Military Crackdown, Protesters Surge Across Syria -

Saudi Arabia women test driving ban | World news | The Guardian

Pro-Gadhafi Forces Hit Misrata, NATO Targets Tripoli | News | English

Israel warns Palestinians all deals are off if UN vote goes ahead | World news | The Guardian

The Associated Press: Nigerian president visits blast site

China Announces Rise in Maritime Patrols -

The Associated Press: Allies say Yemeni president to return home in days

Ban Ki-moon nominated to top UN post for second term

Two arrested in Netanya gas explosion | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Turkish Ship Attacked by Israel Won’t Sail in Next Gaza Flotilla - Bloomberg

Obama, Congress battle it out over 'war powers' in Libya - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

U.S. Says Push for Legal Limits on Carbon Emissions Deadlocked - Bloomberg

BBC News - Former Royal Marine who served alongside Prince Harry on potential redeployment

BBC News - Julian Assange friend's 'embarrassment' at camera claim

Options for Weiner's $5M Campaign War Chest | NBC New York

Catholics Rally Against Same-Sex Marriage Vote -

White House gets tough questions from Netroots - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

Pawlenty goes after Mitt Romney, again -

AFP: House Republicans contest Obama's use of autopen

Stage Set for Social Security Talks? Lawmakers Push Reform, AARP Reportedly Open to Cuts -

Rick Perry: A governor who 'means what he says' -

2 weeks marked since Indiana student vanished -

Slaying suspect Joseph Naso kept notes on victims

Court Papers Detail Strauss-Kahn’s First Statements After Arrest -

Top 10 Unhealthy Side Effects of the War on Drugs – TIME Healthland

AFP: Obama's next crisis: a teenage daughter

US museum to display remnants of Sept 11 attacks | Reuters

Illegal Video Streaming Elevated to Felony Under Senate Bill - Bloomberg

Holder vows to keep fighting for terror trials in civilian courts -

Oracle seeking billions from Google over Java infringement

Wells Fargo drops reverse mortgages, citing ‘unpredictable’ home prices | South Florida Business Journal

Health Buzz: Cancer Deaths Down Overall, but Still High for Some Groups - US News and World Report

CDC: Soda still common among teens -

Shedding a Little Light on Sun Exposure - Herndon, VA Patch

Life Expectancy for Men Outpacing Women, Says New Study - ABC News

Driving may contribute to deadliest skin cancer -

GOP's Paul Ryan defends Medicare plan in new TV ad - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Kids with government insurance wait longer for some care | Reuters

Scientists Turn Memory On, Off in Rats With Flip of Switch - US News and World Report

Oil slides toward worst week in six on Greek woes -

Finally, an official Facebook app for iPad

Facebook facial recognition flap gains momentum - Computerworld

Google Chromebook Forecast: Cloudy With a Chance of Sunshine -

100 Years of IBM: Milestones | PCWorld Business Center

Nsa starts monitoring defence firms' internet traffic- The Inquirer

Mercury Images Provide New Details About Planet's Origin, Makeup | News & Opinion |

Symantec Uncovers Bitcoin-Stealing Trojan | PCWorld

Lulz Security clarifies ongoing operations | TG Daily

The 'mayday call' from a murdered star - The Week

BBC - Newsbeat - Teenage hacker is convicted for stealing Lady Gaga songs

Spam 'Books' Flooding Kindle Store - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Keith Olbermann Insults Bill O'Reilly Ahead of Current TV Show Debut - The Hollywood Reporter

Oprah Winfrey aspires to get O.J. Simpson confession -

CPS and its unions set to negotiate on raises - Chicago Tribune

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

WND RADIO WND Exclusive FBI covering 'felony offense' for Obama;Gen. Paul Vallely: Congress fears 'treasonous' outcome of birth-certificate probe


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


CIA director tied to Marxist institute

Give Panetta the pinko slip

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Religious freedom vs. jihad ;Rep. Lungren details hearings on Islamic radicalizing in U.S. prisons

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Obama did violate Constitution';Rep. Jones explains lawsuit over Libya, rejects W.H. defense

U.N. passes "historic" gay rights resolution – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

Majority of Texas lawmakers want freedom from TSA

Pawlenty: Romney a 'co-conspirator' in Obamacare -

2012 Voter Preferences for Obama, "Republican" Remain Close

Gingrich demands apology from NBC for report on wife - Yahoo! News

Inside The Implosion: How Gingrich Bucked Staff Ultimatums, Suffered Mass Exodus -

Perry flirts with White House run as bills pile up | AP Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Alaska investigates apparent gap in Palin emails - CBS News

Bachmann: Bling for Ron Paul?

“Why Aren’t You Speaking English?” | Houston News - KTRH NewsRadio 740 Houston News, Weather, Traffic

Genetically modified foods invade U.S. diets

Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’ |

Conference to offer alternative to 2-state solution - Israel News, Ynetnews

Report: Egypt's al-Karama party wants to cancel peace treaty with Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Family's plan for dream house halted by feds armed with 'rule'

Weiner eligible for sizable pension -

Obama administration rep 'cannot be believed'

Kucinich credits Bush for asking Congress before going to war - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obama's unauthorized war on Libya costs $9,421,000 a day: Are you getting your money's worth? -

Syrian forces kill 16 during protests - activists | Reuters

Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam

Calif. yearbook shows photo of possible sex act - Yahoo! News

Fair Haven valedictorian says school censored God speech: Rutland Herald Online

Full text of Kyle Gearwar's Fair Haven Union High School graduation speech: Rutland Herald Online

School Surveys 7th-Graders on Oral Sex -

Sidekick duties: Causing trouble for Obama critics

Old media has jokes, puns and lies for Obama book

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

1 held after suspicious activity at Pentagon - US news - Security -

June 2011:The Search for Bermuda Triangle Planes — and More—Help From Pilots and Mechanics Requested

BBC News - Powerful cosmic blast as black hole shreds star

How Charles Jencks is turning a wasteland into Northumberlandia | Mail Online

DARPA Lays Out Tech for 100-Year Starship Program | Human Interstellar Travel | Space Technologies for a Journey to the Stars |

Mercury Is Looking Less Boring Than Scientists Thought -

Observations: Where Will Our Energy Come from in 2030?

Sunspot Drop Won’t Cause Global Cooling | Wired Science |

Scientists See More Deadly Weather, but Dispute the Cause -

Scientists prove existence of 'magnetic ropes' that cause solar storms

Sun's Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity | Sunspots, Solar Weather & Solar Storms | Solar Cycle | Science | Part 1: Is This A Structure On Mars? Planetary Scientist Replies.

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

Are human beings extinction proof? Evolution expert anthropologist makes startling claim after Doomsday clock moves another minute further from midnight | Mail Online

One Per Cent: Chips for dinner: Edible RFID tags describe your food

NBC/WSJ Poll: Americans Still Blame George Bush a Great Deal for Economic Woes

Longest-serving 'chained wife' finally breaks free after 48 years - Home News, UK - The Independent

Sexually active teens more likely to divorce, study says - On Parenting - The Washington Post

Newport Beach man refuses to remove 72-foot ship from backyard -

State's abortion records woefully incomplete -

Cursed number "39" haunts Afghan car owners - Yahoo! News

Bohemian Grove: Where the rich and powerful go to misbehave - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Life Inc. - Oh baby, you are smokin' ... and a little sweet ... and is that tomato base?

BBC News - Pet sheep 'alerted British woman to cancer'

BBC News - Fearless toddler's encounter with lion

Arabian 'unicorn' thrives again in wild - Yahoo! News

Scientists Discover Mother Monkeys Who Kill Their Babies - Yahoo! News

City geese will be donated to Pennsylvania food banks -

Pair of nesting bald eagles dive bomb post office customers in Alaska | Mail Online

BBC News - 110-year-old light bulb still shining in US

No, artists are not all perverts and 'commies'

New Scientist TV: Born to be Viral: Dance upside down on air

Swedish docs set for mother-daughter womb transplant - The Local

Baby boomers take active role as grandparents - Sac Moms Club & Family -

The 6 Most Ill-Conceived Weapons Ever Built |

DIY Weapons of the Libyan Rebels - Alan Taylor - In Focus - The Atlantic

BBC News - Dominique Strauss-Kahn 'complained about handcuffing'

Where Ron Paul goes off the rails

Who follows God-focused logic of America's founding?

Black conservatives are busy!

The recession never ended

On Libya: It depends on the definition of 'war'

Fed up with freeloaders

The moral case for capitalism and liberty

GOP to keep abortion enabler off bench?

FOCUS | Michele Bachmann's Unrivaled Extremism

Judgment Day for Obama?

States’ Rights Live On | FrontPage Magazine

Majority of Texas lawmakers want freedom from TSA

Old media has jokes, puns and lies for Obama book

Schlafly offers recipe to fix feminism

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

Hawaii claims Obama 'birth certificate' is 'confidential'

You won't believe what Obama's DoD nominee tried to do to CIA

Obama's DoD nominee linked to Cold War supporters of Soviets

Soros frontman pushing for Muslim Brotherhood

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

Where's leadership from Boehner?

The trouble with libertarians

*17 June

American Minute for June 17th

June 17th This Day in History

This Day in History for 17th June

Today in History: June 17

June 17th in History

Today in History: June 17

June 17 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 17th


**Politics Video:Obama On Having A Son: "Michelle's General View Is We're Done"

WH: "We Do Not Put Every Meeting On The Schedule, Nor Should We"

Carney: Obama "Did Not Know About Or Authorize" Border Gunrunning Operation

CNN: Is "Newt's Wife Helping Or Hurting Campaign?"

Obama: Weiner Will "Bounce Back"

Romney Web Ad: Obama's 20,000,000 Bumps In The Road

Obama: I Play Basketball To Honor My Father

Obama Glad "Men With Guns" Are Protecting His Daughters From Boys

O'Reilly: The Real Reason Anthony Weiner Had To Quit

Hayes: Some 2012 GOP Candidates Running To Sell Books

16th/Weiner Cheered And Heckled At Presser Announcing His Resignation

Matthews: Weiner's Resignation "Reminded Me Of The Saddam Hussein Hanging"

Sarah Palin On Running: "I Would Love To Stir It Up Even More"

Romney Jokes With Unemployed Floridians: "I'm Also Unemployed"

Carney: "To Keep The Peace And Stay Above The Fray" Not Obama's Goal

Tim Pawlenty Gets "Glittered" In San Francisco

Krauthammer: Scent Of Isolationism In GOP Field

Carney On Obama Laughing About "Shovel-Ready" Jobs: "Patently Obvious That Obama Is Focused On The Economy"

Carney: "We've Created More Than 2.1 Private-Sector Jobs"

Boehner: Obama's Explanation On Libya Does Not Meet "Straight-Face Test"

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama's Very Short Visit To Puerto Rico

Alan Colmes Freaks After Weiner Resignation Announced

Rep. Peter King: I'd Be Derelict If I Did Not Hold Muslim Hearings

Pelosi: Obama "Has The Authority He Needs" For Libya Mission

Carney Reacts To Wasserman Schultz On Economy: "We All Own It"

Ellison Likens Muslim Radicalization Hearing To Willie Horton Ad

Dean On Libya: Where Were These Anti-War GOPers Under Bush?

Bill O'Reilly: Another Insult By Pakistan

Colbert to Olbermann: O'Reilly "Jacked You So Hard, You Landed On Current TV"

**World Video:Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Thinking on the Arctic

Yemen and U.S. National Security

Gates On Pakistan: All Governments Lie

Who Has It Worse, U.S. Or Greece?

Euro Slips, Markets' Eyes On Greece

Situation Worsens on Syrian-Turkish Border

Al-Zawahri Lacks bin Laden's Charisma

Raw Video: New Tsunami Video Surfaces

Negotiations For A Solution In Yemen

Ban Ki-moon's Plea For Syria Calm

Volcanic Ash Covers Argentina

Strauss-Kahn Claims Immunity

Democracy Promotion in Egypt, Syria Highest Priority

How Will Huntsman's Foreign Policy Views Serve Him?

16th/Deradicalization: Oasis or Mirage?

Is it Time For the U.S. to Leave Afghanistan?

Russia Woos the World

U.S. Relationship with Pakistan Degrades

U.S. On 'Collision Course' With Pakistan

Rare Earth: China's New Gold Rush

Tokyo Begins Radiation Checks In Public Parks

Anger In Athens And Bailout Deadlock

Uncertain Times For Greece

Fans Riot After Canucks' Stanley Cup Loss

Ayman Al-Zawahiri Takes Over al-Qaeda

Michael Spence: Asian 'Lifestyle'

Massive Pro and Anti-Government Rallies in Syria

Why Isn't NATO Bombing Syria?

**Markets Video:The Ugly Secret About China

What if Greece Doesn't Want To Be Rescued?

Could New Black Swan Lead to 40% Market Drop?

Jim Rogers: 'I'm Staying Liquid'

Will Greek Pandemic Sicken US Banks?

16th/The Market Debate: Is It Time for QE3?

Plainfield, NJ ... Foreclosure City, USA

Google Chromebooks Don't Matter Now, But They Will

Housing: Near the Bottom?

What's the Secret to Texas' Stellar Job Growth?

**NEWS VIDEOS:Sheila Jackson Lee: We Need ‘Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

Obama: Weiner Will ‘Bounce Back’

Mom Files Complaint After Daughters Given Oral Sex Survey In Middle School

Pawlenty Latest Victim of ‘Bedazzling’ Attack by Leftist Loons

Hoover Institution’s ‘Uncommon Knowledge’ Features In-Depth Interview with Andrew Breitbart

Palin on Weinergate Scandal

Chris Matthews: Weiner Press Conference ‘Sort of Like the Hanging of Saddam Hussein’

16TH/Hear Breitbart’s First Reaction to Weiner Resignation Press Conference

Alan Colmes’ Gives Spirited Defense of Weiner

Breitbart: CNN Reporters Did Their Jobs, Helped Turn Weinergate Narrative from Fake Hack Story

Ed Schultz: Right-Wing Talkers Openly Advocating Racism

Union Boss: ‘Welcome to Nazi Germany… Going to Take World War III to Get Rid of Adolf Christie’

Disgraced and Done

Rep. Anthony Weiner to Resign

Olbermann Isn’t ‘Man Enough’ to Admit O’Reilly Won

Lunar Eclipse Time-Lapse

Girl’s Graduation Celebration Goes Embarrassingly Wrong

Obama in 2009: If Economy isn’t Fixed in 3 Years There Will be a 1 Term Proposition

NBC News Reports Gingrich Staff Quit Because of Wife

Free Legal Advice from Greta to Newt

Outraged Canadians Riot After Stanley Cup Loss; Sub-Compact Car Brazenly Flipped Over

15TH/White House Spokesman Defends Administration Jobs for Big Money Donors

Former Porn Star Ginger Lee: Weiner ‘Asked Me to Lie’

‘It Hurts’ – Jesse Jackson Acknowledges Obama’s Dismal Unemployment Numbers in Black Community

What Do Average DC Tourists Know About The US Government?

Puerto Rican Seperatists Burn American Flag in San Juan During Obama Visit

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: Facts and Logic Have No Place in GOP – Makes Bachmann Perfect Fit

MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur: ‘Republican Vision Of Jesus–Tell Poor To Pound Sand’

14TH/Dennis Miller Praises Breitbart’s Performance at Weiner Press Conference

Jon Stewart Lashes Out at Crowder for Exposing Policy Against Conservatives


Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, June, 15, 2011

The Manning Report- 16 June 2011

June 16, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-16, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-16-11

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

06/16 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 06/16/2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

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