A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

16 June 2011


A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.


Cele|bitchy » Blog Archive » Crystal Harris on calling off wedding to Hef: it wasn’t the lifestyle for me, buy my album!

Using red wine to treat concussions in pro boxers | TG Daily

'Global Cataclysms' Not Conspiracy Theory Any Longer

Earth facing a mini-Ice Age 'within ten years' due to rare drop in sunspot activity | Mail Online

Huntsman says Chinese Marxism is dead -Video -

Syria protests: Hillary Clinton accuses Iran of assisting in bloody crackdown | Mail Online

CIA's Osama bin Laden informants arrested by Pakistan – report | World news |

Much of Mexican meat tainted with steroids - Americas -

Apples are the most contaminated fruit, says new report | Mail Online

Is your bread making you ill? How 2011's loaves are bad for you | Mail Online

YouTube - Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse - June 14, 2011 (1of3)

YouTube - Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse (2 of 3)

YouTube - Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse (3 of 3)

+Mr. Speaker, Stop the Sham Patent ‘Reform’ - Big Government

- Social Network - SPECIAL REPORT: Blocking Police Brutality with


Site Page:Qik - Qik Overview

Cop Block (


*Botched Paramilitary Police Raids(Cato Institute);Interactive Map


Activist Post: Fake Revolutions

(Satire)YouTube - CIA's "Facebook" Program Dramatically Cut Agency's Costs

US-Israeli Mossad Delivered Speechs at Al-Azhar Mosque « Kawther Salam

First Laser Made of Living Cells Has Arrived : Discovery News

USA TODAY:More U.S. homes lease solar panels with no upfront costs

Electric cars may not be so green after all, says British study | The Australian | The Web of Crime Widens: How Much Money does the Vatican soak from ordinary citizens? | All Roads, and Crimes, Lead to Rome: Global Protest and Fast to commence there on October 30, 2011 | The Gathering Storm of Justice: From Victims to Warriors

Concordat Watch - Separation of church and state (secularism) | What is secularism?

Two myths about secularism - On Line Opinion - 25/10/2010

Why Is Obama Giving Missile Defense Secrets To the Russians ? | Wikileaks Online News

FBI: 9/11 controlled demolition theory is, “backed by thorough research and analysis” |

USA TODAY:Pay TV boxes hike electric bills, waste energy

YouTube - Face to Face with Smart Meters

Tracing America’s Enslavement To Jewish Bankers | Real Zionist News

Ft. Calhoun Flood Defenses - Flash Player Installation

YouTube - ALERT OMG Fort Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Power Plants What is Coming Alert!

No Fly Zone Over Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Due to “Hazards” | NCRenegade

Fraudulent Nazi Quotations

Forecast predicts biggest Gulf dead zone ever - Yahoo! News - Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash?

Jesse's Café Américain: Comex Silver Continues to Fall to Historic Lows

The War on Digital Currency

Earth facing a mini-Ice Age 'within ten years' due to rare drop in sunspot activity | Mail Online

China's "Born in the USA" Frenzy - Yahoo! News

The Hutchinson News: Kansas health officials: don't use Missouri River

Ft Calhoun Spent Fuel In Ground Pools, Flooded Already?


*NRC: Locations of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations


Afghanistan: Where is the political surge? | Opinion Maker

2010 US State Department Human Rights Report On Bahrain

Iraq: Missing Iraq money may have been stolen, auditors say -

Israel - An Impediment To A Nuclear-Free Mideast

Germany finally confirms source of deadly E.coli outbreak

Progress Energy considering closing Crystal River nuclear plant |

Consuming more olive oil may be linked with stroke prevention -

Television: Just 2 hours a day can kill you | Mail Online

Russia considering abortion restrictions to slow population collapse |

Nato refuses to rule out bombing ancient ruins in air strikes aimed at taking out Gaddafi | Mail Online

Lawmakers Sue President Obama Over "Illegal Libya War" - Political Punch

Obama: War Powers Act doesn't apply to Libya - MSNBC Articles

Uneasy truce between Maasai and nature -

US naval movements around Syria. Hizballah moves rockets | The Total Collapse

Russian Space Oddity: Ground Control to Colonel Gaddafi - Yahoo! News

Boehner gives Obama Friday deadline on Libya - Washington Times


**1:32:59/Chernobyl Documentary 2006 ;The Battle of Chernobyl


Fukushima's Apocalyptic Threat

#Radiation in Japan: Nosebleed, Diarrhea, Lack of Energy in Children in Koriyama City, Fukushima | EX-SKF

Japan: Tepco to build sarcophagus over Fukushima reactor - Telegraph

TEPCO starts up water treatment system, but massive radioactive waste feared - The Mainichi Daily News

Radiation 'hotspots' hinder Japan response to nuclear crisis | Reuters

NHK WORLD English/Govt. releases radiation readings at 1-meter-high

NHK WORLD English/Tokyo to measure radiation at 100 locations

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Live Camera Shows Huge Smoke/Steam Enveloping the Reactor Buildings | EX-SKF


**UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering :Air Monitoring Station | The Nuclear Engineering Department At UC Berkeley

**Radiation Network


David McNeill: Who's telling the truth on the Fukushima meltdown? |

Selling America to China: Treason by any other name... | Farm Wars

Idaho Governor Selling His State to the Chinese?

Idaho: Chinese Communist Invasion?

What Can We Learn from China's Interest in Idaho? |

'06/The Chinese in Idaho

Ofergate: The Latest Zionist Propaganda Blitz Against Iran-Part 1

Hasbara Galore: Israel-Iran Trade and the Ofer Brothers Part-2

The Mossad Angle: All-Out Infilration Part 3 | Opinion Maker


Wikileaks Online News(




Weiner tells friends he will resign: report

Key WikiLeaks grand jury witness pleads the fifth

Positive effects from psilocybin last over a year: study

Maher: Republicanism' is a ‘religion’

Neocons Losing Hold Over Republican Foreign Policy

Mullen Vows Long-Term US Afghan Presence

Obama: War Powers Act Doesn't Apply to Libya

Exit Afghanistan and Dismantle the Empire

Is Iran a Threat?

Hacking Group Says It Brought Down CIA Site

Huntsman Goes From 'Wobbly' to Antiwar

Bradley Manning Supporters Rally at WikiLeaks Federal Grand Jury

Star Found Shooting Water "Bullets"

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

News from the Edge | Yet Another Species is Under Stress | unknowncountry

News from the Edge | We Will Soon Get Human Breast Milk from Cows | unknowncountry

Far out: Magic mushrooms could have medical benefits, researchers say - Yahoo! News

Sunspot Drop Won’t Cause Global Cooling | Wired Science |

Scientists See More Deadly Weather, but Dispute the Cause -

Defying Gravity: Tokyo Photographer 'Levitates' | Art & Science | Visual Illusions | LiveScience

Scientists prove existence of 'magnetic ropes' that cause solar storms

INLAND: 340-ton rock is ready to roll | Local News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Sun's Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity | Sunspots, Solar Weather & Solar Storms | Solar Cycle |

Can Coffee Make You Hallucinate? Maybe, But That's No Reason to Give Up Caffeine - - TIME Healthland Science | Part 1: Is This A Structure On Mars? Planetary Scientist Replies.

New Dino May Be World's Smallest : Discovery News

BBC News - Images capture moment brain goes unconscious


*1:21:32/YouTube - The Truth about the Lies FULL DOCUMENTARY


YouTube - Traditional Fats and Sacred Foods

Top 10 Foods I Couldn't Live Without | Mark's Daily Apple

Collapse: It's Coming! Are You Ready? by Gerald Celente

Collapse: It's Coming! Are You Ready? (Part 2) by Gerald Celente

12 More Signs That Society Is Collapsing

The Extinction of Retirement by Michael Pento

'You Can No Longer Think of Yourselves as Peace Officers': Militarizing 'Lockdown High' by William Norman Grigg

The Tax Hazards of a U.S. Passport by P. T. Freeman

U.S. Mint Tells CNBC: Fort Knox Is a Closed Facility by Robert Wenzel

Collapse of Cold War Consensus by John Feehery

If This Be ‘Isolationism’. . . by Justin Raimondo --

The Gold Standard: Myths and Lies by Bob Murphy

Seven Ways Scott Walker and the GOP Are Still Trying to Screw Wisconsin's Poor, Working Class, and Just About Everybody Else

The Latest Creepy Step From Facebook: Facial Recognition Technology

An Exit Strategy from America’s Longest War -- 40 Years of Disastrous Drug Prohibition

Why Do Conservatives Presume That God Wants Them to Run for President? (He Probably Doesn't)

The Militarization of America: How the Military Mindset Is Permeating Our Political Culture and Society

Did Mitt Romney, Ann Coulter, Jon Huntsman Commit Voter Fraud?

FBI to Expand Domestic Surveillance Powers As Details Emerge of Its Spy Campaign Targeting Activists

Chomsky: Wealthiest 1% Rule Our Politics -- But There's Hope in the Fight Against Global Capital

YouTube - David Icke -This World is Bloody Insane!! It"s Level of Consciousness is Shocking!!



*1:57:27/YouTube - Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation- featuring David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Max Igan, Freeman...


YouTube - US government funding 'shadow' networks

YouTube - Bilderberg Meeting in st. Moritz 2011 KissMyAssinger

Join The Revolution By Moving Your Money Out Of Wall Street Banks And Into Local Banks

PressTV - 'Top Obama donors net key US posts'

PressTV - 'US builds secret base in Persian Gulf'

PressTV - Israel to up military ties with China

» U.S. Invasion of Libya Set for October Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube - INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Military Sources Reveal Ground Force Invasion of Libya

+Obama forgers admit they produced phony documents

PressTV - White House says Libya war is legal

BATF sent Guns to Terrorists: Will Obama AG be Held Accountable by Congress? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

YouTube - Congress to Hold Holder in Contempt?

Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying | Before It's News

'Global Cataclysms' Not Conspiracy Theory Any Longer | Before It's News

YouTube - The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers

Who won the GOP debate? The audience thought Ron Paul did -

Pelosi's Wealth Grows 62% To $35M, CIA Gets Hacked, Euro Suffers Steepest Decline Since 2009, Default Nightmare Looms, USPS Wants Mailmen To Fight Terrorism (15 LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Rick Santelli: "We Know They'll Cave On The Debt Ceiling, The Bond Market Is Living Proof" (CNBC Video) - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: Supremes Make It Official: Wall St. and Corporate Execs are Above the Law When They Lie to the Investing Public

YouTube - Code Red Alert: FEMA Buses on Standby for Flood Evacuations in Iowa

+Proof the media (#CNN) is trying to downplay #RonPaul in poll... on Twitpic

Social Security makes $8B in improper payments -

James Grant: Life Behind Bars For Bernanke - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - Pasco County Government Slapping Panhandlers With $288 Fines


YouTube - David Ray Griffin on the 911 Cell Phone Calls Exclusive CBC Interview.FLV

YouTube - Israeli Terrorism Against America

YouTube - Shoe Bombers, crotch bombers, 9/11 and Israel

'06/100% official proof: Doubles on 911 at work

Jews did 9-11 — now you can be sure

Automated Precision Satellite Guidance Of 9/11 Type Aircraft Largely Possible Just Before Attacks

' When Seeing and Hearing Isn't Believing


*2:28:42/YouTube - War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy


Russian scientist photographs souls /

News from the Edge | Are More Quakes on the Way? | unknowncountry

Scientists discover 60 new genetic mutations. We are all X-men? | Wikileaks Online News

Are We in the Middle of a Sixth Mass Extinction ? | Wikileaks Online News


**Bradley Manning, Wikileaks and the Case for Anarchism


*MO-KAN Bradley Manning Support Team(


» TSA “Security Exercise” Covers 3 States, 5000 Miles Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

**10 NEW Videos ADDED! - Greece Protest

Money from Gingrich charity went to his for-profit businesses | The Raw Story

Illegal spread of GM rice alarms Chinese officials | The Raw Story

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "Does ANYONE Believe The War In Afghanistan Has Made Pakistan More Stable?" Congressman Walter

YouTube - TSA Molests 3 Year Old Child at Chattanooga Metro Airport

War Powers Act Doesn’t Apply for Libya, Obama Says -

Why foreign intervention is not welcome in Syria | Chris Doyle | Comment is free |

Lone Star Watchdog: Preacher Who Said the World Would End Made Millions Fleecing the Flock

Why you should NOT buy T-Bills! | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Lone Star Watchdog: What a Democratic Congress Did to Nixon During Watergate,Republicans Should use on Obama.

Guest Post: Why The Wheels Are Falling Off China's Boom | zero hedge

YouTube - Nigel Farage: Bankers+politicians = 'unholy alliance' vs people

YouTube - Stephen Baldwin May Run Against Alec Baldwin for NYC Mayor

Predatory Policy: US, UK enter Yemen with deadly drone strikes, choppers

Japan plans to move pregnant women from far-flung radiation | Reuters

South African president blasts NATO actions in Libya -

Ahmadinejad launches attack on ‘slavers and colonisers’ of the West – The Express Tribune

The War on Libya: Canada's Parliament Endorses Military Escalation

First Lady to Hollywood: Reflect military families - CNBC

US Warships Moved To Syrian Coast

Insider Leaks Reveal Full Bilderberg Agenda On War and Alternative Media

Bohemian Grove: Where the rich and powerful go to misbehave - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Sean Hannity slammed about Bilderberg blackout 2011

+Al Qaeda Flying Planes Into the World Trade Center and Pentagon Was Foreseeable

- Obama’s America: Prosperity Lost

Bilderberg 2011 Debriefing: How the free people’s victory over the globalists will come full circle


*YouTube - Deadly Fluoride: Hoax on the Run - Full.


‘Libya war driven by O.I.L.: Oil, Israel & Logistics’ – McKinney to RT


*Alex Jones Round Table with Oath Keepers


The Greek Bankruptcy Case Study Is Now A Cartoon | zero hedge

YouTube - Panetta Backs Broad View of Presidential War Powers in Senate Hearing

Panetta: Obama Can Unilaterally Use Military to Protect ‘National Interests’ |

Newlyweds: TSA Ruined Our Honeymoon Over Bottle Of Contact Lens Solution - The Consumerist

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly Bashes Ron Paul As Does Coulter, Uses Poll Of 54 Voters To Do It

Post-debate, Fox News personalities pile on Ron Paul | Raw Replay

We Must Pay Our U.N. Bills, Obama Administration Insists |

Stop Trading with Jim Cramer: 10% Correction Possible - CNBC

YouTube - Police Threaten To Arrest Citizen For Asking Questions

Obama’s Libya Defense Makes Bush’s Lawyers Look Smart

China military paper urges steps against U.S. cyber war threat - Yahoo! News

China Social Unrest Getting Out of Control: Expert - CNBC

Victoria Advocate | Two Refugio women sue sheriff, deputies over illegal strip search

A blunder of staggering proportions by the IPCC - Google Denies Special Deal For Barack Obama - Payroll giant ADP investigating hack - Mud Triggers Security Alert At Boston Airport - Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Says that the Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11 - Border agents criticize weapons program - Chicago expanding Big Brother camera network

Europe Braces for Serious Crop Losses and Blackouts -

SWAT Team Mania: The War Against the American Citizen -

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 6/15/2011

Gadhafi Forces Shell Libya Rebel Positions in Western Mountains

Lynn: ‘Unbreakable Bond’ Joins U.S., Czech Militaries

Pakistan Denies Arresting Army Major for US Ties

Washington's Blog:We Suffered a Fukushima-Style Melt-Through In the Global Financial System in 2008 ... But Nothing Has Been Done to Fix It

Washington's Blog:Bankers from the Too Big to Fail Banks Twist the Facts to Justify Continued Speculation

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council? :

*CNN Caught Red Handed Lying About Ron Paul And GOP Debate Winner :


Embattled Rep. Weiner to Resign Over Scandal

Weiner Dressed in Bra, Panties for College Photo

Anthony Weiner: Timeline of a Scandal

Kucinich, Lawmakers Sue Obama Over Libya War

Libya War Costs U.S. $715 Million So Far

John Edwards Asks for Delay in Sex Tape Case

Bin Laden Deputy Zawahri Takes al-Qaida Reins

Bill O'Reilly: Pakistan's Arrests 'Act of War'

Wasserman-Schultz: ‘We Own the Economy’

Rand Paul: Obama's Unconstitutional Libyan War

Rep. Peter King: 'Morons' Attack Islamist Hearings

Rep. Johnson: US Can't Police the World

Obama Squeezed by Manufacturers, Greens

FreedomWorks to Target Hatch in Utah

GOP 2012 Candidates Would Struggle in Home States

Gadhafi's Son Holds Out Offer of Elections

Al-Qaida: No. 2 Al-Zawahri Succeeds Bin Laden

7 Sneaky Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Most Tumors Not Within Cellphone Radiation Range, New Study Finds

Russia, China warn West against Arab interference

E.coli breaks out in France, 5 children in hospital - Yahoo! News

Crowd Attacks Man During Vancouver Riot - Real Radio 104.1....Text us 50352

Woman finds trash in father's cremated remains -

Baggy Pants Cause Plane's Evacuation, Jail Time | NBC Bay Area

Iran plans to send monkey into space |

Prince Harry’s Apache war on the Taliban | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

Al-Qaida's Possible Hit List | NBC New York

Romney, Bachmann, Cain Lead The Pack Among GOP Primary Voters - Rasmussen Reports™

Joanne Fraill: Facebook Contempt Juror Jailed For Eight Months | UK News | Sky News

Airport Hijinks No Laughing Matter For Board Me - Flash Player Installation

CBS2 Exclusive: Top LAX Exec Resigns In Sexting - Flash Player Installation


**The 2011 Miss USA contestants -


*1:14:41/YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America


Why Do We Seek to Know the Future of Our World?

CERN LHC Creates Temperatures 100,000 Times Hotter than the Center of the Sun

ATF Agent to Bosses on Gun-Running Scheme: ‘Prepared to Attend Funeral of a Slain Agent’?

No More Taxpayer Money to Settle ‘Fraudulent’ Pigford II Claims, Republican Says

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Likens Islamic Radicals to 'Christian Militants' in U.S.

Ethnic Studies Program Stoking Resentment Toward White People, Arizona School Chief Says

‘Nothing More Impeachable' Than War Without Authorization, Says Constitutional Scholar

Flashback: Obama Cites War Powers Resolution in Letter to Congress Announcing Libya Strikes

More Than 1,300 ObamaCare Insurance Waivers Granted, Says GAO

Boehner Mocks Obama for Pinning Unemployment on ATMs

Socialist Lawmaker Nominates WikiLeaks for Nobel Peace Prize

Terry Jeffrey: The Conspiracy Against the Car

Ben Shapiro: Obama's Misdirection Strategy

Pakistan Nudges Afghanistan Away From U.S. Towards Asian Bloc

64,000 Cases of Possible Voter Fraud Being Investigated in New Mexico

Spanish TV News Expands As 2012 Election Nears

Watchdog: Obama Fundraisers Land Government Posts

Lady Gaga's 'Meat Dress' Goes to Rock Hall of Fame

‘Wimp factor’ could pose threat to some 2012 GOP contenders

In a struggling economy Congress members saw their wealth grow

U.S. arms makers look overseas as domestic demand shrinks

Pakistan-U.S. security relationship at lowest point since 2001, officials say

Jordan’s King Abdullah II warns Mideast peace prospects are dim

Inmate may be first to be set free under California's 'medical parole' law

Obama's unauthorized war on Libya costs $9,421,000 a day: Are you getting your money's worth?

ATF agent calls gun-tracking program a 'disaster'

Republican says Justice Dept. should be 'ashamed’ over guns to Mexico

Former Mass. House speaker found guilty in kickback scheme

Kissinger praises ‘very intelligent’ Huntsman

Florida is No. 1 for marijuana grow houses

Solar powered plane arrives in Paris /Video -

US talks peace and prepares for war in Sudan

Bankers from the Too Big to Fail Banks Twist the Facts to Justify Continued Speculation

VIDEO: 'NATO bombs civilians!': Report from Tripoli

The Greatest Depression Has Only Begun

Life expectancy declining in many parts of US

The Anglo-American Endgame for Afghanistan

Who Owns the Nuclear Weapons? Israel, An Impediment to a Nuclear-free Middle East

Iran: "Regime Change" or All Out War?

VIDEO: 10 Years Too Many: US and UK Must End Afghan War

We've Always Been at War With Yemen - informationliberation

End Game - informationliberation

Intellectual Inertia And Keynesianism - Daily Anarchist

What Ron Paul Invests In

Study says marijuana no gateway drug | Science Blog

TVShack Admin Fights Extradition To U.S. On Movie Piracy Charges | TorrentFreak

SWAT Team Mania: The War Against the American Citizen - informationliberation

"You Can No Longer Think of Yourselves as Peace Officers": Militarizing "Lockdown High" - informationliberation

The 40-Year War on Freedom - informationliberation

Free State or Police State - informationliberation

Anthony Weiner resigning, sources confirm - Maggie Haberman and Jennifer Epstein -

E-Verify changes everything in the immigration game | Before It's News

WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme | Before It's News

FTC: Yes, We Actually Do Know Best | Before It's News


Spectacular Hubble View of Centaurus A, Photo and Videos | Before It's News

WorldNetDaily reports on obstruction of justice and cover up by the officials in Hawaii | Before It's News

Hawaii claims Obama 'birth certificate' is 'confidential'

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

New hidden quake fault found in California - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

China Building World’s Biggest Radio Telescope | Before It's News

Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms .. one step closer to understanding the matrix | Before It's News

FACT SHEET: 21st-Century Communications for our First Responders | Before It's News

+Remarks by the President at Congressional Picnic | Before It's News

Brain changes in future humans | Before It's News

58% Of All Species Might Not Survive In Conservation Areas By 2080 | Before It's News

New Solar Energy Plant Construction Was Launched in Israel | Before It's News

YouTube - Vatican archeologists reveal 3rd century paintings hidden beneath Rome

‘Anonymous’ Warns NATO: ‘This Is No Longer Your World’ - Techland -


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 14th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 14th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 13th, 2011

+What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 13th, 2011


YouTube - FBI Watch Chicago Activists

YouTube - RON PAUL 2012: NH Post-Debate Analysis

YouTube - Gee... I Wonder Who CNN Wants To Ban From The Republican Debates Next?

YouTube - Complete Ron Paul CNN New Hampshire Debate Questions And Answers

FBI expands agents’ investigative power | The Salt Lake Tribune

Agenda 21 Part II: Globalist Totalitarian Dictatorship Invading a Town near You–With Your Permission |

+NASA - Headquarters Emergency Operations - Personal/Family Preparedness Plan

Leaked Pentagon Video – DOD Officials Discuss Eliminating Islam Religion By Using Virus And Vaccine To Manipulate DNA |

New 9/11 Poll: Half Of New Yorkers Support New Investigation Into WTC7 Collapse |

Daily Kos: Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11

YouTube - The death of Bin Laden and other lies -- Connecting the Dots


*Radiation News 6-14-11 |


» Insider Leaks Reveal Full Bilderberg Agenda On War and Alternative Media Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

* Gen. Hamid Gul: Israel/India Running U.S. Foreign Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ex-Spy Alleges Bush White House Sought to Discredit Critic -

AFP: Russia, China warn West against Arab interference

Why Your Money-Market Fund Could Be Hit by Greek Default - CNBC

U.S. helicopters fire on attackers in Iraq oil hub: military | Reuters

Militants launch cross-border attack into Pakistan - Yahoo! News

MEN photographer arrested for taking pictures outside court - Journalism News from HoldtheFrontPage

Legalize Milk, Real Milk by Mark Thornton

» White House Promotes a Smarter Grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Wireless chips and probes could monitor orthopedic implants

Chinese Spying Devices Installed on Hong Kong Cars (Video) | China | Epoch Times

» A common ingredient in commercial breads is derived from human hair harvested in China Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

True fact: A common ingredient in commercial breads is derived from human hair harvested in China

Google aims to speed up the Web with 'Instant Pages,' spoken search - San Jose Mercury News

Lawmakers Fight for More Eyes Above Texas-Mexico Border - KRGV CHANNEL 5 NEWS - The Rio Grande Valley's News Channel - Breaking News, Breaking Stories - RGV News

Iguana meat seized at U.S.-Mexico border -

Al-Qaida's Possible Hit List | NBC New York

» Image Comics’ ‘The Big Lie’ asks some big questions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Chilean TV covers Bilderberg 2011 and Rockefeller’s interest in the region Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*(60 min)YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets


YouTube - A Scientific Dictatorship of The Elite, by The Elite, for The Elite 1/3

YouTube - A Scientific Dictatorship of The Elite, by The Elite, for The Elite 2/3

YouTube - A Scientific Dictatorship of The Elite, by The Elite, for The Elite 3/3


YouTube - Ron Paul "Bernankee Has A Completely Different Understanding Of What Caused The Depression"

YouTube - Keiser Report: Army of New Mubaraks (E156)

YouTube - Rand Paul & Dennis Kucinich Talk About Obama Libya Lawsuit On CNN

YouTube - Dennis Kucinich: Obama Can Tell It To A Judge!

GCN News:What Kind of Job Can I Get for One Dollar? «

GCN News: Ron Paul at GOP Debate: Defender of the Constitution «

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes

GCN News:Ben’s Favorite Vitamin: Cyanocobalamin «

GCN News: Are Republicans Flip-Floppers On Health Insurance Mandates? «

GCN News :Forget China, Americans Have Had All Their Communications Bugged For 20 Years «

GCN News :Charlie Skelton Bilderberg Aftermath: Lord Mandelson’s Nature Walk «

GCN News: If I Were a Conspiracy Theorist: Police/Fire Vanishing Due to Budget Cuts «




Tim Pawlenty Claims He's for 'Fair Trade' During GOP Debate Despite Support for Free Trade Agreements

Tea Party Child Indoctrination "Camps"

Meet NRO's Kevin Williamson: NRA Shill & al-Qaeda Friend

How Bad Is The Economy? Even Cable Companies Are Feeling It

They Just Can't Admit When DFH's Are Right.

Luke Russert Explains How the Media Will Hound Anthony Weiner and Democrats Until He Resigns

Most Disgusting Political Attack Ad of the Year, so far...

Rick Perry on His Unpopularity in Texas: 'A Prophet is Generally Not Loved in Their Hometown'

More right-wing violence: Notorious Montana militiaman takes shots at cops, disappears into woods

Lindsey Graham and AEI attack Mitt Romney over Afghanistan comments

Not satire: Rush Limbaugh selling tea dressed as Paul Revere

Sheila Jackson Lee asks about 'Christian militants' during anti-Muslim hearing

Craig Huey's Despicable Campaign Partner - Turn Right USA

Banned in Boston: MBTA Rejects Scott Brown Ad For Being "Too Political". WTF?

Former CIA Admits They Sought Information To Discredit Juan Cole For Bashing Bush

Neil Boortz Calls For Acts of Domestic Terrorism

The fatal flaws in the Ryan plan that he doesn't want to talk about

Darrell Issa turns on his own witness on ATF Gun case Hearing

America can be great again...just trust God, freedom, and yourself

Obama Defies Congress Over Warmaking Powers


Srebrenica was an Inside Job

Obamas has no plan so is he bankrupting Medicare?

America's problems are American made! Thanks President Obama!


Debbie Schlussel:US’ Mid-East Envoy Tony Blair: “I Read the Koran Every Day”

Debbie Schlussel:Why did Michele Bachmann Hire Pan-Arabist Ed Rollins to Run Campaign?

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS! Video: Gloria Allred Anthony Weiner Stripper Remix!

Barack O'Bully Wants to End Israel

The Latest Education Fad Inverts Justice

Unions, Judicial Activists and Democrats Lose Big in the Badger State

A Mortgage For Every Family?

Medicare Reform: It's the Price-Fixing, Stupid

A Party of Political Peacocks

AMA may withdraw support for health insurance mandate

In Texas, lawmakers lectured by open-borders SPANISH!

'Return of the Dreaded Misery Index'

While Americans struggle, Pelosi getting richer

The Most Shovel-Ready Job in America

Herb Keinon, the only witness in the crowd

Wasserman-Schultz: Democrats 'Own the Economy'

President Obama has revealed that he occasionally thinks 'one term is enough'

Why is this man smiling?

The Debt Ceiling Showdown in an Uncertain Recovery

Islam 2.0: Coexistence

The 'Achievement Gap' Fraud

The Sorry State of Liberal Compassion

The Deep Dish Debate

Obama's America: Prosperity Lost

Boehner smokes, Baucus dances at W.H. picnic - CLICK -

Levin and McCain Warn of Counterfeit Electronic Defense Parts, Call on China to Assist Investigation -

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Likens Islamic Radicals to 'Christian Militants' in U.S. |

Is Newt Gingrich In It to Win It -- Or To Make Money? - ABC News

House Panel Releases Scathing Report on 'Fast and Furious' Gun Operation, Sure to Anger Mexico -

Law Enforcement Officials at King Hearing Claim Radical Islam Infiltrating U.S. Prisons -

Ginger Lee - Anthony Weiner - Porn Star | VIDEO | Mediaite

13 Parties unite to form 'National Coalition for Egypt' - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

Long Islanders To Hold Hearing on Religious Freedom in Response to Peter King’s Focus on Muslims : Features : Long Island Wins

PhotoBlog - Eclipse views turn moon into a star

Breast cancer: Thousands denied life-saving surgery as doctors base treatment on age | Mail Online

Obama’s ineligibility: A willfully ignorant Congress

Smiley Face Rules

The Liberal Apocalypse

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

Never Again

Inhofe Offers Amendment to Bring Greater Accountabilty To EDA Process

Climate change panel in hot water again over ‘biased’ energy report

MSNBC’s Matthews Reverses Course, Praises Bachmann

An Inaugural Fail

Does Ethanol Make Gasoline Cheaper?

Who Checked Out Leon Panetta?

The Clean Air Act and Public Health.

While America Faces Economic Armageddon, Harry Reid Wants To Spend More on ILLEGALS!

Private sector “green jobs” trump federally subsidized ones

Panettagate: A Real Scandal Involving National Security

Obama’s War on Oil, Coal, and America

Is the Panetta Scandal the Next Alger Hiss Case?

Critics Enraged Over ‘Gangster’ Conservative Ad: ‘Sexist’ and ‘Racist’ | The Blaze

Idaho ‘Snake House’ Infested With Hundreds of Stinky Garter Serpents | The Blaze

How Did the ‘Project Gunrunner’ Hearing on Capitol Hill Go Today? | The Blaze

Video: SEIU Officials Throw Out Member Question - Flash Player Installation

Why is Atheist George Soros Giving Money to a ‘Faith’ Project? | The Blaze

Watch: Man Hangs From a Hot Air Balloon…By His Skin, Piercings | The Blaze

‘Lord’s Name in Vein’: Woman Claims to See ‘God’ Spelled Out in Her Leg | The Blaze

Why Are Terrorists Updating Their Facebooks From Israeli Prisons? | The Blaze

Obama to Congress: I Don’t Need Your Approval | The Blaze

Beat Again: Supreme Court Rejects Atheist Agitator | The Blaze

Canada Turns Away Obama’s Old Pal, 1960s Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers | The Blaze

‘P.R. Stunt’: Stewart Blasts Obama for His Accented Pronunciation of ‘Puerto Rico’ | The Blaze

Olbermann Refuses to Say He ‘Lost’ to Bill O’Reilly During Colbert Interview | The Blaze

Alan Colmes’ Fiery Defense of Weiner Leads to Spark-Flying On-Air Debate | The Blaze

Obamacare Waivers Climb to Nearly 1,400 | The Blaze

Vladimir Lenin Was Part Jewish, Say Declassified KGB Files - Yahoo! News

Bishop on abuse policy: 'Don't we believe in forgiveness?' - Faith & Reason

Politics-National | Hearing targets U.S. Muslims | The Detroit News

Today, Muslims; tomorrow, you - Roger Simon -

Bill Maher mockingly calls 'Republicanism' a 'religion' but would vote for Ron Paul -

Demonize the opposition, chapter 666 » GetReligion

Paul Ryan and the atheist bogeyman » GetReligion

Devil’s Bookmark: Sex and Drugs and Hating God | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Baylor Study Finds Golden Algae Responsible for Killing Millions of Fish Less Toxic in Sunlight

Climate change panel in hot water again over 'biased' energy report - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Taxes and Congress: The wasteful ethanol fuel tax credit survives -

Why Bacteria, But Not Humans, Can Live on Caffeine | Drugs & Addiction | DISCOVER Magazine

Endorphin-fueled ‘runner’s high’ is taken as fact in the gym world. But is it? - The Washington Post

Men With Lean Physiques at 18 More Likely to Live Longer, Researchers Say - Bloomberg

Black holes there from the start in the Universe's first galaxies

BBC News - Neutrino particle 'flips to all flavours'

In Tennessee, Fireflies Are Beacon for Tourists -

“SpongeBob" mushroom discovered in the forests of Borneo - SF State News - San Francisco State University

Changing Genetic ‘Red Light’ to Green Holds Promise for Treating Disease - URMC News - URMC Mobile - University of Rochester Medical Center - Rochester, NY

Leaky Genes Put Evolution on the Fast Track, Pitt and UW-Madison Researchers Find | University of Pittsburgh News

Is LEED the Gold Standard in Green? - Miller-McCune

New Technique Spins Superlong Nanowires - Science News

Animal rights: Chimpanzee research on trial : Nature News

Culture War - Recycled Cardboard Packaging Contaminates Food

G. John Ikenberry for Democracy Journal: A World of Our Making

Saudi Arabia's Yemen Dilemma | Foreign Affairs

Ahmadinejad’s Fall, America’s Loss -

Afghanistan: Why We’re Asking All The Wrong Questions About The Troop Drawdown | The New Republic

Vladimir Putin: When Family Is Virtually a State Secret - TIME

The Limits to US-Vietnam Ties | The Diplomat

Too Big to Fail Ends With Wave of a Magic Wand: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

Will keeping bankers apart put an end to bail-outs? - Telegraph

Alan Reynolds: Why 70% Tax Rates Won't Work -

A corporate payroll tax cut won't work - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

7 Ways to Help Entrepreneurs Help the Economy - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

5 questions every investor should ask now Chuck Jaffe - MarketWatch

Top 5 Ways to Kill the U.S. Recovery - The Curious Capitalist -

Why the big money isn’t always the smart money Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

GOP skirmishes complicate Boehner’s plan on debt-ceiling deal -

Ethanol subsidy faces more Senate tests - The Washington Post - Pentagon: No More Big Defense Mergers - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Are we stumbling into another recession? - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Conservatives need to offer more than anti-elitism | Philip Klein | Columnists | Washington Examiner

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck sell endorsements to conservative groups - Kenneth P. Vogel and Lucy McCalmont -

Robert Reich: Why the Republican War on Workers' Rights Undermines the American Economy

RealClearPolitics - The Libya Puzzle

IBM: 1100100 and counting | The Economist

Boeing and the NLRB: Is the company trying to intimidate unions? -

ObamaCare hurts privacy--Betsy McCaughey -

IBM Turns 100 — An Interview with CEO Sam Palmisano - Rich Karlgaard - Innovation Rules - Forbes

Libya, War Powers, and Hawkish Conservatives - By Stanley Kurtz - The Corner - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - White House Defends Libya Mission to Congress

RealClearPolitics - Nostalgic for George W. Bush

The mirage of the Obama coalition - Joan Walsh -

In Ted Cruz, a candidate as good as it gets - The Washington Post


**14th/ Transcripts - Obama's Remarks in Puerto Rico

Interview with the Gov. of Puerto Rico on Obama's Visit

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with Texas Governor Rick Perry

Interview with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Panel on the Boeing/NLRB Fight

Bernanke's Speech on Fiscal Sustainability


Blagojevich trial: Attorneys called to courtroom, reason unclear | Law | Crain's Chicago Business

Blagojevich Corruption Retrial: Day Five Of Jury Deliberations - WGN


Man killed dad, then called 911 and admitted that, prosecutor says - Chicago Sun-Times

Rahm Emanuel defends decision to cancel 4 percent teacher raises - Chicago Sun-Times


FBI Witness Says No Blood, DNA Found on Stains Inside Casey Anthony's Car -

With Anthony Weiner set to resign, political sex scandal enters next phase -

Ex-Spy Alleges Bush White House Sought to Discredit Critic -

Obama Campaign Offering "Dinner With Barack" For $5 - Political Punch

Emanuel defends school board decision against teacher raises -

In a switch, GOP's Michele Bachmann talks of empathy -

Defiant NRC Chief Rejects Calls to Resign Over Yucca Mountain Dispute -

Republicans Less Hawkish, Thanks To Fiscal Woes, Tea Party : It's All Politics : NPR

Senate votes scheduled today on ethanol subsidies

Judge delays questioning of Edwards over alleged sex tape | Reuters

Freddie Mac: 30-year mortgage rate levels off at 4.5% -

Citigroup details data breach -

J.K. Rowling Has Mysterious New Potter Website - ABC News

Got Chocolate Milk? Not Anymore Say Jamie Oliver, LA Schools

Blacks, Women & Poor Lose Ground in Life Expectancy | ONN

Medical News: Fast Food Near School Not Obesity Risk for Teens - in Primary Care, Diet & Nutrition from MedPage Today

Senate Dems: Health law reins in Medicare - Jennifer Haberkorn -

The FDA And EMEA Drug Approval Process; Who Gets Cancer Drugs First?

Olive Oil Cuts Stroke Risk by 41% in Older Adults

Five Easy Ways for Men to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer | Indian Country Today Media

Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

Obama's DoD nominee linked to Cold War supporters of Soviets

Soros frontman pushing for Muslim Brotherhood

Economy of sex: It's cheap these days - Washington Times, Congressmen, Simian Socialists And Luv Guvs ....

Where's leadership from Boehner?

Get rid of government – but 1st make me president

Judgment Day for Obama?

Sarah who?

Obama to deploy 'shadow' Internet?

Now is not the time to settle

Welcome to your Thursday morning fantasy!

'Now what, President McCain?' (A 'what if' column)

Tennessee passes worst law ever

Weiner’s In-Laws and the Secret Muslim Brotherhood Connections Revealed | Floyd Reports

Robert Scheer: Seven Republican Dwarfs - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig

The telltale signs of a Rick Perry 2012 campaign -

Roubini sees hard landing for Chinese economy - Business - World business -

Muslim Woman To Lead College Holocaust Center | The Jewish Week

Clueless: Right Extremists Squabble Over a Crossword Puzzle - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Judge kicks Charlie Sheen suit against Warner Bros. and Chuck Lorre to arbitration -

Most tumors not within cell phone radiation range - Yahoo! News

SF Animal Control Commission seeks ban on goldfish

Text messages led cops to arrest teacher's aide on suspicion of having sex with 13-year-old boy -

Report: Van der Sloot gets girlfriend pregnant in jail | News To Me with George Mathis

WND RADIO WND Exclusive FBI covering 'felony offense' for Obama;Gen. Paul Vallely: Congress fears 'treasonous' outcome of birth-certificate probe


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Less spending, not more taxes;Sen. Barrasso rejects calls for hikes to coax Dems into concessions

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Prop 8 ruling: 'Contorted logic and reason';Liberty Counsel's Matt Barber on 'gay'-marriage decision in Calif., debate in N.Y.

Ex-CIA: 'Forged document' released as birth certificate

Meet 'PJ Foggy,' birth certificate fraudster

Hawaii claims Obama 'birth certificate' is 'confidential'

Obama forgers admit they produced phony documents

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Obama administration rep 'cannot be believed'

Issa: DoJ should be ‘ashamed’ -

Disingenuous Transparency: Whistleblowers Suffer More than Ever Under Obama - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam

Anthony Weiner: Ex-porn actress alleges Anthony Weiner told her to cover up online trysts -

Bankruptcy Court declares Defense of Marriage Act invalid -

Radical Islam spreading in US prisons: lawmakers - Yahoo! News

Linchpin in hunt for bin Laden back with al-Qaida - Yahoo! News

Document: Syria orchestrated border battles with Israel - Washington Times

'Iran successfully launches sate... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Bloomberg: U.S. immigration policy is 'national suicide' - Jennifer Epstein -

China's "Born in the USA" Frenzy - Yahoo! News

Kissinger praises 'very intelligent' Huntsman - Washington Times

2012 Presidential Election - News, Analysis, Candidates, Polls -

Fukushima entombed: Nuclear firm reveal how it plans to put a covering shield over reactor to stop leaks | Mail Online

Is Hollywood dam finally breaking on terrorist-themed film productions?

Media ramps up 2012 campaign coverage 18 months before general election - Yahoo! News

Ed Schultz Claims He 'Broke the Story on Larry Craig' He Didn't Break |

Newt demands apology from NBC - On Media -

Al-Qaeda’s Eton & Ritz bomb plot | The Sun |News

Gartner: Global mobile ad market to double in 2011

Judge delays questioning of Edwards over alleged sex tape

Russia, China edge closer to strategic gas deal

NY police to investigate Tupac robbery confession

'Iran says it will send monkey into space this summer'

Peres warns of Palestinian state, is optimistic about peace

Palestinians urge UN to recognise statehood

Syrian military deploy for Friday protests

Guardian and Observer to adopt 'digital-first' strategy

Turkish FM calls for immediate end to Syrian crackdown

Syria Pursues Scorched Earth Policy, Amid Rumors Of U.S. Military Intervention

Stakelbeck on Terror: Who’s Funding Our Enemies?

Do It Yourself Weapons: Libyan Rebels Make Weapons From Scraps

How ‘Friendly Persuasion’ Subverted the Enemy Assessment Process and Robbed Our Warriors of a Chance to Win and Survive in Afghanistan; Three- years-ago!

Syrian Protesters Burn Iranian and Hezbollah Flags

The Financial Collapse Of Greece Is A Good Thing…

AUDIO:Rep. Louie Gohmert On Sharia: Anything Inconsistent With The U.S. Constitution Is Not Acceptable

The U.S. Open, Flash Gordon, Inglorious Basterds, and the Commando Raid to Kill Bin Laden

Greece’s Government Nears Collapse As Euro Crisis Spreads Through Europe

Converting To ‘Prislam’

Ladies and Gentlemen, Behold Your President: Juan de Barrack Miguel O’Malley Hussein Patrick McShea Jorge O’Bamasito Lupe de Guadalajara Jesus con Carne.

Citizen Journalism Is Working

President Obama’s Cozy Relationship with Google

MSM Assumes the Position, Bachmann Wins

Anderson Cooper Amused By Bill Maher’s Hunting Remarks

Credit Where It’s Due: Chris Matthews Objectively Praises Bachmann Debate Peformance

White House Response to AIM “Green Jobs” Coverage Misunderstands “Market Forces”

Nobel Prize Winner Analyzes the Obama Growth Gap

AUDIO:Washington’s Fight Against the Future of Higher Education

Taxpayer Funded Beer Bash, Ball Games and Scavenger Hunts at Holder DOJ

It’s Your Economy, Stupid!

Rep. Weiner to Resign

South Carolina Boeing Employee Files Retaliation Charge Against Machinist Union

What Teachers Unions Won’t Tell You About School Layoffs

AUDIO:Stop Pigford Fraud! Interview with Rep. Steve King & How You Can Stop The Fraud In Under 5 Minutes

Fill the Stanley Cup With Tea!

Obama Invites Four Tea Partiers To Fix Him Over Dinner

Rep. King Files Amendment to Block Pigford II Funds

Operation Fast And Furious: More Fuel For The Fight To Shrink The Size of Government

Missouri Dad Spends $100K (so far) Fighting to Save His Kids

Paul Ryan Twitterview Recap: 20 Questions with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) Why Ask a Libertarian? Why Now?

VIDEO: Britain’s Daniel Hannan Has a Warning for America

Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Walker’s Spending Reform Law

AUDIO:Lying – The Most Fun a Politician Can Have with His Clothes On

Blago Re-Trial Recap: Blago, Rep. Jackson, Jr., and ‘Rhambo’ Take the Stand!

About That E-Mail from Jon Stewart’s Producer to Steven Crowder…

Gwyneth the Goop Girl

America Hearts Obama: Time for a GOP Intervention

Anti-Poverty Crusader Bono’s Taxes Too Damn High

Gene Simmons: Sorry I Voted for ‘Unqualified’ Obama

Leonard Nimoy: Spock Wants to Divide Jerusalem


EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Four

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Five

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Six

‘Primetime’ Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Seven

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Eight

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Nine


16-Jun-11 World View ......

15-Jun-11 World View......


What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 1 – ‘Gardens of the Righteous’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 2 – ‘Tafhim al-Qur’an’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 3 – ‘Umdat al-Salik’ (Reliance of the Traveller)

*16 June

American Minute for June 16th

Today in History: June 16

June 16 Events in History

This Day in History for 16th June

June 16th in History

Today in History: June 16 » History Net

YouTube - Today in History for June 16th


ALEC Publicopoly - The New Old Game In Town

Where’s the Birth Certificate interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi

Obama Blasphemes The Holy Ghost

Ft Calhoun Spent Fuel In Ground Pools, Flooded Already?

YouTube - Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & Getting Worse (3 of 3)

YouTube - Best Chernobyl Documentary 2006 The Battle of Chernobyl (HQ) 1hr 32min 1 clip

Fukushima's Apocalyptic Threat

Obama: War Powers Act doesn't apply to Libya - MSNBC Articles

Selling America to China: Treason by any other name... | Farm Wars

China's "Born in the USA" Frenzy - Yahoo! News

Earth facing a mini-Ice Age 'within ten years' due to rare drop in sunspot activity | Mail Online

The War on Digital Currency - Illuminati Planning Another Financial Crash?

Fraudulent Nazi Quotations

No Privacy on Amazon’s Cloud Drive | ZDNet

DOD Officials Discuss Using Virus, Vaccine To Manipulate DNA And Eliminate Religion

Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade • The Register

'Controlled' power cuts likely as Sun storm threatens national grid - Science, News - The Independent


**NEWS VIDEOS:Rep. Anthony Weiner to Resign

Olbermann Isn’t ‘Man Enough’ to Admit O’Reilly Won

Obama in 2009: If Economy isn’t Fixed in 3 Years There Will be a 1 Term Proposition

Free Legal Advice from Greta to Newt

Girl’s Graduation Celebration Goes Embarrassingly Wrong

Hoover Institution’s ‘Uncommon Knowledge’ Features In-Depth Interview with Andrew Breitbart

Lunar Eclipse Time-Lapse

NBC News Reports Gingrich Staff Quit Because of Wife

Outraged Canadians Riot After Stanley Cup Loss; Sub-Compact Car Brazenly Flipped Over

15TH/What Do Average DC Tourists Know About The US Government?

Puerto Rican Seperatists Burn American Flag in San Juan During Obama Visit

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: Facts and Logic Have No Place in GOP – Makes Bachmann Perfect Fit

MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur: ‘Republican Vision Of Jesus–Tell Poor To Pound Sand’

14TH/Guy in Pink Dress Accosts Citizen Journalist (Graphic Language)

Dennis Miller Praises Breitbart’s Performance at Weiner Press Conference

Shameless Democrats Blame GOP Nominees for Answering CNN’s Questions at Debate

Wisc Dem Caught on Tape Saying He’d Like to ‘Smack Around’ Voter

Jon Stewart Lashes Out at Crowder for Exposing Policy Against Conservatives

Pity Party: ‘There Are Days Where I Say One Term is Enough’

Obama Blames ATMs for High Unemployment

Romney’s Hard-Hitting Video Attacking Obama’s Dismal Unemployment Record

Obama Thinks it’s Hilarious That His Trillion Dollar Stimulus Did Nothing to Fix Unemployment

GOP Hopefuls Duke it Out in New Hampshire

Breitbart Delivers Unforgettable Speech to Republican Jewish Coalition

13TH/MSNBC Anchor Claims LBJ ‘Never Elected’ President

Markets Video:The Market Debate: Is It Time for QE3?

Google Chromebooks Don't Matter Now, But They Will

Plainfield, NJ ... Foreclosure City, USA

Housing: Near the Bottom?

What's the Secret to Texas' Stellar Job Growth?

15TH/Should Ethanol Subsidies Be Cut?

Ross: 'Bumbling' Economy Result of 'Meddling' From Leaders

Rogoff: Economy Is 'Twisting in the Wind'

Discount Bunkers for 'Doomsdayers'

6 Million Users "De-friend" Facebook

Cramer: Skip the Dollar ... Buy Copper

World Video:Deradicalization: Oasis or Mirage?

Is it Time For the U.S. to Leave Afghanistan?

Russia Woos the World

U.S. Relationship with Pakistan Degrades

U.S. On 'Collision Course' With Pakistan

Rare Earth: China's New Gold Rush

Tokyo Begins Radiation Checks In Public Parks

Anger In Athens And Bailout Deadlock

Uncertain Times For Greece

Fans Riot After Canucks' Stanley Cup Loss

Ayman Al-Zawahiri Takes Over al-Qaeda

Michael Spence: Asian 'Lifestyle'

Massive Pro and Anti-Government Rallies in Syria

Why Isn't NATO Bombing Syria?

15TH/Creating Jobs in Asia

Afghanistan War: Is U.S. Winning?

Increasing Complications in India-Iran Relations

Raw Video: Syrians Reportedly Burn Iranian, Hezbollah Flags

U.S. Mission in Libya: Unconstitutional?

Syrian Tanks Reach Towns Near Turkey, Iraq Borders

Joshua Landis Discusses Syria

Syrian Opposition Speak

Misery at Refugee Camp in Syria

Beijing Man Rescued After Dangling From Highrise

$6.6 Billion Sent To Iraq Likely Stolen

Anger In Athens And Bailout Deadlock

Troops Claim Weapons Cache Found In Syria

Syrian Refugee Exodus Continues

Politics Video:Pelosi: Obama "Has The Authority He Needs" For Libya Mission

Carney: "We've Created More Than 2.1 Private-Sector Jobs"

Carney Reacts To Wasserman Schultz On Economy: "We All Own It"

Rep. Peter King: I'd Be Derelict If I Did Not Hold Muslim Hearings

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama's Very Short Visit To Puerto Rico

Colbert to Olbermann: O'Reilly "Jacked You So Hard, You Landed On Current TV"

Dean On Libya: Where Were These Anti-War GOPers Under Bush?

Krauthammer: Scent Of Isolationism In GOP Field

Bill O'Reilly: Another Insult By Pakistan

Ellison Likens Muslim Radicalization Hearing To Willie Horton Ad

15TH/Barney Frank Plays Fashion Police: Mitt Romney Looks "Underdressed"

Carney On Donors Getting Gov't Jobs: "Our Methods Of Transparency Are Unprecedented"

Sen. Grassley On Gun-Running Sting: "Without A Doubt The DOJ Was Involved"

Flashback: Obama On Economy In Feb. 2009: "I Will Be Held Accountable"

Newt Gingrich: "NBC Owes Callista An Apology"

American Crossroads Ad: "Recovery Summer"

Frank: Medicare For Well Off Should Have Co-Payments To Decide If "They Really Need That Test"

Dem Rep.: Radicalization Of American Muslims Hearing Is "Discriminatory"

Rep. Kucinich & Sen. Paul: Obama Breaking The Law

Carney To Congress: Don't Send "Mixed Signals About Goal" In Libya

Chris Christie: "I'm 100% Certain I'm Not Going To Run"

Coulter: GOP Debates Are Just "Time-Fillers" Until Christie Jumps In

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: America Is A "Center-Progressive" Country

Caddell: 2010 Election Was About ObamaCare, Entitlements

Maher: "Palin Comes Off As A Complete Airhead, Like A Ditzy Housewife"

Sen. Harkin Likens NLRB To Supreme Court

Trump: Anthony Weiner A "Cancer On The Congress"

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: We Own The Economy

"The Liberals Are Coming": Rush Introduces Own Brand Of Tea


June 15, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report- 15 June 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-15, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-15-11

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, June, 15, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 06/15/2011

06/15 The Mark Levin Show

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Redding News Reveiw 1

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

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