A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

15 June 2011

15 June

Doomsday Ice Age Fears Fuel US-China Land Grabs In South America, Africa

Boehner gives Obama Friday deadline on Libya - Washington Times

Obama team to defend legality of Libya operation - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

» TSA “Security Exercise” Covers 3 States, 5000 Miles Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Navy chief: Britain cannot keep up its role in Libya air war due to cuts - Telegraph

Obama rewards big bundlers with jobs, commissions, stimulus money, government contracts, and more | iWatch News

Secret grand jury probing possible CIA war crimes in Iraq over Abu Ghraib death of the iceman | Mail Online

Ex-militia leader hunted after Mont. shootout - US news - Crime & courts -

'Controlled' power cuts likely as Sun storm threatens national grid - Science, News - The Independent

Netanyahu says there's no solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Why Google Earth Pixelates Israel | News & Opinion |

AFP: Ahmadinejad joins China, Russia leaders at summit

Ahmadinejad launches attack on ‘slavers and colonisers’ of the West – The Express Tribune

PressTV - Ahmadinejad: Capitalism at impasse

Cartel war 'too costly,' former Mexico foreign minister says | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Mexicans are uneasy about America's outsourced war on drugs | Luis Hernández Navarro | Comment is free |

Kan Says He Plans to Resign After Passage of Japan’s Quake, Energy Bills - Bloomberg

Three months marked since killer quake, tsunami | The Japan Times Online

35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest US May Be From Fukushima Nuclear Fallout

gulfnews : Permanent arrest warrant issued against Musharraf

Pakistan Arrests C.I.A. Informants in Bin Laden Raid -

Can US and India trample Pakistan? | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Russia: US missile shield threatens global safety - World news - South and Central Asia -

Russia not keen to redefine Iran ties for pleasure of NATO, U.S. | AHN

Turkmenistan: Russia, US at Odds Over Trans-Caspian |

China blames Vietnam for rising tensions over disputed sea -

New Egypt? 7,000 civilians jailed since Mubarak fell | McClatchy

Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Is A Civil War in Syria's Future?

Facebook loses 6M U.S. users in May - Computerworld

"No Shred of Evidence", Iran Building Nukes, Ex Head of IAEA Says

Media War Against Pakistan | Opinion Maker


F.B.I. Giving Agents New Powers in Revised Manual -


**Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide


David Rockefeller Lays it on the Line | Fellowship of the Minds

EXCLUSIVE: New Documents Claim Intelligence on Bin Laden, al-Qaeda Targets Withheld From Congress' 9/11 Probe | Truthout

Vimeo:Hot Particles From Japan to Seattle Virtually Undetectable when Inhaled or Swallowed

Airbus unveil transparent plane we'll be flying around in come 2050 | Mail Online

Facebook: 100k Brits bored with site deactivate accounts amid privacy fears | Mail Online

Police State Amerika - Casey Research

Remote Control Killing Is Like Sport

Secret US and Afghanistan talks could see troops stay for decades | World news | The Guardian

Roy Tov – Assassins’ Creed

PressTV - BBC accused of broadcasting "lies"


North Korea 'may have developed nuclear warhead for ballistic missile' - Telegraph


Giant Meat Packers Move To Control All Meat In US



U.S. Department of Agriculture(

U S Food and Drug Administration (


**American Deception(


YouTube - Rense & Oates - Reverse Speech - A Taster - Genocide by Vaccine - Norway Partners With Bill Gates

[Folder Name]

Paul Drockton M.A.: Unilever-Bilderbergs Corporate Sponsor

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Church Forwards Bilderberg Agenda

Paul Drockton M.A.: Kitco: Fraud to Cover a Fraud?

Paul Drockton M.A.: Barrick Gold, Kitco, Kashoggi and Mormons

Paul Drockton M.A.: Barrick Gold, Kashoggi, Bush and the Mormons


COLLAPSE - IT'S COMING! Are You Ready? - Gerald Celente


* Trends Research Institute


Obama forgers admit they produced phony documents

Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

Criminal complaint details birth-certificate 'forgery'

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate?

Evidence of forgery in Ann Dunham’s application | Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

Obama critic coming closer to Social Security records?

the whole family has nothing but forgery instead of genuine records | Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

YouTube - Corsi 30 HD (Corsi's Truth).mov

Obama: My family approves of a one-term presidency - Yahoo! News

Researchers call for nuclear data release : Nature News

High Level of Toxins in Water at Japan Plant Raises Risks -

German Atty Seeks TRO Against June 26 Nuke Terror Drills

YouTube - CIA's "Facebook" Program Dramatically Cut Agency's Costs



NEWS Social Network - SPECIAL REPORT: Blocking Police Brutality with

YouTube - REALITY REPORT #71 - TSA Gone Wild


Cop Block (


Russian Space Oddity: Ground Control to Colonel Gaddafi - Yahoo! News

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant: Live Camera Shows Huge Smoke/Steam Enveloping the Reactor Buildings | EX-SKF

UCB Food Chain Sampling Results | The Nuclear Engineering Department At UC Berkeley

Parents urge Tokyo to rethink radiation monitoring | The Japan Times Online

YouTube - Arnie Gundersen - Nebraska Nuclear Plant: Emergency Level 4 & About to Get Worse - June 14, 2011

Activist Post: Fake Revolutions

ALIPAC - NC and Texas May Join Growing List of States Fighting Illegal Immigration

Toy Security Wand Lets Kids Play At Being TSA Agents - The Consumerist

President Obama woos Wall St as he gears up for 2012 election run | Mail Online

An app for workers' rights? Employee at Apple starts union bid - Americas, World - The Independent

Pakistan: CATCH-22 OF DEFENCE SPENDING | Opinion Maker

Intervention in Syria would benefit Israel

Chavez's Right Turn - State Realism vs International Solidarity

» Mr. Speaker, Stop the Sham Patent ‘Reform’ - Big Government

Tracing America’s Enslavement To Jewish Bankers | Real Zionist News

US-Israeli Mossad Delivered Speechs at Al-Azhar Mosque « Kawther Salam

US naval movements around Syria. Hizballah moves rockets | The Total Collapse Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Bill OReilly Bashes Ron Paul As Does Coulter Uses Poll Of 54 Voters To Do It

**MOON** Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Banned in America Proof of Fake Moonlanding

(1:00:04)YouTube - Moon Landing Hoax? conspiracy theories & Facts!

43:49 /Moon Landing Hoax.avi

(2:13:14)YouTube - Dark Mission 1 - NASA Moon Hoax - Analysis of the Lunar Photography

(1:31:41)YouTube - Dark Mission 2 & 3 - NASA Moon Hoax - Environmental Dangers & The Trouble with Rockets


TeaPartyNation: “Obama’s war on oil, coal, America” | Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

+Henry Ford - Building One B-24 Bomber Every 55 Minutes Willow Run Bomber Plant Newsreel - WWII

CNBC's Fast Money: Gold to Reach $5,000 an Ounce Due to Supply Shortage: Report - CNBC

*Revolutionary Politics : CNN debate poll debunked. Ron Paul wins with 78%

YouTube - More video of Greek riots: Fierce street battles rage in Athens

YouTube - Greece Chaos: 20,000 protest in Athens, cops fight masked rioters

Euro Debt Crisis: Greeks Strike, Clash With Police Over Austerity - CNBC

Supreme Court reinstates collective bargaining law - JSOnline


Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Says that the Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11


*Pentagon Papers( )


Facebook Censoring Some Alternative News Sites While Allowing Hackers To Attack Others :

YouTube - 'Libya war driven by O.I.L.: Oil, Israel & Logistics' - McKinney to RT

YouTube - Libya: Ron Paul , War crimes of NATO + USA: Obama Is a War Criminal

YouTube - Ron Paul: End All The Unconstitutional Wars!

YouTube - Ron Paul Libyan War Is "About Commercial Business!"

Lone Star Watchdog: Stop Making the World's Elite and the Money Junkies Equal to God. They are Just a Bunch of Delusional and Depraved Lunatics

PressTV - US econ. fails due to 'military arrogance'

Israeli embassy officials meet with alleged spy |

House Passes Bill Authorizing The Start Of World War 3


*How to Delete an Account from Any Website |


** - Delete Online Accounts


YouTube - Gee... I Wonder Who CNN Wants To Ban From The Republican Debates Next?

Raw Politics: Paul explains position on wars – Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

Ms. Smith Back to Microsoft Subnet Privacy and Security Fanatic Ms. Smith Previous Article Next Article What happens if you catch a hacker and must deal with the FBI?

CNN's John King Demonstrates Why He Should Be Booted From The Airwaves And NEVER Again Be Allowed To Host A Presidential Debate (Video - GOP 2012 Debate) - Home - The Daily Bail

A Free Thinker's Journey: Facebook, Walmart Becoming “666 Digital Beast” of the 21st Century

Revolutionary Politics : FBI Agents Can Investigate ANYONE They Want Even With No Evidence Of Criminal Behavior!

Revolutionary Politics : Michael Hayden: "probable cause" is not in the 4th Amendment

Revolutionary Politics : Missing in Action: Pentagon faces $6.6 billion black hole in Iraq books

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » SWAT Team Mania: The War Against the American Citizen

+The Bilderberg Group must fully understand that war is obsolete yet appears to endorse it: For the huge war debt profits? Tom Dennen | Before It's News

9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve,Fed Inspector General Can't Explain

Kitco Commentator's Corner:Is the ECB Solvent?

Eric Sprott - We’re Headed Over a Cliff, Be Wary of Paper Assets

John Embry: Three Reasons Why Gold is Going to Have a Big Summer « BabyBullTwits

Is Gold in Fort Knox Real? Ron Paul Wants to Know - CNBC

Tungsten Plated Gold Bars - Bob Chapman Implicates Robert Rubin & Larry Summers - Home - The Daily Bail

James Grant: Life Behind Bars For Bernanke - Home - The Daily Bail

What are the social implications of economic collapse? | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

AIG's Joe Cassano: Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You? (The Eric Holder Prosecutorial No-Show) - Home - The Daily Bail

Join The Revolution By Moving Your Money Out Of Wall Street Banks And Into Local Banks

Energy prices: With bills soaring, it's time to fight back and find cheapest deal | Mail Online

Central Bankruptcy - Why QE3 is Inevitable

Politics, national, California, Washington, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Republican, Democrat, president, election - Top of the Ticket -

Activist Post: Key US senators slam China on military parts probe

Activist Post: White House to make case for Libya conflict

Anonymous suspects are arrested in turkey- The Inquirer

Study: Radiation affects birth sex ratio - Science - World -

Federal Judge Upholds Same-Sex Marriage Ruling in California -

Electric cars may not be so green after all, says British study | The Australian

Everything you've heard about fossil fuels may be wrong - War Room -

Climate change should be removed from the national curriculum - Telegraph

No Global Warming In The Last Ten Years | TexasSparkle | a blog

The Intercept: SWAT killing is, "justified"?

Syria protests: Hillary Clinton accuses Iran of assisting in bloody crackdown | Mail Online

YouTube - The bravest, most eloquent 9 year-old kid in the world (English subtitles)


* Forum


**Identifying ‘True Earth-like Planets’ - All New Worlds Are Built On 7_4 (like Earth) or 6_4

NEWS - There's No Such Thing as a Temporary U.S. Default - Implanted Electrodes Loaded With Drugs Could Monitor Brain And Treat It When Necessary - Could prenatal DNA testing open Pandora's box?

Blackwater Gets ‘Too Big To Fail,’ Hires AIG Castoff | Danger Room |

The Secret History of Iraq’s Invisible War | Danger Room |

Panetta: Obama Can Unilaterally Use Military to Protect ‘National Interests’ | - CIA to operate drones over Yemen - Secret US and Afghanistan talks could see troops stay for decades

Government Releases Partial List Of Chemicals Found In Oil Spill Dispersants

Europe Braces for Serious Crop Losses and Blackouts -

CIA's Osama bin Laden informants arrested by Pakistan – report | World news |

More NATO “Humanitarian Intervention:” The Bombing of Al Fateh University, Campus B -

First Laser Made of Living Cells Has Arrived : Discovery News

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Roundtable & the Illuminati -

TSA “Security Exercise” Covers 3 States, 5000 Miles

1.9 Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than When Obama Signed Stimulus |

The Keys to Economic Growth

Awareness of Bilderberg Cabal Explodes in 2011

EPIC - EPIC Files Complaint, Urges Investigation of Facebook's Facial Recognition Techniques

F.B.I. Giving Agents New Powers in Revised Manual -


Stealth Vaccine Laws Allow Children to Consent to Vaccines

» CIA Expands War on Terror into Africa Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*High-Level American Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror … And Warn of Future Attacks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


» Forget China, Americans Have Had All Their Communications Bugged For 20 Years Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Chinese Spying Devices Installed on Hong Kong Cars (Video) | China | Epoch Times

Wireless chips and probes could monitor orthopedic implants



CASPIAN - ( - What is RFID?

RFID Gazette

RFID Journal - RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology News & Features


Google aims to speed up the Web with 'Instant Pages,' spoken search - San Jose Mercury News

Can Google Search Really Save Me Time? | Lance Ulanoff |

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Announcing Instant Pages

Chromium Blog: Prerendering in Chrome


U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors Abroad -

Iran's president calls for post-Soviet security alliance to unite in alliance against West - Yahoo! News

Gold May Advance on Inflation Concern, Sovereign-Debt Crisis in Europe - Bloomberg

'Bumbling' Economy Result of 'Meddling' From Leaders: Ross - CNBC

Guest Post: Where Is The Recovery? I Cannot Seem To Find It | zero hedge

» 90% of Petraeus’ Captured ‘Taliban’ Were Civilians Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Beijing battling protest fires on all fronts | The Australian

Image Comics' 'The Big Lie' asks some big questions -

New Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support a New Investigation into Building 7's Collapse |

» Richard Gage Live on Irish TV3 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US conservative talk host Beck plans Jerusalem rally

US births down for 3rd year; economy may be factor

Men plead not guilty in New York synagogue bomb plot

Top charge gone from NYC terror plot case

Prosecution finishes case in Casey Anthony trial

Request for acquittal denied in Casey Anthony case

Wis. Supreme Court upholds controversial union law

Number of German E. coli patients decreases

Internet calls to generate $40 billion by 2015: report

Gates says NATO alliance in danger of breaking

Greek Socialists in power-sharing talks

Obama to host military dads, kids at White House

Porn star to reveal links with Weiner

YouTube - Puerto Rican Independentistas Burn US Flag in San Juan During Obama Visit

Army ditches black berets in favor of caps

NewsBusters Interview: Andrew Breitbart, Author of ‘Righteous Indignation’ |

Can Heterosexuality Be Cured? -

Weiner’s Bad Week is the No. 1 Story | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)

Boehner adds to calls for Weiner resignation

Why Is “Midnight in Paris” Such a Huge Hit? |

Gene Simmons: I Take Back Vote for Obama - President Obama - Fox Nation

NewsBusters Interview: Andrew Breitbart, Author of ‘Righteous Indignation’ |

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

'Last Folio' exhibit is artists' act of remembrance

Russia urges Iran to cooperate with IAEA on nuclear program

'US says it won't support UN Palestinian statehood bid'

US congressman writes bill to protect circumcision

Pakistan arrests five 'CIA informants'

Thousands flee Syrian town as troops gather

Private equity in Africa

US universities report sharp rise in UK applications

Obamas has no plan so is he bankrupting Medicare?

America's problems are American made! Thanks President Obama!

Group rights are a dangerious illusion


Debbie Schlussel/TERRIFIC! Video: Michele Bachmann on Israel

Debbie Schlussel/“Evil” IDF Promotes Palestinian Terrorist Cucumbers

Obama's America: Prosperity Lost

Confession of a Reluctant Tea-Partier

The Sorry State of Liberal Compassion

The 'Achievement Gap' Fraud

Islam 2.0: Coexistence

Debating Islam Last Night

Obama and the automation myth

Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds law limiting public employee unions

Checklist Climate $cience

Michelle Obama shows a real flare for comedy

Perry will be targeted by Ambulance Chasers

Big brother gets bigger

Pakistan arrests CIA informants who fingered bin Laden

Dems decide not to punish Weiner

Boehner demands Obama comply with War Powers Act

White House of Mirth

The Obama Campaign Team's Electoral College Obsession

How's That Hope and Change Working Out for Obama Supporters?

Publicly Funded Leftism on Community Television

Roosevelt Redux: How Obama is Creating a Great Depression of His Own

Agenda 21 and Obama’s Rural Council?

Lebanon’s New Government: A Bunch of Mercenaries and Terrorists

Chant coming from Obamas same as the one from the schoolyard

Obama’s War on Oil, Coal, and America

Nazi Homosexuals and the Slow Steady Seduction of America

An Arab Knesset member wants the end of Israel

Loughner and the Insane State

Congress agrees that Obama is above the law

Mr. Obama, unleash the American people

Finished Reading Sarah’s Emails?—Read This

Refuting Obama’s horrific attack on small business

America Close to the Precipice

Sex-Slave Want Ad: Female Infidels, Preferably ‘Blondes’ From ‘Russia,’ Need Apply | The Blaze

Iowa Town Votes Again to Force Some Residents to Hand Over Their Keys | The Blaze

Voters Strongly Disapprove of Obama’s Handling of Economy, Health Care and Deficit Spending | The Blaze

Super-Secret Hacker Group Promises ‘Rebellion’ if Bernanke Doesn’t Resign | The Blaze

Is There a ‘Spying Device’ in Your Car? | The Blaze

Could Your Postal Worker Soon Be Thwarting Terrorist Attacks? | The Blaze

Bias? CNN Headline, Story Call Those Opposed to Raising the Debt Ceiling…‘Wingnuts’ | The Blaze

Did Rick Perry Just Give Major 2012 Hint During Surprise Beck TV Cameo? | The Blaze

Boehner Issues Ultimatum to Obama: Present Libya Plan By Friday or Else… | The Blaze

Malaysian ‘Obedient Wives Club’ Says Prostitution Could Be Cured if Women Keep Their Men Happy | The Blaze

Raw Video: Conservative Intern Accosted at Wisc. Protest Rally by Guy in Pink Dress | The Blaze

Wisconsin Supreme Court Backs Controversial Union Law | The Blaze

Video Shocker: Puerto Rican Protestors Greet President Obama by…Burning the American Flag | The Blaze

Disturbing Trend in Pakistan: Christian Girls Raped, Forced to Convert to Islam | The Blaze

Writing Analysts Claim Palin Writes ‘Better Than Most Educated Americans’ | The Blaze

Greenpeace Activists Stage Elaborate Prank to Protest Barbie ‘Destroying Rainforests’ | The Blaze

Ahmadinejad Calls for Alliance Against ‘Enslavers’ & ‘Invaders’ of the West | The Blaze

Report: Nearly 200 of Obama‘s Biggest Donors Land ’Plum‘ Gov’t Jobs, Contracts | The Blaze

Kucinich, Lawmakers Sue Obama to Stop U.S. Operations in Libya | The Blaze

Laugh or Cry? Video Shows D.C. Tourists Can’t Answer Basic Civics Questions | The Blaze

TIME: Why He Was a Babe Magnet

Frank discovers ‘humility’ -

Economy of sex: It's cheap these days - Washington Times

CNN reporter, briefly in Syria, hears 'horror' stories -

Obama on Congresswoman: You Want Her 'In Your Foxhole' Because She’s ‘Charming,’ Has ‘Cute Smile’ |

Republican debaters target Obama - Washington Times

Indonesia Police Arrest 2002 Bali Bombing Suspect -

26 hit with child pornography charges; NYC substitute teacher Joshua Ruiz pleads not guilty

Long Islanders To Hold Hearing on Religious Freedom in Response to Peter King’s Focus on Muslims : Features : Long Island Wins

NY groups gather to oppose King’s Muslim hearing -

FLOTUS tells of Obama's worry | POLITICO 44

tehran times : Iran’s missile systems are for the defense of Muslim nations: Larijani

House Panel Releases Scathing Report on 'Fast and Furious' Gun Operation, Sure to Anger Mexico -

Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade • The Register

YouTube - ‪Solution to the Global Food Crisis - Let them eat TURD BURGERS!?‏

High Hopes at Miracle-Gro in Medical Marijuana Field

BBC News - China in lead poisoning 'cover-up' - Human Rights Watch

First Lady to Hollywood: Reflect military families - CNBC

Joss Stone Murder Plot Foiled

Crystal Harris Calls Off Engagement To Hugh Hefner

Betty White's Tips For A Long Life? "Try Not To Die"

Jon Huntsman To Announce Presidential Campaign

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

Yet Another Illegal War -- Now in Yemen

More NATO “Humanitarian Intervention”

U.S. Needs to Completely Withdraw from Iraq

Afghanistan and the War on Terror: 10 Years On

Right Turn: State Realism Versus International Solidarity

Even Bill Clinton Knows It's Over!

The War Against the American Citizen

ATF program tracking guns put agents at risk, report says -

Candidates Show G.O.P. Less United on Goals of War -

Driving may contribute to deadliest skin cancer -

Nuclear Radiation: Law Suit Directed Against Japan's TEPCO

Bilderberg: Who Manages the World?

Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg: Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11

Who Owns the Nuclear Weapons? Israel, An Impediment to a Nuclear-free Middle East

Iran: "Regime Change" or All Out War?

Economic and Social Crisis in Canada: The Assault on Public Services

VIDEO: 10 Years Too Many: US and UK Must End Afghan War

The Death of Salvador Allende: Murder or Suicide?

Chavez’s Right Turn: State Realism versus International Solidarity

VIDEO: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Bank? An Uncensored Investigation of the U.S. Federal Reserve

Cyberspace, the Battlefield of the Future: Pentagon Ramps-Up Cyberwar Plans

The Financial Road to Serfdom

A Beginners Guide to Shadow Banking

American Politics: "Lie To Me"

Can We Trust the CIA?

Empire Games : Who Writes the Rules?

+Hemp, The Great Green Hope

YouTube - Oceanside open carry

YouTube - Hollywood Cops Attack Bike Riders

YouTube - The Philosophy of Liberty: Plunder

YouTube - SPECIAL REPORT: Blocking Police Brutality with

Revolution? No. Disobey Dictators? Yes. - informationliberation

The Kind of "Public Service" We Can Do Without - informationliberation

Couple Held By TSA; Miss Flight & Honeymoon Cruise - informationliberation

TSA | Private Airport Screeners | The Daily Caller

Dim Bulbs Indeed - informationliberation

















INLAND: 340-ton rock is ready to roll | Local News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Sun's Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity | Sunspots, Solar Weather & Solar Storms | Solar Cycle |

Can Coffee Make You Hallucinate? Maybe, But That's No Reason to Give Up Caffeine - - TIME Healthland

indiana-jones-crystal-skull_n_876127.html Science | Part 1: Is This A Structure On Mars? Planetary Scientist Replies.

Witness To Wanaque: The Greatest Mass UFO Sighting Never Told

New Dino May Be World's Smallest : Discovery News

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Suspension of Disbelief: Baffling Paranormal Cases

Bimini June 2011

BBC News - Images capture moment brain goes unconscious

Idaho Governor Selling His State to the Chinese?


Allegations that Obama commits treason, violates oath of office | ~II~ THE WATCHTOWERS ~II~


Watchman: Video Broadcast /06-12-11 ( Pastor Michael W. Hoggard)


Video Archive ; Comparing Current Events, Symbols and Conspiracies to Bible Prophecy and Scripture Numerics

The Watchman :Audio-Archive

*Blog: Pastor Michael W. Hoggard

John Lott(


Was The Iraq War Merely A Smokescreen For "The Largest Theft Of [Taxpayer] Funds In National History"? | zero hedge

Guest Post: What Are The Social Implications Of Economic Collapse? | zero hedge

Delete Facebook | Don't Tread On Me

Key US senators slam China on military parts probe - Yahoo! News

» Mr. Speaker, Stop the Sham Patent ‘Reform’ - Big Government

Just 13% of America's high school students know their US history | Mail Online


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 13th, 2011


*4 PARTS:Escaping the Matrix – Max Igan

**CNN Reports Ron Paul At 0% While CNN Online Poll Shows Him At 75% «


YouTube - The death of Bin Laden and other lies -- Connecting the Dots


Daily Kos: Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11


YouTube - Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Finally Testifies Under Oath


'09/Against All Enemies: US military planes carrying Afghanistan's heroin


**The Big Lie( Exclusive Preview)


Agenda 21: A Global Economic Disaster in the Making | Energy and Environment Right Side News

Agenda 21 Part II: Globalist Totalitarian Dictatorship Invading a Town near You – With Your Permission | Energy and Environment Right Side News

YouTube - Wildlands Project

Agenda 21 Part III: Maryland County Abolishes Agenda 21 – now for the rest of the country | Energy and Environment Right Side News


*Agenda 21/(


YouTube - Obama's Hypocrisy - Whistleblowers Line Up to Take Back Transparency Award

+Ron Paul at GOP Debate: Defender of the Constitution |

YouTube - Ron Paul: Conversation with the Candidate

YouTube - Ron Paul: Restore America Now

Washington's Blog:Production Numbers All Argue for Investment in Precious Metals - The States of Play - Tuesday, June 14, 2011



Religion and Politics Should Not Mix :

In the Grip of Mad Scientists: Business as Usual for Monsanto, Fort Detrick, and Atlas Venture :

Leonard Nimoy: Spock Wants to Divide Jerusalem

Selective Outrage: L.A. Times Lashes Out at Tracy Morgan, Gives Palin-H8ing Comics Pass After Pass

Review: Will Ferrell Shines in ‘Everything Must Go’

Jon Stewart Rips MSM Over Palin Email Crusade

New Hollywood Production Code: Leftist Reeducation of Tracy Morgan Marches On

Exposed and Angry: Jon Stewart’s Mad At Me!

Hollywood Caucus for Producers, Writers and Directors Receives Another Request to Speak Out Against Discrimination

AUDIO:Lying – The Most Fun a Politician Can Have with His Clothes On

Blago Re-Trial Recap: Blago, Rep. Jackson, Jr., and ‘Rhambo’ Take the Stand!

White House Response to AIM ‘Green Jobs’ Coverage Misunderstands ‘Market Forces’

Open the Doors and Windows to the Ivory Towers

News Intern Harassed While Taping Public Protest (Graphic Language)

Hitting the Debt Ceiling is a Warning

Elections Matter! In Wisconsin and Everywhere

‘Palin 2.0’ – The Mainstream Media’s Attempt to Deny Sarah Palin’s Vindication

Twitter Interview with Rep. Paul Ryan

Republicans Must Confront the Huge Gap Between What Obama Says and Does

The Left Pushes Hard on Class Warfare Rhetoric

Union Militants Organize Against FBI’s Terror-Tie Investigation

A Smart GOP Would Cancel All MSM Debates and Stage Their Own (Updated)

Jan Schakowsky Condemns Her Closest Allies For Their Role In Hamas Flotilla

AUDIO:The Left’s War on Fracking and Domestic Oil Production

Obama: ATMs to Blame for High Unemployment

How Progressives Respond to Citizen Journalists

Sound Bite For the Day: Shame On You For Answering the Debate Questions

While Governor Rick Perry and Republicans Reach Out to God, Democrats Reach Out to “Americans United for Separation of Church and State”

Steven Crowder and “The Daily Show” Bias

Journalists In Libya: Drinking Cappuccino In A Luxury Hotel As the Bombs Fall

Why Is Media Matters a 501(c)(3)?

POLITICO Is Still Looking for “Green Jobs”

LA Times Gives Platform for Hamas, Still Hasn’t Released Obama-Khalidi Video

Sound Bite For the Day: “LBJ Was Never Actually Elected”

Do It Yourself Weapons: Libyan Rebels Make Weapons From Scraps

How ‘Friendly Persuasion’ Subverted the Enemy Assessment Process and Robbed Our Warriors of a Chance to Win and Survive in Afghanistan; Three- years-ago!

Congress To Discuss Islamists Recruiting In Prison

Pakistan Arresting Informants Who Helped USA Find Bin Laden

Why We Still Fight—In Memory of Robert Stethem

AUDIO:Peru: Venezuela’s Little Brother

Debating Islam Last Night: Cain and Gingrich Able, But Not Romney

Video: ‘The Islamic Revolution Has Begun’ In America

Confronting Israel’s Subversive Institutions

YES SIR! Drill Sergeant of the Year Competition Under Way

Revisiting The ‘Principle Of Maximum Ruin’

LAPD Dep Chief: ‘We Should Not Demonize the Muslim Brotherhood’

Obama Lies: US Is Ahead Of The World In Renewable Energy Use, Not Behind

British Peers Find None Of The Ambiguity Seen By The U.S. Government In The Ethnic Cleansing Of Nuba

Kuwaiti Lawmaker Proposes $15,000 Reward for Men Who Marry a Second Wife

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Forms Coalition That ‘Will Dictate The Electoral Outcome’

‘Bring Me Men’ and One Chief Diversity Officer…STAT!

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Five

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Six

‘Primetime’ Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Seven

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Eight

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Help Us Expose Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist

Independent: Sesame Street’s Pinko Puppets Brainwash Our Kids

Obama's Co-Chair Concurs: We Face Most Predictable Economic Crisis in History In About 2 Years

64,000 Cases of Possible Voter Fraud Being Investigated in New Mexico

1.9 Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than When Obama Signed Stimulus

Standoff at U.N. Shows How Expanded Security Council Could Undermine U.S. Interests

Brent Bozell: Liberalism Lite With Ann Curry

Michelle Malkin: Capitol Hill's Other Dirty Laundry

Bachmann, Pawlenty, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum For Marriage Amendment, Not Cain or Paul

Santorum: Ryan Right on Medicare; Pawlenty: I'll Have My Own Plan; Gingrich: ‘Slow Down’

10 Congressmen Sue Obama over Strikes in Libya

Republicans Dodge Farm Subsidy Cuts

Hatch Faces Obstacle Despite Reaching Out to Base

Senate to Vote on Repealing Ethanol Tax Credits

Fox Business Host: Sorry for Racist Slams at Obama

CIA Building Secret Air Base in Persian Gulf Region, AP Reports

Czech Republic Pulls Out of U.S. Missile Shield Plan

China Increases Holdings of U.S. Treasury Securities

HUD: Rural Americans Increasingly Turn to Shelters

Rich Galen: The CNN New Hampshire Debate |

China's state-run news agency looking at Denver for English-language news hub

Rep. Darrell Issa, Department of Justice feud heats up

Reps. Kucinich, Jones to file suit against Obama on Libyan war

Catholic University returning to single-sex dorms

Despite GOP criticism, Romney avoids changing his stance on issues

N.J. Gov. Christie '100 percent' sure he's not running in 2012

Mitt Romney's Afghanistan remark stuns GOP pals

Bloomberg: 'National suicide' if no immigration reform

Chicago expanding Big Brother camera network

Texas Senate Republicans pass bill allowing police to about immigration status

Army Ditching Fatigues for Formal Uniform at Pentagon

Obama's 'Shovel-Ready' Joke Draws Criticism, Corrections

Conservative groups pay for talk-radio plugs

Crackdown on abortion clinics clears Pa. Senate

Proposed rules could shake up Colorado's medical marijuana caregiver community

Bill reducing unemployment benefits signed by Gov. Scott

Is this the checkpoint of the future? -


15-Jun-11 World View......

14-Jun-11 World View......


*(1:14:41)YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: The Miseducation of America Part 1-Full


YouTube - Freedomain Radio Debates The Venus Project/Zeitgeist Moving Forward (Peter Joseph)

YouTube - Gerald Celente on RT America 14 june 2011

YouTube - Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam

YouTube - Art of Collapse Hidden in Plain Sight

YouTube - Feds Searching for Armed Survivalist in Montana


Activist Post: Cannabinoid Administration Halts Disease Progression, Decreases Mortality In Primate Version of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)


*Cannabinoid Administration Attenuates the Progression of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus - AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses


Chris Hedges: No Justice in Kafka’s America - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

Activists cry foul over FBI probe - The Washington Post

FBI: 9/11 controlled demolition theory is, “backed by thorough research and analysis” |

More Money Printing: QE3 is Next | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Europe Braces for Serious Crop Losses and Blackouts: Scientific American

City Ordinance Demands Keys From Citizens for Lock Boxes | Health Freedom Alliance

Opposition organizes to beat key box ordinance

Dylan Ratigan: America for Sale: Is Goldman Sachs Buying Your City?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Radiation News 6-14-11


What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 1 – ‘Gardens of the Righteous’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 2 – ‘Tafhim al-Qur’an’

Revisiting The ‘Principle Of Maximum Ruin’

Chicago expanding Big Brother camera network - Chicago Sun-Times

Mexico Drug War Spills Across US Border

Man Claims Mexican Cartels Recruit Killers in Fights

Torture, Botched Rendition Investigations Dog CIA

Obama ‘First’ to Puerto Rico — Hardly!

Giuliani Meets Christie, Perry

Public Policy Polling: 60% Say Weiner Should Quit

Bachmann Establishes Foreign Policy Credentials

Bachmann Energized by Debate Success

Rubio: We Need to Fix Broken Govt

Trump: GOP Field Better Shape Up, or I'll Run

Gingrich: I Feel 'Liberated' to Pursue 2012

Luntz Focus Group: Bachmann Won

Gingrich Rebuts ABC, Says Charity Pay Was Legal

Christie '100 Percent Certain' Won't Run in 2012

Russia to Ahmadinejad: Cooperate With IAEA

Report Details Deadly Results of Mexican Gun Sting

Richard Clarke: Obama Lags vs. China Cyber War

Obama's Work Cut Out: Create Jobs Before 2012

Obama Calls for Cease-Fire in Sudan

Experts: South African Corruption Helps Terrorists

Oscars to Allow 5 to 10 Best Picture Nominees

Ahmadinejad Launches Brutal Attack on Israel

Obama to Mull Pulling Surge Force From Afghanistan

Steve Forbes: World Better off Without the IMF

CNBC: Housing Crisis Worse Than the Depression

Long-Awaited FDA Rules Help Clarify Sunscreen Confusion

2 Hours of TV Raises Diabetes Risk 20%

Disparities in US Life Expectancy Loom

Google 'Applying for China Mapping License'

Facebook Lost US Users in May: Website

*AUDIO:Lew Rockwell interviews monetary economist Joe Salerno; Bank Runs, Price and Wage Controls, Social Unrest, Totalitarian Attacks on Business

Why Even an Anarchist Should Vote for Ron Paul by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Jim Rogers says US nearing downgrade, worse recession, 'because we're printing and spending money we don't have' - Business Intelligence Middle East - - News, analysis, reports

What are the social implications of economic collapse? | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

*(59 MIN)YouTube - Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets

+Cancerous Cells Cannot Thrive Without This by Joseph Mercola

ALIPAC Plans Removal of NC Senator Phil Berger and Others | Before It's News

‘Anonymous’ Warns NATO: ‘This Is No Longer Your World’ - Techland -

YouTube - Pope's general audience: "Turn away from every form of idolatry"

Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Says that the Government Has ORDERED the Media Not to Cover 9/11

(2:30:22)YouTube - 9/11 Truth ~ Hollywood Speaks Out - Full Movie

What is Behind China's Empty Cities? | Before It's News

Will CO2 Capture Become Cheap? | Before It's News

WikiLeaks Confirms North American Integration Scheme | Before It's News

Latest Bilderberg Agenda Revealed | Before It's News

Symptoms of Chemtrail Spraying | Before It's News

Good Grief. Radical Obama Pal, Who Was Awarded $457,000 in Taxpayer Funds & Has Visited White House, Is Being Investigated For Ties to Terrorism | The Gateway Pundit

Top Barack Obama donors net government jobs - Fred Schulte, John Aloysius Farrell and Jeremy Borden -- iWatch News -


Spacecraft Captures Video Of Giant Asteroid Approach | Before It's News

Alien Building On Dark Side Of Moon Discovered, White Ceramic Structures, UFO Sighting News. | Before It's News

Radical supporters of Barack Obama have openly admitted to forging Obama birth certificates. | Before It's News

Part 19: Human overload--plague of plastics | Before It's News


Internet Marketing:(



Is Your Marketing Strategy Using This Powerful Principle? | Before It's News

Family Driven From Home by Hundreds of Snakes | NBC New York

Baltimore Opens City Curfew Center « CBS Baltim - Flash Player Installation

PG&E Hit Hard By Antioch Copper Thefts « CBS Sa - Flash Player Installation

TSA conducting security exercise - | News, Sports, Jobs, Ohio, Community Information - The Marietta Times

Obama Wants Me Dead, Says Kenyan Drug Lord - Mfonobong Nsehe - The Africa Chronicles - Forbes

Petra Ecclestone 'to buy most expensive home in the US' - Telegraph

Lady Gaga Falls to Number 2, Sales Drop Another 38% | Showbiz411

Mother-of-3 Destiny Mathis sells Obama's handwritten letter to avoid eviction | Mail Online

Pakistan Arrests C.I.A. Informants in Bin Laden Raid -

Iran's president calls for post-Soviet security alliance to unite in alliance against West - Yahoo! News

Porn actress: Weiner asked me to lie about talks - Yahoo! News

Congressman Anthony Weiner's Pregnant Wife Huma - Flash Player Installation

Anthony Weiner's wife Huma Abedin returns home as cross dressing images emerge | Mail Online

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » New Pics Show Teenage Weiner Cross Dressing And “Oiled Up”…

More physicians leaving private practices -

Life expectancy in the U.S. varies widely by region and in some places is decreasing - The Washington Post

Coral Gables to begin enforcing overnight pickup truck ban - South Florida

YouTube - Stephen Baldwin May Run Against Alec Baldwin for NYC Mayor

YouTube - A Scientific Dictatorship of The Elite, by The Elite, for The Elite 1/3

YouTube - A Scientific Dictatorship of The Elite, by The Elite, for The Elite 2/3

YouTube - A Scientific Dictatorship of The Elite, by The Elite, for The Elite 3/3

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down Video of Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters & Takes Your Calls 1/3

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down Video of Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters & Takes Your Calls 2/3

YouTube - Alex Breaks Down Video of Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters & Takes Your Calls 3/3

YouTube - In Whose Hands Will You Trust Your Freedom? | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 6/14/11

YouTube - Celente: CNN - Cartoon News Network

YouTube - Keiser Report: Economic Melt-Through (E155)

YouTube - 'NATO bombs civilians!' - Cynthia McKinney from Tripoli with truth

*GCN News :The 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto In America «

GCN News: Ron Paul at GOP Debate: Defender of the Constitution «

GCN News: It’s Alive! Franken Fish Anyone? «

**Al Qaeda Flying Planes Into the World Trade Center and Pentagon Was Foreseeable

+Sean Hannity slammed about Bilderberg blackout 2011

+New report: Regulators knew Roundup caused birth defects

Greece general strike prompts violent clashes in Athens | World news |

Greek government in power-sharing talks amid riots - Yahoo! News

» Stephen Baldwin May “Go Head to Head with Big Brother” Alec in NYC Mayor Race Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Beijing battling protest fires on all fronts | The Australian

Obama’s America: Prosperity Lost


Rod Blagojevich Corruption Trial | Sam Adam Jr. Predicts 20 Not Guilty Verdicts in Blago Retrial

Youngstown News, Blagojevich jury in 4th day of deliberations - Newswatch

Blagojevich brother awaits sibling's verdict at corruption retrial :: The Republic

Jurors contact judge in Blagojevich trial - The Boston Globe


An interview with Seth Meyers of Saturday Night Live -

Cityscapes: The National Trust for Historic Preservation's 11 Most Endangered Places

Police kill man after carjacking in Roseland -

Rob Lowe To Play Drew Peterson In Lifetime Movie

Survey: Illinoisans reject casino gambling legislation

Gaming Board Chairman Rips Gambling Expansion Bill - Journal & Topics Newspapers Online: : gaming, gambling, gaming board,

Addison village planner charged with child porn -

Amtrak steps up security after track tampering, attempted freight train derailment in Iowa near Des Moines |

Chicago expanding Big Brother camera network - Chicago Sun-Times

Mayor Rahm Emanuel to Get ‘Aggressive’ on Convention Business

Tinley Park to start nationwide search for next police chief — Tinley Park news, photos and events —

Police searching for missing 4-year-old Antwan Powe, who is missing from the 5900-block of South Elizabeth in Chicago |

Gas Prices Falling, Chicago Still Highest In Nation |

Needles Found in Infant's Crib: Cops | NBC Chicago


Gay Marriage Bill Gains More GOP Support -

WikiLeaks auctions lunch with Julian Assange | Media | The Guardian

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Prosecution rests its case against Anthony - Crimesider - CBS News

Photo of Missing Student Lauren Spierer and Truck Released - ABC News

Michele Bachmann’s strong debate performance shifts GOP primary dynamics - The Washington Post

The Associated Press: Porn actress: Weiner asked me to lie about talks

The Associated Press: Obama to host military dads, kids at White House

Men plead not guilty in New York synagogue bomb plot | Reuters

Mitts Off: Watch Mitt Romney's Joke, Pretending a Waitress Grabs His Rear - The Note

Jon Huntsman Is Embracing the Jr. in His Name -- Daily Intel

Chicago to Rescind Teacher Raises -

After Loss, Ethanol Tax Break Opponents Look to Next Round - Businessweek

Biden optimistic about debt limit deal by end of June - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Congress Committee Studies 'Muslim Radicalization' in US | USA | English

Circus skips Muslim radicals hearing - Meredith Shiner - - Emotions Run High at Radicalization Hearing - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First Read - Gingrich's unfavorable rating hits all-time high in NBC/WSJ poll

YouTube - Inside Gingrich, Inc.

Michele Bachmann steals the show at GOP debate - The Washington Post

Bushism And The GOP Today | The New Republic

This Is No Joke .. Mr. President | Nealz Nuze |

Durbin, Tester, lobbyists, and the Dodd-Frank corruption machine | Timothy P. Carney | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Shadow Congress: Nearly 200 Ex-Lawmakers Work For Lobbying Shops | TPMMuckraker

RealClearPolitics - Obama Grudgingly Enters Fray on Weiner

RealClearPolitics - Why Weiner's Going Under the Bus

Who are we to tell Anthony Weiner to quit? - Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y. -

RealClearPolitics - Palin vs. the Press

Bachmann Bid Relieves Pressure on House GOP : Roll Call Politics

House ready to slash funding for key oil-market regulator | McClatchy

House panel approves $11 billion increase in defense spending -

GOP Governors Push back Against Obama on Federal Medicaid Rules - The Washington Post

Beatable, And He Knows It -

The G.O.P. Presidential Debate -

Palin's emails: Call off the news hounds - The Boston Globe

Frank discovers ‘humility’ -

Hiring Slowdown Seen for Small Business -

RealClearPolitics - True Job Creators Need a Voice

Speaking out for good jobs - The Washington Post

Is Carter A Best Case Scenario? | Via Meadia

Is Mr. Romney Now Mr. Right for Republicans?: Margaret Carlson - Bloomberg

The telltale signs of a Rick Perry 2012 campaign -

Morning Jay: Blue Smoke and Mirrors | The Weekly Standard

An absent Huntsman wins big at GOP debate - The Boston Globe

News Review: Republican debate shows that the joke could be on Barack Obama – Telegraph Blogs

States balance budgets with cuts, not taxes

The End of Capitalism and the Wellsprings of Radical Hope | The Nation

Limbaugh Responds To Obama Joking About Shovel-Ready Jobs | RealClearPolitics

RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary

RealClearPolitics - Obama: Energy Policy Remains "a Hodgepodge"

RealClearScience - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls


**13th/Transcripts:GOP Presidential Debate at St. Anslem College

Obama's Speech in Durham, North Carolina

Panel on the 2012 Battleground States

Analyst on Obama and the GOP Debate

Guest: Representative James Clyburn

Guest: Representative Chellie Pingree

12th/2012 Candidate Rick Santorum, DNC & RNC Party Chairs

Interview with Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty

Guests: Senator Graham, Reps. Ryan and Hoyer (PDF)

Guests: Senator Kelly Ayotte, Rep. Charlie Bass


Investing Reinvented: A SmartMoney Master Plan -

Top 10 Dividend-Yielding Stocks of Our Top Managers

Banks’ 4-month dive raises recovery questions Market Extra - MarketWatch

Are big banks doomed to fail? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

RealClearMarkets - The Economy Is Now Immune to Keynesian Crack

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie - The Objectivist - - Forbes

The End of Capitalism and the Wellsprings of Radical Hope | The Nation

How to grow US jobs--Gary Shapiro -

11 Reasons Stocks Will Blast Off in a Bull Market Rebound | InvestorPlace

Did Goldman con the government? Who knows. Did it con its customers? You bet. - By Bethany McLean - Slate Magazine

RealClearMarkets - What Does Medicare Part D Say About the Ryan Plan?

Cosmic Log - Solar forecast hints at a big chill

Tomorrow's Remarkable Lunar Eclipse : Starts With A Bang

Is LEED the Gold Standard in Green? - Miller-McCune

New Technique Spins Superlong Nanowires - Science News

MIT Demonstrates Smart Cars That Predict Each Others' Moves to Avoid Collisions | Popular Science

Cal State system: Time to get back to teaching -

BBC Nature - How social huntsman spiders live and hunt together

Hungry Female Fish May Have Sex Change On Its Mind | Cleaner Fish & Hermaphrodites | Parasites | LiveScience

The bacteria (or virus or parasite) made me do it - The Washington Post

Forget Mother Nature: This is a world of our making - environment - 14 June 2011 - New Scientist

Life expectancy in most US counties falls behind world's healthiest nations | Science Codex

New Research Provides Clues on Why Hair Turns Gray | Office of Communications & Public Affairs

ScienceShot: 'Alzheimer's' in the Down Syndrome Brain - ScienceNOW

Purdue Newsroom - Salivating over wheat plants may net Hessian flies big meal or death

Tiny Lizard Sparks a Big Fight in the Oil Patch -

Can This Man Predict Whether Your Child Will Become a Criminal? - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Accidental Deaths Linked to Macho Code of Honor - Miller-McCune

The Playboy Gene: Promiscuity Can Be Inherited : Discovery News

Lack of international Antarctic station questioned - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Maybe Newton And Darwin Can Solve Climate Change

How Simple Photos Could Be Used as a Test for a Conscious Machine [Contest]: Scientific American

Does Anything Matter? by Peter Singer - Project Syndicate

People Argue Just to Win, Scholars Assert -

New 'Apes' film revisits old ideas in science -

New insights on how solar minimums affect Earth

Beyond Condoms: The Long Quest for a Better Male Contraceptive: Scientific American

An Addiction Expert Faces a Formidable Foe - Prescription Drugs -

Photos: The Science Behind the Music - Digits - WSJ

Turkish Lessons for the Arab Spring

Commentary: Assad Stands Alone | The National Interest

Great Game in the Indian Ocean | The Japan Times Online

Why Pakistan’s Ship Is Sinking | The Diplomat

Reclaiming Afghanistan | World Policy Institute

Iraq's Nouri al-Maliki: The Man Who Would Be King - By Ben Van Heuvelen | Foreign Policy

BERMAN: High cost of stability in Egypt - Washington Times

Reset Turkey/EU Relations by Javier Solana - Project Syndicate

Asia Times Online :: COMMENT : Illusion of freedom in Myanmar

Richard Clarke: China's Cyberassault on America -

How China Could Yet Fail Like Japan - CNBC

Iran Postulates First Nuclear Test -

RealClearPolitics - The Libya Puzzle

Secret US and Afghanistan talks could see troops stay for decades | World news | The Guardian

U.S. influence is on the wane

RealClearWorld - Australia Finds Itself on Dangerous Ground

Last Bastion: Saudi Arabia's Silent Battle to Halt History - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

NATO and the New Turkey by Sinan Ulgen - Project Syndicate

HK immunity decision to test judicial freedom - The China Post

GOP Debate Shows Party's Shallowness on Domestic, Foreign Policy - The Daily Beast

Reuel Marc Gerecht Reviews Charles Townshend's "Desert Hell" | The New Republic

On Afghanistan—What Did Mitt Mean? | The Weekly Standard

YouTube - More Than 170 Dead From Flooding in China

Radiation hotspots hinder Japan response to nuclear crisis | Reuters

N.Korea likely can miniaturize nuclear device: Seoul | Reuters

The Associated Press: New flooding kills 7 in central, south China

Pakistan Arrests CIA Informants in Bin Laden Raid | News | English

Syria expands campaign against dissent as residents run for their lives - The Washington Post

Gadhafi Forces Shell Libya Rebel Positions in Western Mountains | North Africa | English

Afghanistan looms large at SCO security group meeting -

US Envoys Try to Renew Israeli-Palestinian Talks | News | English

Suspected US Missile Strikes Kill 15 in Pakistan | Asia | English

Mortar attack shows challenge of Afghan police -

Fighting Takes Ominous Turn in Central Sudan -

10 U.S. lawmakers sue Obama over Libya strikes - CBS News

YouTube - News Wrap: In Letter to Obama, Boehner Questions U.S. Role in Libya Mission

AFP: US consumer prices climb for 11th month

Pandora shares cool following IPO jump IPO Report - MarketWatch

Study: Half of All Daily Deals Don’t Increase Profits or Sales - Techland -



Oil falls over 2 percent on economy worries, dollar | Reuters

BofA ‘Significantly Hindered’ Foreclosure Review, U.S. Says - Bloomberg

Boeing To Boost 737 Airplane Production : NPR

Carlyle IPO talks with banks heat up: sources | Reuters

J.P. Morgan fined $2 mln over some sales tactics - MarketWatch


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Can Obama 'walk and chew gum' at same time? ;John Bolton rips lack of foreign-policy content in GOP debate

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'We need a proponent of small government';GOP's Joe Wilson backs 'solid conservative' Pawlenty for GOP nod


Soros frontman pushing for Muslim Brotherhood

Law Enforcement Officials at King Hearing Claim Radical Islam Infiltrating U.S. Prisons -

Hawaii claims Obama 'birth certificate' is 'confidential'

Obama forgers admit they produced phony documents

Author of presidential birth-certificate bill gives up without a hearing |

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Gay marriage: California bankruptcy judge declares Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional -

House Panel Slams 'Fast and Furious' Gun Operation Tied to Border Agent's Death -

News briefs, and not just Anthony Weiner's

Russia: US missile shield threatens global safety - World news - South and Central Asia -

Obama: ‘There are days when I say one term is enough’ - TODAY News -

Assume the Position, Representative Bachmann - HUMAN EVENTS

Government demands keys to your kingdom

Black holes there from the start in the Universe's first galaxies


Quiet China Giant Embodies Technology Aspirations - ABC News

New Little Ice Age in store? - Telegraph

Privacy Groups Request FTC Probe of Facebook Facial Recognition Tech | News & Opinion |

A risky currency? Alleged $500,000 Bitcoin heist raises questions

BBC News - Facebook denies losing users

LulzSec Call-In Line Taking Hacking Requests | News & Opinion |

Lunar eclipse: YouTube to broadcast today’s astronomical event live -

YouTube - Longest lunar eclipse in hundred years

Songwriter Carole King signs book deal | Reuters

Chinese Child Abuse? High Lead Poisoning Levels In Watchdog Report

Health Buzz: TV Raises Risk of Health Problems, Early Death - US News and World Report

Medical News: Life Expectancy in U.S. Lags Behind Global Rates - in Public Health & Policy, Public Health from MedPage Today

Medical News: Outpatient Setting Carries Equal Malpractice Risk - in Practice Management, Medicolegal from MedPage Today

Sleep Position of Expectant Mothers Linked to Stillbirth Risk | Health News

Texas Man Pioneers Use of New Beatless Heart, the Wave of the Future - ABC News

The 12 Dirtiest and 15 Cleanest Fruits and Vegetables - Marion Nestle - Life - The Atlantic

Montel Williams talks MS, medical marijuana and experimental surgery – American Morning - Blogs

DC AIDS/HIV office says infection rate remains epidemic - The Washington Post

Wives’s sleep problems cause marital discord - BlogPost - The Washington Post

Medicare | Obama's Plan | GOP Senators | The Daily Caller

800 NYC Restaurants Caught Trying To Hide Sub-Par Health Inspection Grades - The Consumerist

States Brace for End of Extra Payments for Medicaid -

Paul Ryan and the atheist bogeyman » GetReligion

Devil’s Bookmark: Sex and Drugs and Hating God | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Demonize the opposition, chapter 666 » GetReligion

Too Late for Apologies: Three Steps the U.S. Bishops Should Take to Prevent Another Sexual Abuse Scandal | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Michele Bachmann's Unrivaled Extremism: Gay Rights to Religion - The Daily Beast

Finding Enough | World Policy Institute

Should Christians Smoke Medical Marijuana? | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Progressive vs. Emergence Christianity: From Where I Sit

The state cannot curb sharia law alone | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

The Politics of Being a Good Christian | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: From decline to decision - News with a Christian Perspective

Do Atheists Belong in the Interfaith Movement? | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Targeting The World’s Worst Religious Persecutors - Doug Bandow - The Politics of Plunder - Forbes

Southern Baptist Pastors Get a Late Pentecost, Holy Spirit Lesson, Christian News

The View from a Jew at a “Solemn Assembly” Like Rick Perry’s | Religion Dispatches

Time to ban male circumcision? | Neil Howard and Rebecca Steinfeld | Law |

Proposition 8 case: Judge appears skeptical about throwing out Prop. 8 ruling because of jurist's sexuality -

Homosexuality: A Call to Otherness? | First Things

Luke Russert Explains How the Media Will Hound Anthony Weiner and Democrats Until He Resigns

They Just Can't Admit When DFH's Are Right.

How Bad Is The Economy? Even Cable Companies Are Feeling It

Meet NRO's Kevin Williamson: NRA Shill & al-Qaeda Friend

Tea Party Child Indoctrination "Camps"

Tim Pawlenty Claims He's for 'Fair Trade' During GOP Debate Despite Support for Free Trade Agreements

Herman Cain Thinks Indonesia is Kenya

The 4th Amendment Is Now A Mere Guideline For The FBI. But 'Prominent' Bloggers To Get Extra Protection!

Cain Tries to Backtrack on Comment About Muslims: I Was Thinking About the Ones That are Trying to Kill Us

The New Romney Ad

Arne Duncan: We'll Waive Federal Law If You Embrace Our Schools Agenda. Say What?

Did Ron Paul Limit the First Amendment To Christians?

Glenn Beck suggests Americans need to get a gun to deal with Obama and Sunstein

Do any of our political leaders realize that kissing rich peoples' asses won't magically restore prosperity?

Rick Perry Hypocrisy Report, Edition 1

John King Turns GOP Debate into Bigger Joke Than it Already Was With 'This or That' Segments

Updated: Wisconsin Supreme Court Reverses Lower Court; Allows Anti-Union Law To Take Effect

Surprise! Bank of America "Significantly Hampered" Federal Investigations

USUncut New York Holds Sleep-In At Bank of America's Brooklyn Branch


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


UMW says tentative deal includes $6 hourly raise

US Airways worker stows away in cargo compartment

Coast Guard stops search for missing boat, suspects hoax

New Israeli ambassador to UN starts work in New York

Solar powered plane arrives in Paris

EP President: EU doesn't oppose Palestinian statehood

White House to decide if treaty for the blind moves forward

New York Post Couldn’t Resist Weiner-Obama Headline - Big Journalism

» Wisconsin Supreme Court Upholds Walker’s Spending Reform Law - Big Government


**Politics Video:Chris Christie: "I'm 100% Certain I'm Not Going To Run"

Caddell: 2010 Election Was About ObamaCare, Entitlements

"The Liberals Are Coming": Rush Introduces Own Brand Of Tea

Carney On Donors Getting Gov't Jobs: "Our Methods Of Transparency Are Unprecedented"

Frank: Medicare For Well Off Should Have Co-Payments To Decide If "They Really Need That Test"

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz: We Own The Economy

Sen. Harkin Likens NLRB To Supreme Court

Katrina Vanden Heuvel: America Is A "Center-Progressive" Country

Coulter: GOP Debates Are Just "Time-Fillers" Until Christie Jumps In

Maher: "Palin Comes Off As A Complete Airhead, Like A Ditzy Housewife"

14TH/Perry Giving "Appropriate Thought Process" On Presidential Run

Obama: ATMs Contribute To Unemployment For Eliminating Tellers

Limbaugh Responds To Obama Joking About Shovel-Ready Jobs

GOP Web Ad Claims Dems Disconnected From Economic Reality

DNC Runs Misleading Web Ad On NH GOP Debate

Chris Matthews: Obama Has An IQ Of 160

Santelli: Bond Market Trading Indicates Little Fear Of Default

Obama In Puerto Rico: Next Time "I'm Going To Have To Play Some Hoops"

Budgetless Reid: GOP Has "No Bearing On What I Think Is Important For The Country Today"

Sessions Responds To Reid: "The Things I've Been Talking About Do Have Bearing"

MSNBC's Bashir: Is Bachmann "The Thinking Person's Sarah Palin?"

Frank: Based On My Past "Not Appropriate" For Me To Comment On Weiner

Rove: GOP Race Will Be Unlike Any Other In 60 Years

NBC's Chuck Todd: Newt Gingrich "Supporting McCarthyism"

Joan Walsh To Herman Cain: Get Off The Stage

Hannity Bets Beckel $5,000 That Obama Will Be A One-Term President

**NEWS VIDEOS:‘It Hurts’ – Jesse Jackson Acknowledges Obama’s Dismal Unemployment Numbers in Black Community

What Do Average DC Tourists Know About The US Government?

Puerto Rican Seperatists Burn American Flag in San Juan During Obama Visit

MSNBC’s Cenk Uygur: ‘Republican Vision Of Jesus–Tell Poor To Pound Sand’

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz: Facts and Logic Have No Place in GOP – Makes Bachmann Perfect Fit

Hoover Institution’s ‘Uncommon Knowledge’ Features In-Depth Interview with Andrew Breitbart

14TH/Dennis Miller Praises Breitbart’s Performance at Weiner Press Conference

Guy in Pink Dress Accosts Citizen Journalist (Graphic Language)

Shameless Democrats Blame GOP Nominees for Answering CNN’s Questions at Debate

Wisc Dem Caught on Tape Saying He’d Like to ‘Smack Around’ Voter

Jon Stewart Lashes Out at Crowder for Exposing Policy Against Conservatives

Pity Party: ‘There Are Days Where I Say One Term is Enough’

Obama Blames ATMs for High Unemployment

Romney’s Hard-Hitting Video Attacking Obama’s Dismal Unemployment Record

Obama Thinks it’s Hilarious That His Trillion Dollar Stimulus Did Nothing to Fix Unemployment

GOP Hopefuls Duke it Out in New Hampshire

Lebron’s New Decision

13TH/Breitbart Delivers Unforgettable Speech to Republican Jewish Coalition

Bachmann Makes it Official: Announces Presidential Run During CNN Debate

Caught on Video: Missouri River Levee Collapses

Teens Banned From High School Graduation for Wearing Military Sash

Goodyear Blimp Plunges to Ground in Flames

‘Pentagon Papers’ to be Released

Pit Bulls Rip Man’s Arm Off

MSNBC Anchor Claims LBJ ‘Never Elected’ President

28 Months into Presidency, Obama Announces Plan to Cut Gov’t Waste

Kids Try to Explain Lady Gaga

Filipino Man Shortest in the World

12TH/‘Slut Walk’ Hits Nicaragua

Thousands Rally Against Gadhafi

1st Photos of Giffords Released Since Shooting

11TH/Janeane Garofalo: Weinergate Isn’t Weiner’s Fault – It’s the Media and ‘Hypocrite Republicans’

**Markets Video:Ross: 'Bumbling' Economy Result of 'Meddling' From Leaders

Should Ethanol Subsidies Be Cut?

Discount Bunkers for 'Doomsdayers'

Rogoff: Economy Is 'Twisting in the Wind'

6 Million Users "De-friend" Facebook

Cramer: Skip the Dollar ... Buy Copper

14TH/Screwflation ... Average Americans Getting Squeezed

So Where's the Market Heading?

Trichet Considering Rate Hike

Challenging The China Bears

Link: 4 Sectors to Buy as Market Struggles

**World Video:Creating Jobs in Asia

Afghanistan War: Is U.S. Winning?

Increasing Complications in India-Iran Relations

Raw Video: Syrians Reportedly Burn Iranian, Hezbollah Flags

U.S. Mission in Libya: Unconstitutional?

Syrian Tanks Reach Towns Near Turkey, Iraq Borders

Joshua Landis Discusses Syria

Syrian Opposition Speak

Misery at Refugee Camp in Syria

Beijing Man Rescued After Dangling From Highrise

$6.6 Billion Sent To Iraq Likely Stolen

Anger In Athens And Bailout Deadlock

Troops Claim Weapons Cache Found In Syria

Syrian Refugee Exodus Continues

14TH/Discussing Geostrategic Trajectories

Greece's Rating is Slashed Making Default Likely

Rioting Over Jobs in China

Europe to Rescue Greece?

Raw Video: 2011 Bilderbergers Mountain Walk

German-Russian Security Cooperation

Suicide Bombing Retaliation?

Many Pakistanis Feel 'Deeply Insecure' Over Future

Expecting More Syrians, Turkey Builds Another Refugee Camp

Attack On King Abdullah's Motorcade In Jordan

Libyan Rebels Firmly In Control Of Misrata

More Fighting And Uncertainty In Syria

Mexico Mob Attempts Lynching

Greece Downgrade Explained

Hawaii claims Obama 'birth certificate' is 'confidential'

Dakota Fanning becoming 'Lolita' for perfume company

Soros frontman pushing for Muslim Brotherhood

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

Where's leadership from Boehner?

Weinergate and the Constitution

Why the freak-out over prayer?

George Mason University Study says New York is 'Least Free' State -

New York just the fifth dirtiest city in the country, replaced at the top by New Orleans: mag -

Tiny village is latest victim of the 'The hum' - Telegraph

50 celebrities turning 50

Justin Timberlake tells Playboy he 'absolutely' smokes pot: 'Some people are just better high'

Why the freak-out over prayer?

Tennessee passes worst law ever

The money hole

Our moral dilemma

Finally! Dad lashes back at ungrateful brats

Islam, the ultimate obsessive-compulsive religion

California Prop 8 judge Vaughn Walker: The appalling effort to disqualify him from judging the gay marriage case because he's gay. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

The Media's Sarah Palin E-mail Obsession--Editorial -

*15 June

American Minute for June 15th

June 15th in History

June 15th This Day in History

Today in History: June 15 » History Net

Today in History: June 15

June 15 Events in History

This Day in History for 15th June

YouTube - Today in History for June 15th


The Manning Report – 14 June 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-14-11

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-14, Tuesday

06/14 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, June, 14, 2011

June 14, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

The Michael Savage Show 06/14/2011

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