A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

14 June 2011


The seven GOP contenders in CNN's Monday debate -

Bachmann has all the pieces in place to make presidential run -

Cain welcomes pundits to underestimate his chances -

Controversies key in Gingrich's rise and fall -

Paul's long-held policies converge with Tea Party's -

How Pawlenty's life story prepared him for possible White House run -

Romney's new mission: To change perceptions -

Santorum says he 'takes the bullets' for conservative causes -


Video: CNN New Hampshire Republican debate highlights « 2012 Election Central


Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.1

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.2

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.3

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.4

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.5

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.6

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.7

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.8

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.9

Republican Presidential Debate In New Hampshire pt.10


GOP Candidates Look to Build on Debate Performance in Vital 2012 Territory -


GOP presidential contenders battle for edge following CNN debate -


YouTube - Republican debate: the nomination race for the White House


What You Missed While Not Watching the New Hampshire GOP Debate | Swampland


**YouTube - Ron Paul: Conversation with the Candidate


2012 Presidential Politics - C-SPAN Video Library


Can any GOP rival catch Mitt? - CBS News

GOP Presidential Debate: Tea Party Activists Get Into The Mix

Herman Cain Pressed on Muslim Loyalty Test in GOP Debate, Christian News

Republican Primary Debate: Candidates Go Head to Head in First Televised Session, Christian News


*flashback:YouTube - First GOP Presidential Debate in SC, 2011 (Full length)


YouTube - Ron Paul responds to questions (GOP debate #1, 2011)

Campaign For Liberty — Obama's Company Store by Bonnie Kristian

Campaign For Liberty — Time to Get Out of Afghanistan by Doug Bandow

Campaign For Liberty — Fixing America Begins With Foreign Policy by Philip Giraldi

Campaign For Liberty — Let's Admit Enacting Medicare Was a Mistake by Jacob Hornberger

Pawlenty Pulls his Punch -

Obama Unveils Plan to Train U.S. Engineers -

Tim Pawlenty beats hasty New Hampshire retreat - Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman -

GOP debate rivals let Romney off easy - Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman -

Gibbs talks GOP debate | POLITICO 44

How the candidates sliced Obama | POLITICO 44

GOP hopefuls recycle energy talking points - Darren Samuelsohn -

Boehner: Bachmann did 'a really good job' - Jake Sherman -

Michele Bachmann is in - Alexander Burns -

Who won the Republican presidential debate? - Roger Simon -

Cain says he meant Muslims 'who are trying to kill us' - Maggie Haberman -

John King: The grunting moderator - CLICK -


Opinion: The media's creepy Palin obsession - Joe Scarborough -

FLOTUS tells of Obama's worry | POLITICO 44

Report: Grand jury probing possible CIA war crimes in Iraq - Reid J. Epstein -

FBI's New Rules to Give Agents More Leeway on Surveillance -

Undersheriff: Montana Manhunt Target a Survivalist -

The health care skeletons of 2012 - Kendra Marr and Kate Nocera -

FBI probe could be headache for President Obama - Reid J. Epstein -

Philip Ellender: The Kochs' unlikely Democratic enforcer - Kenneth P. Vogel -

Obama: My family is 'fine' with one term - Jennifer Epstein -

Activist Post: Pentagon Papers finally published, 40 years on

NATO operation in Libya is collective punishment – ex-congresswoman — RT

Gingrich says he’d move embassy on first day |

Satanic priests in the Catholic Church? |

Good Will Hunting Got It Right - Home - The Daily Bail

Fox News Shep Smith Blasts Obama Over Illegal Wars, Secret US-Afghan Talks Could See Troops Stay For Decades - Home - The Daily Bail

Obama Admits Massive Stimulus Was A Failure: "Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - Former Miss USA, Ralph Nader Fight Full Body Scanners - Democracy NOW!

Toy Security Wand Lets Kids Play At Being TSA Agents - The Consumerist

YouTube - "No one should be worried about content regulation" online, says FCC Commissioner

FCC Commissioner Talks of FCC's Governance of Internet's 'On/Off Ramps' |

Activist Post: The Mexican Drug Cartels Are A National Security Issue

Activist Post: Fake Revolutions

:Revolutionary Politics : "How Long Can The Absurdity Of Us Funding This Madness Continue?!" Withdrawal Of US Troops

American's Journey: AIPAC donation buys Big Representation

Why Google Earth Can't Show You Israel

Max Gardner's Boot Camp - The Lawyer Behind The Foreclosure Resistance Movement - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: Can William Travis and Sam Houston Be Labeled Domestic Terrorist Now?

YouTube - Ron Paul: Restore America Now

YouTube - The Amazingly Accurate Predictions of Ron Paul

YouTube - Ron Paul: Mainstream America Supports My Foreign Policy

Dont Fall For This Youtube / Facebook Hack

Illinois to study putting ads on license plates - CNBC

ID Proposal for Prepaid Phones Raises “Privacy, Access and Safety” Concerns

The magical realism of body counts - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Revolutionary Politics : 'Anonymous' threatens Bernanke


Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions | The Intel Hub Radio

+Audio:Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions


*48 min/YouTube - A story of a war


Psycho Politics: Technicians of Influence Legitimize Mass Murder And Economic Slavery -


Facebook loses 6M U.S. users in May |

Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "American People Are Sick & Tired Of A 10 Year War!"

YouTube - US man admits he is 'Syrian gay girl' blogger

Oscar Grant killer released: Civil rights abuse, court corruption, Eric Holder - National Human Rights |

Activist Post: Cop Who Executed Oscar Grant Set Free After 11 Months

Religion and Politics Should Not Mix :

DOD Officials Discuss Using Virus, Vaccine To Manipulate DNA And Eliminate Religion

Revolutionary Politics : United States for Travel Freedom

Revolutionary Politics : FBI Gives Agents Unprecedented Search Powers!

Activist Post: The Pentagon and slave labor in U.S. prisons

Obama Returns To Wall Street For Campaign Donations | Markets |

YouTube - Italy PM Berlusconi suffers referendum defeat‎

More than $6 billion in Iraq reconstruction funds lost - Yahoo! News

Hackers break into Senate computers | Reuters

Activist Post: Families say Guantanamo 'suicides' were killings

Gordon Duff : “Proxy Buster” Software Exposes False Flag Antisemite | My Catbird Seat

Activist Post: Seized Domains Fight Back

Activist Post: DHS Should Focus on Criminal Activity, Not Beliefs

Alleged ‘SPY’ in Egypt is US Citizen, IDF Paratrooper | Intifada Palestine

Pentagon Ramps-Up Cyberwar Plans | Dissident Voice

The Intercept: Confessions of a Nuclear Power Safety Expert

The Intercept: How Bankers use the Debt Crisis to Roll Back the Progressive Era

YouTube - RT in Fukushima: Radiation 1000 times over normal outside no-go zone


+ U.S. Prisoners Generate Millions of Corporate Dollars!

allcreatorsgifts: Your flesh bonded as value??? Traded for money?


'08/The Shotgun: The Republican Party forbade Ron Paul from pursuing a third party run

Researchers call for nuclear data release : Nature News

YouTube - RT in Fukushima: Radiation 1000 times over normal outside no-go zone

EXCLUSIVE: New Documents Claim Intelligence on Bin Laden, al-Qaeda Targets Withheld From Congress' 9/11 Probe | Truthout


Mossadnik Captured in Egypt Involved in Pipeline Blast – Video « Kawther Salam

YouTube - 'Fukushima media cover-up - PR success, public health disaster'

#Fukushima I Nuke Accident: Dairy Farmer Commits Suicide in Soma City, Fukushima | EX-SKF

Social Security |/Agriculture Defense Coalition

White House Insider: Obama’s Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting: "What the F-ck was that?" | Newsflavor

"No Shred of Evidence", Iran Building Nukes, Ex Head of IAEA Says

Ofergate: The Latest Zionist Propaganda Blitz Against Iran | Opinion Maker

Hasbara Galore: Israel-Iran Trade and the Ofer Brothers Part-2 | Opinion Maker

Israeli Airport Security Co Secretly Dropped Fom 9/11 Trial

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors Abroad -

Media War Against Pakistan | Opinion Maker


F.B.I. Giving Agents New Powers in Revised Manual -


**The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I.


Trailer:Vanishing Of The Bees


Electron Model of Many Applications: Technology which could save the world | Mail Online

Syria's 'Butcher of Hama' living in £10 million Mayfair townhouse - Telegraph

Britain can do 'nothing' to prevent Argentina retaking Falkland Islands - Telegraph

Tony Blair 'reads the Koran every day to stay faith literate' | Mail Online

IMF cyber-attack led by hackers seeking 'privileged information' | Business | The Guardian

Stanley Fischer stakes claim to IMF top job | Business |

Bank of England begins tracking internet searches to understand consumer behaviour - Telegraph

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Up to 20 activists in 5 vehicles armed with cameras, radios and police scanners patrol city streets to protect residents from cops

Mountaintop Removal - Environmental And Human Destruction For Profit

A Look at China's energy Future and What it Means for Oil Prices | Oil

Special report: Scientists race to avoid climate change harvest | Reuters

Pesticide Residues Found in Most Apples -

3 News WHO cell phone radiation alarm

Get Radiation Out of Your Water

How the media covers Bilderberg meetings

Beware! Hepatitis C gripping Ludhiana -

Widespread S246N Tamiflu Resistance Clusters Raise Concerns


Activist Post: 10 Most Influential People in the Alternative Media (2011)

Pentagon Papers

The Pentagon Papers Case

Pentagon Papers vs. WikiLeaks: Is Bradley Manning the new Ellsberg? -

- - Could prenatal DNA testing open Pandora's box? - Implanted Electrodes Loaded With Drugs Could Monitor Brain And Treat It When Necessary - There's No Such Thing as a Temporary U.S. Default - Sen. Graham: Military intervention in Syria should be ‘on the table’

Blackwater Gets ‘Too Big To Fail,’ Hires AIG Castoff | Danger Room |

Chinese Spying Devices Installed on Hong Kong Cars -

U.S. Funding Secret Internet Access for Dissidents Abroad -

World Bank Cuts Volume Expected, Value of Emission Credits for Its Funds -

Bipolar kids: Victims of the 'madness industry'? -

Implanted Electrodes Loaded With Drugs Could Monitor Brain And Treat It When Necessary -

Brain scans appear to show changes associated with violent behavior -

Panetta: Escalate Shadow Wars, Expand Black Ops -

The Pesticides and Politics of America's Eco-War -

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Technology | The Guardian

Rare Earths Are About to Become a Lot More Rare -


The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Roundtable & the Illuminati -


The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros


The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part I: The Eight Families « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part II: The Freemason BUS & The House of Rothschild « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part III: The Roundtable & The Illuminati « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson


The Four Horsemen of Banking « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

The Four Horsemen Behind The Oil Wars « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson


Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Part I: Patsies & Beneficiaries « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Part II: Deutsche Bank & Blackstone « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

Bin Laden & The 911 Illusion: Part III: Secret Societies & Masterminds « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson


Afghan History Suppressed: Part I: Islamists, Heroin and the CIA « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson

Afghan History Suppressed: Part II: Socialism, al Qaeda and Chevron « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson


+Activist Post: Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List



President Obama Advises Anthony Weiner to Resign

Tori Spelling: Paparazzi Caused Car Crash

Puerto Rico Visit Meant to Bolster Hispanic Vote for Obama in 2012

Mitt Romney: Obama Made the Recession Worse

Michele Bachmann Announces Presidential Campaign

Goodyear Blimp Crashes In Germany, Pilot Dies

Infant Formula Linked To Type 1 Diabetes

Migraines Linked To Genetics, New Study Says

B-17 Bomber Crashes In Illinois Cornfield

Newt Gingrich Will Continue Fighting For Presidential Nomination


**Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business » Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business


F.B.I. Giving Agents New Powers in Revised Manual -


**NSA SIGINT Style Manual 2010

Pentagon Papers(


** - The War You Don't See - Uploaded by Irishstorm


Protecting medical implants from attack

Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land (video) | The Vigilant Citizen

Killah Priest's "Information" 15 Years Later | The Vigilant Citizen

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils | The Vigilant Citizen

Libyan Resource Nationalism

Missing Iraqi Billions 'Probably Stolen'

No Justice in Kafka’s America

On "The Issue of Character" and Empire

The Financial Road to Serfdom:

Are We Entering an Economic "Ice Age"?

American Banks 'High' On Drug Money:

Gold, Oil, Africa and Why the West Wants Gadhafi Dead

White House calls Anthony Weiner scandal a ‘distraction’ - The Washington Post

Obama promotes corporate profits in the name of job creation

U.S. needs to completely withdraw from Iraq

Clinton: Africa must abandon Gaddafi, support democracy in Libya

Massive bombing of Tripoli. Eyewitness Libya: CYNTHIA MCKINNEY

Further Proof of Ongoing Nuclear Chain Reactions at Fukushima: Metallic Taste In the Mouth?

Iran: "Regime Change" or All Out War?

Chavez’s Right Turn: State Realism versus International Solidarity

VIDEO: Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Bank? An Uncensored Investigation of the U.S. Federal Reserve

The Democrats' Betrayal of Labor Unions

Why the NATO powers are trying to assassinate Moammar Gaddafi

Cyberspace, the Battlefield of the Future: Pentagon Ramps-Up Cyberwar Plans

A Beginners Guide to Shadow Banking

American Politics: "Lie To Me"

Can We Trust the CIA?

The Moral Hazard of Modern Banking: How Banks Create and Destroy Money

Media: The Spreading of False Ideologies into our Culture

America's Next War: Iran

SPIEGEL Interview with African Economics Expert: "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!" - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

California is poised to outlaw gold prospecting | Mail Online


The Hal Lindsey Report - Videos/6-10


+The Hal Lindsey Report - Videos Archive


Airbus unveil transparent plane we'll be flying around in come 2050 | Mail Online

BBC News - Who, What, Why: Why is 'the hum' such a mystery


+Bible Code Predictions: Latest bible codes

E Book

* e BookHoly City Bible Code


+Bible Wheel Blog - Viewing Scripture from a Higher Dimension


Legalize Milk, Real Milk - informationliberation

Don't Text Me, Bro - informationliberation

Government "Waste" Is the Least of Our Problems - informationliberation

"Freedom" does not mean actual freedom - informationliberation

Is the Government Really Creating a Tool of Liberation? - informationliberation

Restoring Faith in a Free-Market Healthcare System - informationliberation

The Next Financial Crisis by Gary North

1.9 Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than When Obama Signed Stimulus |

18 Signs The Collapse of Society Is Accelerating

Obama forgers admit they produced phony documents

China warns outside nations to stay out of sea dispute-paper | Reuters

The Secret History of Iraq’s Invisible War | Danger Room |

Nasa Voyager probe: Spacecraft on edge of our solar system find magnetic bubble wrap that may be protecting us from cosmic rays | Mail Online

EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe: The Mars Records by Stephanie Relfe, B.Sc. Vols I and II (Michael Relfe's Memoirs of 20 years at the U.S. secret base on Mars)

Obama on Congresswoman: You Want Her 'In Your Foxhole' Because She’s ‘Charming,’ Has ‘Cute,’ ‘Dazzling Smile’

Bachmann, Pawlenty, Romney, Gingrich, Santorum For Marriage Amendment, Not Cain or Paul

Santorum: Ryan Right on Medicare; Pawlenty: I'll Have My Own Plan; Gingrich: ‘Slow Down’

Panetta: Obama Can Unilaterally Use Military to Protect ‘National Interests’

Patrick Buchanan: Why Weiner's Going Under the Bus

Weiner Will Keep Collecting $174,000 Congressional Salary While on Leave

Sexting Scandal Inspires Anthony Weiner Doll

HUD Launches Spanish-Language Blog As Obama Announces Campaign to Reduce Waste

White House, Issa Propose Government-Monitoring Boards

Biden to unveil new plan to cut government waste (6/10/11) --

Energy-Efficient Buildings Should Cost More, Government Says

First Lady to Hollywood: Air More Stories About Military Families

DNC Chair: N.H. Debate Highlighted Republicans' 'Extreme Policies'

(?)28 Months Later, Obama Says: Recovery’s ‘Going to Take Time’

Google Invests $280 Million to Spur Home Solar

Suspected Pipe Bomb Part of Ohio Student Project

-Obama: He'll Be Judged on Performance Not Passion

Defense Secretary Gates Urges Patience with Pakistan

Mitt Romney, Ron Paul clash on Afghanistan pullout

AP: Bachmann Brings Flair, Tea Party Clout to GOP Race

Republicans Go After Obama, Not Each Other in NH Debate

Senate to Vote on Repealing Ethanol Tax Credits |

Obama Sees 'Progress' in Budget Talks |

APNewsBreak: Study Advised US on Libya Hacking |

Hackers Claim They Broke Into Senate Website |

Man With Gun Found Near Pentagon |

NJ Megan's Law Killer Seeks Release or New Trial |

Iran Cheers Political Developments in Turkey and Lebanon, Reaches Out to Asian Bloc |

Russia Fumes Over U.S. Missile Defense Ship |

Rich Galen: The CNN New Hampshire Debate |

Q&A: Rawhide Down: The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan |

+Hemp, The Great Green Hope

Many Mass. children going without health insurance, despite universal insurance law

Obama jokes about 'shovel-ready projects'

Empty seats: Obama fundraiser underwhelms

Three GOP candidates worry the president's campaign the most

US report: 70 percent of arms seized, traced in Mexico came from US

Senate GOP splits on axing ethanol subsidy

New Hampshire Republican debate: Winners and losers

Bachmann lauded for debate performance

Bachmann: Hit EPA regulations with ‘mother of all repeal bills'

Marco Rubio to speak of 'new American century'

Judge skeptical of rejecting Prop. 8 ruling because of jurist's sexuality

Federal Court Rules Pa. Teens Can't Be Suspended for MySpace Parodies

Obama wants credit for cleaning up ‘big mess’

White House to farmers: Expect less

Many Afghans fearful of push to negotiate with Taliban

CIA to operate drones over Yemen

6 in 10 fail written part of Ariz. driver's test

Sen. Graham threatens to hold up nominee over Boeing plant

Peace activists cry foul over FBI probe

Kicked off Delta regional flight for 'F-word,' man threatens to sue

PBC School Board to discuss idea of a “secret student survey” of teachers

Disney parks raise park ticket prices; adult entrance price now $85

Case against Denver prostitution businesses turned into tax-evasion cases

Former Rep. Tammy Duckworth leaving VA post

Swedish King involved in strip club scandal

Phila. judge overturns expulsion of 6-year-old for touching teacher's thigh

Bachmann, Romney Shine as GOP Debate Stays Civil

Debate: Pawlenty Backs Off 'Obamneycare' Tag

Ruddy: Bachmann, Romney Big Winners in Debate

Debate: Romney, Paul Clash on Afghanistan

Debate: Andrew Card: Gingrich Exceeded Expectations

Debate: Analyst Says Pawlenty Failed to Land Blow

Huntsman to Announce June 21

GOP Prez Hopefuls: We Must End 'Obama Depression'

Dems Wrestle With How to End Weiner Scandal

2002 Bali Bombing Suspect Arrested

Debate: Candidates Also Pursue Trivial Questions

Sen. Johnson: Halt Govt 'Bankrupting America'

Rove: No Real GOP Front-Runner

Clyburn: Caucus Can Strip Weiner of Panel Seat

Republicans Go after Obama

First Lady to Hollywood: Reflect Military Families

Feds Cull Websites to Save Money

‘Anonymous’ Hacker Group Identifies Fed as Target

Norquist’s Influence Unharmed by Abramoff Ties

Pawlenty Backtracks on Obamneycare

Duckworth Resigns VA Post, May Run for Congress

UK Navy Chief Sees Hard Choices Looming on Libya

Obama to Mull Pulling Surge Force From Afghanistan

US Navy Intercepted North Korean Ship: Report

NKorea Likely Can Miniaturize Nuke: Seoul

Soros: ‘We Aren’t Out of the Woods at All’

Jim Rogers: 'Bankrupt' US Should be Downgraded

McKinsey: Full US Employment Gone Until 2020

Shiller: Fear May Be Economy's Biggest Problem

Dr. Wascher: Cut Your Cancer Risk With Smart Lifestyle Choices

Apples Top 'Dirty Dozen' Pesticide List

Bachmann, Romney Big Winners in New Hampshire Debate

US in Four Wars Amid Economic Decay

Double-Speak Continues Over Obamacare, Taxes

Is Obamacare's IPAB Unconstitutional?

Obama Still Blaming Bush

GOP Candidates Soar in Debate

Muslim Brotherhood Targets US, Jews

'False Positives' From Brady Law Bar Gun Ownership

Bill Maher: The Weinerlogues with Jane Lynch

'Weiner Pix' story exposes a larger media narrative

Politicians Fight To Save Pediatric Training Program Axed In Obama Budget

Hannity: Liberals are terrified of Sarah Palin

Our degraded discourse: Fox News' Eric Bolling goes flat-out racist -- and the rest of the media yawn

Michele Bachmann's economic ideas might be more cruel than Paul Ryan's

Police: Nothing Sexual In Weiner Contact With 17-Year-Old Delaware Girl

Rick Santorum Tells Don Lemon That He Has Some Gay Friends

$6.6 Billion Stolen in Iraq

George Will Continues to Call Social Security 'A Welfare State That Exists to Transfer Wealth to the Elderly'

Russ Feingold Lets Scott Walker Have It With Both Barrels

Michele Bachmann Announces Her Presidential Campaign During CNN Debate

Cain Tries to Backtrack on Comment About Muslims: I Was Thinking About the Ones That are Trying to Kill Us

The 4th Amendment Is Now A Mere Guideline For The FBI. But 'Prominent' Bloggers To Get Extra Protection!

Herman Cain Thinks Indonesia is Kenya

The New Romney Ad

Even Bill Clinton Knows It's Over! by Butler Shaffer

Our Moral Dilemma by Walter E. Williams

Ron Paul & Homeschooling by Antonio Buehler

Revolution? No. Disobey Dictators? Yes. by Scott Lazarowitz

Voting: The 'God' That Failed! by Gary D. Barnett

Easy First Steps To Building Your Barter Network by Brandon Smith

Is it fixable? | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

The Economic Statistic US Elites Keep ‘Hush-Hush’ by Ron Robins

Next False Flag to Be Cyber?


NASA Art Captures 50 Years of Exploration | Arts & Culture | English




National Reconnaissance Office(



Magnetic Bubbles Detected at Edge of Solar System | Science and Technology | English


Libyan Forces Target Rebels Near Tunisian Border | North Africa | English

Syria Widens Crackdown on Dissenters | Middle East | English

Beijing Criticizes US for Meddling in S. China Sea Dispute | East Asia and Pacific | English

Clinton 'Concerned' by Chinese Trade Practices in Africa | Asia | English

Noisy Ships Have Whales Yelling to be Heard | USA | English

Video Series

Wilkerson: For Truth, Justice and the American Way

War is not About Truth, Justice and the American Way

Decline of the Empire

Predatory Capitalism and War for Oil

Cheney, 9/11 and The New American Century

9/11 and the War in Iraq

Guilty as Charged

A Security and Finance State that Dominates the American People

Inside al-Qaeda and the Taliban Beyond Bin Laden and 9/11


+Scotts Miracle-Gro Looks to Help People Grow Marijuana -

Clark dials up a mess

Did you hear the one about the stolen front lawn?

Man dies while raping elderly South Texas woman | Dallas - Fort Worth

Religious Relic Stolen From Catholic Church In Long Beach « CBS Los Angeles

Woman calls 911 about wrong food order - | Myrtle Beach/Florence, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Fight breaks out between two women at the Upper West Side Trader Joe's over frozen pad Thai dinner -

FLOTUS tells of Obama's worry | POLITICO 44

Obama Heckled At Fundraiser In Miami | RealClearPolitics

Obama fundraiser underwhelms | POLITICO 44

Leno Or Conan? Santorum Says He Doesn't Watch Either | RealClearPolitics

Here Are All the Stupid 'This or That' Questions from Tonight's GOP Debate

GOP Debate: Pawlenty Prefers Coke Over Pepsi | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Clinton, the Comic Book - ABC News

Facebook: 100k Brits bored with site deactivate accounts amid privacy fears | Mail Online

Facebook loses 1.5 million users in Canada

Facebook Lost U.S. Users Last Month

Dalai Lama mistakes Australian PM for a man

How Citigroup hackers broke in 'through the front door' using bank's website | Mail Online

Fish farms spark green debate in New Zealand

Feds Plan Huge Campground - in Brooklyn | NBC New York

Japan city to give radiation counters to children

News from The Associated Press

Report: Grand jury probing possible CIA war crimes in Iraq - Reid J. Epstein -

Soros: Time working against euro zone solution - Yahoo! News

Obama: If Debt Limit Not Raised, Financial Crisis Possible - CNBC

Sarkozy warns of soaring commodity prices

Obama Jokes at Jobs Council: 'Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected' - Stimulus - Fox Nation

Anthony Weiner’s road back may be long - Erika Lovley -

Mexican crook: Gangsters arrange fights to death for entertainment | Top Story | - Houston Chronicle

World's first womb transplant planned in Sweden

UK mother agrees to donate her womb to daughter | Science | The Guardian

U.S. Army Abandons Unpopular Beret for Patrol Cap -

Richard Gage Live on Irish TV3 |

+The Mystery of the Helicopter Flying Around the Pentagon Before the Attack There on 9/11 |

YouTube - The US Agent and the Mumbai Massacre

Washington's Blog:The Giant Banks Are ALREADY State-Sponsored ... So Why Not Create Public Banks to at Least Share the Gains, Help Out Main Street, and Grow Our Local Economies?

YouTube - US corporate model causing depression

*4 Parts:Escaping the Matrix – Max Igan |

YouTube - Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights

Total Recall Style Airport Full Body Scanner Security Tunnels To Be Rolled Out Within 18 Months

The 3 Coming False Flags |


YouTube - Ron Paul: End Obamacare, Abolish the IRS, Eliminate Support for Big Government

YouTube - Ron Paul: My Job Is to Be the "Repeal" President



*55 min/YouTube - Ron Paul: Conversation with the Candidate


YouTube - Ron Paul: Restore America Now

*3 Parts/Gerald Celente on the Alex Jones Show |

China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self-Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho

10 Tipping Points Which Could Potentially Plunge The World Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare | Hawai`i News Daily


Bilderberg News 6-13-11

Bilderberg News 6-12-11

Bilderberg News 6-10-11

Bilderberg 6-9-11

Bilderberg News 6-8-11

Report from Bilderberg 2011 |


Is the Dramatic Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout? |

YouTube - Fukushima 3 Months In


YouTube - C.I.A.'s Covert War In Yemen

Bilderberg Plan to Save Eurozone in Tatters

Paul: GOP rivals bigger challenge than Obama | The Des Moines Register |

VIDEO: Protesters Get in the Faces of Bilderberg Scum

FBI Power to Snoop Expanded (Again)

Obama Thinks it’s Hilarious That His Trillion Dollar Stimulus Did Nothing to Fix Unemployment

Iran: “Regime Change” or All Out War?

U.S. Congress votes against Libya funding | The Raw Story

Exclusive: In Q1 Bernanke Spurred Inflation By Successfully Offsetting The Ongoing Collapse Of The Shadow Banking System

As Greece Prepares To Auction Off The Acropolis, Austria Is Selling Its Mountains

Priced In Gold, The Median Home Price Is Down 80% In The Past Decade


+Stealth Vaccine Laws Allow Children to Consent to Vaccines

- Bill Gates's plea: help me save four million lives - World Politics, World - The Independent


Climate change should be removed from the national curriculum - Telegraph

7-Mile Oil Slick in the Gulf

The Keys to Economic Growth

Awareness of Bilderberg Cabal Explodes in 2011

EPIC - EPIC Files Complaint, Urges Investigation of Facebook's Facial Recognition Techniques


YouTube - Ron Paul Post-Debate Interview

YouTube - Ron Paul on medicare - CNN NH Debate - 6/13/2011

YouTube - Ron Paul on assistance to private enterprise - CNN NH Debate - 6/13/2011

YouTube - Ron Paul on immigration - CNN NH Debate - 6/13/2011


GCN News /Swiss Officials Confront Bilderbergers «

+Bilderberg 2011: Agenda Exposed, Wrap-Up

* Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*Bilderberg 2010: Final List of Participants


GCN News/ Is New Hampshire a Waste? «


Religious Broadcaster Julie Turner Returns To Air

Religious Broadcaster Julie Turner Returns To Air – Part Two

Religious Broadcaster Julie Turner Returns To Air – Pt. 3: Occupying Dirt For The Duration of a Vapor


GCN News/ Implementation of Agenda 21 «


House Speaker John Boehner says Anthony Weiner should resign - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

EPA: Environmental Propaganda Activists—The myth of killer mercury | NetRight Daily

How Citigroup hackers broke in 'through the front door' using bank's website | Mail Online

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: What do We Stand For? 1/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: What do We Stand For? 2/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: What do We Stand For? 3/3

YouTube - Bandera County Sheriff Falls for Gov. Domestic Terrorism Propaganda

» Bilderberg Elite Just Want to Help Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Bilderberg 2011: Handbags at dawn | World news |

» More Video Footage & Photos of Wandering Bilderbergers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*Deadly Fluoride: Hoax on the Run Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*Ron Paul at GOP Debate: Defender of the Constitution Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bank Of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer Barred From IMF Job Race For Being Too Old Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Wireless chips and probes could monitor orthopedic implants

Gunmen storm Iraqi government building after car bomb attacks - Telegraph

YouTube - Somali Pres. Confirms Al-Qaida Mastermind Death

Killing of embassy bombings mastermind deprives al Qaeda of key figure -

* High-Level American Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror … And Warn of Future Attacks Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

New Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support a New Investigation into Building 7's Collapse |

» Cyber War, Civil liberties and Internet freedom in the US Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland Security Today: DHS Disputes Claims it Stopped Producing Intel Reports on Rightwing Extremists

Ninety Percent of Petraeus's Captured "Taliban" Were Civilians - IPS

'Bumbling' Economy Result of 'Meddling' From Leaders: Ross - CNBC

» Where Is The Recovery? I Cannot Seem To Find It Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gold May Advance on Inflation Concern, Sovereign-Debt Crisis in Europe - Bloomberg

Dr. DAVID KATZ: Don’t blame the veggies for deadly E. coli outbreak - Times Union

» FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Peru approves 10 year ban on GM crops

Drug firms go online to test and sell medicines -

BBC News - No to nuclear and no to Berlusconi

» Hezbollah Rise In Lebanon Gives Syria, Iran Sway Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Hezbollah Rise In Lebanon Gives Syria, Iran Sway : NPR

Pre-Bait to Stay a Step Ahead of Garden Pests

» No Freedom of Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Change of Subject: Talkin' Blago


Blagojevich jurors sort through confusing laws | WBEZ

Blagojevich jurors mull 20 counts - Lake County News-Sun

Blagojevich Corruption Retrial: First Full Day Of Deliberations In Blagojevich Corruption Trial adjourns, recap of how much this trial costs - WGN

Rod Blagojevich Corruption Trial | Sam Adam Jr. Predicts 20 Not Guilty Verdicts in Blago Retrial

Change of Subject: Talkin' Blago

Proposal would end pensions of convicted former congressmen, but not Blagojevich - Chicago Sun-Times

Mighty Quinn

Quinn signs bill that lengthens school day - Naperville Sun

Illinois Education Reform: Gov. Pat Quinn Signs Bill Into Law

Pat Quinn should take a lesson from Rahm Emanuel to keep Illinois businesses in Illinois - Your Doubting Thomas - Illinois Government News Network (IGNN) - Search the News Results

Quinn Signs New Law Affecting Educators - Huntley, IL Patch

Quinn signs bill lengthening CPS school year, curbing teacher rights < Chicago News, Politics and Public Affairs |

Bill to allow bullet trains along Illinois tollways heads to Pat Quinn - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Rockford Casino Not a Sure Bet -

Illinois' New Teacher Law: Model for Other States, or Outlier? - State EdWatch - Education Week

PETA to Gov. Quinn: It's Time to Cast the Cruel and Wasteful $365,000 'Urban Fishing' Program Out of the Busted Budget |


Ex-Bartlett man gets 40 years in video sex assault of infant -

World War II bomber plane lands in flames in cornfield near Oswego - Chicago Sun-Times

Crews plan to remove B-17 wreckage today -

McCormick Place loses Car Care show to Las Vegas | Government | Crain's Chicago Business

Cityscapes: Art Institute announces winners of Schiff fellowships

Editorial: Obama should pardon historic black boxer Jack Johnson - Chicago Sun-Times

Tammy Duckworth resigns from VA, may run for Congress -

Transportation boss wants screens with commuter info in bus shelters - Chicago Sun-Times

Illinois adults with disabilities poised to win more housing options - Chicago Tribune


Appellate court to rehear case on CPS teacher firings -

Stephen Colbert showed ‘great wit’ as part of ‘80s improv group at NU - Chicago Sun-Times

Emanuel, Preckwinkle say teaming up could save up to $140 million - Chicago Tribune

Kane County Chronicle | Forty-one seek a seat on Metra board

What's so bad about a drug-free neighbor? -

126 suburban women, $126,000, 1 charity -

Will County board could shrink by one under new map - Chicago Sun-Times

Pope names two new Chicago auxiliary bishops - Chicago Tribune

Best Traffic Cop: Trooper Jason Heinzl has written over 5,000 speeding tickets in the last decade - WGN

Cops: Man held in dad's death had history of rage -

YouTube - Second World War bomber plane crashes and bursts into flames in US


Video: Worker storms office dressed as Iron Man - Telegraph

Tax the Internet, and it goes elsewhere

2ft Filipino declared world's shortest man - Telegraph

Planking in pictures: the internet craze of lying down in unusual public places - Telegraph

Bill Warren 'launches underwater search for Osama Bin Laden's body' | Mail Online

Hike Naked: Germany Opens New Nude-Friendly Nature Trails - TIME

Witness To Wanaque: The Greatest Mass UFO Sighting Never Told

New Dino May Be World's Smallest : Discovery News

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Suspension of Disbelief: Baffling Paranormal Cases

Bimini June 2011

BBC News - Images capture moment brain goes unconscious

Council quizzed over zombie invasion plans by resident - Telegraph

Silver Screen Saucers: Reagan wasn't joking, and Spielberg knows it

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

Pilot killed after Goodyear blimp plunges to the ground in flames in Germany | Mail Online

Are human beings extinction proof? Evolution expert anthropologist makes startling claim after Doomsday clock moves another minute further from midnight | Mail Online

Jonah Lehrer on an Intelligence Workout | Head Case -

One Per Cent: Chips for dinner: Edible RFID tags describe your food

BBC News - Tests 'reject new particle claim'

Are we alien life forms? Meteorite suggests life's building blocks evolved in space | Mail Online

NASA - Expedition 27 Departure Photos

New Type of Exploding Supernova Found—Brightest Yet

‘Artificial leaf’ moves closer to reality

Seeing Things On Mars: A Long History of Martian Illusions and Human Delusions |Pareidolia & Optical Illusions |

A planet going the wrong way

Woman died by beating her own face?

'Gay' judge's verdict 'must' be abandoned

First battle for same-sex 'marriage' and its failure

'Gay' judge's impartiality in Prop 8 under review

Soros front-man pushing Muslim Brotherhood

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist admits it 'hacked' Fox News

Weinergate and the Constitution

Analysis: Obama 2012 -- it's all about jobs | Reuters

Apple Retail Executive to Lead J.C. Penney -

Google Scaling Solar, Commits $280 Million To Finance SolarCity Installations - The Washington Post

Citigroup Asked by Connecticut Official for More Details on Data Breach - Bloomberg

Facebook IPO Set at $100 Billion Amid Alleged User Loss?, Christian News

China food costs push inflation to 5.5% in May -

Chiesi Seeks Less Prison Time in Galleon Case - Bloomberg

Used-car prices may have peaked -- as gas prices fall - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

U.S. Approves Minimum Capital Standard for Big Banks -

BofA ‘Significantly Hindered’ Foreclosure Review, U.S. Says - Bloomberg

Fed Proposes Review Expansion — Wants Capital Plans on 35 Largest Banks |

Emerging-Market Stocks Gain Most in Two Weeks on China Production Growth - Bloomberg

Cost to taxpayers of missing fathers

Islam, the ultimate obsessive-compulsive religion

Weinergate and the Constitution

Why Weiner's going under the bus

What Weiner did was worse than an affair

No question what Michelle Obama believes

Will the buck ever stop on Obama's desk?

Memorial to mass-murder victims – includes killer

Is Pawlenty plenty?

The trouble with libertarians

Obama: You're Your Only Hope | The Nation

When Government Jumps the Shark | Via Meadia

Where Did All of the QE2 Money Go?

Police: Nearly 1,000 tips on missing Ind. student -

Mont. manhunt for former militia leader in 3rd day |

Arizona Wildfire May Be Biggest in State History - ABC News

Economic outlook grim, budget watchdog says - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Fellow Democrat: Weiner might resign -

Boyfriend of Missing Florida Police Recruit Named a Suspect in Disappearance -

Why Gingrich Just Isn't Built for a Presidential Campaign - Charlie Cook - Politics - The Atlantic

Federal report shows history scores rising slowly - The Washington Post

Email Hunt to Humiliate Palin Gives Her the Last Word: Gotcha! -

Caylee Anthony case too painful to follow - Jackie Bueno Sousa -

YouTube - Prosecutors nearly finished in Casey Anthony trial

YouTube - Republican debate: the nomination race for the White House b

GOP debate: 10 burning questions answered - - Bacon discouraged kids from acting

Little Spinners pole dancing classes for children as young as THREE | Mail Online

Carlisle Area School District's mowing chores outsourced to sheep |

Young people 'should avoid alcohol until 24' - Telegraph

Scientists discover 'werewolf' gene which could spell the end for baldness | Mail Online

Harry Hucknall, 10, killed himself after taking Ritalin | Mail Online

Obese child stroke victim aged just six - Telegraph

Woman is injured in Hamilton graveyard by falling tombstone during 'extracurricular activities,' police say |

Religious schools a sometimes tense US tradition - US news -

Comcast partners with Skype for TV calling | TG Daily

BBC News - Facebook denies losing users

LulzSec: We Hacked the U.S. Senate

Steve Jobs First Planned Apple's 'Statement HQ' Three Decades Ago - Nicholas Jackson - Technology - The Atlantic

RockMelt’s browser becomes even more social with a Facebook partnerhsip | VentureBeat

Top 10 iPhone Passcodes Revealed | PCWorld

Privacy groups push for U.S. Facebook probe - Computerworld

Steve Jobs Gets His Own Comic Book - Techland -

Facebook juror and defendant guilty of contempt | UK news |

Newsmakers - Google to buy an online display advertising firm - Internet Retailer

'Splashtop': Meet the most popular paid app on iTunes -

Lebanon Opposition Says New Cabinet May Spark Confrontations - Bloomberg

Lateline - 14/06/2011: Christchurch tremors claim first victim

China pushes Iran to return to talks | Reuters

Obama visits Puerto Rico. Is it the path to taking Florida in 2012? -

Israel diplomats meet suspected Israeli spy arrested in Egypt - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Gaza activists seek Gillard's support

North Korean Ship Is Turned Back in South China Sea -

Syria Widens Army Action in Crackdown on Restive Region -

AFP: Nuclear vote forces Italy to ponder renewables

Bomb Kills Colonel in South Yemen | Middle East | English

Iraq: Attack on Iraqi government building kills 8 -

Vietnam holds live-fire exercises as territorial dispute with China escalates | World news | The Guardian

Sunscreen label changes aim to reduce cancer risk | Reuters

Wives Who Toss and Turn at Night May Fuel Marital Discord - - TIME Healthland

Vaccine summit raises $4 billion, but will it be wasted? - HealthPop - CBS News

Industry Bucks At NIH's List Of New Carcinogens Styrene, Formaldehyde

California Girl Only Third in U.S. to Survive Rabies Without Vaccine - ABC News

Young Girls May Lose Sleep Over Pressure to Be Thin - US News and World Report

Child Care May Protect Toddlers From Mom’s Depression

Moms Guard Against SIDS And Breastfeed Babies; Formula Won't Work

FDA Issues Letter to Kellogg Concerning Bacteria at Plant -

Iraq Veteran West Won’t Flinch at Selling Medicare Cuts to Florida Seniors - Bloomberg

Early Exposure to the Family Pet May Help Avoid Future Allergies | Health Aim

World's first womb transplant planned - Telegraph

GOP Governors Ask Washington to Give States More Flexibility on Medicaid -

The Food Pyramid Crumbles - Upper Saucon, PA Patch

On World Blood Donor Day, how you can save three lives -

Lateline Business - 14/06/2011: Ash cloud could cost Qantas $20m a day

New E. coli sicknesses in Germany continue to decline; death toll up to 37 - The Washington Post

TV host Montel Williams to open medical marijuana dispensary -

Ricki Lake sued for fire that destroyed rental house -

Expletive-laced kids book parody is unlikely US hit | Reuters

The Coasters singer Carl Gardner dies aged 83 | Reuters

'Game of Thrones' actor stabbed in bar brawl - Entertainment - Celebrities -

Debbie Reynolds is selling her movie treasures -

AMC renews 'The Killing' -

Mr. Popper’s Penguins Premiere Features Winter Wonderland Theme - The Hollywood Reporter

Arnold Schwarzenegger mistress Mildred Baena spills to Hello! magazine |

Behind The Scenes Of The 65th Annual Tony Awards (Video) -

New Sitcom for Charlie Sheen? - ABC News

Clarence Clemons Improving After Stroke; Lady Gaga Tweets Her Love | The Wrap Media

YouTube - Clarence Clemons Suffers Stroke; Bruce Springsteen's Longtime Saxophonist Hospitalized

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Somalia 'breeding ground' for terrorists;Ex-Gen. Paul Vallely offers insight on killings of 'high-value' al-Qaida targets

UPDATE: Cedar Falls City Council OKs controversial lock box ordinance

Campaigner arrested after filming council meeting says police 'completely over-reacted' | Mail Online

Astonishing lawsuit: Make exposé vanish

Some Texas lawmakers say light bulb bill is bright idea | Texas Legislature | News from ...

Britain healthcare: British fear 'American-style' healthcare system -

High court weighs in on citizenship rules, copyrights -

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

*14 June

American Minute for June 14th

Today in History: June 14

June 14th This Day in History

This Day in History for 14th June

June 14th in History

Today in History: June 14 » History Net

June 14 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 14th


Editorials | NLRB complaint against Boeing needs critical look | Seattle Times Newspaper

Planning a Smarter U.S. Defense Against Cyber-Villains: View - Bloomberg

The Media's Sarah Palin E-mail Obsession--Editorial -

Tide Turning on Gay Marriage -

Market bear looms over talks on debt ceiling -

From White House to heartland, a call to give up subsidies - The Washington Post

Some Senate Dems mum on Medicaid - Jason Millman and Jennifer Haberkorn -

RealClearPolitics - Breitbart: Film Is "Vindication" for Palin

Republicans Hammer Obama on Economy, Jostle for Edge at Candidate Debate - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - GOP New Hampshire Debate: A Remarkably Friendly Affair

Mitt’s Night - By Rich Lowry - The Corner - National Review Online

Obama Offers Training Plan Designed for High-Tech Jobs -

Obama's Economic Experiment Has Failed -- Time to Get Back to What Works -

We need a New Deal for information technology - History -

Are big banks doomed to fail? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

The American Spectator : Rumble Foreign Policy

Anthony Weiner and Bill Clinton: Democrats’ Ridiculous Double Standard - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Front and (Too) Center

RealClearPolitics - Is Pawlenty Plenty?

Small Banks, Big Banks, Giant Differences: Robert G. Wilmers - Bloomberg

RealClearPolitics - N.H. Debate to Put GOP Field at Center Stage

CNN debate: 5 things that could shape the race -

Americans Really Want Obamacare Repealed | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Herman Cain on Why ‘The Black Guy Is Winning’: Jeffrey Goldberg - Bloomberg

Corker | Afghanistan | Unsustainable | RealClearPolitics

Moral Inversion in U.S. Foreign Policy - Ira Straus - National Review Online

Under suspicion: American Muslims search for identity 10 years after Sept. 11 - The Washington Post

RealClearReligion - Call an Exorcist for Anthony Weiner?

At debate, Republican candidates spar over Islam – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The state cannot curb sharia law alone | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

The Politics of Being a Good Christian | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: From decline to decision - News with a Christian Perspective

Do Atheists Belong in the Interfaith Movement? | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Targeting The World’s Worst Religious Persecutors - Doug Bandow - The Politics of Plunder - Forbes

Orwell vs God | The Spectator

Highlighting Ayn Rand’s Atheism, Liberals Aim To Sow Discord Among Republicans –

Arkansas atheists sue over bus ads on God-free lifestyle | Reuters

Column: The sharia myth sweeps America -

Anti-Semitism and Man at Yale » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Rapture predictor Harold Camping suffers stroke - CBS News

My Jewish Credo | Dennis Prager | Jewish Journal

Hispanic Catholics and the American Experiment

Tiny Lizard Sparks a Big Fight in the Oil Patch -

Tornado Forecasting Pushes Scientific Limits | Research - ISNS

Can This Man Predict Whether Your Child Will Become a Criminal? - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Accidental Deaths Linked to Macho Code of Honor - Miller-McCune

The Playboy Gene: Promiscuity Can Be Inherited : Discovery News

Lack of international Antarctic station questioned - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

Maybe Newton And Darwin Can Solve Climate Change

How Simple Photos Could Be Used as a Test for a Conscious Machine [Contest]: Scientific American

Does Anything Matter? by Peter Singer - Project Syndicate

College students sleep longer but drink more and get lower grades when classes start later

New study supports Darwin's hypothesis on competition between species | Science Codex

Under Pressure, Sodium and Hydrogen Could Undergo a Metamorphosis, Emerging As a Superconductor - UB NewsCenter

Smithsonian Scientists Find Deadly Amphibian Disease in the Last Disease-free Region of Central America | Newsdesk

When Food Kills -

Mobile phones and health: The Difference Engine: Voices in the head | The Economist

'Controlled' power cuts likely as Sun storm threatens national grid - Science, News - The Independent

Time up for relativity table-top test? : Nature News

BBC News - Laser is produced by a living cell

Human evolution is slower than thought | COSMOS magazine

Seeking Address: Why Cyber Attacks Are So Difficult to Trace Back to Hackers: Scientific American

Ancient Analogies For Global Warming?

Archaeology's Tech Revolution Since Indiana Jones | LiveScience

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors Abroad -

Why Doctors Tell Each Other White Lies - TIME

The Greatest Mysteries of the Cosmos | Mercury and the Solar System |

Coelacanths Can Live Past 100, Don't Show Age?


**Transcripts:12th/2012 Candidate Rick Santorum, DNC & RNC Party Chairs

Interview with Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty

Guests: Senator Graham, Reps. Ryan and Hoyer (PDF)

Guests: Senator Kelly Ayotte, Rep. Charlie Bass

10th/Guests: Sen. Ayotte; 2012 Candidates Paul & Cain

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Secretary Gates' Remarks in Brussels, Belgium

9th/Interview with Senator Dianne Feinstein

Interview with Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty

Panel on the Gingrich Campaign's Problems

Press Conference with Secretary Gates

Analysts Discuss the Panetta Nomination

8th/Obama's Remarks on Education and Manufacturing

Senators Menendez & Chambliss on Afghan Exit Plan

Interview with Senator Bernie Sanders

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Panel on Calls for Weiner to Resign

7th/Press Conference w/Pres. Obama & Chancellor Merkel

Bernanke's Speech on the U.S. Economic Outlook

Analysts Debate What Gov't Can For the Economy

Roundtable on the Next Steps in Libya

Interview with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus

Interview with Representative Jason Chaffetz

Guest: Representative Carolyn McCarthy

Guests: Representative Jan Schakowsky

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

6th/Rep. Anthony Weiner's Press Conference

Roundtable on the Weiner Scandal

Remembering Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger

Geithner at the International Monetary Conference

5th/Guests: Austan Goolsbee and Representative Ron Paul

Guests: Minority Leader Pelosi and Governor Barbour

Interview with White House Advisor Austan Goolsbee

4th/Press Conference with Secretary Gates and Pres. Karzai


Activists Take On Corrupt Politicians in India - Newsweek

Why Syria will get away with it | Gideon Rachman | Commentary | Business Spectator

Iran Without Nukes -

RealClearWorld - Turbulent Waters in South China Sea

RealClearPolitics - Prince of the Wagging Finger

RealClearWorld - Will the West Accept Rising Turkey?

Mandate for a new Turkey | Bulent Arinc | Comment is free | The Guardian

After Saleh: Is Yemen’s Opposition Willing To Settle For Abd Rabu Mansur Hadi? | The New Republic

Afghanistan war: A sensible way forward for the U.S. -

Commentary: Fools Rush into Tripoli | The National Interest

The Missionary Position - By Molly Worthen | Foreign Policy


Asia Times Online :: Syria on the boil, US warship in Black Sea

Reading Turkey’s Vote -

Welfare reform and cost issue | The Japan Times Online

Iran's Nuclear Future: Critical U.S. Policy Choices | RAND

Dominoes on the Durand Line? Overcoming Strategic Myths in Afghanistan and Pakistan | Joshua Rovner and Austin Long | Cato Institute: Foreign Policy Briefing

Press Release: Statement by IMF Article IV Mission to the Islamic Republic of Iran

Global Forecast 2011 | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Something for Everyone: Why Turkey's Vote Is Good for Democracy - TIME

Syrian infighting suggests Assad's grip on power is slipping | Comment is free | The Guardian

Commentary: The Plagues of Somalia | The National Interest

In Cairo, Hope Endures for Egypt's Revolution - Stephen Glain (

Christians in Egypt Attacked by Sectarian Salafist Muslims - TIME

Burjanadze Can't Bring Arab Spring to Georgia | Opinion | The Moscow Times

Ex-Villain Goldman Is Reborn as Today’s Victim: William D. Cohan - Bloomberg

Asia Times Online :: CREDIT BUBBLE BULLETIN : The bubble end point

Move over, Uncle Sam; top dividends beat bonds Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

Barron's Mid-Year Investment Roundtable -

RealClearMarkets - QE2's Role in Commodity Inflation Exaggerated

Adapt or Die—Some Jobs Are Never Coming Back

Rising college costs price out middle class - Jun. 13, 2011

Worst Drought in More Than a Century Threatens Texas Oil Boom - Bloomberg

GDP growth: Hares and tortoises | The Economist

Clifford S. Asness: Uncertainty Is Not the Problem -

The Government Nudge: A Public Role in the Private Sector | The Nation

The trials of measuring and managing in a global economy - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - Central Bankruptcy: Why QEIII Is Inevitable

QE3 may not be cure for economy's woes -- The Buzz - Jun. 13, 2011

The coming global financial crisis - 1 - politics and the global economy - MSN Money

Republicans Finally Discover A Growth Agenda - Charles Kadlec - Community of Liberty - Forbes

Ayn Rand’s ‘Death of the Soul of Capitalism’ Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Salvaging the American Dream — The American Magazine

Official Unemployment Count Far Rosier Than Grim Reality -

MBA Pay: The $3.6 Million Degree - BusinessWeek

Two Views on the Value of Tough Bank Rules -

NASA: "We're Seeing Things We've Never Seen Before" Massive Plasma Waves Sweep The Sun | Before It's News

Spacecraft Captures Video Of Giant Asteroid Approach | Before It's News

Paul Wants To Know If Fort Knox Gold Bars Are Fakes | Before It's News

The Hubba-Hubba Theory Of Human Evolution | Before It's News

Porter Goss, the man who "worked overtime to keep relevant information out of the final 911 Report." | Before It's News

Wargames Prove NORAD Prepped for 9/11 | Before It's News

Moon To Turn Blood Red This Wednesday As UK Experiences Total Lunar Eclipse | Before It's News

Evidence of forgery in Ann Dunham’s application Forgery in SSN application for Ann Dunham – Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

Herman Cain: Obama 'Was Raised In Kenya' | Before It's News

Attorney General of HI states, that the director of Health Loretta Fuddy will not comply with the subpoena and will not provide access to original BC due to reasons of privacy. How is it private, when he posted the copy on It’s not p | Before It's News

*3 Videos:Chemtrails: They Wouldn’t Do That Would They? Well, They Already Have! | Before It's News

*Remarks by the President at a Welcome Event in San Juan, Puerto Rico | Before It's News

*Gaggle of the Press Secretary aboard Air Force One en route Puerto Rico | Before It's News

UFO & Paranormal News: Why UFO disclosure won't happen

Al Qaeda Flying Planes Into the World Trade Center and Pentagon Was Foreseeable | Before It's News

Ohio Army National Guard Convicted Child Molester Arrested Under Questionable Circumstances | Before It's News

People's Bank of China Raises Reserve Requirement 50bps to 21.5% | Before It's News

Facebook Users DROP In U.S.: Millions Left The Social Network In May 2011

Finally; Extraterrestrials `Appear' In MUFON Report | Before It's News

Jewish body slams Republican Herman Cain on his utterances on the Middle East | Before It's News

Event Data Recorders To Become Mandatory In All Cars And Trucks By 2013 | Before It's News

+How Entrepreneurs Adapt To Change | Before It's News

+Using LinkedIn for Contact Management | Before It's News

America's problems are American made! Thanks President Obama!

Group rights are a dangerious illusion


Darwin's Black Box: Darwinism Deselected

Redistributing Freedom to Tyranny

Chant coming from Obamas same as the one from the schoolyard

Congress agrees that Obama is above the law

Nazi Homosexuals and the Slow Steady Seduction of America

Mr. Obama, unleash the American people

Loughner and the Insane State

Confronting our subversive institutions

The Arab refugee swindle

Democrat Political Exercise: Bend and Stretch the Law

The Corn is Gone, and a Few Smiles in Regards to the Economy…Believe That?

The Bounty Hunters of the Mainstream Media

Obama’s Inflation

Soros Funded MoveOn.Org Lies About Hacking Fox News Ticker

America Close to the Precipice

Refuting Obama’s horrific attack on small business

It’s Time to Put an End to Federal Favors for Ethanol

Gates’ Choice: His Damage to the All-Volunteer Force

Is the Panetta Scandal the Next Alger Hiss Case?

Meddling Mexican President Calderon Makes Fourth Visit of 2011

Big Oil is an easy scapegoat, but it has little to do with pump prices

Obama’s Plan To Make Your Electric Bills Jump 60 Percent

Perpetual Media War Against Palin Exposes Imbecility of Mindless Critics

Alleged ‘Black Widow’ Murderess Dies Before Standing Trial for Husbands’ Deaths | The Blaze

Obama Cracks Jobs Joke: ‘Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected’ | The Blaze

Pawlenty Explains Climate Past: I ‘Flirted With’ Cap and Trade | The Blaze

Teen May Lose Her Hand to Antibiotic-Resistant, - Flash Player Installation

Romney Enters Epic Video Fray with New ‘Bump in the Road’ Ad | The Blaze

Can FBI Now Investigate Based on a Hunch? | The Blaze

Cain, Romney & Gingrich Wrangle With Question of Muslims Serving in Government | The Blaze

Hackers Claim Senate Website Break-In: ‘We Don’t Like the US Government Very Much’ | The Blaze

Utah TV Station Refuses to Air Racy New NBC Show ‘The Playboy Club’ | The Blaze

Do You Know Michele Bachmann? A Quick History of Her Political Life | The Blaze

Limbaugh on Weiner: Blame Feminism…Not Testosterone | The Blaze

See Students Try to Explain Why They Support Affirmative Action…But Not in Sports | The Blaze

Sex-Slave Want Ad: Female Infidels, Preferably ‘Blondes’ From ‘Russia,’ Need Apply | The Blaze

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is Running for President | The Blaze

Is the Soros-Sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ a Hidden Plan for World Government? (Yes, Only it Is Not Hidden) | The Blaze

Obama Admits: Sometimes I Think ‘One Term is Enough’ | The Blaze

Slideshow: In Honor of Flag Day, The History of Old Glory | The Blaze

Lib Blog Accuses Gov. Rick Perry of ‘Twisting Biblical Story,‘ Plunging TX into ’Economic Ruin’ | The Blaze

Iowa Town Votes Again to Force Some Residents to Hand Over Their Keys | The Blaze

Debbie Schlussel/Another Islamic, Er . . . ISRAELI Scientific Discovery: Cinammon Blocks Alzheimer’s – Biblically Inspired

Debbie Schlussel/Obama’s ICE: “Libyan Students in US Can Now Take American Jobs – Bend Over”

Debbie Schlussel/“Evil” IDF Promotes Palestinian Terrorist Cucumbers

Debbie Schlussel/“Cleveland Mavs”: Ohio Gov Hard @ Work [UPDATED w/ FUNNY Video]

Debbie Schlussel/TERRIFIC! Video: Michele Bachmann on Israel

The Obama Campaign Team's Electoral College Obsession

How's That Hope and Change Working Out for Obama Supporters?

Publicly Funded Leftism on Community Television

Anthony Weiner: The Tweet Smell of Success

Roosevelt Redux: How Obama is Creating a Great Depression of His Own

NATO's Libyan Misadventure is No Joke

The British welfare state has sunk the Royal Navy

Armed US Drones will be deployed in Yemen

The real news about Obama that's fit to print

Lots of empty seats at Obama Miami fundraiser

WikiLeaks? How about WeinerLeaks?

What Would Lord Nelson Say?

GOP New Hampshire debate kept the gloves on

Flag Day 2011

Obama jokes about his own incompetence

US in even worse shape than Greece - Pimco founder Gross

Crony Capitalism and Obama's Anti-Coal Crusade

Barracuda Snakecharmer Sarah and the Mob

California: The Sanctuary State

Chicago's Violent Flash Mobs

The Alinsky Alert System

Secret US and Afghanistan talks could see troops stay for decades | World news | The Guardian

King's sexual proclivities confound even Swedes - Washington Times

Neocon flack: Weiner may have converted to Islam - War Room -

Dorf on Law: By What Authority Did Bill Clinton Officiate at Anthony Weiner's Wedding?

Lawyers Target Gay Marriage Ruling By California Judge -

Margaret Thatcher did not ‘snub’ Sarah Palin: The truth about the Iron Lady and the former Governor of Alaska – Telegraph Blogs

FBI's New Rules to Give Agents More Leeway on Surveillance -

Renown Northwestern journalism professor to retire |

Legislation would allow Pennsylvania teachers to wear religious insignias |

Atlantic City Turns to Sex to Attract Business -




House panel backs $649 billion in defense spending

Senator Vitter to block SEC nominees

Crews race to build up levee ahead of floodwaters

Report: Students don't know much about US history

Google investing $280 million in home solar projects

Japan, U.S. to boost ties of local gov't, U.S. forces in disasters

Army soldiers ditch hated berets in favor of caps

Senate panel approves Panetta as defense chief

New rules to cut confusion on sunscreen claims

Israeli diplomats meet suspected Israeli spy in Cairo

Cairo: Hamas, Fatah meet on implementing PA unity deal

Document supposedly shows Syria role in border clashes

A new reason to 'like' Mike (on Facebook)

Hura Beduin grant Peres title of 'Sheikh' during visit

German FM: Unilateral moves 'very counterproductive'

Iran accuses West, Israel's allies, of meddling in Syria

Tripoli bides time as Gaddafi support ebbs away

Kuwaiti Lawmaker Proposes $15,000 Reward for Men Who Marry a Second Wife

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Forms Coalition That ‘Will Dictate The Electoral Outcome’

‘Bring Me Men’ and One Chief Diversity Officer…STAT!

Journalists In Libya: Drinking Cappuccino In A Luxury Hotel As the Bombs Fall

New York Times or Wikileaks?

Stop The Wars, I Wanna Get Off: Where Are the Anti-War Protesters?

Bahrain’s Grand Prix Race Postponed, Despite Thousands Rallying

Video: Syrian Forces Attack Civilians

Turning Off The Spigot: What The Incoming Secretary Of Defense Can Do To Limit China’s Influence

Frank Gaffney on Jihadi Texts in American Mosques

LA Times Gives Platform for Hamas, Still Hasn’t Released Obama-Khalidi Video

Congressman To Iraq: You Need To Pay Us Back; Iraq To Congressman: You Are Not Welcome Here

Tony Blair: I Read The Quran Every Day

POLITICO Is Still Looking for “Green Jobs”

LA Times Gives Platform for Hamas, Still Hasn’t Released Obama-Khalidi Video

Sound Bite For the Day: “LBJ Was Never Actually Elected”

VIDEO: AIM Makes an Ad for Russia Today

Member of Mourdock Campaign Roughs Up Citizen Journalist, Shouts “Douchebag!” *UPDATE

The New Democrat Superhero: Weinerman!

Sound Bite For the Day: White Men Make Bad Decisions

Truly Shocking: Feminists Back Anthony Weiner

Jan Schakowsky Condemns Her Closest Allies For Their Role In Hamas Flotilla

Audio:The Left’s War on Fracking and Domestic Oil Production

Obama: ATMs to Blame for High Unemployment

The Grade From Last Night’s Debate: Romney and Bachmann Clear Winners

The Light Bulb Goes On About the GOP Congressional Leadership

Why Sarah Palin Must Run in 2012

Latest Protests Bring an ‘Epic’ Wisconsin Donor Back Into the Spotlight

The NLRB’s Kangaroo Court & Boeing Employees’ ‘Insurance’ Option…

Why John Ziegler is Wrong About Sarah Palin’s Electability

Obama: ‘I Would Resign’ in Weiner’s Situation

Corrupt Obamacare Waiver Process Is Like a Scene from Atlas Shrugged

Mr. Speaker, Stop the Sham Patent ‘Reform’

White House Breaks Silence on Weiner, Calls Behavior ‘Inappropriate’

WeinerGate and Congressional Disgrace

The Problem with Ethanol Is the Mandate

Audio:DNC Chair: Obama Has Turned Around Our Economy

Exposed and Angry: Jon Stewart’s Mad At Me!

Hollywood Caucus for Producers, Writers and Directors Receives Another Request to Speak Out Against Discrimination

‘Super 8′ Review: Super-Cliched with the American Military as the Villain … Again

Hollywood’s New Production Code: Tracy Morgan Enters Re-education Camp

West Point Cadet Expelled After Incident Involving Singer Patti Labelle’s Bodyguards


Will Free Speech-Champion Norman Lear Speak Out Against the New Blacklist?

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Four

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Five

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Six

‘Primetime’ Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Seven


14-Jun-11 World View......

13-Jun-11 World View ......


What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 1 – ‘Gardens of the Righteous’

What They’re Reading in American Mosques, Pt. 2 – ‘Tafhim al-Qur’an’

Libyan rebels breakout toward Tripoli

'Just Shut Up': Scarborough Shouts Down RNC Chairman's Words On Weiner |

House ethics committee begins inquiry on Rep. Weiner - On Politics: Covering the US Congress, Governors, and the 2010 Election -

Democrats worry Anthony Weiner will hurt agenda - Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman -

Dennis Miller Radio: Rants - From Steve Urkel to Steve Reeves

Marlo Thomas: Men Behaving Badly... It's a Good Thing

Bill Maher: 'I’m Not One of Those People Who Believes in American Exceptionalism' - Bill Maher - Fox Nation

Did Ron Paul Limit the First Amendment To Christians?

Arne Duncan: We'll Waive Federal Law If You Embrace Our Schools Agenda. Say What?


**World Video:Discussing Geostrategic Trajectories

Greece's Rating is Slashed Making Default Likely

Rioting Over Jobs in China

Europe to Rescue Greece?

Raw Video: 2011 Bilderbergers Mountain Walk

German-Russian Security Cooperation

Suicide Bombing Retaliation?

Many Pakistanis Feel 'Deeply Insecure' Over Future

Expecting More Syrians, Turkey Builds Another Refugee Camp

Attack On King Abdullah's Motorcade In Jordan

Libyan Rebels Firmly In Control Of Misrata

More Fighting And Uncertainty In Syria

Mexico Mob Attempts Lynching

Greece Downgrade Explained

13th/Challenges and Opportunities in Africa

Panetta Offers Few Details on Afghanistan

Should NATO Intervene in Syria?

CHP Falls Short of Goals in Turkish Election

Israeli Bank Boss Joins IMF Race

Massive Waves Strike Chile

Syria Refugees Playing Cat-and-mouse Game

Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal

1998 U.S. Embassy Blasts Suspect Dead

Thousands Protest In Madrid

Protesters Clash With Police In China

How Close Are We To Toppling Gaddafi?

Is There A 'Third Way' to Engage China?

The New Security Dynamic in the Mediterranean

Can the U.S. Cut Defense Spending Wisely?

Renewed Focus on Syria, Libya, Yemen

**Markets Video:Screwflation ... Average Americans Getting Squeezed

Challenging The China Bears

So Where's the Market Heading?

Trichet Considering Rate Hike

Link: 4 Sectors to Buy as Market Struggles

13th/The Future of Energy

Fatal Flaws in the Dodd-Frank Act?

Welch: Slowdown, Not Double Dip

Intel CTO: The Inside Skinny on Ultrabooks

Inflation Concerns In Asia?

Sessions: Artificial Economic Stimulus Failed


**Politics Video:Hannity Bets Beckel $5,000 That Obama Will Be A One-Term President

Rove: GOP Race Will Be Unlike Any Other In 60 Years

Frank: Based On My Past "Not Appropriate" For Me To Comment On Weiner

NBC's Chuck Todd: Newt Gingrich "Supporting McCarthyism"

Joan Walsh To Herman Cain: Get Off The Stage

13th/Obama: If You're Looking For "Partisan Rhetoric, I'm Probably Not Your Guy"

Herman Cain At CNN Debate: How To Fix The Economy

Gibbs: Election Not About Blaming Someone For The Economy

Obama: Half My Letters "Call Me An Idiot"

Romney: We Shouldn't "Fight A War Of Independence For Another Nation"

Pawlenty Passes On Chance To Sack Romney On Health Care

Ron Paul: "Why Can't We Opt-Out Of The Whole System?"

Michele Bachmann Announces She's Running For President

Tim Pawlenty On Obama And The Economy: "His Ways Failed"

Santorum: Obama Has "Embraced Our Enemies"

Gingrich: Obama Is Anti-Jobs

Obama On Weiner: "If That Was Me, I Would Resign"

Limbaugh To David Brooks: "Republican Base Is Not A Color"

Obama Jokes: "Shovel-Ready Was Not As Shovel-Ready As We Expected"

Kaine: "Major Problem" Senate Dems Haven't Passed A Budget

Chris Matthews: I Made Michele Bachmann!

Perry: Under Obama "Abortion Essentially Became A US Foreign Export"

Clyburn: Let It Be Up To Weiner's Constituents

Obama: "We Stabilized The Economy, We Prevented A Financial Meltdown"

Dem Congressman Questions Stimulus Funds For Overseas Projects

Grassley: Subpoenaing DOJ Over "Fast And Furious" On The Table

Romney Ad: "Bump On The Road" Americans

WH Won't Call For Weiner's Resignation; Calls Scandal A "Distraction"

Cynthia Tucker: "No History Of In-Person Voter Impersonation"

Brokaw: GOP Candidates Shouldn't Be "Hostage" To Certain Factions

PIMCO's Gross: US In Worse Financial Shape Than Greece

Richard Wolffe On Obama's "Incredible Comeback"

Trump: Go Through Weiner's Emails Instead Of Palin's

Newt Gingrich At Fundraiser: "I Will Endure The Challenges"


*YouTube - First CNN Republican GOP presidential debate 2011 [Part 1]

*YouTube - First CNN Republican GOP presidential debate 2011 [Part 2]

*YouTube - First CNN Republican GOP presidential debate 2011 [Part 3]

S.C. Debate/May

YouTube - First GOP Presidential Debate Part 1

YouTube - First GOP Presidential Debate Part 2

YouTube - First GOP Presidential Debate Part 3

YouTube - First GOP Presidential Debate Part 4

Republican Presidential Candidates Debate Reaction - C-SPAN Video Library

Obama Mocks & Attacks Jesus Christ And The Bible / Video / Obama Is Not A Christian


+Resilient Cities - ICLEI: Endorsing Partners

NutriSmart prototype embeds RFID tags directly within food, traces your lunch from start to finish (video) -- Engadget

Dr. Manning’s Report on this Year’s Bilderberg Meeting

The Islamic Anchor Baby by Sheik’Yer Mami


**NEWS VIDEOS:Jon Stewart Lashes Out at Crowder for Exposing Policy Against Conservatives

Pity Party: ‘There Are Days Where I Say One Term is Enough’

Romney’s Hard-Hitting Video Attacking Obama’s Dismal Unemployment Record

Obama Thinks it’s Hilarious That His Trillion Dollar Stimulus Did Nothing to Fix Unemployment

Lebron’s New Decision

Hoover Institution’s ‘Uncommon Knowledge’ Features In-Depth Interview with Andrew Breitbart

Obama Blames ATMs for High Unemployment

GOP Hopefuls Duke it Out in New Hampshire

13TH/Breitbart Delivers Unforgettable Speech to Republican Jewish Coalition

Bachmann Makes it Official: Announces Presidential Run During CNN Debate

Caught on Video: Missouri River Levee Collapses

Teens Banned From High School Graduation for Wearing Military Sash

Goodyear Blimp Plunges to Ground in Flames

‘Pentagon Papers’ to be Released

Pit Bulls Rip Man’s Arm Off

MSNBC Anchor Claims LBJ ‘Never Elected’ President

28 Months into Presidency, Obama Announces Plan to Cut Gov’t Waste

Kids Try to Explain Lady Gaga

Filipino Man Shortest in the World

12TH/Amy Holmes: ‘Media Needs to go to Rehab With Weiner and Get Over Obsession With Palin’

ABC’s Claire Shipman: ‘A Group of All White Men Are Not Going to Reach the Best Decisions’

1st Photos of Giffords Released Since Shooting

Howard Kurtz’ Liberal Media Panelist Falsely Accuses Breitbart of Libel Without Inviting Him On to Speak for Himself

Alaskans React to Palin Email Release

Thousands Rally Against Gadhafi

‘Slut Walk’ Hits Nicaragua

Weiner Seeks Professional Treatment Amid Scandal

11TH/Janeane Garofalo: Weinergate Isn’t Weiner’s Fault – It’s the Media and ‘Hypocrite Republicans’

Bill Maher Takes Racist Swipe At Herman Cain: Newt Gingrich is Republican ‘Polling Behind a Black Guy’

Top Dems to Weiner: Get Out

10TH/Film Director Steven Bannon Talks Palin Movie with Hannity


June 13, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 13 June 2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero 2

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-13, Monday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-13-11

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, June, 10, 2011

06/13 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 06/13/2011


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