A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

13 June 2011


Charlie Skelton |

*Archived-Bilderberg 2011: Swiss Family Rockefeller | World news |

+Charlie Skelton's Bilderberg files | World news |

+Bilderberg -

+Bilderberg 2011: Master Page |


YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes: Day 4 Report from Bilderberg 2011 1/4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes: Day 4 Report from Bilderberg 2011 2/4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes: Day 4 Report from Bilderberg 2011 3/4

YouTube - Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes: Day 4 Report from Bilderberg 2011 4/4

The Associated Press: VIPs, conspiracy theorists descend on Swiss resort


* - 'BILDERBERG 2011'


YouTube - Jim Tucker Bilderberg closing comments on the 2011 Bilderberg meeting.

YouTube - Jim Tucker ~ Bilderberg Not Having Fun this 2011

YouTube - AFP Mark Anderson on Final Day at Bilderberg 2011

YouTube - BILDERBERG 2011

Up To No Good New War Likely On Bilderberg Agenda Viduba - Video Download

Bilderberg Group 2011 Arab Spring Dsk Top Secret Agenda Viduba - Video Download

Hidden Agenda In Syria To Show Itself After Bilderberg Meeting Viduba - Video Download

2011 Bilderberg Group Will Create World Wide Economic Collapse Viduba - Video Download

Interview Anti Bilderberg Swiss Politician At Bilderberg 2011 Viduba - Video Download

YouTube - Bilderberger Buying Ballots - „We Vote & This Arrogant Bunch Chooses Our Party Leaders!"

Bilderberg 2011: Photographs Of Delegates Arriving At Airport

Paul Joseph Watson Breaks Down The Full Official Bilderberg 2011 Attendee List

Bilderberg 2011 Attendee Photos

» Bilderberg Elite Just Want to Help Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Prominent Bilderberg Insider Injected Into IMF Race At Last Minute Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Awareness of Bilderberg Cabal Explodes in 2011


Bill Warren 'launches underwater search for Osama Bin Laden's body' | Mail Online

Osama Bin Laden death photos must be released, White House 'is not above the law' | Mail Online


90% of seized ‘Taliban’ are just civilians: US report


No talks with anybody concerning Gaddafi's resignation - Libyan government | World | RIA Novosti

Panetta just another Gates?


Ron Paul on Newsmax TV 6-8-11: We Do In Many Ways Have A Dictatorship


YouTube - Dr Edgar Mitchell ETs And the Space Defense Initiative X-Conference 2009

Alien, UFO Casebook Fringe: ALIEN & UFO DAILY NEWS: APRIL 24, 2009 - ALIEN CASEBOOK

Alien UFO & The Paranormal Casebook: UFO & ALIEN DAILY NEWS FOR APRIL 23, 2009

X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Like Minds Discuss Intergalactic Politics | Barack Obama UFO


Apollo 14 Astronaut: Space Aliens Are Real - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -

YouTube - Astronaut Demands Obama Release The 'Alien UFO Files' 23 4 2009

YouTube - Ex Astronaut Says Feds 'Know' UFOs Exist 21.4.2009


RealUFO's - (

Alien Casebook Fringe(

The Paranormal Casebook(ttp://


Ghost Hunters Investigations(

Paranormal Casebook Daily News - (

Potpourri - (




» Cyber War, Civil liberties and Internet freedom in the US Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland Security Today: DHS Disputes Claims it Stopped Producing Intel Reports on Rightwing Extremists

» Ordinance Would Force Property Owners to Surrender Keys to Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cake and candles for David Rockefeller Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» NATO Reportedly Bombs Libyan University Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Patrick Cockburn: Hopes for democracy fade as civil wars grip the Arab world - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

University films students suspected of extremism, documents reveal | UK news | The Observer

» No Freedom of Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

E.coli patients may need kidney transplants - The Local

Weiner won't go; new photos surface on Internet - Yahoo! News

» Stock Prices Have Fallen For Six Weeks In A Row Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama Ordered To Secret Bilderberg Meet Over US Bio-Attack On Germany

Obama's Plan To Make Your Electric Bills Jump 60 Percent - Publius Forum

YouTube - Obama Wants to Bankrupt The Coal Industry

FBI expands agents’ investigative power | The Salt Lake Tribune


U.S. Senators Want to Shut Down Bitcoins, Currency of Internet Drug Trade | PCWorld

YouTube - What is Bitcoin?

*Bitcoin: P2P Virtual Currency -(

*Bitcoin Watch(


Creditor-friendly policies crippling US economy - The Economic Times

NASA - Headquarters Emergency Operations - Personal/Family Preparedness Plan(?)

+ Video - Audio & Image Hosting | Pentagon Eugenics Alter DNA breed out Religious impulses via FunVax Vaccinations and amp Aerosol Spraying

Foreclosure limbo: Staying without paying. - Jun. 9, 2011

Panetta: Escalate Shadow Wars, Expand Black Ops | Danger Room |

Activist Post: Janet Napolitano Visits NYU Law School to Discuss Need For Citizen Spies (Video)

Roundup Birth Defects: Regulators Knew World's Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report Finds

Iran to host conference targeting Israel's nuclear program - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Ulsterman Report: Is Obama’s Watergate Moment Coming? | Newsflavor

Hot Particles From Japan to Seattle Virtually Undetectable when Inhaled or Swallowed on Vimeo

*Social Security | Agriculture Defense Coalition - America's Forced March to Stalingrad

AgResearch Transgender Goats To Be Milked | Scoop News

YouTube - City Government demands all keys to properties belonging to Cedar Falls residents.

Top Post-Collapse Barter Items And Trade Skills

YouTube - Ron Paul on Freedom Watch 06/07/11


Bilderberg 2011: The opposition steps up | World news |

10 Things Mainstream Media Said About Bilderberg Group 2011 | Kevin Gilmour

illuminati - Bilderberg Report 2011 | Kevin Gilmour

The Illuminati Bilderberg And You | Kevin Gilmour

Illuminati JFK Speech On Secret Societies | Kevin Gilmour

Illuminati Bilderbergers agreed to start war on Iraq in 2002 | Kevin Gilmour


German E-Coli Outbreak: Accident or Planned “Genocide” for Organics? | Farm Wars

Scientists probe DNA of E. coli for outbreak clues | World news |

YouTube - Rense & Emord - The 'FDA' is Essential

YouTube - NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE! June 10, 2011

Elenin 2012 Hoax | Kevin Gilmour

Comet Elenin Just Passing By | Kevin Gilmour

Is Google Censoring Nibiru or is it just 2012 paranoia | Kevin Gilmour

NASA Research Points To Possible HAARP Connection In Japan | Kevin Gilmour

What is HAARP? | Kevin Gilmour

*(3 Videos)A Documentary About HAARP | Kevin Gilmour

False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War | Veterans Today

*Chinese company eyes Boise | Boise, Garden City, Mountain Home | Idaho Statesman

Was this the week that China¿s rise to world dominance finally became unstoppable? | Mail Online

NHK WORLD English:Excessive levels of strontium detected in seawater

+Get Radiation Out of Your Water

House Passes Authority for Worldwide War » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Obama's Sinking Popularity

U.S. Hurtles Toward System Failure

Pawlenty's 5 Percent Supply-Side Growth Vision

Germany: Still Under Control of Foreign Powers | Veterans Today

A unified Europe will be great news for the Eurocrats - Telegraph

Police 'covered up' violent campaign to turn London area 'Islamic' - Telegraph

Shirley Brown's 'Coconut' hate crime investigation that shows NOBODY can escape Britain's Thought Police | Mail Online

Russia objects to US warship in Black Sea -

Quakes rock Christchurch again - World news, News -

WaPost Proposes A Moratorium On...Normal Food

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors Abroad -

Tennessee Lawmakers Censoring The Internet? | Personal Liberty Digest

Tennessee: Post an offensive image online? Go to jail | VentureBeat

'The War You Don't See' Pilger Film Banned By Lannan Foundation

+Video: Molten rock forms lava lake in Hawaii - Telegraph - ENERGY BILLS TO SOAR 22 PER CENT - AN UNCOMFORTABLE LIE

Britain's soil is as dry as a desert, study shows - Telegraph

It's the End of the Beginning of the End. Reflections in a Petri Dish

French banks lead exodus of EU lenders from hardest-hit European economies | Business | The Observer

Bankers complaining about moral hazard? Is this a joke? | Ben Chu | Independent Eagle Eye Blogs

Tiny village is latest victim of the 'The hum' - Telegraph

Explosion in jellyfish numbers may lead to ecological disaster, warn scientists | Environment | The Observer

NASA - Having a Solar Blast - UPDATE

NASA: "We're Seeing Things We've Never Seen Before" Massive Plasma Waves Sweep The Sun | Before It's News

NASA - Nearby Galaxy Boasts Two Monster Black Holes, Both Active

NSA case unlikely to deter Obama's take on leakers - Yahoo! News

*Cancer cure known for 35 years?

From the Pentagon to the private sector;Defense firms lure retired generals - The Boston Globe

Bill Gates in China push against secondhand smoke - Yahoo! News


Lawmakers Set to Eliminate Patents on Tax Strategies -

Supreme Court Upholds Inventors' Rights, Sends Congress Message on Patent Reform -- WASHINGTON, June 7, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

US patent reform: Law to impact overseas firms

First-To-File and the Constitutional Argument - Patent Law Blog (Patently-O)

The anti-innovation patent reform act of 2011

Supreme Court Upholds “First-to-Invent” Standard in U.S. Patent Law | Business Wire

A vote for patent reform will stimulate U.S. innovation - The Hill's Congress Blog

Will the GOP Pull a 'Pelosi' on Patent Rights? » Publications » Family Security Matters

Feb'11/Patent Law Could Get Huge Overhaul Under New Bill

5'11/Patent Fee Changes ‘Critical’ to Economy, Commerce Tells House - Bloomberg


YouTube - Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

The Enlightened Ones The Illuminati and the New World Order

Janette Sherman / Joseph Mangano: Is the Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout?

Ron Paul Libyan War Is "About Commercial Business!"

Clinton warns against "new colonialism" in Africa - Yahoo! News

+Photos stored in camera for 68 years - Pearl Harbour Bombing | Before It's News

Microsoft's Bill Gates: A rare and remarkable interview with the world's second richest man | Mail Online

Congressional Week Ahead: Budget Agreement -


+Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report


Radioactive mushrooms contaminated in Chernobyl disaster seized at British port | Mail Online

Something Awful's Unintentional War Against Bitcoins

YouTube - Senate stands behind Israel

Giraldi: Israel’s spying on the US is “one very good reason” to end aid « The Passionate Attachment

- Revolution In America - Protests Scheduled June, 14th - Operation Empire State Rebellion Engaged

YouTube - Non-battle scars: US military 'rape victim' shares her pain

Why Was This Man Standing At A Podium Before the US Congress? | Sabbah Report

Pat Robertson: Muslims are the New Nazis | Sabbah Report

We Are The Terrorists | Sabbah Report


Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters Outside Security Perimeter


+ Surferjoe2020's Linky Dinky's: All Ron Paul 2012 Presidential debate answers full HQ

Richest Americans Get $1.4 Million Tax Cut in Pawlenty Plan - Bloomberg

Media Falsifiers | Intifada Palestine


Evidence of Revision - Part 1 - The Assassinations of Kennedy & Oswald as Never Seen Before

Evidence of Revision - Part 2 - The "Why" of It: All Referenced to Vietnam and LBJ

Evidence of Revision - Part 6 - The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Evidence of Revision - Part 3 - LBJ, Hoover and Others: What So Few Know Even Today

Evidence of Revision - Part 4 - The RFK Assassination as Never Seen Before

Evidence of Revision - Part 5 - The RFK Assassination, MK-ULTRA & Jonestown Massacre: All Related!

YouTube - RFK Assassination As It Happened (Part 1 of 3)

YouTube - RFK Assassination As It Happened (Part 2 of 3)

YouTube - RFK Assassination As It Happened (Part 3 of 3)

YouTube - 1968 King Assassination Report (CBS News)

YouTube - MLK Assasination announced by Robert F Kennedy

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART 1

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART TWO

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART THREE

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART FOUR

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART FIVE

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART SIX

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART SEVEN

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? (documentary) PART EIGHT

YouTube - Who Killed Martin luther King? (documentary) PART NINE

YouTube - Who Killed Martin Luther King? PART TEN


Activist Post: Rule of law index finds faults in China, Russia, US


*GCongress> adjust to the new reality - china no longer holds our debt -- it holds spendable US cash to spend here >> Four Winds 10 -

PUBLIC NOTICE: The IRS and Worshipping False Gods >> Four Winds 10 -

United States Debt Default China Federal Reserve Money Suppy | RedState

Fed Passes China as Top Owner of U.S. Debt |


YouTube - The War You Don't See, a film by John Pilger


** - The War You Don't See - Uploaded by Irishstorm


Russia Objects to U.S. Navy Cruiser in Black Sea - Defense News

YouTube - Grocery Store Wars, Why Major Corporations are Entering the Competitive Food Industry


Ryan Dawson 05/08/2011

Ryan Dawson 05/15/2011

Ryan Dawson 05/22/2011

Ryan Dawson 05/29/2011

Ryan Dawson 06/05/2011

Ryan Dawson 06/12/2011


Thomas Jefferson was America's most famous anti-government revolutionary

Revolutionary Politics : "Not Enough Trees To Print Money" - Jim Rogers on FOX Business News 06/09/11

Media falsifiers: censorship by mainstream liberal media > Global > Redress Information & Analysis

CHART: Who Funds The IMF? - Home - The Daily Bail

America MUST DEMAND The Abolition Of The TSA - Miss USA Susie Castillo Molested By TSA: "My Vagina Was Touched Inappropriately 4 Times" - Home - The Daily Bail

‘Israel threatens neighbors with nukes’ |

Many of us won’t be able to retire until our 80s Robert Powell - MarketWatch

Walk away from your mortgage? Time to get 'ruthless' - Jun. 7, 2011

IT’S THE DEBT, DUMMY « The Burning Platform - Alleged Cyber Attacks Are Setting The Stage For More Authoritarian Internet Controls - Bank of England turns to Google to shed light on economic trends - Cabinet Office talks to Facebook & co about new ID system - Obama Seeks to Win Back Wall St. Cash - US Is in Even Worse Shape Financially Than Greece: Gross - Report: New FBI rules permit agents to snoop without firm evidence - ‘Anonymous’ targets Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke - U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors - 40 years after explosive leak of Pentagon Papers, secret Vietnam war study is out in whole - Upcoming total lunar eclipse will be an unusually long one - Rapture predictor Harold Camping suffers stroke - Human evolution slower than thought, say scientists - Hundreds of rape cases mishandled by Veterans Administration

The Giant Banks Are ALREADY State-Sponsored … So Why Not Create Public Banks to at Least Share the Gains, Help Out Main Street, and Grow Our Local Economies? -

US bankrolls 'shadow Internet for dissidents' abroad -

Psycho Politics: Technicians of Influence Legitimize Mass Murder And Economic Slavery - » U.S. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators

U.S. Has Secret Tools to Force Internet on Dictators | Danger Room |

Gay Girl in Damascus is a man called Tom

Cabinet Office talks to Facebook & co about new ID system • The Register

Investigation into IMF cyber attack - RTÉ News

One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer' | Technology | The Guardian

U.S. Special Ops Troops Deployed in Mexico, Leaked Briefing Confirms | | the narcosphere

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils | UK news | The Guardian


Bitcoin mining pool(

BILDERBERG - AP Article On 2011 Bilderberg Meeting - Tabloid News Trumps Coverage Of Bilderberg Meeting, Wars and Economic Problems

Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List | The Vigilant Citizen


BBC's Disinfo Piece: "Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?" | The Vigilant Citizen


Gold, Oil, Africa and Why the West Wants Gadhafi Dead

Video - Hidden Agenda in Syria

Empire Games - But Who Writes The Rules?

Did Kissinger Urge Egypt to Attack Israel?

Video - We Are At War With Islam

Does Senator Joseph Lieberman Believe Americans Are Fools?

Ron Paul Tells Crowd Inflation Will Hit 50 Percent

A Beginners Guide to Shadow Banking, Financial Crisis and Repo

Video - Bank Bailouts Explained

35% Spike in Infant Mortality


*Videos:Interview Jim Tucker/NWOO.ORG ( Bildeberg 2011)

+Media mum as Bilderberg seal world's fate in Swiss secrecy | dotSUB

**(Current&Past)BilderbergIPS/ Independent Press Summary:Participants of the Bilderberg Meetings


+Anthony Weiner at the House Members' Gym | Celebrity Photos |

Apples top most pesticide-contaminated list -

America's Next War Theater: Syria and Lebanon?

Towards a World War III Scenario.

Syria on the Boil, US Warship in Black Sea

The Financial Road to Serfdom

Rape in Libya: America’s Recent Wars have all been Accompanied by Memorable Falsehoods

American Politics: "Lie To Me"

VIDEO: The US Agent and the Mumbai Massacre

America's Endless Wars

The Rich Are Destroying the Economy

The Moral Hazard of Modern Banking: How Banks Create and Destroy Money

Media: The Spreading of False Ideologies into our Culture

+Hemp, The Great Green Hope

The Lies behind the West's War on Libya

Student Loans and DOE S.W.A.T. Teams - informationliberation

People Realizing New Anti-Streaming Criminal Copyright Bill Could Mean Jail Time For Lip Synchers - informationliberation


'Freedom in the 50 States' 2011 Report Released - informationliberation

Freedom in the 50 States | Mercatus

**Freedom in the 50 States (2011)

YouTube - Freedom in the 50 States 2011


Satan’s Long, Long Story: Part 1 | Prophecy In The News

Satan’s Long Long Story: Part 2 | Prophecy In The News

Satan’s Long Long Story: Part 3 | Prophecy In The News

Satan’s Long Long Story: Part 4 | Prophecy In The News

Satan’s Long Long Story: Part 5 | Prophecy In The News


*Archive:Gary Stearman - Prophecy In The News


Psycho Politics: Technicians of Influence Legitimize Mass Murder And Economic Slavery -

*Scientists are sounding the alarm: the mysterious cracks appear across the planet

+Pentagon’s New Factory: Your DNA | Danger Room |

**Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice

+ “E-Verify” Is A Stealth National ID | The Barr Code

Is Your Governor For Sale to the EPA?

Is this the checkpoint of the future? -

Total Recall Style Airport Full Body Scanner Security Tunnels To Be Rolled Out Within 18 Months

New airport scanner which will take just five seconds - Telegraph

» Gay Escort Divulges Bilderberg Visit To El Paradiso Day in Advance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Updated: Has the Earth Shifted – Or Is It Just Me? :

This Man Wants to Resurrect Dinosaurs... Using Chickens

28 Months Later, Obama Says: Recovery’s ‘Going to Take Time’

Panetta: Obama Can Unilaterally Use Military to Protect ‘National Interests’

As Republicans Move to Nix Ethanol Subsidies, USDA Pushes ‘Flex Fuel Pumps’

Obama Faces More Voter Anxiety, Less Excitement

Washington Post Reporter: Reagan Was ‘The Quintessential Leader’

First Released Photos: Gabrielle Giffords Smiling

So Much for 'Engagement': Syrian Regime Freezes Out U.S. Envoy

FCC Commissioner Talks of FCC's Governance of Internet's 'On/Off Ramps'

Newt Relaunches, Citing Obama's 'Dangerous Policies of Incoherence and Confusion'

Spokeswoman: Weiner 'To Seek Professional Treatment to Focus on Becoming a Better Husband'

Mexico Finds 210 Migrants Crammed in Truck, Heading to U.S.

Economic Study Shows EPA Regulations Increase Prices, Kill Jobs

Romney to Face Rivals in His First 2012 Debate

Gov. Perry Assails Obama on Abortion: Turning Unborn Children Into 'Raw Material

Boehner Jokes About Weiner's Name in Ohio Speech

Pawlenty Criticizes Romney on Health Care

Huntsman questions Obama's Afghanistan policy

Rivals See NH As Place to Deny Romney Front-Runner Status

Iraqis Blast US Congressman's War Repayment Suggestion

Jordan's King Agrees to Eected Cabinets

Hugo Chavez Recovering After Surgery in Cuba

New Lebanese Cabinet Gives Hezbollah More Power

Hillary Clinton: Africa Must Abandon Gadhafi

APNewsBreak: Study Advised US on Libya Hacking

States weigh relaxing penalties for teen sexting

South Texas Enjoys Major Boom From Oil Fracking

Rapture Preacher Suffers Stroke at California Home

Plan to ease laws for Border Patrol draws outcry

U.S. left open to terror threat

Seven GOP contenders to debate tonight in N.H.

Sarah Palin e-mails shows hostility toward Big Oil as Republican governor of Alaska

British fear 'American-style' healthcare system

Administration bid to cut pediatrician training draws fire

Missing Iraq reconstruction money may have been stolen, auditors say

Barack Obama goes to Puerto Rico in quest of Hispanic votes

If Congess doesn't reauthorize education law, Obama admin. has backup plan

Militants linked to al-Qaeda emboldened in Yemen

U.S. Intercepts North Korean Ship Carrying Missiles to Burma

NAACP wants Obama, Congress to focus more on creating jobs

Sen. Graham: Military intervention in Syria should be ‘on the table’

Education Secretary vows some easing of landmark 'No Child Left Behind' education law

Rahm Emanuel: 150 more police officers to hit the streets

Several Survivors of Deadly Alabama Tornadoes Deemed Ineligible for Federal Grants

Huntsman Suggests Accelerated Reduction of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

POLL: Politicians, Congress unethical — and getting worse

Scott Brown's wife, a journalist, rips coverage of Sarah Palin as 'sexist'

GOP’s Huntsman takes jabs at ex-boss Obama on TV show

Keck Foundation gives $150 million to USC medical school

Hoekstra Rips Obama on Economy, Says GOP Can Win White House

Newt Drained Campaign with Private Jets

New Photos of Rep. Weiner Surface on Internet

Pawlenty: Obama 'Out of Ideas' on Economy

Coulter: Power-Hungry Democrats a Threat to America

FBI Can Go Through Your Trash

Romney Knocks GOP Rivals, Obama, on Heels

Bachmann Favors National Sales Tax

Wis. First Lady Steps From Shadows of Controversy

White House: Weiner a 'Distraction'

Report: Rep. Weiner Mulls Resignation

Obama Strategy: Push Private Hiring in Carolina

DNC Chair and Pelosi Call for Weiner to Resign

Ryan, Hoyer: Ethics Case Against Weiner a Waste

Clinton: Embassy Bomber's Killing Is 'a Just End'

Coulter’s ‘Demonic’ Guaranteed to Outrage the Left

Scientists Find Genetic Link to Migraines

Liberal U.S. Catholics Say Church Not Listening

GOP's Gregg: Don’t Link Debt Ceiling to Balanced Budget

They're Off! GOP Debate Sets 2012 Pace

US Navy Intercepted North Korean Ship: Report

US 'Shadow' Internet Aims to Help Dissidents

Fed's Lacker: More Easing Won't Spur Growth

Summers: Cut Taxes to Boost US Economy

Which Diet Plan Could Work for You?

Love Sprouts? Don't Eat Them Raw

Formaldehyde Added to Carcinogens List

+Patent Reform Bill Ignites Debate

Jon Stewart, Bill Maher Use Stereotypes to Rip Herman Cain

Mitt Romney Not Done In by Global Warming

+ Japan Not Hit By 9.0 Quake? False Flag Nuclear Weaponry Actually Destroyed Fukushima, Claims Report :

*In the Grip of Mad Scientists: Business as Usual for Monsanto, Fort Detrick, and Atlas Venture

Documenting the New Northern Sunrise: A Special Report :

Bob Tuskin Calls AAAS About NIST’s Scientific Fraud :

Toxin from GM crops found in human blood: Study : North: India Today

Lone Star Watchdog: Are the State Governors Ready to Sell Out to the Communist Chinese?

High-Level US Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror ... And Warn of Future Attacks

A Beginners Guide to Shadow Banking

Can We Trust the CIA?

Empire Games : Who Writes the Rules?

Confessions of a Washington Reject

A Cautionary Tale for Robert 'Full Menu' Gates and 'Helicopter' Bernanke by Karen Kwiatkowski

The Neo-Fredwinian Synthesis by Fred Reed

China Tries to Start a War? by Anthony Wile

Police State Amerika by David Galland

Jun 10, 2011 Gold & Gold Stocks: Roadmap To $1700 Morris Hubbartt 321gold ...s

18 Signs The Collapse of Society Is Accelerating

California is poised to outlaw gold prospecting | Mail Online

*Top Post-Collapse Barter Items and Trade Skills

The research that proves Enoch Powell right - Telegraph

FOP: MLB warning teams about Chicago violence « New Media Blog

US Stocks Erase Gains Amid Euro Zone Fears - CNBC

Obama Reaches Out to Wall Street Donors -

Bilderberg 2011: Lord Mandelson's nature walk | World news |

Tour Bus Operator Stashes Extra Passengers In L - Flash Player Installation

Clarence Clemons stroke update |

Alleged 'spy' in Egypt is US citizen, IDF ... JPost - Middle East

Just 26% Favor Continued Military Action in Libya - Rasmussen Reports™

Mitt Romney leads the Drudge primary - Ben Smith -

Texas' Perry assails Obama on abortion at LA stop - Yahoo! News

CNN debate: What to watch for -

Michelle Obama to Hold Four Calif. Fundraisers | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Obama Reaches Out to Wall Street Donors -

Pilot killed after Goodyear blimp plunges to the ground in flames in Germany | Mail Online

8 Easy Steps to Building Your Barter Network | Before It's News

Did Education Department Officials Leak Market-Sensitive Info to Stock Traders? | Before It's News

SEIU California Launches Republican PAC to Back Moderates - (Headline) | Before It's News

‘Living Laser’ Engineered From Human Cells | Wired Science |

"Radiation Protection Fundamental Information Portal Site" in Three Languages | Before It's News

*25 Fascinating Brain Books Anyone Can Enjoy | Before It's News

Can Dogs Sense a Friendly Face? Experts Say Yes | Before It's News

- 10 Most Influential People in Alternative Media, 2011 | Before It's News

Soy -- "The Kiss of Death" | Before It's News

Fox News Continues To Misinform Public About Clean Energy | Before It's News

+ From the Vault: Area 51 Physicist Passed a Lie Detector Test on UFOs | Before It's News

Ex-Communicated Priest Exposes The New World Order ..... your dollar bills are just a worthless IOU piece of paper | Before It's News

YouTube - Amalgam Virgo 01 - Wargame from June 1-2-2001





The 3 Coming False Flags |

*3 Videos/Gerald Celente on the Alex Jones Show |

YouTube - Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

The Mystery of the Helicopter Flying Around the Pentagon Before the Attack There on 9/11 |

YouTube - Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights

+4 Parts/Escaping the Matrix – Max Igan |

Anonymous: Bernanke Is Next |

Washington's Blog:The Giant Banks Are ALREADY State-Sponsored ... So Why Not Create Public Banks to at Least Share the Gains, Help Out Main Street, and Grow Our Local Economies?

YouTube - US corporate model causing depression

Where are the guillotines in Washington? |

Bill Gates's plea: help me save four million lives - World Politics, World - The Independent


+ Audio:Boiling Frogs – Podcast Show #46 – Sibel Edmonds |


Bilderberg News 6-8-11 |

Bilderberg 6-9-11 |

Bilderberg News 6-10-11 |

Bilderberg News 6-12-11 |

Bilderberg News 6-13-11 |


Christie Announces Pilot Program To Privatize NJ Public Schools -- And Help His Friends

Good News: Connecticut Becomes First State in the Nation to Mandate Paid Sick Leave

Now That David Koch Is Gone From NIH Cancer Board, Formaldehyde Is Finally Classified As A Carcinogen

Albert Gaxiola on trial in the Flores family murders: A special kind of depravity

Pawlenty Moves from Sam's Club to the Country Club

Chris Wallace to Pawlenty: Your economic plan won't work without tax increases

Santorum: I Would Advocate That Any Doctor That Performs an Abortion be Criminally Charged

Gabrielle Giffords smiles in newly released photos

This Week: How Will The Economy Affect Obama's Re-election Chances?

Wasserman Schultz calls out RNC chairman for sex scandal 'double standard'

Bob Schieffer Complains About Washington DC Being Like High School; But It Doesn't Stop Him From Playing Along

ABC's Jon Karl Scoffs at Robert Reich's Call for More Government Stimulus

Bill Maher: The Weinerlogues with Jane Lynch

Right-Wing Whackjob Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Asks Baghdad To Repay The Costs Of Being Occupied

"A Gay Girl in Damascus" turns out to be an American dude

'Weiner Pix' story exposes a larger media narrative

Politicians Fight To Save Pediatric Training Program Axed In Obama Budget

Video documents American Jew's arrest in east J'lem

Jordan denies reports Abdullah's caravan attacked

Lebanese PM forms cabinet 5 months after taking office

Dutch law set to axe religious slaughter

Secret US and Afghanistan talks could see troops stay for decades

S Korea president says corruption 'rampant'

Syrian refugee flow to Turkey rises

Berlusconi offers to host Mideast peace talks in Sicily

Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth hit back over 'out-of-touch' criticism

Lawyers target gay marriage ruling by Calif judge

Anthony testimony ends early, to resume Tuesday

New York extends mortgage probe to trustees: source

Little Support for GOP Plan to Privatize Medicare: Poll

Clinton cuts Africa trip short due to ash

AP numbers show states' budget challenges differ

Facebook to file for public offering: report

Hezbollah rise in Lebanon gives Syria, Iran sway

Somalis, Kenyans hail al-Qaida mastermind's death

'Creepy': Early Show Guests Rip MSM's Palin-Email Goosechase |

Democrat women rally behind 'sex picture' Congressman Weiner - Telegraph

JammieWearingFool: 'Anthony Weiner Deserves to be Supported and Hopefully He Will Be Mayor of New York'

Salman Rushdie says TV drama series have taken the place of novels | Books | The Observer

American Treasure Hunter To Search For Bin Laden’s Body In North Arab Sea

Egyptian Shaykh: ‘When I Want A Sex Slave, I Just Go To The Market And Choose The Woman Like And Purchase Her’

Brave New World? Homeland Security Developing Technology To Detect Terrorists BEFORE They Attack

U.N. Move To Recognize Palestinian State May Be In Doubt

Obama Administration Creating ‘Shadow Internet’ Overseas

Tony Blair: I Read The Quran Every Day

Congressman To Iraq: You Need To Pay Us Back; Iraq To Congressman: You Are Not Welcome Here

LA Times Gives Platform for Hamas, Still Hasn’t Released Obama-Khalidi Video

Frank Gaffney on Jihadi Texts in American Mosques

Turning Off The Spigot: What The Incoming Secretary Of Defense Can Do To Limit China’s Influence

Member of Mourdock Campaign Roughs Up Citizen Journalist, Shouts “Douchebag!” *UPDATE

The New Democrat Superhero: Weinerman!

Sound Bite For the Day: White Men Make Bad Decisions

Truly Shocking: Feminists Back Anthony Weiner

Sound Bite For the Day: Jeffery Toobin Condemns Breitbart For Suggesting Weiner Had Contact with Teen

Thatcher Foundation Responds to the ‘Palin Was Snubbed’ Report Saying, “The Guardian Has Minimal Credibility”

Soros Funded MoveOn.Org Lies About Hacking Fox News Ticker

The Problem with Ethanol Is the Mandate

Audio:DNC Chair: Obama Has Turned Around Our Economy

Responding to Calls to Tax the Rich

General Motors and…George Soros Set to Profit Off Obama’s Energy Policies

Kids Win: Colorado School Board Sets Students and Families Free with Voucher Program

The American Dream: Is It Dying the Death of a Thousand Cuts?

Weiner Staff Heading for the Exits?

ObamaCare Has No Place in a Limited Government

Palin E-mail Frenzy Backfires on Media

New Weiner Photos Hit the Internet

The Unnoticed Places that Collectivism Is Killing America’s Prosperity


13-Jun-11 World View ......

12-Jun-11 World View ......


West Point Cadet Expelled After Incident Involving Singer Patti Labelle’s Bodyguards


Will Free Speech-Champion Norman Lear Speak Out Against the New Blacklist?

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Help Us Expose Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

‘Primetime Propaganda’ Hollywood Hates You Chapter Two

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Three

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Four

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Five

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Hollywood Hates You Chapter Six

Independent: Sesame Street’s Pinko Puppets Brainwash Our Kids


Incredible Photos: Goodyear Blimp Crashes in Fiery Ball in Germany | The Blaze

European Union Condemns Anti-Abortion Ads, Demands They Be Removed | The Blaze

Calif. Diver Vows to Find, Photograph bin Laden’s Body | The Blaze

Genius Joe: Scarborough Blasts Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh for Not Supporting McCain in Primaries by Using Examples of Dole & Ford Failed Presidential Bids | The Blaze

Big Brother Boss: It’s Time for Federal Gov to Employ People and Create Middle Class; Top Congressional Obama Ally Schakowsky Admits Jobs Dems Created Are Low Income, Says Americans Don’t Know What Collective Bargaining Is | The Blaze

Obama Gives Netanyahu Ultimatum on Resuming Talks | The Blaze

‘Dangerous:’ Tourist Questioned by NYC Police for Riding Bike in Short Skirt? | The Blaze

So What Did the Hackers Take in the IMF Attack? | The Blaze

So How’s That Hamas/Fatah Alliance Going? | The Blaze

Lawyers Fight to Reinstate Calif‘s Proposition 8 After Judge Admits He’s Gay | The Blaze

Author: Religious Populations Will ‘Inherit the Earth’ | The Blaze

‘Hand of Fate’: See the Card Trick That Drove Houdini Nuts | The Blaze

Liberal Christian Group Says You Must Choose: Ayn Rand or…Jesus | The Blaze

Texas Gov. Perry Assails Obama on Abortion at LA Stop | The Blaze

+The New Hampshire debate: A viewer's guide - Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman -

2012 hopefuls have health care skeletons - Kendra Marr and Kate Nocera -

Fixing Santorum's 'Google problem' - Maggie Haberman -

Farm subsidies test GOP frosh - Marin Cogan -

Whoopi with Obama in NYC - Maggie Haberman -

Boehner tears up during OSU commencement - CLICK -

Crony Capitalism and Obama's Anti-Coal Crusade

Barracuda Snakecharmer Sarah and the Mob

Weiners, Wusses and Wonks

California: The Sanctuary State

Chicago's Violent Flash Mobs

The Alinsky Alert System

A Good Man, Slighted: Christopher Hitchens deserved a knighthood this year. He didn't get it.

AZ legislature lets Obama off the hook

Toll of dead civilians in Syria climbs to nearly 1300

Reports: Obama pressuring Netanyahu on negotiations based on '67 borders

Whatever happened to that $6.6 billion in cash we sent to Iraq?

Retired Cop Gets $293,000 Thanks to Union Contract

Weiner's 'Official' Problem

Abortion Good, Circumcision Bad: Celebrity Empty-Headedness on Grand Display

Politics Stand between a Church and the Disadvantaged in Virginia

Are the Mainstream Media Enameling Sarah Palin With Teflon®?

Fanning Imaginary Flames: A Look Back At The Great Church Fire Propaganda Campaign

Is Perry the One?

A Case For Cain

In Defense of Romney, the Alleged Flip-Flopper

Obama's Phone-It-In Economy

The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity

Obama's Lip Service to Adam Smith

The 'Other' Ryan Plan

Clown Bandits and Dictators


Darwin's Black Box: Darwinism Deselected

Al Gore wages an Assault on Reason

Debbie Schlussel/ABSURD: “Annie” Tryouts Feature Psychiatrists, “Self Esteem Counselors” – Far Cry From My ’70s Audition

Debbie Schlussel/Another Islamic, Er . . . ISRAELI Scientific Discovery: Cinammon Blocks Alzheimer’s – Biblically Inspired

Congress agrees that Obama is above the law

Mr. Obama, unleash the American people

European Demographic Suicide

Nothing Is Anyone’s Fault Anymore

Meddling Mexican President Calderon Makes Fourth Visit of 2011

Boehner, Kasich, Obama and Biden – this will be an effing big foursome!

Media Witch Hunt Backfires, Boosts Palin’s Public Image!

Lib Comedian Garofalo: ‘Weiner is Being Thrown Under the Bus’

Redistributing Freedom to Tyranny

While Napolitano Calls Profiling of Muslims Illogical, TSA Focuses on Mentally Disabled!

A Change of View on Climate Change

Perpetual Media War Against Palin Exposes Imbecility of Mindless Critics

The Bounty Hunters of the Mainstream Media

Revise US Military Strategy Now Joint Force Strike Operations

Obama’s Inflation

Muslims Throw Rocks At Jewish Worshipers Praying At The Western Wall

Identity Stronghold

Big Oil is an easy scapegoat, but it has little to do with pump prices

Obama’s Plan To Make Your Electric Bills Jump 60 Percent

Thoughts on Collective Bargaining

The Strategic Debate We Need To Have

White House Insider: Obama’s Rage Over Netanyahu Meeting: "What the F-ck was that?" | Newsflavor

Concern about rise of Islam is bigotry?

Unbelievable… Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorist Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not Good Logic (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

For the Executive With Everything, a $230,000 Dog to Protect It -


Blagojevich jury begins second day of deliberations after week of closings, mistrial motion - The Blago Blog

Blagojevich jury goes back to work today -

Underdogs Obama, Blago, Weiner - The Middle Class Guy

Mighty Quinn

Quinn signs landmark education bill | WBEZ

Ill. Gov. Quinn announces Federal assistance for 21 counties - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff

Gambling expansion bill may shrink - WGN

Quinn wants to talk taxes with exit-eyeing CME | Government | Crain's Chicago Business

Mayor sends letter urging Gov. Quinn to veto gaming bill — Joliet news, photos and events —

Gov. Quinn signs off on new Illinois legislative maps - Chicago Sun-Times

Gov. Quinn fills state review board vacancies — Crystal Lake news, photos and events —

Examining Gov. Pat Quinn's recent legislative moves in Springfield | WBEZ

Gov. Quinn defends appointing ex-legislator - Chicago Sun-Times

Gambling On Casinos: Chicagoist


Chicago Violence: Rahm Emanuel Adds 150 Beat Cops As 7 Killed Over The Weekend

The Mayor’s Go-To Man on the Council -

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Releases Salary Information for Every City Employee - ABC News

Emanuel inherits political fight over O'Hare contract - Chicago Tribune

Merger with Continental costing 1,500 United jobs in Houston | Business | - Houston Chronicle

Editorial: Rahm Emanuel’s old-style politics - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago's new transportation chief sets a new course -

Chicago's new transportation chief sets a new course -

WWII bomber crashes near Aurora, all 7 aboard said to be OK -

Quinn signs education overhaul package -

How Latinos are changing the Midwest’s economy for the better | WBEZ

Review: 'Behind Mansion Walls' looks at infamous Chicago murder -

Ald. Pat Dowell reacts to CPS changes in her community | WBEZ

Recent controversy over public breast-feeding in Illinois has moms and health experts contemplating issue -

Cops: Child solicitation sting nabs Elmwood Park man -

Hired Trucks to homicide: Much that Daley faced in 2004 took years to surface - Chicago Sun-Times

CPS expects to fund teachers' pay hikes -

Police officer injured in hit-and-run -

Hit back at youth mobs with something stronger: sports - Chicago Sun-Times

Kayaking in Chicago, kiddie-style - - Going Places |

A Roundup of Chicago's Bike to Work Week 2011 Events and Pit Stops. - Show Me Chicago

American Girl and Field Museum in Chicago team up to teach girls about history - - Web only |

Long-stalled murder case involving deaf teenager to get trial date - Chicago Tribune

Wrongfully convicted man struggles with life after 25 years in prison - Chicago Tribune


Baby's first pet may protect against allergies - TODAY Pets & Animals -

The Associated Press: Seniors face Medicare cost barrier for cancer meds

The Associated Press: Could prenatal DNA testing open Pandora's box?

Breastfeeding linked to lower risk of SIDS | Reuters

Formaldehyde, Styrene Added To Cancer Warning List | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Apples top group's most contaminated list |

New UN Declaration Urges Greater Effort to Vanquish HIV/AIDS

Big Pharma Follows Gates' Lead By Slashing Rota Vaccine Prices

YouTube - Bill Gates pledges $1bn to vaccine programme

Steven Spielberg's best movies - Movies Wires -

Pippa Splits with Sexy Cricketer | Extra

New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2 poster | Inside Movies |

The Best of Conan O'Brien Bleak Wisdom for Graduates - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Tina Fey, Chris Rock Condemn Tracy Morgan's Anti-Gay Rant - iVillage

'American Idol' creator Simon Fuller and Island Records founder Chris Blackwell form venture -

Saxophonist Clarence Clemons suffers stroke - The Washington Post

YouTube - Clarence Clemons Suffers Stroke; Bruce Springsteen's Longtime Saxophonist Hospitalized

The Associated Press: CBS' Tony awards show seen by 6.9 million viewers

YouTube - Check Out Highlights From the 2011 Tony Awards

Britain pledges over £800m for vaccines for children in poorer nations | Society | The Guardian

Yemen’s acting president meets opposition leaders for the first time - Telegraph

Lebanon Forms Government -

Volcanic Ash Disrupts Air Travel Across Southern Hemisphere - Businessweek

Germany Gives Diplomatic Recognition to Libyan Rebels | Middle East | English

Berlusconi suffers stinging referendum defeat | Reuters

Michael Auslin: Turbulent Waters in the South China Sea -

Sudan’s North, South Agree in Principle on Ethiopian Peacekeepers in Abyei - Bloomberg

High Level of Toxins in Water at Japan Plant Raises Risks -

Egypt spy allegations against Israeli questioned |

Silvio Berlusconi jokes about 'bunga bunga' with Benjamin Netanyahu - Telegraph

Turks arrest 32 alleged Anonymous hacktivists - Telegraph

Clashes mar visit by Jordan's king, witnesses say -

Five killed, 25 wounded in Iraq blast

Hamas rules out PM job for Salam Fayyad - Right Turn - The Washington Post

Turkey's Triumphant Erdogan Promises Compromise With Opposition | Europe | English

Col Gaddafi refuses to step down, playing chess instead - Telegraph

YouTube - Raw Video: Gadhafi Takes on Chess World Champion

Syrian Refugees Continue to Flee to Turkey | Middle East | English

Gay Girl in Damascus hoaxer acted out of 'vanity' | World news | The Guardian

4.7 quake shakes Christchurch again

YouTube - New Zealand quake captured on camera


Would You Pay $599 for an iPhone 4? | News & Opinion |

Panasonic Launches GF3, Its Smallest Interchangeable Lens Camera | News & Opinion |

Technology News: Wireless Networking: LightSquared Mucks Up GPS Signals, Flunks Network Test

Through Genetic Engineering, a Single Cell Becomes a Laser Gun | News & Opinion |

Lengthy Total Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, Not Visible in U.S. | News & Opinion |

Is Facebook losing users? Report says U.S., Canada growth slowing -

Nuance Voice Recognition Gets iOS Mic App | News & Opinion |

U.S. funding Internet censorship workarounds for repressive countries

Privacy groups urge investigation of Facebook facial recognition tool - Post Tech - The Washington Post

Iran doubts market needs Saudi oil output hike - MarketWatch

Why a Global Economic Slowdown Could Benefit the U.S. - Daniel Indiviglio - Business - The Atlantic

Summers: More stimulus needed to avoid 'Lost Decade' - Jun. 13, 2011

Analysis: Who might be behind attempted IMF data hacking? | Reuters

Nissan Aggravates Leaf Electric Car Buyers - Bloomberg

CME Group Places 81-Year-Old Chicago Board of Trade Building Up for Sale - Bloomberg

QE3 may not be cure for economy's woes -- The Buzz - Jun. 13, 2011

Euro Falls to Record Low Versus Franc as Leaders Clash on Greece’s Bailout - Bloomberg

Facebook IPO likely in Q1 next year: report | Reuters

Ex-Galleon Trader Goffer Convicted of Insider Trading - The Washington Post

Obama pushes jobs in trip fraught with politics - - Blame for forest fires debated

Ex-BART cop Mehserle released from jail

Republican debate: It's Mitt Romney and the rest as candidates debate in New Hampshire -

Supreme Court: Ethics laws upheld by Supreme Court -

Gabrielle Giffords: First Photos Released on Facebook - ABC News

Biden to Lead Waste Elimination Program for Obama Administration -

Nation-World | Rapture preacher suffers stroke, now in hospital | The Detroit News

White House Chides Anthony Weiner for Behavior, Avoids Call for Resignation - ABC News

'Bomb factory' defendant to be sentenced in San Diego, faces 30 years in prison -

Levee breaks near Hamburg, Iowa; flash flood warning issued | Reuters

Obama Reaches Out to Wall Street Donors -

Homeless Connecticut Mother Facing New Drug Charges -

Congressman's nephew killed in Virginia shooting -

Newt Gingrich vows to 'endure' challenges - Juana Summers -

Obama Pledges $250 Million to Boost Aging U.S. Electric Grid

RealClearPolitics - The Miserable World of No-Way-Out Politics

When Government Jumps the Shark | Via Meadia

RealClearPolitics - Obama Campaign Already Hard at Work in Virginia

RealClearPolitics - Obama Is Spinning Mightily

Mitt Romney makes 2012 pitch to New Hampshire Republicans after 2008 primary loss - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - The End of a Surprisingly Good Political Career

Obama & Unemployment: Democrats Need to Take a Stand for Jobs - The Daily Beast

Tony Knowles Aims to Kick-Start Dialogue on Curbing Oil Use -

Why Women Don't Get Caught Up in Sex Scandals -

2012: The Year Tea Party Divides Will Come Into the Open - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

Scrutinize the president, not Palin -

Mitt Romney leads the Drudge primary - Ben Smith - Blog : Hugh Hewitt : Ben Smith--The President's Man at Politico

The Uncertainty Tax -

Industry begins to count the true cost of 'climate change' - Telegraph

Doyle McManus: The West is still waiting for its Libya gamble to pay off -

Facebook IPO Valuation Could Top $100 Billion: Sources - CNBC

An impeachable offense?

The trouble with libertarians

Jiu-jitsu for conservatives

Free trade harms America

Poor Weiner. He's just getting old

There is hope for Rep. Weiner

Private sector must lead recovery

Easy voting explained

Forgive the president

There is hope for the world

The Rich Are Destroying the Economy | Common Dreams

A Lost Generation in the Making? « Commentary Magazine

Council quizzed over zombie invasion plans by resident - Telegraph

Silver Screen Saucers: Reagan wasn't joking, and Spielberg knows it

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

From the Shadows: There's Something in Our House -- Part One

Flood Fears: Ferocious Alien Fish Will Spread into New Areas | Asian Carp, Invasive Species & Mississippi River | LiveScience

Are human beings extinction proof? Evolution expert anthropologist makes startling claim after Doomsday clock moves another minute further from midnight | Mail Online

Jonah Lehrer on an Intelligence Workout | Head Case -

This is really scare-tree | The Sun |News

One Per Cent: Chips for dinner: Edible RFID tags describe your food

BBC News - Tests 'reject new particle claim'

Are we alien life forms? Meteorite suggests life's building blocks evolved in space | Mail Online

Orwell vs God | The Spectator

Highlighting Ayn Rand’s Atheism, Liberals Aim To Sow Discord Among Republicans –

WORLD Magazine | Getting religion | Arsenio Orteza | Jun 18, 11

Arkansas atheists sue over bus ads on God-free lifestyle | Reuters

Strict Obedience | Eye of Faith

Five Myths About Worship in the Early Church | Crisis Magazine

Who’s Afraid of a Little Freedom of Speech? | Crisis Magazine

A President's Faith Matters: An Interview with Warren Cole Smith

The Last Vaccine Frontier | The Scientist

3-D Images Reveal What Happens as Brain Loses Consciousness | Brain, Consciousness & Anaesthesia | LiveScience

Your Next Flight May Be Powered By Algae--And A Lot Cheaper | Fast Company

BBC News - Aquarius 'salt mapper' satellite goes into orbit

Surprise discovery allows scientists to block Alzheimer's - Science, News - The Independent

A Plea for Real-World Research - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

When Food Kills -

Mobile phones and health: The Difference Engine: Voices in the head | The Economist

'Controlled' power cuts likely as Sun storm threatens national grid - Science, News - The Independent

Time up for relativity table-top test? : Nature News

BBC News - Laser is produced by a living cell

How the Arab Spring Has Weakened U.S. Intelligence - Newsweek

Bjorn Lomborg Explains How to Save the Planet - Newsweek

The Conservative Revolutionary | Via Meadia

How China Can Avoid Next Conflict | The Diplomat

Is OPEC dead? - The Curious Capitalist -

Russia: the race between Vladimir Putin and Dimitri Medvedev is on - Telegraph

Moral Inversion in U.S. Foreign Policy - Ira Straus - National Review Online

The Hindu : Opinion / Lead : Dealing with India in the U.S.-Pakistan relationship

Saudi Arabia’s Freedom Riders -

Syria: Butchery, while the world watches | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Projecting power - The Times of India

RealClearWorld - Humanities at the Core of Foreign Policy

Does Nato have a purpose any longer? | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

If pocketbook issues drive elections, Obama could be in trouble |

The many flaws of Tim Pawlenty’s tax cut plan - The Washington Post

Palin’s emails: The world’s biggest story! | New Hampshire OPINION01

Webb's speech: Finest hour | Richmond Times-Dispatch

Union bosses come first for Obama | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Obama: You're Your Only Hope | The Nation

Afghanistan’s future - - For Incoming Defense Chief, No Easy Answers on Budget Cuts - Monday, June 13, 2011

Barack Obama goes in quest of Hispanic votes - Carrie Budoff Brown and Glenn Thrush -

RealClearPolitics - Politics - Jun 09, 2011 - Ethanol issue slips behind jobs, deficit in Iowa

How The Demand-Siders Ruined The U.S. Economy - Richard M. Salsman - The Capitalist - Forbes

The Uncertainty Tax -

RealClearMarkets - Tim Pawlenty Is Right About 5% Growth

New Documentary Looks At Greenspan's "Flaw" - Newsweek

The Job Guarantee: A Government Plan for Full Employment | The Nation

Wilmers: Small Banks, Big Banks, Giant Differences - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - Building An Escape Hatch Into Single Payer Healthcare

What Volatility Gauges Don't Predict About Stocks -


YouTube - Media mum as Bilderberg seal world's fate in Swiss secrecy



YouTube - Ron Paul Libyan War Is "About Commercial Business!"

YouTube - '100,000 tons of toxic water still inside Fukushima a huge problem'

GCN News /Wisconsin Governor Considering Options in Concealed Carry Law «

GCN News/ Is New Hampshire a Waste? «


GCN News/ Bilderberg 2011: Agenda Exposed, Wrap-Up «


More Temporary Solutions To Long Term Economic Problems | International Forecaster Weekly Bob Chapman The International Forcaster | Economy News | Investing | US Market Information |


*Midas Resources, Inc


Astonishing lawsuit: Make exposé vanish

Did Pelosi give Weiner an 'out'?'s latest toy is a BlackBerry-toting, anatomically-correct Anthony Weiner action figure | Information, Gadgets, Mobile Phones News & Reviews | Perth Now

Weinergate: New Dirty Email Exchange Between Rep. Anthony Weiner & Cyber Mistress Traci Nobles | Radar Online

Backlash begins for judges who backed illegal entry

NYT: FBI agents get leeway to push privacy bounds - US news - The New York Times -

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


*ARTICLE LINKS/Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Video: Worker storms office dressed as Iron Man - Telegraph

2ft Filipino declared world's shortest man - Telegraph

Planking in pictures: the internet craze of lying down in unusual public places - Telegraph

The 12 most beautiful lakes in the world - Travel - Destination Travel -

Woman sues ex-fiance after falling while peeing from his veranda |

Helicopter Gives Man a Shave |

Former Muslim blows lid off Quran

Little Spinners pole dancing classes for children as young as THREE | Mail Online

This is Somerset | Pizza staff apologise over 'ginger kid' remark

Young people 'should avoid alcohol until 24' - Telegraph

Scientists discover 'werewolf' gene which could spell the end for baldness | Mail Online

Man charged in 99-cent robbery attempt -

Montgomery County teacher charged with 'sexting' student -

Solar-powered plane on second international flight - Yahoo! News

Starlite, the nuclear blast-defying plastic that could change the world - Telegraph

For the Executive With Everything, a $230,000 Dog to Protect It -

'Gay' judge's impartiality in Prop 8 under review

Backlash begins for judges who backed illegal entry

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

Forecast for U.S. cities: Confrontation, chaos?

The trouble with libertarians


World Crisis Radio Podcast 6-11 1

World Crisis Radio Podcast 6-11 2

Bill Cunningham 6/12/11 HR 1

Bill Cunningham 6/12/11 HR 2

Bill Cunningham 6/12/11 HR 3

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-12, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-11, Saturday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-10, Friday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-09, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-08, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-07, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-06, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-05, Sunday


*The big list: Female teachers with students

*13 June

American Minute for June 13th

Today in History: June 13

June 13th in History

June 13 Events in History

Today in History: June 13 » History Net

June 13th This Day in History

This Day in History for 13th June

YouTube - Today In History For June 13th


» Stealth Vaccine Laws Allow Children to Consent to Vaccines Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prominent Bilderberg Insider Injected Into IMF Race At Last Minute

The Keys to Economic Growth

Climate change should be removed from the national curriculum - Telegraph

Hannity: Liberals are terrified of Sarah Palin

YouTube - JFK zapruder-stable

YouTube - Dan Rather's account from November 25, 1963

YouTube - The Undamaged Zapruder Film

:Revolutionary Politics : United States for Travel Freedom

Activist Post: Irked Iraqis Ridicule Notion of Paying US for Invading

Anti-Piracy Lawyers Found Guilty of Professional Misconduct | TorrentFreak

DailyTech - Digital Black Friday: First Bitcoin "Depression" Hits

The Internet Is Killing Local News, Says the FCC - Slashdot

U.S. Hurtles Toward System Failure

YouTube - "The Other Guys" SEC Scene

DOD Officials Discuss Using Virus, Vaccine To Manipulate DNA And Eliminate Religion

Sarah Palin Email Saga is Embarrassing Mainstream Media - Yahoo! News


**NEWS VIDEOS/MSNBC Anchor Claims LBJ ‘Never Elected’ President

28 Months into Presidency, Obama Announces Plan to Cut Gov’t Waste

Kids Try to Explain Lady Gaga

Pit Bulls Rip Man’s Arm Off

Filipino Man Shortest in the World

Dallas Fans Celebrate NBA Title

Mavericks Owner Cuban: ‘Our Fans Just Punked the Sh*t Out of Miami’s Fans’

12TH/ABC’s Claire Shipman: ‘A Group of All White Men Are Not Going to Reach the Best Decisions’

1st Photos of Giffords Released Since Shooting

Amy Holmes: ‘Media Needs to go to Rehab With Weiner and Get Over Obsession With Palin’

Howard Kurtz’ Liberal Media Panelist Falsely Accuses Breitbart of Libel Without Inviting Him On to Speak for Himself

Alaskans React to Palin Email Release

Thousands Rally Against Gadhafi

‘Slut Walk’ Hits Nicaragua

Weiner Seeks Professional Treatment Amid Scandal

11TH/Top Dems to Weiner: Get Out

Breitbart on Weiner: ‘I Cannot Imagine That This Guy Can Survive Til Monday’

Weiner: Online Contact With Teen Not Indecent

Janeane Garofalo: Weinergate Isn’t Weiner’s Fault – It’s the Media and ‘Hypocrite Republicans’

Bill Maher Takes Racist Swipe At Herman Cain: Newt Gingrich is Republican ‘Polling Behind a Black Guy’

10TH/Film Director Steven Bannon Talks Palin Movie with Hannity

Flashback: CNN’s Toobin Attacks Breitbart for Reporting Weiner Was Alleged to Send Messages to Teens on Twitter

Teacher Filmed Himself Abusing Students

Matthews: Weiner in Trouble Because His Behavior Offends ‘Culturally Backward’ Christian Conservatives

Chuck Todd Previews New Palin Film: ‘Her Supporters Are Going to Love It’

NY Times Begs Readers to Help Read Palin’s E-Mails

New Anti-Weiner Ad: Stop Sexting and Spending

Palin Bus Tour: The Video

**Politics Video:GOP Sen. Corker: Current Afghanistan Policy Is "Unsustainable"

WH Won't Call For Weiner's Resignation; Calls Scandal A "Distraction"

Grassley: Subpoenaing DOJ Over "Fast And Furious" On The Table

Richard Wolffe On Obama's "Incredible Comeback"

Trump: Go Through Weiner's Emails Instead Of Palin's

Brokaw: GOP Candidates Shouldn't Be "Hostage" To Certain Factions

Romney Ad: "Bump On The Road" Americans

PIMCO's Gross: US In Worse Financial Shape Than Greece

Newt Gingrich At Fundraiser: "I Will Endure The Challenges"

12th/Sen. Graham: Intervention In Syria Should Be "On The Table"

Klavan And Whittle On Founding Fathers And Future Of America

Shipman: "Group Of All White Men Are Not Going To Reach The Best Decisions"

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Obama Was Able "To Turn The Economy Around"

"This Week" Roundtable On Weiner Scandal

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Weiner And 2012 Field

Sen. Shelby: "We Grew Government, But Did Not Grow Economy"

Tim Pawlenty Attacks "ObamneyCare"

Rep. Hoyer On Weiner: "Bizarre, Unacceptable Behavior"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Weiner Distraction

First Pictures Of Rep. Gabby Giffords Released

"Meet The Candidate": Rick Santorum On Jobs, Medicare & Abortion

RCP's Erin McPike On 2012 GOP Primary Race

Speaker Boehner Gives Commencement At OSU, Jokes About Weiner

**Markets Video:The Future of Energy

Fatal Flaws in the Dodd-Frank Act?

Intel CTO: The Inside Skinny on Ultrabooks

Welch: Slowdown, Not Double Dip

Inflation Concerns In Asia?

Sessions: Artificial Economic Stimulus Failed

**World Video:Challenges and Opportunities in Africa

Panetta Offers Few Details on Afghanistan

Should NATO Intervene in Syria?

CHP Falls Short of Goals in Turkish Election

Israeli Bank Boss Joins IMF Race

Massive Waves Strike Chile

Syria Refugees Playing Cat-and-mouse Game

Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal

1998 U.S. Embassy Blasts Suspect Dead

Thousands Protest In Madrid

Protesters Clash With Police In China

How Close Are We To Toppling Gaddafi?

Is There A 'Third Way' to Engage China?

The New Security Dynamic in the Mediterranean

Can the U.S. Cut Defense Spending Wisely?

Renewed Focus on Syria, Libya, Yemen

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