A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

12 June 2011


Bilderberg Meetings:The Official Website

Why no coverage by mainstream media? | BREAKING NEWS | Sky Valley Chronicle Washington State News

Bilderberg And You

OpEdNews - Diary: The War For The West: Nationalist Patriots Vs. Globalist Traitors

The Associated Press: VIPs, conspiracy theorists descend on Swiss resort

Bilderberg 2011: The opposition steps up | World news |


Page:Bilderberg 2011: Swiss Family Rockefeller | World news |

Page:Bilderberg | World news |


» Judge Napolitano Covers Bilderberg on Fox Business News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 10 Really Stupid Things The Mainstream Media Has Said About The Bilderberg Group In 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Male Prostitutes Service Bilderberg Members at Elite Summit? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Interview With Swiss Politician Dominique Baettig Who Confronted Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters Outside Security Perimeter Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» MEP Assaulted by Bilderberg Security to Take Legal Action Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» AP Reports On Bilderberg Meeting After It Ends Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Austrian Press Confirms Premier At Bilderberg

Alex Jones On RT: ‘Bildeberg is not invincible’

+Exclusive: Unnamed Bilderberg Attendees Revealed, Gates Violates Logan Act

*(Conducting Foreign Relations Without Authority)The Logan Act

Paul Joseph Watson & Aaron Dykes: Day 4 Report from Bilderberg 2011

Up to No Good: ‘New war likely on Bilderberg agenda’

Bilderberg 2011: Lord Mandelson's nature walk | World news |

Paul Joseph Watson Breaks Down The Full Official Bilderberg 2011 Attendee List

Bilderberg 2011 Attendee Photos

Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda

High Quality Bilderberg 2011 Video & Photos, St. Moritz


6 in 10 Americans Now Oppose Obama's War in Libya - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Patrick Cockburn: Hopes for democracy fade as civil wars grip the Arab world - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

» Ron Paul says inflation will hit 50 percent Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paul tells Manchester crowd inflation will hit 50 percent | New Hampshire NEWS0605

» No Freedom of Food Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul: No Kings, No Wars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland Security Today: DHS Disputes Claims it Stopped Producing Intel Reports on Rightwing Extremists

» From Liberal to Libertarian: Bush, Obama and the Final Bubble Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Cyber War, Civil liberties and Internet freedom in the US Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Expert warns NATO of cyber arms race - Yahoo! News

FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic (but keep eating it, yo!)

Peru approves 10 year ban on GM crops

Drug firms go online to test and sell medicines -

» IMF hit by ‘very major’ cyber security attack Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - IMF hit by 'very major' cyber security attack

Mafia plot to smear Kennedys using Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe

Physician and Epidemiologist Say 35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest Cities Since Meltdown Might Be the Result of Fallout from Fukushima

New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami


**Bilderberg 2011: Master Page

NEWS - Alleged Cyber Attacks Are Setting The Stage For More Authoritarian Internet Controls - Underwater search for bin Laden's body to be launched - Tabloid News Trumps Coverage Of Bilderberg Meeting, Wars and Economic Problems - Bill Gates in China push against secondhand smoke

U.S. Homeland Security asks Jewish groups to be vigilant for terrorists - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News - ATF Agent Seizes 30 Toy Guns - Says They can be Converted - Doctors asked to identify potential terrorists under government plans - Hawaii TSA airport screeners fired over explosives lapse - Unconfirmed Rumors Being Spread About Bilderberg Members And Homosexual Prostitutes - More Proof Alex Jones And Fox News Are Working Closely Together - School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils - The Federal Government's Vindictive Legal Assault On NSA Warrantless Wiretapping Whistleblowers - NSA Whistleblower to Plead Guilty to Misdemeanor


+ - Senate report: The Latin American war on drugs has ‘largely failed’



NEWS - Did dreams of computer utopia cause economic collapse? - General Dynamics to work on Homeland IT - NASA Voyager Craft Discover Magnetic 'Bubbles' At Solar System's Edge - Toxic chemicals in US drone strikes

Panetta: Escalate Shadow Wars, Expand Black Ops | Danger Room |

U.S. Special Ops Troops Deployed in Mexico, Leaked Briefing Confirms | | the narcosphere


Slideshows - The Daily Bail - Bilderberg Conference 2010


The Fed’s $600 Billion Stealth Bailout Of Foreign Banks Continues At The Expense Of The Domestic Economy, Or Explaining Where All The QE2 Money Went -

*Chart:Reserve Increase QE2


What Dow Chemical Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Water (VIDEO) -

Washington's Blog:High-Level American Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror ... And Warn of Future Attacks

US government to set up internet Ministry of Truth as communist-style government-run media

Bizzaro Capitalism | Dissident Voice

China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho :

Lone Star Watchdog: Are the State Governors Ready to Sell Out to the Communist Chinese?

Toxin from GM crops found in human blood: Study : North: India Today


*Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List


Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions (video)


Pilger Film Banned By Lannan Foundation

What the American Public Shouldn't Know

War Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Unemployment Conspiracy; It's the Policy, Stupid


**Interview Jim Tucker pro NWOO.ORG na setkání Bildeberg 2011

*(Current and Past)Bilderberg- Independent Press Summary


Media mum as Bilderberg seal world's fate in Swiss secrecy | dotSUB


Tim Pawlenty’s CFR Connection

DNA-based diet assists with disease prevention -

America's Next War Theater: Syria and Lebanon?

America's Endless Wars

Can We Trust the CIA?

God Bless America. And its Bombs

The Rich Are Destroying the Economy

Empire Games : Who Writes the Rules?

The Moral Hazard of Modern Banking: How Banks Create and Destroy Money

Media: The Spreading of False Ideologies into our Culture

The Battle against Neoliberalism: Massive Popular Uprising in Greece

America's Next War: Iran

Hemp, The Great Green Hope

VIDEO: Bilderberg: Death of Democracy Behind Closed Doors

Student Loans and DOE S.W.A.T. Teams - informationliberation

People Realizing New Anti-Streaming Criminal Copyright Bill Could Mean Jail Time For Lip Synchers - informationliberation


YouTube - Freedom in the 50 States 2011

'Freedom in the 50 States' 2011 Report Released - informationliberation


**83 PGS/Freedom in the 50 States 2011


YouTube - Killing fields: the true cost of Europe's cheap meat

YouTube - Keiser Report: Selling Kidney for iPad (E153)

Homeless feedings Orlando: Orlando police arrest more activists for feeding homeless. -

Activist Post: US hails killing of Al-Qaeda's E. Africa chief

Activist Post: BRITAIN’S BIGGEST ISSUE: Judges sanction Social Services snatching children with Superinjunctions

Cyber War, Civil liberties and Internet freedom in the US: “It is truly a shame that what is viewed abroad as heroic is considered as suspect at home.” | Before It's News

YouTube - Ron Paul Explains Neoconservatism

YouTube - G. Edward Griffin The Dangerous Servant A Discourse on Government

They Are the Enemies of Every Decent Man | The Agitator

Elite Bilderberg 2011 Meeting Draws Scrutiny

ICE Declares 'Mission Accomplished' On Domain Seizures | Techdirt

Human, More Human

Is Your Food Still Safe to Eat? - Digestive Health Center - Everyday Health

Has Outpost Alpha From The Ahriman Gate Been Discovered?

bitcoin-triples-again-smartmoney: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Activist Post: NASA Headquarters Emergency Operations Launches New "Family Preparedness" Program For Employees (Video)

Activist Post: Muslim Americans in the U.S. Military Considered as Possible Terrorists Discuss Betrayal (Video)

Pro-Israelis Turning U.S. into Islamophobic Police State | Maidhc Ó Cathail


Activist Post: The Great Cancer Hoax: The Brilliant Cure the FDA Tried Their Best to Shut Down... (full length movie)


Activist Post: New Jersey town cites backyard organic farmer for growing vegetables, demands crops be left unattended to die

In the Grip of Mad Scientists: Business as Usual for Monsanto, Fort Detrick, and Atlas Venture | Farm Wars

Activist Post: US bankrolls 'shadow Internet for dissidents' abroad

Janette Sherman / Joseph Mangano: Is the Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout?

E.coli And Radiation - Surprise! Surprise!

Activist Post: Presidency not the only prize in White House race

Coulter: Power-Hungry Democrats a Threat to America

Coulter’s ‘Demonic’ Guaranteed to Outrage the Left

DNC Boss: We Can’t Force Weiner to Resign

Pawlenty Knocks ‘Obamneycare’

Pawlenty: Obama 'Out of Ideas' on Economy

Huntsman Says Obama 'Absolutely' Beatable

Obama Courting Puerto Ricans at Home and Abroad

Ryan, Hoyer: Ethics Case Against Weiner a Waste

New Photos of Rep. Weiner Surface on Internet

Huntsman: Obama Failed on Economy

Huntsman Questions Obama's Afghanistan Policy

Obama May Ease No Child Left Behind Law

Iraqis Blast Rohrabacher's War Repayment Idea

Rasmussen: 67% Believe US in a Recession

Clinton Honors Victims of 1998 Embassy Attacks

Giffords' Friend Says Congresswoman Makes Progress

GOP Sen. McConnell: I'll Block CFPB Nominees

GOP’s ‘Durbin Dozen’ Keeps Dodd-Frank Price Controls

Where Is Obama's Immigration Policy?

Obama Giving the US to China

First Released Photos: Gabrielle Giffords Smiling

Gabrielle Giffords Could Be Released from Hospital This Month

Spokeswoman: Weiner 'To Seek Professional Treatment to Focus on Becoming a Better Husband'

Washington Post Reporter: Reagan Was ‘The Quintessential Leader’

Canada Pipeline Is Critical to U.S. Energy Security, Oil Industry Says

Court: Using Car to Flee Can Be Considered Violent

NASA: "We're Seeing Things We've Never Seen Before" Massive Plasma Waves Sweep The Sun | Before It's News

Is Google Censoring Nibiru Planet X? | Before It's News

Tiny One Eye Alien Captured And Killed In Mexico, Way To Go! | Before It's News

Mystery Topless Woman Walking Through Streets Of New York... And Now (Surprise, Surprise) She's An Internet Star | Before It's News

The 3 Coming False Flags | Before It's News

NSA Declassifies 200-Year-Old Book | Before It's News

Days of Rage-Its not the Muslims Stupid | Before It's News

New Zapata All-Magnet Motor Video Posted | Before It's News

Obama Signs Document That Tells Israel Jerusalem Is Not Your Capital

We Are All Mutants | Before It's News

ObamaCare Has No Place in a Limited Government | Before It's News

Soldiers Bible Ministry Reaches Christian Pakistan Military through Humanitarian Partnership. | Before It's News

Wargames Prove NORAD Prepped for 9/11 | Before It's News

Re-Release - Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program | Before It's News

Richard Gage Talking About 9/11 on Primetime Irish Mainstream Television | Before It's News

Mystery 9/11 Aircraft Was Military 'Doomsday Plane' | Before It's News

Opportunity Rover Heads for Spirit Point to Honor Dead Martian Sister | Before It's News

New Arm Discovered in Milky Way, Earth Located Between Two Spiral Arms | Before It's News

Supernova Brightens After Dimming, Closest Explosion in 400 Years | Before It's News

PressTV - '90,000 homeless in Japan after quake'

Turning Clinical Data into Actionable Information is Key to Navigating Impending Healthcare Challenges | Before It's News

Keiser Report: Banks Blame the Peasants (Video) | Before It's News

Ghostly Photos Exposed | Before It's News

Aliens On Earth - Dolphins & Whales | Before It's News

Survival Psychology – Close Quarters Survival | Before It's News

Rathergate revisited | Before It's News

New argument that Obama is not a natural born citizen | Before It's News

Interest in birth certificate book wanes | Before It's News

+ Weekly Address: Government Partnering with the Private Sector to Train Workers and Spur Hiring | Before It's News

Robotic devices of future humans | Before It's News

666: the number of a man | Before It's News

Top 18 Ways To Reuse Mirrors | Before It's News

How My 5 Question Survey Saved Me Time And Resources In Product Development | Before It's News

Video:9/11 and the War in Iraq

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 3 Gamma Camera Photos | EX-SKF

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 4: 4th Floor Photos | EX-SKF

#Fukushima Marine Contamination: US's Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole Massachusetts Surveying Ocean Off Fukushima | EX-SKF

Radioactive mushrooms contaminated in Chernobyl disaster seized at British port | Mail Online


+Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Church Forwards Bilderberg Agenda


Ron Paul Libyan War Is "About Commercial Business!"

Clinton warns against "new colonialism" in Africa - Yahoo! News

NSA case unlikely to deter Obama's take on leakers - Yahoo! News


Cancer cure known for 35 years?


From the Pentagon to the private sector;Defense firms lure retired generals - The Boston Globe

Breaking the Silence › Video Testimony - "A big hole in his head"

Prince Philip marks 90th birthday with new title - Yahoo! News

Bill Gates in China push against secondhand smoke - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Media mum as Bilderberg seal world's fate in Swiss secrecy

YouTube - Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event

The Enlightened Ones The Illuminati and the New World Order


Osama Bin Laden death photos must be released, White House 'is not above the law' | Mail Online


YouTube - Multiculturalism: Beware White Man and all Indigenous People

Israel's diplomatic drive to block Palestinian UN bid - Middle East, World - The Independent

Release of Sarah Palin emails angers US conservatives | World news | The Guardian

Sarah Palin emails: Teleprompter and pre-prepared questions needed for TV interview - Telegraph

Murdoch sends in crack US lawyers to clean up News International - Crime, UK - The Independent

Are we alien life forms? Meteorite suggests life's building blocks evolved in space | Mail Online

Great American streetcar scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UCB Food Chain Sampling Results | The Nuclear Engineering Department At UC Berkeley - Is Chabad a Racist Criminal Terrorist Jewish Cult?

New life for the Texas’ TSA Anti-Groping Bill? | Stop Texas Secession

The judicial system: Closed Union Shops violating your rights « The PPJ Gazette

YouTube - 'Judaism Yes, Zionism No': Ultra-Orthodox Jews march against Israel

E.coli: Germany admits that locally-grown bean sprouts are cause of outbreak - Telegraph


Autism Ideas - Part 1: The Brainy Ms Grandin

Autism Ideas - Part 2: Offit, Come Off It

Autism Ideas - Part 3 - Kissinger's Brice's Mind Files

Autism Ideas - Part 4 - The Vaccine Court As Such

Autism Ideas - Part 5: Spinning And Sensory Integration

Autism Ideas - Pt 6: The Thalidomide Doctor Who Got Struck Off


Paul Drockton M.A.: Visions of the Coming Kingdom of God

Pelosi Calls On Weiner to Resign -

Sarah Palin emails: Enemies sent a series of death threats - Telegraph

Filipino expected to be named world's shortest man - Yahoo! News

States considering online lottery sales -

F-15s intercept plane near US presidential retreat - Yahoo! News

Obama Somehow Gets in Some Golf | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Tiny village is latest victim of the 'The hum' - Telegraph

Edwin Barahona, dies while trying to save his drowning stepson in Long Island Sound

Dozens Brawl Outside Downtown San Jose McDonald’s; 2 Stabbed « CBS San Francisco


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 10th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 10th, 2011


YouTube - Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights

The Mystery of the Helicopter Flying Around the Pentagon Before the Attack There on 9/11 |

Globalist Spin & the Syrian Unrest |

*Boiling Frogs – Podcast Show #46 – Sibel Edmonds |

Alleged Cyber Attacks Are Setting The Stage For More Authoritarian Internet Controls – Lee Rogers |

*High-Level American Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror … And Warn of Future Attacks |

YouTube - Ron Paul to Warmongers - Let me Get this Straight

Gaddafi writes U.S. Congress a thank you note for chastising Obama on Libya | The Raw Story

YouTube - 'Iran got no nukes and US knows that'

EPA gave over a million dollars in grant money to China |

Exclusive: The Fed’s $600 Billion Stealth Bailout Of Foreign Banks Continues At The Expense Of The Domestic Economy, Or Explaining Where All The QE2 Money Went – Tyler Durden |

Your Secret Admirer – Steve Gentile |

*Bilderberg:Article Link Pages

Bilderberg News 6-12-11 |

Bilderberg News 6-10-11 |

Bilderberg 6-9-11 |

Bilderberg News 6-8-11 |


YouTube - Missouri River - Flood of Biblical Proportions 6/11/11

YouTube - Drunk israeli settler brags how jews killed Jesus

YouTube - Israeli brainwashed children

GENIUS VIDEO: Bank Bailouts Explained - The Screwing Of The American People - Home - The Daily Bail


Burzynski The Movie - Cancer Is Serious Business - 12160


Revolutionary Politics : Marc Faber Spells it ALL OUT in 6 minutes - "We Are All Doomed"

Invasion of the body snatchers! -

U.S. congressional delegation sets off political IED in Iraq | McClatchy

OfficialWire: Iraqis Blast U.S. Congressman's War Repayment Idea

Iraq says U.S. congressman, delegation not welcome in country -

Revolutionary Politics : TSA Apologizes & Admits 'Bad Judgment' After Harassing Disabled Man

Revolutionary Politics : 'Hidden agenda in Syria to show itself after Bilderberg meeting'


- Analemma - Wikipedia

Radiation Network :Archive



Major Israeli Shipping Firm Accused by Washington of Doing Illicit Business with Iran |

Bob Tuskin Calls AAAS About NIST’s Scientific Fraud |

DHS partners with Jewish organizations -

Associated Press Rails Japan Government For Nuclear Radiation Data Cover Up

YouTube - It's a Depression

American propaganda programmed to wage wars and win profits | My Catbird Seat

Obama's Fourth War Intensifying, Who Will Be Victim Of the Fifth War?


*Adjust to the New Reality - China No Longer Holds Our Debt -- it Holds Spendable US Cash to Spend Here -


+ How PGP works


Censorship Online Censorship 101

Online Cash Bitcoin Could Challenge Governments, Banks - Techland -

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America - Salem-News.Com

Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Imperial Grand Strategy Going Forward: Is Asia the Final Frontier? « Blog

New Setback for US-Pakistan Ties -- News from

False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War | Veterans Today

U.S. Special Ops Troops Deployed in Mexico, Leaked Briefing Confirms | | the narcosphere

Russia, China snub U.N. council talks on Syria: envoys | Reuters

The Associated Press: China Communist Party newspaper cautions Vietnam

GOP lawmaker calls for U.S. to pull funding if UN recognizes Palestine | Politics | Jewish Journal

Codemasters Websites Pointing To Facebook Page Following Hack Attack |

Activist Post: Cyber War, Civil Liberties and Internet Freedom in the US

Check Out The 11 U.S. States Most Likely To Default And Need A Taxpayer Bailout In The Next 5 Years - Home - The Daily Bail

BBC News - Power play over the 'energy crunch'

Russia protests arrival of US Navy cruiser in Black Sea

Marc Faber: 'QE3 Will Begin As Soon As Stock Prices Fall' - Home - The Daily Bail

10 Weiner rules for the Congressman that the rest of us learned in kindergarten (explicit)

Panetta Warns Pakistani Intelligence Officials on Collusion With Militants -

Zionist Washington Ensuring End of America | Veterans Today

Shakespeare: Revolt from tyrannical government - empowerment for Americans today - National Nonpartisan |

Obama’s DHS outreach to Jews meets with mixed reactions - National Law Enforcement |

It's the End of the Beginning of the End. Reflections in a Petri Dish Media Beat IMF and World Bank: Global Loan Sharks and the Media

Lone Star Watchdog: How The Government is using the Constitution to Violate the Constitution

Gold, Oil, Africa and Why the West Wants Gadhafi Dead

‘Israel threatens neighbors with nukes’ |

The Media Distract the Public from War by Sheldon Richman

Administration To Give States Option To Offer Same-Sex Couples Equal Rights For Medicaid Long-Term Care

Gingrich tries to change the subject to the 'Obama depression'

Joe Lieberman's Cruel Plan To Make Medicare Truly Awful

Koch to Palin/Murkowski: Lower our royalties or jobs go away

New Rule: If You're Going to be the Pathetic Laughing Stock Center of a Tawdry, Lie Riddled Sex Scandal, at Least Get Laid

Journalists Arrested, Charged With Disorderly Conduct for Filming In Wisconsin Capitol

Sarah Palin Doesn't Know Cold War History Either

Chris Matthews Allows His Guests to Pretend Romney Should be Taken Seriously as Someone Who Can Run on Our Bad Economy

Pelosi: Secure Communities Program A 'Waste of Taxpayer Money'

As Pelosi And Other Dems Call For His Resignation, Anthony Weiner Takes "Leave of Absence" For Rehab

AUDIO:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: You can't put the USA in Hospice Care, GOP!

Christie Announces Pilot Program To Privatize NJ Public Schools -- And Help His Friends

Good News: Connecticut Becomes First State in the Nation to Mandate Paid Sick Leave

Now That David Koch Is Gone From NIH Cancer Board, Formaldehyde Is Finally Classified As A Carcinogen

Albert Gaxiola on trial in the Flores family murders: A special kind of depravity

Pawlenty Moves from Sam's Club to the Country Club

Perpetual Media War Against Palin Exposes Imbecility of Mindless Critics

The “Muslims First” Foreign Policy

The Smell of Politics Brings Out the Worst in Some People

Weiner versus Breitbart: Believe It Or Not, We’ve Been There Before

Obama’s Inflation

Have the ‘Supremes’ Gone Plumb Loco?

The Consensus, Is It Always Right?

How to Create Carbon Credits – Kill a Camel

GOP Senator loses mind; Teams with Boxer on ‘disease cluster’ bill

Bernanke Denies Culpability in Oil Prices

Obama’s Nuclear Politics

No Short Term Middle East Solutions

The Bounty Hunters of the Mainstream Media

Undocumented Boomers Headed to Mexico!

Managed economy or free markets?

Obama’s ineligibility: Weiner government

A Case For Cain

More Arts Funding Boondoggles in Age of Obama Economic Meltdown

Food Fascism Lays Groundwork For Additional Control

You Don’t Have To Accept The Choices Your Masters Give You

America’s Funniest Bloopers by Presidential Candidates

Obama’s New EPA Rules Would Destroy Our Energy Sector

Return Of The Obamabots

Will the GOP Pull a ‘Pelosi’ on Patent Rights?

Grow Up America

Darwin's Black Box: Darwinism Deselected

Al Gore wages an Assault on Reason

Could Prenatal DNA Testing Open Pandora’s Box? | The Blaze

First Photos of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Released | The Blaze

Author: Religious Populations Will ‘Inherit the Earth’ | The Blaze

Liberal Christian Group Says You Must Choose: Ayn Rand or…Jesus | The Blaze

Pit Bulls Rip Arms Off 74-Year-Old Disabled Florida Veteran | The Blaze

Computer Attack on IMF Described as ‘Sophisticated and Serious’ | The Blaze

Penn Jillette: Glenn Beck Is a Nut — But I Like Him | The Blaze

A Kiss Is Just a Kiss? Smooch on Lips for Alleged Mobster Intrigues Italy | The Blaze

TSA Cuts No Slack for ‘Special Needs’ Man and His Plastic Toy Hammer | The Blaze

Shakeup: TSA Suspends 12 Agents, Plans to Fire 36 in Hawaii For Improperly Screening Bags | The Blaze

‘Untenable’: Pelosi & DNC Chair Now Say Weiner Should Step Down | The Blaze

Driver Miraculously Walks Away After Race Car ‘Disintegrates’ During Crash at Le Mans | The Blaze

Rick Santorum Would Not Ask Weiner To Resign From Congress, But. . . | The Blaze

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Believes Sarah Palin Wants Obama To Be Re-Elected…Huh, What? | The Blaze

Rep. Peter King to Hold Second Hearing on Radical Islam Next Week | The Blaze

Politico Author Talks With The Blaze About Fake Palin Quote | The Blaze

2012 Troubles Ahead for Obama in Prized Florida? | The Blaze

Explicit Content: Bill Maher & Glee Star Perform Dramatic Reading of Weiner Texts | The Blaze

Palin Emails Show Her Eyeing VP Slot in Summer ‘08 | The Blaze

Update: Scientists Release Depressing News in Search for ‘God Particle’ | The Blaze

U.N. Report: Iran Caught 10 Times Sending Weapons to Terrorists | The Blaze

‘Freaking Scary’: Anarchists Hit Washington State Newspaper & Home of Photographer | The Blaze

Saudi Electricity Company: Saudi Arabia May Run Out of Oil by 2030 | The Blaze

TX Theater Turns Profanity-Laced Voicemail Into Anti-Texting PSA | The Blaze

Chris Matthews: Weiner Draws Ire of Culturally ‘Backward’ Christian Conservatives | The Blaze

The Flasher and the Journalist Flash Mobs

Why UK's Daily Mail Got Cold Feet on 'Dreams' Fraud

Barack Obama, George Soros and the Religious Left

The Post-Economic Age

What Does Peace Mean Anyway?

Did Cruising with Callista Doom Newt's Campaign?

What Religious Freedom Means in Vietnam

Refuting Obama's Attack on Small Business

The 'World without Nuclear Weapons' Fiction

Nietzsche and the Left

Syrian tanks and helicopters attack civilians

Huge increase in electric bills seen in the next few years

'Obama's Road to Nowhere'

Obama and Russia's descent into tyranny

Woman not charged in accident that killed guitarist

Forget the death threats and find some dirt on Sarah Palin!

GOP Governors a Boost to Obama?

Weiner takes the 'I'm sick, not a degenerate' line

Rick Perry's Conservative Credentials

Giving the Good Game of Golf a Bad Name

Clown Bandits and Dictators

Obama's Lip Service to Adam Smith

The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity

Obama's Phone-It-In Economy

In Defense of Romney, the Alleged Flip-Flopper

Is Perry the One?

Fanning Imaginary Flames: A Look Back At The Great Church Fire Propaganda Campaign

America's Looming Quagmire in Yemen

Is Permanent Recession the New Normal?

A Nation of Government Dependents

Police 'covered up' violent campaign to turn London area 'Islamic' - Telegraph

Representative Anthony Weiner Used Congressional Gym As Backdrop |

Anthony Weiner won't resign until wife Huma Abedin returns from overseas trip: report -

Concern about rise of Islam is bigotry?

New Challenge for Parents - Children’s Gender Roles -

HHS Official Tells Youth Summit: We're Recruiting LGBTs to Adopt Kids |

Some gay-rights foes claim they now are bullied

EDITORIAL: China's Pearl Harbor? - Washington Times

Unbelievable… Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorist Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not Good Logic (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Lawmaker announces second hearing into Muslim-American radicalization -

Judge nixes plea deal after teen defendant wears sexy shirt to court -

Sprouts, Poster Plant of Health Food, Can Pack Risks -


Chicago sends 150 more cops to streets -

Chicago Blues festival review -


The Associated Press: Librarian, bartender, teacher among Blago jurors

- Movies - Chris Rock Defends Tracy Morgan, Then Doesn't

Super 8 Exceeds Expectations with $37 Million Opening Weekend | TheHDRoom

MTV cancels ‘Skins’ |

Bill Maher And Jane Lynch Do A Dramatic Reading Of Anthony Weiner's Dirty Facebook Messages! |


Lady Gaga Sings in Rome to Support Gay Rights,... | Gather

The Associated Press: Sex and Atlantic City: Casino resort heating up

Girl Scouts' Top Seller Sabrina Keller Dies at School Dance - ABC News


*Les Paul Google Doodle Gets Permanent Home | PCWorld


Apple sued over use of iCloud name | Apple - CNET News

AT&T Says Its Needs T-Mobile Spectrum | PCWorld Business Center

Apple Adjusts In-App Subscription Policies - Mobile and Wireless - News & Reviews -

Dumping .NET - Microsoft's Madness

Total Eclipse Of The Moon On 15 June - Irish Weather Online

Lake County News | California - Space News: Aquarius to study the power of sea salt

Facebook Photo Tagging: A Privacy Guide | PCWorld

I.B.M. Researchers Create High-Speed Graphene Circuits -

Stocks Fall in Longest Dow Slump Since 2002 - Bloomberg

Pandora raises IPO offering price range - BusinessWeek

Gas prices headed downward, survey finds -

United, Continental workers fret as merger rumors fly - The Denver Post

Miuccia Prada's Rebellious Streak Seen in Firm's Hong Kong IPO -

Warren Buffett | lunch cost | The Daily Caller

The checkered past of Groupon's chairman - Fortune Tech

Organizations lose tax-exempt status with IRS - Business Beat | Tri-City Herald : Mid-Columbia news

Social Security and Medicare Need Reform Now, Say Trustees -

AirTran 'ups ante' on military bag fees -

YouTube - Crackdown continues in northern Syria

Silvio Berlusconi facing yet another public confidence vote - Telegraph

Sudan's Bashir agrees Abyei pullout before July 9-diplomats | Reuters

Two blasts kill 34 in Pakistan during visit by CIA director | The Jamestown Sun | Jamestown, North Dakota

Indian yoga guru breaks nine-day fast against corruption -

Syrian troops seize restive nothern town - The Washington Post

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed's death celebrated in Kenya and Somalia | World news | The Guardian

The Associated Press: UAE: Libyan rebels sole voice for nation

Volcanic ash from Chile grounds Australian flights - Telegraph

Twin blasts in Pak kill 35 - Hindustan Times

AFP: Netanyahu arrives in Rome, attends Shalit ceremony

Egypt Detains Israeli Man Suspected of Spying | Middle East | English

gulfnews : Speculation swirls over Yemen leader's health

Iran security forces attack, arrest protesters - TODAY News -

Syria regime condemned by William Hague and Hillary Clinton | World news | The Guardian

New setback for U.S.-Pakistan ties - The Washington Post

Israeli Economist Enters Race to Lead I.M.F. -

YouTube - Bank of Israel chief wants to lead IMF

Styrofoam Chemical Styrene Added to Possible Carcinogens List - ABC News

A New Drug for Quitting Smoking Without Weight Gain? | Psych Central News

Obama Postures for 2012 as Medicare Hurls Toward its Demise - Technorati Politics

MyPlate Replaces USDA Food Pyramid - Manhattan Beach, CA Patch

Bill Gates and Baidu to Build Their First Project Against Smokers | Financial Feed

Climber dies after reaching summit of Mt. McKinley | Reuters

Local News | You can be fired for using medical marijuana, justices rule | Seattle Times Newspaper

DEAR READER: How misinformation about cicada ice cream evolved - Columbia Missourian

Cities by the Missouri hope levees hold back flood

Police still seeking tips in search of IU student -

Bus company shut down after officials find people traveling in luggage compartment -- again

California Diver on a Mission to Find Bin Laden's Body on the Sea Floor -

Republicans trade barbs before New Hampshire debate -

Mitt Romney under attack for 'Obamaneycare' - Telegraph

The Associated Press: Newt Gingrich looks to restart campaign

Pawlenty on Being 'Vanilla': If You Want the Clown-in-Chief, Vote for Somebody Else -

Huntsman: Obama economy has 'failed' - Washington Times

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors Abroad -

The Associated Press: Major actions on nuclear dump under Jaczko's rule

States weigh relaxing penalties for teen sexting - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee

Immigration to take a turn as fed-up officials fight extreme, costly laws

Letter: What Sarah Palin really said - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

New photos of Weiner surface on Internet | Story | POWERWALL

YouTube - Weiner Seeks Professional Treatment Amid Scandal

New photos of Gabrielle Giffords emerge [PHOTOS] - International Business Times

YouTube - 1st Photos of Giffords Released Since Shooting

South African art world gives 'kitsch' Tretchikoff the nod

Fire evacuation order on 2 Arizona towns lifted

UAE: Libyan rebels sole voice for nation

French agents in endless hunt for counterfeits

Turkey's state TV: Ruling party wins election

Couple charged with fencing stolen Picassos: report

British tycoon close to buying APR Energy: reports

Libyan forces fight rebels on several fronts

Italy referendums pose another test for Berlusconi

Latin American films scoop prizes at Romanian festival

Volcanic ash strands 30,000 in Australia, NZ

South Texas enjoys major boom from oil fracking

Count in Turkey's election points to Erdogan victory

'Failure of Palestinian unity could restart peace talks'

Syrian troops bombard border town as refugees flee

Kadima MK asks to stop National Service in rights NGOs

Tel Aviv ranked world's 29th-most expensive city

Kabul's grafitti guerrillas put the writing on the walls

Scandal hits Argentina's mothers of the disappeared

Are human beings extinction proof? Evolution expert anthropologist makes startling claim after Doomsday clock moves another minute further from midnight | Mail Online

Jonah Lehrer on an Intelligence Workout | Head Case -

This is really scare-tree | The Sun |News

One Per Cent: Chips for dinner: Edible RFID tags describe your food

BBC News - Tests 'reject new particle claim'

AFP: Argentine lab clones cow to produce human-like milk

Spots on Tut's Tomb Suggest Burial Was Rushed | King Tut's Burial, Tomb & Microbes | LiveScience

Are we alien life forms? Meteorite suggests life's building blocks evolved in space | Mail Online

NASA - Expedition 27 Departure Photos

New Type of Exploding Supernova Found—Brightest Yet

BBC News - Voyagers ride 'magnetic bubbles'

‘Artificial leaf’ moves closer to reality

China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk

Seeing Things On Mars: A Long History of Martian Illusions and Human Delusions |Pareidolia & Optical Illusions |

A planet going the wrong way

Untouched magical temple soothes Japanese tsunami survivors - Washington Times

Sun Unleashes 'Spectacular' & Powerful Eruption | Solar Flares, Sun Eruption & Sun Storms | Space Weather & Solar Cycle 24 |

Turin Shroud 'the creation of a Renaissance artist' - Telegraph

Ancient Assyrian Dictionary Completed by University of Chicago Scholars -

Ephemeral Antimatter Trapped for Amazingly Long 16 Minutes | Antihydrogen Atoms & Exotic Subatomic Particles | LiveScience

Renewable Energy Subsidies Are 49 Times Greater Than Those For Fossil Fuel

Muslim Brotherhood Praises Terrorist Group Founder

Defense Sec’y Robert Gates Repudiates The Truman Doctrine

Just Desserts

American Treasure Hunter To Search For Bin Laden’s Body In North Arab Sea

Egyptian Shaykh: ‘When I Want A Sex Slave, I Just Go To The Market And Choose The Woman Like And Purchase Her’

Brave New World? Homeland Security Developing Technology To Detect Terrorists BEFORE They Attack

Cartoon:UI: Weinergate

Thatcher Foundation Responds to the ‘Palin Was Snubbed’ Report Saying, “The Guardian Has Minimal Credibility”

Soros Funded MoveOn.Org Lies About Hacking Fox News Ticker

NewsBusted: “What is Obama’s Reelection Strategy?”

Credit Where It’s Due: Patterico Leads Charge On Weiner “Underage” Contact

SHOCKING: Palin Emails Show Phrases Like “Holy Flippin’ Crap”

Letting the Media Do Our Thinking: An Excerpt from ‘Bring Her Down’

Reading NYT Front Page Is Like Reading WSJ Sports Page: More Attitudes and Oddballs Than Facts

Update: Politico Admits ‘Error’ in Attributing Bachmann Criticism to Palin

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » Ashton Kutcher Defends Sarah Palin Against MSM’s ‘Repulsive’ Email Crusade

AOL/HuffPo Ad Hominem Alert! - Big Journalism

‘Gettysburg’ Review: History Channel’s Hit and Miss

The Aristophallic Tragedy of Anthony Weiner

George Washington’s Words Through the Prism of Today: Part 1

Members of Caucus for Producers, Writers & Directors: ‘Claim of Being Non-political is Disingenous’

‘Super 8′ Review: Good Cast, Good Story, Solid Summer Offering

New Racism: Calling a Diva a Diva

New Weiner Photos Hit the Internet

Palin E-mail Frenzy Backfires on Media

ObamaCare Has No Place in a Limited Government

Cartoon:Overheard In The Halls Of Congress


SEIU On California’s Conservatives: ‘If We Can’t Get Them Out, We’ll Breed Them Out.’

WeinerGate: It’s About Personal Responsibility How Cultural Innovation Happens – Q&A with Anthropologist Grant McCracken

Weiner Seeks Leave of Absence from House; Will Get Sex Help; WHERE’S OBAMA?

Tim Pawlenty’s 5% Growth Vision

Top Dems to Weiner: Get Out

Exclusive Video Preview of President Obama’s Brand New 2012 Stump Speech

Obamacare Makes A Stop At The Eleventh Circuit


A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto on Fixing America

A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto For Fixing America – Part 2

A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto For Fixing America – Part 3


12-Jun-11 World View......

11-Jun-11 World View ......


Obama’s Secret Afghan Exit Formula: Leslie H. Gelb With Exclusive Details - The Daily Beast

The Syrian elite don't plan to let the revolution spoil their party | Simona Sikimic | Comment is free |

Real change eludes Cuba - Other Views -

RealClearWorld - Humanities at the Core of Foreign Policy How NATO is Like A Boyfriend/Girlfriend That Won't Commit

Persichilli: Stephen Harper’s 10-year revolution -

Doyle McManus: The West is still waiting for its Libya gamble to pay off -

Union bosses come first for Obama | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Obama: You're Your Only Hope | The Nation

Afghanistan’s future -

Does Nato have a purpose any longer? | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has rocky DNC start - Molly Ball -

Obama sees rich as his to plunder -

Medicare’s least bad fix - WWW.THEDAILY.COM

Hitchens on the Art of the Feud -

The Weekend Interview with Michele Bachmann: 'On the Beach, I Bring von Mises' -

Sarah Palin emails: Palin emails underscore polarizing effect -

Why Newt Gingrich’s campaign crashed - The Washington Post

Mark Steyn: It's all bumps, no road in Obamaville - Orange County Register

Obama says to weigh new steps to boost jobs | Reuters

America's Fading Exceptionalism - US News and World Report

RealClearPolitics - Obama Faces More Voter Anxiety, Less Excitement

Crowley: Republican field is wide open -

Government by the ‘experts’ - The Washington Post

Robert Reich: Why the President Must Come Up With Demand-Side Solutions, And Not Go Over to the Supply Side

A Lost Generation in the Making? « Commentary Magazine

American Way: Sarah Palin email frenzy backfires on her media antagonists – Telegraph Blogs

RealClearPolitics - The Enduring American Spirit

How about a Brown-Coakley rematch? - The Boston Globe

This Syrian tinderbox could set fire to the region | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |

Death of Keynesianism? Outside the Box - MarketWatch

With Goolsbee’s departure, Obama losing a voice of reason - The Washington Post

Great News! Geithner's Job Is Secure - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Immigration in the European Union -

4 curious errors in Obama's 'Dreams'

Backlash begins for judges who backed illegal entry

'Gay' judge's impartiality in Prop 8 under review

Why did Obama release electronic birth certificate?

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

Forecast for U.S. cities: Confrontation, chaos?

The trouble with libertarians

Borrowing is problem, not solution

Economic data may be as grim as bad summer movie Economic Preview - MarketWatch

Arizona wildfire rekindles debate on controlling density of forests - Washington Times

Alabama's Tough New Immigration Law Can Withstand Legal Challenges, Experts Say -

Montgomery County teacher charged with 'sexting' student -

Smurf fans irked by writer's work

Solar-powered plane on second international flight - Yahoo! News

Starlite, the nuclear blast-defying plastic that could change the world - Telegraph

President's newest scandal becomes laughing matter


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Do you want a president free to lead?;Ex-Gov. Buddy Roemer enters fray for GOP presidential nomination

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Buddy Roemer lays out agenda;Ex-Louisiana guv offers plan for creating jobs, reducing debt, boosting energy


Concern about rise of Islam is bigotry?

Tentacles of Islam Slowly Enveloping Europe? - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Vatican fears increasingly unstable Arab world

U.S.: Arms deals with Egypt to continue - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Media frenzy over Palin e-mail release was unusual even for her - The Washington Post

Sarah Palin emails: Dossier reveals obsession with hair and hunting | Mail Online admits it 'hacked' Fox News

ACORN 1-ups MoveOn

Muslim congressman defends renamed ACORN

Cameron Comments on Communications: "When Journalists Hit The Speaking Circuit" or "Turn Off That TV Camera!"

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Wealthy nations asked to pay for AIDS care

HIV stipend spent on prostitutes and beer

'I'm a Marxist,' Dalai Lama tells Chinese students - Faith & Reason

Weiner Admits Tweeting with Minor, Says Wasn't 'Indecent' : Roll Call News

Rep. Anthony Weiner made fun of Larry Craig scandal: report -

Metro - Anthony Weiner posed for 'Cosmo' in 1996

Senate candidate says 'constitutional crisis' Obama's fault

China aircraft carrier confirmed by general

Soldier Guides You Through Combat |


*The big list: Female teachers with students


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Osama bin Laden 'was a sex machine who would vanish into the bedroom with his wife for days' | Mail Online

'Bucket List' bull riding attempt ends badly for Huntsville Public Works Director Terry Hatfield |

Spots on wall of Tutankhamun's tomb indicate the Boy King may have been buried in a hurry | Mail Online

Mystery of Egyptian Pyramid's Secret Hieroglyphics Solved -

How could Obama hoodwink a whole generation?

Lupe Fiasco on Calling Obama a Terrorist: ‘I’ve Got Nothing to Clarify’

Herman Cain Speaks with Forked Tongue

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils | UK news | The Guardian

*12 June

American Minute for June 12th

This Day in History for 12th June

June 12th in History

Today in History: June 12

June 12th This Day in History

Today in History: June 12

June 12 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 12


**11TH/Politics Video:Obama Weekly: "Going To Take Time" To Get Out Of Economic Mess

Maher And Actress Jane Lynch Do Dramatic Reading Of Weiner's Messages

Maher: "I'm Not One Of Those People Who Believes In American Exceptionalism"

Rep. Kinzinger Gives GOP Weekly Address On Job Creation

*NEWS VIDEOS:Howard Kurtz’ Liberal Media Panelist Falsely Accuses Breitbart of Libel Without Inviting Him On to Speak for Himself

1st Photos of Giffords Released Since Shooting

Alaskans React to Palin Email Release

Weiner Seeks Professional Treatment Amid Scandal

Thousands Rally Against Gadhafi

‘Slut Walk’ Hits Nicaragua

11TH/Janeane Garofalo: Weinergate Isn’t Weiner’s Fault – It’s the Media and ‘Hypocrite Republicans’

Bill Maher Takes Racist Swipe At Herman Cain: Newt Gingrich is Republican ‘Polling Behind a Black Guy’

Top Dems to Weiner: Get Out

Breitbart on Weiner: ‘I Cannot Imagine That This Guy Can Survive Til Monday’

Weiner: Online Contact With Teen Not Indecent

10TH/Weinergate: Police Investigate Congressman’s On-line Relationship with Underage Girl

Flashback: CNN’s Toobin Attacks Breitbart for Reporting Weiner Was Alleged to Send Messages to Teens on Twitter

Teacher Filmed Himself Abusing Students

Matthews: Weiner in Trouble Because His Behavior Offends ‘Culturally Backward’ Christian Conservatives

Chuck Todd Previews New Palin Film: ‘Her Supporters Are Going to Love It’

NY Times Begs Readers to Help Read Palin’s E-Mails

New Anti-Weiner Ad: Stop Sexting and Spending

Palin Bus Tour: The Video

Jury Convicts Chicago Businessman in Danish Newspaper Muhammad Cartoon Plot

Film Director Steven Bannon Talks Palin Movie with Hannity

9TH/Campaign Staff Deserts Newt

Weiner Confronted Outside Lawyer’s Office: ‘Do You Know If It’s a Boy or a Girl?’

Feminism Officially Dead: Maddow Characterizes Weiner’s Behavior as ‘Bad Manners’

Disgusting: Anti-Walker Protesters Disrupt Wisconsin Special Olympics Ceremony

Herman Cain: Homosexuality Is a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’

Behar: ‘How Do We Know (Weiner Pic) Isn’t Breitbart?’

Watch the Video the Environmentalist Industry Has Censored from YouTube

7TH/CNN’s Morgan Plays the Mormon Card on Romney


*(1:02:47)YouTube - College Conspiracy

Internet Radio ShowS

Easy Organic Gardener Podcast 5/29

Easy Organic Gardener Podcast 6/05

Easy Organic Gardener Podcast 6/12

Nutrimedical Report Podcast 6/03 1

Nutrimedical Report Podcast 6/03 2

Nutrimedical Report Podcast 6/03 3

Nutrimedical Report Podcast 6/10 1

Nutrimedical Report Podcast 6/10 2

Nutrimedical Report Podcast 6/10 3

Herb Talk Podcast 5/28

Herb Talk Podcast 6/04

Herb Talk Podcast 6/11

World Crisis Radio Podcast 5/28 1

World Crisis Radio Podcast 5/28 2

World Crisis Radio Podcast 6/04 1

World Crisis Radio Podcast 6/04 2

World Crisis Radio Podcast 6/11 1

World Crisis Radio Podcast 6/11 2

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