A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

11 June 2011


Bilderberg Meetings/ The Official Website


YouTube - Secret Societies: The Bilderberg Group


*Varied Conspiracy/


* Bilderberg 2011: Full Official Attendee List Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Read Street: Bilderberg Group meeting sparks conspiracy claims - Baltimore book clubs and festivals, reviews and recommendations from The Sun's David Rosenthal -


(57 min)YouTube - HAWK - Bilderberg Group Plotting Next Moves in Switzerland

(50 min)YouTube - Jim Tucker Alex Jones: Bilderberg Report.

(44 min)YouTube - Bilderberg Group




Meeting of Global Minds - Political Grapevine - Special Report -

Everything You Need To Know About The Secret Bilderberg Meeting Taking Place In Switzerland

OpEdNews - Diary: U.S. Mainstream Media Covers Weinergate, Ignores BilderbergGate

Bilderberg 2011 Attendees at St. Moritz, Switzerland

» Judge Napolitano Covers Bilderberg on Fox Business News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bombshell: Swiss Parliamentarians to Force Way Into Bilderberg Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Media mum as Bilderberg seal world’s fate in Swiss secrecy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Swiss Politician Lukas Reimann: Swiss People Oppose, IMF, World Bank and The Bilderberg Group Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Swiss Politician Lukas Reimann Talks About Attack on Mario Borghezio Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» AFP Editor Mark Anderson: Dominique Baettig Marches on Bilderberg Meeting Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Elite at Bilderberg Confab: War is Solution for Over-population Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Paul Watson & Aaron Dykes: Day 3 Report from Bilderberg Conference at St. Moritz, Switzerland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Exclusive: Unnamed Bilderberg Attendees Revealed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Exclusive: Unnamed Bilderberg Attendees Revealed, Gates Violates Logan Act

RT Reports On Bilderberg Group 2011: Arab Spring, DSK top secret agenda

Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Member

The Alex Jones Show: Interviews with activists, journalists at Day 3 of Bilderberg 2011

Swiss Politician Lukas Reimann: Swiss People Oppose, IMF, World Bank and The Bilderberg Group

The Alex Jones Show – Paul Watson & Aaron Dykes: Bilderberg May Get Gandhi Like Response/Turnout from Protesters


10 Really Stupid Things The Mainstream Media Has Said About The Bilderberg Group In 2011

Alex Jones On RT: ‘Bildeberg is not invincible’

Austrian Press Confirms Premier At Bilderberg


List of Bilderberg participants - Wikipedia


Bilderberg 2011: Photographs Of Delegates Arriving At Airport


*Bilderberg 2011: Master Page – LIVE VIDEO FEED


*New NASA research points to possible HAARP connection in Japan earthquake, tsunami


Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake - Technology Review


*(w/Article Links)Is lithium the next fluoride? Medication may be added to the water supply


China Genetically Modifying Cows To Produce Human Breast Milk

Argentine Scientists Create World's First Transgenic Cow | TopNews Arab Emirates

YouTube - Cloned cow produces "human breast milk"


FDA finally admits chicken meat contains cancer-causing arsenic (but keep eating it, yo!)

Many of us won’t be able to retire until our 80s Robert Powell - MarketWatch

YouTube - How five-second airport scanner tunnel works

New airport scanner which will take just five seconds - Telegraph

Expert warns NATO of cyber arms race - Yahoo! News

» Kitco Charged With Massive Tax Fraud Scheme, Business Viability In Question Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Stocks Fall on Dow’s Longest Slump Since 2002 - Bloomberg

6 in 10 Americans Now Oppose Obama's War in Libya - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Pakistan tells CIA chief it sticks to U.S. troop cuts - Yahoo! News

18 Signs The Collapse Of Society Is Accelerating

The Handling of the Economic Crisis May Lead to Civil Unrest

China ratings house says US defaulting: report - Yahoo! News

12 More Signs That Society Is Collapsing

Hillary Clinton 'wants to quit to run World Bank' - Telegraph

Clinton to Head Globalist Loan Sharking Operation at World Bank?

Globalist Spin & the Syrian Unrest

‘Libyan gold was globalist game all along’

Syria: secret agents 'led massacre in Jisr al-Shughur' - Telegraph

Panetta just another Gates?

Ron Paul on Newsmax TV 6-8-11: We Do In Many Ways Have A Dictatorship

Bandera County Sheriff's Office Issues Domestic Terrorism Warning - San Antonio & Texas News Story - KSAT San Antonio

New TSA Technology with Alex Jones

Janet Napolitano Visits NYU Law School to Discuss Need For Citizen Spies (Video)

YouTube - Bilderberg Group 2011: Arab Spring, DSK top secret agenda

EPA: Environmental Propaganda Activists—The myth of killer mercury | NetRight Daily

GCN News:The Three Coming False Flags «

Are You Still Drinking Soda?

YouTube - Miami Beach Cops Also Seized NEWS Camera At The Scene Of Shooting

YouTube - Alabama Passes U.S. Toughest Immigration Law! (First They Came For The Mexicans... )


*1:02:47/YouTube - College Conspiracy


Protest To End The Fed Kicks Off On 4th of July

++++ - Next-generation Internet addresses tested


Cisco Blog » Blog Archive » World IPv6 Day: A Watershed Moment Towards a New Internet Protocol


Video:Cisco IPv6:The Internet is Changing!


IPv6 - Wikipedia


IPv6 Day Only a Beginning, Researchers Say | PCWorld Business Center

- - Did dreams of computer utopia cause economic collapse? - General Dynamics to work on Homeland IT

+ - Senate report: The Latin American war on drugs has ‘largely failed’


**United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs( SUBCOMMITTEE ON CONTRACTING OVERSIGHT)

NEWS - NASA Voyager Craft Discover Magnetic 'Bubbles' At Solar System's Edge - Toxic chemicals in US drone strikes

Congress starting ATF "gunwalker scandal" probe - CBS News

School surveillance: how big brother spies on pupils

BBC’s Disinfo Piece: “Bilderberg mystery: Why do people believe in cabals?”

Bilderberg 2011: Background, Preview and Predictions (video)

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Humans become 'pets' in rise of the machines: Apple co-founder

Is this the checkpoint of the future? -

Lone Star Watchdog: Are the State Governors Ready to Sell Out to the Communist Chinese?

China Wants To Construct A 50 Square Mile Self Sustaining City South Of Boise, Idaho :

Insider Trading Crackdown Convicts 40

"God Particle" Researchers Face Setback

John Edwards Wants To Delay Testifying In Sex Tape Case

"Mad Libs" Creator Leonard B. Stern Passes Away At 88

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Criticizes Sarah Palin

Palin Emails Released from Time of her Alaska Governorship

Americans Funniest People According to New Poll

Casey Anthony Murder Trial Sees Scuffle in Court

Newt Gingrich Starts 'Anew' After Senior Aides Quit En Masse

Japanese Ministry of Self-Defense shows off a flying sphere robot (w/ video)

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Los Zetas ‘Teenage Spies’ Hanged From Bridge and Gunned Down in Broad Daylight (Graphic) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Americans' equity in their homes near a record low - Yahoo! Finance

'The War You Don't See' Pilger Film Banned By Lannan Foundation

What the American Public Shouldn't Know

Police State Much?

Gaddafi Offfers To Share $20 Billion With Rebels in Peace Deal

Muammar Qadhafi Pens Letter to Congress

NATO Chief Rasmussen Grilled Over Libya Assault

NATO Inflicted Libyan Deaths, Injuries Not ‘Propaganda’: Cynthia McKinney

Arab Revolutions Mask Economic Status Quo

War Crimes and Misdemeanors

Iran and the Issue of Nuclear Weapons

Pimping the Holocaust's Memory

China Ratings House Says US Defaulting: Report

The Unemployment Conspiracy; It's the Policy, Stupid

YouTube - Jim Tucker Live at Bilderberg 2011 St. Moritz Switzerland

YouTube - AFP editor Mark Anderson probes Bilderberg 2011

BBC News - Russian colonel who killed Chechen girl is shot dead

Tyell Morton, Indiana Teen, Could Face 8 Years - Flash Player Installation

Was Arrest of Top IMF Bankster Part of Planned Sting Operation?

Texas Gov. Perry Bilderberg’s Ace in the Hole?



Tim Pawlenty’s CFR Connection


Project for the New American Century(

Council on Foreign Relations(

Chatham House (


Top Swiss Officials Will Attend Bilderberg

Bilderberg Expected to Push More War at 2011 Confab

*Media mum as Bilderberg seal world's fate in Swiss secrecy | dotSUB

*Videos/Interview Jim Tucker : NWOO.ORG/Bildeberg 2011

Leiter resigns from National Counterterrorism Center - The Washington Post

Gates Questions NATO's Future -

Why TSA, Wars, State Defined Diets, Seat-Belt Laws, the War On Drugs, Police Brutality, and Efforts to Control the Internet, Are Essential to the State - informationliberation

Patriotism Is the Last Refuge of an Idiot - informationliberation

Why Is The Federal Government Running Ads Secretly Created & Owned By NBC Universal? - informationliberation

America's Next War Theater: Syria and Lebanon?

Empire or Republic. How the Empire Destroys its Own People

The Greatest Depression Has Only Begun

Towards a World War III Scenario.

World Bank's Role in Fuelling Climate Chaos

The War on Libya is at a Dangerous Crossroads

NATO is in an Act of War Against Africa

The Battle against Neoliberalism: Massive Popular Uprising in Greece

America's Next War: Iran

The Lies behind the West's War on Libya

VIDEO: Bilderberg: Death of Democracy Behind Closed Doors

VIDEO: Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights

Kill Bill 2011: The Ongoing Sabotage of Financial Reform

Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 1

Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 2

Palin Attacks Obama Over Betraying America to the Russians

Allen West – “I’m the Liberals Worst Nightmare”

2012: Last Chance to Save Western Civilization?

Oooooh! Callista Gingrich Takeover of Newts Campaign a Reason for Staff Defection | Maggie's Notebook

Michael Cutler -- Is the Tide on Illegal Immigration Turning?

The Great Land Grab

The Great Land Grab

Delaware Police Investigating Weiner Tweets with Teen Girl

Weiner Says Online Contact with Teen Not Indecent

Pelosi Declines to Call for Weiner's Resignation

Redistricting May Let Dems Escape Weiner Furor

Newt Drained Campaign with Private Jets

Palin Emails Show Her Eyeing VP Slot

Bush Vets: Still Time for Perry to Enter 2012 Race

Palin Emails Show Her Coping with Rise to VP Slot

Gingrich Delays Release of Financial Disclosure

Gingrich Wife Under Scrutiny in Campaign Upheaval

Palin Criticizes 'Unfair' Media in Emails

Sarah Palin Documentary to be Released July 15

Obama: Economic Recovery Is 'going to Take Time'

Rasmussen: 67% Believe US in a Recession

Scientists Challenge TSA on Body-Scanner Safety

OPEC Power Erodes as Iran Challenges Saudis

9/11 Memorial: General Reservations Start July 11

300 Rounds Exchanged During Texas Border Shootout

Arlington Cemetery Works to Fix Burial Problems

Obama Has Challenges in Florida

Ron Paul: Republicans Moving My Way

Buffett Lunch Bid Tops $2.3 Million in Last Hours

Scientists Discover Why Smokers Tend To Be Thinner

Chilling 'Demonic' Is Ann Coulter's Best Book

Liberals Appease Organized Labor at the Expense of American Workers

GOP Medicare Reforms Deserve Better Marketing

GOP’s ‘Durbin Dozen’ Keeps Dodd-Frank Price Controls

Washington Post Reporter: Reagan Was ‘The Quintessential Leader’

Shirtless Man Threatens Weinergate Reporters With Ax

Democratic Senator: Environmental Protection Agency Out of Control

Economic Study Shows EPA Regulations Increase Prices, Kill Jobs

Canada Pipeline Is Critical to U.S. Energy Security, Oil Industry Says

HHS Secretary Makes No Mention of Homosexuality in Speech on AIDS

HHS Official Tells Youth Summit: We're Recruiting LGBTs to Adopt Kids

WH Praises as 'Global Leader' Gabonese President Accused of Corruption

Rich Galen: Wings Come Off the Gingrich Campaign

127 Border Patrol and Customs Workers Arrested for Corruption

FCC Commissioner Talks of FCC Governance of Intenet's 'On/Off Ramps'

Final Foursome Set for Obama, Boehner Golf Outing

Inspector General says NRC chief hid information

Ethanol issue slips behind jobs, deficit in Iowa

Two new elements officially added to periodic table

Study Shows Preschool's Benefits Are Long-Lasting

» Jim Tucker: Libya War and Wider Middle East Conflict On Bilderberg Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Napolitano | Profiling | Muslim | RealClearPolitics

Activist Post: Janet Napolitano Visits NYU Law School to Discuss Need For Citizen Spies (Video)

The Ulsterman Report: Is Obama’s Watergate Moment Coming? | Newsflavor

Has Outpost Alpha From The Ahriman Gate Been Discovered?

Is Your Food Still Safe to Eat? - Digestive Health Center - Everyday Health

NHS indignity: Peter Thompson's body ignored for hours in corridor of Edale House unit | Mail Online

Human, More Human

Jon Christian Ryter -- The Muslim Brotherhood, Part 1

Jon Christian Ryter -- The Muslim Brotherhood, Part 2

Obama Giving the US to China

Newsmax - - Blogs

Where Is Obama's Immigration Policy?


VIDEO:Predatory Capitalism and War for Oil

VIDEO:Wilkerson: For Truth, Justice and the American Way

VIDEO:War is not About Truth, Justice and the American Way

VIDEO:Cheney, 9/11 and The New American Century

VIDEO:Inside al-Qaeda and the Taliban Beyond Bin Laden and 9/11

YouTube - Bill Moyers On His Journalism Career: Democracy Should Be a Brake on Unbridled Power. 1 of 2

YouTube - Bill Moyers On His Journalism Career: Democracy Should Be a Brake on Unbridled Power. 2 of 2


*Article Links:Bilderberg News 6-10-11 |


*Wikileaks Mirrors



Panetta: Escalate Shadow Wars, Expand Black Ops | Danger Room |


Research, Development, Test & Evaluation


Department of Defense Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Budget Estimates


* Department of Defense - Department of Defense Websites


National Reconnaissance Office :






+ Manifesto of the Communist Party

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks


American Daughter Media Center - Front Page » Blog Archive » Marxist Strategy For Enslavement


10 Planks Of The Communist Manifesto In America


*House of Politics - Political Forum


ECB: European Central Bank

Federal Reserve System


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 10th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 10th, 2011

+Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – June 9th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – June 8th, 2011


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – June 9th, 2011


YouTube - Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights


YouTube - Revolution Against Bilderberg Accelerating

We did it! Mainstream coverage of Bilderberg 2011 – Mark Dice |


YouTube - Ron Paul: End Obamacare, Abolish the IRS, Eliminate Support for Big Government

YouTube - Ron Paul to Warmongers - Let me Get this Straight

+ VIDEOS/Jesse Ventura Media Blitz |

YouTube - Chris Hedges Talk

AUDIO PAGE:CounterSpin – Harvey Wasserman on Fukushima; Andrew Fieldhouse on Bush tax cuts |

F16 Crashes In Wisconsin, Eyewitness Claims Nuclear Weapons On Board As Military Plants Cover Story? |

Open-Carry Experiment Shows Cops Don't Know Their Own Gun Laws | News and Opinion | Philadelphia Weekly

YouTube - 6/9/11-CA: Silly citizens, guns are for lawmakers, Disarming in NM, How to Survive Zombies

U.S. Special Ops Troops Deployed in Mexico, Leaked Briefing Confirms | | the narcosphere

NSA Declassifies 200-Year-Old Book | Danger Room |


Hemp, The Great Green Hope


* - The Emperor Wears No Clothes


A Scoop of Ron Paul, Please by Susan Westfall

The Prophetic C.S. Lewis by Joseph Sobran

Obama's Dilemma – and Ours by Patrick J. Buchanan

How I Know Another Correction Is Coming by Jeff Clark

Elite Bilderberg 2011 Meeting Draws Scrutiny The Labor Department Secretary Reports on LBJ's Great Grandkids

Fixes on the Cheap by Eric Peters

*Japan tsunami and earthquake: Pictures of recovery 3 months later | Mail Online

YouTube - "If You're A Muslim American In The Military You Are Considered Someone who Is Suspect!"

YouTube - Multiculturalism: Beware White Man and all Indigenous People

Conspiracy of the Cold War

Activist Post: What Dow Chemical Doesn’t Want You to Know About Your Water

YouTube - Richard Gage Live on TV3 - The Masterplan Event


YouTube - RFK Assassination Part 1 of 2

YouTube - RFK Assassination Part 2 of 2


Report: Taliban training monkeys to fight against U.S. soldiers

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today

Ofergate: The Latest Zionist Propaganda Blitz Against Iran | My Catbird Seat

YouTube - Bob Tuskin & Popeye call CNN Tips Line On Air About Bilderberg 2011

The Intercept: Watchdog seeks bin Laden photo, says White House 'not above the law'

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Police State Amerika

Revolutionary Politics : Autism Linked To Toxic Chemicals Found In Everyday Items Designed For Babies!

SteveLendmanBlog: The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (Part I)

SteveLendmanBlog: The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (Part II)


'A Million In Bonus For A Billion In Toxic Assets': How a Handful of Merrill Lynch Bankers Blew Up Their Own Firm - Home - The Daily Bail

Geithner Halts Payments To J.P. Morgan, BofA, Wells Fargo: 'All Need Substantial Improvement' - Home - The Daily Bail

This Is How the Dollar Dies

Iran and the Issue of Nuclear Weapons – An Analysis by Dr. Lawrence Davidson | Intifada Palestine

YouTube - Ron Paul Libyan War Is "About Commercial Business!"

What the American Public Shouldn’t Know | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: Obama calls on private sector to create jobs

US government to set up internet Ministry of Truth as communist-style government-run media

Activist Post: Debunking Anti-Gold Propaganda

The Professional Paranoid's Page on Disinformation/Disinformationalists, featuring the 25 Rules of Disinformation and 8 Traits of a Disinformationalist

Activist Post: From Liberal to Libertarian: Bush, Obama and the Final Bubble

Formaldehyde Is Added to List of Carcinogens -

Activist Post: IMF Financial Terrorism

NATO's "Alternate Universe" in Libya > - Strategic Culture Foundation

Activist Post: Pro-Israelis Turning U.S. into Islamophobic Police State

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Give the Entire Middle East to the Jews


*INTERACTIVE MAP:Botched Paramilitary Police Raids


Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America | Cato Institute Store


Do you think you’re free? Ask yourself these questions | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news

Crypto-Judaism in the Catholic Church | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

Prince Andrew should be questioned because he 'knows the truth' about billionaire U.S. paedophile, claims victim | Mail Online

Getting The Economic Fundamentals Right

The Obama Doctrine - Lawless Imperial Aggression

The CIA-ISI Soap Opera In South Waziristan | Opinion Maker

Palestinian Divisions On Statehood

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Elias Davidsson-I Am A Radical Antisemite And Am Proud Of It

Israel government 'reckless and irresponsible' says ex-Mossad chief | World news | The Guardian

Paul Drockton M.A.: Unilever-Bilderbergs Corporate Sponsor

Bilderberg Group 2011: Full Official Attendee List | _

Are we alien life forms? Meteorite suggests life's building blocks evolved in space | Mail Online

The A.T.M. with a built-in lie detector: Russian bank testing machine that recognises your voice to prevent credit fraud | Mail Online

GMOs Don't Qualify As Food

Aspirin And Death

S246N Tamiflu Resistance - Recombination & Clonal Expansion

Kitco - Commentaries - Eric McWhinnie

Burton arrested on communication charges » Jasper News » Suwannee Democrat

GMOS Banned From Peru for 10 Years

Wichita experiences rare 'heat burst' overnight - KSN TV, Kansas News and Weather

E.coli And Radiation - Surprise! Surprise!

US Is Nearing Even Worse Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers | _

#Radiation in Japan: Date City in Fukushima To Fit Kindergarteners and School Kids with Dosimeter | EX-SKF

Former adviser says government worsened radiation exposure - Monsters and Critics

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 3 Bldg Has Over 6,400 Tons of Contaminated Water | EX-SKF

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Reactor 3 Bldg Radiation Measurement | EX-SKF

Fed Will Buy $50 Billion of Treasurys in Final QE2 Push - CNBC

Mother of 14-month-old thrown from getaway car - Flash Player Installation

Exclusive: Police Investigate Weiner's Messages to Teenage Girl in Delaware -

Anthony Weiner admits contact with girl, 17 - Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Allen -

Weiner: Online Communications With Teen 'Neither Explicit Nor Indecent' |

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation - Yahoo! News

TSA Admits ‘Bad Judgment’ After Disabled Man Subjected to Airport Pat-Down

Palin emails show political persona, husband's key role - Yahoo! News

Latest news, comment and reviews from the Guardian |

U.S. Africa Embassy Bombing Suspect Killed in Somalia -

BBC News - 'East Africa embassy bomber Fazul Abdullah killed'

Spain arrests Anonymous members over Sony attack - Yahoo! Finance

Rare, Aggressive Fungus Strikes Joplin Tornado Victims « CBS St. Louis

My Way News - Wash. residents warned of 'bloodthirsty' dog pack

Gallup Daily: Obama Job Approval

Obama struggling in Keystone State, poll says - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

States considering online lottery sales -

China ratings house says US defaulting: report - Yahoo! News

The Local - MEP 'bloodied' sneaking into Bilderberg hotel

New Face for Chimp Attack Victim | NBC Connecticut

GOLDEN HOOKAH WINNER: Dope-Smoking, Menstruating Monkey Study Got $3.6 Million in Tax Dollars |




Bitcoin: P2P Virtual Currency(


The End of the World 2012: NASA Tells All | Before It's News

Discovery Channel Reptilians Exposed ! | Before It's News

Alien Abduction Sexual Assault Provided Biological Evidence Of Extraterrestrials | Before It's News

15% of ALL Humans Have Alien DNA - This 15% Connects With Each Other - Others Cannot Understand

Boost for Technology: Huge Step Toward Mass Production of Coveted Form of Carbon................ | Before It's News

Police State Gestapo now In America in Full Force. | Before It's News

New argument that Obama is not a natural born citizen | Before It's News

+Weekly Address: Government Partnering with the Private Sector to Train Workers and Spur Hiring | Before It's News

The Bernanke Scandal: Full-Frontal Cluelessness | Before It's News

TX - McCraw to drug runners: U.S. officers will fire back | Before It's News

YouTube - Anonymous Takes Down Monsanto's Website (06/10/2011)

Keeping An Eye On Yellowstone's Supervolcano | Before It's News

Idaho to be first Chinese state | Before It's News

New Chair of DNC, Wasserman-Schultz is on notice, demand Congressional hearing on ObamaForgery Gate, or you will be tried as an accomplice to criminal Obama | Before It's News

Coffee: The new hallucinogenic craze? - The Week

Turning Clinical Data into Actionable Information is Key to Navigating Impending Healthcare Challenges | Before It's News

Spellbinding-Long Total Lunar Eclipse Occurs Next Week | Before It's News

Turning The Moon Blood Red | Before It's News

Why There's NEVER Going to be a New World Order | Before It's News

Mystery 9/11 Aircraft Was Military 'Doomsday Plane' | Before It's News

Bob Chapman: Chinese Officials at Bilderberg | Before It's News

115 Million Children Have Hazardous Jobs Globally | Before It's News

Re-Release - Israel's Nuclear Weapons Program | Before It's News


The Nuclear Weapon Archive (


United States Military Weapons of War

+First World - Weapons of War

+World War 2 Weapons


Herman Cain Won't Sign A Bill Longer Than Three Pages Long

Michelle Rhee and Astroturf: A Page Right Out of Freedomworks' Book?

Countdown: What It Means to Be "Hannitized"

CNN Poll: Americans Worried About A Depression. When Will President Obama Have His 'Aha!' Moment?

SPLC's Potok calls out Obama administration for its 'political cowardice' on domestic terrorism

FEC Accuses Rep. Vern Buchanan's Former Company of Violating Campaign Finance Law

Is Hillary Clinton Leaving The State Department For The World Bank?

Fire At Nebraska Nuke Plant Briefly Knocks Out Power To Cooling Pond

But what about all those terrorists crossing the Mexican border? Er, what terrorists?

Colbert Rips Romney for His "Business Experience" With Destroying Jobs in His "Word" Segment

Gov. Rick Perry's Extremist pals with a dash of Limbaugh criticism

Coulter: It is Liberals Who Are Smashing Starbucks Windows, Committing Assassination Attempts, Since the Founding of This Nation

Gov. Chris Christie: Screwing State Workers, Meeting With Koch Partner. No Wonder Republicans Love Him!

Administration To Give States Option To Offer Same-Sex Couples Equal Rights For Medicaid Long-Term Care

Gingrich tries to change the subject to the 'Obama depression'

‘Super 8′ Review: Good Cast, Good Story, Solid Summer Offering

New Racism: Calling a Diva a Diva

Russell Crowe’s ‘Anti-Circumcision’ Twitter Rant: Anti-Semitic or Just Ignorant

‘The Undefeated’ Review: Our Story, Not Simply Sarah Palin’s

‘30 Rock’ Star Morgan ‘Jokes’ About Stabbing Gay Son to Death

Breitbart to Baldwin: ‘He could do better than to call me ‘D-bag-in-chief’

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Previews Palin Film: ‘Supporters Are Going to Love It’

Jon Stewart Mocks Hermain Cain: ‘I Do Not Like to Read’

Obamacare Makes A Stop At The Eleventh Circuit

Michigan Union Targets Legislator’s Business

Weiner Says Online Contact with 17-Year-Old Not Indecent

A Turning of the Tide: Tennessee Passes Anti-Terrorism Bill

Reports Of Muslims Stoning Praying Jews At Western Wall After Friday Prayers (VIDEO)

Police Investigating Alleged Online Communications Between Weiner and Underage Girl

Texas ‘Conservatives’ Renew Push for Tax Hike

Obama War Room: Michelle Ma Belle

+CARTOON:Obama Nation: Why?

The Pickens Plan and Crony Capitalism

AUDIO:Jim Pethokoukis on China’s Economy and Pawlenty’s Plan

Racial Quota Scandal at Obama Justice Department

VIDEO: The People Speak-Should Weiner Pull Out of Congress?

OBAMA NLRB Silences SC Boeing employees’ voices; Gen. Counsel Says Employees Would ‘Complicate Complex Case’

Call to Action for Chicagoans as #ChicagoMOB Problem Continues

Healthcare: Let The States Decide

Pro Union Protesters Disrupt Special Olympics Ceremony

SHOCKING: Palin Emails Show Phrases Like “Holy Flippin’ Crap”

Letting the Media Do Our Thinking: An Excerpt from ‘Bring Her Down’

Reading NYT Front Page Is Like Reading WSJ Sports Page: More Attitudes and Oddballs Than Facts

Update: Politico Admits ‘Error’ in Attributing Bachmann Criticism to Palin

Correction Request: KTLA “Unclear” On How X-Rated #Weinergate Photo Was Published

Gawker falsely brands Breitbart Over Naked Weiner Pic

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Swipes at Sarah Palin

Weinergate Is Like… Bristol Palin’s Pregnancy

Renewable Energy Subsidies Are 49 Times Greater Than Those For Fossil Fuel

UN and MSM finally take notice of new government massacres in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains

Tense On The Border: Patrol Agents Fire 300 Rounds Against Mexican Gangs

Big Peace Contributor Charles Johnson Wins Eric Breindel Award

Brutality In Syria: ‘You Want Your Freedom?’

Ahmadinejad: Anti-Semite, Islamists, Environmentalist?!

Vietnam Protests Chinese Attack On Vietnamese Survey Ships

Qaddafi Is Raping Libya. Literally.

High Schools To Soldiers and Marines: Nix Those Uniforms

Don’t Worry: Terror-Free Toilets Are On The Way

Somali gov't: 1998 US Embassy blasts suspect dead

Fighting with Islamic militants in Yemen kills 40

Premature aging seen as issue for AIDS survivors

Obama faces more voter anxiety, less excitement

Lagarde woos Saudis, says debt top IMF target for her

Germany confirms source of E. coli outbreak

German officials see no E.coli fault at organic farm

Bahrain appoints parliament head to lead reform talks

Huge AZ wildfire spreads, health conditions worsen

Insect expert testifies in Anthony murder trial

NSA case unlikely to deter Obama's take on leakers

Iraq asks US congressman to leave over 'repay' remark

CNN poll shows rise in American sympathy for Israel

'Abbas shuts down web sites run by Dahlan supporters'

Yemen: Military kills 21 al-Qaida members in south

Turkey says 4,300 flee Syria, thousands more at border

Israel Prize winner Al Schwimmer dies on 94th birthday

Roadside bomb in Afghanistan kills eight children

Nearly 700 North African migrants arrive on Italian island

'Iran to convene nuclear conference targeting Israel'

'Sha'ath: We will go to UN despite US veto intention'

US condemns Syria crackdown

Roadside bomb kills 15 Afghan civilians

TV Honor Society Rejects Request for Resolution Denouncing Political Discrimination (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

The future of 'The Wire' is in Eric Holder's hands - CLICK -

Sarah Palin emails provide no big bombshells - Molly Ball -

Palin E-Mails Cover Bears, Budget, ’Biased’ Press - Bloomberg

CNN finding that Palin was hard-working governor | The Right Scoop

Hamas Summer Camps Train Next Generation Terrorists - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Top lawmakers in dispute over money for Cuba


11-Jun-11 World View ......

10-Jun-11 World View ......


» A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto on Fixing America - Big Government

» A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto For Fixing America – Part 2 - Big Government

» A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto For Fixing America – Part 3 - Big Government


Pants on fire: Truth still eludes ex-governor

Smartest guys not always right in Blagojevich trial - Chicago Sun-Times

Blagojevich jurors end 1st day of deliberations


United-Continental merger: United Airlines moving 1,300 jobs to Chicago - Chicago Tribune

This can’t be Chicago’s Blues Fest? - Chicago Sun-Times

Chicago Blues Festival 2011: Five Acts Worth Seeing

Movie theater owner sues no-show porn star Jenna Jameson - Chicago Sun-Times

Oprah Winfrey, Kelsey Grammer, Paris Hilton attending Cable Show 2011 at McCormick Place - Chicago Tribune

Source: Flash mobs on lakefront a threat to Chicago economy -

Old Town School’s 50th : Illinois Entertainer

Sculptor Charles Ray: The man who lives inside a tree | WBEZ

Remembering the 1986 Welcome Home parade for Vietnam Veterans - Chicago Tribune

ABC7's Hungry Hound: Barbeque gadgets for Father's Day |

Natural Standard Blog: Health Freedom Expo - Chicago


With Abstentions, Iowa Questions Political Role -

Target: Bin Laden -- The Hunt for Public Enemy Number One - ABC News

Bill Warren, California treasure-hunter, vows to find Osama Bin Laden's underwater grave

Deadly Joplin tornado stirred up rare fungal infections | Detroit Free Press |

1250 AM WTMA: The Big Talker | News and Talk from Charleston, South Carolina

Case against ex-NSA manager accused of mishandling classified files narrows - The Washington Post

GOP Takes Two Tax Tracks -

‘Miracle on the Hudson’ Plane Lands at Aviation Museum -

GOP field anything but steady as NH debate nears | Deseret News

YouTube - Gingrich Says He's Still Running for President

As Arizona Wildfire Rages, Investigators Seek Cause -

Sarah Palin e-mails: Staffer saw space for governor on racism - The Washington Post

Obama says to weigh new steps to boost jobs | Reuters

Four People Found Dead After Shots Fired Call |

Wichita doctor arrested in connection with fatal hit-and-run -

US Secretary of State Calls for More US Investment in Zambia | News | English

Search continues for IU student last seen June 3 -

YouTube - Search for Spierer: Police collect DNA

Gates Says NATO Could Face 'Irrelevance' in the Future | World | Learning English

BBC News - Prince Philip turns 90 and vows to 'slow down'

Croatia may join the EU in 2013 if it meets conditions - The Boston Globe

Lagarde woos Saudis, says debt top IMF target for her | Reuters

Clashes Between Yemeni Forces, Militants Kill 30 | News | English

Insurgency claims 20 Afghan lives in single day

Turkey’s ruling party poised for election win - The Washington Post

The Associated Press: Fighting with Islamic militants in Yemen kills 40

Flights resume in Uruguay after nearly 2 days of cancellations due to volcano ash clouds - The Washington Post

Former diplomats: Recognize Palestine - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Associated Press: China Communist Party newspaper cautions Vietnam

Spain Detains 3 in Hacking of Sony PlayStation -

AFP: Sudan leaders to meet on border conflict

YouTube - After Blunt Warning From Gates, What's Next for NATO?

Residents Flee Syrian Assault on Town -

Qaddafi Forces, Libyan Rebels Battle at Key Oil Port -

Protests in Japan Challenge Nuclear Power -

YouTube - Japanese watchdog demands radiation inquiry

Prince William, Kate Celebrate the Queen - Celebrity News -

Crowe: God Made Babies Perfect, Circumcision Is 'Barbaric and Stupid', Christian News

Alec Baldwin to Run For Mayor of NYC? - The Hollywood Gossip

Mother blames Nicolas Cage for son's troubles -

Jack White and Karen Elson 'Celebrating' Separation With Divorce Party | Rolling Stone Music

Full DC relaunch list revealed | TG Daily

Government Lists Formaldehyde as Cancer Causer - ABC News

Salmonella outbreak linked to Ohio sickens 39 nationwide | Reuters

Medical News: Washington Week: Medicare Data Slated to Rank Docs - in Washington-Watch, Washington Watch from MedPage Today

Quitting smoking makes you fat, and now scientists know why - HealthPop - CBS News

CDC: Most U.S. kids get recommended vaccines -

Health Organization, Gates Foundation Promote Greater Use of Vaccines | News | English

UN chief welcomes ambitious new measures to roll back HIV/AIDS

Baidu CEO and Bill Gates Take On Smoking -

Woman gets six years for transporting large quantity of marijuana on chartered plane from L.A. to Ohio -

One billion people disabled, first global report finds | Society | The Guardian

Take a Look at MyPlate - Plum-Oakmont, PA Patch

Some Arsenic With That Supermarket Chicken? | Mother Jones

Microsoft Bing Gets iPhone App Discovery, Facebook Sharing - Mobile and Wireless - News & Reviews -

Blackbeard’s Wreck Reveals Splash Damage Weapons - International Business Times

I.B.M. Researchers Create High-Speed Graphene Circuits -

Review: HTC Flyer Tablet Mates With Slippery Pen : NPR

7 Things You Didn't Know About the Nintendo Wii U -

AT&T, T-Mobile Slam Sprint's 'Duopoly' Argument Against Merger | News & Opinion |

Satellite to map ocean salt levels launched

YouTube - Nasa satellite Aquarius blasts off

Total lunar eclipse next week, not visible in US - Wire Health & Science -

Business & Technology | Microsoft's big plans for Xbox Live | Seattle Times Newspaper

How And Why You Should Disable Facebook Facial Recognition - International Business Times

YouTube - New Facebook Feature: Cool or Creepy?

Emanuel confident police will keep city safe | WBEZ

Music site Pandora boosts IPO price; Ally delays its debut -

Fed to expand capital plan program - The Boston Globe

Ford Loses Suit to Truck Dealers -

Saudis Set to Boost Oil Production | Middle East | English

Buffett charity lunch sells for $2.63 million | Reuters

CME's threat to leave Illinois echoes Sears, CAT | Reuters

Bonds, Too, Face Risk Avoidance -

Two Ex-Taylor Bean Executives Get Prison Terms For Roles In Scheme -

UPDATE 1-Saudi calls for greater role in IMF on Lagarde visit | Reuters

The Associated Press: Data center power outage affecting US Airways

Bair Says U.S. Must Avoid Amnesia in Response to Crisis - Bloomberg

Debbie Schlussel:SCHMUCK That Needs to Be Cut: Russell Crowe Attacks Jewish Circumcision – Hollywood “Tolerance”

Debbie Schlussel:Wknd Box Office: Super 8, Tree of Life, Midnight in Paris

YouTube - Don't Talk - Angry Voicemail (Uncensored)

The Smell of Politics Brings Out the Worst in Some People

Obama’s ineligibility: Weiner government

Obama’s Inflation

The Bounty Hunters of the Mainstream Media

America’s Funniest Bloopers by Presidential Candidates

Bernanke Denies Culpability in Oil Prices

Obama’s Nuclear Politics

Inhofe Troubled By Obama Administration Nomination of Rebecca Wodder

You Don’t Have To Accept The Choices Your Masters Give You

GOP Senator loses mind; Teams with Boxer on ‘disease cluster’ bill

Moronic Mexicans in a Snit Over Alabama’s New Law!

China, Japan, US: Rising Dragon, Aging Samurai, Bleeding Eagle

PM Stephen Harper Announces the Appointment of his Royal Highness, Duke of Ofedinburgh

Obama’s New EPA Rules Would Destroy Our Energy Sector

Digging Deeper to Find The UN’s Lowest Common Denominator On Syria

That Was Fast, MSNBC’s Schultz Attacks Breitbart Over Weiner Photo

Meatheads: MD Anderson grilling scare won’t cure cancer or cover up failure

Will the GOP Pull a ‘Pelosi’ on Patent Rights?

Is the US deliberately harming Israeli covert ops in Iran?

Yale, Jews and double-standards

Obama’s ineligibility: Picking up the pieces after political Armageddon

Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

Lie To Me

Ron Paul: What's Wrong with Him?


Economic Consequences of Human Action

Are the Mainstream Media Enameling Sarah Palin With Teflon®?

Fanning Imaginary Flames: A Look Back At The Great Church Fire Propaganda Campaign

Is Perry the One?

A Case For Cain

In Defense of Romney, the Alleged Flip-Flopper

Obama's Phone-It-In Economy

The Socialist Phobia of Scarcity

Obama's Lip Service to Adam Smith

The 'Other' Ryan Plan

Clown Bandits and Dictators

Giving the Good Game of Golf a Bad Name

When Will We Ever Learn?

Robert Gates Shrugs

Top Democrat operative launches plan of attack in Wisconsin recall elections

Obama sides with Argentina, against Britain, in Falklands dispute

Why Weiner can't quit

'We didn't sign up to be hucksters'

Who Will Weep Over Newt's Ashes?

Good news: China ratings house says US already in default

Politically Correct Washington Supreme Court Overturns Murder Conviction

Blog: America's Poochatroopers

Blog: Coulter's new book describes 'The mob mongering left'

Blog: Bobby Fischer Against the World

California Students May Be Expelled for ‘Sexting’ | The Blaze

Chris Matthews: Weiner Draws Ire of Culturally ‘Backward’ Christian Conservatives | The Blaze

Yahoo! New Zealand Publishes Description Calling Sarah Palin ‘Evil’ | The Blaze

Is This Picture of a Bikini-Clad Woman Too Sexy for a Billboard? Apparently, Yes | The Blaze

SEIU California to Launch…a Republican PAC? | The Blaze

‘Pretty Ambitious’: Beck’s GBTV Plan Intrigues Media | The Blaze

Get Ready for the All-Egg Angry Birds Cookbook | The Blaze

Dalai Lama to Chinese Students: ‘I’m a Marxist’ | The Blaze

2012 Troubles Ahead for Obama in Prized Florida? | The Blaze

Explicit Content: Bill Maher & Glee Star Perform Dramatic Reading of Weiner Texts | The Blaze

Politico Author Talks With The Blaze About Fake Palin Quote | The Blaze

Update: Scientists Release Depressing News in Search for ‘God Particle’ | The Blaze

NY Court Says Strip Club’s Lap Dances Are Taxable | The Blaze

U.N. Report: Iran Caught 10 Times Sending Weapons to Terrorists | The Blaze

‘Freaking Scary’: Anarchists Hit Washington State Newspaper & Home of Photographer | The Blaze

The Alex Jones Show: Interviews with activists, journalists at Day 3 of Bilderberg 2011

Cop To Citizen: “If You Take My Picture Again, I’m Going To F***ing Break Your Face” (Video)

Physician and Epidemiologist Say 35% Spike in Infant Mortality in Northwest Cities Since Meltdown Might Be the Result of Fallout from Fukushima

Paul tells Manchester crowd inflation will hit 50 percent | New Hampshire NEWS0605

» From Liberal to Libertarian: Bush, Obama and the Final Bubble Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Ron Paul: No Kings, No Wars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

White House seeks Israeli agreement to negotiate on 1967 lines - Washington Times

NYT: Economic woes test Egypt's revolutionaries - World news - The New York Times -

Ten Years And Counting: Where’s The Global Warming? - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

Opponents Praise End of FCC's Fairness Doctrine, but Some Worry About Similar Tactics -

St. Louis woman awarded $95 million after former boss allegedly masturbated on her

Official: Mexican cartels use money, sex to bribe U.S. border agents -

Chauncy Bailey: Two convicted of murder in shooting of Oakland journalist -

HHS Official Tells Youth Summit: We're Recruiting LGBTs to Adopt Kids |

Pelosi declines to call for Weiner's resignation - Yahoo! News

The richly earned humiliation of Newt Gingrich - Newt Gingrich -

Double-dip deniers -

Axelrod: "Elections Are Not Referendums, Elections Are Choices" | RealClearPolitics

Ron Smith: What, exactly, are we doing in Libya? -

Obama Recovery | Nealz Nuze |

The American Spectator : Reagan, Christie, and Those Unelected Elites

Sen. Chuck Schumer Quiet While Anthony Weiner Implodes Over Sexting - The Daily Beast - Upside Down - Friday, June 10, 2011

Is Obama Alarmed About The Economy? Is He Cooking Up A Jobs Plan? Interpreting The Administration's Public Statements And Signals. | The New Republic

California prison system: 'Non-revocable parole' is putting too many dangerous felons on the streets -

Hitchens on the Art of the Feud -

Book Review: A Most Dangerous Book -

Medicare’s least bad fix - WWW.THEDAILY.COM

The Weekend Interview with Michele Bachmann: 'On the Beach, I Bring von Mises' -

Why Newt Gingrich’s campaign crashed - The Washington Post

Obama sees rich as his to plunder -

Black hopes, the end of anger -

Reimagining Capitalism: Bold Ideas for a New Economy | The Nation

All bumps, no road in Obamaville | obama, new, road - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Obama says to weigh new steps to boost jobs | Reuters

Sarah Palin emails: Palin emails underscore polarizing effect -

On Again, Off Again

Germany has too many housewives, EU warns - The Local

President's newest scandal becomes laughing matter

9th Circuit judges asked: 'Will you choose tyranny?'

Florida firestorm focuses on gun data 'fishing' trips


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Do you want a president free to lead?;Ex-Gov. Buddy Roemer enters fray for GOP presidential nomination

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Buddy Roemer lays out agenda;Ex-Louisiana guv offers plan for creating jobs, reducing debt, boosting energy


Concern about rise of Islam is bigotry?

Thousands of Sarah Palin's private emails released - Telegraph admits it 'hacked' Fox News

ACORN 1-ups MoveOn

Muslim congressman defends renamed ACORN

Is battle against Fairness Doctrine over?

Dangerous deficit: Civics education

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof' – of fraud

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

'Gay' judge's impartiality in Prop 8 under review

What if some other behavior cost 25 million lives?

Christian sacked after abortion leaflet row - Telegraph

Pastor, Church Official Shot Dead in Nigeria

District would rather censor Christians than raise funds

District 'data mining' students over grant money

Forecast for U.S. cities: Confrontation, chaos?

Weinergate: New Dirty Email Exchange Between Rep. Anthony Weiner & Cyber Mistress Traci Nobles | Radar Online

Like most Americans, Rep. Anthony Weiner can't afford to quit his job -

Twitter User Who Caught Anthony Weiner Photo Remains Mystery - ABC News

Senate candidate says 'constitutional crisis' Obama's fault

White House seeks Israeli agreement to negotiate on 1967 lines - Washington Times

Haaretz exclusive: Secret cables show Israel's battle plan over Palestinian UN bid - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

China-Vietnam Dispute Grows With Naval Maneuvers -

Osama bin Laden 'was a sex machine who would vanish into the bedroom with his wife for days' | Mail Online

Get off the couch! America needs you

Borrowing is problem, not solution

Weiner affair is just not kosher!

Only remedy for Weiner is limited government

There is hope for the world

To be a writer

Managed economy or free markets?

I remember Allan Bloom

For such a time as this

Bachmann Goes Lamestream

Atheists don't have no songs

Obama Recovery | Nealz Nuze |

Debbie Wasserman Schultz has rocky DNC start - Molly Ball -

Biden, lawmakers pick up pace of debt-reduction talks - The Washington Post - In Her Shoes - Friday, June 10, 2011

US Real Estate: Predicting Home Prices is Now Impossible — CNBC Realty Check Blog - CNBC

Dow Falls Below 12,000 -

As Fed—and Markets—Pull Back, What Can Investors Do? - CNBC

USA 2011: McJobs, $4 Gas And Underwater Housing -

Fixing America's Economy: Nine Ideas from Around the World - BusinessWeek

It’s All About the Economic Incentives, Stupid - Reuven Brenner - Leapfrogging - Forbes

Death of Keynesianism? Outside the Box - MarketWatch

Robert Reich: Why the President Must Come Up With Demand-Side Solutions, And Not Go Over to the Supply Side

The Shaky Foundation Of Keynesian Economics - Jerry Bowyer - The Great Relearning - Forbes

Toss These 3 Stocks Out With the Trash (DRQ, GLNG, HYC, SMBL)

Here's What the Rich Are Reading This Summer - The Wealth Report - WSJ

Christopher Whalen | Analysis & Opinion |

We’ve used up all our options, so what next? - Telegraph

When Will Obama Sound the Alarm About Jobs? » New Deal 2.0

What Really Matters for Growth (It’s Not Tax Rates)

Institutional Investor Global finance market news, analysis and research

The cruellest spring | The Spectator

The West's helplessness in Syria - The Week

U.S.-Chinese Tensions Mask Growing Relationship

How to Deal with Pakistan | The Weekly Standard

A Successful Diplomat Tries His Hand at Politics in Turkey -

West's period of mastery may be on the wane - The Irish Times - Sat, Jun 11, 2011

Commentary: Engaging the Anti-NATO | The National Interest

Talking Truth to NATO -

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: Human rights first

An unnecessary price spike due to Opec politics - The National

We’ve used up all our options, so what next? - Telegraph

RealClearWorld - Hamas' Strategic Dilemma

Afghanistan Conflict: U.S. Reasons for Waging War No Longer Logical - The Daily Beast

Guess what: Our enemies lie - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

The American Conservative » This Is a Struggle for Power, not Arab Spring

Ollanta Humala’s Limited Options by Roberto Guareschi - Project Syndicate

The Fall of the House of Assad - By Robin Yassin-Kassab | Foreign Policy

For the US, game not over in Asia - The Times of India

RealClearWorld - NATO Has Become a Two-Tiered Alliance

Failed favoritism toward Israel - The Washington Post


(RealClearWorld) Research And Analysis/Article Links


**This Week in Pictures: June 5 - 11


Borrowing is problem, not solution

Misguided 'conservatives' on debt limit

Commerce secretary pick: Globalist, CO2 activist

'Gay' judge's impartiality in Prop 8 under review

Senate candidate says 'constitutional crisis' Obama's fault

Hindu god sculpture draws critics in CdA - - June 10, 2011

Avoid Facebook Embarrassment With Reppler - San Francisco News - The Snitch

Swedish man convicted of sex with sheep - The Local

Woman Loses 300 Pounds the Old-Fashioned Way

Upgrade Your Life: Wet cell phone rescue - Yahoo! News

Tests show wireless network could jam GPS systems - Yahoo! News

A real-time Facebook video feed, courtesy of your sunglasses: Tiny camera in specs can link straight to the web | Mail Online

Being Ernest: John Walsh unravels the mystery behind Hemingway's suicide - Profiles, People - The Independent

Spots on Tut's Tomb Suggest Burial Was Rushed | King Tut's Burial, Tomb & Microbes | LiveScience

Are we alien life forms? Meteorite suggests life's building blocks evolved in space | Mail Online

Tiny village is latest victim of the 'The hum' - Telegraph

NASA - Expedition 27 Departure Photos

New Type of Exploding Supernova Found—Brightest Yet

Liberty Texas 'Grave' Mistake: The Psychic Dilemma - ABC News

‘Artificial leaf’ moves closer to reality

The case of the missing smoking sprouts : Aetiology

Gut Bacteria Know Secrets About Your Future : Krulwich Wonders… : NPR

The Last Vaccine Frontier

A Plea for Real-World Research - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

3-D Images Reveal What Happens as Brain Loses Consciousness | Brain, Consciousness & Anaesthesia | LiveScience

Surprise discovery allows scientists to block Alzheimer's - Science, News - The Independent

Your Next Flight May Be Powered By Algae--And A Lot Cheaper | Fast Company

England | Titanic Sinking | Titanic 2

How killer immune cells avoid killing themselves | Science Codex

Fragile X Protein Acts as Toggle Switch in Brain Cells | Woodruff Health Sciences Center | Emory University

Chemistry with sunlight | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis

A New Way To Make Lighter, Stronger Steel -- In A Flash

Report Faults Nuclear Regulator on Yucca -

The best anagram ever, and other silly Periodic Table games. (32) - By Sam Kean - Slate Magazine

A Simple Test Spots Bacteria | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Autism's Tangled Genetics Full of Rare and Varied Mutations: Scientific American

Cancer therapy: Taking aim sooner | The Economist

HOW, AND WHEN, TO MAKE A DECISION | More Intelligent Life

Handwriting Analysis Can Tell Who Filled in Bubbles on Tests, Ballots | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Why Does a Bug Turn Over On Its Back When It Dies? | Insects & Death | Life's Little Mysteries

The other E. coli threat? Raw milk -

Tevatron teams clash over new physics : Nature News

BBC News - Global warming since 1995 'now significant'

Blackbeard's Terror Tactics Revealed in Recovered Ammo : Discovery News

Flood Fears: Ferocious Alien Fish Will Spread into New Areas | Asian Carp, Invasive Species & Mississippi River | LiveScience

Who’s Afraid of a Little Freedom of Speech? | Crisis Magazine

Churches Use 'Free Exercise' Defense To Block Abuse Cases

Mormonism, Catholicism, and the Romney Candidacy

With an eye on China, Vatican issues new bishops’ policy - Beliefnet News

As Turkey votes, concern this time focuses on democracy, not theocracy | FaithWorld

The Trouble with Angels | First Things

RealClearReligion - Hawking, God & The Math Ed Train Wreck

The China Syndrome | First Things

Faith & Reason: A conversation about religion, spirituality & ethics

Whatever Works: How Christians Talk About Homosexuality | Religion Dispatches

Politics Journal: How Not to Mix Religion and Politics - India Real Time - WSJ

Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques | FrontPage Magazine

Interview: Michele Bachmann on Faith, Family, Christian News

Dr. Tarunjit Singh Butalia: Learning From My Neighbors: A Sikh's Interfaith Journey

The New Pro-Life Surge | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

China rejects U.N. claim on Tibetan monks' disapperance | Reuters

Sheldon C. Good: What Would Jesus' Commencement Speech Say?

Baptist Press - Among Asian fishermen, they seek to be 'fishers of men' - News with a Christian Perspective

The American Spectator : Dead Lines

EDITORIAL: China's Pearl Harbor? - Washington Times

Barack Obama and the Republicans: A beatable president | The Economist

Editorial: Media's Bias On Display In Hate Of Palin -

Review & Outlook: The Lone Star Jobs Surge -

Opting out of Obamacare -

Hike Naked: Germany Opens New Nude-Friendly Nature Trails - TIME

Typist of Schindler's list dies - The Local

Hitler's First Anti-Jewish Letter on Display - Jewish World - Israel News - Israel National News

Spots on wall of Tutankhamun's tomb indicate the Boy King may have been buried in a hurry | Mail Online

Mystery of Egyptian Pyramid's Secret Hieroglyphics Solved -

Extraordinary x-rays Photos | Extraordinary x-rays Pictures - Yahoo! News

World's most pierced woman gets married to balding civil servant - Telegraph

US doesn't make cut for happiest nations list - TODAY News -


Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-10, Friday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-09, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2011-Jun-08, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 6-10-11

The Manning Report- 10 June 2011

June 10, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

06/10 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 06/10/2011

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero1

What Really Happened With Michael Rivero2

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, June, 10, 2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3


**10th/Politics Video:Investigation Into Alleged Contact Between Weiner And 17-Year-Old Girl

Matthews: Palin "Wants To Keep Obama" Just So She Can Lead Opposition

Sarah Palin's Emails As Governor Released

Santorum Ad: "Hand Off America In Better Shape Than It Was Handed To Us"

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison: Obama Has "Bias" Against Texas

Gingrich: Staff Shake Up Due To "Strategic Differences"

Sen. Johnson: Obama "Phoning It In" With Debt Crisis

Krauthammer: When Dems Are In Power, Bad Economy Is Blamed On GOP

Schultz: We're Focused On The Wrong Things Like The Deficits And Budgets

O'Reilly: Obama Must Stop The Nonsense On The Economy

Wolffe: Iowa Straw Poll "Most Corrupt Part Of Early Presidential Process"


**10th/World Video:The Future of War

Obama Haunted By Vietnam?

Could Libya Conflict Spread?

Clinton on Libya: 'Time is on Our Side'

NATO's Rasmussen on Libyan Endgame

Should the U.S. Keep Pressure on Gaddafi?

Should the U.S. End Its Role in Libya?

Western Allies Offer More Cash to Libyan Rebels

China 'To See Exports Softening'

Shooting Caught On Tape In Pakistan Sparks Probe

Deadline Looms To Replace IMF Chief

Syria Referred To UN Security Council

Volcanic Ash Chokes Chile Waterways

Fareed Zakaria on China


**NEWS VIDEOS:Weiner: Online Contact With Teen Not Indecent

Bill Maher Takes Racist Swipe At Herman Cain: Newt Gingrich is Republican ‘Polling Behind a Black Guy’

Matthews: Weiner in Trouble Because His Behavior Offends ‘Culturally Backward’ Christian Conservatives

Noel Sheppard’s picture Janeane Garofalo: Weinergate Isn’t Weiner’s Fault – It’s the Media and ‘Hypocrite Republicans’

10TH/Weinergate: Police Investigate Congressman’s On-line Relationship with Underage Girl

Flashback: CNN’s Toobin Attacks Breitbart for Reporting Weiner Was Alleged to Send Messages to Teens on Twitter

NY Times Begs Readers to Help Read Palin’s E-Mails

Film Director Steven Bannon Talks Palin Movie with Hannity

Chuck Todd Previews New Palin Film: ‘Her Supporters Are Going to Love It’

New Anti-Weiner Ad: Stop Sexting and Spending

Teacher Filmed Himself Abusing Students

Palin Bus Tour: The Video

Jury Convicts Chicago Businessman in Danish Newspaper Muhammad Cartoon Plot

9TH/Raising Cain on the Factor

Campaign Staff Deserts Newt

Michigan Teacher’s Union Targets Legislator’s Business

Weiner Confronted Outside Lawyer’s Office: ‘Do You Know If It’s a Boy or a Girl?’

Feminism Officially Dead: Maddow Characterizes Weiner’s Behavior as ‘Bad Manners’

Disgusting: Anti-Walker Protesters Disrupt Wisconsin Special Olympics Ceremony

Herman Cain: Homosexuality Is a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’

Behar: ‘How Do We Know (Weiner Pic) Isn’t Breitbart?’

Watch the Video the Eniviromentalist Industry Has Censored from YouTube

Weiner Constituent Flees ‘O’Reilly Factor’s’ Jesse Watters

Franken: Obama Might Not Be President in Two Years

Breitbart on the X-Rated Weiner Pic Leak

Dennis Miller: Weiner a ‘Nasty Piece of Work’

Trump on Weiner Scandal: ‘Maybe He Has a Death Wish’

Liberal Pundit: ‘Worst Part’ of Weinergate Story is Breitbart Was Right

8TH/Spitzer to Breitbart: We Don’t Agree on Much But You’ve Been Vindicated

‘Don’t Show It Anywhere’: Breitbart to Opie and Anthony When Showing X-Rated Weiner Pic

7TH/Big Government’s Joel Pollak Explains How Big Government Ran with Weinergate Story

Blitzer: I Believed Weiner Was Hacked

CNN’s Morgan Plays the Mormon Card on Romney


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


**Control of Seed Industry:Chart**

*11 June

American Minute for June 11th

This Day in History for 11th June

Today in History: June 11

June 11th This Day in History

Today in History: June 11

June 11th in History

June 11 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for June 11th

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