A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

31 May 2011

30th/31st May

Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed For Discovering All US Gold Is Gone

RealClearPolitics - Dangerous Precedent for Press

New York: Former Bank Head Arrested on Sexual Assault Charges - CNBC

Dominique Strauss-Kahn hires 'crack team' of former CIA spies, private investigators and media advisers for long legal fight ahead | Mail Online

Coming this summer: $5 gas; The living's easy but driving will be hard -

The Associated Press: Arizona sues Justice Dept. over medical marijuana

AFP: US spy chief in Seoul for N. Korea talks: report

Returning vets encounter VA mental health meltdown - Health - Health care -

Iran Plans to Unplug Internet, Create Its Own - Tehran aims to put all citizens on internal network

PressTV - 'Iran oil exports safe from US sanctions'

World Jewish Congress - Venezuelan Jews protest promotion of ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ on state radio

Obama under fire for eyeing gun control 'under the radar' | Mail Online

YouTube - Is There a "Right" to Health Care? Is Income Taxation Just?

New York fashionistas splurge on designer outfits...for their pet rodents | Mail Online

YouTube - DON'T COME BACK! Police Threaten CNN Journalist Looking For "Secret Morgue"

Uprooted Palestinians: Lauren Booth: Bias at the BBC


*1:31:18/YouTube - Yoav Shamir - Defamation


YouTube - New World Order - The Final Solution 1/3

YouTube - New World Order - The Final Solution 2/3

YouTube - New World Order - The Final Solution 3/3 (REMIX)


The CrowHouse:New World Order - The Final Solution

NOVO ORDO SECLORUM - NeoCon Hell on Earth

When Faith In U.S. Dollars And U.S. Debt Is Dead The Game Is Over – And That Day Is Closer Than You May Think | Sovereign Independent

Obama Plans Gutting Regulations For Corporate Favorites

Obama, financial war and the elimination of DSK [Voltaire Network]

PressTV - 'World tired of West dictatorial stance'

China goes organic after years of 'glow in the dark pork' and 'exploding watermelons' - Telegraph

Australia falls out of love with 'Carbon Cate' over starring role in tax advert - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

*Table Of Deadly Components Commonly In Crude Oil

How the 'ecosystem' myth has been used for sinister means | Environment | The Observer

YouTube - UN Agenda 21 - In your face.

GMO Toxins in Vast Majority of Pregnant Women and Fetuses: Canadian Study

YouTube - Rense & Tim Flanagin - Radiation In Your Home And Your Body

YouTube - G8 Love Money & Bombs

Zionist ‘Thugs’ Behind America’s Police State | Real Zionist News

Google, PayPal tussle over mobile payment secrets - Yahoo! News

Activist Post: WHO caves: Allows smallpox stockpiling for three more years

Libya: Coalition forces prepare two-pronged blitz to finish off Gaddafi - Telegraph

Taliban's new tactic: High-profile inside jobs | World news |

The unstoppable march of the tobacco giants - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Where’s the Outrage?

Encircling Russia With US Bases

*Precipitation RadNet Laboratory Analysis | Socrata | Making Data Social

Vladimir Putin hints at Dominique Strauss-Kahn conspiracy - Telegraph

Texas prepares to drill 3,000 oil wells in a YEAR that could deliver major boost for US economy | Mail Online

Hospitals hunt substitutes as drug shortages rise - Yahoo! News

Air passengers in 'Lord of the Flies' mutiny after seven-hour delay | News

The brittle financial American middle class – 50 percent of Americans would be in financial trouble if $2,000 of expenses came up in 30 days. By 2020 the world’s richest households will control $202 trillion in wealth, 4 times current global GDP.

Obama is the wrong target | Opinion Maker


Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue' - Telegraph

Memorial And Veterans Day Hypocrisy

Celente predicts gold standard wont save US economy - by Terrence Aym - Helium

Forecast: Spain's protests to 'go global' -

Hitler 'gave go-ahead to Rudolf Hess peace mission' | Mail Online

Chairman Mao may not be the author of his 'Little Red Book' - Asia, World - The Independent

Who cares in the Middle East what Obama says? - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent

Strange signs found at Egypt's Pyramid of Giza!

'Spy cameras' are used to target student protesters - Home News, UK - The Independent

Twitter unmasks anonymous British user in landmark legal battle | Technology | The Guardian

Parts of moon interior as wet as Earth's upper mantle: U.S. study

Egypt opens 7 new ancient tombs to tourists - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Gilad Atzmon: British PM Resigns as patron of the Jewish National Fund

Palin kick-starts bus tour on back of motorcycle - Yahoo! News

Pakistan: Untold Stories | Opinion Maker

» Nanny State Betrays Decline and Fall of America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Mexico Supreme Court Lets Cops Grab Guns During Stops Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Declares War On Cyber Enemies Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fear Factor: Big Brother wants terror threat texted to your mobile Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Footage of Western Troops Confirms Criminality of War on Libya Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» 32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Spain's Giant Post Debt Hangover by Eric Margolis

» Too Big to Fail: A Fascist Fairy Tale Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Stephen Moore: A 62% Top Tax Rate? -

Gaddafi to be told to stand down or face Apache attack | World news | The Observer

Fukushima Debacle Risks Chernobyl ‘Dead Zone’ as Radiation in Soil Soars - Bloomberg

Libya's Gaddafi: I will not leave my country - Yahoo! News

BBC News - RAF to get 'bunker busters' for Libya mission

» Obama Sends More Troops to Iraq as Deadline Nears Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Uranium Stocks Under Siege as Fukushima Continues Spewing Radiation — Midas Letter

» When Faith In U.S. Dollars And U.S. Debt Is Dead The Game Is Over Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

DUI bill requires blood draw in certain cases in Tennessee » Knoxville News Sentinel

» Oath Keepers Rally to Honor Jose Guerena and Oppose SWAT Searches Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Illinois Medicaid begins enrolling some in private health plans -

» DNC Chair: Illegal Immigration is Not a Crime Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

California gun-control laws cut flow to Mexico

US-Mexican Border Remains Porous

Arguments Regarding the Collapse of the World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection |

Signs of the Times by Laurence M. Vance

Why Doctors Are 9,000 Times More Likely to Accidentally Kill You Than Gun Owners 5/13/00

YouTube - Fake CNN Gulf War Reporting

Tech mogul pays bright minds not to go to college - Yahoo! News

Barack Obama's mother: the hidden influence on the American president - Telegraph

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Seven Things to Consider While Watching the Flag Flutter, Pt. 1: Soldiers and Veterans Expendable? «

Doubts grow on Afghan war cost

Genesis Communications Network GCN News The Time for Talk Is Over «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Remembering Memorial Day «

Texas Gov. Perry Bilderberg’s Ace in the Hole?

Food prices to double by 2030, Oxfam warns | Environment | The Guardian

Offshoring has Destroyed the US Economy

40 Signs The Chinese Economy Is Beating The Living Daylights Out Of The U.S. Economy

Afghan leader warns NATO not to become ‘occupying force’ | The Raw Story

Libya: Gaddafi appears on TV with SA leader Jacob Zuma who says tyrant is open to a truce | Mail Online

Cyber warfare: Britain developing 'virtual weapons' to combat hacker threat | Mail Online

Greeks vent anger at entire political class - Yahoo! News

North Korea ‘nears completion’ of naval base for ‘attack hovercraft’

Are Our Leaders Really Incompetent … Or Just Pretending?

Destroying Freedom, Truth And Justice With The Power of Words

We’ve Gone from a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in Secret

The National Security Crime Syndicate Reveals Its Secret Hand In Texas: Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst

79 Senators vote to trash the Constitution: The “War of Terror” on the US grows

Barack Obama: The AutoPresident

CDC admits flu vaccines don’t work (which is why you need a new one every year)

+Will There Be A New False Flag Attack In Chicago’s Sears Tower?

GREECE: Shocking New Bailout Conditions Mean The End Of National Sovereignty

The Hottest New Ideology Sweeping Europe: “Indignant”

Lockheed Martin’s Hack Attack

Who Will Take the Radioactive Rods from Fukushima?

Texas Standing up to Blockade Threat would have Forced Obama to Show his True Face

Yemen Air Force Attacks al Qaeda Posts In Zinjibar City Day After 20 Protesters Killed In Taiz | World News | Sky News

Homeland Security Niche Offers Safe Bets - CNBC

Alex Jones talks Texas secession

Twitter chief picked as Obama telecom advisor

Mercury, PCBs, sport fish: Mercury, PCBs widespread in sport fish in California's urban coastal waters, survey finds -

In Censorship Move, Iran Plans Its Own, Private Internet -

Pro-life groups call for Pepsi boycott over aborted fetal cell lines |

Narcolepsy cases rising after swine flu vaccine - The Local

YouTube - Senate Showdown: Terrorists vs. Patriots


YouTube - Thought Controllers Call Ron Paul "Extreme"

YouTube - Clear Example That The Mainstream Media Is Major Part Of America's Police State!

» What Would Fractional Silver Mean? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


*Article Links:Weekly Southern African Report

:Revolutionary Politics : 'Nothing stops big banks from ripping off people again'

The Stage Is Set For a Nuclear False Flag :

Dr. Mark Sircus: Magnesium and Radiation Protection :

Mini-weapons: Mini-weapons are sought by Pentagon for new era of warfare -

The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance :

Fears over fluoride plans | Mail Online

+YouTube - Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary

YouTube - ABSOLUTE PROOF FLUORIDE KILLS ! - Footage of fluoride damaging cells and stopping reproduction

YouTube - The Stage Is Set For a Nuclear False Flag

Waging The Battle for Reality | My Catbird Seat

Activist Post: US taking Afghan concerns 'very seriously': White House

The Reinvention of Historical Memory by Justin Raimondo --

+[redacted] news: "War is a Racket"


YouTube - Remember

YouTube - The Whitest Kids U' Know - Pledge of Allegiance

Courthouse News Service:State Supreme Court Rebuffs Church Appeal

Homeland Security Launches “If You See Something, Say Something™” Campaign at Indy 500 | Veterans Today

Activist Post: Food prices set to double by 2030, aid group says

Conspiracy hunt doesn't always uncover the truth - Winnipeg Free Press

Activist Post: For Anarchist, Details of Life as F.B.I. Target

Dear Ban Ki-Moon, Your Concern for our Safety is Touching | My Catbird Seat

The CIA Accurately Predicted How Long World Oil Supplies Would Last—in 1978

The Downward Spiral: The CIA Accurately Predicted How Long World Oil Supplies Would Last—in 1978

Terrorist 'pre-crime' detector field tested in United States : Nature News

"Scientists Create GM Corn Which Prevents Human Conception"

Oklahoma City pharmacist found guilty of murder |

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Get Them While They're Young

79 Senators vote to trash the Constitution: The “War of Terror” on the US grows -

Children of the Corn: GMOs Don’t Qualify As Food -

YouTube - Adam Kokesh body slammed, choked, police brutality at Jefferson Memorial

Is Your Sunscreen More Harmful Than Being in the Sun? « SpeakEasy

Inflation 2011: Honey – They Shrunk Our Paychecks

The Daily Bell - Turning Points of Empire's End?

The Enablers and their Psychopathic Masters. Reflections in a Petri Dish


2 May/ - Announcement of Osama Bin Laden's Death Is A Staged Psychological Warfare Operation

Times Higher Education - Orwell 2.0? De Montfort proposes wi-fi surveillance - Al-Jazeera footage captures 'western troops on the ground' in Libya

GMO debate: Consumer activists seek labeling of genetically modified foods -

Alarm Clocks Blow up at Ikea Stores in Belgium, France and The Netherlands -

FDA Accused of Endangering U.S. Health by Caving to Cattle Farms on Antibiotics -

PENTAGON: Cyber Combat Can Count as Act of War... -

Russia’s Central bank unexpectedly lifts deposit interest rate - The Washington Post

Greece: Markets Fret About Euro 'Slow-Motion Car Crash' - CNBC

The Techno-Rapture's Soul Sucking Embrace -

Trafficked children condemned to a nightmare by state neglect -

Unasur aims to acquire teeth on regional arms control -

We've Gone from a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in Secret -

Who Cares in the Middle East What Obama Says?

Donor Bread (Money) and Congressional Circuses

The Fed Is Not Printing Money

The Sky Really Is Falling

The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

Imperial Eye on Pakistan

Consolidating US Money Power: The Four Horsemen of Global Banking

Offshoring has Destroyed the US Economy

Obama's UK-Fest : Vision of a War Without End

The Breakup of the Euro?

Back from the Dead: The Internet 'Kill Switch'

"Obamamania": Barack Obama: A Neocon in sheep’s clothing

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon Should be Fired. Upholds the Violation of International Law. Abuses his UN Mandate

VIDEO: Imperial Takeover: Libya is Now a Humanitarian Disaster

What To Do With All The Nuclear Waste

VIDEO: G8 Meeting: Nothing More than a PR Stunt?

YouTube - Patriots: Here's something that can make a REAL difference!

BBC News - Anne Muir given probation for illegal music sharing

Barack Obama's decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential – Telegraph Blogs

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for the fall

Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world

NRA Sells Out Second Amendment on Patriot Act

» Big Sis Pre-Crime System to Scan Americans For “Malintent” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller | Danger Room |

Bill Would Keep Big Brother’s Mitts Off Your GPS Data | Danger Room |

Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms

The 25 Rules of Disinformation

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you » Test: Javascript Bitcoin Miner

YouTube - The Whistleblower Trailer 2011 HD

Germany decides to abandon nuclear power by 2022 - Yahoo! Finance

Writer urges Internet junkies to 'switch off' and think - Yahoo! News

Steve Quayle News Alerts:Video Testimonies Of People Who Saw Hell

G-8 Launches $40 Billion 'Arab Spring' Partnership -

DNC Chair: Republicans Believe Illegal Immigration 'Should be a Crime'

EPA Says It's ‘Prohibited’ From Considering Costs When Issuing Air-Quality Regulations

Retired Col.: Military is 'Pulling Rug Out from Under' Chaplains by Not Enforcing DOMA

Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Presidential Candidate Favors Shari’a, End to Israeli Peace

Schumer Proposes Rationing Through One-Size-Fits-All Payments for Sick Seniors

Obama Names Gen. Dempsey as New Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman

Trial of Dutch Politician Who Sounded Alarm About Radical Islam Nears End

As America Observes Memorial Day, U.S. Casualties in Afghanistan Top 1,500

Court in Communist Vietnam Jails Pastor, Land Rights Activists

Patton: ‘The Very Idea of Losing is Hateful to an American’

Just who is Herman Cain? And what does his presidential run mean for the GOP?

Air France crash calls for better pilot training, experts say

Copycat thieves dressed like nuns from heist flick 'The Town' rob Chicago area bank

'No-texting' legislation facing political roadblocks

Rentals Balloon in 500 Cities Amid Housing Bust

GOP Contenders Drifting to the Right

Dem Weiner Fights to Control Lewd Photo Scandal

Young Challenge Obama: 'Where's Medicare Plan?'

Gallup: Military Frowns on Obama Performance

Ex-Husband of Schwarzenegger's Lover Plans Suit

Gen. Patton's Officer Recalls WWII Struggle

WHO: Smoking Could Kill 8 Million a Year

Democratic House Member Denies Link to Racy Twitter Photo

Book Details Earth's Water Problems

Beware, Citizen! Here Are Ron Paul’s 15 Most ‘Extreme’ Positions by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

The Next Bubbles? by Karen Kwiatkowski

Let’s Bury These Phony Myths About World War II by Eric Margolis

Stop Raising the Debt Ceiling by Ron Paul

How Much Government Spending Is Costing You Per Day by Bill Bonner

The Changing Face of the Police and the Death of the Fourth Amendmentby John W. Whitehead

The Lobby Takes the Offensive by Justin Raimondo

Mary Moorman, JFK Assassination Photographer, Tells Where She Stood and What She Saw

Japan earthquake: Ocean floor moved 79 feet sideways | Mail Online

*Video: 9/11 Truth Movement – Year in Review (2009-2010) – UPDATED |

CIA’s Bin Laden Hunter Told to Stand Down 10 Times |

US Federal Reserve’s United Federation of North America Note Ready for Circulation |

US Gov. Software Creates ‘Fake People’ on Social Networks |

Former Head Of CIA Bin Laden Unit: “Main Recruitment Sergeant For Al Qaida Is Barack Obama” |

YouTube - Stop Obama's Unconstitutional Power Grab!

CDC admits flu vaccines don’t work – Mike Adams |

Confirmed: Alexander Higgins site hacked, FederalJacks server also down! | USWGO Alternative News

YouTube - The World's First Bitcoin Road Trip


Council takes Twitter to US court over personal information using taxpayers' money | Mail Online

From Bush to Obama, the snooping goes on | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free |


Save Us From The Tyranny Of Bankers – Bob Chapman |

Corporate Media Attacks Alex Jones, Defends TSA Perverts

My top 16 tips for beginning homeschoolers | The Survival Mom

On Selling Your Old Car… by Eric Peters

Foreign Drivers License Protects Families by Bill Rounds

Ignore Most Dietary Advice – Follow These Four Steps Instead by Joseph Mercola

Muscle Car Classics of the ’80s… Get ’Em While You Still Can (Afford ’Em) by Eric Peters

Probiotics – Try These for Your Health! by Margaret Durst

*Article Links:Radiation

Radiation News 5-30-11 |

Radiation News 5-29-11 |


Drug Shortages? Get Used to It | Before It's News

Missing the Point of the Joint Chiefs Kabuki Dance | Before It's News

Hackers Hit PBS with Fake Tupac Story by

Operation Blackjack Pt. 5: June 21, 2011- "The Biggest Lie in the History of the World" | Before It's News

Total Solar Eclipse on June 15th - Bad Omen for Israel? | Before It's News

President Obama Announces Intent to Nominate John Bryson as U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary | Before It's News

Obama's "Muslim Problem"

And The Moon Is Eclipsed By The Earth | Before It's News


How Our Government Has Merged With Corporations | Before It's News

Stop the Granny Bashing: Despite What You May Think, Our Seniors Are in Trouble | Economy | AlterNet

Supermassive Black Holes: Drains Of The Universe? | Before It's News

The Universe & Big Bang Theory | Universe History, Age & Structure, Space Exploration |

+The "Round-up" of Americans Will Soon Begin | Before It's News

Terrorist, Dying America Is A Tremendous Opportunity For U.S. Revolution: Bernardine Dohrn | Before It's News

- Is All Publicity Good Publicity? | Before It's News

Marital roulette

Getting to the bottom of the Patriot Act

Lest we forget? I think Obama has

To my 'terribly gullible audience'

Myths of the Middle East

White House pushing churches to be 'green'?

'Peace partner' caught planning suicide car bombing

Gaza flotilla 'emboldened' by Obama's Mideast speech

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Kenya probed claim Obama born in Africa

Feds mum on pastors' speech code challenge

Incensed voters 'repudiate' Washington's leadership

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate

Dead ants found in cookie-eating girl's ears - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

Victor Frasno drowns trying to cross reservoir to 'get to God' minutes before 'Rapture' | Mail Online

Gaby Rodriguez, of faux pregnancy fame, presents her senior project | Yakima Herald-Republic

Stay away from energy drinks, doctors say - Yahoo! News

Our first lady: Bitter harridan

Obama's seductive 'exploitation' theory

Myths of the Middle East

What must we defend?

'Crime does not pay' – except at Maryland colleges

On celebrating the death of evil people

RealClearPolitics - Pro-Obama Media Always Shocked by Bad Economic News

The Fake James Madison

Marital roulette

American Thinker: The Nazis Find a Home in Post-Mubarak Egypt

BBC News - Mars 'remains in embryonic state'

800-Mile-Wide Hot Anomaly Found Under Seafloor Near Hawaii

Top Ten Myths About the Brain | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Scientists Fool People Into Thinking They're Tiny or Giant | Brain Tricks & Body-Swapping Illusion | Human Mind | LiveScience

The book of secrets

Rubbernecking motorists enraptured by Russian crop circles

BBC News - Tests show Arctic reindeer 'see in UV'

The Amazing Kreskin On UFOs, Doomsday And His Own Mysterious Future (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

Kensington Runestone hauls in more publicity |

New Technology Reveals Widespread Mislabeling of Fish -

Out of This World Space Memorials : Photos : Discovery News

BBC News - Shock wave from trombone filmed

The Gralien Report » Exploring Extra Sensory Sciences: Psi of the Quantum Kind

One Per Cent: Report on Air France 447 crash deepens mystery

Maybe Mona Lisa? Buried Skeleton Found | Leonardo da Vinci | Archaeologists Search For Mona Lisa | LiveScience

Disbelieving Free Will Makes Brain Less Free | Wired Science |


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Saul Alinsky-inspired community organizers';Matthew Vadum: ACORN regrouping under new name in time for 2012 elections

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Kenya probed claim Obama born in Africa

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Top shrink: Leftists are mentally ill

Incensed voters 'repudiate' Washington's leadership

Gaza flotilla 'emboldened' by Obama's Mideast speech

Former Muslim blows lid off Quran

Justice Sotomayor gets over $1 million for memoir

Schumer tells GOP to forget Ryan budget plan - Washington Times

Five Libyan generals announce defection

Immigration legislation: California lawmakers weigh opting out of federal immigration enforcement program -

San Francisco's Sheriff Calls for New Illegal Immigration Policy -

Achtung! The Eagle has landed again despite Second World War re-enactment threat to ban the Nazi uniforms | Mail Online

Just who is Herman Cain? And what does his presidential run mean for the GOP? - The Washington Post

*30TH&31ST May

American Minute for May 31st

American Minute for May 30th

May 31st This Day in History

May 30th This Day in History

This Day in History for 31st May

This Day in History for 30th May

Today in History: May 31

Today in History: May 30

May 31st in History

May 30th in History

Today in History: May 31 » History Net

Today in History: May 30 » History Net

May 31 Events in History

May 30 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for May 31st

YouTube - Today in History for May 30th


WHO says cell phone use possibly carcinogenic | Reuters

Smoking: May 31 is World No Tobacco Day -

Length of Maternity Leave Tied to Breast-Feeding Behavior --Doctors Lounge

Study: Virus linked to chronic fatigue false alarm | Top AP Stories | - Houston Chronicle

The 5-story Google alert that says almost everything - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Food Pyramid Being Replaced With Plate-Shaped Logo -

Foster is first candidate for new 11th Congressional district - Beacon News

Emanuel: Cops did right thing in closing beach -

Change of Subject: Hey, wait a minute, really? Casino gambling in Chicago?

Illinois House give OK to congressional redistricting map | Illinois Statehouse News

Proposed Congressional Map Splits Northern Suburbs - Libertyville, IL Patch

Dutch seaside cell awaits Mladic | Reuters

French gendarmerie says 75 more bodies from 2009 Air France crash recovered - The Washington Post

Merkel’s Atomic Overhaul May Aid Industry at Consumers’ Expense - Bloomberg

Egypt general defends forced 'virginity tests' -CNN | News by Country | Reuters

Afghanistan, NATO: Karzai demands that NATO cease airstrikes on houses -

infoZine - Millions to Go Hungry in Broken Food System and Environmental Crises - Kansas City, Missouri News

What are the options to derail Palestinian statehood at the U.N.? | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Can France's Christine Lagarde get Brazil's support for her IMF bid? -

Iran sees threat to its clout amid Arab Spring -

Pakistan Is Seen Readying Attack on Militants -

Chief Suspect Arrested in Killing of Russian Journalist -

A Change in French Sexual Views -

US Real Estate: Falling Home Prices Hit Big Banks, Fannie, Freddie — CNBC Realty Check - CNBC

Goldman Denies Offering Libya a Big Equity Stake - CNBC

Steve Jobs to debut iCloud, tout iOS 5 and Lion next week - Computerworld

Can Intel's Ultrabook concept succeed? | Crave - CNET

Big Love: Woolly Mammoths, Huge Elephants May Have Interbred -

Twitter may launch photo-sharing feature -

With Orkut's Network Breached, Facebook Nears 700 Million Users - Nicholas Jackson - Technology - The Atlantic

BBC News - Google uses new tool to track dengue fever hubs

The Associated Press: Grandma breaks down testifying in Anthony trial

Sky Express involved in 4 crashes in last 2 years -

Palin to news media: Catch me if you can -

Rep. Weiner Retains Lawyer Amid Frenzy Over Lewd Photo -

Ex-Edison CEO John Bryson to be Commerce Secretary - May. 31, 2011

Family Offers $20,000 Reward for Missing Nursing Student's Safe Return -

First Read - First Thoughts: Here come the Republicans

House set to reject debt-ceiling increase -

Passenger arrested at Logan after allegedly slapping flight attendant

Did Chris Christie just doom U.S. climate policy? - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

7 obvious things in education that are ignored - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Illinois to Create Private Scholarship Fund for Children of Undocumented Immigrants - Fox News Latino

Military-funeral protesters face off with Klan - CBS News

Pentagon in ‘Final Stages’ of Drafting Military Strategy for Cyber Warfare - Bloomberg

Martin Dempsey to Chair Joint Chiefs | ThirdAge

YouTube - Obama Sweeps Bush Appointees From Pentagon

Why 'The Hangover Part II' made so much money | PopWatch |

Digital Life - Fake 'Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' trailer is fake

Delayed 'Hobbit' Films Get Release Dates, Titles : NPR


Blagojevich denies he used state action to force donations | WBEZ

Blagojevich Denies Shaking Down Roadbuilder | Eyewitness News 9

Rod Blagojevich jury 1 juror down |

Blagojevich Denies Pursuit of Political Funds -


Steve Rothaus' Gay South Florida:Updated | Gay activist Herb Sosa: South Beach a 'war zone;' demands end to Urban Weekend (with video)

San Francisco's Sheriff Calls for New Illegal Immigration Policy -

A Modern Memorial Day -

War dead from 1804 could be repatriated - Washington Times

My Way News - Taliban's new tactic: High-profile inside jobs

Fake lawyer charged with falsifying papers for more than 3,000 undocumented immigrants - Miami-Dade Breaking News -

Jose Andujar, vendor of Obama condoms, arrested for third time -

Taking yourself out of the Mug’s game

Republican Candidates and Ticking Time

Hope and Change, the Communist Way

Will Islam Destroy Itself?

Environmental tax threatens green energy research in UK

The Hill’s Pundits Blog: Barb Boxer’s Indian tribe take

WashPost: Freedom of Information Act not for skeptics’ use

Obama’s ineligibility: We know

Where Obama is leading Israel

You Are Funding Forced Abortions in China through UNFPA

Russian TV and Code Pink Disrupt Memorial Day Activities

Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

Obama Sits in Front Row and Chews Gumat Joplin Memorial Service

Obama Cheats and Frauds - Now Wants to Cut Troops’ Pay

Can Obama Be Trusted with Autopen?

Where are the credible challengers to Barack Obama?

American Politics

WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk -

2008? 2012 is so 2000-and-late - Keach Hagey -

Anti-Christian Violence Continues in Pakistan |

TV, Internet harming protection of biodiversity: UN

Bangladeshi Woman Takes Attacker's Penis To Police

Steve Martin Swindled: German Art Forgery Scandal Reaches Hollywood - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Congress Mulls Cuts to Food Stamps Program Amid Record Number of Recipients - The Note

The page cannot be found

Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama | iWatch News

Pro-Obama media always shocked by bad economic news | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner

Report questions official Haiti quake death toll - Yahoo! News

Gruesome Discovery: Woman Wheels Trash Can Containing Body Parts Though Ontario Neighborhood -

Illinois House approves bill allowing casino in Chicago - Yahoo! News

House OKs Chicago casino, slots at O'Hare, Midway - Chicago Breaking News

Gaddafi snatch squads took hundreds of men and boys from Misrata - Africa, World - The Independent

Steve Jobs to kick off Apple meet, launch iCloud - Yahoo! Finance

Obama cracks down on abuses by big-city police departments - Department of Justice -

Debbie Schlussel/Memorial Day: Remember America’s Fallen Heroes Every Single Day

Debbie Schlussel/PBS’ Twice a Year Phony “Patriotism” Returns

Is Sesame Street Spreading Left-Wing Propaganda? Exec Admits, Yes | The Blaze

Too Cruel for School: Yearbook Article Pulled for Mocking Cheer Team’s Short Skirts | The Blaze

Beck’s Explosive Video Vindication: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood & Islamic Extremists in the Mid-East Revolutions to Unite Arab World Against USA, Britain & Israel | The Blaze

19-Year-Old Muslim Girl Allegedly Stoned to Death for Strutting in Beauty Contest | The Blaze

A Glimpse Into How Exactly U.S. Military Dogs Are Trained | The Blaze

U.S. Military Members and Veterans Aren‘t Too Keen on Obama’s Job Performance | The Blaze

Hamas Terror Group Founder Gets His Own Museum | The Blaze

‘In Defense of Flogging’: Criminologist Makes ‘Brutal’ Case to Solve Prison Problem | The Blaze

Al Jazeera Reporter Claims Western Troops Were Spotted on the Ground in Libya | The Blaze

Latvia‘s ’March of the Blondes’ Hopes to…Boost Economy? | The Blaze

Plain White T’s Evil? ‘Diverse’ Group of Students Suspended for Claims of White Supremacy Because They Wore White T-Shirts for Senior Picture Day | The Blaze

Egyptian Bank Exec Is Accused of ‘Sexually Abusing’ New York Hotel Maid | The Blaze

Russian Lawmakers Prepare For Major Crackdown on Abortion | The Blaze

‘The Fear I Have Never Lost’: Meet the Brave U.S. Army Medics in Afghanistan | The Blaze

Minority Report Realized: Creepy Homeland Security Mobile ‘Malintent’ Pre-Crime Screening System to Scan Americans at Large Events Passes First Round of Testing | The Blaze

Man Claims to Be World’s Oldest Living Human at 121 | The Blaze

China‘s Supreme Court Plans to Execute ’Food Safety Violators’ | The Blaze

Did You Know Jerusalem Had an Underground City? See for Yourself | The Blaze

La Cosa Nostra Rebound: Philadelphia Mafia Seems to Be ‘Alive and Well’ | The Blaze

Rosie O‘Donnell’s Producer Compares Post-Abortion Guilt to Blaming a Rape Victim for Her Clothing | The Blaze

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria: Netanyahu Should Have Thanked Obama for Mideast Speech | The Blaze

‘This Bud’s For You’ — NY Times Friedman’s Liberal Fantasy: Netanyahu Could Have Gotten a Real Standing Ovation Instead of the 28 He Did Get if He Had Done a Creepy Obama Anything You Want Speech to Congress | The Blaze

Obama Tells Joplin: ‘We Are Going to be Here Long After the Cameras Leave’ | The Blaze

Protesters Get Violent in Serbia While Demanding War Criminal’s Release | The Blaze

National Guard Car Loses Indy 500 After Breathtaking, Heartbreaking Finish | The Blaze

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Has No Clue That ‘Undocumented’ Immigrants Being In Our Country Is Currently a Crime and Attacks GOP for Trying to Act Like It Is | The Blaze

Secret Until Now: Osama Raid Avenged CIA Deaths | The Blaze

Terrorist, Dying America Is a Tremendous Opportunity for U.S. Revolution: College Professor & Obama Radical Buddy Bernardine Dohrn Explains Left’s Anti-U.S. Thinking With a Smiling Glee | The Blaze

Obama and Immigration

Memorial Day: We Honor Warriors While Surrendering Our Civilization

Beyond the Folded Flag

America's Exceptionalism and Destiny

Will America Suffer the Fate of Rome?

Syria to Become Iranian Vassal or Saudi Ally

Obama and the Frog Pot Boil

Obama May be Getting Tough with Gaddafi

Are Obama's Academic Defenders Vulnerable?

Will Obama Sink the Democrats?

Michelle Obama's high staff turnover

Good news: Brotherhood sheikh to run for president in Egypt

Know your enemy

NATO airstrike kills 14 civilians; Karzai issues 'last warning' to NATO

Allen West, All the Way, Someday?

DNC Chair Wasserman-Schultz a gift that keeps on giving (updated)

Increase in CO2 emissions means world on the brink, say warmists

Call your congressman, not your stock broker, for hot tips

A Quick Look at Media Reaction to 'Deconstructing Obama'

Germany's impending energy suicide

WaPo Denies GOP a Platform They Gave Obama

Obama's Symbolic Chevy Volt Folly

21st century warfare

Iranian cleric implies it's OK to kill Israeli children

Weinergate: Distasteful, but now a public issue

Would someone please remove the banana from the economy's tail pipe?

Students suspended for wearing white T-shirts

Murdering the Messenger -- In These Times

Trust but E-Verify -

Economy: Savings trend is short-term drag on U.S. growth -

Remember the Recovery? Hopes for Rebound Fading Fast - CNBC

For the real GOP field, wait until after Labor Day -

Against Learned Helplessness -

RealClearPolitics - Real Leadership is a Rare, Precious Commodity

CURL: Porn Twittergate has Rep. Weiner hacked off - Washington Times

The Good Banker -

O’Bama and Netanyahoo’s Duelling Speeches : The New Yorker

Reelecting Obama - Victor Davis Hanson - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - GOP's Self-Destruction Derby

RealClearPolitics - Huntsman Separates Himself From Obama, GOP Rivals

Republicans Can Stop Waiting for 2012 White Knight: Albert Hunt - Bloomberg

McGurn: The 2012 Republican Battle Test -

The Numbers Are Grim -

Dems figure they can win as 'Party of No' | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Loughner ruling was right one

A salute to the military, bedrock of American democracy | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Ryan Says Rich Should Pay More as Sanders Defends Entitlements for Wealthy - Bloomberg

House Democrats unite on Afghanistan exit - David Rogers -

Rubio’s backers pull him in two directions on immigration issue - Political Currents -

Court Lets Corporations Give to Candidates -

RealClearWorld - Israel's Borders and National Security

RealClearWorld - Europe Raising False Membership Hopes

DSK and Conspiracy Theory -

North Korea appeals to sponsor | The Japan Times Online

Al Qaeda's Iran Connection: Bin Laden's Successors Vie for Power - The Daily Beast

The Overlooked Strategy That Could Finally Bring Down Qaddafi | The New Republic

Pyongyang's dependency on Beijing

Forget politics, Gulf business leaders fear demographics - The National

R.I.P. Reaganomics Revolution: 1981-2011 Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Jobs 'experts' still can't get it right -

RealClearMarkets - Barney Frank's Disastrous Cronyism

Wal-Mart and the environment: Wal-Mart's green initiatives shouldn't be ignored -

RealClearMarkets - The Universal Suffrage/Entitlement Paradox

With Freedom of Speech, The Technological Genie Is Out of the Bottle - Adam Thierer - Technologies of Freedom - Forbes

And Now, Tech Stocks for the Beach Bag -

The End of the Dollar? | The Weekly Standard

Why Are Investors Still Lining Up for Bonds? -

Five reasons why the IMF should be scrapped | Blogs | Fundweb

Mendeley: If you liked that research paper, try this one - Telegraph

Academics, in New Move, Begin to Work With Wikipedia - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Is our scientists learning to write?

Arsenic-based life critiques published. How #arseniclife changed science. - By Carl Zimmer - Slate Magazine

Genetics tests flawed and inaccurate, say Dutch scientists | Science | The Guardian

DailyTech - U.S. Receives First Digital Nuclear Power Plant

'Radioactive': Marie Curie's Life Story Told in Cyanotype - Maria Popova - Life - The Atlantic

The Tastiest Enemy: Eating Invasive Species | Miller-McCune

Chameleon Magnets: Ability to Switch Magnets "On" or "Off" Could Revolutionize Computing - UB NewsCenter

New synchrotron technique could see hidden building blocks of life | Science Codex

Climate helped drive Vikings from Greenland | Brown University News and Events

‘E-waste pollution’ threat to human health

Benedict's 'Quiet Revolution', and a check-up on Catholic health care | National Catholic Reporter

Remember the Farhud » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

When the government dictates prayer » GetReligion

Carl Jung, part 1: Taking inner life seriously | Mark Vernon | Comment is free |

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain | David Eagleman | Review by The Spectator

Run, Jon, run | The Salt Lake Tribune


**Markets Video:Japan's Debt Rating Under Spotlight

Is There Any Escape From a 62% Tax Rate?

Is Home Ownership Dream a Thing of the Past?

U.S. Economy Gets Widespread Downgrade

Crazy Eddie CFO's New Life of Crime

**World Video:Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?

Al-Qaeda Making Gains in Yemen?

What's Next for Yemen?

Libyan Opposition: 'We Really Need Money'

Afghanistan Enters Height of Fighting Season

On the Ground in Afghanistan

Sen. John McCain Talks Libya, Arab Spring

Yemeni Protests, Violence Continues

Libyan Rebels Reject Gaddafi Truce Offer

Pensioners Volunteer For Danger Zone

Egyptian Banker Arrested In NYC Hotel Attack

Fighting Forces Families Into Caves

Obama and Komorowski on Democracy

Adm. Mullen on U.S. Military Morale


**Politics Video:Tuscaloosa Tornado Victim: "Obama Came Here And Said 'We're Going To Help Everybody.' That's A Lie"

Bachmann: Room For Both Palin And Me; She's Not A "Competitor"

The Herman Cain Train Music Video

Krauthammer Dismisses Palin Bus Tour: "She's Not Running"

30TH/RCP's Erin McPike On Palin's Bus Tour

Press Catch Palin Visiting National Archives

CNN Confronts Weiner Over Improper Photo Sent From His Twitter

Sarah Palin: Republican "Field Isn't Set Yet"

29TH/Obama Livens Up Joplin Memorial: "We're Not Going Anywhere!"

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On The Medicare Fight

Harwood: Palin Trying To "Preserve" Brand; "Zero Chance Of Being Elected"

DNC's Wasserman Schultz: GOP "Focused On Scaring Seniors" About Medicare

Palin Kick-Starts Bus Tour At Rolling Thunder Rally

Zakaria: Netanyahu Creating Tension With U.S.; Not Interested In Peace

"This Week" Roundtable: GOP Field Takes Shape

McCain: Palin "Can" Beat President Obama In 2012

Joe Klein: Obama Has Better Relationship With Military Than Bush

Pawlenty: "I Don't Think We Should Raise The Debt Ceiling"

Mitch Daniels: Medicare Reform Should Be Litmus "Test" For Candidates

Allen West: GOP Doesn't Want To See More Bush-Era Government Spending

Sen. Patty Murray On Veterans Looking For Work

Friedman And Fareed Zakaria On What Israel Should Concede

David Brooks To Palin: "Running For President Is Not American Idol"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Medicare Reform

McConnell On 2012 Race: Obama WH Reminds Me Of Carter

Cantor's Interesting Proposal: Tornado Cleanup Spending Must Be Offset

New "Web Police" Position At White House?

Herman Cain Makes Case For The Fair Tax

Was Obama Chewing On Gum During Joplin Memorial Service? (UPDATED)


Supreme Court nixes suit against ex-attorney general

Al Qaeda plot to kill Lockheed Martin chief: testimony

Wis. Supreme Court challenger concedes defeat

Monopoly lost: Atlantic City's rise and fall

'Muslim Brothers using mosques as party branches'

Foursquare compass points to new frontiers

Fisk: Obama, US have lost all credibility in the Mideast

China property indicates health of global economy

WeinerGate: Don’t Miss Tonight’s ‘Daily Show! Uhm, Right?

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Help Us Expose Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

Ben Shapiro’s ‘Primetime Propaganda’ Closes the Case on Liberal Hollywood

Storm’s Non-Genderism: Failure Imminent

DVD Sales Slumping, New Formats Not Closing the Gap

Independent: Sesame Street’s Pinko Puppets Brainwash Our Kids

Stand Against Honor Killing

+AUDIO:The Democrats’ Plan to Tax 62% of Your Money

A Lot of Coincidences in Weiner’s Tale

Exclusive Excerpt: ‘How the GOP Establishment Is Co-opting the Freshman Tea Party Class’

REWARD OFFERED For Arrest and Conviction of Weinergate Hacker

Obama’s Schizo Energy Policy: Counterproductive Approach to Oil Production

CNN Poll: Punks Can Beat ‘Good Guys’

Weinergate: Twitter User Dan Wolfe Denies Hacking Accusations; Welcomes FBI Investigation

WeinerGate: CNN Reports FBI and Capitol Police Not Investigating Rep. Weiner’s ‘Hacking’

WeinerGate: We Are Simply Reporting the Facts

Weinergate Shift: From ‘Hack’ to ‘Prank’

A Conversation With Freshman Rep. Renee Ellmers (R), NC-02

Memorial Day: ‘In Our Youth Our Hearts Were Touched With Fire’

Ignore the Spin: No Redeeming Value in Obama’s Mid-East Slap

Gennette Nicole on Pic Tweeted from Rep. Weiner’s Account

Suspected Weinergate Hacker Denies Posting from Congressman’s Account

The Law: What Is Liberty?

Blame Breitbart!: Editor Joan Walsh Lies and Bullies on Weinergate

‘Curious’: Representative Weiner Leaves CNN with Unanswered Questions

Bigs Contributor Releases Major Volume on Hollywood Bias, Media Fires Back

Weinergate: Twitter User Dan Wolfe Denies Hacking Accusations; Welcomes FBI Investigation

Huffington Post/AOL Bury #Weinergate Story

CNN Reports on Weinergate; FBI and Capitol Police Not Investigating Rep. Weiner’s ‘Hacking’

Howard Kurtz: Weinergate ‘Appears to Be Faked’

The Media Wants Excitement in 2012? Seriously?

#Weinergate:The “Would Your Spouse Buy It?” Test

NewsBusted: How Do Democrats Get Out the Vote?

Memorial Day 2011: Golf?!

Memorial Day Tribute: Of Good Days and Goodbyes, New London, 1967-68

US Soldier In Afghanistan Survives With Unexploded Bomb Inside His Stomach

+AUDIO:Lt. General William Boykin: The Threats We Face

Arab Spring Springs A Leak

Why Is Obama Going To The Mat Over Libya?

War Stories from World War II

Decoration Day 2011

Remembering Corporal Charlie Smith: American POW, American Hero

Obama: US Military Is ‘One Of The Finest’?!

They Must Not Be Forgotten: A Tribute To The More Than 540 Lost This Past Year

In Praise of American Warriors

Palestinian Flotilla Receives Funding From Canadian Government?!

Israel And Saudi Arabia Form An ‘Alliance Of Necessity’ Against Iran

First Amendment Trumps Sharia in Dearborn

30-May-11 World View.....

31-May-11 World View .....

Cartoon: Obama Nation: Obama Abroad - Big Government

Cartoon: Last Call. - Big Government


**NEWS VIDEOS:Weinergate: CNN Reports Congressman Not Answering Basic Questions

Weinergate: Politico Editor on MSNBC Says Weiner Has Clammed Up

Weinergate: MSNBC Finally Does Full Report… Focusing on the Dangers of Hacking!

Weinergate: ABC Reports Congressman Has ‘No Plans’ To Call Police

Fat Cat on Water Treadmill

Al-Jazeera Video Captures ‘Western Troops on the Ground’ in Libya

Trouble in Columbus: Head Coach Tressel Resigns, QB Under Investigation

KKK Counterprotests Westboro Baptist Church in Arlington

Italian Base Attacked in Afghanistan

30TH/ Palin: GOP ‘Field Isn’t Set Yet, Not By Long Shot’

30TH/CNN Host Obama Advisor Zakaria: Netanyahu Should Have Thanked Obama For His Middle East Proposal

The Stage Right Show Memorial Day Special with Representative Thaddeus McCotter

Weinergate: CNN Reports Rep. Weiner Lawyers Up Instead of Asking For FBI Investigation Into ‘Hacking’

Weinergate: CNN Reports FBI and Capitol Police Not Investigating Rep. Weiner’s ‘Hacking’

President Obama Places Wreath at Tomb of Unknowns

Rep. Anthony Weiner Claims Twitter Account Hacked; Lewd Photo Sent to Girl

Memorial Day Vigil In Afghanistan

Time’s Joe Klein: Obama Has Better Relationship With Military Than Bush Did

Memorial Day: Ronald Reagan Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion

Rawhide Down: The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan

Memorial Day: Freedom Never Cries

29TH/Wheldon Wins Thrilling and Heartbreaking Indy 500 When Leader Crashes in Final Turn

Obama: We’ll Be With Joplin Every Step

George Will on Palin: ‘Should We Give This Person Nuclear Weapons?’

Sarah Palin Rolls into DC on Harley

Endeavor Crew Bids Farewell to Space Station

Delta Jet Has Rough Landing in Atlanta; 4 Hurt

Andrew Sullivan: Palin Can Beat Obama as the ‘Principled’ Tea Party Candidate

Hikers: Bigfoot Captured on Video Near Spokane

28TH/Obama: Poland a Model for Democracy

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Sparks ‘Rolling Thunder’ / Sarah Palin Non-Controversy

Pennsylvania’s Rick Santorum: The ‘Hannity’ Interview

Clinton to Grads: Putting Profits First Hurting America


May 30, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN



Alex Jones - 2011-May-30, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-May-29, Sunday

The Michael Savage Show 05/30/2011

05/30 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Reveiw

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2


McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write UK health policy | Politics | The Guardian

YouTube - What Does Obama Know About 9/11?

YouTube - The Boycott Is On!

YouTube - Dr. Manning Interviews Anthony Jones,Esq

YouTube - Smoking Gun: Obama took the bait says Corsi

Massive Protests In Germany Call For Rapid End To Nuclear Power

Psychology Today Publishes Apology For "Why Are Black Women Less Attractive?" Article

Fox's Bob Beckel tells Stossel that the liberals on Fox can 'caucus in a phone booth' as audience boos liberal budgets

This Week: Of Course Tim Pawlenty Would Back Ryan's 'Groupons for Medicare' Approach!

On Not Getting Distracted by Breitbart's Latest Smear

Memorial Day: President Obama's remarks at Arlington National Cemetery

George Will mocks Sarah Palin's National Security Creds: Keep her mitts off da Nukes

Sarah Palin And The 'Fire In Her Belly' Is About Installing Theocratic Government In America

Is Paul Broun the dumbest member of Congress? Signs point to Yes

Fox Pundit Dennis Kneale Associates Public Schools With 'The Crips Or The Bloods'

AL Mayor: No FEMA Trailers Allowed For Tornado Victims

Eric Cantor Doubles Down on His Hostage Taking of Tornado Victims for Spending Cuts

Once Again, Sen. Ron Wyden Puts A Hold On Internet Infringement Bill

Bill Kristol: 'I Think Perry Could be Formidable' if He Runs in 2012

Rep. Weiner Consulting With Lawyers After Racy Picture Credited To Him By Andrew Breitbart's Site

McConnell keeps lying and the media keeps letting him get away with it

Mitch McConnell Calls Elizabeth Warren's Nomination a Potential 'Serious Threat to Our Financial System'

Krugman: The Feds Could Take Action To Help Unemployed. Bernstein: Not Gonna Happen!

Sarah Palin's 'unconventional' route to the presidency: The power of messianic delusion

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