A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

01 June 2011


Pentagon Declares War On Cyber Enemies

YouTube - Ron Paul on CNBC 05 31 11 - Liberty is mainstream, Ron Paul is mainstream

Ron Paul tells Iowans he is a “mainstream candidate” for 2012 | Iowa Caucuses

Rep. Paul to Fed: Tell Us Everything, or Else -

Ron Paul: We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship

YouTube - Stop Obama's Unconstitutional Power Grab!

Texas Lt. Gov. Dewhurst Calls for Special Session

WHO Lists Cell Phones as Cancer Hazard

Land around Fukushima now radioactive dead zone; resembles target struck by atomic bomb

Nanny State Betrays Decline and Fall of America

Suddenly Everyone Is Warning About The Next Financial Collapse

Gen. Hamid Gul: US will start WW3 if war expands to Pakistan

Libya: SAS veterans helping Nato identify Gaddafi targets in Misrata | World news | The Guardian

Fed Ready to Print More Funny Money on QE3 Rumors

NATO extends Libya operations to September - Yahoo! News

Fukushima could have been prevented

Texas Standing up to Blockade Threat would have Forced Obama to Show his True Face

Offshoring has Destroyed the US Economy

A Link Between Bat Deaths and Pesticides?

Julian Assange: U.S. reaction to WikiLeaks most severe since McCarthy era

Pakistan orders probe of Osama bin Laden’s hideout | The Raw Story

Terrorists planned to kill Lockheed Martin CEO as response to drone bombings | The Raw Story

Libya: Gaddafi appears on TV with SA leader Jacob Zuma who says tyrant is open to a truce | Mail Online

Irate Germany Summons Iranian Ambassador After Angela Merkel Plane Denied Access Over Iran Airspace For Two Hours | zero hedge

Saudi-Iran Feud Draws Sectarian Dividing Line Across Middle East Oilfields - Bloomberg

Afghanistan withdrawal: no significant pull out, says senior British general - Telegraph

Ya'alon: Military strike may be needed to stop... JPost - Defense

U.K. admits training Saudi forces used to crush Arab uprising | The Raw Story

Bigger dance party planned at Jefferson Memorial - The Buzz - The Washington Post

Damage to gas cylinder caused bang at Fukushima | Reuters

Mercury, PCBs, sport fish: Mercury, PCBs widespread in sport fish in California's urban coastal waters, survey finds -

Supreme Court rules John Ashcroft did not misuse power to arrest terror witness | The Raw Story

New Mexico Supreme Court Lets Cops Grab Guns During Stops

Afghan leader warns NATO not to become ‘occupying force’ | The Raw Story

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Patriot Act Renewal Proof Democrats Are No Better At Protecting Civil Liberties Than Republicans!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Adam Kokesh "Police In America Exist To Raise Revenue & Control The Population!"

Osama Bin Laden Movie: Film Depicting Raid In The Works | Long Island Press

Activist Post: The Next Bubble Is About to Burst: College Grads Face Dwindling Jobs and Mounting Loans

Tom Lyons: Osama bin Laden death photos, like any, would stir emotion |

• The Peculiar Phenomenon of Megacryometeors • Damn Interesting

The Canadian Dollar is No Haven from a US Dollar Collapse

Rare Earths Are About to Become a Lot More Rare | Oil

JEFF GATES: The U.S.-Israeli Train Wreck | Intifada Palestine

Activist Post: Dempsey urges response to Arab Spring

Activist Post: Public schools' 'pay to play' fees: By the numbers

The Intercept: How The Global Food System Is Failing

AIPAC Lobbying Strategy Goes Global | My Catbird Seat

UN Secretary-General trying to scupper flotilla plans | My Catbird Seat

The Intercept: He Who Feeds You, Owns You – Food Stamp Enrollment Surges Above 44 Million


+Three Million MILLION Potential Lethal Radiation Doses - PDF


Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

Obama doubts surge, 'back on national stage'

Kenya probed claim Obama born in Africa

‘Birther’ book soars – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Rosalind Peterson -- The Smart Meter Rebellion

Mobile phones CAN increase cancer risk: Shock finding by major study | Mail Online

ICE Puts The Cart Before The Horse - Arrest Employers


*(Interactive Map )Botched Police Raids


EPA and Corps plan to seize control of all water « The PPJ Gazette

Get Out of Dodge;Is Obama a Psychopath? – Update May 29, 2011

The Enablers and their Psychopathic Masters. Reflections in a Petri Dish

UFO squadron filmed flying over California: 3 lights in triangular pattern spotted | Mail Online

Speaker arrested and detained before major public rally | Philosophers stone

Obama under fire for eyeing gun control 'under the radar' | Mail Online

Alternative markets….A concept for survival « The PPJ Gazette

America Will Not Survive Without Alternative Markets « The PPJ Gazette

Activist Post: Lockheed Martin's Hack Attack - Bibi or Barky - Who'd You Rather Have as Leader?


Al-Jazeera footage captures 'western troops on the ground' in Libya | World news | The Guardian

Libya: Five generals defect as pressure mounts on Muammar Gaddafi - Telegraph

The US-Israeli Train Wreck

Denying the Homosexual Link | Catholic Exchange

Vladimir Putin announces massive Russian road-building programme | World news | The Guardian

Can Strauss-Kahn buy his way to freedom? - Americas, World - The Independent

China bans bisphenol A in baby bottles, vows death penalty for serious safety breaches

Fukushima’s operators at loss but don’t show it: Voice of Russia

Stricken Fukushima nuke plant leaking oil | The Japan Times Online

Toxin from GM crops found in human blood: Study : North: India Today

Mystery disease kills 300 sheep within an hour - Emirates 24/7

Ahmadinejad And Larijani Tussle In An Oil Slick |

U.S. House Defeats Debt-Limit Measure - Bloomberg - China Intends to Absorb Mongolia

Jewish Heir Fights Restitution, Wants Museum to Keep Art - Bloomberg

Agudath Israel: Mesirah Overrides America’s Laws | The Occidental Observer - White Identity, Interests, and Culture

The Stage Is Set For a Nuclear False Flag :

Severity of Europe E. coli outbreak stuns experts - Yahoo! News

YouTube - ‪Military experience not marketable?‏

YouTube - american restoration apples and x rays part 1

YouTube - american restoration apples and x rays part 2

YouTube - ‪Freedom for Palestine - OneWorld‏

"Obama Has Joined Likud" - How Zionist Fanatics Undermine U.S. Credibility

Lone Star Watchdog: Lt. Gov. Flip Flops on Anti Groping TSA Bill. Now Wants Governor Perry to Call a Specisal Session to Pass Bill.(What is up their Sleeve I wonder?)

In Violation Of UN Resolution, Western "Boots" Are Now On The Libyan Ground | zero hedge

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul "We Don't Even Know How Many Wars We Are In!"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : I'm Sorry! But You Only Get 10 Seconds To Talk About Freedom Of Speech & America's Police State!

Goldman Sachs Gets Another Washington Insider, Judd Gregg : It's All Politics : NPR

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Dennis Kucinich "Why Are We In Debt!"

American's Journey: Can America afford endless wars and foreign aid? Pics to ponder...

Feeding Pyramid Workers « Ancient Egypt Research Associates

Activist Post: WHO Lists Cell Phones as Cancer Hazard

Hillary Clinton’s ties to lobbyist concealed by State Dept. - National Law Enforcement |

China opposes US sanctions on Chinese firms - People's Daily Online

The Intercept: Foreign power and arrogance run amuck in alleged atttacks on NYC hotel maids

Billion Dollar Fund Managers Agree: The Government Never Fixed the Underlying Economic Problems, So We'll Have Another Crash -

Chinese Regime Imposes “Martial Law” in Inner Mongolia -

BP among founding members of World Bank carbon fund -

Mad Scientists Grow Brains in Petri Dish -

U.S. spies want computers to analyze metaphors -

Edible RFID tags track your food from beginning to end -

One Brain, Hundreds of Eyes: Darpa Plots Manhunt Master Controller | Danger Room |

ASU hosts model North American Union legislature -

World of Warcraft and video games blamed for divorce as men 'prefer them to their wives' | Mail Online - Announcement of Osama Bin Laden's Death Is A Staged Psychological Warfare Operation - U.S. announces charges against five 9/11 terror suspects - Homeland security deploys mind-reading hardware

Corsi’s New Book: Much Ado About Nothing : - PENTAGON: Cyber Combat Can Count as Act of War

Homeland Security Niche Offers Safe Bets - CNBC

GMO debate: Consumer activists seek labeling of genetically modified foods -

One dead, two injured after Virginia sheriff's deputy goes on bloody rampage

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Airline Add-On Fees Double in Three Years «

European food outbreak soars; mystery deepens

64% Say Government Hasn’t Been Tough Enough On Wall Street - Rasmussen Reports™

Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure -

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Urban Danger: Tempting Fate «

Obama nominates Army’s head to lead the Joint Chiefs of Staff -

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Footage of Western Troops Confirms Criminality of War on Libya «

Doubts grow on Afghan war cost

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Cicadas Screeching From The Trees «

Top general warns against Afghan troop withdrawal - HOME -

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Texas Gov. Perry Bilderberg’s Ace in the Hole? «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Rep. Ron Paul Goes After Huckabee Supporters «

Could HAARP's next target be the New Madrid fault line to trigger FEMA Martial Law? | USWGO Alternative News

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Pentagon Declares War On Cyber Enemies «

Dustup over Florida wind farm - Bob King -

32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid | Old-Thinker News

YouTube - John Taylor Gatto: On Life and Education

The 25 Rules of Disinformation

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

Peace on Zionism’s Terms

George Galloway: Hands Off Libya

After Years of War, House Holds Votes to Check Military Action

What Must America Defend?

We Are Terrorists

Offshoring Has Destroyed the Economy

The Breakup of the Euro?

Israeli: Vice PM: Strike on Iran could be necessary:

From a Goldman Sachs Mortgage Team, a Single Court Case -

Why the white working class is alienated, pessimistic - Yahoo! News

Asthma and Child Food Allergies Linked

Energy Drinks Unsafe For Kids, Pediatricians Warn

Sunscreen Ratings Published By Consumer Reports

The Titanic Launching Anniversary Celebrated In Ireland

Will Smith's Men In Black III Shoots in NYC's Subways

Casey Anthony's Mother Testifies at Trial

The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

Venezuelans Mobilize Against Obama's Sanctions

Social Media: Air Force ordered software to manage army of Fake Virtual People

Fears of Depleted Uranium Use in Libya

Obama's Foreign Policy Objectives: The Geopolitical Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia Mosaic

Obama's UK-Fest : Vision of a War Without End

YouTube - James Grant and James Turk discuss gold, the Fed and the fiscal situation of the USA

Big Sis Pre-Crime System to Scan Americans for "Malintent" - informationliberation

The Tragedy of Immigration Enforcement - informationliberation

Inflation 2011: Honey -- They Shrunk Our Paychecks - informationliberation

NBC News Produces Propaganda Video Highlighting NBC's Views On Domain Seizures | Techdirt

Huge doses of potent antipsychotics flow into state jails for troubled kids

Are GM Dealerships Gaming Chevy Volt Tax Credit? | National Legal and Policy Center

Activist Post: For Anarchist, Details of Life as F.B.I. Target

How “Social Proof” Helps Smart Investors - Casey Research

Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama | iWatch News

Designer Psychologies: Moving Beyond Neurotypicality

List of cyber-weapons developed by Pentagon to streamline computer warfare - The Washington Post

Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare for the fall

Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world

Scientists study 'slow' earthquakes -

CDC admits flu vaccines don't work (which is why you need a new one every year)

+Download:The Equinox – The Review of Scientific Illuminism Vol. 1 No. 1

+Download:The Hidden Life in Freemasonry

Doug Schoen: Democrats Fear Christie Entering Presidential Race

Gallup: Obama Approval Ranks Lower With Military

Bachmann: There’s Room for Me and Palin in 2012

Cain Disses GOP Prez Field as Career Politicians

Ralph Reed Fires up New Coalition

Bachmann: Obama Is Only Candidate of Concern

Sarah Palin, Donald Trump Meet in NYC

John Edwards, Feds Arguing over Mistress Money

Hoekstra: CIA Workers Don't Like Obama

Drug May Ease Stress of Bad Memories

Armstrong Lawyers Want '60 Minutes' to Apologize

Carr: Dismal Manufacturing Growth is a Warning

Feds Ditch Food Pyramid for Plate

Chronic Fatigue Mouse-Virus Link Unlikely

Study: 'Biomarker' Research Exaggerated

Govt Overreacts to Raw Milk

Poverty Programs Create Welfare Addiction

EU Crisis Could Sway 2012 US Election

Robert Gates Sends Warning About Cutting Military Budget

YouTube - ‪Keiser Report: Neo-Feudal Gulag Casino State (E151)‏

YouTube - Sheriff Arpaio Give Elliot Spitzer The "BOY-I'd-Better-Not-Catch-You-In-Arizona" LOOK!

YouTube - Ron Paul on CNBC 05/31/11

YouTube - Food Inflation is Here

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: The Hunger for Liberty

YouTube - RT America's Adam Kokesh: Illegal Dancing at the Jefferson Memorial 1/2

YouTube - RT America's Adam Kokesh: Illegal Dancing Arrest at the Jefferson Memorial 2/2

» 18 Signs Life In U.S. Public Schools Now Equivalent To Life In U.S. Prisons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Horrible Economic Data Continues Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Texas Moves to Bring Back Anti-TSA Groping Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Salon Writer Admits Embellishing Abortion Story |

» Ron Paul: We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Dewhurst writes Perry to request anti-groping bill, congressional redistricting on special session call Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Federal Lie Exposed About the Japanese Concentration Camps « Blog

» Too Big to Fail: A Fascist Fairy Tale Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

AFP: NATO extends Libya air war, says Kadhafi will go

Former Egypt Bank Chairman Arraigned on Charges of Assaulting Maid in U.S. - Bloomberg

Afghan leader warns NATO not to become ‘occupying force’ | The Raw Story

Dallas-Fort Worth leads nation in job growth | Dallas Business Journal

Why "security" keeps winning out over privacy - War Room -

» Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama Breaks More Promises Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland security deploys mind-reading hardware - Nail the perp while he thinks of the crime | TechEye

Fukushima’s operators at loss but don’t show it: Voice of Russia

» Land around Fukushima now resembles target struck by atomic bomb Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» In shift, feds target top execs for health fraud Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In shift, feds target top execs for health fraud - BusinessWeek

Illinois Medicaid begins enrolling some in private health plans -

Bruce Fein: McCain Dethrones the Rule of Law

TSA's Worst Nightmare Continues: Phil Mocek Now Suing for Civil Rights Violations - Seattle News - The Daily Weekly

Hay Festival 2011: ex-CIA man claims Barack Obama 'doesn't have a clue' - Telegraph

Syed Saleem Shahzad, journalist, found dead - BlogPost - The Washington Post

» Signs of the Times Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Joblessness among post-Sept. 11 vets remains high -

Supreme Court: Ashcroft not liable in detention of American Muslim post-9/11 - The Washington Post

BBC News - New charges for 9/11 suspects held at Guantanamo

Arguments Regarding the Collapse of the World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection |

Judiciary Chairman Smith: ICE Releases Thousands of Criminal Immigrants Onto U.S. Streets Since 2001

Rep. Allen West: Pakistan Playing the U.S. Like A “Bad Fiddle”

Obama Commerce Nominee: U.S. Has 'Obligation to Lead' on Climate Change Legislation

Latest Target of Pakistani Radicals: Ban the Bible

What’s Palin Doing? Trump Responds…

Michelle Malkin: Chasing Sarah--The Boys Behind the Bus

DeMint to Run for President in 2012? Maybe

HHS Says You Should Know Who's Been Looking at Your Electronic Health Records

DNC Chair: Republicans Believe Illegal Immigration 'Should be a Crime'

Terry Jeffrey: Has America Opened Its Last Frontier?

Republicans Question Federal Rules on Healthier Eating

NATO Extends Operation in Libya Another 90 Days

Rep. Allen West: ‘I Cannot Understand’ U.S. Role in Libya

GOP Senate Leader Won’t Support Debt-Limit Increase Without Medicare Reform

China's ties to shunned regimes in spotlight

European Food Outbreak Soars; Mystery Deepens

2 Iraqis Charged in Kentucky with Terrorism Plotting

FEMA asking some hurricane aid recipients to give back the money

Frog dissections go virtual at California school

Same-sex couples line up for Ill. civil union licenses

AG Holder: New crack law should shorten some terms

City's homeless program might have enticed people to leave their homes

77,000 fed employees paid more than governors

House Republicans ask FCC to take Fairness Doctrine off the books

Robert Gates says he's 'too cautious' after serving 8 presidents

Anthony Weiner tries to move beyond Twitter mess

Supreme Court Justice Breyer breaks collarbone in bike accident

Report Shows Government's Limo Fleet Swelling

America's Third War: Is the U.S. Arming Mexican Cartels?

Study finds many corporations pay effective tax rate of zero

Government to lower prices, ease rules on health plans for people with preexisting conditions

Rep. West warns U.S. needs bigger Navy to deal with China's military threat

2010 was record year for greenhouse gas emissions

Obama Commerce pick sets up showdown on trade with Senate GOP

Opponents of Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce file recall petitions

Internal U.N. Documents Reveal Ban Ki-Moon’s Reform Efforts Not So Urgent After All

College student dares girlfriend to shoot him; she obliges

Karzai Criticizes U.S. as Doubts Grow Over Cost of Afghanistan War

Mini-weapons: Mini-weapons are sought by Pentagon for new era of warfare -


*Audio:Lew Rockwell/Police Epidemic;Lew Rockwell interviews William Norman Grigg


The Heavy Cost of the Bush-Obama Murder Rampage by Anthony Gregory

Do We Deserve Our Fate? by Walter E. Williams

An Open Letter to the Troops: You’re Not Defending Our Freedoms by Jacob G. Hornberger

The Little Things That Lead to Big Things by Eric Peters

Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse by Andy Duncan

What Is Money? by Frédéric Bastiat

Why Gold Is Going Higher by David Galland

Long commutes cause obesity, neck pain, loneliness, divorce, stress, and insomnia. - By Annie Lowrey - Slate Magazine

From sweet bowls to endless birthday cakes: How your office is making you fat | Mail Online

The Connection Between Height and Health | Mark's Daily Apple


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 31st, 2011 |

*The Alex Jones Show – May 31st, 2011 |

YouTube - Full Show - 5/31/11. Footloose Part 1


YouTube - DHS Thought Crime Tech, PBS and Lockheed Hacked, West in Libya

40 Signs The Chinese Economy Is Beating The Living Daylights Out Of The U.S. Economy |

YouTube - Ron Paul: "I Thought It Was Bad But It's Even Bigger And Worse Than I Ever Dreamed"

Pentagon: Online Cyber Attacks Can Count as Acts of War -

Chinese, Mexican defense ministers hold talks on military cooperation

A Link Between Bat Deaths and Pesticides? |


CIA’s Bin Laden Hunter Told to Stand Down 10 Times |

The BRAD BLOG : Ryland: A Sibel Edmonds 'Bombshell' - Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Until 9/11

Daily Kos: Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11

Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden « Norcaltruth


+US Gov. Software Creates ‘Fake People’ on Social Networks |

+PersonaManagementSoftware(pdf )

*Radiation:Article Links

Radiation News 5-31-11 |

Radiation News 5-30-11 |

Radiation News 5-29-11 |


Hitler and the Chinese Internet generation

Egyptian General Defends 'Virginity Checks' on Protesters - Yahoo! News

Pakistani who exposed al Qaeda cell found slain - Washington Times

'Handcuffed by policy': Fire crews watch man die - US news - Life -

Trial of Dutch Politician Who Sounded Alarm About Radical Islam Nears End |

San Francisco's Sheriff Calls for New Illegal Immigration Policy -

A Modern Memorial Day -

Report: Over 400 al-Qaida terrorists now i... JPost - Middle East

Iran cleric: Killing Israeli children OK - Israel News, Ynetnews

Rep. Anthony Weiner declined to call cops over Twitter 'hacker' attack, hires attorney instead -


KUHNER: Obama's assault on conservative speech - Washington Times

New York - Media, Radio Jocks Slammed For Ignoring Michael Savage Ban --

Savage Savages Obama Over Brit Ban

Britain reaffirms its ban on Michael Savage

Suicidal Britain Continues Absurd Ban of Michael Savage


Why Thinking Like A Fish Can Help Your Business | Before It's News

Casino expansion in Quinn’s hands | WBEZ

Was This Poll Taken in Washington, DC or Detroit? Both Cities Much Worse Off Since Obama

Obama’s background of mirrors

Pandering to morons

Obama’s Global Incompetence

Palin’s End Run

The Great Error of Israeli Normalization

Everything you’ve heard about fossil fuels may be wrong

Flea circuses, energy starvation & declining quality of life.

Another Offshore Wind Project in Trouble

How Liberals Cloud the Meaning of Natural Born Citizen

Republican Candidates and Ticking Time

‘Illegal Children’ Abducted by Chinese Authorities and Trafficked Abroad

Inhofe Vows to Block John Bryson Nomination for Commerce

Prez on Bibi – Will the Real Barack Obama Please Stand Up?

Why Does the Word “Illegal” Baffle Liberals So Completely?

Just Us Department Launches Operation Whitey Payback

Debbie Schlussel:“Religion of Peace”: Another Muslim Beauty Queen Murdered for Immodesty

Debbie Schlussel:Funny Video: Sister of Schwarzenegger Kid Speaks Out

Debbie Schlussel:Another Bill Clinton Dividend: Throat Cancer Rises in Men

Debbie Schlussel:Thanks, Obama: “Liberated” Egypt Does Virginity Checks of Chicks, Will Outlaw Protests

Beck’s Explosive Video Vindication: Socialists Explain How They Worked With Muslim Brotherhood & Islamic Extremists in the Mid-East Revolutions to Unite Arab World Against USA, Britain & Israel | The Blaze

In Oddball Interview, Dennis Kucinich Questions Bin Laden Raid, Refuses to Blame Syrian Government | The Blaze

Watch: Violent Shootout Rages as Mexican Teacher Calmly Serenades Her Kindergarten Class With Barney | The Blaze

Obama Secret Service Agent Retires, Will Now Run for MD Senate Seat as a Repub. | The Blaze

Despite Record Number of Recipients, Congress May Make Cuts to Food Stamps | The Blaze

Did Hackers Really Hijack Fox News Ticker And Post Anti-Fox Messages? | The Blaze

Heart-Stopping Video: Man Captures Teen’s Alleged Texting-While-Driving Accident | The Blaze

Schumer to Jewish Audience: Arabs and Palestinians ‘Don’t Believe There Should Be An Israel’ | The Blaze

Sex Author: ‘Friends With Benefits’ is ‘Scientifically Impossible’ | The Blaze

Twice Deported, ‘Undocumented’ Worker Kills Houston Police Officer | The Blaze

‘Limousine Liberals’ Report Shows Major Growth in Government’s Limo Fleet | The Blaze

Has the Digital Camera Killed Regular Film Photography? | The Blaze

Attack of the Jellyfish — Literally! More Than 1,600 Beachgoers Stung | The Blaze

4 Big Stories About Apple Computer in One Day | The Blaze

Calif. Woman Caught Wheeling Around a ‘Barrel of Body Parts’ | The Blaze

What Grade Does Mitt Romney Give Obama’s Presidency? | The Blaze

Two Iraqi Men Arrested in KY for Attempting to Send Weapons and Money to al-Qaida | The Blaze

Iranian Parliament Turns on Ahmadinejad — Votes to Send Him to Court | The Blaze

Printing More Money: Analyst Says to Prepare for 3rd Round of Quantitative Easing | The Blaze

Which Major U.S. Corporations Have Barely Paid Any Taxes? | The Blaze

MSNBC Anchor: Palin‘s Use of American Flag Could be ’Breach of Federal Law’ | The Blaze

Charlie Rangel on Debt: We Must Increase Taxes | The Blaze

Could You Live in a 320 Sq. Ft. Home? This Couple Made the Move | The Blaze

Obama Admin Admits: Gov’t Will Lose $14 billion on Auto Bailout | The Blaze

All US Gold Gone? Russia says IMF Chief Jailed for Discovery. | Before It's News

Ryan Gets Standing Ovation In Front Of Obama As Republicans Get Tough With Him In White House Debt Meeting | Before It's News

NASA Chief Says Cold Fusion is #1 | Before It's News

YouTube - ‪raw video ---americans murdered in mexico--WARNING GRAPHIC!!!!!‏

Aliens Invade Our Airwaves | Before It's News

Geometric Patterned Art from Students at Thomas More College | Before It's News

Osama Pops Up On A Piece Of TOAST | Before It's News

Plane Returns After Fistfight Between Passengers | Before It's News


Moon Phases | StarDate Online


StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers

Solar and Heliospheric Observatory


Google Moon


2012 Safe Area/ 845-541-5601(


(Videos)UPDATE: New Video of Nibiru - 2012 Mayan Calendar Doomsday or Ascension 1 of 3 | Before It's News


Judge curbs Blagojevich on what he can say -

Change of Subject: Hidden shenanigans?

Don't go there, judge tells Blagojevich lawyers | WBEZ

Blagojevich: I honestly believed what I was talking about was legal - The Blago Blog

Blagojevich: He didn't want cash for Senate seat

Remember This A-Hole?

Daley joining law firm he previously hired for city's meter deal and other privatization work | Bleader

Ex-Chicago Mayor Daley Joins Katten Muchin - News - ABA Journal

Daley lands new position at University of Chicago - News - The DePaulia - The student newspaper of DePaul University

Ex-Mayor Daley’s U. of C. salary: $100,000 a year -

Mayor Daley's optional $1.1 million retirement fund | WBEZ

Does Citizen Daley deserve a security detail? - Chicago Tribune

Security Detail For A Civilian Richard Daley? | Progress Illinois

Daley Keeping Security Detail After Leaving Office: Chicagoist


Chicago cancels July 4 fireworks, leaves shows to Navy Pier - Chicago Sun-Times

Oklahoma man arrested in O'Hare gun incident -

Mayor Rahm Emanuel defends police for closing beach on Memorial Day - Chicago Sun-Times

Free rides aboard Chicago-area public transit, CTA, Metra and Pace, ending soon for most senior citizens |


Rahm Emanuel doesn't close the door on 2016 - Jennifer Epstein -

Transcript: My One-on-One Interview With Rahm Emanuel - George Stephanopoulos' Bottom Line


Tom Roeser(


Looking back at the life of local conservative Tom Roeser | WBEZ

News : Radio Remembers: Chicago's Tom Roeser |

WLS 890AM:Tom Roeser

Tom Roeser, ‘Mr. Conservative Republican in Illinois,’ dies at 82 | Robert Feder - Time Out Chicago

Thomas Roeser, conservative political commentator, dies - Chicago Tribune

Chicago Daily Observer » Blog Archive » Tom Roeser in Remembrance

Political voice, social activist Thomas Roeser dies at 82 - Chicago Sun-Times

Obama's faith adviser likens Pat Robertson to bin Laden


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

Obama doubts surge, 'back on national stage'

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Kenya probed claim Obama born in Africa

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Are we going to be a nation like Greece?';Rep. Akin on debt-ceiling hike: 'What part of 'no' don't you understand?'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'We don't need alligators';Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu says ACLU lawsuits hindering border security

ACLU sues over prisoners' 'right' to porn

Texas judge: no prayer at high school graduation - KLTV 7 News Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville

'South Park' among most conservative shows ever?

Private employers add meager 38,000 jobs - Business - Stocks & economy -

Rep. Paul to Fed: Tell Us Everything, or Else -

Nigerian 'baby factory' raided, 32 teenage girls freed - Yahoo! News

Board meeting protest staged by 'ACORN'

'Handcuffed by policy': Fire crews watch man die - US news - Life -

Gay columnist: let’s face it, we want to indoctrinate children |

Stifled: Question about Obama getting snubbed

Blueprint to unwedge Obama from office in 2012 revealed

Rep. Anthony Weiner linked to numerous beauties on Twitter following lewd photo scandal -

Anthony Weiner mixes it up with CNN in epic fashion over Twitter photo [Video] -

Mexican Soldiers’ Shopping Excursion Raises Issues About Border Security - KRGV CHANNEL 5 NEWS - The Rio Grande Valley's News Channel - Breaking News, Breaking Stories - RGV News

Prosecutor: Suspect in cop's death is gang member | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

DNC Chair: Republicans Believe Illegal Immigration 'Should be a Crime' |

John Edwards to be indicted this week? - The Early Show - CBS News

Groups Target Thomas' Wife's Work to Force Him to Sit Out High Court Rulings on Health Care -


**Savage unveils newly designed website


Explosions and street fighting grip Yemen capital | Reuters

Ratko Mladic's whirlwind week: From war crimes fugitive to Hague inmate -

Israel considers options on Palestinian statehood bid | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

E coli outbreak in Germany adds 365 more confirmed cases | UK news | The Guardian

Syrian opponents say Assad's amnesty offer not enough

The Hindu : News / International : ISI takes flak for Shahzad's killing

Hidden fallout from Germany's sudden nuclear shutdown – Global Public Square - Blogs

Turkish Police Seize Explosives Before Erdogan Diyarbakir Rally - Bloomberg

Kan Faces No-Confidence Vote as Divided Japan Ruling Party Turns on Leader - Bloomberg

Terrorists to face a military tribunal | The Australian

Bin Laden raid: I was fooled into treating Al Qaeda leader's children, says pediatrician | Mail Online

AFP: Ahmadinejad wants 'anti-Zionist, anti-arrogance' Egypt

Chinese army warned of the 'real danger' of making online friends - Telegraph

BBC News - Poland troops acquitted over deadly Afghanistan raid

North Korea Says Seoul Offered 'Trick' Summit -

"Opportunity In Crisis" Report Focuses On Adolescent HIV Infection

Virus No Longer Thought to Be Cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Scientific American

HHS Eases Eligibility Rules, Lowers Premiums for High-Risk Insurance - California Healthline

HHS proposes privacy rule on medical records | Reuters

Study: Could Brain Scans Help Spot Autism? – TIME Healthland

Smoking could kill 8 million a year by 2030: WHO | Reuters

Transforming your business in an era of changing health care - ZDNet

'The Tree of Life': What's the buzz all about? -

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Trailer, Rooney Mara, Daniel Craig Star :

NASA bids farewell to Endeavour, tees up Atlantis - Computerworld

Google's Schmidt Admits to Screwing Up on Facebook | PCWorld

MediaPost Publications Twitter Debuts Follow Button 06/01/2011

Bus Company Suspended After Crash -

What did Sarah Palin and Donald Trump talk about? -

Obama meets GOP lawmakers at White House; no progress on debt reduction - The Washington Post

Weiner Follows 'Babes' on Twitter

Romney tries to follow Olympian's example with second campaign - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Casey Anthony Trial Update: Anthony said car stench was from dead animal, says best friend - Crimesider - CBS News

Female "Person of Interest" in Missing Nursing Student Case - ABC News

Obama Names Bryson for Commerce - Republicans Will Try to Block Him -

Cain's Iowa support equal to Palin's - Juana Summers -

AFP: US cracks down on pointing lasers at planes

Wall Street Baffled by Slowing Economy, Low Yields: Trader - CNBC

Thieves Selling Stolen Cars On Craigslist Then Stealing Them Back « CBS Sacramento

Russian mob eclipses Italian Mafia in South Florida, FBI says - Miami-Dade -

Mexico arrests police chief, soldiers for gang ties

US Economy: 150 Economists Back US Republicans in Debt Fight - CNBC

Editorial: Obama Recovery Still Feeble After Two Years -

Who Needs Health Care Reform? -

Global warming: Bleaker and bleaker | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Off the 'gravy train' - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

RealClearPolitics Latest Archives

Home Prices: Why the Case-Shiller housing index is showing a double-dip - The Curious Capitalist -

Political Animal - Losing the future

Too many coincidences in Weiner's tale -

Liberal congressman plays down Twitter controversy over lewd photo -

The Bin Laden Decade -

Why Obama Can’t Assume Republicans Will Ever Make A Deal On The Debt Ceiling | The New Republic

The Goodwin Liu nomination: Lessons for future presidents -

RealClearPolitics - Government Against Blacks

Bachmann on 2012: I'll 'stand up to Obamacare' - Politics - Decision 2012 -

Just who is Herman Cain? And what does his presidential run mean for the GOP? - The Washington Post

Straphanger Jonathan Lynn sues MTA over incident where his arm got trapped in subway doors

Study finds many corporations pay tax rate of effectively zero - The Hill's On The Money - Groups Formally Petition FCC to Block Wireless Merger - Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Democrats’ New Illinois Map May Not Withstand Time : Roll Call Politics

Feds, Edwards argue over campaign finance law - John Edwards case -

An Epidemic of False Claims: Scientific American

Fighting evolution with evolution – using viruses to target drug-resistant bacteria | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine

Education: California needs to balance students' test results and yearly performance -

Too Lazy To Work Out? Machines That Exercise for You, From Victorian Times to the Present | Collectors Weekly

Groundwater Depletion Is Detected by Grace Satellites -

Health | Cellphones a 'possible' carcinogen — like coffee | Seattle Times Newspaper

'Dead' galaxies aren't so dead after all, U-M researchers find

PATTERSON: Requiem for a space program - Washington Times

Space Shuttle Endeavour Prepares for Final Landing on Wednesday | Endeavour's STS-134 Mission | NASA's Space Shuttle Retirement |

Space station ranks as an engineering marvel -

The Revolutionary New Birth Control Method for Men | Magazine

Finding New Life as Faith-Based Stars - BusinessWeek

Tim Rutten: A religious 'test' for Mitt Romney -

What About the Religious Liberty of Liberal Military Chaplains? | Religion Dispatches

EXCLUSIVE: Harold Camping Ex-Follower Speaks Out, Christian News

Should the China Ambassador Worship at a House Church? | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

My Take: There’s nothing brief about a hookup – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The Bin Laden Decade -

Syrians are tired of Assad's 'reforms' | Fadwa al-Hatem | Comment is free |

Egypt revolution: Egypt's stumbling economy needs help -

New Afghanistan Development Dangerous to NATO | Facebook

Political stunts not the way to end Gaza conflict - The Irish Times - Wed, Jun 01, 2011

How France Lost Africa to the U.S. - G. Pascal Zachary - International - The Atlantic

Mladic's prosecution should focus on 1995 Srebrenica massacre

Blowing with the Wind: Merkel's Nose for Populism Yields Another Victory - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Commentary: Inflaming Iran | The National Interest

How to Track China’s Naval Dreams | The Diplomat

RealClearWorld - Top 5 Anti-U.N. Countries - Nations United?

Why Democracy Is Failing Across The World | The New Republic

Moderate Arabs and Muslims Under Threat :: Hudson New York

The Crimes of Ratko Mladić by Ian Buruma - Project Syndicate

Don’t buy into Wall Street’s ‘summer rally’ promos - The Washington Post

Why housing is tanking--Stephen B. Meister -

RealClearMarkets - Corporate Tax Reform: Will the Obama Administration Do the Right Thing?

Small Is Beautiful | The Weekly Standard

Cut the red tape: Free up oil drilling in Alaska -

Budget Debate and the Deficit Friendly Tax Cut - The Daily Beast

Bruce Bartlett: Are Taxes in the U.S. High or Low? -

Crazy Federal Rules Cost Business $1.75T a Year

Obama returns to his roots

To my 'terribly gullible audience'

Myths of the Middle East

A 'third way' compromise for Christians on abortion?

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Intel report: Kenyans honor Obama's 'birthplace'

Kenya probed claim Obama born in Africa

Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'

George Washington’s Mount Vernon pleasure garden revamped for authenticity - The Washington Post

Marilyn Monroe photos found at garage sale still a mystery -

Sesame Street's pinko puppets brainwash our kids - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent

Unseen for 1,800 years: Archaeologists find 120m tunnel leading to 'funeral chambers' deep below ancient Mexican city | Mail Online

Blanks for the Memories -

Mysterious waters: from the Bermuda Triangle to the Devil's Sea -

'Little Ice Age' Drove Vikings From Greenland, Study Suggests | Ancient Climate Change & Little Ice Age | LiveScience

BBC News - Mars 'remains in embryonic state'

800-Mile-Wide Hot Anomaly Found Under Seafloor Near Hawaii

Top Ten Myths About the Brain | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine

Scientists Fool People Into Thinking They're Tiny or Giant | Brain Tricks & Body-Swapping Illusion | Human Mind | LiveScience

The book of secrets

Facebook fascists shut down dissenters

Obama returns to his roots

For The Record

The agony of being a Jewish conservative

Communism's rebirth – at our expense

Do we deserve our fate?

Government against blacks

Is the gravy train derailing?

Gender nonsense in the classroom

The American Spectator : Ethanol Strategery

Sen. Harry Reid: GOP Would Cut Health Insurance for 1.7 Million Kids

Our first lady: Bitter harridan

ESR | May 30, 2011 | Where's the outrage?

Schoolboys aged seven reprimanded by teachers for playing at soldiers | Mail Online

Bird-watcher falsely arrested for possession of marijuana had sage in her backpack - South Florida

Jonestown memorial unveiled after 32 years

Life Sentence for Oklahoma Pharmacist Sparks Debate - ABC News

Attacker with severed penis flees hospital bed in Bangladesh - Monsters and Critics

Column One: Fallbrook, missing-persons case: Where did the McStay family go? -

*1 June

American Minute for June 1st

June 1st This Day in History

June 1st in History

June 1 Events in History

This Day in History for 1st June

Today in History: June 1

Today in History: June 1 » History Net

YouTube - Today in History for June 1st


Mutilated Teenage Boy Becomes Symbol For Syria’s Revolution

Andrew Bostom Interview: ‘Islamo-Nazism in Egypt’

Where Obama Is Leading Israel

Bibi: ‘We’ll Protect Jerusalem and Jerusalem Will Protect Us’

Supreme Leader Of Iran: ‘United States Has Been Brought To Its Knees’

Gates Turns Off the Lights, Warning Of ‘Hollowing Out’ of Our Military

Islamo-Nazism In Egypt

Afghanistan’s Ultimatum: What Are We Waiting For?

PTSD: The War Within

+Audio:Holland Taylor: The Illusion Of An Islamic State

By Accident Or Design, Obama Leading Us Into War

Australia: Muslim Student Who Attacks 6 Women Gets Reduced Sentence Because Of ‘Culture Shock’

Yemen’s President Hangs On To Power As Clashes Spread To Other Towns

Sociologist Sued For Exposing Islamic Jew-Hatred In Belgium

Egyptian Shaykh: Jihad Is Solution to Muslims’ Financial Problems!

To Protect Hollywood, MSM Focuses On .0027% of My Book

Weinergate: MSNBC Tries to Make Rep. Weiner Story About Breitbart

MSNBC: Representative Weiner Says He Was Hacked and We Believe Him Without Question

Another Week, Another Shovelful Into the Grave of the Old Media

Bill O’Reilly: We Want a Statement from FBI on Weinergate by Tomorrow

NewsBusted: Does Obama Know What Year It Is?

Howard Kurtz: Weinergate ‘Appears to Be Faked’

CNN Reports on Weinergate; FBI and Capitol Police Not Investigating Rep. Weiner’s ‘Hacking’

Huffington Post/AOL Bury #Weinergate Story

Weinergate: Twitter User Dan Wolfe Denies Hacking Accusations; Welcomes FBI Investigation

‘Curious’: Representative Weiner Leaves CNN with Unanswered Questions

Blame Breitbart!: Editor Joan Walsh Lies and Bullies on Weinergate

Weinergate: CNN’s Toobin Downplays Controversy; ‘Don’t Make Federal Case Of It’

Weinergate: Congressman’s Media Meltdown; Belligerent Weiner Refuses to Answer Questions, Calls CNN Producer ‘Jackass’

» Weinergate: Congressman Claims ‘Facebook Hacked’ as Lewd Photo Hits Twitter - Big Government

» Weinergate: Congressman’s Media Meltdown; Belligerent Weiner Refuses to Answer Questions, Calls CNN Producer ‘Jackass’ - Big Government

WeinerGate: What do Reporters Think? - FishbowlDC

Weinergate: MSNBC Tries to Make Rep. Weiner Story About Breitbart - Big Journalism

JammieWearingFool: Weiner Meltdown Continues: 'You Know People May Not Believe Me, They Believe Breitbart, Whatever It Is'

» Bill O’Reilly: We Demand a Statement From FBI on WeinerGate By Tomorrow (Video) - Big Government

Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Daily Show’ on WeinerGate: ‘Distinguished Member of Congress’

Steny Hoyer defends Weiner in Twitter photo incident - 2chambers - The Washington Post

Weiner crotch photo: The Congressman's playboy past emerges as he loses his cool over Twitter pic | Mail Online

Rep. Weiner Twitter Picture | Weiner Twitter Prank | Weingergate Media Coverup | Mediaite

Anthony Weiner to stay quiet on tweet - Jake Sherman -

The Perfect Media Storm That Is ‘Weinergate’ - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes

The Weiner Career Death Watch - HUMAN EVENTS

Bigs Contributor Releases Major Volume on Hollywood Bias, Media Fires Back - Big Journalism

Hackers Resurrect Tupac with Bogus Story on PBS Website - Big Journalism

THR: TV Honchos ‘Say Hollywood Discriminates Against and Belittles Conservatives’

Exclusive Audio: Targeting Kids With ‘Captain Planet’ Enviro-Propaganda

Bigs Contributor Releases Major Volume on Hollywood Bias, Media Fires Back

WeinerGate: Don’t Miss Tonight’s ‘Daily Show! Uhm, Right?

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Help Us Expose Hollywood’s Conservative Blacklist

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: Former Network Exec Agrees It’s Difficult for Conservatives to Break Into TV Industry

Ben Shapiro’s ‘Primetime Propaganda’ Closes the Case on Liberal Hollywood

Exclusive: To Protect Hollywood, MSM Focuses On .0027% of My Book

‘Primetime Propaganda’: Confessions of a TV Propagandist

End this Now: Rep. Weiner Should Demand an Investigation this Afternoon

Congressman Weiner Could Have Ended This ‘Distraction’ on Saturday

+Audio:Will Not Raising the Debt Ceiling Lead to Armageddon?

Obama Administration Throws Support Behind World Tax Organization

Elections Panel Puts Hold Only on Democrat Recalls in Wisconsin

Could Trump Pull a Perot?

Michigan Union Demands ‘Respect’ Three Days After Hosting Gov. Dunk Tank

Eight Weeks Later, Liberal Concedes in Wisconsin High Court Race

Twitter/Adam Sharp (D): Verified Account Status Bogus Marketing Ploy?

Congressman Says Weinergate Cybersecurity Investigation Vital to ‘Ensure Our National Security’

Judicial Travesty: Supreme Court Orders Release of 46,000 Convicted Felons

North Carolina Bans Rare Burgers! Nanny of the Month (May 2011)

DNC Chair Mad that GOP Wants to Make It Illegal to Be an Illegal Alien…Or Something


1-Jun-11 World View ......


Two plead guilty in China microchip case: US

US demands Iran probe death of opposition figure's daughter

Iran's lawmakers vote to take Amhadinejad to court

World Bank, cities pledge greenhouse gas reduction

House puts off vote on Libya resolution

Witnesses: Car bomb explodes in Libyan city

Rabbi gets probation in NJ corruption case

Prosecutors release $33 million from Vatican Bank

Turkish PM pledges more investment for Kurds

Twitter usage rising among US adults: Pew study

Treasury yet to determine price and timing of GM share sale

Brazil welcomes Carstens' IMF bid; no backing yet

Peres: Jerusalem will know peace in our time

Iran: Renewing Egypt ties would force 'Zionists' to leave

Hamas: Egypt limiting movement through Rafah crossing

'Fatah has never recognized Israel and will never do so'

Index of 100 cities gains ground

Brazil approves Belo Monte hydroelectric dam

Weak US jobs data spark fears over economic growth


**31st/Transcripts:Obama Announces New Commerce Secretary

30th/President Obama Marks Memorial Day

Panel on the Bachmann, Palin Rumors

29th/Obama's Remarks at a Joplin Memorial Service

Guests: Sen. Min. Ldr. McConnell and Sen. Schumer

Guests: Sen. McCain; Reps. West and Edwards

Guests: Pres. Candidate Tim Pawlenty & Gov. Mitch Daniels

28th/Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM Tusk

27th/Panel on Netanyahu's Visit to the U.S.

Interview with Representative Anthony Weiner

Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann

Interview with Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson

Interview with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

26th/Panel on U.S. Relations with Russia

Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann

Reporter Discusses Supreme Court's Immigration Ruling

25th/Obama's Address to the British Parliament

Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM Cameron

Panel on Obama's Relationship with Europe

Guest: Sen. Maj. Ldr. Harry Reid and Rep. Israel

Guests: Rep. Wasserman Schultz and Rep.-Elect Hochul

Interview with Representative Dave Camp

Guest: DNC Chair & Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Guest: Rep. Steve Israel

Analyst Discusses the NY-26 Special Election

24th/Interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with Senator Tom Coburn

Panel on the New York Special Election

Reporters Discuss the Auto Bailout

Interview with Texas Governor Rick Perry

Secretary Gates Speaks to American Enterprise Institute

23rd/Obama's Remarks with the PM of Ireland

Interview with Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Ohio Governor John Kasich

22nd/Obama's Speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference

Guests: Sen. Min. Ldr. McConnell and Herman Cain

Guests: Sen. Durbin, Reps. Rogers and Ruppersberger

Interview with Representative Paul Ryan

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Guests: George Mitchell and King Abdullah II


**NEWS VIDEOS:MSNBC’s Bashir: Palin Bus Tour Violates Federal Code on Use of Flag

Weinergate: Bolling and Breitbart Expose Liberal Media’s Double-Standard and Jeffrey Toobin’s Hypocrisy

Talk Show Host Drops Senate Candidate On-Air For Dodging Questions About Ryan Plan

High School Crowns Trans-Gendered Prom ‘Queen’

Weinergate: Jon Stewart’s Take: ‘His D**k’s Just Not That Big’

Space Shuttle Endeavor Touches Down For Last Time

Weinergate: Once More Into the Fray; Congressman Plans Another Press Conference This Afternoon

31ST/Weinergate: Congressman’s Media Meltdown; Belligerent Weiner Refuses to Answer Questions, Calls CNN Producer ‘Jackass’

The Stage Right Show: Guest Lee Stranahan on the Latest Weinergate News

Weinergate: MSNBC Tries to Make Rep. Weiner Story About Breitbart

Weinergate: O’Reilly Demands Statement From FBI on Investigation By Tomorrow’s Show

Weinergate: Congressman’s ‘Hindenburg Press Conference’ Lead Story on New York News Shows

Weinergate: MSNBC’s Matthews Devotes 27 Seconds to Rep. Weiner Story

Weinergate: Wolf Blitzer Says ‘I Don’t Think This Story Is Going Away’

Weinergate: AP Reports on Big Government Scoop

Primetime Propaganda: Big Hollywood’s Ben Shapiro Exposes the War Against Conservatives in Hollywood, Part 1

Weinergate: CNN’s Toobin Downplays Controversy; ‘Don’t Make Federal Case Of It’

Weinergate: Breibart Calls For Investigation; Why Doesn’t Congressman Weiner?

Weinergate: Politico Editor on MSNBC Says Weiner Has Clammed Up

Weinergate: MSNBC Finally Does Full Report… Focusing on the Dangers of Hacking!

Weinergate: CNN Reports Congressman Not Answering Basic Questions

Weinergate: ABC Reports Congressman Has ‘No Plans’ To Call Police

Al-Jazeera Video Captures ‘Western Troops on the Ground’ in Libya

Trouble in Columbus: Head Coach Tressel Resigns, QB Under Investigation

Fat Cat on Water Treadmill

KKK Counterprotests Westboro Baptist Church in Arlington

Italian Base Attacked in Afghanistan

Weinergate: CNN’s Toobin Claims Breitbart is Behind All Of This

30TH/CNN Host Obama Advisor Zakaria: Netanyahu Should Have Thanked Obama For His Middle East Proposal

Memorial Day Vigil In Afghanistan

Weinergate: CNN Reports FBI and Capitol Police Not Investigating Rep. Weiner’s ‘Hacking’

Rawhide Down: The Near Assassination of Ronald Reagan

The Stage Right Show Memorial Day Special with Representative Thaddeus McCotter

Memorial Day: Freedom Never Cries

29TH/Endeavor Crew Bids Farewell to Space Station

Wheldon Wins Thrilling and Heartbreaking Indy 500 When Leader Crashes in Final Turn

28TH/Obama: Poland a Model for Democracy

Flash Mob Roughed-Up by Cops for Silently Dancing at Jefferson Memorial

Clinton to Grads: Putting Profits First Hurting America

27TH/Caught on Video: Protesters Pummeled and Bloodied by Police in Barcelona

2 NYPD Officers Acquitted of Rape

Drill Baby, Drill! Solar Energy Harnessed to Assist ‘Green’ Oil Drilling in California

Flashback: Candidate Obama’s Commitment To Israel ‘Unshakeable’ in ‘08

26TH/Robots That Fold Laundry and Shrimp on Treadmills; Sen. Coburn Reveals How Your Tax Money is Being Spent

iPad Games for Cats


**Politics Video:1ST/Weiner: "I Can't Say With Certitude" That Picture Isn't Of Me

Sarah Palin Today: "I Don't Know If I'm Running Yet"

Trader: "We're On The Verge Of A Great, Great Depression"

GOP: How Senate Democrats Respond To Growing Calls For Action On Budget

Major Garrett On Weinergate: "Every Indication Is That He Did It"

Rahm Emanuel Defends Obama's "Consistent" Position On Israel

Paul Ryan To Obama: Do Not Continue To "Mischaracterize" Medicare Plan

"Daily Show" Host Stewart On Anthony Weiner: He's "Just Not That Big"

Paul Ryan To Obama On Spending: "Your Policy Won't Fly, We Just Proved This"

Rep. Hoyer: To Say This Is Obama's Debt Is "Simply Not True"

American Crossroads Ad Mocks "Tax And Spend" Democrats

Bill O'Reilly: Palin A "Long Shot" To Beat Obama

Maddow: FOX News Sells "Grievance, Resentment And Belonging"

Krauthammer: Palin "Not Schooled" In Policy; Doesn't Know She Needs It

Fineman: Tea Partiers Against Gov't Think They're The "Real Patriots"

31ST/Hume: Will Media Call Out Democrats During Debt Ceiling Battle?

Rangel On Spending: "All We Have To Do" Is Tax More

Weiner Calls CNN Reporter A "Jackass" After Questioned About Photo

MSNBC's Martin Bashir: Palin Bus Tour In "Breach Of Federal Law"

Sarah Palin: "The Fire In The Belly Is Still Raging"

Carney: Obama Not "Paying Much Attention" To Palin And Bus Tour

Tuscaloosa Tornado Victim: "Obama Came Here And Said 'We're Going To Help Everybody.' That's A Lie"

Matthews: "Kinetic Force" Of Palin's "Voice Pattern" Is "Electrifying"

"Special Report" Panel On Cutting Costs In Afghanistan

White House's Jay Carney: "We Have To Raise The Debt Ceiling"

Hoyer: Blame Bush And Republicans For Current Debt Problem

Romney On Health Care: "My Bill Was 70 Pages, [Obama's] Is Over 2,000"

Rep. Allen West Makes Case For More Military Spending

Weiner On Lewd Photo: "I'm Not Going To Talk About This Anymore"

Palin: "I Don't Think I Owe Anything To The Mainstream Media"

The Herman Cain Train Music Video

Bachmann: Room For Both Palin And Me; She's Not A "Competitor"

RFK Jr.: Coal Companies "Subvert" Democracy

Krauthammer Dismisses Palin Bus Tour: "She's Not Running"

Politico: Capitol Police Not Investigating "Hacking" Of Weiner's Twitter Account

Markets Video:Dicker: No $5 Gas This Summer

Commuters 'Slugging' to Beat Gas Prices

Minyanville's Keith Jurow's Housing Market Report

Saudi Prince: Oil Should Be Between $70-$80

DSK's Lawyers Attempt "Blame the Victim" Defense

WHO: New Cell Phone Cancer Concerns

31ST/Is There Any Escape From a 62% Tax Rate?

Is Home Ownership Dream a Thing of the Past?

Japan's Debt Rating Under Spotlight

U.S. Economy Gets Widespread Downgrade

Crazy Eddie CFO's New Life of Crime

World Video:The Communicators: Rebecca MacKinnon

Ajami: Syrian Regime 'Strange Beast'

New Fears of Civil War in Yemen

Moving Forward in Middle East

Is President Saleh Losing His Control Over Yemen?

Gridlock in the Yemeni Conflict

Yemeni Tribal Fighters Seize Government Buildings

On The Front Line With Libyan Rebels

Disasters Hit Australian Growth

Karzai: End Airstrikes

E.Coli Outbreak Spreads Outside Of Germany

Angry Clashes Throughout Turkey

Pakistan Forms Panel To Probe bin Laden Raid

Gaddafi Ready for a Deal?

31ST/Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth?

Al-Qaeda Making Gains in Yemen?

What's Next for Yemen?

Libyan Opposition: 'We Really Need Money'

Afghanistan Enters Height of Fighting Season

On the Ground in Afghanistan

Sen. John McCain Talks Libya, Arab Spring

Yemeni Protests, Violence Continues

Libyan Rebels Reject Gaddafi Truce Offer

Pensioners Volunteer For Danger Zone

Egyptian Banker Arrested In NYC Hotel Attack

Fighting Forces Families Into Caves

Obama and Komorowski on Democracy

Adm. Mullen on U.S. Military Morale


Bill Kristol: 'I Think Perry Could be Formidable' if He Runs in 2012

Rep. Weiner Consulting With Lawyers After Racy Picture Credited To Him By Andrew Breitbart's Site

McConnell keeps lying and the media keeps letting him get away with it

Mitch McConnell Calls Elizabeth Warren's Nomination a Potential 'Serious Threat to Our Financial System'

Krugman: The Feds Could Take Action To Help Unemployed. Bernstein: Not Gonna Happen!

Sarah Palin's 'unconventional' route to the presidency: The power of messianic delusion

Bachmann: 'I compare myself to Barack Obama'

Paul Ryan's budget and another front in the War on Women

3 More Recalls for Wisconsin GOP State Senators Approved

Why Did Florida Snub A $35.7M Grant To Keep People Out Of Nursing Homes?

Rush Limbaugh wonders if "riots" are part of Obama's economic 'Grand Plan'

Toxic Politics: Roger Ailes and Fox News

President Karzai Warns U.S. To Stop Operations That Kill Civilians

Chris Hayes: Why is a Serial Manipulator of the Media Like Breitbart Allowed to Come on and Spout Off?

Sad Day in the House of Representatives on Debt Ceiling Vote

Do-Over? Federal Judge Who Ruled That Corporations Could Make Donations Ignored SCOTUS Precedent

Maddow: Conservatives Construct Separate Media World

Bill O'Reilly claims Sarah Palin ran Alaska 'Pretty Well'. Ummm, Bill, She Quit

Twitter Sends Congress Tips On Account Security


YouTube - ‪Smoking Gun: Obama took the bait says Corsi‏


May 31, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-31-11

The Manning Report – 31 May 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-May-31, Tuesday

05/31 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, May, 31, 2011

The Michael Savage Show 05/31/2011

Redding News Reveiw 1

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2


flashback:May 31, 1978: Commies And The Economy. | Newstalgia

When Crime Pays - A Marginal Economic Analysis

Libertarians Can Learn

Blue state Republicans should NOT be the Presidential nominee

Blue-Collar Philosophy

Gov. Chris Christie's 'CopterGate': Uses State Police helicopter to see his son play high-school baseball

Jon Stewart slams CNN for their coverage of Anthony Weiner: CNN handled this with their trademark 'I guess we'll never know'

Twitter Sends Congress Tips On Account Security

Bill O'Reilly claims Sarah Palin ran Alaska 'Pretty Well'. Ummm, Bill, She Quit

Maddow: Conservatives Construct Separate Media World

Do-Over? Federal Judge Who Ruled That Corporations Could Make Donations Ignored SCOTUS Precedent

Sad Day in the House of Representatives on Debt Ceiling Vote

Chris Hayes: Why is a Serial Manipulator of the Media Like Breitbart Allowed to Come on and Spout Off?

Debbie Schlussel:Global Muslim Conflict: A Page Full of NYT Headlines Speaks 1,000 Words

Debbie Schlussel:Girlie Man USA: “Groomzilla” – Men Now Planning Their Weddings; In Touch w/Their “Inner Girl”

YouTube - 1945 Berlin/Bist du bei mir

YouTube - Obama Laughed at When Referring to The Overwhelming Scientific Evidence on Climate Change.

From Their Own Mouths: Global Warming is a Fraud - informationliberation

Back from the Dead: The Internet 'Kill Switch' By Tom Burghardt

YouTube - ‪Fox News hacked?‏

YouTube - ‪In prison for debt‏

YouTube - Ron Paul Facts

Fears of economic slowdown hammers stocks

Treasury yields reach 2011 lows on hiring drop

Summary Box: Metals fall on manufacturing slowdown

Defendant unlikely to testify in Mumbai attack trial

White House promotes auto bailouts, cites paybacks

World investors expect US to solve debt impasse

Expedia, Groupon create travel deal website

DOT gave unsafe bus operator extra time to appeal

NJ gov. takes state helicopter to son's ballgame

Canadian woman dies when swept over Niagara Falls

2nd last space shuttle lands; final on launch pad

Cuba announces work force reduction in health care

Octomom's fertility doctor has license revoked

Car explodes in Libyan rebel capital, no one hurt

California pensions may target firms' political outlays

Netflix plans international expansion

Lieberman denies Clinton canceled Paris meeting

3 injured, 24 arrested in J'lem Day Flag March clashes

'Schalit's kidnappers are 'dying in unfortunate accidents''

Peres: Jerusalem will know peace in our time

Iran: Renewing Egypt ties would force 'Zionists' to leave

Hamas: Egypt limiting movement through Rafah crossing

Chinese manufacturing growth falters

'Fatah has never recognized Israel and will never do so'

Mutilated Teenage Boy Becomes Symbol For Syria’s Revolution

+Audio:Andrew Bostom Interview: ‘Islamo-Nazism in Egypt’

Palin Bus Tour: She Does What She Wants, Not What Media Expects

Did Rep. Weiner Violate House Rules?

New Citizens United Spot On Our National Debt

End this Now: Rep. Weiner Should Demand an Investigation this Afternoon

Congressman Weiner Could Have Ended This ‘Distraction’ on Saturday

Watch ‘Gasland’ Director Josh Fox Admit He Left Key Facts Out of Enviro-Doc

‘Daily Show’ on WeinerGate: ‘Distinguished Member of Congress’

THR: TV Honchos ‘Say Hollywood Discriminates Against and Belittles Conservatives’

NHK WORLD English/French research institute finds high radioactivity

Activist Post: Australia shuns GM canola in response to consumer demand for non-GMO products

Worse Than a Third Bush Term? Anthony Gregory

U.S. birth rate: Drop in birth rate is the biggest in 30 years - Los Angeles Times

US Concerned Over Freedom Of Assembly In Russia

Florida Bans Cocaine-Like 'Bath Salts' Sold In Stores : NPR

FEMA To Demand That Hurricane Katrina Victims Return Aid Money

Chinese Regime Imposes “Martial Law” in Inner Mongolia -

Lone Star Watchdog: Will There Be A Constitutional Standoff With Texas and Other States Over the TSA?

Lone Star Watchdog: We Are a Rogue Nation Ruled By Lunatics and Narcissist.

Lone Star Watchdog: Are these Riots an Act of Agent Provocateurs? A Weapon of a Dictator To Crack Down On The Population?

Android becomes second most popular malware haven in Q1 | ZDNet

Bay Area billboards ‘thank’ the US for Israel’s blank check

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : What Kind Of Wars Are We Gonna Fight? We Need Smaller Weapons!

"Boots on the Ground": Sarkozy and Cameron Prepare to Land in Libya

Obama's Foreign Policy Objectives: The Geopolitical Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia Mosaic

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : A man is arrested for reporting a complaint to the police

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