A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

29 May 2011

29 MAY

GMO debate: Consumer activists seek labeling of genetically modified foods - - UN warns of food riots in developing world as drought pushes up prices

Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Region

Donor bread and congressional circuses: US Congress mesmerized by Netanyahus lies and Illusions > Redress Information & Analysis

YouTube - Israel - Go to

RSA: Cyberattack could put customers at risk | InSecurity Complex - CNET News

Senior Defense official hedges on US involvement in Stuxnet




U.S. enables Chinese hacking of Google -

WWW.THEDAILY.COM:liquid medicine

The Door is About to Shut for Americans

:Revolutionary Politics : Is the USA the Next USSR?

:Revolutionary Politics : John Whitehead - US is a police state

YouTube - US Troops discuss "Drop-Weapons"

BBC News - Code-cracking machine returned to life

:Revolutionary Politics : The Plain Truth on American Fascism

YouTube - Ryan Dawson on the Radio May 29 Going off on Benjamin Netanyahu (yahoo)(bibi)

YouTube - Ron Paul Rally in Exeter NH May 13th, 2011

+Famous Doctored Photographs | Crack Two

How NATO Killed Qaddafi Family Members | My Catbird Seat

YouTube - Adam Kokesh body slammed, choked, police brutality at Jefferson Memorial

Activist Post: WHO caves: Allows smallpox stockpiling for three more years

Every President and Congress Are Complicit in Israel’s “War Crimes” | Intifada Palestine

Congressman Warns: “Those Who Can, Should Move Their Families Out Of the City” :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : BIG BROTHER FBI Steps Up Spying On Americans Using Anti-terrorism Pretense

Sweet Remedy: MSG linked to weight gain

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : US Politics of Fear

Pak shuts 3 US intelligence fusion cells

Army report: Military has spent $32 billion since ’95 on abandoned weapons programs - The Washington Post


From Bush to Obama, the snooping goes on | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free |

Emerald Tablets and Times of Transformation. Visible Origami

YouTube - Secret Fed Program Gave Billions to Banks Unknown to Congress

:Revolutionary Politics : Gary Johnson "After 6 Months In Afghanistan We Wiped Out Al Qaeda & Now It's 10 Years Later!"

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - John Mearsheimer on RT talking about AIPAC and American Interests

Iraq war vet Jose Guerena did not open fire on SWAT team who killed him | Mail Online

Activist Post: The Fake ICC and the Globalist Strategy of Tension

YouTube - Ron Paul: The Final Nail In The Coffin!!! Bill Authorizes Perpetual Worldwide War

YouTube - YOU can take down the TSA

The Intercept: In further case of censorship, the BBC deny Palestine’s right to exist

YouTube - 'Intel sharing, nukes tied to satellites mean UK, US still 'special'

GMO Study: You’re Eating Insecticide… -

Dutch government to ban tourists from cannabis shops - Yahoo! News

NY Fed Investigating Goldman Sachs for Systematically Denying Borrowers’ Attempts to Lower Mortgage Payments -

Why Is The Economy So Bad? -

Facebook hires former Bush aides as Washington lobbyists -

YouTube - ‪DON'T COME BACK! Police Threaten CNN Journalist Looking For "Secret Morgue"‏

UK training Saudi forces used to crush Arab spring | World news | The Observer


*2:01:18/YouTube - GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary


+10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

+The 25 Rules of Disinformation

Donor Bread (Money) and Congressional Circuses

+The American War Machine / 9 Minute Video

The Fed Is Not Printing Money

Eric Margolis: US keeping close watch on Pakistan’s nuclear weapons

WikiLeaks: France, UK voiced concern about Pakistan nuclear security:

Wikileaks: US Embassy Cables: What friends say about Pakistan in private

Venezuela Rejects US Sanctions, Evaluates Oil Supply to US

The New Face Of War



*AFP Podcast interviews the author of a book that predicts a coming boom in the stock market


13 ships owned by Israel's Ofer Brothers have docked in Iran over past decade - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

British PM removes his name from list of Jewish National Fund patrons - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Gen. Cartwright, poised to lead Joint Chiefs, had his shot derailed by critics - The Washington Post

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison in Tree Dispute with Neighbors -

Imperial Eye on Pakistan

The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

The Anglo-American Military Axis: West Backs Holy Alliance For Control Of Arab World And Persian Gulf

VIDEO: Imperial Takeover: Libya is Now a Humanitarian Disaster

Pentagon Plan To Muscle Out China: New Scramble For Africa

Day 70 Of Libyan War: 8,444 NATO Air Missions, 3,229 Combat Flights

YouTube - The Government's War on Cameras!

Terrorist 'pre-crime' detector field tested in United States : Nature News

GOP Moves to Tighten Vote Rules in 13 States

Palin Joins Bikers for 'Ride to Freedom'

McConnell: Ryan Medicare Plan 'on the Table'

McCain: Santorum Made a Mistake

Daniels: I Might Have Beaten Obama

McCain: Palin Has a Chance in 2012

McCain: US Should Have Used Greater Force in Libya

Log Cabin Republicans: Mission Is to Oust Obama

Army Chief: Significant Number of GI Suicides

Newest US Aircraft Carrier to be Named Kennedy

Obama Picks New US Ambassador to Russia

Candidates Pick Words on Corn Subsidies in Iowa

Poll: More GOPers Would Like to See Paul Ryan Run for Prez Than Christie, Perry or Jeb Bush

Obama Will Visit Joplin, Missouri Today to Belatedly View Tornado Damage

U.N.-Backed Summit Seeks ‘Social Justice’ for African Descendants

1.6 Million Pounds of Fish Suddenly Die at Philippine Fish Farm

Model plunges to her death from hotel window after 'play wrestling' with female friend | Mail Online

Must See!!: Print And Disseminate This Info Before The Internet Is Shutdown!! | Before It's News

Congressman Warns: Move Your Families Out Of The City' If You Can | Before It's News

Was Arrest Of Top IMF Bankster Part Of Planned Sting Operation? | Before It's News

In Obama’s Own words: bombshell anti-white audio uncovered!

Is the seal bassackwards? | Before It's News

Researchers Doubt Bacteria Consumed Methane Released by Deepwater Horizon Disaster | Before It's News

Alien Life in the Lake, Experts Add To The Debate Over Bacteria That Live On Arsenic | Before It's News

Dean Haskins: Did Obama AKA Soetoro AKA Soebarkah Rob a Convenience Store? | Before It's News

Interview: Obama's Fraudulent Social Security Number; 33-Year SSA Employee Confirms Number Issued Based On State Applied In | Before It's News

We are at War “within” our own country. We are Sleeping With the Enemy! A shadow government rules us all. Wake Up! | Before It's News

Chinese Demand for Gold Overtakes Developed West (Combined!) | Before It's News

A Human-Powered Helicopter Takes Flight - The Sikorsky Prize - Popular Mechanics


*Radiation News 5-29-11 |


4 Parts:Embracing The Shadow – Max Igan |

11 Parts:NWO Deceptions Debt Slaves & Natural Law – Red Ice with Mary Croft |

Congressman Warns: 'Those Who Can, Should Move Their Families Out of the City'

YouTube - John Whitehead - US is a police state

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Wiki Jews

Bradley Manning: the bullied outsider who knew US military's inner secrets | World news | The Guardian


Libya: Coalition forces prepare two-pronged blitz to finish off Gaddafi - Telegraph

Internet security: cookie monster unleashed following EU ruling | Money | The Guardian

The unstoppable march of the tobacco giants - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent

Where’s the Outrage?

Encircling Russia With US Bases

Sesame Street's pinko puppets brainwash our kids - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent

Lockheed Martin hit by cyber attack - Americas, World - The Independent

DEA licensing marijuana farms | Cal Coast News

Zionist ‘Thugs’ Behind America’s Police State | Real Zionist News - "British" Betrayed 56 Dutch Resistance Agents

Kirwan - The Enemies Within!

EFSA to seek new data on aspartame; Ajinomoto remains confident

Pro-life groups call for Pepsi boycott over aborted fetal cell lines |

Emerald Tablets and Times of Transformation. Visible Origami

Sinister Sites - Illuminati Pyramid in Blagnac, France | The Vigilant Citizen - The Dying Art of Femininity

Why Is Barack Obama Sending Drones to Mexico? - Yahoo! News

'Probe Israeli companies doing business with Iran'

Are these the 100 places that made Britain?

'Egypt frees Iranian diplomat after spy probe'

Cabinet approves creation of unit to fight tobacco use

Geldof in Israel: Gov't needs to invest more in Africa

Obama tours twister-ravaged neighborhood in Joplin

'Hangover' hurls up huge numbers with $86.5M debut

2 dead, 21 injured in Washington state bus crash

12-year-old girl dies when horse falls at SC rodeo

Airline fuel bills today are anything but peanuts

Why safe corporate bonds aren't so smart anymore

US soldiers in Afghanistan mark Memorial Day

Police in Ga. search for missing mother, infant

Report: Wal-Mart replaces executives in China

Thousands rally in Serbia to protest Mladic arrest

First Amendment Trumps Sharia in Dearborn

American Jewish Organizations and Obama

Obama: Poland a Model for Democracy

Global ‘Peace Index’: USA Below Egypt, Cuba, Vietnam, China?

G8 Promises Aid To Tunisia, Egypt, But Fails On Greece’s June 29 Deadline

Video: Funky North Koreans, And The Crazy PLA Army

Syrian Reform Starts At Home: Beginning To Crack The Global Syrian Culture Of Fear

Taking Iran’s Missiles in Venezuela Seriously

NewsBusted: How Do Democrats Get Out the Vote?

DC Libs Happy to Sign Petition Banning Conservative’s Free Speech

WeinerGate: MSM Ignores Trifecta of Sex, Politics, and a Rising Political Star

Rep. Weiner Spokesperson Lies To ‘New York Post’

Credit Where It’s Due: Politico Reports While Mediaite Scratches Head

Politico: Weiner Has Not Reponded On If He Reported ‘Hack’ to Authorities

Weinergate: Anthony Weiner Selectively Edits Himself?

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Alinsky’s Sarah Palin’s Bus Tour Before It Even Begins

Media Spins Obama’s Embarrassing Royal Toast

‘States’ Rights’ is the Free Market Version of Democracy

WeinerGate: MSM Ignores Trifecta of Sex, Politics, and a Rising Political Star

Tea Party Remains a Movement in Search of a Leader

The GOP Might Have Discovered a Pro-Growth Strategy

The Law: The Socialists

Union-Controlled NLRB Unleashes Union Rats on Company Suppliers and Customers

Independent: Sesame Street’s Pinko Puppets Brainwash Our Kids

Is ‘South Park’ Losing Its Edge?

‘Midnight in Paris’ Review: Self Indulgent and Anti-Conservative

‘L.A. Times’: David Mamet Explains His Shift to the Right

Janine Turner: Radio Host, Actress, Patriot and Broadway Belter

PR Guru: Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘Will Not Be Back’

‘The Undefeated’: Exclusive Interview With Sarah Palin Film Creator Steve Bannon

It Is Still Safe to Criticize Jennifer Lopez: Court Rejects Absurd Hollywood Gag Order

‘The Secret Knowledge’ Review: David Mamet Enters Stage Right

Orphan Knife Fights

McGurk Effect Audio-Video Illusion | Mighty Optical Illusions


*29-May-11 World View


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Ideological soul mates to Weather Underground':Matthew Vadum warns ACORN still working to 'wreck the American system'

*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Less photo ops and more hard work':John Gizzi dissects Obama's week, Democrat election tactics

WND RADIO WND Exclusive Netanyahu turns tables on Obama;John Bolton says U.S. should 'ignore' U.N. resolution

Courthouse News Service:Acorn Foes Face Trial for Undercover Film Work

Videographer Who Took Aim at NPR Gets IRS Approval for New Charity - Tax Watch - The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas

White House pushing churches to be 'green'?

Feds mum on pastors' speech-code challenge

Uncovered: 'Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls'

Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake

WND warned Obama would release forged birth doc

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

The math that proves Obama is set to have a scandal SOON | Mail Online

Obama in Poland: Now, Obama is 'a little bit Polish,' too -

“The Jury is Out”: WikiLeaks shows U.S. trying to understand Islam in Turkey | FaithWorld

VA: Holiday prayers mentioning Jesus (or whomever) can go on | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

A 'mess of a child': Bradley Manning was so unfit to serve in Iraq that he wet himself | Mail Online

KUHNER: Obama's assault on conservative speech - Washington Times

Limbaugh: Palin Scares 'Establishment' GOP and Democrats, Obama 'Easily Beatable'

Air France Pilots Were Probably Confused by Cockpit Instruments in Crash - Bloomberg

Sesame Street's pinko puppets brainwash our kids - TV & Radio, Media - The Independent

Gil Scott-Heron - Telegraph

Acorn becomes oak tree in timelapse video - The Feed - CBS News

Signs of plentiful water found below moon's stony face - San Jose Mercury News

Aussie student finds universe's 'missing mass' - Yahoo! News

17 lost pyramids found by satellite - Telegraph

'Vatican helped Nazis evade con... JPost - Arts & Culture - Books

Blackbeard's anchor recovered off NC coast - Yahoo! News

Huffing and Puffing | Business | Vanity Fair

Pensioner hides wife's body in freezer for 10 years before committing suicide Sun City Center Allan Dunn | Mail Online

Michigan Walgreens pharmacist Jeremy Hoven fired after he shot at armed robbers | Mail Online

What's wrong with female teachers in America? As schools go out for the summer yet another young teacher is arrested for sex with 16-year-old student.. the latest of dozens of cases this school year | Mail Online

Closing some of California's state parks would violate federal law - San Jose Mercury News

Animal abusers must pay to keep pets, California bill says - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee

U.N.-Backed Summit Seeks ‘Social Justice’ for African Descendants |

Mandela aide: Handouts are making Africa a 'spoilt child' | Mail Online

New Mac Malware Variant Doesn't Need an Admin's OK - Yahoo! News

Trial Stopped After Niacin Brings No Benefit to Heart Patients - High Cholesterol Center - Everyday Health

Twilight of a Titan: An insight into Margaret Thatcher's autumn years | Mail Online

+The big list: Female teachers with students

U.S. Could Face Debt Crisis Without Policy Changes -

Debt limit at heart of GOP's impending civil war

Romney bets his candidacy on the economy - The Washington Post

Is Obama above the law? - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - When Punishment is a Crime

The serious GOP candidates are in. Will voters get bored? - The Washington Post

Fallen, but never forgotten: A Navy SEAL pays tribute to a comrade killed in combat

Memorial Day and our 'military tribe' -

Pay Attention to Egypt -

How China, US See Each Other at Sea | The Diplomat

Memorial Day: How America Screws Its Soldiers - The Daily Beast

Ahmadinejad And Larijani Tussle In An Oil Slick - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2011

Is multiculturalism in Europe dead?

Honor war dead — and those who survive war and return - Editorials -

EDITORIAL: Cherishing the memory of our dead - Washington Times

Passive in the Senate -

Mislabeling kids as ADHD? Investigate federal rules - The Boston Globe


**Politics Video:29TH/Palin Kick-Starts Bus Tour At Rolling Thunder Rally

Cantor's Interesting Proposal: Tornado Cleanup Spending Must Be Offset

DNC's Wasserman Schultz: GOP "Focused On Scaring Seniors" About Medicare

Allen West: GOP Doesn't Want To See More Bush-Era Government Spending

Sen. Patty Murray On Veterans Looking For Work

New "Web Police" Position At White House?

McConnell On 2012 Race: Obama WH Reminds Me Of Carter

Herman Cain Makes Case For The Fair Tax

Pawlenty: "I Don't Think We Should Raise The Debt Ceiling"

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Medicare Reform

Mitch Daniels: Medicare Reform Should Be Litmus "Test" For Candidates

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On The Medicare Fight

"This Week" Roundtable: GOP Field Takes Shape

David Brooks To Palin: "Running For President Is Not American Idol"

Joe Klein: Obama Has Better Relationship With Military Than Bush

28TH/Weekly Address: Biden On The American Auto Comeback

NBC's Mitchell To Obama Adviser: Palin Running The Best News Ever?

"Special Report" Panel On Fallout From Netanyahu Visit

Fineman: Palin Wants To Collect As Much Money As She Can

Cantor Gives Weekly GOP Address On "Bolstering Economic Growth"


*News Videos:Sarah Palin Rolls into DC on Harley

Andrew Sullivan: Palin Can Beat Obama as the ‘Principled’ Tea Party Candidate

Hikers: Bigfoot Captured on Video Near Spokane

Endeavor Crew Bids Farewell to Space Station

Delta Jet Has Rough Landing in Atlanta; 4 Hurt

28TH/Flash Mob Roughed-Up by Cops for Silently Dancing at Jefferson Memorial

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Sparks ‘Rolling Thunder’ / Sarah Palin Non-Controversy

Pennsylvania’s Rick Santorum: The ‘Hannity’ Interview

Clinton to Grads: Putting Profits First Hurting America

Obama: Poland a Model for Democracy

New Mexico’s Gary Johnson: The ‘Hannity’ Interview

Krauthammer: Huntsman’s ‘Fatal Problem’ as a Candidate – People Like Newsweek’s Evan Thomas Like Him

Interview: Steve Bannon, The Man Who Brought Sarah Palin’s Story to the Screen

27TH/Breitbart Talks with Hannity About White House’s New ‘Web Policeman’

The Stage Right Show – Guests: Janine Turner and Joe Schoffstall

Drill Baby, Drill! Solar Energy Harnessed to Assist ‘Green’ Oil Drilling in California

Texas Gov. Perry: ‘I’ll Think About It’

Caught on Video: Protesters Pummeled and Bloodied by Police in Barcelona

2 NYPD Officers Acquitted of Rape

Facebook’s Zuckerberg Only Eating Animals He Kills

Air France Captain Was Absent When Descent Began

Gay Teens Crowned Prom King And Queen

Pelosi to Obama: ‘We Want A Timetable To Bring the Troops Home’

Andrea Mitchell to Obama Advisor: ‘Wouldn’t Palin Running Be The Best News Ever?’

‘Taxi,’ ‘Grease’ Star Jeff Conaway Dies at 60

Girl, 15, Shoots Father with Arrow After Grounding Her From Cell Phone

Get on the Bus! Palin’s ‘One Nation’ Tour Rolls Out

Helmet Cam on Sherrif Dupnik’s SWAT Team Shows Moment Iraq Vet Was Gunned Down

Flashback: Candidate Obama’s Commitment To Israel ‘Unshakeable’ in ‘08

Newsbusted: Rahm’s Casinos, Digital Playboy & 7-Year-Old with Heroin

Bozell Shows How Media Carries Democrats’ ‘MediScare’ Water

26TH/Crybaby Liberal Pundit Rips Off Mic, Storms Off Fox News Set

Party of ‘No’: Reid Says No Changes To Medicare Despite Unfunded Liabilities

HURRICANES, OH NO’S!! Crowder Challenges the NOAA

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Slams ‘Anti-Science Troglodyte’ GOPers

Looking Back on 25 Years of ‘Oprah’

War Crimes Fugitive Mladic Arrested in Serbia

First Look at Giants Beating Suspect’s Mug Shot

Robots That Fold Laundry and Shrimp on Treadmills; Sen. Coburn Reveals How Your Tax Money is Being Spent

iPad Games for Cats

25TH/Rep. Ryan Gives the Facts About Medicare and GOP Budget Plan

Twitter Justice: Woman Tracks Down Stolen Bike with Series of Tweets

24TH/Matthews: Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan a ‘Death Certificate’ for Republicans

Crowder Explodes the Myth of ‘Net Neutrality’

*29 May

American Minute for May 29th

May 29 Events in History

Today in History: May 29

Today in History: May 29 » History Net

This Day in History for 29th May

May 29th in History

May 29th This Day in History

YouTube - Today in History: May 29


For Your Family: Sports and Energy Drinks, tips from Dr. Holly Benjamin of the University of Chicago |

Syrian Tanks Attack 3 Central Towns That Held Protests | News | English

Israel Seeks to Tighten Grip on Jerusalem | Middle East | English

Yemen Opposition Accuses President of Handing City to al-Qaida | Middle East | English

Goodluck Jonathan sworn in as Nigerian president | World news | The Guardian

Egyptian Court Fines Mubarak, Ex-Officials $90 Million for Telecom Shutdown | Africa | English

Gaza opening a letdown for Palestinians -

Afghan police chief killed in Taliban blast

French 'foot fetishist' minister resigns after sex claims - Telegraph

Malta votes to legalize divorce - TODAY News -

Egypt to expel Iranian envoy in spy probe - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Stabilizing reactors by year's end may be impossible: Tepco | The Japan Times Online

Saudi Arabia Scrambles to Limit Region’s Upheaval -

Silvio Berlusconi faces Milan test as voters go to the polls | World news | The Guardian

The Associated Press: Libya's Misrata rebels face tough new fight

Mladic denies Srebrenica role amid protest

Afghan civilians reported dead after Helmand air strike | World news | The Guardian

YouTube - Afghan Official: NATO Airstrike Kills 14

Food Pyramid Being Replaced With Plate-Shaped Logo -

Arizona woman, Nicolette Soto, delivers miracle baby who did not grow in her womb

Cooking with gas: Is your grill ready for the picnic?

Medicare: America's Athens Syndrome -

UNICEF discloses vaccine prices for 1st time - CBS News

The Associated Press: Arizona sues Justice Dept. over medical marijuana

Box office update: 'The Hangover Part II' parties on with $86.5 mil three-day weekend | Inside Movies |

The Deadbolt News - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Trailer Now Online Music - Eminem, Radiohead, and Others Pay Tribute to Gil Scott-Heron

National Memorial Day Concert Is Tonight -

Lockheed Responds to Cyber-Attack: "Our Systems Remain Secure" | News & Opinion |

Endeavor Crew Says Goodbye to International Space Station | News & Opinion |

New Google Wallet Will Face Stiff Competition | Singularity Hub

Online Personalization Creates Echo Chamber to Affirm Biases -

Tumblr Blog Chronicles Real Outrage Over Fake News

Mercedes-Benz debuts roadster version of SLS AMG supercar - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

Debate over arsenic-based life enters a new chapter - The Washington Post

Moon Has More Water Than Previously Thought in Challenge to View of Origin - Bloomberg

World’s first commercial quantum computer sold to Lockheed Martin | VentureBeat

NASA sending robotic spacecraft to asteroid in 2016 - Computerworld

Business & Technology | Alaska Airlines issues iPads to pilots | Seattle Times Newspaper

Memorial Road-Trippers Will Save at the Pump - Aliso Viejo, CA Patch

Nervous investors to seek bigger returns | Reuters

US Says China Yuan Undervalued, But Not Manipulated « China Digital Times (CDT)

Four more charged in Rothstein fraud case -

Microsoft Is Said to Plan Preview of Windows Tablet Software - Bloomberg

International Business News, Financial News, Market News, Politics, Forex, Commodities - International Business Times -

gulfnews : Petrol prices erode US spending as incomes remain stagnant

Chicago among 5 cities to get AT&T's 4G Network |

N.H. GOP energized over visits from Romney, Palin -

Memorial Day had its beginnings in Civil War -

Children of fallen troops turn to each other - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Pentagon earmarks live on, renamed -

Local News | 2 dead, 21 injured in Cle Elum bus wreck | Seattle Times Newspaper

‘Where have you been,’ Mitt Romney? -

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann size each other up - Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman -

New York voters pull the plug on Republicans and Ryan | Washington Times Communities

Obama to Announce Three Key Military Personnel Moves Monday -

Dem: GOP Medicare plan throws young to wolves - Face The Nation - CBS News

Osama Bin Laden Death Avenged CIA Officers Tom Shah and Molly Huckaby

Mitch Daniels: I Could Have Beaten President Obama -

Lewd Photo on Rep. Weiner's Hacked Twitter | NBC New York

Autopen Is Used to Sign a Bill Into Law, a United States First -

Obama vows national response to Missouri tornado | Reuters

YouTube - Thousands of Volunteers Aid in Joplin Clean-up

The Hindu : Front Page : Constitutional crisis averted in Nepal

Debbie Schlussel/OUTRAGE: Jury Convicts Disabled Veteran For Defending Self, Saving Lives

Debbie Schlussel/Great Campaign Commercial VIDEO: Sarah Palin’s Possible Run for Prez

Debbie Schlussel/Oslo News VIDEO: Muslims Committed ALL RAPES in Past 5 Years! (In Oslo)

Who Defines “Truth” When Politicians Re-Write the Dictionary?

Obama Cheats and Frauds - Now Wants to Cut Troops’ Pay

YouTube - Memorial Day Message 2009 courtesy USBA

A Day at the Races

Memorial Day farewell to Jefferson Davis

600 More Days of Obama

To those who have served with Honor

Global warming news from the Brits

US lawmakers block China firms from Pentagon contracts

New slur against skeptics: ‘Birther-equivalent’

Warning! Chris Matthews Now Wants Palin to Run for President

Green Policies a Substitute For Anti-Capitalist, Anti-American Ideas

Perpetuating Federal Spending on Education

A Reasonable Immigration Reform Plan

Obama’s Malignant Obsession with Jews and Israel

Obama’s ineligibility: The U.S. government must be purged

Obama’s ineligibility: Has the time come for rebellion?

Obama’s ineligibility: May the Constitution rest in peace

Obama’s ineligibility and the coming second American revolution

‘This Bud’s For You’ — NY Times Friedman’s Liberal Fantasy: Netanyahu Could Have Gotten a Real Standing Ovation Instead of the 28 He Did Get if He Had Done a Creepy Obama Anything You Want Speech to Congress | The Blaze

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Has No Clue That ‘Undocumented’ Immigrants Being In Our Country Is Currently a Crime and Attacks GOP for Trying to Act Like It Is | The Blaze

Terrorist, Dying America Is a Tremendous Opportunity for U.S. Revolution: College Professor & Obama Radical Buddy Bernardine Dohrn Explains Left’s Anti-U.S. Thinking With a Smiling Glee | The Blaze

‘Extreme Radical Attack on Religion’: Rabbi Goes Head-to-Head With Author of San Fran Circumcision Ban | The Blaze

Secret Until Now: Osama Raid Avenged CIA Deaths | The Blaze

Top 5 Mind-Boggling Facts About China | The Blaze

Delta Flight Catches Fire During Rough Landing in Atlanta | The Blaze

Atlanta Model Dies in Fall From 10th-Floor Hotel Window While ‘Play Wrestling’ With Friend | The Blaze

After 4 Years, Egypt Reopens Border With Gaza | The Blaze

North Korea Frees U.S. Man Accused of Spreading Christianity | The Blaze

Larry Flynt‘s Not Sorry for Calling Trig Palin ’Brain Dead…Virtual Vegetable’ | The Blaze

How Would a Rick Perry Candidacy Shake Up the GOP Race? | The Blaze

Married Couples Now Number Minority in US Households | The Blaze

Biden Trumpets Resurgent US Auto Industry | The Blaze

Man Arrested After Shooting Standoff at D.C. Mosque | The Blaze

Florida SUV Crash Scatters $1 Million Rare Coin Collection Across I-95 | The Blaze

Palin Not Welcomed By Veterans

Vote for Herman

Welcome to Utropica

Obama's Goose is Simmering

The American Hope....Sarah Palin

Gallup Poll: Romney, Palin, and Paul Leading GOP Field

Dick Morris Polling is ALL LIES!

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Obama’s Promise to Veto ‘Worldwide War’ Bill Rings Hollow «

KUHNER: Obama's assault on conservative speech - Washington Times

Venezuela, China to launch satellite next year - FRANCE 24

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Ex-IMF chief hires top legal guns in sex case -

Coming this summer: $5 gas; The living's easy but driving will be hard -

Savage Savages Obama Over Brit Ban

Mexico migrants: Mexico law aims to reduce risks to migrants passing through -

Musharraf: Obama is arrogant -

Britain reaffirms its ban on Michael Savage

Suicidal Britain Continues Absurd Ban of Michael Savage

Islamic Spring, American Winter, Jewish State

President Obama and Numbergate

CNN's Zakaria: Couldn't He Just Call Netanyahu a Slut?

NATO General injured in suicide attack in Afghanistan

The Sad Consequences of 'Shacking Up'

First Amendment Trumps Sharia in Dearborn

Blago retrial to hang on definition of 'Quid Pro Quo'

Farewell to the little Mars Rover Spirit

Iran seeks its own state-run internet

Michelle Obama's high staff turnover

The Preferred Option: Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria

Anti-Palin Books Proving to Be Commercial Flops

Clarice's Pieces: The Quest for the Great Pizza

Washington Post Enlists Holocaust Against Israel

Laughing at Prophets of Doom

The Audacity of Reality

The Five Stages of Islam

Judea and Samaria Will Outlive Us All

Israel's 1967 Borders: What's The Big Fuss?

From Bush to Obama, the snooping goes on | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free |

Obama Pledges to Continue War Against Libya During Globalist Confab

Saudi force 'trained by UK' - Home News, UK - The Independent

The National Security Crime Syndicate Reveals Its Secret Hand In Texas: Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst

Are Our Leaders Really Incompetent … Or Just Pretending?

Alex Jones talks Texas secession

Oath Keepers Rally to Honor Jose Guerena and Oppose SWAT Searches

Crybaby Liberal Pundit Rips Off Mic, Storms Off Fox News Set

Castrated US Corporate Media Attacks Russia Today for Daring to Report Real News

Narcolepsy cases rising after swine flu vaccine - The Local

Senator Rand Paul trashes the Patriot Act

» Corporate Media Attacks Alex Jones, Defends TSA Perverts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Save Us From The Tyranny Of Bankers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» When Faith In U.S. Dollars And U.S. Debt Is Dead The Game Is Over Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

11 million British workers' pay to 'flatline' until 2015, warns think-tank Resolution Foundation | Mail Online

Antibiotics In Animal Feed Encourage Emergence Of Superbugs - FDA Sued By Health And Consumer Organizations

» Arguments Regarding the Collapse of World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Arguments Regarding the Collapse of the World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection |

Lawrence O'Donnell: Sarah Palin's the New Trump in Town

Huckabee: It's 'Amazing to Me That Kids Are That Ignorant of Their History' - So Here's How I Make it Worse

Oops! Suicide Reports Were Somehow Left Out of Government Safety Review For Chantix

As the Minutemen break apart, they're moving into the Tea Party woodwork

Maybe There's Some Hope for Us Yet - High School Students Take on Bachmann and Creationists

Michele Bachmann blames her reading of articles for getting everything wrong

Gov. Rick Scott's Minions Remove Liberal-Looking People From Crowd At Budget Event. See No Evil, Rick?

Judge Denies James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles' First Amendment Defense

The Republican Job Creators Myth

Rick Perry 2012? Maybe.

David Brooks: The Lesson For Republicans on Destroying Medicare is They Need to Do Something 'More Crafty'

'Hannity Primary' debuts with a Hannity Job for Rick Santorum

Experts: 'Massive Problem' At Fukushima As TEPCO Tries To Downplay Extent Of Contamination

Cantor Touting Misguided 'Cut and Grow' Gimmick in GOP Weekly Address

+Audio:Open Thread with The Professional Left Weekly Podcast: Can we ultimately undo GOP 2011's shenanigans?

Why did CQ let Mitch McConnell get away with a subtle, but nefarious, lie?

It's Policies Not Personalities

Hannity and Breitbart: Pity Party For Two

McConnell Insists Ryan Medicare Plan is 'On the Table' as Hostage Taking on Debt Ceiling Continues

McCain: 'Of course' Palin can beat Obama

Rep. Allen West suggests U.S. can't leave Afghanistan because Americans are dying there

Hunger Strike Spotlights Contract Retail Cleaners Getting Sub-Standard Wages

Daily Kos: Boehner says what's good for the top 1% is good for all Americans



*CERN - the European Organization for Nuclear Research

*CERN - The Large Hadron Collider

Origins: CERN, the world's largest particle accelerator


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