A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

28 May 2011

28 MAY

Sinister Sites - Illuminati Pyramid in Blagnac, France | The Vigilant Citizen

Activist Post: Obama Gives Himself the Power to Economically Assassinate Syrian Leaders

79 Senators vote to trash the Constitution: The “War of Terror” on the US grows « The PPJ Gazette

YouTube - Zionist 'Thugs' Behind America's Police State

Mexican officials seize ‘narcotank’ - Yahoo! News

Honor Killing Or Barbaric Crime? Video « Kawther Salam


In further case of censorship, the BBC deny Palestine’s right to exist | Jody McIntyre | Independent Notebook Blogs

US Trip Bolsters Netanyahu's Popularity

Why Is Barack Obama Sending Drones to Mexico? - Yahoo! News

We've Gone from a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in Secret

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says | Danger Room |

Japan shows how to defuse debt time-bomb

Banks May Negotiate Menu of Payment Options in State Foreclosure Agreement - Bloomberg

America Will Not Survive Without Alternative Markets - Illuminati Escalate Insane Attacks on Gender - The Dying Art of Femininity

Air Force radar Chaff farmed from the milk of Transgenic Goats: Spider this what they are spraying? « Follow The Money




Arizona immigration law upheld by supreme court | World news | The Guardian

US consumers in spending retreat - Telegraph

Hillary Clinton arrives in Pakistan amid tense relations | World news |

Move Over, Robots: Army Prefers Flesh-and-Blood Mules | Danger Room |

U.S. Tells Its Afghan Workers: No Torture, Corpse Mutilation | Danger Room |

Top Democrat Channels Cheney, Blasts Patriot Act Foes as Osama Pals | Danger Room |

Washington's War On Chavez


+Site Page:The State Secrets Privilege: Selected Case Files


+Obama Administration Documents on Secrecy Policy


Project On Government Oversight(

EPIC - Electronic Privacy Information Center(


Paul Drockton M.A.: Al Queda and Narcotics Trafficking

Paul Drockton M.A.: Satanic Psychopaths Loot U.S. Pensions

G8 Summit Ends with Harsh Words, Promises

Clinton Tells Islamabad: 'Take Decisive Steps' On Terrorism

Russia Offers Help in Mediating Gadhafi's Exit But Says No Asylum

Judge Says Mladic Fit Enough to Face Hague Trial

Taming the U.S. Government’s Secrecy Machine | Miller-McCune


**The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records -Collection/


**Israel - Origins and Evolution**


+Fact Sheet: G-8 Summit in Deauville, France





Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Pedophile Scandal Threatens Church and Sheriff Joe.

Activist Post: Draconian Anti-Piracy Censorship Bill Passes Senate Committee

Iraq war vet Jose Guerena did not open fire on SWAT team who killed him | Mail Online

Compromise and dissent: the modi operandi of Barack Obama and Binyamin Netanyahu > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis

YouTube - YOU can take down the TSA

YouTube - Ron Paul: The Final Nail In The Coffin!!! Bill Authorizes Perpetual Worldwide War

New FBI Files Alleging AIPAC Theft of Government Property and Israeli Espionage Released -- WASHINGTON, March 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Jonathan Kay Defends Sacred 9/11 Myth | Veterans Today

Lone Star Watchdog: Many Texans Want The Lt. Governor Ran Out of the Lone Star State on a Rail

Lone Star Watchdog: Prosecute John Murphy(The US Attorney Who Threatened Texas WIth Shutdown All Air Travel In Texas if Anti TSA Bill Passed)

Lone Star Watchdog: No One is Safe Friend or Foe,Those Who Compromised or Caved In With The Obama White House.The End Justifies the Means is the Administration's Motto

YouTube - Senator Rand Paul trashes the Patriot Act

YouTube - Income Inequality Ignorance

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Utah to Consider Anti-Groping: Lawmaker Seeks to Limit TSA pat-downs Backs Texas State Rights

Wall Street's War On America: Why Are We Chasing Terrorists Instead Of Banksters - Home - The Daily Bail


YouTube - Bible's Buried Secrets (BBC) Ep. 1: Did King David's empire exist? (1/4)

YouTube - Bible's Buried Secrets (BBC) Ep.1: Did King David's empire exist? (2/4)

YouTube - Bible's Buried Secrets (BBC) Ep.1: Did King David's empire exist? (3/4)

YouTube - Bible's Buried Secrets (BBC) Ep.1: Did King David's empire exist? (4/4)


Methane still seeps in ongoing Gulf of Mexico oil horror story - National Human Rights |

Iran Angling for Helicopters With Nuke Capability

Franklin Lamb :Is the Arab Spring spreading to US Congressional staffs? | My Catbird Seat

Yemen Town Taken Islamic Militants: Security Forces

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : The Government's War on Cameras!

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Gerald Celente - College Degrees Are Worthless

New tests of U.S. airport scanners find radiation OK - Yahoo! News

Welcome to the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey by John Pilger

The Incarceration Society: California's Overcrowed Prisons by Sherwood Ross

Obama uses 'autopen' to sign Patriot Act in Washington... while he's 3,700 miles away in bed in a French hotel - Home - The Daily Bail

Hawaii Health Guide - Big Island Dairy Farmers fight radiation with Boron

The Alexander Higgins Blog Has Been Hacked And Needs New Server

Indoctrinating a New Generation to Think North American :


Mad Mex – Los Zetas Use Road Warrior-Style Vehicles to Battle Other Cartels, Military :


2011 Ford Police Interceptor is the fastest in LA Sheriff's Department testing | Carguide Blog

In Detail: Chevrolet Caprice PPV - Translogic


*Exposing the “Secret Rapture”

Is the Pretribulation Rapture Theory Biblical?

Chapter 17: The Rapture Theory - Its Surprising Origin

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Times We Live In...

NWO Project Blue Beam: False Holographic Second Coming - 2012 Pole Shift Witness


Activist Post: The Fake ICC and the Globalist Strategy of Tension

Cluster Bombing of Misrata Committed by US Naval Forces, Not Qadhafi

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - John Mearsheimer on RT talking about AIPAC and American Interests

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Two Female Israeli Soldiers Talk About Their Complicity in IDF Abuse

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Look at how women are treated by the IDF

Obama Vows War On Saudi Arabia, Orders Thousands Of US Troops To Region - Bill Clinton: Create Internet agency - The Door is About to Shut for Americans - House approves $690 billion war budget

Obama: “I’m working on gun control under the radar” | Greeley Gazette - Alex Jones Uses Anti-TSA Bill Defeat Farce To Stage Publicity Stunt And Promote State Secession - Social networks power Spain protests


Obama Plans End Run Around Congress on Amnesty For Illegals « ON THE BORDER


The Use and Abuse of Executive Orders and Other Presidential Directives | The Heritage Foundation

What Presidents have used Executive Orders - 1,461 Days of The Obama Administration

+Current List of President Obama's Executive Orders - 1,461 Days of The Obama Administration

**Barack Obama Executive Orders Subjects


The War on Ron Paul | Old-Thinker News

Air Force Wants Tiny Drones That Squirt Trackable Sensor Goo -

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America | Old-Thinker News

20 Questions To Ask Anyone Foolish Enough To Believe The Economic Crisis Is Over

32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid

Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms

YouTube - Family Farmers Worse Off Despite High Prices

Draconian Anti-Piracy Censorship Bill Passes Senate Committee | TorrentFreak


Activist Post: Eli Pariser on "The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You”

Eli Pariser on "The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You”


The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason | Dissident Voice

Imperial Eye on Pakistan

The Secret Wars of the Saudi-Israeli Alliance

The Anglo-American Military Axis: West Backs Holy Alliance For Control Of Arab World And Persian Gulf

Consolidating US Money Power: The Four Horsemen of Global Banking

Pentagon Plan To Muscle Out China: New Scramble For Africa

Creditors, Dictators and IMF "Economic Medicine": Obama and the G8’s Fake Pledge to Egypt

Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress: Racism, War-Mongering and Fabrication

POLICE STATE USA: Obama Signs Extension of Patriot Act Spy Powers


VIDEO: FBI Targeting Political Activists as Terrorists

VIDEO: G8 Meeting: Nothing More than a PR Stunt?


US Congress Backs America's "Eternal Worldwide War"



* AFP Podcast interviews the author of a book that predicts a coming boom in the stock market

*AFP Podcast interviews the co-authors of the book Colonization After Emancipation

Dutch government to ban tourists from cannabis shops | Reuters


The 420 Times(


420 Times(

Cannabis Culture Magazine(


HempCon 2011 (

420 Magazine(forum)


NATO Targets Tripoli Facility

US Hails Auto Industry in Economy's Comeback

US President Praises Poland as Model of Democracy

Egyptian Court Fines Mubarak, Ex-Officials $90 Million for Telecom Shutdown

Obama: US to Have ‘Clear, Credible’ Debt Plan

Pawlenty: 'I Will Lead' on Medicare

Palin, Bachmann Could Be on Collision Course

Rush Limbaugh: GOP and Dems Both Fear Palin

Obama: US Must Back Democratic Hopes

GOP Presidential Contest Suddenly Heats Up

Natural Disasters Probably Won't Bruise US Economy

Texas Governor Will Consider Running for President

Giuliani to Visit NH, 1st Primary State

Iowa Republicans Urge Christie to Run in 2012

Bachmann Notes 'Calling' to Run for President

GOP Presidential Hopefuls Shift on Global Warming

Clinton: Bin Laden Raid a Watershed for Pakistan

Stephen Moore: Dems Want 62 Percent Tax Rate

Joplin Says Death Toll from Tornado Now at 139

Huntsman to Skip New Hampshire Debate

Pelosi Edges Back Into National Spotlight

Mind-Reading Technology Could Benefit Slave Nations

GOP Must Implement Full Budget Assault

GOP Must Take Aim at Obamacare Ahead of 2012

U.N.-Backed Summit Seeks ‘Social Justice’ for African Descendants

Who Owns ‘Big Oil'? Not Who You Think

Judge: Corporate donations ban unconstitutional

Former Utah Gov. Huntsman declares he is Mormon

The New Face Of War

US Planned Libyan Regime Change 10 Years Ago

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”


*The 25 Rules of Disinformation


*10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you


Research bees stolen from scientists trying to test effects of pesticides -

Autos Insider | U.S. to propose mandatory vehicle 'black boxes' | The Detroit News

GMO debate: Consumer activists seek labeling of genetically modified foods -

Destroying Freedom, Truth And Justice With The Power of Words -

Men, Looking for a Woman? Don't Smile

Better Backyard Eating

Sotomayor Gets Nearly $1.2 Million for Memoir

Scientists detect Earth-equivalent amount of water within the moon


YouTube - Machine Signs President's Signature To Patriot Act


Top lobbying banks got biggest bailouts: study | Reuters

Terrorist 'pre-crime' detector field tested in United States : Nature News

Dangerous debris, evidence left in closed Detroit Police crime lab | Detroit Free Press |

Facebook hires former Bush aides as Washington lobbyists -

Dairy delights: Eating butter and cheese 'doesn't increase risk of heart attacks' | Mail Online


How to Avoid Becoming a Bug Buffet This Summer by Joseph Mercola

Is Meat Glue Unhealthy? | Mark's Daily Apple

YouTube - Meat Glue Secret

The Endless "One Gun" Internet Debates -

A Complete Guide to Snakes: Part 1 | The Art of Manliness

Shops That Take You for a Ride…. by Eric Peters


*The Alex Jones Show – Hosted by Mike Adams – May 27th, 2011

YouTube - School's Out for Summer Special

+Audio:Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 27th, 2011


(4 Parts)Embracing The Shadow – Max Igan |

Chuck Baldwin Live(Government Cannot Be Trusted To Police Itself )

Protect IP Act will give Attorney General powers to sue any website | USWGO Alternative News

CIA to search bin Laden compound - The Washington Post

Extreme Paranoia |

Video: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites |


YouTube - War on RT?

Borderline Case: Some Real News Beyond the "Reset" Rhetoric

Top 10 things the TSA could do if its power is not sensibly limited – Mike Adams |

Are Our Leaders Really Incompetent … Or Just Pretending? |

Ron Paul House Floor Speech: Republic Almost Completely Dead | To Expand War on Terror

+Foreclosure Wastelands

America's Foreclosure Wastelands

America's Foreclosure Wastelands





*Radiation News 5-27-11 |


Claim: NASA Hiding Approaching Doomsday Space Event | Before It's News

The Universe of the Heart | Before It's News

Roswell UFO Piloted By Russian Mutant Midgets | Before It's News

Mini Black Holes Zip Through Earth Every Day? | Before It's News

U.S. Attorney General Holder challenged on FBI repression | Before It's News

Living Proof: Dumbed Down in America | Before It's News

9/11 Crime Scene Evidence Was Destroyed | Before It's News

We Have All The Time In The World | Before It's News

Obama's Plan To Bankrupt America | Before It's News

Obamacare “Power Grab” Unconstitutional - Tom Fitton | Before It's News


YouTube - Bob Barr & Alex Jones: Dewhurst, A Minion of Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Bob Barr & Alex Jones: Dewhurst, A Minion of Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 2/2


*Remarks by President Obama and Prime Minister Tusk of Poland in Joint Press Conference in Warsaw, Poland | Before It's News


The Fed Behind The Greatest Fraud In History | Before It's News

Interview: Obama's Fraudulent Social Security Number; 33-Year SSA Employee Confirms Number Issued Based On State Applied In | Before It's News

The Secret Lives of Outdoor Cats Revealed | Strays and Free-Roaming Pets: What Do They Do All Day? | Life's Little Mysteries

9 Ways To Stop Snoring Now | Before It's News

Cell Phone Secrets: 6 Tricks For Your Smartphone | Before It's News


*YouTube Celebrates Sixth Birthday | 3 Billion Views Per Day, 48 Hours Of Video Per Minute | Before It's News


Internet Marketing:


Trigger Points by Gary North

The War Prayer by Mark Twain

Can Conservatives Be Libertarians? by Gerard N. Casey


*Allen West for President 2012(


Blackbeard's anchor recovered off NC coast - Yahoo! News

Melon-sized hail that fell during a severe thunderstorm in Norman, ... - Yahoo! News Photos

TSA Thug Grabs Crotch of Wounded Vet

Kate Middleton wears $340 dress by Reiss to meet Michelle Obama -

Spotlight takes toll on first lady's staff - Julie Mason and Amie Parnes -

Horse herpes outbreak forces rodeo queens to ride stick ponies -

Doctors test robotic suit to help paraplegics - The Local

3.5 minutes of terror: Air France crash dropped at 10,000 feet a minute - Telegraph

Air France crash sparks pilot mystery | Reuters

In jail: Zimbabwe police sergeant who dared to use Robert Mugabe's loo | World news | The Guardian

Egypt Permanently Opens Gaza Border Crossing -

¿I drank my own urine': University president describes how he survived while lost for days in a Louisiana swamp | Mail Online

Perry says he will consider White House run | Postcards

Rep. Ron Paul takes second in New Hampshire CNN poll | The State Column

Rudy Giuliani leads new national poll - Maggie Haberman -

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE: Jury Convicts Disabled Veteran For Defending Self, Saving Lives

Debbie Schlussel:Great Campaign Commercial VIDEO: Sarah Palin’s Possible Run for Prez

Debbie Schlussel:Oslo News VIDEO: Muslims Committed ALL RAPES in Past 5 Years! (In Oslo)

Obama's Goose is Simmering

The American Hope....Sarah Palin

Gallup Poll: Romney, Palin, and Paul Leading GOP Field

Obama's team playing brilliant politics....

Dick Morris Polling is ALL LIES!

The Confusing GOP Message

An Enemy We Dare Not Name

Left West, Right West, and Other Matters of Balance

The Court of Last Resort

Obama’s ineligibility: We know

US lawmakers block China firms from Pentagon contracts

Another Plea to Allen West

Appeasing Communist China, or driving to self-destruction in a Cadillac

Dictatorship transformation almost complete

Warning! Chris Matthews Now Wants Palin to Run for President

A Reasonable Immigration Reform Plan

Democrats Plan: Destroy U.S. Healthcare So They Can Re-Build it in Socialist Image

The Gang that Couldn’t Negotiate Straight


Obama’s ineligibility: The U.S. government must be purged

Obama’s ineligibility: Has the time come for rebellion?

Obama’s ineligibility and the coming second American revolution


Savage Savages Obama Over Brit Ban

+KUHNER: Obama's assault on conservative speech - Washington Times

Britain reaffirms its ban on Michael Savage

Suicidal Britain Continues Absurd Ban of Michael Savage


G-8: $40B sought to help fund Arab Spring - Washington Times

AFP: Lech Walesa snubs Obama, fellow Nobel winner

VA: Holiday prayers mentioning Jesus (or whomever) can go on | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

George Soros minions step up war on Fox News

Musharraf: Obama is arrogant -

Brooklyn jury convicts Imam Kareem Ibrahim in Kennedy Airport plot

Mumbai massacre terrorist tells court of second scheme to hit Danish newspaper - The Globe and Mail

PAKISTAN Anti-Christian violence in Faisalabad: tombs desecrated, young woman gang-raped - Asia News

'New PA law to grant all convicte... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Not-guilty plea in 'Allahu akbar' cockpit storming

NYT: Something fishy about seafood labels - Technology & science - The New York Times -

Chris Christie: Global warming is 'real,' but program is ineffective - Darren Samuelsohn -

A Coming Intifada of Arab Suicide Demonstrators

The Administration's No New Energy Policy

A Generational Divide?

The Obama Disconnect

A Thank-you to Islamic Extremists

Covering for Obama's high unemployment results

Over-reliance on auto-pilot operation can lead to disasters like Air France

'Slut': What's in a name?

CAIR Wants Homeland Security to Silence 'Fear-Mongers'

Ban on corporate campaign donations overturned in Virginia

India denounces US military aid to Pakistan - again

Iran increasing role in Syrian crackdown

The decline and fall of newspapers, continued

CNN's Zakaria: Couldn't He Just Call Netanyahu a Slut?

President Obama and Numbergate

Islamic Spring, American Winter, Jewish State

Liberal Media Chicken Littles: 'The Republican Sky Is Falling!'

Netanyahu's Victory Lap

Guaranteeing a Double Dip Recession

Doctor in the House

Aussie College Student Finds Universe‘s ’Missing Matter’ | The Blaze

Groundhog Day? In New National Poll, Giuliani Leads the Pack | The Blaze

Dramatic Audio: ATC Helps Woman Land Plane After Pilot Husband Passes Out | The Blaze

Geraldo: Casey Anthony Prosecutors Excel at ‘Slutification Process’ | The Blaze

Watch as Pirate Blackbeard’s Anchor Lifted Off Ocean Floor Near NC Coast | The Blaze

Black Box Reveals Terrifying Final Moments of Air France Flight: Plunged 38,000 Ft. in 4 Minutes | The Blaze

Catholic Bishop-Sponsored Report Partially Blames Free-Loving 1960s for Sex Abuse Scandal | The Blaze

GOP Rep. Accuses Elizabeth Warren of Lying During House Testimony | The Blaze

Wacky & Wild: Man Hijacks Fire Dept. SUV and Chases Police Around Airport | The Blaze

Obama Admin Says China’s Not Manipulating Currency | The Blaze

Video Shocker: ‘Spaniard Spring?’ Police Clash With Protesters | The Blaze

NBC’s Mitchell to Obama Camp: Isn‘t Sarah Palin Bus Tour ’Best Political News’ for Re-election? | The Blaze

Iran Allegedly Used a Young Boy to Perform an Execution | The Blaze

This is Sarah Palin’s Epic Video Promoting Her National Bus Tour | The Blaze

Are GOP Candidates Reversing Course on Energy and Global Warming? | The Blaze

Expert Blames Michelle O’s Staff Turnover on….Race? | The Blaze

Atheists vs. American Legion: The Legality of Utah’s Highway Crosses | The Blaze

Florida SUV Crash Scatters $1 Million Rare Coin Collection Across I-95 | The Blaze

Obama Seeks Polish Help on Arab Uprisings | The Blaze

NY Woman Wins $1 Million Lottery After Atheist Son Issues Demand to God | The Blaze

How Would a Rick Perry Candidacy Shake Up the GOP Race? | The Blaze

Larry Flynt‘s Not Sorry for Calling Trig Palin ’Brain Dead…Virtual Vegetable’ | The Blaze

North Korea Frees U.S. Man Accused of Spreading Christianity | The Blaze

American Thinker Blog: The top 10 most well read cities in America


*Gil Scott-Heron Dead at 62 :

YouTube - Gil Scott-Heron - The Revolution Will Not Be Televised


Casey Anthony's mother becomes emotional on stand -

Ratko Mladic arrest | Key role of Australian policeman, Bob Reid

Romney bets his candidacy on the economy - The Washington Post

Lockheed Martin’s Computer Network Security May Have Been Hacked, NYT Says - Bloomberg

NFC Smartphone Payments Taking Off? Not So Fast | PCWorld Business Center

Mark Zuckerberg on New Hunting Diet | Video - ABC News

'Taxi,' 'Grease' star Jeff Conaway dies at 60 - CBS News

The Church That Oprah Winfrey Built -

Lindsay Lohan House Arrest Photos |

Flu Vaccines Will Be Enough For Half The Population - So Who Should Get Them?

30 worst cities in the U.S. for ragweed allergies -

Workplace Cited as a New Source of Rise in Obesity -

Best sunscreens on the market - The Early Show - CBS News

Skin Cancer Awareness: 'Don't Fry Day' | ThirdAge

NYC bans smoking in parks, Times Square, beaches - Travel -

'Muppets' trailer pays tribute to 'Hangover Part II' – The Marquee Blog - Blogs

Death toll from Joplin tornado rises again to 139 | Reuters

The Associated Press: Science can't design away tornadoes' deadly threat

Active alligators make for unease in Florida - TODAY News -

Joplin Tornado: FEMA Could Run Out of Rebuilding Money in 2012 - ABC News

Immigrant-Law Ruling Irks Some Businesses -

Strauss-Kahn Gets Deliveries, Guests

New sheriff in town? Candidate challenges Joe Arpaio

Documents detail accusations against Arpaio's employees after sting -


New defense at Rod Blagojevich trial: Blame his dead friend - Chicago Sun-Times

Bernard Schoenburg: Blagojevich trial like a rerun to Topinka - Hillside, IL - Hillside Suburban Life

Rod Blagojevich sits alone - The Middle Class Guy

Blagojevich Denies Pressuring Racetrack Owner for Money - Chicago News Cooperative

Blagojevich retrial moves to explanation of tapes - Chicago Tribune

Blagojevich: Don't trust my words

DailyBrisk: Rod Blagojevich and Pepperdine

One man's deal can be another man's crime, judge explains -

Emanuel, Jackson testify at Blagojevich retrial


Big items remain as Illinois legislative session winds down - Chicago Tribune

Saul Bellow, L. Frank Baum, Richard Wright, Ray Bradbury, Chicago author facts: 10 things you might not know about Chicago authors -

Chicago’s chief technology officer has vision of Digital Second City - Chicago Sun-Times

Emanuel's influence felt in Springfield, even without him | WBEZ


Death toll from Syrian protests on the rise -

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least 8 at Pakistan Eatery -

Nigerians Have High Expectations for New President | News | English

The Associated Press: More than 30 arrested at Moscow gay rights demos

Obama highlights Poland as model for a changing Middle East -

The Hindu : News / International : Pak-U.S. attempt course correction in war on terror

NATO strikes command center at Gadhafi compound - StamfordAdvocate

Afghanistan: Bomber kills two officials at Afghanistan governor's compound -

'Sources hint Syria involved in Lebanon UN... JPost - Middle East

Sporadic gunfire fills Yemeni capital after mediation efforts fail -

Arab League chief backs U.N. path for Palestinians | Reuters

Air France Flight 447's three-minute horror plunge

YouTube - 2009 Air France crash black box reveals first secrets

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann size each other up - Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman -

Google Adds 'People Widget' to Gmail | News & Opinion |

Teen Who Sold White iPhone Kits Reveals How Apple Hunted Him Down | Fast Company

Dollar Drops on Outlook for Economy - Bloomberg

CSC logistics helps USPS process transportation equipment -- Washington Technology

AAA: Gas Prices Won't Deter Holiday Travelers - Woodbury-Middlebury, CT Patch

FCC Asks AT&T for Pricing, Spectrum Data -

Oil set to close out week with a gain - BusinessWeek

YouTube - US judges tragic kickback greed exposes prison system profiteering

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Obama’s Promise to Veto ‘Worldwide War’ Bill Rings Hollow «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Markets Brace for Possible Third Round of Quantitative Easing «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News New Bill Helps Ranchers by Preserving Grazing Rights «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Obama Signs PATRIOT Act Extension «

California prisoners: Computer errors allow violent California prisoners to be released unsupervised -

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Letter to Senators Asks Questions About True Nature of HAARP «

Texans Revolt Against TSA Tyranny, Storm Capitol

Rep. Graves questions Obama's autopen signing of Patriot Act extension - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Libya: RAF Jets Among Nato Forces Targeting Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's Compound In Tripoli | World News | Sky News

Why Is The Economy So Bad?

We’ve Gone from a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in Secret

GERALD CELENTE: The Spanish Are Picking Up Where The Egyptians Left Off, And By Winter The Revolution Will Be Global

Destroying Freedom, Truth And Justice With The Power of Words

China Gold Imports to Surge: Report - CNBC

U.S. dollar could 'collapse': UN

New LAPD Patrol Car To Sport Infrared Night Vision, License Plate Scanner « CBS Los Angeles

Red Cross and the Vatican 'helped thousands of Nazis escape' - Telegraph

Moon may have more water than believed: study | The Raw Story

Amid health fears, Diet Coke sweetner in safety spotlight | Mail Online

More than 7,000 slotted for Iraq this summer - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times


YouTube - Bob Chapman: The Fed Behind The Greatest Fraud In History 1/2

YouTube - Bob Chapman: The Fed Behind The Greatest Fraud In History 2/2


YouTube - Mike Adams & Aaron Dykes: TSA is Turning The Whole System on It's Head 1/2

YouTube - Mike Adams & Aaron Dykes: TSA is Turning The Whole System on It's Head 2/2


» Obama Pledges to Continue War Against Libya During Globalist Confab Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

BBC News - Iraq's Moqtada al-Sadr warns Mehdi Army ready to fight US

DHS Advances Einstein Cybersecurity Deployment -- InformationWeek

U.S. Pakistan intelligence: Pakistan shuts down U.S. 'intelligence fusion' cells -

» National Security Crime Syndicate Reveals Secret Hand In Texas: Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Fake ICC and the Globalist Strategy of Tension Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Is Greece the Future of America? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Stephen Moore: A 62% Top Tax Rate? -

11 million British workers' pay to 'flatline' until 2015, warns think-tank Resolution Foundation | Mail Online

Memorial Day cookout will cost you 29% more this year thanks to inflation | Mail Online

Marc Faber: Prepare For Another War |

Rep. Graves questions Obama's autopen signing of Patriot Act extension - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Report: Marine never fired on SWAT officers who fatally shot him -

Antibiotics In Animal Feed Encourage Emergence Of Superbugs - FDA Sued By Health And Consumer Organizations

African swine fever may spread to Europe: FAO - Yahoo! News

Car Seat Monitors Driver's Heart Activity

» Border Control & Illegal Immigration Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Arguments Regarding the Collapse of World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Arguments Regarding the Collapse of the World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection |

For ground zero workers, another 9/11 anniversary

Hundreds of women report rapes by Gadhafi forces

2011 now deadliest year for tornadoes since 1950

Ex-Bank of Italy chief sentenced to 4 years in jail

Iran's Khamenei aide calls Ahmadinejad to order

Gene Simmons tells Obama to kiss off on 1967

Yemen civil war averted with tenuous ceasefire

‘The Undefeated’: Exclusive Interview With Sarah Palin Film Creator Steve Bannon

It Is Still Safe to Criticize Jennifer Lopez: Court Rejects Absurd Hollywood Gag Order

‘The Secret Knowledge’ Review: David Mamet Enters Stage Right

Orphan Knife Fights

‘Kung Fu Panda 2′ Review: More of the Same and That’s a Good Thing

‘The Undefeated’: Congratulations to Andrew Sullivan!

Larry Flynt: Hollywood’s Free Speech Folk Hero Attacks Down Syndrome Baby

‘Tree of Life’ Review: A Triumph for Brad Pitt

Taking Iran’s Missiles in Venezuela Seriously

U.S. Gun Laws: Mexico’s Favorite Scapegoat For Drug Violence

Lech Walesa Snubs Obama: ‘It Doesn’t Suit Me’

Much Easier For Terrorists To Find Recruits Who Can Blend In

Obama’s Next War

Israeli Jews Not Nearly As Sick As USA Jews: Poll

Lessons of Netanyahu’s Triumph

Europe Cheers The Capture Of Ratko Mladic, The Butcher Of Srebrenica

Partner In Peace?! Palestinian Authority Honors Families Of Terrorists; Give Them Gifts And Applause!

Frank Bailey Grinds An Axe with Palin Book

Weinergate: Congressman Claims “Facebook Hacked” As Lewd Photo Hits Twitter

Director Steve Bannon Talks “Undefeated”

Creepy, Irrelevant Peepaw Wants You to Know He Doesn’t Like Sarah and Trig Palin

The NY Times Lied About Israeli Reaction to Netanyahu’s D.C. Adventure

Sound Bite For the Day: Other Things Ed Schultz Should Apologize For

The Law: What Is Law?

$500 Million to Get Frogs to Stop Leaping

The Mistake of Global Democratization

Alice Walker, Do You Support Hamas?

Helmet Cam on Sherrif Dupnik’s SWAT Team Shows Moment Iraq Vet Was Gunned Down

Texas Gov. Perry to Run for President?

+Audio:Senator Jim DeMint Talks About Union Thugs and their Attack on Boeing

Boeing Case: How Unions are Discouraging Companies to Set-up Business in America?

Michelle Rhee Unplugged: School Voucher Opponent-Turned-Advocate

Leftist ‘Consumer Interest’ Groups Are Only Interested in Big Government

The Reality Is, We Need Oil

The Government’s War on Cameras!

Pawlenty: Stop worrying about bus tours - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Ed Schultz's Genuine Contrition on MSNBC Preceded by Churlish Non-Apology on Radio Show |

MSNBC’s O’Donnell connects with Olbermann’s audience | Poynter.

Lawrence O'Donnell Claims He's Just Acting on MSNBC: 'I Hate the Yelling Stuff' |

Lawrence O’Donnell, reluctant cable host - On Media -

CNN's Don Lemon Scraps Objectivity Now That He's Openly Gay: 'I Hope to Change Minds' |

'I Am Captain America' covers depict real heroes -

Facebook, Netflix in Talks for Partnership - The Hollywood Reporter

Seymour Offers Schwarzenegger/Shriver Family Apologies Over Infidelity Controversy

Cartoon:UI: Manufacturing Consent - Big Journalism


28-May-11 World View .....


The Republican favorite: None Of The Above

Republicans Block Recess Appointments By Refusing To Adjourn

Rush Limbaugh Ridicules Elderly, Wonders How "Worthless Offspring" Can Move Back With Them

Sen. Tom Coburn responds to Ensign scandal but makes no sense

Andrew Breitbart channels Glenn Beck: Jesse Lee is doing George Soros' bidding for the White House

The Jobs Gap: The Deficit That Matters Most

Judge Rules Corporations May Donate Directly to Candidates

Bachmann's Iowa Debacle

Rolling Thunder spokesman slams Palin bus tour as a 'big distraction'

Wisconsin man arrested for planning to shoot abortion providers 'right in the head'

Rush Limbaugh loves Sarah Palin's presidential prospects, says Obama should fear her most

Because Cowardly PA Pols Are So Afraid Of Grover Norquist, Services To Disabled Are At Risk

Lawrence O'Donnell: Sarah Palin's the New Trump in Town

Are Tornado Increases Related To Climate Change? It Depends.

Huckabee: It's 'Amazing to Me That Kids Are That Ignorant of Their History' - So Here's How I Make it Worse

Oops! Suicide Reports Were Somehow Left Out of Government Safety Review For Chantix

As the Minutemen break apart, they're moving into the Tea Party woodwork

Maybe There's Some Hope for Us Yet - High School Students Take on Bachmann and Creationists

Michele Bachmann blames her reading of articles for getting everything wrong

One Per Cent: Report on Air France 447 crash deepens mystery

From the Shadows: A Haunting in the Czech Republic

Cryptomundo » Man Eating River Monsters of Japan

Maybe Mona Lisa? Buried Skeleton Found | Leonardo da Vinci | Archaeologists Search For Mona Lisa | LiveScience

Disbelieving Free Will Makes Brain Less Free | Wired Science |

What Are the Mysterious Markings Found In the Great Pyramid's Hidden Chamber of Secrets?

Moon's Interior Wet As Earth's, Rocks Indicate | Earth, Moon & Solar System | Moon Formation & Giant Impact |

Could Conjoined Twins Share a Mind? -

'Sea Monster' Discovered Beneath Brooklyn Bridge -

How to spot a psychopath | Jon Ronson | Books | The Guardian

Why Kennedy's Moon Speech Was Crazy—and How the US Could Have Landed on the Moon With the Soviets

Densest Matter Created in Big-Bang Machine

BBC News - Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

The Strangest Numbers in String Theory: Scientific American

The Inspiring Story of the 45-y-o Woman Who Had Her Brain Completely Erased at Age 22

Alien Solar Systems Are Much Different Than Our Own| NASA & Kepler Mission | Alien Planets & Extraterrestrial Life, 218th Meeting of American Astronomical Society |

Exclusive Area 51 Pictures: Secret Plane Crash Revealed

Artificial Leaves Might Help Power the World -

FBI investigates 'Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski in 1982 Tylenol deaths -

Maybe doomsday is near

A Free Press for a Free People


*Article Links:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive Netanyahu turns tables on Obama;John Bolton says U.S. should 'ignore' U.N. resolution

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Less photo ops and more hard work' ;John Gizzi dissects Obama's week, Democrat election tactics


Feds mum on pastors' speech-code challenge

Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake

WND warned Obama would release forged birth doc

Birth certificate book a New York Times best-seller!

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Europe's 'Muslim leader' swells with hatred for Christians

All you 'good, decent Americans,' prepare to be called 'bigots'

BBC News - Brazil sex education material suspended by President

Porn king takes shot at Palin's son: 'A virtual vegetable'

George Soros minions step up war on Fox News » Sen Inhofe Hints ‘Arrogant’ Obama Might Need Mental Diagnosis to Explain Timing of 1967 Borders Speech

Christians worry Egypt being hijacked by Islamists | Reuters

After fall of Mubarak, group announces intent to form Nazi party | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt

The Hollywood star, the midget and impeachment

The Republican silence on illegal immigration

Limbaugh: Palin Scares 'Establishment' GOP and Democrats, Obama 'Easily Beatable'

Jon Huntsman Flirted With 'Death Panels' As Governor

Seismologists Tried for Manslaughter for Not Predicting Earthquake - Yahoo! News

Thailand arrests American for alleged king insult - Yahoo! News

American imam: He teaches Islam with a distinct U.S. style -

Florida Hospital doctor killed: Patient Nelson Flecha killed Florida Hospital doctor in Orlando -

Local News | Presidential pardon relieves local ex-drug smuggler | Seattle Times Newspaper

Aussie student finds universe's 'missing mass' - Yahoo! News

Unbreakable: Eight codes we can't crack - New Scientist

'Vatican helped Nazis evade con... JPost - Arts & Culture - Books

Conceptual Artist Cherry Tree Makes Perfume From Her Urine

Karlsruhe scientists transfer 700 DVDs of data in one second - The Local

Obama’s ‘Victory Dance’ on Auto Bailouts Could Hurt Business, Industry Expert Warns |

Tea party: A movement in search of a leader

Maybe doomsday is near

A brief history of nuclear fusion

Gender hostility

Sustainable development or sustainable freedom?

Symposium: The SCOTUS suicide pact

Narcissists need not apply

A Federal No-Fly Zone Over Texas? | FrontPage Magazine

Campaign For Liberty — Shut it Down by Laurence M. Vance

The moral lesson of New York's 26th

"The Worst Environmental Disaster in U.S. History!" (One Year Later) - Page 1 - Humberto Fontova - Townhall Conservative

Return to pre-'67 borders?

The pre-1967 solution

Lawsuit hangs 9/11 responsibility on Iran

*28 May

American Minute for May 28th

Today in History: May 28

May 28 Events in History

Today in History: May 28 » History Net

This Day in History for 28th May

May 28th This Day in History

May 28th in History

YouTube - Today in History for May 28th


Review & Outlook: The Gates Farewell Warning -

Frank’s coziness with Fannie doesn’t let Wall St. off hook - The Boston Globe

Forget the spin. Taxpayers still on the hook for auto bailouts | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

High court lets Arizona usurp federal role on immigration - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Eric Cantor's 5 Percent Growth Strategy

The Republicans' No-Plan Job Plan

Mark Steyn: Cowed by udderly insane regulations | regulatory, milk, sunstein - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Rick Perry, the Coyote Candidate -

For GOP, nowhere to go but up - Chicago Sun-Times

Democratic Senate Seats at Risk: Will Women Save the Majority? - The Daily Beast

Sisterhood and the SEALs by Heather Mac Donald - City Journal

The U.S. Postal Service Nears Collapse - BusinessWeek

Endangered Ryan-os -

PYLE: Running on empty: The drilling ban one year later - Washington Times

President Obama has right goals on Israeli-Palestinian peace, but strategy already backfiring

John Edwards: A jerk, not a felon - The Washington Post

Pelosi steps back into limelight -

2 Senators Accuse Justice Dept. of Twisting Patriot Act -

House GOP proposal would privatize high-speed rail along Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor - The Washington Post

Bari Weiss: David Mamet's Coming Out Party -

A lesson for Cornel West - The Boston Globe

Raasch: There are two Americas on Memorial Day -

As the Economy Wavers, Is Washington Paying Attention? -

What's the real GOP agenda for the economy? - The Week

RealClearPolitics - The Most Important Question in Politics

Opinion: Don't discount a GOP outsider - Martin Frost -

Obama’s Risky Play on Muslim Revolts -

Some States Are Fighting The Affordable Care Act. But Maryland, Among Others, Is Enthusiastically Implementing It. | The New Republic

Let My Judges Go!

Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball » WHERE ARE THE OBAMA SCANDALS?

Is Obama 'American Enough'?--II - - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Significant Role of Oceans in Onset of Ancient Global Cooling - US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Skeletons tell tales of brutal wars from beyond the castle's crypt - Archaeology, Science - The Independent

The Problems with Precaution: A Principle without Principle — The American Magazine

Genes, germs and the origins of politics - environment - 24 May 2011 - New Scientist

White House honey analyzed | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Jessica Alba and the Chemistry Thing | Speakeasy Science

Arthur Buxton Analyzes Famous Paintings, Reduces Them To Pie Charts | Co.Design

HSC NEWS - Aging, obsolete cells prime the lungs for pneumonia

People with body-image disorders process 'big picture' visual information abnormally / UCLA Newsroom

The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University | News

Students who struggle with math may have a neurocognitive disorder called dyscalculia, a new paper finds : UMNews : University of Minnesota

Shrimp On A Treadmill - The NSF Under Fire

The geology of the planet: Welcome to the Anthropocene | The Economist

African land grab could lead to future water conflicts - environment - 26 May 2011 - New Scientist

A pterosaurs' crest is good for steering

Bacterial Meningitis Keeps Falling - Science News

The Spectator:Revenge is not a sin, it’s a public service

Thinking Theologically About Memorial Day – Kevin DeYoung

Mormons & Romney Presidency “Dangerous” According to Evangelical Author | Politics | Religion Dispatches

Debbie Wasserman Shultz | Ten Commandments | Anti-Women | The Daily Caller

David Lose: Has Atheism Become a Religion?

Study: non-Christians’ brains atrophy » GetReligion

Imam fights street crime with mosque fight club – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Pope Benedict and Google | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |

Can We Celebrate the Death of Evil People? | Dennis Prager | Jewish Journal

Get ready for Glenn Beck Web TV | The Political Surf

Why people stick by scandal-plagued pastors – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

It’s Time to Reconsider Graduation Prayer in Public High Schools | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Ten Reasons Why China is Different by Stephen S. Roach - Project Syndicate

Made in America: Manufacturing Jobs Are Coming Home

Self-Serving Stewardship: How Manufacturers Help the Planet - TIME

Oil in Shale Sets Off a Boom in Texas -

Elizabeth Warren's Unusually Active Online Fans. | The New Republic

Tom Petruno, banks: Bank stocks suffer as fallout from the mortgage debacle continues -

5 risky stocks with big potential payoffs Weekend Investor - MarketWatch

Institutional Investor Global finance market news, analysis and research - Eclipsed - Friday, May 27, 2011

7 Market Hazard Signs Traders Have Been Ignoring | Markets |

Look out, stocks are called above intrinsic value Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch

What's Better: A Currency Linked To Gold, Redeemable In Gold, Or Backed By Gold? -

Mark Zuckerberg's new challenge: Eating only what he kills (and yes, we do mean literally...) - Postcards

Time, not bling, is the ultimate luxury | Reuters

The whiff of revenge taints the Arab Spring - The Washington Post

China's Port in Pakistan? - By Robert D. Kaplan | Foreign Policy

The might of arms and the hand of friendship are both important - Telegraph

Human rights: Situation in Iran is growing worse -

One more victory like that and Israel is done for - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Third Man | The Weekly Standard

Commentary: The Myth of Robert Gates | The National Interest

Review & Outlook: The Gates Farewell Warning -

Leader: Russia's broad hint to Gaddafi - The Scotsman

Poll: 12% of Israeli Jews conside... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Mary Dejevsky: Don't bank on the eclipse of the West - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent

Editor's Notes: Worlds apart - JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Sudan Back on the Brink | Foreign Affairs

Georgia's Failed Revolt: Egypt Scenario or Russian Plot? - TIME

Where is a Marshall Plan for Pakistan? -


**NEWS VIDEOS:Interview: Steve Bannon, The Man Who Brought Sarah Palin’s Story to the Screen

Krauthammer: Huntsman’s ‘Fatal Problem’ as a Candidate – People Like Newsweek’s Evan Thomas Like Him

27TH/Texas Gov. Perry: ‘I’ll Think About It’

Caught on Video: Protesters Pummeled and Bloodied by Police in Barcelona

Breitbart Talks with Hannity About White House’s New ‘Web Policeman’

The Stage Right Show – Guests: Janine Turner and Joe Schoffstall

Drill Baby, Drill! Solar Energy Harnassed to Assist ‘Green’ Oil Drilling in California

2 NYPD Officers Acquitted of Rape

Facebook’s Zuckerberg Only Eating Animals He Kills

Air France Captain Was Absent When Descent Began

Gay Teens Crowned Prom King And Queen

Pelosi to Obama: ‘We Want A Timetable To Bring the Troops Home’

Andrea Mitchell to Obama Advisor: ‘Wouldn’t Palin Running Be The Best News Ever?’

‘Taxi,’ ‘Grease’ Star Jeff Conaway Dies at 60

Girl, 15, Shoots Father with Arrow After Grounding Her From Cell Phone

Get on the Bus! Palin’s ‘One Nation’ Tour Rolls Out

Helmet Cam on Sherrif Dupnik’s SWAT Team Shows Moment Iraq Vet Was Gunned Down

Flashback: Candidate Obama’s Commitment To Israel ‘Unshakeable’ in ‘08

Newsbusted: Rahm’s Casinos, Digital Playboy & 7-Year-Old with Heroin

How Democrat Michelle Rhee Went From School Voucher Opponent to Advocate

Bozell Shows How Media Carries Democrats’ ‘MediScare’ Water

Rush: Palin Could Beat Obama

26TH/The Stage Right Show: Guests – Steven Crowder and Alex Marlow

O’Reilly Proposes ‘Beer Summit’ for Ingraham and Schultz

Robots That Fold Laundry and Shrimp on Treadmills; Sen. Coburn Reveals How Your Tax Money is Being Spent

HURRICANES, OH NO’S!! Crowder Challenges the NOAA

According to ‘The View’ it’s OK to Call Women ‘Slut’

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Slams ‘Anti-Science Troglodyte’ GOPers

Brit Official Caught Some Zzz’s During Obama’s Speech

G8 Leaders Arrive for Summit in France

Crybaby Liberal Pundit Rips Off Mic, Storms Off Fox News Set

Party of ‘No’: Reid Says No Changes To Medicare Despite Unfunded Liabilities

Looking Back on 25 Years of ‘Oprah’

First Look at Giants Beating Suspect’s Mug Shot

War Crimes Fugitive Mladic Arrested in Serbia

iPad Games for Cats

25TH/Rep. Ryan Gives the Facts About Medicare and GOP Budget Plan

Throw Away the Key! Former ‘Street Preacher’ Gets Life in Elizabeth Smart Kidnapping

Twitter Justice: Woman Tracks Down Stolen Bike with Series of Tweets

24TH/Fox News’ Jesse Watters Invades San Fran Restaurants, Asks About Obamacare Waivers

Matthews: Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan a ‘Death Certificate’ for Republicans

Crowder Explodes the Myth of ‘Net Neutrality’


**World Video:27TH/On the Road to the 2011 G-8 Summit

China Poised to Become a Leading Global Power

Will Syria be Criticized at UN?

How Secure Are Pakistani Nukes?

A Special Or Essential Relationship?

Missile Defense Number One Issue For Obama At G-8

Civil War Looms In Yemen

Pakistan OKs CIA Inspection of bin Laden Compound

29 Dead, 700 Flee Gang Battles In West Mexico

G-8 Leaders Agree On Aid For Mideast Democracy

Shuttle Program's Final Spacewalk

The G-8 And The Economic Realities Of Europe

Clinton Talks Afghanistan, Al Qaeda In Pakistan

President Obama Addresses the British Parliament

Zakaria: History Will Pass Netanyahu By


**Politics Video:28TH/Weekly Address: Biden On The American Auto Comeback

27TH/TX Gov. Perry Will "Think" About Running For President

"Hannity" Primary: Gary Johnson Interview

Olbermann's First "Current TV" Video: FOX News Is "Enemy Of American Democracy"

Bill Clinton Retracts Debt Ceiling Comments

"Exploratory" Campaign? Palin To Go On Nationwide Bus Tour

Fineman: GOP Facing Problem: Making Good On Campaign Promises

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is "Easily Beatable"

Chris Hayes: GOP Backing Paul Ryan's Plan Is A "Suicide-Pact"

Bill O'Reilly: Are Republicans Retreating Over Medicare?


YouTube - What Does Obama Know About 9/11?


**The Week in Pictures: May 22 - 28

The Michael Savage Show 05/27/2011

Alex Jones - 2011-May-27, Friday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-27-11

May 27, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report- 27 May 2011

05/27 The Mark Levin Show



Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Redding News Reveiw 1

Redding News Reveiw 2

Redding News Reveiw 3

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