A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 May 2011

27 MAY


The Michael Savage Show 05/26/2011


Russian Leader Calls Obama ‘Insane’ Over US-French Plan To Control Internet

Texas: Latest Ball-Less State Legislature in [Market-Ticker]

Discovery of Canine Hepatitis C Virus Opens up New Doors for Research on Deadly Human Pathogen | Centers | Mailman School of Public Health

YouTube - Six Climate Realist Specialists Speak Out

Plaintiffs hail dismissal of appeal in GM sugar beet case

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says | Danger Room |

Fukushima melt-down worse than Chernobyl: Voice of Russia

YouTube - Spokane River Bigfoot Video Stabilized.flv FAQ: Near Field Communications’ Big (Money) Moment | Epicenter |


Hebert Explores the Dark Side The Illuminati Part 1 05/24 by PeterHebert | Blog Talk Radio

Hebert Explores the Dark Side The Illuminati Part 2 05/26 by PeterHebert | Blog Talk Radio


YouTube - Obama's Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel - 5/18/11


What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 1of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 2of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 3of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 4of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 5of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 6of6


Joey Boots Harassed, Detained And Cited After Photographing Armed Soldier | Pixiq

Did Arnold Schwarzenegger use tax payer's money to cover up sexual liaisons? Ex-security advisor's explosive new claims say yes | Mail Online

Disgraced ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn moves into luxury New York house | Mail Online

The comprehension key to unlocking the big vault door

Judge voids controversial Wisconsin union law - Yahoo! News

$500 Million Obama Administration Program Will Help Kids 'Sit Still' in Kindergarten |

The IAEA Team To Figure Out #Fukushima Disaster | EX-SKF

Europe divided over nuclear power after Fukushima disaster | Environment | The Guardian - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Barack Obama: Britain and U.S. will forge new world

Google, Facebook warn on Internet rules at e-G8 | Reuters

Netanyahu, Hamas and the Threat of War

Oppose PROTECT-IP Act: U.S. Government Wants To Censor Search Engines And Browsers | Demand Progress

Patriot Act clears House, Senate - Scott Wong -

“Robo-signing” the PATRIOT Act | Emptywheel

Autopen to the rescue! | POLITICO 44

Obama urged to reverse policy on no condolence letters for suicides -

Lawmaker wants to put Amtrak service up for bid - Yahoo! News

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn Report Shows Taxpayer Money Spent on Robots That Fold Laundry, Shrimp on Treadmills - ABC News

*Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake

TaxProf Blog: WSJ: IRS to Small Business: 'We Want Your QuickBooks'

Small Businesses Fight IRS Over Data -


Moon may have as much water as earth scientists find after studying 1972 Apollo samples | Mail Online


Apollo 17(

NASA Apollo Mission Apollo-17(

Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Journal : Crew(

YouTube - 1972: Apollo 17 (NASA)


**(1:30)YouTube - Aspartame: Sweet Misery A Poisoned World - FULL LENGTH


Obama backpedals on Israel, disappoints Arabs again - People's Daily Online

The Intercept: NASA Denies Entry To Chinese Journalists For Shuttle Launch

Activist Post: America, I don’t want to work for you anymore

It's the Inequality, Stupid | Mother Jones

Vatican crackdown at Rome's Playboy Mansion-style monastery • The Register

+ It's not the date, it's the rapture itself that's stupid : Pharyngula

Hosni Mubarak Charged with Murder | My Catbird Seat


+ Activist Post: Top 10 things the TSA could do if its power is not sensibly limited


News: Student Loan Debt, Reframed - Inside Higher Ed


YouTube - Nonsense Fairytales Propaganda Crap... Still You Believe - Osama & The Bin Ladens


+Patriot Act Extension - H.R. 514 - Voting Record - We now know who is who. - 12160

+Patriot Act Extension - H.R. 514 - Voting Record - We now know who is who. Part2 - 12160

+Patriot Act Extension - H.R. 514 - Voting Record - We now know who is who. Part3 - 12160


Activist Post: FBI Using Anti-Terrorism Resources on Activists (Video)


*Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : President Ron Paul 2012 - Defend the Constitution, Not the U.N. Security Council! 26-May-11


Lone Star Watchdog: Rand Paul Being Labeled a Terrorist is a Sign of Things to Come.The Criminalization of Free and Political Speech.

Lone Star Watchdog: Prosecute John Murphy(The US Attorney Who Threatened Texas WIth Shutdown All Air Travel In Texas if Anti TSA Bill Passed)

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : How They Fake Terrorism -- Manufactured Fear I - Final Draft

Activist Post: House Passes Authority for Worldwide War

The Liberty to Write On Any Subject – Tucson Shooting :

Conspiracy Theorists: Gabrielle Giffords Tucson Shooting a Government Hoax

Conspiracy: Tucson Shooting a Hoax - The Daily Beast

TV host says U.S. infrastructure falling apart

Hawaii Farmers Treating Milk With Boron After Finding Radiation 2400 Times Above Safe Levels :


Hacker Group Anonymous Brings Peaceful Revolution To America: Will Engage In Civil Disobedience Until Bernanke Steps Down

The Intercept: Consolidating US Money Power: The Four Horsemen of Global Banking

Activist Post: US controversial anti-terror powers extended

Celente predicts gold standard wont save US economy - by Terrence Aym - Helium

Over 100 illegal immigrants found in Phoenix drop house | Phoenix

NIMA SHIRAZI: Israel Always Needs an Existential Threat to Survive | Intifada Palestine

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Why Gold Is Going Higher

20 Questions To Ask Anyone Foolish Enough To Believe The Economic Crisis Is Over | zero hedge

Obama: The UN can't give the Palestinians a state - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Why the Rich Love High Unemployment

YouTube - No Wonder Seattle Cops Think They Can Get Away With ANYTHING!

Inside the hive-mind by Bernard Keane


Priest Sex-Abuse Case in Archdiocese of Benedict's Adviser - TIME

Vatican Gets Tough on Child Abuse, but Not Tough Enough - TIME

Study Links Catholic Sex Abuse to Hierarchy, 1960s Culture - TIME




**Rare and Valuable US Coins - That you might find in your pocket or change jars

NEWS - The Door is About to Shut for Americans

Obama: “I’m working on gun control under the radar” | Greeley Gazette - U.S. to propose mandatory vehicle 'black boxes'

Congress votes to renew anti-terrorism steps | Reuters - Freedom of information laws are used to harass scientists, says Nobel laureate - Glenn Beck to launch Internet TV channel

Activist Post: US secretly helped French nuclear program: documents

Fed Gave Banks Crisis Gains on $80 Billion Secretive Loans as Low as 0.01% - Bloomberg - US to store passenger data for 15 years

TSA Threatens to Turn Texas into a NO FLY ZONE : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Mad Mex – Los Zetas Use Road Warrior-Style Vehicles to Battle Other Cartels, Military : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*The Last Nail – Ron Paul Speech on House Floor : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


PayPal Co-Founder Hands Out $100,000 Fellowships To Not Go To College : The Two-Way : NPR

Why Are Spy Researchers Building a 'Metaphor Program'? - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Liquid Medicine: Controversial Call to Add Lithium to Drinking Water for “Mental Health”

Welcome to the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey

Bad News From The BBC 'Replete With Imbalance And Distortion'

FILM(8 Parts)

***(8 Parts) Inside Job : Full movie/ICH



Texas Gov. Perry Bilderberg’s Ace in the Hole?

Was Arrest of Top IMF Bankster Part of Planned Sting Operation?

President Humiliated by Netanyahu; AFP Corrects Bibi’s Biggest Whoppers

D.C. trip sends Bibi’s popularity soaring, poll finds | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Former Nasdaq executive Donald Johnson pleads guilty to fraud for insider trading - The Washington Post

EBay and PayPal sue Google over trade secrets | Reuters

China’s Interest in Farmland Makes Brazil Uneasy -

Obama, in Europe, signs Patriot Act extension - Yahoo! News

Pilot role in focus in Air France crash

BBC News - Skin cells 'turned into neurons' by US scientists

The Anglo-American Military Axis: West Backs Holy Alliance For Control Of Arab World And Persian Gulf

A Secret Army of Mercenaries for the Middle East and North Africa

“Only the Names Have Changed”: The Continued Struggle for Democracy in Egypt

Libya under NATO Attack: Stop Bombing Africa and the Poor of the World

Russian politics: Nostalgia or a new political direction?

In your Face! The Facebook Corporate Bonanza

+The Incarceration Society: California's Overcrowed Prisons

Indoctrinating a New Generation: "Think North American"

Media Fabrications: Libyan Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem Did Not Defect

US/British Relationship Deepens Amid Anti-War Protests | Global Research TV

YouTube - Harry Reid Challenges Rand Paul, Defends Patriot Act 05/25/11

Where'd the Patriot Act's Malcontents Go?

The Political Doctrine of Statism - informationliberation

The TSA and Texas - informationliberation

Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama - informationliberation

Not Enjoying TSA Grope-Down is a Suspicious Activity

Eighth Grader Executed for Scaring a Cop - informationliberation

Restricting the Movement of You & Your Money

Oregon Senator Reveals Secret Government Surveillance Grid - informationliberation

Police Raid 'Excellent' Private BitTorrent Tracker, Admins Arrested - informationliberation

Abolish the Police - informationliberation

* 32 Signs That The Entire World Is Being Transformed Into A Futuristic Big Brother Prison Grid - informationliberation

Polish Anti-Communist Leader Walesa Snubs Obama, Cancels Talks

PressTV - 'US Army may be liable for Diana death'

‘Star Wars’ Terrorists Storm Pakistani Naval Base | Danger Room |

Drone Killing Debate: Germany Limits Information Exchange with US Intelligence - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Hidden story behind Jesse Ventura & Piers Morgan’s CNN clash over Obama CIA ties - Seattle exopolitics |


+Wilkerson on Congressional Reaction to Netanyahu

+US Demands May Kill WTO Agreement

+Netanyahu, Hamas and the Threat of War

+Netanyahu Addresses Adoring Congress

+WikiLeaks: Saudis Often Warned US About Oil Speculators


Rush Limbaugh: GOP and Dems Both Fear Palin

Palin's East Coast Bus Tour Ramps Up Prez Buzz

Bachmann Exclusive: Obama Robbing Nation of 'Golden Future'

Pataki Considers GOP Prez Try, but Hedges

Obama Vows: US to Have 'Clear, Credible' Debt Plan

Limbaugh: Rolling Stone's Roger Ailes 'Hit Piece'

Edwards Meets With Alleged Coverup Donor Mellon

Palin, Bachmann Could Be on Collision Course

Romney to Announce Presidential Bid June 2

Paul Ryan: Obamacare is Real Medicare Killer

GOP Jobs Plan Hits Obama Where it Hurts

Wis. Gov. Walker Signs Law for Voter Photo ID

Yemen Fighting Expands as Tribe Seizes Army Camp

G8 'Appalled' by Syria, Warns of 'Further Measures'

G-8: World Bodies to Give $40B for Arab Spring

Former ECB Official: Greece ‘Cheated’ to Join Euro

WSJ's Moore: Democrats Want 62% Tax Rate

The Miracle of Carbon Dioxide

Mind-Reading Technology Could Benefit Slave Nations

GOP Must Implement Full Budget Assault

The Dangers of Paul Ryan’s Plan

Obama Explains His Speech — and Makes It Worse

GOP Must Take Aim at Obamacare Ahead of 2012

U.N.-Backed Summit Seeks ‘Social Justice’ for African Descendants

Obama’s ‘Victory Dance’ on Auto Bailouts Could Hurt Business, Industry Expert Warns

Obama’s Commitment To Israel ‘Unshakeable’ in ’08

Palin Hits the Road: ‘It’s Imperative We Connect With Our Founders’

Who Owns ‘Big Oil'? Not Who You Think

Pelosi to Obama: ‘We Want A Timetable To Bring the Troops Home’

Supreme Court: AZ Can Require Employers to Verify Citizenship Status of Workers

Reid: ‘Not in Favor of Changing Medicare’ Despite Its $24.6 Trillion Shortfall

LaHood: Administration Not in Favor of Taxing Drivers by the Mile

Former Moon Astronaut and Senator: U.S. Should Settle Moon and Mars

Experts: Anti-Psychotic Drugs Likely for Loughner

Suicide kits Rekindle Debate on Assisted Suicide

Driver's Data May Be Used to Check Workers' Status

20 Questions To Ask Anyone Foolish Enough To Believe The Economic Crisis Is Over

GMO debate: Consumer activists seek labeling of genetically modified foods -

China Confirms Existence of Elite Cyber-Warfare Outfit the 'Blue Army' -

Military set to lead on US domestic cyber-security • The Register

Bill Would Keep Big Brother’s Mitts Off Your GPS Data | Danger Room |

Artificial Wombs Will Spawn New Freedoms

Scientists detect Earth-equivalent amount of water within the moon

Great Pyramid May Hold Two Hidden Chambers : Discovery News


*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 26th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – May 26th, 2011


YouTube - Black Boxes, Cyber Autonomy, Superfood Inflation - New World Next Week


+ Audio Page:Media Roots Radio: Osama, Police Power, GOP & Obama's 2012 Campaign Run-up by Media Roots on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

+Audio Page:Media Roots Radio Interview with David Swanson by Media Roots on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free


YouTube - Interview with Maryanne Godboldo, health freedom champion

YouTube - Full Show - 5/26/11. Palin, Texas & TSA, G8, Immigration vs. Free Market

YouTube - Smoking Gun: Obama took the bait says Corsi

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: We target government conspiracies, not governments |

The Anglo-American Military Axis: West Backs Holy Alliance For Control Of Arab World And Persian Gulf – Rick Rozoff |

We Can Be Arrested And Tried For Breaking Laws We Don't Know Exist

Research bees stolen from scientists trying to test effects of pesticides |

Should we have sunk the Bismarck? Tormented sailor reveals how German sailors tried to surrender before ship was destroyed costing 2,000 lives | Mail Online

The Perils of 'Accidental' U.S. Citizenship by Mark Nestmann

Doug Casey on Insider Trading

Thiel Fellowship Pays 24 Talented Students $100,000 Not to Attend College - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education

1 Pot, 1 Pan, 5 Ingredients: 5 Minimalist Meals | The Art of Manliness

Better Backyard Eating


* 10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen

* The 25 Rules of Disinformation | The Vigilant Citizen






Dog with two broken legs finds owner after storm - Yahoo! News

1967 lines reference pulled from G8 statement at Canada’s request | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

American Orthodoxy and Its Discontents » Main Feature » Jewish Ideas Daily

Men, Looking for a Woman? Don't Smile


* Radiation News – 5-26-11 |


Claim: NASA Hiding Approaching Doomsday Space Event | Before It's News

Homeland Security Wants Mozilla to Pull “Domain Seizure” Add-On | Before It's News

ATF Multiple Rifle Sales Comments Re-Opened – Immediate Action Needed | Before It's News

The National Security Crime Syndicate Reveals Its Secret Hand In Texas: Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst | Before It's News

KRYPTOS: The Code The C.I.A. Can't Even Break. | Before It's News

Transcript of Kryptos Sculpture

Signs That Bin Laden Weighed Seeking Pakistani Protection | Before It's News

The New Anti-War Movement: Facebook Page Aims to "End the Wars!" | Before It's News

Did Quiet Sun Cause Little Ice Age After All? | Before It's News

The Mysterious Crete Goddess Of Myrtos | Before It's News

Dennis Miller Interviews Rand Paul Republicans Trying To Block His Amendments To Patriot Act | Before It's News


YouTube - Bob Barr & Alex Jones: Dewhurst, A Minion of Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Bob Barr & Alex Jones: Dewhurst, A Minion of Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 2/2


Communism Is Alive And Well In America | Before It's News

Obama and Islam | Before It's News

Lawmakers Asking Questions About Increase in Immigrants From India | Before It's News

National Iranian American Council (NIAC): IPS: New Iran Sanctions Could Push Petrol Prices Even Higher

Military operation against Kadhafi in 'new phase': Cameron

18 March:Libya Crisis: Obama Gives Moammar Gadhafi Ultimatum - ABC News

Global Economic Rebound Weakens on Quake, Oil Price, European Debt Crisis - Bloomberg

Fed says unions have legal right to display giants inflatable rats during labor disputes « New Hampshire Journal

Rep. Graves questions Obama's autopen signing of Patriot Act - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Pay up Obama: President made to cough up C-charge for 'The Beast' | News

Video: Man Strips Down To Black Briefs, Stilettos And Pole Dances On NYC Subway Train « CBS New York

Autos Insider | U.S. to propose mandatory vehicle 'black boxes' | The Detroit News

In president's hometown, Mitt Romney criticizes Obama's economic policies -

Mitt Romney Sends Leftover Pizza to Obama Chicago HQ - The Note

Perry Watch: Rick Perry says he’s ‘tempted’ to run for president | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

New DNC Boss Calls GOP 'Anti-Women' - Washington Whispers (

House GOP Women Respond to Attacks by Rep. Wasserman Schultz -

Rod Blagojevich's rambling testimony could help him, experts say -

Where's Tony Rezko? | Barbara Hollingsworth | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Dancer sues airline over 'disaster movie' flight | News

Horse herpes outbreak forces rodeo queens to ride stick ponies -

Repairman Faces Charges Of Cleaning Out Bay Area ATMs, Refilling Them With Counterfeit Bills « CBS San Francisco

Two Men Caught Dismantling Manteca Railroad Tracks Hoping To Cash In On Metal « CBS Sacramento

Pricey Trash Cans Stolen From City Streets « CBS Pittsburgh

Christians worry Egypt being hijacked by Islamists - Yahoo! News

Mark Zuckerberg's new challenge: Eating only what he kills (and yes, we do mean literally...) - Postcards

The many rewards of bigotry: Why right-wing 'libertarianism' on race is a lie -- and a cover

Clinton to Ryan Backstage at Peterson Foundation Debate: 'Give Me a Call' to Discuss Medicare

Gene Sperling goes on the offensive against Paul Ryan on Medicaid

Fox Freaks Out Over Obama Rapid Response Group

WI judge strikes down Scott Walker's anti-union law: UPDATED

DOJ Cleared Ensign Of Wrongdoing...Without Examining Thousands Of Incriminating Emails. Will They Now Re-Open The Case?

Why hasn't Roger Ailes been called out by the media for recruiting Chris Christie to run for president?

Peter Fonda Says He's Training His Grandkids to Shoot President Obama? Really?

Dick Cheney Worships Rep. Paul Ryan

Tim Pawlenty Would Vote To Kill Medicare

Ex-Clinton aide storms off Fox News set during Medicare debate

Tim Pawlenty, Social Media Failure

Judge Napolitano Compares Providing Emergency Health Care To Theft And Slavery

Ed Schultz Apologizes for Calling Laura Ingraham a 'Right Wing Slut' on His Radio Show

The Republican favorite: None Of The Above

Republicans Block Recess Appointments By Refusing To Adjourn

Rush Limbaugh Ridicules Elderly, Wonders How "Worthless Offspring" Can Move Back With Them

flashback:May 26, 1945 - The San Francisco Peace Conference. | Newstalgia

YouTube - Sen. Rand Paul on PATRIOT Act Amendments

Campaign For Liberty — Shut it Down by Laurence M. Vance


KUHNER: Obama's assault on conservative speech - Washington Times

England Reaffirms Ban on Radio Host Michael Savage « JONATHAN TURLEY

Britain reaffirms its ban on Michael Savage


Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS! Video: Oprah Fans Get Punked in “Good-Bye”

Debbie Schlussel/InfoSys Committed Immigration/Visa Fraud to Give U.S. Jobs to Aliens

A Thank-you to Islamic Extremists

The Obama Disconnect

DSK Scandal Shakes French Socialists

A Generational Divide?

The Administration's No New Energy Policy

Open Mind or Empty Head?

A Coming Intifada of Arab Suicide Demonstrators

Dissed in Sudan: where is the outrage?

GOP employs little used rule to block recess appointment of Warren

Pakistan puts the screws to our military and intel people

PATRIOT Act Renewed - But is it Legal?

Our government has made promises that we can't fulfill even if we raise tax rates to stratospheric levels

New rating shows US 44th in energy competitiveness

America's Attitude toward Israel Proves that the US is Still Exceptional

Libyan 'Freedom Fighters' Murderous Jihad Against Non-Arab Blacks

America's Ten Most Dangerous Cities and their Mayors

Michelle Obama Can't Let Criticism of Her Rapper Go

Good News for School Choice

Will Today's GOP Repeat the 'Contract with America' Bait and Switch?

The Truth about Islam and Book-Burning

Congress Gets an American President -- For a Day

The Left's Dirty Little Secret

ACLU Turns Blind Eye to Sharia in America


+ Matt Drudge: An American Pioneer


Obama's Revisionist History

In a Sanctuary City, An Illegal Immigrant Gets the Death Penalty

Be Wary When the Polls are on Your Side

Left West, Right West, and Other Matters of Balance

The Court of Last Resort

Obama’s ineligibility: We know

American Ignorance

Appeasing Communist China, or driving to self-destruction in a Cadillac

Dictatorship transformation almost complete

Obama seeking legitimacy from the British Queen?

Obama’s Malignant Obsession with Jews and Israel

Inhofe Provides Reality Check on Obama Regulatory Reform

The Gang that Couldn’t Negotiate Straight

John Stamos to Join Beach Boys for Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Concert

SCOTUS Comes Down on Side of Arizona in Illegal Alien Case!

Obama’s New ‘Truth Minister’ Husband of ‘General Betray Us’ MoveOn.Org

Obama’s ineligibility: The U.S. government must be purged

Key Jewish Donor Breaks With Obama « Commentary Magazine

Liu calls it quits in quest for judgeship - Washington Times

Napoleon Dynamite showing canceled for offensive word | Charity Chat

New Jersey School and ACLU Compromise on Graduation at Christian-Owned Site -

California prisoners: Computer errors allow violent California prisoners to be released unsupervised -

GOP Rep. Accuses Elizabeth Warren of Lying During House Testimony | The Blaze

Black Box Reveals Terrifying Final Moments of Air France Flight: Plunged 38,000 Ft. in 4 Minutes | The Blaze

SWAT Video Captures Officers Firing 71 Times on Former Marine | The Blaze

‘Second Revolution’ Hits Egypt as Thousands Show Up in Tahrir Square | The Blaze

Is Obama ‘Signing’ Patriot Act From France Using ‘Autopen Machine’ Legal? | The Blaze

Could the U.S. Help Foot the Bill for ‘Democratic’ Arab Spring? | The Blaze

Rush Tells Greta: Obama Is ‘Easily Beatable’ (And Palin Could Do It) | The Blaze

Bachmann Reveals Plans for Presidential Announcement in Iowa Next Month | The Blaze

‘Shut Up!’: Fmr. Clinton Adviser Walks Off Fox News Set During Fiery Interview | The Blaze

Theft and Betrayal: PayPal Sues Google Over New ‘Google Wallet’ | The Blaze

Beck & O’Reilly Talk About Vision for New Web TV Channel | The Blaze

Italy Charges Seismologists With ‘Manslaughter’ for Not Predicting an Earthquake | The Blaze

A Victory for Socialism? TIME Magazine‘s Joe Klein Says He Was Merely Mocking ’Radical Republicans’ | The Blaze

53% of Young People Would Trade Their Sense of Smell for Technology | The Blaze

Was That a ‘Sea Monster’ Living Beneath the Brooklyn Bridge? | The Blaze

Beck on Schultz Suspension: Leave Him on the Air to Destroy Progressivism | The Blaze

Watch An Australian Reporter Confront the Chinese Gov’t Agents Spying on Him | The Blaze

It’s Official: Mitt Romney Will Enter the 2012 Presidential Race Next Week | The Blaze

‘Hate the Jew, Hate the Capitalist:’ Glenn Explains Why Defending Israel Is So Important | The Blaze

GOP Rep. Webster: If We Cut Aid to Israel We ‘Lose God’s Hand’ | The Blaze

High School Curriculum May Teach Teens How to Handle Unwanted Babies | The Blaze

Biden Calls Obama ‘Great Man’ — Says GOP Medicare Plan and Bin Laden’s Death Will Help Dems | The Blaze

Google Now Poised to Control Your Wallet | The Blaze

After ACLU Threats, School District Will Cover Up Religious Symbols During Graduation Ceremony | The Blaze


Rod Blagojevich was not good in Little League | Bleader

Rod Blagojevich Corruption Trial | Blago Testifies about John Johnston, Children's Memorial in 2nd Day of Testimony

Blagojevich's teen daughter attends retrial - Illinois | State & regional -

Blagojevich begins to address comments captured on FBI wiretaps :: The Republic

How Did Illinois End Up With Rod Blagojevich, Anyway? - The 312 - May 2011 - Chicago

Ex-Illinois Gov. Blagojevich takes stand for 2nd day -

Blago Takes Stand, Says He Can Spin Basketball on Finger - Law Blog - WSJ


CHA plan for required drug testing of residents called ‘a slap in the face’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Emanuel wants better planning for weather emergencies - Chicago Sun-Times

Emanuel Taking Active Role in Legislative Session -

Oprah's Finale Scores Big | NBC Chicago


Ratko Mladic arrested, Hillary Clinton in Pakistan, Montana flood and more in the day in photos - The Washington Post

If Sarah Palin runs, will she face her own Mini-Me? -

Fiancée: Casey Anthony had bond with dead toddler -

NASA astronauts complete space station work - Computerworld

Niacin no good at curbing risk of heart attack, stroke - HealthPop - CBS News


Milk Does A Body Good, But Is Too Much Calcium Simply Too Much?

15 things your lifeguard won't tell you -

162 charges over hepatitis C scandal | Herald Sun

Symptoms of deadly horse virus explained | Cache Valley Daily - News and Information for Cache Valley | Cache Valley News | Logan, UT News | Local News

9 Sunscreens Get Top Ratings by Consumer Reports

Armed guards, reporters greet Patrick testimony

Defense: Many lobbyists called DiMasi |

4 Workers Hurt in Tennessee Plant Explosion -

The Associated Press: Judge: Corporate donations ban unconstitutional

The Associated Press: Bachmann notes 'calling' to run for president

Nuclear power plant vulnerable to tornadoes - POWER-GEN WorldWide

Obama’s Risky Play on Muslim Revolts -

PayPal Sues Google for Stealing Mobile Payment Secrets | News & Opinion |

U.S. Pressures Pakistan to Go After Ayman Zawahiri And Other Militant Leaders - ABC News

Yemen Tribal Loyalists Say Cease-Fire in Effect | Middle East In Transition | English

The Associated Press: 2 blasts hit US troops in deadly Afghan attack

David Cameron hopeful of Syria resolution - World Politics, World - The Independent

Egyptian Activists Stage ‘Second Revolution' Rally | North Africa | English

Saudi Arabia Scrambles to Limit Region’s Upheaval -

Nigerian President Faces Security Challenges in New Term | West Africa | English

Lagarde pushes her credentials to take IMF post, says new chief needs knowledge of Europe - The Washington Post

Belarus Ruler Threatens to Fire Government -

Air France Flight 447 crash: Were the Air France pilots at fault? -

YouTube - Air France Captain Was Absent When Descent Began

Laura Ingraham Accepts Ed Schultz's Apology, Invites Him Back to Conservatism | TheWrap TV

Lindsay Lohan -- The ART Of The House Arrest |

Maria Shriver Ditches Wedding Ring & Bonds With Bono Amid Arnold Schwarzenegger Scandal - OK! Magazine - The First for Celebrity News

YouTube - Arnold Schwarzenegger Cover-Up? Former California Governor Denies Using Police To Hide Affairs

YouTube - Endeavour spacewalk marks 1,000 hrs station work

Scientists challenge report of weird bacteria in Mono Lake - San Jose Mercury News

Gmail to Display Context Data About Contacts in Inbox | PCWorld Business Center

New Gmail People Widget takes email to the next social level | ZDNet

Zuckerberg: Privacy anxiety is fleeting | Digital Media - CNET News

Facebook Hires More Washington Insiders - Mobiledia

NASA sting busts woman selling $1.7M moon rock - CBS News

Report: Google bid $100M for cloud music rights | Media Maverick - CNET News

Facebook Is Developing Ways to Share Media -

David Greenberg Reviews James T. Kloppenberg's "Reading Obama" | The New Republic

As the Economy Wavers, Is Washington Paying Attention? -

RealClearPolitics - The Most Important Question in Politics

What's the real GOP agenda for the economy? - The Week - Eclipsed - Friday, May 27, 2011

What Obama did to Israel - The Washington Post

Sarah Palin candidacy: how it could help and hurt Mitt Romney. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Opinion: Don't discount a GOP outsider - Martin Frost -

Palin creates buzz but rivals bet she won't run | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Huntsman-Bachmann in 2012! - The Washington Post

Hubert Humprey, America’s Forgotten Liberal -

Kimberley Strassel: Who's Winning the Budget War? -

Column: My son's in Afghanistan, and I wait -

Fallen Heroes, Never Forgotten — The American Magazine

What is Obama's foreign policy? He was a realist. He's becoming an idealist. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine

Opinion: Attack on NLRB is attack on oversight - Rep. Rob Andrews and Rep. George Miller -

America Isn't Europe ... Yet | Nealz Nuze |

GOP, get off your heels and attack Obamacare: House loss should put health law back on front burner

Obamaworld 2012 - TIME

Rebranding GM, Chrysler Bailouts Means Michigan is in Play for 2012 -

Where does California put 33,000 released inmates? -


**Transcripts :25th/Obama's Address to the British Parliament

Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM Cameron

Panel on Obama's Relationship with Europe

Guest: Sen. Maj. Ldr. Harry Reid and Rep. Israel

Guests: Rep. Wasserman Schultz and Rep.-Elect Hochul

Interview with Representative Dave Camp

Guest: DNC Chair & Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Guest: Rep. Steve Israel

Analyst Discusses the NY-26 Special Election

*24th/Interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with Senator Tom Coburn

Panel on the New York Special Election

Reporters Discuss the Auto Bailout

Interview with Texas Governor Rick Perry

Secretary Gates Speaks to American Enterprise Institute


Shrimp On A Treadmill - The NSF Under Fire

Senator's Criticism of Science Foundation Draws Fire - ScienceInsider

'Hypersexual disorder' might make DSM-5 -

Jumping cockroach makes top discoveries list -

RealClearScience - Launch Space Shuttle Like Bottle Rocket

Projects in Profusion: A Skeptical Look at 3 Wild Fusion-Energy Schemes: Scientific American

The geology of the planet: Welcome to the Anthropocene | The Economist

African land grab could lead to future water conflicts - environment - 26 May 2011 - New Scientist

Could Conjoined Twins Share a Mind? -

Students who struggle with math may have a neurocognitive disorder called dyscalculia, a new paper finds : UMNews : University of Minnesota

HSC NEWS - Aging, obsolete cells prime the lungs for pneumonia

The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University | News

People with body-image disorders process 'big picture' visual information abnormally / UCLA Newsroom

Freedom of information laws are used to harass scientists, says Nobel laureate | Politics | The Guardian

Is the U.S. entering a population slump? -

Did Quiet Sun Cause Little Ice Age After All? - ScienceNOW

Are tornadoes environmental disasters? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine

Moon's Interior Wet As Earth's, Rocks Indicate | Earth, Moon & Solar System | Moon Formation & Giant Impact |

First images from Great Pyramid's chamber of secrets - life - 25 May 2011 - New Scientist

California’s High-Speed Rail Won’t Go Nowhere | Miller-McCune

Why has 2011's tornado season been so terrible? -

BBC News - Electron particle's shape revealed

Metamaterials Could Help Wirelessly Charge Electronics by Making Space Disappear | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Europe issues alert over "more or less potentially harmful" cell phone radiation

Why Cicadas Sync Up Into Prime Number Life Cycles | Great Southern Brood Emerges After 13 Years | Entomology | Life's Little Mysteries

To Harvest Natural Gas From the Ocean, Shell Is Building the World's Largest Man-Made Floating Object | Popular Science

As the Economy Wavers, Is Washington Paying Attention? -

The New-Economy Movement | The Nation

The Hidden Cost of Saving the Euro: ECB's Balance Sheet Contains Massive Risks - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

The running out of resources myth | FP Comment | Financial Post

The Audacity of Chinese Frauds - High and Low Finance -

College is a scam — Let’s make some money off it Outside the Box - MarketWatch

Why investors think big tech stocks are lame - Fortune Tech

The Boulevard of Broken Charts | Vitaliy Katsenelson Contrarian Edge

Out of Business - A Manufacturer - Mises Daily

Beware of experts bearing predictions The Guru's Corner - MarketWatch

Where Google Mobile Payment Goes - Quentin Hardy - At Your Servers - Forbes

Is Your Portfolio Swimming Naked? (BAC, CSCO, NFLX, YRCW)

The Myth Of The Post-Consumer Society | Markets |

George Chen | Analysis & Opinion |

Just What You Needed: Higher Taxes -

Government Doesn't Create Jobs -

Lure of EU membership led to arrest of Mladic - The Irish Times - Fri, May 27, 2011

Hands Off the Wheel - By Cameron Abadi | Foreign Policy

The real scandal is the IMF - Other Views -

WikiLeaks exposes PM’s $3 billion Arctic illusion -

Behind India’s US Fighter Snub | The Diplomat

Unnatural Selection: Chinese and Indian sex ratios are a time bomb - The National

Tajikistan: The Most Failed State You Know Least About - Global Spin -

[Viewpoint] Consider a Korea-Japan alliance - INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily

Making amends in Serbia - The Washington Post

The Mideast Peace Process - Washington Makes Things Worse -

Liberalism under attack in China: Boundlessly loyal to the great monster | The Economist

From Down Under to Top Center: Australia, the United States, and this Century's Special Relationship - The German Marshall Fund of the United States - Strenghtening Transatlantic Cooperation

Global Peace Index 2011 « Vision of Humanity

Netanyahu Muddies Obama's Middle East Policy: What He Gains - TIME

Why China Needed Bin Laden | The Diplomat

Why Serbia Captured Mladic and Pakistan Harbored Bin Laden - Max Fisher - International - The Atlantic

Don't dump Pakistan -

The Incredible Shrinking Ahmadinejad - By Barbara Slavin | Foreign Policy

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -A new reality for Syria

Japan: the silent IMF partner | The Japan Times Online

Can We Celebrate the Death of Evil People? | Dennis Prager | Jewish Journal

Jim Wallis: Zero Tolerance: Trump, Schwarzenegger, and Strauss-Kahn

Get ready for Glenn Beck Web TV | The Political Surf

Being Faithfully UnReligious | First Things

Survey says: I have better sex than you » GetReligion

Muslims rush to restore torched Egypt church | Reuters

Information on Nazi-Era Mass Graves To Be Made Available to the Public –

Obama's Lonely Road to Peace

Soul Liberty | Mapping God's Bloodline

Al-Qaida's diversity policy ridicules ethnic profiling | Mehdi Hasan | Comment is free | The Guardian

Islamists Project Islam's Worst Traits onto Christians :: Middle East Forum

Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD) - Soros Money to Fund NCC Lobbying Efforts

I'm Still Progressive, You're Still a Bad Person

Cathleen Falsani: A Religion Summer Reading List

The Mideast Peace Process - No Plan for Talks -

Editorial: Will 'Obamalaise' Create Another Downturn? -

Illinois lawmakers need to reform pensions -

Pelosi steps back into limelight -

2 Senators Accuse Justice Dept. of Twisting Patriot Act -

House GOP proposal would privatize high-speed rail along Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor - The Washington Post


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Obama threw Netanyahu under the bus';Mike Evans says prez offering 'red meat' to bring Europe into Palestinian camp at U.N.

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Al-Qaida's oil obsession;Daveed Gartenstein-Ross: Terrorists eyeing high-value targets in Saudi Arabia


Trump denies reading book he signed agreement to get

WND warned Obama would release forged birth doc

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake

Dem leader blames racism for eligibility questions

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Limbaugh: Palin Scares 'Establishment' GOP and Democrats, Obama 'Easily Beatable'

Mayor Bloomberg pushes state lawmakers on gay marriage -

Chris Christie: Global warming is 'real,' but program is ineffective - Darren Samuelsohn - » Sen Inhofe Hints ‘Arrogant’ Obama Might Need Mental Diagnosis to Explain Timing of 1967 Borders Speech

U.S. to help Israel buy four more Iron Dome anti-missile systems - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

IDF: Fogel family murderers planned another attack - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Amnesty to IDF: Rescind death penalty demand for Fogel family murderers - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

George Soros minions step up war on Fox News

KUHNER: Obama's assault on conservative speech - Washington Times

Report slams heavy focus on school testing - Washington Times

Brooklyn jury convicts Imam Kareem Ibrahim in Kennedy Airport plot

Osama bin Laden dead: Pakistan to allow CIA to scour Abbottabad hideout - Telegraph

Libya: Gaddafi 'increasingly worried' he will be killed by Nato - Telegraph

John Edwards Meets Privately with Bunny Mellon, Potential Witness in Cover Up Case - The Note

NHS nurses think care of elderly is 'beneath them' - Telegraph

Church Times - Doctor accused of ‘pushing religion’ is to fight GMC

New Jersey School and ACLU Compromise on Graduation at Christian-Owned Site -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn not 'a drooling dog', claims porn star - Telegraph

Fort Hood fallen not war dead?

Budget? We don't need no stinking budget

GOP: Time for full-frontal budget assault

I love Jews

Obamacare for Israel - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

The moral lesson of New York's 26th

A tale of 2 murder convictions

Homeschooling and the clueless Miss Marple

KUHNER: Obama's assault on conservative speech - Washington Times

The smart ones aren't running

E.J. Dionne, Jr.: The Tea Party Is Yesterday’s News - Truthdig

There's trouble in Obama's Paradise

Polar Ice Rapture Misses Its Deadline - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

House members in the know score 'abnormal' stock profits, study says - Washington Times

Ruling alters climate-papers fight - Washington Times

Panel denies Hanks claim in Idaho home dispute | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News | Entertainment

10p polypill 'halves heart disease and stroke risk' - Telegraph

Serbia arrests war crimes fugitive Mladic - World news - Europe -

Police: Teen shot father with hunting bow after he took cell phone | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News | Local & Regional

Italian lawmakers seek probe of Knox prosecutor | Crime | University District News

Hundreds of CA parolees wrongly left unsupervised

Code enforcement: A man's Acton castle, under siege -

How to spot a psychopath | Jon Ronson | Books | The Guardian

Why Kennedy's Moon Speech Was Crazy—and How the US Could Have Landed on the Moon With the Soviets

Densest Matter Created in Big-Bang Machine


What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?

Aligning birth certificate statements, evidence

A tale of two birth certificates

Obama birth certificate linked to previous 'forgery'?

Hawaii detective charges: 'Birth certificate' a fraud

Kenya investigated Obama 'African birth'

Hawaii shuts out WND probe of Obama birth

New 'birth certificate' anomalies inexplicable

Nordyke numbers expose Obama document fraud?

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Trump pumps Corsi for latest on Obama

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate


Return to pre-'67 borders?

The pre-1967 solution

Wife of White House mouthpiece behind Petraeus attack

Lawsuit hangs 9/11 responsibility on Iran

Poland to host US F-16 fighter jet rotations: US official

Death toll in Missouri tornado rises to 132

U.S. backs Russia role in Libya crisis: White House

Ex-IMF chief leaves guarded home for visit

Police hunt for "Goldilocks"

U.S. to open air detachment in Poland: White House

The exit factor: Britain's sweetheart dumped in US

Obama in Poland to boost ties, learn lessons

Bank of Ireland to unveil debt-for-equity swap

Anti-mining protesters sack buildings in Peru

Planned Parenthood sues South Dakota over abortion law

'At least 8 killed as anti-gov't protests sweep Syria'

Christine Lagarde courts India's support for IMF leadership

Dollar has a rough week as US growth disappoints

Canada takes firm pro-Israel line at G8 summit

'Vatican helped Nazis evade conviction after Holocaust'

Larry Flynt: Hollywood’s Free Speech Folk Hero Attacks Down Syndrome Baby

‘Tree of Life’ Review: A Triumph for Brad Pitt

‘American Exposure’: Preserving Liberty On the Airwaves

‘American Taliban’: Dad Pleads for “idealistic’ Son to Be released

‘Hangover: Part II’ Review: Vulgar Sequel Can’t Live Up to Original

‘The Undefeated’ Preview: Palin Takes on ExxonMobil

Lessons of Netanyahu’s Triumph

Europe Cheers The Capture Of Ratko Mladic, The Butcher Of Srebrenica

Partner In Peace?! Palestinian Authority Honors Families Of Terrorists; Give Them Gifts And Applause!

ACLU Turns Blind Eye to Sharia in America

‘Days, Not Weeks’: Obama On America’s Military Involvement In Libya…On March 18

Is Iran President Ahmadinejad Faking His Anti-Semitism?!

+Audio:James Woolsey: A Bush-Obama Policy on Democracy

SEALs, Special SEALs, Super SEALs

Thailand Election Portends More Ethnic Clashes

The Senseless Cop-Out on Jihad

‘Successful’ Post-Surge Iraq? Massive Baghdad Shiite Rally Chants “No, No America”

U.S. Congressman Says The Obama Administration Materially Supporting Terrorists

Obama Explained By Andy McCarthy

Israeli Left Says If You Oppose Obama’s ‘Peace Plan’ You Are A Racist

Creepy, Irrelevant Peepaw Wants You to Know He Doesn’t Like Sarah and Trig Palin

The NY Times Lied About Israeli Reaction to Netanyahu’s D.C. Adventure

Sound Bite For the Day: Other Things Ed Schultz Should Apologize For

Progressive Pundit Walks Off Fox Set When Called Out for Fearmongering

AP Gives Up On Impartiality When Dealing with Israel

Ed Schultz: Sorry For Calling You a Slut

Texas Gov. Perry to Run for President?

+Audio:Senator Jim DeMint Talks About Union Thugs and their Attack on Boeing

Boeing Case: How Unions are Discouraging Companies to Set-up Business in America?

Michelle Rhee Unplugged: School Voucher Opponent-Turned-Advocate

Leftist ‘Consumer Interest’ Groups Are Only Interested in Big Government

The Reality Is, We Need Oil

The Government’s War on Cameras!

Sarah Palin, Leader of the Opposition

Texas Leads the Way with ‘Loser Pays’ Reform; Blow to Trial Lobby

VIDEO: DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites

Second Amendment Under Fire…From Republicans

Palin to Embark on East Coast Bus Tour

Indiana Speaker: Democrats’ Walkout Clinched Education Reform

Liberal Judge Nixes Wisconsin’s New Labor Law

+Audio:John Yoo Talks About Interrogation Techniques that Lead us to Osama Bin Laden

Meghan Daum: Obama the intellectual stammerer -

PJTV - Summer of Liber-Tea: Getting the Party Started for 2012 - Glenn Reynolds

Fox News: ‘We are not changing Sarah Palin’s status’ - Yahoo! News

Videographer Who Took Aim at NPR Gets IRS Approval for New Charity - Tax Watch - The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas

Clinton, Joint Chiefs chairman press Pakistan

Courtney Love Sued Again for Defamation on Twitter (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter


27-May-11 World View.....

26-May-11 World View .....


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


May 26, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN



Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, May, 25, 2011

The Manning Report – 26 May 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-May-26, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-26-11

05/26 The Mark Levin Show

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2


The G8 Agenda: Mideast Push - Council on Foreign Relations

YouTube - US judges tragic kickback greed exposes prison system profiteering

YouTube - Keiser Report: Gold Stands Rock Hard (E150)

YouTube - "If You Take Israel Out Of Obama's Speech The Rest Sounds Like Bush Delivering The Bush Doctrine!"


**Genesis Communications Network GCN News Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate Months Before Release «


YouTube - Touching Story of a Dog Who Crawled His Way Home After Tornadoes


Global Economic Rebound Weakens on Quake, Oil Price, European Debt Crisis - Bloomberg

Bankrupt Nations Try to Stop the Future From Happening, Fail by Simon Black

Genesis Communications Network GCN News I’ll Take Big Oil for $19,600, Kenny «

NY Times Applies 'Damage Control" and attacks Independent Investigator over Jared Lee Loughner

Thousands protest against Egypt's military rulers in return to downtown Cairo's Tahrir Square - Yahoo! News

Genesis Communications Network GCN News End Times or New Beginning? «

Egypt to open Rafah crossing permanently - Yahoo! News

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Revisiting Oz «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Eyes Wide Open, Part Six: The Third Reich Must Not Re-Emerge «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News How Can States Like Louisiana Become Players In The Presidential Election? «

California prisoners: Computer errors allow violent California prisoners to be released unsupervised -

The TSA and Texas by Becky Akers

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Health Ranger to Host Alex Jones Show Friday, May 27th: TSA, Fukushima, Health Freedom, GMOs and More «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News The Grapefruit Challenge «

Antibiotics In Animal Feed Encourage Emergence Of Superbugs - FDA Sued By Health And Consumer Organizations

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Obesity “Gene” a Ploy of Big Pharma «


GATA urges Paul to probe Fed’s gold swaps; he tells CNBC he will

+VIDEO:GOP Presidential Candidate: Ron Paul


Obama’s Promise to Veto ‘Worldwide War’ Bill Rings Hollow

Utah To Follow Texas Lead In TSA Grope-down Revolt

Alex Jones talks Texas secession

Ron Paul House Floor Speech: Republic Almost Completely Dead

Senator Rand Paul slams GOP for blocking efforts to amend PATRIOT Act | The Raw Story

Government Cannot Be Trusted To Police Itself

Destroying Freedom, Truth And Justice With The Power of Words

Are Our Leaders Really Incompetent … Or Just Pretending?

Borderline Case: Some Real News Beyond the “Reset” Rhetoric

Why Are There So Many Natural Disasters In 2011?

Report: Over Two Thousand Six Hundred Activists Arrested in US Protests |

TSA To Texas: Do It Our Way, or Drop Dead

China Gold Imports to Surge: Report - CNBC

U.S. dollar could 'collapse': UN

The Shocking DRINK And Incredible History Of COKE Subliminal Advertising

Now Get Ready To Suck Another $100 Billion Per Quarter Out Of The Economy

Herman Cain confuses Constitution with Declaration of Independence

Audit Report: $24 Billion in Stimulus Money to Tax Cheats |

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: We target government conspiracies, not governments

Amid health fears, Diet Coke sweetner in safety spotlight | Mail Online

Damn You, Global Warming!

Impasse over taxes, health in debt talks - Yahoo! News

US Stocks Fall As Investors Tread Cautiously After Weak Data -

Britain says Libya war entering new phase | Top News | Reuters

Greenpeace warns of radioactive sea life off Japan

BBC News - Iraq's Moqtada al-Sadr warns Mehdi Army ready to fight US

Amendment calling for troop drawdown in Afghanistan fails, but close vote may signal congressional support for war is waning - San Jose Mercury News

Marc Faber: Prepare For Another War |

Report: Marine never fired on SWAT officers who fatally shot him -

seattle police officer misconduct - KCPQ

Obama’s Cybersecurity Plan Would Burden Industry, Lawmaker Says - Bloomberg

DHS Advances Einstein Cybersecurity Deployment -- InformationWeek

African swine fever may spread to Europe: FAO - Yahoo! News

Car Seat Monitors Driver's Heart Activity

Concerns Aired About Arsenic-Containing Bacteria - ScienceInsider

Arguments Regarding the Collapse of the World Trade Center Evaporate Upon Inspection |

U.S. Pakistan intelligence: Pakistan shuts down U.S. 'intelligence fusion' cells -


YouTube - Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst Killed TSA Bill For Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 1/3

YouTube - Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst Killed TSA Bill For Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

YouTube - Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst Killed TSA Bill For Obama! - Alex Jones Tv 3/3


**Politics Video:"Exploratory" Campaign? Palin To Go On Nationwide Bus Tour

Fineman: GOP Facing Problem: Making Good On Campaign Promises

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Is "Easily Beatable"

Chris Hayes: GOP Backing Paul Ryan's Plan Is A "Suicide-Pact"

Bill O'Reilly: Are Republicans Retreating Over Medicare?

26th/Paul Ryan: The President's Plan Does Not Save Medicare

"View" Gals Okay With Schultz Using Slut; Walters Jokes Behar "Has Called Me A Slut"

Matthews On Unions: "We Have Championed Their Cause On This Network"

Reid: Rand Paul's Opposition To PATRIOT Act Gives "Terrorists The Opportunity To Plot Against Our Country"

Tim Pawlenty Confuses Iraq With Iran

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: GOP Wants To "Yank The Safety Net Out From Under" Retirees

RCP's Scott Conroy On Sarah Palin's Future Plans

Hot Mic Catches Clinton Hoping Dems Don't Use NY-26 Victory "As An Excuse To Do Nothing"

Laura Ingraham To Ed Schultz: "Apology Accepted"

Herman Cain Tells Critics "I'm Not Entertainment, I'm Inspiration"

Chris Christie Responds To Rumors Of White House Digging Up Dirt

Rep. King: Giuliani "Very Much Inclined" To Run For President Again

Gov. Perry: "I Can't Say I'm Not Tempted" To Run For President

"Special Report Online" Panel On John Edwards, GOP Field & More

Eugene Robinson: If GOP Can't Win NY-26, "They Can't Win Period"

Bill O'Reilly: America Is In Big Trouble

O'Donnell: Imagine Reaction If Obama Gave A Speech In Gaza Like Clinton

**NEWS VIDEOS:Rush: Palin Could Beat Obama

Flashback: Candidate Obama’s Commitment To Israel ‘Unshakeable’ in ‘08

Breitbart Talks with Hannity About White House’s New ‘Web Policeman’

Bozell Shows How Media Carries Democrats’ ‘MediScare’ Water

Newsbusted: Rahm’s Casinos, Digital Playboy & 7-Year-Old with Heroin

How Democrat Michelle Rhee Went From School Voucher Opponent to Advocate

26TH/A Few More Things Ed Schultz Should Apologize For

O’Reilly Proposes ‘Beer Summit’ for Ingraham and Schultz

Robots That Fold Laundry and Shrimp on Treadmills; Sen. Coburn Reveals How Your Tax Money is Being Spent

The Stage Right Show: Guests – Steven Crowder and Alex Marlow

HURRICANES, OH NO’S!! Crowder Challenges the NOAA

According to ‘The View’ it’s OK to Call Women ‘Slut’

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Slams ‘Anti-Science Troglodyte’ GOPers

Missing Toddler Carried Away by Tornado Found Dead

$500 Million Obama Administration Program Will Help Kids ‘Sit Still’ in Kindergarten

Biden: Osama Raid ‘Boldest Undertaking Any President Has Undertaken in Modern History’

iPad Games for Cats

J-Lo Shakes Major Booty on ‘Idol’ Finale

‘I Think Borders Are Pretty Silly’ – Watters World Takes on San Francisco

Crybaby Liberal Pundit Rips Off Mic, Storms Off Fox News Set

DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Drudge Report, Conservative Websites

Brit Official Caught Some Zzz’s During Obama’s Speech

Tornado Touches Down in California

G8 Leaders Arrive for Summit in France

First Look at Giants Beating Suspect’s Mug Shot

Laura Ingraham Accepts Ed Schultz’s Apology On The Air

Party of ‘No’: Reid Says No Changes To Medicare Despite Unfunded Liabilities

Before and After Pictures Reveal Extent of Joplin Devastation

Looking Back on 25 Years of ‘Oprah’

25TH/Obama: No ‘Artificial Timeline In Terms of How Long This Will Take’ in Libya

Rep. Ryan Gives the Facts About Medicare and GOP Budget Plan

Throw Away the Key! Former ‘Street Preacher’ Gets Life in Elizabeth Smart Kidnapping

Twitter Justice: Woman Tracks Down Stolen Bike with Series of Tweets

Judge: Loughner Not Fit to Stand Trial

DOJ Greenlights Federal Prosecution of John Edwards

24TH/Awkward Moment in Obama’s Toast to the Queen

Fox News’ Jesse Watters Invades San Fran Restaurants, Asks About Obamacare Waivers

Matthews: Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan a ‘Death Certificate’ for Republicans

Crowder Explodes the Myth of ‘Net Neutrality’

23RD/Former Dem Rep McKinney Tells Iranian TV: US Congressmen Must Pledge Allegiance to Israel

Pro-Israel Lobby Skeptical of Obama’s Mideast Plan

22ND/Obama Doubles-Down on 1967 Borders; Calls for ‘Contiguous’ Palestinian State

**Markets Video:Gheit: Goldman & Morgan Stanley Manipulating Oil Prices

Art Cashin & Traders Remember Mark Haines

When Will Politicians Get Serious About Debt?

Domination of U.S. Stock Exchanges Is Over

What The NFL Can Teach Wall Street

25TH/Chanos: I May Not Be Bearish Enough on China

America's Financial Model Not Sustainable

The 'Bond King's' Big Energy Bet

Schwab Strategist: Beware High Yield Bonds

Kansas City Fed's Thomas Hoenig on Economy

**World Video:On the Road to the 2011 G-8 Summit

China Poised to Become a Leading Global Power

Will Syria be Criticized at UN?

How Secure Are Pakistani Nukes?

A Special Or Essential Relationship?

Missile Defense Number One Issue For Obama At G-8

Civil War Looms In Yemen

Pakistan OKs CIA Inspection of bin Laden Compound

29 Dead, 700 Flee Gang Battles In West Mexico

G-8 Leaders Agree On Aid For Mideast Democracy

Shuttle Program's Final Spacewalk

The G-8 And The Economic Realities Of Europe

Clinton Talks Afghanistan, Al Qaeda In Pakistan

President Obama Addresses the British Parliament

Zakaria: History Will Pass Netanyahu By

26TH/A Diminishing Transatlantic Partnership?

Syria's YouTube Uprising

Choosing the IMF Chief

Hakim al-Masmari from Yemen

Greece Hoping For Fifth Aid Payout

European Woes Weighing On Asia

Khan Rejects U.S. Aid For Pakistan

View Of Iceland Volcanic Ash From Space

Security Tight For G8 Summit

Inside Madrid's Protest Camp

Georgian Police Say 2 Killed In Protest

Serbian War Crimes Fugitive Mladic Arrested

U.S.-Israeli Relationship

Sea Lanes, Natural Resources at Stake in the South China Sea

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