A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

26 May 2011

26 MAY

YouTube - ‪Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 1/3‏

YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 2/3

YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 3/3

YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 1/4

YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 2/4

YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 3/4

YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 4/4


For the World is Hollow ... and I Have Touched the Sky!

For the World is Hollow ... and I Have Touched the Sky!


Why Kennedy's Moon Speech Was Crazy—and How the US Could Have Landed on the Moon With the Soviets


Densest Matter Created in Big-Bang Machine


» Reid Preempts Paul, Slips Patriot Act into Small Business Bill Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Corsi Told About Fake Obama Birth Certificate Months Before Release Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Oregon Senator Reveals Secret Government Surveillance Grid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rep. Broun: Why Does TSA Pat-down Grandma and Not Arabs? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Rage Against The TSA: Protesters Storm Texas Capitol Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iraq: Thousands Rally Against U.S. Troop Presence - TIME

YouTube - Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: Buildup to World War III by The Lunatic Ruling Class 1/2

YouTube - Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: Buildup to World War III by The Lunatic Ruling Class 2/2

Judge rules Loughner not competent to stand trial -

BBC News - Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

The Strangest Numbers in String Theory: Scientific American

BBC News - Bacteria-rich hailstones add to 'bioprecipitation' idea

Ancient Sea Monsters Were No Shrimps | World's Largest Predators | Anomalocaridid Fossils | LiveScience

» NATO’s Feast of Blood Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

OIL FUTURES: Oil Slips After US Data Disappoints -

» “Both Parties And The White House Are Advocating A US Default” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» L.A. Cops Get High-tech Cruiser Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Google to Unveil Mobile Payments Platform -

Report: Sprint, MasterCard, Citibank Partner Up For 'Google Wallet' | News & Opinion |

State Immigration Bill Proposed in Wisconsin Servic


» CPS involved in child trafficking? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


YouTube - Child Protective Services: CPS & Police Abuse Constitution, Invading Homes, Kidnapping Children, Ignoring Courts, and Criminalizing Americans. Polygamist FLDS Raid Sheds Light on More Cases.

YouTube - Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS

YouTube - MURDERED CPS FIGHTER Nancy Schaefer

YouTube - 1 of 4 - Child Protection Services abducting children - a Senator Speaks out

YouTube - 2 of 4 - Child Protection Services abducting children - a Senator Speaks out

YouTube - 3 of 4 - Child Protection Services abducting children - a Senator Speaks out

YouTube - 4 of 4 - Child Protection Services abducting children - a Senator Speaks out

» CPS Warrior Nancy Schaefer Gunned Down Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paul A Drockton M.A.: Sen. Nancy Schaefer was Murdered Over Secret Pedophile Expose

Children Kidnapped By CPS « Elizabeth Melton Parsons' Blog


U.S. Senate Advances Extension of Patriot Act Wiretap Power - Bloomberg

» Report: Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Daily Bell - US & UK: Next Phase of World Domination?

Antibiotics In Animal Feed Encourage Emergence Of Superbugs - FDA Sued By Health And Consumer Organizations

Car Seat Monitors Driver's Heart Activity

Powerful Bi-Partisan Caucus Prepares to Fight TSA

YouTube - Smoking Gun: Obama took the bait says Corsi

Republican Lt. Governor Killed TSA Bill For Obama

The Anglo-American Military Axis: West Backs Holy Alliance For Control Of Arab World And Persian Gulf

AFP: US military warned of S.Korea, Japan cost overruns

TSA To Texas: Do It Our Way, or Drop Dead

In ruthless act of economic warfare, TSA threatens to make Texas a no-fly zone

Rand Paul to Harry Reid: I support the Constitution, not terrorists | Raw Replay

Welcome To Hyperinflation Hell: Following Currency Devaluation, Belarus Economy Implodes, Sets Blueprint For Developed World Future

Herman Cain confuses Constitution with Declaration of Independence

Report: Over Two Thousand Six Hundred Activists Arrested in US Protests |

Research bees stolen from scientists trying to test effects of pesticides

AFP: Greenpeace warns of radioactive sea life off Japan

Freedom of information laws are used to harass scientists, says Nobel laureate | Politics | The Guardian

93 percent of unborn babies contaminated with GMO toxins, study finds

Nazis tried to train dogs to talk, read and spell to win WW2 - Telegraph

Arab Spring + European Summer = World Winter of Discontent

Explosions in China’s Jiangxi Province Kill Two People, Including Bomber - Bloomberg

The Love Police: Report on Banking and Tax

YouTube - Alex Jones Storms The Capitol DAY ONE OF FIGHT 4 Freedom. THE TEXAS TRIBUNE

YouTube - Alex Jones & Fellow Texans Take to Capitol, Demand Representatives Resist TSA Tyranny

YouTube - Sen. Paul Agrees to Vote on USA PATRIOT Act; Sen. Reid Refuses

YouTube - Rand Paul "The Senate Majority Leader Came To The Floor And Attacked Me!"


Genesis Communications Network GCN News NY Times Applies ‘Damage Control’ And Attacks Independent Investigator Over Jared Lee Loughner « - The Power of 1 - Giffords Event

Tucson Shooting Victims Alarmed by Hoax Site -

YouTube - Proof the Rep Giffords shooting was a staged training exercise


Genesis Communications Network GCN News Ron Paul: Stop Raising the Debt Ceiling «

A Very Depressing Picture of Tax Complexity and Political Corruption « International Liberty

YouTube - The Flat Tax: How it Works and Why it is Good for America

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Eyes Wide Open, Part Six: The Third Reich Must Not Re-Emerge «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News How Can States Like Louisiana Become Players In The Presidential Election? «

YouTube - H.A.A.R.P., Agenda 21 and Google's role in the sinister DNA plan (adults only)

flashback: The New World Order Wants the New World Order to Fail: Order Out of Attacking the New World Order Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama endorses NASA hacker Gary McKinnon's extradition process

YouTube - Ron Paul: Is This The End of the American Republic?

Sr. Reporter: Judge hops from kingpin case in San Diego to Loughner case in Tucson

Is cabbage the ultimate anti-cancer food?

Genesis Communications Network GCN News You Are What You Eat: The Dangers of Food Irradiation «

Medical Marijuana Becoming Blockbuster Drug

Vitamin D Doubles Colon Cancer Survival Rates

YouTube - Psychiatric Drugs -Increased Suicides & Violent Acts in America - US to store passenger data for 15 years

Beyond smart phones: Sensor network to make 'smart cities' envisioned

DHS To Gain Autonomy Under Obama Cybersecurity Plan -- InformationWeek

Activist Post: US secretly helped French nuclear program: documents

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says | Danger Room |

Military set to lead on US domestic cyber-security -

DEADLINE LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Mad Mex – Los Zetas Use Road Warrior-Style Vehicles to Battle Other Cartels, Military : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Obama Administration Seeks to Test Anthrax Vaccine in Children -

The Four Horsemen of Banking -

Bachmann Exclusive: Obama Policies Rob Nation of 'Golden Future'

Gallup: Romney, Palin Lead Smaller GOP Field

Blair: Obama Anxious About Israel's Fate

MSNBC Suspends Schultz Over Slur vs. Ingraham

Cheney: 'I Worship the Ground Paul Ryan Walks On'

Palin Signals She Has WH Ambitions, Reluctance

Clinton: US Backs Strong Women for Global Jobs

Texas Gov. Perry: Put 'Boots on Ground' at Borders

GOP Rep: Obama Cybersecurity Plan Hurts Industry

Obama to World: US Leadership Still Strong

Supreme Court Upholds Ariz. Illegal Worker Law

Facebook Hires Bush Aides as Lobbyists

Obama Explains His Speech — and Makes It Worse

Obama’s Two Different Speeches on Israel

Tea Party Boosts Bachmann in GOP Race

The Dangers of Paul Ryan’s Plan

Gingrich Taking Heat Over Global Warming Ad

Activist Post: An Analogy of China as the United States Clearly Shows U.S. Lies for War with Iran

US Federal Reserve's secret loans to banking giants revealed

Activist Post: Indoctrinating a New Generation to Think North American

Soil contamination from Fukushima crisis comparable to Chernobyl: study - The Mainichi Daily News

The Political Doctrine of Statism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You


Activist Post: Venezuela oil chief says US can 'go to hell'

Activist Post: Mad World: Anti-Depressants Won’t Save Us, But Social Transformation Can!

Activist Post: Weather Wars, Natural Airborne Microbes, Or Chemtrail Cover Up?

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America | Old-Thinker News

Jonathan Emord -- Obama’s Corporatist State

Mars Rover May have failed in Winter Seasons, NASA says

Benjamin Netanyahu did not address peace progress, Palestinian Prime minister says

Caylee Anthony died in an Accident, lawyer claims

Reid: ‘Not in Favor of Changing Medicare’ Despite $24.6 Trillion in Liabilities

Pawlenty Promises To Trim Federal Workforce

LaHood: Administration Not in Favor of Taxing Drivers by the Mile

Former Moon Astronaut and Senator: U.S. Should Settle Moon and Mars

British Newspaper Blasted Bush's Etiquette Flub, but Glosses Over Obama's

Chicago Terror Trial Raises More Questions About Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency

Islamic Group Asks Napolitano To Investigate ‘Islamophobic’ Trainers

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn Report Shows Taxpayer Money Spent on Robots That Fold Laundry, Shrimp on Treadmills

The last 'Oprah Winfrey Show': No makeovers. No giveaways. Just goodbye.

Adoptive father of slain girl: She tried to poison me

Arnold Schwarzenegger flees LA amid love child scandal, mistress says ex always knew son wasn't his

Study blames 2,200 deaths on traffic emissions

Security detail denies collusion with Schwarzenegger -

State lawmakers work to defund Planned Parenthood -

Ohio, Illinois have steepest discounts on foreclosure prices -

Scientists claim spacecraft can travel faster than the speed of light in space-time “bubble” | Aftermath News

Orcadian Stones

Busted!! Wikileaks Struck A Deal With Zionist Synagogue Of Satan: Off With His Head | Before It's News

New Leaked Roswell UFO 'Alien' Footage [HD] or more Smoke & Mirrors eXoPolitics НЛО OVNI 2011 | Before It's News

Unlabelled clone meat allowed on shop shelves as food safety proposals are ripped up | Mail Online

The Roots of Evil | Before It's News

Secret Treaty Between The Aliens And Our Government | Before It's News

"GREAT NEWS!" Obama's 1961 Typewritten Birth Certificate Must Be Shown In Court On,June 27th,2011 | Before It's News

States giving up on federal government and enacting own laws | Before It's News

Obama's diversionary tactics | Before It's News

Prosecution in Wilders Sharia trial recommends that he be found not guilty of inciting hatred - Jihad Watch

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood leader says they will apply Sharia once they come to power - Jihad Watch

Metaphors: Metaphors we do everything by? | The Economist

Why Are Spy Researchers Building a 'Metaphor Program'? - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says | Danger Room |

The Hidden Message in Pixar’s Films

Pizza exec. Cain surges to 5th in GOP poll

O'Donnell: Bill O'Reilly is a socialist too

Assange: Obama looks to 'chill' strong journalism

Limbaugh, Hannity see worst ratings in months

Dalai Lama rejects role as ‘symbolic’ head of state


*The Alex Jones Show – May 25th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 25th, 2011

*Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through the Matrix’ – May 25th, 2011


YouTube - Full Show - 5/25/11. DC wheelchair victim, GOOOH, Utah gold standard, Patriot Act


Mobile Communication killing us! Do not give kids mobile phones because you kill your children! |

2 pt/Cynthia McKinney: Obama’s So Called Humanitarian Aid to Libya is A Disaster |

EU Nuclear Stress Tests to Include Airplane Crashes With Natural Disasters - Bloomberg

Restricting the Movement of You & Your Money


Bilderbergers | New World Order

Secret Bilderberg Meeting Location Found (June 2011) | OneWorldScam


YouTube - Secret Societies: The Bilderberg Group


*Bilderberg Meetings (The official website)


* AFP Podcast interviews the author of a book that predicts a coming boom in the stock market

*AFP Podcast interviews the co-authors of the book Colonization After Emancipation


4 Dangers Lurking in Your Kitchen

1 in 5 Young Adults Have Hypertension

Going Gluten-Free Works for Athletes

13 Natural Remedies for Sunburn | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Don’t Do’s When Do-it-Yourselfing by Eric Peters


Ron Paul Can Win in 2012 by Walter Block

Abolish the Police by Anthony Gregory

Arab Spring + European Summer = World Winter of Discontent by Gerald Celente

Black boxes for vehicles to be compulsory by next month | Mail Online

Bankrupt nations try to stop the future from happening, fail | Sovereign Man: Finance, lifestyle design, Offshore Business and Expat news


+ 10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen


* The 25 Rules of Disinformation | The Vigilant Citizen






Careful What You Wish For! A Warning to Politicians, Police and the Military: You’re Building a Prison For Us all | Sovereign Independent

Obama: We're working on gun control 'under the radar'

We Can Be Arrested And Tried For Breaking Laws We Don't Know Exist

YouTube - Joe Rogan - The American War Machine

Netanyahu Speech Pleases Congress, Virtually No One Else - informationliberation

Dependency and Votes by Thomas Sowell

News from The Associated Press

The Changing Face of the Police and the Death of the Fourth Amendment - informationliberation

The Police State Is Personal - informationliberation

Time for the United States to Confront Its Coups - informationliberation

The Self-Service State - informationliberation

Welcome to the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey

Syria – What’s Behind Protests?

Bad News From The BBC 'Replete With Imbalance And Distortion'

Jewistan: Finally Recognizing Israel as the Jewish State

"What Israel is Doing is not in the Best Interest of Judaism"

The IMF Versus the Arab Spring

Replacing Strauss-Kahn; "Pro-bank bailout" Lagarde is a shoo in

Watchdog Finds Evidence That Iran Worked on Nuclear Triggers:

Ashkenazi: Israel Cannot Accept Nuclear Iran


Reptoids in the News | Before It's News


Extraterrestrial Mummy Found In Peru? | Before It's News


What the Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012 | Before It's News


NASA 'deep space' ship: Humans beyond orbit by 2020? • The Register

Claim: NASA Hiding Approaching Doomsday Space Event | Before It's News

Global News Views: NASA to Announce Water On Moon, as much as Earth!

NASA - NASA to Launch New Science Mission to Asteroid in 2016

NASA - NASA Announces Key Decision For Next Deep Space Transportation System

NASA - President Kennedy's Speech and America's Next Moonshot Moment

NASA - NASA Concludes Attempts to Contact Mars Rover Spirit


**Google Moon


Current Moon Phase (


*Radiation News 5-25-11 |

FILM(8 Part)

*(8 Part)Inside Job (2010) Video - Full Movie


YouTube - The Last Nail - Floor Speech May 25 2011


+ 10 Sure-Fire Blog Traffic Magnets That Make NO Money But You Still Want Them | Before It's News


The Anglo-American Military Axis: West Backs Holy Alliance For Control Of Arab World And Persian Gulf

Consolidating US Money Power: The Four Horsemen of Global Banking

A Secret Army of Mercenaries for the Middle East and North Africa

YEMEN; Obama’s Fourth War Looming?


Russian politics: Nostalgia or a new political direction?

In your Face! The Facebook Corporate Bonanza

The Incarceration Society: California's Overcrowed Prisons

The Middle East Counter-Revolution

Syria – What’s behind the protests?

Bipartisan Plutocracy: Obama is a Political Puppet


**The Lost Beatles Photos: Rare Shots From 1964-1966: | Rolling Stone Music | Photos


Kathy Hochul (D) wins Upset in NY-26 Special Election because of Medicare

Neil Cavuto Thinks Obama Needs Advice From Heck-of-a-Job Brownie on Tornado Response

Rep. Patrick McHenry Calls Elizabeth Warren A Liar -- Repeatedly

Feds Charge Five Oil Speculators With Manipulating Prices

Catholic scholars raise moral issues for Republicans like Boehner -- so O'Reilly calls them immoral

Paul Ryan: Don't Blame Me for NY-26 Loss! It Was Evil Democrats' Demagoguery on Medicare

Sarah Palin: The Movie

Republican Rep. Rob Woodall keeping his government health care 'because it's free'

Conservatives circle the wagons around Paul Ryan and his disastrous Path to the Poorhouse

UNGLUED: Congressional Republicans Imploding Over RyanCare

Florida's Governor Rick Scott continues approval plummet in the polls

We Couldn't Dream Of Accusing Congress Members Of Taking Advantage Of Their Position. They're Just Lucky!

The many rewards of bigotry: Why right-wing 'libertarianism' on race is a lie -- and a cover

Dems Tim Ryan and Anthony Weiner: 'The goal now of the Republican party, Madam Chair, is to dismantle the Medicare program'

I Don't Think "Life" Means What The Right Thinks It Means

Clinton to Ryan Backstage at Peterson Foundation Debate: 'Give Me a Call' to Discuss Medicare

Gene Sperling goes on the offensive against Paul Ryan on Medicaid

Fanboys get all excited as Palin raises their expectations of a 2012 run

Fox Freaks Out Over Obama Rapid Response Group

Senate rejects budget measure containing Medicare overhaul -


WI judge strikes down Scott Walker's anti-union law

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 1of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 2of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 3of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 4of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste ? Into Eternity 5of6

What Happens To Nuclear Waste? Into Eternity 6of6


The Book of Netanyahu

Hawaii Health Guide - Big Island Dairy Farmers fight radiation with Boron

Russia Wants a Finger on Europe's Nuclear Shield - Yahoo! News

UN puts off destroying last smallpox viruses - Yahoo! News

Why People Don't Care About Freedom

Gonzalo Lira: SPG Supplement: Is Farmland A Smart Hedge Against Inflation?

Aid Destroyed Detroit - Is Your Town Next?

Food Democracy Now | Dr. Huber's Warning

Activist Post: A Modern Declaration of Independence

Disney World installs TSA-style full body scanners (but don't worry, they're only fake) | Mail Online

Arrest of Strauss-Kahn Marks Crucial Shift

Joplin MO tornado: At least 89 dead as twister cuts 4-mile swathe through Missouri town | Mail Online

Don't be fooled by the applause, Binyamin Netanyahu | Jane Eisner | Comment is free |

How Many US SEALs Died? (Apparently, Plenty)

Racism is 'worse for white Americans than black Americans' - Telegraph

Barack Obama's Middle East speeches 'insufficient and contradictory' - Telegraph

The Dire Need To Suspend All Immigration Into America

Kathryn Bigelow's Osama bin Laden film gets green light - Telegraph

Paul Drockton M.A.: The Times We Live In...

CHART: China Passes India As World's Biggest Gold Buyer - Home - The Daily Bail

The full extent of India's 'gendercide' - Asia, World - The Independent

Barack Obama's mother: the hidden influence on the American president - Telegraph

Kathy Witterick and David Stocker are raising a 'genderless baby' | Mail Online

Ash cloud 2011: Incredible satellite footage of moment Iceland volcano erupted | Mail Online

China faces worst drought in 50 years - The Globe and Mail

Activist Post: US Patent 6506148 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Researchers Say New Studies Confirm Cell Phone Hazards

The Results Are In - Industrial Agriculture And Industrial Medicine vs Organic Farming And Organic Medicine

Sarkozy allies 'tried to leak earlier sex scandal about Strauss-Kahn' - Europe, World - The Independent

Congress Claps for Apartheid | Stephen M. Walt

YouTube - National Inflation Association co-founder admits NIA is a FRAUD!

World Bank Predicts the Demise of the US Dollar by 2025 | Oil

Civil.Ge | Watchdogs Say Excessive Force Used by Police

YouTube - Queen humilitates President Obama at Buckingham Palace by refusing toast - May 24 2011

Osama's Death, Police Power, 2012 Campaign Run-up

YouTube - War on RT?

Activist Post: The American Manufacturing Crisis and Why it Matters

FBI targeting political activists as terrorists — RT

New Revelations Tear Holes in Iran Nuclear Trigger Story | Dissident Voice

Iran nuclear trigger report a forgery, Ahmadinejad says - The Globe and Mail

YouTube - MALCOLM X: We are Living in a Police State

US to Reduce Military Forces in Pakistan -- News from

A Free Thinker's Journey: CA - Federal agents raid 91 Year Old California suicide kit seller

Rep. Paul Broun: TSA Gropes Grandma, Kids, Skips Man - Home - The Daily Bail

Jack Cafferty: GE Paid No Taxes For 2009 & 2010: "Corporations Own The U.S. Government" - Home - The Daily Bail

Lawsuit: Sex misconduct by Chicago cops not investigated by city -

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : SEN RAND PAUL vs SEN HARRY REID "I Rise In Response To A Scurrilous Accusation!"

YouTube - Wiki War: Israel, Palestine dig digital trenches

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "How & When Will The President Bring The Last Troops Home To Their Families?" Congressman McGovern

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Timothy Geithner asked about "Debt Catastrophe and Contingency Plan"

US Spy Operation that Manipulates Social Media


+Joseph was Imhotep of Egypt

Ancient Egypt Weblog: Ramses II was King Solomon

An exodus which was merely a myth

Freud: Jewish Universalism comes from Akhnaton; Yahweh is tribal

The art of authentic forgery - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News


*Film:The New American Century


YouTube - The Last Word on Overpopulation


Foreclosure sales slow, but remain very high - Business - Personal finance - Real estate -

Supreme Court OKs Arizona's business immigration law - Washington Times

Michelle Obama shines at US party attended by David Beckham | Mail Online

Unanimous rejection | POLITICO 44

Martha Stewart Living Puts Itself in Play -

Social media creates new teen ailment -- 'Facebook depression' | Portland

Homicide House on the Market in Silver Spring | NBC Washington

Unwanted Baby Legislation Proposed | NBC New York

Ruling alters climate-papers fight - Washington Times

Freedom of information laws are used to harass scientists, says Nobel laureate | Politics | The Guardian

Barney Frank knocked on his Fannie -

Racism to blame for Obama's problems, key Democrat says | McClatchy

Gov. Christie announces N.J. pulling out of regional environmental initiative |

Joplin tornado photos show devastation as 232 still missing | Mail Online

What Five Days of Deadly Tornadoes Looked Like From Space

"Major indicator" of Sarah Palin run on the way? - The Early Show - CBS News

Alien Planets Outnumber Stars, Study Says

flashback:Obama's promise to go after earmarks 'line by line'

Rick Perry is rethinking his pledge not to run for president - Yahoo! News

ABC News Exclusive: Rep. Ryan Stands His Ground on Medicare Reform - ABC News


Tickle The Wire » It’s Showtime: Blago Takes Stand and Apologizes for Swearing on FBI TapesS

Blago tells all: About childhood, hobbies, schooling, family -

Blagojevich on stand (Here's hoping it's just like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas) | WBEZ

Blagojevich Trial: Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich is on the stand testifying in his defense at trial at Dirksen Federal Building |

Blagojevich takes stand in own defense | Video |

Rod Blagojevich Takes Witness Stand in Second Chicago Corruption Trial - Bloomberg


YouTube - The Agenda Project: America The Beautiful

PolitiFact | Banned light bulbs? Is the government saying no to incandescents?

PolitiFact | RomneyCare & ObamaCare: Can you tell the difference?


+Neither Aryan Nor Jew(



Chicago's Mounted Patrol Honors Fallen Officers

Obama taps Chicago lawyer Manny Sanchez for Hispanic education panel

Loughner Being Sent Back To Missouri Mental Hospital -

Romney, Palin lead in new GOP poll, Herman Cain not far behind - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

White House Offers Plan to Revamp Regulation -

Girl shoots dad with arrow after he takes away her cell -

US Rep Boehner: Medicare Plan Played Part Of GOP Loss In Special Election -

Former Aide to Gingrich Is a Tiffany's Lobbyist - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

Boy's death, father's anguish mark storm's fury -

Why a Palin presidential bid helps other GOP candidates - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Associated Press: Senate clears way to extend terror-fighting bill

YouTube - Rand Paul Responds to Harry Reid on Patriot Act 05/25/11

Dominique Strauss-Kahn lawyers attack rape accuser's credibility | World news | The Guardian

Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Law Penalizing Hirers of Illegal Immigrants -

Casey Anthony Trial: She Tears Up as Boyfriend Testifies About Caylee - ABC News

Judge Strikes Down Wisconsin Law Curbing Union Rights -

YouTube - Judge Voids Wisc. Union Law

Lindsay Lohan starts house arrest for jewelry theft | Reuters

Arnold Schwarzenegger Shoots Down Claims of Second Mistress - iVillage

'Hangover Part II' Cheat Sheet: Everything You Need To Know - MTV Movie News| MTV

Mickey’s Retreat: Disney Withdraws ‘SEAL Team Six’ Bid - TIME NewsFeed

Sealed Jackie Kennedy Tapes Will Air in September - OK! Magazine - The First for Celebrity News

30 Years of AIDS: Celebrities with AIDS | QSaltLake - Utah's Gay and Lesbian News and Entertainment Magazine

Study: Baked, Broiled — But Not Fried — Fish Is Good for the Heart – TIME Healthland

NASA REx Probe Set to Visit Asteroid Bring Back a Piece - Techland -

With space station nearly done, NASA looks ahead | Reuters

BBC News - Electron particle's shape revealed


*The Most Complete Map of the Universe - Technology - The Atlantic Wire


*The 2MASS Redshift Survey at CfA(


+MediaPost Publications / Facebook Partners With Spotify 05/26/2011


*A world of music - Spotify


Small Cars Score Well in Crash Tests -

Satellite Spots Large Build-up of Northern Sudanese Forces | Africa | English

Bomb Wounds 8 in Heart of Istanbul -

Explosions in China’s Jiangxi Province Kill Two People, Including Bomber - Bloomberg

Egypt jails ex-housing minister over graft - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Analysis: Nasrallah comes to the rescue of... JPost - Middle East

Libyan regime makes peace offer that sidelines Gaddafi | World news |

Executions Were Mladic’s Signature, and Downfall -

Afghanistan explosion: Seven NATO troops killed in Afghanistan blast -

Pakistani Town Struck by Suicide Bombing -

AFP: Libya regime offers truce but no Kadhafi departure

Obama, Russia's Medvedev agree to keep working on missile defense - World Wires -

YouTube - G8 summit sits in wake of French firepower filling US vacuum

Why Obama's Words Matter -

Sarkozy: Everyone Thinks Lagarde Has Great Qualities For IMF Job -

Obama's team playing brilliant politics....

Dick Morris Polling is ALL LIES!

The Confusing GOP Message

Debbie Schlussel/InfoSys Committed Immigration/Visa Fraud to Give U.S. Jobs to Aliens

Debbie Schlussel/Hilarious HOprah Watch VIDEO: “Oprah Taught Us How to Be”

Debbie Schlussel/FRAUD: Herman Cain Does 180 on Islam, Would Appoint Muslims to Cabinet

Debbie Schlussel/Dick Morris, Americans for Prosperity, GOP & Michelle Malkin Taking Illegal Alien Bridge Cash

The Left's Dirty Little Secret

Congress Gets an American President -- For a Day

The Truth about Islam and Book-Burning

Will Today's GOP Repeat the 'Contract with America' Bait and Switch?

First find several dozen rich political loons....

Obama Takes Ownership of Second Term

The Dark Horse Who Could Win It All

At Texas Statehouse, Raucous Protesters Blast Lawmakers for Backing Down on TSA Anti-Groping Bill

US withdraws diplomats from Yemen as fighting escalates

Opposition to Obama due to racism: Clyburn

EPA Administrator confirms no water contamination from fracking

Massive Baghdad Shiite Rally Chants 'No, No America'

The Gold Plated Blunder of the Century

Waiting for the Miracle to Come

Be Wary When the Polls are on Your Side

In a Sanctuary City, An Illegal Immigrant Gets the Death Penalty

Obama's Revisionist History

Too Big To Punish

Matt Drudge: An American Pioneer

ACLU Turns Blind Eye to Sharia in America

Obama’s ineligibility: We know

American Ignorance

Bring The Fight To The Democrats On Medicare And Obamacare

Balloons launch highlights Madeleine McCann case

Truth beware: The Internet “Obamanator” is here

Failed State Colonization - The Greatest Threat of Our Time

Barack Obama Is the Church’s Fault

Pampered Prisoners and Homeless Veterans

The Homosexual Agenda

Obama to Call for Return of U.S. –Mexico Borders to 1843?

The Obama and Netanyahu Speeches: The Palestinian Perspective

England Reaffirms Ban on Radio Host Michael Savage « JONATHAN TURLEY

Congressional hearing after FOX Undercover report on illegal immigrants

Worthy Cause, Controversial Funding Source : NPR Ombudsman : NPR

China general says his military no match for US

Video: Barack Obama suffers royal toast mishap at Queen's banquet - Telegraph

K-9 Officer starved dog to death

Ingraham Responds to Schultz’s Apology on Radio: I think It Was ‘Heartfelt’ | The Blaze

British Official Caught Napping During Obama Speech? | The Blaze

Judge Strikes Down Controversial Collective Bargaining Law | The Blaze

Egyptian Court Strips Christian Man of His Citizenship for ‘Insulting Islam’ and Supporting Israel | The Blaze

The Green Movement Hits Your Hard Drive? Now You Can ‘Recycle’ Computer Files | The Blaze

The Shocking Satellite Images of Joplin, MO | The Blaze

See A Sneak Peek of Sarah Palin‘s New Documentary ’The Undefeated’ | The Blaze

Rep. Clyburn: Obama‘s Problems Are ’Because of the Color of His Skin’ | The Blaze

Watch An Australian Reporter Confront the Chinese Gov’t Agents Spying on Him | The Blaze

Fed Gave Banks $80 Billion in Secret Loans…At Rates As Low As 0.01% Interest | The Blaze

‘Butcher of Bosnia’: War Crimes Fugitive Mladic Busted in Serbia | The Blaze

Is $25,000 on iPads for Kindergarteners a Good Public School Investment? | The Blaze

Laura Ingraham Jabs Schultz via Facebook Response: ‘Surprised’ Schultz Has a Show | The Blaze

‘Vile and Inappropriate Language’: Ed Schultz Records Video Apology to Laura Ingraham | The Blaze

House Votes to Ban Funds for Teaching Abortion Techniques | The Blaze

Say What? Trump Set to Release a Political Book This Fall | The Blaze

MSNBC Suspends Ed Schultz Over His ‘Right Wing Slut’ Remark | The Blaze

Ed Schultz Audio: Laura Ingraham Is a ‘Right-Wing Slut’ | The Blaze

Is Morality on the Rebound in America? | The Blaze

Loughner Found Unfit for Trial After ‘Freak Show’ Courtroom Outburst | The Blaze

Religious ‘Candy Cane Case’ Asks: Do Elementary Students Have First Amendment Rights? | The Blaze

GOP Lawmaker Upset that TSA Didn‘t Pat Down a ’Guy in Arabian Dress’ | The Blaze

Calif. School Tells Elementary Students There Are More Than 2 Gender ‘Options’ | The Blaze

‘Street Preacher’ Gets Life Behind Bars For Kidnapping Elizabeth Smart | The Blaze

Russian Cult Believes Vladimir Putin is Reincarnation of St. Paul — No, Really | The Blaze

Did Edwards Use $1 Million in Campaign Cash to Cover Up His Affair? We’re About to Find Out | The Blaze

CfA Press Room:The Spitzer Photo Atlas of Galactic "Train Wrecks"

Europe issues alert over "more or less potentially harmful" cell phone radiation

Metamaterials Could Help Wirelessly Charge Electronics by Making Space Disappear | 80beats | Discover Magazine

To Harvest Natural Gas From the Ocean, Shell Is Building the World's Largest Man-Made Floating Object | Popular Science

Ants Give New Evidence for Interaction Networks |

Reindeer see a weird and wonderful world of ultraviolet light | Science Codex

Where is everybody? : Starts With A Bang

Missouri tornado: Explaining the science of this spring's tornadoes -

Flood Control Act of 1944: Let the river run -

Will Comparative Effectiveness Research Kill More People Than It Helps? - Reason Magazine

The Voynich Manuscript: will we ever be able to read this book? - Telegraph

Huge testicular tumour helps identify subject of 19th century portrait | Science | The Guardian

Iran's largest lake turning to salt - Yahoo! News

Spent Reactor Fuel Risk Greater in U.S. Than in Japan, Study Says -

Spiny-Headed Predator Dominated Pre-Dino Seas : Discovery News

Do bacteria create hail stones? | COSMOS magazine

Crematories' Waste Heat a New Energy Source? | Miller-McCune

Modern heroes : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

The Economics of Unhappiness - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Discovery brings electricity from microbes closer | COSMOS magazine

Why Cicadas Sync Up Into Prime Number Life Cycles | Great Southern Brood Emerges After 13 Years | Entomology | Life's Little Mysteries

Will Huntsman get the ‘magic underwear’ treatment that Romney receives regularly | The Political Surf

Cathleen Falsani: A Religion Summer Reading List

Why has 2011's tornado season been so terrible? -

DNC chair: Without the auto bailout, we'd all drive foreign cars (VIDEO)

Mars formed rapidly into runt of planetary litter | The Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami

Evidence mounts for liquid water on Enceladus : Nature News

Obama to scale back regulations in effort to spur economic growth - The Washington Post

House ignores Obama's Libya request -

League of Women Voters Ads Take On Senators About Clean Air -

Gates as truth teller -

EDITORIAL: Obama versus Boeing - Washington Times

Editorial: Oprah gave us cars, stars and inspiration - Chicago Sun-Times

Where Netanyahu fails himself and Israel - The Washington Post

Candidly Speaking: Mr. Prime Mini... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

Should the Palestinians Recognize Israel As a Jewish State? - By Hussein Ibish | Foreign Policy

Global Peace Index 2011 « Vision of Humanity

Indonesia and USA 'Most Entrepreneur-Friendly Nations': Global Poll - World Public Opinion

Blinded by the Right - By Michael A. Cohen | Foreign Policy

Robert Gates begs Americans to have an honest debate about defense spending. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine

The Unchanged Path to Mideast Peace -

Asia Times Online :: Central Asian News and current affairs, Russia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan

Democratic Happy Dance -

RealClearPolitics - Why ObamaCare Undermines Government

Land of Delinquents by Josh Barro, City Journal Spring 2011

To Fix Health Care, First Try Rewarding Failure: Ezra Klein - Bloomberg

Stephen Moore: A 62% Top Tax Rate? -

Obama makes case for reshaping Mideast -

Obama left to choke on Bibi's dust -

The Unchanged Path to Mideast Peace -

If Only Elections Were More Like 1800! « Commentary Magazine

Andrea Neal: No way to pick a president | The Indianapolis Star |

Tim Pawlenty's Truthiness | Mother Jones

The truth behind Chrysler’s fake auto bailout pay back | Conn Carroll | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Shelby Steele: Obama's Unspoken Re-Election Edge -

Morning Jay: A Formidable Republican Field | The Weekly Standard

HURT: In search of a worthy Republican candidate - Washington Times

Cheer Up, Republicans, the 2012 Field Isn't That Bad -

Column: Is Obama grounding JFK's space legacy? -

So this is what GOP overreach produces - 2012 Elections -

The Failure of American Schools - Magazine - The Atlantic

Opinion: Time to re-evaluate U.S-Pakistan relationship - Sen. Carl Levin and Sen. Dianne Feinstein -

RealClearPolitics - Netanyahu's Historic Speech

The GOP’s cast of clowns -

The American Spectator : Survival of the Well-Connected

RealClearPolitics - Who Will Win in 2012? The Smile Can Be Telling


**Transcripts :25th/Obama's Address to the British Parliament

Press Conference with Pres. Obama & PM Cameron

24th/Interview with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Interview with Senator Barbara Boxer

Interview with Senator Tom Coburn

Panel on the New York Special Election

Reporters Discuss the Auto Bailout

Interview with Texas Governor Rick Perry

Secretary Gates Speaks to American Enterprise Institute

23rd/Obama's Remarks with the PM of Ireland

Interview with Presidential Candidate Tim Pawlenty

Interview with Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

Interview with Ohio Governor John Kasich

22nd/Obama's Speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference

Guests: Sen. Min. Ldr. McConnell and Herman Cain

Guests: Sen. Durbin, Reps. Rogers and Ruppersberger

Interview with Representative Paul Ryan

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Guests: George Mitchell and King Abdullah II


George Soros minions step up war on Fox News

'Criminal' Obama secret gets no media attention

Store clerk: Best-selling book probing Obama 'withdrawn'


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


Brotherhood leader: We shall apply Islamic sharia | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt

Facebook didn't cause Arab Spring, says ... JPost - International

Congressional hearing after FOX Undercover report on illegal immigrants

Serbia arrests war crimes fugitive Mladic - World news - Europe -

GOP lawmaker: I saw TSA pat down 'little old lady,' child, but not Arab man - The Hill's Transportation Report

Lehigh Valley airport john doe arrest: Lehigh Valley airport john doe arrest -

US: Hezbollah has more missiles than most states - Israel News, Ynetnews

Egypt to permanently open Rafah crossing with Gaza on Saturday - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Obama: The UN can't give the Palestinians a state - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

YouTube - Abbas to Netanyahu: "You are incidental in history. We are the owners of history"

You're forged! Trump declares Obama's birth certificate fake

Dem leader blames racism for eligibility questions

Trump pumps Corsi for latest on Obama

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Japanese car makers change work schedules

Newt vs. Mitt – will the Republican please stand up?

I vote for the Republican. Period

Why Larry King will never be president

The pre-1967 solution

The truth about the Israeli 'occupiers'

There's trouble in Obama's Paradise

The date D.C.'s incestuous world ends

Who's raining on your Memorial Day parade?

The high-tech battle against scammers

Privatization: The Road to Hell | Common Dreams

Cain-Palin 2012

Diane Cole: Circumcision Saved My Life -

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?

Aligning birth certificate statements, evidence

A tale of two birth certificates

Obama birth certificate linked to previous 'forgery'?

Hawaii detective charges: 'Birth certificate' a fraud

Kenya investigated Obama 'African birth'

New 'birth certificate' anomalies inexplicable

Nordyke numbers expose Obama document fraud?

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

Obama's 'Made in the USA' campaign

Return to pre-'67 borders?

The pre-1967 solution

Netanyahu heckler tied to Obama

Lawsuit hangs 9/11 responsibility on Iran

Trump pumps Corsi for latest on Obama

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate

I vote for the Republican. Period

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Is the end suddenly at hand for Doomsday preacher?

Nazis Tried To Train Dogs To Read, Write, And Speak, New Jan Bondeson Book Says

Karlsruhe scientists transfer 700 DVDs of data in one second - The Local

New Scientist TV: Born to be Viral: Transformer turns into a helicopter

Film chronicling Jewish mafia in works - Israel Culture, Ynetnews

After Altercation, Philadelphia Police Say They Won't Look the Other Way on Open-Carry Gun Owners -

Obama: We're Working on Gun Control 'Under the Radar' - Guns - Fox Nation

Housekeeper's estranged husband speaks out - Wire Entertainment - Movie News -

Study: Liberal leanings hurt Republicans' place in history - Washington Times

Masturbating On Flight: Kyle Pierce Busted Masturbating On Flight While Shocked Passengers Looked On -

Transgender Clownfish? Gender Diversity Lesson at California School Riles Critics -

Business & Technology | NASA spacecraft will pluck samples from asteroid | Seattle Times Newspaper

Tape shows Kennedy worried over moon pro... JPost - International

Authorities ignore fugitive holed up on Texas land for 11 years | News Bizarre | - Houston Chronicle

The Birther Business: A Bipartisan Bonanza - DailyFinance

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed U.S. economy, Part 2 Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Mind Games: Lessons for the Irrational Investor -

Hollywood Explains the Economy by Nicole Gelinas, Judith Miller - City Journal

Tips for investing in ominous financial times - The Washington Post

RealClearMarkets - Let's Leave Our Roads to the States

The world's most reckless central bankers - Street Sweep: Fortune's Wall Street Blog Term Sheet

Why Does Anyone Pay Off Debt? - TheStreet

Lawmaker wants to put Amtrak service up for bid

LinkedIn options to start trading in U.S. on Friday

Kerrigan's brother gets 2.5 years for dad assault

NIH stops study of niacin to prevent heart attacks

Republicans seek Obama's weak spot with jobs plan

Ex-boyfriend: Anthony calm day before her arrest

Jerusalem to shine during third annual light festival

Shaath: Unity deal will allow us to 'liberate Palestine'

Analysis: Nasrallah comes to the rescue of Assad

Israeli-South African who hid Mandela dies aged 82

White House says Libya ceasefire offer not credible

Top war crimes suspect Mladic arrested in Serbia

Egyptian activists 'to form Nazi party', newspaper reports

Actress Cameron Diaz: Marriage a 'Dying Institution' That Doesn't 'Suit Our World' |

Bill O'Reilly calls Lady Gaga a patriot | PopWatch |

Confirmed: Vladimir Lenin Was Jewish

Palestinians Slam Netanyahu’s Speech To Congress

Pakistan’s Military Elite: Trained in Anti-Americanism, and Believe 9/11 Was A ‘Jewish Conspiracy’

+Audio:Caroline Glick: Getting the Border Issue Straight

Obama Has Always Been Wrong on Israel. Why Stop Now?

By Peace They Will Deceive The World

President Sean Patrick Michael O’Bannon Hussein McGonalan O’Bama

Israeli Left Says If You Oppose Obama’s ‘Peace Plan’ You Are A Racist

Obama Explained By Andy McCarthy

U.S. Congressman Says The Obama Administration Materially Supporting Terrorists

Labor Studies Professor: Andrew Breitbart’s ‘Electronic Brownshirts’

Beck’s Out of Control Lies About His Role In The Shirley Sherrod Media Trainwreck

Meghan McCain’s GOP a Vision of Economically Weak Tea Party Bashers

NewsBusted: Is Circumcision Worse than Abortion?

NYMag Exposes Much About George Soros’s Money Pit Media Matters

Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and the Dunbar Village Rape

Ed Shultz Calls Laura Ingraham a ‘Slut’

U of Miami Study: Liberal Leanings Hurt Republicans’ Place in History

The Left Makes Political Hay Out of Disaster

Ed Schultz Suspended

Is There A Traitor In The White House?

Ed Schultz: Sorry For Calling You a Slut

Joplin Radio Stations Become a Lifeline for the Community

Liberal Judge Nixes Wisconsin’s New Labor Law

+Audio:John Yoo Talks About Interrogation Techniques that Lead us to Osama Bin Laden

Obama Fails to Address the Key Middle East Issue

Texas to the Left of South Carolina and Tennessee on Key Tax Issue?

Delusional Howard Dean Says Union War On Charter Schools Nearing End

USDA ‘Rabbit Police’ Stalking Magicians

Obama’s New ‘Truth Minister’ Husband of ‘General Betrayus’ MoveOn.Orger

Walker Budget Repair Legislation Could Save 450 Milwaukee Public School Jobs

Hero Gets Fired for Using a Gun to Stop Robbery

+Audio:Jon Huntsman’s Cap and Trade, Stimulus Support and Individual Mandate Past Catches Up to Him

Ride That Third Rail

VIDEO: Fact Checking the President on Gas Prices

Trump: The Second Act

California Dems’ Big Tax Push

Flatliners: Senate Democrats and the Budget Process

USDA Appears To Be Caving on Rabbit Fines

‘The Undefeated’ Preview: Palin Takes on ExxonMobil

‘The Undefeated’: Palin Co-stars Include Rosie, Damon, Letterman and Maher

Arnold and CNN’s Repressed Attitudes

Oprah Winfrey Has (Finally) Left the Building

‘The Undefeated’: Creepy ‘Journalist’ Who Moved in Next Door to Palin Family Freaked Over Upcoming Movie

Television Talk: Trig-Trashing Comedienne Whitney Cummings Ramps-up Two Network Shows

Where’s the Media Fury?: Peter Fonda Trains Grandchildren To Take Up Arms Against President Obama

Activist Post: How Close Are We to a Nano-based Surveillance State?

Researchers developing portable E-Bomb


*26-May-11 World View.....


**NEWS VIDEO:Crybaby Liberal Pundit Rips Off Mic, Storms Off Fox News Set

DC Liberals Sign Petition to Ban Conservative Websites

Brit Official Caught Some Zzz’s During Obama’s Speech

MSNBC’s Schultz Apologizes, Suspended for Calling Laura Ingraham ‘Slut

McCreery Crowned ‘Idol’ Winner

Tornado Touches Down in California

G8 Leaders Arrive for Summit in France

First Look at Giants Beating Suspect’s Mug Shot

Party of ‘No’: Reid Says No Changes To Medicare Despite Unfunded Liabilities

Laura Ingraham Accepts Ed Schultz’s Apology On The Air

Before and After Pictures Reveal Extent of Joplin Devastation

Manhole Cover Dances in Detroit

War Crimes Fugitive Mladic Arrested in Serbia

Looking Back on 25 Years of ‘Oprah’

Hannity Previews New Film About Sarah Palin; Set to Debut in Iowa

25TH/Throw Away the Key! Former ‘Street Preacher’ Gets Life in Elizabeth Smart Kidnapping

Twitter Justice: Woman Tracks Down Stolen Bike with Series of Tweets

Sen Inhofe Hints ‘Arrogant’ Obama Might Need Mental Diagnosis to Explain Timing of 1967 Borders Speech

Clinton to Ryan: ‘I Hope Dems Don’t Use (NY-26 Election Win) as Excuse to Do Nothing’

Rep. Ryan Gives the Facts About Medicare and GOP Budget Plan

Governor Christie: Taxpayers Aren’t a Money Tree

CNBC ‘Squawk’ Anchor Mark Haines Dies at 65

Tornado Causes Widespread Damage In Sedalia, MO; St. Louis Under Tornado Warning

Storm Chasers Capture Incredible Video of Oklahoma Tornado

Judge: Loughner Not Fit to Stand Trial

DOJ Greenlights Federal Prosecution of John Edwards

MSNBC Host Calls Laura Ingraham ‘Slut’

Instant Classic: Rush Handles the Quintessential Obama Voter

Michael Moore Urges Obama to Destroy the Automobile

Obama: No ‘Artificial Timeline In Terms of How Long This Will Take’ in Libya

Lady Gaga Eats Letterman’s Notes

24TH/Awkward Moment in Obama’s Toast to the Queen

The Facts About Israel’s Borders in Five Minutes

Obama Meets the Queen

NATO Unleashes Bombing Blitz on Tripoli

Matthews: Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan a ‘Death Certificate’ for Republicans

Fox News’ Jesse Watters Invades San Fran Restaurants, Asks About Obamacare Waivers

Crowder Explodes the Myth of ‘Net Neutrality’

Who Leaked Schwarzenegger Love Child Story to Press? Maria Shriver

23RD/Former Dem Rep McKinney Tells Iranian TV: US Congressmen Must Pledge Allegiance to Israel

Pro-Israel Lobby Skeptical of Obama’s Mideast Plan

22ND/Obama Doubles-Down on 1967 Borders; Calls for ‘Contiguous’ Palestinian State


The Manning Report- 25 May 2011



Live Free Or Die Radio - Wednesday, May, 25, 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-May-25, Wednesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-26-11

05/25 The Mark Levin Show

May 25, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

The Michael Savage Show 05/25/2011


**Markets Video:Gheit: Goldman & Morgan Stanley Manipulating Oil Prices

When Will Politicians Get Serious About Debt?

Art Cashin & Traders Remember Mark Haines

Domination of U.S. Stock Exchanges Is Over

What The NFL Can Teach Wall Street

25TH/Chanos: I May Not Be Bearish Enough on China

America's Financial Model Not Sustainable

The 'Bond King's' Big Energy Bet

Schwab Strategist: Beware High Yield Bonds

Kansas City Fed's Thomas Hoenig on Economy


**World Video:A Diminishing Transatlantic Partnership?

Syria's YouTube Uprising

Choosing the IMF Chief

Hakim al-Masmari from Yemen

Greece Hoping For Fifth Aid Payout

European Woes Weighing On Asia

Khan Rejects U.S. Aid For Pakistan

View Of Iceland Volcanic Ash From Space

Security Tight For G8 Summit

Inside Madrid's Protest Camp

Georgian Police Say 2 Killed In Protest

Serbian War Crimes Fugitive Mladic Arrested

U.S.-Israeli Relationship

Sea Lanes, Natural Resources at Stake in the South China Sea

25TH/Cameron and Obama Press Conference

What's Stopping the Mideast Peace Process?

What's New in Netanyahu's Speech?

Analysis: Netanyahu's Speech Before Congress

Netanyahu: 'If You Want Peace, Say It'

Global Security Tops Agenda of Obama's UK Visit

Lagarde To Stand For IMF Top Job

How Special Is The UK/U.S. Relationship?

Rep. King: Al Qaeda Will Seek Revenge For bin Laden

Ahmadinejad Unhurt After Explosion

Ash Closes Airports In Germany

Japan Short Of Geiger Counters

Bloodshed As Yemen Violence Flares

Awkward Moment In Obama's Toast To The Queen

Netanyahu: Borders Must Reflect 'Dramatic' Changes

Robert Gates on America's Role in the World


**Politics Video:Hot Mic Catches Clinton Hoping Dems Don't Use NY-26 Victory "As An Excuse To Do Nothing"

Laura Ingraham To Ed Schultz: "Apology Accepted"

Gov. Perry: "I Can't Say I'm Not Tempted" To Run For President

Chris Christie Responds To Rumors Of White House Digging Up Dirt

Reid: Rand Paul's Opposition To PATRIOT Act Gives "Terrorists The Opportunity To Plot Against Our Country"

Herman Cain Tells Critics "I'm Not Entertainment, I'm Inspiration"

Rep. King: Giuliani "Very Much Inclined" To Run For President Again

RCP'S Scott Conroy On Sarah Palin's Future Plans

Bill O'Reilly: America Is In Big Trouble

Eugene Robinson: If GOP Can't Win NY-26, "They Can't Win Period"

"Special Report Online" Panel On John Edwards, GOP Field & More

O'Donnell: Imagine Reaction If Obama Gave A Speech In Gaza Like Clinton

25TH/Schultz Apologizes To Ingraham: "This Is The Lowest Of The Low For Me"

Joe Klein: NY-26 Was A "Victory For Socialism"

Congressman On Recent Flight: TSA Patted Down Child, Little Old Lady; Ignored Man In Arab Garb

Rep. Wasserman Schultz: Paul Ryan Is The One Using "MediScare" Tactics

DCCC Chair Steve Israel: NY-26 "Was A Good Night For Medicare"

Limbaugh: Media Blame Queen For Obama Flubbing Royal Toast

Libtalker Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham A "Right-Wing Slut"

Biden: I Made It Clear That "Revenues Will Have To Be" In Deficit Deal

Obama: Britain, U.S. "Remaking Ourselves To Meet The Demands Of The New Era"

The Path to Prosperity, Part 2: Saving Medicare, Visualized

Ryan: Obama, Dems "Shamelessly Distort And Demagogue Medicare"

Obama On Libya: No "Artificial Timeline In Terms How Long This Will Take"

Reagan's Daughter: Sarah Palin Is "Nothing Like My Father"

"Rampant Tax Delinquencies Among Contractors" Receiving Stimulus Funds

Obama Plays Table Tennis During London Trip; Loses To 16-Year-Olds

Maddow: NY-26 Will Scare Republicans To Run Away From Ryan Budget

White House Budget Director Jacob Lew: Debt Deal Won't Be "Pretty"

Rove: We Are On Cusp Of "Most Negative Re-election Effort Ever"

Krauthammer: Media Will "Support Dem Narrative And Lies" On Mediscare

E.J. Dionne: Second Look At Jon Huntsman?

*26 May

American Minute for May 26th

This Day in History for 26th May

May 26 Events in History

May 26th This Day in History

Today in History: May 26 » History Net

Today in History: May 26

May 26th in History

YouTube - Today In History For May 26th


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