A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 May 2011

25 MAY

YouTube - Coast To Coast AM - 24.5.2011 - 1/4 - Terrorism & 9-11

YouTube - Coast To Coast AM - 24.5.2011 - 2/4 - Terrorism & 9-11

YouTube - Coast To Coast AM - 24.5.2011 - 3/4 - Terrorism & 9-11

YouTube - Coast To Coast AM - 24.5.2011 - 4/4 - Terrorism & 9-11


YouTube - Big Brother Tech Mark Dice 1_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.12.2011

YouTube - Big Brother Tech Mark Dice 2_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.12.2011

YouTube - Big Brother Tech Mark Dice 3_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.12.2011

YouTube - Big Brother Tech Mark Dice 4_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.12.2011.

YouTube - Big Brother Tech Mark Dice 5_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.12.2011.

YouTube - Big Brother Tech Mark Dice 6_6 on Coast to Coast AM 5.12.2011.


+Researchers Say New Studies Confirm Cell Phone Hazards

Cell Phones Investigations/CellPhone Health Effects/Cell Phones Health Effects/Cell Phone Use/Cell Phone Health

WWW.THEDAILY.COM - Liquid Medicine

BBC News - Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images

The Strangest Numbers in String Theory: Scientific American

The Inspiring Story of the 45-y-o Woman Who Had Her Brain Completely Erased at Age 22

TV Roundup of the Paranormal | Review of Paranormal TV Shows

Alien Solar Systems Are Much Different Than Our Own| NASA & Kepler Mission | Alien Planets & Extraterrestrial Life, 218th Meeting of American Astronomical Society |

Comedian performs for cows | Orange UK

Artificial Leaves Might Help Power the World -

Lair of the Beasts: Monsters & the Men in Black -

FBI investigates 'Unabomber' Ted Kaczynski in 1982 Tylenol deaths -

Japan 'plans solar panels for all new buildings'

Teeny-Tiny Drone Fires Teeny-Tiny Missile (Gulp) | Danger Room |

Google CEO Eric Schmidt warns governments against facial recognition technology | Mail Online




The Ultimate Superhero Reborn


**YouTube - Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks to Session of Congress May 24th 2011


Bibi speech sets up diplomatic disaster | The Australian

Obama, Bibi and it might as well rain until September | Capital J | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Rand Paul Was Protesting Harry Reid, Not Benjamin Netanyahu - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Benjamin Netanyahu Grabs the Spotlight in D.C. | Gallery | POWERWALL - New bill upgrades unauthorized Internet streaming to a felony - Key Internet summit to discuss online rules - White House Adds New Position to Deal with Unfavorable Online Media - A record year for tornadoes in the US - Tornado kills two near Oklahoma City, officials say - Many Still Unaccounted for After Joplin Tornado

Joplin Tornado Aftermath: Grim Uncertainty Amid Wreckage - TIME - UN puts off destroying last smallpox viruses

Executive Order on Disclosure Doesn't Go Far Enough | Security Debrief

AFL-CIO leader gives blessing to disclosure order on donations -

- DOJ letter: 'TSA would likely be required to cancel any flight ...' -

DHS To Gain Autonomy Under Obama Cybersecurity Plan -- InformationWeek

Beyond smart phones: Sensor network to make 'smart cities' envisioned

Factory Farms Produce 100 Times More Waste Than All People In the US Combined and It's Killing Our Drinking Water | Water | AlterNet

Hedge fund managers pour assets into farmland as doomsday food scenario approaches -

Protester who heckled Netanyahu in Congress allegedly beaten, arrested at hospital | The Raw Story

A Modern Declaration of Independence: A real revolution starting in our own backyards. -

Doctors And Dentists Censor Patients Treatment In 'Mutual' Privacy Agreement -

Careful What You Wish For! A Warning to Politicians, Police and the Military: You’re Building a Prison For Us all -


**The 25 Rules of Disinformation


10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

NATO's Feast of Blood

US Politicians Kowtow to a Foreign Leader

Does ‘merika have a culture?

US Healthcare: Profits Before Patients

**The Yeshiva World: Full Text Of Speech By PM Netanyahu To A Joint Meeting Of The U.S. Congress « » Frum Jewish News


**PM Netanyahu Addresses the AIPAC Policy Conference 2011Append to Browser Title


BBC News - Palestinians say Netanyahu speech will not bring peace

Netanyahu Congress speech raises few hopes | Reuters

U.S. sues big oil traders for 2008 manipulation | Reuters

SEC to approve rewards for whistleblowers - The Washington Post

BBC News - Nasa picks deep-space astronaut ship

New tape: JFK fretted moon program was tough sell - Yahoo! News

A Secret Army of Mercenaries for the Middle East and North Africa

Disclosure and Deceit: Secrecy as the Manipulation of History, not its Concealment

Bipartisan Plutocracy: Obama is a Political Puppet

Deception and Diplomacy: The US, Japan, and Okinawa

Why the Rich Love High Unemployment

"War Without Borders": Where do America's Borders lie?

Bombs in the World Trade Center: Analysis

Report: Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden

Washington Still Working Hard to Plug Gaps in the Bin Laden Assassination Story

Video:The Last Word on Osama Bin Laden | Global Research TV

Jonathan Emord -- Obama’s Corporatist State

The War on Ron Paul | Old-Thinker News

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America | Old-Thinker News

1994: Army War College Paper Proposes use of Computer Generated Insurgents | Old-Thinker News

Obama skirts rule of law to reward pals, punish foes | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner

» Feds to Mandate Black Box on all New Cars Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Changing Face of the Police and the Death of the Fourth Amendmentby John W. Whitehead

** Smoking Gun: Gov’t moles alerted investigator of planted Obama birth certificate 2 months before release Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Welcome to Debtors' Prison, 2011 Edition

Google to unveil mobile payments Thursday: source | Reuters

Asia Times Online : Hitler and the Chinese Internet generation

Alan Greenspan Admits To Big Ponzi Scheme | Don't Tread On Me

*(w/Video)Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

**The Canadian National Newspaper: Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA

Postgenetic Code Implementation

“Minority Report” Scanners Are Coming: Company Receives $15 Million to Develop Long-Range Facial Recognition Technology | Singularity Hub

"100 Million Collisions per Second" -- CERN's Large Hadron Collider Smashes Closer to Unlocking Secrets of the Universe

Smile! Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click | Danger Room |


*Audio Page:Lew Rockwell interviews author of How To Vanish, Bill Rounds; Lower Your Profile; Enhance Your Privacy


On Patriotism by Fred Reed

Adam Smith, Meet Oprah Winfrey by Gary North

The Conquest of the US by Spain by Ralph Raico

'Bibi' Votes Republican by Patrick J. Buchanan

Obama's 'Beast' Cadillac is being flown from US to London to drive down the Mall | Mail Online

Sen. Reid Reverses Himself on His Call for a Clean Debt Ceiling Vote

Democrats Say 47 Percent Vote in Three-Party Race Was Referendum on Medicare

British Newspaper Blasted Bush's Etiquette Flub, but Glosses Over Obama's

Repeal DOMA; Same Sex Marriages ‘Count,’ Says White House Adviser

Islamic Group Asks Napolitano To Investigate ‘Islamophobic’ Trainers

Chicago Terror Trial Raises More Questions About Pakistan’s Intelligence Agency

Democracy, Vietnam-Style: The Party Wants You to Vote For …

Prescription Drug Abuse A Growing Problem, White House Says

Brent Bozell: No One May Lecture Obama

Netanyahu to Palestinians: ‘Tear Up Your Pact With Hamas’

Netanyahu: 'Militant Islam Threatens the World'

Transcript: Al Gore Got ‘D’ in ‘Natural Sciences’ at Harvard

Michelle Malkin: Stimulus Cash for Tax Cheats

Russian Leader Talks Return to Cold War Days before Meeting with Obama

Pawlenty Announcing: ‘We May Lose Our Country'

NTSB: No definitive cause in Ted Stevens plane crash

G-8 leaders to marshal support for Arab nations

China's ties to shunned regimes in spotlight

Abbas says Netanyahu's speech disappointing

Animal rights group seeks microwave-baby billboard

Disney Star Wars Ride Gets Its Own TSA Checkpoint :

The Flight into Gold. Rampant Inflation and the Collapsing Dollar System

The Severity of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster: Comparing Chernobyl and Fukushima

30 worst cities in the U.S. for ragweed, mold allergies -

YouTube - Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part1)

YouTube - Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part2)

YouTube - the beginning of sorrows PROPHECY HAS NOW BEGUN 2011 (WARNING contains some graphic images)

Protester who heckled Netanyahu in Congress allegedly beaten, arrested at hospital

Witness the Shocking Denial and Ignorance About the Occupation of Palestine by AIPAC Delegates

Modern schooling and the war against competition | Old-Thinker News

Poll: Americans say 'no' to electric cars despite high gas prices

Obama administration buying 101 Chevrolet Volts, despite high cost

Senate Dems might join rebuff of Obama on Israeli border issue -

Obamas attend queen's lavish dinner -

Contract Dispute With United Nations Could Lead to End of Diplomatic Immunity -

Food makers resist lawmakers’ proposal for guidelines in marketing to children - The Washington Post

Princeton University acquires records from 1944 tax fraud probe involving Lyndon Johnson |

Opinion: Improving the Medicare we already have - Kathleen Sebelius -

The GOP's special-election curse - Molly Ball -

For Romney, Pawlenty and Huntsman, Florida’s 2012 primary is wide open - The Washington Post

Report: Former Presidential Candidate John Edwards Faces Indictment for Campaign Violations -

National Republican Senatorial Committee pays $70K in Keith Carter lawsuit - Jeanne Cummings -

Energy Department challenges students, encourages home energy conservation | Greenspace | Los Angeles Times

Maria Shriver Leaked Husband's Love Child to Newspaper, Has Hired Private Eye -

JFK had doubts about moon landing - The Boston Globe

Study suggests 'born-again' believers have smaller brains -

Male circumcision: Opponents of male circumcision push ballot measure in Santa Monica -

Nuclear Insanity

White House Creates Liberal Damage Control Position -

+ Eating Mistakes That Age You by Joseph Mercola

Wilderness Survival: Know Your Distress Signals | The Art of Manliness

Restricting the Movement of You & Your Money

Contrary To French Misinformation, The BRIC Block (And South Africa) Demands Non-European IMF Head, Questions Legitimacy Of Fund | zero hedge

Activist Post: Steve Berke for Mayor: Marijuana Should Be Legalized (Music Video)

YouTube - Rand Paul on Extension of the Patriot Act: 05/23/11

Activist Post: Kindra's Window: Gulf Coast Disaster Documentary

YouTube - Ron Paul 2012 addressing the haters

Activist Post: White House Adds New Position to Deal with Unfavorable Online Media

Activist Post: Government Internet Takeover Continues Apace

Activist Post: "Free Speech Zones" Killing Free Speech Across Orwellian America

Activist Post: CPS involved in child trafficking? Maryanne Godboldo speaks out on the state-sponsored kidnapping of her daughter

Interview with Maryanne Godboldo, health freedom champion -

YouTube - CBS News: Cyber Attacks Jeopardize Superpower Status

Activist Post: Two Benefits of Meditation in Public Spaces

Activist Post: Feds Issue Threat: No Fly Zone for Texas?

Activist Post: US defense cuts mean 'hard decisions': Gates

Activist Post: US hopes Iraq will ask troops to stay: Gates

Activist Post: Real Revolutionaries

Activist Post: A Modern Declaration of Independence

Activist Post: Helicopter damaged in bin Laden raid back in US

YouTube - Manny Badillo Interviewed By Bob Tuskin On False Flag Terror And Building What Campaign

Activist Post: Disney Promotes Abusive TSA Droids and Thermal Scanning » France Attempts to “Civilize” the Internet; Internet Fights Back

France attempts to "civilize" the Internet; Internet fights back » Risk From Spent Nuclear Reactor Fuel Is Greater in U.S. Than in Japan

Spent Reactor Fuel Risk Greater in U.S. Than in Japan, Study Says - » Pentagon Wants 80 to 100 Long Range, Nuclear-Capable Bombers That Can Operate With or Without a Pilot in the Cockpit

Bombers: Pentagon official visits aerospace execs to discuss bomber planes -

Research Says 9/11 Produced Permanent Shift To Republican Party Among New Young US Voters | Before It's News

How China Plans to Leapfrog the American Economy (And it’s Not What You Think) | Before It's News

Melting Glaciers´ Effect On Ocean Currents Quantified By Researchers | Before It's News

The World's Fastest Hybrid Helicopter

Herman Cain Can Become the Next President of the United States | Before It's News

Explosive Energy: Black Hole Jets Captured In All Their Glory In Most Detailed Image Yet | Before It's News

Israel Again and Again Slaps a Cowardly America - Salem-News.Com


**WikiSecrets - Video @ FRONTLINE /PBS


This is cool!! The new crypto-currency, Bitcoin. | Before It's News

What the Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012 | Before It's News

The Colonial Predator Legacy of Dominique Strauss-Kahn | Veterans Today

The 666 Synopses: Aipac Ajax, False Flag, World War | Veterans Today

Obama Unconditional Surrender at AIPAC | Veterans Today

Netanyahu and the Kosher Congress | Veterans Today


Get Ready - HAARP Has Been Turned Up Again | Before It's News



- - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Manning


YouTube - HAARP


**YouTube - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: "HAARP" (FULL LENGTH)


+ How I Test The Market Validity Of A Product | Before It's News

The Changing Face of the Police and the Death of the Fourth Amendment - informationliberation

+The Only Eight Senators Who Think Extending The Patriot Act Deserves More Discussion - informationliberation


California inmates: Supreme Court orders California to release inmates -

Some Suggestions for Jerry Brown on the Prison Situation - informationliberation

1-12-11/Jerry Brown: Drug Offenders to Get Jail, not Prison | Legalization Nation


Iran helped plan 9/11, says three 'anonymous Iranian defectors' - informationliberation

The Tyrannical Power to Kidnap and Torture - informationliberation

China warns US against war with Pakistan |

YouTube - War in Pakistan: Chinese Ultimatum Warns Washington Against Attack

YouTube - 'Iran sanctions against US to target culture of impunity'


+ Audio:Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 24th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – May 24th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 24th, 2011


(2 Videos)Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: Buildup to World War III by The Lunatic Ruling Class |

+Corsi To File Criminal Charges Against White House Over Obama Birth Certificate |

Conspiracy Theory |

YouTube - Alex Jones' Audio Blog: Owner's Manual on Reality


+ Audio Page:Counter Spin – Ali Abunimah on Palestinian protests, Glenn Greenwald from FAIR’s 25th Anniversary |


YouTube - Bob Tuskin Interviews Richard Gage On DEW Theory, Micro Nukes, And The State Of 9/11 Truth


YouTube - Full Show - 5/23/11. Healthy Living, F the police, Rapture update, GOP 2012, Putin for President


» Peter Fonda Issues Threat Against Obama: Is There a DHS Double Standard? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

(2 Videos)Co-Founder Of Reaganomics, Paul Craig Roberts, “There Is Probably More Democracy In China Than There Is In The West” – Tyler Durden |

Defense Weather Systems Directorate...Another Brick in the Wall? - The CON Trail

Cellphones harm memory, pregnancy, brain cells--in rats, mice & rabbits. Maybe. -

Fructose: what is it, and why is it in everything?


YouTube - Full Show - 5/24/11. Irrelevance of Robert Gates, Pakistan, Israel and "Defense" Spending


(6 Parts)Max Igan – Bob Tuskin Show Interview – May 22nd, 2011 |

+ Radiation 5-24-11 |


(30 Min)YouTube - The American Dream By The Provocateur Network

(1:02:47)YouTube - College Conspiracy


Donald Rumsfeld confronted on Aspartame and Iraq War (WAC Ohio, Chicago) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


*Ron Paul Makes Sense Because Freedom Makes Sense : Deadline Live With Jack Blood


(56 min)YouTube - Freeman Speech At The Free Your Mind Conference - Full Length


Karachi attack 'a US operation', claims ex Pakistan general - Channel 4 News

The Intercept: Venezuela threatens to interrupt US oil supply

+What is Bitcoin? - We Use Coins

Brad Sherman: Martial Law And Blood In The Streets - Home - The Daily Bail


*A Folklorist Looks at 9/11 "Conspiracy Theories" 36:37


Alfred Vierling interviews David Duke 3/6/09 [Part 1]

Alfred Vierling interviews Dr. David Duke 3/6/09 [part 2]

Alfred Vierling interviews Dr. David Duke 3/6/09 [Part 3]

Alfred Vierling interviews Dr. David Duke 3/6/09 [part 4]

Alfred Vierling interviews Dr. David Duke 3/6/09 [Part 5]


YouTube - Domestic Spying, Mainstream Source - NSA, Internet Spying, AT&T

The Intercept: Parts of confessions made by detained spies to be broadcast soon

BBC News - Taliban seize district in eastern Afghan province

YouTube - US Government Controlled by AIPAC- Dual Citizen Jew Freaks Out!!

Why Was The Word-Wide Vaccine industry So Panicked Over The Geiers Addressing the UNEP Meeting in Japan?


YouTube - Ron Paul 2012: "It Looks to Me Like the Revolution is Alive and Well" 1/3

YouTube - Ron Paul 2012: "It Looks to Me Like the Revolution is Alive and Well" 2/3

YouTube - Ron Paul 2012: "It Looks to Me Like the Revolution is Alive and Well" 3/3


Ron Paul says more people are thinking like him


*1:21:32/Revolutionary Politics : The Truth about the Lies FULL DOCUMENTARY


Osama Alive Hoax, Twitter Users Targeted |

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Cyber-War Is Evolving Fast

Dr. Mark Sircus: Nuclear Deception :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Rense & Celente - People Don't Want To Know

YouTube - THE MOVE TO STEAL YOUR IRA & 401K - Bob Chapman

Activist Post: Advocates File Lawsuit Demanding Federal Government Assess Medical Value Of Cannabis

YouTube - Ron Paul 2012 addressing the haters



YouTube - Strauss-Kahn's DNA 'found on maid's clothes'

LinkedIn slashes cookie lifespan after research exposes security flaws • The Register

The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason | Alexander Higgins Blog

Taliban Strike Raises Concerns Over Safety of Pakistan’s Nuclear Weapons - Bloomberg

tehran times : U.S. political system will collapse soon: Ahmadinejad

Chris Whalen On Judicial Precedent And Foreclosure Law, DSK Aides Try Bribing Victim's Family, History Of U.S. Defaults, AIG Deal Nears, Bailout For Tax Cheats, Illinois Treasurer Says 'Don't Lend To Illinois' (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Lone Star Watchdog: We are Not Terrorist or Criminals.We Just Want to be Left Alone.Why Is it So Hard For Washington DC to Understand?

Doctors use copyright agreements to silence patients - Boing Boing

Patriot Act Extension Scheme Sells Out the Constitution | The Nation

Now Underway, An Outrageous International Land Grab | David Bollier

Exposing The FED - The American Dream - How You Have Been Scammed By Our Government | Alexander Higgins Blog

UN: Israel should end eviction of Palestinians from their homes | Palestine | Trend

Piercing the Veil of Reality

Organic Portals – Soulless humans « Piercing the Veil of Reality

FACT CHECK: Netanyahu speech ignores rival claims

+Activist Post: US Patent 6506148 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

The Results Are In - Industrial Agriculture And Industrial Medicine vs Organic Farming And Organic Medicine

Full Disclosure Network "the news behind the news": Who Taught City of Bell How to Raid City Treasury, Rig Elections?

Voter Insecurity In Southern California

The Sheriff Who Sold His County « REALITY BLOG

CBC Tamiflu probe sparks drug policy review - Health - CBC News

YouTube - Donald Rumsfeld confronted on Aspartame and Iraq War


YouTube - TEDxObserver - Cory Doctorow( Facebook Training - Surveillance & Personal Disclosure )


*YouTube - Obama's Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel - 5/18/11


In vitro meat grown in test tubes is being developed in laboratories | Mail Online

Understanding Millisieverts And Radiation Effects On Humans

Devvy Kidd -- Investigate Obama's Criminal Fraud - 5-23-11 - Obama's Jewish "Irish" Grandfather

China: The New Investment Savior?

Moscow museum puts Lenin's Jewish roots on display - World -

Speculators charged with manipulating oil market | McClatchy

Mainichi English: "Agency gears up to retrieve device fallen inside Monju reactor" | EX-SKF

One giant debt for mankind: U.S. national deficit would reach almost to the moon if piled high in $5 bills | Mail Online

The Twentieth Century Was A Hoax!

The Base of the Mountain and the Wheel of Fire. Visible Origami

Cloud computing technology crucial for new breed of social networks - Telegraph - Illuminati Escalate Insane Attacks on Gender

More Melted Fuel At Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Plant Uncovered During UN Probe

YouTube - Obama Protests at Buckingham Palace - London

YouTube - Obama Protests at Downing Street - London


Reid Preempts Paul, Slips Patriot Act in Small Business Bill


**Exclusive: Obama set-up, caught in birth certificate sting


Powerful Bi-Partisan Caucus Prepares to Fight TSA

Not Enjoying TSA Grope-Down is a Suspicious Activity


++People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center Without Anyone Noticing


Sony Pictures Bearing Down On Kathryn Bigelow’s Bin Laden Movie –

“But It Was All An Illusion”

Intense US monitoring of Pakistan’s nuclear and missile programmes | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

Fed’s Duke: “America’s Poor Have To Make A Choice Between Paying Their Gas And Their Mortgage”

The Decline of the Millionaire

David Stockman: “Both Parties And The White House Are Advocating A US Default”

How Many People Will Go Hungry When The U.S. Dollar Ponzi Scheme Collapses?

Lawmakers Concerned About Ex-IMF Director's 'Golden Parachute' -

Protecting Us from Our Freedoms

Nazis tried to train dogs to talk, read and spell to win WW2 - Telegraph

93 percent of unborn babies contaminated with GMO toxins, study finds

GM food toxins found in the blood of 93% of unborn babies | Mail Online

YouTube - Nuke fuel meltdown confirmed at three Fukushima reactors

YouTube - More Than 1500 Still Missing After Sunday's Tornado In Joplin Missouri

YouTube - Bruce Fein - The Patriot Act: Dispelling the Myths - 05/09/11

YouTube - Bruce Fein - Recapping "Patriot Act: Dispelling the Myths" - 05/11/11

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Corsi To File Criminal Charges Against White House Over Obama Birth Certificate «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy «

+Genesis Communications Network GCN News U.S. Gives UIC $14M for Bio Warfare Counteragents «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Peter Schiff Lays Waste To NIA Pump and Dump Scam «

'New York Times' Reporter Subpoenaed In Leak Investigation : The Two-Way : NPR

Mubarak to be tried for deaths of protesters - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Revisiting Oz «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Eyes Wide Open, Part Six: The Third Reich Must Not Re-Emerge «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Obesity “Gene” a Ploy of Big Pharma «

Rand Paul, the Patriot Act and the Fourth Amendment - Baltimore Sun

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Government Internet Takeover Continues Apace


YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 1/4

YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 2/4

YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 3/4

YouTube - Gov't Moles Alerted Investigator of Planted Obama Birth Certificate 2 months before Release 4/4


YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 1/3

YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 2/3

YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 3/3


YouTube - Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: Buildup to World War III by The Lunatic Ruling Class 1/2

YouTube - Webster Tarpley & Alex Jones: Buildup to World War III by The Lunatic Ruling Class 2/2


» AIPAC Sold-out Congress Fawns Over Netanyahu Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Herman Cain’t Supporters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Strauss-Kahn becomes Madoff-style cyber prisoner - Yahoo! News

» “Both Parties And The White House Are Advocating A US Default” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

IBM Watson supercomputer turns to medicine - HealthPop - CBS News

» Federally Funded NASA ‘Educates’ Children About Global Warming on ‘Climate Kids’ Web Site Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Senators Leahy, Paul propose expanded oversight of PATRIOT Act | The Raw Story

The Daily Bell - US & UK: Next Phase of World Domination?

Al-Qaida bomber leaves behind a fingerprint - Yahoo! News

» Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Connie Mack Calls for Greater Cooperation from Mexico to Secure the Border | Sunshine State News

Mexican border city suspends 15 police seen on video forcing detained woman to lap dance - The Washington Post

Southbound Checkpoints Given New Life in Senate — 82nd Legislative Session | The Texas Tribune

Car Seat Monitors Driver's Heart Activity

Police brutality is killing us, says ACLU of Colorado - Denver News - The Latest Word

» NATO’s Feast of Blood Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Secret Underground Bases

Denver Airport Underground base and weird murals

COOP and COG Plans

FEMA: Continuity of Operations Division

The Continuity of Government Commission


YouTube - Continuity of the US government.. TOP SECRET! Continuity of Operations Planning

North American Aerospace Defense Command

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency


Newsmax/InsiderAdvantage Poll: Bachmann's Surprising Surge

Viguerie: Pawlenty Could Be GOP Choice by Default

Rove: Obama Will Let Medicare Go Bankrupt

Pawlenty: No 'Sacred Cows' in Dealing with Deficit

IBOPE Zogby: Newt Crashes to Near Zero

Rep. Ryan Assails Democrats' 'Mediscare' Tactics

Texas Gov. Perry: 'Porous' Border Lets Terrorists In

Sens. McCain, Kyl Press to Boost Border Security

Google, Microsoft Battle for Control of the 'Cloud'

Facebook Upgrade Raises Specter of Liberal Bias

Key Bond Managers: Future Looks 'Terrible' for US Dollar

Geithner: ‘Dark Forces’ Working Against Financial Reform

President Obama's Next War

Core Values Will Guide GOP Candidate

Obama's Mideast Communications Chaos

Gingrich Taking Heat Over Global Warming Ad

US Aid to Protesters Should Foster Democracy — Not Radicalism


*Britain reaffirms its ban on Michael Savage


NYC judge allows lawsuit against Huffington Post

Huffing and Puffing | Business | Vanity Fair

Spacewalking astronaut gets stinging soap in eye

National and Local Weather Forecast, Hurricane, Radar and Report

'American Idol' is showing its age with lower ratings, country music finale -

House members side with Netanyahu -

Wall Street Journal Op-Ed Editor: Obama’s Peace ‘a War Formula’ - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Jury acquits Kerrigan brother in father's death - Sports- NBC Sports

Facebook page calls for beating Saudi women drivers

Denture Battle Leaves Dentist In Braces | The Smoking Gun

Hartford Toilet Teacher Investigated | NBC Connecticut

Obama skirts rule of law to reward pals, punish foes | Michael Barone | Politics | Washington Examiner

Column: Is Obama grounding JFK's space legacy? -

House bonuses: Members of Congress handed out bonuses to staffs during budget crisis -

John Edwards: US Green-Lights Prosecution for Alleged Campaign Law Violations Tied to Affair Cover-Up - ABC News

AP source says feds complete John Edwards probe, could soon indict former presidential hopeful - The Washington Post

RealClearPolitics - Palin's Secret Weapon: New Film to Premiere in June

Americans give up $67 billion worth of vacation days in 2010 - May. 25, 2011

Panhandling Dog Owner Speaks | NBC New York

Debbie Schlussel/Netanyahu Speech, While “Disagreeing” w/ Obama, Agrees w/ Obama; Compares Jews to “Occupiers”

Debbie Schlussel/DumbAssity: Obama & Hillary Expand Iranian Student Visas in US

Debbie Schlussel/Priorities: Muslim Demands I Remove Picture of Convicted Muslim Slaver w/out Face Veil


+AUDIO:Brett Winterble Show May 14 Ron Paul as President?

Big Fundraising Day Coming for Congressman Ron Paul on June 5, 2011?


Mitt Romney's $10.25 Million Dollar Day?

Suspected Ozone Loss Never Involved CFC's

The Infrastructure Time Bomb

Illegal immigrants are nullifying a bad law


*Savage reads what the Biblesays about Israel


The Left's Dirty Little Secret

Congress Gets an American President -- For a Day

The Truth about Islam and Book-Burning

Open Mind or Empty Head?

Will Today's GOP Repeat the 'Contract with America' Bait and Switch?

Good News for School Choice

Bibi Diplomacy

Pakistan's Military Elite: Trained in Anti-Americanism, and Believe 9/11 Was a 'Jewish Conspiracy'

Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Naked Liberals

Guilty until proven innocent of unspecified acts

Shock and dismay on the left

At least Obama clarified some things

Double Dip Recession?

Why Did the Congress Love Bibi?

AARP's ObamaCare Endgame Revealed

The Myth of the Palestinian 'Refugee Camps'

The Samson Option: 'Palestine' and Israel's Nuclear Strategy

Chris Wallace says Israel 'Kicked Out' Palestinians

Obama's Israel Speech Fools Few

Truth beware: The Internet “Obamanator” is here

Federal Appellate Court in Virginia to Hear Arguments on ObamaCare

Obama seeking legitimacy from the British Queen?

Scarecrow Empires and Broken Alliances

US Aid to Arab Spring must go to democracy groups not to Islamists

Obama’s Malignant Obsession with Jews and Israel

Boxer, Inhofe, Baucus, and Vitter Joint Statement on Transportation Authorization Legislation


**Speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to a Joint Meeting of the United States Congress


“Green” Products and Free Market Conflicts

Game On: Pawlenty calls for phase-out of ethanol subsidies

Obama’s ineligibility: May the Constitution rest in peace

Obama’s ineligibility and the coming second American revolution

Paul Ryan Responds to Calls for Him to Run for President | The Blaze

Ed Schultz Audio: Laura Ingraham Is a ‘Right-Wing Slut’ | The Blaze

Did Edwards Use $1 Million in Campaign Cash to Cover Up His Affair? We’re About to Find Out | The Blaze

9% Unemployment, $14 Trillion In Debt, & No Budget… It’s Bonus Time! | The Blaze

These Are Obama‘s ’Top 10′ Insults Against Britain | The Blaze

Outrage After Power Co. Charges Fee to Hang American Flags Honoring Fallen Soldier | The Blaze

Christie Responds to White House Digging Up Dirt: I’m Still Not Running | The Blaze

Cain Tells Beck His Muslim Cabinet Comments Were ‘Misconstrued’ | The Blaze

Prelude to a Run? Sarah Palin to Debut New Documentary in Iowa | The Blaze

Tea Party, Publisher Scrutinized After Supporting Constitution in Schools | The Blaze

Which Hollywood Lefty Is Training His Grandkids to Shoot…the President? | The Blaze

Former Egyptian President Will Face Trial for Murder and Corruption | The Blaze

New Book Claims the Nazis Trained Dogs to Read and Speak During WWII | The Blaze

Surprise! Iran May Still Be Developing Nuclear Weapons | The Blaze

Did Biden Really Refuse to Clap After Netanyahu’s Jerusalem Comments? | The Blaze

Awkward Conversation Between Rush Limbaugh and an Obama Supporter | The Blaze

An Influx of Asians Are Having Plastic Surgery to Look More ‘Western’ | The Blaze

CODEPINK Takes Responsibility for Netanyahu Heckler — Claims She Was Hurt | The Blaze

Netanyahu’s Passionate Speech to Congress: No ‘67 Borders & Jerusalem Won’t be Divided | The Blaze

Casey Anthony Trial: Roommates Testify She Was 'Party Girl' - ABC News

Online networks help search for missing after tornado -

Elizabeth Smart to Address Kidnapper at Sentencing -

Jared Loughner: How to tell if shooting suspect is fit to stand trial? -


*Full text of Obama's speech to UK parliament -


Lagarde Announces Candidacy to Succeed Strauss-Kahn to Top Position at IMF - Bloomberg

AFP: Facebook founder befriends French president

Amnesty: Ivory Coast’s Ouattara Giving 'Green Light' to Violence | West Africa | English

China Confirms Visit by North Korea's Kim -

Abbas Says Netanyahu's Congress Speech Full of 'Falsehoods'

YouTube - Abbas will go to UN for recognition of Palestine

Obama urges Britain, U.S. to ‘meet the demands of a new era’ - The Washington Post

YouTube - Standing ovation greets Obama speech

Americans want to keep Medicaid as it is: survey | Reuters

Atheists Have the Best Sex Lives, Claims Kansas Psychologist's Survey - ABC News

Gayapolis News - San Francisco: Huge AIDS Ribbon on Twin Peaks Marks 30 Years of Epidemic

Smell Flowers, Not Smoke; NYC Smoking Ban Sees New Signs In Parks

Oprah First Thought of Ending Her Show in 2006 - The Hollywood Reporter

The Best Bob Dylan 70th Birthday Tributes | Rolling Stone Music

YouTube - Blowin' out 70 candles for Dylan's birthday

NASA makes final attempt to contact silent Mars rover - Computerworld

MediaPost Publications Google Shares Mobile Payment Details 05/25/2011

Zuckerberg says not opening Facebook to under-13s | Reuters

Yahoo Says Progress in Alibaba Talks -

Virgin launches service at O'Hare today -

AT&T announces 5 cities for faster wireless data -

John Edwards may face charges. How much trouble is he in? -

George Pataki hints he may enter presidential race - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

The Sarah Palin Disaster Movie - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic

Geithner: GOP debt talk is 'theater' - Ben White -


D-Day for Rod Blagojevich could spell doom - Chicago Sun-Times

Blago Calls Jackson Testimony 'Baloney' | NBC Chicago

Rahm Emanuel on — and off — stand at Blago retrial | Deseret News

Jackson Jr.: Lottery job hinged on Blago donation

Mayor Emanuel, Jesse Jackson Jr. testify in Blagojevich retrial - Chicago Sun-Times


The Death of Osama bin Laden

The killing of Osama bin Laden may only have turned us into our enemies | Giles Fraser | Comment is free | The Guardian

Dylan at the Foot of the Cross | Music | Christianity Today

Oprah Winfrey, spiritual leader? - Under God - The Washington Post

RealClearReligion - The Devil, the Truth & Tim Pawlenty

King James Version Is The Only Bible With Power To Unite

RealClearPolitics - The President Needs a Middle East Reality Check

RealClearPolitics - Barry O'Bama and American Exceptionalism

Shelby Steele: Obama's Unspoken Re-Election Edge -

Morning Jay: A Formidable Republican Field | The Weekly Standard

The Republican freak show - Roger Simon -

Tim Rutten: California's prison overcrowding problem -

Supreme Court crime wave--Hans von Spakovsky -

HURT: In search of a worthy Republican candidate - Washington Times

Cheer Up, Republicans, the 2012 Field Isn't That Bad -

The Antisocial Network - By Evan F. Kohlmann | Foreign Policy

America And China: Finding Cooperation, Avoiding Conflict? - Doug Bandow - The Politics of Plunder - Forbes

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Commentary :: Iraqi consensus rule, a false promise

Egypt Run by a Military Dictatorship :: Hudson New York

The Year That Changed the World | Hoover Institution

Lessons From Tahrir Sq. -

G. John Ikenberry for Democracy Journal: A World of Our Making

Abyei, Sudan And The Threat Of Civil War | The New Republic

The Hidden Cost of Saving the Euro: ECB's Balance Sheet Contains Massive Risks - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Syria and the region: What happens if Assad goes? | The Economist

How China views US nuclear policy | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

What's Eating Steve Cohen? | Business | Vanity Fair

Goldman’s Big Short Is Levin’s Big Target - Bloomberg

Here’s How We Can Solve U.S. Debt Crisis. Really: Tom Coburn - Bloomberg

As Housing Goes, So Goes the Economy -

General Motors Will Never Repay Taxpayers - Reason Magazine

Institutional Investor Global finance market news, analysis and research

Voters vs. the Welfare State by Michael Boskin - Project Syndicate

Kass: Is Social Media Turning Us Into Twits? - TheStreet

LinkedIn investors need to do the math Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

CfA Press Room:How to Learn a Star's True Age

Missouri tornado: Explaining the science of this spring's tornadoes -

Where is everybody? : Starts With A Bang

Evidence mounts for liquid water on Enceladus : Nature News

Discovery brings electricity from microbes closer | COSMOS magazine

Will Comparative Effectiveness Research Kill More People Than It Helps? - Reason Magazine

The Voynich Manuscript: will we ever be able to read this book? - Telegraph

Your Culture May Influence Your Perception of Death - Association for Psychological Science

Looking Back at the Apollo Mission, 50 Years Later -

NASA to Use Lockheed Space Capsule -

How Tornadoes Gain Power: Scientific American

Nearby supernova factory ramps up

Geometric Minds Skip School - Science News

States Collect More in Taxes, but Fiscal Threats Remain -

Grassley vows to block nominees until he gets answers on gun sales -

America and China: No go | The Economist

Netanyahu’s Triumph - May 25, 2011 - The New York Sun

As Housing Goes, So Goes the Economy -

Will Illinois Be America's Greece? -

Midwestern virtues in the GOP: Mitch Daniels and Midwestern virtues -

Energy: Expanded drilling won't cure America's oil addiction -

Review & Outlook: Pawlenty on Ethanol -


**Markets Video:Chanos: I May Not Be Bearish Enough on China

The 'Bond King's' Big Energy Bet

America's Financial Model Not Sustainable

Schwab Strategist: Beware High Yield Bonds

Kansas City Fed's Thomas Hoenig on Economy

24th/Stockman: U.S. Is Advocating "De Facto Default"

Cramer: We Need Greece to Collapse

High Gas Prices Pinching U.S. Consumers

Pumping Oil from Beneath the Arabian Desert

Pete Peterson Talks Fiscal Solutions


**World Video:Cameron and Obama Press Conference

What’s Stopping the Mideast Peace Process?

What's New in Netanyahu's Speech?

Analysis: Netanyahu's Speech Before Congress

Netanyahu: 'If You Want Peace, Say It'

Global Security Tops Agenda of Obama's UK Visit

Lagarde To Stand For IMF Top Job

How Special Is The UK/U.S. Relationship?

Rep. King: Al Qaeda Will Seek Revenge For bin Laden

Ahmadinejad Unhurt After Explosion

Ash Closes Airports In Germany

Japan Short Of Geiger Counters

Bloodshed As Yemen Violence Flares

Awkward Moment In Obama's Toast To The Queen

Netanyahu: Borders Must Reflect 'Dramatic' Changes

24th/What do Dissidents Need Now from the Internet?

What's Next for U.S. in the Mideast?

Palestinians Go it Alone

What is Political Impact of Obama's Mideast Speech?

Do Rebels Need More Resources to Defeat Gaddafi?

Obama: 'No One More Irish Than Me'

Moody's Warns Of UK Bank Downgrade

Chinese Men Dig Deep To Find A Wife

Obama The Charmer

Raw Video: NATO Airstrikes in Libya

Sources: DNA Matches Strauss-Kahn In Sex Attack

Netanyahu: No Going Back To Pre-1967 Borders

Ash 'Will Miss Major Airports'

Robert Fisk Doubts Syrian Sanctions Will Work


**Politics Video:"Rampant Tax Delinquencies Among Contractors" Receiving Stimulus Funds

Paul Ryan: Obama, Dems "Shamelessly Distort And Demagogue Medicare"

Obama: Britain, U.S. "Remaking Ourselves To Meet The Demands Of The New Era"

The Path to Prosperity, Part 2: Saving Medicare, Visualized

Obama On Libya: No "Artificial Timeline In Terms How Long This Will Take"

Biden: I Made It Clear That "Revenues Will Have To Be" In Deficit Deal

Libtalker Ed Schultz Calls Laura Ingraham A "Right-Wing Slut"

White House Budget Director Jacob Lew: Debt Deal Won't Be "Pretty"

Obama Plays Table Tennis During London Trip; Loses To 16-Year-Olds

Obama: "Understand That There Will Not Be A Letup Of Pressure" In Libya

Krauthammer: Media Will "Support Dem Narrative And Lies" On Mediscare

Maddow: NY-26 Will Scare Republicans To Run Away From Ryan Budget

Rove: We Are On Cusp Of "Most Negative Re-election Effort Ever"

E.J. Dionne: Second Look At Jon Huntsman?

Reagan's Daughter: Sarah Palin Is "Nothing Like My Father"

24th/Dem Congressman On Ryan Plan: People Will Be Dumped Out Of Nursing Homes

Rick Perry: Obama "Does Not Care" About What's Going On At Border


*Full Interview: Benjamin Netanyahu On "Hannity"


Alan Colmes: Actually, I'm A "Democratic Socialist"

O'Donnell: I'm A Socialist, O'Reilly's A Socialist, You're A Socialist

"Special Report" Panel On NY-26, GOPer Running Away From Medicare

NY-26: Democratic Candidate Hochul Wins Special Election

President Obama Botches Toast To Queen Elizabeth

Michael Moore To GOP: "Take Your Tin Foil Hats Off"

Gingrich: GOP Will Pick Up 12 Senate Seats And 30-40 House Seats

Buchanan: Obama's Israel Policy Cost Him Jewish Vote, Florida In 2012

Limbaugh: "Pimp-Stream Media" Will Back Huntsman In GOP Race

Netanyahu Praises Own Heckler: "This Is Real Democracy!"

DNC Hits GOPers For Being Against Auto Bailout

Biden Does Not Applaud After Netanyahu Says Jerusalem Will Not Be Divided

Netanyahu: "Israel Will Not Return to The Indefensible Boundaries Of 1967"

Netanyahu Addresses A Joint Session Of Congress

Dean: "Hate-Wing" Makes Up Large Portion Of GOP Primary Electorate

Howard Fineman: GOP Field Finalized

Brit Hume: Media Matters Not That Influential

Krauthammer: GOP Field Is Set Unless There Is A Surprise Candidate


Walking May Help Fight Prostate Cancer

Haniyeh, Abbas shun PM's speech, parameters for peace

Analysis: Power struggles after Hamas-Fatah unity deal

IDF complaints against young officers up in 2010

Diplomats: Syria's nuclear technology violated IAEA rules

Barack Obama bolsters transatlantic relationship in Westminster speech

Obama to Palestinians: Seeking statehood in UN a 'mistake'

Testimony: Fla. mom partied while girl was missing

Senators urge more disclosure for FDA lobbyists

Army Corp warns of record rise on Missouri River

Jessica Alba on the Hill - PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK

Polanski, Cronenberg, Winterbottom early selections for Venice Film Festival - Films, Arts & Entertainment - The Independent

Moore: Obama Should Use Power Over Auto Companies To Kill Cars, Replace With Mass Transit |

RealClearPolitics - Video - Michael Moore To GOP: "Take Your Tin Foil Hats Off"

Confirmed: Vladimir Lenin Was Jewish

South Of The Border: Mexico Goes Further South

Iranian Children’s TV: America Responsible For Bin Laden And 9/11

Audio:Michael O’Hanlon on The Strength of America’s Military

Georgia’s Immigration Laws ‘Cruel and Shameful,’ Says Che Guevara Fan Carlos Santana

Obama’s ‘Outreach’ To Islam Finally Taking Hold

USMC: No Gold Grills Here


++Netanyahu’s Congressional Speech Sends Powerful Message to Obama (Includes Full Video and Text as Delivered)


Obama’s Peace Offering

Netanyahu ‘Spikes the Football’ for America

Multiple Financial Crises In Europe Affecting Stock Prices

Peru Presidential Runoff: A Critical Election For A Hemisphere

Obama’s Diversionary Tactics: It’s Not About Israel’s Borders

Ed Shultz Calls Laura Ingraham a ‘Slut’

Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and the Dunbar Village Rape

NYMag Exposes Much About George Soros’s Money Pit Media Matters

NewsBusted: Is Circumcision Worse than Abortion?

Meghan McCain’s GOP a Vision of Economically Weak Tea Party Bashers

White House Creates Office Position For Dealing with Unfavorable Press

Obama White House Bans Newspaper For Printing a Mitt Romney Op Ed

Beck’s Out of Control Lies About His Role In The Shirley Sherrod Media Trainwreck

Labor Studies Professor: Andrew Breitbart’s ‘Electronic Brownshirts’

Trump: The Second Act

Scott Brown Tries to Hang onto ‘The People’s Seat’

Indiana Holocaust/Education Reform-Comparing Teacher Digs His Hole Deeper

Family Refuses to Pay $90K Fine for Selling Rabbits

Obama’s Road Map to Peace: You Can’t Get There From Here

New Palin Doc from Conservative Filmmaker to Premiere in June… in Iowa

Obama Brings Bush ‘Kyoto’ Policy to Europe, Media Silent

AIPAC Applause-O-Meter

Ronald McDonald Is ‘An Enemy of the State’

Open Records Requests Uncovers Abuse Of Same-Day Registration In Wisconsin

The NLRB’s Opening Of Pandora’s Box Beyond Boeing

Audio:Israel’s Arab Advisor Talks Upheaval in the Middle East and its Impact on the Jewish State

Low-Tax Jurisdictions Should Resist OECD Attacks Against Tax Competition and Fiscal Sovereignty

Tea Party Doctor Issues Obamacare Debate Challenge

Gary Johnson Gets Fired Up

Television Talk: Trig-Trashing Comedienne Whitney Cummings Ramps-up Two Network Shows

Where’s the Media Fury?: Peter Fonda Trains Grandchildren To Take Up Arms Against President Obama

Middle America Sends a Message to the Coasts: ‘Idol’ Finale Country v. Country

‘Born This Way’ Review: Lady Gaga Has Major Daddy Issues with Jesus

Daily Gut: Modern Day Bulls Have It Easy and a Strange Article on ‘Red Eye’ and Rep. McCotter

Trailer Talk: Vampire Remake ‘Fright Night’ Preview Thrills

Ted Nugent to Piers Morgan: ‘Suck on my Machine Gun’

The Worst of Oprah: Daytime Talk Queen Ends Biased Reign

Democrat wins special election for NY House seat

Obama, Cameron meet to discuss wars, economics

Obama, Cameron liken 'Arab spring' to Cold War - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

President Obama Has No Idea What Year It Is -- Daily Intel

Ashton Kutcher is a mainstream tech media visionary (seriously) - Yahoo! News


*25-May-11 World View.....


**NEWS VIDEOS:MSNBC Host Calls Laura Ingraham ‘Slut’

DOJ Greenlights Federal Prosecution of John Edwards

Michael Moore Urges Obama to Destroy the Automobile

Obama: No ‘Artificial Timeline In Terms of How Long This Will Take’ in Libya

Lady Gaga Eats Letterman’s Notes

Instant Classic: Rush Handles the Quintessential Obama Voter

Krauthammer: How the Media Will Try to Help Re-elect Obama

Gov. Rick Perry Talks Border Politics

Fox Special Report: McCotter Could Shake-Up 2012 Field

New ‘Web Police’ Position at White House

24TH/Tornado Kills 2 in Suburban Oklahoma City

Utah Mom Accused of Trying to Sell 13-Year-Old Daughter’s Virginity

Pawlenty Pledges to Nominate ‘Strict Constructionists’ to Courts; ‘Ninnies’ Need Not Apply

Awkward Moment in Obama’s Toast to the Queen

Who Leaked Schwarzenegger Love Child Story to Press? Maria Shriver

4 Found Dead at Calif. Home; 3 in Pool, 1 in Tub

Utah Passes ‘Too Sexy’ Law

G.W. Bush Has Near Miss With a Foul Ball

Defense Drops Bombshell at Casey Anthony Trial

Obama Plays Ping Pong in England

Meet Rae Abileah, Code Pink Protester Who Disrupted Netanyahu’s Speech

‘Pundit’ Meghan McCain Like Totally Goes on Jay Leno’s Totally Awesome Show

The Facts About Israel’s Borders in Five Minutes

Fox News’ Jesse Watters Invades San Fran Restaurants, Asks About Obamacare Waivers

Obama Meets the Queen

NATO Unleashes Bombing Blitz on Tripoli

Netanyahu Responds to Protester in Gallery: ‘This is Real Democracy’

Netanyahu: Israel Will Always Be Pro-American

Howard Dean: GOP Far-Right Hates Muslims, Gays and Immigrants

Matthews: Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan a ‘Death Certificate’ for Republicans

23RD/Retired Postal Worker Sentenced for Spitting Feces at Cop

Former Dem Rep McKinney Tells Iranian TV: US Congressmen Must Pledge Allegiance to Israel

Pro-Israel Lobby Skeptical of Obama’s Mideast Plan

22ND/Obama Doubles-Down on 1967 Borders; Calls for ‘Contiguous’ Palestinian State


What a real 'birther' satire might look like

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?

Trump pumps Corsi for latest on Obama

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Nordyke numbers expose Obama document fraud?

New 'birth certificate' anomalies inexplicable

Proof that Obama's 'birth certificate' is invalid

Return to pre-'67 borders?

Obama's 'Born in the USA' tour

Obama's 'Made in the USA' campaign

Wife of White House mouthpiece behind Petraeus attack

Netanyahu heckler tied to Obama

Did Obama quote Alinsky in Mideast policy address?

Obama's betrayal of Israel even worse that you thought - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Double lives... Super-identical twins pregnant together...again

Latest theory says Roswell UFO was Russian craft - Yahoo! News

Sheen could still reap $2m per Two And A Half Men episode |

British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago) | Mail Online

Incredible photograph of the Namibian landscape which looks like a painting | Mail Online

Propaganda: Art for the left?

Payne: SUVs saved Chrysler | | The Michigan View

WorldNetDaily Commentary

4th Amendment hangs by a thread

It's about the extermination wish

Common sense vs. nonsense

Cain-Palin 2012

Please save us, Sarah Palin! -

The Battle of the Budgets

Making a bad economy disastrous

Chris Hedges: Why Liberal Sellouts Attack Prophets Like Cornel West - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig

True face of racism: The white elite liberal

KNIGHT: The wages of envy - Washington Times

Westlife 'Cancer cure' course | Ipswich News | Local News in Ipswich | Ipswich Queensland Times

Cooked tomatoes 'as good as statins' for battling cholesterol | Mail Online

More hospital deaths on weekends | Reuters

Paramedic Lorna Lambden died after overdosing on sleeping tablets | Mail Online

A Titanic family feud: The mother and child disowned by in-laws after death of ship's hero violinist | Mail Online

Petroglyph in Utah: Proof dinosaurs and humans co-existed or just a mud stain? | Mail Online

*Corsi interview on Clear Channel Radio


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'America has no better friend than Israel' ;Greg Corombos reports on Netanyahu's speech to Congress

WND RADIO WND Exclusive 'Travesty': Supremes free California inmates;Rep. Gohmert rips 'most radical injunction issued by a court in U.S. history'

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'America doesn't trust Congress';Rep. Gosar calls for 'revolutionary' spending cuts


'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Wife of White House mouthpiece behind Petraeus attack

White House Beefs Up Online Rapid Response

President Obama announces new efficiency standards for federal fleet - The Hill's Transportation Report

Arpaio deputy faces human smuggling charges - US news - Crime & courts -

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Libtalker Ed Schultz Uses Vulgarity To Attack Conservative Host

Cannes 2011: Peter Fonda calls Obama a 'traitor' - Telegraph

Cannes 2011: Peter Fonda encourages his grandchildren to take up arms against President Barack Obama - Telegraph

Netanyahu heckler tied to Obama

Liberals and Islamists sitting in a tree

Senate Democrats, GOP agree on Libya resolution - Yahoo! News

Obama Sends His Condolences and FEMA Director to Joplin |

Trump pumps Corsi for latest on Obama

'Criminal' Obama secret gets no media attention

*25 May

American Minute for May 25th

May 25 Events in History

Today in History: May 25

May 25th in History

May 25th This Day in History

Today in History: May 25 » History Net

This Day in History for 25th May

YouTube - Today in History for May 25th


Note to Mike Murphy: There's Nothing 'Brave' About Throwing Seniors Under the Bus so the Rich Can Have Their Tax Cuts

Jordan King: West Bank Settlements Don't Offer Much Hope For Peace

Neighborhoods Leveled In 'Worst Tornado Ever To Hit Missouri'

Independent West Virginia Probe Finds Coal Giant Massey Energy Systemically Failed to Comply with Law

Pawlenty has a problem: Man got sex-crime pardon so wife could open child-care center -- now accused of molesting daughter

TEPCO Confirms The Obvious: Partial Meltdown In No. 2 and 3 Reactors

GOP Rep. Rob Woodall On Medicare: Suck it up and take care of yourself

Tim Pawlenty's 'Truthful' 2012 Campaign Rollout Jam Packed With Lies

HEARTLESS: As Cantor's tornado comments show, that's the word for today's Republicans

Herman Cain gets a Hannity Job: Softball interview lets him admit he was clueless about issue he attacked Obama on

Dana Milbank Catches 'Truthful' Tim Pawlenty Lying - Again. Oops!

Foul ball narrowly misses George W. Bush

More Right-Wingnuttery: Women Should Plan Ahead For Rape?

Republican Strategist Feehery: We've Got to Voucherize Medicare if We Want to Keep the Department of Defense

Hallelujah. California Gov. Jerry Brown Understands That Education 'Reform' Does Not Mean Testing

Kathy Hochul (D) wins Upset in NY-26 Special Election because of Medicare

Neil Cavuto Thinks Obama Needs Advice From Heck-of-a-Job Brownie on Tornado Response

Rep. Patrick McHenry Calls Elizabeth Warren A Liar -- Repeatedly

Feds Charge Five Oil Speculators With Manipulating Prices

Catholic scholars raise moral issues for Republicans like Boehner -- so O'Reilly calls them immoral

Paul Ryan: Don't Blame Me for NY-26 Loss! It Was Evil Democrats' Demagoguery on Medicare

Sarah Palin: The Movie

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory'

Thousands robbed of pensions nest-egg: Workers misled into giving up gold-plated schemes | Mail Online

'Corruption risk' of ex-ministers walking straight into top private sector jobs | Mail Online

Obama Will Return To His Muslim Roots | ATLAH Media Network


The Manning Report – 24 May 2011

May 24, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN



Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, May, 24, 2011

Alex Jones - 2011-May-24, Tuesday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-25-11

05/24 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 05/24/2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

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