A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

24 May 2011

24 MAY

*Happy 70th birthday, Bob Dylan! - Pop Candy: Unwrapping pop culture's hip and hidden treasures


Netanyahu's make-or-break speech to Congress -

Radio host picks new date for world's end | date, world, host - Colorado Springs Gazette, CO

Harold Camping Employee Estimates $100M Spent on Rapture Advertising, Christian News

Doomsday prophet turns out to be just snake-oil salesman | The News-Sentinel - Fort Wayne IN

Sizing Up The Rapture Industrial Complex - Peter Cohan - The Startup Economy - Forbes

YouTube - Harold Camping's Heresies Exposed.


*Harold Camping's Heresies EXPOSED!


YouTube - Islam - Catholic Ties, And Use of Illuminati Symbols: Part 1/5

YouTube - Islam - Catholic Ties, And Use of Illuminati Symbols: Part 2/5

YouTube - Islam - Catholic Ties, And Use of Illuminati Symbols: Part 3/5

YouTube - Islam - Catholic Ties, And Use of Illuminati Symbols: Part 4/5

YouTube - Islam - Catholic Ties, And Use of Illuminati Symbols: Part 5/5


*e Book:ALLAH, WHO IS HE? ; Following the road signs of a Hajj from ancient Sumer to Mecca/ Written By: Stephen Van Nattan

8 pg/How the Vatican Created Islam

+The Roman Catholic Church and Islam Connection

+ A Different Look at Islam;Essays by Ekowa


*Presents of God( manuscripts)/


Attack On Japan, US Linked To ‘Alien Whale Race’ Nearing Earth

- California inmates: Supreme Court orders California to release inmates -

AFP: Gates warns against shrinking US military

Report: Iranian president not hurt in blast -

The bin Laden hunter: ex-CIA man had bin Laden in his sights 10 times - Telegraph

+Alan Greenspan Admits To Big Ponzi Scheme | Don't Tread On Me

Radio host now says Judgment Day coming in October - US news - Life - Faith -

5 Reasons It's Still Not Cool to Admit You're a Gamer |

Anti-Neocons -Ron Paul did not defend Israel.


*Anti-Neocons •


The Intercept: 'CIA did not achieve goals in Iran'

+Sweet Remedy: Is Big Pharma Ignoring a Potential Cancer Cure?

The Daily Bell - IMF Austerity Is Headed to America – Watch Out!

Disney Star Wars Ride Gets Its Own TSA Checkpoint

Is this the silliest man on the planet? | Intifada Palestine

YouTube - Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary

YouTube - 'US lawmakers forced to support Israel' - Cynthia McKinney on PressTV

YouTube - The Implications of the Fukushima Accident on the World's Operating Reactors

Lone Star Watchdog: Sen. Rand Paul Seeks Gun Exemption in so-called Patriot Act Legislation

The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Jim Rogers on Obama Economic Disaster

YouTube - The Real Reason for NATO Attacking Libya EXPOSED

PressTV - US admits dumping dangerous chemicals in S Korea

Washington Still Working Hard to Plug Gaps in The Bin Laden Story « 21st Century Wire

The War on Ron Paul « 21st Century Wire

» New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Indian firms look to U.S. for cheap labour as outsourcing goes full circle | Mail Online

GE Joins Intel to Advise Obama as Overseas Holdings Expand - Bloomberg

YouTube - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks at Policy Conference 2011 - Part 1

YouTube - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Speaks at Policy Conference 2011 - Part 2


*Hiroshima mon amour;Alain Resnais 1:12:12


YouTube - Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part1)

YouTube - Global financial crisis-On the Edge with Max Keiser-05-20-2011-(Part2) - Illuminati Escalate Insane Attacks on Gender - Kabbalist Doctrine Explains World Events


*Illuminati News (



Devvy Kidd -- Investigate Obama's Criminal Fraud - 5-23-11

China: The New Investment Savior?


*Monday - May 23, While You Were Sleeping

*Tuesday -May 24, While You Were Sleeping


+Film/The Takedown of Glass-Steagall


+Strauss-Kahn and the End of Bailouts

- - Obama's Jewish "Irish" Grandfather


YouTube - Illuminati - The Music Industry Exposed, satanic words and meaning full video.

Dailymotion - THEY SOLD THEIR SOULS FOR ROCK -N- ROLL - a Music video


All Things Nuclear • Decay heat in Fukushima reactors

Wooldridge On TIME Questioning The Worth Of College Education

The Fall of Ron Paul and the March of the Psychopaths. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Cut red meat intake and don't eat ham, say cancer researchers | World news | The Guardian

Red and processed meats ‘confirmed’ to increase risk of bowel cancer: Report

The men who gave Aids to rural China - Asia, World - The Independent - College Fraternities Linked to Freemasonry - New Internet tech transmits data at 26 terabytes per second

NSA whistleblower Tom Drake talks Espionage Act, 9/11, intelligence with 60 Minutes | Raw Replay - Every Six Hours, the NSA Gathers as Much Data as Is Stored in the Entire Library of Congress

Feds to require black box event recorders in all new cars | DVICE

Federal authorities will soon require black boxes in U.S. automobiles

Report: Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden -

Careful What You Wish For! A Warning to Politicians, Police and the Military: You’re Building a Prison For Us all -

'Minority Report' Long Range Facial Recognition Systems Are Coming -

A Look at the White House Cybersecurity Plan | C-SPAN

Are american children to be used in medical experiments to test anthrax vaccine? -

U.S. Government Starts New Round of 'Pirate' Domain Seizures -

Alleged Obama – Netanyahu Rift (Which is the Dog, and which is the Pony?) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Obama’s Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

White House Beefs Up Online Rapid Response

Digital Life - Facebook is coming for your children

British attack helicopters to Libya - Telegraph


*The 25 Rules of Disinformation | The Vigilant Citizen

*10 ways 'the police state' tracks you | The Vigilant Citizen


New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash | The Vigilant Citizen

Netanyahu Says No 1967 Borders in Peace Deal

Obama's Trusted Adviser May Cause Betrayal of Israel

Palin: Obama Flirting With Disaster

Israel Dismayed by Obama Speech

Netanyahu: Israel "One Anchor" of Mideast Stability

Reid Rejects Obama's Israel-Palestinian Stance

Obama Campaign Digs for Dirt on Christie

Herman Cain: I'd Offer the Palestinians 'Nothing'

DNA Evidence To Tie Strauss-Kahn to Accuser

GOP Splits on Using vs. Fighting Obamacare Waivers

Bad Idea for IRS to Seek Info on Foreign Acct. Holders

Don't Let the Media Choose GOP Candidates

Obama Makes Dangerous Border Play for Israel

Hamas Launches Huge Social Media Push

A Natural Gas Tax by Any Other Name

Obama’s Hostility to Israel Continues


+NATOs Ties To A Chicago Based Globalist Group And Michelle Obama :




Obama Goes to Britain Amid Questions of Special Relationship between U.S., U.K.

Obama Sends His Condolences and FEMA Director to Joplin

Transcript: Al Gore Got ‘D’ in ‘Natural Sciences’ at Harvard

‘Free’ Countries Once Again a Minority on U.N. Human Rights Council

FBI reports 5.5 percent drop in violent crime

USDA lowers pork's safe cooking temp

YouTube - 5/21/2011 -- Belton Missouri = HAARP ring 48 hours ago = TORNADO NOW

Steep rise seen in false earthquake warnings | The Japan Times Online

Cannes 2011: Peter Fonda encourages his grandchildren to take up arms against President Barack Obama - Telegraph

The Progressive Mind » The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason :

Postgenetic Code Implementation

Teeny-Tiny Drone Fires Teeny-Tiny Missile (Gulp) | Danger Room |

"100 Million Collisions per Second" -- CERN's Large Hadron Collider Smashes Closer to Unlocking Secrets of the Universe

Smile! Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click | Danger Room |

Obama Administration Plans to Seize 401(k) Retirement Accounts

Bill Gates pushes for 90 percent vaccination rate worldwide

DARPA Funds Militarized Bio-Machines :


*A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? Part I

*A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? Part II

*A "Nobel Torsion Message" Over Norway? Part III


The NASA´s Blue Beam Project!(

NWO Project Blue Beam: False Holographic Second Coming - (

Project Blue Beam By Serge Monast (1994)

YouTube - Project Bluebeam - Coming to a sky near you

YouTube - Torsion Physics




Arrest of Man In Wheelchair Raises Concerns | NBC Washington

Obama Should Follow His Own Advice on the ‘Moral Force’ of Non-Violence by Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis --

Automotive Black Boxes, Minus the Gray Area | Autopia |

Intellectual Property: Some Countries Are More Equal Than Others - informationliberation

The Tyrannical Power to Kidnap and Torture - informationliberation

Iran helped plan 9/11, says three 'anonymous Iranian defectors' - informationliberation

Disclosure and Deceit: Secrecy as the Manipulation of History, not its Concealment

Bombs in the World Trade Center: Analysis

Does America have a Culture?

Protecting Us from Our Freedoms

The Threat of Private Military Companies

The Sexual Underground Of Bankers

Americans are Ignorant of Their Own History

Wings of Prophecy: America Has Become the Harlot of the World

Every Six Hours, the NSA Gathers as Much Data as Is Stored in the Entire Library of Congress | Popular Science

How 'Big' Is the Library of Congress? « Library of Congress Blog

Medical providers reject HHS rules on Accountable Care Organizations, as written

More than 100 IRS workers filed fraudulently claimed tax credit

Thousands of tax cheats get stimulus money

Children’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is flawed, chief says

Poll: Romney way ahead of GOP field in New Hampshire

Sen. Rand Paul wants an exemption from Senate rules so he can bill his patients

Republican: Sen. Brown 'should be ashamed of himself' on Ryan plan

GOP braces for Medicare blowback

Pelosi pivots from jobs to Medicare

Schumer: Medicare vote a 'defining issue'

Harry Reid rebukes Barack Obama over Israel speech

Ford developing car-seat heart monitor

Giuliani said to be 'very close' to joining GOP presidential race

Facial recognition system new police tool that helps identify suspects

Century-old Confederate statue wrecked in car crash; debate reignited

Mark Burnett to produce 'The Bible', TV miniseries, for History Channel

U.N. World Health Organization facing its most serious financial crisis ever

Analysis of 171 college majors puts petroleum engineers at the top

Bacterial Breakthrough Could Lead to Cheap, Renewable Bio-Batteries

Senate debates president’s power during cyber-attack

Complex But Clear US Foreign Policies by Jack D. Douglas

How Many SEALs Died? By Paul Craig Roberts

BBC News - Early Bronze Age battle site found on German river bank

BBC News - Laser puts record data rate through fibre

Pile of debt would stretch beyond stratosphere | Reuters

From China, an end run around U.S. tariffs - The Washington Post

Obama to Israel: Take whatever you want - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Restricting the Movement of You & Your Money By Keith Hansen


*Wikileaks Mirrors



Bin Laden & Al-Qaeda: U.S. Govt. Creations

Ron Paul’s Straight Talk on the National Debt Ceiling

What is the Secretive U.S. "Kill/Capture" Campaign? | Kill/Capture | FRONTLINE | PBS

U.S. seems to be getting good at killing "Taliban", but why?

11 Principles of Domination

Saying No to Permanent Global War

Israeli Right Mocks Obama's Rapid Submission To Netanyahu

Obama and the Israel Lobby

The U.S.: Where Europe Comes to Slum

Welcome to Debtors' Prison, 2011 Edition

10 Steps to Defeat the Corporatocracy

Mullah Omar mystery: Afghan official says ISI took him away

Obama’s Malignant Obsession with Jews and Israel

Obama’s ineligibility: The U.S. government must be purged

How the Left Went Wrong on Islam

Cesar Chavez’ Partner Lobbies for Castro

Obama’s diversionary tactics

Netanyahu in Congress: Jerusalem Must Remain Undivided - A7 Exclusive Features - Israel News - Israel National News

YouTube - Netanyahu: Israel Will Always Be Pro-American

Netanyahu before Congress: his talking points about Israeli-Palestinian peace -

Bulgaria's black market in blood is flourishing

Study shows girls increasingly aborted in India

Ray Lewis Makes Controversial Comments About NFL Lockout « CBS Baltimore

White House Adds New Position to Deal with Unfavorable Online Media - FishbowlNY

Key Internet summit to discuss online rules

Feds Seize 8 More Domains in Piracy Crackdown | Threat Level |

Taliban chief disappeared, says Afghan intel - CBS News

Obama, Cameron liken 'Arab spring' to Cold War - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

Israel to Palestinians: ditch Hamas, UN state bid | Reuters

New Zealand Casino Staff Forced To Wear Flea Collars to Keep Blood Suckers At Bay

Giuliani Aiming to Take Down Romney in New Hampshire - Washington Whispers (

Woman accused of trying to sell girl's virginity - Yahoo! News

Four found dead at Skyline home -

Payne: SUVs saved Chrysler | | The Michigan View

Utica Daily News - Local and national news for Utica, The Mohawk Valley and Central New York. - Al Gore addresses Hamilton grads

Cannes 2011: Peter Fonda calls Obama a 'traitor' - Telegraph

Family: Grandmother Pretended She Was Pregnant, Kidnapped Baby « CBS Sacramento

Irving Sanchez Arrested On Animal Cruelty Charges After Allegedly Being Caught On Tape Kicking And Throwing Pit Bull Puppy Against Elevator Wall In Wagner Houses In East Harlem « CBS New York

Panhandling Pooch Probed | NBC New York

Dependency and Votes by Thomas Sowell

Stop Raising the Debt Ceiling by Ron Paul

My top 16 tips for beginning homeschoolers | The Survival Mom

How Much Government Spending Is Costing You Per Day by Bill Bonner

The Changing Face of the Police and the Death of the Fourth Amendmentby John W. Whitehead

Mary Moorman, JFK Assassination Photographer, Tells Where She Stood and What She Saw

Japan earthquake: Ocean floor moved 79 feet sideways | Mail Online

Probiotics – Try These for Your Health! by Margaret Durst


+Audio:Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 23rd, 2011 |

*The Alex Jones Show – May 23rd, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – Sunday Edition – May 22nd, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 23rd, 2011


Richard Gage and Bob Tuskin: 9/11 Truth |

Conspiracy Theory |

*7 Part:Max Igan – Truth Frequency Interview – May 21st, 2011 |

*4 Part:The Transformation of Reality – Max Igan |

YouTube - Week of Rage: Protests Spreading Worldwide

+3 pt.Video/Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy |

YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Committed Fraud; Challenges Media & O'Reilly - 5/22/11

YouTube - Armageddon-Proof: Arks & bunkers back in demand


YouTube - Full Show - 5/23/11. Healthy Living, F the police, Rapture update, GOP 2012, Putin for President

(56 min)YouTube - Freeman Speech At The Free Your Mind Conference - Full Length


+Radiation News 5-23-11 |


HAARP Data -Off The Charts Right Now. Magnetosphere Calm. Causing A Quake For The "Rapture" Day? | Before It's News


Binary Companion Of The Sun | Before It's News


Obama's Hypocrisy: Insulting Our Intelligence | Before It's News

Illuminati Use Sex to Degrade Us | Before It's News


*(1:21:00)YouTube - Project Pegasus, Life on Mars and Time Travel - Andrew D. Basiago, Disclosure Movement

YouTube - Andrew Basiago: Time Travel and Project Pegasus At Free Your Mind Conference

*(1:54:54)YouTube - Coast 2 Coast PROJECT PEGASUS ~ US Space Time Program & Teleportation - FULL LENGTH

Hulu - Stargate SG-1: The Pegasus Project - Watch the full episode now.


Obama pre-identified as President by secret DARPA-CIA time travel program

Obama pre-identified as President by secret DARPA-CIA time travel program - Seattle exopolitics |


Religion may affect brain changes

Gingrich: I'm Too Sexy for the Media : Dispatches from the Culture Wars

Proof Positive: Documents Showing Obama Was Born In Kenya, Africa? | Before It's News


Internet Marketing for Bloggers & Internet Entrepreneurs (


The Edge of Reality - (


Tornadoes Kill One, Injure Dozens More After Hitting Twin Cities Area

Mitch McConnell avoids endorsing the Medicare changes in Paul Ryan's budget plan, but calls it 'sensible'

Palin calls Obama 'our temporary leader'

More Than A Dozen Early Morning Explosions Kill At Least 21 In Baghdad

Sheriff Arpaio may be tough on immigrant workers, but sex criminals? Eh, not so much

Roger Ailes said to have concluded that Sarah Palin is an "idiot"

The Time Bomb Is Ticking for the Senate Republicans This Week

Newt Gingrich lies to Bob Schieffer about his Paul Ryan-'Right Wing Social Engineering' comment

Paul Ryan has created the new 'Fourth Rail' of Politics: Medicare

Wisconsin Accountability Board Approves 3 GOP Recall Elections

The 99ers Are The Elephant In The Recovery Room That No One Wants To Address

Note to Mike Murphy: There's Nothing 'Brave' About Throwing Seniors Under the Bus so the Rich Can Have Their Tax Cuts

Jordan King: West Bank Settlements Don't Offer Much Hope For Peace

Neighborhoods Leveled In 'Worst Tornado Ever To Hit Missouri'

Independent West Virginia Probe Finds Coal Giant Massey Energy Systemically Failed to Comply with Law

Pawlenty has a problem: Man got sex-crime pardon so wife could open child-care center -- now accused of molesting daughter

TEPCO Confirms The Obvious: Partial Meltdown In No. 2 and 3 Reactors

Rahm ready to testify at Blago trial if called - Chicago Sun-Times

Mitt Romney's $10.25 Million Dollar Day?

Suspected Ozone Loss Never Involved CFC's

The Infrastructure Time Bomb

Illegal immigrants are nullifying a bad law

Debbie Schlussel/DumbAssity: Obama & Hillary Expand Iranian Student Visas in US

Debbie Schlussel/Priorities: Muslim Demands I Remove Picture of Convicted Muslim Slaver w/out Face Veil

Debbie Schlussel/Sharif Ahmed Nour – Guess the Religion: Somali Cabbie w/ “Bomb Components” in Apartment

Debbie Schlussel/VIDEO: 25 Years & Still No Oprah Apology for “Jews Sacrifice Their Kids” Show

The Political Basis for the FairTax

Should We Elect Judges?

Barack Obama: Yet Another Roadblock to Zionism

Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are - our Nation Needs a Leader

Apocalypse Later?

AARP's ObamaCare Endgame Revealed

Chris Wallace says Israel 'Kicked Out' Palestinians

The Myth of the Palestinian 'Refugee Camps'

Where are the Democrat Grown-ups?

The Samson Option: 'Palestine' and Israel's Nuclear Strategy

Obama's Israel Speech Fools Few

NPR's campaign finance nerve

Regime Appoints New Deputy Minister of Propaganda

Obama and Ahmadinejad: Increasing the chances of the 12th Imam

Fed Chairman's grand scheme, QE2, has failed miserably.

Reid breaks with Obama on Israel

Game On: Pawlenty calls for phase-out of ethanol subsidies

SCOTUS orders release of 30,000 CA criminals

Obama, the 'anti-Israel president'

Kennedy Library's Springtime for Sharia Award

Joe Scarborough Melts Down on MSNBC | The Blaze

See Netanyahu React to Protester Interrupting His Congressional Speech | The Blaze

Meet the White House’s New Story Squasher & ‘Director of Progressive Media’ | The Blaze

CODEPINK Activists Interrupt Israeli PM Speech: ‘Occupying Lands is Indefensible’ | The Blaze

Howard Dean: Far-Right GOP ‘Hates’ Muslims, Gays, and Immigrants | The Blaze

Unbelievable Before-and-After Picture From Joplin, MO Neighborhood | The Blaze

So What Is This That Glenn Just Launched? | The Blaze

New Palestinian Law Grants Salaries and Benefits to…Violent Terrorists | The Blaze

Focus on the Family Boss Says ‘We’ve Probably Lost’ the Gay Marriage Debate | The Blaze

‘I Can Feel It’: President Obama Attempts an Irish Accent | The Blaze

Horrifying Vid: Man Beats Pit Bull Puppy in NYC Elevator | The Blaze

Doh! Camera Catches Reporter Calling Herself ‘Stupid’ After On-Air Mixup | The Blaze

Obama Jokes in Ireland: I Should ‘Paddle’ Bad Members of Congress | The Blaze

Supreme Court Orders California to Release At Least 37,000 Inmates | The Blaze

Hear Harold Camping’s New Prediction: World Will Really, Really End on October 21 | The Blaze

NYC Teacher Claims She Was Harassed, Then Fired Over Her Christian Faith | The Blaze

GOP Rep: ‘Scott Brown Should Be Ashamed of Himself’ for Opposing Ryan Budget Plan | The Blaze

Does Having Children Make You Unhappy? | The Blaze

Restaurant Owner Claims His Business Has Tripled Since Posting ‘English Only’ Sign | The Blaze

Obama’s Re-Election Team May Be Digging Up Dirt on Chris Christie | The Blaze

5 Incredible Videos of the Joplin, MO Twister and Aftermath | The Blaze


+ Glenn Beck's Next Act? Launching Discount Deals Site - AOL Small Business




Mubarak to be tried for murder of protesters

Cookies, potato chips, shirts help inmates to new life

Flowering plant found at record 4,505m in Swiss alps

Boeing may re-engine 737 if it cannot redesign: CEO

Israel company sanctioned for ties to Iran

China faces worst drought in 50 years

Policeman arrested on suspicion of selling bullets

7 New Kingdom tombs to be opened to public in Egypt

New collateral rules will damage US financial sector

'Jordan is Palestine,' MK Eldad declares at embassy

Apache helicopter deployment would mark 'serious escalation' of Libya conflict

The Main Problem Is Palestinians’ Goals And Not Land

Avenging Osama? Terrorists Storm Pakistan Naval Air Base

The Auschwitz Lines: 1967 is 1948

President O’Bama In Ireland?

Does President Obama Really Want To Put Us In This Position?

“Taliban is Afghanistan. Afghanistan is Taliban.”

+Audio:John Bradshaw: Sudan Remains Volatile

The First SEALs

Bibi to America: “We’re With You, On This Day, and Every Day”

Wael Ghonim Deserves The Spring Time For Sharia In Araby Award

Obama’s Diversionary Tactics: It’s Not About Israel’s Borders

Ted Nugent to Piers Morgan: ‘Suck on my Machine Gun’

Daily Gut: Cornel West Takes Race-Baiting to New Heights!

Rosie O’Donnell: ‘This Republican Guy’ Arnold Has No Right to the Kennedy Legacy

Rand Was Wrong, Hollywood Was Right, so Let’s Spread the Wealth Around

Patch Adams and Code Pink ‘Moon’ AIPAC Crowds

‘Too Big to Fail’ Surprisingly Fair and Entertaining

Is Donald Trump Back in the 2012 Race? - The Note

Labor Studies Professor: Andrew Breitbart’s ‘Electronic Brownshirts’

University Poll: Fox News Most Trusted News Source

Washington Post Whitewashes Obama’s Illegal War

White House Promise Not to Fake Photos Lasts About 2 Weeks

Ah, Those Brilliant Political Analysts

Sound Bite For the Day: Leadership

Media Reaction To Obama’s Mid East Speech Reveals Progressive Movement’s Jew-Hatred

Students Who Claim Support of Free Speech Want Conservatives Banned From Airwaves

Chris Wallace | Mike Gallagher Show | Video | Mediaite

60 Minutes Forgets 10 Years Of Rev. Al Sharpton

CBS's Stahl Proclaims 'Stately' Al Sharpton's 'Metamorphosis' |

Beck’s Out of Control Lies About His Role In The Shirley Sherrod Media Trainwreck

Low-Tax Jurisdictions Should Resist OECD Attacks Against Tax Competition and Fiscal Sovereignty

Tea Party Doctor Issues Obamacare Debate Challenge

Gary Johnson Gets Fired Up

California Teacher Fights Back Against His Union’s Support of Cop Killer

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board Okays Three Recall Petitions

FCC Makes-Up Jobs Claims

Documents Raise Questions about Kagan’s Role in Obamacare Defense

A Politically Incorrect Look at President Obama’s Approach to Border Security

Union Member Strikes Back at the Obama-Big Labor Regulatory Attack on Employees

+Audio:How Will the Economy Impact the 2012 Presidential Campaign?

Jan Schakowsky Vs. The Progressive Jihad

Obama Re-Election Team Reportedly Starts Digging in on Christie -

Blagojevich's attorneys ask for mistrial


+Twitpic Inks Deal To Sell Your Photos - Big Journalism




*24-May-11 World View .....


The problem, illustrated « Don Surber

Al Qaeda Bomber Leaves Behind a Fingerprint -

Crime blog: Irving cab driver arrested after bomb squad removes suspicious materials from home | Dallas-Fort Worth Crime News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

**Obama and the Shadow Socialist Group Behind Egypt’s Fall? By Michael Savage and Greg Lewis

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Print Article

The Dick Cheney of Israel - James Fallows - International - The Atlantic

Stephens: An Anti-Israel President -

RealClearPolitics - Mitch Daniels, and Why We'll Miss What Might Have Been

Why Republicans can't find a decent presidential candidate - The Week

Obama doubles as DNC fundraiser in chief -

RealClearPolitics - In N.H., Huntsman Separated Himself From Romney

RealClearPolitics - When It Comes to Doomsdays, the Left Shouldn't Laugh at the Religious

California's prisons: A disaster in the making | Opinion L.A. | Los Angeles Times

On the death of Osama bin Laden—and the secret life of the elite Navy SEALs who killed him - The Interview -

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Hostility to Israel Continues

Welcome Hamas's conciliation with Fatah | Musa Abumarzuq | Comment is free | The Guardian

The End of the Book? — The American Magazine

Midwestern virtues in the GOP: Mitch Daniels and Midwestern virtues -

Energy: Expanded drilling won't cure America's oil addiction -

America and China: No go | The Economist

The incredible shrinking GOP presidential race - 2012 Elections -

Pawlenty's Moment May Have Arrived -

Who Will Play Strauss-Kahn? -

Will Obama's Israel stance really cost him Jewish support? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Why Budgets Are Busted | Cato @ Liberty

2011's "Republicans in Disarray" Is 1991's "Democrats in Disarray"

CURL: It's hard to win when your motto is 'It's my turn' - Washington Times

Community Banks Lobby to Limit New Regulations -

Britain Is Working -

The Acrobat - by David Samuels > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

Is The Chinese Economy Slowing? - Gordon G. Chang - New Asia - Forbes

Bin Laden’s Gone. Can My Son Come Home? -

Damaging Tornadoes Hit Joplin, Missouri, and Minneapolis - TIME

This Is What Happens When A Country Ditches Nuclear Power | Fast Company

Quiet Places on Earth’s Crust Are Core-Meltingly Hot Underneath | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Charging Ahead - Reason Magazine

Healthy Labels May Inadvertently Make People Feel Unsatisfied | Miller-McCune

Compound offers pain relief without the complications : Nature News

Cute rodent species surfaces after 113 years -

Crazy Sex Trick Fuels All-Male Clam Species | Wired Science |

How to make delicious bacterial culture jellies : SciencePunk

Happy guys finish last, says new study on sexual attractiveness | Science Codex

WSU physicists devise new way to analyze a bloody crime scene

A New Detector For Endotoxin | Latest News | Chemical & Engineering News

Tornado in Missouri: Why disasters are becoming more frequent, and what we can do about it. - By Joel Achenbach - Slate Magazine

Coming Clean about Nuclear Power: Scientific American

Lingodroid Robots Invent Their Own Spoken Language : Discovery News

RealClearScience - Demonizing Plastics is Not Good Science

The 50 Best Science Writers of All Time | Online College Tips - Online Colleges

What We've Done to the Mississippi River: An Explainer - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic

Preacher now says end of the world will happen in 5 months – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

No-News News From Focus on the Family | Religion Dispatches

For many blacks, there's only one Bible, and it's the KJV | The Christian Century

Chaplains Provide Soldiers With Prayer and More - Guideposts

10 Holy Pilgrimage Destinations

RealClearReligion - Why We Love the Apocalypse

Allied diplomats urged Pius XII to stay silent about Nazi deportations |

Bob Dylan's religious mystique endures | The Christian Century

The “Rapture” and the “Singularity” Have Much in Common » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog

Chinese forces detain 300 Tibetan monks for a month-sources | Reuters

“You Americans Are Funny” — You Start an IMF - Brian Domitrovic - Past & Present - Forbes

RAHN: Banking on national economic suicide - Washington Times

RealClearMarkets - The Absurd Keynesian Fiscal Factoid

Hedge-fund secrets to beat the market David Weidner's Writing on the Wall - MarketWatch

A Savage Lesson From Europe for Muni Bonds - CNBC

Boiling Point: Is The US Maxed Out?

How an Inquiry of Goldman Sachs Might Play Out -

No Sugar Coating This Week's News...

More useless gov't -

Why LinkedIn's Price May Have Been Right -

Stocks to Own Forever -

7 Great Stocks Some Wall Street Idiots Are Missing (BWLD, CMG, ISRG, MORN, RST, TPX, WFM)

Why Strong Dollar Hurts Stocks, and What You Can Do - CNBC

On Investing: The many hats of great investors - The Washington Post


**22ND/Transcripts-Obama's Speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference

Guests: Sen. Min. Ldr. McConnell and Herman Cain

Guests: Sen. Durbin, Reps. Rogers and Ruppersberger

Interview with Representative Paul Ryan

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Guests: George Mitchell and King Abdullah II

20TH/Obama's Remarks with Israeli PM Netanyahu

Interview with House Intel Chairman Mike Rogers

Shields and Brooks on the Week in Politics

Panel on Herman Cain's 2012 Chances

19TH/Obama's Speech on the Middle East

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Ambassador Susan Rice

Analysts Discuss Obama's Middle East Speech

Panel on the Goodwin Liu Confirmation Fight

Interview with Former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld

Interview with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour

18TH/Panel on Pakistan and Bin Laden

Interview with Senator Bob Corker

17TH/Remarks by Pres. Obama and King Abdullah of Jordan

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Analyst Discusses the 2012 GOP Field

Interview with Senator Jim Webb

16TH/Roundtable on Reaching the Debt Ceiling

Discussion of the Debt Ceiling Debate

The Government's Role in Promoting R&D

15TH/Interview with Speaker John Boehner (PDF)

Interview with Defense Secretary Robert Gates

Guests: Sen. Min. Ldr. McConnell and Rep. Ryan

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Interview with South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley

13TH/Interview with Homeland Security Sec. Napolitano

Interview with Representative Peter King

12TH/McCain, Rooney & Ruppersberger on Bin Laden

Obama at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast

Secretary Gates' Remarks at Camp Lejeune

Bernanke's Testimony on Implementing Dodd-Frank


**World Video-What do Dissidents Need Now from the Internet?

What's Next for U.S. in the Mideast?

Palestinians Go it Alone

What is Political Impact of Obama's Mideast Speech?

Do Rebels Need More Resources to Defeat Gaddafi?

Obama: 'No One More Irish Than Me'

Moody's Warns Of UK Bank Downgrade

Chinese Men Dig Deep To Find A Wife

Obama The Charmer

Raw Video: NATO Airstrikes in Libya

Sources: DNA Matches Strauss-Kahn In Sex Attack

Netanyahu: No Going Back To Pre-1967 Borders

Ash 'Will Miss Major Airports'

Robert Fisk Doubts Syrian Sanctions Will Work

23RD/U.S. - Taiwan Relations in a New Era

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Timeline

Time's Up for Libya Operation?

Libyan Enemies Helping Each Other

Defying Obama, Syrian Crackdown Continues

Lina Mansour About Attack on Saturday Funeral in Syria

Obama: '67 Borders Reflects Long-standing Policy

U.S. Israeli Relations Turn Tense

Kim Jong-il Spotted During China Trip

Interview With King Abdullah II

Amateur Video Captures Syria Violence

Icelandic Volcano Flings Up Ash, Shuts Airport

Taliban Claims Navy Base Raid

President Obama Thanks the Intelligence Community

Obama to Explore Irish Roots on Europe Trip


**Markets Video-Stockman: U.S. Is Advocating "De Facto Default"

Pumping Oil from Beneath the Arabian Desert

Cramer: We Need Greece to Collapse

High Gas Prices Pinching U.S. Consumers

Pete Peterson Talks Fiscal Solutions

23RD/Looking for Work? Head to the Midwest

Arbeter: The Bull Market Is Over

Would an ECB Rate Rise Actually Hurt The Euro?

A Debt Deal to Save America?

What Does QE2 End Mean for Gold & Silver?


**Politics Video-Biden Does Not Applaud After Netanyahu Says Jerusalem Will Not Be Divided

Netanyahu: "Israel Will Not Return to The Indefensible Boundaries Of 1967"

Krauthammer: GOP Field Is Set Unless There Is A Surprise Candidate

Netanyahu Addresses A Joint Session Of Congress

Dean: "Hate-Wing" Makes Up Large Portion Of GOP Primary Electorate

Brit Hume: Media Matters Not That Influential

Howard Fineman: GOP Field Finalized

23RD/Netanyahu: "Time To Stop Blaming Israel For All Of Region's Problems"

Reid: Palestinians Can Not Bring Hamas To Peace Negotiations

Bill O'Reilly: President Obama's Re-Election And FOX News

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's Full Address At AIPAC 2011

Obama In Ireland: "I Feel Even More At Home After That Pint I Had"

Matthews Swoons: Obama's Ireland Speech "Reminded Me Of Kennedy"

Herman Cain Admits He Didn't Know What The "Right To Return" Was

MSNBC Reporter: Irish Glad Obama Making An "Ancestral Visit"

Obama With Hurling Stick: "If Members Of Congress Aren't Behaving, Give 'Em A Little Paddle"

GOP Congressman: Scott Brown "Should Be Ashamed Of Himself"

Oops: Obama's "Beast" Limo Bottoms Out In Ireland

Obama Brings Campaign Slogan To Ireland: "Yes We Can!"

Pawlenty Calls For End Of Ethanol Subsidies In Iowa Announcement

Bill Press Makes Case For Another Obama Term: Osama Killing

Sen. Rand Paul: Republicans Not Serious About Cutting Spending

Trump On 2012: "I'm Not Going To Rule Anything Out"

Gingrich On Tiffany's Account: Obama Could Learn From My "Fiscal Responsibility"

"Time For Truth": Pawlenty Officially Announces Presidential Run

Gingrich: "Reports Of My Campaign's Death Are Highly Exaggerated"

President Obama Arrives in Ireland

Former Dem Congresswoman Gives Pro-Gaddafi Message On State TV

DNC Responds To Pawlenty Announcement: Why Is He Running?

Obama: Palestine Has "Right" To Be A "Sovereign And Contiguous State"

RNC Chair On Obama: "I Don't Expect Him To Be Reelected"


**NEWS VIDEOS:Netanyahu Responds to Protester in Gallery: ‘This is Real Democracy’

Netanyahu: Israel Will Always Be Pro-American

Howard Dean: GOP Far-Right Hates Muslims, Gays and Immigrants

Obama Meets the Queen

Crowder Explodes the Myth of ‘Net Neutrality’

NATO Unleashes Bombing Blitz on Tripoli

Christina Hendricks: Yes, They’re Real

Matthews: Paul Ryan’s Medicare Plan a ‘Death Certificate’ for Republicans

Yo! ‘Zo Rachel Needs a Band!

Prime Minister Netanyahu Addresses AIPAC

23RD/Herman on Hannity: Americans Want Problems to Be Solved

Joplin Man Rescued From Rubble

Herman Cain Official Announcement Video: ‘Not Running For Second’

Phoenix Suns’ Steve Nash Does PSA Supporting Same-Sex Marriage Law in New York

Harrowing First Person Video of Joplin MO Tornado

Reporter’s ‘I’m Stupid!’ Out-Take Erroneously Put On Air

Retired Postal Worker Sentenced for Spitting Feces at Cop

Amateur Video Captures Killer Tornado Just as Funnel is Forming

Gingrich: Reports of My Campaign’s Death Were Highly Exaggerated’

O’Bama: ‘No One More Irish Than Me’

Former Dem Rep McKinney Tells Iranian TV: US Congressmen Must Pledge Allegiance to Israel

Cynthia McKinney: Tea Party ‘Hijacked’ By Palin, GOP

Former Dem Rep McKinney Trashes US Political System, Praises Iran on Iranian TV – Full Interview

Bottoming Out? Obama’s Limo Gets Stuck in Ireland

Storm Chasers Catch Video of Joplin ‘Monster Tornado’

Gripping Video of People Trapped in Convenience Store During Missouri Tornado

Ex-NAACP President C.L. Bryant: Al Sharpton and Ben Jealous are Welfare Pimps

On the Road Again: Obamas Depart for Europe

Suspect Arrested in Beating of SF Giants Fan

Pro-Israel Lobby Skeptical of Obama’s Mideast Plan

22ND/Maher: GOP Primary Voters Want Misogynist, Racist, Homophobic Presidential Candidate

Watch How Rep. Paul Ryan Answers Same Question David Gregory Asked Newt Gingrich

Obama Doubles-Down on 1967 Borders; Calls for ‘Contiguous’ Palestinian State

21ST/The Cain Doctrine: You Mess With Israel, You Mess With the U.S.


T-Mobile says Chicago 4G speeds will double -

Chicago Classical Review » Blog Archive » Freeman passes Sinfonietta baton to Chen in overstuffed season finale

CPS chief's contract still secret

Volcanic ash cloud flight threat eases | World news |

Netanyahu: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses Congress -

The Associated Press: French question mores after Strauss-Kahn scandal

According to Obama, the Guinness in Ireland is much better than the stuff they sell in the U.S. | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Yemen Deaths Follow Collapse of Saleh Exit Plan - Bloomberg

Internet Rules At Center Of 'E-G8' Forum In Paris : NPR

China Admits Its Technicians Were Held in Pakistan Base Attack -

Chicago case puts US support to Pakistan on trial - The Times of India

Times Reporter James Risen Served With Subpoena in C.I.A. Leak Case on Iran Sabotage -

Asher Smith: Campaign Death Watches -- Even for Newt Gingrich -- Are Premature

Daley takes university post -

Republican Rick Santorum will officially enter presidential race | Iowa Caucuses

Read this: Palin aide Frank Bailey’s book reviewed - The Reliable Source - The Washington Post

Private messages from top Palin aide leak - Sarah Palin -

Barnes & Noble unveils new, cheaper Nook e-reader -

Twitter reportedly buys TweetDeck for $40M - Computerworld

Technology News: Social Networking: Facebook Wants to Hook 'Em Young

Yahoo Guns For Gmail, Hotmail With Massive Yahoo Mail Update

NASA to Announce Big Decision on Human Spaceflight Future | NASA & Space Exploration | Human Spaceflight & Deep Space |

Oprah is taping her final show today -

9 Sunscreens Get Top Ratings by Consumer Reports

Smoking Ban in NYC Parks Takes Effect - ABC News

One in six children have a developmental disability -

What it'll take to resolve natural-born issue

Obama's 'Made in the USA' campaign

Devvy Kidd -- Investigate Obama's Criminal Fraud - 5-23-11

True face of racism: The white elite liberal

Don't let liberal establishment choose our candidates

Doomsday scenarios? Leftists are the champs

Netanyahu's devastating encounter with Obama

'Bibi' humiliates Obama

Myths about the 'poverty-stricken'

Obama's desire for data on your kid

O'Bama? Oh puh-lease! – Telegraph Blogs

6 Crazy, Unconstitutional Laws Right-Wingers Are Blowing Your Money On | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet

The self-destructing Republican Party?

Stop Raising the Debt Ceiling

Obama's betrayal of Israel even worse that you thought

Soros group steps up war on Fox News Channel

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

Nordyke numbers expose Obama document fraud?

New 'birth certificate' anomalies inexplicable

Lawsuit hangs 9/11 responsibility on Iran

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory'

New reasons to question Obama's birth certificate

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?

Obama's 'Born in the USA' tour

Shameful state of U.S. journalism, Part Infinity

Obama's 'Made in the USA' campaign

Latest theory says Roswell UFO was Russian craft - Yahoo! News

Alien Solar Systems Are Much Different Than Our Own| NASA & Kepler Mission | Alien Planets & Extraterrestrial Life, 218th Meeting of American Astronomical Society |

Exclusive Area 51 Pictures: Secret Plane Crash Revealed

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain' - Telegraph

Westlife 'Cancer cure' course | Ipswich News | Local News in Ipswich | Ipswich Queensland Times

Cooked tomatoes 'as good as statins' for battling cholesterol | Mail Online

Why a lie a day helps you work, rest and play...and that's the truth, honest: BORN LIARS: WHY WE CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT DECEIT BY IAN LESLIE | Mail Online - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: In pain? Cross your arms

The Body Odd - What makes an innie an innie? And more belly button mysteries

Farmer gives chickens 'glasses' | Orange UK

'Mona Lisa's skull' found in Italian convent crypt | Mail Online

Schwarzenegger lovechild scandal given the comedy treatment |

Lifehacker Adam Dachis 'evil' mile-high survival guide for passengers |


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


'Criminal' Obama secret gets no media attention

Now popular Republicans 'not natural-born citizens'

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

White House Beefs Up Online Rapid Response

Senate debates president's power during cyber-attack - Washington Times

White House 'strategy' on Project Gunrunner documented

Dominique Strauss-Kahn pals plan to pay off family of woman accusing the former IMF boss of rape -

*24 May

American Minute for May 24th

Today in History: May 24

May 24 Events in History

This Day in History for 24th May

Today in History: May 24 » History Net

May 24th in History

May 24th This Day in History

YouTube - Today in History for May 24th


The Manning Report- 23 May 2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, May, 23, 2011

May 23, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-May-23, Monday

Alex Jones - 2011-May-22, Sunday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-24-11

Bill Cunningham 5/22/11 HR 1

Bill Cunningham 5/22/11 HR 2

Bill Cunningham 5/22/11 HR 3

05/23 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 05/23/2011


Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3



DARPA's Automated Video Surveillance Will End Public Anonymity - Technology News by ExtremeTech

YouTube - Lady Gaga tells little girls it's fun to screw two guys at the same time

YouTube - Sen Paul "We're Told We Wouldn't Be Able To Capture Terrorist Without Giving Up Some Of Our Liberty"

YouTube - Rand Paul On AC 360 About Obama Breaking The Law In Libya (War Powers Act)

A Very Depressing Picture of Tax Complexity and Political Corruption « International Liberty

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Peter Schiff Lays Waste To NIA Pump and Dump Scam «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News The Three Demands of Silver «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Corsi: Trump Conspired With Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Corsi To File Criminal Charges Against White House Over Obama Birth Certificate «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Veterans Against War Stand With Iraqis: Should U.S. Military and NATO Assist Protesters? «

Mubarak to be tried for deaths of protesters - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Revisiting Oz «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Ready Or Not, Here She Comes «

How Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes Failed at Setting Up a Strong Republican Candidate for 2012 -- New York Magazine

Genesis Communications Network GCN News White House Hires ‘Terminator’ To ‘Squash Negative Stories’ About Obama «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Video: Are We Training Kids To Believe That Total Surveillance Is Normal? «

TSA agents grope high school students at prom security checkpoint

Genesis Communications Network GCN News TSA Launches Groping At High School Proms, Other Public Places «

ICE Seizes More Domains Today, Admin Says “We’ll Be Back” | TorrentFreak

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Obesity “Gene” a Ploy of Big Pharma «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News U.S. Gives UIC $14M for Bio Warfare Counteragents «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Government Internet Takeover Continues Apace

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Summer in the Garden «

Protecting Us from Our Freedoms

Goldman Aligns Itself Against US, UK, And Europe, Alongside China In Choice For Next IMF Head

AFP: Obama vows to stand up to Hezbollah over 'assassination'

Pakistan Says China to Operate Key Port -

AFP: Obama vows pressure on Iran's nuclear plans

The Revolution of Conscience

Video: Jerome Corsi To Release Details On Key Media Person Who Allegedly Helped Create Obama’s New Birth Certificate

NSA whistleblower Tom Drake talks Espionage Act, 9/11, intelligence with 60 Minutes - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘has two more love children’

Privacy and Security Fanatic: Having private parts is not probable cause for TSA to grope or body scan you

Researchers Say New Studies Confirm Cell Phone Hazards

Cellphones harm memory, pregnancy, brain cells--in rats, mice & rabbits. Maybe. -

Invisible Volcanic Ash Cloud or Visible Chemtrails? Seeing is Believing as the Public Need to Take a Deep Breath and Get Themselves Grounded in Reality! | Sovereign Independent

Fructose: what is it, and why is it in everything?


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: It's All About Social Engineering You 1/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: It's All About Social Engineering You 2/3

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show: It's All About Social Engineering You 3/3


YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Editon: The Great Galactic Cop-Out 1/6

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Editon: The Great Galactic Cop-Out 2/6

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Editon: The Great Galactic Cop-Out 3/6

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Editon: The Great Galactic Cop-Out 4/6

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Editon: The Great Galactic Cop-Out 5/6

YouTube - The Alex Jones Show Sunday Editon: The Great Galactic Cop-Out 6/6




» Models of Community: Alternatives to Corporate America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Government Internet Takeover Kicks Into High Gear Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Herman Cain’t Supporters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Donald Rumsfeld confronted on Aspartame and Iraq War Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Strauss-Kahn becomes Madoff-style cyber prisoner - Yahoo! News

'CIA mole guided' SEALs to Osama bin Laden | The Australian

» Boom time for war contractors ‘raking in the dough’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Queens Pol Proposes Panic Button for Hotel Maids | NBC New York

Toyota trying to make cars part of your social network - Drive On: A conversation about the cars and trucks we drive -

IBM Watson supercomputer turns to medicine - HealthPop - CBS News

» Ron Paul Bumpersticker Gets Man Kicked Out of National Park Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Migrants worry remote West Texas area's residents | AP Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Al-Qaida bomber leaves behind a fingerprint - Yahoo! News

Saudi Arabia, UAE funded jihadi networks in Pakistan: Wikileaks cable | The Raw Story

US ran 'secret terror hunt' in Sweden: report - The Local

» Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Illuminati Symbolism in Movies-Occult Control Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Tim Pawlenty's 'Truthful' 2012 Campaign Rollout Jam Packed With Lies

GOP Rep. Rob Woodall On Medicare: Suck it up and take care of yourself

Mainichi English: "Agency gears up to retrieve device fallen inside Monju reactor" | EX-SKF

Understanding Millisieverts And Radiation Effects On Humans

GMO Dangers: How Much More Proof Do We Need? | Natural Health News | Natural Health Resources | Live in the Now by

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