A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

21 May 2011

21 MAY

Is It Soup Yet?

Harold Camping's Heresies EXPOSED!


YouTube - American radio preacher predicts doomsday

Case of poor judgment - US preacher Harold Camping gets it wrong again | Herald Sun

No end to end-time predictions -

Still here? Don't celebrate until after 6 p.m - Faith & Reason


Harold Camping's Judgment Day Prediction Doing Any Good?, Christian News


Mayor Emanuel dines with old White House buddies -

Obama's Middle East goal: Tie US policy closer to American values -

Osama Bin Laden files suggest Al Qaeda wanted to attack oil tankers -

As water inches closer, an agonizing wait in La. |

Talk of Daniels running in 2012 presidential race sounds familiar | The Indianapolis Star |

Funeral for missing boy's mom Saturday - WGN

Obama: Schools can improve with right incentives - The Argus-Press: National:

YouTube - Obama to Al-Qaeda: watch your back

How the Floods May Restore Louisiana's Wetlands - TIME

My 'near-death experience' on Air Force One -

College unsure how to handle Loughner's behavior, e-mails show

Jon Huntsman's hype faces New Hampshire test - Alexander Burns and Kasie Hunt -

French Socialists toppled from moral perch - Monsters and Critics

Doctor points to Kerrigan medical history - The Boston Globe

Casey Anthony Trial: Jury Sworn in Despite Delays - ABC News

YouTube - Outburst disrupts Anthony jury selection

Suicide bomber kills at least 6 in Kabul hospital | Reuters

Ouattara Inaugurated as Ivory Coast President | News | English

Trial of Egypt's ex-interior minister adjourned after chaos in courtroom - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Fears misplaced as Queen's visit soothes rebel hearts

Wife brings brains, beauty, cash to save her man

Mystery North Korean visitor in China veiled by security | Reuters

Ahamadinejad: West causing drought in Iran - Israel News, Ynetnews

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain' - Telegraph

Rights groups call for release of photographer's body, investigation -

JPMorgan CEO warns of consequences | Phoenix Business Journal

Government examining airline ticket distribution - BusinessWeek

Pope Benedict XVI Makes 1st Heavenly Call to Astronauts in Space -

Two killed in explosion at China electronics plant - Rochester, News, Weather, Sports, and Events -

Google is patching the Android security hole | ZDNet

Zuckerberg: Kids under 13 should be allowed on Facebook - Big Tech - Fortune Tech

Arnold Schwarzenegger's behaviour is 'disgusting' says Sarah Palin | Mail Online

Brain research new 'moon shot,' Patrick Kennedy says -

Study: Coffee reduces risk of cancer | Healthquest | -- Your State. Your News.

Insurers Told to Justify Rate Increases Over 10 Percent -

Democrats’ Medicare Attacks Show They Think Voters Are Stupid - Mary Kate Cary (

Family Lies About Health State To Get “Extreme Makeover”

Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University: "No One Knows How Fukushima Could Be Wound Down" As the Corium May Be Melting Through the Foundation | EX-SKF

Shizuoka Governor: "We Won't Test Our Bulk Tea for Radiation, But Our Tea Is Safe, Trust Us" | EX-SKF

'Your Teacher Said What?!' - Fox News Video -

Obama’s Dark Shady Past Exposed? :

YouTube - Restore America, Paul vs Obama

YouTube - JoeTalk100: America is out of money

YouTube - BREAKING: FBI Performs Damage Control for Big Pharma


Christopher Bollyn:Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up

E Book

*e Book:Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World - by Christopher Bollyn

Iran accused of September 11 role


Paul Drockton M.A.: Satanic Psychopaths Loot U.S. Pensions

Paul Drockton M.A.: Al Queda and Narcotics Trafficking

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormon Pedophile Scandal Threatens Church and Sheriff Joe.

Sculpture of Pope John Paul II decried as 'ugly' - Yahoo! News

'Adult Baby' Collecting Social Security? - Fox News Video -

+ Odds & Ends- By Devin D. O’Leary

YouTube - IMF Raped Greece Ireland Portugal

Is Jesus coming soon? Is the end near?

Strange Happening on Lake Washington | Seattle

'Barack Obama is black mascot of Wall Street,' claims university professor Cornel West | Mail Online


Plans for Einstein Telescope unveiled in Europe - Technology & science - Space - -

The Population Bomb Is Exploding

Revealed: Sleaze in the lawless corridors of the IMF where women are afraid to wear skirts and affair threatens to sink man tipped to get Strauss-Kahn's job | Mail Online

Bomb at Minneapolis airport was just a drill... shame the TSA didn't tell the police | Mail Online

Sex, Banks, and Earnings - Landmark Case Could Stymie Legal System

Once Again, Barky Shows Who's In Charge (Not Him)

Chemtrail Alert! Joe Marmon Suing Shasta County Air Quality Mgt District - You Can Join! | Farm Wars

Artist creates tiny scenes using food | Mail Online

USDA Allowed Monsanto to Police Itself | Issue on GM Crops

Texas politicians knew agency hid the amount of radiation in drinking water | Houston

AIPAC: Dangerous for Jews and Other Living Things | Shalom Rav

IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn Removed Via Frame-Up

China Claims No Intent To Challenge US (smile)

China asks US to respect Pak's sovereignty, independence - Economic Times

Alexander Lebedev to join forces with Vladimir Putin | Media | The Guardian

PressTV - 'Israel pushing Obama into war with Iran'

Netanyahu Says Obama Is Endangering Israel Before Oval Office Talks Begin - Bloomberg

Ahead of meeting with Obama, Netanyahu says 'there are things that can't be swept under the carpet' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Jews are dishonored by a blind defense of Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Netanyahu's Israel is on course to become a pariah state - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Russia expels Israeli military attache for 'industrial espionage' - Telegraph

Obama warns Arab dictators and demands Israel pulls back - Americas, World - The Independent

Obama's Middle East Hypocrisy

YouTube - The End of the Eurozone? - Panel discussion at European Zeitgeist 2011

China: Shoe attack on Great Firewall's designer - Asia, World - The Independent

Confusion over Kim Jong-un China visit - Telegraph

Amazon sales of digital books for Kindle overtake print titles for first time - Telegraph

US officials prepare for 'zombie apocalypse' | World news |

When the Walking Half Dead become the Walking Undead. Visible Origami


*Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice -- Health & Wellness --

Pure Sodium Dichloroacetate | How To Use DCA | How To Buy DCA

What damage could occur from using Dichloroacetate (DCA) as anticancer treatment? >> Medical Questions, Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Drugs, Health Insurance

Should we get Dichloroacetate (DCA) on our own? >> Medical Questions, Weight Loss, Pregnancy, Drugs, Health Insurance

Dichloroacetate and cancer : Pharyngula

More On Dichloroacetate (DCA) In Cancer Treatment


On The Chopping Block - Federal Worker Pensions

Google CEO Eric Schmidt warns governments against facial recognition technology | Mail Online

Secret Donors Multiply in U.S. Election Spending - Bloomberg

The not-so-secret operation: Gates hits out at Bin Laden leaks - Americas, World - The Independent

Al Gore hits out at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp | Media | The Guardian

Toxic pesticides from GM food crops found in unborn babies - Telegraph

Social networking linked to STD rise: Facebook blamed for making casual sex easier | Mail Online

'Chemical cosh': Ritalin demand soars 70% in five years | Mail Online

How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You

Iran's first nuclear power plant 'goes operational', state radio claims | Mail Online

Could a mind-reading machine soon be a reality? Scientists 'decode' human brainwaves | Mail Online

Is Big Pharma Ignoring a Potential Cancer Cure? -

Cannes bans Lars von Trier after Hitler remarks - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Barium in the Blood: Chemtrails? Version no music

Prodding Israel, Obama embraces Palestine borders - Yahoo! News

If you had $1M, would you buy groceries with food stamps? - Is There A Place for "White Pride"?

CHART: Who Funds The IMF? - Home - The Daily Bail

+Now Our Governments Are Censoring YouTube Video - Learn How To Beat It! | Alexander Higgins Blog

President Obama’s Speech: Dead on Arrival

PressTV - 'Obama running a very secretive government'

Lone Star Watchdog: Has Government Outlawed Common Sence?

Which Path to Persia?: Redux -

Now Our Governments Are Censoring YouTube Video - Learn How To Beat It! | Alexander Higgins Blog

University “Campus Watch” Citizen Spy Program Partners With Threat Fusion Center To Report Suspicious Activity -

Fukushima – The Great Deception :

Top CIA Osama bin Laden Hunter Helped Bilk $200M From Pentagon

My Farmer! My Food! My Choice! Videos from the D.C. Rally for Food and Farm Freedom :

Activist Post: America's "Arab Deception" and the Greater War Against Free Humanity

Master Set of Reference Pages for Nuclear Accidents Database

BBC News - Obama speech: Cairo reflects Egypt's disillusionment

New Pentagon study finds psychological toll from years of fighting -

Obama granted Netanyahu a major diplomatic victory - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

America’s Student Loan Racket: Soaring Default Rates | Veterans Today

Tiffany Williams: What About the Woman Strauss-Kahn Allegedly Attacked?

Activist Post: Amnesty, ACLU call for independent probe after eighth Guantanamo detainee death

The End Of The Eurozone? - Stiglitz At European Zeitgeist 2011: "We Are Out Of Money, But We Can Pay You In Fish" - Home - The Daily Bail

FBI lab reports on anthrax attacks suggest another miscue | McClatchy


WikiLeaks bolsters argument for 'enhanced' interrogation tactics - Washington Times

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "Our Constitution Doesn't Envision Having A Military Dictatorship In This Country!"

Activist Post: White House on War Powers Deadline: 'Limited' US Role in Libya Means No Need to Get Congressional Authorization

Pentagon asks nation to 'move on' from bin Laden - - Toledo's News Leader |

Activist Post: America Is Bankrupt (But Not the Way You Think)

Bin Laden Death Script & the Needed Trigger for Next Step-Pakistan : Information Clearing House: ICH

Equality for Email! » Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

Iran accused of September 11 role

Activist Post: Al-Qaeda eyed attacks on oil sector: US

Activist Post: Netanyahu rejects Obama's call on 1967 borders

Activist Post: Attack on Iran Imminent With Accusation of 9/11 Role?

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : FBI's Most Wanted Anwar Al Awlaki Had Lunch At The Pentagon Days After September 11th!

Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos :

David Stockman Says: 'Shut The Government Down,' Geithner Says New Financial Crisis Coming, Vikram Pandit Gets Huge Pay Package, Mailman Needs A Bailout - Home - The Daily Bail

Refreshing News: Mississippi River closes in US after barges sink

YouTube - 9/11 WTC Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power downs.

Infosecurity (UK) - FBI sucks in complete internet pipes in latest surveillance evolution.

NO PROGRESS — Obama and Netanyahu Discuss Peace | My Catbird Seat

Lawmakers largely silent on war powers authority in Libya -

Activist Post: BREAKING: FBI Performs Damage Control for Big Pharma (Video)


Promo/DigaNET- Digital Video Recorders


Assassination nation: Are there any limits on President Obama's license to kill? -

U.S. Inspector General to Investigate "Secure Communities" Program - Fox News Latino

Log In - The New York Times - Obama’s Speech a ‘Historic Shift’ on Israel and Palestine? No.

The Titanic: The Mass Murder That Created the Federal Reserve Bank and the New World Order’s 20th Century? :

Smile! Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click | Danger Room |

President Obama To Give Middle East Address On Thursday Outlining Relationship With Arab World | World News | Sky News


YouTube - Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot


McGurk Effect Audio-Video Illusion | Mighty Optical Illusions


Just Watch This Video (Trust Us). | TakePart - Inspiration to Action

Obama fails to get Congress' OK on Libya action | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN

US arms sales at odds with words - The Boston Globe

The bin Laden hunter: ex-CIA man had bin Laden in his sights 10 times - Telegraph

AFP: US court approves life without parole for 14-year-old

Netanyahu shoots down Obama’s peace plan at the White House - World Politics, World - The Independent

'Netanyahu, Obama share little chemistry' - Israel News, Ynetnews

PM meets with Obama amid tensions... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Netanyahu blasts Abbas over 'distorted' Times op-ed - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Ahmadinejad Aide Accused of Seeking U.S. Contacts, Shargh Says - Bloomberg

tehran times : Iran is the world’s most democratic, progressive state: Ahmadinejad

Iranian president retreats on one front, attacks on another in TV talk - The National

Michael Purcell: Ahmadinejad puts himself in danger - News

Iranian lawmakers seek Ahmadinejad's impeachment - TV | World | RIA Novosti

US government takes down HAARP website to conceal evidence of US weather modification and earthquake inducing warfare. | PRESS Core – Evidentiary News, World News, Special Reports, Technology, Health, Videos, Polls

CDC Warns Public to Prepare for 'Zombie Apocalypse' -

China blocks U.N. report on N.Korea-Iran ties - envoys | Reuters

Richard Grenell: Kofi Annan Calls Obama's Libya Policy "Not Very Helpful"


Bernanke's Economic Time Bomb

The US is Running Out of Ammunition for the Coming Economic Crisis

Disturbing Questions about President Obama's Vision for Israel

Obama's borders Caused 60 Years of War

IMF approves $37 billion for Portugal

No Congressional Oversight for 'Limited' Military Action?

Obama abandons American interests

Why Israel cannot trade land for peace

Washington Post slams Obama for undermining peace

Bibi lets Obama have it - diplomatically speaking

Cain makes it official: he's running

Two-Faced Hamas on the Two-State Solution

The U.S. Must Pay the Jizya

Media Shielded Voters from Obama's Israel Intentions

R2P'Od: Assad continues to murder his own citizens

A Testament to Armed Forces Day

Boomer Barons?

Elitist, Lead Thyself

The Middle East Operational Codes: Five Keys to Understanding

'Obama Sides with the Palestinians' - Again

Regulation Cannot Control Malignant Melanoma

Skoropadsky and the Course of Russian-Ukrainian Relations

A Princeton Instructor's Suicide and the Broken Immigration System

Debbie Schlussel;What Not to Wear: Muslim Jihadist Bank Buys J. Jill

Debbie Schlussel;FUNNY Video – HOprah Watch: “Dr.” Phil Solves America’s Fertilizer Shortage

Debbie Schlussel;Obama’s Israel 1967 “Borders”: What Jordanian/”Palestinians” Did to Pre-1967 Jewish & Christian Graves, Churches

Debbie Schlussel;FUNNY Video: New Levi Johnston Book, Group Upset Over Celeb Books

Debbie Schlussel;SMACKDOWN!: Allen West Responds to Obama’s Palestinian Speech

Debbie Schlussel;Obama: US Must Be Based on Pre-1492 Borders; Israel is Fall Guy for Osama Killing

United States Is a Dying Empire: Civil Rights Activist and Liberal Talk Show Host Openly Hope for American Revolution Because We Exploited People of Color and the Planet | The Blaze

Is Heaven for Real? 12-Year-Old Colton Burpo vs. Famed Scientist Stephen Hawking | The Blaze

Beck‘s Warnings Are Exactly Left’s Hate-Filled Words: Anti-Semitic Socialist Meeting Speech Claims Racist Israel and America Massacred Indigenous People and Are in an Evil Colonial Conspiracy to Protect Oil Interests | The Blaze

Stunning Time-Lapse Videos: Man Captures Trees, Flowers Coming to Life | The Blaze

An Impending ‘Zombie Apocalypse?’ A Warning From the CDC | The Blaze

Do You Really Want to See Taiwanese Animated Video of a Topless Meghan McCain Whacking Glenn With a Stick? | The Blaze

Obama Sides With Palestinians — Endorses 1967 Border Demands | The Blaze

Virtual Technology Allows Commandos to Train in Bin Laden’s Compound | The Blaze

Newt Calls Into Rush‘s Show and Gives ’Frustrating’ Interview | The Blaze

Allen West on Obama Backing Palestinian Demand: ‘Could Be the Beginning of the End’ for Israel | The Blaze

Skeptics Explain Why World May Not End on Saturday Night | The Blaze

AFL-CIO Could Soon Tell Dems: Do More for Unions or We’ll Yank Our Funding | The Blaze

Fox News Preview: Who Helped the 9/11 Hijackers? | The Blaze

New Details Emerge About Radical Imam Anwar al-Awlaki’s Pentagon Luncheon | The Blaze

Confirmed: Wrestler ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage Dies in Head-On Car Crash | The Blaze

Utah Family Finds $45,000 in New Home…Then Gives it Back | The Blaze

Awkward: United Airlines Ground Zero Ad – ‘You’re Going to Like Where We Land’ | The Blaze

Horrific Vid: 17-Year-Old Mother Caught Trying to Smother Baby | The Blaze

See a Paralyzed Man Stand Up on His Own After Experimental Surgery | The Blaze

‘Today I Speak From My Heart’: Obama’s Guarantee to Never Divide Jerusalem | The Blaze

Hand Over Your Cash America Your Billion-Dollar Bribe Is Not Close to Enough Social Justice: Palestinian Activist Demands Social Justice – US Must Return Assets to Countries We Exploited | The Blaze

Scientists Analyze Amazonian Tribe That Has No Concept of Time or Dates | The Blaze

College Students Sign Petition to ‘Ban’ Rush, Beck From Radio — But Love Free Speech | The Blaze

Facebook Will Use New Technology to Detect and Remove Child Pornography | The Blaze

A ‘No’ From Netanyahu: Israeli PM Rejects 1967 Border Talk in Front of Press | The Blaze

Utah Tour Guide Charged With Trying to Smuggle Antiquities Out of Israel | The Blaze

White House Tries to Clarify 1967 Border Remarks: Only a ‘Starting Point’ | The Blaze

U.S. Authorities Charge Radical Muslims for Threats Against ‘South Park’ Creators | The Blaze

Will President Obama Willingly Violate the War Powers Act? | The Blaze

Today’s the Day Herman Cain Is Launching His Campaign for President | The Blaze

Chinese General: Don’t Worry, America, Our Military Doesn’t Compare To Yours | The Blaze

Wait — Why Did This Kid Have His Leg Reattached Backwards? | The Blaze

Potential GOP 2012 contenders - Politics - White House -

Newest Bin Laden Video (watching himself on TV) proves Nothing (other than he switched from being a Lefty) : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Dutch Priest Belonged to Pedophile Club

China Expands Export Quotas of Rare Earth Metals

Symbolic Pics of the Week (05/21)

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash

Symbolic Pics of the Week (05/13)

FEMA Implements “Special Chip” In Cell Phones to Send Out Alerts

Why the Death of the Man Who Was Not Behind 9/11 Was Announced on May 1st

Irrational Consumerism (or The Few Companies Who Feed the World)

Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones

Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control



Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings 2 - Riddles in Stone - Secret Architecture of Washington, D.C. 2:55:30

E Books

e BookDownload:The Illuminati Formula to Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave

e Book Download :The Secret Teachings of All Ages


Matrix of Power 1:07:04


Russia Sabotaged Iran Nuclear Programme: Report

WikiLeaks Reveals US Wanted to Keep Russia out of Libyan Oil

Details Emerge of America's Secret Oil War with Russia

Mitt Romney Accuses Obama of Betraying Israel

Lots of Rhetoric – But Very Little Help

Norman Finkelstein On Obama's Mideast Speech

Wikileaks: Military Top Brass Welcomed US Troops in Pakistan

Where Are the Christian Churches When We Need Them Most?


Restricting the Movement of You & Your Money

Disclosure and Deceit: Secrecy as the Manipulation of History, not its Concealment

Regime Change at the IMF: The Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn?

Imperialism: Bankers, Drug Wars and Genocide


*Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation


VIDEO: Fracking Hell: The True Cost of America's Gas Rush

Republicans in Congress to Crown Obama King

The Strauss-Kahn Affair: Conspiring to Reshape the Global Financial Playing Field?

The Sexual Underground Of Bankers

Strauss-Kahn. "Presumption of Innocence". The Establishment Eliminates A Threat

Was Dominique Strauss-Kahn Trying to Torpedo the Dollar?

The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward

Comic Relief: Zombie Apocalypse and the End of the World

VIDEO: "I am Bradley Manning": The Price of Telling the Truth

YouTube - Peter Schiff on Freedom Watch


*(1:02:47)YouTube - College Conspiracy


Modern schooling and the war against competition | Old-Thinker News

Sen. Hatch To Introduce Resolution Opposing President Obama’s Israel Policy

Obama’s ‘Contiguous’ Palestinian State Could ‘Split Israel in Half,’ Says Middle East Expert

Obama’s Position on Israel’s Future Borders Contradicts Assurances by President Bush

Rabbi: 'The President of the United States is Asking for Ethnic Cleansing'

AFL-CIO Trumka: Electoral Process ‘Broken’ by Supremes in Citizens United Case

Democrat Seeking ‘Price-Fixing’ Probe of Oil Refineries Not Sure How Many Are Run by ‘Big Oil’

Saudi Activist Deplores Obama’s Silence on ‘Tyrannical’ Regime

AFL-CIO May Reduce Support to Democrats

Backlog In Immigration Court Cases Now Exceeds 270,000

Federally Funded NASA ‘Educates’ Children About Global Warming on ‘Climate Kids’ Web Site

'Transparent' Obama Administration Holds More 'Listen Only' Events

Obama Wants Israel to Cede to Palestinian Demand for 1967 Border

Illinois Lawmakers Say Gun-Permit Holder Names Private

Zogby New Poll Stunner: Christie, Cain Lead GOP Pack

Zogby: Jews Still Will Vote for Obama

An Unknown, Huntsman Presses White House Bid

GOP Prez Hopefuls: Obama Is Betraying Israel

Ollie North: Obama's Mideast Tack 'Deadly Mistake'

Obama Pushes Education Overhaul

Your Guide to Safe Grilling

What Does Obama Gain by Snubbing Israel?

Sanctuary States Defy Federal Immigration Laws

GOP Far More Diverse Than Democrats

Obama Has Turned His Back on Israel

Ron Paul to Obama: Stop Dictating to Israel

Obama's Speech Stacks the Cards Against Israel

GOP Must Choose the Right Candidate for 2012

The Plight of Migrant Workers in the Middle East and North Africa

"Bomb Everything in Libya": Pirates of the Mediterranean 'Up the ante'

Unity is Not Compromise: Towards a Real Palestinian Strategy

The Profound Hypocrisy of President Obama’s Speech on the Middle East

Africa: Battleground For NATO's 21st Century Strategic Concept

The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the FairTax Is Not Fair - informationliberation

Google Boss: We'll Fight Anti-Piracy Blocking Laws - informationliberation

Libertarianism versus Statism - informationliberation

Not Ending Medicare As We Know It - informationliberation

» CIA/NSA’s Gen. Hayden Confronted on Destruction of American Privacy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New ‘Behaviometrics’ Technology Allows Government To Know What You’re Thinking Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Beastly Drone Sub Is ‘Underwater Predator’ | Danger Room |

Eye Spy: Monocle Gives Commandos Drone Vision | Danger Room |

Searching for Aliens on Kepler's Planets

1994: Army War College Paper Proposes use of Computer Generated Insurgents | Old-Thinker News

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America | Old-Thinker News



*The Alex Jones Show – May 20th, 2011

+Audio:Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 20th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 20th, 2011


YouTube - Gerald Celente on the Gary Null Show 16 May 2011

3 Part/Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama’s True Origins |

Obama Praises Romney for ‘Assist’ in Passing Obamacare |


*Radiation News 5-20-11 |


8.4 Magnitude Libya Confirmed -Official Cover Up! | Before It's News


The UN Deception (Part 1 of 5)

The UN Deception (Part 2 of 5)

The UN Deception (Part 3 of 5)

The UN Deception (Part 4 of 5)

The UN Deception (Part 5 of 5)


Get Ready - HAARP Has Been Turned Up Again | Before It's News

5 Presidential Stooges of the Illuminati | Before It's News

Are We in a HAARP "Earthquake War"? | Before It's News

Obama Fixes Visa Policy for Iranian Students | Before It's News


*BREAKING: Barack Obama's SSN Tied to an Alias, Harrison J. Bounel | Before It's News


YouTube - Obama's Social Security Number Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel - 5/18/11

Corsi: “I have his license”

Proof Positive: Documents Showing Obama Was Born In Kenya, Africa? | Before It's News

Nazi UFO Base? Mystery Shrouds Hacienda Dignidad | Before It's News

America’s Stonehenge: The Mysterious Georgia Guidestones | Before It's News

ACORN & Drug Cartels Taking Over U.S. Political Offices in Over 200 U. S. Cities

“Presidential candidate” Jon Huntsman: John McCain rides again | Before It's News

Nostradamus - New World Order Destroyed | Before It's News

Alien Grey Extraterrestrial Zeta Reticuli Tape 06 - Family Vacation | Before It's News

Four New Alien Species Close Up in One Mars Spirit Rover Photo! | Before It's News

Two New Faces Discovered On The Moon's Surface, UFO Sighting News. | Before It's News

Fox Launches Attack on Health Care Waivers as Being 'Corrupt'

30 Years of 'Starving The Beast' Politics

What If Anonymous Had Its Own Bank? Open Source Project Bitcoin Develops Peer-to-peer Electronic Currency.

CBS Edits Obama Speech to Stir Israel Controversy

How Arnold Schwarzenegger turned into California's Worst Nightmare

John Lithgow Performs Gingrich's Epic Press Release

Newt Gingrich tells Rush Limbaugh he wasn't talking about Ryan when he coined the phrase 'Right-Wing Social Engineering'

Palin blames media for GOP dustups -- then launches into payback rip of Gingrich

Dems Push Obama To Make Recess Appointment Of Elizabeth Warren

Judgment Day Coming For the Senate Republicans Next Week

NJ voters by a 2-1 margin say Gov. Chris Christie should not run for President in 2012

67 Not Out: Visualisation

Bitcoin ; P2P Virtual Currency

Mt Gox - Bitcoin Exchange Buy Bitcoins

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

Dark energy DOES exist and it's increasingly driving our universe apart, scientists claim | Mail Online

Feeling happy? Don't be too smug as chances are you will die young - Telegraph

Earth's core may be melting, scientists find - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

How you think about death may affect how you act


*19TH/Transcripts:Obama's Speech on the Middle East

Interview with Senator John McCain

Interview with Ambassador Susan Rice

Analysts Discuss Obama's Middle East Speech

Panel on the Goodwin Liu Confirmation Fight

Interview with Former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld

Interview with Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour


No Ride Up the Career Ladder | Opinion | The Moscow Times

In the IMF succession battle, a stench of colonialism - The Washington Post

The Weekend Interview With Henry Kissinger -

Is The US At War With Pakistan's Intelligence Service? | The New Republic

US arms sales at odds with words - The Boston Globe

Syria Critical of Obama's Middle East Speech Warning Assad - TIME

MILLER: Strauss-Kahn's IMF golden parachute - Washington Times

Ehud Barak: Netanyahu must take 'daring’ steps toward peace -

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: Obama’s power was in the idealism

How China Gains from Fukushima | The Diplomat

Exploiting the ocean's riches | The Japan Times Online

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Editorial :: Clock is ticking

The blowup with Israel - The Washington Post

An Analysis Of Obama's Middle East Speech | The New Republic

Who speaks for the world? | The Spectator

Commentary: Diplomatically Insulting the Chinese | The National Interest

WPR Article | The Realist Prism: Russia's 'Natural Security' Deficit

LinkedIn’s IPO could ruin the tech sector John Dvorak's Second Opinion - MarketWatch

Was LinkedIn Scammed? -

LinkedIn IPO: Media’s Crazy Comparisons; It's Not the 1990s All Over Again - The Daily Beast

How Google Became a Value Stock -

RealClearMarkets - Small Business Is The Key To US Growth

Red Bull's Billionaire Maniac - BusinessWeek

The Associated Press: Once bullish, contrarian Jim Grant likes cash now

Good riddance to dollar hegemony | James Saft

Making Things in America -

What The Donald Got Right -

The End of the Book? — The American Magazine

Short Sharp Science: Rapture: Why do people love doomsday predictions?

How Snake Oil Got a Bad Rap (Hint: It Wasn’t The Snakes’ Fault) | Collectors Weekly

San Francisco to Vote on Banning Circumcision - International Business Times

Radio telescopes capture best-ever snapshot of black hole jets

Dark Energy Confirmed Again! : Starts With A Bang

mental_floss Blog » The CIA Plan to Use Cats as Spies (and the Taxi That Ruined It)

Is Fear Deficit a Harbinger of Future Psychopaths? - Association for Psychological Science

Antibody production gets confused during long-term spaceflight | Science Codex

Inside the "Black Box" of Personhood | Big Questions Online

Evolution and the Origin of Biological Information, Part 5 | The BioLogos Forum

Alternative medicine: Think yourself better | The Economist

BBC News - New method 'confirms dark energy'

RealClearScience - After Doomsday: How Humans Get Off Earth

RealClearScience - Tribe Has Little Concept of Time, Dates

RealClearScience - Scientists Fight University to Study Skeletons

Half-Baked Idea?: Legalizing Marijuana Will Help the Environment: Scientific American

RealClearScience - Evolutionary Psychology Gets Weirder

RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis


*RealClearWorld : Research And Analysis


*The Week in Pictures: May 15 - 21


*21st/Politics Video:Obama Weekly Address: Reforming "No Child Left Behind" This Year

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison Gives Weekly GOP Address On Energy

+20th/GOP Senator: Democrats Trying To "Blackmail Republicans" On Budget

Maher: Republicans Want A Candidate "Meaner Than Trump And Dumber Than Palin"

Dylan Ratigan: Republican Arguments Abandon "Arithmetic And Fact"

Eugene Robinson: Obama Did The "Right Thing" With Israel

Trumka: House GOP Has "Ransom Note" For Gov't To Cut Medicare

Gassing Up With Obama

John Lithgow Does Dramatic Reading Of Gingrich Statement

Herman Cain: Obama "Threw Israel Under The Bus"

Dem PAC Ad: Which Page Is Romney On Today?

PLO Reaction To Obama Peace Proposal

Jon Huntsman On Ryan Budget Plan: "I Would've Voted For it"

Israeli Response To Apparent U.S. Policy Shift

Krauthammer: Israel "Has To Wonder How Much It Can Trust" Obama

Obama "Not Worried" About Who Is Getting Credit For Bin Laden

Netanyahu: "Only Peace That Will Endure Is One Based On Reality"

Carney On Tuesday: "False" That Obama Had Speech Draft Pushing Pre-1967 Borders

Rumsfeld Warns Of "Rush To Judgment" On Pakistan

Coburn On Credit Rating: "I Would Downgrade Us In A Minute"

E.J. Dionne: Obama "Did Not Throw Israel Under The Bus"

Dem: Obama "Bringing Democracy To Libya While Shredding The Constitution"

Mark McKinnon: GOP Candidate Should Run As A Moderate

Bill O'Reilly On Obama's Speech On The Middle East


*20th/World Video:Susan Rice Talks Middle East Diplomacy

Obama Endorses Key Palestinian Border Demand

Ambivalence in Egypt over Obama speech

U.S. Turning its Back on Israel?

Why Does Israel Matter?

How Did Middle East Respond to Obama's Speech?

Former Israeli Amb. Sees Radical Shift in American Policy

Backlash to Obama's Mideast Speech

Raw Video: Afghan Mob Attacks NATO-funded Site

Iraqi Police Targeted In Deadly Triple Blasts

Strauss-Kahn Indicted On Seven Counts

Suicide Bomber Hits U.S. Embassy Car In Peshawar

President Obama on the Arab Spring

Open for Questions: The President's Speech

Ambassador Robert Blake on U.S.-India Relations

19th/New Audio Of bin Laden Spurs Extremist Networks

Election Preparations in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Exit Strategy for Afghanistan?

China Facing Energy Crisis?

China Blocks UN Report on Missile Technology Transfers

Syria's Facebook War

Journalist Discusses Syria Detention

Obama Places Sanctions On Syrian Officials

IMF Chief Quits Over Sex Charges

Deadly Afghan Protests Follow NATO Raid

UN Seeks Libya Ceasefire To Get Supplies In

Nicaraguan Volcano's Dramatic Eruption

Meet the New Face of al Qaeda

Chinese Investment in Zimbabwe

Jilted Bride Saved In Suicide Drama


Obama Draws the Line -

Borderline Treachery - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Obama faces narrower path to 2012 re-election | Reuters

RealClearPolitics - Huntsman Looks to Turn Beijing Post Into Asset

2012 Flip-Flops by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Tim Pawlenty - The Daily Beast

Candid Romney Would Own Up To Mass. Fiasco -

Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann: Will They Run? -

Dear Congress, Your Credit Application Has Been Turned Down - Reason Magazine

Dore Gold: Israel's 1967 Borders Aren't Defensible -

Obama Gets Real on Israel

Mark Steyn: The unzippered princeling and the serving wench - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Shame on GOP senators who blocked Goodwin Liu

Editorial: For Democrats, It's All About Tax Hikes -

Gas Prices and Political Pandering -

Opinion: The tea party's ideal candidate - Andrew Hemingway -

Can They Win, One Tweet at a Time? - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Tuition Skyrockets -- While Learning Plummets

Hope and Change - By Nathan J. Brown | Foreign Policy

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Abandonment of America

RealClearPolitics - Bachmann's Iowa Moment Arrives

AFL-CIO's Rich Trumka on the Post-Wisconsin Game Plan | The Nation

RealClearPolitics - What Makes the 2012 GOP Field So Weak?

Making Things in America -

Strassel: The GOP Field—All Talk, No Do - - Romney’s Evangelical Problem - Friday, May 20, 2011

New book explores 1973 killing of Israeli official

Strauss-Kahn house arrest draws media, tourists

Deadly horse virus spreads, 34 animals infected

New app another tool for workers in wage disputes

GOP freshmen share how to handle town hall anger

Astronauts offer pope unique view of Earth's woes

US court orders Iran to compensate terror victims

Palestinians kill suspected Israeli collaborator in W. Bank

Iran arrests 30 people it says spied for United States

'Turkey sponsoring Schalit negotiations with Hamas'

Review: ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ Sails into Dark Waters

Wanted In America: A Man Who Is What He Seems

RIP: Wrestler Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage Dies in Fla. Car Wreck

Pete Townshend At 66: A Remarkable Rock Legend

Rob Lowe: Conservative Politics Built on Logic

Jodie Foster: Mel Gibson is the Most Loved Actor in Hollywood

Schwarzenegger puts acting career on hold

FOX 411 in Cannes: Horrified Viewers Flee Antonio Banderas' New Flick Due to Extreme Sex, Violence Scenes -

The Adam Carolla Show: Face 2 Face With Ace: Andrew Breitbart

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett Calls for Increased School Choice for Families

Sheriff Clarence ‘New Tone’ Dupnik Defends Shooting of Iraq Vet 60 Times

Obama Health Care Defense Gets Loaded Deck in Virginia

Wisconsin Recount Over, Results Unchanged

LA Rally: Don’t Believe What Teachers Tell You

Did Mexican Government Call It An ‘Active War’, Or An ‘Act Of War’?

Media Matters Honcho Attacks Israel, AIPAC: Calls Netanyahu ‘Terrorist’

Justice Sought for Widow of Victim Killed In Mexican Border Attack

The Democratic Party Should Be Ashamed of Itself!

Of Course: AARP Gets ObamaCare Waiver

Convicted Felon Sets Up Nationwide Shop For Obama

Audio:Is Our Economy Stuck in the Mud?

Writer Who Started “Trigs Crew” Phenomenon Out at Wonkette

DropFox Hits The Ground … and Stays There

Media Matters Honcho Attacks Israel, AIPAC: Calls Netanyahu ‘Terrorist’

NewsBusted: Is Ron Paul the Perfect Choice for President?

Jan Schakowsky Wants to Ban Critical Media, Calls Breitbart “Sleazebag”

Travel Giant Orbitz Stands Up to Soros “Smear Campaign”

Palin Hammers David Gregory, the MSM, and asks the Magic Question: ‘Why Participate In Their Game?

O’Reilly Let Stewart Off Easy

Harvard Moonbat’s New Book Solves Global Warming and Mid-East Peace At Same ‘Tome’

Red Tape - IRS snafu leaves taxpayers, refunds in limbo for months

Kucinich continues flirt with changing districts to stay in Congress - The Hill's Floor Action

Blagojevich Trial To Resume On Wednesday « CBS Chicago

Katie Couric’s Final ‘Evening News’ - TVNewser

Steele in talks to join MSNBC - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Google abandons master-plan to archive the world's newspapers - Phlog


+'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?


Savage: Bible shows what's next for Israel

Foot in Mouth

**Raw Data: Text of President Obama's Mideast Speech -


Americans to Israel: Don't listen to Obama

Israeli rebuke of Obama exposes divide on Mideast | Reuters

Netanyahu Responds to Obama Middle East Speech (Transcript, Photo) -

Bibi “encouraged” after long meeting with Obama - By Josh Rogin | The Cable

U.S. declines to confirm reported tense Netanyahu call - International Business Times

Obama’s ‘Contiguous’ Palestinian State Could ‘Split Israel in Half,’ Says Middle East Expert |

WorldNetDaily Commentary

Palestinian Sees Prospects of Deal Receding -

Mideast Bristles at U.S. Policy -

Obama: Hamas attack = Israeli self defense

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama 'ignores history, facts and Israel's security';Jed Babbin: Prez 'willfully ignorant' of threat posed by radical Islam

Turkey says pressed Hamas to recognize Israel’s ‘right to exist’

The most important question ever

Religion – the overlook... JPost - Features - Insights & Features


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Suffocated by the heavy hand of government' ;Rep. Walsh says business owners 'scared to death' about taxes, regulations

Dems join Obama panic attack on book

White House panic: Corsi book targeted

File Claims Obama's Father Paid for Abortion of His Half-Sibling |

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Egyptian Christians: We're under siege

ACORN's other White House 'insider'

Feds must stop writing gibberish under new law - Yahoo! News

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: How France hid the sleazy truth about the rutting chimpanzee | Mail Online

Federally Funded NASA ‘Educates’ Children About Global Warming on ‘Climate Kids’ Web Site |

23 women charged after child porn sting - The Local

6 accused in East Texas sex ring await freedom

Heroin taco delivery lands ex-deputy in prison - San Antonio Express-News

Life sentence for 14-year-old killer confirmed by court - Yahoo! News

Secret Service issues mea culpa for accidental anti-Fox News tweet - Yahoo! News

ACLU: Web filter provider to drop LGBT category |

Sound of sex could alert internet porn filter - tech - 20 May 2011 - New Scientist

Arnold Schwarzenegger showered his love child with gifts and played godfather to his brother | Mail Online

No sex, no flirting, no dating: Welcome to my manbbatical - The Globe and Mail

Priest Receives Support, Criticism For Bin Laden Prayer Plans - West Palm Beach News Story - WPBF West Palm Beach

To liberals, every woman looks like a hotel maid

Abridged Obama bio set to scam school kids

What a real 'birther' satire might look like

Lawsuit filed over Obama strategy to abandon marriage

Email suggests Kagan colluded on Obamacare

Tea Party Nation says Boehner's time's run out

Muslim attorney's complaint over teen's defender dropped

A tale of two birth certificates

Obama birth certificate linked to previous 'forgery'?

Hawaii detective charges: 'Birth certificate' a fraud

Kenya investigated Obama 'African birth'

Hawaii shuts out WND probe of Obama birth

New 'birth certificate' anomalies inexplicable

Nordyke numbers expose Obama document fraud?

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

Look who calls Obama 'black mascot' of Wall Street

Gingrich is a liberal

Proof that Obama's 'birth certificate' is invalid

To sue or not to sue?

Obama's 'Born in the USA' tour

Obama to Israel: Drop dead (literally)

What a real 'birther' satire might look like

Obama's 'Born in the USA' tour

Brother, can you spare a million?

I'm holding back the progression of mankind!

Gingrich vs. Ryan

'Modern jurisprudence' has emasculated Constitution

An open letter to the church

Best Way to Save Medicare, Offer it to Everyone | Common Dreams

America's iconic Marxist historian

The Master of Distraction

American Thinker: Why Obama is Just Not That Into You

Straight or Gay? Vowels in Speech May Give it Away - Yahoo! News

British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago) | Mail Online

New epitaphs for dead in O.K. Corral shootout - Yahoo! News

Washington artifacts up for auction - Washington Times

Group to return items from Nazi camp victims - The Local

Brad Pitt, Katy Perry and More Go Back on Christian Beliefs - ABC News

Spectacular mammal rediscovered after 113 years -- first ever photographs taken

AFP: Species loss far less severe than feared: study

Group to return items from Nazi camp victims - The Local

Auschwitz 'Arbeit Macht Fre... JPost - Jewish World - Jewish News

Media Watchdog Presents Katie Couric's 'Most Biased Moments' |

Newsweek Editor Wins 'Obamagasm': Obama 'Sort of God' |

*21 May

American Minute for May 21st

Today in History: May 21

May 21 Events in History

May 21st This Day in History

May 21st in History

Today in History: May 21 » History Net

This Day in History for 21st May

YouTube - Today in History May 21


May 20, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN



Alex Jones - 2011-May-20, Friday

The Manning Report- 20 May 2011

The Manning Report- 19 May 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-20-11

The Michael Savage Show 05/20/2011

05/20 The Mark Levin Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, May, 20, 2011

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show 3

Redding News Reveiw

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3


Genesis Communications Network GCN News Don’t Say I Did Not Warn You About Your 401k… «

Selling Gold at Fort Knox Emerges as Next Big Question in Debate on Federal Debt Limit - May 17, 2011 - The New York Sun

Did the Law & Order episode "Hayden Tract" hold clues into the Jared Lee Loughner Tucson shooting?

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Big Sis and DHS Push ID Program for Travelers «

Veteran Journalists: Today's White House Reporters Are Too Timid - Washington Whispers (

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Jerome Corsi Trashes Donald Trump «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News You Might Be A Psychopath If… «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Decorah Bald Eagles + Ustream = Reality TV Gold; Set to Top 100 Million Views «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News ‘Get Prepared’ Expo Pictorial; Surprise Presidential Candidate Revealed «

Minn. speaker apologizes after partisan prayer |

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Sons Of Liberty Talk Host Bradlee Dean Ratchets Up Same-Sex Marriage Debate at Minnesota Legislature «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News In the Coming Presidential Election, the Majority of Voters Are Irrelevant «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Will The Real Neo Con Please Stand Up? «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News New Details On Al Qaeda Pentagon Lunch: Defense Dept. Was “Impressed” With Terrorist’s Presentation «

Ind. Sheriff: If We Need to Conduct RANDOM HOUSE to HOUSE Searches We Will « The Smoking Argus Daily | Investigating the Underbelly of Politics and Government

Genesis Communications Network GCN News The End of History «

Marijuana Smell? Supreme Court Carpet Bombs 4th Amendment

CDC Recommends Preparing for All Disasters -- Even Zombies - Yahoo! News

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Treating Dry Skin From the Inside Out «

Drinking Coffee Helps Avoid Prostate Cancer, Study Says -

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Bone Soup: Miracle Food «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Help! I’m Trapped in a Filter Bubble and Can’t Get Out «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News Globalists’ Secret Weapon Exposed: Tech Kill Chips «

Bin Laden Is Now Shakespeare | ATLAH Media Network

Sovereign Citizens, Anti-Government Group Files Liens, Some Embrace Violence (VIDEO)

New weapons systems to mimic human brain | Electronics News

How Goldman Sachs Created the Food Crisis


YouTube - Map of Arab Rage: Imperialism in the making?


YouTube - Ron Paul on Morning Joe Talking About Paul Ryan Budget and Foreign Policy


YouTube - Full Show - 5/19/11. Faith & healthcare, Intellectual Property Rights


YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward 1/2

YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward 2/2


YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: State Of Emergency - Alex Jones Tv 1/5

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: State Of Emergency - Alex Jones Tv 2/5

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: State Of Emergency - Alex Jones Tv 3/5

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: State Of Emergency - Alex Jones Tv 4/5

YouTube - Dr. Steve Pieczenik: State Of Emergency - Alex Jones Tv 5/5


Iran accused of September 11 role

Attorney: SWAT raid found guns, body armor

Republican senators press president on War Powers deadline – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

» Oath Keepers to Rally in Tucson on Memorial Day Over Death of Young Marine Veteran Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

FBI lab reports on anthrax attacks suggest another miscue | McClatchy

Spanish protesters cheer for ‘world revolution’ as ban on demonstration takes effect | The Raw Story

China asks US to respect Pak's sovereignty, independence - Economic Times

» Bin Laden Death Script & the Needed Trigger for Next Step-Pakistan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» America’s “Arab Deception” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Whistleblower says Russian troops fed dog food - Yahoo! News

Hedge Farm! The Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists | The New York Observer

US senator calls for free trade pacts in Middle East - Yahoo! News

» The End Of The Eurozone? — Stiglitz At European Zeitgeist 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paulson Cast as Stoic Savior in HBO’s ‘Big’ Wall Street Saga: Greg Evans - Bloomberg

» Tylenol Mafia: FBI Damage Control for Big Pharma Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» EU moves to ban plastic bags Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Drones Becoming Pervasive INSIDE America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland Security's Top Cybersecurity Official Resigns - Marc Ambinder - Technology - The Atlantic

» The Chicken Underground: Raising fresh food against the law? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The War on Milk – GM Dairy and Cancer Links Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Drug Spending Growth Drops as Brands Are Replaced by Generics - Bloomberg

Marijuana: Smugglers using ultralight aircraft to carry marijuana -

Lucky Illegals Caught at Border Won't Face Mexico's Stiff Law

University Insiders: Illegal Immigrants Get Affirmative Action -

» The Strauss-Kahn Affair: It’s Now Make or Break Time for the IMF Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Larry Flynt: Fight Tyranny with Free Press, Restored 4th Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

H.J.res. 62. Amending the Constitution to end states rights? « The PPJ Gazette

» Fox News: Secrets of 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fox News Reporting: Secrets of 9/11 - Episode Guides - Fox News Reporting -

Sept. 11 Mood Study Based on Texting Is Flawed | Miller-McCune

United Airlines apologizes for recycling 9/11 flight numbers - The Hill's Transportation Report

» Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

White House on War Powers Deadline: ‘Limited’ US Role in Libya Means No Need to Get Congressional Authorization

Iran accused of September 11 role

Climate cleansing: Google to censor skeptics?

Saudi Activist Deplores Obama’s Silence on ‘Tyrannical’ Regime |

EFF Demands Answers About Secret Surveillance Law Memo

Tariq Ali: Whenever West intervenes, it’s a disaster

China Becomes World’s Larest Gold Buyer – Buys 93.5 Tonnes Of Gold Coins / Bars in Q1 – Gold Ownership Rising From Miniscule Levels

The Next Big Gold Rally Has Started

Treasury Prepares To Plunder Another $45 Billion From Retirement Funds As It Issues $110 Billion More Debt Next Week

United Ad at Ground Zero Removed | NBC New York

Questions over security as detailed schematics of new World Trade Center building posted online | Mail Online

The Art of Propaganda Comprehension: Critical Thinking During the bin Laden Controversy

Health scare after Feds scramble to 'contain' museum's 135-year-old small pox scab | Mail Online

Toxic pesticides from GM food crops found in unborn babies - Telegraph

AFP: Species loss far less severe than feared: study

PA Republican: Change Unemployment Benefits So People Can't 'Take A Paid Vacation'

The Koch Secret Formula: Third Party Sarah, President Obama Wins...Or Does He?

It's Rapture Day! Get ready for the big Tribulation Shindig afterward.

Trumka To Dems: If You're Not There For Us, We Won't Be There For You

Minnesota GOP invites anti-gay death metal preacher to give opening prayer

CDC: Women Are Increasingly Choosing Home Birth. Why?

Andrea Mitchell Gives T. Boone Pickens Free Airtime to Push His Energy Plan. Meanwhile, His Huge Water Grab Goes Unmentioned

Seawater Mix-up at #Hamaoka Nuke Plant: Pipes Broke in the Condenser When the End Cap Fell Off | EX-SKF

The X (Rated) Conference | Mantiq al-Tayr

Binnie the Rat Nitwityahoo. Profiles in Evil

The voice of an empire in decline | Jody McIntyre | Independent Notebook Blogs

Iran 'knew about 9/1 terror attacks before they happened and trained hijackers' | Mail Online

Once Again, Barky Shows Who's In Charge (Not Him)

George W Bush rakes in staggering $15million on speaking circuit | Mail Online

BBC News - Mobile wallet offered to UK shoppers

Diet Coke and Mentos stunt goes wrong - Yahoo! News

Grain, Soybeans Surge on Adverse Weather From U.S. to Europe - Businessweek

Nights in shining panorama: The stunning images of dark skies seen from Earth revealed in world photo competition | Mail Online

Playing computer games encourages obesity among teens by making them hungry | Mail Online

Organic food 'can help you lose weight... and live longer' | Mail Online

Plans for Einstein Telescope unveiled in Europe - Technology & science - Space - -

The Population Bomb Is Exploding

Obama’s Dark Shady Past Exposed? :

YouTube - Restore America, Paul vs Obama

Ex-IMF chief out of jail, staying by ground zero

Barak: PM-Obama meeting 'less dramatic than it seems'

Brazil's crackdown on deforestation of the Amazon

Amanda Knox case experts are given more time to review DNA evidence

Schwarzenegger must revamp image once more

Navy SEALs and Other Special Operations Forces

audio:Roger Noriega: Iran in Venezuela

No Gary, You Don’t Get $25 Million For Finding Bin Laden

IEDs and the War for ‘Afghan Trust’

Video: NATO Bombing Libyan Warships

audio:Pete Hoekstra: Enhanced Interrogation

Netanyahu Urges U.S. Return To 1845 Borders

Obama And Netanyahu In Sharp Disagreement After Speech

Obama Turns His Back on Israel

Afghan Mob Attacks NATO-Funded Site

Obama’s Strategic Ambiguity On ‘1967 Lines’

Obama’s Abandonment of America


*21-May-11 World View

*20-May-11 World View


*NEWS VIDEOS:Raising Cain!

The End of the World as We Know It



Gene Simmons Slams President Obama’s Israel Policy: ‘He Has No F-Ing Idea What The World Is Like’

Iran Claims it Dismantled US Spy Network

20TH/The Stage Right Show: Guest – Jedediah Bila

Netanyahu’s White House Visit Brings Out Plenty of Protesters (Video Link Repaired)

John Lithgow Hilariously Reads Over-The-Top Gingrich Press Release

Sean Penn Calls Osama Killing ‘Vengeance’

Bibi to BO: Not. Gonna. Happen.

T-Paw to Make it Official on Monday

Exposing the Left: College Students Sign Phony Petition to Ban Conservatives from Radio

Military Video Shows NATO Strikes Destroying Gaddafi’s Warships

NASA Scares Educates Kids About Man Destroying Earth with Federally-Funded Website

Katie Couric’s Long, Liberal Farewell

19TH/The Stage Right Show: Guests – Evan Pokroy, Jenny Erikson, Kurt Schlichter, and Ben Shapiro

Rep. Schakowsky Calls Breitbart ‘Sleaze Bag’

Simona De Silvestro Injured During Indy 500 Practice Run

Teammate: Lance Armstrong Used Drugs

Rob Lowe: Conservative Politics Built on Logic

McConnell on Obama’s Labor Move Against Boeing: ‘Chicago-Style, Thuggish Administration’

Obama Urges Israel to Go Back to 1967 Borders

‘Whaddya Know Joe?’ Featuring Gunless Moments in History

Obama: Al Qaeda a ‘Dead End’

Levin: NBC’s ‘David Gregory Should Not Get Off The Hook For His Race Baiting’

Chris Christie: Only in Government Would Insanity of Sick Day Payouts Take Place

MoveOn Lunatics Protest Paul Ryan Event

FBI Investigates Unabomber in ‘82 Tylenol Deaths

Olbermann on MSNBC Exit: ‘I Didn’t Burn The Bridges, I Burned The Rivers’

Unabomber’s Manifesto, Clothing Up for Auction

Saudi Woman Arrested for Spitting on WalMart Customers ‘Because Americans are Pushing Us Around’

Danish Film Director Makes Pro-Nazi Comments at Cannes

Christian Radio Group: World Ends This Saturday

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