A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

20 May 2011

20 MAY

Video:Obama policy speech on Middle East, North Africa ::

Obama Foodorama: Transcript & Video: President Obama's Remarks On Middle East, North Africa, US Policy

Barack Obama’s Speech on the Middle East and North Africa + transcript « Dandelion Salad

Beck: Obama's Betrayal of Israel - Show -

YouTube - Interview: Robert Fisk on Obama speech

Obama Backs Palestinians' 1967 Border Claims

The Fallacy of the “1967 Borders” – No Such Borders Ever Existed |

Israel's Pre-1967 Borders - Map

- - Bill Clinton: Create Internet agency

US Prepares New Declaration Of “Worldwide War Without End”

Obama Gives ‘Sacrifice’ To Ancient ‘Sun God’ Of Mound Builders

Mississippi River flooding: Residents build homemade dams to saves houses | Mail Online

Strauss-Kahn & The IMF/BCCI Mugger -

China Central Bank Lays It Down: “New IMF Leadership Should Reflect New World Order” -

Veteran U.S. Diplomat: We Are Becoming the USSR -

Politics Europe, Developing Nations Clash Over Who Will Replace IMF Chief DSK -

Fire Sale O' Rama: Why America is Getting Owned by Foreigners -

And Now… J.P. Morgan’s Hunt for Afghan Gold -

CHART: Who Funds The IMF? -

Obama’s Speech a ‘Historic Shift’ on Israel and Palestine? No. -

Treasury Prepares To Plunder Another $45 Billion From Retirement Funds As It Issues $110 Billion More Debt Next Week -

You Need To Be Watching What’s Developing In Spain Right Now -

Japan’s Fukushima Reactor May Have Leaked Radiation Before Tsunami Struck - Bloomberg

TEPCO: Fukushima nuclear meltdown actually occurred just 16 hours after earthquake, more meltdowns on the way -

Africa's new breed of 'dogs of war' -

"Bomb Everything in Libya": Pirates of the Mediterranean 'Up the ante' -

U.S. Inspector General to Investigate "Secure Communities" Program - Fox News Latino

Congressional leaders agree on four-year extension of PATRIOT Act | The Raw Story

The History Of The World's "Reserve" Currency: From Ancient Greece To Today -

The Push for a Single Unified North American Regulatory Regime -

Private Global Bankers = The Priesthood of Modern Western Civilization -

The Titanic: The Mass Murder That Created the Federal Reserve Bank and the New World Order’s 20th Century? : - Unique ID For Bank And Stock Transactions - New bill upgrades unauthorized Internet streaming to a felony - Christian group predicts 'terrific earthquake' on Judgment Day

8 Reasons Why China Resembles The USA Prior To The Great Depression -

Secret Weather Weapons can kill millions, warns top Russian politician -

The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward -

Thank You Cornel West

The End of Judicial Independence

A New US "War on Terror" in Latin America?

Osama bin Laden, Serbian Terrorists and Innocent Victims

Personal responsibility on trial in health care.

Death Derivatives As A Hedge On Longevity

America could still be great, with an American leader

Ron Paul Schools Chris Wallace on the Constitution

Could a mind-reading machine soon be a reality? Scientists 'decode' human brainwaves | Mail Online

'Rapture Parties' Planned to Celebrate Doomsday Saturday May 21 - Yahoo! News

Prodding Israel, Obama embraces Palestine borders - Yahoo! News

If you had $1M, would you buy groceries with food stamps?

YouTube - Political "Moovement" on Capitol Hill

Activist Post: University "Campus Watch" Citizen Spy Program Partners With Threat Fusion Center To Report Suspicious Activity

Solved - Crater Hoax At Basking Ridge?

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake - Technology Review

EPA Rigged RADNET Japan Nuclear Radiation Monitoring Equipment | Alexander Higgins Blog

Fukushima ;Images

Little Georgie Sorrows and the Cowabunga Cowpie. Reflections in a Petri Dish

Alien Contact And Underground Bases

YouTube - The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ) Full-Length Part 1

YouTube - The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ) Full-Length Part 2

YouTube - The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ) Full-Length Part 3

YouTube - The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ) Full-Length Part 4

YouTube - The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ) Full-Length Part 5


Activist Post: Which Path to Persia? Redux

In reminder of '90s, LinkedIn has big first day - Yahoo! News

Whistleblower says Russian troops fed dog food - Yahoo! News - Is There A Place for "White Pride"?

Pneumonia and Influenza Death Toll In El Paso Increases To 83

Feds Wash Hands Of Worsening CWD - 'Emergency Over' (NOT)

Paul Drockton M.A.: Al Queda and Narcotics Trafficking

Facebook and Google Join Forces to Oppose Privacy Bill - Technology - The Atlantic Wire

Pakistan: Neither Complicit nor Incompetent | Opinion Maker

Cell phone use may reduce male fertility, Austrian-Canadian study suggests

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Anayat Durrani: Exposing dangerous myths (Al Ahram Weekly)

Exclusive: Roger Cooper Interview with Doug Rokke “There is No Safe Radiation Level” « News Worldwide

Iran's first nuclear power plant 'goes operational', state radio claims | Mail Online

PressTV - 'US neo-cons seek war on Syria, Iran'

Is Big Pharma Ignoring a Potential Cancer Cure? -

Cannes bans Lars von Trier after Hitler remarks - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Barium in the Blood: Chemtrails? Version no music - Is "Temptation" an Outmoded Concept? - IMF Chief's Sexual Behavior Typical of Illuminati - Hitler and Bormann Were Traitors - The Market is Fixed - Kabbalist Doctrine Explains World Events

Paul Drockton M.A.: Satanic Psychopaths Loot U.S. Pensions

Paul Drockton M.A.: Osama Bin Laden, Carlyle Group and Mormon Illuminati

Paul Drockton M.A.: Adnan Kashoggi, Zions Bank and the Mormon Illuminati

Paul Drockton M.A.: Adnan Kashoggi, Zions Bank and the Mormon Illuminati

Paul Drockton M.A.: Mormons Abandon the Rule of Law

Paul Drockton M.A.: How the Illuminati Got Above the Mormons

Odd Glow Over Fukushima Reactors - Webcam Photos

NHK WORLD English/Trace of radioactive materials detected in Osaka

TEPCO Releases Photos of Tsunami Waters Around its Plant

“Former IMF chief was undesirable in US” - economist — RT

Strauss-Kahn case sparks debate about French media's deference to power | World news | The Guardian

Factbox - Possible successors to Strauss-Kahn as IMF head | Reuters

+National mag publishes fabricated report attacking Corsi book

United Airlines 'sorry' for 9/11 flight numbers blunder - Telegraph

David Cameron: Full inquest into David Kelly's death is 'unnecessary' | Mail Online

Osama bin Laden praises Arab spring in posthumously released tape | World news |

Astronomers discover 10 more free-floating planets in the milky way | Science | The Guardian

+White House panic: Corsi book targeted

Obama Campaign Hawks Birth Certificate T-Shirt, Campaign Claims Its A “Mobile Version” of Truth Squad to Refute Birther Book - Political Punch

Radiation tests lacking / Nuclear plant workers unsure of internal exposure levels : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)

RadNet or SadNet? The EPA’s Failed Radiation Detection System « PSTUPH

America's Student Loan Racket: Soaring Default Rates

We can’t trust our own government « The PPJ Gazette

Tony Blair's former Iraq envoy lobbied for BP oil contracts - UK Politics, UK - The Independent - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Britain’s 40 percent surge in ethnic numbers

Barack Obama to back Middle East democracy with billions in aid | World news | The Guardian

Historian writes of 'pleasure' at murder of pro-Palestinian activist | World news |

Pakistan: Despite UK's noble intentions, foreign aid does not solve problems | Mail Online

Ronald McDonald and Happy Meals 'should be banned', say health campaigners - Telegraph

China hugely cuts number of HIV deaths - Telegraph

'Sticking plaster' can heal damaged hearts - Telegraph

Man admits 'having sex' with 1,000 cars - Telegraph

Vivian Norris: Interview with Akira Tokuhiro, Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima and the Mass Media

Feel like a radiated sitting duck? Things you can do to mitigate the problem. | Farm Wars

YouTube - FreeTruth Show interviews DAVID LIONEL de ROTHSCHILD

Gasoline at 20 Cents a Gallon « Blog

What is this coin worth?. Finding the value of coin silver since 2011!

One number to rule all transactions - Home -

D A Deputy Ipsen Launches Reform Campaign: How To Stop Early Felony Releases

Forensic Global Analysis Of Fukushima Daiichi Crisis

The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up

AIPAC’S Prelude To Treason 2011 | Real Zionist News

CHART: Who Funds The IMF? - Home - The Daily Bail

Netanyahu and Obama: is this the final showdown? | Aluf Benn | Comment is free | The Guardian

Osama bin Laden killing could justify killing Col Gaddafi - Telegraph

US steps up face-to-face peace talks with Taliban - Telegraph

ALIPAC - American Disintegration for North American Integration Plan

ALIPAC - Secret WikiLeaks Document Confirms North American Union Plan

The US War Department

Secret service: The feds question a Tacoma seventh grader for a Facebook comment about President Obama and suicide bombers. - KCPQ

North Pole: a hotbed of competing claims - Telegraph

Leading article: The Arctic no place for oil companies - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Bible Vs. Archaeology

The International Criminal Court - An Imperial Tool

Anwar al-Awlaki is 'next target after Osama bin Laden' - Telegraph

Matthew Norman: At least our papers don't pander to the political elite - Matthew Norman, Commentators - The Independent

New smartphone privacy alert as Android handsets found to be prone to leaking data | Mail Online

Microsoft's Bing uses Facebook data to personalise search - Telegraph

Video: American man eats 25,000th Big Mac - Telegraph

Calls to ban sleep-inducing 'Lazy Cakes' after children fell into deep sleep - Telegraph

Uno III Streetbike unveiled: The transforming 'U3' that can fit in a lift | Mail Online

Is the Beit El Colony a House of God or a House Of Misery? « Kawther Salam

Americans - Then And Now

YouTube - Cocaine Economy

Prosecutor Warns: Early Release For Murderers Will Harm The Public's Safety

How To Identify Members Of The Collectivist Fringe

Supreme Court affirms police action in Kentucky drug case - The Washington Post

Tech Beat: 10 ways 'the police state' tracks you - Times-Standard Online

Soros dumped most gold in Q1, Paulson stays put | Reuters

Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on

The World Is Cornering The Elite… | Don't Tread On Me

Norman Finkelstein on revolution, counter-revolution and Israel-Palestine | My Catbird Seat

Understanding Obama and His America | Opinion Maker

YouTube - Castration for sex offenders?

John Boehner Stuck Between Tea Party And A Hard Place, Pelosi's District Gets 20% Of Obamacare Waivers, Student Loan Debt Now Equals 7% OF GDP (LINKS) - Home - The Daily Bail

Assassination nation: Are there any limits on President Obama's license to kill? -

Medvedev appears to question Osama`s death - PakTribune

Activist Post: Obama speech will reflect ties with Israel: US envoy

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "It Is People's Right & Duty To Throw Out A Tyrannical Government & 2nd Amendment Gives The Means"

U.S. border chief says terror threat greater from Canada than Mexico - The Globe and Mail

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : U.S. Constitution 4th Amendment is Dead in America

White House seeking to boost post-recession travel - BusinessWeek

Afghan dies in apparent suicide at Guantanamo | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Homeland Security's Top Cybersecurity Official Resigns

Hammer Coming Down on Wall Street?

Activist Post: US senators challenge Obama on Libya

New bin Laden Tape Surfaces - The Daily Beast

Ex-NYPD top cop Bill Bratton pushing for overdue ban on assault-weapons ammo clips

Imperialism: Bankers, Drug Wars and Genocide

President Obama’s True Speech on Middle East | Veterans Today

John Boehner's 1998 Glass-Steagall Flashback - Would You Like A CD With That Auto Insurance Policy? - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - We Are The Evolution - Alternative Media!

Matt Taibbi, Josh Rosner With Eliot Spitzer On Goldman Sachs Criminal Utopia: "A White Elephant, Flying Pigs And A Unicorn All At Once" - Home - The Daily Bail

School Wants To Allow Bus Drivers To Search Students - Education News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

Gov. Neil Abercrombie Launches 90-Day Plan To Clear Out Hawaii Homeless

What the Internet is hiding from you -

Congress Sells Out American People Again, Reaches Deal To Extend Patriot Act Four More Years :

Lawsuit accuses AT&T of inflating iPhone, iPad data usage - TechSpot News

Ben Stein: Economic Village Idiot - Home - The Daily Bail

End of the World Predictions | 12 Failed End of the World Prophecies

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Why Do Americans Allow Lie After Lie From Their Leaders?

China Requests that USA Dollar be Replaced as World’s Currency | track cell phones discover a legal way to spy on cell phones, without leaving any trace


Obama to Address AIPAC - Washington Wire - WSJ

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Peter Schiff: "We're selling our souls to the devil"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ridiculous Porpaganda On Fox: "Ron Paul Loves To Work With Progressives & Socialist In Congress!"

Is Your Religion Your Financial Destiny? -

YouTube - The EU seeks UN recognition as a state

9/11 Lawsuit Reveals Iran's Direct Involvement in 9/11 Plot -- NEW YORK, May 19, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --

What the Internet is hiding from you - CNN

Debbie Schlussel:HATE: Saudi Muslim Student Visa Holder Spits on Americans; “Americans Push Us Around”

Debbie Schlussel:Philly Muslim Ice Cream Truck Driver Had Urine Popsicles to Sell

Debbie Schlussel:Investigator: NY Muslim Terrorists FBI Said Weren’t, Part of NY-Based Ring Targeting Synagogues, Incl Chabad HQ

Debbie Schlussel:Fouad Ajami’s Shi’ite Fantasy: Reality Check on Imam Moussa Sadr & Libya’s Qaddafi

Debbie Schlussel:Hey, It’s Another Hate Crime Hoax

Debbie Schlussel:Obama: US Must Be Based on Pre-1492 Borders; Israel is Fall Guy for Osama Killing

Debbie Schlussel:SMACKDOWN!: Allen West Responds to Obama’s Palestinian Speech

Debbie Schlussel:FUNNY Video: New Levi Johnston Book, Group Upset Over Celeb Books

Debbie Schlussel:Obama’s Israel 1967 “Borders”: What Jordanian/”Palestinians” Did to Pre-1967 Jewish & Christian Graves, Churches

Debbie Schlussel:FUNNY Video – HOprah Watch: “Dr.” Phil Solves America’s Fertilizer Shortage

Judgment Day Is Fabulous for Business

Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click

London 2012: The Olympic torch relay and Prometheus

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash

FEMA Implements “Special Chip” In Cell Phones to Send Out Alerts

Army Embeds Active-Duty PSYOPS Soldiers at Local TV Stations

Why the Death of the Man Who Was Not Behind 9/11 Was Announced on May 1st

Karotz: The RFID Rabbit That’ll Monitor Your Home

The News Definers: The Truth about the Council on Foreign Relations (video)

Naming Names: Your Real Government

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Aleister Crowley: His Elite Ties and His Legacy

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

China 'Asks USA To Respect Pak Sovereignty'

Imperial Secrecy

Inside Obama’s "Orwellian World"

Assassination Nation:

Escaping the Matrix

Dominique Strauss-Kahn Was Tying to Torpedo the Dollar



*Text of Obama’s Speech on the Middle East


US will not repeat Abbottabad-like act, says Gilani

U.S. Special Ops Building Satellites to Track Terrorists Everywhere

U.S. Contradictory on Bin Laden; Spinmeisters Do Damage Control

Do Experiments Deep in Swiss Alps Present a Threat to Future of Earth?

Obama Remains Bilderberg Pawn In Global Petroleum Chess Match


Home births up 20%, driven by natural birth subculture -


Predictor of May 21 doomsday to watch it on TV | Reuters

*Harold Camping's Heresies EXPOSED!

Family Radio (FR) Worldwide

Family Stations, Inc.


Vatican slams new pope John Paul sculpture - Yahoo! News

Regime Change at the IMF: The Frame-Up of Dominique Strauss-Kahn?

The Plight of Migrant Workers in the Middle East and North Africa

The Sexual Underground Of Bankers

"Bomb Everything in Libya": Pirates of the Mediterranean 'Up the ante'

Unity is Not Compromise: Towards a Real Palestinian Strategy

Strauss-Kahn. "Presumption of Innocence". The Establishment Eliminates A Threat

The Profound Hypocrisy of President Obama’s Speech on the Middle East

THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION: Big Business Pushing for a Single Unified North American Regulatory Regime

Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s Long Shadow in Washington

Spy Drones Becoming Pervasive INSIDE America

VIDEO: US Veterans Speak Out Against Iraq War

America's War Economy: Support Killing People or Lose Your Job

**How to Can, Freeze, Dry and Preserve Any Fruit or Vegetable at Home

The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the FairTax Is Not Fair - informationliberation

Google Boss: We'll Fight Anti-Piracy Blocking Laws - informationliberation

Napolitano: 'Very, Very, Very Few People Get A Pat Down'; Reality: ~1.8 Million People Per Month - informationliberation

CIA director tells workforce to stop talking about bin Laden raid — or face legal action - The Washington Post

Rap News: Osamacide - informationliberation

Peter Schiff: "We're selling our souls to the devil" - informationliberation

RIAA Calls 4th Amendment Passe: Pushes For Warrantless Searches | Techdirt

Gingrich says he cheated on his wives because he felt so ‘passionately’ for ‘this country’ | The Raw Story

Paranoia is Good for You - informationliberation

How Totalitarian Police States Are Built - informationliberation

TSA Backscatter Radiation Safety Tests Were Rigged - informationliberation

New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda, Calls 9/11 A "Fabrication" - informationliberation

Warrants Let Agents Enter Homes Without Owner Knowing - Albuquerque News Story - KOAT Albuquerque

Senate Bill Would Limit Savers Using 401(k)s as Rainy-Day Funds - Bloomberg

An Interview with Hugo Salinas Price on a Return to a Silver Mexican Peso -

Satellite images reveal alarming speed Pakistan is rushing to finish weapons-grade nuclear reactor | Mail Online

Crazy Military Tracking Tech, From Super Scents to Quantum Dots | Danger Room |

Virginia inmate wins legal jihad, submits prison to all kinds of sharia « Creeping Sharia

Obama Foodorama: President Obama Pledges Wheat, Cash For Jordan

1994: Army War College Paper Proposes use of Computer Generated Insurgents | Old-Thinker News

Modern schooling and the war against competition | Old-Thinker News

Does a CIA “Asset” Own the Bin Laden Compound? :

Mystery Science: More Details on the Strange Organism That Could Destroy Monsanto | BNET

Get Ready - HAARP Has Been Turned Up Again | Before It's News

THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION: Big Business Pushing for a Single Unified North American Regulatory Regime | Before It's News

Touching History:The 5th Plane To Be Seized On 9/11, And The Terrorists Who Got Away | Before It's News

Patriot Freedom

Video: The Plot Thickens: Debt Collector; Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number Also Tied To An Alias Harrison J Bounel | Before It's News

Kerning, More evidence of the Fake Obama Long form BC. | Before It's News

BREAKING NEWS: Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Officially Declared a Fraud | Before It's News

News Release: Legal proof that President Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth is a forgery.

WikiLeaks cables show that it was all about the oil | McClatchy


*Patriot Freedom Newswire


WikiLeaks Exposes North American Integration Plot

US UFO Disclosure : FBI 'The Vault' Reveals Roswell and Majestic 12 Documents | Before It's News

Trans-Nevada Oil Pipeline Announced | Before It's News

Go With The Flowski: Kirkwood Mountain Resort Announces the Trans-Nevada Oil Pipeline

Rage Against The Bankster Machine (McGrath Video) | Before It's News

YouTube - Christopher Busby: The Negative Health Effects of Low-Dose Radiation from Fukushima 1/2

YouTube - Christopher Busby: The Negative Health Effects of Low-Dose Radiation from Fukushima 2/2

Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos

The Establishment Eliminates A Threat

Big Sis and DHS Push ID Program for Travelers

Federally Funded NASA ‘Educates’ Children About Global Warming on ‘Climate Kids’ Web Site

CIA chief’s letter confirms torture did not lead to Osama bin Laden | The Raw Story

US consulate cars attacked in Pakistan

Barack Obama throws full US support behind Middle East uprisings | World news | The Guardian

Obama Praises Romney for ‘Assist’ in Passing Obamacare |

Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery

New ‘Behaviometrics’ Technology Allows Government To Know What You’re Thinking

Inside Obama’s “Orwellian World” Where Whistleblowing Has Become Espionage: The Case of Thomas Drake

“Mr Transparency” Obama Refuses New Kent State Investigation

TSA Does What It Does Best: Terrorizes Americans

Indiana Sheriff: House to House Random Searches Now Possible

Robert Gates, Mike Mullen To Bin Laden Raid Leakers: Stop Talking

Video, Bin Laden: Pakistan Leaders Were Unaware Of Osama's Hideout, Says Robert Gates | World News | Sky News

Saudi Activist Deplores Obama’s Silence on ‘Tyrannical’ Regime |

Tariq Ali: Whenever West intervenes, it’s a disaster

Fake Osama House?

H.J. Res. 62: Amending The Constitution To End States Rights?

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America

YouTube - Friendly Fire: The American Empire, Before the Fall (Featuring Bruce Fein) — Part One

YouTube - Friendly Fire: The American Empire, Before the Fall (Featuring Bruce Fein) — Part Two

The War on Milk – GM Dairy and Cancer Links

The “International Criminal Court”: Prosecuting Gaddafi With Questionable Evidence While Ignoring NATO-Israeli Atrocities

War’s necessary! US defense contractors ‘raking in the dough’

Christopher Busby: The Negative Health Effects of Low-Dose Radiation from Fukushima

Lieberman ‘Will Have Questions’ About Awlaki’s Post-9/11 Pentagon Dinner

Busby: Fukushima reactors a raging radioactive inferno

Globalists’ Secret Weapon Exposed: Tech Kill Chips

Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination

Selling Gold at Fort Knox Emerges as Next Big Question in Debate on Federal Debt Limit - May 17, 2011 - The New York Sun

El-Erian: “Financial Repression” In the Form of a Negative Real Rate of Return for Savers Is Coming to America

Toxic pesticides from GM food crops found in unborn babies - Telegraph

AFP: Species loss far less severe than feared: study

Solar storms will peak in 2013 and wreak havoc on Earth's electrical communications | Mail Online

Ahmadinejad says West to blame for drought in Iran | The Raw Story

CDC warns Americans to prepare for zombie apocalypse (really)

Exploding melons sow new China food fears | The Raw Story

Scientists at Aarhus University (AU) and the National Space Institute (DTU Space) show that particles from space create cloud cover

Activist Post: The Art of Propaganda Comprehension: Critical Thinking During the bin Laden Controversy

Jury Rejects State Charges against 7/7 Ripple Effect’s Muad’Dib

Apparently The Secret Service Is Monitoring Fox News

Ollie North: Obama's Mideast Tack 'Deadly Mistake'

Brzezinski: Obama's Mideast Speech Too 'Timid'

Dore Gold: Obama's Plan a 'Radical Shift'

Netanyahu: Obama Broke His Commitment to Us

Top Lawmakers Agree to Patriot Act Extension

Bin Laden's Demise Adds to al-Qaida Money Woes

Taliban Car Bomb Blasts US Convoy in Pakistan

Ric Grenell: Obama Too Soft on Syria

State Dept Separates Israel From Jerusalem

Obama Speech: Palestinians Win With '67 Border Mention

Israeli Official: Washington Does Not Understand

Netanyahu at White House After Obama Challenge

Implant Allows Paralyzed Man to Stand

Baby Boomers' Aching Joints Propel Replacements

GOP Senators Press Obama on War Powers Act

Hotels Pulling Plug on Bathtubs to Hook Up Showers

FBI Agents in Firing Line Riled Over Mueller Extension

Endeavour Astronauts Stroll out for Spacewalk

US Assisted Suicide Advocate Kevorkian Hospitalized

Pelosi Still a Powerful Weapon — for GOP

Despite Limbaugh, Gov. Perry Still Says No to 2012

Krauthammer: Gingrich 'Blew It, It's Over'

GOP Presidential Debate Set for January in SC

Gingrich Mulls Another Sunday TV Show Circuit

Quinnipiac: Ohioans Split on Re-electing Obama

Taliban Attack US Vehicles in Pakistan

US Debt Would Stretch Beyond Stratosphere

Your Guide to Safe Grilling

North: Obama's Mideast Tack 'Deadly Mistake' for US

Netanyahu Blasts Obama's Speech: 'Indefensible'

Palin: I Have 'Fire in the Belly' for 2012 Run

McCain: Talks Hinge on Palestinians Accepting Israel

Rumsfeld: US Doesn’t Want Failed Nuclear Pakistan

Limbaugh Challenges Gingrich's Strange Denials

Gingrich: My Campaign is Doing Just Fine

Romney: Obama 'Threw Israel under the Bus'

Mitch Daniels: US Debt Threatens American Dream

Arabs Unsatisfied with Obama Speech, Want More

Sanctuary States Defy Federal Immigration Laws

What Does Obama Gain by Snubbing Israel?

Obama Wants to Repartition Jerusalem

Sen. Jon Kyl: Tax Increases Are off the Table

Obama's Speech Stacks the Cards Against Israel

Ron Paul to Obama: Stop Dictating to Israel

YouTube - Ron Paul response to Obama speech "don't tell Israel what to do"

MeoToo Development - OurTube - Brief Interview with Ron Paul over Israel and NAU

Obama’s Position on Israel’s Future Borders Contradicts Assurances by President Bush

Rabbi: 'The President of the United States is Asking for Ethnic Cleansing'

Saudi Activist Deplores Obama’s Silence on ‘Tyrannical’ Regime

Democrat Seeking ‘Price-Fixing’ Probe of Oil Refineries Not Sure How Many Are Run by ‘Big Oil’

High Gas Prices Have Driven Only 2 Percent of Americans Into Public Transit

Prices at Gas Pump Painful for 4 in 10 Americans

AFL-CIO May Reduce Support to Democrats

Republican Blames Fox News for Hindering Support for His Position on Immigration Reform

Backlog In Immigration Court Cases Now Exceeds 270,000

Federally Funded NASA ‘Educates’ Children About Global Warming on ‘Climate Kids’ Web Site

'Transparent' Obama Administration Holds More 'Listen Only' Events

Israel in a Post-American Era

Obama Wants Israel to Cede to Palestinian Demand for 1967 Border

Senate Refuses to Confirm Obama's Liberal Appeals Court Nominee

Obama Praises Romney for ‘Assist’ in Passing Obamacare

New Democratic group airing anti-Romney ad

Huntsman: Obama shouldn't have intervened in Libya

JP Morgan Chase CEO warns of US defaulting

No Child Left Behind fix lagging in Congress

Michelle Obama makes 1st foray into 2012 campaign

Troop Morale in Afghanistan Plummets, Report Says

Jude Law takes center stage in tabloid spying case

Freedom Riders museum opens in Montgomery, Ala.

'Botox mom' recants story she injected daughter

Photos of Beatles' 1st US concert to be auctioned

Could the Internet spell the end of school snow days?

Madoff's booze sells for nearly twice its value

Cannes Film Festival condemns filmmaker after Hitler remarks

Egypt says Obama speech will help Palestinians

Syria accuses Obama of meddling in its affairs

Iran body rules Ahmadinejad can't be oil caretaker

Obama Mostly Sidesteps Iran in Mideast Speech

Geithner Calls for Open Process in IMF Succession

Stink bug spread worries growers across nation

Immigration crackdown worries Vidalia onion county

Ex-IMF chief gets $1M bail in NYC sex assault case

Al-Qaida considered oil tankers as terror targets

Home births up, driven by subculture among white women

Department of Homeland Security to evaluate criminal deporting program

New law requires photo-ID for service workers to obtain licenses, certificates, permits

Texas Gov. Rick Perry signs abortion sonogram bill into law

Lawmakers largely silent on war powers authority in Libya

New Details Emerge of Radical Imam's Lunch at the Pentagon

DeMint won't rule out backing Romney

Some FBI agents are angered by plan to extend tenure of Director Robert Mueller

U.S.-Europe partnership faces new challenges

Parents of dead Virginia teen suing Four Loko maker

Calif. man charged with killing Chihuahua faces life in prison

Former Wis. Gov. Tommy Thompson will have to win over the Republican base

Oklahoma linebacker Austin Box dead at the age of 22

Feds predict up to 10 hurricanes in 2011

Man Finds More Than $40,000 Cash in Utah Home, Returns it to Owners

Pocket dial leads to drug bust

Homeland Security Considering Portable, Instant DNA Scanners | Douglas Hamp

Part Fifteen: The Coming Nephilim - Douglas Hamp | Douglas Hamp

YouTube - Dr. Paul Connett In-Studio: Calgary City Fluoridation Ending! - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

YouTube - Dr. Paul Connett In-Studio: Calgary City Fluoridation Ending! - Alex Jones Tv 2/2

YouTube - Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 1/3

YouTube - Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 2/3

YouTube - Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 3/3

» The Establishment Eliminates A Threat Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

FBI lab reports on anthrax attacks suggest another miscue | McClatchy

» A Black Man’s View on Claims of Ron Paul Being Racist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama very confident of re-election - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

» How To Identify Members Of The Collectivist Fringe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Report: Schwarzenegger Had Child With Staffer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Newt Gingrich: Health Care Socialist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Trump Exits After Allowing Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

China asks US to respect Pak's sovereignty, independence - The Economic Times

US senator calls for free trade pacts in Middle East - Yahoo! News

» The End Of The Eurozone? — Stiglitz At European Zeitgeist 2011 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Paulson Cast as Stoic Savior in HBO’s ‘Big’ Wall Street Saga: Greg Evans - Bloomberg

Activist Post: Fed sees 'transitory' higher inflation: minutes

» Private Global Bankers = The Priesthood of Modern Western Civilization Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Green taxes: Climate change targets to cost every household £500 a year | Mail Online

Riddle of 'God particle' could be solved by 2012: CERN (Update)

» The Chicken Underground: Raising fresh food against the law? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Drug Spending Growth Drops as Brands Are Replaced by Generics - Bloomberg

» Larry Flynt: Fight Tyranny with Free Press, Restored 4th Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Drones Becoming Pervasive INSIDE America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FreeTruth Show interviews David Lionel de Rothschild Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Patriot Act to Be Extended to 2015 in Congressional Accord - Bloomberg

Successor for bin Laden

Al-Qaeda weighed hitting oil tankers, drillng platforms -

» Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Eric Sprott Discusses Silver’s Prospects And Last Week’s Raid With Max Keiser (Video) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» What If Ron Paul was President 2012 – Rise, Consise & Krookid Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» MEDIA FAIL: Bill O’Reilly Calls Ron Paul Dumb Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Lieberman ‘Will Have Questions’ About Awlaki’s Post-9/11 Pentagon Dinner Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Ongoing bin Laden Saga: Can Americans Be Unplugged? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Supreme Court Axes Lawsuit Against Boeing for Post-9/11 Torture Flights - Seattle News - The Daily Weekly

The Toronto Hearings | Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario September 8, 9, 10 and 11, 2011

Arizona plans fence to stop immigration from Mexico - if Americans will pay for it -

Lucky Illegals Caught at Border Won't Face Mexico's Stiff Law

University Insiders: Illegal Immigrants Get Affirmative Action -

Ron Paul: We’ll occupy Pakistan, too - Juana Summers -

Medvedev warns West of new Cold War over missile deal - Yahoo! News

PM: 450 troops to withdraw from Afghanistan | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys

» ‘Gaddafi Least of Our Problems, Try Blair & Bush For War Crimes’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Gerald Celente: Public Enemy Number 1 Is ‘Osama bin Bernanke’

When Decent People Start to Fear – and Loathe Cops… by Eric Peters

Comply or Don’t Comply: It Doesn’t Matter by Mark Nestmann

Israel in a Post-American Era by Patrick J. Buchanan

The Biblical Nature of Hoppean Monarchism by Ryan Bassett

Monetary Watch May 2011, QE III courtesy of the private banks - Michael Pollaro - The Contrarian Take - Forbes

Do Parents’ Rights End at the Schoolhouse Gate? by John W. Whitehead

A Negative Railway by Frédéric Bastiat

Isn't That Nice? Elderly Protesters Against JPMorgan Chase Maced By Ohio Police

Boehner in Hot Water with Tea Party over Debt Limit

Fox and Friends Blame the Media for Trump Dropping Out of the 2012 Presidential Race

And Then There Were Five. Tom Coburn leaves the Gang of Six, er, Five

In a sane world, WND's Farah would be pulping Corsi's Birther book in embarrassment -- not in a satire

Job Creation Over Deficit Reduction - Traditional Media Keep Missing The Point

Krugman: The President Should Draw A Line On Debt Ceiling, Or Hand White House Keys To Tea Party

Jon Stewart Takes Huckabee To Task for His Embrace of Ted Nugent

Thorough Look At Just One NC County Found Most Mortgage Docs Were Fraudulent

Jonathan Capehart: Cornel West is no better than a birther

The Mitch Daniels Push is on!

When O'Reilly's own poll shows he got creamed by Jon Stewart, you know it was total evisceration

McCain Aide: 'For Pure, Blind Stupidity, Nobody Beats Santorum'

What Kind of God Do Wall Street Bankers Believe In?

Why is CNN's Anderson Cooper Lending Elliot Abrams Credibility by Having Him on 360?

Senate Republican Leadership Lacks the Testicular Fortitude to Embrace Ryan’s Cruel Plan to Gut Medicare

Maryland leads the way by passing its own DREAM Act -- and exposing the hollowness of the Right

Attacks on Cornel West Highlight Class Divide Among African Americans

Gov. Mitch Daniels pushed for health-care reforms like Obama's

Wisconsin Senate Republicans ram through voter ID bill

The Colbert Report: Breaking Newt

Fox Launches Attack on Health Care Waivers as Being 'Corrupt'

30 Years of 'Starving The Beast' Politics

What If Anonymous Had Its Own Bank? Open Source Project Bitcoin Develops Peer-to-peer Electronic Currency.

CBS Edits Obama Speech to Stir Israel Controversy


*The Alex Jones Show – May 19th, 2011

*The Alex Jones Show – May 18th, 2011

+Audio:Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 19th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 19th, 2011

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 18th, 2011

+Audio:Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 18th, 2011


YouTube - Ron Paul: The Problem Is Corporatism and Fiat Money, Not Free-Market Capitalism!

New ‘Behaviometrics’ Technology Allows Government To Know What You’re Thinking |

Wrath of Kahn, Exploding Watermelons, Veitch v. Canada – New World Next Week |

Smile! Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click | Danger Room |

(5 Part)Dr. Steve Pieczenik: State Of Emergency |

+2 Part/Paul Craig Roberts: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward |

Sons of Blackwater Open Corporate Spying Shop |

Adam Vs. The Man – Faith & healthcare, Intellectual Property Rights |

Adam Vs. The Man – 4th Amendment, Wasteful government spending, Policing for profit |

Ron Paul Explains That “All The Other Candidates Are Status Quo” |

40 signs the USA is at the brink of economic collapse |

China The Video Game Enemy Now… | Don't Tread On Me

Inside Obama’s “Orwellian World” Where Whistleblowing Has Become Espionage: The Case of Thomas Drake |




This Week in History: Napoleon is repelled from Acre

Ami Ayalon: Obama speech offers 'opportunity' for Israel

Analysis: What rankled Netanyahu in the Obama speech

At least '21 dead' after forces fire at crowd in Syria

The Rapture: are long-term bets off?

Pro-Gaddafi troops 'shot photographer missing in Libya'

Dervis' withdrawal raises Lagarde's IMF prospects

Netanyahu at White House after Obama challenge

Emails show Arizona college was worried Loughner armed

FDA approves new HIV drug from Johnson & Johnson

Gore blasts News Corp for plan to drop Current TV

Tim Pawlenty to formally announce 2012 White House run

NASA aims for July 8 final shuttle flight

Glitch makes NASA cut short Endeavour spacewalk

CAIR: Obama's 'Arab Spring' Address Sets the Right Tone

Mike Huckabee: "President Obama has betrayed Israel"

Pentagon won't expedite FOIA for bin Laden photos - Josh Gerstein -

KOC: Ding Dong bin Laden’s Dead

CANNES: Fest Turns Political As Obama & Sarkozy Are Dissed In Official Films –

'Titanic' to be re-released in 3-D next year on 100th anniversary of ship setting sail

Socialist Senator Sanders Hawks His Book Like an Evil Capitalist - HUMAN EVENTS

Prosecutors rest, Blagojevich to present a defense

Giffords undergoes successful surgery - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Rick Perry Kills "Wily" Coyote During Jog - CBS News

Obama pick for bench blocked by GOP for first time

Obama Praises Romney for ‘Assist’ in Passing Obamacare |

Daniels endorsed a form of an individual mandate in 2003, according to local newspaper report | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Palin calls Gregory’s food stamps question ‘racist’ - On Media -

Katie Couric ends her run at CBS News

TMZ’s Levin: CNN has ‘no moral compass’ - On Media -

CNN's Piers Morgan Battles with Ted Nugent on Guns, Says Second Amendment Almost Killed Gabby Giffords |

Shh! Networks Don't Want to Talk About Obamacare Waivers for Wealthy Pelosi Liberals |

President Obama’s Remarks On The Middle East

Saif al-Adel Versus Osama Bin Laden

Report: Gaddafi Personally Shoots His Defense Minister

Ali Khamenei and IRGC Under Investigation for Supporting the 9/11 Plotters

It’s Official: USS Cesar Chavez Is Here

What The President Will Say In His Big Middle East Speech

Obama: Future of U.S. Bound to Mideast

Obama’s Muslim Outreach 2.0: Doing Business with the Muslim Brotherhood

But President Obama— There is No Such Thing as ‘Israel’s Pre-1967 Borders’

Debate at University of Massachusetts Rooted in Anti-Israel Logic

Network That Once Refused to Air ‘Support the Troops’ Ad, Currently Running Ads from Group with Terror Links

India’s Naxalite (Maoist) Terrorists Turn Urban

Bibi to BHO: ‘Thanks, But No Thanks’

Obama’s Abandonment of America

Obama’s Strategic Ambiguity On ‘1967 Lines’

Afghan Mob Attacks NATO-Funded Site

Obama And Netanyahu In Sharp Disagreement After Speech

Netanyahu Urges U.S. Return To 1845 Borders

Rob Lowe: Conservative Politics Built on Logic

Jodie Foster: Mel Gibson is the Most Loved Actor in Hollywood

Exclusive Interview: Ethan Wayne, Son of Film Legend John Wayne

White House Press Corps: Circular Firing Squad Edition

Filmmakers Kickstart Documentary ‘Healing Waters’ Featuring ‘Life Saving’ Wounded Warrior Program

John Nolte is Wrong: Why I Applaud Peter Fonda’s Obama Criticism

Patricia Heaton Has Lost Potential Roles Because of Her Politics

Human Events: Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC — Free Speech Is Such a Headache

Peter Fonda to President Obama: ‘You are a F***ing Traitor’

Cannes Expels Director Lars von Trier for Pro-Nazi Remarks

New Book Addresses Leftist Obsession with 60s/70s Films, Sheds Light on Overlooked Conservative Movies

Kevin Smith: Entrepreneurship, American-Style

Palin Hammers David Gregory, the MSM, and asks the Magic Question: ‘Why Participate In Their Game?

O’Reilly Let Stewart Off Easy

Harvard Moonbat’s New Book Solves Global Warming and Mid-East Peace At Same ‘Tome’

MMfA Denies Hamas Is a Terrorist Organization

Cartoon:UI: Election Season

Obama Pressures Media For Positive Coverage

Salon’s Joan Walsh: Predictable and Racist Buffoon

Senator McCain Becomes Shill for Al-Jazeera

Convicted Felon Sets Up Nationwide Shop For Obama

AUDIO:Is Our Economy Stuck in the Mud?

Union Apologist: ‘Moral Obligation’ Not To Terminate Teachers’ Livelihood

Will Money & Power in Wisconsin Politics Influence Health Care Policy?

Family Facing $4 Million in Fines for Selling Bunnies

Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky Calls Andrew Breitbart A ‘Sleaze Bag’-Wants To Ban Critical Media

Fix the IMF and Go for Growth Remy-Do the TSA Pokey Pokey

Will David Dewhurst Stand up to Texas Trial Lawyer Lobby?

Million Dollars in Bonuses Headed to AWOL Madison Teachers?

Judicial Watch Probes Obama Backdoor Amnesty Plan

AUDIO:Will the Arab Spring Lead to a War Against Israel?

FCC Overstepping Its Authority Again?

A+ For School Choice

Damn the Torpedoes, Full Agenda Ahead

Gov. Scott Walker Fights Republicans, Unions in Mission to Expand School Choice

Angry Mob Protests Paul Ryan, Questioned Over Racist Comments

A Resurrected Liberal Offers His Manifesto on Fixing America


20-May-11 World View


Radiation News 5-20-11 |

Radiation News 5-19-11 |


The Manning Report- 19 May 2011

The Manning Report – 18 May 2011



May 19, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2011-May-19, Thursday

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-19-11

05/19 The Mark Levin Show

The Michael Savage Show 05/19/2011

Live Free Or Die Radio - Thursday, May, 19, 2011

The Redding News Reveiw

The Redding News Reveiw 2

The Redding News Reveiw 3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show 2


PressTV - 'Israel pushing Obama into war with Iran'

Sovereign Citizens, Anti-Government Group Files Liens, Some Embrace Violence (VIDEO)

Peace and Change in the Middle East -

At odds with Washington - JPost - Opinion - Editorials

Newt Gingrich’s retreat from the truth - The Washington Post

Barack Obama: Shop steward in chief | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Patriot Act Extension Deal Is Reached -

Lawmakers largely silent on war powers authority in Libya -

Senate panel questions Pentagon on F-35 costs - The Washington Post

Nevada Judge Tosses Out ‘Battle Royale’ Special Election Format : Roll Call Politics

Meet the woman allergic to electricity - Telegraph

Exclusive: U2 Spy Planes Confused for UFOs, Fueled Area 51 Mystique -

Giant snake flees Mississippi floods - Boing Boing

How you think about death may affect how you act

How 50-Mile-High Jets of Lightning Shoot Toward Space | Wired Science |

Crazy Military Tracking Tech, From Super Scents to Quantum Dots | Danger Room |

Superhuman Hearing Possible, Experiments Suggest

Morgellons disease? Itchy skin illness all in the mind, study says - HealthPop - CBS News

Australian brewers aim to tackle the final frontier with space-age beer: Vostok 4 Pines Stout | Mail Online


Atheists 'to save pets after world ends' | Orange UK

Area 51 'Uncensored': Was It UFOs Or The USSR? : NPR

BBC News - Exoplanet near Gliese 581 star 'could host life'

Interview with John Lear May 2011

New Strategies to Revive Victims of Cardiac Arrest -

Behind medical breakthroughs: animal studies |

Alternative medicine: Think yourself better | The Economist

BBC News - New method 'confirms dark energy'

RealClearScience - Safe, Cheap Nuclear: Thorium Fluoride Reactors

Museum Exhibit Launches Smallpox Scare in Virginia -

Evolution and the Origin of Biological Information, Part 5 | The BioLogos Forum

Inside the "Black Box" of Personhood | Big Questions Online

Extinction Countdown: Ugandan Chimpanzees May Be Hunting Red Colobus Monkeys into Extinction

Bodies In Motion: Exploring the Human Limits of Future Travel | Popular Science

"Parental alienation syndrome": It's not a real disease, but some people want it to be. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

Stress can shorten telomeres in childhood : Nature News

The danger of science denial | Science |

BBC News - Protein flaws responsible for complex life, study says

Is Space a Bad Influence on Good Bacteria? | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Art can be a tool in planetary exploration -

mental_floss Blog » What Aphrodisiacs Actually Work?

Obama's Middle East Speech Put America on Democracy's Side, says Peter Beinart - The Daily Beast

Obama Embraces His Inner Bush | Via Meadia

Not Perfect, But a Long Way from W. - By David J. Rothkopf | Foreign Policy

Obama’s Empty Speech - Elliott Abrams - National Review Online

India and Pakistan: The world's most dangerous border | The Economist

More of the same, for now | Opinion | DAWN.COM

ONLINE ONLY: We've Created A Monster | Standpoint

Sao Paolo Forum | Latin America Left | Socialism

A new Mideast policy - The Washington Post

Upheaval: U.S. Policy Toward Iran in a Changing Middle East | Center for a New American Security

Obama Calls for Mideast Peace Deal Based on Israel’s Pre-1967 Borders -

Netanyahu must move forward and accept 1967 borders - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

DSK Successor Debate: Why the Next IMF Head Must Be European - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -An end to the Syria pipe dream

World Affairs Journal - Obama Abroad: Ambitious Realism

Cracks in the House of Assad | Foreign Affairs

Pass the Cudgel | Commonweal magazine

Equal Rights or Equal Rites? - By Paul Marshall - The Corner - National Review Online

Three-Part Harmony - by Adam Kirsch > Tablet Magazine - A New Read on Jewish Life

The American Spectator : Geronimo and Osama

The World’s Most Expensive Photograph is Very Orange and Slightly Overpriced » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog

Keep a stiff upper lip | Eye of Faith

RealClearReligion - Ready for C.S. Lewis College?

There Ain’t No Pure Church | Crisis Magazine | Community | Blog Archive | Self-hating evangelicals

Associated Baptist Press - Opinion: Learning the language of the soul

My Take: Obama yokes Arab Spring to civil rights movement – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Michele Bachmann: The Huckabee of 2012 | Religion Dispatches

My Take: May 21st doomsday movement harms Christianity – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Economic Destiny Comes Down To Obama Vs. Ryan -

How The Government Created A Financial Crisis - Peter Ferrara - On The Cutting Edge - Forbes

In Japan, Capitalists Fall Out of Love With Free Markets -

Business Line : Columns / S S Tarapore : Drifting back to gold standard

RealClearMarkets - How to Repair the Bungling, Broken IMF

RealClearMarkets - Turning the Dollar Into Monopoly Money

5 Ugly Truths About the Debt-Ceiling Battle

Obama's Middle East Speech Put America on Democracy's Side, says Peter Beinart - The Daily Beast

President Obama's Middle East Speech: George Will vs. Edward Walker - ABC News

Obama's Mideast metamorphosis: President adopts Bush Doctrine prioritizing spread of democracy

RealClearPolitics - What Makes the 2012 GOP Field So Weak?

RealClearPolitics - Meltdown on the Launch Pad

Waiting for Mitch -

Making Things in America -

Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe: The Medicare Test for President -

Medicare's Leadership Vacuum: Democrats, Republicans Must Reach Entitlements Reform Deal - The Daily Beast

Strassel: The GOP Field—All Talk, No Do -

RealClearPolitics - In N.H., Huntsman Media Circus Begins Without a Hitch - Romney’s Evangelical Problem - Friday, May 20, 2011

Eye-for-an-eye filibuster stops Democratic nominee | Byron York | Politics | Washington Examiner

Goodwin Liu nomination: Republicans show their "extraordinary" hypocrisy. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine

Obama Calls for Mideast Peace Deal Based on Israel’s Pre-1967 Borders -

U.S. Unemployment Crisis: How to Create Jobs - TIME

RealClearPolitics - Dude, Where's My Waiver?

Morning Jay: What's Missing from the GOP Field? | The Weekly Standard

Democrats Scale Back 2012 Map : Roll Call Politics

Obama, how Nixonian! -


*Transcripts-19TH/Obama's Speech on the Middle East

A Moment of Opportunity; Barack Obama - U.S. Department of State

18TH/Panel on Pakistan and Bin Laden

Interview with Senator Bob Corker


**World Video-20TH/Susan Rice Talks Middle East Diplomacy

Obama Endorses Key Palestinian Border Demand

Ambivalence in Egypt over Obama speech

U.S. Turning its Back on Israel?

Why Does Israel Matter?

How Did Middle East Respond to Obama's Speech?

Former Israeli Amb. Sees Radical Shift in American Policy

Backlash to Obama's Mideast Speech

Raw Video: Afghan Mob Attacks NATO-funded Site

Iraqi Police Targeted In Deadly Triple Blasts

Strauss-Kahn Indicted On Seven Counts

Suicide Bomber Hits U.S. Embassy Car In Peshawar

President Obama on the Arab Spring

Open for Questions: The President's Speech

Ambassador Robert Blake on U.S.-India Relations

19TH/Election Preparations in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Exit Strategy for Afghanistan?

China Facing Energy Crisis?

China Blocks UN Report on Missile Technology Transfers

Syria's Facebook War

Journalist Discusses Syria Detention

Obama Places Sanctions On Syrian Officials

IMF Chief Quits Over Sex Charges

New Audio Of bin Laden Spurs Extremist Networks

Deadly Afghan Protests Follow NATO Raid

UN Seeks Libya Ceasefire To Get Supplies In

Nicaraguan Volcano's Dramatic Eruption

Meet the New Face of al Qaeda

Chinese Investment in Zimbabwe

Jilted Bride Saved In Suicide Drama

**Markets Video/20TH-Zakaria Warns of "Lost Generation" of Workers

Former MTV Chief: TV Must Change Or Get Rocked

Bubble? Citi's Dick Parsons Talks Social Media

Is the U.S. Post Office the Next Bailout?

Kass: It's Time to Go Long Japan

19TH-What's the Real Meaning of Socialism?

Gartman: Forget EU Debt Crisis, Look at Japan

Does Your Religion Impact Your Income?

Link: Why Deere Is a Buy


**20TH/Politics Video:GOP Senator: Democrats Trying To "Blackmail Republicans" On Budget

Eugene Robinson: Obama Did The "Right Thing" With Israel

Dem PAC Ad: Which Page Is Romney On Today?

Jon Huntsman On Ryan Budget Plan: "I Would've Voted For it"

Dem: Obama "Bringing Democracy To Libya While Shredding The Constitution"

John Lithgow Does Dramatic Reading Of Gingrich Statement

Rumsfeld Warns Of "Rush To Judgment" On Pakistan

E.J. Dionne: Obama "Did Not Throw Israel Under The Bus"

Bill O'Reilly On Obama's Speech On The Middle East

Mark McKinnon: GOP Candidate Should Run As A Moderate

19TH:Mark Levin: "Why Does Barack Obama Hate Israel?"

Palin: "I Do Have The Fire In My Belly"

Chris Matthews: Obama's Mideast Speech Took "Guts"

Obama Calls For Mideast Peace Deal Based On 1967 Borders

Newt Gingrich Phones In To Rush Limbaugh To Defend Himself

Thune, GOP: It's Been 750 Days Since Senate Passed A Budget

Chris Christie On Sick Pay Payouts: "Only In Government"

Ezra Klein: Bush Tax Cuts Single Worst Policy Hurting The Deficit

David Corn: Republicans Want Someone To "Feel Their Hate"

Krauthammer: Obama Sanctions On Syria Just "Symbolism"

O'Reilly: Schwarzenegger, The Social Network And Leadership


*NEWS VIDEO:Exposing the Left: College Students Sign Phony Petition to Ban Conservatives from Radio

NASA Scares Educates Kids About Man Destroying Earth with Federally-Funded Website

Katie Couric’s Long, Liberal Farewell

Military Video Shows NATO Strikes Destroying Gaddafi’s Warships

19TH/Simona De Silvestro Injured During Indy 500 Practice Run

‘Whaddya Know Joe?’ Featuring Gunless Moments in History

Teammate: Lance Armstrong Used Drugs

Obama: Al Qaeda a ‘Dead End’

The Stage Right Show: Guests – Evan Pokroy, Jenny Erikson, Kurt Schlichter, and Ben Shapiro

Rep. Schakowsky Calls Breitbart ‘Sleaze Bag’

Rob Lowe: Conservative Politics Built on Logic

McConnell on Obama’s Labor Move Against Boeing: ‘Chicago-Style, Thuggish Administration’

Obama Urges Israel to Go Back to 1967 Borders

Levin: NBC’s ‘David Gregory Should Not Get Off The Hook For His Race Baiting’

Chris Christie: Only in Government Would Insanity of Sick Day Payouts Take Place

MoveOn Lunatics Protest Paul Ryan Event

FBI Investigates Unabomber in ‘82 Tylenol Deaths

Jilted Bride-to-be Threatens to Jump From Building

Obama: Future of U.S. Bound to Mideast

Jodie Foster: Mel Gibson is Most Loved Actor in Hollywood

Iraqi Police Targeted in Deadly Triple Blasts

Afghan Mob Attacks NATO-Funded Site

Olbermann on MSNBC Exit: ‘I Didn’t Burn The Bridges, I Burned The Rivers’

Flashback Daniels in 2009: ‘I Wouldn’t Subject Myself or My Family to What I See as the Savagery of Presidential Politics’

Socialist Senator Sanders Hawks His Book Like an Evil Capitalist

Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band

Palin Edges Closer to Decision on Presidential Candidacy ; Slams Racial Attacks from Media Against Gingrich

Rep. Bachmann: We May Announce Campaign Decision Soon

18TH/Palin: Investigate ObamaCare Waivers in Pelosi’s District

Liberal Group Depicts GOP Pushing Wheelchair-Bound Senior Off Cliff

Unabomber’s Manifesto, Clothing Up for Auction

Saudi Woman Arrested for Spitting on WalMart Customers ‘Because Americans are Pushing Us Around’

French Complain About Media Coverage of IMF Chief’s Rape Arrest

New Video Shows Devastation Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Danish Film Director Makes Pro-Nazi Comments at Cannes

17TH/Oops! Protester Screams at Rep. Allen West Over Issue They Agree On

Bloomberg: ‘There Aren’t Very Many Panhandlers Left’ on Subway

16TH/Iowa Voter to Newt: ‘Why Don’t You Get Out Before You Make a Bigger Fool of Yourself?’

Endeavor Makes One Last Launch

Vatican Tells Priests to Cooperate with Police on Abuse Cases


Is Congress listening? Protect-marriage campaign surges

Lawsuit filed over Obama strategy to abandon marriage

Email suggests Kagan colluded on Obamacare

Tea Party Nation says Boehner's time's run out

Obama: Hamas attack = Israeli self defense

Look who calls Obama 'black mascot' of Wall Street

Dumbing down the Constitution

Gingrich is a liberal

Help me blow the whistle on Obama

Proof that Obama's 'birth certificate' is invalid

To sue or not to sue?

Investing: Can you profit in agricultural commodities? -

Hedge Farm! The Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists | The New York Observer

Savage: Bible shows what's next for Israel

'WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive House member: Hamas doesn't even deserve 'talk';We have to stand with Israel. I don't believe this president is pro-Israel'

****THE FULL STORY WorldNetDaily Exclusive ;Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Republican chief warns of stealth tea party candidate;Erie County GOP leader says 3rd party challenger is 'fake' conservative

Obama's 'worst nightmare' seeks showdown with prez

Savage: Bible shows what's next for Israel

Netanyahu Rejects Obama Call for Palestinian State Based on 1967 Borders -

Raw Data: Text of President Obama's Mideast Speech -

'Obama adopting Arafat’s staged p... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Shomron Liaison Office: Obama's 'Homeland' Preposterous - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Rabbi: 'The President of the United States is Asking for Ethnic Cleansing' |

Maan News Agency: Abbas calls meeting to discuss Obama speech

Hamas: Obama speech total failure - Israel News, Ynetnews

For the Arab world, Obama didn’t go far en... JPost - Middle East

Saudi Prince Alwaleed: Israel Should Abide By Obama Plan -Fox Business

'New PA law to grant all convicte... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

Qatar to Chair UN General Assembly During PA Bid - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Syria maneuvering to offset possible sanctions

Republican senators press president on War Powers deadline – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Despite opposition, home births increase - Washington Times

Dems join Obama panic attack on book

White House panic: Corsi book targeted

National mag publishes fabricated report attacking Corsi book

Jerome Corsi trashes Donald Trump

Birth papers hit book sales - Washington Times

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

Nordyke numbers expose Obama document fraud?

Video 'proves' Obama birth certificate is fake

Proof that Obama's 'birth certificate' is invalid

Adoption changes Hawaii birth record

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

GOP turns back radical Obama court nominee

Look who calls Obama 'black mascot' of Wall Street

Peter Fonda calls Obama 'traitor' at Cannes - Yahoo! News

Email suggests Kagan colluded on Obamacare

AARP | Obamacare | Medigap Exemption | The Daily Caller

HUD chief suddenly silent on ACORN

Gay columnist: let’s face it, we want to indoctrinate children |

A first: Majority of Americans now supports same-sex marriage, Gallup finds | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Tea Party Nation says Boehner's time's run out

Leash being prepared for Congress

Preacher claiming Rapture May 21 'holds on to his stuff'

D.C. Department of Transportation Warns No Work After 'Rapture' -

China no threat, Chinese general says on U.S. trip | Reuters

PETA compares eating animals to baby killed in microwave

FBI confirms probe of Unabomber, others in 1982 Tylenol deaths - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Miniature horse owner tracks suspected thief on Craigslist - South Florida

Father of slain Jupiter girl starts campaign to save 'America's Most Wanted'

Bill would allow Texans to catch fish by hand

Dallas student, 12, duct-taped to chair and beaten by classmates while teacher ignored attack: mom

Riverdale cops: Teacher urinated in trash can during class |

Arnold Schwarzenegger Puts Hollywood Career on Hold as His Family Falls Apart - ABC News

Editorial cartoons: Lampooning Arnold Schwarzenegger - Lifestyle Galleries -

Muslim Mothers Who “Honor Kill” Their Daughters | FrontPage Magazine

Harsh West Bank 'honor killing' brings tougher law

Terrified passengers pray as plane makes emergency landing with burning engine -

Auschwitz 'Arbeit Macht Fre... JPost - Jewish World - Jewish News

Sweden queen to probe father's 'Nazi ties' - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews

Spectacular mammal rediscovered after 113 years -- first ever photographs taken

AFP: Species loss far less severe than feared: study

The top 10 greatest conspiracy theories - Telegraph

Feeling happy? Don't be too smug as chances are you will die young - Telegraph

Video: Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane to reboot The Flintstones - Telegraph

'Let them eat birth certificates'

To sue or not to sue?

The Master of Distraction

Huckabee's pitiful surrender to corruption

Mobocracy vs. monarchy

Is this Indiana … or Eastern Europe?

Debt-limit crisis? Blame Democrats

Israel in a post-American era

On the Shoebat-Yousef squabble

Esquire Magazine Telling Lies | The Moral Liberal

The Death of the Grown-Up | Diana West > Home - Obama 2012: Buy the Book That Launched the T-Shirt

Esquire FTW: Reactions To Corsi Satire Provide The Punchline

Abridged Obama bio set to scam school kids

DIAMOND: TSA vs. Texas - Washington Times

*20 MAY

American Minute for May 20th

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Today in History: May 20

May 20th in History

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