A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

22 May 2011

22 MAY

YouTube - Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot


The bin Laden hunter: ex-CIA man had bin Laden in his sights 10 times - Telegraph

'Netanyahu, Obama share little chemistry' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Everything is hackable -- and cyber criminals can't be tracked | Security - InfoWorld


Soldiers notified to prepare for deployment | Tulsa World

*Horn Of Africa


Lone Star Watchdog: To All Who Beleived The End Was Coming And Have Not Been Raptured Yesterday. Please Read!

My Way News - Shock after Dutch priest endorses pedophilia

Rampant Misconduct (Season 6, Episode 8) - Video Clips - South Park Studios

Revolutionary Politics » Blog Archive » Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos

Activist Post: The Manufacturing Rebound is a Myth

Even Ron Paul Unloads on Obama for Dictating to Israel « Commentary Magazine

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Total Collapse - The Build up to World War III

Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up

Georgia: Protesters clash with "provocateurs" (video)@YouTube


(1:03:01)YouTube - DECLINE of EMPIRES: The Signs of Decay


NATOs Ties To A Chicago Based Globalist Group And Michelle Obama :

*False May 21, 2011 Doomsday prophet Harold Camping "deserts" devastated followers, church offers solace (PHOTOS) - International Business Times


+Free Fast Public DNS Servers List

YouTube - DNS Cache Poisoning Attack


Malware Macpocalypse: Is the wolf at the door? [Updated] | TechBlog | a blog

Infosecurity (UK) - FBI sucks in complete internet pipes in latest surveillance evolution.


(1:02:47)YouTube - College Conspiracy


Activist Post: The War on Drugs is a War on Consciousness

YouTube - BREAKING: FBI Performs Damage Control for Big Pharma

What you don’t know about the Bilderberg-Group

New govt. would recognise Palestinian state -

Activist Post: Republicans in Congress to Crown Obama King

Ranting Andy: The Myth of the Dollar, and Those That Refuse to Acknowledge It « BabyBullTwits

Lone Star Watchdog: More Than 10% of Texans Have Arrest Warrants out for Unpaid Traffic Tickets.

Space shuttle undergoes inflight inspection after photos reveal damage to heat shield tiles | Mail Online

They've got a Thing for the Crack in The Liberty Bell. Smoking Mirrors

CIA staged mock execution, wielded power drill in interrogations, secret report says -

The Intercept: Will repeat covert raid if al Qaeda leaders found in Pakistan: Obama

USDA Stands Behind Hare-Raising Fine | Bob McCarty Writes


Radioactive Sewage Sludge and Slag in Tokyo | EX-SKF

US, Pakistan Near Open War; Chinese Ultimatum Warns Washington Against Attack «

Limited military involvement in Libya gives Obama no concerns U.S. action will become illegal | Mail Online

Teaching “sick” children to be international children of the future « The PPJ Gazette

May Day Raid | Max Keiser

Orange customers can now pay for goods in UK stores with their mobiles - TNW UK

New app another tool for workers in wage disputes - Yahoo! News

YouTube - Mt Athos Prophecies on '666'

YouTube - ‪NWO winner! THAY BEAT US! THAY WON!‏

Smile! Air Force Wants to Track You Forever With a Single Camera Click | Danger Room |

Activist Post: Tutorial: How To Get Around Government Censorship Of YouTube Videos

A is For Atom Foretold Fukushima Core Melt


David Icke: The London-Rome Beltane Ritual 2011 - David Icke Website


Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University: "No One Knows How Fukushima Could Be Wound Down" As the Corium May Be Melting Through the Foundation | EX-SKF

Roy Tov – Is Netanyahu Next?

Carcass found: Could it be the dreaded chupacabra? | San Antonio

BBC News - Mobile wallet offered to UK shoppers

Most German nuclear power plants off the grid - Yahoo! News

The Civil Liberties Primary: A Merry Band of Litigators - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

Stink bug epidemic causes $37m in damage as one-fifth of apples are ruined | Mail Online

Binnie the Rat Nitwityahoo. Profiles in Evil

The X (Rated) Conference | Mantiq al-Tayr

The voice of an empire in decline | Jody McIntyre | Independent Notebook Blogs

Iran 'knew about 9/1 terror attacks before they happened and trained hijackers' | Mail Online

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Europe 'stealing Iran's rain' - Telegraph

Likely IMF Chief Lagarde Makes Comments On Greece That Are The Definition Of Insane - New bill upgrades unauthorized Internet streaming to a felony


*False Religions EXPOSED!

*Wolve's In Sheep's Clothing!






*Harold Camping's Heresies EXPOSED!

Family Radio chief Harold Camping silent as Rapture fails to occur | The Raw Story

May 21 was NOT the Rapture: What will Harold Camping and his faithful followers do now?


U.S. Inspector General to Investigate "Secure Communities" Program - Fox News Latino


Sanctuary Cities /States Protecting Illegal Aliens (

Sanctuary Cities(


The vulture funds of death -

Saudi Arabia, UAE funded jihadi networks in Pakistan: Wikileaks cable | The Raw Story

China Expands Export Quotas of Rare Earth Metals

Rogue Planets discovered in space

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash


Naming Names: Your Real Government | The Vigilant Citizen


The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

1994: Army War College Paper Proposes use of Computer Generated Insurgents | Old-Thinker News

Modern schooling and the war against competition | Old-Thinker News

Goldman Plunges, As Market Cap Shrinks By $8.3 Billion Just Since The Matt Taibbi Takedown

Activist Post: 5 Signs the End is Near for the Criminal Banks

The Associated Press: Ore. court rules medical pot users can have guns

Double Moon and Double Sun: Are chemtrails to blame? | COTO Report

Activist Post: Contact Congress Now Before it Deals Away Your Privacy Rights!

Activist Post: Solidarity in Alternative Media is Essential to Defeat Tyranny


+Activist Post: Quote of the Day: George Orwell on War


Earth's core may be melting, scientists find - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Some Guy: Ron Paul Doesn’t Know the Constitution by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Doug Casey on Ron Paul

Israeli Rebuke of Obama Exposes Mideast Divide

US Lawmakers Push Back Against Obama's Stand on 1967 Borders

US Veterans Admit Burying Agent Orange in Korea

Amid New Bombs, Tripoli Says Obama 'Delusional'

Barak: Israel-US Differences on Peace Process 'Smaller Than They Seem'

Iran Bans Ahmadinejad Ally From Office

Searching for Aliens on Kepler's Planets

Beastly Drone Sub Is ‘Underwater Predator’ | Danger Room |

Eye Spy: Monocle Gives Commandos Drone Vision | Danger Room |

» New ‘Behaviometrics’ Technology Allows Government To Know What You’re Thinking Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

4 Part:The Transformation of Reality – Max Igan |

The President’s Role In The Political Construction of False Popular Perceptions |

3 Part:Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama’s True Origins |

Disclosure and Deceit: Secrecy as the Manipulation of History, not its Concealment

The World Today: Exposing the Lies of Mainstream Media

Americans are Ignorant of Their Own History

VIDEO: Canadian Activists Vow to Arrest George W. Bush in October

New Insights into the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Threat of Private Military Companies

IMF Regime Change: With Christine Lagarde, US Corporations Enter the French Government

Nuclear Power Plants: Understanding Boiling Water Reactor Systems At Fukushima


+Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation


Is the US Driving the World Towards World War III: Osama's Alleged Compound. How Many SEALs Died?

Bin Laden Raid: : Operation Was Not Successful - Eye Witness Claims

How Many SEALs Died?

Noam Chomsky: Osama bin Laden's Death: There Is More To Say

Porn in the USA

YouTube - The War on Drugs Is a War on People -- Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio on Television

YouTube - TSA to oversee searches at Santa Fe prom

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Restore Free Market Capitalism for the Environment

The Authentic Cruelty of a Synthetic Man - informationliberation

U.S. Government Starts New Round of 'Pirate' Domain Seizures - informationliberation

The Only Way Out of Guantanamo Is In a Coffin - informationliberation

The Perpetual Terrorist-Producing Machine - informationliberation

In public statement, TSA lies about the Constitution - informationliberation


**Obama's Speech to AIPAC -- Prepared Text


YouTube - President Obama's AIPAC Address 2011 pt.1

YouTube - President Obama's AIPAC Address 2011 pt.2


Desperately Needed: A New Political Party

WikiLeaks Reveals US Wanted to Keep Russia out of Libyan Oil

Details Emerge of America's Secret Oil War with Russia

Osama bin Laden: Terror Mastermind with Nine Lives – Videos | Before It's News

Chicago a Testing Stage for Obama | Before It's News

Species Reemergence After Collapse: Possible But Different | Before It's News

Obama Would Replicate bin Laden Mission

Obama Says US Ties to Israel 'Unbreakable'

Mexican Drug Boss Arrested at Birthday Party

Colleges Dangle Perks to Attract Students

Biblical Soothsayer Predicting World's Demise, But Americans Scoffing

End of World Prophecy Attracts Followers, Provokes Ridicule

Watch Out! Feds Could Seize Your Private Retirement Savings

Huckabee: Romney Is 'Inauthentic'

Herman Cain Enters 2012 Presidential Race

Huntsman Affirms Mormon Heritage

Tea Party, GOP at Odds Over Candidates

Lieberman: Obama Speech 'Profoundly Ill-Advised'

Inside the Schwarzenegger-Shriver Marriage

Herman Cain: I'll Free Americans from Obamacare

Sanctuary States Defy Federal Immigration Laws

Obama: The Man Who Never Was :

Militarized Bio-Machines :

Get Ready for Social Security, Medicare Meltdowns

Goldman Braces for Federal Subpoenas


YouTube - US dollar doomed as commodities skyrocket


YouTube - We are the Evolution


YouTube - Illuminati Symbolism in Movies-Occult Control


Sen. Hatch To Introduce Resolution Opposing President Obama’s Israel Policy

AFL-CIO Trumka: Electoral Process ‘Broken’ by Supremes in Citizens United Case

WOLF: Obamacare waiver corruption must stop - Washington Times

New export from China: Babies | Before It's News

WikiLeaks: A Battle To 'Carve Up' The Arctic | Before It's News

ACLU Counts 4 More Secret Records Demands in WikiLeaks Probe | Threat Level |


10 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Win the War on Debt: 80 Ways to Be Frugal and Save Money | The Art of Manliness

Top 10 Pizza Flavours

Why Fat, Not Carbs, Are the Preferred Fuel for the Human Body | Mark's Daily Apple

Your Guide to Safe Grilling

Article Links

*Radiation News 5-22-11


*Christopher Bollyn:The Destruction of the Evidence

Christopher Bollyn:Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up

E Book

**PDF :The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World


Christopher Bollyn:'01

Christopher Bollyn:'02

Christopher Bollyn:'03

Christopher Bollyn:'04

Christopher Bollyn:'05

Christopher Bollyn:'06

Christopher Bollyn:'07

Christopher Bollyn:'08

Christopher Bollyn:'09

Christopher Bollyn:'10

= W/’11

+Christopher Bollyn:List of Articles


*Christopher Bollyn:The Antidote for Disinfo


Clarice's Pieces: Obama and the 'Teutonic Shift' in the Middle East

A Tale of Two Sex Scandals

The Coming Assault on Israel

A Tale ofTwo Betrayals

The Judicial Branch Mess

Why Israel Has Become A Not-Quite Tragic Hero

Freedom Fueled the American Moon Shot

China and America: Rising Dragon, Bleeding Eagle

Syria and the 'Resistance' Bloc: Buddies No More

Moosa and the Madrassas

Strategies to Help Identify anti-Israel 'Jewish' Groups

Bibi lets Obama have it - diplomatically speaking

Media Shielded Voters from Obama's Israel Intentions

The difference between legality and ethics

Troubled Foxconn factory in China rocked by explosion

Michelle Obama Campaigning for President

Mitch Daniels opts out of running

3rd time's the charm; Saleh to give up power

Taliban increasing attacks on government buildings

Iran continues to flex its muscles

Libyan rebels accused of reprisal attacks

Michelle Obama Campaigns for President

'Obama Sides with the Palestinians' - Again

Skoropadsky and the Course of Russian-Ukrainian Relations

A Princeton Instructor's Suicide and the Broken Immigration System

Obama's borders Caused 60 Years of War

Disturbing Questions about President Obama's Vision for Israel

Obama Speech Mired In Zionist Rhetoric »

The Subjugation of America »

Middle East developments: An interview with Stephen Lendman »

Do Naval Academy Mealtime Prayers Violate the Constitution?

Fed Insider Herman Cain Announces 2012 Bid

Bin Laden & Al-Qaeda: U.S. Govt. Creations


+From the Mid-East to the Border | LibertyNewsNetwork

+Osama Bin Laden | LibertyNewsNetwork


*Savage reads what the Biblesays about Israel


Brzezinski: Obama's Mideast Speech Was Too 'Timid'

Texas teachers Angela New and April Alexander arrested for having sex with their students | Mail Online

Wealthy Mexicans Are Increasingly Investing in the U.S. to Escape Cartel Violence -

Obama Now Tells Jewish Audience That Border With Palestine Would Be ‘Different’ Than 1967 | The Blaze

Pro-Obama Group Is Already Airing a TV Ad Jabbing Romney & Gingrich | The Blaze

So the World Didn’t End — Now What? | The Blaze

Homeland Security Loses Track of Nearly 6 Million Immigrants | The Blaze

Uncut: Herman Cain Announces 2012 Presidential Bid | The Blaze

Saudi Woman Detained for Defying Driving Ban | The Blaze

Another Example of NYC’s Oppressive Business Environment – You Need a License to Pump Gas | The Blaze

YouTube - Hollywood Basterds by David Duke

Iran accused of September 11 role

Saudi Activist Deplores Obama’s Silence on ‘Tyrannical’ Regime |

Hedge Farm! The Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists | The New York Observer


**The Canadian National Newspaper: Scientists confirm Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA


+Exo-Science and Alien Studies(


EFF Demands Answers About Secret Surveillance Law Memo | Electronic Frontier Foundation

SIMPSON: TSA's full-body oglers - Washington Times

Federally Funded NASA ‘Educates’ Children About Global Warming on ‘Climate Kids’ Web Site |

Toxic pesticides from GM food crops found in unborn babies - Telegraph

» Models of Community: Alternatives to Corporate America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The President’s Role In The Political Construction of False Popular Perceptions Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fox News Special Report: Secrets of 9/11 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Fox News Reporting: Secrets of 9/11 - Episode Guides - Fox News Reporting -

» Sept. 11 Mood Study Based on Texting Is Flawed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Sept. 11 Mood Study Based on Texting Is Flawed | Miller-McCune

» Map of Arab Rage: Imperialism in the making? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Illuminati Symbolism in Movies-Occult Control Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Excavator: Some of The Funniest Scenes in Film History

The Excavator: The Raid and Maid: The Media Lynchings of Osama Bin Laden And Dominique Strauss-Kahn


YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward 1/2

YouTube - Paul Craig Roberts: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward 2/2


Erapture! Iceland Grimsvotn Volcano Has Erupted, White Plume Ejected 18,000 Feet Into Air, Seismic Readings Across Iceland Off The Charts


Beware the alpha romeos like Arnold Schwarzenegger | Herald Sun


*Arnold Exposed(


Bin Laden Death Script & the Needed Trigger for Next Step-Pakistan

China Becomes World’s Larest Gold Buyer – Buys 93.5 Tonnes Of Gold Coins / Bars in Q1 – Gold Ownership Rising From Miniscule Levels

The Next Big Gold Rally Has Started

Anthrax “Conviction” Falls Apart

Big Sis and DHS Push ID Program for Travelers


WorldNetDaily Exclusive Michael Savage: Bible shows what's next for Israel;'Ezekiel predicts what's going to happen: There will be a war'


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive Obama 'ignores history, facts and Israel's security';Jed Babbin: Prez 'willfully ignorant' of threat posed by radical Islam

**Jerome Corsi

**Corsi Claims He Has Identity Of Individual Behind Birth Certificate Forgery Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 1/3

YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 2/3

YouTube - Jerome Corsi: White House Running Scared Over Latest Discovery of Obama's True Origins 3/3


*Audio:Jerome Corsi on his new book where's obama birth certificate

Page:Jerome Corsi on his new book where's obama birth certificate - Feedback - WSAU News/Talk 550AM 99.9FM


*ARTICLE LINKS:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Suffocated by the heavy hand of government';Rep. Walsh says business owners 'scared to death' about taxes, regulations

WikiLeaks: 'North American Initiative' no 'theory'

Americans to Israel: Don't listen to Obama

'Obama knows Israel won't retreat to '67 lines' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Israeli rebuke of Obama exposes divide on Mideast | Reuters

Netanyahu Responds to Obama Middle East Speech (Transcript, Photo) -

Obama to Israel: Drop dead (literally)

Obama: Hamas attack = Israeli self defense

'Prophecies for the Era of Muslim Terror'

Daniels Decides Against Presidential Run -

Newt Gingrich under fire on air

Lawmakers Resist Obama's Call to Offer $2B in Loan Assistance to Egypt -

Religion – the overlook... JPost - Features - Insights & Features

Saleh: Al-Qaeda to take over Yemen - Israel News, Ynetnews

White House on War Powers Deadline: 'Limited' US Role in Libya Means No Need to Get Congressional Authorization - Political Punch

World doesn't end: California prophet had no Plan B | World news | The Observer

Despite preparations, believers of apocalypse shocked when doomsday time passes without incident

Harold Camping Wrong: How Can He Respond? - International Business Times

Sex, booze and souvenirs: Canadians set on making the most of the Rapture - CityNews

Preacher claiming Rapture May 21 'holds on to his stuff'

The most important question ever

'Grandma' thrown off cliff by Paul Ryan lookalike in anti-GOP Medicare advert made by The Agenda Project | Mail Online

'The Obama code': Hidden messages in birth document?

Dems join Obama panic attack on book

White House panic: Corsi book targeted

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

File Claims Obama's Father Paid for Abortion of His Half-Sibling |

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

ACORN's other White House 'insider'

Feds must stop writing gibberish under new law - Yahoo! News

Dem opposition to disclosure plan grows -

Leash being prepared for Congress

Tea Party Nation says Boehner's time's run out

Look who calls Obama 'black mascot' of Wall Street

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: when sex and money collide, the IMF makes its own rules - Telegraph

When Doomsday Isn't, Believers Struggle to Cope | Doomsday, End of the World and the Rapture | Harold Camping, May 12 | LiveScience

Google CEO Eric Schmidt warns governments against facial recognition technology | Mail Online

Teeny-Tiny Drone Fires Teeny-Tiny Missile (Gulp) | Danger Room |

BBC News - Bionic hand for 'elective amputation' patient

Dinosaurs May Soon Go Extinct—Again : Discovery News

Dark energy DOES exist and it's increasingly driving our universe apart, scientists claim | Mail Online

Feeling happy? Don't be too smug as chances are you will die young - Telegraph


*Rolling Stones split fears as Mick Jagger forms new band amid Keith Richards fued | Mail Online


Musicians & Politics: Gene Simmons: “Make Me a Benevolent Dictator” — CNBC Funny Business - CNBC - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Showbiz :: FUNNY VID: Model falls three times on Cannes catwalk

Amazonian tribe has no calendar and no concept of time - Telegraph

Is the Southern accent dying? How new research shows upper and middle classes are losing their drawl | Mail Online

Former thug who found Judaism hopes to be first African-American in the Knesset - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Straight or Gay? Vowels in Speech May Give it Away - Yahoo! News

British royalty dined on human flesh (but don't worry it was 300 years ago) | Mail Online


YouTube - Herman Cain Presidential Announcement Video


Ahamadinejad: West causing drought in Iran - Israel News, Ynetnews

College tuition: Supreme Court may hear case on tuition breaks for illegal immigrants -

'No speak English. No service' sign leads to Reedy Creek Diner restaurant's sales TRIPLING | Mail Online

Moon rock sting - americas - world |

East Bay schools offer gay studies for high school students -

Dairy delights: Eating butter and cheese 'doesn't increase risk of heart attacks' | Mail Online

The world according to Henry Kissinger - Telegraph

Doyle McManus: In speech on Arab world turmoil, Obama seeks U.S. relevance -

Mitch Daniels not running for President | Philip Klein | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

Belmont Club » Hold That Tiger

A Strong Dollar Isn’t Always a Good Thing - Economic View -

Washington missing in action on the economy

Neal Gabler: America the stony-hearted -

Four More Dollars? -

The old spark at Obama’s Boston stop - The Boston Globe

The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Rand Paul Slams Obama, Defends Israel

RealClearPolitics - How Latinos Got Stung

If The Gold Standard Is So Great, Why Aren't We On One Now? -

The Heartland Hustle - TIME

Justice on Wall Street? - Editorials -

President Obama throws Israel under the Palestinian bus | Examiner Editorial | Opinion | Washington Examiner

Presidential visit: Two principled leaders in search of a healthy alliance | Observer editorial | Comment is free | The Observer

Our Opinion: Mitch Daniels' decision a loss for state, nation | The Indianapolis Star |

The Weekend Interview With Henry Kissinger -

RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis

Borderline Treachery - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Obama faces narrower path to 2012 re-election | Reuters

Candid Romney Would Own Up To Mass. Fiasco -

Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann: Will They Run? -

Dore Gold: Israel's 1967 Borders Aren't Defensible -

Lawmakers largely silent on war powers authority in Libya -

Why Senate Democrats aren’t releasing their budget - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post

Yglesias » What Is Barack Obama’s Policy On The US-Israel Relationship?

They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? -

David Rothkopf: Special relationship, yes. Just not unique - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent

Obama's visit marks a new special relationship of the super-realists | Jacob Weisberg | Comment is free | The Observer

RealClearWorld - U.S.-India Ties Remain Strong

Responsibility to protect: The lessons of Libya | The Economist

An AfPak chess game | Deccan Chronicle

Wanted: Qaddafi & Co. | Foreign Affairs

Palestinians can take the initiative after Israel balks - The National

Kim’s visit to China

Upheaval: U.S. Policy Toward Iran in a Changing Middle East | Center for a New American Security

Short Sharp Science: Rapture: Why do people love doomsday predictions?

How Snake Oil Got a Bad Rap (Hint: It Wasn’t The Snakes’ Fault) | Collectors Weekly

Göbekli Tepe;The Birth of Religion - National Geographic Magazine

Inside the "Black Box" of Personhood | Big Questions Online


*The Week in Pictures: May 15 - 21


**Politics Video:22nd/Obama: "Israel Must Be Able To Defend Itself, By Itself"

Rep. Paul Ryan Addresses Gingrich Controversy

Joan Walsh: Mitch Daniels Was Never A "Formidable Candidate"

Herman Cain Would Offer Palestinians "Nothing" In Peace Deal

Durbin: Coburn "Walked Away" Before Deal Was To Be Announced

Gingrich: "I Would Have Voted For Ryan's Budget"

Dick Armey On A Busy Week In Politics

Maddow: GOP Candidates Will Not Do MSM Interviews

"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Obama's Speech On Israel, Mideast

"This Week" Roundtable On Newt Gingrich's Tough Week

"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Americans Voting With Their Wallets

21st/Herman Cain Announces: "We're Going To Take Our Country Back"

KISS' Gene Simmons: Obama "Has No F***ing Idea What The World Is Like"

Obama Weekly Address: Reforming "No Child Left Behind" This Year

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison Gives Weekly GOP Address On Energy

Krauthammer: Obama Undermined Previous Assurances With Israel

Dershowitz: Obama Torpedoed Peace Process

Bill O'Reilly: President Obama And The Jewish Vote

Jon Capehart On Religious Roadblock In 2012 GOP Field

*22 May

American Minute for May 22nd

Today in History: May 22

This Day in History for 22nd May

Today in History: May 22 » History Net

May 22nd in History

May 22nd This Day in History

May 22 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History: May 22


Suspect detained in beating of SF Giants fan

Foxconn confirms 3rd death at plant linked to iPad

Kirsten Dunst: from boos to cheers at Cannes

Obama: '67 borders reflects long-standing policy

Ala. gambling gives way to closed casinos, trial

Gingrich says he would vote for GOP budget plan

Pakistan and China Buddy Up In Fighter Jet Deal

Obama’s Three Lies to AIPAC

Obama Tells Israel: Turn Over The Tomb of Jesus to Hamas

New ‘Spanish Revolution’ Signals Electoral Change On Sunday

Pure Evil: Taliban Suicide Bomber Attacks Military Hospital in Kabul

Saudi Arabia Advances Gulf Cooperation Council, Further Cuts U.S. Ties

My Journey Toward Islamoawareness

Majority Of Our Pakistani Allies Grieve For Bin Laden, And Plurality See Him As A Martyr For Jihad

Liberal Jews Embrace Reincarnation: The Peace Process Never Dies

Palestinian Activist: Jews Are ‘Human Pieces of Filth’

Navy SEALs and Other Special Operations Forces

Audio:Roger Noriega: Iran in Venezuela

Sound Bite For the Day: “He Has No F-ing Idea”

Palin Spies MSM’s Pro-Obama 2012 Plot In Gingrich Media Mess

Has The Media Finally Awakened?

DropFox Hits The Ground … and Stays There

Obama War Room: Campaign Mode

With Mitch Out, Is Thaddeus In?

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels Bows Out of 2012 Race

FOIA Lawsuit Filed over Obama Justice Department’s Refusal to Defend Federal Marriage Law

MRC Protest Series: Aftermath of Obama’s Middle East Speech

People Don’t Get Educated in College

Obama Turns His Back on Israel

‘Fast Five’ Review: For Franchise Fanboys Only

G.I. Film Festival Wrap-Up: Two Remarkable Films Illustrate How ‘Freedom Isn’t Free’

Jerry Bruckheimer Talks Being Conservative in Hollywood

Danish Film Maker ‘Repulsed’ by Von Trier’s Nazi Comments

Review: ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ Sails into Dark Waters

Wanted In America: A Man Who Is What He Seems

Sean Penn Calls Osama Killing ‘Vengeance’ While in France

Rob Lowe: Conservative Politics Built on Logic

Dozens protest Obama's ME speech at US embassy in TA

Jordanian king: No hope for progress in peace talks

Banks: Fed's unnecessary complications

Gold: the bubble's popping will be nasty

Suspect in Dodger Stadium beating of Bryan Stow is in custody

Americans take a gamble with the Mississippi floods

Number of tourists visiting Egypt slumps 46% in 1st quarter

8 are granted clemency by Obama | POLITICO 44

Courts give cops too much license--Michael A. Walsh -

PJTV - Michael Barone on 2012: There Is No Front Runner, Just Runners - Glenn Reynolds

WikiLeaks bolsters argument for 'enhanced' interrogation tactics - Washington Times


Cartoon: Obama Nation: Decisions: Obama Style - Big Government

Cartoon: Gladiatrix. - Big Government


*22-May-11 World View ....


*21st/News Video:Raising Cain! UPDATE: The Official Campaign Video

Herman Cain’s Full Speech Announcing His Candidacy

Jerry Bruckheimer Talks Being Conservative in Hollywood

Wisconsin Recount Over, Results Unchanged

Gene Simmons Slams President Obama’s Israel Policy: ‘He Has No F-Ing Idea What The World Is Like’

Pure Evil: Taliban Suicide Bomber Attacks Military Hospital in Kabul

The Cain Doctrine: You Mess With Israel, You Mess With the U.S.

Macho Man Randy Savage Dead After Crash

*President Obama’s Full Speech on Middle East Policy – 05/19/2011

Iran Claims it Dismantled US Spy Network

+Weekly Address: Obama’s National Plan for Your Local School

The End of the World as We Know It



20th/The Stage Right Show: Guest – Jedediah Bila

Netanyahu’s White House Visit Brings Out Plenty of Protesters (Video Link Repaired)

John Lithgow Hilariously Reads Over-The-Top Gingrich Press Release

Sean Penn Calls Osama Killing ‘Vengeance’

Bibi to BO: Not. Gonna. Happen.

T-Paw to Make it Official on Monday

Exposing the Left: College Students Sign Phony Petition to Ban Conservatives from Radio

Military Video Shows NATO Strikes Destroying Gaddafi’s Warships

NASA Scares/ Educates Kids About Man Destroying Earth with Federally-Funded Website

Katie Couric’s Long, Liberal Farewell

19th/The Stage Right Show: Guests – Evan Pokroy, Jenny Erikson, Kurt Schlichter, and Ben Shapiro

Rep. Schakowsky Calls Breitbart ‘Sleaze Bag’

Simona De Silvestro Injured During Indy 500 Practice Run

Teammate: Lance Armstrong Used Drugs

Rob Lowe: Conservative Politics Built on Logic

FBI Investigates Unabomber in ‘82 Tylenol Deaths

18th/Palin: Investigate ObamaCare Waivers in Pelosi’s District

Liberal Group Depicts GOP Pushing Wheelchair-Bound Senior Off Cliff

Unabomber’s Manifesto, Clothing Up for Auction

French Complain About Media Coverage of IMF Chief’s Rape Arrest

New Video Shows Devastation Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Christian Radio Group: World Ends This Saturday

Danish Film Director Makes Pro-Nazi Comments at Cannes

17th/Oops! Protester Screams at Rep. Allen West Over Issue They Agree On

Bloomberg: ‘There Aren’t Very Many Panhandlers Left’ on Subway

16th/Iowa Voter to Newt: ‘Why Don’t You Get Out Before You Make a Bigger Fool of Yourself?’

Stick a Fork in Him? Krauthammer Says Newt is ‘Done’

Man ‘Cured’ of AIDS

Endeavor Makes One Last Launch

Vatican Tells Priests to Cooperate with Police on Abuse Cases


YouTube - Full Show - 5/19/11. Faith & healthcare, Intellectual Property Rights


Genesis Communications Network GCN News Obama Goes From Comedian to Illusionist Practical Joker Commander-in-Chief «

Genesis Communications Network GCN News New Details On Al Qaeda Pentagon Lunch: Defense Dept. Was “Impressed” With Terrorist’s Presentation «

Fox News Reporting: Secrets of 9/11 - Episode Guides - Fox News Reporting -

CDC Recommends Preparing for All Disasters -- Even Zombies - Yahoo! News

CDC EPR / Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse - Blog

China Is Now Top Gold Bug -



World Crisis Radio Podcast:7th/pt1

World Crisis Radio Podcast/7th/pt 2

World Crisis Radio Podcast/14th/pt 1

World Crisis Radio Podcast/14th/pt 2

World Crisis Radio Podcast 21st/pt1

World Crisis Radio Podcast 21st/pt2


Herb Talk Host: Wendy Wilson /7th

Herb Talk Host: Wendy Wilson 14th

Herb Talk Host: Wendy Wilson 21st

The Magic Garden Host: Mort White 7th pt 1

The Magic Garden Host: Mort White 7th pt2

The Magic Garden Host: Mort White 14th pt1

The Magic Garden Host: Mort White 14th pt2

The Magic Garden Host: Mort White 21st pt 1

The Magic Garden Host: Mort White 21st pt2

The Nutrimedical Report Host: Dr. Bill and Michelle Deagle 20th pt 1

The Nutrimedical Report Host: Dr. Bill and Michelle Deagle 20th pt 2

The Nutrimedical Report Host: Dr. Bill and Michelle Deagle 20th pt3


The Magic Garden (

NutriMedical (

The Power Herbs(

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