A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

19 May 2011

19 MAY

New bin Laden Tape Surfaces - The Daily Beast

YouTube - Osama's Last Message (Warning: Graphic!!!)

Anti-Neocons • View topic - Wicked Witch Osama and Wizard Obama!


*Trials Of Henry Kissinger 1:19:41

*Matrix of evil 2:02:45


IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn Set Up For Breaking Free From Party Line?

Christine Lagarde To Replace DSK At IMF?, Dominique Strauss-Kahn To Make Bail Thursday - Home - The Daily Bail

DSK Is Done At The IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn Resigns - Home - The Daily Bail

Barack Obama to back Middle East democracy with billions in aid | World news | The Guardian

Russia expels Israel's military attaché over espionage claims - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

No Proof Senior Pakistani Officials Knew Bin Laden Whereabouts, Gates Says - Bloomberg

Robert Gates, Mike Mullen To Bin Laden Raid Leakers: Stop Talking

Katie Couric: What went wrong with Katie Couric and 'CBS Evening News'? -

EXCLUSIVE: Al Qaeda Leader Dined at the Pentagon Just Months After 9/11 -

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Rand Paul: A Tax Per Mile You Drive "May Be The Dumbest Idea I've Heard This Week!"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : PETER SCHIFF: "You are going to see riots in the streets"

Video: Gingrich says he cheated on his wives because he felt so 'passionately for this country' - Home - The Daily Bail

Which Path to Persia?: Brookings Institute's Plan

Bin Laden’s “One Million Page Cache” Will Be Used To Legitimize Official 9/11 Fable

YouTube - General Wesley Clark on 9/11 n Libya, Libya was already planned, Iran next..

Multinational companies mining occupied Palestinian land « Aletho News

The World Is Cornering The Elite… | Don't Tread On Me

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : BREAKING! Iran Building Missile Bases In Venezuela That Could Reach U.S.!

CDC Warns Public to Prepare for 'Zombie Apocalypse' -

Understanding Obama and His America | Opinion Maker

The Intercept: Obama Officials Refuse to Investigate New Evidence in National Guard 1970 Kent State Shootings

YouTube - Castration for sex offenders?

Freedomlink Radio Takes on the Corporatists 05/15 by Intel News Network | Blog Talk Radio

+Survivor Bay | Survival ideas and tips in living off the grid.

Lone Star Watchdog: Welcome to 1984: Bill Clinton calls for a Ministry of Truth

Chris Matthews strikes again: Sarah Palin ‘profoundly stupid’ - Yahoo! News

The Intercept: Medvedev warns of Cold War over missile defence

Does a CIA “Asset” Own the Bin Laden Compound? :

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Why Does The "OFFICIAL" Story About The Bin Laden Raid Keep Changing? Ex-CIA Dir Woolsey Interview

'An executive at a small defense contractor recently joked to me, “Afghanistan is our business plan.” I asked him what he would do if the war ended. He stared at me for a moment and said, “Well, then I hope we invade Libya.”' - Home - The Daily Bail

PressTV - 'US killed Bin Laden clone in Pakistan'

Does a CIA "Asset" Own the bin Laden Compound?

Video: 'The world will end on May 21' - Americas, World - The Independent

Activist Post: US intelligence to set up cyber-focused office in Estonia

Microsoft: One in 14 Downloads Is Malicious - Yahoo! News

Myths of Science with Liam Scheff-What Americans Believe 2 05/09 by Intel News Network | Blog Talk Radio

Pot Smoker Cheech Marin Beats Anderson Cooper on Jeopardy |

Freedomlink Radio Takes on the Corporatists 05/15 by Intel News Network | Blog Talk Radio



A Free Thinker's Journey: Records show FBI practice of hiding evidence in secret databases

PLANET OF THE CHIMPS #2: CIA Has Appointed Former Egyptian Special Forces Officer As New Leader Of Their Fake Al Qaeda Terrorist Group

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Another Criminal Senator "Tom Coburn" Gets Off With No Penalty To Pay

CHART: Who Funds The IMF? - Home - The Daily Bail

No Need To Audit The Federal Reserve According To GOP Flavor Of The Month, Idiot Herman Cain - Home - The Daily Bail

YouTube - Ron Paul Questions Official Bin Laden Story "I've Heard So Many Stories"

H.J.res. 62. Amending the Constitution to end states rights? « The PPJ Gazette

Scientists Cast Doubt on TSA Tests of Full-Body Scanners - ProPublica

Activist Post: Predicting the Future Gold Price Misses the Point

Gasoline at 20 Cents a Gallon « Blog

What is this coin worth?. Finding the value of coin silver since 2011!

One number to rule all transactions - Home -

Saudi Arabian student 'spat on WalMart customers because Americans push us around' | Mail Online

Roman Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal: Bishops blame 60s turmoil | Mail Online

D A Deputy Ipsen Launches Reform Campaign: How To Stop Early Felony Releases

US woman, Disney settle theme park groping suit - Yahoo! News

Forensic Global Analysis Of Fukushima Daiichi Crisis

Accuser in IMF Strauss-Kahn hotel sex case lives in apartment for AIDS victims -

Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal forces France to face sex's link with power | World news | The Guardian

Strauss-Kahn must resign, say US treasury chief and European ministers | World news | The Guardian - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: French fury over ‘lynching’ of IMF boss by US court

'Dominique Strauss-Kahn was like a gorilla': Actress's sex claim against former IMF chief | Mail Online

The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up

AIPAC’S Prelude To Treason 2011 | Real Zionist News

Help - Page Not Found - - A Native American's View of Manhood

YouTube - Video Shows Officer Offering Truckers Freedom For Cash

Immigration costs Canada billions: Fraser Institute | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

Activist Post: The War on Milk - GM Dairy and Cancer Links

We can’t trust our own government « The PPJ Gazette

RadNet or SadNet? The EPA’s Failed Radiation Detection System « PSTUPH

White House panic: Corsi book targeted

Vivian Norris: Interview with Akira Tokuhiro, Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima and the Mass Media

Feel like a radiated sitting duck? Things you can do to mitigate the problem. | Farm Wars

Obama Campaign Hawks Birth Certificate T-Shirt, Campaign Claims Its A “Mobile Version” of Truth Squad to Refute Birther Book - Political Punch


Imperialism - Bankers, Drug Wars And Genocide

YouTube - FreeTruth Show interviews DAVID LIONEL de ROTHSCHILD

Wells, Nevada..A slice of life in our neck of the woods « The PPJ Gazette

Osama bin Laden killing could justify killing Col Gaddafi - Telegraph

Solar Storms Could Have 'Potentially Devastating Effects': NOAA Official

ALIPAC - American Disintegration for North American Integration Plan

ALIPAC - Secret WikiLeaks Document Confirms North American Union Plan

The US War Department

Secret service: The feds question a Tacoma seventh grader for a Facebook comment about President Obama and suicide bombers. - KCPQ

Mysterious Hole In Basking Ridge Yard Puzzles Officials, Experts « CBS New York

YouTube - UFO Crash Over New Jersey 2011 Fri The 13th

YouTube - Hawaii Revisited; Investigating Chemtrails/Geoengineering

North Pole: a hotbed of competing claims - Telegraph

Leading article: The Arctic no place for oil companies - Leading Articles, Opinion - The Independent

Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Bible Vs. Archaeology

Roy Tov – The Nastiest Nazi

The International Criminal Court - An Imperial Tool

Anwar al-Awlaki is 'next target after Osama bin Laden' - Telegraph

Scientists Will Track Fukushima Radiation To Study Ocean Currents - Jeff McMahon - The Ingenuity of the Commons - Forbes

Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on

Soros dumped most gold in Q1, Paulson stays put | Reuters

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was the single currency's cuckoo in the IMF nest - Telegraph

YouTube - Wicked Witch Osama and Wizard Obama!

US: Cat is out of the bag | Opinion Maker

The inconvenient truth is that they're wrong - Telegraph

Scientists discover habitable Earth-like planet - Telegraph

LED bulbs hit 100 watts as federal ban looms - Yahoo! News

UK nuclear industry gets green light from government inspector | Environment |

Matthew Norman: At least our papers don't pander to the political elite - Matthew Norman, Commentators - The Independent

New smartphone privacy alert as Android handsets found to be prone to leaking data | Mail Online

Microsoft's Bing uses Facebook data to personalise search - Telegraph

Excitotoxins In Seizure Meds Cause MAJOR Problems

Yale fraternity penalised over sexist and threatening conduct - Telegraph

Hundreds of migrants found in two US-bound trailer trucks | World news |

Video: American man eats 25,000th Big Mac - Telegraph

Exploding watermelons put spotlight on Chinese farming practices | Environment | The Guardian

Calls to ban sleep-inducing 'Lazy Cakes' after children fell into deep sleep - Telegraph

Woman allergic to electricity: Cancer survivor so sensitive to gadgets she lives by candlelight | Mail Online

Uno III Streetbike unveiled: The transforming 'U3' that can fit in a lift | Mail Online

Arch Dermatol -- Abstract: Delusional Infestation, Including Delusions of Parasitosis: Results of Histologic Examination of Skin Biopsy and Patient-Provided Skin Specimens, May 16, 2011, Hylwa et al. 0 (2011): archdermatol.2011.114v1

Itchy Skin: Imaginary Bugs Often Blamed

FDA Accuses Supplement Manufacturers of...Selling Drugs? | Welcome to the Alliance for Natural Health - USA

What Is Solar Radiation Management, Why Is It Important? - Is "Temptation" an Outmoded Concept?

Is the Beit El Colony a House of God or a House Of Misery? « Kawther Salam

Americans - Then And Now

YouTube - Cocaine Economy

How To Identify Members Of The Collectivist Fringe

Supreme Court affirms police action in Kentucky drug case - The Washington Post

Tech Beat: 10 ways 'the police state' tracks you - Times-Standard Online

Activist Post: Alarming Number of Disasters Striking World "Food Baskets"

Solar Generator - Amazing Solar Generator Is Like Having A Secret Power Plant Hidden In Your Home - Announcement of Osama Bin Laden's Death Is A Staged Psychological Warfare Operation - Why America is Getting Owned by Foreigners - Mass. bill would require divorcing parents to obtain judge’s approval for sex - Christian group predicts 'terrific earthquake' on Judgment Day - Lindsay Lohan Says A Freemason Is Stalking Her - Archbishop allows freemason to be bishop

Scientists discover habitable Earth-like planet - Telegraph

Warrants Let Agents Enter Homes Without Owner Knowing - Albuquerque News Story - KOAT Albuquerque - Meet The New So-Called Acting Leader Of Al-Qaeda

CNN's Zakaria Reveals He Advises President Obama On Foreign Policy |

Under look and key: PC iris scanner security device set to go on the market in months | Mail Online - Key bin Laden intel came from CIA detainee later released

Hedge Farm: The Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedge Fund Managers Into Survivalists

Gavin Andresen, Project Lead of Bitcoin, Invited to Speak at CIA

Burzynski – Cancer Is Serious Business

The Strange Case of Solar Flares Changing Rates of Radioactive Decay

And Now… J.P. Morgan’s Hunt for Afghan Gold

Toxin from GM Crops Found in Human Blood

Avoid Gate Grope, Become a ‘Trusted Traveler’

Caption Contest: Bill Gates Promotes Vaccinations

10 ways ‘the police state’ tracks you

FEMA Implements “Special Chip” In Cell Phones to Send Out Alerts

The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History

Symbolic Pics of the Week (05/13)

New Film Shows Diana “Very Much Alive” After Car Crash

Why the Death of the Man Who Was Not Behind 9/11 Was Announced on May 1st

Irrational Consumerism (or The Few Companies Who Feed the World)

Atheists offer to rescue pets after judgment day

Sen. Kirk: End probe of CIA agents accused of torture

Historian Writes of 'Pleasure' at Murder of pro-Palestinian Activist

U.S. Policy is Rooted in Lies, Injustice, and War

One Lawman With the Guts to Go After Wall Street

The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward

Where the Bill of Rights Goes to Die

Tennessee Law Enforcement Stealing Money from Motorists

There's No Way To Tell Which Muslims Seek To Do Us Harm

An Empire of Terror

9/11 Special on KPFA Radio, Thursday, May 19

VIDEO: US Veterans Speak Out Against Iraq War

Spy Drones Becoming Pervasive INSIDE America

The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward

America's Fiscal Crisis: What States Can Do with Their Own Banks

Imperialism: Bankers, Drug Wars and Genocide

Napolitano: 'Very, Very, Very Few People Get A Pat Down'; Reality: ~1.8 Million People Per Month

Google Boss: We'll Fight Anti-Piracy Blocking Laws

TVA reactor loses cooling for 40 minutes: NRC report | The Tennessean |

House Intelligence chief calls on attorney general to stop investigating CIA interrogators - The Washington Post

Osama bin Laden's guns found 'only after' US Navy Seals killed him | World news |

RIAA Calls 4th Amendment Passe: Pushes For Warrantless Searches | Techdirt

Paranoia is Good for You - informationliberation

How Totalitarian Police States Are Built - informationliberation

TSA Backscatter Radiation Safety Tests Were Rigged - informationliberation

Debt-Ceiling Fraud - informationliberation

New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda, Calls 9/11 A "Fabrication" - informationliberation

YouTube - Futility and the War on Drugs

Walter Block on "Legalize and Tax It" - informationliberation

The Pirate Bay Ships New Servers to Mountain Complex - informationliberation

Napolitano: 'Very, Very, Very Few People Get A Pat Down'; Reality: ~1.8 Million People Per Month - informationliberation

Rap News: Osamacide - informationliberation

CIA director tells workforce to stop talking about bin Laden raid _ or face legal action - The Washington Post

The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the FairTax Is Not Fair - informationliberation

YouTube - Peter Schiff: "We're selling our souls to the devil"

Third-World Mechanics Paid $2 Per Hour For Boeing, Airbus Jet Repairs - News Story - KIRO Seattle

Mystery Cosmic Rays Zapping South Pole -- "From the Neutron Star of the Vela Supernova?"

New Declaration of Worldwide War Without End? Congress Poised to Abdicate Authority to Declare War | American Civil Liberties Union

Ron Paul: Sell the Gold in Ft. Knox

Are You a Sheeple? Take the Sheeple Quiz and Find Out by Mike Adams

Selling Yellowstone

The Flat Tax Is Not Flat and the FairTax Is Not Fair by Laurence M. Vance

The Milk Police by Ron Paul

Renewing the Patriot Act: Who Will Protect Us From Our Government? by John W. Whitehead

Grocery Store Seafood: What to Eat and What to Avoid | Mark's Daily Apple

Bed Bugs

Haunted by the nightmare of Katrina | Seema Jilani | Comment is free |

Stevie Nicks Confesses: Common Remedy Turned My Hair Gray and Molted My Skin... by Joseph Mercola

Get Ready - HAARP Has Been Turned Up Again | Before It's News

Homeland Security's Top Cybersecurity Official Resigns - Marc Ambinder - Technology - The Atlantic

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America | Before It's News

United Airlines apologizes for reusing 9/11 flight numbers

New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda, Calls 9/11 A “Fabrication” | Before It's News

Allen West, Congress website bio and link to blog | Before It's News

New World Order Controlling India | Before It's News

1994: Army War College Paper Proposes use of Computer Generated Insurgents | Old-Thinker News

Modern schooling and the war against competition | Old-Thinker News

Does a CIA “Asset” Own the Bin Laden Compound? :

Mystery Science: More Details on the Strange Organism That Could Destroy Monsanto | BNET

Peter Fonda calls Obama 'traitor' at Cannes - Yahoo! News

Focus on Obama as Tensions Soar Across Mideast -

Obama to Unveil New Aid Plan for Mideast -

Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel -

Satellite images reveal alarming speed Pakistan is rushing to finish weapons-grade nuclear reactor | Mail Online

NYC Political Strategist Says Southwest Airlines Told Her And Mother They Must Buy 4 Seats « CBS New York

Whistleblower says Russian troops fed dog food - TrustLaw

Number of long-lasting marriages in U.S. has risen, Census Bureau reports - The Washington Post

The End of the World As We Know It? Prediction of Saturday "Rapture" is Fuel for Faithful, Doubters -

Yonkers Police: Male Suspect Now Disguised a Woman

Dr. George Kenney under investigation after student commits suicide a day after being hypnotized |

7-Year-Old Gave Heroin To Classmates « CBS Pittsburgh

School Wants To Allow Bus Drivers To Search Students - Education News Story - WRTV Indianapolis

Oops. Bomb at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport was only a drill |

Osama Bin Laden Speaks From Beyond the Grave - ABC News

News from The Associated Press

'Al Qaeda terrorist Inayatullah commits suicide' at Guantanamo Bay | Mail Online

CIA director tells workforce to stop talking about bin Laden raid _ or face legal action - The Washington Post

Sources: IMF Head Strauss-Kahn May Leave Rikers Island Thursday On $1 Million Bail « CBS New York

IMF Crisis: A Favorite Emerges for Helm of IMF - CNBC

Cosmic ray hunter installed on space station - Yahoo! News

BBC News - German insurer Munich Re held orgy for salesmen

Emanuel Asks for Chicago Casino | NBC Chicago

In China, some new cities are ghost towns

135-Year-Old Piece of Skin Triggers Smallpox Scare At Virginia Museum

NYC mom admits to voodoo fire that burned daughter -

D.C. schools investigate security breaches in 2011 tests | Lisa Gartner | DC | Washington Examiner

Hedge Farm! The Doomsday Food Price Scenario Turning Hedgies into Survivalists | The New York Observer

HHS inspector general says push for electronic medical records overlooks some security gaps - The Washington Post

Sexting Scandal Rocks NJ Middle School | NBC New York

Plan to put down stray dogs causes howl in Romania

Meet the woman allergic to electricity - Telegraph

West: Obama 'a black mascot' and 'black puppet' - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

Venezuelan political journalist murdered - Yahoo! News

Veteran Journalists: Today's White House Reporters Are Too Timid - Washington Whispers (

Mitt Romney: Obama can’t handle the truth -

Obama Campaign Hawks Birth Certificate T-Shirt, Campaign Claims Its A “Mobile Version” of Truth Squad to Refute Birther Book - Political Punch

Dick Cheney’s memoir will have ‘very strong views,’ daughter Liz says - The Washington Post

Drugs For Critically Ill In Short Supply - Nashville News Story - WSMV Nashville

Senate rejects GOP bill to expand, speed up offshore drilling - The Hill's E2-Wire


***Reference, Facts -***

NEWS Adds High Quality Amish Chicken Coops To Its Product Line by Chicken Houses Plus

Here comes your non-violent resistance

Palin, Others Slam 'Corrupt' Pelosi Healthcare Waivers

Gallup: Cain's Name Less Known, but He's Liked

Peter King Leaves Door Open for Presidential Bid

Gingrich: My Comments 'Inaccurate and Unfortunate'

USA Today/Gallup: Toss Most Congress Members

Maria Shriver Lawyers Up

Posthumus bin Laden Tape Urges Arab Revolt

Playboy Puts 57 Years of Mag Online

Madoff's Wine Fetches $41,530 for Ponzi Victims

Obama Pick for Bench May be Defeated by GOP

Huckabee Supporters May Not Rush to Palin

Bullard: Fed Must Count Food, Energy in Inflation

Avoid These Warm-Weather Woes

40 Percent of Pregnancies Unplanned

Should You Trust Hospital Rankings?

Plentiful US Fuel Source Under Attack by Greenies

Hard for Citizens in Mexico to Arm Themselves

UN Vote on Palestinian State Is a Front Against Israel

Republicans Must Get Their Act Together

Win the Argument, Then the Vote

Reader Comments Show Much Anger Over bin Laden Death

Adam Vs. The Man – Supreme Court OKs warrantless searches, War on drugs, LEAP |

Adam Vs. The Man – Raw milk, Israel & Palestine, Exclusive with Eric Holder |

Adam Vs The Man with Adam Kokesh – Full Episodes of May 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 |

MATT TAIBBI: Goldman Sachs Executives Lied To Their Customers And Congress - Yahoo! Finance

*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – May 17th, 2011 |

* The Alex Jones Show – May 17th, 2011 |

+audio:Alan Watt ‘Cutting Through The Matrix’ – May 17th, 2011 |

2 Part/Dr. Paul Connett In-Studio: Calgary City Fluoridation Ending! – Alex Jones Tv |

2 PART/Author Nomi Prins: The Fed Reserve Holding America Hostage |

The Push for a Single Unified North American Regulatory Regime – Dana Gabriel |




*Radiation News 5-17-11 |


NHK WORLD English/Radiation level at No.3 reactor water intake rises

Ron Paul: U.S. may try to occupy Pakistan

“Bin Laden’s” Last Audio Tape Praises Globalist-Engineered Faux Revolutions

Fourth Amendment Busting Sneak and Peek Warrants On the Rise

Which Path to Persia?: Redux

Obama’s Billions To Woo New Middle East Order

War’s necessary! US defense contractors ‘raking in the dough’

Iranian FM says Bushehr nuclear ... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Birther Bombshell: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite

Obama Campaign Hawks Birth Certificate T-Shirt, Campaign Claims Its A “Mobile Version” of Truth Squad to Refute Birther Book - Political Punch

New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda, Calls 9/11 A “Fabrication”

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake - Technology Review

The Strauss Kahn Frame-Up: The Amerikan Police State Strides Forward

Gamers Target U.S. Troops in Chinese Military ‘Shooter’ | Danger Room |

Veteran Journalists: Today's White House Reporters Are Too Timid - Washington Whispers (

Is Criminal Behavior a Prerequisite to Get a Job With the TSA?

Lieberman ‘Will Have Questions’ About Awlaki’s Post-9/11 Pentagon Dinner

First Egypt … Now Spain?

The Unspoken Mission: The Deliberate Disintegration of America

CDC warns Americans to prepare for zombie apocalypse (really)

The War on Milk – GM Dairy and Cancer Links

The “International Criminal Court”: Prosecuting Gaddafi With Questionable Evidence While Ignoring NATO-Israeli Atrocities

Private Global Bankers = The Priesthood of Modern Western Civilization

And Now… J.P. Morgan’s Hunt for Afghan Gold

Strauss-Kahn faces HIV test as 60 per cent in France believe he is victim of plot | News

Another Woman Steps Up: Former Employee Sent Letter To IMF, Warning Organization About DSK Following Her Own Affair

Globalists’ Secret Weapon Exposed: Tech Kill Chips

Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination

Paul: IMF Implicated After Chief Arrested on Attempted Rape Charge -

Selling Gold at Fort Knox Emerges as Next Big Question in Debate on Federal Debt Limit - May 17, 2011 - The New York Sun

El-Erian: “Financial Repression” In the Form of a Negative Real Rate of Return for Savers Is Coming to America

8 Reasons Why China Resembles The USA Prior To The Great Depression

Mexico Detains 513 People Crammed Into Two US-Bound Trucks

Middle Tennessee Police Profiting Off Drug Trade? - | Nashville News, Weather & Sports

O’REILLY: The Internet Is To Blame For Schwarzenegger’s Downfall

H.J. Res. 62: Amending The Constitution To End States Rights?

Warrants Let Agents Enter Homes Without Owner Knowing - Albuquerque News Story - KOAT Albuquerque

Exploding melons sow new China food fears | The Raw Story

Scientists at Aarhus University (AU) and the National Space Institute (DTU Space) show that particles from space create cloud cover

Toxic Levels Of Barium And Aluminum Found In Several Mohave County Arizona Residents

83 percent of brain injury vaccine compensation payouts were for autism caused by vaccines

Apparent Immunity Gene ‘Cures’ Bay Area Man Of AIDS « CBS San Francisco

Cell phone towers may be ultimate cause of honeybee population collapse

The £400 test that tells you how long you'll live - Science, News - The Independent

Ban mobile phones and wireless networks in schools, say European leaders - Telegraph

YouTube - Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 1/3

YouTube - Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 2/3

YouTube - Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 3/3

YouTube - Dr. Paul Connett In-Studio: Calgary City Fluoridation Ending! - Alex Jones Tv 1/2


*1:02:47 - College Conspiracy


National Inflation Association


Willie Nelson endorses Johnson - KARIN TANABE | POLITICO CLICK

Proposed policy would allow bus drivers to search students » News » News From Terre Haute, Indiana

» Drones Becoming Pervasive INSIDE America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» FreeTruth Show interviews David Lionel de Rothschild Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*** NEW VIDEO: Proof Bin Laden Death Another Gov’t Lie Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Officials Exploit Indy 500 to Roll Out New Alert System Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Indiana Sheriff: House to House Random Searches Now Possible Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Bill Clinton Calls For Internet ‘Ministry of Truth’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fourth Amendment Busting Sneak and Peek Warrants On the Rise Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Birther Bombshell: Corsi To Release Evidence Proving Obama Certificate a Fraudulent Composite Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Al Qaeda Leader Claims He Has Nothing To Do With Al Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» U.S. News Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» A Black Man’s View on Claims of Ron Paul Being Racist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama very confident of re-election - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

» How To Identify Members Of The Collectivist Fringe Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Report: Schwarzenegger Had Child With Staffer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Hip-Hop Icon Prodigy of Mobb Deep: Be Aware of What’s Going On Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Newt Gingrich: Health Care Socialist Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Trump Exits After Allowing Obama To Neutralize Birther Controversy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ahmadinejad says West to blame for drought in Iran | The Raw Story

Activist Post: Fed sees 'transitory' higher inflation: minutes

» Private Global Bankers = The Priesthood of Modern Western Civilization Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Selling Gold at Fort Knox Emerges as Next Big Question in Debate on Federal Debt Limit - May 17, 2011 - The New York Sun

Treasury to tap pensions to help fund government - The Washington Post

» The College Debt Scam Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Policy Would Allow School Bus Drivers to Search Students Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Medical Tyranny Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Homeland Security's Top Cybersecurity Official Resigns - Marc Ambinder - Technology - The Atlantic

Green taxes: Climate change targets to cost every household £500 a year | Mail Online

University Insiders: Illegal Immigrants Get Affirmative Action -

» Larry Flynt: Fight Tyranny with Free Press, Restored 4th Amendment Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Indiana Supreme Court Eviscerates U.S. Constitution - Publius Forum

Senate Blocks Bill Repealing $2B in Oil Tax Breaks - ABC News

US steps up face-to-face peace talks with Taliban - Telegraph

» The Ongoing bin Laden Saga: Can Americans Be Unplugged? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Successor for bin Laden

» Trailer: Webster Tarpley & Elite’s Plan for Global Extermination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CONSISE.NET - Seattle Rap - Northwest Hip Hop

House Approves Bill to Lift Drilling Moratorium -

» Chemtrails finally admitted Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Fox News generates post-debate buzz around Fed-Insider Herman Cain, obscures Ron Paul Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Jesse Ventura on Coast to Coast AM Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» David Icke: The Global Conspiracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

RealClearPolitics - Backdrop to Upheaval in the Mideast

GOP Prez Wannabes: Be Bold on the Biggies -

Why Michele Bachmann should run for president - Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. -

Relax, Republicans: Avoid the mistakes of 2008 and choose the right candidate for 2012

Carroll: Gov. Mitch Daniels may be GOP's best presidential bet - The Denver Post

Too Big to Fail? Timothy Geithner Says No at HBO Movie Screening - The Daily Beast

Hugs & taxes - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

RealClearPolitics - Obama's Fate, Ohio Jobs Could Hinge on Nuclear Facility

Republican NLRB Threats Part of Bigger War on Workers | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG

RealClearPolitics - Alligators, Moats and Other Such Nonsense

Inside the Democrats' Outside Money Machine | Mother Jones

A Campaign Against the Koch Foundation

What Explains The Current Deficit Mania In Washington? | The New Republic

RealClearPolitics - Are Progressives Smarter Than Fifth-Graders?

president obama's speech on middle east policy - Google Search

RealClearPolitics - A Sharper GOP Field

Gingrich’s bumpy start deepens doubts about his presidential candidacy - The Washington Post

Newt Gingrich | Femme Fatale | Alex Castellanos | The Daily Caller

Brazile: GOP's 2012 game plan is to keep voters home -

RealClearMarkets - Federal Food Police Against Business and Science

RealClearPolitics - Obama Turns His Sights to Israel. God Help Her.

Powerful and Primitive -

You Don't Love America Like I Love America

Obama off the deep end -

Has the Media Totally Forgotten About the Unemployed? - Derek Thompson - Business - The Atlantic

The World of Tomorrow - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

Egypt: Why Are the Churches Burning? by Yasmine El Rashidi | NYRBlog | The New York Review of Books

Britain used to win the wars it fought – so what happened in Libya? - Telegraph

What the GOP is really trying to tell Newt - 2012 Elections -

HURT: Democrats addicted to spending our cash - Washington Times

Barack Obama to deliver Mideast speech--Editorial -

Israel and the Palestinians: Reviving the Middle East peace process -

California’s high-speed train project is going off the rails - The Washington Post

McConnell leaves House GOP budget twisting in the wind -

Jewish Donors Warn Obama on Israel -

Republican Senators Question I.R.S. Scrutiny of Donors -


**17TH/Transcripts:Remarks by Pres. Obama and King Abdullah of Jordan

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Analyst Discusses the 2012 GOP Field

Interview with Senator Jim Webb

16TH/Roundtable on Reaching the Debt Ceiling

Discussion of the Debt Ceiling Debate

The Government's Role in Promoting R&D


Politics Video-19TH/O'Reilly: Schwarzenegger, The Social Network And Leadership

Krauthammer: Obama Sanctions On Syria Just "Symbolism"

David Corn: Republicans Want Someone To "Feel Their Hate"

Ezra Klein: Bush Tax Cuts Single Worst Policy Hurting The Deficit

18TH/Liberal Group's Medicare Ad Shows Paul Ryan Throwing Grandma Off The Cliff

Ron Paul: "We Are Going To Be In Pakistan Next"

Romney: WH Denying Press Access "Violates The Spirit Of The First Amendment"

Gingrich, Wife Hit With Glitter By Pro-Gay Group At Book Signing

Obama Gives Coast Guard Commencement: Bin Laden "Will Never Threaten America Again"

Newt Gingrich Apologizes To Paul Ryan: "I Made A Mistake"

Sessions: Geithner Launching "Preemptive Strike" On Debt Limit

Krauthammer On Pakistan: "Use Them As You Can, But Never Trust Them"

Chris Hayes: Medicare Reform Double-Edged Sword For GOPers

O'Reilly On Falling Of Schwarzenegger, IMF Rape Case And Gingrich

Isikoff: Panetta Said Waterboarding Had Little To Do With Bin Laden

*19THWorld Video-Election Preparations in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Exit Strategy for Afghanistan?

China Facing Energy Crisis?

China Blocks UN Report on Missile Technology Transfers

Syria's Facebook War

Journalist Discusses Syria Detention

Obama Places Sanctions On Syrian Officials

IMF Chief Quits Over Sex Charges

New Audio Of bin Laden Spurs Extremist Networks

Deadly Afghan Protests Follow NATO Raid

UN Seeks Libya Ceasefire To Get Supplies In

Nicaraguan Volcano's Dramatic Eruption

Meet the New Face of al Qaeda

Chinese Investment in Zimbabwe

Jilted Bride Saved In Suicide Drama

18TH/Japan's Economic Resilience

Turning Corner in Afghanistan?

Strauss-Kahn Arrest Could be a 'Major Hiccup'

Should Administration Take Stand Against Syria?

U.S. Reacts to Syrian Violence, Arrests

Will Awlaki Fill Void Left by UBL Death?

South African Elections: Litmus Test For ANC

Canadian Wildfire Forces Entire Town To Flee

Bomb Scare Mars Queen's Historic Visit

IMF Chief Under Suicide Watch At NYC Jail

New Baby For French President?

The Real Challenge in Yemen

Strauss-Kahn's Impact On France

*Markets-19TH/ VideoDoes Your Religion Impact Your Income?

What's the Real Meaning of Socialism?

Gartman: Forget EU Debt Crisis, Look at Japan

How High Can LinkedIn Go?

Link: Why Deere Is a Buy

18TH/El-Erian Talks IMF Scandal & Greece Default Risk

Chanos: China Economic 'Facade' Showing Cracks

Susan Lyne Urges Martha Stewart to Go Private

Goldman's Hatzius: Next US Recession Years Away

O'Donnell: We Are Not in a Treasury Bubble


The Most Expensive Stock in America -

Jenkins: What's Wrong With Tech CEOs? -

Eric Schneiderman: One Lawman With the Guts to Go After Wall Street | The Nation

Government Prays a Bigger Sucker Is Out There: Jonathan Weil - Bloomberg

Why home prices are falling -- again - 1 - housing market - MSN Money

Outlook is Bleak Even for Recent College Graduates -

Rape Charge Is Another Travesty at IMF’s Door: William Pesek - Bloomberg

RealClearMarkets - How to Address the Debt Ceiling

Memo To Paul Ryan: It’s Time To Think About Plan B - Louis Woodhill - Unconventional Logic - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Ahead! An Oil Slick on the Fed's Road

Are Oil Futures Markets Being Manipulated? -

How far will home prices fall? - Fundmastery Blog - MarketWatch

Foreign Buyers Getting Firesale Prices on U.S. Housing - Real Time Economics - WSJ

What Are Treasuries Really Saying? Nothing About Washington - Rich Danker - Next Economy - Forbes

Shoe Box Time?

Morgan Stanley - Global Economic Forum


AEI - Political Report, May 2011: The Latest Polls on Obama, the Military, and the Economy

On the Floor Laughing: Traders Are Having a New Kind of Fun - James Somers - Technology - The Atlantic

In Silicon Valley, Buying Companies for Their Engineers -

The Stealth Retirement Community -

Christopher Whalen | Analysis & Opinion |

Chinese Spreading Wealth Make Vancouver Homes Pricier Than NYC - Bloomberg

Debt ceiling crisis: The debt ceiling is a pointless, dangerous relic, and it should be abolished. - By Annie Lowrey - Slate Magazine

Friend: Texas mom was moody, often disappeared

Afghan Mob Attacks NATO-Funded Site

Olbermann on MSNBC Exit: ‘I Didn’t Burn The Bridges, I Burned The Rivers’

Flashback Daniels in 2009: ‘I Wouldn’t Subject Myself or My Family to What I See as the Savagery of Presidential Politics’

news video:Socialist Senator Sanders Hawks His Book Like an Evil Capitalist

Gary Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band

Palin Edges Closer to Decision on Presidential Candidacy ; Slams Racial Attacks from Media Against Gingrich

Rep. Bachmann: We May Announce Campaign Decision Soon

German insurer says it organized orgy for salesmen

Boeing sells 10 big planes

FBI investigates Unabomber in Tylenol deaths

"Titanic" to be released in 3D in theaters worldwide

Ore. court rules medical pot users can have guns

Swimmer's ear medical costs total $500M a year

Arab Israeli sentenced for recruiting to Hamas terror cell

Russia confirms IDF attach caught receiving secret intel

Sir Fred Goodwin gagging order partially lifted by high court

Kenneth Clarke has shown ignorance of rape and law, says police expert

'US Jewish donors tired of Obama's tough Israel stance'

FBI seeks DNA samples from "Unabomber" for 1982 Tylenol case

Giffords awake, communicates after skull surgery

China says 60 years of development saved Tibet from feudalism

Bin Laden audio praises Arab protests

NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer Finds Dark Energy Repulsive

McDonald's CEO on Ronald: 'This is about choice'

Silence is golden in Hollywood homage 'The Artist'

Oprah Winfrey's long goodbye: Maria Shriver, Tom Cruise, Tyler Perry and more pay homage

Michael Bay shows 3-D `Transformers' footage

LinkedIn's stock up 90 percent in market debut

Democrats hunt upset in House special election

IMF chief resigns, debate on successor heats up

"Planking" goes viral despite death, injury

Students consider prostitution to pay for school?

Video: Roubini Says Lagarde Will Be European Candidate for IMF

Yahoo! To Acquire Online Ad Company

Chinese customers buy gold jewellery

France Cannes Clockwork Orange Portraits

US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg

Presidential advisor Valerie Jarrett


*Live Stream* President Obama on U.S. Policy in Middle East

Iraqi Police Targeted in Deadly Triple Blasts

Breitbart’s Most Revealing Interview by Armstrong Williams on C-Span’s ‘After Words’

The Stage Right Show: Late Night Conservative Talk

Palin on Arnold: ‘Disgusting’

Newsbusted – Osama, Obama, Romney and Hammami

MSNBC’s Matthews: Gingrich is Evil Joker to Obama’s Heroic Batman

India’s First Openly Gay Royal Honored at New York Gala

Transgender Player No Longer Playing for GW

Justin Bieber Visits Victims of Japan Earthquake

Obama to Lay Out Middle East Vision

Unabomber’s Manifesto, Clothing Up for Auction

Liberal Group Depicts GOP Pushing Wheelchair-Bound Senior Off Cliff

Comrades! Stop the Kochs!

Obama Circuit Court Nominee’s Controversial Remarks on Reparations: ‘We’re Going to Have to Give Up Something’

Christian Radio Group: World Ends This Saturday

New Video Shows Devastation Inside Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Saudi Woman Arrested for Spitting on WalMart Customers ‘Because Americans are Pushing Us Around’

Danish Film Director Makes Pro-Nazi Comments at Cannes

French Complain About Media Coverage of IMF Chief’s Rape Arrest

Journalist Captured In Libya To Be Released

MSNBC’s Schultz Continues Foodstamps = Racist Myth » World

Palin: Investigate ObamaCare Waivers in Pelosi’s District

Oops! Protester Screams at Rep. Allen West Over Issue They Agree On

Iowa Voter to Newt: ‘Why Don’t You Get Out Before You Make a Bigger Fool of Yourself?’

Stick a Fork in Him? Krauthammer Says Newt is ‘Done’

Man ‘Cured’ of AIDS

Opening the Floodgates in Louisiana

Louisiana Braces for Flooding

Obama Announces Steps to Speed US Oil Production

Utter Devastation in Tuscaloosa

Obama: ‘I’ve Never Seen Devastation Like This’

Hall of Famer Killebrew Dies at 74

After Mom’s Death, Star Throws No-Hitter, Hits 4 HR in Same Day

Olympic Swimmer Trapped Up to Neck in Sand

Longshot ‘Animal Kingdom’ Wins Kentucky Derby

Understanding the Debt Ceiling

AOL Chairman: HuffPo ‘Changing Culture’ at AOL

Cantor:’Real Cuts’ Must Match Debt Ceiling Increase

Microsoft Agrees to Buy Skype for $8.5B

Franken to Lead Grilling of Apple, Google Over Tracking

Endeavor Makes One Last Launch

*Live Stream* Space Shuttle Endeavor Mission

Must See: ‘Mythbusters’ Guys Paint Mona Lisa with Computer and Paint Balls

How Bin Laden Emailed Without Being Detected

Vatican Tells Priests to Cooperate with Police on Abuse Cases

Thousands Protest Across Syria

Obama Invokes Bible to Push Immigration Policy


WND RADIO WorldNetDaily Exclusive 'Government policy encourages illegal activity';

Sen. Vitter: Obama trying to 'preempt and block' stronger measures from Congress

'Die Welt': Iran building rocket bases i... JPost - International

Losing counties in Ten Commandments cases face growing legal bills to ACLU | State |

HUD chief suddenly silent on ACORN

Judicial fight is back on; GOP targets 'liberal' nominee - Washington Times

India launch Mumbai bombing investigation after wanted terrorist is found | Mail Online

TSA officer arrested at Orlando International -

IHH: Mavi Marmara ready for next flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews

Muslim Brotherhood seeks end to 'peace accord

Obama Praises Romney for ‘Assist’ in Passing Obamacare |

Email suggests Kagan colluded on Obamacare

birthers links:

**Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

From A to Z: What's wrong with Obama's birth certificate?

Video 'proves' Obama birth certificate is fake

It's out! The book that proves Obama's ineligible

Jerome Corsi trashes Donald Trump

The dead infant and the birth-certificate mystery

National mag publishes fabricated report attacking Corsi book

Preacher claiming Rapture May 21 'holds on to his stuff'

The only candidate who can fill Huckabee void

It's out! The book that proves Obama's ineligible

To liberals, every woman looks like a hotel maid

Propaganda to the people!

Let them eat alligators

Abridged Obama bio set to scam school kids

Understanding the liberal vision

Egypt: Why Are the Churches Burning? by Yasmine El Rashidi | NYRBlog | The New York Review of Books

Satellite images reveal alarming speed Pakistan is rushing to finish weapons-grade nuclear reactor | Mail Online

iFixit Reveals What`s Inside the FBI Vehicle Tracking Device - Security - News & Reviews -

Feeling happy? Don't be too smug as chances are you will die young - Telegraph

19 May

American Minute for May 19th

Today in History

This Day in History for 19th May

Today in History: May 19

May 19th in History

Today in History: May 19 » History Net

March 20 Events in History

YouTube - Today in History for March 20th


The End of Judicial Independence

A New US "War on Terror" in Latin America?

Osama bin Laden, Serbian Terrorists and Innocent Victims

Debbie Schlussel;Hey, It’s Another Hate Crime Hoax

Debbie Schlussel;Fouad Ajami’s Shi’ite Fantasy: Reality Check on Imam Moussa Sadr & Libya’s Qaddafi

Debbie Schlussel;Investigator: NY Muslim Terrorists FBI Said Weren’t, Part of NY-Based Ring Targeting Synagogues, Incl Chabad HQ

Debbie Schlussel;Philly Muslim Ice Cream Truck Driver Had Urine Popsicles to Sell

Debbie Schlussel;HATE: Saudi Muslim Student Visa Holder Spits on Americans; “Americans Push Us Around”

Debbie Schlussel;Obamnesty Begins: ICE Expands # of Student Visa Aliens Into US & Not Track

Debbie Schlussel;Matt Drudge v. Israel: Hypocrite on Border Patrol & K9s

Debbie Schlussel;Sharia USA: Obama’s Muslim Outreach Chick / Muslim Mich Lawmaker Targets Casinos

From the 'Global War on Terror' to 'Let's Make a Deal'

The Dangers of CFLs Even Greater Than Previously Known

The Real Conservative Majority

Ron Paul's Controversial Statement Exposes Foreign Policy Rift

Report: Obama to call for Egypt debt forgiveness today

Gates: Pakistan's leadership didn't know Osama was hiding in Abbottobad

Radical professor Liu's nomination in jeopardy

Obama's disappearing act with the press

GOP establishment darling Mitch Daniels wants to avoid wedge issues

Why Obama is Just Not That Into You

Corsi Book An Important One

The Nearly Aborted President

Glenn Beck and the Struggle for Israel's Survival

What about Afghanistan?

Central American Peril

Environmentalist Schizophrenia




The Manning Report – 18 May 2011

The Kevin Trudeau Show: 5-18-11

05/18 The Mark Levin Show

May 18, 2011 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Tuesday, May, 17, 2011

Redding News Reveiw1

Redding News Reveiw2

Redding News Reveiw3

Jesse Lee Peterson Show1

Jesse Lee Peterson Show2

Jesse Lee Peterson Show3

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show1

Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show2

The Michael Savage Show 05/18/2011

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