A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

03 February 2013

Weekend Review:2nd&3rd


Obama Weekly Address: 2013 Can Be A Year Of Solid Economic Growth
Maher: Conservative "Con Men" Beck & Limbaugh Are "Separating Rubes From Their Money"
Ezra Klein: The Case For Immigration Reform As Economic Policy
Senior Obama Adviser Dan Pfeiffer: White House Sometimes "Too Insular"
Karl Rove: Government Has Kept Us From Growing And Prospering
Rep. Susan Brooks Gives GOP Weekly Address: "Pass A Budget Or You Don't Get Paid"
Totenberg: "Conservatives Want To Take A Knife" To Hillary's Throat
David Brooks: Hagel Did "A Very Poor Job," "Projected Weakness" At Hearing
Bernstein: Cutting Government Spending Reason Why Economy Shrunk
The McLaughlin Group 2/1/13
Geraldo Rivera Says He's "Seriously Considering" Running For Senate
"Real Time" Panelists Debate The Effectiveness Of Gun Control
Maddow: Conservatives Don't Argue In An "Evidence-Based World"
Steve Wynn: "Suck It Up" If You Don't Agree With Obama

…Breaking news! Defendant Barack Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al. Notice of Default filed | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
Top Stories - For First Time, Most Americans Believe Federal Government Threatens Personal Freedoms - AllGov - News
PressTV - Shocking numbers show media lying to you about unemployment
Iran's Legal Right To Enrich Uranium Challenged
FLUORIDEGATE An American Tragedy | Farm Wars
Wal Thornhill & David Talbott | EU 2013 Off-Stage - YouTube
Spooky Number Of Americans Believe In Ghosts
For 40 Years, This Russian Family Was Cut Off From All Human Contact, Unaware of World War II | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
GUN BAN COVER-UP: If the semi-auto firearm has anything to grip it by, it is banned... | by Alan Korwin |
Duke of Edinburgh invites climate change heretic David Bellamy to Buckingham Palace - Telegraph
Adverts for Elm guest house included a coded invitation to perverts - Mirror Online
Prosecutor Determining if Lanza Mental Health Documents Can Be Released | NBC Connecticut
Sandy Hook Gene Rosen 2008 at Fema Camp - YouTube
Gun Control: Joe Biden Unchained - YouTube
Sixty mayors to gang up on gun companies unless they stop defending their rights « Bob Owens
A Single Intelligence Network for a New World Order | ZenHaven
OpEdNews - Article: Have We Lost Our Humanity?
The 12 Worst Supermarkets in America
Garth Lenz: The true cost of oil | Video on
Crude Behavior: The Tarnished Legacy of the Tar Sands Industry – EcoWatch: Uniting the Voice of the Grassroots Environmental Movement
OpEdNews - Article: Do You Have a Social Media Burial Plan?
Convicted murderer mistakenly released in Chicago -
Stanton Friedman Reveals UFO MJ-12 Secrets | VIDEO | INTERVIEW
"Retired Penn State President [Eric Walker] (1956-70) was Rumored to Have Attended Discussions at Wright-Patterson AFB Concerning Debris-Recovery Revelations from the Alleged 1947 Roswell, N.M., Crash"
Big brother to log your drinking habits and waist size | Mail Online
Activist Post: Wal-Mart, Pepsi and 20 Major Food Companies Consider Lobbying for GMO Labeling?
Suicidal Sensors: Darpa Wants Next-Gen Spy Hardware to Literally Dissolve | Danger Room |
The Black Hornet - tiny spy drone that can follow enemy targets all the way home | Mail Online
DARPA To Test Planes With Lasers by 2014
Activist Post: INDECT: Big Brother's Full Spectrum Surveillance Project
High Ranking US Major General Exposes September 11 High - YouTube
Conspiracy Theory W/ Jesse Ventura: Manchurian Candidate [Season 1, Episode 6] (Full Length • HD) - YouTube
Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of our Lives - YouTube
Monsanto Company Formally Joins Global Agenda 21 Front Group (NYSE:MON) | Market Daily News
Exposed: How Whole Foods and the Biggest Organic Foods Distributor Are Screwing Workers | Alternet
The College Conspiracy - YouTube
Proof the US Government Is A Criminal Enterprise Organization | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
The Highest Court In OUTLAW Country
The Real Truth About Winning A Civil War
Signs of life discovered in sub-glacial lake buried half a mile beneath the snowy wastes of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet | Mail Online
Mail Online | Error
European Space Agency unveils plans for mankind's first habitable MOON BASE | Mail Online
15 Signs That You Better Get Prepared For The Obama Recession Of 2013
PressTV - Iran used 144 times in Hagel hearing, Israel 166 times
All 6 Former Israeli Security Chiefs Slam Occupation of Palestine - Washington's Blog
Ban Ki-moon Fails To Condemn Israeli Aggression
The Dark Side of Chocolate - Child Slavery - YouTube
The Internet in 1969 - YouTube
Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering – The Invisible Elephant in the Room « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Scientists infuse 'life' into inanimate compounds -
Rotten Egg Gas May Be Key to Human Longevity | Medicine |
The 3% Solution
Will Deep-sea Mining Yield an Underwater Gold Rush?
Supreme Court to Review Case on Obama’s Forged Documents | The Liberty Beacon
Revealed: How immigrants in America are sending $120 BILLION to their struggling families back home | Mail Online
The Nexus of Tyranny: The Strategy Behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook | Veterans Today
The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi - YouTube
Activist Post: 2014: Too Late to Leave The United States?
Social Inequality In America
A spin doctor, a Hollywood player and a Harvard don: meet the fabulous Emanuel Boys - Americas - World - The Independent
9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) (Part One of Two) - YouTube
9/11 Conspiracy (Undeniable Evidence) (Part Two of Two) - YouTube
Hollywood Hologram - Programming in the Stars: ENTIRE HOLLYWOOD MK DECEPTION SERIES
HIPPIES - full doc - YouTube
For First Time, Most Americans Believe Federal Government Threatens Personal Freedoms -
A Summary of the U.S. Senate's Draconian Gun Control Proposals -
Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle fatally shot at Texas shooting range | Fox News
Government Protects Criminals by Attacking Whistleblowers -
Retirement Savings Accounts Draw U.S. Consumer Bureau Attention - Bloomberg
The Putrid Smell Suddenly Emanating From European Banks -
How The Fed’s Latest QE Is Just Another European Bailout -
Qatar’s Agenda in Syria: Global stature and a pipeline through Syria. -
The New National Identification System Is Coming -
Hillary Clinton: International Order | New World Order -
A Century of Income Taxation: Vastly More Revenue, Even Vaster Debt -
Big brother to log your drinking habits and waist size | Mail Online
Obama Gun Ban Models That of Hitler |
Rev. Jesse Jackson Says Gun Supporters Are Domestic Terrorists |
Blood for Oil: A Pipeline in Pakistan |
The REAL Reason the U.S. Wants to Invade Pakistan |
The volatility of Gas, Geo-Politics and the Greater Middle East. An Interview with Major Agha H. Amin |
Mitch McConnell comes out for legal hemp after discussions with Rand Paul |
McCain and Schumer Move to Force Americans to Use Biometric ID for Employment |
Military Terror Hits US Cities As Veterans Banned From Owning Guns
Obama Plan For World War III Stuns Russia
Obama Plan To Massacre Americans Chills Russia

Please, President Obama. Not another ‘national conversation.’ - The Washington Post
On Immigration, What Obama Can Learn From Bush's Failed Efforts -
Pro-Choice and Pro-Life - Avik Roy - National Review Online
The Virtual Middle Class Rises -
Jackson falls from progressives' favor | TribLIVE
The Mirage of the Arab Spring | Foreign Affairs
Pay No Attention to That Anemic Economy -
Banks, at Least, Had a Friend in Geithner -
Worldview: Hillary Clinton was loyal soldier but no great shakes at policy
Obama, build a lasting urban legacy - NY Daily News
Gun control: Dems never waste a good tragedy | guns, obama, gun - Opinion - The Orange County Register
An America cramped by defensiveness - The Washington Post
DN Editorial: WALL ST. WEAK -
Why Obama Is Giving Up on Right-Leaning Whites -
Premature Reports of GOP Death | RealClearPolitics
10 Ways Liberal Education Fails Students -- and Society | RealClearPolitics
Hillary: Secretary of empowerment -
Rosa Parks, Revisited -
RealClearPolicy - Immigration Policy Is No Longer About Mexico
Affordable Housing
The Federal-State Crack-up - Mario Loyola - The American Interest Magazine
Jay Starkman: Many Unhappy Returns—Millions of Them -
Amnesty's Not Enough | New Republic
The New National Identification System Is Coming
America’s maritime infrastructure: Crying out for dollars | The Economist
Can Big Data Save American Schools? Bill Gates Is Betting on Yes - Dana Goldstein - The Atlantic
Will the GOP Surrender on Immigration? | The American Conservative
Who’s afraid of ‘the Israel Lobby’? | Full Comment | National Post
I'd like to thank the Senate Armed Services Committee | Stephen M. Walt
Chuck Hagel Israel Questioning Shows Sway Of Conventional Thinking In Congress
The Virtual Middle Class Rises -
Although splintered, al-Qaeda still poses threat to U.S. interests - The Washington Post
New Old Libya - Pictures, More From National Geographic Magazine
The Myths of America's Shadow War - Loch K. Johnson - The Atlantic
Boston Review — Pedro Salazar Ugarte: Taking Off (Mexico)
Income Taxes: How a Century of Taxes Can Clarify Today's Debate |
Super Bowl: NFL money still on top - Feb. 1, 2013
GDP: Gov’t Domestic Product -
Is Your Mind for Sale? Inside the Allure of Digital Sweatshops | Collective Intelligence | Big Think
Mind-meld brain power is best for steering spaceships - tech - 01 February 2013 - New Scientist
Owl Mystery Unraveled: Scientists Explain How Bird Can Rotate Its Head Without Cutting Off Blood Supply to Brain - 01/31/2013
Flies of the World Embrace Vegetarianism | UANews
CBS Bans SodaStream Ad. Where's The Outrage? - Forbes
The End of the Web, Search, and Computer as We Know It | Wired Opinion |
The Origins of 'Big Data': An Etymological Detective Story -
Yes, U.S. authorities can spy on EU cloud data. Here's how | ZDNet
10 Greatest Super Bowl Tech Ads of All Time
Top 7 Most In-Demand Tech Skills For 2013 – ReadWrite
Tools for the paranoid: 5 free security tools to protect your data | PCWorld
BBC - Future - Technology - When smart is not so smart
Can You Be Trusted With Google's Driverless Car? - Forbes
The Digital Self: What happens when your phone knows you better than you do? | Digital Trends
Are Your Children Circumventing Internet Filters?
RealClearReligion - Opinion, News, Analysis
Limited War: Afghanistan
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Scandal - Top 10 Leaks - TIME
Unconditional Surrender: Questioning FDR's Prerequisite for Peace | WWII | Command Posts
Open-mike night for self-published authors - The Washington Post
Rushdie banished from Calcutta
Senator Marco Rubio surrendered strategic ground on immigration!
The Fundamental Law of Sovereignty
Absorbing Immigrants - Play the Principle, Not Votebank
Homeland Security’s Napolitano, Morton Livin’ It Up @ SuperBowl; ICE . . . We Keep You Safe From T-Shirts!
Coke Caves to HAMAS/Hezbo Arabs, Now Gays Upset @ Arab in Coke Superbowl Ad
Remembering Ed Koch, Proud Jew, Briefly Conservative, Of Blessed Memory
Senate plan would give Napolitano the final say on border security - The Hill
Top Donors to Republicans Seek More Say in Senate Races -
Obama mocked for releasing skeet shoot photo during gun-control debate -
Ahmadinejad unveils Iran's newest combat jet | Fox News
Iran threatens to knock Israel 'comatose' for Syria strike | The Times of Israel
Obama defends spending, blames slowing economy on ‘bad decisions in Washington’ - Washington Times
Hillary: We 'Welcome China's Rise' | The Weekly Standard
China the world's 'most sophisticated' hacker, says Google's Eric Schmidt - Telegraph
My Way News - China poised to control strategic Pakistani port
Energy Secretary Chu steps down after Solyndra scandal -
Ted Cruz shows that Hagel slandered both Israel and the U.S. | Power Line
US Embassy bomber reportedly had terror conviction | Fox News
Schumer: Border security should not block legalizing illegals | The Daily Caller
The Global Leadership Vacuum: Europe Incapable, America Unwilling - SPIEGEL ONLINE
The PJ Tatler » Obama Recovery Going So Well That Two-Thirds Are Delaying Retirement
Etch A Sketch inventor Andre Cassagnes dies aged 86 - Telegraph
Illegal Guns and Bullet Casings Used to Make… Jewelry? Check Out the ‘Caliber Collection’
These Five Children Have Had 20 Collective Surgeries and the Eldest Is Only 8 Years Old
What Does Turkey Attack Say About U.S. Image in Muslim World?
Obama’s New Contraceptive Plan: Religiously-Affiliated Groups Can Opt-Out of Birth Control Mandate, But…
Scott Brown Won’t Be Seeking John Kerry’s Old Senate Seat
Does This Video Show Marines Standing Guard in Their Boxers After Turkey Terror Attack?
Radio DJ Suspended After Mocking Woman With Downs Syndrome Who Accidentally Called the Show — Hear What Was Said
‘Gay’ Dog Abandoned by His Owner Over His Alleged Sexuality Was About to Be Euthanized — but Narrowly Escapes Death
What Does the Sequester Mean to National Security?
Who Is Newsweek’s ‘Most Powerful Woman in American History’?
Heartbreaking Details a Decade Later: NASA Brass Asked Prophetic Hypothetical Question Regarding Space Shuttle’s Demise
Al Gore: Fox News & Talk Radio ‘Propaganda’ Has Created a ‘Hostile Environment’ for Progressives
‘NBC Is Pravda’: Do Deceptively Edited Videos Further Corrode America’s Trust in the Media?
Secret Service Chief to Step Down This Month
Survey: 17 Percent of Male Marines, 4 Percent of Females Likely to Leave Service If Women Put Into Combat Roles
UPDATED: Military Vet Ordered to Remove Tiny American Flag From Patio: ‘I Saw the Flag Flying in Afghanistan, It’d Be Nice to See It Flying Here, Too’
RIP Barney Bush: Former President’s Dog Dies at Age 12
This Incredible ‘Moonrise’ Video Is NOT a Time-Lapse
Ten of the Strangest Mailboxes You’ve Ever Seen
Israeli President Asks Netanyahu to Form Next Government
‘We Were Heartbroken’: Wounded Warrior Project Reportedly Refused to Take Church’s ‘Religious in Nature’ Donation
Biden: We’re Prepared to Hold Direct Talks With Iran — But Only if They Take it Seriously
Horror: Turkish Authorities Find Body of Missing American Woman in Istanbul
Chris Matthews: John McCain’s an ‘Angry’ Vietnam Vet Who’s Having ‘Flashbacks’
Congressional Black Caucus Member: Obama Disrespects Blacks
Israel Hints for the First Time it Was Behind Syria Airstrike — as Assad Vows to ‘Confront Any Aggression’
George Soros Says He Donated to Pro-Obama Super PAC With ‘Great Reluctance’
Are Postal Workers Immune to Traffic Regulations? One Lawyer Thinks So
Jesse Jackson Wants Homeland Security to Patrol Streets of Chicago
Jesse Jackson Repeats Claim That Semi-Autos Can ‘Shoot Down Airplanes’ — Now They Can Also ‘Blow Up Railroads’
Panetta Justifies Benghazi Response Time: ‘You Cannot Simply Call and Expect Within 2 Minutes to Have a Team in Place’
Soros: Obama Trying to ‘Split the Republican Party’ & Push the Tea Party ‘Out Into the Wilderness’
Sandy Hook Choir Gives Unforgettable Performance of ‘America the Beautiful’ at Super Bowl
Oregon Baker Faces State Investigation After Refusing to Make Same-Sex Couple’s Wedding Cake
Feminist Icon Gloria Steinem Calls on Texans to ‘Dis-Elect’ ‘Authoritarian…Dictatorial, Unacceptable American’ Rick Perry
How Much Truth Was There in President Obama’s Pre-Super Bowl Interview?
Wayne LaPierre: Obama Trying to Take Away Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns and Create a Universal Gun Registry
Saudi Cleric Confesses to Murdering 5-Year-Old Daughter Over Virginity Concerns — Gets a Fine & Brief Jail Time
Uh Oh: Power Goes Out at the Super Bowl
Former Soldier Charged With Capital Murder in the Death of Chris Kyle
White House Dared People To Photoshop Obama’s Gun Picture…And Did They Ever
In Case You Missed It The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
No Place To Hide Americans Are Living in an Orwellian State.
Containing China by “Fighting Al-Qaeda” in Africa
Criminal Insanity of Clinton’s Double-think
Tel Aviv Historian Uncovers "Land of Israel" Myths
“The Invention of the Jewish People"
The Extermination Of Truth In Amerika Law No Longer Exists
Meet the Contractors Turning America's Police Into a Paramilitary Force
An Economic Alternative to Exploitative Free Market Capitalism
+Working for Ron Paul;Jeff Deist talks to Lew Rockwell
Download: Working for Ron Paul;Jeff Deist talks to Lew Rockwell
“Prometheus”: A Movie About Alien Nephilim and Esoteric Enlightenment
The 2013 Mercedes Super Bowl Commercial and its Occult Message
ARGUS: The Technology that Takes Video Surveillance to Another Level (video)
Major Hollywood Talent Agency Throws a Lewd Mind Control-Themed Party at Sundance Festival
Jimmy Savile Was Part of Satanic Ring; Other BBC Star Stuart Hall Charged with Sexual Abuse on Children
Four Days after Sandy Hook Tragedy: Live Shooter Drill Hoax in East Harlem, on Nation’s “Most Vulnerable” School Children
Illegal Invasions, “Rogue States”, Forgotten Victims and a Shaming Plea
Recession, Depression or Jobless Recovery? Long-Term Unemployment under “Neoliberal Capitalism”
Hip-Hop and the Politics of Social Engineering: Lupe Fiasco, Jay-Z and Barack Obama’s Inauguration
Week in Review: Cyber-Warriors, the 9/11 Plan and Neo-Nazism
Our Understanding of the Effects of Fluoride Is Like Our Understanding of Lead in the 1970s
Drone Warfare: US Covert Actions in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia
CIA Whistleblower: “US is a Police State, Obama Consciously Allows Torture”
Crimes against Humanity: Stealing Palestine’s Water Resources
Illegal Hoax Drill School Shooting on 300 Students in East Harlem
Wars That Aren’t Meant to Be Won
Deadly Impacts of US Sponsored Sanctions on Iran
Obama II Pentagon Committed to “Global War on Terrorism”: US Defense Nominee Hagel Recants “Iran Threat”, Support to Israel
Obama’s Geopolitical China ‘Pivot’: The Pentagon Targets China
Iranian Oops: Has Washington Broken its Own Sanctions by Buying Oil from the Islamic Republic?
American Drones Over Africa: New US Military Bases in West Africa
The Post War II New World Order Map: A Proposal to Re-arrange the World after an Allied Victory
What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
The US Economy in Crisis: Recovery is an Illusion
Secret Space War: America’s Former Nazi Scientists Dream of Ruling the World
“Extermination of The Truth”: In America Law No Longer Exists
“Smart Cards” in a Surveillance Society: The Implanted Radio-Frequency Identification Chip
“Recession is Good for Business”: Dismal Jobs Report Sparks Wall Street Surge
Must Watch Video- Operation Gladio Part I: From Neo-Fascists to Mujahedeen (aka Al Qaeda)
Gladio Revisited (video)
Episode 256 - Gladio Revisited
Government By Crisis - James Corbett on Wide Awake News
Interview 595 - Sibel Edmonds on NATO, Terrorism, 9/11 and Drug Running
Super Bowl City Leads on Energy Efficient Forefront | Department of Energy
Obama must face the rise of the robots -
Mini Drones: Army Deploys Tiny Helicopters
“Burkas for babies”: Saudi cleric’s new fatwa causes controversy
2nd Oval Office Readied in White House Rehab Project | RealClearPolitics
Iran: President Ahmadinejad unve... JPost - Iranian Threat - News
Biden: Obama 'Doesn’t Want to Go' to Iraq and Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard
My Way News - Iraq vet charged in fatal shooting of ex-SEAL
Exclusive: Google's Eric Schmidt Unloads on China in New Book - Corporate Intelligence - WSJ
Brazen Military Drills to Tour America in 2013 - YouTube
'Gun Violence': The 'National Conversation' We Won't Have by William Norman Grigg
What the Neocons Really Want by Paul Gottfried
Now Obama wants your 401(k)
» Government Protects Criminals by Attacking Whistleblowers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
A True Survival Story: Taking Their Possessions and Some Seeds, They Had Retreated Ever Deeper Into the Forest
Personal Prepping- Psychiatric Drugs-Dr. Peter Breggin
Conservative Groups Mock Crossroads' Initiative
Clinton To Cut Short Overseas Trip to Speak at Koch's Funeral
The Ed Koch I Knew: A Remembrance
Obama: Boy Scouts Should Allow Gays as Members
Gov. Perry: Boy Scouts Should Keep No-Gay Policy
NRA Likens Universal Checks to Gun Registry
DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight
Documents: Pius XII Helped Win WW II
Schumer: Border Status Not an Immigration Dealbreaker
FDR Book Authors: Obama ‘Trying to Emulate’ Roosevelt
Coulter Hits Rubio on 'Amnesty'
Vigilantes in Mexico Create Gang-Free Zone
Dick Morris: Obama Causing Double Dip Recession
Beyond the Super Bowl Hype: Can NFL Players Be Saved From Brain Damage
Someone's Wrong: CIA and State Dept. Accounts of Benghazi Contradict Gen. Dempsey’s Explanation for Why DOD Sent No Help | CNS News
White House to Illegals: No Obamacare with Legal Status | CNS News
Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals in 47 Out of 50 States | CNS News
Graham to Hagel: ‘Give Me One Example of the Dumb Things’ the ‘Jewish Lobby’ Makes Us Do | CNS News
Only 5.2% of Highway Funds Used to Build New Roads | CNS News
Clinton out, Kerry in as secretary of state | CNS News
Gallup: 61% of Small Business ‘Worried’ Over Healthcare Costs -- 30% Not Hiring, Fear Going Out of Business | CNS News
Conservative Groups Mock Crossroads' Initiative
Clinton To Cut Short Overseas Trip to Speak at Koch's Funeral
The Ed Koch I Knew: A Remembrance
Obama: Boy Scouts Should Allow Gays as Members
Gov. Perry: Boy Scouts Should Keep No-Gay Policy
NRA Likens Universal Checks to Gun Registry
DC Gang Who Won’t Shoot Straight
Documents: Pius XII Helped Win WW II
Schumer: Border Status Not an Immigration Dealbreaker
FDR Book Authors: Obama ‘Trying to Emulate’ Roosevelt
Coulter Hits Rubio on 'Amnesty'
Vigilantes in Mexico Create Gang-Free Zone
Dick Morris: Obama Causing Double Dip Recession
Beyond the Super Bowl Hype: Can NFL Players Be Saved From Brain Damage
Someone's Wrong: CIA and State Dept. Accounts of Benghazi Contradict Gen. Dempsey’s Explanation for Why DOD Sent No Help | CNS News
White House to Illegals: No Obamacare with Legal Status | CNS News
Gallup: Conservatives Outnumber Liberals in 47 Out of 50 States | CNS News
Graham to Hagel: ‘Give Me One Example of the Dumb Things’ the ‘Jewish Lobby’ Makes Us Do | CNS News
Only 5.2% of Highway Funds Used to Build New Roads | CNS News
Clinton out, Kerry in as secretary of state | CNS News
Gallup: 61% of Small Business ‘Worried’ Over Healthcare Costs -- 30% Not Hiring, Fear Going Out of Business | CNS News
The Virtue of Being Industrious
Is "Gray State" a Psy-Op? Filmmaker says “No”
The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent
Faceoff: Is OSHA a Bureaucratic Nightmare, or Necessary Gov't Oversight to Save Lives?
Washington OK's Israeli Aggression on Syria
Plenty of Taxpayer Dollars for Super Bowl Sunday, While Hurricane Katrina Victims Still Suffer
Super Bowl XLVII to Receive Enhanced Security Including NORAD
Genetic Roulette: Free Screening Until Feb 3rd, Vote For Best Awareness Film
PA Senator: Legalizing Marijuana Could Bring in Millions
Georgia police acquired $200 million worth of military-grade vehicles and weapons through DoD
Shocking Numbers That Show The Media Is Lying To You About Unemployment In America
Panetta: U.S. has to maintain open-ended drone war to prevent a terror attack on America
DHS Tips for Surviving Mass Shootings: Run, Hide, or Arm Yourself with Scissors
The Truth Left Behind - YouTube
Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception - YouTube
Callers React to No Pre-Trib Rapture Claim - YouTube

Alex Details The Draconian Agenda 21 Plan for America - YouTube
Dark Side of The Precious Metals Industry: Special Report - YouTube
We've Crossed The Rubicon Into Psychological Tyranny - YouTube
Jesse Jackson Says Gun Owners Are Terrorists - YouTube
G.I. Jane 2013 - YouTube
Author Rosa Koire Breaks Down The Social Engineering of Humanity - YouTube
Our Foreign Policy Establishment: Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places
Media Matters Pushes Flawed Spending Study
The Argument that Wins the 'Assault Weapon' Debate
Fights Worth Having
Madison's Republic
A Second Bill of Rights, or just another Bill of Goods?
The Israeli Election Winner is... William F. Buckley!
Lance and Barack: the Content of their Characters
The American Appetite for Deception
Saving Us from Our Degenerate Selves
Harry Reid to guarantee government shutdown by insisting on more 'revenue' in budget talks
Ann Romney for Senate?
Broke pension funds divesting themselves of hugely profitable gun maker stocks
And the Sunspots Came
Seven Reasons Why it's a Photoshop
President Obama wants immigration reform to fail so that he can blame the GOP
Decorated SEAL and author, Chris Kyle, shot dead at Texas gun range
ACLU, Unions Sue Michigan Over Right to Work Law
The Target Explains It
Do we really need a 'policy intervention' to prevent cats from chasing mice?
Grumblings from Colin Powell Republicans
Ag Department rules would ban most foods kids like from school
Bill Clinton is an Unusually Good Liar and Hillary is No Slouch
» Sniper Who Defamed Jesse Ventura Killed in Texas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» DARPA Shows Off 1.8-gigapixel Surveillance Drone, Can Spot A Terrorist from 20,000 Feet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» 3D Printing of Guns at Home Making Gun Grabbers Nervous Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Imprinted: Kids’ Brains “Branded” with Fast-Food Logos Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» DHS revamping immigrant welcome materials, set to include Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
DHS giving new immigrant welcome materials a makeover | The Daily Caller
Video: 'Active Shooter Training Video' from US Homeland Security: How to Protect Yourself During a Mass-Shooting -- Use SCISSORS?
Video: The Worst 80 Seconds of Chuck Hagel's Hearing
Video: Carney Grilled About Obama Ditching White House Jobs Council (Which Was Ignored for Years)
Prison » It’s Coming: The Government Wants to “Help Manage” Retirement Accounts
Obama green light for Israel to strike Iranian-Syrian-Hizballah military links
Prison » Communist Cuban Tyrant Raul Castro to Lead Latin American Bloc
Prison » Enter The House Of The Temple
Prison » Rosa Koire Breaks Down The Social Engineering of Humanity
Prison » Rise Of The Preppers: 50 Of The Best Prepper Websites And Blogs On The Internet
Prison » Hundreds of thousands of Master’s degree holders, PhDs on food stamps
Prison » The Panopticon Prison System
Prison » South Carolina Bill Exempts Unorganized Militia From Federal Gun Grab
Prison » Sitting All Day is Killing You – It’s Time to Stand Up for Health
Prison » GSK Swine Flu Shot Sparks Another Case of Life-Threatening Narcolepsy
Blog: Phil comes through: Expect an early spring
Police: 3 men face charges in slaying of Aurora woman
Semi-automatic handgun used to kill ‘American Sniper’ author Chris Kyle at Texas gun range: official - NY Daily News
'American Sniper' Allegedly Gunned Down by Fellow Veteran - YouTube
Tax Loopholes May Be Next, Obama Says
John Kerry Had a Busy First Weekend as Secretary of State
As gun-ban prospects fade, NRA takes aim elsewhere
President Obama Shooting A Gun?! Whoa, What's Going on Here?
Boy Scouts should grant full equality
Does NRA's single voice have most influence in gun debate?
Panetta says decisions to use unmanned drone strikes don't come lightly
Israeli airstrike in Syria targeted a shipment of weapons, 2 US officials say
SKorea, US begin drills amid NKorea nuclear threat
Iran hedges on nuclear talks with six powers or US
Dozens Die in Attack on Police in Iraqi City
Fidel Castro votes in Cuba election
Silvio Berlusconi pledges property tax repeal
Another 2 Bodies Found in Mexico Oil Company Blast
Missing mom from Staten Island found dead in Turkey: Report
As international troops draw down in Afghanistan, peace talks with Taliban flounder | Fox News
Yen Declines Versus Majors on Growth Optimism for U.S., Europe
Do you need to fear rising interest rates?
United States and Mexico Reach Tomato Deal, Averting a Trade War
Girl Scout Cookie Day is Feb. 8
Hackers Targeted Twitter User Data
Forget the Super Bowl. Critical Java patch released; update now
Richard III: The mystery of the king and the car parking lot
Asteroid 2012 DA14 to Fly By Earth in 'Record Setting' Close Shave
Russia-launched satellite, rocket plunges into Pacific Ocean [Video]
Cities, schools target energy drinks
Granola Bars Replace Candy as U.S. Limits School Snacks
Schoolgirl Shot by the Taliban Is Progressing
Super Bowl Ads Speak to a Generation. But Which One?
Look Out Ben Affleck & Matt Damon, Johnny Depp Joins Rival Whitey Bulger Project ‘Black Mass’ | The Playlist
Dodge Ram’s Paul Harvey Speech, “So God Made A Farmer” Super Bowl Commercial | Z6Mag
'Fast and Furious 6' Debuts Intense First Trailer on Super Bowl

2 February

William J Federer's American Minute for February 2nd
What Happened on February 2nd This Day in History
This Day in History for 2nd February |
February 2 Events in History
Today in History: February 2
Today in History: February 2
Today in History for Wednesday, February 2nd - YouTube

3 February

William J Federer's American Minute for February 3rd
What Happened on February 3rd This Day in History
This Day in History for 3rd February |
February 3 Events in History
Today in History: February 3
Today in History: February 3
Today in History for Feb. 3rd - YouTube

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