A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

04 February 2013

4 February, 2013


February 4

Obama: Gun Control Not A "Perfect Solution"
CBS "Sunday Morning" Profiles Robert De Niro
Menendez On Prostitute Claims: "Those Smears Are Absolutely False"
Karl Rove, Joe Trippi On Politics Of Immigration Reform
TIME's Michael Duffy: Clinton-Biden Would Be A "Dream Ticket"
McConnell: Dem Take Hikes On Planes, Energy Production "Poll-Tested Gimmicks"
Jindal: Any Republican Thinking About 2016 "Needs To Get Their Head Examined"
Donald Trump: Jindal "Stupid" For Calling Republicans Stupid
Joseph Stiglitz: Economic Inequality Preventing A Robust Recovery
Sen. Reid: "I Want To Get Something Done On Guns"

February 3

Dodge's Paul Harvey Super Bowl Commercial: "God Made A Farmer"
Krugman: GOP "Doomed If They Are Only The Party Of Old White People"
Obama: "No Doubt" More Revenue Is Still Needed
Robert Gibbs: Hagel "Seemed Unimpressive And Unprepared"
LaPierre: Obama "Trying To Take Away" Your Guns
Panetta: There Was Not Enough Time To Get To Benghazi
"Fox News Sunday" Panel: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
"This Week" Roundtable: Immigration Battle
"Meet The Press" Panel: President Obama's New Cabinet
"State Of The Union" Panel On Obama Juggling Issues, Immigration
Reid On Bob Menendez: "I Have Confidence He Did Nothing Wrong"

February 2

Maher: Conservative "Con Men" Beck & Limbaugh Are "Separating Rubes From Their Money"
Steve Wynn: "Suck It Up" If You Don't Agree With Obama
Senior Obama Adviser Dan Pfeiffer: White House Sometimes "Too Insular"
Ezra Klein: The Case For Immigration Reform As Economic Policy
Rep. Susan Brooks Gives GOP Weekly Address: "Pass A Budget Or You Don't Get Paid"
Totenberg: "Conservatives Want To Take A Knife" To Hillary's Throat
David Brooks: Hagel Did "A Very Poor Job," "Projected Weakness" At Hearing
Karl Rove: Government Has Kept Us From Growing And Prospering
The McLaughlin Group 2/1/13
Bernstein: Cutting Government Spending Reason Why Economy Shrunk
"Real Time" Panelists Debate The Effectiveness Of Gun Control
Geraldo Rivera Says He's "Seriously Considering" Running For Senate
Maddow: Conservatives Don't Argue In An "Evidence-Based World"
Obama Weekly Address: 2013 Can Be A Year Of Solid Economic Growth

February 1

Chris Matthews: John McCain Had Vietnam Flashback During Hagel Hearing
Carney Refuses To Deny Kerry Claim He Was Offered State Job Before Rice Withdrew
Fluke: Contraception Mandate Opponents Have "Very Extreme Ideas About Religious Freedom"
Bob Schieffer: Hagel's Nomination "May Be In Trouble"
Sen. Rand Paul On Failure To Ban Transfer Of F-16s From U.S. To Egypt
O'Reilly: Sen. Robert Menendez Is In Trouble
Alter: Democrats Have "An Uphill Fight" To Win Back The House
Fineman: Paul Ryan Made "Big Mistake" Talking About Takers & Makers
Maddow: In 2000, McCain Thought Hagel Would Be A Good Defense Secretary
Matthews On Hagel Hearing: "The Boiling Hatred Of The American Right Poured Over"

PressTV - Obama can start pre-emptive cyberstike
The Government Is Still Trying to Spy on a Lot of Your Twitter and Google Data - Technology - The Atlantic Wire
Who’s Faking It? Pentagon “Cyber-Warriors” Planting “False Information on Facebook” | Global Research
Obama says Boy Scouts should allow gays as members | World news | The Guardian
404 - File or directory not found.
Al Gore: US democracy has been hacked | World news |
Rense & Larry Pratt - Gun Owners Of America Part 1 - YouTube
Rense & Larry Pratt - Gun Owners Of America Part 2 - YouTube
Knowledge - The Church Of Scientology Super Bowl Ad - YouTube

US control is diminishing, but it still thinks it owns the world | Noam Chomsky | Comment is free |
NPN Email Alert: 'Babylon the Great' is Israel
New Research Shows a Gas Cloud Preparing to Enter a Black Hole |
Study: 62 percent of universities have unconstitutional speech codes - The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education - FIRE
Body found under parking lot is King Richard III, scientists prove -
Richard III: Scientists reveal DNA results confirm king's body has been found under a car park in Leicester | Mail Online
Ahmadinejad volunteers to be Iran’s first astronaut sent into space | World | News | National Post
Bashar al-Assad accuses Israel of trying to 'destabilise' Syria - Telegraph
OBAMA SLIPS GAYS INTO IMMIGRATION PLAN - Catholic League : Catholic League
The Gang of Eight Immigration Constituency
The Most Ridiculous Law of 2013 (So Far): It Is Now a Crime to Unlock Your Smartphone - Derek Khanna - The Atlantic
BBC News - Testosterone: Can it make you live longer?
Price of rice soars by 80% following dramatic drop in production of basmati variety | Mail Online
9 Concepts Kids Should Learn About Health That They’ll Never Learn In School « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
Man in Search of Humanity | Opinion Maker
Twitter Censors Black Pro-Lifers Blasting NAACP on Abortion |
Concepts and their Meanings | Opinion Maker
What Happens When Drones Return to America - TIME
PressTV - US delivers F-16 warplanes to Egypt
Hillary Clinton - Profile Of Imperial Arrogance And Lawlessness
Here's What Your $97 Million Drug War in Central America Actually Bought | Danger Room |
Aspartame is linked to Leukemia and Lymphoma in new Landmark Study on Humans | Consciousness TV
What Is Skepticism, Anyway? | VIDEO | TEDTalk
Activist Post: Is "Gray State" a Psy-Op? Filmmaker says “No”
Garlic Soup Made With 52 Cloves of Garlic Can Defeat Colds, Flu and Even Norovirus
Food Freedom News | Decentralize – Grow Your Own – Buy Local
Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler: Antony C. Sutton: 9780945001539: Books
PressTV - FBI arrests Malcolm X grandson en route to Iran
China’s reliance on oil imports fuels geopolitical tensions » States Considering Laws That Would Make it an Act of Terrorism to Report on Abuses at Factory Farms
A Summary of the U.S. House's Latest Gun Control Proposals -
Bankrupt, Decaying And Nearly Dead: 24 Facts About The City Of Detroit That Will Shock You -
Secret Rules to Let Obama Start Cyber Wars -- News from
Secret Wars: A Story About The President's 'Paramilitary Assassin' Group - Business Insider
Food Companies Meet to Weigh Federal Label for Gene-Engineered Ingredients -
iRobot and Raytheon’s All-in-One Robot Fabricator: Hide Your Kids, The Robocalypse Is Nigh
Obama Gun Ban Models That of Hitler |
The Virtue of Industry |
Sandy Hook Murders: Leading Psychiatrist Discusses The Tragedy |
Murdered Navy SEAL Was Obama Gun Control Foe |
Former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle fatally shot at Texas shooting range | Fox News
What Happens When Researchers Give People Superpowers? | Popular Science
Imminent Muslim Terror Threat Debunked by New Study
DHS Are Militarizing Local Police to Create Federalized Law Enforcement Agencies
Doug Casey Interviews Peter Schiff on Gold, Inflation, and Interest Rates
Hillary Clinton: Profile of Imperial Arrogance and Lawlessness
The Virtue of Being Industrious
The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent
Faceoff: Is OSHA a Bureaucratic Nightmare, or Necessary Gov't Oversight to Save Lives?
Obama Lost His US Citizenship! Retired US Army Captain Speaks Out: Obama Never Vetted! Video | Obama
A Hidden Truth Concerning Concentration Camps | Strange
Discovery Of Noah's Ark: The New Evidence | Spirit
Beyonce's Illuminati Super Bowl Half Time Show Ritual? | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
BUSTED!: Lone Blogger Proves Obama ‘Skeet Shooting’ Picture Is A Fake | Opinion - Conservative
Sandy Hook Is Not Bulletproof: NewTown Bee Fake News, Fake Lawyers - Video | Alternative
Sandy Hook - Final Evidence - Case Closed - Time to Prosecute! | Scandals
Does Mars and the Moon Have The Same Alien Species | Space
We Are Made of Stardust | Space
10 Things You Should Know About Coffee Before You Drink Your Next Cup | Blogging/Citizen Journalism
Obama Offers to Scrap Some Obsolete Medicare Regulations
Obama: Assault Weapons Ban Deserves a Vote In Congress
Maher Being Sued by Trump Over Birth Certificate Bet on 'Tonight Show'
Democrats Complain of Aloof, Disengaged Obama
Obama causes Mickelson and others to a Rebellion over high Taxes
Border Control needed with any Immigration Deal
Liberal News Media like MSNBC Abandon Calling
Alabama Bunker Hostage Standoff Ends; Boy is Safe
Sen. Graham Embraces Immigration Reform
McCain: Won't Support Hagel Filibuster
Too Much TV Cuts Sperm Count: Study
Study: Exercise Lowers Alzheimer's Risk
Someone's Wrong: CIA and State Dept. Accounts of Benghazi Contradict Gen. Dempsey’s Explanation for Why DOD Sent No Help | CNS News
Obama: Boy Scouts Should Expose Homosexuals to Opportunities | CNS News
Enemies of the Constitution | CNS News
Obama's Not Through Raising Taxes: 'No Doubt We Need Additional Revenue' | CNS News
LaPierre on Universal Gun Background Check: Should Be Called 'Check on Law-Abiding People' | CNS News
Peter Schiff: '2012 Might Be the High Point of the Obama Term' | CNS News
Arbp. Chaput: Facing Obamacare Mandate, Catholic Bishops Must Take ‘Right Action, Whatever the Cost’ | CNS News
Former CNN/U.S. Prez Defends Piers Morgan Hire, Affirms He Wanted Olbermann at Network | NewsBusters
Obama's Not Through Raising Taxes: 'No Doubt We Need Additional Revenue' | CNS News
Secede From the Regime: A transcript of the Lew Rockwell Show episode 281 with Ryan McMaken
Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by David Martin
De facto gun control
A cover-up: Black-on-white racist murder
The Fed: Prophets and losses
A senator, a reporter and a pair of hookers
Razing Reagan's childhood home?
P. GELLER: Prosecuting Muslim bomber 'alienates Muslims'?
Why Chuck Hagel's the wrong man
What if Obama were white?
J. FARAH: Obama knows not right from wrong
The Republican obsession with Israel
T. TANCREDO: 3 biggest lies about amnesty bills
Janet Napolitano: A woman to watch for 2016
True the Vote Sues St. Lucie County, FL Over 'Botched' Allen West Contest
Ron Paul: Sniper slain as consequence of war role
Sniper Kyle was slain as a consequence of his war role, Ron Paul says - Washington Times
Jim Carrey: The lives of assault rifle owners aren’t really ‘worth protecting’ | Twitchy
What if Jesus was really a … zombie?
Prince George’s considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students’ work - The Washington Post
S&P expects U.S. lawsuit over pre-crisis credit ratings | Reuters
Tech, telecom giants take sides as FCC proposes large public WiFi networks - The Washington Post
Joe Pesci Settles Dispute Over 'Gotti' Film Payday
PSY Pops Up in Super Bowl Pistachio Ad
Operation Skyfall to Benefit U.S. Troops
Robert Redford Begs Obama to Reject 'Dirty' Keystone Pipeline Oil
Donald Trump Makes Good on Threat, Will Sue Bill Maher Over Alleged Broken Promise
Sexy Beyonce Brings Super Bowl Halftime Show to Modern Era
'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' DVD Review: Jack Nicholson's Antihero Hasn't Mellowed with Age
Bill Maher Mocks Christians Who Believe God Matters at Super Bowl
Beltway Types Salivating Over Hillary, the Early Years Biopic
Jim Carrey Says New Gun Owners' Lives Not 'Worth Protecting'
McCain Opposes McConnell Move to Filibuster Hagel Confirmation
Strange Stewardess: Photo Emerges of Mystery Melgen-Menendez Woman
Sen. Menendez: 'Right Wing Blogs' Pushing 'Smears' on Alleged Prostitution Scandal
EXCLUSIVE: Rand Paul Responds to Ron: 'Chris Kyle Was a Hero'
Ryan Castigates Obama For Missing Budget Deadline Again
Secret Bipartisan House Immigration Group Set To Unveil Plan
IRS Audits of Charities Up 79% Under Obama
Calling for a True Conservative Strategy
Obama Gun Control Campaign Hits MN: 'Now Is The Time!'
Obama May Tap Former Romney Aide to Head EPA
Guns: We've Had Background Checks Since 1993
Ron Paul Slams Murdered U.S. Sniper Chris Kyle
Democrats Struggle to Be National Party
Nobody Wants to Talk About CNN's 'Ethnic' Problem
Warming to Senate Bid, Geraldo Slams GOP
Media Matters Throwing Menendez to the Wolves?
MacArthur Foundation: $100k for Ideas to Make Government Bigger
Politico Questions Menendez's Survival Chances
Left Uses Kyle Murder to Push Gun Control
Sen. Reid on This Week: I Haven't Even Read Feinstein's Legislation Yet
A Week Later, ABC News Considers Menendez Scandal Worth Pursuing
Feb. 2013: Newsweek Goes All-In for Hillary 2016
Noam Chomsky: Obama Like an Old 'Moderate Republican'
Counting the Ways the Media Lies About the Economy
AIPAC’s Silence on Chuck Hagel
Navy Reduces Fleet Goals to 306 Ships
Thought of the Day: Kim-Jong-un, a Tinderbox
Pemex Blast 'Likely' an Accident
Israel Arrests 25 Hamas Members in West Bank
22 Killed in Clash of Filipino Extremists, Rebels
SKorea, US Begin Drills amid NKorea Nuclear Threat
Rand Breaks With Ron: All Options On Table To Prevent Nuclear Iran

Swindles, Lies, and War - informationliberation
2014: Too Late to Leave the U.S.? - informationliberation
Anderson Cooper Confronted at CNN on Sandy Hook: 'You Were in Front of a Green Screen and You Are a Liar' - informationliberation
What Would a Free Society Look Like? : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education
Ron Paul – We Don’t Need a Police State to End Illegal Immigration – McCain Bill Would Start a Domestic Drone War
Written Out of History – The Untold Legacy of American Indian Slavery « Underground Documentaries
The Daily Bell - Axiom 3: Back to the Articles of Confederation as America's Central Government
U.S. Army's CTC (Combatting Terrorism Center) says opposition to a New World Order is terrorist activity - 12160 Social Network
The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent - It's Not Autoimmune, you have Viruses - YouTube
CNN: Did MSNBC Use Deceptive Editing To Make "Heckling Of Newtown Dad" Look Worse | XRepublic
How to Brainwash a Nation | XRepublic
Was Iran really responsible for Lockerbie bombing? French spy expert claims that CIA and FBI know but have covered the information up | Mail Online
The National Debt: A Short History Of Presidential Lies - Home - The Daily Bail
How Student Loans Create Slaves | XRepublic
Bus Driver May Have Been Distracted By GPS Before Soldiers Field Road Crash « CBS Boston
Authorities Shut Down Prostitution ‘House Of Horrors’ « CBS Chicago
Rev. Jesse Jackson: “Anti-government people” with “Confederate ideology” will engage in terrorist activities. | XRepublic
Pervert ex-priest dead in Oregon weeks before Archdiocese files were released
Food Manufacturers are Fraudulently Diluting High-Quality Food with Inferior Quality Junk - Washington's Blog
Unanswered 911 Calls - Chicago Cops Won't Report to all Crime Scenes | XRepublic
DHS Are Militarizing Local Police to Create Federalized Law Enforcement Agencies | _
Judge Rules in Favor of ICE Agents Suing Obama - 12160 Social Network
Alien Moons Potentially Easier to Photograph Than Planets |
Battle-Scarred Skull of Suspected King Richard III Revealed | LiveScience
Film has unique view of Oak Island | The Chronicle Herald
Will Deep-sea Mining Yield an Underwater Gold Rush?
'He's the ideal patient': Tjeby the 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy gets a CT scan | Mail Online
New Scientist TV: First time-travel movies reveal surreal universe
Alien Moons Potentially Easier to Photograph Than Planets |
Battle-Scarred Skull of Suspected King Richard III Revealed | LiveScience
Film has unique view of Oak Island | The Chronicle Herald
Will Deep-sea Mining Yield an Underwater Gold Rush?
'He's the ideal patient': Tjeby the 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy gets a CT scan | Mail Online
New Scientist TV: First time-travel movies reveal surreal universe
Alien Moons Potentially Easier to Photograph Than Planets |
Battle-Scarred Skull of Suspected King Richard III Revealed | LiveScience
Film has unique view of Oak Island | The Chronicle Herald
Will Deep-sea Mining Yield an Underwater Gold Rush?
'He's the ideal patient': Tjeby the 4,000-year-old Egyptian mummy gets a CT scan | Mail Online
New Scientist TV: First time-travel movies reveal surreal universe
How Far Will Obama Go to Stop Global Warming?
Energy Secretary Chu’s Parting Salvo - IEEE Spectrum
Raymond J. Learsy: Energy Secretary Chu Resigns Leaving Oil Markets in Turmoil
Should customers allow natural gas to push nuclear out of market? - Atomic Insights
Steven Chu steps down as energy secretary. So how did he do?
The Corruption of Wind Energy - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune
RealClearHistory - Death of Buddy Holly and Lost Innocence
Decolonisation in British Africa | History Today
The myth of Neo-colonialism
Colonialism: Myths and Realities « Notes On Liberty
USSR - Luna 9
The Day the Music Died - TIME
Musicians killed in plane crashes
A Debt Ceiling Lesson from Europe -
Crovitz: The Economics of Immigration -
Economic Principals » Blog Archive » The Head of the Table
Health Care: Great for the Economy Today, Terrible Later -
Why Are There So Many Murders in Chicago? |
Will The Cost Of Immigration Reform Explode The National Deficit? - Forbes
Why the Intelligence Failed in Iraq - Bloomberg
The Fall and Rise of the West | Foreign Affairs
Why even Amsterdam doesn’t want legal brothels » The Spectator
The Days of Engaging Russia Are Over | Opinion | The Moscow Times
The CIA And The Hazards Of Middle East Forecasting : NPR
Commentary: The Pivot Didn't Cause China's Misbehavior | The National Interest
Big money betting big on housing market - Feb. 4, 2013
RealClearMarkets - The Biggest Printers Will Be the Biggest Losers
RealClearMarkets - Dodd-Frank Creates a Bizarro World Of Housing Finance
Iran's President Ahmadinejad Is Ready To Go Into Space | Popular Science
Injectable Foam Blocks Internal Bleeding on the Battlefield: Scientific American
Earlier Neandertal demise suggested by redating | Humans | Science News
It's (Almost) Alive! Scientists Create a Near-Living Crystal | Wired Science |
Matthew S. Rindge, Ph.D.: Stop Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.
Baptist Press - New HHS rule on abortion mandate 'inadequate' - News with a Christian Perspective
Life of a Win8 Convert: Microsoft vs. Google Web services compared | Digital Trends
How To Build A Real $1 Million Bionic Man | Fast Company
Broad Powers Seen for Obama in Cyberstrikes -
Keep it secret, keep it safe: A beginner’s guide to Web safety | Ars Technica
George Packer: Hillary Clinton’s Diplomatic Legacy : The New Yorker
Putting GOP clichés in their holsters - NY Daily News
The Lesson From Japan | RealClearPolitics
Who Decided U.S. Megabanks Are Too Big to Jail? - Bloomberg
Obama the Bargainer | The Weekly Standard
A Sunday Thought - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ
Obamacare’s Pressure Points - Thomas P. Miller - National Review Online
Health Care: Great for the Economy Today, Terrible Later -
Real Clear Markets - Video - iPhone Apple's Downfall?
Real Clear Markets - Video - Bove on Banks: I Love Them All
Real Clear Markets - Video - 50%: Employed College Grads in Sub-Par Jobs
Real Clear Markets - Video - Are Fears About Europe Back?
Real Clear Markets - Video - Gross: Beware 'Credit Supernova'
If a White House Petition is Good for Children Why Not Everyone?
Obama’s Destruction of America On Fast-Track Second Term Start
A Cabinet of Dunces
The Hispanic Vote and Immigration
Is Fatherhood Being Killed so the State Can Play God?
Karl Rove leading effort to stop the Tea Party and conservative grass roots
The Constitution? What’s That?
How Many People Can the Planet Sustain?
Majoring in Minors: Turning Our Schools into Totalitarian Enclaves
NBC News Covers For Muslims' Vicious Destruction of Non-Islamic Artifacts
Government schools gone wild
The Canary in the Culture
Barack does not Play Well with Others
Amnesty = Extinction
Will John Kerry Stand with the Mullahs of Iran?
Senate to introduce gun control bill without assault weapons ban
Jindal: 2016 presidential candidates need their 'head examined'
Our Foreign Policy Establishment: Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places
Al Gore, Futurist
Media Matters Pushes Flawed Spending Study
Update: Tagg Romney Decides Not To Run For Kerry's Seat
Panetta Justifies Benghazi Response Time: ‘You Cannot Simply Call and Expect Within 2 Minutes to Have a Team in Place’
Report: Venezuela’s Intelligence Service Is Spying on the Country’s Jewish Community
Former Soldier Charged With Capital Murder in the Death of Chris Kyle
GOP Ignoring Latino and Gay Voters?: ‘No Idea Why They’re Behind the Times On This’
Video: 'Active Shooter Training Video' from US Homeland Security: How to Protect Yourself During a Mass-Shooting -- Use SCISSORS?
A Government Owned Stadium, Powered By Heavily Regulated Electricity, With 26,000 LED Lights, Pushed By Green Energy Zealots… What Could Go Wrong? | The Gateway Pundit
Rove and 'Tea Party' Now in GOP Civil War
See No Evil? George Stephanopoulis Ignores Controversy To Help Michelle Rhee Sell Her New Book
White House Dared People to Photoshop Obama’s Gun Picture…and Did They Ever
John McCain Called ‘Racist’ After Cracking Ahmadinejad ‘Monkey’ Joke: ‘This Is What Passes for a Serious GOP U.S. Senator These Days’
Myths From D.C.: ‘The President Is Protecting the Middle Class’
Did You See the Mesmerizing Ad the Church of Scientology Aired During the Super Bowl?
Timeline Begins to Emerge as More Details of Former Sniper Chris Kyle’s Murder Released: Here’s the Latest
‘Morally Wrong’: Catholic Hospital Admits It Was Against Christian Teaching for Lawyers to Argue Fetus Isn’t a Human Being
Obama Pushes Gun Control in Minnesota: ‘Changing the Status Quo Is Never Easy’
Wow, Did That Dodge Ad With Paul Harvey Talking About Farmers Rock the Super Bowl
Here’s a Piece of Jewelry Every Guy Will Want: ‘Man Ring’ Cuts, Opens, Saws and Combs
We Take You Inside the Mind of a Sandy Hook Truther: CIA Conspiracy? 7 Shooters? An Attempt to ‘Disarm People and Attack the 2nd Amendment’?
He ‘Served This Country With Extreme Honor’: Remembering American Sniper Chris Kyle
Apparently, This Logo Is Sexist
Want to See the ‘Dunder Mifflin’ Super Bowl Ad That Only Aired on One TV Station?
Study Suggests Neanderthals Died Out Earlier Than Previously Thought
Convicted Killer Says He Shot 3 White Women Because of Ideas Learned at University: ‘In Terms of Slavery, It Was Something That Had to Be Answered For’
Author Edwin Black Discusses America’s Dark History of Eugenics
Suspect in Killing of Slain SEAL Chris Kyle Had Been in Mental Hospital Twice in Last Five Months
Parent at Sandy Hook Hearing Lambastes Gun Control Advocates, Wonders if They ‘Failed American History’: ‘There Is Something Called the Constitution’
Texas Lesson Plan Instructs Students to Design Flags for a ‘New Socialist Nation’
Purple Patch of Mysterious Jelly-Like Spheres Found in Ariz. Desert
This Is What Happens to a Ping-Pong Paddle When Its Hit by a Ball at Supersonic Speed (See the Test)
FCC Proposes Public Wifi Networks To Spur Innovation
Matt Taibbi on Why We Can’t Let Banks Off the Hook
Howie Kurtz Tackles Al Gore's 'Hypocrisy' on Climate Change
Florida Father With Assault Weapon Forces Wife to Watch as He Kills Two Sons
Sheriff Joe Begs For Cash To Defeat 'Thugs, Clowns, Radical Extemists' Trying To Recall Him
AR Rep. Jason Rapert: ‘We’re Not Going To Allow Minorities To Run Roughshod’
LaPierre: 'Obamacare' Means Obama Can't Be Trusted on Gun Control
Elaine Chao Slams Obama's 'Far-Left Agenda' Without Disclosing She's Married to Mitch McConnell. Thanks, CNN!
NFL's Roger Goodell Won't Admit Link Between Football, Brain Injury | Video Cafe
Richard III's Remains Spur Reexamination of His Reputation - YouTube
Top Iranian Politicians Exchange Accusations
Kerry warns North Korea on nuke test
Mexico Pemex blast blamed on build-up of gas
Israel: 20 Members of Hamas Are Arrested in the West Bank
Ex-Sniper Extended Hand to Troubled Marine Accused in His Death
Boy in center of Alabama hostage standoff freed, in hospital receiving treatment
Cause Sought in Bus Crash That Killed 7 in California
Strom Thurmond's bi-racial daughter dies at 87
Party-Line Voting Makes Scott Brown Part of a Dying Breed in the Senate
News outlet goes quiet on FBI raid of founder
Jodi Arias describes abusive past on witness stand
Boy Scouts' meeting focuses on proposal to end ban on gays
Texas opens court of inquiry into claims of prosecutor misconduct
Obama's gun control push moves states to fight it
Obama to lobby for immigration reform amid citizenship dispute
President Obama misses budget deadline for third straight year
Michael Barone: Fewer Dollars and Babies Threaten Social Programs
Reporting for Duty, Kerry Pledges to Protect Diplomats
Opera performer's head catches fire during rehearsal
US Plans to Sue S.&P. for Ratings on Loan Bundles
How Much Will the Health-Care Law Cost You?
Police are investigating whether same woman robbed two banks in DC
More free food: Pizza Hut introduces 'Sliders'
Sen. Murkowski unveils her big new energy plan. Here's a breakdown.
Households Spend More on Gasoline
Facebook Is Creating Location-Sharing App, Report Says
What is "Super Wi-Fi?"
Facebook Celebrates 9th Birthday Today
Beyonce electrifies at Super Bowl halftime show
Beyoncé: 'It Was a Magnificent Night for Me and the Girls' - YouTube
Oscar nominees offer hints about what they'll wear
Robert De Niro cements place in Hollywood movies
NBC Universal Puts Cable Units Under One Executive
Super Bowl Has Highest Big-City Rating in History, CBS Says
Farmers relish Chrysler Super Bowl ad
"Wild Thing" singer Reg Presley dies in UK: report
Fossil of Flying Dino-Age Reptile Found
Cockroaches' Weird Grooming Behavior Explained
How Worms Survived NASA's Columbia Shuttle Disaster
Could 3D printers build a future moon base?
An inconvenient truth: More polar bears alive today than 40 years ago
Futuristic Antarctic research station can walk on ice
Astronaut's artistry hits warp speed
Prolonged TV viewing linked to lower sperm count
World Cancer Day aims to debunk four "myths" on global killer

Vegetarians Have Lower Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds - ABC News
Vitamin C Boosts Kidney Stone Risk in Men
Study: Baby boomers are less healthy than previous generations -
Proximity To Equator Linked With Allergy, Asthma Risk
Really? When a Dieter Eats Can Influence Weight Loss -
How Effective Is the Flu Shot? - Forbes
Coast to Coast AM - Feb 2 2013 - Afghanistan War Revealed C2CAM - YouTube
Coast to Coast AM - Feb 3 2013 - Clearing & Dowsing C2CAM - YouTube
C2CAM Mystery Booms & UFOs in Films JAN 31 2013 - YouTube
C2CAM 2013 in Numerology & Energy Issues JAN 29 2013 Coast To Coast AM - YouTube

DARPA To Test Planes With Lasers by 2014
The Black Hornet - tiny spy drone that can follow enemy targets all the way home | Mail Online
Devvy Kidd -- How the GOP committed political suicide in 1982
…Breaking news! Defendant Barack Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al. Notice of Default filed | Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire
How to make Coconut Oil Butter Recipe » The Homestead Survival
Processed Fructose Found to Cause Liver Damage | Live in the Now | Natural Health News | Natural Health Resources
Suicidal Sensors: Darpa Wants Next-Gen Spy Hardware to Literally Dissolve | Danger Room |
The Purge Against Gun Owners Escalates - YouTube
Prison » Anonymous Claims It Hacked Fed, Releases Confidential Banker Information
Prison » Pentagon Plans New North African Drone Base
» Rockefeller Brother Fund: We’re Buying Off Evangelicals, Mayors, Governors… For The Earth Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Shooting Death Of Navy Seal To Be Blamed On All Vets! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
hmadinejad: Syria needs 'national understanding' - war is not solution - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
After Super Bowl, football fans go through withdrawal like drug addicts Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» 5 Guns To Buy Before a Gun Ban Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
ing Obama's NLRB Betrayal of the U.S. Constitution — The Patriot Post
“Third Nation” along the US-Mexico border | OUPblog

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