A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

08 December 2012

Remembering Lennon:1940 –1980

Prison » The Secrets Terrorists Don’t Want You To Know
Report: DOD drafting plans to strike Syrian chemical weapon targets - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
Prison » Syria Propaganda Looking a Lot Like Iraq Propaganda
Prison » Special Report: NATO Says Military Intervention in Syria is “Imminent”
Prison » Drifting Towards World War 3
Prison » Kucinich: Obama administration has refused to release memos legally justifying drone strikes [VIDEO]
Prison » Doctor and Pharmacist Break Down The Best Diet
NHTSA expected to propose mandatory black boxes in vehicles - SlashGear
Text messages direct to your contact lens - Telegraph
Morsi Extends Compromise to Egyptian Opposition -
Prison » Syrian Girl: U.S. & NATO Fighting for Al-Qaeda
CBO: Feds Borrowing $4.8 billion Per Day in FY 2013, So Far | CNS News
Prison » A Black Friday Christmas?
Maher: Obama Should Implement Carbon Tax As A 'Personal F--k You to the Koch Brothers' |
Prison » When It Comes To The Middle East, USrael’s Occult Elite Pretends Reality Doesn’t Exist
Prison » Joe Rogan – Truth Seeker: The Interview
Prison » Congress to Push Drone Oversight to DHS?
Prison » Vaccine Injuries and Its Links to The Autism Epidemic
Prison » FDA quietly increases allowed radiation doses of meats for human consumption
Weekend Talk
World Crisis Radio Saturday December 08 2012 Hour 1
World Crisis Radio Saturday December 08 2012 Hour 2
The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday December 08 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday December 08 2012 Hour 2
Gerald Celente: The 21st Century Megawar Has Begun - YouTube
» UK Claims to Have Evidence Assad may use Chemical Weapons Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Supreme Court will hear California gay marriage cases |
Italian tax police raid Facebook offices - FRANCE 24
» Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The smart 'tattoo' that can measure how tired you are: Smiley-face transfer like your children might wear hides medical sensors | Mail Online
Homeland Security and FBI Release Document Once Again Labeling Photographers as Potential Terrorists | PINAC
US Drone Strike Kills Al-Qaeda Commander In Pakistan
» EFF Introduces Their New NSA Spying Guide, Timeline Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» 9/11: The Elephant in the Room (Full Version) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» 35,000 rubber ducks in Santa, reindeer outfits seized at L.A. port Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
35,000 rubber ducks in Santa, reindeer outfits seized at L.A. port -
» Report: Illegal immigrants from Mexico no longer crossing border in large numbers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Report: Illegal immigrants from Mexico no longer crossing border in large numbers - East Valley Tribune: Immigration
» Japan Poised to Shoot Down North Korean Missile Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Japan poised to shoot down North Korean missile - Telegraph
Mayan apocalypse: panic spreads as December 21 nears - Telegraph
'Ron Paul: The Film' by Infowars backs up retiring congressman's points
Coconut Oil: A Prepper’s Panacea |
The Majestic US Debt, Visualized, Animated, With Rousing Music -
Healthcare expert for sale : CJR
73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government | CNS News
Laptop seizures by US government highlight 9/11-era climate of fear | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |
"History Repeat Itself" - Gerald Celente 2013 Forecast - Iran War, Economic Collapse, Unemployment, Gold, Silver | XRepublic
How Government Bamboozles the Public on Foreign Policy | XRepublic
Obama’s inauguration committee to accept corporate cash | The Raw Story
Why Is Pesticide Used As An Ingredient In Infant Formula? - Waking Times : Waking Times
“Jack the Ripper” was Winston Churchill’s Father–Author Says | Stuart Wilde | The Official Author Website
Zombies: is Britain prepared for an attack? MSN News blog - MSN News
The Coming World Government - Waking Times : Waking Times
Ark. Governor to Obama: We Don’t Need Federal Tax Cuts That Merely Require State Taxes to Rise | CNS News
John Boehner: Raise Taxes on the Rich | CNS News
Iran, Israel and International Law » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
If all else fails, US will hit Iran in 2013, say former top advisers to Obama and Bush | The Times of Israel
Activist Post: 2013: The Year of the Comets
World Of Technology: Atomic bomb was biggest turning point in modern history, according to new research
Armed US Citizens… The Future of Terrorism | _
Dutch pedophile exposer to stand trial, high-ranking pedophile still walking free - World Mathaba
Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, Obama in Tehran? | TomDispatch
Zionist fingerprints all over U.S. led Iran sanctions | Veterans Today
USDA chief: Rural America becoming less relevant
Legal pot complicates drug-free work policies
Dallas Cowboys Player Jerry Brown Dies in Car Wreck, Teammate Josh Brent Arrested |
Dallas Cowboy dies in Irving car crash; teammate arrested on manslaughter charge | Dallas Cowboys News - Sports News for Dallas, Texas - SportsDayDFW
Doomsayers await the end of the world – in 12 days' time - World Politics - World - The Independent
Illegal immigrant receives long-awaited kidney transplant -
Obama’s second-term agenda will be shadowed by budget woes - The Washington Post
Deal or no deal, ObamaCare taxes poised to hit next month | Fox News
Judge rejects bid to block Washington state stoned driving rules | Reuters
Hillary Clinton’s Countless Choices Could Hinge on 2016 Election -
Morsi supporters urge fight for Islam -
Al-Masry Al-Youm Reports On Brotherhood Torture Chambers - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Brain 'pacemaker' to treat Alzheimer's
Russia, China alliance wants greater govt voice in Internet oversight | Reuters
Berlusconi says will run for Italian leadership again | Reuters
Will tonight mark end of X Factor? - News - TV & Radio - The Independent
’60 Minutes’ Report: Feds Probing Chicago Police Interrogation Tactics « CBS Chicago
Strange News Clip About Aliens Visiting Earth
New Unemployment Numbers Are A Fraud
FDA Expands Irradiation of Food Supply; Harmonizing with Codex Alimentarius
In the Vortex
Obama Plans African Wars
Activist Post
Why You Should Ditch Sugar In Favor of Honey
Middle East on the Boil
Hackers Disrupt International Telecom Conference; Justify UN Claims For Internet Controls
John Pilger on How Media Promotes Aggressive War
A Wise Man is Dangerous to Establishment
Breaking the Taboo (Full Documentary)
Court Rules Feds Can Vaccinate Kids Without Consent Under Public Health Emergency
An Unusual Perspective
Sharing is Not a Crime: A Battle Plan to Fight Back
Nurse Who Answered Prank Call at Kate’s Hospital Found Dead
An Inmate Claims that James Holmes Confessed that he was “Programmed to Kill”
'No Confirmed Reports' Syrian Govt Preparing To Use Chemical Weapons – UN Chief
Former Powell Adviser ‘Skeptical’ of ‘Politicized’ US intelligence on Syria
Bashar al-Assad, And The Truth About Chemical Weapons
US Special Operations Command Leads Propaganda Fight
Brief History of Syria
Why the Gulf States Want to Keep Iran in a Box
Egypt: Tug of War
The PSY Scandal: Singing About Killing People v. Constantly Doing It
Austerity, Obama-Style The Plutocrats and the Placeholder President
Schizophrenics, Psychopaths Holding America Hostage
Waiting List for Addiction Treatment in Federal Prisons Is 51,000 Inmates Long
China Joins End of World Fear Wagon | 2012
Medvedev Makes Strange Off-Air Comments
Dmitry Medvedev muses on aliens and Vladimir Putin's lateness - Telegraph
Obama administration considering ways to overturn marijuana legalization in Washington and Colorado — RT
PressTV - Former US president condemns American assassination drone raids
PressTV - Christmas of murder, an American story
PressTV - US Secret Service under DHS probe
ObamaCare is Not a Sure Thing
Barack Obama asks for $60bn to repair Sandy damage - Telegraph
US Seeks to Require Black Boxes in All Cars
Complacency Everywhere You Look - Panzner Insights
Inside Weather Modification Planes - YouTube
Egypt: Military warns of "disastrous consequences" - CBS News
Khaled Meshaal: How Mossad bid to assassinate Hamas leader ended in fiasco - Telegraph
PressTV - Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
France funding Syrian rebels in new push to oust Assad | World news |
Special report: How Damascus became a city at war - Middle East - World - The Independent
U.S. Ready to Offer Mercenaries $10 Billion for a Drug-War Air Force | Danger Room |
Injured soldiers return to Afghanistan |
The Coming Derivatives Panic That Will Destroy Global Financial Markets
From Good Jobs To Bad Jobs To No Jobs; The Tragic Downfall Of The American Worker (NYSEARCA:TNA, NYSEARCA:TZA, NYSEARCA:FAS, NYSEARCA:FAZ, NSYEARCA:XLF) | ETF DAILY NEWS
James Holmes: three ways to get set up for murder « Jon Rappoport's Blog
The ‘Horribly Mutated’ Seafood in The Gulf of Mexico | Consciousness TV
Big Brother: HDTVS Easily Hacked And Spying On Viewers - :
Data Centers Waste Vast Amounts of Energy, Belying Industry Image -
How the Civil War Helped Shape Modern Media | ZenHaven
PressTV - US used some new generation of nuclear weapons in Fallujah: Expert
PressTV - Russia censures human rights violations in European Union
Why Calorie Restriction Can Influence Longevity | ZenHaven
Activist Post: Court Rules Feds Can Vaccinate Kids Without Consent Under Public Health Emergency
Boy Scouts Atheist Oath Proposal Sparks Controversy In UK (VIDEO)
State mulls pay-by-mile gas tax in response to fuel-efficient cars | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News
The Story of Nicola, Reincarnation Experiments - YouTube
Taxpayer-Backed ‘Green’ Energy Companies Announce Plans to Expand…in China |
Meet the Man Who Lives in a 14-Foot Canoe in Boston Harbor |
Raising Money For Killers

+How to Make Your Own Natural Cleaning Products | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

The Lincoln Movie by Mark Thornton
A Republican Retreat – or Rout? by Patrick J. Buchanan
A Brit Propagandist and the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor by Chris Rossini
Ditching Before the Fiscal Cliff by Peter Schiff
Can We Change Everyone in the Military? by Christian Light
Egypt's Morsi Softens Power Grab, But Still Vows to Hold Referendum
Boehner’s No-Win Deal Scenario
Forbes to Boehner: No Tax Increases
Gay Marriage Opponents Cheer Supreme Court
US-led Coalition: US Doctor Rescued from Taliban
Benghazi Suspect Held in Egypt
Australian Radio Station Says No Wrongdoing in Royal Prank Call
Price of Pet Healthcare to Raise Due to Obamacare
Hanukkah Festivities Begin with Candle Lightings
Crist Tweets He's Joining Democrats
Bipartisan Senate Group Working on Immigration Reform
US: No 'Pivot' Away from Mideast
The Only Way to Avoid Falling Off the Cliff Is a GOP Strategic Retreat
Top 3 Supplements for Enhancing the Mind
'Operation Humiliation' is Obama's fiscal cliff plan
The Rule of Law and the Supreme Court
**Long Term Food shelf Life
Top six alkaline foods to eat every day for vibrant health
8 quotes from a cancer surgeon that will set your hair on fire « Jon Rappoport's Blog
“Military Voyeurism” or Invasion of Syria? French Special Forces Team Up with Foreign Backed Terrorists
Double Standards. US Nuclear Weapons Test condemned by Iran, Japan
7.3 Earthquake Rattles Fukushima
Chemical Weapons in Syria? US-NATO “False Flags” and Dirty War Plans
West’s Stance on Syrian Chemical Weapons: Prelude to Military Intervention?
Hillary Clinton: thwarting re-Sovietization or imposing Americanization?
Canada: Starving the People in Order to Feed the Banks
The Left in Government – A Strategic Project
Pollux: Subcritical Underground US Nuclear Explosion Test
Political Extremism in the Technocratic Order
Harper’s Foreign Policy: The Militarization of Canada
The Enterprise of Law: Justice Without the State - informationliberation
Police Stops in the First World vs. the Third World - informationliberation
Secret Files On Aliens? Russian Prime Minister Says ‘Men In Black’ Is A Documentary [Video]
Evidence Of Martial Law Prep & Economic Collapse In America | Economics and Politics
Image of the Day: Ancient Cavern Systems of Mars --Possible Biological Habitats?
Group wants US to build 'Death Star' - The Irish Times - Tue, Dec 04, 2012
Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out
exo|human ○ 2012: Quantum Physics from the Maya
Barack Obama Really A Saudi - Does It Now Make Sense ? | Obama
‘Imagine’ John Lennon a Christian?
HAARP Technology Steering Killer Typhoon Back Towards Philippines? | Alternative
What Really Killed The Dinosaurs? Hint It Wasn't An Asteroid | Environment
Ancient Pyramids Discovered In Antarctica - Lost City Of Atlantis? | Alternative
Space Agency: Phobos Is Artificial | Space
Lew Rockwell
Learning the Historical Truth;John Denson talks to Lew Rockwell
**Download: Learning the Historical Truth;John Denson talks to Lew Rockwell
Polish government to reinstate religious animal slaughter after court ban — RT
Governments | Kirwan's Art & Articles
Time Gives Up on Factchecking — FAIR: Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
Symbols of an Alien Sky – Official Full Movie |
Fluoride Accumulation In Your Pineal Gland May Cause Cancer, ADHD, and Early Puberty - Waking Times : Waking Times
What Muslim-Americans really believe
Assisted suicide of the Republican Party
If politicians were honest ...
The good virgin's birther case
Are Preppers responsible for the unprepared?
Punishment for crime: Make it a public event
Missing the point of Christmas
Walk like an Egyptian
A Republican retreat – or rout?
J. FARAH: Time for another Rick Santelli moment
P. ELMORE: Strip-mall martial arts: Not self-defense
C. McMILLAN: The idiocy of political 'problem solving'
E. RUSH: Gun control's racist component
B. DEAN: Elena Kagan: Just in time for 'gay' marriage
Fix the Debt sounds promising, but the authors- the CEOs- broke it
2012 Election is over. Now What?
Tragedy as Father Accidentally Shoots 7-Year-Old Son Outside Penn. Gun Shop
The Amazing Slight-of-Hand Video That Will Have You Rewinding and Watching Again
Anderson Cooper and GOP Senator Clash During Interview on U.N. Disability Treaty
Ellen DeGeneres’ Christmas Ad Sparks Conservative Protest: ‘Christians Must Now Vote With Their Wallets’
The Welfare Spending Chart You Won’t Want to See
Morsi Reportedly Giving Up Sweeping New Powers as Clashes Shake Post-Revolution Egypt
HBO Host Bill Maher Calls Iconic Singer a ‘Teabag Idiot’
Egypt Detains Suspected Ringleader of Sept. 11 Benghazi Attack
Find Out How This Millionaire & Tech-Tinkerer Transformed a 420-Square-Foot Apartment Into 1,100-Square-Feet Worth of Space
RFK Jr: Right-Wing Controls American Media, Fox News Has Divided US to a Point not Seen Since Civil War
Wild Police Dash Cam Vid Shows Robbery Suspect Escaping From Back of Police Car and Then Stealing It
USDA Relents: New Limits on Meat, Grain Consumption in Schools to Be Lifted
‘Sexting & Dirty Talk Just Got A Whole Lot More Expensive In Pakistan’ – Gov’t Mandates Increased Costs To Fight ‘Youth Vulgarity’
Intelligence Experts Say This Is the Secret Reason Behind Israel’s Military Campaign Against Hamas
Nelson Mandela, 94-Years-Old, Hospitalized in Pretoria
Comments From Russian Premier After TV Interview Make News Again: This Time Jokes About Aliens
Sen. Jim DeMint Tells Glenn Beck Why He Resigned: ‘We’re Not Going to Win Things in Washington Until…’
Barbarians Versus Barbarians In Syria
Eight Traitor RINOs Cuddle Up to Treasonous LibDems But Fail to Approve U.N. Treaty
Fiscal Cliff: Negotiation Failure could be the Best Option
Do 'the people' get the governments they deserve?
Why Obama's 'Balanced Approach' Doesn't Work
Using States to Transform Higher Learning
Another Global Warming Drive-By
What would Thomas Jefferson Think?
Muslim Brotherhood "Machinations", Or Vox Populi?
US renews Iran sanctions exemption for China, 8 others
Doha climate conference set to sock it to the USA
Egypt: Will the army crack down on demonstrators?
Dems seek extension of unemployment compensation in fiscal cliff talks
Possible Fiscal Cliff deal includes smaller rate increase for the wealthy
Korean rapper apologizes for anti-American lyrics
White House Holiday Theme 2012
The Prerequisite for Servitude
The Gender Gap
Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear - Washington Times
From Russia with hate - are Russian assassins on the loose in Britain? - Telegraph
Church hosting Muslim convention getting hate mail -
'Welfare Spending Equates to $168 Per Day for Every Household in Poverty' | The Weekly Standard
Paterson principal is under scrutiny for alleged Thanksgiving announcement : page all -
Bill Clinton: US ambassador to Ireland? Rumors catch fire. -
Ed Asner defends crude union video, asks to "piss on" Fox News producer | Fox News
Happy Chanukah! Modern Day Jewish Liberals Would Have Fallen to Maccabee Swords
Video: Ed Asner to Fox News Producer: 'Can I Piss On You?'
Video: Judge Judy: Our Welfare System is Creating This!
From Trash to Treasure, the Landfill Harmonic Orchestra
UAW Leader Slams Koch Brothers Over Right To Work Law
Obama: Republican House Blocking Middle-Class Tax Cuts
Listen Up, White House! Take Medicare Eligibility Age Off The Table NOW.
It's Official: Former FL Gov. Charlie Crist Now A Democrat
Smith & Wesson Sales Spike 48 Percent Amid Mass Shootings, Obama Re-Election
Vince Vaughn Teams Up with Glenn Beck for Reality Series
GOP Caucus Fires Staffer For Advocating Copyright Reform
Politico's Ben White Ignores 'Free Riders' While Carrying Water for Rick Snyder's Union Busting
180 Seconds of Coal Ash Problems
White House, DoJ May Go After States That Legalized Pot
PM Julia Gillard: ‘The end of the world is coming'
Obama Cheaps Out On Sandy Recovery to Prop Up Austerity Sham
US Attorney in New Orleans Resigns After Anonymous Internet Smears Traced to His Office
'Ted' Bluray Review: What an R-Comedy Should Be - Funny, Sincere, and Naughty
Obama, Romney, Palin Top List Of Most Searched Politicians In 2012
Federal Agency Has Its Own 'Tequila Working Group'
Texas man linked to Anonymous faces more charges
GAO Report Confirms Pigford Designed for Undetectable Fraud
Warren Campaign Blames Pizza for Debt in Post-Election Fundraising Email
Critics of RNC Chair Candidate J.C. Watts Point to Lobbying Career
The Most Absurd 'Loophole' in the Tax Code
Thune: Obama 'Not Very Engaged' During Fiscal Cliff Negotiations
GOP: Obama 'Bullying' Charities into Backing Tax Hike on Wealthy
MI Dem. Leader Urges Obama Withhold Funds from State over Right-to-Work Law
Report: SC Gov. Haley Likely To Appoint Henry McMaster to Senate
Obama, Democrats Eyeing Further Stimulus Projects
Ag Sec Vilsack: Rural Americans 'Less Relevant'
Academy Award maker plans layoffs in Chicago
Democrats want jobless benefits in `cliff' deal
Despite Tax Increase, California State Revenues in Freefall
No Time to Cave
FEC: Romney Campaign, RNC Paid over $150M to Two Well-Connected Consulting Firms
Coburn: GOP's 2014 Candidates Must Come from 'Real World'
AP-GfK Poll Boasts Obama Approval Rises Post-Election
Chimneys Weep: Obama Economy Sacks Santa
Washington Post: Obama Wrong to Embrace Muslim Brotherhood
No U.S. Locations in TIME's 'Best Places to Live'
Progressive Media Fear Exclusion at Second Obama Inauguration
Guyana seizes cocaine in fish food bound for China
Iran Warships Dock in Sudan: Witness
Britain's Fastest-Growing Independence Party Is Anti-European Union
Morsi Annuls Controversial 'Pharaoh' Decree
Egypt's Morsi Reportedly Preparing to Modify Decree
Breitbart News: Big Peace
UN Conference Adopts Extension of Kyoto Accord
Rabbis Embracing Palestinian Statehood Won't Aid Peace
Syrian Rebels Elect Head of Islamist-Dominated Command
Egypt Islamists Reject Referendum Delay
Egypt: Military Warns of 'Disastrous Consequences' in Morsi Controversy
Mexico's 2013 Budget Predicts 3.5 Percent Growth
World View: Assad's Chemical Weapons Too Old for Use?
Federal Agents: Navy Veteran Tried to Pass Submarine Secrets to Russia
Pop-Star James Taylor: ‘I Really Suffered’ Under 8 Years of ‘Cheney/Bush’ | CNS News
Tribal Leader Granted Rights to Build First Refinery in Decades Outspoken Critic of Hydrofracking Regulations | CNS News
Group Unveils Naughty and Nice List to Pressure Congress Not to Raise Taxes | CNS News
Not News: Food Stamp Participation Jumped by Over 600,000 in September; Last Pre-Election Number Revised Up |
Illegal Immigrant Receives Free Kidney Transplant
Hundreds of Same-Sex Weddings in Washington State This Weekend
Fed. Gov't Already Has $292 Billion Deficit For Fiscal Year 2013
Apple to produce line of Macs in the US next year
US consumer borrowing rises to record $2.75T
Scientist argues volcanoes killed dinosaurs - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience | NBC News
Brown Dwarf Stars Could Host Earth-Size Planets, Study Finds |
Florida officials consider releasing genetically modified non-biting mosquitoes in battle against dengue fever | Mail Online
BBC News - Maori stones hold magnetic clues
Golden Spike Aims To Take The World To The Moon - For $750M Per Ticket - Forbes
Parasites Use Sophisticated Biochemistry to Take Over Their Hosts -
CultureLab: Tragic tears: Why we are the only animals that cry
Egypt's Morsi reverses most of decree that expanded his powers
Cops: Teen with gun arrested as part of crackdown on gang funeral conflicts
Nelson Mandela admitted to hospital for tests, South African president says
Dallas Player Dies in Crash; a Teammate Is Charged
2012 Elections Are Finally Over: Boustany Defeats Landry in Louisiana Runoff
Mohamed Gamal Abu Ahmed, Benghazi Attack Suspect, Held In Egypt: US Official
Chinese inflation rises to 2.0 percent in November
How to Charge for Online Content
US ambassador on WCIT: Keep the Internet out of this conference
Report: Apple, Google, Microsoft join forces to buy Kodak patents
Black boxes in cars raise privacy concerns
Google Apps No Longer Free For Businesses
YouTube Wants to Be Your Must-See TV
Foxconn Plans American Expansion as Clients Seek Made in USA
Do You Care About Psy's Anti-American Past?
'Gangnam Style' Star Psy Apologizes for Anti-American Song - YouTube
Monkeys Show Why It's Hard to Prove Ancient Human Interbreeding
End of the World Poll: Is the Apocalypse Coming Dec. 21?
In pursuit of the vanishing ice sheets
Coconut-Flavored Pineapples Invented by Mistake by Australian Scientists
Social media may be a weapon against childhood obesity, experts say
Less money for tobacco prevention programs
Brain 'pacemaker' to treat Alzheimer's
AIDS Q&A 2012: Are Blacks Still Suffering The Most?
US Facing Drastic Shortage of General Doctors
Obamacare: For State Republicans, It's Decision Time
Brooke Mueller Brooke Mueller Did Not Overdose on Drugs, Rep Claims: 'She Was Diagnosed With Exhaustion and Dehydration'
Megan Fox talks motherhood and movies in first interview since giving birth - 3am & Mirror Online
Rick Ross' Maybach Music Group Tour Cancelled - The Juice | Billboard
Mick Jagger and Keith Richards to duet on "Letterman" Top 10 -
BBC News - Spotify: Metallica ends Napster feud with new deal
With a view from beyond the moon, an astronaut talks religion, politics and possibilities | Pacific NW | The Seattle Times
Surprise Side Effect Of Shale Gas Boom: A Plunge In U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Forbes
BBC News - Smoking may worsen a hangover, US study finds
Pizza Hut Launches A New Limited Edition Perfume : Videos : Classicalite
Beer May Have Anti-Virus Properties, According To Study Funded By Sapporo Breweries (VIDEO)
Real Clear World - Video - Inside Damascus Military Hospital
Real Clear Markets - Video - Peter Schiff: The 91% Tax Fantasy
Real Clear Markets - Video - Does Congress Kill Stock Market Returns?
Five myths about the unemployed - The Washington Post
Free exchange: Heated debate | The Economist
Obama’s Energy Dilemma: Back Energy-Fueled Growth or Please Green Lobby - The Daily Beast
GOP Strategic Retreat? - Larry Kudlow - National Review Online
Off the Charts Blog | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | Today’s Jobs Report in Pictures
Obama's Pot Problem | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Viewpoint: Jeb Bush Wants to Talk About Education |
What's Next for Immigration Reform?
How Red States Wrestle with Obamacare: The Forbes Interview with Texas' Rick Perry - Forbes
If You Thought Benghazi Was Bad, Watch Syria |
Mohammed Morsi Fans the Flames of Hatred in Egypt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Egypt’s Predictable Unraveling - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online
Bashar Assad’s chemical weapons: Barack Obama doesn’t have many good options if Syria uses weapons of mass destruction against its own people. - Slate Magazine
When Push Comes to Shove on Iran -
RealClearWorld - The Collapse of the Entitlement State
Israel-Palestine: A better two-state solution | Full Comment | National Post
Commentary: Too Many Saudi Princes | The National Interest
Why an independent Scotland deserves U.S. support - The Washington Post
Exercise caution in dealing with Pakistan
RealClearMarkets - It Looks Like We're Headed Over the Cliff
Fiscal cliff? What fiscal cliff? No evidence in jobs numbers - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
Apple is coming home - John Dvorak's Second Opinion - MarketWatch
Debt markets: Happy now? | The Economist
Insider Trading Persists, and Gets Stealthier -
Office Holiday Parties Are Back, and Just as Weird as Ever - Businessweek
RealClear Markets Video Log
Image of the Day: NASA Captures Earthly Anti-Matter Explosions (VIDEO)
Chris Carberry: The Politics of Life on Mars
Is Earth f**ked: At 2012 AGU meeting, scientists consider advocacy, activism, politics, and getting arrested. - Slate Magazine
A tax we could learn to love -
The rise of Genghis Khan: A horde of data | The Economist
Are There Too Many People on the Planet? | Conservation Magazine
Bumps and Bruises from Bruce to Batman, and Beyond | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network
Pseudoscience Saps the Power of TEDx Brand | Wired Business |
Metabolism and the Brain | The Scientist Magazine®
Why Cheap Booze Makes Your Hangover So Horrible
Nobody's perfect - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
BOOK REVIEW: ‘Leonardo and the Last Supper’ - Washington Times
Hitler Has a Following in India - Businessweek
A Long Journey | Commonweal magazine
The Enigma of Being Jewish
Death On Facebook Now Common As 'Dead Profiles' Create Vast Virtual Cemetery
Former minister: ‘We atheists love this time of year like everyone else’ - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
The Christian Origins of Islam | First Things
Justice, Politics and the Cross
Deja vu: OLED and 4K will dominate CES 2013 TV news | CES 2013: Televisions - CNET Blogs
If You Don't Watch Sports, TV Is a Huge Rip-Off (So, How Do We Fix It?) - Derek Thompson - The Atlantic
Has Streaming Killed Physical Media Yet? -
BBC - Future - Technology - Can disguises fool surveillance technology?
Review: Microsoft Office 2013 features new look, prices | PCWorld
All-in-One PCs Look Good and Cost Plenty - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post
Pearl Harbor: A Day of Infamy - Jim Lacey - National Review Online
The 70th Anniversary of the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor | The Weekly Standard
John Lennon's last day.. as told by the people who were with him - Mirror Online
Mark David Chapman, the man who killed John Lennon — Two Marks — Crime Library on
Lightning strikes of aircraft rarely disastrous - World news - Americas | NBC News
The Kennedy Assassin Who Failed | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
Yesterday’s tax revenues can’t support tomorrow’s America
Spending, Not Low Revenue, Is The Problem Yet Obama Wants To Spend Even More -
'This Is Just the Beginning': A Bloody Night With Egypt's Protesters - Evan Hill - The Atlantic
Michael Tomasky: Why Hillary Clinton Must Run for President in 2016 - The Daily Beast
Thinking About the Unthinkable | RealClearPolitics
Dinosaurs and Denial -
Permanent Gridlock | The Weekly Standard
Fiscal Cliff Is Latest Symptom of Unfair Redistricting - The Daily Beast
Why lefties back welfare for the rich -
Progressive journos hang with Obama: Anything wrong with that?

December 8, 2012 : Political Video

Obama Weekly Address: Congress Must Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts, Ask Wealthy To Pay More | RealClearPolitics
Rubio Gives GOP Weekly Address: "Generate New Revenue By Creating New Taxpayers" | RealClearPolitics
Cheney: "Allies No Longer Trust Us... Our Adversaries No Longer Fear Us" | RealClearPolitics
Reich: Obama Can Just Raise Debt Ceiling Automatically, "It's Not In The Constitution" | RealClearPolitics
The McLaughlin Group 12/7/12 | RealClearPolitics
Coulter On Psy: "I Think They're Changing It To MSNBC" | RealClearPolitics
Gutfeld Rips Costas With Story About Guns Saving Lives | RealClearPolitics
Santorum: Romney Focused Too Much On The Economy And Jobs | RealClearPolitics

December 7, 2012: Political Video

Full Interview: Chris Christie On "The Daily Show" | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: "Without Unity, The Republicans Are Going To Crack" | RealClearPolitics
MSNBC Anchor: "Is The South Ready For A Black Senator?" | RealClearPolitics
Boehner: Obama's "Deliberate Strategy" Is Going To "Edge Of Fiscal Cliff" | RealClearPolitics
Limbaugh: If GOP Caves On Tax Rates, They're Admitting That's The Problem | RealClearPolitics
Rep. Cleaver, Eugene Robinson Rip Idea Of Rep. Tim Scott Replacing DeMint | RealClearPolitics
Crossroads GPS Launches Ad Attacking Obama's Fiscal Cliff Offer | RealClearPolitics
Bernstein: Drop In Unemployment Rate Due To Drop In Labor Force | RealClearPolitics
David Axelrod Shaves Off His Mustache On "Morning Joe" | RealClearPolitics
Todd: Obama Believes The Fiscal Cliff Could Cause A Recession | RealClearPolitics
O'Reilly: "It's Impossible For 109 Million Workers To Support 87 Million People" | RealClearPolitics
Heilemann: There's A Chance Nikki Haley Will Appoint Herself To The Senate | RealClearPolitics
Hannity: What Republicans Need To Do In Fiscal Cliff Debate | RealClearPolitics
Alex Jones
The Alex Jones Show 12/07/12 FULL - YouTube
Alex Jones Show: Thursday (12-6-12) Gerald Celente - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (12-6-12) Joe Rogan - Audio Only - YouTube
Infowars Nightly News: Friday (12-7-12) Curt Linderman Sr. - YouTube
The Savage Nation - December 07 2012 FULL SHOW (Larry O'Connor fills in for Michael Savage) - YouTube
The Savage Nation - December 06 2012 FULL SHOW - YouTube
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-07, Friday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-06, Thursday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-05, Wednesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-04, Tuesday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-03, Monday
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-02, Sunday
12/07 The Mark Levin Show
The Manning Report – 7 Deceber 2012
Dec. 7, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

8 Dec.

William J Federer's American Minute for December 8th
This Day in History for 8th December |
What Happened on December 8th This Day in History
December 8 Events in History
Today in History: December 8
December 8th in History
Today in History: December 8
Today in History for Dec. 8th - YouTube
John Lennon shot — This Day in History — 12/8/1980

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