A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

07 December 2012

7 Dec.

Prison » Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Prison » Ron Paul: The Film
Joe Rogan - Truth Seeker: The Interview - YouTube
Prison » Group Plans to Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano for President in 2016
Duchess of Cambridge prank call nurse Jacintha Saldanha found dead - London - News - London Evening Standard
German cabinet decides to send troops to Turkey-Syria border | News | DW.DE | 06.12.2012
Prison » State laying groundwork for managed bankruptcy for Detroit
US Debt - Visualized in physical $100 bills - YouTube
Prison » Gerald Celente: The 21st Century Megawar Has Begun
Prison » Show This To Anyone That Believes That Taxes Are Too Low
Prison » FDA quietly increases allowed radiation doses of meats for human consumption
Prison » Leaked: Big Pharma Bought Human Guinea Pigs from Stasi East Germany
Prison » UN Summit: Transforming Your Kids into “Climate Change Agents”
Man charged with sexually abusing 7-year-old girl was CPS worker, minister | Houston
Florida officials consider releasing genetically modified non-biting mosquitoes in battle against dengue fever | Mail Online
Prison » Will Congress “Drone Caucus” Push for DHS Drone Oversight?
Prison » North Korea only one week away from long-range rocket that can reach California
Prison » ‘Clinton Vows to Thwart New Soviet Union’
Prison » Preppers Who Make Surviving The Apocalypse Even Less Fun
Prison » The Obush Doctrine Comes Alive: Obama Admin Prepares To Attack Syria
Prison » Condemnation for Korean Pop Star, But None for Pentagon’s Killing Machine
Prison » Punished For Patriotism? Student Suspended Over American Flag
73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government | CNS News
'Ron Paul: The Film' by Infowars backs up retiring congressman's points
» Condemnation for Korean Pop Star, But None for Pentagon’s Killing Machine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Pearl Harbor as a Noble Lie Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Punished For Patriotism? Student Suspended Over American Flag Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Smith & Wesson Announces 48% Surge In Gun Sales Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Public 'Inauguration' Just for Show, Likely to Cost Taxpayers Over $100 Million | The Weekly Standard
CFTC Says A Former Goldman Employee Hid A $8.3 Billion Trading Position - Business Insider
» October Consumer Credit Rises By $14.2 Billion, Government Funds 70 Cents Of Every Dollar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The smart 'tattoo' that can measure how tired you are: Smiley-face transfer like your children might wear hides medical sensors | Mail Online
» Will Congress “Drone Caucus” Push for DHS Drone Oversight? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
NHTSA gets White House OK to mandate vehicle 'black boxes' | The Detroit News |
3D printing rises -
Homeland Security and FBI Release Document Once Again Labeling Photographers as Potential Terrorists | PINAC
» EFF Introduces Their New NSA Spying Guide, Timeline Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Obama Has Muslim Domestic Terrorism Scandal On His Hands Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Triggers Fukushima Fears Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» 9/11: The Elephant in the Room (Full Version) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Is There an Al-Qaeda 3.0? : Discovery News
Veterans of Post-9/11 Wars Struggle on the Job Front | KQED Public Media for Northern CA
Report: Illegal immigrants from Mexico no longer crossing border in large numbers - East Valley Tribune: Immigration
"Narcotunnel" Discovered Under Construction Near U.S.-Mexico Border | Fox News Latino
The Daily Bell - George W. Bush: 'Canada, Mexico and US Should Merge'
» FDA quietly increases allowed radiation doses of meats for human consumption Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Mexican police brutality uncovered by human rights investigators | World news |
John McCain: Syria Using Chemical Weapons Would Be 'Most Horrendous Act' Of The Century (VIDEO)
Clinton fears efforts to 're-Sovietize' in Europe - Yahoo! News
» US Warships to Monitor North Korean Satellite Rocket Launch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
'Ron Paul: The Film' by Infowars backs up retiring congressman's points
» Condemnation for Korean Pop Star, But None for Pentagon’s Killing Machine Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Pearl Harbor as a Noble Lie Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Punished For Patriotism? Student Suspended Over American Flag Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Smith & Wesson Announces 48% Surge In Gun Sales Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Public 'Inauguration' Just for Show, Likely to Cost Taxpayers Over $100 Million | The Weekly Standard
CFTC Says A Former Goldman Employee Hid A $8.3 Billion Trading Position - Business Insider
» October Consumer Credit Rises By $14.2 Billion, Government Funds 70 Cents Of Every Dollar Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Americans Are The Most Spied On People In World History Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The smart 'tattoo' that can measure how tired you are: Smiley-face transfer like your children might wear hides medical sensors | Mail Online
» Will Congress “Drone Caucus” Push for DHS Drone Oversight? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
NHTSA gets White House OK to mandate vehicle 'black boxes' | The Detroit News |
3D printing rises -
Homeland Security and FBI Release Document Once Again Labeling Photographers as Potential Terrorists | PINAC
» EFF Introduces Their New NSA Spying Guide, Timeline Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Obama Has Muslim Domestic Terrorism Scandal On His Hands Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Triggers Fukushima Fears Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» 9/11: The Elephant in the Room (Full Version) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Is There an Al-Qaeda 3.0? : Discovery News
Veterans of Post-9/11 Wars Struggle on the Job Front | KQED Public Media for Northern CA
Report: Illegal immigrants from Mexico no longer crossing border in large numbers - East Valley Tribune: Immigration
"Narcotunnel" Discovered Under Construction Near U.S.-Mexico Border | Fox News Latino
The Daily Bell - George W. Bush: 'Canada, Mexico and US Should Merge'
» FDA quietly increases allowed radiation doses of meats for human consumption Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Mexican police brutality uncovered by human rights investigators | World news |
John McCain: Syria Using Chemical Weapons Would Be 'Most Horrendous Act' Of The Century (VIDEO)
Clinton fears efforts to 're-Sovietize' in Europe - Yahoo! News
» US Warships to Monitor North Korean Satellite Rocket Launch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
UN pushes for global Internet surveillance - YouTube
Official: 'Confident' Bodies Are 2 Iowa Cousins - YouTube
McAfee hideout given away by photo's meta-data - YouTube
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Online sales tax to be added to defense authorization bill «
Genesis Communications Network GCN News Pearl Harbor dead remembered on 71st anniversary «
Gerald Celente: The 21st Century Megawar Has Begun - YouTube
2012: The Real Threat – It’s Not What You’ve Been Told -
Caspian energy resources named key for int’l energy security
Sharing is Not a Crime: A Battle Plan to Fight Back -
The American Media Establishment and the British Royal Pregnancy
2012: The Year of the Drone in Afghanistan
Pearl Harbor Day Is a Day to Cherish the $1.3 Trillion We Blow on War Preparation Every Year
Political Extremism in the Technocratic Order
Illegal Spy Agency Operated in West Germany, New Book Claims
US Sponsored Genocide Against Iraq 1990-2012. Killed 3.3 Million, Including 750,000 Children
New World Order “Conspiracy Theories”: Diversions and Deceptions
+BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- December 6, 2012
Symbolic Pics of the Month (12/12)
Nurse Who Answered Prank Call at Kate’s Hospital Found Dead
An Inmate Claims that James Holmes Confessed that he was “Programmed to Kill”
WTF! Declassified Docs Reveal Genocide Caused By Chemtrail Testing - YouTube
Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (12-02-2012) Thomas J. Ryan Author of TIDAL WAVE 23 - YouTube
Rand Paul Warns Boehner, Cantor: Hope You're Not Aspiring for Higher Office - YouTube
Brunch with Bernie - December 7, 2012 - YouTube
Video Showing Rebel Fighters Testing Chemical Weapons in Syria
Syria Loads Chemical Weapons into Bombs; Military Awaits Assad's Order
“Obama in Tehran” Mr. President, Tear Down This Wall
Democracy, Dollars and Drugs
Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt Knew by Justin Raimondo --
The biggest privacy and censorship threat since the dawn of the digital age is upon us |
Kim Dotcom: New Zealand police, intelligence agencies can be sued | BGR
The Enterprise of Law: Justice Without the State - informationliberation
Police Stops in the First World vs. the Third World - informationliberation
Former Microsoft Manager To Start Premium Marijuana Company In Washington State - YouTube
Republican Copyright Myth Debunker Fired for Telling Truth - informationliberation
BREAKING: Exclusive Footage of John McAfee Detained in Guatemala - YouTube
Manning’s Pretrial Hearing Focuses on Abusive Treatment -- News from
Preparing For and Surviving a Fire in Your Home
'Everyone in US Under Virtual Surveillance' – NSA Whistleblower
The Pearl Harbor 'Surprise' by Chris Rossini
CIA and Pentagon Fusion Revolutionizes Modern US Covert Action Complex by Justin O'Connell
Chromium by Margaret Durst
Supreme Court to Review Gay Marriage Laws
Forbes to Boehner: No Tax Increases
Clinton to Testify on Benghazi Attack Report
Obama Turns to Corporations to Help Pay for Expensive Inauguration
DeMint Move Ignites Talk of 2016 Presidential Run
Jeb Bush Succeeding Bill Clinton at National Constitution Center
Lugar to Join University of Indianapolis
Obama to Attend PSY Performance Despite Protests
Scott Considered Good Bet to Replace DeMint
Poll Shows Rubio, Clinton Lead Their Parties for 2016 Presidential Nods
LIGNET: The Seven Men Who Will Decide China's Future
The Only Way to Avoid Falling Off the Cliff Is a GOP Strategic Retreat
Top 3 Supplements for Enhancing the Mind
Study: Carrots Fight Breast Cancer
Scientists: GPS Can Track Illicit Nuke Tests
Illinois Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens Puts All of U.S. at Risk | Immigration
Global Crisis: Aliens rule humanity through Archons - Ottawa ufo |
Obama Felony Fraud Proven
Jesuits More Powerful Than Globalists In The New World Order - Special Guest William Dean A. Garner | Alternative
Rich Lowry - National Review
GOP Vision Articulated by Rubio, Ryan
The Rule of Law and the Supreme Court
cns - Yahoo! Search Results
U.S. Government Lends $105M to Brazil—to Build Aquarium | CNS News
Boehner: ‘This Isn’t a Progress Report Because There’s No Progress to Report’ | CNS News
Democratic Senator: Obama’s Plan ‘Does Not Balance the Budget’ | CNS News
Group Unveils Naughty and Nice List to Pressure Congress Not to Raise Taxes | CNS News
Dennis Rodman Must Pay $500K in Child Support | CNS News
Never Forget: 71st Anniversary of Attack on Pearl Harbor | CNS News
PBS NewsHour Fails To Press Left-Wing Activist on Entitlement Inaccuracies |
Maher: Obama Should Implement Carbon Tax As A 'Personal F--k You to the Koch Brothers' |
Flu is widespread in RI; unimmunized health-care workers must wear masks | Breaking News | | The Providence Journal
Charities could be losers in 'fiscal cliff' tax fight - Washington Times
EXCLUSIVE: FEMA teams told to 'sightsee' as Sandy victims suffered | Fox News
Darrell Issa's home robbed of $100K in jewelry - Dan Berman -
Al Gore: Obama must ‘get moving’ - Kevin Cirilli -
Energy industry concerned Obama could pursue end-run on climate change rules | Fox News
National Geographic’s auction of images fetches $3.8 million - The Washington Post
Security plans developing for smaller inauguration - Washington Times
How an African tribe deals with crimes. « we must know
Yao Defen, World's Tallest Woman Dies In China At Age 39 (PHOTOS)
PressTV - West making big money from war threats: Intelligence expert
PressTV - Nearly all US citizens under government surveillance: Ex-NSA analyst
Rense & Clark McCelland - Astronaut UFO Encounters - YouTube
Activist Post: Kenya's Recent Ban on All GMOs Draws Cheers and Jeers
Natural cure: Scientists create stem cell contact lens — RT
Burglar calls 911 on gun-brandishing homeowner - National Top News |
Exclusive: How We Can Stop Obama!!
Detroit To Obama: We Voted For You, Now Bail Us Out! - Home - The Daily Bail
NEW: 9/11 Hotel Video Released of NO PLANE hitting the Pentagon! - YouTube
Decoding Dreams From My Father: Is President Obama’s “Uncle Frank” Really “Uncle Fred” Newman? « Eye On Obama
US Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) Move To Heritage Foundation Shrewd Political Move | Sinclair News.Net
Ten Years Of The Bush Tax Cuts | ThinkProgress
Earth Booms/Ground Shaking Reported In 7 States Last 24 Hours | Alternative
Stem cell pioneer sues Nobel assembly in US - Physorg | e! Science News
Five Scary Bugs You Don’t Want to Mess With | ZenHaven
Program trains farmworkers to be organic farmers - SFGate
Is Nature Somewhere Else? - Waking Times : Waking Times
A Gluten for Punishment: the Whole Grain Assault on Health - Waking Times : Waking Times
Healthiest Foods Out of Reach For The Majority of The Population - Waking Times : Waking Times
Mossad Black Ops and False Flags
Rand Paul is no Ron Paul, and he'll go to Israel to prove it – Telegraph Blogs
This Revolution Is Personal | Farm Wars
Russia threatens to respond tit-for-tat to US bill | World news | The Guardian
Chavez back in Venezuela after Cuba treatment | World news | The Guardian
Anti-Morsi protesters break through wired fences of presidential palace, injuries reported — RT
Clinton: Situation in Syria is 'accelerating' -
US ramps up threats in 'psychological' war on Assad — RT
PressTV - Ten reasons Iran does not want a nuclear bomb
Pentagon prepares military operation in Mali — RT
OpEdNews - Article: Organic: Food Justice for the 99% (Response to Time Magazine/Dr. Oz denigration of organic consumers)
Who Needs FEMA Camps When We Have This? | Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
Filmmaker Releases Video Breakdown Of Illegal Traffic Stop By Cop Who Harassed Him - informationliberation
The Sad State of Planet Earth « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
'Sex for student fees' man unmasked to be IT consultant 'with top-level MoD security clearance' - Crime - UK - The Independent
Brussels in plot to control ALL national spending | UK | - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express
The First Signs of Ancient Life on Mars? | SPACE NEWS | MARS
Stuart Hall charged with indecent assault against young girls | UK news |
The Rove reversal: Fox takes Republican star down a peg - Americas - World - The Independent
Is 'Just Label It' Controlled Opposition? | Farm Wars
Mayan apocalypse: panic spreads as December 21 nears - Telegraph
Salvation Army Seeing Record Number Of Families In Need « CBS Minnesota
Real Gangsters Threaten Life Of Fake Gangster | The Smoking Gun
Pennsylvania woman killed boyfriend after she ‘smelled sex’ on h - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
Text messages direct to your contact lens - Telegraph
Obamacare and Taxes: May Hike Your Pet's Health Care Bills
WH Petition Demands Obama Cancel Hawaii Vacation | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
'Hyde Park on Hudson' movie review -
Boehner: Obama wants to 'slow-walk' talks, wastes another week - The Hill
Santelli: 'They Love to Fib About Statistics'
Fiscal Cliff | The Simpsons | Animation on FOX - YouTube
Farmageddon: The Unseen War on American Family Farms « Underground Documentaries
You Nazty Spy Part I (1940) (IN COLOR) - YouTube
You Nazty Spy Part II (1940) (IN COLOR) - YouTube
Greatest Speech Ever Made - Charlie Chaplin The Great Dictator Full HD Best Version - YouTube
Israeli Mossad Involvement In The 911 WTC Attacks - Part 1 - YouTube
Israeli Mossad Involvement In The 911 WTC Attacks - Part 2 - YouTube
If You See Something, Film Something II: Recording Police is a Dangerous but Necessary Thing to Do - YouTube

CBS NEWS: 11 More Solyndras In Obama Energy Program - Home - The Daily Bail
Private Corporation Intends to Watch You Have Sex and More, Gearing Ads Toward You Through Your Cable Box :
Verizon Is Watching You | _
Activist Post: DHS adds photography of iconic buildings to already massive list of terrorism indicators
How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession - Home - The Daily Bail
There will Be Hell to Pay for Speaker John Boehner's Betrayal | The Lone Star Watchdog
Rand Paul: "How About Sending Less Money To The Rich Instead Of Taxing" | XRepublic
Peter Schiff Interviews Rand Paul: 'Boehner Is Killing Us' - Home - The Daily Bail
Cracking passwords with 25 GPUs - Boing Boing
How the Government Can Still Get Your Digital Data - 12160 Social Network
The Obligatory Pearl Harbor Posting « THE INTERNET POST
The McCollum Memo: The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor
The Bones of Station H - YouTube
BBC: Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor - Best Definition - Full Length - YouTube
Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt Knew | _
Dorie Miller, A Texas Hero Remembered for his Bravery at Pearl Harbor | The Lone Star Watchdog
Oswald Innocence Campaign: Home
Is NYC Subway Pusher a “Hate Criminal?”
Eight Traitor RINOs Cuddle Up to Treasonous LibDems But Fail to Approve U.N. Treaty
Health info collected to “protect the President”
Believing in America Starts with You
Obama: Give me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take your Country out
The Race to Mediocrity
Find Out How This Millionaire & Tech-Tinkerer Transformed a 420-Square-Foot Apartment Into 1,100-Square-Feet Worth of Space
See These People Fail Miserably at a Basic Christmas Quiz: ‘Where Was Jesus Born?’
Mich. Judge Who Once Sent Naked Pics of Himself Allegedly Impregnates Witness, Begs Her to Get Abortion
Is the Gov’t Preparing for Zombie Apocalypse? Your Tax Dollars Helped Pay for Zombie-Killing Exercise
Allen West: ‘Silly’ for Republicans to Negotiate With ‘Marxist, Socialist, Rigid Ideologue’ Obama
Alarming Drone Crash on College Campus Turns Out to Be an Elaborate Hoax
Invasion of Privacy? Feds Seek to Make ‘Black Boxes’ Mandatory in All Cars
Story About Radio DJs Pranking Kate Middleton’s Hospital Has a Tragic Ending: Duped Receptionist Reportedly Commits Suicide
Liberal Site Accuses Justice Scalia of Admitting He ‘Abhors’ Free Speech — Is That True?
O’Reilly Jokes About ‘Obama Is a Muslim’ Truthers: President’s Christmas Trees Are ‘All Facing Mecca’
Hypocrisy? Jon Stewart Confronts Gov. Chris Christie for Accepting Disaster Funds — But Vetoing His State Health Care Exchange
‘No Shrieking’: Watch Obama Adviser David Axelrod Shave His Mustache on Live TV
Cellphone Took a Swim? Here’s How You Can Dry Your Water-Logged Electronic Devices
Outspoken Provocateur Penn Jillette to Glenn Beck: Every Problem We Have Should Be Solved With More Freedom, Not Less
‘Irreplaceable Family Heirlooms’: GOP Rep. Issa’s Home Robbed of $100K in Jewelry
Why Is Russia Threatening the U.S.?
You’ll Never Guess How Many ‘Blunts’ Snoop Dogg Smokes in a Week
Obama Cheaps Out On Sandy Recovery to Prop Up Austerity Sham
Rep. Brandon Dillon Speaks Out Against MI 'Right to Freeload' Legislation
US Attorney in New Orleans Resigns After Anonymous Internet Smears Traced to His Office
Dems Demand Any Deal Include Unemployment Benefit Extensions
What's Up With Jonathan Chait Offering To Raise The Age Of Eligibility?
Fox News Celebrates Michigan Union Busting as 'Victory for Capitalism!'
David Brooks Sees GOP Renaissance in Marco Rubio's Bland Acknowledgement That Working People Are Human Beings
Hannity Pimps Breitbart's Huge Flop Occupy Smear Film
Obama Announces Opposition to MI Right to Work Legislation
Colbert for U.S. Senate?
Bob Costas Tells O’Reilly: I Don’t Back Up On Anything I’ve Said
Love in the Air as Washingtonians Line Up for Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
Sen. Mitch McConnell Filibusters His Own Debt Ceiling Bill
Limbaugh Has Just Two Words For Unemployment News, “Of Course”
RUSH: If GOP Caves On Raising Rates On Rich, They Are Admitting That That’s The Problem
RUSH: Bill Kristol Has Decided ‘Retreat Is The Way Forward For GOP’
Limbaugh: Obama Wants Confession From GOP. “Bush Did It!”
Anti-American PSY Makes Gangnam Style Millions in US, NOT S Korea
Supreme Court Agrees to Decide Gay Marriage Legality; Village People, Ghost of Arafat Celebrate
Pearl Harbor Day: Don’t Just “Remember” – Never Forget . . . That a Worse Enemy Exists Today
SCHMUCK: Israeli Prez Shimon Peres Praises Abbas’ “Courage” in UN Palestinian Statehood Bid
The Amazing Slight-of-Hand Video That Will Have You Rewinding and Watching Again | Video |
Black boxes in cars raise privacy concerns - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
Rand Paul Criticizes House GOP For 'Purging' Conservatives | TPM LiveWire
Video: Playbook Breakfast with Bob Woodward and Sen. Marco Rubio -
DeMint takes parting shot at Boehner - The Hill's Video
Students told to stand for ‘African-American national anthem’
Capital High School morning observance policy gets changed  - Kanawha County - Charleston Daily Mail - West Virginia News and Sports -
Common Core State Standards in English spark war over words - The Washington Post
Church hosting Muslim convention getting hate mail -
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Vetoes Bill To Create Obamacare Health Insurance Exchange
Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear - Washington Times
Radio's Michael Savage decries Obama attacks, sorta -
Coffee from an elephant's gut fills a $50 cup - SFGate
The Man-Beasts of South America | Mysterious Universe
Parasites Use Sophisticated Biochemistry to Take Over Their Hosts -
Whiskey Restores Sight in Man Blinded by Vodka |
CultureLab: Tragic tears: Why we are the only animals that cry
Know What You'll Look Like in 30 Years -- Maybe Then You'll Max Out Your 401(k) | Wired Business |
Trainers teach dogs to drive cars - FOX 35 News Orlando
Double Star Systems May Be Hiding a Third Companion | Binary & Triple Stars |
Scientists create 'coconut-flavoured' pineapple - Telegraph
Earth's Earliest Dinosaur Possibly Discovered | Oldest Dinosaur Fossils | LiveScience
Cryptomundo » Bigfoot, Human, Ape, and DNA
**Coast 2 Coast AM: Cataclysms / Energy Tech ~ Dec 6 2012 - YouTube
Academy Award Maker Plans Layoffs
Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton Vie for Grammy Glory
Obama to Attend PSY Performance Despite Rapper's Anti-American Past
'Gangnam Style' Singer Sang Anti-American Lyrics, Slated to Perform Before Obama Dec. 21
SC Gov. Haley Shuts Door on Colbert for US Senate
Michael Moore Calls Michigan GOP 'Political Serial Killers,' Calls for Revolt
British PR Agent Latest Entertainment Figure Arrested for Child Sex Abuse
Coburn: GOP's 2014 Candidates Must Come from 'Real World'
AP-GfK Poll Boasts Obama Approval Rises Post-Election
Chimneys Weep: Obama Economy Sacks Santa
Boehner: Tax Rate Increases 'Possible'
Ten Reasons Why November's Jobs Report Is Dismal
Jeb Bush: Being Called Centrist Makes Me 'Break Out in a Rash'
Track Wasteful Spending? There's an App for That
Supreme Court Takes Cases on Same-Sex Marriage, DOMA
State Rep: High-Speed Rail Project 'Critical' to CA, US Economy
Biden: We Might Deal On Tax Rates
Obama Takes Unlimited Corporate Donations for Inauguration
Berkeley Students: Ban Salvation Army Over Stance on Homosexuals
Ryan Stonewalls on Involvement with Boehner Purge
Gore Goes After Obama on Climate Change
ObamaNomics: Black Teen Unemployment at 39.4%
Darby: Institutional Left Romanticizes Black Bloc Anarchists
Small-Business Hiring Intent Plummets To Four-Year Low
White House Concedes Obama Cannot Invoke 14th Amendment to Raise Debt Ceiling
SC Gov. Haley: I Will Not Appoint Myself to DeMint Senate Seat
73% of Jobs Created in Last Five Months Government Jobs
Arrested Ill. Dem Senator Continues Bid for Congress
DeMint: 'I'm Not with Boehner'
Obama Curve : Media Celebrate Meager Job Growth, 540K Dropping Out of Workforce
AZ Bomb Suspect Denied U.S. Citizenship for 'Terror-Related Activity'
FEMA Teams Told to 'Sightsee' as Sandy Victims Suffered
Report: DHS Grants Used for Sno-Cone Machines, Underwater Robots
Gov. Lincoln Chafee: It's a Holiday Tree, Not a Christmas Tree
Christie Vetoes Obamacare State Insurance Exchange
Tribal Leader: Obama 'First American Indian President'
Omerica: Millennials Won't Buy Cars, Homes, Steaks
Top 10 Excerpts from Zimmerman vs. NBC News Complaint
George Zimmerman Sues NBC; Says Audio Edited to Make Him Look Racist
Tapper to Carney: Has Obama Seen 'The Devil Wears Prada'?
Morsi Brings Out the Tanks, Blames 'Hidden Hands' for Unrest
Clinton to Testify on Benghazi Attack at Open Hearing
U.S. Navy Re-Focuses on Pacific
Sunday Morning Dec. 7, 1941
Britain to Allow Same-Sex Marriages in Churches
Crowds Greet Hamas Chief on First-Ever Gaza Visit
Iran Mocks Obama: Count Your Drones
Egypt Protesters Breach Barriers, March on Palace
Dick Cheney: Our Allies Don't Trust Us, Our Enemies Don't Fear Us
Chavez Back in Venezuela after Cuba Treatment
US Concerned over Al-Qaeda-linked Group in Syria
World View: Morsi Refuses Compromise on Constitution
Morsi's Downfall: A Despot in Reformer's Clothing
McCain, Graham Must Acknowledge Threat of Muslim Brotherhood
Five myths about Pearl Harbor - The Washington Post
Japan prepares to attack Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Attack: U.S. Marines at Pearl Harbor
Prologue: Selected Articles
The Arizona Revisited | Natural History Magazine
Please, remember Pearl Harbor | Robert Werdine | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Kennedy Assassin Who Failed | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
John T. Flynn on Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor by Laurence M. Vance
Rachel Sagner Buurma Reviews Rosemary Ahern's "The Art Of The Epigraph: How Great Books Begin " | The New Republic
Why Are Harvard People So Awkwardly Elitist? « Acculturated
Nobody's perfect - Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
So much more than an Atom Smasher – Starts With A Bang
Science vs. God: Does Progress Moot Faith? | LiveScience
How Maggots Heal Wounds - ScienceNOW
Artificial Tongue Tastes Bitter Compounds At Femtomolar Concentrations | Chemical & Engineering News
Brett Nash cat electrocution case: Can a cat kill you? - Slate Magazine
Applied Mythology: Pesticide Residues on Organic: What Do We Know?
Does Edible Deodorant Work? | Popular Science
Just cut down on fat to shed weight - health - 07 December 2012 - New Scientist
On Privacy: It's Not What I'm Hiding (Or Not Hiding) That Matters |
Should malware risks factor into the iPhone vs. Android debate? | Mobile - CNET News
Explainer: What Power The UN Actually Has Over The Internet (Hint: Not Much) | TechCrunch
Noncompetes Are Lame — Let's Set the Creators Free | Wired Design | – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » Will Big Data Destroy the Stock Market?
What will TV look like in two years? Radically different (we hope) | PandoDaily
I’m Not Afraid Of 3D-Printed Guns | TechCrunch
Is Obamacare killing medical device startups? - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet
RealClearMarkets - Unstable Money Usurps Our Rights, Wrecks Our Economy
Medicare is unsustainable in current form - Diana Furchtgott-Roth - MarketWatch
Peter Schiff: The Fantasy of a 91% Top Income Tax Rate -
November Jobs Report: Another nasty, ‘new normal’ month for US workers | AEIdeas
Why the Tension Between Socialism and Capitalism Will Intensify - Rick Newman (
Dude, Would Legalizing And Taxing Weed Solve Our Budget Woes? - Forbes
The next productivity revolution: the ‘Industrial internet’ | vox
Analysis: Prices, not policy, will shape U.S. gas exports | Reuters
How A Progressive Carbon Tax Will Fight Climate Change And Stimulate The Economy | The Energy Collective
Is An Electric Car Worth It? −EV Obsession
Dark side of solar energy | solar, times, acres - Our View - Appeal-Democrat
Obama’s Energy Dilemma: Back Energy-Fueled Growth or Please Green Lobby - The Daily Beast
So, how's your green energy stock doing? | Washington Times Communities
Going Beyond Carbon Dioxide -
A Smart Grid Primer: Complex and Costly, but Vital to a Warming World | InsideClimate News
Obama’s second term looks positive for transmission | EnergyBiz
'This Is Just the Beginning': A Bloody Night With Egypt's Protesters - Evan Hill - The Atlantic
Egypt's Islamists driven into the arms of an old enemy - The National
An Islamist Egypt inevitable? Not so fast – Global Public Square - Blogs
Preparing for the Worst: A Call for an Afghanistan Contingency Force | The AfPak Channel
The U.S. is abandoning its loyal friends in Afghanistan - The Washington Post
White Phosphorous and Red Lines - By Patrick Brennan - The Corner - National Review Online
How should the west react to Mohamed Morsi's power grab in Egypt? | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |
Both sides have too much to lose in Arab-Kurd rivalry - The National
India's Ocean - By Dhruva Jaishankar | Foreign Policy
RealClearWorld - Botching War and Diplomacy in Afghanistan
Putin's Fear of Appearing Spineless | Opinion | The Moscow Times
Owen Bennett-Jones · Questions Concerning the Murder of Benazir Bhutto: Who killed Benazir Bhutto? · LRB 6 December 2012
Replace the United Nations - World Report (
Mursi and His Opponents Must Both Back Down to Save Egypt - Bloomberg
Folks Like Me
CAP's Budget Plan: Not Enough Revenue for Future Challenges - The Demos Blog - PolicyShop
The Great Gun Gag -
Death Panels, Revisited — The American Magazine
Will Big Oil Keep Its Subsidies in a Fiscal-Cliff Deal? | Mother Jones
The Fall of 'Trickle-Down' and the Rise of 'Middle-Out' Economics - Heather Boushey - The Atlantic
Urban Legend: Can City Planning Shed Its Pseudoscientific Stigma?: Scientific American
Should churches, left or right, serve as polling places?
The American Spectator : Muslims, Episcopalians, and Diversity Dreams
What's With the Lame Hanukkah Parodies? – The Sisterhood –
Meridian Magazine - Without Hanukkah There Would Have Been No Christmas! - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views
Getting Benedict Wrong on Jesus' Infancy: Catholic World Report
Wycliffe Reports 'Dramatic Increase' in Bible Translations Around the World
Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Churches that reach the nones, nominals & nomads - News with a Christian Perspective
Mark Henninger: Alfred Hitchcock's Surprise Ending -
Obama’s Energy Dilemma: Back Energy-Fueled Growth or Please Green Lobby |
Bob Cesca: The Crazy Base Won't Let the Republican Party Change
Jim DeMint's Triumph | RealClearPolitics
The Death of Tax Reform | RealClearPolitics
Immigration Reform Is Back on the Agenda -
Viewpoint: Jeb Bush Wants to Talk About Education |
Editorial: A new, bolder Obama - Chicago Sun-Times
U.S. Can't Afford President Obama's No-Debt-Limit Credit Card -
Mideast folly: U.S. arms find their way to Islamic extremists - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Dec. 7, 1941 - Few survive, but we must all remember - Opinion -
The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post
Arithmetic For Republicans: Why Boehner's 'Offer' Just Doesn't Add Up | RealClearPolitics
Sen. Rand Paul: We Should Let Dems Raise Taxes And Then Let Them Own It | RealClearPolitics
Morsi Defends Wide Authority in Egypt as Turmoil Rises -
Obamacare Jumps the Shark in its Premiere | Via Meadia
Help Republicans Rescue Their Party From Itself - Bloomberg
Message To GOP: No Tax Increases! Go On Offense! - Forbes
DeMint Resignation Has Big Implications for Graham, Haley | RealClearPolitics
The Forgotten Millions -
Peter Schiff: The Fantasy of a 91% Top Income Tax Rate -
GOP, Koch Brothers Sneak Attack Guts Labor Rights in Michigan | The Nation
Bobby Jindal Makes a Splash with Terrible Ideas


Real Clear Markets - Video - Peter Schiff: The 91% Tax Fantasy
Real Clear Markets - Video - Does Congress Kill Stock Market Returns?
Real Clear Markets - Video - Greenspan: Painless Solution to Debt Is Fantasy
There Is No Party of Principle
Boehner Orchestrating the GOP's Demise
Textbooks, Lies, and Vulnerable Kids
Restore America 101
Lincoln and the Welfare State
Pearl Harbor in Perspective
Two tales of pleas for help ignored, and two different reactions
Obama Takes it to the American People
Morsi Now Backed by Egypt's US-Equipped Military?


Video: Judge Judy: Our Welfare System is Creating This!
Video: Ed Asner to Fox News Producer: 'Can I Piss On You?'
Video: Detroit Councilwoman to Obama: We Voted for You, Now Bail Us Out With Some Bacon!
Video: Evil Rich Urinate on the Poor in Absurd Cartoon Produced By California Teachers Union
Video: NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US Under Virtual Government Surveillance, Expanding Under Obama

December 7, 2012 : Political Video

RealClearPolitics - Video - December 7, 2012 Archives
Crossroads GPS Launches Ad Attacking Obama's Fiscal Cliff Offer | RealClearPolitics
Rep. Cleaver, Eugene Robinson Rip Idea Of Rep. Tim Scott Replacing DeMint | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer: "Without Unity, The Republicans Are Going To Crack" | RealClearPolitics
Todd: Obama Believes The Fiscal Cliff Could Cause A Recession | RealClearPolitics
Boehner: Obama's "Deliberate Strategy" Is Going To "Edge Of The Fiscal Cliff" | RealClearPolitics
Limbaugh: If GOP Caves On Tax Rates, They're Admitting That's The Problem | RealClearPolitics
Full Interview: Chris Christie On "The Daily Show" | RealClearPolitics
David Axelrod Shaves Off His Mustache On "Morning Joe" | RealClearPolitics
Bernstein: Drop In Unemployment Rate Due To Drop In Labor Force | RealClearPolitics
Hannity: What Republicans Need To Do In Fiscal Cliff Debate | RealClearPolitics
Heilemann: There's A Chance Nikki Haley Will Appoint Herself To The Senate | RealClearPolitics
O'Reilly: "It's Impossible For 109 Million Workers To Support 87 Million People" | RealClearPolitics

December 6, 2012 : Political Video

Sen. Rand Paul: We Should Let Dems Raise Taxes And Then Let Them Own It | RealClearPolitics
Wasserman Schultz: DeMint "Clearly Sees That The Tea Party Is Not A Growth Industry | RealClearPolitics
Charles Barkley To Bob Costas: Carrying A Gun Makes Me Feel "Safer" | RealClearPolitics
Buchanan: Obama Not Afraid Of Going Over Fiscal Cliff Is "Arrogance" | RealClearPolitics
Napolitano: DeMint Will Be Able To Bring Libertarians Back In The GOP | RealClearPolitics
DeMint Says New Job "A More Powerful Position Than A Single United States Senator" | RealClearPolitics
Santelli: Obama's View Of The Debt Ceiling Is "To Infinity And Beyond" | RealClearPolitics
Carney Can't Say How Many Democrats Would Support Obama's Plan | RealClearPolitics
Limbaugh: Kristol Has "Decided That Retreat Is The Way Forward" For GOP | RealClearPolitics
Mitch McConnell On Permanent Debt Ceiling Increase: "Not Going To Happen" | RealClearPolitics
Jon Stewart Mocks GOP Senators For Blocking UN Treaty Helping Disabled | RealClearPolitics
Pelosi: "If There's No Agreement, We Go Over The Cliff" | RealClearPolitics
DeMint Leaves Senate To Become President Of The Heritage Foundation | RealClearPolitics
Obama Meets With Middle Class Family To Talk Taxes | RealClearPolitics
Melber: The White House Favors Susan Rice For Secretary Of State | RealClearPolitics
Hayes: The Fiscal Cliff Is A "Republican-Made, Self-Inflicted" Crisis | RealClearPolitics
Howard Dean: "The Truth Is Everybody Needs To Pay More Taxes, Not Just The Rich" | RealClearPolitics

*Transcripts/December 6, 2012

Interview with Senator Jim DeMint | RealClearPolitics
All-Star Panel: Implications of Sen. DeMint's move to Heritage | All Star Panel | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel
Thursday, December 6, - msnbc - The Ed Show | NBC News
Syrian Opposition, International Community Strategize for Ending War, Transition | PBS NewsHour | Dec. 6, 2012 | PBS
Dec. 7, 2012Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
Alex Jones - 2012-Dec-07, Friday
12/07 The Mark Levin Show
The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday December 07 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday December 07 2012 Hour 2
December 7th, 2012Red Eye Radio 1
December 7th, 2012Red Eye Radio 2
The Manning Report – 7 Deceber 2012

7 Dec.

William J Federer's American Minute for December 7th
Today in History: December 7
What Happened on December 7th This Day in History
December 7 Events in History
Today in History for 7th December 1988 |
December 7th in History
Today in History: December 7
Today in History for December 7th – YouTube
Elizabeth Johnson, Mother Of Missing Baby Gabriel Johnson, Sentenced To 5 Years
Serial killer 'enjoyed telling us details' - video: ‘Sen. Stephen Colbert’ perhaps not as crazy as a ‘Sen. Jim DeMint’
Arizona Powerball winner claims nearly $200 million prize -
In Private Manning Case, Jailers Become the Accused -
Pentagon to scrutinize generals' entourages - Kate Brannen -
On anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack, WWII plane recovered from Lake Michigan - Chicago Sun-Times
BBC News - Silvio Berlusconi 'to run for Italy PM again'
How to Charge for Online Content - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic
U.S. Patent Office invalidates “Steve Jobs patent” -
Spotify goes social with Metallica - will it work?
Apollo 17, last lunar landing, launched 40 years ago today | Fox News
NASA: Mayan Apocalypse a Myth, 2012 Won't be the End of the World | Fox News Latino
Gypsies arrived in Europe 1,500 years ago, genetic study says | World news |
New 268-megapixel telescope takes first image of Carina Nebula - SlashGear
Coconut-Flavored Pineapples Invented by Mistake by Australian Scientists | Z6Mag
Social media may be a weapon against childhood obesity, experts say - Lifestyle -
BBC News - Cognitive behavioural therapy 'can reduce depression'
Stem cell agency is urged to restructure - SFGate
AIDS Q&A 2012: Are Blacks Still Suffering The Most? | News | BET
Pre-treatment helps young breast cancer patients - Health - Cancer | NBC News
Carcinogen found in children's products - SFGate

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