A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

16 September 2012

Year 5773

Chicago teachers union to continue strike
Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated - ABC News
'Occupy' To Hit 40 'Corporate Targets' For Anniversary Protests - Disguised In 'Business Attire' |
Israel's El Al 'looks to end Cairo flights' - FRANCE 24
Pelosi says Medicare will help Democrats win majority in House -
Guilty! 72-year-old man convicted for the abduction and murder of 7-year-old Illinois girl in 1957 | Mail Online
Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander says its troops in Syria | Reuters
Italians to print 50 Kate photos: Even a call from the Queen won't stop me boasts defiant editor | Mail Online
U.S. Is Preparing for a Long Siege of Arab Unrest -
Kate Middleton pictures get more intimate: There are photos public didn't see - Hartford Pop Culture |
Duke asks for criminal prosecution of French photographer over topless Kate pictures - Telegraph
Saudi shuts 'male-staffed lingerie shops' - FRANCE 24
Vanishing secrecy has Swiss banks seeking new model
Workplace stress could be taking a toll on the heart
Type 2 Diabetes Linked To Breast Cancer Risk
Outdoors Notebook: Deer disease continues to spread
Brain implant improves decision-making in monkey
Chicago teachers strike continues, earliest classes could resume is Wednesday
(Chi-town)4 Dead, 20 Wounded In Shootings Since Friday Night
Police: Fla. boy, 13, killed 2-year-old brother
Chicago teachers 'not happy' with proposed contract; strike continues
FBI: Operation tracking Chicago teen took months
Occupy Wall Street movement: Spent after first year?
Pueblo plane crash prompts Romney to cancel rally
Multiple personalities of the Muslim rage
Jerry Brown's legacy rides on outcome of tax hike initiative
Brown, Warren fight via negative TV ads
Romney Campaign Re-Thinking Strategy -- Daily Intel
Ambassador Rice spends Sunday reinforcing White House position that Middle East violence was 'spontaneous' | Fox News
Taliban says attack on base was retaliation
6 Coalition Members Killed in Afghanistan
Chinese Protests Over Disputed Islands Intensify
Pope, in Lebanon, Speaks of 'Delicate' Equilibrium Among Faiths
Israel-US gap widens on Iran
Top Iranian Official Acknowledges Syria Role
Syria accuses Turkey of allowing al-Qaida transit
Iranian foundation ups price on Rushdie's head
Angelina Jolie visits Syrian refugees in Iraq
Film protests: US orders Tunisia and Sudan withdrawal
'Egyptian soldier killed in Sinai terrorist clash'
Pakistani police say roadside bomb kills 12, injures 7 passengers of a van in northwest - The Washington Post
Romney at risk of losing edge on deficit
Senate GOP spending $650K in tight Ind. battle
GOP focuses on monthly jobs report, but do voters?
Paul Ryan returning to NH
Santorum: Without church, family, there is no conservative movement
What Is Romney's Tax Plan?
Apparently This Time It's About More Than Just the Economy
Poll: Americans largely in favor of campaign spending limitations
QE3 hit by mortgage processing delays
South African Mine Violence Exposes Unions' Weaker Grip
Yahoo's free phone offer snubs RIM's BlackBerry
SEC Keeps Wary Eye on Exchanges
Blow the whistle and reap a web of rewards
Box Office: New Resident Evil Leads Weekend, But Can't Beat Predecessors
Palace: Lawyers Seek Injunction Over Kate Pics - YouTube
Royals prepare criminal comss photos of William's w... plaint over Kate topless shots
Assessing the new 'American Idol' judges: Who will be mean? Nice? Crazy? Useless?
Amanda Bynes -- Smokin' From Drug Pipe, Driving Illegally
Lady Gaga Wears Floral Headpiece to London Fashion Week (Photos)
Celeb Pix: Michael J. Fox flanked by family for Emmy Awards event
Bee study lifts lid on hive habits
NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour's LA flight delayed to Tuesday
Weatherwatch: Arctic sea ice breakup is bad news for polar bears
Why Do NASA Projects, Space Exploration Still Matter?
Boeing completes first milestone for NASA's commercial crew Initiative
Tourism bureau probably doesn't mention Guam's covered in spiders
Discovery: Ancient Fort Aided Julius Caesar's Conquest of Gaul
Anti-Islam video sparks debate on censorship - YouTube
9 11 Controlled demolition - YouTube
Nano Thermite Found in WTC Dust - YouTube
Glenn Greenwald: "Zero question we live in a surveillance state." - YouTube
Shell's "Happy" Mood Smashed By Ice | Earthjustice
Man charged with trying to bomb downtown Chicago bar | Reuters
Dalai Lama tells his Facebook friends that religion "is no longer adequate"
Activist Post: Rescheduling Marijuana: The Time Has Come
Ryan, taking hard line, vows to repeal Obama healthcare law | Reuters
My Way News - With 7 weeks to go, Obama-Romney race still tight
Is the USA Electorate Addicted to Deception? | State of the Nation 2012
PressTV - CIA Mormons, Zionists behind anti-Islam film: Analyst
Producer Of Anti-Islam Film Was Fed Snitch | The Smoking Gun
PressTV - Israel seeks to discredit Obama: Analyst
Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike - Telegraph
Prince Harry targeted in fatal Taliban attack on 'impregnable' military base - Telegraph
Questions Abound as China Unveils Another Stealth Jet | Danger Room |
Syria – The Real Story: CIA Death Squads « Underground Documentaries
Sun News Canada: The MSM Is Lying About The Muslim Riots
Syria Rebels Are The Same Salafi Extremists Attacking US Embassies
Time: Saudi Salafists Behind U.S. Embassy Attacks
PBS: Saudi Created Salafi Jihadists Assert Power In Embassy Attacks
Declassified documents from 1980 show how US planned to fight a nuclear war | Mail Online
Ambassador Rice spends Sunday reinforcing White House position that Middle East violence was 'spontaneous' | Fox News
Uncontained – Iran Stronger Than Ever: Iran’s Nuclear Program (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
‘Minority Report’ facial recognition system being installed across USA by FBI; everyone to be tracked -
Busted!… State Department Scrubs Damning Memo From Website Following Deadly 9-11 Consulate Attacks | The Gateway Pundit
The Judas Kiss: Politics of Betrayal | Sabbah Report
More details emerge on U.S. ambassador's last moments -
Arab Winter? Unrest Sparks Debate on U.S. Policy | RealClearPolitics
Bernanke and the Fed just gave Romney a huge gift | AEIdeas
Brian Calle: Unions fight reforms, tooth and nail | unions, public, union - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Pelosi: Paul Ryan Pick Makes It Easier For Dems To Take House | RealClearPolitics
Salena Zito: Hawkeye Dems disgruntled | TribLIVE
Bob Cesca: Mitt Romney Kneejerks Into Another Colossal Blunder
U.S. Foreign Policy Not to Blame for Anything!, Plus: Alleged Innocence of Muslims Filmmaker Nakoula Voluntarily Accepts Ride from Police - Hit & Run :
Inhofe: Suspend aid to Libya, Egypt » Homepage » The Norman Transcript
US lawmakers praise Church of Scientology | The Daily Caller
Monckton: Obama crew ‘existential threat’ to U.S.
Obama ‘going against wishes of most Americans’
Chief Rabbi slams Dawkins for using 'anti-Semitic stereotype' | Religion News | The Week UK
Pope to youth: Christians and Muslims in Lebanon are role models for the Middle East
Muslim cleric Abu Islam Burns the Holy Bible - Continental News
Crude oil ought to be $150 per barrel: Iran | Reuters
IRS: Agents will not be involved in tax audits, pursuing Americans without health insurance | Fox News
250 girls under 16 given bigger breasts on NHS at cost of £5,000 a time | Mail Online
Did battle, and US future, hang on thread of fate? - Yahoo! News
Michelle Bachmann at Voters Value Summit, Family Research Council - YouTube
Israel Hayom | 'It's not about elections in America, but centrifuges in Iran'
Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News |
Spheres spark new Martian mystery - Cosmic Log
White House Warns of Military 'Destruction' in $110 Billion Sequestration Cuts
U.S. won't tolerate efforts to harm Americans: Obama | Reuters
The Arab Spring turns sour for America - Telegraph
Arab Harvest - National Review Online
Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama, it's time to wake up and smell the global jihad | Fox News
Video:"This Week" Roundtables On Middle East Crisis
Video:"Face The Nation:" Protests Mark Defining Moment For Middle East
Video:George Will: Romney Wouldn't Have Prevented Attack In Libya
Video:Maher: Debt Was Never A Problem Until "President Blackenstein" Was Elected
Video:Libyan President: Attacks Planned By Foreigners, Do Not Reflect Feelings Of Libyan People
Video:Hume: Romney "Correct" To Say Obama Was Sympathizing With Embassy Attackers
Video:McCain: "How Spontaneous Is A Demonstration If People Bring Rocket-Propelled Grenades?"
Video:Libyan President: "Preposterous" To Think Attack "Was A Spontaneous Protest"
Video:"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Foreign Policy
Video:"Meet The Press" Panel On The Return Of Islamic Radicalism
Video:"Meet The Press:" Rice Addresses Turmoil In The Middle East
Video:Netanyahu: Iran's Nuclear Program Is In A "Red Zone"
Video:Giuliani: Obama's Middle East Policy "Falling Apart"
Video:Ambassador Rice On Anti-American Protests Abroad
Video:CNN's Crowley: "There Are Legitimate Peaceful Purposes For Enriching This Uranium"
Video:Netanyahu: "People Are Trying To Draw Me Into The American Election"
Video:"Saturday Night Live" Mocks Obama, Romney, Ryan
Video:Supporters Announce Plans For "National Yard Sale For Obama" Weekend
Video:Krauthammer On Mideast Attacks: "Tide Of American Power Is Receding"
Video:Rep. West Gives GOP Address On Sequester: Obama's "Failure To Lead Is Inexcusable"
Video:Obama Weekly Address: U.S. Will Never Tolerate Efforts To Harm Americans
The American Spectator : Mr. President, Mitt Romney Is Not the Enemy
Who Are ‘Muslims’ & What Do They Believe? This Is the History Surrounding Muhammad & Islam
SNL Spoofs the ‘Romney Killed My Wife’ Ad: ‘Didn’t Even Cover His Mouth While Sneezing’
arab crisis Video Purportedly Shows Mob Dragging Ambassador Stevens From Libya Consulate (CONTENT WARNING)
Nancy Pelosi: ‘Everybody Knows’ Mitt Romney Will Not Be the Next President
Yep, SNL Did a Clint Eastwood Empty Chair Sketch
Chicago Teachers Push Strike Into Second Week: ‘Want to Know If There Is Anything More They Can Get’
4 U.S. Troops Killed in Another ‘Insider’ Afghan Police Officer Attack
U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice: ‘Spontaneous’ Libya Attack Was Prompted by ‘Hateful & Offensive Video’
Occupy Wall Street Activists Arrested During ‘Warmup’ March to Mark Movement’s Anniversary
Hundreds Riot Outside US Consulate in Sydney: ‘Behead All Those Who Insult the Prophet’
Iran Offers Chilling New Warning: ‘Nothing Will Remain of Israel’ if They Attack Us
Watch Chris Matthews: Romney‘s Decision to Run Against Obama ’Arrogant’ & ‘Showed a Certain Kind of Disdain’
SNL Returns With ‘Ah’ing Obama, Gaffe-Prone Romney & Bad-at-Math Ryan
New Obama Ad: Yes, We are Better Off Than We Were 4 Years Ago
Watch Muslim Brotherhood Heir: Radical or Voice of Moderation?
New Book Says Justice Scalia Was ‘Enraged’ at John Roberts Over Health Care Decision

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