A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

17 September 2012

17 Sept. - Constitution Day

Magic Kingdom No Longer “Dry”, Ready To Serve Beer & Wine « CBS Miami
Study: Feelings Of Disgust In Women Diminished - Flash Player Installation
Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign
Ryan, taking hard line, vows to repeal Obama healthcare law | Reuters
Filmmaker linked to anti-Muslim movie questioned | Nakoula Basseley Nakoula "Sam Bacile" - YouTube
Do You Know Your Constitution? - YouTube
Jesse Ventura suggests US may be behind Middle East violence | The Daily Caller
Chats with robots 'not far off' - Offbeat, Breaking News -
Prison » Global Chemtrail Bombardment – User Photos and Video
Prison » Ron Paul: The Libya Fiasco and the Folly of Intervention
Prison » Meanwhile In Beijing: “For The Respect Of The Motherland, We Must Go To War With Japan”
Prison » 10 Shocking Quotes About What QE3 Is Going To Do To America
QE3 Rips Into Reality - YouTube
Hyped UT Bomb Threat by Al-Qaeda: The Fed's Perpetual State of Fear - YouTube
Fox 19's Ben Swann: It's Liberty vs Oppression - YouTube
Prison » The Western Roots of Islamic Fanaticism And The Betrayal of Sunni Muslim Youth
President Obama Remarks and Q&A on Libya and Egypt Embassy Attacks – September 12 2012
Mitt Romney Remarks and Q&A on Libya and Egypt Embassy Attacks, Jacksonville, Florida – September 12 2012
Paul Ryan Town Hall in De Pere, Wisconsin – September 12 2012
Joe Biden Campaign Event in Dayton, Ohio – September 12 2012
Barack Obama Campaign Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada – September 12 2012
Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in Fairfax, Virginia – September 13 2012
Barack Obama Campaign Rally in Golden, Colorado – September 13 2012
Mitt Romney On “Good Morning America” With George Stephanopoulos – September 14 2012
Paul Ryan Speaks at Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC – September 14 2012
» Israel Provides “Intelligence” That May Prompt US to Join Iranian Strike Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Al-Qaeda Bomb Threat Shuts Down UT Campus! - YouTube
Pakistan: Center of the Grand Chessboard - YouTube
» Obama says US should not be disturbed by images of protests Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The Revolution Against Medical Tryanny with Dr. Joel Wallach - YouTube
Libyans See al Qaeda Hand in Embassy Attack
Chicago teachers rally after tentative labor deal
Undaunted by Arrests, the Opposition Marches Against Putin
Crowd turns out for rally calling for Penn State board to resign
Obama, Romney Square off on China, Jobs
TRENDING: Ryan calls Federal Reserve actions 'insidious'
Neil Armstrong now rests at sea
3 found dead after small plane crashes in Arizona | Fox News
Feds: US teen held in 'jihad' terrorist bomb attempt at Chicago bar
Duckworth, Walsh sharpen rhetoric in debate
Radical Islam, immigration key subjects of Walsh-Duckworth debate -
PSU trustees promise close look at Freeh changes
At Rally, Elizabeth Warren Takes More Aggressive Stance
University of Texas defends bomb threat response
Extra, Extra: Rick Santorum Doesn't Need Smart People On His Side
Paul Ryan slams President Obama, says if he wins, there's no going back
Did Romney Pick the Wrong Message?
Rep. Waxman on Alternative Energy, the Environment and Public Health
McConnell making preparations for re-election
Bachmann castigates Obama as appeaser
Failed Walker Recall Election Cost Wis. Taxpayers $13.5 Million
The 2012 Plot Thickens: Mayan Cycle, Pole Shift, Earthquake Predictions - YouTube
September 15, 2012 Global Apocalypse Linked To French Alps Family Massacre
Fear of the self - YouTube
Finally The Truth: Muslim Protests About NATO Drone Strikes, Backing Saudi Jihadists - YouTube
Finally The Truth: Muslim Protests About NATO Drone Strikes, Backing Of Saudi Jihadists |
World Crisis Radio Saturday September 15 2012 Hour 1
World Crisis Radio Saturday September 15 2012 Hour 2

Romney hits Obama on looming 'fiscal cliff'
Al Qaeda Praises Libya Consulate Attack as Anti-American Protests Subside
Santorum: Obama victory would 'fundamentally' change America
Michelle Obama, Ann Romney get positive ratings after conventions
Roswell Incident: U.S. Government Explanation - Documentary Film (1997) - YouTube
osac threats | The Gateway Pundit
More details emerge on U.S. ambassador's last moments -
Fed risks political fallout from QE3 -
Gasoline Prices More than Double Under Obama: $1.84 to $3.85 |
Loveland school seizes rosary beads from student, says they’re ‘gang symbol’ | | Denver Breaking News, Weather & Sports – FOX 31 News in Denver, Colorado
Dr. Judy Wood - Where Did the Towers Go? - YouTube
Electromagnetic Event: Magnetic Pole Shift Could Be In Progress - YouTube
Inside America's Poorest County: Photos : Discovery News
My Way News - With 7 weeks to go, Obama-Romney race still tight
Ryan, taking hard line, vows to repeal Obama healthcare law | Reuters
John Roberts Health Care Switch Detailed By Jeffrey Toobin In New Book
PressTV - October surprise to Carterize Obama
Mossad’s September Surprise « LEFT HOOK by Dean Henderson
Five Ways to Sway Voters -
PressTV - Anti-Islam film, Terry Jones and YouTube
Guardian: Anti-Islam Film Never Existed | Veterans Today
The 9 11 Solution RESTORED - YouTube
Pilots for 9/11 Truth: Airplane controllability - YouTube
9 11 The Official Story Defies Science - YouTube
Porn director pegged as man who shot now-infamous anti-Islam film — RT
Pentagon prepares to drop the hammer on anti-US Muslim riots? — RT
Activist Post: Israel Provides “Intelligence” That May Prompt US to Join Iranian Strike
Take Back Your Money! | Kirwan's Art & Articles
US scrambles to rush spies, drones to Libya - Yahoo! News
US poverty rate 15 percent; record numbers persist
Over One Million U.S. Kids Are Homeless | Care2 Causes
The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s “Global Economic Coup”: Secret Negotiations Behind Closed Doors | Global Research
OpEdNews - Quicklink: US election system criticised over finance rules and voting restrictions
Cell and the cancerquences
UFO Files – Secrets Revealed: Colonel William Coleman (Ret) "Insists He’s Got a 'Blockbuster' Up His Sleeve"
Women who read food labels while doing their shopping 'weigh less than those who ignore them' | Mail Online
Want Cleaner and Purer Air? Try Air-Cleaning Plants, NASA Says | ZenHaven
Recipe: Organic Sugar-Free Dark Chocolate Almond Milk That Will Blow Your Mind | Conscious Life News
Libya - 'Death To America'
China calls Romney's accusations 'as false as they are foolish' | McClatchy
Paul Ryan tosses red meat to eager conservative crowd | McClatchy
Flames & Fury: Anti-US rage sweeps Muslim world 'like wildfire' - YouTube
What's Driving Anti-American Protests? | Think Tank - YouTube
Obama changes his story: ‘Born to a single mom’
Next Target Iran? - YouTube
Jesse Ventura "Maybe Someday You'll Want To Protest Something & They'll Pepper Spray YOU!" | XRepublic
Who really killed Ambassador Stevens? - 12160
TSA Report Pulls Punches on Privacy | The American Conservative
Petro Dollar Going the Way of the Dodo Bird as China Begins Selling Oil Using Yuan |
LAPD Spy Device called the StingRay Taps Your Cell Phone - posted by james at Occupy America Social Network
Obama, the Courts, and Congress Are All Responsible for the Latest Death at Guantanamo by Andy Worthington
Al-Qaeda Causing Evacuations At Universities Could Be First Of Many False Flags | _
Cowardice Is Destroying America | _
Ron Paul: The Libya fiasco and the folly of intervention | _
Sudan Rejects U.S. Request to Send Marines to Boost Embassy Security
Al Qaeda: Attack On Libya Embassy Revenge For US Drone Strike
Finally The Truth: Muslim Protests About NATO Drone Strikes, Backing Of Saudi Jihadists
What Killed Yasser Arafat? (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries
Activist Post: 10 Shocking Quotes About What QE3 Is Going To Do To America
Iran six-seven months from nuclear bomb capability: Netanyahu
Pope urges Arab leaders to work for Mideast peace
Chicago Teachers Union meets on contract today
Chicago teen arrested in terror plot
Panetta: Muslim protests leveling off, but will go on
Single Molecule Images: IBM Scientists Capture Closest Photographs Showing Chemical Bonds (PHOTOS)
One year later, what ever happened to Occupy Wall Street?
Thousands of Striking Teachers Rally in Chicago - YouTube
Free speech in the real world
Wisconsin attorney general aims to enforce union law during appeals
Air Force names woman to lead basic training amid sex scandal
It's official: Death Valley hottest place on Earth
Amish beard cutters face possible prison terms as jury weighs clash of the clippers - Telegraph
Santorum: "We Will Never Have The Elite, Smart People On Our Side" - YouTube
Paul Ryan taps Ted Olson to play Biden in debate prep
Rep. Waxman on Alternative Energy, the Environment and Public Health
Romney energy adviser Hamm exceeded campaign-donation limits
Michele Bachmann: Embassy Attacks In Libya And Egypt Expose Obama's 'Genius ...
Recall elections cost $13.5 million
President Obama to Campaign in Milwaukee Sept. 22
You Stand To Lose Thousands If These Tax Breaks Are Eliminated
Protests at Japanese Embassy in Beijing, Sept. 16, 2012 - YouTube
US defence chief Panetta warns on Asia territory rows
Stocks: Attention shifts to housing
Toys “R” Us defends its big-box position
Microsoft SkyDrive vs. Google Drive on Android
The Acer/Google/Alibaba tussle: It's not about open Android
New monkey discovered
Boeing completes first milestone for NASA's commercial crew Initiative
Astronaut set for re-entry to life on Earth
Pre-marriage doubts signal unhappy unions, divorce
Getting (drugs) under your skin
Royal lawyers to seek injunction against topless pictures
Money-Laundering Inquiry Is Said to Aim at US Banks
Big spike in complaints about telemarketing calls, especially pre-recorded robocalls - The Washington Post
Artificial Bat Cave Built to Combat Killer Disease
Brain implant improves decision-making in monkey
Rural America Fatter Than Urban America
Rescheduling Marijuana: The Time Has Come
18 Year Old Charged With Attempting To Use Weapon Of Mass Destruction! Supplied By The FBI - YouTube
'Unschooling': Home learning the future of US education? - YouTube
Confusing Money for Value
The Post-Collapse Realities of Your Survival Location
One Simple Piece of Advice for Raising Livestock
Want Cleaner and Purer Air? Try Air-Cleaning Plants, NASA Says
Aspartame: Approved In 90 Nations, But Damages Brain
Police State (Mastercard Parody) - YouTube
Journalist Banned From the U.K. For Exposing "The Torture & Rape of Children" - YouTube
Strange details about ‘Innocence of Muslims’ filmmaker emerge as more questions arise
The Mosquito War's: West Nile Virus Nano Vaccine Patch - YouTube
The Mosquito War’s: West Nile Virus Nano Vaccine Patch | Experimental Vaccines
New Anti-Muslim Film Out Today - "Birth Of Muhammed" (Video) | Middle East
Woman Gives Birth To Horse | Beyond Science
Guillotines Real! Soldiers Find Out Truth For Their Use. Now They Are Either Arrested Or On The Run. | Alternative
Strange Energy From Galactic Center Bombarding Earth | Space
How to Avoid Getting Trapped in FEMA Camps | Alternative
Hollywood Scripting and the Pentagon: Creating “The Enemy du Jour” | Global Research
What Is Synchronicity | Alternative
Ancient Paintings of UFO's from 200 to 15.000 years ago.... - YouTube
What’s New Underneath the White House? Two Years and $86 Million Later, We Still Don’t Know | NewsFeed |
White House Big Dig Ending, West Wing Re-emerges - YouTube
What Makes Presidents and Psychopaths Similar? - Forbes
Gun Grab: What Are Your Options? | Survival
12 Lifesaving Canning Rules | Survival
Do You Have A Water Plan? | Survival
Obama Expands ATF’s Right to Seize Guns Without Due Process | Survival
How to Make a Paracord Survival Bracelet | Survival
Digitization of the Supply Side of the Labor Market
The Quantum Supercomputers of the Future Will Be the Dumbest Computers Ever Created, and the Best | Motherboard
My Life as a TaskRabbit - Businessweek
High Scalability - High Scalability - How big is a Petabyte, Exabyte, Zettabyte, or a Yottabyte?
Why You And Your Favorite Web Sites Will Feel The Pain If “Do Not Track” Passes | TechCrunch
LEAKED! Here's The White House's Draft Cybersecurity Executive Order | Techdirt
Why Quora Won’t Scale - SocialTimes
Low-Skilled Immigrant Workers Are Vital Contributors To The Economy - Forbes
Ben Bernanke Really Wants You to Buy a House - Businessweek
The 10 Craziest Things You Don't Know About the Stock Market (KCG)
The Doctrine that Failed | The Weekly Standard
Andrew Coyne: Early days to be pointing fingers at Obama and America | Full Comment | National Post
THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: A week of criminals and culture clashes
A Palestinian Spring - By Jonathan Schanzer | Foreign Policy
Is Egypt an Ally of the U.S.? - The Daily Beast
It’s impossible to keep U.S. diplomats safe
The Commentator - Westerners who fuel the Muslim world's grievance culture
BBC News - Film protests: What explains the anger?
Hugo Chávez’s challenger and why he’s so confident - Opinion -
Lexington: Deeds, not words | The Economist
Despite Arrests in Consulate Attack, Confusion Persists in Libya - The Daily Beast
Murder of Libya ambassador Chris Stevens is successful act of terrorism on President Obama’s watch -
Egypt in a crucial period of redefining itself -
Obama Is Too drunk On His Celebrity To Understand The Gravity Of The Attacks On America -
The American Debate: TO NOVEMBER AND AFTER
Woodward's Verdict: Obama Didn't Lead | RealClearPolitics
Supporters Announce Plans For "National Yard Sale For Obama" Weekend | RealClearPolitics
"Saturday Night Live" Mocks Obama, Romney, Ryan | RealClearPolitics
Krauthammer On Mideast Attacks: "The Tide Of American Power Is Receding" | RealClearPolitics
Rep. West Gives GOP Address On Sequester: Obama's "Failure To Lead Is Inexcusable" | RealClearPolitics
Obama Weekly Address: U.S. Will Never Tolerate Efforts To Harm Americans | RealClearPolitics
Pope Calls for Religious Freedom in Middle East
What Film? Qaeda Says Benghazi Attack 'Revenge' for Leader's Death
2008: Military Leaders Warned Sen. Obama 'Doesn't Understand Threat of Radical Islam'
Libya Arrests 50 after US Envoy's Killing
Christiane Amanpour: West Is Extreme, Not Islamists
Why is the EPA Funding a Private Newspaper?
The Media and Obama Taking Us Down the Rabbit Hole
NPR White House Correspondent Doesn't Stand for Pledge of Allegiance
FIGHT! NBC Accuses CBS of Sunday Morning Ratings Trickery
Obama-Romney: The Big Fight in Vegas
Man Connected to Agent Zapata's Death Extradited to US
It's the Spending, 'Stupid'--Not Just the Economy
European Regulators Hold U.S. Airlines Hostage
UCLA Shuts Down Controversial National Dream University
Ryan Unites Fiscal, Social Conservatives at Values Voter Summit
Poll: Obama, Romney Tied in CO; Obama Underperforming
Constitution Expert: Obama Admin Argued Churches No Different than Bowling Clubs
Eastwood: Don't Kiss Up to Politicians of Either Party
Romney: Gene Hackman Should Play Him in a Movie
The Sharia-zation of Hollywood
'Saturday Night Live' Goes Deeper in the Tank for Obama on Season Opener
'Occupy Unmasked' In Select Theaters September 21st
Romney: Gene Hackman Should Play Him in a Movie
White House Must Stop Sony from Releasing 'Killing bin Laden' Film
Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign
Shhh! Hollywood Silent as Free Speech Takes a Beating
Romney Calls Anti-Muslim Film 'A Terrible Idea'
Rabbi: Media Outlets Engaged In 'Blood Libel' By Falsely Reporting Jewish Director Made Anti-Muhammed Film
The White House and Press Create a Fairy Tale Version of History
U.S. Government Supports Pussy Riot -- But Not 'Innocence of Muslims'
'Why Barack Obama Should Resign'
Community Organizing, Cairo Style
Wyle E. Obama and His Acme Administration
Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose
Appeasement and Blowback
Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
A Plan to Stop the Islamization of the World is at Hand
Freedom Fighters Meet on 9/11
The Danger of Bernanke's 'Imaginary Mandate'
Obama Continues Pleading for 'Mursi'
A tale of two teacher's strikes
Sixteen Reasons Why Islam Is Not the Religion of Peace
Everyone is Ultimately a 'Values Voter'
Going 'Backward'
Herzl and the Holocaust
Why Obama Shunned Bibi
The New Definition of Freedom
Report: Obama to meet with Netanyahu, as Naval ships heading for Strait of Hormuz
The Fallen, The Ceremony, And The Campaign
Sounding and Acting Like Reagan, Romney Has Them Terrified
Romney Gets It Right: It Was 'Disgraceful'
Egypt and Libya, Obama's Frankenstein
The Islamist Death of Free Speech (and a Few Americans in the Process)
Putting Sand in the Gears of the Price Mechanism
Hard Truths for Hispanic and African-American Voters
Politicians Can't Stop World Economic Equalization
After 2012, Who Will Lead?
Obama Is a Spokesmodel for Tyranny
A Possible Explanation for Obama's Connecticut Social Security Number
Obama: The Weak Horse
Fast and Furious Embodies Corruption at Highest Levels
Why Do Embassies Burn?
Gingrich is Right the "New Normal" is Just Obama Normal
Is There A Libertarian Choice For President?
Buying mortgage paper by the fed...frees US dollars to flee!
Transgressors Rising up in Middle East:War and Antichrist to Follow
Debbie Schlussel-Does It Matter That Murdered Amb Chris Stevens Was Gay? Only If You Want to Pander to Islam
Debbie Schlussel-ICE Employee Caught Harboring Illegal Aliens – The Natural Result of Obama Immigration Non-Enforcement
The Day Obama Became Toxic: After Libya, We Cannot Trust Him—Barack Must Fall
The ‘Obama Fat Head Syndrome’
When will Mid East Powder Keg send Obama to Televised promise to ‘Save America’ from Anarchy
Romney’s Response to US Embassy Attacks Measured and Completely Correct
The Munich-2
Green, Rotten, and Red Sustainability Indoctrination
Obama orders Jewish and Muslim restaurants to serve pork
Middle East Analysis: WWIII fuse has been lit
“Innocence of Muslims” video allowing Obama media to control the truth
Pet jerky treat death toll: 360 dogs, 1 cat, FDA says
America attacked: no time for a metro-sexual president
Obama-backed UN “Human Rights” Council Facilitates US-bashing Meet

*C2CAM/Scope of Ufology - September 15, 2012 - YouTube
(Movie)Genetic Roulette |;The Gamble of Our Lives
*The James Holmes Conspiracy (2012 Full Documentary) - YouTube
INFOWARS.COM - Occult Symbolism. - YouTube

Buchanan: Unrest is Obama’s ‘naïve’ Middle East policy ‘collapsing right in front of us’ | The Daily Caller
Prison » Chemical Used in Teflon & Non-Stick Cookware Linked to Heart Disease
Gerald Celente: Criminal Banksters Launching New World War - YouTube
Prison » Meanwhile In Beijing: “For The Respect Of The Motherland, We Must Go To War With Japan”
Libyan President: 'Foreigners' Responsible For Embassy Attack
Prison » ‘Minority Report’ facial recognition system being installed across USA by FBI; everyone to be tracked
Prison » Freedom of Speech In The West Is Constrained By The “Conspiracy Theory” Label
U.S. Is Preparing for a Long Siege of Arab Unrest -
Dvorkovich Warns of Arms Race if Romney Wins U.S. Election | Russia | RIA Novosti
Newspaper Advertising Collapse - Business Insider
Prison » House Passes Extension of NSA’s Electronic Surveillance of Americans
Prison » Agricultural giant Cargill and others behind anti-organic ‘Stanford Study’
Propaganda Update: TV Networks Will Be Asked to Boost ObamaCare In Plots of Their Top Shows |
The Revolution Against Medical Tryanny with Dr. Joel Wallach - YouTube
Questions Abound as China Unveils Another Stealth Jet | Danger Room |
American prison labor means longer unemployment lines | Fox News

Blasphemy as a Tactic
The Human Cost of Western Fundamentalism
9/11 : Our Truth, and Theirs
Video/Chris Hedges: Sacrifice Zones of America
9/11: The Mysterious Collapse of WTC Building 7 was Not An Inside Job
Revealed: Inside Story of US Envoy’s Assassination
Was Agent Orange Stored in Okinawa?
Globalization As Imperialism
The Chilean 9/11: A Forgotten Tale
The US-NATO “New Great Game” In Central Asia
+A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - Global - The Atlantic Wire

Egyptian-Iranian intelligence meeting prompts fears of a new Middle East terror axis | Washington Free Beacon
U.S. Did Tech Deals With Egypt and Libya While Embassies Burned | Danger Room |
'Muslims' Movie Producer Was Arrested for PCP, Snitched for Feds | Danger Room |
Scientists Predict That Food Riots Will Grip The Planet Within A Year | Pakalert Press
"Pres Obama's Policy Of Appeasement Towards The Islamic World Has Manifested Itself Into A Specter Of Unconscionable Hatred" - Allen West An Inconvenient Racist? | Alternative
Bill O'Reilly: Why Didn't Bishops Counter Caroline Kennedy's Promotion of Abortion? |
Senator: Dems’ ‘Energy Tax’ Would Bankrupt Poor While INCREASING CO2 Emissions |
Ryan on Embassy Attacks: ‘The Least Equivocation or Mixed Signal Only Makes Extremists Bolder’ |
Panetta: Violence Leveling Off; Protests to Go On
Insurgents Wore US Uniforms To Attack British Airfield
GOP to Romney: Why Aren't You Winning?
News & Current Events, Breaking News, Analysis, Political Commentary –
Obamanomics Has Failed Dismally and Bernanke Can’t Save It
Guard Chief: Israel Destroyed if Iran Attacked
Knowing These Hidden Heart Attack Symptoms Could Save Your Life
Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama, it's time to wake up and smell the global jihad | Fox News
Savage: Islamic takeover hatched in Obama’s ‘ivory tower’
Paul Ryan Slams QE3 as ‘Sugar High Economics’ at Florida Rally
Texas School District Doesn‘t See ’Obama Flag’ in Classroom as Political
Former Secret Service Agent Tells Wilkow Obama Administration Has Shown ‘Sheer Incompetence’ in Handling Libya Attack
Will Popular Television Shows Soon Begin Pushing ‘ObamaCare’?
Watch Muslim Brotherhood Heir: Radical or Voice of Moderation?
Netanyahu Blasts Those Who Think Military Strike Worse Than Nuclear Iran: ‘New Standard for Human Stupidity’
New Obama Ad: Yes, We are Better Off Than We Were 4 Years Ago
Watch Chris Matthews: Romney‘s Decision to Run Against Obama ’Arrogant’ & ‘Showed a Certain Kind of Disdain’
Hundreds Riot Outside US Consulate in Sydney: ‘Behead All Those Who Insult the Prophet’
New Book Says Justice Scalia Was ‘Enraged’ at John Roberts Over Health Care Decision
‘Your Values Are Killing Us!’: Gay Rights Activists Storm Values Voter Summit
SNL Returns With ‘Ah’ing Obama, Gaffe-Prone Romney & Bad-at-Math Ryan
Occupy Wall Street Activists Arrested During ‘Warmup’ March to Mark Movement’s Anniversary
Inside the campaign: How Mitt Romney stumbled - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei -
'Occupy' To Hit 40 'Corporate Targets' For Anniversary Protests - Disguised In 'Business Attire' |
Electronic Brain For Humans: Prosthetic Device To Restore And Improve Impaired Decision-Making Ability | Health
Obama HIV Positive | Politics
Two Sources In Chicago Diplomatic Circles Identify Ambassador Chris Stevens As Gay (Meaning State Department Sent Gay Man To Be Ambassador To Libya) | Opinion - Conservative
State Department Sent Gay Man to be ambassador to Muslim country -- Chris Stevens was gay
U.S. Ambassador Reportedly Raped AND Sodomized Before Being Killed | Libertarian
Posted 9/11, President Obama's Message to Arab Forum - YouTube
Seven Toxic Foods, Drinks, & Additives To Cut Out Of Your Diet For Good | Health
» A World On The Verge Of War? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
October Surprise to Carterize Obama - YouTube
» How QE3 Will Make The Wealthy Even Wealthier While Causing Living Standards To Fall For The Rest Of Us Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Infinite quantitative easing: The final chapter of America’s financial blowout has begun Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» October surprise to Carterize Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Bad Omen: Egan-Jones Slashes U.S. Credit Rating in Response to Fed’s QE Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Romney Claims to Oppose Fed’s Latest QE Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Economically illiterate Mitt Romney says Federal Reserve not the Problem - YouTube
» Freedom of Speech In The West Is Constrained By The “Conspiracy Theory” Label Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Buchanan: Unrest is Obama’s ‘naïve’ Middle East policy ‘collapsing right in front of us’ | The Daily Caller
» Chemical Used in Teflon & Non-Stick Cookware Linked to Heart Disease Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The Snoop Police - YouTube
Shocking 9/11 Mossad Connection Revealed! - YouTube

China, Japan heading towards war, says US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta | The Australian
Prison » 3 Reasons the US and Israel are Lying About Iran
Leading Sunni Clerics Demand Global Ban on Insults to Islam |
Prison » George Will: Fed on its way to becoming the fourth branch of government
Prison » Apple granted patent to disable iPhone recordings near government buildings or political events
Prison » House Passes Extension of NSA’s Electronic Surveillance of Americans
Half of drugs prescribed in France useless or dangerous, say two specialists | World news | The Guardian
Producer Of Anti-Islam Film Was Fed Snitch | The Smoking Gun
'Unfounded And Preposterous' | The Daily Caller
Newspaper Advertising Collapse - Business Insider
Prison » The Human Cost: “Your Life And The Lives of Those You Love Are Just Pawns On Their Chessboard”
Prison » As Chaos In The Middle East Spreads, U.S. Foreign Policy Comes Under The Microscope
Prison » ‘Minority Report’ facial recognition system being installed across USA by FBI; everyone to be tracked
Iran atomic chief says 'explosives' cut power at facility - DC Breaking Local News Weather Sports FOX 5 WTTG
US wades into China-Japan island dispute with missile defense deal — RT
Hezbollah's Nasrallah warns US over anti-I... JPost - Middle East
Prison » U.S., allies in Gulf naval exercise as Israel, Iran face off
Panasonic, Canon shutter China factories amid violent anti-Japan protests - World News
Panasonic Com - Uncover the Net Search
General Motors pushing U.S. to sell stake: report - MarketWatch
Airport to ditch 'naked' scanners - UK, Local & National -
Prison » UN Promotes Another Gun-Grabbing Program
Prison » Antarctic Ice Area Sets Another Record – NSIDC Is Silent
Frank Olson: CIA Scientist Murdered for Moral Stand | Strange
Is DHS Preparing For False Flag Attack On American Shopping Malls? | Terrorism
Sex Matters: Guys Recognize Cars And Women Recognize Birds Best | Strange
Spacetime Ripples From Dying Black Holes Could Help Reveal How They Formed | Space
Muslim Brotherhood - YouTube
Articles: A Failed Presidency of Global Proportions
Smartphone grids – the future for distributed computing? | Science and Technology
How To: Remove Yourself From All Background Check Websites | Survival
Charleston Voice: HOW TO: Remove yourself from ALL background check websites
The Heart Has Its Own “Brain” and Consciousness | Strange
'There Were Giants on Earth', Says Man Standing Next to 200 Million Year Old Footprint | Strange
Cargo Cults and Ancient Astronauts | Strange
"Russia Today" Is An Illuminati Proxy | Strange
Powerful Healing Properties of 5 Common Household Organic Spices
Obama’s Lawyers Appeal Court Ordered Block Against NDAA Indefinite Detention Provision
Smart Meter or NO Power at All? Nevada Energy Sends Armed Men to Disconnect Power - Just for Opting Out
Med Gas Fields Discovery Leading to Battle for Wealth in Volatile Middle East
Hillary Cheered Broadway's Book of Mormon , Condemns Innocence of Muslims
Rarely Has an International Crisis Been More Predictable
Republicans Will Win because We Know What's at Stake
While Obama Fields Softballs, Romney Plays Smallball
One Election Away from Tragedy
Denial is Now National Suicide
50 Shades of Grey Trilogy Normalizing Child Sex Abuse
Questionable Solar Math at the Wall Street Journal
Why the New York Times forgets 9/11
Hillary's 2016 dilemma
Obama in hiding about the Chicago teachers strike
It's Time to Get Serious about Iran
Obama's black turnout nightmare may be coming true
Enemies without, enemies within and the battle for free speech
A Surprising Proposal from Israel
Teenage jihadist held in Chicago for targeting a bar
Some Precursors of Obama's 'Yes, we are better off!'
The White House and Press Create a Fairy Tale Version of History
Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose
Appeasement and Blowback
Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
A Plan to Stop the Islamization of the World is at Hand
Freedom Fighters Meet on 9/11
Sixteen Reasons Why Islam Is Not the Religion of Peace
Everyone is Ultimately a 'Values Voter'
The New Definition of Freedom
Obama's political foundation crumbling with a month to go.
“We Came, We Saw, He Died”
Ambassador Stevens & the Scorpion
The Day Obama Became Toxic: After Libya, We Cannot Trust Him—Barack Must Fall
What If There Is NO President by January 20th
When will Mid East Powder Keg send Obama to Televised promise to ‘Save America’ from Anarchy
Just What We Need: More Lefty Magazines to Cover Elections
2012 Tipping Point?
Despite Recent Report Chinese Government Has Not Banned Forced Abortion
Jesse Ventura: The Political Parties Are “Gangs” | _
Coders Behind the Flame Malware Left Incriminating Clues on Control Servers | Threat Level |
Rense & Celente - Anti-Islam Film Did Not Cause The Violence | XRepublic
US Media Distorts Iran Nuke Dispute | Sabbah Report
Romney Changes Strategy To Focus On God, Patriotism and Obama-hating | The Daily Dolt
Gap Between Rich and Poor is Widening: The US Poverty Report and Obama’s “Economic Recovery” | Global Research
Ambassador Rice spends Sunday reinforcing White House position that Middle East violence was 'spontaneous' | Fox News
Three Reasons to Salute Ben Bernanke : The New Yorker
We’re going backward | TribLIVE
The Consequences of Obama's Bungled Mideast Policy | RealClearPolitics
Leslie H. Gelb on the Mysteries of the Middle East Riots - The Daily Beast
The American Spectator : It's Later Than Any Dare Think
The Romney campaign is in trouble
Media having a little narrative problem today? « Hot Air
Robert Kuttner: Thank You, Paul Ryan
In Search of a Middle Eastern Strategy -
Wisconsin now battleground for Obama, Romney - Chicago Sun-Times
The biggest lie of Campaign 2012 - Opinion -
Teachers’ strike: Chicago’s just the beginning -
RealClearEnergy - Opinion, News, Analysis
Review & Outlook: The Video Did It -
Fed to the rescue: Bernanke takes steps to revive the U.S. economy - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Editorial: Read the fine print, then end strike - Chicago Sun-Times
Sebelius breaks the Hatch Act -- will there be consequences? |
The evaluation system at the heart of the Chicago strike
TaxVox » Blog Archive » Who Pays the Corporate Income Tax?
Shultz, Boskin, Cogan, Meltzer and Taylor: The Magnitude of the Mess We're In -
News on Health Care « Back in the Black
Degree Pollution: Why subsidize it? , Garett Jones | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
RealClearMarkets - The Encroaching Fiscal Cliff: Health Care Edition
RealClearWorld: World News, Analysis & Commentary
William Galston for Democracy Journal: The Long Term Is Now
Boston Review — James J. Heckman: Promoting Social Mobility
RealClearPolicy - Control College Costs -- Before It's Too Late
Investors Are Salivating Over Zuckerberg’s Plans For Search. Here’s Why | TechCrunch
I think, therefore I choose: How brain control will change how we do everything | Digital Trends
Cyberattack: Your smartphone will (eventually) be hacked - Sep. 17, 2012
Hard disk drives vs. solid-state drives: Are SSDs finally worth the money? - Computerworld

RealClearReligion - Acid Is Groovy?
Free speech zones suspended in Brigham City | Deseret News
Is Human Nature Good or Evil? | RELEVANT Magazine
Research On Religion | Ron Mock on Pacifism, War, and Terrorism
The truth about Muhammad and Aisha | Myriam François-Cerrah | Comment is free |
Political Metaphors in Hebrew Scripture « Public Discourse
Young Evangelicals and Politics « Juicy Ecumenism
Why I Love Mormonism -
My Take: It’s time for Islamophobic evangelicals to choose – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs
Meridian Magazine - Treasures of the RestorationPutting the Bible in its Rightful Place - Meridian Magazine - LDS, Mormon and Latter-day Saint News and Views
September 17-Monetary Policy Expert Michael Woodford Talks QE3
September 17-Former Fed Chair Paul Volcker on QE3 and the Ryan Plan
The Obama Delusion, cont. | The Weekly Standard
Monica Lewinsky Is Back, With a Book | Observer
Jack Kerouac's ex-girlfriend lifts lid on beat novelist's rise and fall | Books | The Observer
Jay Caspian Kang: The Dead Do Not Improve | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club
Looking back at Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses | Books | The Guardian
Charles Kesler: I Am the Change - National Review Online
Natural Gas: Putting the Pedal to the Metal - Businessweek
Garcia: Inching toward energy reform in Mexico
Energy Efficiency Doesn't Explain Human Walking? | Hominid Hunting
Russia’s plan to dominate energy markets | The Energy Collective
Nikola Telsa Museum Earns Over $1.2M In Crowdfunding Campaign, Now What? | TPM Idea Lab
How Big Coal Keeps America Stupid | Jeff Goodell | Politics News | Rolling Stone
Obama’s dirty little (energy) secret - Daily Inter Lake: Opinion
UPTON: Solyndra and Keystone pipeline present stark choice for U.S. - Washington Times
Gasoline Prices Doubled Under Obama: True or False?
Wind Power Production Tax Credit Can Create Green Jobs, Environmentalists Argue
Political honesty would help offset limits on U.S. power | Full Comment | National Post
Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -An orgy of cynicism
Bacevich: What the Arab Movie Riots Mean for U.S. Foreign Policy - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
Commentary: U.S. Tactics Threaten NATO | The National Interest
A New Vision of Europe -
Asia Times Online :: Obama rethinks the Arab Spring
White House Silent as Netanyahu Pleads for Red Lines | Via Meadia
New Statesman - The inexorable rise of the PR men
What the Obama administration did wrong in the Middle East – Telegraph Blogs
Libya’s Jihadist Minority by Omar Ashour - Project Syndicate
Saturday Night Live Portrays Romney as Bumbling Biden
Elton John Cites U.S. Discrimination of HIV Inmates
Michele Bachmann to Obama: Skip Letterman, Talk to Netanyahu
Salman Rushdie: Free Speech Is Under Attack - Updated with Comments on Anti-Muslim Filmmaker
Davi Calls Out Hollywood for Abandoning Free Speech
'The Hope and The Change' Movie to Air on Broadcast, Cable TV
Pregnant Base Jumper Dies on What Was to Be Her Last Jump
Romney Revealed: 47 Percent of Americans Will Vote Obama no Matter What Because They Want Gov’t to Take Care of Them
Can You Guess What Crime This Guy Is Accused Of? Take a Look at His Face
Did Politico Picture Capture Man Peeing at Obama Event? See for Yourself (Poll)
Feds Refuse to Sell Their Shares of GM — And the ‘Why’ Is Quite Interesting
S.E. Cupp to Conservatives: ‘Chill Out’ — Romney Loss Does Not Equal End of GOP
Politico: Romney Campaign Is in Trouble & It‘s Apparently This Guy’s Fault
Did a ‘Fox & Friends’ Host Get Pranked This Morning? Wait Until You See the Video
Hezbollah Leads Massive Anti-U.S. Protest in Lebanon: ‘America, You Are the Great Satan’
Convicted Murderer Says He’s Too Obese for Execution
Report: Chicago Teachers Strike May Impact Monthly Jobs Report
Judge: Taxpayers Will Cover Convicted Wife-Killer’s Sex Change — and Maybe His $500K in Legal Fees
‘Real News From The Blaze:’ Administration Messaging Comes Into Question During Arab Crisis
This Graph Shows Why Obama Is Ahead in the Polls
California Rodeo Clown Cracks ‘Racist’ Michelle Obama Joke: ‘Whoa!’
If You Ever Wanted to Experience a Free-Fall From 12,500 Feet, This Is the GoPro Video for You!
Tony Perkins Blasts Media Over Shooting At His Office: If a Baptist Shot Up a Gay Org. It Would Still Be On TV ‘Four Weeks Later’
Occupy Organizer to MSNBC Panel: ‘There is Plenty Of Money In This Country…It‘s Just In The Wrong Hands’
Lawmaker Fined Roughly $4,000 for Saying EU Chief Has ‘Charisma of a Damp Rag’
New Newsweek Cover: Muslim-Turned-Atheist Activist Details How She ‘Survived Muslim Rage’
New Black Panthers Won’t Rule Out Showing up at Polling Stations in November to ‘Prevent Intimidation’ Against Their ‘People’
Campaign Promise Fulfilled: McCain ‘08 Ad Predicts Obama Will Bring $4 Gas Prices
Walmart Employees Allegedly Rip Up Woman’s $100 Bills Thinking They Are ‘Fake’…Then Try to Give Them Back
Famous Gay Actor: ‘I Can’t Think of Anything Worse Than Being Brought Up by Two Gay Dads’
Iranian Religious Group Increases Reward for Murder of Salman Rushdie to $3.3 Million
Who Are ‘Muslims’ & What Do They Believe? This Is the History Surrounding Muhammad & Islam
It‘s Occupy’s 1-Year Anniversary: Here’s How the Disorganized Movement Is Celebrating
Live TV Gold: Baby Makes Priceless Face at Reporter Who Then Dances Around to ‘Wizard of Oz’
Allen West Rips ‘Asinine, Naive, Inept,’ and ‘Incompetent’ Response to Middle East Chaos
Why Is This Toddler Playing in a Gorilla Cage? And Why Is There Video?
Uncovered Audio: Romney Says Obama Voters Feel 'Entitled' to Government Patronage
Occupy Anniversary: Over 100 Arrested in Attempt to Blockade Stock Exchange
Food Labeling Law: Healthy for Consumers or Trial Lawyers?
Left-Wing Site Unearths Video of Romney... Talking Like a Conservative; UPDATE: Romney Responds
Report: Top Obama Bundlers Bag Millions in Taxpayer Money
Obama Campaign Endorses 'Anti-Semitic' Maureen Dowd Column
Arab Spring and Its Occupy (Unmasked) Cousin Both Berserk over Critics' Movies
Poll: No Convention Bounce For Obama In Virginia
GOP focuses on monthly jobs report, but do voters?
Romney looks to shift direction of race
Politico Beclowns Itself with Boring Romney 'Insider' Boilerplate
Occupy Fails to Note Arrested Photojournalist Part of Movement
Exclusive - Sarah Palin: Did Joe McGinniss Condemn an Innocent Man?
Politico Hot and Bothered over Potential Romney Campaign Shakeups
Jeffrey Goldberg Undermines Israel on 'Meet the Press'
Maureen Dowd Goes Borderline Anti-Semitic: 'Neocons Slither Back'
Preparing for Another Cuban Missile Crisis
Ryan: Obama Admin Treats 'Israel with Indifference Bordering on Contempt'
Three Afghan 'Green on Blue' Attacks Claim Eight Lives over Weekend
Iran: Oil to Reach $150 a Barrel
Flashback: WH 'Insisted' Muslim Brotherhood Attend Cairo Apology Speech
World View - Panetta: China and Japan Heading Toward War
Obama and Iran's Uranium
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood President Leads, Obama Follows
Leaked videos show Romney dismissing Obama supporters as entitled 'victims'
"Sexting" again linked to risky sex among teens: study
As Chicago Strike Goes on, the Mayor Digs In
Coast To Coast AM - NSA Whistleblower - 09-16-2012 - C2CAM - YouTube
Strange Mystery Spheres on Mars Baffle Scientists |
Japan tooth patch could be end of decay
Did Aliens Visit Easter Island? : Discovery News
September 17 Events in History
September 17th in History
Today in History: September 17
This Day in History for 17th September |
September 17th This Day in History
Today in History: September 17
*Constitution Day - September 17, 2012 | U.S. Constitution
National Constitution Center: Constitution Day

Bill Cunningham 1
Bill Cunningham 2
Bill Cunningham 2
Sept. 14, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
09/17 The Mark Levin Show
Monday, September 17, 2012 Red Eye Radio Podcast 1
Monday, September 17, 2012 Red Eye Radio Podcast 2
The Alex Jones Show Sunday September 16 2012 Hour 1
The Alex Jones Show Sunday September 16 2012 Hour 2
The Alex Jones Show Monday September 17 2012 Hour 1
The Alex Jones Show Monday September 17 2012 Hour 3
The Alex Jones Show Monday September 17 2012 Hour 2
The Alex Jones Show Monday September 17 2012 Hour 4
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday September 17 2012 Hour 1
The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday September 17 2012 Hour 2
The Michael Savage Show 09/17/2012 FULL

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