A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

13 August 2012

13 Aug.'12

**Election/2012/e Calculator-Battleground


Alex Jones Show: Sunday (8-12-12) Max Keiser - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Friday (8-10-12) Jason Rink - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Friday (8-10-12) Dave Krieger & Syrian Girl - YouTube


Coast To Coast AM - Threats to Health & Liberty - 08-11-2012 - C2CAM - YouTube


Max Keiser: We're in A Financial Holocaust! - YouTube

Richard Dawkins Vs. William Lane Craig Debate - YouTube


*The Michael Savage Show Podcast - Talk Radio Network


The Michael Savage Show 08/10/2012

The Michael Savage Show 08/09/2012

The Michael Savage Show 08/08/2012

The Michael Savage Show 08/07/2012

The Michael Savage Show 08/06/2012


Elvis Presley - Don't - YouTube

Elvis Presley - A Fool Such As I (1961) - YouTube

Elvis Presley One Night With You - YouTube


Bob Dylan- A Fool Such As I - YouTube

Bob Dylan - You Belong To Me.wmv - YouTube


The Band - The Last Waltz (full album) - YouTube

The Band - Music from Big Pink (full album) - YouTube


The Band 12/31/83 Complete Concert - YouTube


Romney mistakenly introduces Ryan as 'next president' - The Hill's Video

Will Ryan Pick Affect US Senate Campaigns? | Sinclair News.Net

OpEdNews - TrapWire: International Surveillance Coordination Network (with images)


**Where the world’s running out of water, in one map



**News Video

Axelrod: Paul Ryan A "Certifiable Right-Wing Ideologue"
Obama: "A New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared"
Obama In Iowa: Tell Paul Ryan To Do Something About The Drought
Obama In Iowa: "Michelle Has Told Me I Cannot Have A Fried Twinkie"
Gibbs: Cancer Ad Has Been "Perpetuated" By The Romney Campaign
CBS Edits Out Ryan Talking About Mom On Medicare In "60 Minutes" Interview
MSNBC Host: Ryan Quoting Jefferson "Lovely" For "A Wealthy White Man"
Obama To NASA: "If In Fact You Do Make Contact With Martians, Please Let Me Know Right Away"
Romney Ad: "Obama Has A Long History Of Opposing Work For Welfare"
Obama Jokes To NASA: "I've Thought About Getting a Mohawk Myself"
Restore Our Future TV Ad: "Another Month"


Palin On Paul Ryan: A Lot Of Us "Will Have His Back"
Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan Give First Interview On "60 Minutes"
Caddell, Schoen Assess Choice Of Paul Ryan For VP
Rich Lowry vs. Rachel Maddow On Ryan And Medicare Cuts
Obama: Ryan "An Articulate Spokesman" For Romney's Vision
Paul Ryan's Homecoming Rally Speech In Wisconsin
"Face the Nation" Panel: May The Most Likeable Man Win?
Romney Heckled At Paul Ryan Welcome Home Rally In Wisconsin
Mitt Romney Speaks At Paul Ryan's Homecoming Rally In Wisconsin
Michelle Obama: Get That "Knucklehead Friend" To Vote For Obama
RNC's Priebus: Obama Has "Blood On His Hands" For Destroying Medicare
"Meet the Press" Panel On Paul Ryan, Health Plans
Axelrod: Paul Ryan Is A "Right-Wing Ideologue"
Wasserman Schultz: "No Idea" Of Priorities USA's "Political Affiliation"
"This Week" Roundtable On Paul Ryan Pick, Campaign Turning Nasty
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Mitt Romney's VP Choice
Dean: "You Can't Convince People That A Dem Is Going To Cut Medicare"
Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan On The Campaign Trail: First Stump Speech
Scott Walker: Ryan's Uniqueness Appeals To Swing Voters
Romney Web Ad: America's Comeback Team
Paul Ryan Snuck Through The Woods, Traveled Incognito To Avoid Press
Axelrod: How Does Romney Paying Less Than 1 Percent In Taxes Help The Middle Class?

Massive Casualties in Iran Quake
Mongolia Hosts Military Exercise
Fireworks Bring London Olympics to a Close
Egypt Strikes on Sinai Militants
Slideshow of 2012 London Olympic Games
Is the U.S. Losing Ground in Afghanistan?
How Will Romney-Ryan Ticket Affect Foreign Policy?
Have Afghan Forces Been Infiltrated?
Kurds Push for Future in Post-Assad Ara


Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system — RT

In hometown to raise campaign cash, Obama targets Romney’s running mate – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Axelrod calls Ryan a ‘right wing ideologue’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Activist Post: A Council on Foreign Relations Love Letter to Al Qaeda

FLASH: | Kirwan's Art & Articles

PressTV - US deploying surveillance drones near China

Moscow to spend over $720 bln on new military aircraft — RT

EcoHearth - One Nation Under Drugs: How the FDA Is Sabotaging Your Health and the Environment

CEO of Coca Cola Muhtar Kent Confronted on Bilderberg - YouTube

Cartel Member Says Fast And Furious Aimed To Supply Guns To Sinaloa Cartel - Business Insider

Southland body armor business is going ballistic -

Alpha and Omega |

The Enigmatic Stone Spheres of Costa Rica | Beyond Science | Science | Epoch Times

Pre-Columbian stone spheres of Costa Rica Part 1/2 - YouTube

Pre-Columbian stone spheres of Costa Rica Part 2/2 - YouTube

Are You Ready For Some R&R? | Sinclair News.Net

ACU Chairman Al Cardenas On Romney VP Pick | Sinclair News.Net

Has the Muslim Brotherhood Penetrated the National Security Council? | Mantiq al-Tayr

The Clear-cut Agenda To Destroy America « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

David Icke - Obama & The Agenda To Destroy America..... - YouTube

Domestic terrorism by members of extremist groups a serious threat: FBI | Homeland Security News Wire

Hillary Clinton and the Amelia Earhart Cover-up

The great wind delusion has hijacked our energy policy - Telegraph

The British land grabbers snapping up swathes of African farmland to cash in on the world's food shortage | Mail Online

Return of the Dust Bowl - Nature - Environment - The Independent

Food crisis fears mount as corn price hits record high - Telegraph

WIKILEAKS: Surveillance Cameras Around The Country Are Being Used In A Huge Spy Network - Business Insider

Unconscionable Media Warmongering

False Flag Terror and Conspiracies of Silence

PressTV - US mass murders smack of social war

Janet Napolitano's aides 'sexually humiliated' male agents - Telegraph

New Website Tool Now Available For Identifying Mission-accessible Near-Earth Asteroids and Their Next Observing Opportunities

Corporations Sneak Synthetic Preservatives into Organic Food | Common Dreams

Group Exposes Practice of Adding Synthetic Preservatives to 'Organic' Baby Formula | Common Dreams

1873 dime sells for a pretty penny: $1.6 million - Bottom Line

Sinclair News Goes Out On A Limb; RNC Keynote Speaker Will Be Marco Rubio | Sinclair News.Net

More than 10,000 earthworms found dead in a parking lot of 250m2 North Japan | Fukushima Diary

What makes our NDAA lawsuit a struggle to save the US constitution | Tangerine Bolen | Comment is free |

London Olympics 2012: What are the lessons for next host, Brazil? -

Plate tectonics confirmed on Mars

Dallas County allows aerial spraying for West Nile | The Eagle | Bryan/College Station, Texas - The Eagle

Recycling Reality: Humans Set to Trash Most Elements on the Periodic Table - Yahoo! News

Midwest drought helps push gasoline prices higher -

Drought, heat wave of '36 were devastating to the nation | Democrat and Chronicle |

My Way News - NASA's mega-rover landed on Mars. What's next?

Paul Ryan Cracks Joke As 71 Year-Old Citizen Is Forced To The Ground (VIDEOS) | Addicting Info

Dramatic video: 71-year-old taken to the ground for questioning Paul Ryan - YouTube

Banksters & The End Of Cash | Real Jew News

Banksters & The End Of Cash - YouTube

Aurora Massacre: Jimmy and the Llama « American Everyman

VIDEO | Light Captured in Slow Motion with Camera That Takes One Trillion Frames Per Second

Italy puts palazzos up for sale — RT

The terrible legacy of Agent Orange - Asia - World - The Independent

Dutch reality show to offer one-way tickets to Mars

World Crumbles as Thug Bankers Rule - YouTube

Statin Drugs Found To Accelerate Arterial Calcification


Fiat Money Explained In 4 Minutes


+The Globalist Agenda - Quotes


Wake Up... ( - YouTube


Activist Post: FEMA Faceoff: Truth as an Urban Legend

The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues | Veterans News Now

Pentagon’s DARPA looking to create super soldiers | Hang The Bankers | He Who Controls the Money Supply, Controls the World

The Drought and the Coming Food Price Bubble - YouTube blog: Top ten reasons to vote in American presidential elections

Reality Check: "Fast and Furious" about U.S. ba - Flash Player Installation

+New retirees receiving less in Social Security than they paid in, marking historic shift -

Mitt Romney: the know-nothing candidate > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis


CIA Agents Reveal Secrets of the CIA (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries


**Secrets of the CIA - YouTube


John Bush 9/11 Truth 2012 Promo Video - YouTube


Ground Zero 9/11(


9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11


US didn't foresee 9/11, officials in Jerusalem say, after White House claims it would know if Iran was about to get the bomb | The Times of Israel

Deconstruction of the United States « The PPJ Gazette

Ron Paul: Legalize Competing Currencies! | _

Four Questions for Harold Hamm, Romney’s Big Oil Buddy | _

Dr. Paul, We Have Not Forgotten | Veterans News Now

Poll reveals Americans divided over gun control - National Law Enforcement |

Scofield Bible creates pro-Zionist Christian 'zombies' | jeff-goodall


**JFK - The Case for Conspiracy Part (1/2) - YouTube

**JFK - The Case for Conspiracy Part (2/2) - YouTube


US Attorneys Refuse to Assure Judge That They Are Not Already Detaining Citizens Under NDAA - 12160

Obama May Be In Contempt For Violating NDAA Detention Ruling

Is Cold Fusion Finally Being Accepted by Scientists?

Egypt's Morsy sends defense minister, top general to 'retirement' -

Egypt's president retires Field Marshal Tantawi, cancels new constitutional military powers — RT

The Consumerist » We Complain A Lot But Survey Says Most Americans Think The TSA Is Doing A Good Job

TSA: Carcinogenic Petting Zoo | _

Catholic Church Makes A Fortune In The German Porn Business - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

Chinese health deteriorating as Western foods become more prominent

Mega-Banks Plan for Collapse with Contingency Plans and Private Police Force | _

Activist Post: Mega-Banks Plan for Collapse with Contingency Plans and Private Police Force

Al Qaeda's brutal new weapons: Children kidnapped and kept in chains to be taught how to become suicide bombers | Mail Online

Prison » You Tube Threatens To Terminate Account Over Criticism of Copyright Policy

YouTube Moves To Shut Down Alex Jones! - YouTube

Max Keiser: We're in A Financial Holocaust! - YouTube

Prison » DHS To Purchase Another 750 Million Rounds Of Ammo

Once again DHS orders hundreds of millions of rounds of ammo - YouTube

Prison » White House Pulls Down TSA Petition

Former Penn State Cronies Get Plush Gov't Jobs! - YouTube

‘More Visible’ U.S. Role Expected in Syria in Coming Weeks, Turkey Says |

Prison » Maariv Quotes U.S. Sources “Close to President” Saying We Will Join in Israeli Attack

Prison » Are The Government And The Big Banks Quietly Preparing For An Imminent Financial Collapse?

Prison » Mega-Banks Plan for Collapse with Contingency Plans and Private Police Force

Prison » U.S Banks Told To Prepare For Total Collapse!

U.S Banks Told To Prepare For Total Collapse! - YouTube

Prison » U.S. Super Soldiers Of The Future Will Be Genetically Modified Transhumans Capable Of Superhuman Feats

Venezuela plans a million strong 'guerrilla army' against US invasion - Telegraph

Janet Napolitano's Little Love Nest at DHS - YouTube

Prison » ‘Red Dawn’ Trailer Debuts After A Dramatic 5 Years In The Making

David Icke on The Illuminati & Bilderberg - YouTube

Prison » US Army Tactical Manuals Describe How to Control Domestic Insurrection

Prison » Can the Military ‘Indefinitely Detain’ Not Only Obama But Taxpayers Under NDAA?

Prison » The Sword Is Turned Inward

Prison » Terrorism Anxiety Disorder: How The Irrational Response To 9/11 Paralyzed America And The West

Prison » The 15 Rules of Web Disruption

Boeing showcase drones that behave like swarm of insects | Mail Online

Book: Holder went on anti-pot push in gunwalking distraction | The Daily Caller

Opinion: We live in the age of Ron Paul - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

2045: A New Era for Humanity - YouTube

Prison » Scientists Create Genetically Modified Plants to Produce Pharmaceutical Drugs

Prison » Synthetic artificial butter flavoring chemical promotes development of Alzheimer’s disease

Prison » America’s Eco-Cities: Sustainable Prisons of the Future

Prison » Big Pharma and Collaborators Resort to Underhanded Tactics in Push to Ban Homeopathy

Prison » Neo-Humanity: Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine

Federal Government's Financial Burden Grows By $10 Million A Minute - Washington Whispers (

Prison » Warning: Get Your Money Out: “All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone”

Prison » Obama On America’s Drought: Blame Congress

Weekly Address All-Hands-On-Deck Response to the Drought - YouTube

Darrell Issa: House Republicans Filing Suit Against Eric Holder

House Committee Sues AG Holder Over Fast and Furious - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times

Romney’s Paul Ryan VP Pick Pleases War Hawks -- News from

The Truth about Paul Ryan - YouTube

Obama's Latest Bailout Target: U.S. Farmers - informationliberation

DHS Preparing Oklahoma City Type False Flag Before November Elections?

As Another Fisker Karma Spontaneously Combusts, "Green" Dreams Go Up In Smoke | ZeroHedge

FBI: Constitution Stands In Way of Government Thwarting "Extremist" Groups - informationliberation

The "We're at War with the Muslims" Crowd - informationliberation

Bradlee Dean: Radical homosexual lobby brainwashing kids

The Anti-Empire Report: The United States & Its Comrades-in-Arms, Al Qaeda

NarcoNews: Mexican Diplomat Traded Secrets with Private Intel Firm Stratfor, WikiLeaks Documents Reveal

The NWO Agenda Would Move Forward with This One Simple Act

US Army: ‘Super Soldier’ Genetically Modified Humans Won’t Need Food, Sleep

Activist Post: NASA Scientist Warns of a Pole Shift in 2016

Message to the Voting Cattle - Larken Rose - YouTube

Activist Post: This is What Your Tap Water Looks Like

This is What Your Tap Water Looks Like - YouTube

Activist Post: How Bulk Food Storage Can Make You an 80% Return in the Coming Food Crisis

TEDxHarvardLaw - Stephan Guyenet - The American Diet - YouTube

Activist Post: Monsanto Award of $1 Billion Against DuPont Reveals New Dimension of Genetic Patent Wars

Military mum on reports of missile launchers in Tampa for RNC | / Political Affairs / Prepare for UK exit from EU, Asian bank warns

Is Totalitarianism Possible in America?

The British land grabbers snapping up swathes of African farmland to cash in on the world's food shortage | Mail Online

Russia fears Chinese immigration threatens its Far East | Inquirer News

Arrested illegals who were released charged with 16k crimes | The Daily Caller

Terrorism as an Instrument of US Foreign Policy UN-Backed Rogue States Plan Syria’s Slaughter

Tales of an Empire Gone Mad The United States and its comrade-in-arms, Al Qaeda

We're Back to the Bad Days of Clandestine US Interfering Abroad

Financial Holocaust: Bankster Fraud Has Driven 100 Million Into Poverty, Killing Many

Video-Stephen Colbert: Rooting Out Nonexistent Muslim Traitors

9/11 Attacks: Criminal Foreknowledge and Insider Trading lead directly to the CIA's Highest Ranks

Hate Crimes and Mass Murders in America: Eroding the Fabric of American Society

The Election of a "Puppet President": High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues

Confronting Wall Street: Establishing a Democratic Public Postal Banking System in America

The Games Of Summer: From Playing Fields To Battle Fields

The Role of Private Military and Security Companies in Modern Warfare

Washington Puts Its Money on Proxy War

Endgame Activated - Warning from V

+Disney researchers can now digitally shave your face, clone it for animatronics (video) -- Engadget

Coupled 3D Reconstruction Of Sparse Facial Hair and Skin - YouTube

Physical Face Cloning - YouTube

Researchers demo 3D face scanning breakthroughs at SIGGRAPH, Kinect crowd squarely targeted -- Engadget

A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue

London to New York in less than an hour: Radical new aircraft that can reach Mach 6 set to be tested | Mail Online

The Great Culling has begun: Will your genetic lineage survive?

Scientist Predicts Eugenic Society in 5 Years: Gene Tests to Determine Lover's Compatibility - Medical Daily

Weird Details of the United Nation’s Creepy, Cult-Like Environmental Religion

Do politics define ‘domestic terrorists’?

Wal-Mart Selling GMO Corn Without Labeling It so - YouTube

Prison » Infographic: How Corn Syrup Made America FAT

Prison » GMO-Fed Hamsters Become Infertile, Have Stunted Growth

Superfoods loaded with probiotics deliver a variety of flavors and span seven food groups

Your guide to eating alkaline - What are the top alkaline-forming foods?

Bananas aren't just for monkeys - Discover 25 powerful reasons to eat (organic) bananas

Why do people keep predicting war with Iran? | Stephen M. Walt

Poll: Majority of Israelis Opposed to Attacking Iran -- News from

Decoding the Syrian Propaganda War—By Anand Gopal (Harper's Magazine)

Concerns arise that civilian drones can be hijacked - LA Daily News

Romney’s Death Squad Ties: Bain Launched With Millions From Oligarchs Behind Salvadoran Atrocities

12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan

The Truth About GOP Hero Ayn Rand - YouTube

The Marketing of Paul Ryan by Justin Raimondo --

What Paul Ryan Has and Obama Wants

The Romney- Ryan Ticket: Running the Radical Republican Right-Wing

Video: Paul Ryan Gave Up Fear for Lent

Video: Ryan on Combating Poverty

Video: America's Comeback Team

Newt: Conservatives should press for Obama college records | The Daily Caller

"60 Minutes": Romney, Ryan answer critics of Medicare position - CBS News

Do politics define ‘domestic terrorists’?

See no evil: Racial violence underreported

Obamacare just warmup act for what’s next

National Review's Rich Lowry Destroys MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press |

Who needs morality when you’re the CIA?

670 million Muslims expect Mahdi in their lifetime

Obama feeding world ‘gender equality’ through aid

London to New York in less than an hour: Radical new aircraft that can reach Mach 6 set to be tested | Mail Online

Social Security surplus dwarfed by future deficit - SFGate

In Iowa, Obama to announce measures to soothe drought pain - NBC Politics

Health Notes: Study examines health effects of eating fast food | Duluth News Tribune | Duluth, Minnesota

Teacher who compared student to ‘orangutan’ on Facebook moved to different school after parents protest - NY Daily News

"Wider pedophile ring" at Penn State points to explosive connections

Marilyn Monroe mystery: Missing FBI files - Telegraph

Why Do We Obey? | Eric Peters Autos

'A sudden increase in extreme weather events': the new Big Lie – Telegraph Blogs

Paul Ryan Is No Ron Paul by Jane Aitken

What about Paul Ryan?

Paul Ryan: Good PR

Ryan is a RINO


Is Obama a Marxist?

Is Obama a Marxist? Part 2


Yellow lines

The Gestapo at Obama’s DHS

Classic manuscript found!

Required bad investment: Paying taxes

Romney’s VP pick energizes Democrats

Belief in Mahdi: Widespread in Islamic world

Radical homosexual lobby brainwashing kids

Pelosi is hearing voices now

The Secret History Of Aliens On Earth Photo Gallery - 1794 - Conspiracies on

Giant Humanoid Skulls In Bosnia And Other Giant Photographs, Alien Abductions At Oil Refinery, Tiny Human Found In England | Alternative

Diet of Early Human Ancestors Reconstructed | Awesome Time Wasters

The Satanic Origin of Modern Cult-ure | Strange

"Protocols of Zion" is the NWO Blueprint - - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order

Octomom Is Officially A Whore | Celebrities

How US Military Plans To Kill Americans | Military

Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future | Small Wars Journal


Romney's Mormon "Faith" : Lucifer Worship | Strange

Medicare and Medicaid: RIP

Big Pharma’s Lies Exposed – Cancer IS Curable | _

There's Only One Reason To Own A Home Today | Consumer | Minyanville's Wall Street

Legend Of Samson Given Substance By Ancient Seal | Science and Technology

A Year of Supplemental Food Storage for $300 for a family of FOUR !! | Survival

Old Fashioned Kitchen Gadgets That Will Come in Handy | Survival

Natural Disasters: How to Shop for Survival | Self-Sufficiency

3D Movies In Your Living Room – Without The Glasses | Science and Technology

Do YOU Take Any of These 11 Dangerous Cholesterol Drugs? by Joseph Mercola

Statin Drugs: What You Need to Know! - YouTube

The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012 Elections | Conspiracy Theories

Barack Obama Signs International Executive Order | _


Scrubbed : Photo of President Obama Removed Just Days After Book Exposes Agenda To Eliminate Suburbs

Illegal Aliens Can Vote, Military Can't? | Election 2012

The Ryan Plan Is Somehow ... 'Radical'? Better Think Again! :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience

PolitiFact 2011: How Ryan’s Plan Would Work | Sweetness & Light

Islam Is A Part of the Obama Life Story, Though | Daily Pundit



Red Dawn - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube


Red Dawn Trailer (1984) - YouTube


'84 / Red Dawn by Murray N. Rothbard


**RED DAWN / 1:53:49


‘Total Recall’ challenges notions of identity, reality | Spirit

10 Reasons Obama Will Not Be Re-Elected - TheStreet

+39 MIN./Jesus, Illuminati and The New World Order - YouTube

32 “Slow Living” Inspired Ways to Savor Summer | Mark's Daily Apple

Dr. David Brownstein - Holistic Family Medicine: Too Much Fundraising for Cancer Research

School at Home or Homeschooling?

Wormwood: Prophecy is absolutely amazing (revised and expanded version) - YouTube

12 Concealed Carry Guns 12 Ounces Or Less | Conservative News, Views & Books

Fjögur Píanó, a Viral Video About Monarch Mind Control?

Wonder Girl’s “Like Money”: Promoting Transhumanisn Through K-Pop

AFP Interviews “Top Undercover Cop” on CIA’s Control of the Drug Trade | American Free Press

Writers warn of new American CIVIL WAR that staged by 'Tea Party militia' in 2016 | Mail Online

David Conrad shooting: Man arrested for 'shooting at mosque as 500 Muslims prayed inside' | Mail Online

Paul Ryan Only Passed 2 Bills Into Law In More Than A Decade

Paul Ryan Says He'll Only Release 2 Years Of Tax Returns In '60 Minutes' Interview

Romney falling behind in polls. Will Paul Ryan help? -

Things you probably didn’t know about Paul Ryan -

Gabrielle Giffords, husband moving back to Tucson –

If you live in West Virginia look away now! The most and least livable states in America | Mail Online

Google to push sites that show pirated movies further down in search results in virtual olive branch to film and music industries | Mail Online

Why Is Obama So Often Misunderstood?

Hollywood Reacts to the Ryan VP Pick

Americans Deserve Full Airing of Debt Bomb

Election Is Now Truly About 'Economy Stupid'

56% Favor Repeal of Healthcare Law

Evangelist Billy Graham Improving at NC Hospital

Obamacare Glitch Could Make Healthcare Unaffordable for Millions

Axelrod: Ryan Plan Would Lead to End of Medicare

Ryan Disguise and Forest Detour Keep Romney No. 2 Pick Secret

Egypt's President Seizes Powers Back From Military

Young Adults Expect Life-Long Marriages

John Zogby Poll: Ryan Gives Romney Big Push In Swing States, Independents

Paul Ryan: My Plan to Save America

In New Role, Ryan Faces Obama in Iowa

Ryan Helped to Expose Obamacare

Palin Will Not Speak at Republican Convention

Pollster Schoen: Ryan Could Be 'Game Changer'

Michael Reagan: Dad Would Approve: Ryan is Romney's 'First Great Move'

Romney in Florida: Obama Devastated Medicare

Obama at Iftar Dinner: ‘Of All Rights We Hold Sacred, Foremost Is Freedom of Religion’ |

Ryan: 'It Is Our Duty to Save the American Dream for Our Children' |

‘More Visible’ U.S. Role Expected in Syria in Coming Weeks, Turkey Says |

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |

Paul Ryan: 'Wisconsin Very Much a Catholic State, a Majority Pro-Life State' |

Paul Ryan: 'We Are In a Different and Dangerous Moment' |

Obamacare Mandate: Sterilize 15-Year-Old Girls for Free--Without Parental Consent |

EPA’s ‘Border Environmental’ Agreement Ignores Damage Done by Illegal Aliens |

Obama targets Ryan Medicare plan in new video |

Lifting Drilling Restrictions Could Increase U.S. Reserves by 30 Percent, Study Finds |

Pope's butler, 2nd layman face trial in theft case |

US Navy ship collides with oil tanker in Gulf |

'Bourne,' 'Campaign' Bump Batman From No. 1 Spot |

Egypt military signals support for president |

Doctors target gun violence as a social disease |

$650 Dresses for Toddlers? Designers Eye a Lucrative Market |

Farmers Markets 'Evolving' Into 'Community Hubs,' Says USDA Architect |

First lady tapped as women's website guest editor |

D.C. Gov't To Launch Anti-Transgender Discrimination Ad Campaign |

Romney liked Ryan's passion to make a difference |

Obama Cites Auto Bailout as Model for Reviving American Manufacturing |

MSNBC's Roberts Tags Ryan As 'Conductor' of Congressional Train; Erroneously Says Americans Widely Prefer Democrats |

Bob Schieffer Asks Ryan 'Do You Think Romney's Been Too Defensive About Bain Capital?' |

CNN's Kurtz Credits NewsBusters With Exposing Zakaria's 'Cardinal Journalistic Sin' of Plagiarism |

Paul Ryan on His Family: 'We've Dedicated Much of Our Lives to Saving This Country' |

USAT: Companies Reducing Training Costs Are 'Pushing Up Unemployment Rates' |

Obama at Iftar Dinner: ‘Of All Rights We Hold Sacred, Foremost Is Freedom of Religion’ |

The Drought and the Coming Food Price Bubble

The Media and Politics of Offshore Tax Havens

Trillion Dollar Tax Havens, Inequality and Recession

LIBOR Rate-Fixing Scandal Sets Off Investigations, Lawsuits Against Big Banks

Videos - Ryan -Extreme Choice: Wall St. Victory

Videos - Ryan - Extreme Choice: Touting Ayn Rand Pt 2

Videos - The Fed and A New Path to Debt Freedom

The Real Danger of the Obama Campaign Strategy

Paul Ryan Naysayers: Whom Were They Hoping For?

Obama's Three-Tiered Wealth Redistribution Plan: Individual, Regional, and Global

The Keys to the Climate Debate

Another round of liberal debate moderators, threat or opportunity?

Obama 'Not the President of Black America'

The New Generation Offers a Leader

The Race to Define Ryan

(De) Mystifying Phone Calls

Paul Ryan and the Triumph of Math

Ryan Pick Targets Key Demographic

A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue

The European Court of Human Rights and Free-Speech Schizophrenia

Filmmaker Dennis M. Lynch Exposes the Illusory Fence "Protecting" Our Border

Is Obama Just or Unjust?

Saudi Leadership: A Continual Failure

Radio DJ Who Replaced Classical Music With Rap Faces The Music « CBS Miami

Accused Walmart Groper, 18, Told Cops He Was Powerless Against An Enticing "Booty" | The Smoking Gun

Obama: 'Chicago Is an Example of What Makes This Country Great' | The Weekly Standard

Several sex offenders live in city shelters that also house families with young kids: report -

Ahmadinejad arrives in Saudi for Islamic summit - Yahoo! News Canada

Viewers outraged after NBC cuts away from closing ceremonies – This Just In - Blogs

Kangaroo escapes with help of fox and boar | World news |

Morsi Fires Top Defense Brass - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Obama: "A New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared" | RealClearPolitics

Ryan: "Our Rights Come From Nature And God, Not From Government" | RealClearPolitics

MSNBC host: Paul Ryan quoting Thomas Jefferson a 'lovely thing' for 'a wealthy white man' | The Daily Caller

Remarks by the President at Iftar Dinner | The White House

Obama camp: 1,000 attended 'half-full' fundraiser -

Michelle Obama -- Hollywood Fundraiser, Gwen Stefani, Barry Meyer

EXCLUSIVE: Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin raise questions by moving into expensive $3.3 million Manhattan apartment -

Paul Ryan's Homecoming Rally Speech In Wisconsin | RealClearPolitics

Over 10K greet Romney and Ryan in High Point, NC | The Daily Caller

Hollywood reacts to Paul Ryan VP pick

Obama Campaign Defends President's $700 Billion Cuts to Medicare | The Weekly Standard

Crime-Fighting Smartphone App Unveiled In Brooklyn, New York On Sunday « CBS New York

Obama fighting to keep indefinite detention - YouTube

Activist Post: Obama fighting to keep indefinite detention

See Barry Run…for Cover

Ryan Great Choice For Romney Now—Get ‘er Done!

Nuclear Power Schizophrenia

Tears Don’t Protect Against Murder

V. P. Candidate Paul Ryan Even Stronger on Foreign Policy Than Most Presidential Candidates,

Obama Already Gutting Medicare—The Ryan Plan Will Bring It Back

The Most Divisive Campaign in American History

Facing the Medicare Debate Head-On

America and divine intervention

2016 Teaser Trailer

Does the Democratic Party have a Death Wish?

Paul Ryan Has Already Been an Effective Obama Critic

Lefty Attack: Paul Ryan is a Follower of Ayn Rand

Campaign to Renew America

Paul “Lincolnesque” Ryan

America CAN Be SAVED: The Paul Ryan Revolution Begins!

Nationalize All Industries

Wisconsin Right to Life Elated Over Ryan VP Pick

Efforts to develop new drugs that hopefully will never be used

Replace UN’s bunglers with volunteer missions from rich humanitarian nations

Syria’s Chemical Weapons: A Risk Assessment

Obama’s Obsession With Destroying Our Country Has No Bounds

The 2012 Presidential Election: Just How Influential is the Catholic Vote?

Barry Soetoro, the Invisible Man

Disarming America

Rewilding Network—Saving Globe Through Big Wilderness: Another UN Agenda 21 Hoax

Obama’s October Surprise May Be His Ugliest Action Yet

Anti-Pain Diet: Relieve Headaches, Arthritis, More

Yale: Stress Can Shrink Brain

Army Woman Is First Openly Gay Officer Promoted to Flag Rank -

Voter-ID case puts spotlight on Pa. judge

Paul Ryan ramps up fight for Catholic vote - James Hohmann -

Romney Says Obama ‘Robbed Medicare’ for Health Overhaul Cost

Jeremiah Wright: Blacks must stop violence - Chicago Sun-Times

Rep. Issa to file lawsuit against Holder over Fast and Furious docs - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Obama welcomes Ryan to race, slams him for ‘top down’ economics - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

21 hurt in shootings across city since Friday - Chicago Sun-Times

GOP colleagues: Ryan’s clashes with Obama prepped him for 2012 contest - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Palin Vows to Protect Ryan From What Happened to her in 2008 - Fox News

College grads score YouTube hit with 'Obama That I Used to Know' parody | Fox News

News | | The Providence Journal

Wasserman Schultz: 'No idea' about political affiliation of Priorities USA | Fox News

In key swing state Florida, Paul Ryan a virtual unknown - The Washington Post

What’s So Bad About a Boy Who Wants to Wear a Dress? -

David Brock's Super PAC Releases Opposition Research Book on Paul Ryan

Michelle Obama on POTUS: 'He’s Not a Superhero; He’s a Human'

HBO's The Newsroom Mocks Breitbart, Big Government, and The Anthony Weiner Story

Romney Ad: Work For Welfare

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Sen. McConnell on Free Speech and The 2012 Election

Romney, Ryan Running on American Exceptionalism

Pro-Choice Groups Launch Anti-Ryan Smear Campaign

So It Begins: Obama Lies, Claims Romney-Ryan Will Raise Your Taxes

Romney Campaign Releases First Romney/Ryan Video

Axelrod Slams Dem Senator For Supporting Ryan Plan

Obama's Glare at Paul Ryan and Bibi Netanyahu

The Breitbart Bio: Meet Paul Ryan

FLASHBACK -- Ryan: 'Do We Work For Gov't, Or Does Gov't Work For Us?'

Game On: Ryan Pick Begins Debate for America

Ryan Speech: 'If You Have a Small Business, You Did Build That'

Huma Abedin's Ties to Muslim Brotherhood Deeper Than Rep. Bachmann Suspected

Report: Iran Closer To Nuclear Capability Than Expected

Multiple Islamist Groups Possible Perpetrators of Israel Attack: All Muslim Brotherhood

G20 to Tackle Rising Food Prices: Report

Venezuelan President Chavez Claims to Have Former U.S. Marine in Custody

World View: Egypt's President Morsi Grabs Power in Dramatic Declaration

Storied 101st Airborne marks 70th anniversary

12-Aug-12 World View -- Russia warns of Chinese occupation of Siberia and Far East

CNN: Romney/Ryan Ticket 'Death Wish'

Buzzfeed Using Anonymous Source to Slam Paul Ryan as 'Sarah Palin' Pick

Ryan To MSNBC: Let's Have 'Honest Debate' About Healthcare

Ryan Schools Matthews On Government Spending

Obama Obsessed With Press Clippings, 'Thin-Skinned'

New Insect Species Found- On Photo Sharing Website

DNC Chair Says She Doesn't Know if Obama's Super PAC is a Democrat Group

Ryan's Not the First: Video of Media's History of Trashing GOP VP Nominees

New York Times: Gosh, Remember Obama's 'Jaw-Dropping' Crowds?

So It Begins: Obama Lies, Claims Romney-Ryan Will Raise Your Taxes

Fed Survey: 'Economy Looks Weaker Now Than It Did Three Months Ago'

Obama Campaign Says Slashing Medicare An 'Achievement'

DNC Chair: Paul Ryan 'Seriously Flawed' 'Extremist'

Axelrod Won't Say If Obama Approves SuperPAC Cancer Ad

RNC Chair: Obama 'Has Blood on His Hands'

DOJ Announces No Prosecutions For Top Obama Donor Goldman Sachs

Dems Pretend to be Excited Over Ryan Pick

Did Holder Lie Under Oath About Black Panther Scandal?

Paul Ryan Didn't Gut Medicare, Barack Obama Did

The MSM Welcomes Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan's Plan: Better for Seniors than Obama's

David Brock's Super PAC Releases Opposition Research Book on Paul Ryan

Democrat Erskine Bowles Called Ryan Budget 'Sensible, Straightforward, Serious'

Back To The 1950's

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Sen. McConnell on Free Speech and The 2012 Election

New SuperPAC Launched to Defend Paul Ryan Against Leftist Distortions

Lackluster: Obama Fundraising Event in Chicago Sparsely Attended

Government Motors is What Obama Wants to Do to 'Every Industry'

Romney, Ryan Running on American Exceptionalism

Pro-Choice Groups Launch Anti-Ryan Smear Campaign

President Obama Doesn't Know His Defense Budget

Romney-Ryan Looking For A Fight On The Issues

Why Romney 'Applauds' But Doesn't Embrace Ryan Plan

Michelle Obama on POTUS: 'He’s Not a Superhero; He’s a Human'

Rob Lowe Rushes to Ayn Rand's Defense

Michele Bachmann's Faith And Sanity Ruthlessly Attacked on HBO's Newsroom

Cathartic: Dennis Miller Destroys Caller Who Accuses Him Of 'Hating Democrats'

Selleck's 'Magnum, P.I.' Shattered Hollywood's Vietnam Veteran Stereotypes

Beyonce Celebrates Humanitarian Aid Workers at UN

DNC Chair Says She Doesn't Know if Obama's Super PAC is a Democrat Group

Israeli PM and Defense Minister Stand United: Iran Must Be Attacked This Fall

Flashback: Dem Erskine Bowles Calls Ryan Budget 'Sensible... Honest, Serious'

Axelrod Calls His Own Deputy Cutter 'Liar'

Gibbs Conveniently Forgets Own Hypocrisy On Outside TV Ads

Gibbs Dodges: Where's Obama's Medicare Plan?

Democrat Erskine Bowles Called Ryan Budget 'Sensible, Straightforward, Serious'

Paul Ryan Didn't Gut Medicare, Barack Obama Did

Did Holder Lie Under Oath About Black Panther Scandal?

Paul Ryan's Plan: Better for Seniors than Obama's

CBS News' Nancy Cordes Shills For Obama On-Air and On Twitter

Berkley Can't Shake Litany of Ethics Charges

Shifty: NY Times Tries To Change Debate From Obama's Economy To Ryan's Record

CBS and Nancy Cordes in Full Fraud Mode

'My Veins Run With Cheese and Brats': Ryan's Triumphant WI Homecoming

Romney, Ryan Hit 60 Minutes

Romney Destroys Heckler: 'Mr. President Get Your Campaign Out of the Gutter'

Romney Stumps Like New Candidate In WI

USDA Spent $2M For One Intern

Palin Slams 2008 McCain Staffers

WI Lt. Gov To Romney/Ryan: 'We're Going To Have Your Back'

Government Motors is What Obama Wants to Do to 'Every Industry'

CBS’ Schieffer Hounds Ryan on His Tax Returns in VP Candidate Interview

New SuperPAC Launched to Defend Paul Ryan Against Leftist Distortions

AP: Stop Whining About Social Security

So, What DOES It Take to Get Fired By CNN, Fareed Zakaria?

Obama: 'A New Vision Of An America In Which Prosperity Is Shared'

Caddell: GOP Death Wish, Ryan Could Cost House and Senate


**290 PGS./American Bridge Paul Ryan Research Book


*Dylan Radio - Flash Player


Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3

The Alex Jones Show Sunday August 12 2012 Hour 1

The Alex Jones Show Sunday August 12 2012 Hour 2

Monday, August 13th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Monday, August 13th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

*13 Aug

American Minute for August 13th

August 13th in History

Today in History: August 13

This Day in History for 13th August |

August 13th This Day in History

August 13 Events in History

Today in History: August 13

Today in History for August 13th - YouTube


United Airlines moving its headquarters to the Willis Tower

Obama announces measures to soothe drought pain, attacks Ryan

Mayor Daley Wishes He'd Been In London Last Night

Anger management for suspect in mosque shooting

Rep. Paul Ryan: The Generation X VP nominee

Lady Gaga sightings in Chicago - Chicago Tribune

Romney Takes Medicare Message to Florida

Paul Ryan is VP pick -- but he was almost a pro skier

Romney's Ryan Choice Key To Politics of Medicare Debate - YouTube

Billy Graham, 93, hospitalized and responding well to treatment

'Onion Field' killer dies in California prison

3 charred bodies found inside burned car in Maine parking lot

Schieffer, Crowley, Lehrer to moderate presidential debates

House Republicans sue top US lawman over gun probe

Thompson Tries Comeback in Senate as Tea Party Remakes Wisconsin

Atheist billboards mock Romney, Obama religion

Warm seawater forces Connecticut nuclear plant shutdown

Wedding day stabbing: Pennsylvania woman accused of killing fiance

Wife of former US representative dies after being run over by her own car

Why Ayn Rand Is So Hard For Politicians to Fully Embrace

Ryan could bring senior, female votes to GOP ticket despite Dem narrative

Romney says his economic plan will 'restore the American Dream'

Pro-Romney women's group gearing up in Virginia

In Massachusetts, Warren Seeks to Link Brown to Romney-Ryan

DNC chief Debbie Wasserman Schultz: I know Priorities is Democratic

Obama calls Romney to offer congratulations

Obama heads back to NH Saturday

Justice Department to monitor primary elections in 5 FL counties

President Obama raises millions during Chicago birthday blitz

Study: Fraud Prompting Voter-ID Laws is 'Virtually Non-Existent'

McCaskill, Akin Explain Farm Bill Differences

Egypt's Morsi cleans house. But a coup? Hardly

Syria crisis: Rebels 'shoot down' warplane

Pope's butler, 2nd layman face trial in theft case

Norway could have prevented Breivik massacre, says commission

Syrian Pilot Ejects, Rebels Say They Downed Plane

Syria to be suspended from Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

Are Israelis tough enough for a long war with Iran?

No decision on Taliban transfer, but US envoy sees small peace moves

Uganda Military Helicopters Crash in Kenya, 5 Injured

Wildfires displace thousands on Spanish islands

Powerful uncle of North Korea leader in China to talk business

'Morsy gov't imposing pain on Gazans like Mubarak'

Indonesians denounce Rohingya massacre in Myanmar

Motorola to battle iPhone with military-style skunkworks lab

Facebook's Stock Plunge Has Robbed Goldman Sachs And Microsoft Of Big Gains ...

Obama cheers 'mind-boggling' Curiosity mission

Google Slashing 20% of Motorola Mobility Staff - YouTube

Google to Buy Frommer's Travel Brand

Barnes & Noble Cuts Nook Prices

Google Fighting Piracy With Search Result Demoting

Sorry NBC, that's not Mark Zuckerberg

Microsoft: Dell, Lenovo and Samsung Windows RT machines are coming

Pay-to-Tweet Twitter Clone Plans to Beat Real Twitter

IBM tells electrons to strictly come dancing in spintronics first

Highest quality colour images produced

Egypt Pyramids Discovered On Google Earth, Researcher Says

New DARPA Weapon: The Slowest Robot Ever

World's highest quality photo hits 100000 dots per inch

Armchair Darwinians discover new insect species on Flickr

Changing Temperatures May Speed Amphibian Extinction

Plate tectonics on Mars may increase chances of finding signs of life

All The Places In The World That Are Running Out Of Water [MAP]

Astronomers: 3D map may yield secrets of dark matter, dark energy

World's Most Powerful X-Ray Laser Gets an Upgrade

Invisible Dark Matter Likely Bountiful Near Sun

School Food Laws Help Kids Lose Weight

Kids' Snoring May Affect Behavior

Mississippi has highest obesity rate; Colorado has lowest

Cancer deaths less common in people taking aspirin daily, study shows

Bird Flu Kills Man In Indonesia

Upcoming flu season may be a busy one

Beneficial Cancer Treatment is Contrary to National Guidelines

New ideas are needed to address physician shortage

Breaking Down Gun Violence: No 'Simple Formula'

Woman Jailed For Trying to Poison Man with Eye Drops

The Future of US Health Care

The Bourne Legacy: review

Satisfaction and sorrow as London says goodbye to Games

Michelle Obama Brings the "Fun" to Gwen Stefani's Fundraiser

Deputies: Fla. woman, adult son stole $2M from Toys R Us stores, sold expensive goods online - The Washington Post

Pro-Romney Group Spends $10m on New Ad Campaign - ABC News

Paul Ryan adds hunting cred to the GOP ticket with bigger game than ‘small varmints’ - NY Daily News

Baba Ramdev arrested after Delhi Police stops his march to Parliament - YouTube | Peterson defense team embraces media spotlight in Morris, Illinois

Expert: Will County Can Handle 2 High-Profile Murder Cases « CBS Chicago

Affordable Heath Care's and the "Papa John's Loophole"

Romney's V.P. non starter for social conservatives.

Rural America is always the last to get the message.

The Republican Cards are Down: Romney & Ryan For a Free America

Overtly Expressing A Slave Morality

A New Economic Orientation

Priebus: 'Combined' Romney and Ryan 'Are Ready on Day One'

Will the Influence the Mormon Church has over Mitt Romney ever be Questioned?

Romney and Ryan Dodge on Tax Fairness and Tax Returns

Newt Changes His Tune on Ryan's 'Right Wing Engineering'

Paul Ryan Does Favors For Big Contributor. Not That There's Anything Wrong With That!

Top Romney Adviser Ed Gillespie: Romney 'Would Have Signed' Ryan's Budget

This Week: Cokie Calls GOP Medicare Attack 'Dishonest'

Cheney on Ryan: 'I Can't Think of a Better Choice' for VP

Stephanie Miller: There Isn't Anything 'Bold or Refreshing' About Destroying Medicare

Bill Kristol Wonders If Republicans Are Going to be Able to Defend Tax Cuts for the Wealthy

Priebus: Obama Has 'Blood on His Hands' for Destroying Medicare

Romney Asked VP Nominees For 'Several' Years Of Tax Returns

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies

Will Ryan's bishop call him out as a cafeteria Catholic?

KT McFarland: With a Romney-Ryan Ticket, It's Like Reagan Again!

Susan G. Komen Founder, President and Board Members Resign

Savage blasts Ryan pick: ‘Too little, too late’

Savage: ‘Bhagwan Shree Obama’ leading Democrat cult

Chicken Jerky for Dogs Made In The USA - KONA'S CHIPS

Five cars for $5 million or more | Fox News

EXCLUSIVE: Bronx Assemblywoman Naomi D. Rivera has secret Facebook page where she goes by Daniela Rivera and reveals she's dating employee Tommy Torres -

5 ‘Devastating Secrets’ the Obama Admin Has Allegedly Fought to Keep From the American Public

‘I’ll F**king Kill You’: Parents Outraged Over School Assignment Forcing Kids ‘to Read Profanity’

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Changes Tune on Pro-Obama Super PAC: ‘Of Course’ I Know It’s ‘Democratic-Affiliated’

Do You Know What a ‘Pansexual’ Is? A TX State Rep. Just Came Out as One

Atheist Billboards Call Jesus a ‘Useless Savior,‘ Bashes a ’Sadistic God’ & Mormon ‘Bigotry’

Here Are the Top Time-Lapsed Videos and Photos of the Weekend Meteor Shower

Biden Complains in Email: ‘Wealthy, Right-Wing Ideologues‘ Trying to Buy Election With ’Nasty, Deceptive TV Ads’

The Website You Should Know About That Uses Location Data in Tweets to Map Where You Live

President Obama in Chicago: Let‘s Go ’Forward‘ to a Future of ’Shared’ Prosperity

Rep. Issa Announces House Oversight Committee Will Sue Eric Holder

Does Social Security Really Add to the U.S. Budget Deficit? Here’s How it Works

Before It Was ‘Radical’, President Obama Hailed Rep. Ryan’s ‘Roadmap’ As an ‘Entirely Legitimate Proposal’

Pro-Palestinian Activists Pressure Sacramento to Reject Israeli Sister City…But ‘Bethlehem, Palestine‘ Was OK in ’09

Massive Crowd Welcomes Romney-Ryan to Wisconsin, Drowns Out Heckler With ‘USA!’ Chant

‘We Can Turn This Thing Around’: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Talk Jobs, Economy, and Campaigning in First Joint Interview

Man Plagued by Amnesia Puts Together Forgotten Past Using…Facebook

‘Family Man’: Obama Welcomes Paul Ryan Into Race as Campaign Launches Twitter Tirade

‘Our Rights Come From Nature and God, Not Government’: Paul Ryan Channels Philosopher John Locke in Announcement Speech

‘Blood On Their Hands’: RNC Chair Hits Back at Obama Camp Over Proposed Medicare Cuts

Sarah Palin: Ryan Will Mean ‘More Enthusiasm’ for Romney From Tea Party, Says McCain Camp Didn‘t Have Her Back in ’08

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says She Doesn’t Know the Political Affiliation of Pro-Obama Super PAC

Catch the Best Moments From the London Olympics Closing Ceremony

Rachel Maddow & National Review‘s Rich Lowry Battle Over Ryan’s Budget Plan

Reports: Netanyahu Has ‘Almost Finally’ Made Decision to Attack Iran Nuke Plants — But Cabinet Colleagues Oppose

Consolidating Power: Egyptian President Orders ‘Retirement’ of Top Military Officials

Full Attack Mode: Obama Team Launches Anti-Ryan Ad & Website Calling VP Pick ‘Severely Conservative’

Applebee’s Takeout & Sneaking Through the Woods: How Ryan Was Kept Secret From the Press

Flashback: Paul Ryan Laughs at Debbie Wasserman Schultz During CNN Battle

Full Remarks: Paul Ryan Introduced as Mitt Romney’s Running Mate

» Trapwire: Big Brother Now Monitors Your Every Move Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system - YouTube

» Eugenic Supreme Rule: Effective Through Incrementalism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

EUGENICS: EFFECTIVE BY INCREMENTALISM -Alex Jones Infowars Nightly News 2012-02-21 - YouTube

» You Tube Threatens To Terminate Account Over Criticism of Copyright Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

YouTube Moves To Shut Down Alex Jones! - YouTube

Former Penn State Cronies Get Plush Gov't Jobs! - YouTube

In Mississippi, Dress Code Violations and Back-Talk Send Students Straight to Jail - Yahoo! News

Judgment time for 'America's Toughest Sheriff' Joe Arpaio -

Mosque Leader Wants Hate Crime Charge For Man Held In Pellet Gun Attack « CBS Chicago

» Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build It’ Canard Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The Government is Not Your Boss! - YouTube

If Paul Ryan Were an Atlas Shrugged Character He'd Be a Villain - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Downtown residents battling tourist trash from 9/11 memorial after NYPD took away their garbage cans -

Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel talks about investigating and debunking UFO sightings - YouTube

August 8, 2012 German Spy Reveals Secret US-Hollow Earth Pact For Global Rule


**C2CAM/Evolutionary Mysteries - Sunday 12, 2012 - YouTube


Sam Milham ; Dirty Electricity(

Smart Meter Radiation Health Risks - (


Perseid Meteor Shower Photos 2012: Amazing Reader Pictures |

Archaeologists Find 900-Year-Old Cup of Tea | Wired Science |

Confirmed: Mars rover Curiosity took photo of craft crash-landing -

Astrophile: 'Monster' stars are just misunderstood - space - 10 August 2012 - New Scientist

In Alley Pond Park in Queens, the Lure of Nocturnal Creatures -

Lost Egyptian Pyramids Found? : Discovery News

The unique eyeless spider that has spent its life underground | Mail Online

Mass of volcanic rocks floating off New Zealand - Telegraph

Woman's missing digits grow back in phantom form - health - 10 August 2012 - New Scientist

16 severed hands unearthed — all rights - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -

BBC News - Pentagon helps build Meshworm reconnaissance robot

Man will walk on Mars within a generation, says Astronomer Royal - Telegraph

Rush: I don’t recall a VP pick that has so energized the campaign

60 Minutes edits out “My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida” from Romney/Ryan interview

John Bolton: I’m delighted that Paul Ryan is the VP nominee, excellent choice

Michelle Obama: Obama’s not a superhero, he really needs your help to get reelected

New RNC web ad: Big Solutions from America’s Comeback Team

New Romney ad: Obama has a long history of opposing work for welfare

+FULL SPEECH: Romney and Ryan at homecoming in Waukesha, WI

Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in St. Augustine, Florida – August 13 2012 | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: What do Floridians think about the Romney-Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it? | ElectAd

Restore Our Future Ad: Another Month | ElectAd

RNC Ad: Big Solutions | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: Long History | ElectAd

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Campaign Rally, Waukesha, Wisconsin – August 12 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan On ‘60 Minutes’ With Bob Schieffer – August 12 2012 | ElectAd

Barack Obama Campaign Event in Chicago, Illinois – August 12 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Campaign Rally, High Point, North Carolina – August 12 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Campaign Rally, Mooresville, North Carolina – August 12 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: America’s Comeback Team | ElectAd

Ryan's Not the First: Media's History of Trashing GOP VP Nominees | MRCTV

Paul Ryan on Family: 'We've Dedicated Much of Our Lives to Saving This Country' | MRCTV

National Review's Rich Lowry Destroys MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Meet the Press | MRCTV

Bob Schieffer Asks Ryan 'Do You Think Romney's Been Too Defensive About Bain Capital?' | MRCTV

Flashback 2010: Rep. Paul Ryan on Healthcare | MRCTV

Wasserman-Schultz: 'I Have No Idea' Of Political Affiliation Of People Behind Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad | MRCTV

Ryan's First Speech as Romney VP Pick | MRCTV

Gerald Celente on Eurozone Reckoning Day and how Goldman escapes charges! - YouTube


JFK: Those Who Make Peaceful Revolution Impossible Will Make Violent Revolution Inevitable |


JFK: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - YouTube


+John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum


The Greatest Speech Ever Made - YouTube

+(Translation Links)The Greatest Speech Ever Made |


DHS FEMA First Responder Knowledge Base – TrapWire |

If You See This Google Warning, Act Fast: Big Brother is Watching – Dr. Mercola |

The Spanish Election is a Mandate for the Indignados |

For Unpaid College Loans, Feds Dock Social Security -


**Ron Paul 2012 -- The Movie - YouTube


Climate Change And Paul Ryan: Romney's VP Pick Irks Environmentalists

Paul Ryan's energy record elates right, deflates greens - Andrew Restuccia -

Paul Ryan: Standing up to Green Energy but Sitting down with Big Oil - Forbes

Is the era of oil nearing its end? -

The Khrushchev Connection: Who Ordered the Construction of the Berlin Wall? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Frederick Kempe: Kennedy's Massive Foreign Policy Mistakes: Berlin Crisis Of 1961 (PHOTOS)

P B S : C o n q u i s t a d o r s - C o r t é s

History of Mexico - The Aztec Empire

BOOK REVIEW: 'Berlin 1961' - Washington Times

Chicago Library Offers Rare Amnesty on $1.4 Million in Late Fees - Businessweek

Prehistoric Times – Eric Chevillard | Full Stop

Why It Pays to Submit to Hackers | Wired Business |

Consumer-friendly products suck and post-PC is a fantasy | ZDNet

Kim Dotcom's New Megabox Project Will Launch This Year, He Promises

Why do successful tech companies fail so often? -

Pixar open sources production animation code, patents • The Register

How India’s favorite TV show uses data to change the world — Cloud Computing News

Negotiations for a 2014 WIPO Broadcasting Treaty Are Back | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Top 10 Clever Uses for Dropbox

Would Rachel Carson Embrace 'Frankenfoods'? - This Scientist Believes 'Yes' - Forbes

The Mercenary Intent Behind Proposition 37's GM Food Labeling

Lost in Watergate’s Wake: Nixon’s Green Legacy | Climate Central

Americans Are Science Illiterate, But More Science in Schools Will Not Make Us Smarter

Red States, Blue States, Gray Matter -

Severed Hands Discovered in Ancient Egypt Palace | LiveScience

What does the Universe look like beyond our Galaxy? – Starts With A Bang

Brush Up on Your Fake Science - Blog

The Hidden Power of Whale Poop | Wired Science |

Why do organisms build tissues they seemingly never use?

Modeling reveals significant climatic impacts of megapolitan expansion | ASU News

RealClearReligion - Paul Ryan Taking on (Holy) Water

Why Romney Chose Ryan | RealClearPolitics

Israeli scholar completes 'definitive' version of the Bible | The Times of Israel

Insight: Mormon church made wealthy by donations | Reuters

Ku Klux Klan and Methodism « Juicy Ecumenism

Daniel Silliman: America's first atheist

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Reader Question: Could Obama Balance the Budget by Getting the Wealthy to Pay Their "Fair Share"?

Though It Nearly Strangled Reagan's Revolution, Soft Money Conservatives Revive Friedman's Monetarism - Forbes

Investors Are Taking Thoughtful Risks in This Rebound -

Romney’s Tax Plan Defies the Rules of Math -

Paul Ryan Is Thoughtful, Handsome and Misguided - Bloomberg

Matt Miller: The talented Mr. Ryan - The Washington Post

Stephen Moore: The Kempian Roots of Ryanomics -

Video-The pay inequality myth: Women are more equal than you think

Lessons for climate policy: The US sulphur dioxide cap and trade programme | vox

When Did Milk Become Bad for You? - Ashe Schow - [page]

2012: Suddenly, A Historic Election? | Via Meadia

Fixing The Budget: What’s In It For Us « Back in the Black

A Plebiscite on the Role of Government | Jared Bernstein | On the Economy

Repeal of Glass-Steagall: Not a cause, but a multiplier | The Big Picture

RealClearMarkets - President Obama, and the Myth About 4.5 Million New Jobs

Why the Democrats' 'Mediscare' Attack Won't Work Against Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney - Forbes

Seven-fold increase in antipsychotic prescriptions to children and youths - Something Not Unlike Research

The campaign politics of the Ryan budget | Keith Hennessey

Off the Charts Blog | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | Ryan Roundup: Everything You Need to Know About Chairman Ryan’s Budget

The fight’s on for America’s future -

How Obama Will Cash In on Paul Ryan: Medicare, Taxes, Education & More - The Daily Beast

Strassel: Why Romney Chose Ryan -

Family, Faith and Politics Describe Life of Paul Ryan -

Paul Ryan and the Triumph of Theory | RealClearPolitics

The Very Predictable Playbook Against Paul Ryan - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Paul Ryan's Budget Games : The New Yorker

CURL: Game-changing pick for Romney, worst nightmare for Obama - Washington Times

Ryan Could Make Wisconsin a True Battleground - Beth Reinhard -

Campaigns' focus turns to Iowa | The Des Moines Register |

Congress Isn’t Gridlocked—It’s Just Totally Irresponsible -

A Tax Reform Detour | RealClearPolitics

Paul Ryan Is Still Unknown, Has Vulnerable Budget Plan, Polls Show

Romney-Ryan Ticket Puts Entitlement Crisis at Center of Campaign | RealClearPolitics

Wondering How Far Magazines Must Fall -

Alec MacGillis: Boston Common | The New Republic

The fight’s on for America’s future -

Romney's inspired choice may spark a needed debate - JSOnline

The Romney-Ryan Plan for America -

The Return of Mediscare - The Editors - National Review Online

Mitt Romney’s Game Changer - The Daily Beast

Paul Ryan's dangerous vision -

President Ryan — the truth behind Mitt’s flub -

American Thinker- Print Article

Review of "Mike Tyson: The Undisputed Truth" : The New Yorker

Be Afraid, Seniors: How the Ryan Pick Changes the Campaign - The Daily Beast

Obama Aims to Rally Imperiled Support With Iowa Tour | RealClearPolitics

Two Ways to See China’s Problems - Economic View -

Fareed Zakaria's plagiarism more bad news for a CNN - Baltimore Sun

Egypt: Morsy Ousts Military Chiefs in Move to Regain Power | World |

Rubin Reports » Egypt: There Goes the Army; There Goes the Free Media; There Goes Egypt

China Is Running Out Of Money - Forbes

China's Debt Bomb - By Jonathan Kaiman | Foreign Policy

Ambitious Diplomacy, Fading Firepower - Henry R. Nau - National Review Online

London 2012 Olympics: London and Team GB – take a bow. You’ve dazzled the world - Telegraph

The Resurgence of the U.S.- Japan Relationship | The Diplomat

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