A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

12 August 2012

12 Aug.'12


+Johnny Cash : Video


+ Sinclair News To Give Away PaulFest Passes Tuesday Aug 14, 2012 | Sinclair News.Net

Dog Carries Puppies Out Of Burning House, Brings Them To Fire Truck (PHOTO) Video - Research Finds CFL Bulbs Emit Dangerous UV Rays

Sheriff Warns: Growing sinkhole could be catastrophic — 1.5 million barrels of liquid butane nearby — Homeland Security: Over 300 feet wide, up to 400 feet deep

Louisiana Test Results: Radioactive thorium, lead, and more detected in sinkhole samples (VIDEO)

Are You Ready For Some R&R? | Sinclair News.Net

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube

ACU Chairman Al Cardenas On Romney VP Pick | Sinclair News.Net

Expose The Red-vs-Blue Lie !! - YouTube

Has the Muslim Brotherhood Penetrated the National Security Council? | Mantiq al-Tayr

The Clear-cut Agenda To Destroy America « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions


+The Globalist Agenda - Quotes


Domestic terrorism by members of extremist groups a serious threat: FBI | Homeland Security News Wire

WIKILEAKS: Surveillance Cameras Around The Country Are Being Used In A Huge Spy Network - Business Insider

Nocturnal UFO Sighting. Flying Saucer over Spain. August 7th, 2012. - YouTube

Fiat Money Explained In 4 Minutes

Janet Napolitano's aides 'sexually humiliated' male agents - Telegraph

Arctic megastorm is so powerful it's turning the ice cap into "slush"

+Suppressed By Scholars: Twin Ancient Cultures On Opposite Sides Of The Pacific « TRANSMISSIONS

rense - Google Search

Ehud Barak Admits Iran Has Defensive Posture, No Weapons Program « Blog

UFO CHRONICLE | CIA Doc Confirms Global Monitoring and 'Intercept' Orders for UFOs (1952)

OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Tea Party's Plan to Cripple Congress

The Lighter Side of Doom « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

EDITORIAL: The Civil War of 2016 - Washington Times

Holograms could soon replace airport workers

Statin Drugs Found To Accelerate Arterial Calcification

Return of the Dust Bowl - Nature - Environment - The Independent

Food crisis fears mount as corn price hits record high - Telegraph

Unconscionable Media Warmongering

False Flag Terror and Conspiracies of Silence

'I'm sick to my stomach': anger builds in Illinois at Bain's latest outsourcing plan | Business |

Bradley Manning treatment in 'flagrant violation' of military code – lawyer | World news |

PressTV - US mass murders smack of social war

Researchers use teleportation to beam a single photon 97km | Mail Online

Is the Sun surrounded by dark matter? New simulation tries to answer one of the universe's biggest mysteries (and the answer: probably) | Mail Online

The Hidden Power of Whale Poop | Wired Science |

Boats armed with machine guns to patrol RNC | News - Home

19 incredible Apple secrets revealed in court - A trial to remember... (1) - FORTUNE

The PC looks like it's dying - Fortune Tech

New Website Tool Now Available For Identifying Mission-accessible Near-Earth Asteroids and Their Next Observing Opportunities

“Catch Me If You Can” JPMorgue Has 11+ State, Fed & Int’l Enforcement Bodies After It | Silver Vigilante

No man’s land: Women-only city planned for Saudi Arabia — RT

Daily aspirin reduces cancer risk and slows its spread, study confirms | Science | The Guardian

Petition | Republican National Convention (RNC): Allow Ron Paul to be put up for nomination (and speak) during the RNC |


**JFK - The Case for Conspiracy Part (1/2) - YouTube

**JFK - The Case for Conspiracy Part (2/2) - YouTube


Scofield Bible creates pro-Zionist Christian 'zombies' | jeff-goodall


CIA Agents Reveal Secrets of the CIA (Full Version) « Underground Documentaries


**Secrets of the CIA - YouTube


Poll reveals Americans divided over gun control - National Law Enforcement |

Russian scientists reach lake under Antarctica - Technology & science - Science -

OP/ED: Paul Ryan is No Ron Paul | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution

OP/ED: Paul Ryan is No Ron Paul - Bedford, NH Patch

Romney’s Paul Ryan VP Pick Pleases War Hawks -- News from

LePage Threatens RNC Boycott – Mike Tipping - BDN Maine Blogs

Ron Paul challenge to LAGOP convention delegation rebuffed by national party committee |

Will Ryan Help Obama Win Jewish Votes? « Commentary Magazine

Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Barack Obama, Joe Biden – America’s Status Quo Apartheid | _

Tehran Conference belies US Syria claims: Webster Tarpley - YouTube


+New World Order Quotes. . We can't say that we weren't warned. - 12160


9/11 facts unknown to most - 12160

25 min./9/11 facts unknown to most - YouTube

Fars News Agency :: Sweden Plotting against Iranian Scientist to Steal Scientific Discovery

Military Vehicles in American Neighborhoods

Dozens Of Underwater Drones Deployed To The Waters Of Iran | Singularity Hub

NDAA: The Most Important Lawsuit in American History that No One is Talking About -

Activist Post: This is What Your Tap Water Looks Like

Pelosi 'Swears' Spirit of Susan B. Anthony Spoke to Her in White House |

Obama sees himself as a twisted Robin Hood - The Insiders - The Washington Post

Big Pharma’s Lies Exposed – Cancer IS Curable | _

Activist Post: Google's Opaque New Policy Lets Rightsholders Dictate Search Results

The Romney Alinsky Connection | _

The Romney Alinsky Connection Extended Cut - YouTube


+8/11/2012 -- Louisiana Sink Hole Explained -- POSSIBLE HUGE CATASTROPHE -- 100 Hiroshimas - YouTube

Louisiana Sink Hole Explained — POSSIBLE HUGE CATASTROPHE in the making

Bayou Corne/Assumption Parish Press Conference on Growing Sinkhole - Aug. 10, 2012 - YouTube


(News Links)Louisiana Sink Hole Explained — POSSIBLE HUGE CATASTROPHE — 100 Hiroshimas | _


| Gerald Celente : Watch Out For September 12 2012 ! |

Romney’s Death Squad Ties: Bain Launched With Millions From Oligarchs Behind Salvadoran Atrocities | _

Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent | _

SteveLendmanBlog: Unconscionable Media Warmongering

Brennan: Obama May Bypass Congress With Cybersecurity Executive Order

Mitt Romney Started Bain Capital With Money From Families Tied To Death Squads

Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror

Charleston Voice: The Explosive Story Of How Israel Received Weapons-Grade Nuclear Material From a US Company In The Sixties


Joshua Blakeney & Ryan talk 911 & Israel's End Game (1/2) - YouTube

Joshua Blakeney & Ryan talk 911 & Israel's end game (2/2) - YouTube


The surface of Mars - Technology News - SINA English

Corporations Sneak Synthetic Preservatives into Organic Food | Common Dreams

George Soros celebrates 82nd birthday with engagement to Tamiko Bolton | Business |

Cartel Member Says Fast And Furious Aimed To Supply Guns To Sinaloa Cartel - Business Insider

UN Calls on U.S. to Halt Biofuel Production as Drought Devastates Corn Crop -

US Army Tactical Manuals Describe How to Control Domestic Insurrection -

NYPD unveils new $40 million super computer system that uses data from network of cameras, license plate readers and crime reports - NY Daily News

Afghan policeman kills 11 fellow officers: Voice of Russia

Afghan employee kills three US troops on NATO base - AFGHANISTAN - FRANCE 24

Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system — RT

Drones Need Secure Datalinks To Survive Vs. Iran, China

Tales of an Empire Gone Mad The United States and its comrade-in-arms, Al Qaeda

We're Back to the Bad Days of Clandestine US Interfering Abroad

12 Things You Should Know About Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan

Romney’s Death Squad Ties: Bain Launched With Millions From Oligarchs Behind Salvadoran Atrocities

Video:Stephen Colbert: Rooting Out Nonexistent Muslim Traitors

Boy Whose Hot Dog Cart Was Shut Down by the City of Holland Now Homeless - informationliberation

False Flag Terror and Conspiracies of Silence

Amnesty International: An Instrument of War Propaganda?

September 2001: Women of Afghanistan Speak out on the 9/11 Attacks

September 11, 2001: "Who Attacked our Country"? ... said George W Bush

What Paul Ryan Has and Obama Wants

The War on Iran is Already Underway?

The Romney- Ryan Ticket: Running the Radical Republican Right-Wing

The Role of Private Military and Security Companies in Modern Warfare

Washington Puts Its Money on Proxy War

"A Shift Towards a Gold Standard"? The FDIC-Fed's "Proposed Rulemaking" regarding Basel III Capital Requirements

GRTV: From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Fighting the Dangers of Radiation

GRTV: Which CEO Made $5 Million Stealing Your Kid's Lunch Money?


* Dead Scientists 1994-2003

*Dead Scientists 2004-2011


Survive 2 Thrive

Survive 2 Thrive


Axelrod: Paul Ryan Is A "Right-Wing Ideologue"
Wasserman Schultz: "I Have No Idea Of The Political Affiliation" Of Priorities USA
Dean: "You Can't Convince People That A Dem Is Going To Cut Medicare"
Michelle Obama: Get That "Knucklehead Friend" To Vote For Obama
RNC's Priebus: Obama Has "Blood On His Hands" For Destroying Medicare
Scott Walker: Ryan's Uniqueness Appeals To Swing Voters
Paul Ryan Snuck Through The Woods, Traveled Incognito To Avoid Press
Axelrod: How Does Romney Paying Less Than 1 Percent In Taxes Help The Middle Class?
Rich Lowry vs. Rachel Maddow On Ryan And Medicare Cuts
Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan On The Campaign Trail: First Stump Speech
"This Week" Roundtable On Paul Ryan Pick, Campaign Turning Nasty
"Face the Nation" Panel: May the Most Likeable Man Win?
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Mitt Romney's VP Choice
"Meet the Press" Panel On Paul Ryan, Health Plans
Romney Web Ad: America's Comeback Team


Krauthammer: "Paul Ryan Has That Reagan-Like Quality"
Obama Web Ad Rips Ryan Pick: Back To The Failed Top-Down Policies
Ryan: "Our Rights Come From Nature And God, Not From Government"
Rachel Maddow Upset That Romney, Ryan Used Battleship Backdrop
American Future Fund Web Ad: Comeback Team
Mitchell: Ryan "Not A Pick For Suburban Moms, Not A Pick For Women"
Kristol: "Paul Ryan Can Make The Case To Hillary Clinton Democrats"
Paul Ryan Introduced As VP: "Romney Is The Man For This Moment"
Romney Introduces Paul Ryan As "Next President," Then Corrects Himself
Obama Promises "All-Hands-On-Deck" To Combat Drought In Weekly Address
Sen. Wicker Gives GOP Weekly: Obama Threatens Defense Cuts



The cost of winning ugly

Jerome Corsi: Evidence Obama was married to Pakistani man -

Prepare for What Is Coming: "There is a Very Present Danger that is Facing Every American"

Nigel Farage - They Will Collapse The System & Enslave People

Cities That Have Fired Their Police Forces |

Saturday Night Special: Steve Quayle tonight on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report « Northeast Intelligence Network

Activist Post: Is DHS Preparing an Oklahoma City Style False Flag Before November Elections?


*MP3/Audio:Media Monarchy: Episode269 - Mind Games


Do You Eat Lunch Alone At Your Desk? Why We Need to Reclaim Our Lunch Break | Alternet

Two White Men Who Like to Cut Things: On Romney’s Nomination of Paul Ryan | Common Dreams

The Republican Right Gets What it Wanted: A Ryan-Romney Ticket | Common Dreams

"Path to Prosperity?" For Many Senior Citizens, VP Pick Ryan's Plan Would Be Path to the Poorhouse | Common Dreams

Health Freedom with Mike Adams (Video)

Central Planning Sucks (Video)

Gauss Virus Targets Banking System May Cause US Financial Collapse

America’s Eco-Cities: Sustainable Prisons of the Future

Collapse: Peak Oil and the End of Industrialized Civilization (VIDEO)

Neo-Humanity: Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine


+ Dave Brubeck - Take Five - 1966 - YouTube


8/08/2012 Quagmires Are Often Just a Few Steps Away

Heavy Teenage Cannabis Use Linked with Anxiety Disorders in Late 20s | Disinformation

Fjögur Píanó, a Viral Video About Monarch Mind Control?

Once again DHS orders hundreds of millions of rounds of ammo - YouTube

Fiat Money Explained in 4 minutes or less - YouTube

Expose The Red-vs-Blue Lie !! - YouTube

Activist Post: UN Designates "Free Syrian Army" Affiliates as Al Qaeda

FEMA Faceoff: Truth as an Urban Legend

America’s Eco-Cities: Sustainable Prisons of the Future

9 Tips for Food Safety When the Grid Goes Down

More Rising Food Prices? Grocery Bills to Skyrocket as Drought Crushes Crop Production

Drug War Attacking Another Beneficial Plant: Kratom

GMO tomatoes: good-looking poison - YouTube

Big Pharma and Collaborators Resort to Underhanded Tactics in Push to Ban Homeopathy

Tracking the NYPD's Full Spectrum "Ring of Steel"

Six Arguments for the Elimination of Capitalism | Dissident Voice

Giant Humanoid Skeletal Remains Found - Clear Pictures | Space

Giant Humanoid Skulls In Bosnia And Other Giant Photographs, Alien Abductions At Oil Refinery, Tiny Human Found In England | Alternative

+Worth1000 Collections

55 min./Black Panther Veteran Warns of A Trojan Horse Named Obama - YouTube

Something Funky on Mars? New Rover Images Cause a Stir - YouTube

They Really Do Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain ! | Alternative

2045: A New Era for Humanity - YouTube

Activist Post: Neo-Humanity: Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine

The Secret History Of Aliens On Earth Photo Gallery - 1794 - Conspiracies on

Barack Obama Signs International Executive Order | _

New Findings on the Cosmic Infrared Background | Space

Searching for Answers About Life on Earth and Mars | Space

Weird Details of the United Nation’s Creepy, Cult-Like Environmental Religion

Animatronics Look Like Real Humans, Use New Physical Face Cloning Method | Science and Technology

Enzymes Part 1-3.pdf (application/pdf Object)

5 Things to Teach Your Kid About Emergencies | Self-Sufficiency

Imagining a Second Obama Term

Govt Shouldn't Dabble in Business

Bad Business Is No Business

Paul Ryan: My Plan to Save America

Romney, Ryan Paint Campaign as Stark Choice

Priebus: Obama Has 'Blood on His Hands'

Michael Reagan: Dad Would Approve: Ryan is Romney's 'First Great Move'

Palin, on Facebook, Commends Ryan's Selection, Slams Obama

Pawlenty: Obama 'Ducks, Bobs, Weaves' on Entitlement Reform

Romney Hits Bull's-Eye With Paul Ryan

Rubio Praises Ryan as Romney's VP Pick

Obamacare Glitch Could Make Healthcare Unaffordable for Millions

Evangelist Billy Graham in Hospital with Infection

Tea Party Evolves, Achieves State Policy Victories

Author Friedman: Bob Dylan a Role Model of Longevity

Tea Party Groups Enthused by Ryan Pick

Divided Field Leaves Wisconsin Republican Senate Race Open

Axelrod: Ryan Plan Would Lead to End of Medicare

Ryan Disguise and Forest Detour Keep Romney No. 2 Pick Secret

Romney's Choice of Ryan Sets Contours for Campaign

Iran Quake Death Toll Hits at Least 250

Paul Ryan’s Old-Fashioned American Vision

Heart Doctor: Lose the Wheat, Gain Your Health

Study Finds Cats Are Killing Machines

Paul Ryan: 'We Are In a Different and Dangerous Moment' |

Paul Ryan Pick Prompts Press Releases Reacting To Choice |

Paul Ryan: 'Wisconsin Very Much a Catholic State, a Majority Pro-Life State' |

Obamacare Mandate: Sterilize 15-Year-Old Girls for Free--Without Parental Consent |

WH Evades Questions on Ad Accusing Romney of Costing Woman Her Life |

Obama Cites Auto Bailout as Model for Reviving American Manufacturing |

CNN's Candy Crowley Claims Some GOPers Think Ryan Pick ‘Some Sort of Ticket Death Wish’ |

Wolf Blitzer Quotes John Kerry In Plea for U.S. to 'Accelerate' Withdrawal From Afghanistan |

Krauthammer Smacks Down Left's Ludicrous 'Dog Whistle' Claims: 'Was Clinton Racist?' |

ABC Wraps Ryan in ‘Conservative’ Tags; No ‘Liberal’ Labels for Joe Biden in 2008 |

Romney Introduces Ryan As 'The Next POTUS' - Will Media Mention Obama Did Same Thing? |

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |

The Colbert Communist Bandstand |

American Crossroads Ad: Cancer | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: America Deserves Better | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Romney Would Knock the Wind Out of Iowa’s Economy | ElectAd

Priorities USA Ad: Scrap Steel | ElectAd

Barack Obama Ad: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies | ElectAd

American Future Fund Ad: Comeback Team | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Announces Paul Ryan As VP Choice, Norfolk, Virginia – August 11 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Campaign Rally, Ashland, Virginia – August 11 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan Campaign Rally, Manassas, Virginia – August 11 2012 | ElectAd

Wasserman-Schultz: 'I Have No Idea' Of Political Affiliation Of People Behind Romney-Killed-My-Wife Ad | MRCTV

Ryan's First Speech as Romney VP Pick | MRCTV

Limbaugh, Coulter Trash Romney Aide Response To Soptic Wife Death Ad | MRCTV

FULL SPEECH: Watch Romney/Ryan in High Point, NC

Sarah Palin: We’ve got Paul Ryan’s back and will call out the media for their lies and distortions

RNC Chair: Obama the only candidate who has “blood on his hands” for cutting Medicare

DNC Chair defends Priorities USA ad, then lies claiming she doesn’t know their political affiliation

Sarah Palin congratulates Romney/Ryan, explains the stark choice between Obama and Romney

UNBELIEVABLE: Gibson paid $2.4M in legal fees, then cleared by DOJ but had to pay additional $350k settlement

FULL RADIO INTERVIEW: Mark Levin says Paul Ryan was a great VP pick by Romney

FULL SPEECH: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in Manassas, VA

Krauthammer slams Politico columnist Roger Simon who claims Romney welfare ad is a “dog whistle”

FULL SPEECH: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in Ashland, Va

American Future Fund Romney/Ryan ad: It’s time for America’s comeback team

Obama and Ryan have tangled repeatedly - Washington Times

Savage blasts Ryan pick: ‘Too little, too late’

Gay Politics — Obama appoints gay man Under Secretary of the Air Force

Politics, Political News and Analysis | The Capitol Column

U.S. Army officer becomes first openly gay general | Mail Online

Bailout: An insider's look at Washington's dirty laundry –

Sacramento area officials explore using eminent domain to aid underwater homeowners - Real Estate - The Sacramento Bee

Germany exporting arms, not soldiers

‘I’m an animal,’ teacher who allegedly beat dog to death held on $200,000 - Chicago Sun-Times

Spike Lee: Barack Obama is 'not perfect' -

Obama's slumdog brother: Meet the hopeless drunk from a Nairobi shanty town who is the U.S. President's BROTHER | Mail Online

Marilyn Manson Goes Through LAX Security with 'F--K YOU' Scrawled on Face - Hollywood Reporter

Study: Oral Sex Cures Morning Sickness « CBS DC

Paul Ryan is VP pick -- but he was almost a pro skiier -

Egyptian Leader Ousts Military Chief -

Cher Is Making a Comeback Album with Timbaland, Pink, and Gaga | Showbiz411

Lamb Of God’s Randy Blythe Speaks Out About Prison In Exclusive Interview « The World Famous KROQ – Alt Rock Music News, Photos, Videos, Concerts

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube

Obama and Ryan have tangled repeatedly - Washington Times

Navy: U.S. destroyer collides with oil tanker in Strait of Hormuz -


08.11.12 - Threats to Health & Liberty Discussed !! [ coast to coast am ] - YouTube

08-09-12 Animals & Health / Corn & Fuel Discussed !! [ coast to coast am ] - YouTube

Coast To Coast AM - Nibiru & Ancient Cycles - 08-08-2012 - C2CAM - YouTube

Nephilim & Archeology - Tuesday 7, 2012 - YouTube


Woman's missing digits grow back in phantom form - health - 10 August 2012 - New Scientist






+Wikileaks Mirrors


Overtly Expressing A Slave Morality

A New Economic Orientation

Paul Ryan and the Triumph of Math

Ryan Pick Targets Key Demographic

A Mosque Is Not Like a Church or a Synagogue

The European Court of Human Rights and Free-Speech Schizophrenia

Filmmaker Dennis M. Lynch Exposes the Illusory Fence "Protecting" Our Border

Is Obama Just or Unjust?

Saudi Leadership: A Continual Failure

Three Truths to Consider This November

Romney campaign raises $3.5 million in first 24 hrs after Ryan pick

Morsi courts trouble again; orders two top generals to retire

Will public ignorance of Ryan and government in general doom the GOP?

Hey, Fareed, You've Got a Paragraph; You Didn't Write That

Can the GOP pick up a Senate seat in Hawaii?

A laundry list of broken promises

Compare and contrast

A national media that retains its honour

The Secretary Determines

Pandering to Adversaries Precarious for Church

The Ryan Rollout

6 US soldiers killed in 'rogue attacks' in Afghanistan

The Soul-Crushing Scorched-Earth Battle for Gay Marriage

Teachers' Unions in Action

Meaningless Words and Phrases

Doubling Our Votes

Political Legitimacy and the Special Interest State

For Us or against Us

Tyrants Looming: Obama and the Dictators of South America

Video: Paul Ryan Gave Up Fear for Lent

Video: Ryan on Combating Poverty

Video: America's Comeback Team

Video: Flashback: Ryan Picks Romney

Video: Paul Ryan named VP for Romney ticket

Video: The Path to Prosperity, Visualized

Video: Paul Ryan schools Chris Matthews on Economics

Video: Ryan Dismantles ObamaCare

Video: Paul Ryan Vs. Goliath

Rob Lowe Rushes to Ayn Rand's Defense

Palin Congratulates Romney On Ryan Selection, Says Obama Turning US Into CA

Romney-Ryan Looking For A Fight On The Issues

Axelrod Slams Dem Senator For Supporting Ryan Plan

DNC Chair: Paul Ryan 'Seriously Flawed' 'Extremist'

Obama Campaign Says Slashing Medicare An 'Achievement'

CBS Refuses To Confront OFA's Cutter About Massive 'Cancer' Ad Lie

Axelrod Won't Say If Obama Approves SuperPAC Cancer Ad

Chris Matthews: Ryan Plan 'Screws' Needy People

Galvanized: Romney, Ryan Draw Massive Crowd in NC

Cutter: You Bet Obama Cut Medicare

DNC Chair Plays Dumb On Obama Obama SuperPAC

Dem Senator: Obama Doesn't Want To Talk About Last 4 Years

So It Begins: Obama Lies, Claims Romney-Ryan Will Raise Your Taxes

Obama's Dep Campaign Manager: Obama Economic Plan? Go To Our Website

RNC Chair: Obama 'Has Blood on His Hands'

Fed Survey: 'Economy Looks Weaker Now Than It Did Three Months Ago'

Romney Campaign Raises $3.5M Within 24 Hours of Ryan Pick

Russell Simmons on GOP Ticket: Will 'Destroy Our People'

Why Romney 'Applauds' But Doesn't Embrace Ryan Plan

DOJ Announces No Prosecutions For Top Obama Donor Goldman Sachs

Poll: Americans Reject Crony Capitalism, 3-1

Internal Memo Suggests Romney Will 'Applaud' Ryan Budget Plan But Not Embrace It

12-Aug-12 World View -- Russia warns of Chinese occupation of Siberia and Far East

New York Times: Gosh, Remember Obama's 'Jaw-Dropping' Crowds?

Scrubbed : Photo of President Obama Removed Just Days After Book Exposes Agenda To Eliminate Suburbs

MSNBC's Maddow Divines 'Racism' in Romney Ad

Ryan Pick Proves Romney Isn't Satisfied With Being the Candidate, He Wants To Be The President

Big Sis: Lawsuit Accuses Napolitano's DHS of Humiliating Men, Favoring Women

Obama Campaign Officials Ban Journalists From Interviewing Voters At Rally

Ryan Will Allow Republican Ticket To Make Moral Case For Capitalism

Romney Campaign Releases First Romney/Ryan Video

UCLA Tries to Back Away From 'National Dream University' for Illegal Immigrants

The End of An Era: Sen. Joe Lieberman, The Last Moderate Democrat

Putin's Punk Problem

Obama's Glare at Paul Ryan and Bibi Netanyahu

Obama's Glare at Paul Ryan and Bibi Netanyahu

Dems Pretend to be Excited Over Ryan Pick

Potential Scandal Brewing: Squeaky Clean Ryan is A 'Noodler'

Paul Ryan Has Already Been an Effective Obama Critic

Cheney Reacts to Ryan Pick: He Has The Courage to be Honest

The Breitbart Bio: Meet Paul Ryan

Andrea Mitchell: Ryan Not Pick For 'Moms,' 'Women'

Buzzfeed Using Anonymous Source to Slam Paul Ryan as 'Sarah Palin' Pick

Paul Ryan: A Great Choice for America's Women

'The Bourne Legacy' Review: Fourth Installment Can't Replicate Damon's Movie Star Magnetism

Romney-Ryan Looking For A Fight On The Issues

Axelrod Won't Say If Obama Approves SuperPAC Cancer Ad

Fed Survey: 'Economy Looks Weaker Now Than It Did Three Months Ago'

Ryan Speech: 'If You Have a Small Business, You Did Build That'

Here Come The Ryan Attacks: Old Media

Obama Obsessed With Press Clippings, 'Thin-Skinned'

ABC Ignores Possible Collusion Between Obama Campaign and SuperPAC

Conservative SuperPAC Ad Hits Back: 'Cancer'

MSNBC: 'People Will Die' If Obamacare Repealed

Actors Who Served: Jimmy Stewart

US officials: Al-Qaeda gaining foothold in Syria

Krauthammer: "Paul Ryan Has That Reagan-Like Quality" | RealClearPolitics

US didn't foresee 9/11, officials in Jerusalem say, after White House claims it would know if Iran was about to get the bomb | The Times of Israel

The Ryan Way - Robert Costa - National Review Online


Stacy Peterson’s disappearance looms large over Drew Peterson trial - Chicago Sun-Times

Witness denies jazzing up testimony for movie |


US states warm to death with dignity

Can daily aspirin help ward off cancer?

Aurora, Colo., shooting victims face challenges beyond their injuries

Health-care execs question impact of Affordable Care Act

Teens and Tobacco Use: Why Declines in Youth Have Stalled

Russell Brand on battling drug addiction and new TV show Russell Brand: From Addiction To Recovery | The Sun |Showbiz|Bizarre

Woman 'repeatedly poisoned her boyfriend by putting Visine eyedrops in his drinks in desperate bid for his attention' | Mail Online

Earth Is The True Planet Of War, Not Mars (Curiosity Rover) - YouTube

World over-using underground water reserves for agriculture

New robot crawls like an earthworm

Way beyond Mars: Scientists release biggest 3-D map of the sky

Mars Has Tectonic Plates Just Like Earth

Flickr Photo of Insect Identified As Never-Before-Seen Species [VIDEO]

Earth getting warmer, human activity the cause

IBM claims spintronics memory breakthrough

Live bullfrog trade blamed for spread of deadly disease

Don't Be Tempted By NOOK Price Cuts

Google Battles Pirates By Burying Search Results in New Algorithm

WikiLeaks' website vicitim of sustained attack

FBI Warns of 'Drive By' Internet Scam, What to do to Avoid Frozen Computer

VP pick Ryan brings long record to dissect

Romney Hits Road With V.P. Pick Ryan - YouTube

Five fundraisers on tap for Obama in Chicago today

Fight over campaign ads spills into Sunday shows

Sunday Sound: Heard on 'This Week'

Once hyped as VP contender, Christie now appears forgotten

Tim Pawlenty 'Didn't Expect' the Vice-Presidential Nomination, Anyway

WATCH: Obama Backs Mario Batali, Urges Congress To Pass Farm Bill

Mitt Romney's Insult to Our US Olympians

Newt Gingrich: Romney/Ryan Lack Of Foreign Policy Experience An 'Advantage'

Beam: Nation sees one side of Jindal

Spin is in; facts in politics out

Ryan's Miami U. professor thrilled with Romney's decision

Mormon church made wealthy by donations

Will The Health Care Law Help Or Hurt Small Businesses?

Rob Portman's political profile remains high despite exclusion from national ticket: Analysis |

In Upheaval for Egypt, Morsi Dismisses His Military Chief

Afghan Officials Met With Jailed Taliban Leader

Gunmen execute eight Shiites in north Iraq: officials

Saudi Arabia gives $50 million aid to Myanmar Muslims

China claims sovereignty over 80 per cent of disputed sea

Sikh temple holds 1st Sunday service since attack

In Shooting Near Times Square, Officers Fired 12 Shots

Racial profiling rampant at US airport: Officers

David Conrad Charged With Firing Shots At Chicago-Area Mosque

Male Athlete Dies in New York City's Ironman Triathlon Debut

Paul Ryan loved Ayn Rand, before he said he didn't

Romney slams Obama's 'misleading' ads

Priebus: Obama Has 'Blood on His Hands' for Destroying Medicare

Romney Asked VP Nominees For 'Several' Years Of Tax Returns

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan: Back to the Failed Top-Down Policies

Will Ryan's bishop call him out as a cafeteria Catholic?

KT McFarland: With a Romney-Ryan Ticket, It's Like Reagan Again!

Susan G. Komen Founder, President and Board Members Resign

FreedomWorks Fantasizes About President Paul Ryan

It's the Optics, Stupid

Ohio Changes Voting Hours To Discourage Urban Voters

RNC Chairman Reince Preibus: People Asking for Romney's Tax Returns Are as Bad as Birthers

AZ Woman Imprisoned -- After Producing Her Birth Certificate

O'Reilly Blames President Obama for Promoting an 'Entitlement State'

Democratic National Committee Moves Its Money to Union-Run Bank

Newspapers Refer to White Supremacist Org as ‘White People’s Rights Group’

Scott Brown Cries Over Poor People Getting To Vote, Too

The Team to End Medicare: Mitt Romney Picks Paul Ryan

'When I Hear Mitt Romney Speak it Makes Me Sick to My Stomach'

Romney-Ryan 2012: The Herman & Eddie Munster Ticket

How Big Data Became So Big - Unboxed -

Creepy Spying System Revealed by Wikileaks, Which Then Gets Hit by a Massive Attack - Hit & Run :

Software Runs the World: How Scared Should We Be That So Much of It Is So Bad? - James Kwak - The Atlantic

A New Species Discovered ... On Flickr : The Picture Show : NPR

It’s A Dark Time To Be A Consumer In The Cloud | TechCrunch

uTorrent Becomes Ad-Supported to Rake in Millions | TorrentFreak

Obesity and Fitness Are Revolutionized by Reddit, Not Doctors | Greatist

Top 10 Clever Uses for Dropbox

In a Presidential Election About the Economy, Paul Ryan Was the Only Choice - Forbes

Ryan Choice Good for the Country and Good for Romney

Ambiguity in Health Law Could Make Family Coverage Too Costly -

Welcome to Forbes

The Terrifying Graphic That Shows Stock-Trading Robots Taking Over the Financial World (KCG)

RealClearMarkets - Banks Stealing Our Wealth and Our Sovereignty

President Obama Should Heed Mayor Daley's Words, And Stop Backing Losers - Forbes


*Free Open Source Textbooks Growing in Popularity in College Classes | Business |


OpenStax College(

College Textbooks Read Online (


In a Presidential Election About the Economy, Paul Ryan Was the Only Choice - Forbes

Ryan Choice Good for the Country and Good for Romney

Ambiguity in Health Law Could Make Family Coverage Too Costly -

When It Comes to the Jobless Numbers, President Obama Isn't Talking Straight - Forbes

The Terrifying Graphic That Shows Stock-Trading Robots Taking Over the Financial World (KCG)

RealClearMarkets - Banks Stealing Our Wealth and Our Sovereignty

President Obama Should Heed Mayor Daley's Words, And Stop Backing Losers - Forbes

In Asia, a wave of escalating territorial disputes - The Washington Post

THE DAILY STAR :: Opinion :: Columnist :: A peaceful post-Assad order is probable

Grasping at Straws | The American Conservative

Opinion: With Ryan pick, a new Romney - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Obamacare Makes Vice President Ryan Possible | The Weekly Standard

Why the Ryan Pick Is Good for Obama | RealClearPolitics

With Ryan Pick, Romney Is No Longer Playing It Safe | RealClearPolitics

Picking Ryan: Why Romney Changed to Obama’s Game -- Daily Intel

Substance and Style - By Deroy Murdock - The Corner - National Review Online

Five myths about Obama’s stimulus - The Washington Post

The Ryan Test: Demagoguery Versus Ideas « Commentary Magazine

Likability Index -

George F. Will: It’s a question of context - The Washington Post

Does President Obama Want to Take Over Other Industries? - ABC News

Robert Reich: Erasing W

Inside the VP Pick: How Romney Decided On Ryan – and Kept the Secret | Swampland |

The Soul of the Olympics -

A One-Man Department of Justice | The Weekly Standard

Romney’s bold choice -

Paul Ryan’s Cramped Vision -

Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate is a battle cry - NY Daily News

Cost-shifting will only continue under Obamacare |

Romney Adds Ryan to the Republican Ticket -

Real Solutions Will Take Leadership and Courage | RealClearPolitics

With Paul Ryan, Romney Makes the VP Pick Obama Wanted | Mother Jones

What the Ryan Pick Says About Romney | The Weekly Standard

Romney-Ryan 2012 - The Maddow Blog

Evaluating the Paul Ryan Pick | RealClearPolitics

Smart Democrats Should Be Worried - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online

Paul Begala on How With Ryan, Romney Has the Plutocrat Ticket - The Daily Beast

Roger L. Simon » Romney’s Gutsy Choice

Obama | america, obama, romney - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Romney goes bold with Ryan as VP pick |

Crony capitalism just seen as bad business -

Global Economic Crisis: Central Banks Must Stop Intervening | Business |

Opinion: With Ryan pick, a new Romney - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Obamacare Makes Vice President Ryan Possible | The Weekly Standard

Why the Ryan Pick Is Good for Obama | RealClearPolitics

With Ryan Pick, Romney Is No Longer Playing It Safe | RealClearPolitics

Picking Ryan: Why Romney Changed to Obama’s Game -- Daily Intel

Substance and Style - By Deroy Murdock - The Corner - National Review Online

Five myths about Obama’s stimulus - The Washington Post

The Ryan Test: Demagoguery Versus Ideas « Commentary Magazine

Likability Index -

George F. Will: It’s a question of context - The Washington Post

Does President Obama Want to Take Over Other Industries? - ABC News

Robert Reich: Erasing W

Inside the VP Pick: How Romney Decided On Ryan – and Kept the Secret | Swampland |

The Soul of the Olympics -

A One-Man Department of Justice | The Weekly Standard

Romney’s bold choice -

Paul Ryan’s Cramped Vision -

Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate is a battle cry - NY Daily News

Cost-shifting will only continue under Obamacare |

Romney Adds Ryan to the Republican Ticket -

Real Solutions Will Take Leadership and Courage | RealClearPolitics

With Paul Ryan, Romney Makes the VP Pick Obama Wanted | Mother Jones

What the Ryan Pick Says About Romney | The Weekly Standard

Romney-Ryan 2012 - The Maddow Blog

Evaluating the Paul Ryan Pick | RealClearPolitics

Smart Democrats Should Be Worried - By John Fund - The Corner - National Review Online

Paul Begala on How With Ryan, Romney Has the Plutocrat Ticket - The Daily Beast

Roger L. Simon » Romney’s Gutsy Choice

Obama | america, obama, romney - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Romney goes bold with Ryan as VP pick |

Crony capitalism just seen as bad business -

Global Economic Crisis: Central Banks Must Stop Intervening | Business |


Applebee’s Takeout & Sneaking Through the Woods: How Ryan Was Kept Secret From the Press

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says She Doesn’t Know the Political Affiliation of Pro-Obama Super PAC

Rachel Maddow & National Review‘s Rich Lowry Battle Over Ryan’s Budget Plan

‘Our Rights Come From Nature and God, Not Government’: Paul Ryan Channels Philosopher John Locke in Announcement Speech

Flashback: Paul Ryan Laughs at Debbie Wasserman Schultz During CNN Battle

Reports: Netanyahu Has ‘Almost Finally’ Made Decision to Attack Iran Nuke Plants — But Cabinet Colleagues Oppose

Full Attack Mode: Obama Team Launches Anti-Ryan Ad & Website Calling VP Pick ‘Severely Conservative’

‘American Patriot’: Obama Praises Clinton Aide Huma Abedin During Ramadan Dinner

Full Remarks: Paul Ryan Introduced as Mitt Romney’s Running Mate

‘Hero’ Pilot the Only Fatality as Skydivers Jump Out of Crashing Plane in Illinois

Watch Flashback: Glenn Beck Interview With Paul Ryan From 2010

6 Videos of Massive Damage From Iran’s Catastrophic Quake

‘Unfortunate Pick’: Bush State Dept. Senior Adviser Weighs in on Paul Ryan

Public Health Experts Reportedly Targeting Gun Violence as ‘Social Disease’

Democracy in Action? Egyptian Court Orders Newspaper Critical of Islamist Pres. Morsi Confiscated

Joe Biden Calls Paul Ryan to ‘Welcome Him to the Race’

Democratic Party Platform Committee Backs Same-Sex Marriage for the First Time

First Obama Response to Paul Ryan Pick: ‘Radical’ & ‘Extreme’ — Quotes the New York Times

Oops: Romney Gaffes, Introduces Ryan as the ‘Next President of the United States’

‘A Truly Inspired Choice’: Rumored GOP Contenders React to Ryan VP Pick

‘We Won’t Duck the Tough Issues…We Will Lead!’: Excerpts From Paul Ryan’s Speech

Medical Professionals Explain Why Olympians Are Wearing that Colored Tape (And Why You Probably Shouldn’t)

Dem Convention to Feature ‘Notable’ Republicans, Paint Romney as a ‘Heartless Aristocrat’

Time For Some R&R America: Romney & Ryan


**Saturday, 8/11/12 Larry Kudlow

Friday, August 10th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Friday, August 10th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Friday, 8/10/12 - Batchelor 9pm

Friday, 8/10/12 - Batchelor 10pm

Friday, 8/10/12 - Batchelor 11pm

Friday, 8/10/12 - Batchelor 12am

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday August 11 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday August 11 2012 Hour 2

World Crisis Radio Saturday August 11 2012 Hour 1

World Crisis Radio Saturday August 11 2012 Hour 2


Retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel talks about investigating and debunking UFO sightings - YouTube


August 4, 2012/ Iran Missile Test Sends “Shockwave” Across Entire World

August 6, 2012/ False Flag Sikh Massacre In US Shocks Top Russian Leaders

August 8, 2012 / German Spy Reveals Secret US-Hollow Earth Pact For Global Rule .

Can humans live on Mars? Three Canadian scientists are looking for the answer -

New Species Animal Discovery: South American Cricket, Insect | Global Animal

Mysterious artefacts from Neolithic age could be match sticks

`Ancient Mayans domesticated turkey 2,500 years ago`

“Zero Accountability”: Glenn Greenwald on Obama’s Refusal to Prosecute Wall Street Crimes |

Voting record analysis finds Paul Ryan most extreme VP nominee in a century

Romney would pay less than 1% in taxes under Ryan plan

Tehran Conference belies US Syria claims: Webster Tarpley - YouTube


The Psychology of Rebellion and Conformity 1

The Psychology of Rebellion and Conformity 2

Obamacare’s Sacrifice of Religious Freedom

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 1

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 2

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 3

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 4

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 5

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 6

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 7

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 8

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 9

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 10

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 11

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 12

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 13

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood 14


United States Socialist Republic (USSR) 1

United States Socialist Republic (USSR) 2


H.A.A.R.P Targeting Iran Nuclear Reactors with Earthquakes | CounterPsyOps

Christians, silence is not an option

V. P. Candidate Paul Ryan Even Stronger on Foreign Policy Than Most Presidential Candidates,

The Most Divisive Campaign in American History

Does the Democratic Party have a Death Wish?

America CAN Be SAVED: The Paul Ryan Revolution Begins!

Nationalize All Industries

Campaign to Renew America

Pro-Gun Activists Go on the Offensive; Look to Counter Mainstream Propaganda | American Free Press

AFP Interviews “Top Undercover Cop” on CIA’s Control of the Drug Trade | American Free Press

Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system — RT


**Coast To Coast AM - Threats to Health & Liberty - 08-11-2012 - C2CAM - YouTube


**Richard Dawkins Vs. William Lane Craig Debate - YouTube


Prison » Robot Hijacks End Game Film!


**EndGame - YouTube


Prison » The Next Election: High Stake Outcomes Based on Non-issues

Prison » Veep Pick Paul Ryan Is No Conservative

Prison » Bankster Fraud Has Driven 100 Million Into Poverty, Killing Many

Prison » Total surveillance police state – NYPD reveals new massive $40 million super computer spy system

Prison » Confirmed: New Nationwide “Trapwire” Surveillance System Is Actively Recording, Monitoring Everything

Prison » America’s Eco-Cities: Sustainable Prisons of the Future

Prison » Big Pharma and Collaborators Resort to Underhanded Tactics in Push to Ban Homeopathy

Prison » Neo-Humanity: Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine

Most Americans think the TSA is doing a good job, survey finds -

Prison » Terrorism Anxiety Disorder: How The Irrational Response To 9/11 Paralyzed America And The West

Downtown residents battling tourist trash from 9/11 memorial after NYPD took away their garbage cans -

*12 Aug

American Minute for August 12th

August 12th in History

August 12 Events in History

This Day in History for 12th August |

August 12th This Day in History

Today in History: August 12

Today in History: August 12

Today in History for August 12th - YouTube

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