A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

18 July 2012

18 July'12



Arpaio’s Obama probe finds ‘national security threat’

The Police state: Not here, right? « The PPJ Gazette

My Way News - The tax man cometh to police you on health care

Designer life, mutant animals, genetic engineering, gene therapy, insurance - future health speaker - YouTube

Video:The Wal-Mart Song

HILARIOUS! Jon Stewart Takes On Romney’s ‘Bain Damage’ | MoveOn.Org

Shocking! Banned In America! Exposing Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption | Before It's News

HSBC scandal: Britain's biggest bank let drug gangs launder millions - and faces a £640million fine | Mail Online

My Blog

My Blog

Blackwater illegally paid millions in taxpayer money — RT


Monsanto's Roundup Diluted by 450-Fold is Still Toxic to DNA | Wake Up World

This Must Happen | Kirwan's Art & Articles

Would Romney Pursue A Neocon War Agenda?

Business Community Fumes Over Obama ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Insult

New Economy What Is A Time Bank?

Senate Republicans Kill Disclose Act in Blow to Campaign Transparency | Common Dreams

The Return of The Incredible Green Fireballs: New Films of a UFO Mystery

UFO NEWS | MICHIGAN | VIDEO: Mysterious Lights Spotted Over Northern Counties Incite Multiple 911 Calls

How the drought could hit your wallet – This Just In - Blogs

U.S. Has No Idea Who's a Taliban 'Leader,' Still Boasts About Killing Them | Danger Room |

War On All Fronts -

Connie Mack Invokes Daddy In Temper Tantrum | Sinclair News.Net

Breaking: Assassination Attempt of Hillary Clinton in Israel | Beacon Equity: Penny Stocks, Stock Alerts


+The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse

**Conspiracy Of Silence - YouTube


Reps. Ron Paul, Barney Frank join forces to back bipartisan medical marijuana bill | _

Sex abuse victim recalls horrid encounter with Edward Savitz, associate of ex-Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky - NY Daily News

Awesome Security Camera Video: Robbers Hold Up Internet Cafe, Get Shot By Patriotic American! « America First

Brian Joseph Hedglin, SkyWest Pilot And Murder Suspect, Tries To Steal Plane, Kills Self

Refreshing News: Anti-piracy group fined for stealing music

Alternative media blows the lid on Big Pharma's massive bribery network

Glaxo Boss Andrew Witty Knighted By The Queen Of England… | GSK : Licence To (K) ill

BBC News - New Year Honours: Reid and Witty business knights

4 reasons the hedge fund industry is dead - Outside the Box - MarketWatch

Activist Post: The Federal Reserve Is Not Going To Save Us From The Great Depression That Is Coming

“The Jewish State”—What It Really Means and Why the Rest of the World Should be Terrified at the mere mention of it « The Ugly Truth

America Heading Towards a Collapse Worse Than 2 - Flash Player Installation

Merck Paid Legislators to Pass Gardasil Vaccine Bill

Syria Suicide Bomber Kills Defense Minister and Assad Brother in Law « America First

French Foreign Minister Accused of Falsifying Reports on Syria "To Provoke a War"

Cheney warns GOP senators of harm from $500B in defense cuts - The Hill's DEFCON Hill

11 International Agreements That Are Nails In The Coffin Of The Petrodollar -

Americans Joining Disability Now Outpacing Americans Finding Jobs | The Weekly Standard

Dozens of Genetically Modified Babies Already Born - How Will They Alter Human Species? -

Activist Post: Research: Gold and Tea Outperform Chemo in Fighting Cancer

Why a Decline in Mammography Rates is Really GOOD News

+Ben Swann Claims Ron Paul Has Plurality of Delegates in 5 States

37 min./Police Brutality Worse than Rodney King - The Robert Leone Story - YouTube

Rabbis Pushing Womens and Gays Rights - E Michael Jones - YouTube

The Libor scandal explained | Veterans News Now

Matthew Norman: Don't forget why Tony Blair is a pariah in his own land - Matthew Norman - Commentators - The Independent

HSBC scandal: Britain's biggest bank let drug gangs launder millions - and faces a £640million fine | Mail Online

HSBC 'sorry' for aiding Mexican drugs lords, rogue states and terrorists | Business | The Guardian

Court order prevents BBC from broadcasting film about riots | UK news |

Refreshing News: The Average Canadian is Now Richer than the Average American

America, Get Ready for Backdoor Austerity | _

2012 London Olympics Illuminati Nuclear False Flag | _

Puerto Rico eyeing possible Libor-manipulation claims - Chicago Tribune

Activist Post: Landmark Family Farmers Lawsuit Against Monsanto Grows

Activist Post: Big Oil's Secret: They Support Global Warming Policy

Activist Post: Bad Economic Signs 2012

Government is tightening its grip on whistleblowers - YouTube

Obama Hits Romney Over Detroit Bailout - YouTube

Romney Hits 'Didn't Build That' Obama Remark - YouTube

Fed Chief Says U.S. Economy Has Lost Strength - YouTube

Liberty: Why so Many don’t Understand It

U.N. Small Arms Treaty – Attack on the 2nd Amendment

Obama’s Major Bain Capital Mistake

US Set to Lose 2 Million Jobs

The Bane of Bain Capital

EFF Obtains FAA Documents Detailing Domestic Drone Use -

FDA Spied On Emails To Try To Silence Critics | Techdirt

Law Enforcement And Marketers Buying Your Smart Phone Tracking Data -


C2CAM - Maitreya Update & Open Lines - Coast To Coast AM . 21q - YouTube

Maitreya and Masters - Benjamin Creme - Coast to Coast AM Classic - YouTube

World Main Show Only - Maitreya Prophecies - YouTube


Watergate, Nixon & the Mafia - July 17, 2012 - YouTube

Watergate: The Hidden History- Nixon, The Mafia, and The CIA - YouTube

"Watergate: The Hidden History" Part 1 - YouTube

"Watergate: The Hidden History" Part 2 - YouTube




Carney On Why Jobs Council Hasn't Met In Six Months: Obama Has "A Lot On His Plate"
Tucker Carlson On Media Matters' Link To Obama's Super PAC
Rollins: Obama Believes Gov't Has To Be Involved In Every Element Of Your Life
Obama In 1999: I Do Not Support The Clinton Welfare Reform
Nancy Pelosi: Democrats Should Skip The Convention
Obama: "When I'm In A Big Important International Meeting And You See Me Writing Stuff Down It Might Be That I'm Just Drawing Some Folks"
Wasserman Schultz: "Ludicrous" To Say Obama Doesn't Want Business To Take Credit
O'Reilly: I'm Willing To Pay 40% To The Government
Blow: Sununu "Tapping Into This Otherness Idea That Persists About" Obama
CBS News: "This Is The Worst Economic Recovery America Has Ever Had"
Karl Rove: Obama Has "Radical View" Of Taxation
President George W. Bush On The Presidency And Life After The Presidency
Rather: Romney Is In A Hole And Just Keeps Digging
Fineman: Romney Looks Like A "Deer In The Headlights"
Romney Ad: Where Did All The Money Go?
Democrats: "Mitt Dancing Around The Issues: Vol. I"
Sununu vs. Juan Williams On Obama's "You Didn't Build That" Comment
MoveOn Ad: "Tricky Mitt"
Krauthammer: If Election Were Held Tomorrow, Obama Would Win

Ben Hammersley: Vulnerable Despite Military Superiority
Drafting Israel's Ultra-Orthodox?
Sen. Bennet on European Fiscal Stability
Major U.S. Military Moves in Persian Gulf
Sen. Levin Outlines HSBC Laundering Charges
Shark Attacks May Jeopardize Protected Status
Floods Sweep Southern China
Raw Video: Syria Choppers Hit Rebels in Capital
Raw Video: Tattoos Mark Mandela Day in SA
Bomb Kills Syrian Defense Minister
Unraveling Afghanistan
Iran: The Nuclear Challenge
How Should the Administration Handle Syria, Iran?


Matthews: Obama Has "Never Done Anything Wrong," A "Perfect Husband"
Krauthammer: No Matter How Many Tax Returns Romney Releases, Obama Will Demand More
Levin On Romney: "Four More Months Of This And We Should Be Okay"
Obama: Mandate Is "Less A Tax Or A Penalty Than It Is A Principal"
Schumer: There Ought To Be Limits On First Amendment
Santorum: Obama Is A "Two-Bit Dictator"
S.E. Cupp To MSNBC Panel: Obama Is A Collectivist
Sununu Apologizes For Telling Obama To "Learn How To Be An American"
Bernanke: "Reduction In Unemployment Rate Seems Likely To Be Frustratingly Slow"
Romney: "I Believe In Free People And Free Markets"
Cutter Confronted With Obama's Own Words On Running Negative Campaigns
Obama: Texas Will Be A Battleground State "Soon"
Portman: Obama Has "A Fundamental Misunderstanding Of The Economy"
Dick Morris: Romney Should Run Bain Success Stories Right Now
Jon Stewart Rips Mitt Romney Over Bain Connection
Sununu: Obama Needs To "Learn How To Be An American"
RNC Web Ad Slams Obama For Taxpayer Money Benefiting Crony
Hartmann: Why Would Anyone Proudly Call Themselves A Conservative?
Maddow: Liberals Are Finally Giving To Super PACs This Year
O'Reilly: Obama Administration Invested In Outsourcing
Corn: Romney's Companies Engaged In Outsourcing

Whale Shark Sucks Fish from Net Off Indonesia
USNS Rappahannock Fires upon Suspicious Boat Near UAE
Should Iran's Threat to Block the Strait of Hormuz be Taken Seriously?
Chinese Premier: China 'Not Yet Stable'
Turkey's Alawites' Fears over Syria Uprising
Syria Massacre: Chemical Weapons Threat?
Clinton: U.S. Prepared to Back Syrian People Post-Assad
Clinton: Iran Proposals to World Powers 'Non-Starters'
London Scrambles to Fill Olympic Security Void
Two Dead, 19 Injured in Toronto Party Shooting
Syria's Rebels Take Fight to Damascus
Raw Video: Fire Breaks Out in Istanbul High-rise
U.S. Influence Waning in Middle East?


Matt Ridley on Mars, the Curiosity Mission and Alien Life | Mind & Matter -

Iceberg bigger than Manhattan breaks free - Technology & science - Science - OurAmazingPlanet -

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology: Argentina: Mysterious Events in Western Buenos Aires

Human Cyborg: McDonald’s Employees Assaulted Me For Wearing My Gear | LiveScience

Mars bars not included: NASA builds menu for 2030 mission to red planet | Fox News

Fuel Cell Treats Wastewater and Harvests Energy: Scientific American

Chris Stringer on the Origins and Rise of Modern Humans -

‘Baltic UFO’ may be secret Nazi sub-trap — RT

Archaeologists uncover largest ancient dam built by Maya in Central America

Asteroid miners to hitch a ride with Virgin Galactic - space - 13 July 2012 - New Scientist


**Full Press Conference Sheriff Joe Arpaio Barack Obama Birth Certificate July 17, 2012 - YouTube

(copy)Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Birth Certificate News Conference - YouTube


Arpaio: Obama birth certificate issue needs further investigation - News from The Arizona Republic

Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio claims Obama’s birth certificate is fake - NY Daily News


Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (7-17-12) G. Edward Griffin & Blair Hamrick - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Tuesday (7-17-12) Jeffrey M. Smith - YouTube


“Get the Gringo”, produced by Mel Gibson… How about some truth? | Planet Infowars

Get the Gringo Trailer Official (2012) - YouTube

New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns | Before It's News

21 min./Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns - YouTube

Secret Ways To Reverse Aging Easily | Before It's News

The Milwaukee/Chicago Mega City idea Futuristic, Great next Step. | Before It's News

Mexican Drug Cartels Have Infiltrated All Of These US Cities - Business Insider

30 min./Mysterious Currency Transfers Before 9-11 - YouTube

Mysterious Currency Transfers Before 9-11 | Before It's News

Obama declares he's Muslim! - YouTube

Priceless: Nancy Pelosi Tells House Democrats To Skip The DNC Convention | Before It's News

New Gaddafi Video? Footage Purportedly Shows Late Libyan Leader After His Death (GRAPHIC) | Before It's News

Gaddafi Video/You Tube

The 20 Strangest Sex Laws | Before It's News

Underground Bases & Nephilim are Real - Insider -

VPR News: Five Men Agree To Stand Directly Under An Exploding Nuclear Bomb

The Sun Just 'Exploded': Our Star On Fire - Not Earth Directed | Before It's News

Human corpses harvested in multimillion-dollar trade

Exposure To Sexual Content In Popular Movies Predicts Sexual Behavior In Adolescence | Before It's News

Mitt Romney Runs Against Chicago ... Four Years Too Late

Corn crop shrinking by the hour

What You Need to Read: The Mitt Romney Summer Book List

Perry Won't Press Romney To Release Tax Returns - YouTube

Relatives fear missing Iowa cousins were abducted

Ricky Martin Urges Boy Scouts of America to Lift Ban on Gays

Pawlenty: Mitt Romney has 'paid a lot of taxes'

Suspect in Mich. sisters' deaths dies in W.Va.

Report: Chris Christie to keynote GOP convention

Brown raises more large gifts from Mass. than Warren

2 face preliminary hearing in Tulsa shooting spree

Sheriff's finding about Obama birth certificate draws yawns

Relatives Sue Officials Over US Citizens Killed in Yemen

Kerry Kennedy says car accident caused by seizure

New study: 500000 face major challenges with voter ID laws

Molly Bish cold case murder probe eyeing convicted Fla. killer

Dems Hit Romney For 'Dancing Horse' Rafalca

FBI raids home of New Jersey capital's mayor

Samuel Williams Shoots At Internet Cafe Robbery Suspects Duwayne Henderson, Davis Dawkins (VIDEO)

Sarah Silverman offers sex act for Obama funds

Obama Sues Ohio to Restore Early Voting

Agriculture secretary to speak about drought: White House

If black turnout falls, Obama could struggle

Sarah Palin still awaiting convention invite

Suit targets Arizona election measure

Rush Limbaugh: Obama 'hates this country'

Debbie Wasserman Schultz had offshore accounts like Mitt Romney, said Mary Matalin

Nelson Mandela turns 94: Bill Clinton and Alex Ferguson join celebrations - YouTube

Nelson Mandela's 94th birthday celebrations

North Korea's Kim Jong-un named marshal

22 NATO fuel supply trucks destroyed in Afghanistan

Annan asks UN Security Council to delay Syria vote: Britain

Libyan liberals take the lead (+video)

David Cameron warned over speed of troop withdrawal from Afghanistan

Chinese, African Leaders Gather in Beijing for Talks

Details on AT&T's new 'Mobile Share' plans, at a glance

EU regulators investigating Microsoft's Windows 8

Google works around Motorola import ban after Microsoft dispute


PayPal snaps up mobile-payments start-up - Credit card scanning for mobile apps


Hatred of Timeline causes satisfaction with Facebook to plummet

NASA partners with Microsoft to launch its first video game

Soyuz Docking Fully Restores Space Station Crew - YouTube

How You Connect an Underwater Outpost to the Rest of the World

Higgs fever: Overflow crowd hears about new particle (w/ Video)

Dang, These Squids Are Total Sex Freaks, Isn't Nature Amazing?

Superweeds You Can't Spray Away; Scientists Create World's Lightest Material

Sophisticated Mayan water management system revealed

How Pluto Got Its Moons

Inactivity tied to 5.3 million deaths worldwide, similar to smoking

UN: Some progress against HIV in poor countries

Key Advance in Alzheimer's Research

FDA Makes It Official: BPA Can't Be Used in Baby Bottles and Cups

Vitamin B12 Boosts Response to Hep C Therapy

Utah man's self-obit, confessions get national attention

Trans Fat Ban Improves New Yorker Diet

Musical glove could improve mobility in people with spinal injuries

How Yahoo just became the most innovative company in tech

A Yahoo Search Calls Up a Chief From Google

Bernanke Outlines Range of Options for Additional Easing

Ramadan, a sacred time for reflection, sacrifice to Muslims and appreciation as non-Muslims - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

2 trains crash in Egypt after passengers tired of waiting put stones, logs on tracks - The Washington Post

Obama on ESPN: Original Dream Team Better Than 2012 Version

US Steps Up Naval Presence in Middle East

Caught on Video: Democrat Loses It On Tea Partiers

Campaign: Obama ‘Has Worked Hard For African-American Community’

Bernanke Knew About LIBOR Scandal Four Years Ago

Barack Obama, Bitter Clinger

Reuters Goes on Offense Against Romney’s Stimulus Attacks

Sarah Silverman Suddenly Worried About Money in Politics

Poll: Americans Less Comfortable With Mormons Than Blacks

Media Shields Obama from... Small Business Owners

CNN Vet Pilgrim Doesn't Miss Cronkite Era of Journalism

Obama: Texas Will Become Battleground State

Rep. Berkley's Health Care Donations Spiked After Hospital Intervention

Destroyed by Occupiers, LA Unveils New $550,000 City Hall Lawn

Obamabomb: Put Down Sex Novel, Read Constitution

The ‘Bonehead’ in Chief Fibs on Drilling

Senator: 'Country Will Have to Face the Consequences' if GOP Supports Bush Tax Cuts

Obama Campaign Fundraises Off Rush Limbaugh

Age of Obama: Comedy Central Web Series Taunts Jobless Millennials

Obama Economy: Food Prices Skyrocketed in 2011

Krauthammer To Romney: Releasing More Tax Returns 'Playing Into The Obama Strategy'

Ousted RINO Lugar Urges Romney To Release Taxes

France's Rich Go Galt

O'Keefe Strikes Again: Union Corruption Behind 'Shovel Ready Green Jobs'

The Biggest Threat To The Right Is The Right

Romney In 2002: 'I Was Running The Olympics' Not Bain Capital

Trump: 'People Should Be Rewarded For Being Good Entrepreneurs, Not Scoffed At'

Levin: If Romney Keeps Hitting Back For Four More Months 'We Should Be O.K.'

Obama: 'If You've Got Health Care... You're Not Paying A Tax'

Romney: Obama 'Insulting' Steve Jobs, Papa John

Scott Walker Romney's Best Choice for Vice President

Flash Mobs ARE Obama's America

World View: HSBC Holdings Admits to Criminal Money Laundering

Sec. of State Clinton Says U.S. and Israel on Same Page

AP Misleads: Perry Did NOT Call for Romney to Release Tax Returns

O'Keefe Rises: Union Bosses Okay Digging Up–Then Filling Back In–Ditches on Taxpayers' Dime

Meet John Hutchings: Lining Union Pockets with Your Money

Romney Would be Insane to Release More Tax Returns, Unless....

+Top Ten Things Obama Has Not Released

Raw, Un-Edited Footage of Project Veritas' Big Labor Expose'

Chicago Tribune Journalism Offshoring Scandal Ends

Romney Runs Spanish Ad: 'Country Of Immigrants'

Mash-Up: Romney Takes On Obama's View Of Free Market Economics

The Obama Way: Romney Must Ignore Media Fact-Checkers and Attack

Note to Obama: Investigate Romney Or Shut the Hell Up

Meet John Hutchings: Lining Union Pockets with Your Money

France's Rich Go Galt

Romney: Obama 'Insulting' Steve Jobs, Papa John

Levin: If Romney Keeps Hitting Back For Four More Months 'We Should Be O.K.'

The Obama Way: Romney Must Ignore Media Fact-Checkers and Attack

Sununu Slams Obama 'Learn How To Be An American'

NPR Turns Report on DISCLOSE Act into Taxpayer-Subsidized Obama Commercial

Study: Most Women Now Primary Breadwinners

Speaking of Felonies: The White House and the Sestak 'Bribe'

Video/Sen. Tom Coburn: How Both Parties Bankrupted America

Video/Powering America: Uranium Mining and Milling

**Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke Testimony to Congress [Full Transcript] - July 17 12 10:23 EDT -

State of Chicago: The Decline and Rise |

If You Don’t Buy Insurance, Will You Really Pay the Tax? — The American Magazine

Neil Barofsky, the Democrat Taking Digs at Obama - Businessweek

The Washington Monthly - The Magazine - How to Save Our Kids From Poverty in Old Age

RealClearPolicy- More FDA Control Does Not Mean More Safety

Why "Knowing How the Economy Works" Is Not Enough

The End of Teachers Unions | Hoover Institution

RealClearMarkets - Is the Financial System Stable Without Regulation?

"Everyone Only Wants Temps" | Mother Jones

Hope But No Change - By Mvemba Phezo Dizolele | Foreign Policy

New Statesman - The art of smart power

Obama's Fantasy World | The Weekly Standard

Inside The Power Struggle In Pyongyang - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

Google executives say technology can be harnessed to fight drug cartels in Mexico - The Washington Post

Nuclear Iran, revolution in Europe: it's fun to make your flesh creep, but Armageddon isn't really nigh – Telegraph Blogs

Doyle McManus: All quiet on the war front -

Commentary: The U.S.-Pakistan Catastrophe | The National Interest

Will Libya be an Arab Spring Success Story? - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Who’s watching Syria’s chemical arms? -

America’s ‘Rebalance’ Finds its Footing | The Diplomat

My Take: Jews and Muslims should unite against Germany circumcision ban – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Religion News Service | Culture | Arts & Media | Bible museum planned for Washington, D.C.

A review of Embattled Ecumenism, by Jill K. Gill | The Christian Century

Churches Shifting Summer Worship From Sunday To Wednesday Nights

Phoenix Pastor Jailed Over Home Bible Study to Serve 3 Years?

Imprisoned by Scientologists? Our Fascination with Captivity Narratives | Religion & Politics

Mary Jo Kopechne and Chappaquiddick: America's Selective Memory

Chappaquiddick's unanswered questions :: Jeff Jacoby

CABINET // Mein Royalties

German Historian Discusses New Scholarly Edition of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Obama's 'American story' faces fresh scrutiny | Fox News

America's Civil War: Fort Wagner and the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

History of Colored Troops in the American Civil War

Archived-Articles: Jack Cashill's Deconstructing Obama

How to succeed on Kickstarter Betable Game Monetization Blog

A gateway to perdition – Mic Wright – The Kernel

E-Commerce: Will Amazon Take Over the World? | Business |

Marissa Mayer: From Google 'geek' to Yahoo CEO -

The laser-powered bionic eye that gives 576-pixel grayscale vision to the blind | ExtremeTech

9 Ways Supermarkets Are Going High Tech

Why A Legendary Gadget Needs To Die

The Web Is Not the Internet (You're Probably Getting That Wrong) | Motherboard

3 Charts That Show How Wikipedia Is Running Out of Admins - Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic

Google Glass controls and Artificial Intelligence detailed - SlashGear

In-Q-Tel: The CIA's Tax-Funded Player In Silicon Valley : All Tech Considered : NPR

Facebook's March to Social Operating System

Microsoft’s tweaks to Skype could facilitate wiretapping (Updated) | ExtremeTech

Finding the mystery man behind FunnyJunk | Ars Technica

Coursera adds first international university partners, raises additional $6M — Tech News and Analysis

Arpaio Obama probe finds ‘national security threat’

Exclusive proof of Obama forgery from Cold Case Posse - Phoenix Family |

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Cold Case Posse Protested Ahead Of Release Of Alleged 'Indisputable' Birther Proof

Ariz Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he’s shocked by comedian George Lopez’s comments about him on TV - The Washington Post

Prison » Source: Molecular Scanners Will Be Used To Harass Gun Owners

+List Of Alternative Currency Systems From Around The World - :

* Complementary Currency Resource Center - ccDatabase

Diabetes Could be Linked to Phthalates, Chemical in Common Household Products « America First

Brain Surgeon Confirms ObamaCare Rations Care, Has Death Panels!

Cowardly EPA Thumbs Nose At Private Citizen, Hides Behind Bureaucracy

Senate To Gut Second Amendment?

Exclusive: Obama Bundler & "Obot" Met With Syrian Officials in 2010

The Top 25 Sites to Watch Free Movies and TV Online ~ ButterBlog

EPA Overlook: The Benefits of Greenhouse Emissions

The World's Most Energy Efficient Economies

Oil: Only part of the Arctic's massive resources - Jul. 17, 2012

Meet the winners and losers of the coming age of plenty | The Oil and the Glory

The Death of American Coal Producers — and a Potential Lifeline

Obama Pledges More Taxpayer Dollars for Green Energy

‘Energy rationing’ ≠ a smart grid. | The Energy Collective

Why Do Generation X Americans Not Care About Climate Change? - Climate Desk - The Atlantic

Stacy Clark: The Promiscuous Politics of the Energy Industry

Inside the strange world of 'green energy' politics and how it's ruining the US | Fox News

The Power Grid: From Rickety to Resilient - TIME

Real Clear Markets - Video - Is the Fed Out of Ammo?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Schumer to Bernanke: 'Get To Work'

The not-so-great and powerful Ben Bernanke - The Buzz - Investment and Stock Market News

Michael Kazin: Why Businessmen Don’t Get Elected President | The New Republic

You're Wrong President Obama, Howard Johnson Built His Business - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Obama Pans the Private Equity That Will Save Our Lives

Obama and our government have hurt me, not helped me, every step of the way | Fox News

Income Equality Is the Road to Middle-Class Taxation - Forbes

Ignore the news headlines! - Mark Hulbert - MarketWatch

A Biologist And A Psychologist Square Off Over The Definition Of Science

Get the picture? Art in the brain of the beholder - 17 July 2012 - New Scientist

RealClearScience - Fusion Power: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Why Curiosity Needs to Dig Deep for Organic Molecules on Mars | Wired Science |

Who’s on America’s Side? -

The American Spectator : No, You Can't!

Obama's Statism vs. the Self-Made Man | RealClearPolitics

Four dangerous myths about government spending -

Sen. Tom Coburn: How Both Parties Bankrupted America - Hit & Run :

The Case For (And Against) Bobby Jindal as VP | Swampland |

The Lowdown on Team Obama's "Highbrow" Aspirations | RealClearPolitics

This Time ‘Class Warfare’ Cry is True - Bloomberg

Jenkins: The Campaign's Stupid Moment -

Too Big to Fail and Too Big to Jail Continues | RealClearPolitics

Goodwin: Anthony Weiner should be disqualified from being New York mayor -

How Much Has Citizens United Changed the Political Game? -

Obama to entrepreneurs: Your success belongs to the state | New Hampshire OPINION01

The Rush to Abandon the Poor -

Review & Outlook: Staples vs. Solyndra -

Obama Descends into Self-Parody -

Could one word take down Obamacare?

The Essential Lesson of the Auto Bailout — The American Magazine

The Biggest Mistake of Campaign 2012… « Commentary Magazine

Arianna Huffington: Is Storytelling the Secret Weapon of the 2012 Race?

15 Amazing Facts About Google | Before It's News

30 Quotes on Overcoming Challenges | Before It's News

* Make Your Own Peanut Butter! | Before It's News

*RNC confirms Ron Paul will be up for nomination - National Ron Paul |

9/11 Videos - The Controlled Collapse of WTC 7

Bank Reform -

Warren Buffett: "Get down on your knees and thank the LORD for Ben Bernanke" (VIDEO) - Home - The Daily Bail

Illinois City Calls On Mitt Romney To Stop Bain-Owned Company From Outsourcing 170 Local Jobs | _

Sony SmartWatch Review: Maybe the Worst Thing Sony Has Ever Made

Poll: 80% of Americans Would Consider Voting for a 3rd Party/Independent Presidential Candidate « America First

LIBOR? The Real Scandal Is The Fed | _

Is This Legal? Obama's Daughters Are 'Senior Staffers' ? | Before It's News

Law Enforcement And Marketers Buying Your Smart Phone Tracking Data

Bypassing News: US Citizens Journalism Killing Mainstream

Our SCOTUS Chief Justice Turns Liberal on US and Gang of 20 RINOs Support UN Tax Scheme LOST

Spun Canadian economic data shilling for a Socialist America?

Bankruptcy: Cities First, Then The States

When Governments Elect Another People

Shunning Obama from Public Consciousness

Choose your Poison, Communism or Other Dictatorship?

Sick And Tired Of Obama

A United Nations Gun Control Treaty Coming Soon

The End of Welfare Reform As We Know It

Pentagon warns that US faces IED threat at home -

PressTV - Poll: 76% of Americans favor cutting military spending

Inequality, exhibit A: Walmart and the wealth of American families | Economic Policy Institute

20 MIN./G. Edward Griffin: Govt Has Become A 'Crime Syndicate' - YouTube

Chris - 45th Infantry: Confiscated Guns After Katrina, Reports Theft & Rape by NOPD! - YouTube

Alex Jones Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Obama Says The State Is GOD!!! - YouTube

Bill Richardson Sweats Bullets Over Bohemian Grove - YouTube

Prison » Whistleblower: NSA Analyzing Conversations In Real Time


FLASHBACK:Sheriff Arpaio: Entire Obama Birth Certificate Press Conference - YouTube


Video 1: Recap - YouTube

Video 2: The Manual Coding On Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Proves It's Not Legit - YouTube

Video 3: LetterProves Hawaii Gives Birth Certificate to People Born Outside The USA - YouTube

Video 4: Government Employee Calls Cops On Cold Case Posse In Hawaii - YouTube

Video 5: Proof Obama's Birth Number Is Off and He Wasn't Delivered at Kapiolani - YouTube


Prison » National Security Threat: O - Flash Player Installation

Prison » Arpaio calls Congress to move on Obama eligibility

**Jeffrey M. Smith: Monsanto, GMO Seeds of Destruction - YouTube

Prison » Very Real Danger of Collapse: “Could Be So Severe I Don’t Think Our Civilization Could Survive It”

NEW GREAT DEPRESSION: How Close Are We? - YouTube

Globalist Funded Environmentalist want to Destroy Humanity! - YouTube

Prison » FDA Spies On Whistleblowers’ Personal Information … Then Uses It to Smear Them

Prison » The Suppression of Scientific And Artistic Genius In The 20th Century By The US Government

Prison » Propaganda: The Language of Empire

Romney mulls early VP announcement | The Raw Story

Hoyer: Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance 2 'Most Stimulative' Things for Economy |

Prison » Scientists Genetically Modify Bacteria in Mosquitoes for ‘Malaria Control’

That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not! - Forbes

*Prison » IRS has no legal basis to collect Affordable Care Act tax – It’s all an act!

FBI Wants a Database of Your Tattoos

Prison » Laser-Powered Drone Could Remain Airborne Forever

Prison » Anti-First Amendment “Disclose Act” Fails Senate Cloture Vote

Prison » Ron Paul’s Final Questions for Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke

Goldman Sachs developing in-house private bank | The Raw Story

Prison » Bad Economic Signs 2012

Prison » Banksters Laundered Money for Drug Cartels and al-Qaeda


flashback:Retired FBI Agent Ted Gunderson, Whistleblower Poisoned! - YouTube

**The Ted Gunderson Files @


44 min./Not All Zombies Can Be Saved: Alex Answers 50 Questions - YouTube

Total Gun Ban Coming! - YouTube

» More Americans on Government Dole Than Found Jobs Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Erin Burnett To Romney: Release Your Tax Returns Unless You're 'Stupid' (VIDEO)

Media Fail: Chevy Volt Makes NO Money, Costs Taxpayers Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Per Car |

Comrade Obama's Doxology: Praise the State, Ungrateful Individualist Heathen! « Blog

Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube

» Manufactured Realities: The Truth About the Arab Spring, Occupy Movement and Anonymous Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

US 'the enemy' says Dotcom judge - Business - NZ Herald News

» Radiation On West Coast of North America Could End Up Being 10 Times HIGHER than in Japan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Forget the Navy’s $26 a Gallon, the Air Force Paid $59 for Biofuel Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Romney: Why won't Obama release Fast and Furious documents? - YouTube

Romney hits Obama on Fast and Furious, 'broken promises' of transparency | The Daily Caller

Obama, Napolitano playing a Mexican border shell game, say cops - National Law Enforcement |

» New Mexico police embrace mobile surveillance tools Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Surveillance, Domestic Spying and Invasion of Privacy in Post-Sept. 11 America | Highbrow Magazine

Airport scanning technology is a transparent victory for terrorism | Technology | The Observer

22 min./Hidden History of The Occult with Author Jim Marrs - YouTube

The 2nd Amendment and the Preservation of Liberty – Tenth Amendment Center

» Source: Molecular Scanners Will Be Used To Harass Gun Owners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Michael Chertoff Gets The Truth From We Are Change - YouTube

» New Judge Dredd May Be Most Despicable Superhero Yet Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Alleged 9/11 plotters' hearing after Ramadan -

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama Birth Record ‘Definitely Fraudulent’ [VIDEO]

Rachel Who? On MSNB… What? Anywho… I Think She’s Trying To Mock Rush During Her Audition Tape For ‘The Daily Show’

Mark Levin: Why Is Obama Honoring Mandela? Shouldn’t He Be Honoring The Govt Of South Africa?

Levin On Romney Firing Back: “Four More Months Of This And We Should Be Okay”

Rush: You Can’t Tell Me Carville Agrees With Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Comment

Rush: Mark Zuckerberg Has $6M House Bought For Him By The Bank

NBCNews Host Accuses Limbaugh of Racism for Saying Obama Used to Do Drugs

Debbie Schlussel/7 Israeli Jews Dead, 20 Injured in Bulgaria From Suicide Bombing Attack – Dearbornistan Connexn

Debbie Schlussel/US Flight Schools STILL Training Terrorists, Illegal Aliens 11 Years After 9/11

Debbie Schlussel/Airplane Food Jihad: Needles in US-Bound Flight Sandwiches No Surprise

Debbie Schlussel/Abigail Disney: Hitler Fan Walt Disney’s Descendant Joins Anti-Israel Boycott

Debbie Schlussel/UGH! Sarah Silverman Obama Sex Video Reaches New Low; YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME! When Will Obama Denounce?

Barack Obama Campaign Event, Austin, Texas – July 17 2012 | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Campaign Rally in Irwin, Pennsylvania – July 17 2012

DNC Ad: Mitt Dancing Around The Issues Volume I | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: A Clear Choice | ElectAd

Mitt Romney Ad: Where Did All The Money Go? | ElectAd

Bulgaria: Bus explosion kills at least 7 Israeli youth

New GOP ad hammers Obama: The Real Story of the Obama Economy

Romney: I’m the clear choice in this election – and no more Mr. Nice Guy

Nancy Pelosi: I’m not encouraging anyone to go to the convention

CBS News: ‘This is the worst economic recovery America has ever had’

Blockbuster: O’Keefe exposes Union bosses admitting green jobs are just “bullsh-t”

Dave Ramsey: Obama’s comments reveal he’s an ‘extreme left-wing liberal’, a political disaster for him

Chris Matthews: Obama is the perfect American and those who say otherwise are racists

Awesome: Sununu owns Juan Williams on Hannity, again

Mark Levin: Romney’s speech today was superb

Krauthammer: Romney shouldn’t release past tax returns

New NRCC ad slams Obama: He still doesn’t get it

Schumer: Hey, you don’t really need all those free speech rights do you?

Sununu: Obama spent years in Hawaii smoking something and has no idea how the American system functions

CNN runs segment romanticizing Taliban poetry

Bill Whittle DESTROYS any notion of reelecting Obama with rehash of his greatest ‘successes’

Socialist? Communist? Three Questions for Obama

New Romney ad hits Obama over cronyism

New Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Proof in the Layers

Obama and the Fantasy of Omniscient Government

The Outsourcing Dividend for the Poor and Middle Class

Fed Action. Helping or Hurting?

Time to Clean House at the CFTC

Obamanomics 101

Goofy Prescription to Forestall the New Great Depression

Obama, Rush, and Liberty

Mitt and the Alinskyites

Barack Obama Versus You

Another budget deadline missed by the Obama administration

'The unscrupulous Eric Holder is at it again'

Syrian defense minister killed by suicide bomber

Obama's 'Jobs Council' hasn't met for 6 months

Half a million in Energy Department equipment bought with stim bill money is missing

Is Obama Ripping Off the Mask?

TWA Flight 800: 16 Years and Still No Questions

My White Girlfriend Inspired Obama's Big, Dark Regina in Dreams from My Father

The Folly of Obama's Politics

Why Obama's College Records Matter

Do Obama's Executive Orders Reveal A Pattern?

Obama's Unserious National Security Policy

The Trickle-Down Hoax

In Amnesty or Crackdown, Obama Can't Win on Immigration - Doris Nhan -

Ad claims '19,207 deadly Islamic attacks since 9/11' | The Daily Caller

Ethics Committee launches probe of Dem Rep. Robert Andrews -

Romney team gets outgunned on rapid response to Obama - Washington Times

In Amnesty or Crackdown, Obama Can't Win on Immigration - Doris Nhan -

Hillary’s Role in Obama’s Mideast Disasters « Commentary Magazine

NSA Building Dossiers on Every American -

Study: People Who Are Constantly Online Can Develop Mental Disorders « CBS Charlotte

The Noose Continues to Tighten But No Government Lasts Forever - informationliberation

Auditors Say Billions Likely Wasted In Iraq Work : NPR

Ukraine jails two N. Koreans for missile spying

Coming to Terms With a Borderless World Economy | theneedleblog

Activist Post: Council on Foreign Relations Meets with Google to Fight International Crime

Prison » Outrage After News Channel Helps Public Identify Gun Owners

Is West's Dubai Playground Threatened by Islamist Radicals? - International Business Times

Banking in Dubai - Business Insider

The New Atlantis » The Population Control Holocaust

The coming American diaspora

The Damascus Suicide Bombing

At the Precipice of War U.S. Military Build-Up Accelerates in the Persian Gulf

Absurdity Rules the World

JPMorgan Scandal: The Tip Of The Iceberg

How Wall Street Scams Counties Into Bankruptcy

After 800 years, the Barons are Back in Control of Britain

The EyeOpener- Forced Vaccinations & the Death of Health Freedom

Forced Vaccinations and the Death of Health Freedom - YouTube

Obama birth certificate ‘definitely fraudulent’ | End the Lie – Independent News

The lesser of two evils: it’s all relative | End the Lie – Independent News

Psychopaths Caused the Financial Crisis … And They Will Do It Again and Again Unless They Are Removed From Power - Washington's Blog

New tool allows deputies to go after car owners who owe taxes | Charlotte

Obama preparing for citizen uprising?

Eisenhower’s Warning, 61 Years Earlier « Blog

The Lies We Tell by Justin Raimondo --

The Drug War Finds New Ways to Fail by Ivan Eland --

Pres. Could Seize Radio, Internet, under New Exec. Order | The Progressive

Hawk vs. Hawk | The American Conservative

Carnival Deception: While Mitt and Barry Posture, the Imperial Beast Plods On

A New Military Draft Would Revive A Very Bad Old Idea - Forbes

*Audio:First Lady of the Freedom Movement;Lew Rockwell talks with Carol Paul

Putter, Fritter, and Guess by Gary North

Civics Lesson by Chris Sullivan

Flat Tire Reboot | Eric Peters Autos

Tyrants and Human Nature by Walter E. Williams

What’s So Bad About Discrimination? - Taki's Magazine

A Man Is Punctual: The Importance of Being on Time | The Art of Manliness

Ever heard the sound of a nuclear bomb going off? Historian unveils one of the few surviving audio recordings of blast from 1950's Nevada tests | Mail Online

“Gravity Falls”: A New Disney TV Show Loaded With Illuminati Symbolism

The Esoteric Symbolism of the Viral Video “I, Pet Goat II”

Panetta: Syria 'Spinning out of Control'

Obama Hits Syrian Cabinet Members With Sanctions

Congress Stunned to Learn Americans on No-fly List Can Still Train as Pilots

Boehner: Obama Doesn't Care About the Middle Class

Cantor: Defense Cuts, Obama Tax Hikes Will Weaken America

Expert: Ending Bush Tax Cuts Could Contribute to Global Recession

Star of Obama Ad Changes Tune: He's a 'Jerk'

Evangelical College Joins Suits on Contraceptive Mandate

Venture Capital Firms Better at Creating Jobs Than Government, Poll Finds

Poll: Most Americans Favor Work for Welfare Recipients

Pawlenty: Mitt Romney Has 'Paid a Lot of Taxes'

Blind Trusts a 'Ruse,' Romney Said in 1994

Builders Start Most New Homes in Nearly Four Years

5 Secrets to Surviving Cancer

Top Multiple Sclerosis Drugs Don't Work

Stress Accelerates Aging by 6 Years

NASA Builds Menu for Planned Mars Mission in 2030s

'Slick-Talker-in-Chief' Inspires with Absurdity

Obama's Tax Will Fund Government for 8 Days

Congressman: 'People Have Gotten Dumber'

My Former Classmate Is a Marxist

Hannity Gets First Interview with George Zimmerman - TVNewser

Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent' - Yahoo! News

US 'building missile defense station in Qatar' - Yahoo! News Canada

Arpaio: Obama birth certificate is fake - FOX 1 - Flash Player Installation

Reward offered for White House Fast & Furious info |

Teen Ejected From Car, Others In Car Unaware « CBS Minnesota

Anthony Weiner: Not running for office - for now - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

How Summer Is Making U.S. Kids Dumber and Fatter - Bloomberg

Carney On Why Jobs Council Hasn't Met In Six Months: Obama Has "A Lot On His Plate" | RealClearPolitics

Oops!… Obama’s Top Bundler Jonathan Lavine Was In Charge of Bain During GST Steel Layoffs | The Gateway Pundit


Mae Brussell -THE MURDER OF JOHN LENNON- (12-14-80) - YouTube

Mae Brussell : The Son of Sam (08-15-1977) - YouTube

Mae Brussell : Marina Oswald (09-02-1971) - YouTube

Mae Brussell : The Holocaust (04-23-1978) - YouTube

Mae Brussell - Mind Control- November 22,1976 ...

Mae Brussell - Opus Dei, Knights Of Malta

Mae Brussell - Hitler Still Alive - April 19, 1981 - YouTube

Mae Brussell -Mormons and CIA - (10-16-77) - YouTube

Mae Brussell -Is Adolf Hitler Alive?- (5-26-78) - YouTube

Mae Brussell -Project Paperclip- (5-23-82) - YouTube

Mae Brussell - Jack Ruby - (8-11-78) - YouTube


Mae Brussell: NAZI UFO BASES IN ANTARCTICA & The Falklands War Connection - PT 1 of 5 (04-11-1982) - YouTube

Mae Brussell -NAZI UFO BASES IN ANTARCTICA: The Falklands War Connection- Part 2 (4-18-82) - YouTube

Mae Brussell -NAZI UFO BASES IN ANTARCTICA: The Falklands War Connection- Part 3 (4-25-82) - YouTube

Mae Brussell -NAZI UFO BASES IN ANTARCTICA: The Falklands War Connection- Part 4 (5-2-82) - YouTube

Mae Brussell -NAZI UFO BASES IN ANTARCTICA:The Falklands War Connection- Part 5 (5-9-82) - YouTube


Prison » Glaxo whistleblower goes public with shocking details of bribery, marketing fraud and other pharma crimes

Prison » Insider Reveals GlaxoSmithKline Targeted Children with Illegal Drug Marketing

Insider Reveals GlaxoSmithKline Targeted Children with Illegal Drug Marketing - YouTube

Prison » Alternative media blows the lid on Big Pharma’s massive bribery network

**Little-Known U.S. Document Proclaims America's Government is Secular - The Early America Review, Summer 1997


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 17, 2012


Utah man’s confessional obituary owns up to life of pranks | _

All about wells: How a water well is drilled - YouTube

+Leaked! Obama’s devastating 2nd-term plans

- Judge suggests ‘discovery’ in Obamacare fight

Michael Savage: Obama ‘most evil’ president ever

Romney surrogate Sununu: 'I wish this president would learn how to be an American' - First Read

Reagan’s ‘little’ Democrat packed a big punch

Occupy 'Welcoming Committee' Promises Violence at RNC | MRCTV

Sheriff Joe Challenges George Lopez: 'Get Some Guts, Come Down Here and Meet Me Face to Face' | MRCTV

Grover Norquist Schools Bob Woodward and Hilary Rosen on Which Party Is Obstructionist | MRCTV

Fed-Subsidized National Debt Will Ruin Economy For My Generation And Destroy Our Hope For Jobs

This Is the Obama Recovery

Soros Group Backs UN Report Calling For Removal of Laws Criminalizing 'Sex Work'

CBS: Still Lazy With Obama After All These Years

Your Guide to Sleazy Democratic Party-Backed Banks

Carl Bernstein To Mitt Romney: Release Your Taxes Or Don’t Run For President

Reuters Hypes Laughable North Korea Ruler 'Sharp Change'

Erskine Bowles on Balancing the Budget: Get Spending Down and Taxes Up

Trumka: Big Labor Pushing Democrats and Republicans to Adopt a ‘Second Bill of Rights’

House Passes Bipartisan Bill Aimed at Putting State Department ‘Back on the Books’

Support for Israel Brings a Divided Congress Together

Romney: Obama 'Wants Americans to Be Ashamed of Success'

GOP Senators Sink Law of the Sea Treaty; 'This Threat to Sovereignty'

Obama proposes $1B for science, math teachers

Bernanke to testify again after warning on economy

Conservative Leader Stresses Importance of Pro-Life VP in Chat With Romney

World Reaches Historic Record of 27 Million Slaves, Says Jada Pinkett Smith

‘Here in Israel’: In Jerusalem, Clinton Breaches U.S. Policy

Larry King debuts online talk show on Hulu website

Producers Seek Young Man to Play Michael Jackson

Charlie Sheen 'Genuinely Interested' in 'Idol' Gig

Fed Head Bernanke Warns of 'Fiscal Cliff,' As Democrat Dares Republicans to Go There |

Boehner: ‘The American People Are Asking Where Are the Jobs…Not Where in the Hell the Tax Returns Are’ |

Erskine Bowles on Balancing the Budget: Get Spending Down and Taxes Up |

Obama Imposes Sex Quota on Townhall Questions |

WH: Stimulus ‘Widely Recognized to Have Broken the Back of Recession’ |

Citzens United President: New Movie 'Occupy Unmasked' Exposes Connection Between Occupy Movement and Liberal Media |

Chris Matthews: 'Obama Is the Perfect Father, the Perfect Husband, the Perfect American' |

$225,000 in Stimulus Money Will Put Solar Waterheater in County Jail |

Energy Dept. 'Unable to Locate' $500,000 in Equipment Bought With Stimulus Money |

Judge Napolitano: "LIBOR Scandal One of the Largest Bank Orchestrated Frauds in History" - YouTube

Disclose Act (s. 3369) Destroying the First Amendment |

**Autism made in the U.S.A .mp4 - YouTube


OFA Sues Ohio Over Early Voting Restrictions

Bush Recalls 'Awesome' Presidency: 'I Was Famous and Powerful'

Did Sean Hannity Offer to Pay for George Zimmerman's Defense?

Sen Bill Nelson Blames DISCLOSE Act Failure On GOP Corruption

Judge Voids Wisconsin Voter ID Enforcement

Pawlenty: Sununu's 'Colorful Language' Can Be 'Informative and Entertaining'

Mitt Romney's NAACP Speech Is Littered With Criticism

Romney Surrogate Claims Green Energy Investments Making the U.S. Into the Soviet Union

Sununu Channels Michele Bachmann For Fox Viewers

Mississippi Levels 'Absolutely Not Normal' After Drought

Investigation Takes Closer Look at GOP Donor Adelson's Billions

AFT Calls For End To 'One-Size-Fits-All' Education

Former Bush Speechwriter Wishes Obama Wasn't So Partisan

FBI Goes Over Gov. Corbett's Head To Investigate Connected Cyber Schools Owner

Birther Trump: Romney Should Demand Obama's College Records

O'Reilly's False-Equivalency Defense of Romney's Outsourcing@Bain

Scammers Gotta Scam: ACA Edition

Administration Makes It Easier For Poor To Get Welfare

Joe Klein: Romney is being 'Swift-Bained'

The story of socialism

I'm ashamed to be called 'newsman'

Obama making sure young people can't work

American nightmare: 'The Islamists are here'

Tyrants and human nature

Obama's epic failure in Afghanistan

Obama's hatchet job well done

Barry's stories: A chronicle of destruction

The emperor has no disclose

J. FARAH: Will Romney victory set America back?

2012 elections: Bill of Rights missing

B. KINCHLOW: 'Isms' and the death knell of America

M. ACKLEY: Obama's college career

Government the granddaddy of business?

Romney's Sister Souljah moment

Obama's job creation … in other countries

Retirement savings get raided by 35% of laid-off workers

US and 19 other nations planning anti-mining exercise in Mideast waterways

Senators debate security of electricity grid

GSA to freeze hiring, most executive bonuses after spending scandal

Hoyer: Dems' 'fiscal cliff' threat different than last year's Republican default ploy

House approves bill to designate Haqqani network as a terrorist organization

Poll: Most Americans do not identify Obama as Christian

Cheney, Lockheed CEO deliver dire warnings on impact of automatic Defense cuts

Researchers search for the ‘silver bullet’ to sink a campaign

Military contractors to testify on potential defense cuts

Retailers confident lawmakers will pass legislation for online sales tax

Sununu: ‘I wish this president would learn how to be an American’

Sununu apologizes for Obama remarks

Senate Dems' Second Attempt to pass DISCLOSE Act fails again

White House Visitor Center closing for 15-month rehab

Coke, Pepsi, others launch assault against NYC beverage ban

Hospitals push back on Florida’s refusal of federal Medicaid money to expand health coverage

New surgery turns Colorado woman's damaged eye into a telescope

Brown University reviewing Joe Paterno's Hall of Fame status

'Flash mob' trashes Jacksonville Walmart

*18 July

American Minute for July 18th

Today in History: July 18

July 18th in History

This Day in History for 18th July |

July 18 Events in History

July 18th This Day in History

Today in History: July 18

Today in History for July 18th - YouTube


The Republicans and the Tea Party has Denied us our Constitutional Right | ATLAH Media Network

Listen to Congressman Paul Broun’s urgent message on the UN Small Arms Treaty! | ATLAH Media Network


Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Wednesday, July 18th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

July 17, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report Video Version – 17 July 2012

The Manning Report – 17 July 2012

Redding News Review Tuesday July 17 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Tuesday July 17 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Tuesday July 17 2012 Hour 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday July 17 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Tuesday July 17 2012 Hour 2




Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 16th

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 13th

David Duke Show 18th

David Duke Show 17th

David Duke Show 16th

David Duke Show 13th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 18th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 17th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 16th

07/17 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-17, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-16, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-15, Sunday

Kevin Trudeau Show

The Michael Savage Show 07/17/2012

The Michael Savage Show 07/16/2012

The Michael Savage Show 07/13/2012

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