A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

17 July 2012

16-17 July'12

How to Pronounce Uranus - YouTube

Welfare Reform Gets a Facelift, Thanks to Obama

Jason Lewis: Who’s Afraid of Voter ID?

Federal Reserve Warns of New Economic Crisis

UFOs/Interdimensional/Ultraterrestrials “One Mile Diameter” UFO Filmed by Space Station Now Confirmed as "Real"

Solar Activity - No Big Deal And Returning To Normal

Phyllis Schlafly on Why Calling a Constitutional Convention is a Bad Idea - YouTube

Obama To Give UN Control Of Our Water - :

Justice Dept Flip-Flops On Florida Voter Registration Law | Sinclair News.Net

Sinclair News Talks To US Senate Candidate Mike McCalister

Ron Paul’s Delegate Insurgency Ends in Nebraska - ABC News

Vatican Bank: New Investigation Targets Mafia Links - Business Insider

PJ Media » The Cliches of Tyranny

'Frankenstein' meat could get go-ahead in EU: Safety fears over the use of GM animals | Mail Online

Scientists awarded £6.4m GM grant | UK news | The Guardian

Terrorised Chicago residents plead for police crackdown as gang war murders soar - Telegraph

U.S.: Being Young and Homeless Could Get Even Worse on Vimeo

Artist paints over Paterno's halo on Pa. mural - Houston Chronicle

Nick Pickles: The security industry has politicians in its thrall - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Hard Rock Calling 2012: England a 'police state', says Bruce Springsteen guitarist - Telegraph

Joe Paterno negotiated Penn State payoff as scandal grew, say reports | World news |

Romney blasts 'dishonest' Obama ads; president continues attacks -

Secrets Of The Synagogue | Real Jew News

Libor scandal: Was the petrol price rigged too? - Telegraph

List Of Alternative Currency Systems From Around The World - :

The Intercept: Elites Bilk Populace through Manipulation of Currency, Interest Rates and Precious Metals

'The truth' is NOT out there! Chinese web users barred from searching for this term | Mail Online

Preparing for Civil War: Chart Shows DHS Has Bought Hundreds of Millions of Rounds of Ammo Since 2009 :


*News,Updates and Trends... In-A-Gist(


**The Money Masters - Full (ENG/ITA Subs) - YouTube

30 MIN./The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - YouTube


*'71(16 PG).: How the Money System Really Works


Understanding The Modern Monetary System


Jeff Rense - How A Plant Defeated Cancer Part 1 - YouTube

Jeff Rense - How A Plant Defeated Cancer Part 2 - YouTube

Jeff Rense - How A Plant Defeated Cancer Part 3 - YouTube

Jeff Rense - How A Plant Defeated Cancer Part 4 - YouTube

Jeff Rense - How A Plant Defeated Cancer Part 5 - YouTube


Former Monsanto Employee Talks GE Crop Concerns Amidst Deregulation Efforts - Food Integrity Campaign

Monsanto Threatens Europe

Obama's War On Medical Marijuana Just Got Even Uglier |

27 Things That Every American Should Know About The National Debt

DHS – Praise Lord Obama And Pass The Ammo | Sinclair News.Net

Obama’s Executive Orders…Cui Bono? | Real Jew News


The Best of the Three Stooges - YouTube

Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961) - YouTube

The Three Stooges - "Color Craziness"

Three Stooges In Orbit - YouTube


Three Stooges at Steel Pier, Atlantic City -- 1938 - YouTube


Move Over America/Protect Law Enforcement Officers(

Cop Block ;Reporting Police Abuse/ Corruption(

Oath Keepers -

Oath Keepers /


The Alex Jones Show Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 1

The Alex Jones Show Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 2

The Alex Jones Show Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 3

The Alex Jones Show Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 4

The Alex Jones Show Friday July 13 2012 Hour 1

The Alex Jones Show Friday July 13 2012 Hour 2

The Alex Jones Show Friday July 13 2012 Hour 3

The Alex Jones Show Friday July 13 2012 Hour 4

The Alex Jones Show Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 1

The Alex Jones Show Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 2


Inflation is a Monetary Phenomenon by Ron Paul « America First

30 MIN./Mysterious Currency Transfers Before 9-11 - YouTube

Ron Paul on his Way to TAMPA! Plurality Achieved! Take the Podium! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Revolution


The Real 2012 Delegate Count (


Charleston Voice: Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent?


Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent? Part 1 - YouTube

Who is Dead Obama Staffer Alex Okrent? Part 2 - YouTube


BBC News - Pirate Bay block effectiveness short-lived, data suggests

Syria - Jihad Makdissi "It was a clash not a Massacre" 15-07-2012 - YouTube

Ron Paul’s Final Showdown with Ben Bernanke « America First

Congressman tells Conservative Activists that fighting for the Constitution is a losing battle - YouTube

Ron Paul: Audit the Fed Bill Must Pass, but It is Only the Beginning! | _

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 7/16/12: Audit the Fed Bill Must Pass, but It is Only the Beginning! - YouTube


‘The Franklin Cover-Up’ author linked Sandusky and Penn State abuse scandal years ago - 12160


**John DeCamp Alex Jones Interview (FULL) - The Franklin Cover Up - YouTube


**Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up - Censored Documentary! - YouTube


38 MIN./Ted Gunderson - The Franklin Coverup Investigations - YouTube


Federal Reserve Propaganda Fail: Fed Has Made Stocks 50% Higher Than Without Their Manipulation?

Microsoft, NBC dissolve joint venture

Neocons Float “Mushroom Cloud” Condi as Romney VP

Why is the US Flag being taken Down across our Country? | _

Romney and Obama – Evil vs Evil | _

International Bureau of Double Standards—The CNN/Iran File | Veterans News Now

Libor scandal: U.S. prepare criminal case against banks that fixed interest rates in global scandal | Mail Online

How antibiotics destroy your immune system

World’s Most Prestigious Financial Agency – Called the “Central Banks’ Central Bank” – Slams U.S. Economic Policy - Washington's Blog

Texas Is The Only State With A Legal Right To Secede. What If We Did? | Before It's News

Charleston Voice: Wells Fargo Gets Away with $175 Million Penalty for Racist Lending Practices

CONFIRMED: The attempted cover-up of how JP Morgan torpedoed Lehman Brothers - Silver Doctors

"Democracy Now" and the "Progressive" Alternative Media: Valued Cheerleaders For Imperialism and War

Airport scanning technology is a transparent victory for terrorism | Technology | The Observer

Drones vs Torture - What Happens When Assassination Replaces Torture? - Esquire

JPMorgan probe distances bank from trades, gives U.S. road map -

How Your Bank Account Could Disappear

Is the 'God particle' an impostor? Scientists claim signal found in Large Hadron Collider may not be Higgs after all | Mail Online

‘Civil war’ designation opens Assad to possible war crimes charges - The Globe and Mail

Strangling the Republic | Consortiumnews

Anger after Bill Gates gives £6m to British lab to develop GM crops - Green Living - Environment - The Independent

The New Totalitarianism: How American Corporations Have Made America Like the Soviet Union | _

US Empire of Bases Grows by Tom Engelhardt --

Former NASA Workers Struggle To Find Work A Year After Program's End

How Close Are We to New Great Depression? - Business News - CNBC

New UN campaign against ‘organized crime’ | The Raw Story

How the Inventors of Dragon Speech Recognition Technology Lost Everything - Slashdot

Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away -

Romney will announce vice-presidential selection soon, friends reportedly say

BOHEMIAN GROVE 2012: Mark Dice interviews Cindy Sheehan - YouTube

BOHEMIAN GROVE 2012 - Mark Dice and Cindy Sheehan Highlights - YouTube

Rant about the Parasite state of IsraeHell - YouTube

46 MIN./Censored 911 interview with Dawson & Blakeney July 2012 [Full Interview] - YouTube

Bohemian Grove: Orgy of Power for Global Elite - YouTube

Hillary Clinton! You Are NOT Welcome In Egypt! GET OUT! - YouTube

+Noam Chomsky Debunks 9/11 and JFK Murder - YouTube

The Excavator: To Die For A Story: The 9/11 Cult, The Obama Cult, And The Usurpation of Reality

The Largest Natural Disaster In U.S. History: The Endless Drought Of 2012 Will Bake America Well Into August

Hillary Clinton Is Today's Joseph Goebbels Latest Syria "Massacre" - Goebbelsesque Propaganda

U.S. Air Force court-martial set in widening sex scandal | _

Romney Caught Lying by SEC Forms: He was CEO, President, Chairman and Owner of Bain When He Claims He Wasn't |

Charleston Voice: Social Security Administration Failed to Record more than a Million Deaths

EXCLUSIVE: Romney Invested Millions in Chinese Firm That Profited on US Outsourcing | Mother Jones

Israeli Air Force to Conduct Training Exercises in United States Under Fast-Tracked Aid Bill The Senate (Including Rand Paul) Vote to Extend $9 Billion in Loan Guarantees for the Benefit of Israel

Japan Recalls Ambassador in Island Dispute With China -

Anti-Depressants Linked to Eugenics Program :

D-Day for Gun Control :

Is Mitt Lying To Cover Up How He Was Sole Shareholder Of Brookside Capital Funds - And Its Purchase Of Abortion Waste Firm? | Crooks and Liars

Where Do We Go From Here? by Butler Shaffer

Organic Tomatoes Contain More Nutrients, Antioxidants than Traditional

Obama’s latest power grab: Rewriting welfare reform law - National Libertarian |

President Obama: "If You've Got A Business - You Didn't Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen" - Silver Doctors

For First Time in 50 Years, U.S. Cargo Ship Delivers Goods Directly to Cuba | _

Facebook software screens chats for criminal behaviour - Telegraph

India: Paralysis cases soar after oral polio vaccine introduced

Boston Review — Chris Hedges: War Is Betrayal

World Of Technology: Father of pope's imprisoned butler defends son

Outsourced: Obama Campaign Raises Money in China–Again | _


* Revolution News ~(


New documentary explores President Obama's past

The Communist by Paul Kengor - YouTube

Brain Surgeon Confirms ObamaCare Rations Care, Has Death Panels! - YouTube

Jay Carney sneers at reporter's request for Obama's college records - YouTube

Exclusive: Obama Bundler, Fannie Mae Executive, 'Obot' Jim Johnson Met With Syrian Officials in 2010 - YouTube

America - the antidepressant nation? - YouTube

Exclusive: Obama Bundler, Fannie Mae Executive, 'Obot' Jim Johnson Met With Syrian Officials in 2010 - YouTube

50 min./Re-Education Camps Coming Sooner Than You Think - YouTube

Transhumanist religion 2.0 | KurzweilAI

This may turn into one of the largest financial scandals to date. [VIDEO]

In PFG Scandal, JPMorgan Chase Had Surprising Role: It Held Customer Accounts

When bankers get nervous watch out- MSN Money

Former Pentagon analyst: China has backdoors to 80% of telecoms | ZDNet

The Algorithm That Leads To The Robotic Revolution Has Been Found | WebProNews

12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 3

World Crisis Radio Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 1

World Crisis Radio Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 2


**EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube


BBC News - Hillary Clinton urges full civilian rule in Egypt

Obama says 'failed' to push Mideast peace

Clinton: Morsi, Netanyahu should meet

Pilot's assault on Air Force base causes uproar

Britain's Intelligence Chief Warns Iran Closing on Bomb, Predicts Israeli Attack

Israel Hayom | White House sends slew of high-level visitors to Israel

Clinton to Peres: Friends like us... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

» Emergency Alert! UN Set To Ban Civilian Gun Ownership Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

CIA meets secretly with the King of Saudi Arabia - Wichita Military Affairs |

Fewer U.S. companies planning to hire; Europe looms: poll | Reuters

U.S. consumer agency to oversee big credit reporting firms -

The Mormon Global Business Empire - Holy Holdings - Businessweek

F.D.A. Surveillance of Scientists Spread to Outside Critics -

» ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ to grant biotech industry total immunity over GM crops? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Food crisis fears as US corn soars -

New Evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker -

RDR: 'The Franklin Cover-Up' author talks about how he linked Sandusky and Penn State abuse scandal years ago

Special Report: HSBC's money-laundering crackdown riddled with lapses | Reuters

The International Space Station about to get three more crew members by Andrew Malcolm -

New Ground-Based Laser Can Extend Drone Flight Time Indefinitely -

National Reconnaissance Office accused of illegally collecting personal data | McClatchy

A Nation at War Can’t Afford Domestic Improvements

+History Of The Federal Reserve System

*Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry - YouTube

MARIJUANA KILLS AGAIN! 22 Year Old Dies In Jail After Being Arrested For Small Amount Marijuana - YouTube

The Phony "War on Cops" and the Real War on Us - informationliberation

Bosnia Connection: Bill Clinton and Islamist ratlines in Bosnia assisted September 11 | Modern Tokyo Times

PressTV - US infesting Middle East in hunt for more wars: Analyst

Monsanto Promises Pain to EU, Assault Underway

ED PALM | War by remote control » Kitsap Sun

Gender-neutral Ford layout nixes urinals - Navy News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Navy Times

Houston Cops Kill Unarmed Man, Confiscate Cell Phone Camera From Witness | Pixiq

Why More and More Americans Are Abandoning Their U.S. Citizenship

All Roads Lead To... Iran? 'War At Core of MidEast Turmoil'

West's Battle for Russian ‘Hearts and Minds’: NGOs on Steroids

Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine

Theft of a Nation

The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine

George Galloways Dealing With Israeli Propaganda

Nationalism vs. Capitalism: Guess Which One Wins?

This Global Financial Fraud and its Gatekeepers

The Great Transformation: From the Welfare State to the Imperial Police State

Mali, Al Qaeda, and the US Neo-Colonial Agenda

The Template: NATO Consolidates Grip on Former Yugoslavia

London’s Militarised Olympic Games Conjures Up Orwell’s 1984

Spying on Americans through Cellphone Carriers

Governments Exist to Further the Interests of "Favored Groups"

Fukushima Panel: Information on Radiation Release Suppressed

Voting rights in America under attack

Prisoner of Mandela: I was “Captured” and Inspired By His Movement

Immigration, Racism, and the Supreme Court

GRTV: Understanding Deep Politics: The Driving Forces Behind World Events

Hillary Clinton Must Resign

The Romney ‘Fact-Checking’ Scandal

The Real Libor Scandal... "With the Complicity of the Bank of England"

U.S. Military Drugged Detainees to Obtain FALSE Confessions

The Weaponization of Economic Theory

GRTV: Putin and the Future of Russia

The 9/11 "Watershed Event": Towering Infernos, False Flags and the "Global War on Terrorism"

The Election Campaign and America's Conservative Era

Drones Overseas Lead to Drones at Home by Philip Giraldi --

Wars Have Unpredictable and Dangerous Collateral Effects by Ivan Eland --

Tall Tales in Tremseh by Justin Raimondo --

Deconstructing A Peace to End All Peace by John Taylor --

Making Obama’s Kill List - In These Times

Airport scanning technology is a transparent victory for terrorism | Technology | The Observer

Mexico’s president says homicides down 15 percent to 20 percent in first half of 2012 - The Washington Post

Where Do We Go From Here? by Butler Shaffer

The Fallacy of the 'Public Sector' by Murray N. Rothbard

Slipping the Noose: Americans Are Learning How To Resist the Feds Quietly by Gary North

The 'Heroic' Louis Freeh and His Legacies by William L. Anderson

Don’t Depend on Just Gas… | Eric Peters Autos

Jobs Versus Net Jobs by Thomas Sowell

How wearing stockings could stop you snoring | Mail Online

Jul 13, 2012 Urban Legends and Gold Bob Moriarty 321gold ...s

Six Moves Every 'Prepper' Should Know by Sean Covell

27 Things That Every American Should Know About the National Debt

Tom Cruise David Beckham caught in the act ? Shocking claim why Cruise and Katie Holmes divorced in the first place

Peter The Roman:The Finale Pope - End times 2012 | Before It's News

**Peter the Roman:The Finale Pope/End times 2012 - YouTube

Simple Cancer Remedies That Can Give You A Fighting Chance | Before It's News

Shocking! Banned In America! Exposing Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption | Before It's News

Hidden Truth: 'Jesuit-Vatican Connection' To The Unfolding 2012 New World Order Agenda. | Before It's News

Secret Diary Of Admiral Byrd? | Before It's News

Re-Educating The Conspiracy Theorist: The Five Key Issues | Before It's News

Underground Bases & Nephilim are Real - Insider -

You Want Proof Of Flying Saucers? This Is It! | Before It's News

Bible Codes Confirm Nostradamus Prediction | Before It's News

Olympics Codes - YouTube

12,000-year-old unexplained structure - YouTube

Secret Ways To Reverse Aging Easily | Before It's News

Top Secret America | Before It's News

15 Amazing Facts About Google | Before It's News

The Largest Natural Disaster In U.S. History: The Endless Drought Of 2012 Will Bake America Well Into August

The Face of Fracking Victims (Moving and Powerful Video)

Mega Stun Gun Introduced to DOD's Non-Lethal Arsenal

Don't Eat Your Dog: The Surprising Moral Case for Free Enterprise - YouTube

Facebook Banking on a Cashless Society

Hillary Clinton Must Resign For Nuremberg Offenses

Houston police allegedly kill man with his hands in the air, take cell phone from witness

Defected Syrian Ambassador Admits Role in Killing US Troops

DHS – Praise Lord Obama and Pass the Ammunition

3 States to Vote for Marijuana Legalization this Fall

Top 10 Items For New Preppers - YouTube

Man shot and kicked in the face by LAPD during downtown artwalk

Man shot and kicked in the face by police during LA riot at downtown artwalk - YouTube

Presidential Horserace is a Two-Party Con Job

Doug Arrested at Occupy Bohemian Grove - YouTube

Addiction Vaccines: Scientists Use Human Experimentation to Advance Transhumanist Agenda

Experiment - Derail Soros Anti-Syria Consensus Generator

FAA Releases Thousands of Pages of Drone Records | Electronic Frontier Foundation

When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Scare Tactics Aren't Convincing Americans to Sacrifice Privacy | Electronic Frontier Foundation

HOPEful: Hackers seek ways to open govt secrets to public - YouTube

In Egypt, Clinton Fends Off Allegations of U.S. Support for Muslim Brotherhood

The Right to Keep and Bear - Voter ID

Clinton Set To Sign U.N. Treaty To Disarm America, Advance Global Government

Obama And NAACP Pervert Civil Rights To Advance Gay Agenda

Obama's Interior Department Still Going Rogue

How Many Republicans Does It Take To Unscrew A Mandate?

Obama: 'If You've Got a Business, You Didn't Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen'

Romney Says He Won't Give Obama Team 'More Things to Pick Through' and 'Distort'

Former Clinton Pollster: GOP Picking Pro-Choice VP Like Dems Picking ‘Segregationist’

New Ethanol-Blend Fuel Approved by EPA Can Damage Car Engines, Group Warns

Obama: Washington 'Feels As Broken As It Did 4 Years Ago'

Green Beret General Joins Family Research Council to Fight ‘Culture War’ for America’s Grandkids

Sebelius Claims Power to Gut Welfare Reform, Contrary to Law

Rep. Van Hollen: Justice Thomas and Sen. McConnell are ‘Way Outside the Mainstream’

Obama, Romney trade accusations of dishonesty

83 Percent of Population Happy With ‘National Economic Situation’ – in China

Americans Will Work More than 6 Months to Pay Cost of Gov't in 2012

California Cities Eye Plan to Seize Mortgages, Rewrite Them

Romney: 'I Hope to Represent ... Every Race, Creed and Sexual Orientation'

Federal Judge Imposes Racial Quota on FDNY, Responding to Minorities Who Failed Entrance Exams

Study: Viewers turning to YouTube as news source

French Party to Sue Madonna over Swastika Image

“Gravity Falls”: A New Disney TV Show Loaded With Illuminati Symbolism

The Esoteric Symbolism of the Viral Video “I, Pet Goat II”

Kanye West’s “Sensual” Video for New Fashion Magazine

PBS, NPR Boost NAACP Speech By 'Very Engaging' 'Middle-Class Emblem' Joe Biden |

Bob Schieffer Clearly Embarrassed To Be In New Romney Ad Bashing Obama About Hope and Change |

AP Report Claims GOP Governors Have 'Awkward Task' Explaining Their Success, Fails to Note Dem States' Failures |

Gallup: 60 Percent of Americans Say Obamacare Will Make Things Worse for Taxpayers, Businesses |

The Nickname Game by Joseph Sobran

Voters and Lawmakers Agree: It Is a ‘Do-Nothing Congress’

Romney to Obama: Talk About Your Record, Not Mine

NY Times: 'No Evidence' Romney Did Bain Business

Americans Hostages Freed in Egypt

Obama to Romney: 'Politics Are About Choices'

Report: Fearing Leaks, FDA Spied on Scientists

Penn State Looking at $100 Million in Legal Exposure in Sandusky Case

Shooting Ruled Homicide As Victim Dies After 39 Years

Thousands Work Behind the Scenes to Keep Yellowstone Running

Christian Right Warns Romney on Condi VP Pick

'Maggie’s List' PAC Emerges as Right’s Answer to 'Emily’s List'

NKorea Shakeup: Military Mentor to Leader Kim Loses All Posts

Poles Honor Reagan, John Paul II With Statue

LIGNET: Revelation of Iranian Plot Raises Tensions

Bove: JPMorgan Has Bigger Worries Than ‘London Whale’ Loss

Alternative Migraine Solutions

Dental Fillings Linked to Kids' Behavior Problems

Free Phone App Detects Skin Cancer

US Social Media Account in China Disappears

Candidates from both parties benefiting from domestic oil boom

Outsourcing in Obama’s Hollywood

Paterno, Jackson, and Ammons Faced Moral Dilemmas

Romney tries to regain momentum with new focus on Obama’s ‘political payoffs’

Mormons, African Americans face substantial prejudice, poll finds

Mitt Romney retired from Bain Capital ‘retroactively,’ Ed Gillespie says

Low-key carbon tax talks fuel conservative outcry

Obama campaign revs up black outreach

Penn State denies decision made on Joe Paterno statue

Spy planes help detect roadside bombs in Afghanistan

Penn State's legal cost could be $100M-plus in Sandusky case

White House to states: Time to get on board with healthcare reform

CBS's Bob Schieffer shocked to discover he appears in Romney ad

Republican governors want Mitt Romney to hit back

Denver drought conditions inspire strict policing by water cops

After court appearance, ‘bedridden’ man walks again

Egyptians chant 'Monica' at Hillary Clinton

Energy, not drought, inflating food prices, Vilsack says

No Tampa invite yet for Palin

Homeowners, businesses sell solar power to electric utility


c2cam/Reporting on the Paranormal - Sunday 15, 2012 - YouTube


Sophia Perennis(


Nat Geo’s Chasing UFOs: Two of the Stars Say the Show was Hijacked

Canada's New Money Melting - 'Indestructible' bills can't take the heat

BBC News - Academics say 'no truth' to lying eyes theory

Rock fan Teresa in danger of biting off more than she can chew |

New Yorkers Crack a Smile at 'Manhattanhenge' | NYC Sunset | LiveScience

Robert the Haunted Doll: More than a Plaything | Who Forted? Magazine

Solar storm sweeps over the planet - Technology & science - Space - -

BBC News - British GM crop scientists win $10m grant from Gates

Is the Baltic Sea UFO a Nazi Secret Weapon? | Gather

Scorpion Venom Heals Drug-Resistant Bacteria Infection | Wired Science |

Rock containing 'most complete early human skull ever' discovered ... after it lay on the shelf of a laboratory for three years | Mail Online

Amateur Cryptographers Decode Mysterious Subway Message | LiveScience

Huge hoard of gold coins found in Israel - Unexplained Mysteries

Mysterious Sprite Photographed by ISS Astronaut: Big Pic : Discovery News

Reclaiming Shamanic Dreaming from the Roots of Western Culture | Reality Sandwich

Can You Teach Yourself Synesthesia? - Technology - The Atlantic

"Easter Island Drug," Bee Nursing Hold Antiaging Secrets?

Ancient 'New York City' of Canada Discovered | LiveScience

Your Sixth Sense | Psychology Today

The 6-year-old who woke up from a coma with a different personality - The Week

Christine Lagarde and Nicolas Sarkozy embroiled in new corruption inquiry - Telegraph

2 More Teens Charged in Videotaped Beating Death | NBC Chicago

Terrorised Chicago residents plead for police crackdown as gang war murders soar - Telegraph

Obama Documentary Featuring President's Half Brother Opens Big at Box Office (Exclusive) - The Hollywood Reporter

Don Imus Blasts Sally Kohn For Dismissing Drudge During Interview | Mediaite

Zuckerberg’s Loan Gives New Meaning to the 1% - Bloomberg

UPDATE: Elderly Woman Murdered In Her Fair Oaks Home Identified « CBS Sacramento

'Avengers' Director Whedon Goes On Anti-Capitalist Rant

With Apple's Siri, a Romance Gone Sour -

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare | Judicial Watch

Donald Trump: Get tougher on Obama ‘lies’ - Kevin Robillard -

FDA spied on whistle-blowing scientists - SFGate

NYPD officer allegedly stole and sold guns from precinct to fuel drug habit | Fox News

Brigitte Bardot at Cannes, 1953 | Retronaut

4 Parts/Max Igan in Conversation with Rick Simpson

Lessons in government for the Right

SOUTHERN OPPORTUNITY: a Christian, Southern business concept.

Romney Foreign Policy Would Make Americans Unsafe

Syrian Conflict: The Minority Elite Alawi vs The Majority

How Cartelization of the Health Care Industry Socializes Insurance.

Debbie Schlussel/“Fifty Shades of Grey”: Not “Mommy Porn,” Just Porn; Disgusting, Violent Fantasy of Middle-Aged Unhappy Women

Debbie Schlussel/Obamacracy in Egypt: Wealthy Arab Tourists Buy Under-Aged Egyptian Girls for Sex Slaves

Debbie Schlussel/Mouna Diab: Top Canadian Muslim Civil Rights Activist Caught Gun-Running for Hezbollah

Limbaugh: If Obama Even Handed One Of His Friends A Joint Or Gave Them Some Blow, He’s A Felon.

Rush to Romney: It’s Not That Obama’s People Are Out Of Control. It’s Obama.

Rush: Who Does Obama Think Paid The Taxes For Roads And Bridges

Rush: It Can Now Be Said, Without Equivocation, Obama Hates This Country

Rush Warns: ’50 Shades Of Grey’ Is Anti-Feminist Porn

Limbaugh Slams WSJ Story Explaining Corporations Are People

Rush: Obama Doesn’t Want People Leaving The Welfare Rolls. Those Are Voters Getting Away.

Photo: Minn. Man Accidentally Kills 40,000-Sq-Ft Lawn Right Before He Was Set to Host Cystic Fibrosis Event

Watch Dinesh D‘Souza’s Anti-Obama Documentary Opens Strong at the Box Office Over the Weekend

‘This Man Hates This Country’: Limbaugh Excoriates Obama for Telling Business Owners ‘You Didn’t Build That’

Help Wanted: Photographer Captures Military Marriage Proposal — Can You Identify the Mystery Couple?

Watch Here‘s the New Video of Obama Telling Fainting Supporters the ’Paralegals’ Will Help Them

Video of Twenty Men Beating, Molesting, and Burning Girl With Cigarettes as She Leaves Bar in India Prompts Outrage (GRAPHIC)

Stephen Covey, Author of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,’ Dies

Report: Would-Be Chicago Cop Collects $500k in Disability for Last 15 Yrs After Jogging Injury on Day 10 of Training

They Will Print Money Like the United States: Dr. Doom Warns China’s Economy Is Worse Than We Think

Hookers, Bribes, & Kickbacks: You Won’t Believe What This Treasury Department Investigation Reveals

Fascinating Footage Captures Whale Shark‘s Tricky Way of Stealing From Fishermen’s Nets

Texas Man Finds His Stolen Car on eBay — 42 Years After Its Theft

Here Are the Top 6 Time-Lapsed Videos of the Northern Lights After the Weekend Solar Storm

The Communist Part II: Why Obama’s Mentor Went From Republican to Devout Marxist

Romney Slams ‘Dishonest’ Obama Attacks, Says the President Needs to ‘Rein In’ His Team

Labor Activist: Poor Whites Shouldn’t Support Romney, But If They Do It‘s Because They’re Racist

‘OWS vs. Tea Party’ – Is This A Reality TV Show You Would Watch?

Watch New Romney Ad Slams Obama Attacks, Asks ‘Whatever Happened to Hope and Change?’

George Lopez to Mitt Romney: Admit You‘re Latino ’If You Want Our Vote, Puto’

New Jersey McDonald’s Allegedly Bans Homeless Bible Study from Meeting Inside Restaurant

‘Monica, Monica’: Hillary Clinton’s Visit to Egypt Seemingly Falls Flat Amid Harsh Protests

Do You Favor YouTube as a Source for News? Study Says Growing Number Do

Report: Underage Girls Being Forced into Temporary ‘Summer Marriages’ With Wealthy Tourists in Egypt

Obama: ‘We Will Not Apologize’ for Bain Attacks

‘When Did England Become a Police State?’: E Street Guitarist Outraged After Springsteen & McCartney Cut Off by Curfew

Report: Anthony Weiner ‘Seriously Thinking’ About a Run for NYC Mayor

Barack Obama Hates This Country - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Why Condi Rice is a bad choice

Our founders' economic advice to Obama, Part 2

Obama obliterates Clinton's best achievement

Staking the undead economist

'Isms' and the death knell of America

The good old boys strike again

JOSEPH FARAH: Benito Obama or Obamalini?

Dead dogs for Obama

A. KEYES: A choice between Satan and Beelzebub

Consequences of America's '1st Muslim president'

WASHINGTON: Progressives' academic incest

The true definition of hope

J. KNOX: How to get the truth out of Holder

TANCREDO: Time for a constitutional convention?

D. LIMBAUGH: GOP: Put Obamacare lies in neon!

‘Photon torpedoes’ target Mitt VP picks

Donald Trump: Get tougher on Obama ‘lies’ - Kevin Robillard -

Sheriff Joe responds to smutty comic

What possessed disgraced Dems to curse America?

Limbaugh: There's 'No Evidence' Obama 'Loves The Country'

David Axelrod: Mitt Romney's Motto Is 'The Buck Stops There'

Is Mitt Lying To Cover Up How He Was Sole Shareholder Of Brookside Capital Funds - And Its Purchase Of Abortion Waste Firm?

George Will: Romney 'Losing at This Point in a Big Way'

Mitt Romney Will Never Tell The Truth About Bain...Or Anything Else

Chris Hayes On How The Republicans Intend To Prevent Millions From Voting

Rahm Emanuel: If Romney 'Whining' About Bain, How Will He Handle China?

Rove Accuses Obama of Using 'Gutter Politics' Against Romney

Howard Kurtz: When Has Barack Obama Ever Gotten This Kind of Media Scrutiny?

Is There Anything Funnier Than Romney Surrogates Accusing Obama of Running a Dishonest Campaign?

Rahm on This Week: Why Did McCain Campaign Pick Palin Over Romney?

Bill Kristol: Romney 'Crazy' Not to Release Tax Returns

Huckabee Attacks HHS Waivers to States as Attempt to 'Gut' Welfare Reform

More 'Unprecedented' Weather Evacuates 250K in Japan

Fox Panel Pooh-Poohs Use of Eminent Domain to Help With Foreclosure Crisis

IPCC Admits Its Past Reports Were Junk

Dreams from Governor Abercrombie

Israel's Oil Weapon

Labor Losses Imperil Democrats

Do Obama's Executive Orders Reveal A Pattern?

Linda Lingle: The GOP's Senate Pick-Up in Hawaii?

'Romney Picks Petraeus for Veep!'

North Korea purges military chief

'Somebody else made that happen' - a symposium (updated)

Obama's wedding registry fundraising gambit a total flop

Pay Attention to a Warning from Newt Gingrich

Did the 'Individual Mandate' Survive?

Taking Down the Second Amendment: The Connection between Fast and Furious and the Trayvon Martin Case

Jews and American Conservatism

Obama's Unserious National Security Policy

Hypocrisy and Sexual Predation at the United Nations

The Trickle-Down Hoax

Rights and Consequences

Cultural Equivalency

Canada should open its doors for Barack Obama refugees

The Olympic Spirit and the Islamic Spirit

M.A.S.H. Star Partners with Castro’s Spy Agency

Pondering the Obama Enigma

‘Fundamentally Transforming’ the Military

Is Coal Dirty? Some Facts on Coal Combustion


Live Free Or Die Radio with Lee Rogers 16th

Live Free Or Die Radio with Lee Rogers 13th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 16th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 13th

Blacklisted Radio with Doug Owen 12th

The Bob Tuskin Show 16th

The Bob Tuskin Show 13th

July 16, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

July 13, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

July 12, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report Video Version – 16 July 2012

The Manning Report – 16 July 2012

The Manning Report – 13 July 2012

The Manning Report Video Version – 12 July 2012

The Manning Report – 12 July 2012

Redding News Review Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Friday July 13 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Friday July 13 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Friday July 13 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Sunday July 15 2012 Hour 3

Redding News Review Monday July 16 2012 Hour 1

Redding News Review Monday July 16 2012 Hour 2

Redding News Review Monday July 16 2012 Hour 3

The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Thursday July 12 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday July 13 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Friday July 13 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday July 16 2012 Hour 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show Monday July 16 2012 Hour 2

World Crisis Radio Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 1

World Crisis Radio Saturday July 14 2012 Hour 2




The Michael Savage Show 07/16/2012

The Michael Savage Show 07/13/2012

The Michael Savage Show 07/12/2012

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 12th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 13th

Jesse Peterson Radio Show 16th

07/16 The Mark Levin Show

07/13 The Mark Levin Show

07/12 The Mark Levin Show

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-16, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-15, Sunday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-13, Friday

Alex Jones - 2012-Jul-12, Thursday

Kevin Trudeau Show

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Tuesday, July 17th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Monday, July 16th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Monday, July 16th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Friday, July 13th, 2012 Red Eye Radio1

Friday, July 13th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Thursday, July 12th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Thursday, July 12th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 1

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012 Red Eye Radio 2

Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3

Bill Cunningham 1 8th

Bill Cunningham 2 8th

Bill Cunningham 3 8th

Saturday, 7/14/12 Larry Kudlow

Sunday, 7/15/12 - Batchelor 9pm

Sunday, 7/15/12 - Batchelor 10pm

Sunday, 7/15/12 - Batchelor 11pm

Sunday, 7/15/12 - Batchelor 12am

Saturday, 7/14/12 - Batchelor 9pm

Saturday, 7/14/12 - Batchelor 10pm

Saturday, 7/14/12 - Batchelor 11pm

Saturday, 7/14/12 - Batchelor 12am


*Transcripts;15th/Guests: Senators Dick Durbin and Jon Kyl

Interview with Senator Kelly Ayotte

Interview with Representative Paul Ryan

Guests: Axelrod, Gillespie, McDonnell, Patrick

Guests: Governors Terry Branstad and Rick Scott

13th/Obama's Campaign Event in Virginia Beach

Interview with Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney

Interview with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

Shields and Gerson on the Week in Politics

Panel on the Texas Voter ID Law

12th/Interview with Senator Sherrod Brown

Panel on the Latest Between the U.S. & Iran

Analysts Discuss Facebook and Election 2012

11th/Interview with Mitt Romney

Panel on Romney's Speech to the NAACP

Interview with Representative Steny Hoyer

Interview with Representative Paul Ryan

Guests: Representatives Steve Scalise & Steve Israel

Interview with Representative Michele Bachmann

Interview with Representative Peter Welch

Reporters Discuss Health Care and the States

10th/Interview with Senator Rob Menendez

Interview with Senator Jon Kyl

Interview with Senator Sherrod Brown

Interview with Rep. Jason Altmire

Panel on Outsourcing and the 2012 Election

Interview with Representative Ed Markey

Interview with Rep. Israel & Gov. O'Malley

9th/Obama's White House Speech on Taxes

Interview with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Representative Trey Gowdy on Fast and Furious

Interview with Representative Allen West

Analysts on Obama's Tax Speech

Panel on the Presidential Race in Virginia

8th/Guests: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

Guests: Senators Dick Durbin & John McCain

DNC & RNC Chairs Debate the Economy

Guests: Govs. Bobby Jindal & Martin O'Malley

6th/Obama Signs Transportation & Student Loan Bill

5th/Obama Kicks Off Campaign Bus Tour in Ohio

Campaigns Debate Health Care Mandate

Panel on U.N. Shipments to Rogue Countries


Real Clear Markets - Video - Obamacare vs. The Stock Market

Real Clear Markets - Video - Oil to Fall to $60 a Barrel?

Real Clear Markets - Video - Faber Warns on China

Real Clear Markets - Video - Investor Fear: Economy Dependent Upon Politicians


EPA Overlook: The Benefits of Greenhouse Emissions

The World's Most Energy Efficient Economies

The True Cost of Electric Power

Has Obama declared a "war on coal?" - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Energy Revolution 2: A Post Post-American Post | Via Meadia

North America Faces Momentous Choice On Natural Gas Resources

U.S. Energy Security and the Next Energy Crisis | The Energy Collective

Fuel Fix » Will Texas oil companies get a shot at Mexico investments?

"Green Domestic Product?" by Bjørn Lomborg | Project Syndicate

The Supply Side Of Oil | Forexpros

Energy Tribune- Renewable Energy’s Incurable Scale Problem

RealClearPolicy- Economic Recovery is as Easy as Embracing Our Energy Resources

The Huge Shift in Our Energy System That's Happening Right Now in 1 Chart - Alexis Madrigal - The Atlantic

An unconventional bonanza | The Economist

How states are regulating fracking (in maps)

What's the Way Forward on Biofuels Policy? - Energy and Environment Experts

Walter LaFeber, Historian . Truman . WGBH American Experience | PBS

DNA Testing Lays Romanov Murder Mystery to Rest - US News and World Report

Secret files tell of final terrors for Romanovs - News - The Independent

'Pierre Salinger Syndrome' and the TWA 800 conspiracies - CNN

The Thief of Baghdad by Edward Mortimer | The New York Review of Books


Washington Decoded: J. Robert Oppenheimer:

Saddam Hussein: The blundering dictator | The Economist

The ugly truth about Gerald Ford. - Slate Magazine

July 16, 1965: Mont Blanc Tunnel Opens | This Day In Tech |

The Death of JFK Jr., in his Piper Plane Crash

CityLife - a Hong Kong Travel Guide

Progressive genocide -

The Origins of the Modern American Conservative Movement

Egypt demands return of the Rosetta Stone - Telegraph

Billy The Kid — American Quiltwork — Crime Library on

Mitt Romney’s self-help gurus -

On ball-jointed dolls and the dream of a geek supercontinent | Books | Comic-Con | The A.V. Club

'Encyclopedia Brown' author Donald Sobol has died -

Eva Glettner: Encyclopedia Brown Urges Children To Embrace Their Inner Nerd

Saul Austerlitz Reviews Scott Zesch's "The Chinatown War: Chinese Los Angeles And The Massacre Of 1871" | The New Republic

Kevin Huizenga on the relationship between his comics and Woody Allen | Comics Issue | Interview | The A.V. Club

Neil Barofsky, the Democrat Taking Digs at Obama - Businessweek

The fruits of string theory: The Shape of Inner Space | Ars Technica

Rolling Stones at 50 -

‘Mercury: An Intimate Biography of Freddie Mercury,’ by Lesley-Ann Jones and ‘40 Years of Queen,’ by Harry Doherty - The Washington Post

Bigger Piles of Books Don't Make Better Schools | On Campus |

3 Charts That Show How Wikipedia Is Running Out of Admins - Robinson Meyer - The Atlantic

5 things Marissa Mayer will change about Yahoo | Internet & Media - CNET News

Consortium of Colleges Takes Online Education to New Level -

Will your next digital camera run Android? | ExtremeTech

Google Glass controls and Artificial Intelligence detailed - SlashGear

WikiLeaks wins case against VISA — RT

France: Google may have to censor for piracy after all — European technology news

BBC News - Pirate Bay block effectiveness short-lived, data suggests

U.S. Venture Capital Has Its Biggest Quarter Since Dot-Com Days - Liz Gannes - News - AllThingsD

Four Trends In The Public Technology Market | TechCrunch

The Untold Story Behind Kickstarter Stats [INFOGRAPHIC] |

David A. Bell: The Bookless Library | The New Republic

How Google is becoming an extension of your mind | Internet & Media - CNET News

Craig Newmark Sits at the Top and Bottom of Craigslist | Wired Business |

Investigation: New allegations against Catholic Online owner | Investigations | Bakersfield Now

RealClearReligion - Christians and Communists Together?

Circumcision and brainwashing: the connection -

Perhaps Atheists Should Be Hitting the Panic Button

Can Greg Burke Save the Vatican? | Catholic Exchange

Faith must confront climate change with a single moral voice – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Real war on religion and a ticking Vatican PR bomb | National Catholic Reporter

RealClearReligion - Meet Obama's Marxist Mentor

Walter Kirn: Confessions Of An Ex-Mormon | The New Republic

“Queering” the Pentecostals « Juicy Ecumenism

Baptist Press - FIRST-PERSON: Why capitalism is the most biblical economic model - News with a Christian Perspective

Ask the rabbi: May a Jew teach Tora... JPost - Magazine - Judaism

Suri Cruise To Attend Convent Of The Sacred Heart Catholic School| E! Online

Why Are Blondes Considered Dumb? - Blog

God Does Play Dice With The Universe (And The Dice Are Fair)

Does It Matter If Black Holes Are Popping into Existence around Us All the Time? | Critical Opalescence, Scientific American Blog Network

The New Science Behind America's Deadliest Diseases -

Can non-Newtonian fluid behavior explain stuck ketchup bottles? | Ars Technica

Applied Mythology: Consumers Should Get To Try The First Biotech Apples

Scientists issue Antarctic warning › News in Science (ABC Science)

Mayans may offer drought management lessons - Light Years - Blogs

RealClearScience - Rethinking the Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction

The 'D' Debate: Can Vitamin D Solve All Your Problems? - Blog

Genetically Engineered Bacteria Prevent Mosquitoes from Transmitting Malaria

To clean up the mine, let fungus reproduce | Harvard Gazette

Gene Therapy Treatment Extends Lives of Mice with Fatal Disease, MU Study Finds | News Bureau, University of Missouri

F.D.A. Surveillance of Scientists Spread to Outside Critics -

Drought Prompts Natural Disaster Declaration in 26 States | Climate Central

Early Universe's Dark Galaxies May Have Been Revealed for 1st Time | Quasars |

The Biggest Storm Ever on a Small, Small World – Starts With A Bang

Freakonomics » Ending the Math Wars in a Treaty of QAMA

The Ghost in the Machine: Unraveling the Mystery of Consciousness | Think Tank | Big Think

You Can Feed Your Remains to Mushrooms - Blog

What would disprove evolution? « Why Evolution Is True

Geneticists evolve fruit flies with the ability to count (Wired UK)

Blogging the Human Genome: Elizabeth Taylor’s double eyelashes. - Slate Magazine

Food Fear, Food Labels, And My Two Cents

From the lab to your plate | COSMOS magazine

From Higgs to humanity: discoveries for the common good - SciDev.Net

Matt Ridley on Mars, the Curiosity Mission and Alien Life | Mind & Matter -

Archive Gallery: The Future of Man's Best Friend | Popular Science

The Disillusionment Of Math

Eugenics 2012 - Coming To A Rich Country Near You

Can Computers Predict Crimes? | Innovations

Bullying weakens the body | ScienceNordic

Niall Ferguson: The Cure for Our Economy’s Stationary State - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Who Is The Most Important Economist Of The 20th Century? - Forbes

Romneyconomics | The Weekly Standard

Richard Cohen: Bain and offshoring are off point - The Washington Post

Andy Kessler: The Incredible Bain Jobs Machine -

RealClearMarkets - To Boost Growth, Unleash Creative Destruction

The Dangerous Myth About The Bill Clinton Tax Increase - Forbes

Do Business Schools Incubate Criminals? - Bloomberg

The Essential Lesson of the Auto Bailout — The American Magazine

After the Arab Spring, a Rush to Do Business in the Middle East -

How Bernanke will cause the next crash before 2014 - Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

Are Millennials the Screwed Generation? - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Women are lagging behind men in landing new jobs -

Hedge Funds Tap Into Early Views of Stock Analysts -

Bad Economic News Is Chilling Investors’ Summer -

Romney’s Bain Yielded Private Gains, Socialized Losses - Bloomberg

Why Obama vs. Romney Might Not Be That Important for Stocks -

When bankers get nervous watch out- MSN Money

Finding The Jobs of The Future | Via Meadia

'Lost Generation' of Homeowners May Just Be on Hold - Businessweek

Buying into a housing comeback - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

The Secret Behind Romney’s Magical IRA - Bloomberg

Does Romney believe in capitalism? Does Obama? - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Forget the Past Three Years, Let's Talk About Fairness | The Weekly Standard

A Grimm tale from the euro zone - Marsh on Monday - MarketWatch

The Dog-Eat-Dog Welfare State Is Lose-Lose - Forbes

RealClearMarkets - Obama's Negative Campaign Against Success

July 4th Question, Part III: Americans Revolt Billions of Times a Day - Forbes

Federal Loan Changes Will Increase MBA Costs - Businessweek

Free from Foreign Oil at Last? Not So Fast

BBC News - Alexander the not so Great: History through Persian eyes

Is Obama or Romney Better for Middle East Peace? - Bloomberg

Why Making China ‘The Boogeyman’ Won’t Work | The Diplomat

Where is the political savvy hiding in China? | The Japan Times Online

Lebanon news - NOW Lebanon -A patronizing narrative pigeonholes Arabs

Kevin Maguire on Olympics security farce: G45 is evidence that our privatisation mania was an expensive mistake - Kevin Maguire - Mirror Online

GORDON: Five signs Obama is losing Latin America - Washington Times

Why cricket with Pakistan is not a good idea - India News

Can You Guess the World's Fastest Growing Economy? (No, It's Not China) - Max Fisher - The Atlantic

China Expands Karakoram Highway to Pakistan - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Lexington: The China-bashing syndrome | The Economist

Is Isolated Taiwan Propping Up Dictators? | The Diplomat

Paul Hockenos: Street Fighting Man: How A Former Anarchist Revolutionary Plans To Save Europe | The New Republic

China gets its catch, hook, line and sinker

Markets And Morals: A Chinese Case For Capitalism - Worldcrunch - All News is Global

Asia Times Online :: South Korea: A deal too far with Japan

The Decline of American Influence

The Military's New Lily-Pad Strategy | The Nation

How Obama’s Middle East Policy Has Worked - The Daily Beast

Christoph Meyer | Eurobonds and Rescue Funds - Who's Afraid of Brussels? | The European Magazine - The Opinion Magazine

gulfnews : Clinton’s interference has angered Egyptian liberals

Fighting Iran’s criminal networks 18 years after attack on Jewish center in Argentina - Other Views -

+Rep. Paul Ryan Tears into Obama's Comments

Why not expand Medicaid? | Keith Hennessey

Obama Tosses U.S. Economic Recovery Under the Bus

Technology doesn't cause inequality – deliberate policy change does | Dean Baker | Comment is free |

Poverty not all to blame for lousy school outcomes –

Charles Lane: The government wants you to eat cheese - The Washington Post

Is the U.S. Catching Up? : Education Next

The 1 Chart Our Politicians Need to Look At - Matthew O'Brien - The Atlantic

The Republicans’ Most Hypocritical Economic Argument - Bloomberg

Off the Charts Blog | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | The Need to Rebalance Federal Housing Policy: Time for a Renters’ Tax Credit

No to Nukes -

Bright Lights, Big Secret

Hardheaded Socialism Makes Canada Richer Than U.S. - Bloomberg

Shipping Away Jobs and Common Sense - By Daniel Altman | Foreign Policy

Americans Least Green—And Feel Least Guilt, Survey Suggests

Banks, crumbling ethics and a shrinking middle class | David Rohde

How the 2 Americas Spend Their Time - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

The Essential Lesson of the Auto Bailout — The American Magazine

What’s hiding in Mitt’s taxes? -

Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online

Unemployment: Manufacturing and construction jobs aren’t coming back. Americans need new skills. - Slate Magazine

Sarah Palin Still Waiting for Romney Invite to Tampa - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

What Romney Did At Bain Matters Less Than What, As President, He'd Do For Workers Hurt By Outsourcing. | The New Republic

Does the President Think The Government Got Him Where He Is Today? | RedState

Dems to play hardball in tax fight? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

Don't fall for liberal rewrite of history - San Antonio Express-News

Geithner yawned at epic fraud -

LIBOR Rigging: What Central Banks and Regulators Knew | Business |

Americans: Healthcare Law Helps Some, Hurts Others

Five Obamacare Myths -

The Washington Post: Login - The Washington Post

Obama doesn't dream the American dream - The Complete Las Vegan -

A Challenge for Conservatives | RealClearPolitics

Team Obama's best and brightest |

Policy and the Personal -

Niall Ferguson: The Cure for Our Economy’s Stationary State - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Obama and jobs: hostage to fortune | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

The Libor scandal: The Geithner connection | TribLIVE

Are Race Riots News? | RealClearPolitics

The GOP and the vote: Return to Jim Crow - Chicago Sun-Times

Pension tension & the crime spike -

Can Ben Bernanke, Like John Roberts, Ignore Political Pressure and Do His Job? - The Daily Beast

Roger’s Rules » Barracking Your Way to the Top

Obama Campaign Goes For The Jugular On Romney's Taxes (VIDEO)

Mitt Romney’s ‘apology’ mistake—John Podhoretz -

Michael Tomasky on Romney’s Veep and Convention-Speaker Trap - The Daily Beast

How Romney Might Rate the VP Contenders | RealClearPolitics

Brit Hume On Obama's View Of Business: "Explains Nearly Everything" | RealClearPolitics

Problem of His Own Making | RealClearPolitics

Obama Stresses Story Over Policy in Re-election Strategy | RealClearPolitics

RealClearBooks - Anne Rice Returns to Porn

Opinion: Republicans jab Obama on jobs, but have no plan of their own -

Colin Powell and Al Sharpton are on the Same Side, that is the Black Side | ATLAH Media Network

How Did Romney Pay the NAACP to Slam Obama? | ATLAH Media Network

Penn State is a Sexual Insane Asylum | ATLAH Media Network

Take Down the Joe Paterno Statue Now | ATLAH Media Network

Mike Master Tax Genius | ATLAH Media Network



Worker saw 'something he thought wasn't right' before fatal derailment

Chicago Fire Department tab for disability payments: $27 million

Mitt Romney accuses President Barack Obama of 'Chicago-style' politics

Alabama police launch manhunt after 17 wounded in bar shooting

Obama ad: Did Romney pay any taxes in earlier years?

Bus driver/hero catches girl after 3-story fall: Video of the day

+University of Illinois to Offer Free Online Classes

Romney names vice presidential aides amid running mate speculation

Kerry Kennedy in court on DUI charge

Senate Democrats build fall campaign cushion

2 bodies - minus hands, feet and heads - found in Detroit River

Scent dogs join search for missing Iowa girls

New Jersey voters approve of Chris Christie as governor, disapprove of him as VP

Texas Latinos Aim to Raise Millions for Obama Campaign

Planned Parenthood sues Ariz. over funding law

Left bloggers relish Sarah Palin reports

Police: Idaho man solicited wife's rape online

Boy Scouts reaffirm ban on gays

How droughts will reshape the United States

Even Republicans Agree: Mitt Romney's Hiding Something - YouTube

Wild shootout in Toronto leaves 2 dead, 22 injured

Military May Be in Retreat in Pyonyang Regime

US Navy fires on fishing boat in sensitive Strait of Hormuz

Putin, Annan meet on Syria crisis

Hosni Mubarak told to return to prison cell amid claims of cover-up

Germany May Scrap Energy-Source Goal as Overhaul Stumbles

William Hague: No impunity for Syria criminals

Taliban's vaccine ban may affect 280000 children

Bill Clinton visits Nelson Mandela's village

Canadian suspected in Ambassador Bridge bomb threat

Romanian PM systematically abusing constitution, says EU

India ups pressure, US defends Navy - YouTube

Sarah Silverman Will Have “Lesbian Sex” For Obama Donations [VIDEO]

Report: Obama needs better than 2004 black turnout

The Super PAC That Aims to End Super PACs

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell is heading from one battleground state

Obama to mark birthday with Chicago fundraiser

Why Mitt's Bain exit date matters

Obama: Small Business Didn't Build It

Portman slams Obama for trying to raise taxes on small businesses

Mitt Romney's Higher Education Overhaul In Massachusetts Fizzled

Fla. Given Access to List It May Use to Purge Voter Rolls

Daily Disclosure: RNC spends $5.1 million against Obama

Actor Christian Bale reflects on years as 'Dark Knight'

How to Get Anne Hathaway's Catwoman Look in The Dark Knight Rises: #THIS. w/ Elizabeth Holmes - YouTube

Trashed! Katie Holmes and Suri's Car Sideswiped by Garbage Truck

Larry King Debuts Online Talk Show on Hulu Website

No homes, more studio and theme park space in revised Universal Studios plan

Sage and Sylvester Stallone: Father and Son from 'Rocky V' (PHOTOS)

Charlie Sheen to donate $1 million to USO

Donald J. Sobol dies: Author wrote popular 'Encyclopedia Brown' series

Bruce Springsteen curfew 'not for health and safety'

Deep Purple keyboard player Jon Lord, dies aged 71

Kitty Wells ; first female superstar of Country Music dies at 92 - Photo Gallery -

Microsoft's Office 2013; Mayer Chosen as Yahoo CEO; Comcast Snags

Microsoft Revamps Office for Tablets, Internet - YouTube

EU Investigates Microsoft Over Browser Access

GM to allow drivers with OnStar to rent their cars

What may be the world's first cybernetic hate crime unfolds in French McDonald's

Bernanke: Gloomy on economy, few hints of QE3

A Yahoo Search Calls Up a Chief From Google

HSBC apologizes as senators hammer money-laundering lapses

Barclays to leave UAE rate panel in 90 days - sources

Gasoline prices dampen US consumer inflation

Zuckerberg's 1 percent mortgage: Why does a billionaire need a loan?

FBI Investigates Needles in Airplane Sandwiches

Heating Oil Advances on Speculation Bernanke to Hint at Stimulus

Alaska drilling: From 'hell no!' to ... 'OK'

Portugal Plans to Issue Medium-Term Notes, Bills, IMF Says

Sunita Williams to take over as commander of ISS - NewsX - YouTube

International space crew docks at ISS

Whales, Somehow, Are Coping With Humans' Din

NASA planning menu for Mars mission in 2030s

Local Scientists Bask in Higgs Boson Celebration

Record-breaking Laser Hits 500 Trillion Watts

Sophisticated Mayan water management system revealed

CT scans reveal dinosaurs' table manners

How You Get Dry Supplies to an Underwater Base—Without a Submarine

Hundreds of Dead Penguins Wash Ashore in Brazil

Fifth moon discovery reminds us how little we know about Pluto (+video)

Lemurs On Fast Track To Extinction

Fooled again by 'Mermaids: The Body Found' on Discovery?

Never Before Seen Video Shows Snow Leopard Moms and Cubs

Health Buzz: FDA Approves Pill to Help Prevent HIV

FDA approves first-ever HIV prevention drug - YouTube

Combo of gold and tea may effectively treat cancer better than chemo

Weight Loss Techniques That Work

WHO doctor in anti-polio campaign shot in Pakistan

FDA expected to approve new diet drug

New York's trans-fat ban working: study

The best US hospitals of 2012-13, ranked by US News and World Report

SC mom who battled flesh disease going home

Are Your Child's Dental Fillings Changing Their Behavior?

Skin cancer expert Paul Banwell on the new sunscreen rules

TV watching affects kids' waistlines and athletic ability: Study

Study Ties Chemicals in Beauty Products to Women's Diabetes Risk

Sarah Silverman Will Have “Lesbian Sex” For Obama Donations [VIDEO] - Shalom Life USA

An Indecent Proposal from Sarah Silverman (explicit) - YouTube

Speaking of Felonies: The White House and the Sestak 'Bribe'

Online Purchases Soon To Be Taxed Nationwide

Harry Reid Targets 'Angry Old White Men' Before DISCLOSE Act Blocked in Senate

Morgan Freeman Says Not Obama 'Clinton Was The First Black President'

Obama's Tax Avoidance: Common Sense or Hypocrisy?

Trump: Romney Should Release Tax Records When Obama Releases College Records

Obama Runs From Obamacare, Claims 'Stabilized Economy' Greatest Achievement

Mitt Romney Demands More Transparency on Fast and Furious

The Real Hostage Takers: Democrats Threaten Taxmageddon for All Unless Rich Pay More

NYT: Romney Team Quotes Whitman, Obama Team Curses

SPIN ALERT: The House Did NOT Vote to Repeal Obamacare 33 Times

Obamacare a Boon to Scam Artists

Obama: Your Premiums Will Go Down Under Obamacare

One-Third of Obama’s Earnings 2009-2011 From Foreign Sources

Above the Law? Document Suggests Obama's Uncle Omar Received Special Treatment

Messaging: Obama, Axelrod, and Emanuel Use Same Talking Point This Weekend

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cannot Name a Reason for Jews to Back Obama Except Abortion

Carville: David Brock Driving Obama Bus

ABC's This Week Points Out Outsourcing Happening Under Obama

Chris Rock Defends Obama (Again): 'Being the First Black Anything Sucks'

'Political Animals' Review: Clinton Saga Seen Through Soap Opera Lens

Anti-Obama Doc Opens Big in Texas

Obama Campaign Releases Vid of Beyonce Gushing Over Michelle

HBO's 'Newsroom' Fires Blanks at Second Amendment, Compares Limbaugh, Bachmann to Sex Offenders

Where Did Syria’s Chemical Weapons Come From?

MI6 Chief: Iran 'Two Years Away' from Nuclear Weapons

World View: China Accuses U.S. of 'Diplomatic Encirclement' in Asia

Sec. of State Clinton Chooses Sides in Egypt: Islamists

World View: Syrian Defector Confirms Stories of 'Al-Qaeda in Iraq'

Clinton Broaches Syria, Iran During Israel Visit

Hillary Mocked by Anti-Islamists in Egypt

World View: Barclay's COO Admits Having Rigged Libor

Egyptians Islamists Throw Shoes and Tomatoes at Sec. Clinton's Motorcade

CNBC Producer Slams Business Owners Angry over Obama Remarks

NBC News and Dave Weigel Show Us How the Media Protects Obama

Bill Conroy: Spinning for Obama and Holder on Fast & Furious

Hero Worship: Ron Reagan Jr: Blames The Media For Storytelling Mistake Obama Admited Himself

ABC's This Week Points Out Outsourcing Happening Under Obama

Beating a Dead Horse: The Left Media Lies About Romney Taxes

Obama's Media Allies in Retreat: Unable to Defend Bain Attacks, They Embrace 'Truthiness'

SPIN ALERT: The House Did NOT Vote to Repeal Obamacare 33 Times

Media Pass: Obama Tells Audience 'Paralegals' Will Help Fainters

Obama Admin: Journaling, Motivational Reading Count As Work for Welfare

Obama's Tax Avoidance: Common Sense or Hypocrisy?

Poll: Majority Want Bush Tax Cuts Extended

Giving It BacK: New Romney Ad Mocks Obama Singing

Obama: 'Sometimes I Do Boneheaded Things'

Speaking of Felonies: The White House and the Sestak 'Bribe'

Gay Activists Pressure University of Texas to Investigate Sociologist

Senate Democrats Must End Environmentalists' 'Catch-22'

Memo Reveals Obama Admin Gave Obama’s Uncle Unlawful Stay of Deportation

Obama Runs From Obamacare, Claims 'Stabilized Economy' Greatest Achievement

Above the Law? Document Suggests Obama's Uncle Omar Received Special Treatment

Ninth Circuit Backs Down in Confrontation with Senators Sessions and Grassley

The LIBOR Scandal and Regulators Who Knew

Youth Vote at Risk for Obama

SEIU Subpoenaed in Milwaukee Investigation

Congressional Report Indicates Dodd Knew He Was Countrywide VIP

Anonymous Hacker Leaks Employee Email Accounts of Oil Companies to Support Greenpeace Campaign

Counter-Point: Bain, Bedwetting, and Backstabbing

Obama to CBS: Campaign 'Still About Hope' and Even More 'Change'

We Want Transparency FROM Government, Not Transparency TO Government


7-16-2012 Infowars Nightly News with Rob Dew, Kristi Hightower, Alex Jones - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News Complete (Commercial Free) Monday July 16th 2012 - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Friday (7-13-12) Steven L. Anderson & Edward T. Haslam - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News: Thursday (7-12-12) Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - YouTube

The Alex Jones Show 2012-07-12 Thursday - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Friday (7-13-12) Larry Grathwohl - YouTube

Alex Jones Show - Sunday July 15 2012 - Full Length - YouTube

Alex Jones Show: Monday (7-16-12) Jim Marrs & Darrell Rogers - YouTube


UN Gun Confiscation and The Robot Takeover! - YouTube

BREAKING NEWS! July 17th 2012, OBAMA to be exposed as Fraudulent President! - YouTube

39 min./Dr Deagle Show 2012/07/13 - Preparedness, Civil Defense & Earth Changes Panel - YouTube

Shocking! Banned In America! Exposing Obama Would Reveal The Depth Of US Government Corruption | Before It's News

Underground Bases & Nephilim are Real - Insider -

+Secret Ways To Reverse Aging Easily | Before It's News

Hidden Truth: 'Jesuit-Vatican Connection' To The Unfolding 2012 New World Order Agenda. | Before It's News

Report: Soviets Showed Castro Alien Craft And Body | Before It's News


**Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World | Before It's News



+NASA U.F.O FOOTAGE (FULL VERSION) by Equalification - YouTube

Bugarach, France — Spaceship to Save Thousands Before Doomsday | Socyberty

12 Surprising Benefits Of The Boomerang Effect | Before It's News

SEX, GOLF, BOOZE: Bombshell Investigation Reveals All Kinds Of Bad Behavior At Treasury - Business Insider

Extraterrestrial Contact: The Big Reveal | Before It's News

Our Sun—It's Electric! - YouTube

8 Fun Ways To Get Your Kids To Exercise | Before It's News


**25 Online Tools To Teach Yourself Public Speaking | Before It's News


Articles: Do Obama's Executive Orders Reveal A Pattern?

Judicial Watch Obtains Documents Detailing the Cost to Taxpayers for Michelle Obama’s Family Trip to Africa | Judicial Watch

How To Build Your Own Electric Car | GizmoCrazed

+Use Your Purchasing Power to Fight the New World Order! Take Your Money Out of the Banks!

You Can Now (Finally) Read Barnes & Noble E-books on the Web


**24 Famous Fonts You Can Download for Free


Ahmadinejad: Judaism and Christianity don't exist | Before It's News

7 Musicians Who Actually Killed Somebody | Before It's News

The Great Dissent Part I: Four Justices in Obamacare Make Case for Constitutional Conservatism

The Great Dissent Part II: Four Justices Explain Why Congress' Power to Regulate Commerce Does Not Save Obamacare

The Great Dissent Part III: Justices Argue Obamacare Mandate Unconstitutional Because It's Not a Tax-and Why Mitt Romney is Right

The Great Dissent Part IV: Why Medicaid Expansion Is Unconstitutional

The Great Dissent Part V: Why the Entire Obamacare System Must Be Struck Down in Court

Lori Douglas Inquiry Unveils Masonic Underworld -


ALL CAPS' Names Designed for Exploitation


You Incorporated



Rense & Weidner - The Cross Of Hendaye Prophecies - YouTube

Phyllis Schlafly on Why Calling a Constitutional Convention is a Bad Idea - YouTube

White House gives Homeland Security control of all communication systems — RT

Dead dogs for Obama

Christians United For Israel: Building an Evangelical Army to Defend Zionism :

World Economies On Life Support

Is the Web Driving Us Mad? | ZenHaven

CAFR SCHOOL: How Corporations Are Funded By Taxpayers « REALITY BLOG

Stop The Lie - Inside the Eugenicist's Mind

Natural Way to Reduce Cholesterol: Consume More of This

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure with Papaya - Natural Society

U.S. drought biggest since 1956, climate agency says -

Aliens? We'll probably have a close encounter this century says leading physicist who warns governments to be ready | Mail Online

Shell Loses Control Of Arctic Drilling Rig In Alaskan Harbor | ThinkProgress

It's as simple as black and white

New Ethanol-Blend Fuel Approved by EPA Can Damage Car Engines, Group Warns |

Are Drones Moral Killing Machines? NY Times National Security Journalist Says Yes | This Can't Be Happening

Beaming The Skies: Scientists Analyze Potential of Using Lasers to Make Rain | ZenHaven

Preparing for Civil War: Chart Shows DHS Has Bought Hundreds of Millions of Rounds of Ammo Since 2009 :

Libor scandal: Was the petrol price rigged too? - Telegraph

“You Didn’t Build” Your Business | Sinclair News.Net

Flight 93 - banned newscast on Vimeo

Cornell University, Planet X, and Obama’s New Executive Orders -

NPN Email Alert: How ZOG Watches Your Every Move

+List Of Alternative Currency Systems From Around The World - :

Sea Treaty all but dead, 34 GOP senators oppose | Fox News

21 min./Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns - YouTube

* IRS has no legal basis to collect Affordable Care Act tax - It's all an act!

**GlaxoSmithKline whistleblower speaks out about bribery of doctors, off-label marketing of drugs - YouTube

+Raw Footage – Ron Paul Interview for Upcoming Documentary, Bubble « America First

39 min./Raw footage of Ron Paul interview from The Bubble film - YouTube

Greenpeace Co-Founder Abandons Man-Made Global Warming « America First

flashback/New evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker - National Conservative |

Blair-Bush Iraq war transcript may be suppressed | The Raw Story

London's Amazingly Explicit Surveillance State Mascot For The 2012 Olympics Has A Huge Camera Eye That 'Records Everything' - Forbes

Tim Geithner's Libor Recommendations Came Straight From Banks, Documents Show

How Britain's Top Spy is Beating the Drums for War on Iran

On the Verge of An All Out War? Massive Military Build-Up in the Persian Gulf

Suicide crisis mounts for US soldiers and veterans

Chris Whalen On Geithner's 'Kissinger Moment': 'What Did Bob Rubin Know About LIBOR Fixing? He Was The One Running The New York Fed, NOT Geithner' - Home - The Daily Bail

Activist Post: 19 Ways Cancer Becomes the Ultimate Soft-Kill Operation

Will these Genetically Modified Babies Alter Human Species?

Human corpses harvested in multimillion-dollar trade

Defective Government by Design | The Big Picture

Artificial Weather Revealed by Post 9-11 Flight Groundings

Gates Foundation to Give $10 Million for GMOs – Another Part of Melinda’s Depopulation Drive? « America First

exo|human ○ Genocidal Cereal Killer Released

Activist Post: Melinda Gates: Family Planning Means Sterilizing Women in Developing Nations

Activist Post: Council on Foreign Relations Meets with Google to Fight International Crime

US Economy Goes From 'Hero to Zero' - Business News - CNBC

Senators blast HSBC over lack of laundering controls | The Raw Story

Ratification of 'Law of the Sea' advances world government - The Hill's Congress Blog

The 9 Most Loathsome Lobbyists in Washington | News & Politics | AlterNet

Government is tightening its grip on whistleblowers - YouTube

Occupy protesters take on Bohemian Grove - YouTube

Inside of Bohemian Grove 2012 - YouTube

Study names Chicago most corrupt city in United States - YouTube

54 min./Universe.The.Cosmology.Quest.Part2of2.wmv - YouTube

Occupy 'Welcoming Committee' Promises Violence at RNC

FLASHBACK: Gen. David Petraeus: We Can’t Leave Afghanistan Now, They Have Trillions of Dollars of Minerals : Federal Jack

Gen. David Petraeus: We Can't Leave Afghanistan Now, They Have Trillions of Dollars of Minerals - YouTube

Ron Paul for President or “No Thank You’ | _

Polat Tower Fire - Business Insider

Bypassing News: US citizens journalism killing mainstream - YouTube

BOHEMIAN GROVE 2012 - Mark Dice and Cindy Sheehan Highlights - YouTube

Blackwater illegally paid millions in taxpayer money — RT

Hedge Funds Tap Into Early Views of Stock Analysts -

NASA's Car-Sized Rover Nears Daring Landing on Mars - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

UN Gun Grab Follows State Department Plan - 12160

Is Facebook damaging your reputation with sneaky political posts? | ZDNet

Democrat suggests Jews behind 9/11 attacks

Jon Stewart: Democalypse 2012 – Bain Damage – Romney’s Blind Trust | _

Drug money and terrorism fuel HSBC? – Senate probe | _

Bob did tell me to fix the rate, says Diamond's right-hand man - Business News - Business - The Independent

Now the Army is giving the orders - Home News - UK - The Independent

Regulators Sleep With Industry Prostitutes … While They Pimp Out the American People - Washington's Blog

BBC News - Senate report: HSBC 'allowed drug money laundering'

News hungry are turning to YouTube over television for crisis coverage because it is 'more dynamic and multiverse' study finds | Mail Online

Christine Lagarde and Nicolas Sarkozy embroiled in new corruption inquiry - Telegraph

Verizon Wireless wants to ‘edit’ your Internet access : Federal Jack

Michael Chertoff Gets The Truth From We Are Change - 12160

Government is tightening its grip on whistleblowers - YouTube

Obama Unilaterally Rewrites Welfare Reform

Welfare Reform Gets a Facelift, Thanks to Obama

Bradlee Dean: Can Conservatives Win without Youth Vote?

Can Conservatives Win Without Youth Vote? - YouTube


+CIA: Five particularly timeless tips from the Simple Sabotage Field Manual | StratRisks


*20 pg./“Simple Sabotage Field Manual,


‘Madi’ Cyber Espionage Campaign in Middle East Uncovered -

Criminal Inquiry Shifts To JPMorgan’s Mispricing Of Hundreds Of Billions In CDS: Is Dimon The Next Diamond? -

Manufactured Realities: The Truth About the Arab Spring, Occupy Movement and Anonymous -

Special Report: HSBC's money-laundering crackdown riddled with lapses | Reuters

**Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry - YouTube

*History Of The Federal Reserve System

The Phony "War on Cops" and the Real War on Us - informationliberation

China Gave Nuclear Weapons to Saudi Arabia :CIA Contractor

Rothschild Zionism

Five Reasons the Super-Rich Need Government More Than the Rest of Us

Chinese Workers Hail Romney’s Record as Job Creator Mass Pro-Romney Rally in Beijing

The Democrats Can't Lecture Romney About Firing People

*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 16, 2012

Spying on Americans through Cellphone Carriers

Governments Exist to Further the Interests of "Favored Groups"

JPMorgan scandal: The tip of the iceberg

Mexico: The Best ‘Democracy’ Money can Buy

Drones which "make their own decisions": Towards Global Unmanned Warfare?

Prisoner of Mandela: I was “Captured” and Inspired By His Movement

Immigration, Racism, and the Supreme Court

On Her Majesty's Secret Service: Superspy's Confession on MI6 Black Ops in Iran

GRTV: Understanding Deep Politics: The Driving Forces Behind World Events

Voting rights in America under attack

Warning: 'Greatest' Depression Announced - YouTube

GARY JOHNSON will END the War on Drugs - YouTube

The Largest Natural Disaster In U.S. History: The Endless Drought Of 2012 Will Bake America Well Into August

The Face of Fracking Victims (Moving and Powerful Video)

Obama Imposes Sex Quota on Townhall Questions

69% Of Young Americans Favor Tax Cuts For ALL Americans

Food Stamps Should Provide A Safety Net, Not A Mattress

Rush: Obama 'Trying To Dismantle...The American Dream'

Clinton Set To Sign U.N. Treaty To Disarm America, Advance Global Government

‘Here in Israel’: In Jerusalem, Clinton Breaches U.S. Policy |

Energy Dept. 'Unable to Locate' $500,000 in Equipment Bought With Stimulus Money |

WH: Stimulus ‘Widely Recognized to Have Broken the Back of Recession’ |

Obama Vows More Money for Green Energy: ‘When I Try Something That Doesn’t Work, Then I Don’t Try It Again' |

Former Clinton Pollster: GOP Picking Pro-Choice VP Like Dems Picking ‘Segregationist’ |

Charlie Rose Boosts 'Enormously Successful' ObamaCare in Softball Interview of President, Mrs. Obama |

Sarah Silverman Offers Sex Act to Romney Supporter Sheldon Adelson If He Backs Obama Instead |

Obama: 'If You've Got a Business, You Didn't Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen' |

Romney Says He Won't Give Obama Team 'More Things to Pick Through' and 'Distort' |

Obama Vows More Money for Green Energy: ‘When I Try Something That Doesn’t Work, Then I Don’t Try It Again' |

GOP Senators Sink Law of the Sea Treaty; 'This Threat to Sovereignty' |

Gallup: 60 Percent of Americans Say Obamacare Will Make Things Worse for Taxpayers, Businesses |

Federal Judge Imposes Racial Quota on FDNY, Responding to Minorities Who Failed Entrance Exams |

Millions spent on upkeep of empty Katrina lots |

Mental Health Group Blasts Romney Supporter for 'Stigma Slinging' |

Public School Offers Open Jar of Free Indian-Made Condoms--to Kids 12+ |

In Egypt, Clinton Fends Off Allegations of U.S. Support for Muslim Brotherhood |

U.S.: Iran’s Role in Arms Treaty Conference ‘Undermines the Credibility of the United Nations’ |

Protests As UNESCO Awards Prize Sponsored by African Dictator |

Six Moves Every 'Prepper' Should Know by Sean Covell

Train Like a Fighter — Workout #1: Cardio, Plyometrics, and Agility Training | The Art of Manliness

The Definitive Guide to Stress, Cortisol, and the Adrenals: When ‘Fight or Flight’ Meets the Modern World | Mark's Daily Apple

They Will Take Everything If You Don’t Stop Them: Ten Things You Must Do To Defend Yourself


BBC - Future - Technology - Stepping out of the system

Libertarianism and Abortion by Laurence M. Vance

The Texan gambler who bet his life on JFK - and won: THE YEARS OF LYNDON JOHNSON VOLUME 4: THE PASSAGE OF POWER BY ROBERT A CARO | Mail Online

“Gravity Falls”: A New Disney TV Show Loaded With Illuminati Symbolism

The Esoteric Symbolism of the Viral Video “I, Pet Goat II”

Kanye West’s “Sensual” Video for New Fashion Magazine

Bradley Manning’s Support System by Kelley B. Vlahos --

US Navy Fires on Fishing Boat in Persian Gulf, Killing One -- News from

Taliban Faulted, But CIA Fueled Pakistani Opposition to Foreign Vaccination Programs -- News from

Prosecution Claims ‘Proof’ Manning Knew He Was Aiding Enemy -- News from

John Kampfner: The price of our safety shouldn't be our freedom - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Dick Morris to Newsmax: Rubio Is the ‘Only Choice That Makes Sense’

Bachmann: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrating Obama Administration

James Carville: Romney Is Losing the 'Street Fight'

Grassley: FDA Lawyers Knew About Spying

Homeland Security Department to Aid in Voter ID Efforts

Obama Meets Jerry Springer

Sen. Sessions: Court Wastes 'Borrowed' Money on Conference

Obamas Caught on Kiss Cam

Rasmussen Poll: Voters Want Condi Rice For VP

Republican Senate Candidates Reaping Rewards of Wealth

Mia Love: Democrats Would Toss All Americans 'Under the Bus'

Egypt's Ousted President Hosni Mubarak Returned to Prison

NY Times: Cuba's Economic Reforms Hit Snag

Iran Hopes for More High-Level Nuke Talks

Bernanke Predicts ‘Frustratingly Slow’ Progress on Unemployment

Jim Rogers: Much Bigger Problems Than Drought Threaten Grains

How to Save Yourself or a Loved One From Sudden Cardiac Death

Increased Vitamin C Could Reduce Heart Disease and Cancer

EPA Issues Penalty Over 'Fantasy Fuel'

Paterno, Jackson, and Ammons Faced Moral Dilemmas

The Most Anti-Business President Ever

Let’s Not Punish Greatness in America

AFP PODCAST & INTERVIEW: Bank of America Assaults Second Amendment | American Free Press

AFP PODCAST: Global Warming a Scientific Hoax? | American Free Press

Cooking the Immigration Books | American Free Press

NSA Flips Senators The Bird | American Free Press

Rep. Ron Paul readies his salvos for last showdown with Fed’s Bernanke - The Hill's On The Money

Saudis giving $100 million to Palestinian Authority | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

The Hill Poll: Voters say wealth is now an impossible dream -

Ron Paul: Is it all over for his campaign? -

Rookie officer spend ten days at police academy¿ and FIFTEEN YEARS on disability (without ever working a day) | Mail Online

Attorney: Reduced count considered for CIA operative

Now ‘indisputable proof’ of Obama forgery

Communist mentor Obama backers trying to hide

Rick Warren schedules 2012 forum with Obama, Romney | Fox News

Obama preparing for citizen uprising?

‘Socialist in Congress’ proposes so-called Robin Hood Tax

Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online

The death of paper currency

Bullying Crisis Horrifies Parents, Ignites Homeschool Revolution -- Research Reveals - Standard Newswire

More College Students Living at Home -

Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy | Self-Sexualization | LiveScience

Gaddafi's Stolen Billions: Max Keiser Explains 'Financial Terrorism' - YouTube


Gun Owners Voted For The Gun Grabbers UN Arms Trade Treaty |

Health Ranger’s intelligence analysis of military drones: payloads, countermeasures and more |

A Look At How Democrats And Republicans Differ – Chuck Baldwin |

Judge Napolitano: "LIBOR Scandal One of the Largest Bank Orchestrated Frauds in History" - YouTube

**Autism made in the U.S.A . - YouTube

Reid: ‘Angry white men’ trying to buy the election for Romney | Washington Free Beacon

Don Imus Blasts Sally Kohn For Dismissing Drudge During Interview | Mediaite

London 2012 Olympics: Games legend Michael Johnson believes Oscar Pistorius has an 'unfair advantage' - Telegraph

Police bust drug network selling Mexican meth in Oklahoma | Reuters

John Kerry’s secretary of state dry run - Jessica Meyers -

Email shows ICE delayed deporting Obama’s illegal immigrant uncle |

Paternoville changes name to Nittanyville - Big Ten Blog - ESPN

Banner flying over Penn State to have Joe Paterno statue removed | The Morning Freak Show - 96.1 Kiss

Shocking video shows Gaddafi's body 'being used by rebels as ventriloquist's doll' | Mail Online

Mayor Nutter opens an office to seek federal grants for Phila.

Obama will 'honor those living with HIV' at White House next week

Medical marijuana benefits in dispute

Drought in U.S. reaching levels not seen in 50 years, pushing up crop prices

Obama's philosophy appeals to “people with miserable, meaningless lives” Limbaugh says

FDA lawyers authorized spying on agency’s employees, senator says

SF's only outdoor shooting range is being evicted after failing to reach new lease agreement

Obama switches off teleprompter at recent campaign events

Romney swings into attack mode, to GOP cheers

Business groups criticize Obama over remarks about government's role in success

Hatch vows to prevent Obama from changing welfare work requirement

Planned Parenthood Arizona sues state over law barring funds even for non-abortion services

White House under fire for delays on food safety rules

Florida City Removes American Flags From Fire Trucks

DISCLOSE Act fails again in Senate

Can Heather Wilson, a moderate Republican, win over New Mexico’s Latino voters?

Puzzled lawmakers hear only silence from ex-Rep. Thaddeus McCotter

New fundraising idea: Campaign offers tickets to the President’s birthday party in Chicago

Vick: 'I've helped more animals than I've hurt'

Homeland Security says Colo. may check voter citizenship

The 'Heroic' Louis Freeh and His Legacies by William L. Anderson

Court order prevents BBC from broadcasting film about riots | UK news |

Future USAF Acquisition To Focus On Pacific | Defense News |

Bosnia Connection: Bill Clinton and Islamist ratlines in Bosnia assisted September 11 | Modern Tokyo Times

Obama Spending $30M on Struggling Schools - In Arab Kingdom - U.S. Trade & Aid Monitor


RDR: 'The Franklin Cover-Up' author talks about how he linked Sandusky and Penn State abuse scandal years ago


**Conspiracy of Silence: The Franklin Cover Up - Censored Documentary! - YouTube


The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp


Funk Brothers Bass Player Bob Babbitt Dies at 74 |

'I Love Lucy' Director Bill Asher Dies at 90 |

Will Romney victory set America back?

Barry's stories: A chronicle of destruction

Wearing out the trump card

Are race riots not news?

Raze the Joe Paterno statue!

Is Mitt serious about Condi?

Obama's job creation … in other countries

B. KINCHLOW: 'Isms' and the death knell of America

M. ACKLEY: Obama's college career

Government the granddaddy of business?

WASHINGTON: Progressives' academic incest

JOSEPH FARAH: Benito Obama or Obamalini?

L. KLAYMAN: Consequences of America's '1st Muslim president'

PARKER: New American food-stamp plantation

50 min./Re-Education Camps Coming Sooner Than You Think - YouTube

U.S. Builds Criminal Cases in Libor Rate-Fixing Scandal -

Beginning Sovereign Debt Crisis Endgame, Attack of the Zombie Banks and the New Religion of Europe :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website

They Will Take Everything If You Don't Stop Them: Ten Things You Must Do To Defend Yourself

Paul McGuire -- Mass Awakening: The New Golden Age?

Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away - SFGate

The Hivemind Singularity - Alan Jacobs - The Atlantic

Is the Internet Making Us Crazy? What the New Research Says - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

The Multi-Fuel Generator: Don’t Depend on Just Gas…

Kuwait: The prince's mysterious conversion - Vatican Insider

50 Christians burned to death in pastor’s home

Bankrupt U.S. Cities Indicate Nation’s Future - - World News Analysis Based on Bible Prophecy by the Philadelphia Church of God

Former Pentagon analyst: China has backdoors to 80% of telecoms | ZDNet

Jurassic Park in a Petri dish: Scientists recreate 500 million-year-old bacteria in lab - what could possibly go wrong? | Mail Online

Transhumanist religion 2.0 | KurzweilAI

12 Factors That Are Turning The Streets Of America Into A Living Hell


C2CAM/Higgs Boson & Ancient Texts/ Inverted Spirituality - July 16, 2012 - YouTube


Watergate: The Hidden History–Nixon, the Mafia, and the CIA

BBC News - Academics say 'no truth' to lying eyes theory

New Yorkers Crack a Smile at 'Manhattanhenge' | NYC Sunset | LiveScience

Is the Baltic Sea UFO a Nazi Secret Weapon? | Gather

Rock containing 'most complete early human skull ever' discovered ... after it lay on the shelf of a laboratory for three years | Mail Online

Nat Geo’s Chasing UFOs:
Two of the Stars Say the Show was Hijacked

Reclaiming Shamanic Dreaming from the Roots of Western Culture | Reality Sandwich

"Easter Island Drug," Bee Nursing Hold Antiaging Secrets?

Can You Teach Yourself Synesthesia? - Technology - The Atlantic

Ancient 'New York City' of Canada Discovered | LiveScience

Your Sixth Sense | Psychology Today

Silver Screen Saucers: CIA Responds to Ex-Official’s “Roswell Happened” Claim: Not True

Nick Redfern's World of Whatever...: The 10 Commandments of Paranormal TV

The Algorithm That Leads To The Robotic Revolution Has Been Found | WebProNews

Ever heard the sound of a nuclear bomb going off? Historian unveils one of the few surviving audio recordings of blast from 1950's Nevada tests | Mail Online

Sustainable Tech Saw Ancient Maya Through Drought | LiveScience

Earliest Americans Arrived in Waves, DNA Study Finds - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Deaf People 'Feel' With Hearing Part of Brain | LiveScience

Is Obama Ripping Off the Mask?

TWA Flight 800: 16 Years and Still No Questions

Nobody Else Made It Happen, Mr. President

My White Girlfriend Inspired Obama's Big, Dark Regina in Dreams from My Father

The Folly of Obama's Politics

Why Obama's College Records Matter

Bureaucrats Bully Family Farms in D.C. Exurbs

Dreams from Governor Abercrombie

Labor Losses Imperil Democrats

Do Obama's Executive Orders Reveal A Pattern?

Obama, the Storyteller

Clinton leans on Netanyahu for more concessions, hails Abbas as peacemaker

Green power regulators trip over each other in Illinois

Huffington Post: Life Is Sacred (So Let's Support Abortion)

Obama Fixer Adds 'F'-word to Script

The Latent Function of Welfare Un-Reform

Obama trying to wean himself off teleprompter

Ramadan delays hearings for 9/11 suspects

What the Government Really Does for My Business

Mr. Fix-it or Mr. Broke-it?

Latest conspiracy theory from Iran: The west is causing drought

Are Busness Schools Actually Schools of Crime?

Sigh! Whatever Happened to Communication?

America Cannot Afford "Green Energy" We Must Drill, Drill, Drill.

Lessons in government for the Right

Romney Foreign Policy Would Make Americans Unsafe

Rush: Batman Villain ‘Bane’ May Influence Brain Dead People Against Romney

Limbaugh: Obama’s Anti-Business Speech Is A ‘Declaration Of War Against The Country’

O’Reilly: Obama/Romney Outsourcing Controversy; I’d Call It A Tie.

Wwoow, Is This Man Dangerous! Glenn Beck Slams Obama’s Anti-Business Speech

Mark Levin: Obama Blew It. He Forgot Alinsky’s Lesson ‘Pretend You’re Part Of The Middle Class’

Limbaugh: If Obama Even Handed One Of His Friends A Joint Or Gave Them Some Blow, He’s A Felon.

Rush to Romney: It’s Not That Obama’s People Are Out Of Control. It’s Obama.

Rush: Who Does Obama Think Paid The Taxes For Roads And Bridges

Rush: It Can Now Be Said, Without Equivocation, Obama Hates This Country

Rush Warns: ’50 Shades Of Grey’ Is Anti-Feminist Porn

Limbaugh Slams WSJ Story Explaining Corporations Are People

Debbie Schlussel/Full Circle: Hitler Fan Walt Disney’s Descendant Joins Anti-Israel Boycott

Debbie Schlussel/UGH! Sarah Silverman Obama Sex Video Reaches New Low; YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME! When Will Obama Denounce?

Debbie Schlussel/“Fifty Shades of Grey”: Not “Mommy Porn,” Just Porn; Disgusting, Violent Fantasy of Middle-Aged Unhappy Women

Debbie Schlussel/Obamacracy in Egypt: Wealthy Arab Tourists Buy Under-Aged Egyptian Girls for Sex Slaves

Debbie Schlussel/Mouna Diab: Top Canadian Muslim Civil Rights Activist Caught Gun-Running for Hezbollah

Shunning Obama from Public Conscience

Cultural Equivalency

A United Nations Gun Control Treaty Coming Soon

LIBOR: Another Symptom of the Same Disease

Canada should open its doors for Barack Obama refugees

How the World Really Works

Careless Love: Hookup Sex Culture a Symbol of America’s Declining Character

Choose your Poison, Communism or Other Dictatorship?

The International Monetary Fund – world economic outlook?

Obama Energy Policies Are Working: Patriot Coal Goes Bankrupt

HBO’s ‘Newsroom’ Being Programmed by Soros-Funded Think Progress?

Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin Joins Family Research Council As Executive Vice President

Obama: America Is Great Because of Government Bureaucrats, Regulations, and Taxes!

NAACP furthers mission of KKK

M.A.S.H. Star Partners with Castro’s Spy Agency

‘Fundamentally Transforming’ the Military

The Left’s Selective ‘Tax The Rich’ Exemptions

Obama’s Crony Capitalism Hurts the Middle Class

Elderly Man Samuel Williams Shoots Robbers at Internet Cafe | Video |

Videos Seemingly Show Syrian Rebel Forces Burning and Destroying Countless Bottles of Alcohol as They Yell ‘Allahu Akbar’ | Video |

YouTube Pulls Romney’s Anti-Obama Ad Over Copyright Claim | Video |

‘This Man Hates This Country’: Limbaugh Excoriates Obama for Telling Business Owners ‘You Didn’t Build That’ |

Whites Have ‘Never, Ever, Ever, Ever’ Favored Rights for Blacks in America, ‘Fantasy’ to Think That — Says Former NYTimes Writer, NBC Reporter | Video |

Romney Campaign Punches Back on Bain Attacks | Video |

Cheering Crowd and Arena Camera Get Obamas to Kiss | Video |

Judge Complies With 9/11 Plotters’ Request to Delay Trial For Ramadan |

Needles Found in Turkey Sandwiches on Four Delta Flights | Video |

21-Pound Lobster on Display in Orleans, Mass. Restaurant |

Glenn Beck Blasts President Obama‘s Speech Claiming Successful People Didn’t Make It On Their Own In Powerful Segment | Video |

‘Utter Lack of Understanding’: Bi-Partisan Business Group Fires Back at Obama‘s ’You Didn‘t Build Your Business’ Speech |

‘Where Is the Press With the Outrage?’ This Major Financial Scandal Has Santelli up in Arms | Video |

Megyn Kelly Rips Obama and Romney Campaigns For Dishonest Ads | Video |

Glenn Beck Screams on Radio After Hearing That Mitt Romney Is Considering Tim Pawlenty as VP: ‘You Will Lose’ | Video |

Flash Mob Hits Jacksonville, Florida Wal-Mart After Nearby Party is Broken Up | Teens Steal, Destroy, Throw Merchandise | Video |

New Black Panther Hashim Nzinga Says Zimmerman Must ‘Pay’ for Trayvon Martin Shooting | Video |

Sarah Silverman Offers ‘Lesbian Sex’ to Sheldon Adelson Through Alexander Soros-Funded Super-PAC Jewish Council for Education and Research | Video |

Lawrence O’Donnell Says Rush Limbaugh Is Racist For Saying Obama Used to Do Drugs | Video |

Viral Photo of Israeli Woman With M16 on Her Back Spread Around the Web for Months |

Michael Savage: Obama ‘most evil’ president ever

EDITORIAL: Mind your own business, Obama - Washington Times

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare | Judicial Watch

Obama says the wealthy AREN'T responsible for their own success | Mail Online


VIDEO / Truth Seekers Attempt to Stop the Dictator Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

VIDEO/ Citizens Fight Back Against Dictator Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


22 MIN./Hidden History of The Occult with Author Jim Marrs - YouTube

» The “Green” Agenda Is All About Mass-Sacrifice Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Gates-Funded Experiment To Spray Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Outrage After News Channel Helps Public Identify Gun Owners Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns - YouTube

» UN Arms Transfer Treaty (ATT) on Small Arms: Gun Grab Gradualism Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» UN Gun Grab Follows State Department Plan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Pentagon Releases “Comics” for Globalist Domination Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Power Through Pretext: The Many Paths Towards Global Government Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» To Die For A Story: The 9/11 Cult, The Obama Cult, And The Usurpation of Reality Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» World’s Most Prestigious Financial Agency – Called the “Central Banks’ Central Bank” – Slams U.S. Economic Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» These 12 Hellholes Are Examples Of What The Rest Of America Will Look Like Soon Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama: “If You’ve Got A Business – You Didn’t Build That. Somebody Else Made That Happen” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Radiation On West Coast of North America Could End Up Being 10 Times HIGHER than in Japan Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Revolution Failed? 'Mubarak gone, US-linked bourgeois regime remains' - YouTube

9/11 family group decries banning politicians from commemoration -

» Paul Allen’s Eco-Fascist Green Sports Alliance Sets Summit for Sept 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Watch Out, Africa! Melinda’s Coming For You! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Microsoft pulls out of ending a 16-year relationship with NBC | Mail Online

Airport scanning technology is a transparent victory for terrorism | Technology | The Observer

Comrade Obama's Doxology: Praise the State, Ungrateful Individualist Heathen! « Blog

Obama: If you've been successful you didn't get there on your own - YouTube

» Manufactured Realities: The Truth About the Arab Spring, Occupy Movement and Anonymous Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» How privacy-conscious consumers are fooling, hacking smart meters Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Obama Seeks to Criminalize Linking to Online Piracy Websites Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

America - the antidepressant nation? - YouTube

This Summer, Take Back the Media |

Where's the Controversy in Saving Lives? - YouTube

» Addiction Vaccines: Scientists Use Human Experimentation to Advance Transhumanist Agenda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Felony and Romney Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Boy Scouts: We're keeping policy banning gays - U.S. News

» Pentagon Misinformation Ops Target Press and Public! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pentagon Misinformation Ops Target Press and Public! - YouTube

» The “Green” Agenda Is All About Mass-Sacrifice Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Ben Bernanke and Mervyn King describe Libor fixing as 'fraud' | Business |

» World’s Most Prestigious Financial Agency – Called the “Central Banks’ Central Bank” – Slams U.S. Economic Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

As Syrian crisis deepens, Obama cites 'Captive Nations' week - Washington Times

Occupy Bohemian Grove: Secret 1% getaway revealed - YouTube

Saudi Arabia: Russia "concerned" by Saudi oppression

Prison » Propaganda: The Language of Empire

Prison » Tyler Kent Vs. The Gods of History

Prison » U.S.-backed Syrian Opposition Linked to Bilderberg, CFR, Goldman Sachs & George Soros

Man Who Bit Into Needle Found in Sandwiches on Delta Flight Put on Anti-HIV Medication - ABC News

TSA hasn't complied with body scanner court order | The Daily Caller

Prison » Anti-First Amendment “Disclose Act” Fails Senate Cloture Vote

Prison » Worse than BPA? Toxic BPS chemical found hiding in receipts, recycled paper


‘The Communist’ Part I: Obama’s Mentor Frank Marshall Davis Exposed Posted July 13, 2012 at 11:43 am

The Communist Part II: Why Obama’s Mentor Went From Republican to Devout Marxist Posted July 16, 2012 at 7:49 am

The Communist Part III: How Obama Discovered ‘Hope,‘ ’Change‘ and ’Forward!’ Posted July 17, 2012 at 6:02 am


Video: Flash Mob Riots in Florida Walmart


Video: Obama's True Philosophy Revealed

Video: No Love: Boos for Obama Kiss Cam Miss

Video: Saudi Cleric Admits No Freedom with Islam

Video: Executive Orders Set Up Another Obama Power Grab?

Video: What is an EMP attack?

Video: Allen West: "CHARGE!" to protect Freedom

Video: How Obama made it Worse

Video: Fast and Furious Answers?

Video: WSJ discovers Unions spend 4x more than reported

Video: Got a Business? You Didn't Build That!

Video: Getting Bin Laden: Heroism vs. Politics



Whale Shark Sucks Fish from Net Off Indonesia
USNS Rappahannock Fires upon Suspicious Boat Near UAE
Should Iran's Threat to Block the Strait of Hormuz be Taken Seriously?
Chinese Premier: China 'Not Yet Stable'
Turkey's Alawites' Fears over Syria Uprising
Syria Massacre: Chemical Weapons Threat?
Clinton: U.S. Prepared to Back Syrian People Post-Assad
Clinton: Iran Proposals to World Powers 'Non-Starters'
London Scrambles to Fill Olympic Security Void
Two Dead, 19 Injured in Toronto Party Shooting
Syria's Rebels Take Fight to Damascus
Raw Video: Fire Breaks Out in Istanbul High-rise
U.S. Influence Waning in Middle East?


George Will: Romney Would "Lose 40 States" With Condi As Running Mate
Karl Rove, Joe Trippi On July's Electoral Map Prediction
Audience Boos After First Lady Snubs Obama On "Kiss Cam" At Basketball Game
Levin: Romney Should Challenge Obama To A Series Of Debates Now
Carville: GOP Mad Because A "Community Organizer Is Beating Them In A Street Fight"
Krauthammer Rips Obama's Speech Attacking Business: "Spoken By A Man Who Never Created Or Ran So Much As A Candy Store"
Brit Hume On Obama's View Of Business: "Explains Nearly Everything"
Comedian Offers To "Scissor" GOP Donor Sheldon Adelson If He Donates To Obama
MSNBC's Chris Hayes: "I'm Not Psyched About This America First Theme"
Rush Limbaugh: Obama "Hates This Country"
Obama Campaign's Cutter: I Never Accused Romney Of Being A Felon
Romney: "When People Accuse You Of A Crime, You Have Every Reason To Go After Them Pretty Hard"
Sununu: Obama "Wallowed In Chicago" With Felons Like Rezko
Michelle Obama: Hope "Doesn't Get Actualized" In Three And A Half Years
Obama On ObamaCare: "I Don't Mind The Name Because I Really Do Care"
Wasserman Schultz: Romney Campaign Needs "To Put Their Big Boy And Big Girl Pants On"
Obama Sings "Happy Birthday" To 18-Year-Old Supporter
Sen. Harry Reid: "Angry Old White Men" Trying To Buy The Country
Obama: No Apology To Romney For Felony Accusations
Obama: "Sometimes I Do Boneheaded Things"

Should America Stop Selling Weapons to Human Rights Violators?
Meteorological Factors Leading to Kyushu's Flash Floods
Syria Denies Tremseh Massacre Claim
Defector: Syria Coordinated with al-Qaeda
Gauging the Euro's Tipping Point
N. Korea Army Chief Removed from All Posts
Raw Video: France Celebrates Bastille Day
UK Trying to Fill Olympic Security Gaps
Clinton: Time of Opportunity in Mideast
Hillary Clinton Arrives in Tel Aviv
Olympic Athletes Begin Arriving at Heathrow Airport
View from the Ground in Syria
Congress Considers Strengthening Sanctions on Iran


George Will: Romney "Losing" Argument Over Tax Returns
Carville: Dem Super PACs Have "Driven The Debate" In This Campaign
Obama: Republicans Trying To Win Election By Blaming Me For Economy
Axelrod: Romney Believes "The Buck Stops There"
Bill Kristol: Romney "Should Release The Tax Returns Tomorrow"
"Face The Nation" Panel On Campaign The Trail
Obama: "If You've Been Successful, You Didn't Get There On Your Own"
Rove, Trippi On Bain Capital Attacks And The Impact On Voters
Romney's Madden & Obama's Cutter Talk Romney & Bain
Rep. Paul Ryan: Election Is "A Big Choice About Two Futures"
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Romney & Bain
"Face The Nation" Roundtable On Economy And Politics
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Obama's Economic Record
Obama: "This Campaign's Still About Hope"
"This Week" Roundtable On Campaign, Bain
Sens. Kyl, Durbin Debate Raising Taxes On Incomes Over $250,000
Ed Gillespie Responds To Bain Attacks From Obama Campaign


Obama Tells GOP To "Compromise" And End Tax Cuts For Rich In Weekly Address
Obama: Being President Means Being "Responsible For Your Operations"
"Special Report" Panel On Voter ID Laws, Syria & Condi Rice
Portman Gives GOP Weekly Address: "We're Going Broke" Under Obama
Obama: "If You've Got Health Insurance, You're Not Getting Hit By A Tax"
"The Five" On The Pros & Cons Of Condi As VP Candidate
Ed Schultz: ObamaCare A Boon For Small Business


"Red Eye" Panel On Romney Being Called A Racist For NAACP Speech
Romney: Obama's Attacks Are "Beneath The Dignity Of His Office"
Krauthammer: Romney "Needs To Be Tougher" On "Utterly Shameless" Obama
Obama: "There's A Term Limit Thing In The Presidency"
FBI Report: Zimmerman Not Racially Motivated in Trayvon Martin Shooting
Obama Says People Who Watch Fox News Are "Stubborn"
Romney: Obama "Ought To Apologize For What He's Doing"
Obama: Romney Not Very "Qualified To Think About The Economy As A Whole"
Romney: I Left Bain And All Management Authority In February Of 1999
Rendell: Bain Attacks "Went A Little Bit Too Far With The Felony Business"
Obama Campaign: "Absolutely Fair" To Say Romney Could Be A Felon
Palin: Condi Rice "Would Be A Wonderful Vice President"
Sununu To Williams: "Blind Loyalty" To Obama Makes You Look Foolish
CNN's John King: Bain Dems Say Boston Globe Report "Simply Not True"
Obama Campaign To Romney On Bain: "Your Turn To Explain"
Obama Campaign Spokesman Ben LaBolt: No Apology To Romney
O'Reilly vs. NAACP Leader On Romney Causing Audience To Boo
Sununu: "Incompetence Of A President Who Can't Run A Lemonade Stand"
"Special Report" Panel On U.S. Options With Iran
Walsh: Romney Campaign "Has Created Its Own Troubles"
Maddow: Romney Isn't Reaching Minority Voters Like Bush Did
Romney Ad Slams Obama For Attacks: "What Happened?"
O'Reilly: Race And Mitt Romney

Strategic Foreign Assistance Transitions
World Would Be Safer if Iran Had Nukes
Was Progress in Afghanistan Measured by Money Spent?
Inside Israel's War Against Iran
China Could See Zero Growth: Author
Syria's Youth Traumatized by Violence
'More than 150' Dead in Syrian Army Crackdown
China Slowdown Fears Overblown
Casualties as Heavy Rains Hit Japan
Deadly Nigeria Tanker Truck Fire
Many Dead After French Alps Avalanche Sweeps Over Climbers
Drug Smuggling Tunnel Discovered in Mexico
A Potential New Golden Age of Oil
Assessing Iranian Military Capability


Krauthammer: Obama Campaign Has "Jumped The Shark"
Mark Levin Says No To Condi Rice As VP: "Pick A Damn Conservative"
Pelosi: Republicans Voted To Take Away Protections From "The Little Baby Born With A Birth Defect"
Sen. Reid: Romney Couldn't Even Be Confirmed By The Senate
DOE Official: Loan Program Wasn't About Job Creation
Dennis Miller: Obama "Organized Communities, But He's Disrupting This Nation"
Carney To Reporter Asking For Obama's College Records: An "Open Book"
Obama: Biggest Mistake Of Presidency Was Inability To Sell Policy
Dem Congressman "Sorry" About Solyndra
Carney: Stimulus "Widely Recognized To Have Broken The Back Of The Recession"
Biden: "Children Should Be Educated To The Degree They Are Educable"
Romney TV Ad: How Can We Trust Obama To Lead?
Fineman: White Southern Conservatives Impressed By NAACP Booing Romney
Grayson: Blood On Florida Gov's Hands If He Blocks Medicaid Expansion
Maddow: Voters Are Starting To Like Health Care Reform
Rep. Paul Ryan: ObamaCare Was Sold On Three Broken Promises
O'Donnell: Romney Wanted To Get Booed At NAACP To Appeal To Racists
"Special Report" Panel On Romney's Visit To The NAACP Convention
O'Reilly: Romney Is "Brave" For Going To The NAACP Convention

Amb. Alexandre Fasel: Depoliticizing the UNHRC's Work
Syrian Ambassador to Iraq defects
Has the European Model Failed?
Jibril's Alliance Leading in Early Libya Results
How Best to Ensure Effective Aid in Afghanistan?
U.S., China Square Off Over South China Sea
Archaeologists Discover Pre-Hispanic Structures and Human Remains in Mexico City
Tensions Boil in DR Congo
Rebels Defend Syria's Famous Crusader Fort to the Death
Students Clash with Police in Chile
Tonga Crown Prince Marries Cousin
In Saudi Arabia, Activists Find an Oasis of Free Speech
What Are the Possibilities for Afghanistan After the U.S. Leaves?


*16-17 July

American Minute for July 17th

American Minute for July 16th

Today in History: July 17

Today in History: July 16

July 17th in History

July 16th in History

Today in History: July 17

Today in History: July 16

July 17 Events in History

July 16 Events in History

July 17th This Day in History

July 16th This Day in History

This Day in History for 17th July |

This Day in History for 16th July |

Today in History for July 17th - YouTube

Today in History for July 16th - YouTube

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