A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 March 2012

25 March'12


Former Vice President Dick Cheney Has Heart Transplant
Maher On Palin: "I Know I'm Not Allowed To Say It, But I Think She's Stupid"
Maher: Hate Crime Laws Give "Liberals A Bad Name"
"Real Time" Panel: Andrew Sullivan Credits Bill For Hillary's Success
Palin: Obama Has "Very Selective Ways Of Showing Compassion"
Obama Weekly Address: House Must Pass "All-Of-The-Above" Transport Bill
Greg Gutfeld's Take On Media Matters
Witness: Trayvon Martin First Attacked Zimmerman
Gingrich: This Is Either Going To Be Romney Or An Open Convention
Sen. McConnell Gives GOP Address: Obamacare Has Made Healthcare Worse



Could governments recognise ANYONE instantly via CCTV? Japanese camera can scan 36 million faces per second | Mail Online

Martial Law Executive Order: History Should Cause Concern, Not Comfort

Google awarded patent for tailored advertising based on spying on sound and environment | End the Lie – Independent News

Is your TV watching you? Latest models raise concerns - Technolog on

10 Reasons Why Nothing You Do On The Internet Will EVER Be Private Again

Paul Drockton M.A. What Passes for Rights These Days

The Seven Rules of Bureaucracy - Loyd S. Pettegrew - Mises Daily

Sick Of Internet Hoaxes And Half Truths

Algae: America’s future transportation fuel?

Flesh Eating Cocaine Found In New York, Los Angeles - May Affect Cocaine Supply Of Entire US

“Save America – Deport an Environmentalist” « The PPJ Gazette

Media Matters Releases Radio Ads Against Rush Limbaugh (AUDIO)

Is there life on Mars? Well it certainly looks like it has CLOUDS | Mail Online

Sinister Liberal Version of “Natural Law” is a Perverse, Anti-Constitutional Hoax

Earth to Obama Team from non-existent number 7041885

Is Christian Resistance Ever Right?

The Crisis of Jewish Leftist Islamism

When I was Young I was a Liberal/Socialist/Communist

Agenda 21 treaty on the horizon

Pesticide Residue Risks Recalculated

Mohamed Merah - Man of the West

Faith and Pro-Life Organizations to ‘Encircle’ the Supreme Court in Prayer

The Whole Truth: Obamacare

Obama’s YouTube Hack-U-Mentary Censors Most Negative Feedback

Facebook or Facelessbook?

Are Voter I.D. Laws Racist?

Obamacare’s Dreadful Anniversary

Corruptio Optimi Est Pessima

Obama – The American people will win

Updated List Identifies Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood

The New Nazis

Obama Energy Plan: Delay, Deny, Deceive

SOLD OUT « diggerfortruth

Why You Should Avoid Fast Food at All Costs | Natural Society

Dick Cheney receives heart transplant: aide | The Raw Story

Dick Cheney, Heart Transplant: Former US Vice President Recovers In Hospital After Surgery | World News | Sky News Video - 10 Poisonous Foods We Like to Eat

Morgellons Disease, The Mysterious Skin Disease | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

WeAreChangeTV.US – SPLC Targeting Websites, Radio Programs And Feature Films…Again

Student-Loan Debt Tops $1 Trillion -

Feds Buying Up All Surplus Ammo, Ordering Stores To Cease Sales?

Confirmed: Flaxseed Contains 'Estrogens' That Regress Cancer | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Genetically Engineered Goats to "Carry" New Malaria Vaccine

Mystery solved? Turin Shroud linked to Resurrection of Christ - Telegraph

PlayList Live 2012: The Power of YouTube To Create Stars | Sinclair News.Net

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : HELP RON PAUL AUDIT THE FED 2012! Support The Federal Reserve Transparency Act

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : POLICE STATE - Man Arrested For Pointing His Finger At Cops

Secret Meeting Leads To Watered Down Ban On Congressional Insider Trading

Sen Reid Helped Republicans Waterdown Law That Prevents Congressional Insider Trading - YouTube


+Cancer is finally cured in Canada but Big Pharma has no interest, watch it 'till the end! - YouTube


Video: Israel Killed President John Fitzgerald Kennedy | Video Rebel's Blog


Federal Reserve Cabal Put A Bounty On JFK ? [Mirrored] - YouTube


+ 45 min./Michael Collins Piper Final Judgment - JFK Assassination Israeli Connections - YouTube


Arctic Ice Almost Identical To 17 Years Ago | Real Science

Refreshing News: US President Barack Obama warns North Korea over proposed rocket launch

Feds say Wells Fargo won't turn over documents - BusinessWeek

Jim Garrison: Martial Law by Executive Order

Refreshing News: How nine Supreme Court justices hold health care and Barack Omaba's future in their hands

Dallas Fed: Top 5 Wall Street Banks Own More Than 50% Of US GDP


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Sen. Rand Paul Opposes Corporate Welfare Amendment Calls Big Government \\\" Inherently Inefficient\\\"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Clueless Newscaster Calls Ron Paul Campaign a \"Flop\"


44min./The BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Illegal Nuclear Weapons (FULL Documentary) - YouTube


+What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 23rd Mar 2012 - YouTube


Lawmaker warns of ‘disagreeing with government’

Nuclear Energy: Cleaner, Safer and Made in America - YouTube

ah, mephistophelis.: T-Mobile's Web Guard: Lame Criteria Do Not Explain Many Blocked Websites

How The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin Is Being Hijacked For Political Gains : Federal Jack

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : POLICE STATE AMERICA : James Stewart Survives Torture in LA County Jail Exposed to Hypothermia, Food Deprivation, Raw Human Sewage

Refreshing News: A college student costs the state $8,667 per year; a prisoner costs it $45,006 a year

Refreshing News: Nathaniel Raymond is the first to admit that he has an unusual job description. "I count tanks from space for George Clooney"

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Lindsey Williams- The US Dollar Will Be Dead In 2012

The Rage Against Radiation

No Charges, No Trial, No Lawyer, No Jury: Straight to Execution

Sarkozy Introduces Law To Jail Those Visiting 'Extremist' Web Sites

Drones Take-Off in Idaho :

Santorum's Louisiana win does little to change the game of delegate math -

Little home comfort for Santorum in Pennsylvania

Obama visits Korea's DMZ

French gunman's brother suspected of complicity

Few US cities are ready for aging Baby Boomer population

Key question in Penn State case: Who is Victim 2?

Rahm Emanuel to middle class: Don't leave for better schools

State of the Union - Graham: Romney will be the GOP nominee - YouTube

Medicare Cuts: 'End As You Know It' Or Future Gift?

Finally, Texas May Play Role in GOP Race for President

Louisiana Results Suggest a Two-Man Race

Texas billionaire explains why he has given $18 million to Republican Super PACs

Is foot-in-mouth disease always fatal to campaigns?

National commentary: Senate race

Suggestions for a more civil debate this year

Survey: McMahon Leads GOP Primary, Dems Still Win

GOP Focuses On Health Care Law Repeal In Weekly Address

Outside groups fail in Illinois

Witness: Zimmerman 'never ... tried to help' Trayvon Martin

US healthcare reforms battle moves to supreme court

Male Student Shot to Death at Mississippi State University, Suspects Fled

In Pa. Abuse Trial, a Window Into Church Practices

Obama jokes with journalists via video

New Ron Paul ad slams Etch A Sketch 'games.' Does he have a point? (+video)

Richard Dawkins to atheist rally: 'Show contempt' for faith

The US Supreme Court: How it works

GOP budget would strip loopholes for top earners, Rep. Paul Ryan says

Ryan: 'We want to avoid a debt crisis' (5:42)

White House: Obama Reaction To Florida Shooting Based On Parental Instinct, Not Race | Fox News

Ticket sales underway as Illinois becomes first state to sell lottery tickets online -

Police trying to determine if suspect at large in killing of 5 in San Francisco, or victim - The Washington Post

Tens of thousands gather for pope's Mass in Mexico

US Pays Families of Afghan Victims in Massacre

Medvedev: Syria's 'last chance to avoid bloody civil war'

Tensions Remain After Hong Kong Election

Taliban threatens to kill Pak lawmakers

Bamako returning to normal, Mali's north threatened

Hugo Chavez Begins Radiation Therapy in Cuba on Eve of Pope Benedict XVI's Visit

Italian hostage Claudio Colangelo released in India

We were treated well by Maoists: Released Italian - YouTube

Anti-war movement stirs in Israel

Canada-Japan trade talks to be tough battle: experts

Japanese boat washed away in tsunami spotted more than a year later

Queen stuns newlyweds by crashing their wedding

KGO 810 San Francisco/President Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Discuss Next Steps in Syria

MF Global's Corzine Ordered Funds Transferred, Memo Says

Ex-Goldman Worker Said to Seek Book Deal

Scientist who coined 'Pink Slime' reluctant whistleblower - Interesting News!

Feds say Wells Fargo won't turn over documents

Yes, You Do Have to Pay Your Taxes

Facebook Password Requests From Employers Raise Ire of Lawmakers

Facebook strips 'privacy' from new 'data use' policy explainer

TacoCopter - Tacos Delivered Straight to Your Home With GPS Guided Quadcopters

Facebook Is Said to Buy 750 IBM Patents to Boost Defenses

Space Station Crew Scrambles as Debris Passes Nearby

Possible new lead in Peking Man fossils mystery

Giant Telescope's Construction Starts with a Bang ... Literally

Planets hurtling near the speed of light? It's possible, study says.

New species of scorpion found in Death Valley National Park

Water on Mercury? Evidence Shows 'Ice' Near Poles

Backyard Birders Spy Something New

Family who got disqualified for doped goats will be allowed to participate in Colorado State Fair | Off the Bench

Cheney too old for transplant? Bioethicist weighs in

Aide Says Cheney Had Heart Transplant - YouTube

Hip Device Phaseout Followed FDA Data Request

Popcorn as healthy as veggies? Depends how you pop it

Strange events will lead to increase of Lyme disease this year

US ranchers face antibiotic halt

Why health care is permanently changed under Obama act

Aretha Franklin Reuniting With Clive Davis For New Album

Genesis Awards go to the 'Apes'

Madonna Introduces 'Amazing' Avicii On Day Two Of Ultra Music Fest

Jessica Simpson's naked mag cover too hot for Tucson store

Oprah's OWN Downfall By The Numbers

Angelina Jolie: "I Didn't Pay Any Attention" to Oscars Leg-Flashing Jokes

Documents: Accused celebrity hacker to plead guilty

A billion more movies will be streamed this year in US than watched on DVDs and Blu-rays, according to researchers | The Verge


Obama the love child? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED


Leader of Mali military coup trained in U.S. - The Washington Post

Exploding H-Bombs In Space: Operation Starfish Prime -

A Very Scary Light Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space - YouTube

Wall Street gold rush in foreclosed homes

Government to keep data on citizens with no terrorism ties -

California Bill AB2109 Threatens Vaccine Freedom of Choice -

MF’s Corzine Ordered Funds Moved to JP Morgan, Memo Says - Bloomberg

Dangerous and Bizarre Obama Nominee for World Bank Prez -


4 Parts/Participating In Your Own Salvation – Max Igan


58 min./Innocents Betrayed The True Story of Gun Control - YouTube


Fast, Furious and Out of Control - Bill Conroy on GRTV - YouTube


*What Really Happened with Michael Rivero – March 21-23rd, 2012 |


*42 min./Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense Radio - 22 March 2012 - YouTube


33 min./Gerald Celente - Everything Financial Radio - 18 March 2012 - YouTube


Jim Rogers Interview on being successful, investing in the future, and preparing for civil unrest - YouTube

Surveillance Camera System Searches Through 36 Million Faces In One Second #DigInfo - YouTube

Trayvon Martin shooting: Parents call for George Zimmerman’s arrest - NY Daily News

Drug lords targeted by Fast and Furious were FBI informants -

Peter King warns: Hezbollah agents in U.S. -

Nuclear Watchdog Chief Accused of Pro-western Bias Over Iran

US' Double Standards

The Roads Leading to Disaster

Obama Guidelines Permit Data on U.S. Citizens to be "Held Longer"

Big Brother On Campus

'Big Government' Isn't the Problem, Big Money Is

A 9/11 Paper Trail

AL QAEDA AND HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS: Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda.... An Incessant and Repetitive Public Discourse

Capitalism: A Ghost Story

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: Failures of the US Secret Service on the Morning of 9/11: A Call for Transparency

NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS: The Very Real Possibility of A Global Nuclear Catastrophe

Manipulation of the "Paper Gold" Market

THE "SYRIAN SCENARIO": What Is Really Going On In Syria: An Insider Report

Big Banks Continue to "Suck at the Government" With Never-Ending Stealth Bailouts

The Shifting Strategies of Empire

IN HIGH GEAR: Advanced Preparations of U.S.-Israel War Against Iran

Human Rights and Foreign Intervention in The Sudan

One Year after Fukushima: Is Nuclear Power Phase-out a Feasible Alternative?

Saudi Arabia: House of Saud, Falling House of Cards

THE MILITARIZATION OF THE FAR-EAST: US Threatens China's Major Cities: America's Strategic Naval Base in Korea

USAFRICOM and the Militarization of the African Continent: Combating China's Economic Encroachment

VIDEO: CENSORED: Fallujah: A Lost Generation?

Details of Talks with IAEA Belie Charge Iran Refused Cooperation

VIDEO: US/NATO Proxy War in Syria Follows Precedent Set in Bosnia

MALI. US BEHIND MILITARY COUP: Mali coup led by US-trained captain

Robert Bales – Lone Nut or Scapegoat? by Justin Raimondo --

Serbian President Calls 1999 NATO Bombing a Crime on Anniversary -- News from

U.S. pays Afghans $50K per shooting death - CBS News

Secret Nuclear Drone Plan Nixed by 'Political Realities' | Danger Room |

Afghanistan and the Roman Empire | Common Dreams

The Sunk Costs of War and Terror | The Skeptical Libertarian

At CIA, a convert to Islam leads the terrorism hunt - The Washington Post

+Document: Bill Lear Affadavit on 911

We Just Built Skynet in the Desert, Now What? | Endless Innovation | Big Think

New counterterrorism guidelines permit data on U.S. citizens to be held longer - The Washington Post

Most powerful laser pulse in history is fired in US nuclear fusion plant, as scientists bid to harness power of the H-Bomb | Mail Online

Military Wants to Implant Tiny 'Doctors' in Soldiers' Bodies | DARPA Nanosensors Medicine | LiveScience

Magnetic cloak: Physicists create device invisible to magnetic fields

US, Allies Considering 'Non-Lethal' Aid for Syrian Rebels

Obama Visits US Troops at DMZ | USA | English

US President Peers Into North Korea | East Asia and Pacific | English

HULU Commercials are Brutally Honest (video)

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center

Researchers Develop a Speech-Jamming Gun That Can Silence People From a Distance

CIA Director: Web-Connected Devices in Your Home Make it Easy to Spy on You

The Occult Roots of Scientology: Exploring the Influence of Aleister Crowley on L. Ron Hubbard

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1975 video)

Cheney gets heart transplant, in intensive care | Reuters

Sandusky labeled 'likely pedophile' in 1998 report - TODAY People -

Hippies head for Noah’s Ark: Queue here for rescue aboard alien spaceship - Europe - World - The Independent

Report: Iran planned to bomb Israeli ship in Suez Canal - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

A Brief Review of “Mounting Evidence: Why We Need a New Investigation into 9-11″ «

Immigration records missing for week of Obama’s birth

Arpaio: ‘Probable cause’ Obama certificate a fraud

Problem-Reaction-Solution: Anonymous Promises to Take Down the Internet

MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines

Feds Charge Man As Enemy Combatant Supporting Terrorism For Uploading Youtube Video

A 9/11 Paper Trail |

Romney 'Godfather' of Obamacare, White House Aide Plouffe Says

Obamacare 'Biggest Test' of Presidential Power Since New Deal

Justices' Varied Styles Take Stage for Obamacare Arguments

Sen. Lee to Newsmax: Justices Will Toss Obamacare

Sen. Lindsey Graham: Obamacare 'Mess' Will Be Top Campaign Issue

Obamacare Foes Pick Experienced Lawyer for Their Case

Obamacare Rules Already Costing Insurers Tens of Millions

Florida Gov. Scott Promises Justice for Slain Teen

Pope Urges Peace, Justice in Drug War-Ravaged Mexico

Santorum Slams Analysts' Delegate Tallies as 'Bad Math

'Cash Mobs' Splurge to Boost Local Businesses

Ruddy: Obama's Good Deed on Alternative Cars

Author Bell to Newsmax: AI Spying Could Evolve Into Evil Reality

Walker Recall Effort Distracts Wis. From Presidential Primary

Ryan: I'd Consider VP Run but Focused on Budget Now

5 Ways GOP Could Finally Settle Presidential Race

Romney: Jeb Didn’t Speak to Me About Rubio for VP

Annan in Moscow Seeks Support for Syria Peace Effort

Fed’s Bullard Warns of Inflation Danger: 'It Takes a Long Time to Fix'

MF Global Executive: Corzine Ordered $200 Million Transfer

Adult Stem Cells, Fat Cells Can Aid Ailing Hearts

Senators Ask Feds to Probe Employer Requests for Facebook Passwords

Dead Daughter's Voice Mails Disappear After T-Mobile Promotion

‘Gay’ case puts speech in category with torture

‘Obama is our 1st truly secular president’

Witness counters Trayvon Martin media narrative

U.S. military purging ‘birthers’?

Meet the monster who killed Jewish children

Mohammed Merah dead: Toulouse Al Qaeda fanatic had sick video of himself executing victims | Mail Online

Toulouse siege: first images inside Mohamed Merah's bullet-scarred flat released - Telegraph

Hippies head for Noah’s Ark: Queue here for rescue aboard alien spaceship - Europe - World - The Independent

Cure for baldness 'could be on sale within five years' | Mail Online

Study links being ‘born-again’ to brain atrophy

Beware, politicians: ‘Hunger Games’ takes aim

Rod Blagojevich: ‘Senate Seat for Sale’

USA Memory Championships competitors provide tips for remembering the stuff we always forget | Unplugged - Yahoo! Games

GOP Budget Would Strip Loopholes For Top Earners, Rep. Paul Ryan Says | Fox News

Americans to watch more online movies than DVDs in 2012 - Mar. 22, 2012

Schofield teacher on leave after parent complains of 'pornographic' book | Aiken Standard

Santorum Beats Romney by 22 Points in Louisiana

Romney Finished Last in La. Among Voters Who Said Strong Moral Character Was Most Important Quality, Says Exit Poll

Mark Levin Asks IG to Probe Possible IRS Misconduct in Dealing with Tea Party

'Hundreds' of 'Soldiers of Hezbollah' Inside the U.S., Says Homeland Security Chairman

U.S. Silent on Top Saudi Cleric’s Call to ‘Destroy Churches’

Sen. McConnell: Commerce Clause Will Be A ‘Relic of Ancient Times’ if High Court Upholds Obamacare

Obama Science Czar Who Called for End of Auto Industry Owns Two Cars

Bozell Column: Putting the Bull In 'Bully'

Atheist Arrogance Marches on Washington

Daily Kos Week in Review: The Grand Old Crazy Party

Dems’ Obamacare Argument: It’s Too Expensive, So Everyone Should Have To Buy It

Ex-Newsweek Writer Wolffe Warns of 'Ugliness' Toward Obama from GOP Crowds, 'Same Thing' as '08 Campaign |

Schools Just Became Even More Dangerous -- Attack Dogs Waiting For Dissenters

Attack dogs used against High Schoolers for planned protest and thought crimes - YouTube

Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination

Obama Asks to See Hawaiian Woman's Birth Certificate

Obama meets Hawaiian woman, asks to see her birth certificate | The Raw Story

Watch "President Obama Meets Hawaiian Woman, Asks Her If She Has Her Birth Certificate" Video at mediaite

Major Garrett: President Obama’s Trayvon Response ‘One For The History Books’ | Mediaite

If you’re in law enforcement you can kill and beat people but not mow your lawn in shorts?

A Marijuana Bud A Day Keeps The Stroke Away - YouTube

IMVA – International Medical Veritas Association » Blog Archive » Magnesium Oil


Dr. Mark Sircus' Blog(


+Easter Island Discovery | Before It's News

Illuminati News: The Illuminati and Reptilian Hybrids

PROOF Man Can Create Earthquakes Using HAARP - Alien Ufo network

Obama Replacing U.S. Military With His Own National Security Force? | Before It's News

Rep. Lungren To Sheriff Joe: Take Obama's Identity Document Fraud Evidence To Court | Before It's News

Adobe Expert Mara Zebest vs. Congressman Lungren: Obama's Identity Document Fraud - YouTube

Congressman Lungren to Sheriff Joe: Take Obama Identity Document Fraud Evidence to Court - YouTube

FBI file says Aliens are here, are human-like and are interested in settling here!! - Alien Ufo network - Very Thin Unknown Beings Filmed Late At Night - with video

Ghost Videos - Scary Videos - Real Ghosts - Demon Appears in Photo of a Couple - YouTube

Five Mysterious Places Have Spiritual And Healing Power. (Beautiful Pics) | Before It's News

Hidden Messages In Water Can Change Our Bodies | Before It's News

HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER - Dr. Masaru Emoto Experiment With Meditation At Brahma Kumaris HQ - YouTube

Biggest Mystery Of Human History: How Were The Egyptian Pyramids Built? | Before It's News

Secret Anatomy & Mastery Of The Powers Of The Brain / INITIATION

Flouride Linked To Brain Damage And Mind Control | Before It's News

FLUORIDE: WHAT Is It & WHY It's In Our Water - YouTube

Aspartame: GMO Bacteria Poop Causing Blindness! - YouTube

Garlic Offers Natural Protection Against Cancer, Infections | Natural Society

*Strange Computer Code Discovered Concealed In Superstring Equations! - YouTube


+Are You Living in a Simulation?


+Blagojevich Awaits Obama In Prison: Obama’s Natural Born Status To Enter Senate Ethics Committee! | Before It's News

White People Illegal Frauding Elections In USA. | Before It's News

Welcome To Obamaville | Before It's News

Obamaville - YouTube

+2 Earthquakes Happened At Once | Before It's News

Privatization Of Libyan Oil Coming Soon | Before It's News

Green (Living) Review(

Obama Nearly Perfect Crime | Before It's News

Jerusalem Tomb Reveals First Archaeological Evidence Of Christianity From The Time Of Jesus | Before It's News

47 pg./A Preliminary Report of a Robotic Camera Exploration of a Sealed 1st Century Tomb in East Talpiot, Jerusalem

The Great British Scareship Mystery Of 1909 | Before It's News

16 Signs That Your House is Haunted - Alien Ufo network

Tales from the Morgue: UFOs are real

Barack Obama mum on aliens during Roswell visit : Dateline Zero

FBI file says Aliens are here, are human-like and are interested in settling here!! - Alien Ufo network

Mirrors: Parallel Universes In The Looking Glass | Before It's News


Pole Shift Data Coverup – 2012 (Modern Survival Blog)







ancient hindu cosmology - YouTube


Hindu Cosmology -

Namaste - वेद Veda :


Hindu Wisdom - Symbolism in Hinduism

Hindu Wisdom - Hindu Art


Chitra Gallery(


The Incredible Pliability of Fact and Statistics

Obama the Appeaser

One Year After the Fogel Family Murders, the Community Rebuilds

Jonestown and Obama

Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man

A Racism Hardly Mentioned

Women as Property of the State?

Leftist Textbooks and World War I

Did America Vote for Its Own Demise?

Whatever happened to 'bring us together'?

The Toulouse Massacre: More Jihad Denial

House repeals key Obamacare board

Obama's 'strong minority perspective'

'New' Black Panthers same as the old - only worse

Plouffe calls out GOP candidates for criticizing Obama's Martin comments (Updated with clarification)

President Washington's Forgotten Advice On National Debt

What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

Vladimir Putin and the Future of Russian Anti-Americanism

Mandatory Spending by a Broke Nation

New Black Panthers offer $10k bounty for Trayvon Martin's shooter

Panthers: Zimmerman 'Wanted Dead or Alive'

Santorum: Romney 'Uniquely Unqualified' To Take On ObamaCare

Spike Lee Does the Wrong Thing

Gutfeld: Media Matters 'Treehouse Of Trolls'


Obama Campaign Engine Revs Up on Public Dime, Again

Witness Speaks: Martin Attacked Zimmerman

Illinois Criminalizes Citizen Journalism

Louisiana Shows Romney Has a Serious Problem

After Louisiana Win, Santorum Looks to Wisconsin

3 Reasons to End Obamacare Before It Begins

Journalists Ban C-Span From White House Correspondents Dinner

WSJ Joins Rest of Media in Praising Obama on Trayvon

Ed Schultz: Jeb Bush To Blame For Trayvon Martin's Death

Six Major Errors In Obama Movie

Leftist Commentators Blame Media For Reporting Truth About Merah

Panetta Cracks Italian 'Godfather' Joke at Gridiron Dinner

UN Watch not Watching: Hamas Spoke to Full Venue at UN Human Rights Council

Appeasement: Pentagon Scrubs Positive Bales Info from Web

Obama to North Korea: Don't Fire That Rocket, Or We'll Be Mad

Obama Asks China For Help on North Korea

Will Obama Reprise Fort Hood Whitewash of Islamic Terror?

Ron Paul continues to garner nothing in terms of votes.

Affordable Care Act Review

Do results count for U.S. business?

Military Action and Terrorism

WEST: Why Obamacare is bad for America's health - Washington Times

Abraham Lincoln's wife Mary Todd to be 'retried' for insanity (137 years after she was declared a 'lunatic') | Mail Online

Legal Challenge to ACA Says All-Or-Nothing Medicaid Funding Coercive

Brent Bozell Continues Republican Zombie Lie That Anyone is Trying to Force Him to Pay for Abortions

U.S.: Bales Killed Some, Came Back Again In Kandahar Massacre

Nasty, Sneaky Santorum Ad Equates Obama With 'America's Enemies'

Zimmerman Attorney Claims Trayvon Martin Broke His Client's Nose, Denies Crime Racially Motivated

Iraqi Immigrant Beaten to Death in California

Former Vice President Dick Cheney Recovering From Heart Transplant

Government May Soon Ban Agricultural Uses of Some Antibiotics

Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Sean Hannity Edition


*24th/50-State Blog Round-up


Fox News Defends 'Pink Slime' in Hamburgers

Wells Fargo Has Been Ignoring SEC Subpoenas Since September. Think You Could Get Away With It?

Amy Goodman Interviews Occupy Wall Street Activist Cecily McMillan

The Bystander Effect

Gov. Scott Walker Goes on the Air With Dishonest Ad

Reluctant Warriors

Debbie Schlussel:“The Hunger Games”: Long, Boring, Unoriginal, Feminist Snuff Film Marketed to Kids

James Cameron waits for calm weather before dive to Mariana Trench - Telegraph

Black Hole Punch Can Launch a Planet : Discovery News

Can You Really Sequence DNA With a USB Thumb Drive? | Wired Enterprise |

Solar Storm Dumps Gigawatts into Earth's Upper Atmosphere - NASA Science

This stunning Moonrise is an optical illusion

False memories generated in lab mice - life - 22 March 2012 - New Scientist

8 Crazy Conspiracy Theories About Aviator Amelia Earhart’s Demise - The Daily Beast

In Search for Alien Life, Researchers Enlist Human Minds -

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point » Blog Archive » 165. Dr. Caroline Watt Defends, There is Nothing Paranormal About Near-Death Experiences


Climate Change - (03.24.2012) - YouTube





Why “Don’t Be Evil” Is Evil, and Why Google Isn’t So Bad | PandoDaily

Report: Facebook bought 750 patents from IBM -

Email Is Crushing Us, Can Activity Streams Free Us? | Fast Company

Google is missing out on its biggest social media opportunity | Pixability

Former Apple TV Engineer: New Apple TV UI is actually one Steve Jobs threw away five years ago | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

Welcome to Forbes

Internet to surpass DVD in movie consumption, not revenue -

The Google Play problem: paying for 'Angry Birds' with battery life instead of money | The Verge

Why Entrepreneurs Should NOT Buy Homes | TechCrunch

Why you’ll likely have your DNA sequenced in 5 years — Tech News and Analysis

The Bank Run, Updated -

Think Tank: Wealth creators should be treated as heroes - Telegraph

Why the Brains of ‘Knowledge Workers’ Don't Wear Out

Pope’s spiritual journey to Cuba a delicate balancing act - Cuba -

India’s Military Inferiority Complex | The Diplomat

Top Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa: Destroy Churches | Via Meadia

A Festival of Lies -

Editorial: Uphold affordable health care | Detroit Free Press |

Examiner Editorial: On taxes, Obama could learn from the British | Washington Examiner

A Bailout by Another Name -

Jonathan Cohn: How Obamacare Has Already Changed American Health Care For The Better | The New Republic

MILLER: Obamacare's hefty tax bill - Washington Times

Administration Staffers Head Out the Revolving Door : Roll Call Lobbying & Influence

Why Obama Isn't Backing Gay Marriage - 2012 Decoded

At CIA, a convert to Islam leads the terrorism hunt - The Washington Post

BOOK REVIEW: 'Peace, They Say' - Washington Times

Video:Rick Santorum Wins Louisiana

The Secret Of Soft Kill: We Are Insects To Them! - YouTube

The Secret Of Soft Kill: Part 2 - YouTube

What Is This Mystery Flower? - YouTube

Sanford press Conf Harvey - YouTube

Secret Of Trayvon Martin Shooting Revealed! - YouTube

Medieval warming WAS global – new science contradicts IPCC • The Register

Obama to China: Help rein in North Korea | Reuters

» Whitney Houston cause of death cover-up? Coroner changes story, blames cocaine, not pharmaceuticals Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» New Black Panthers Call for Vigilante Justice in Trayvon Martin Case Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Secret Of Trayvon Martin Shooting Revealed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » The Artificial Birth of The Planetary Security State: Myth, Ritual, And Symbolism In The Global War on Terror

Prison » Gretchen Morgenson: Wall Street Really Does Enjoy A Different Set of Rules Than The Rest of Us

Gretchen Morgenson: Wall Street Really Does Enjoy A Different Set of Rules Than The Rest of Us - YouTube

Prison » The Government Spends Trillions On Unlikely Threats … But Won’t Spend a Billion Dollars to Prevent the Very Real Possibility of Global Nuclear Catastrophe

Doug Casey: "It's a Dead-Man-Walking Economy" - Casey Research

Arpaio: ‘Probable cause’ Obama certificate a fraud

PressTV - Mercury raises compounds tied to autoimmune diseases

Videos:The Secret Of Soft Kill: We Are Insects To Them Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*25 March

American Minute for March 25th

March 25th This Day in History

Today in History: March 25

March 25 Events in History

Today in History: March 25

This Day in History for 25th March |

Today in History for March 25 - YouTube


Saturday, 3/24/12 - Batchelor 9pm

Saturday, 3/24/12 - Batchelor 10pm

Saturday, 3/24/12 - Batchelor 11pm

Saturday, 3/24/12 - Batchelor 12am

World Crisis Radio 03-24-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 03-24-12 Hr 2

World Crisis Radio 03-17-12 Hr 1

World Crisis Radio 03-17-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-24-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-24-12 Hr 2

Saturday, 3/24/12 Larry Kudlow

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