A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

24 March 2012

24 March'12


Right 4 Your Type:(


Obama Weekly Address: House Must Pass "All-Of-The-Above" Transport Bill
Maher On Palin: "I Know I'm Not Allowed To Say It, But I Think She's Stupid"
Maher: Hate Crime Laws Give "Liberals A Bad Name"
"Real Time" Panel: Andrew Sullivan Credits Bill For Hillary's Success
Sen. McConnell Gives GOP Address: Obamacare Has Made Healthcare Worse
Greg Gutfeld's Take On Media Matters
Witness: Trayvon Martin First Attacked Zimmerman
Gingrich: This Is Either Going To Be Romney Or An Open Convention


Sen. Marco Rubio Talks Cuba, Budget, and Health Care
Rep. Chris Van Hollen Previews Democratic Budget

Romney Corrects Himself For Saying "Y'All"
Krauthammer On Obama's Keystone Decision: "It's A Pipeline From Nowhere"
Santorum To Mark Levin: "I'd Vote For Romney"
Ron Paul Ad: Etch A Sketch
CNBC: Corzine Sent "Direct" Orders For MF Global Customer Funds Transfer
Biden Portends End Of Medicare If "Amen Corner" Of GOP Candidates Win
Santorum Clears Up Romney Remark: "I Would Never Vote For President Obama"
Obama: "If I Had A Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon"
Santorum Ad: "Obamaville"
Obama: Payroll Tax Cut Was Meant To "Offset" Spike Of Gas Prices
"Special Report" Panel On Romney And Conservatives
O'Reilly: Far-Left Is "The Primary Source Of Censorship"
Dionne: Free-Market Ideology Got U.S. Into Economic Mess
Walsh: Building Pipeline Could Raise Gas Prices
At Campaign Event Biden Introduced As "President Biden"

Egyptian Revolution Underscores Tensions In U.S. Relationship
Are Pakistan Havens A Danger To U.S. Troops?
Mohamed Merah: From Toulouse To Kandahar
Allen: U.S. Still Needs 'Significant Combat Power' In Afghanistan
Chinese Coup Rumors
Ahmed Rashid: 'Enormous Anti-Americanism' Spreading In Afghanistan
UN Condemns Mali Coup, World Bank Stops Aid
Clashes Over Austerity In Portugal
Mali Coup Leader Says President Is Safe
Raw Video: Pope Going To Mexico
Man vs. Shark: Australia's Battle For The Deep
Campaign 2012: Defense
Should The U.S. Increase Missile Defense?


The Michael Savage Show 03/23/2012

The Michael Savage Show 03/22/2012

The Michael Savage Show 03/21/2012

The Michael Savage Show 03/20/2012

The Michael Savage Show 03/19/2012

Gerald Celente - Jeff Rense Radio - 22 March 2012 - YouTube

Texe Marrs - National Intel Report - March 23, 2012 - YouTube

Through The Mirror With Larry Sinclair 23


*ARTICLES:Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?

+THE BIG LIST of eligibility 'proofers'


Rense & Peter Davenport - Phoenix Lights + 15 Years - YouTube

Rense & Peter Davenport - Phoenix Lights + 15 Years Part 2 - YouTube

Rense & Peter Davenport - Phoenix Lights + 15 Years Part 3 - YouTube


VIDCAST: Travis Walton Details 'Alien Abduction' in Interview - Circa 1979


The Painful Process of Getting Healthy

'CNN Crew Linked With Homs Bombings' - Is It A PsyOp?

Fidel Castro: The Burial Of Our Species. The Roads Leading to Disaster : Information Clearing House

Saudi Arabia And China Team Up To Build A Gigantic New Oil Refinery – Is This The Beginning Of The End For The Petrodollar?

Student-Loan Debt Tops $1 Trillion -

ADL Acknowledges Demographics Matter - Los Angeles Nonpartisan |

WeAreChangeTV.US – SPLC Targeting Websites, Radio Programs And Feature Films…Again

Judge to FDA | Remove Superbug Antibiotics from Animal Feed | Natural Society

Court Rules FDA is Harshly Censoring Foods and Supplements | Natural Society

Mysterious Booms Span 80 Miles Across Wisconsin On 4th Night

Locator chips keep track of students in Brazil - Yahoo! News

Karma Takes Too Long

Lone Star Watchdog: Obama's Executive Order for National Defense Resource Preparedness Can Cut Off All Ammunition Sales?

Adrian Hamilton: France is a deeply racist country, and Toulouse will only make that worse - Adrian Hamilton - Commentators - The Independent

Geraldo Rivera off his rocker? | Sinclair News.Net

North America has the potential to be energy world's new Middle East, report argues - Telegraph

NASA scientist jailed for 13 years for offering to sell state secrets to Israel | Mail Online

Activist Post: U.N. Policy Paper Outlines 7 Building Blocks for 'Heavy-Handed' World Government

Activist Post: AFRICOM Report: Combating Chinese Economic Encroachment in Central Africa

Twelve men arrested in dawn raids on sex-trafficking gang with 24 child victims | Mail Online

Water wars between countries could be just around the corner, Davey warns | Environment |

Special Report: Chinese firm helps Iran spy on citizens | Reuters

Sheriff Joe: ‘Tons’ more shocking Obama info

Google patents advertising tailored to the background sounds in phone calls | Mail Online

ACLU watches as KingCast delivers First Amendment smackdown on SJC 1:19 cameras in court. - YouTube

NSA committing enourmous privacy violation? - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: Free Ride! Meet the Companies That Don't Even Pretend to Pay Taxes

New Ron Paul Ad: Etch A Sketch - YouTube

Exiled Russian banker left in coma by submachine gun 'assassination bid' put under armed guard in hospital over fears of further attempts on his life h

'We Will Punish Anyone Visiting Websites That Justify Terrorism'

The Myth Of Freedom In The Land Of The Free

Innocents Betrayed The True Story of Gun Control - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Ron Paul on The Kudlow Report talks real spending cuts 3/22/12

New Dinosaur, Sabre-Tooth Tiger “Extinction” Clues From Clovis Comet In Mexico | Before It's News

World War III - USS Enterprise False Flag! (USS Liberty) - The Heretic & Michael Rivero - YouTube

Washington D.C. Ghost Town: Is New Portable Lie-Detector Technology To Blame? :

Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up (feat. Eminem) - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : IRS Crooks (and Santorum)

Lessons from Obama's Keystone Cave-In | Jeff Goodell | Politics News | Rolling Stone

poorrichard's blog: Fourth Largest Gun Maker In US Is Out Of Guns

Corzine Corzined - Congressional Panel Finds Former MF Global CEO Ordered JPM Fund Transfer | ZeroHedge

poorrichard's blog: There Are Now More Americans In Jail Than There Were In Stalin's Gulag Archipelago

6 months later: no White House, DOJ explanation for assassinating Americans - National Nonpartisan |

9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11

Cop Who Arested The Five Dancing Israeli’s On 9/11 Speaks Out - 12160

Ex-FBI informant: Muslim spying is ‘all about entrapment’ | The Raw Story

The 9/11 Reichstag Fire

Ron Paul's Investment Prowess by Chris Leithner

Ron Paul, After the Convention by Terry Hulsey

George Packer and the Unfathomable by Justin Raimondo --

Mayhem in the Making: A Political Circus, an Out-of-Control Government Bureaucracy, and a Distracted Populace by John W. Whitehead


Homeland Security: pretty much all bodily movement is an indicator of potential terrorism | End the Lie – Independent News

NSA’s Spy Program "Stellar Wind" Exposed

New Big Brother facial recognition system scans 36 million faces per second

Surveillance Camera System Searches Through 36 Million Faces In One Second #DigInfo - YouTube

Activist Post: 10 Reasons Why Nothing You Do On The Internet Will Ever Be Private Again

Homeland Security Manual Lists Government Key Words For Monitoring Social Media, News


*Analyst Desktop Binder


13 Feb'12/Obama Campaign Launches ‘Truth Teams’ - ABC News


National Counterterrorism Center gets insane new power over private data on Americans


Secret MF Global Memo Shows Corzine Ordered Transfer Of Funds! - YouTube

Activist Post: Wave of Banking Resignations Likely Foreshadows Financial Collapse


Blacklisted Radio 3/22/2012 Podcast

Live Free Or Die Radio - Friday, March, 23, 2012


+Do-It-Yourself Olive Oil Lamp | Before It's News


9 Common Interview Questions That Are Actually Illegal

8 Mind Games That Recruiters Play During Interviews


- Mirrors: Parallel Universes In The Looking Glass | Before It's News

*JFK Assassin caught on Camera - YouTube

The Knights Templar and Cannabis | Before It's News


Timothy Leary - Part 1 - YouTube

Timothy Leary - Part 2 - YouTube




+The Lost Book of Enki Zecharia Sitchin


+Obama Kenyan Proves He's Antichrist. | Before It's News

+It appears the media forgot to mention that Barack Obama and terrorist Bill Ayers shared an office for... three years #VetThePrez

- Obama's Getting Angry | Before It's News

+Obama the love child? | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

- Dick Morris: Obama Has Assumed Dictatorial Powers! | Before It's News


Pole Shift Data Coverup – 2012 (Modern Survival Blog)

The Watchers - About Geomagnetic reversal and Poleshift


Is A “Breakaway Civilization” Behind the Mysterious Secret Space Program? | Before It's News


If You Are Heavy, You Need More Vitamin D

Dr. Mercola Interviews Carole Baggerly - YouTube

A Marijuana Bud A Day Keeps The Stroke Away - YouTube

Coldest, Deepest Ocean Water Disappearing | Global Ocean Circulation | LiveScience

3D Concrete Printing The Future Of Construction? | Before It's News




Quasi Mundo » Planet Starship: Runaway planets zoom at a fraction of light-speed

Quasi Mundo » Alien Towers Found In Tycho Crater, Moon Video and Photos

+The Ultimate Bug Out Kit | Ready Nutrition

Gov’t to Americans: Total Information Awareness | Before It's News

Life is Great | Mark's Daily Apple

Mark Twain’s 9 Tips For Living An Awesome Life | Caveman Circus

*Top 5 Free Web Designing and Developing Editors!

Magnesium Deficiency by Mark Sircus


*Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at - YouTube


3 Part/Alex Jones Breaks Down the Martial Law System with George Noory

Obama Installs New Guidelines To Aid Spying On Innocent Americans |

+26 min./Understanding Modern Martial Law Under Obama - YouTube


Dangerous and Bizarre Obama Nominee for World Bank Prez -

'No evidence' of Merah terror link - The Irish Times - Fri, Mar 23, 2012

Pork Eating Knights Templar Crusader Patch Huge Hit With Troops In Afghanistan -

U.S. Relaxes Some Restrictions for Counterterrorism Analysis -

America Fires the Most Powerful Laser In History

Birther Controversy Back In spotlight As Arpaio Demands Obama Draft Card |

Sheriff Joe: ‘Tons’ more shocking Obama info

David Duke Show 23

03-23. Jesse Peterson Radio Show


44 min./The BBC Film That Exposed Israel's Secret Illegal Nuclear Weapons (FULL Documentary) - YouTube


The American Cancer Society (ACS), 'More Interested In Accumulating Wealth Than Saving Lives,'... -- CHICAGO, March 14, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Flinstones Winston cigarettes commercial - YouTube


An Atheist Billboard in Brooklyn - YouTube


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warns of terror warning on water wars | Herald Sun

Jim Garrison: Martial Law by Executive Order

Deception By Prosecutors May Lead to Mistrial in Hutaree Militia Case | Veterans Today

Activist Post: 10 Reasons Why Nothing You Do On The Internet Will Ever Be Private Again

Lawmaker warns of ‘disagreeing with government’

Lord Monckton – At his rampaging best proves yet again that Global Warming is a scam | OneWorldScam


+What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 22st Mar 2012 - YouTube


Nuclear Watchdog Chief Accused of Pro-western Bias Over Iran

US' Double Standards

Big Brother On Campus

'Big Government' Isn't the Problem, Big Money Is


* BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- March 23, 2012


A 9/11 Paper Trail


Capitalism: A Ghost Story

AT THE CROSSROADS: America 2012: What Would George Washington Do?

Romney’s 4 Percent Military Spending Still a Fantasy | The National Interest Blog


**Cooking and Recipes


US Another Spying Project in Islamabad

CIA Director: Web-Connected Devices in Your Home Make it Easy to Spy on You

The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center

Researchers Develop a Speech-Jamming Gun That Can Silence People From a Distance

Obama Heading to South Korea for Nuclear Summit

Obama Urges House of Representatives to Pass Transportation Bill

Mark Levin Asks IG to Probe Possible IRS Misconduct in Dealing with Tea Party

'Hundreds' of 'Soldiers of Hezbollah' Inside the U.S., Says Homeland Security Chairman

Oil Production on Federal Lands Has Declined Under Obama

Sen. McConnell: Commerce Clause Will Be A ‘Relic of Ancient Times’ if High Court Upholds Obamacare

Obama Science Czar Who Called for End of Auto Industry Owns Two Cars

Star Parker: Car Insurance Won't Cover Your Neighbor's Tune Up, So Why Should 'My Health Insurance Cover Your Sex Life?'

Fox's Rivera: Florida Teen's Hoodie Had Role in Death

Inhofe, Boxer Trade Barbs over Obama’s Energy Policy During Senate Hearing

Atheist Arrogance Marches on Washington

Bozell Column: Putting the Bull In 'Bully'

Dems’ Obamacare Argument: It’s Too Expensive, So Everyone Should Have To Buy It

Broken Obamacare Promises: 11 By Democrats – And A $151 Billion One By Republicans

Ex-Newsweek's Wolffe Warns of 'Ugliness' Toward Obama from GOP Crowds, 'Same Thing' as '08 Campaign |

Daily Kos Week in Review: The Grand Old Crazy Party |

+Kagan dogged over participation in Obamacare

GOP moves to block Medicare rationing

+Immigration records missing for week of Obama’s birth

No doc will help? Sue government to kill you!

Body image begins in the mind, begins young

Florida AG Bondi to Newsmax: How We'll Defeat Obamacare

Obamacare Foes Pick Experienced Lawyer For Their Case

Portions of Obamacare Likely to Survive Supreme Court Ruling

Investors Weigh Chaos as High Court Reviews Health Law

Pope Benedict: Communism No Longer Working in Cuba

Polo Mogul Found Guilty of DUI Manslaughter

Detective in 50-shot Killing of NYC Man Is Fired

Specter: I May Vote for Romney

US Monopoly of World Bank Presidency Challenged

Chinese Website: Dalai Lama Has 'Nazi' Policies

Pope's Arrival in Mexico Sparks Surprising Emotion

Fed’s Bullard Warns of Inflation Danger: 'It Takes a Long Time to Fix'

+Protein Discovery Raises Hope for Male-Pattern Baldness

Cameron's Sub Makes Successful Unmanned Test Dive

Facebook Warns Employers Not to Demand Passwords

Cured Meats Raise Lung Disease Risk

‘Obama is our 1st truly secular president’

Should Rush admit he doesn’t agree with GOP?

Intelligence community: Iran poses 3 threats to U.S.

Museum of Government Waste by Jim Hubbard — Kickstarter

Facebook warning to employers: Don't demand workers' passwords -

Should English departments throw in the towel? - Washington Times

Bondi Vows 'No Stone Unturned' in Trayvon Investigation

Gingrich: Stand Your Ground Law Doesn't Apply in Trayvon Martin Case

+Obama's jokes about his eligibility

A message to Supremes about Obamacare

Washington fiddles as America burns

Agenda 21: Fact, not conspiracy

The 4 Horsemen and Obamacare

Try Obama for treason

D. WEST: Why the silence about Obama's historic scam?

A. KEYES: Obama's destructive dehumanizing ideology

J. CASHILL: Why the Ayers family helped Obama

Obama gets personal over killing of black Florida teenager | Reuters

Wanted Dead or Alive Poster Issued for George Zimmerman by New Black Panther Party

Trayvon Martin case: Rev. Jesse Jackson says it's evidence that "Blacks are under attack" in America. -

Car, Not Gunshot, Killed Man During Rap Video Filming In Olney « CBS Philly

Teacher Fired After Not Noticing Third Graders Having Oral Sex Under Desk « CBS Houston

Newt Gingrich may come up empty in Louisiana - Ginger Gibson -

Danish TV Host Mocks Obama for His Rhetoric | The Weekly Standard

White supremacist runs for sheriff in Idaho, raising hackles | Reuters

Biden Introduced as 'President Biden' | The Weekly Standard

Man held in macabre horse killing - Southern Ontario - The Buffalo News


March 23, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-23, Friday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-22, Thursday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-21, Wednesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-20, Tuesday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-19, Monday

Alex Jones - 2012-Mar-18, Sunday

March 22, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

March 21, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

March 20, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

March 19, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN




BBC News - 'Sobriety Orders' to be piloted by government

CIA Chief: We'll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher | Danger Room |

Is your TV watching you? Latest models raise concerns - Technolog on

Zimmerman reacts to Martin shooting in voice mail

What black parents tell their sons

Pope arrives in Mexico, denouncing violence

Inside Toulouse Shooter Mohammed Merah's Apartment (Raw Video) - YouTube

France Eases Terror Alert

Syrian Army Pounds Homs

Bales charged with 17 counts of murder

Joseph Kony: African Union brigade to hunt down LRA leader

New Tensions Arise as Iraq's Displaced Return Home

China: Dalai Lama a 'Nazi'

Ex-Russian banker hurt in London shooting

Louisiana primary: Conservatives remain skeptical of Mitt Romney

Romney targets Obama health-care law

Sandusky labeled 'likely pedophile' in 1998 report

Search resumes for Maine tot missing 3 months

Chinese say Jim Yong Kim's World Bank nomination is 'encouraging'

MF's Corzine Ordered Funds Moved to JP Morgan, Memo Says

Pinterest Updates Privacy Policy, Terms of Service

Santorum Suggests He Prefers Second Obama Term to Sketchy Romney - YouTube

Gingrich ignores Obama's "a Muslim" comment

President Obama in weekly address: End partisan standoff and pass transportation bill - NY Daily News

Facebook Tips to Make Password Privacy Issue a Non-issue

Facebook beefs up password policy - YouTube

20 Great Retina-Ready New Apple iPad Apps

Facebook Beefs Up Its Defenses With IBM Patents

Kim Kardashian 'Going to Think' About Charges Against Flour Bomber

Whitney Houston: Police see no further criminal investigation

Mozart piano composition uncovered in Austria

'Hangover 3' to Hit Theaters in May 2013 with Original Cast

Astronauts scramble for escape pods as space junk threat gets serious

'Warp-Speed' Planets Flung Out of Galaxy on Wild Ride

Giant black holes called cosmic 'gluttons'

Mercury poles give up hints of water ice

Globe-trotting gnome highlights Earth's weird gravity

Robotic jellyfish fuelled by hydrogen invented

+Venus, Jupiter and the Moon Meet Up This Weekend: How to Watch Online

New scorpion species discovered in Death Valley

Rare "Emerald Cut" Galaxy Found

Bacteria Help Body Beef Up Immunity, Study Says

Comedian Gallagher retires after health scare

O’Reilly Slams Anti-Limbaugh Radio Campaign: ‘There’s Something Very Fascist About All This’

Debbie Schlussel:“The Hunger Games”: Long, Boring, Unoriginal, Feminist Snuff Film Marketed to Kids

Debbie Schlussel:HILARIOUS: Airhead VIDEO of the Day – Is This America’s Dumbest Chick?

Agenda 21 treaty on the horizon

Closing Ranks, Winning the Election

Barack Obama: Portrait of an Etch-A-Sketch President

Rubber-stamping Obama’s African War Policy


Bill Ayers' Semi-Fictional Black Surrogates

Nationwide anti-Obama rallies ignored by the media (again)

Corzine ordered customer funds moved to JP Morgan

White House saw Solyndra collapse as vital political issue

Jesse Jackson bringing the hate

Republican turnout up in primaries

What if Trayvon Had Been White, and the Shooter Black?

Contraception Math

The Supreme Court and the Winn Decision: A Win for the Constitution

Vladimir Putin and the Future of Russian Anti-Americanism

Troubleshooting Our Stalling Economic Engine

Mandatory Spending by a Broke Nation

Obama Dances the Jizya

AP: NYPD ‘Infiltrated’ Liberal Groups in Order to Monitor Them

Insurers Spending Millions to Prepare for Massive Healthcare Overhaul

Viral Video: Yes, You Can Bungee Jump in a Wheelchair

‘FrackNation’ Filmmakers Post Pro-Fracking Billboard Negating ‘Gasland’ Misconceptions

Tissues of Aborted Fetuses Used in Medical Research… and Food Testing

French Teacher Suspended for Having Class Hold Moment of Silence for Suspected Jewish School Gunman

Report: New Audio Surfaces of Trayvon Martin Shooter

Federal Judge Rules Missouri Law Against Flag Desecration Unconstitutional

Embarrassed Mom Falls Into Lake Michigan While Texting

Romney in ‘02: ‘Only Connection’ to the Republican Party Is My Party Registration

Minn. School Quashes Teen’s Prom Date Plans With Porn Star

‘This Is Such a Crock’: Limbaugh Calls Out President for ‘Approving’ the Keystone Deal

Geraldo Rivera‘s Son Turns On Him for ’Hoodie’ Comments

Watch Geraldo Rivera Doubles Down: ‘Everyone That Ever Stuck Up a Convenience Store’ Wears Hoodies

Bill Maher: The Left and the Right Need to ‘Stop Making Each Other Apologize For Everything’

Oops: Cops Say Man Accidentally ‘Butt-Dialed’ 911 — While Stealing

Report: New Black Panther Party Issues ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’ Poster for George Zimmerman

Dramatic Video: Chaos After Quadruple Murder Trial Ends in Not Guilty Verdict

CNNMoney Caught Changing Report on ‘Green’ Jobs Numbers, Casting Them in More Positive Light

Obama Campaign Selling ‘BFD’ Health Care T-Shirts

Obama Administration's Plan To Cut Back Pilot Firearm Training Raises Security Concerns | Fox News

Abdelkader Merah, brother of French man, Mohammed Merah, who 'killed' seven people in school shootings, 'proud' of what he did -

Israel Matzav: Breaking: Al-Qaeda Maghreb takes responsibility for Toulouse attacks

Woman went to police about Merah's radicalism two years ago | The Times of Israel

Al Qaeda claims it killed American in Yemen -

Critics rip Obama claim that drilling in U.S. won't drop gas prices - Washington Times

Missing From Obama Health-Care Anniversary: Obama - Washington Wire - WSJ

Newt Gingrich Thinks Obama Shouldn't Act So Muslim - Yahoo! News

Alex Jones Show: Friday (3-23-12) - Jeff Lewis - - YouTube

'King of Wasps' found in Indonesia: Two-and-a-half inch monster has jaws longer than its legs | Mail Online

Cosmic Log - Mysterious cloud spotted on Mars

False memories generated in lab mice - life - 22 March 2012 - New Scientist

8 Crazy Conspiracy Theories About Aviator Amelia Earhart’s Demise - The Daily Beast

In Search for Alien Life, Researchers Enlist Human Minds -

In Search for Alien Life, Researchers Enlist Human Minds -

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point » Blog Archive » 165. Dr. Caroline Watt Defends, There is Nothing Paranormal About Near-Death Experiences


03/23 The Mark Levin Show

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-24-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-24-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-23-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 03-23-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 03-23-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 03-23-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 03-23-12 Hr 3

The Manning Report – 23 March 2012


White House: Russian Threats Won't Limit Missile Shield Plans

Existing Nuclear Power Plants Are Key to a Nuclear Energy Renaissance

Gutfeld: Media Matters 'Treehouse Of Trolls'

New Black Panthers: Zimmerman 'Wanted Dead or Alive'

Pelosi Proud More People On Food Stamps Under Obama

'The Sitter' Blu-ray Review: 'Uncle Buck' Meets a Tired, Filthy Script

Pope Benedict to Cuba: Marxism Doesn't Work

'Chinatown' Blu-ray Review: A Masterpice As It Should Be Seen

Illinois Criminalizes Citizen Journalism

Obama Campaign Engine Revs Up on the Public Dime, Again

Celebs Weigh In On Trayvon Martin

'Hunger Games' Review: You're Either With Big Government Or Against It

HomeVideodrome: 'Muppets' Reboot Restores Faith in Felt Franchise

'Brake' Movie Review: One Unnecessary Twist Away From Perfection

'Hunger Games' Lives Up To the Hype

Dean Obeidallah: Another Left-Wing Comedian Eager to Stifle Speech

CNN's Obeidallah Defends Political Speech By Demanding Limbaugh Be Fired

Where Is the Media On the Robocall Scandal?

Jews Flee France for Safe Haven of Israel

Santorum: I'll Vote For Romney If He Is Nominee

Newt: Obama's Trayvon Martin Remarks 'Disgraceful', 'Divisive'

Pope's Visit Unleashes a Wave of Terror in Cuba

MSNBC Host Blames Kochs, NRA For Trayvon Shooting

Newsweek Sinking, Tina Brown Hardest Hit

LifetimeTV Sexualizes 'Topless' 8 Year Old Girls

Florida Attorney General: How We’ll Defeat Obamacare

DNC Ties Voter ID Laws To Trayvon Shooting

BH Interview: 'Ring of Fire' Star Jason Edwards on Media's Distaste for Cash's Spiritual Side

Al-Qaeda Loves MSNBC, Wishes Death Upon Fox News

Alec Baldwin: Twitter Bully Mobilizes Fans to Bully Bully

MSNBC: 'Lock Up' Zimmerman 'For His Own Safety'

Ed Schultz: Jeb Bush To Blame For Trayvon Martin's Death

Geraldo: Trayvon's Hoodie As Culpable For Death As Zimmerman

Who Wants Voter ID Laws?

NAACP President: Gun Law Not To Blame In Trayvon Martin Death

Biden 'Not Ripping Up' His Social Security Check

NY Times Rejects Faith-Based Films

'Big Bang Theory' Cast Musical?

Media Ignores Occupy’s Violent Hijacking of Trayvon Martin

More Fail than Fact in Obama's 'Road' Movie

Foxworthy to Host Bible Game Show

Occupiers Tear Up Wall St In Name Of Trayvon Martin

Critical Race Theory Goes to the Polls

Flashback: Breitbart Calls for Unity at CPAC

Treasures From the Warner Archives: 'Dr. Erlich's Magic Bullet' (1940)

'Women of the 99%' Illegal Robocalls Continue: Where Is the GOP?

Will Obama's FCC Investigate Illegal Robocalls?

The Old Democrat Party: FDR Expanded US Domestic Oil Production

Army sergeant charged in Afghan massacre

The Road We've Traveled - YouTube

Obama Chides ‘Birthers’ While Media Spikes Ayers Bombshell

Sarkozy to Punish Those Who Visit Websites Like! - YouTube


Kevin Trudeau Show


Infowars Nightly News: Thursday, March 22, 2012 - YouTube


* Alex Jones: American Dictators (FULL MOVIE) - YouTube


The Plan for The United States with Alex Jones - YouTube

Opportunistic Evil with Alex Jones - YouTube

The Sheeple Beg! "Enslave Me, Destroy Me, Kill Me!" With writer Paul Joseph - YouTube

Prison » 10 Reasons Why Nothing You Do On The Internet Will EVER Be Private Again

Obama: Trayvon Martin Case Is a `Tragedy' - YouTube

Prison » Obama Shamelessly Exploits Death of Trayvon Martin

Thousands show at Al Sharpton's rally for Trayvon Martin - YouTube

Prison » Obama Installs New Guidelines To Aid Spying On Innocent Americans

Prison » You Read It Here First: Google’s ‘Ambient Background’ Spy Tech

America's Fatal Flaw: We Are Too Nice! with Jeff Lewis - YouTube

Prison » Do You Trust This Man With Your Future?

Ben Bernanke - Why are some still listening to this guy.mp4 - YouTube

Prison » China Has Censored All Mention Of The Rumored Coup

Japan Prepares to Intercept Possibly Errant N. Korean Missile | Asia | English

N. Korea calls criticism of its nuclear program ‘declaration of war’ — RT

Russia rules Pipelineistan

French intelligence chief: Toulouse shooter arrested by Israel Police in 2010 for possession of a knife - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Toulouse siege: 'no evidence gunman had ties to al Qaeda' - Telegraph

Obama's Imminent Threat of Global Thermonuclear War with Lyndon LaRouche - YouTube

AFP: Tension with Iran adding $20-30 to oil prices: Obama

Prison » Big Banks Continue to Suck at the Government Teat With Never-Ending Stealth Bailouts

Student Loan Debt Reaches $1 Trillion

+Prison » Ruger Suspends All New Firearms Orders: “Incoming Order Rate Exceeds Our Capacity to Fulfill Orders”

Stepanovich: 'NSA are spying on the United States' - YouTube

Prison » Newt calls Obama’s Trayvon Martin comments ‘disgraceful’

Obama: 'If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon' -

Prison » Sarkozy: Prosecute and Imprison Readers of “Extremist” Websites

Toulouse shootings: Sarkozy targets extremists - YouTube

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warns of terror warning on water wars | Herald Sun

Escobar on Fukushima email leak: 'Deleting data a cover-up' - YouTube

Dishonest Money: Financing The Road To Ruin with Author Joe Plummer - YouTube

Anonymous Promises to Take Down The Internet: Kurt Nimmo & Alex Jones Report - YouTube

» California Seeks to Repress Self-Insurance Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

More On Court Ordering FDA Hearings on Farm Antibiotics | Wired Science |

"Fast and Furious": Chief ATF suspect was released more than once -

Obama blames high gas prices on Iran

Los Angeles Passes Resolution Against ‘Intolerable’ Speech | Video |

» The Skinny on U.S. Domestic Oil and Gas Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

How Many Americans In Jail

Hyperspeed Planets Are Hurtling Out of the Milky Way?

» Demand Investigation into Obama Eligibility Requirements for President and Second Term Run Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Election Insight From the Stock Market and G.D.P. -

Mark Steyn: Gradual insolvency about to speed up | budget, debt, percent - Opinion - The Orange County Register

Sen. John Kerry: Healthcare Is Better and More Affordable Because of Health Reform

Could an Obamacare Ruling Doom Obama’s Reelection Hopes? - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

RealClearPolitics - Obama Relates to Tragedy as Parent-in-Chief

Having Obama in the White House has made it harder to talk about race in America - The Washington Post

Repeal 'stand your ground' law before next tragedy

- Tampa Bay Times

Kvetch A Sketch -

Supreme Court and health care law: state sovereignty at stake -

The Forgotten Ones - Ronald Brownstein -

President Obama’s Hall of Blame | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

RealClearPolitics - To Be Black in America...

How the rich took over airport security -

No, This Is Not a Housing Recovery - Reason Magazine

This Week in Poverty: Paul Ryan's Focus on Dignity | The Nation

Pensions: The challenge of getting Americans to save more | The Economist

Unhappy Birthday - By Yuval Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

Liberals doth protest too much on Obamacare suit | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Throwaway People

How banks win big from Obama’s new refinancing program - The Washington Post

In Kim, an activist to lead the World Bank - The Washington Post

World Bank: Is There a Doctor in the House? | The Weekly Standard

The political battle over ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws - The Washington Post

Why the 2012 Race Should Be About Obsolete Law - Ron Faucheux - Politics - The Atlantic

Public Mandates: Is Obamacare Constitutional? | Swampland |

Obamacare's Two-Year Anniversary

The Maddow Blog - Deciphering opposition to health care reform

The China-US rare earth games

RealClearWorld - World Doesn't Want U.S. Values

A tough-oil world - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition

Mali coup d'etat: As renegade troops storm Bamako, whatever happened to military coup? | Mail Online

Digging out of debt -

Too Old to Get Hired, Too Young to Retire - Bloomberg

5 Myths of the Post-Financial Crisis World

Health reform at 2: Why American health care will never be the same - The Washington Post

Einstein on Kindness, Our Shared Existence, and Life's Highest Ideals - Maria Popova - Health - The Atlantic

An Order to Ban Antibiotics for Livestock -

Megafauna hunters changed Australian bush | COSMOS magazine

Are Straight People Born That Way? - Alice Dreger - Health - The Atlantic

Face to faith: A new online Isaac Newton archive sheds light on an era when science and faith were undivided | Comment is free | The Guardian

What If All the Toilets Were Flushed Simultaneously? | Toilet Flushing Scenario |

The End of the World Is At Hand... : Casaubon's Book

The Genetic Benefits of Female Promiscuity - Blog

Early exposure to germs has lasting benefits : Nature News & Comment

NASA's Cassini Space Probe Finds New Saturnian Ocean - TIME

Technische Universität Wien : 3D-Printer with Nano-Precision

‘Antimagnet’ renders magnets invisible : Nature News & Comment

You should rub honey on your everywhere | Disease Prone, Scientific American Blog Network

Biobanks Asked to Help Deliver Bad (Genetic) News - ScienceInsider

Albert Einstein's complete archives to be posted online | Science | The Guardian

Mark Sundeen: The Man Who Quit Money | Books | Book Review | The A.V. Club

Review of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler - Wikilivres

The Great Escape, March 1944: Rob Davis – A Study of Future Trends and Predictions by Futurist Thomas Frey » Blog Archive » 14 Global Projects that could Make You the World’s Next Billionaire

Open vs. closed: What kind of internet do we want? — Tech News and Analysis

Automotive Technology: Convenience vs. Privacy - Miller-McCune

The Disruptive Power of iMessage -

With SOPA shelved, anti-piracy advocates take new approaches -

Google Hasn't Explained Why Users Would Want a Unified Online Identity - Liz Gannes - News - AllThingsD

Get Ready For The Twitter-Bashing Backlash

Spotify: A Revolution in Music | News & Opinion |

Welcome to Forbes

Is Xbox the new center of the Microsoft universe? | ZDNet

With World of Warcraft fading, what will Blizzard do next? | ExtremeTech

BuzzFeed, the Ad Model for the Facebook Era? - Businessweek

Religion News Service | Culture | Entertainment & Pop Culture | What Would Jesus Brew? Lots, beer makers say.

Atheist Activist With Failing Vision Gets Help From Christians, Christian News

Wandering from worship: What churches are doing to hold on to the next generation | Deseret News

Mystery solved? Turin Shroud linked to Resurrection of Christ - Telegraph

Why we’re standing up for religious freedom - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

*24 March

American Minute for March 24th

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Today in History: March 24

Today in History: March 24

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