A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

28 February 2012

28 FEB.'12




Black History


NEW Ancient UFO-DISCLOSURE Artifacts Revealed!!! - YouTube

One UFO at RAF Bentwaters Appeared on Radar: Skeptics Claim Witnesses Mistook a Lighthouse for a UFO but Two Air Traffic Controllers Say They Tracked an Otherworldly Craft

VIDCAST | REDUX: Tom Snyder Interviews J. Allen Hynek and Peter Gersten


VIDCAST | 70th Anniversary of The Battle of Los Angeles: Witnesses Recount The Event at Annual Reenactment

The Battle of L.A. UFO Attacked by U.S. Army - YouTube


1942-The Battle of Los Angeles


**Battle: Los Angeles - YouTube


Russia upgrades Syria-based electronic station to warn Iran of US/Israeli attack

Israel Won't Warn U.S. Before Strike On Iran: AP Source

Brzezinksi says US will not support Israel if it attacks Iran | CollapseNet

Angela Merkel gets beers poured down her back in YouTube video | Mail Online

Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

2012 Election RIGGED - This is going Viral - YouTube

AFP: Russia 'thwarts plot' to assassinate Putin

Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi? - YouTube

Putin: ‘The West wants regime change in Iran’ — RT

Russian Secret Services: U.S., NATO, GCC Arm Syrian Rebels Through Iraq, Lebanon And Turkey

USDA to Give Monsanto’s New GMO Crops Special ‘Speed Approval’ | NationofChange

Newsvine - A fishy tale which could only mean that DWH blowout was a planned event.

The BP Gulf Oil Spill Disaster: An Explosive Detonation? «

Conclusive Evidence That BP Misrepresented Gulf Oil Spill Sent To Congress | Save The Gulf Advocacy Network

How The Gas Prices Are Manipulated By The Koch Brothers And Other Wall Street Players | Addicting Info

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

Report: Homeland Security lied to Congress about spying on citizens - National Conservative |

The Global Intelligence Files - Re: [alpha] S3/G3* ISRAEL/IRAN - Barak hails munitions blast in Iran

WikiLeaks begins publishing 5 million emails from STRATFOR -

Activist Post: World Bank Wants Control Of The High Seas

Diabetes: An Entirely Preventable & Reversible Condition | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Coffee: Drug, Medicine or Sacrament? | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Rense & Texe Marrs - Mitt Romney...Israeli Shill - Vid - YouTube

PressTV - Iran to ditch dollar in foreign trades: CBI governor

'Euthanasia Rollercoaster' Hailed by Anti-Human Scientists | Natural Society

Higher Education - Free To The Global Population

China: US has no moral right to ‘protect’ Arabs — RT

Syria: China calls US criticism 'unacceptable' - Telegraph

Debunking The Spurious Iranian Nuclear Threat

The burning rage: Karzai pleads for calm as Koran fury spreads - Asia - World - The Independent

Inverted Totalitarianism and the Corporate State

Did they think, that the Elite wouldn`t target this

The Obama Solution

PETA 'killed more than 95% of adoptable dogs and cats in its care last year' | Mail Online

White House helps pay for NYPD Muslim surveillance « Søren Dreier

China needs reform to be high-income country, says World Bank | World news | The Guardian

Britain 'may struggle to pay for new fighter jets' - Telegraph

Britain becomes a nation of debt slaves as regulation and inflation deter saving – Telegraph Blogs

Simon Read: Nine out of 10 people want inquiry into energy prices - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Anti-wind power MPs may have Cameron's backing | Environment | The Guardian

Wind myths: Subsidies are a burden on domestic fuel bills | Environment |

Windfarms axed as UK loses its taste for turbines | Environment | The Guardian

Settlers employ mannequins as protection from carjacking - Israel News, Ynetnews

Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People? | The Bilzerian Report

The Struggle To Save ‘Inner’ Europe | Real Zionist News

Trip to reinforce ties across the ocean|Economy|

Monsanto Pays 93 Million to Victims In Settlement | Natural Society

NASA Admits Trimethylaluminum Rocket Dumps in Ionosphere |

Mysterious Siberian Blasts Warned Point To Rapid Pole Reversal | Pakalert Press

Stratforgate: WikiLeaks releases ‘shadow CIA’ mail — RT

Wikileaks: «Искандеры» против грузинских танков

False Flag Alert: 2012 Pre-Olympic anti-terror drill held. Is new age of Pax Talmudica era starting in London? | Pakalert Press

Black Swans vs. Canary in the Coal Mine | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty

'Euthanasia Rollercoaster' Hailed by Anti-Human Scientists | Natural Society

Higher Education - Free To The Global Population

China: US has no moral right to ‘protect’ Arabs — RT

Syria: China calls US criticism 'unacceptable' - Telegraph

Debunking The Spurious Iranian Nuclear Threat

The burning rage: Karzai pleads for calm as Koran fury spreads - Asia - World - The Independent

Inverted Totalitarianism and the Corporate State

Did they think, that the Elite wouldn`t target this

The Obama Solution

PETA 'killed more than 95% of adoptable dogs and cats in its care last year' | Mail Online

White House helps pay for NYPD Muslim surveillance « Søren Dreier

China needs reform to be high-income country, says World Bank | World news | The Guardian

Britain 'may struggle to pay for new fighter jets' - Telegraph

Britain becomes a nation of debt slaves as regulation and inflation deter saving – Telegraph Blogs

Simon Read: Nine out of 10 people want inquiry into energy prices - Commentators - Opinion - The Independent

Anti-wind power MPs may have Cameron's backing | Environment | The Guardian

Wind myths: Subsidies are a burden on domestic fuel bills | Environment |

Windfarms axed as UK loses its taste for turbines | Environment | The Guardian

Settlers employ mannequins as protection from carjacking - Israel News, Ynetnews

Why Do So Many Jews Hate Black People? | The Bilzerian Report

The Struggle To Save ‘Inner’ Europe | Real Zionist News

Trip to reinforce ties across the ocean|Economy|

Monsanto Pays 93 Million to Victims In Settlement | Natural Society

NASA Admits Trimethylaluminum Rocket Dumps in Ionosphere |

Mysterious Siberian Blasts Warned Point To Rapid Pole Reversal | Pakalert Press

Stratforgate: WikiLeaks releases ‘shadow CIA’ mail — RT

Wikileaks: «Искандеры» против грузинских танков

False Flag Alert: 2012 Pre-Olympic anti-terror drill held. Is new age of Pax Talmudica era starting in London? | Pakalert Press

Black Swans vs. Canary in the Coal Mine | Strike-The-Root: A Journal Of Liberty

Corporate-Funded Lap-Dog Watchdogs, AntiWar.Com, Whistleblowers & Bradley Manning

The EyeOpener- Marks to Market: America’s Nuclear Bombs

An Empire of Poverty: Race, Punishment, and Social Control

Balochistan: CIA Carving Out New Role

WAR with IRAN? You Decide. - YouTube

Ron Paul MSU PromoWLNS TV 6 - YouTube

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : CNN: Landslide Votes for Ron Paul

Activist Post: Colorado to Vote on Marijuana Legalization

Official List Of Words Feds Monitor On Social Networking Sites

4um: Guide to Brainwashing Little Kids

Activist Post: Bin Laden Death Coverup Continues: Compound Demolished

Religion is a private matter, doesn't have an effect on the politics of Ron Paul - YouTube

Activist Post: Report reveals Facebook spying on smartphone users’ text messages, other privacy breaches

TeleTech Exposed - Kalispell Montana - YouTube

Ted Nugent Goes Off: Obama Is an ‘Anti-American Monster,’ Suggests GOP Candidates Lack Testosterone - Yahoo! News

Do Afghan Riots Spell E-X-I-T? by Kelley B. Vlahos --

The CIA, FED, GOP, And MSM Are Teaming Up Against Ron Paul And The American People

'Iran Has The Third Largest Jewish Population In The World Behind Only US & Israel' - YouTube

Activist Post: FEMA preparing “National Responder Support Camps” eerily similar to KBR’s “National Quick Response Team”

US Govt Covertly Ships Trillions to EU + Economic Collapse - YouTube

Herman Cain Reacts To Louis Farrakhan Claiming The CIA Did 9/11... on Sean Hannity's Fox News Show - 12160

The Saudi/Israeli Alliance :

What Do “Conservatives” Want to Conserve? :

9/11:Israel did it - WikiSpooks

11 Reasons To Get Your Kids Out Of The Government Schools -

White House Uses Espionage Act to Pursue Leak Cases -

Former Rezko partner says he gave Tony $400K for Obama «

Global Warming - Peer-Review Deception - YouTube

Cartoon for February 27th, 2012: Not Counted As Unemployed | The Smirking Chimp


*BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- February 27, 2012


Saudi Arabia: Arm The Syrian Opposition (Which Includes Al-Qaeda) - Resistance Radio

Big Brother UK's Total Surveillance Of All Communications - Resistance Radio


+WideShut Webcast / 20 Feb.


The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing: Lies And Coverup - Video Dailymotion

Mitt Romney FAKE "grassroots" signs at church rally - YouTube

Ron Paul Attracts More Than 1,400 Michigan Voters to Small Business Owner Gathering | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

A message from Ron Paul - Have you seen the latest poll? - 12160

Hey Obama, I Found Your Silver Bullet to Higher Gas Prices | Don't Tread On Me

Privacy Death Stars Approved by Congress | Don't Tread On Me

Privacy Death Stars Approved By Congress

Guest Lecture Series – Lord Christopher Monckton, Viscount of Brenchley « Dissident Thinker

DT Guest Lecture Series - Lord Christopher Monckton - YouTube

AGENDA 21: CNN Pushes "Car Free" Cities As A Way To Deal With The Foreclosure Crisis - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: UN Agenda 21 and the Public School Curriculum vs. Local Control of the Schools

Our Depraved Future of Debt Slavery (Part I) | Finance

poorrichard's blog: Our Depraved Future of Debt Slavery (Part II)

The Culture and Mindset of FEMA and Emergency Responders: An Inside Look

Report: Homeland Security Lied to Congress About Spying on US Citizens « Scotty Starnes's Blog

WikiLeaks: Stratfor Confidential Emails To Be Published By The Millions - "Harmless Procedure" Can Cause Narcolepsy, Muscle Weakness

Your Life is an Algorithm, Your Brain is an Operating System | Endless Innovation | Big Think

Chrislam Starts To Spread In America


Vatican calls for global authority on economy, raps “idolatry of the market” | Reuters

Articles: Why is Obama in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood?

The Hal Lindsey Report - Video/ 2-24-12

Prophets of Doom - YouTube

The American Dream

The PJ Tatler » Great News: ObamaCare High-Risk Pools Cost Double Their Original Projections

Is Obama really a true Christian?

Islam is different - HUMAN EVENTS

Penn Judge: Muslims Allowed to Attack People for Insulting Mohammad - Yahoo! News

Ethicists Argue for Acceptance of After-Birth Abortions |

UAW, Van Jones, and Others Announe 99% Spring |

Dave Daubenmire -- The Battle for the Soul of America

Canadian firm to proceed with southern leg of Keystone pipeline -

A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto - YouTube

Can Obama’s detention plans be stopped?

Is America a Police State Yet? - Yahoo! News

Mark Levin slams First Lady for class warfare marxist bullcrap! » The Right Scoop -

Vaccination rights attorney Patricia Finn threatened with criminal charges; New York State demands she surrender names of all clients

GMOs with 'stacked traits' exponentially more harmful to humans due to synergistic toxicity

Forced DNA extraction of suspects, without a warrant, fully approved by federal court

Mechanically separated meat, a paste made by pulverizing animal carcasses, is used in hot dogs, burgers, lunch meat and Spam

The 10 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency you need to recognize

Toxic compounds from fried foods cause cancer and deteriorate brain health

How do I grow my own herbs indoors?

Splenda pushing new 'essentials' line of toxic sucralose as a health product

Harvard study: Pasteurized milk from industrial dairies linked to cancer

Raw Milk Freedom Riders and Farm Food Freedom Coalition to host Food Freedom Rally on March 2

Anti-cancer fungus found to naturally eat away plastic waste

Curcumin is a potent tool in the war against prostate cancer and dementia

How gluten causes rheumatoid arthritis

Top 5 best exercises to lose belly fat

The myth of the 'low-fat' diet, and why consuming healthy fats is vital to your health

Seven things your psychiatrist doesn't want you to know

Vitamin D and cancer - nine facts "they" won't tell you

Why the medical establishment will never find a cause or cure for autism

Is there a belly fat diet that really works?

Beat Big Pharma drug prices and chemical additives - Make your own safe, high quality, natural topical ointments at home

Ways to naturally improve your focus and concentration

Study: Roundup diluted by 99.8 percent still destroys human DNA

Is Big Pharma behind push to release critical details about H5N1 'super virus'?

Optimum magnesium intake might prevent ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer's and mental decline

Coconut oil may be able to reverse the progression of Alzheimer's disease

FDA takes stand for public health, resists industry pressures to increase allowable levels of toxic fungicide carbendazim in orange juice product imports

Blueberries faked in cereals, muffins, bagels and other food products - Food Investigations -

Official List Of Words Feds Monitor On Social Networking Sites

Looting the Seas

4 Cases that Prove the USDA Isn't Protecting Our Health

Inverted Totalitarianism and the Corporate State

9/11 Foreknowledge Caught on Computers that Measure Global Mind

Report: Gov't "collapsed" during Japan nuke crisis - CBS News

White House Uses Espionage Act to Pursue Leak Cases -

The Colonization Begins: Germany May Send 160 Tax Collectors To Greece -

20 Signs That Dust Bowl Conditions Will Soon Return To The Heartland Of America -

Is Japan Doomed? -

Short Sharp Science: Monkey controls robot hand through brain implants

IMF LoanSharks Smell Blood: Britain has run out of money, chancellor warns -

Mercenary Outfit Saracen International Emerges In Somalia | StratRisks

Britain accused of Somali oil grab | StratRisks

CIA Controlled Media: CIA Admits To Planting Stories In The Media -

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA - YouTube

White House helps pay for NYPD Muslim surveillance | US National Headlines | Comcast

Lawsuit Takes Aim at CIA's "Covert" Attack on Transparency -

Military Keynesianism Can’t Work … Because WWII Was Different from Current Wars -

New evidence casts doubt in Lockerbie case - YouTube

Syria: Clinton Admits US On Same Side As Al Qaeda To Destabilise Assad Government

VIDEO: Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life

VIDEO: CNN Silences War-Skeptical Soldier

VIDEO: The Future of Food: Exploring the Dangers of GMO Crops

VIDEO: Language Imperialism: (Mis)representing History and Culture

Intervention, Reloaded: Empire Studios’ Syrian Sequel

VIDEO: Deaths in Syria: Counting Them (Politically) "Correctly"

America's Credit and Housing Crisis: New State Bank Bills

Popular Media Personality: The U.S. Has the Moral Authority to Annihilate Iran Because They’re Evil

Cuba Sets a Global Example for the Achievements of Socialism

A Real Job for the Vice President: Leading Congress

Teachers: How Are You Teaching US War Crimes, Destruction of US Constitution?

Proof that War Is Bad for the Economy

Puppets, Lackeys And The Drums Of War

*85 Things That Might Get You on a DHS Terrorist Watch List

VIDEO: DHS Testimony on Social Networking and Media Monitoring

VIDEO: "Food Rules" for Healthy People and Planet

Shortest man in the world: Chandra Bahadur Dangi is smallest man at 21.5 inches tall | Mail Online

San Jose Mayor Uses Made-Up Budget Number to Assault City Pensions

RedState Hails 'Femi-Regulars' for Rick Santorum

Bill Maher Explains His $1 Million Donation to Obama Super PAC

Democrats For Santorum

David Stockman: If You Want to Address Gas Prices, 'Stop Beating the War Drums Right Now'

Buffett: High Corporate Taxes Are a Myth

Will Blasts West for Complaining About Gas While Driving a Hummer

Journey for Justice Showing Results -- Cooper Tires Reaches Agreement With USW

Desperate Romney Adopts Dole's Failed Across-the-Board Tax Cut

Environmental Protection Agency in PA Seems More Interested in Protecting Drillers

Fox: Those Earning $250K+ Aren't Rich, But Union Maids Making 60K in NYC Are

Chinese Creep Out From Behind Great Firewall To Flood Obama's Google Plus Page

Billy Crystal Zings GOP Primary Contenders at Academy Awards

Dupuy: Livestreamers 'Came to Protest and Stayed to Tell the Story'

Charter School or Scientology Center? Education In Rick Scott's Florida

Mitch Daniels is Repeatedly Dishonest About Right-to-Work and His Record

Romney Crashes and Burns Pandering at NASCAR's Daytona 500

Mikeb302000: Hollywood Celebrities for Gun Control

Unlike 2008, This Tough Primary Will Hurt | Library Grape

GOP : Greed.Oppression.Piety: Do You Get Sweaty Palms At The Pumps?

Santorum's Appeal to Michigan Democrats Is 'Dirty Trick,' Romney Says; But Reagan Did It, Too

Sex-Crazed Co-Eds Going Broke Buying Birth Control, Student Tells Pelosi Hearing Touting Freebie Mandate

Sen. Inhofe: Soros, Gore, Hollywood Complicit In U.N.'s Global Warming 'Conspiracy'

For What, All These Wars?

Equality or Inequality

Condom Access Program Mails Free Condoms To 12 Year-Olds - Without Notifying Parents

Hillary in Tunisia Answering Question About U.S. Presidential Candidates Pandering to ‘Zionist Lobbies’: 'It's a Fair Question'

Obama Tells Governors to Hire More Public School Teachers

Romney on Taxes: ‘I Want to Make Sure We Maintain the Progressivity of the Code’

Catholic Bishop Eviscerates Contraception Mandate: The Parable of the Kosher Deli

CNN Host Blisters GOP Field With Dem Talking Points

Gladys Knight, Gavin DeGraw among 'Dancing' cast

Jennifer Hudson on Witness List for Upcoming Murder Trial

James Spader leaving NBC's 'The Office'

Michael Douglas: Corporate greed isn't good

Qur’an Carnage: Islamic Bloc Calls for Calm, But Iranian General Says Burn the White House

Activist Asserts Contraceptives for ‘Women and Girls’ Will Reduce Carbon Emissions

Army Dietitian Touts Warning Labels for Desserts and Fried Foods at Mess Halls

Poll: Santorum Ahead by 7 in Ohio, Favored by Conservatives, Men, Evangelicals, Tea Party

Ron Paul Only GOP Primary Candidate Who Calls For Eliminating Federal Departments

‘We Don’t Have Any’ Problem of Illegal Immigrants Voting in U.S., Dem Congressmen Say

Gingrich: ‘You Don’t Apologize to the Enemy’

White House Explains Obama Apology to Karzai

Obama urges governors to boost education funding

Karzai’s Response to Obama’s Apology: Put U.S. Troops on Trial and Punish Them

Gallup: 72% of All Americans and 56% of Democrats Say Obamacare Mandate Unconstitutional

‘Palestine,’ Not Syria, on the Agenda at Annual U.N. Meeting on Status of Women

U.N. Chief Sends Greetings, and an Envoy, to Israel-Bashing Conference in Qatar

Obama Tells Governors to Hire More Public School Teachers

Romney Reclaims National Lead From Santorum, Says Gallup Poll

Romney on Taxes: ‘I Want to Make Sure We Maintain the Progressivity of the Code’

Catholic Bishop Eviscerates Contraception Mandate: The Parable of the Kosher Deli

Actor Compares Pro-Navy SEAL Movie 'Act of Valor' to Hitler Propaganda Film |

NYT Sees GOP 'Stampede to the Right' in 2012 and a 'Hollowed Out' Center in Congress |

MSNBC's Wagner Deliberately Distorts Santorum Swipe at Obama to Be Anti-College Tirade |

First Lady Devoted to ‘Let’s Move’ Commitment: President’s Got A Treadmill on Air Force One |

John Stossel's Illegal Everything - YouTube

John Stossel's Illegal Everything - informationliberation

Secret compartments could get drivers busted | The Columbus Dispatch

BBC News - Christopher Tappin extradited to US on missile charges

The causes of the protests in Afghanistan -

Wyoming Introduces 'Doomsday Bill' To Prepare For Collapse of Federal Government - informationliberation

Cops Trolled Driver's License Database for Pic of Hot Colleague | Threat Level |

The Keystone Fight Is Uniting Tea Partiers With Environmentalists | TPMDC

Paulson Said to Tell Clients Gold Fund Will Top Others - Bloomberg

Soros Raises Gold Fund Stake as Paulson Joins Tudor in Selloff

Kickstarter Expects To Provide More Funding To The Arts Than NEA | TPM Idea Lab

Cyberlocker To Shut Down After PayPal Ban | TorrentFreak

Megaupload Founder Kim Dotcom: “We’re Going To Win” | TorrentFreak

BitTorrent Crackdown: Police Raid Private Tracker, Others Shut Down | TorrentFreak

Gunmen Kill 18 Shi'ites in NW Pakistan

Young Woman in Yemen Among New Breed of Citizen Journalists

Sudan, China Discuss Oil Dispute

World Bank Call for Chinese Reforms Elicits Rare Protest

New Research Suggests Ovaries Can Produce New Eggs

Alan Arkin Discusses Long Film Career

Karaoke and Counseling: Japan’s Tsunami Survivors Try to Rebuild

US Housing Prices Fall

US Vows to Continue War on Drugs

US Government Urged to Maintain Global Health Spending

Off-Broadway Play 'The Agony and The Ecstasy of Steve Jobs' Hits a Nerve

Hepatitis C Kills More Americans Than HIV/AIDS

How Religions Handle Disposal of Religious Texts

Astronomers Say Galaxy May Be Awash with Homeless Planets

Neanderthals Almost Extinct in Europe When Homo Sapiens Arrived

Santorum to Newsmax: Strike Iran Before Nuclear Weapons

Iran Seen 'Struggling' With Nuclear Machines

Iran Expert: Obama Emboldens Rogue Nation's Nuclear Bomb Quest

Tough Re-election Road Awaits Michele Bachmann

Richard Viguerie: Santorum Supporters Go Viral

Internet Radicalizes Young US Muslims Fast, Congressional Report Says

Gov. Christie Wants to Reward Schools on Merit

Jesse Jackson: It's an 'Honor' to Be 'Food-Stamp President'

Gingrich Targets Super Tuesday on March 6 to Rebound

Gingrich: Obama’s Education View ‘Perfectly Reasonable’

Amway Founding Families Endorse Romney

Election Unlikely to Resolve Senate Gridlock

Trump to Romney: Don't Run From Your Wealth

Syrian Military Pounds Rebel Areas, Foreign Journalists Escape

Trump: US Is ‘Saudi Arabia of Natural Gas’

Experts: US Is Powerless Over Surging Gasoline Prices

Gulf Oil CEO: Gasoline Prices to Easily Hit $4.50 Despite Weak Demand

Sleeping Pills Increase Death Risk Fivefold

Bat Flu: Danger to Humans?

Rosemary Boosts Brain Power

Millions of Tons of Tsunami Debris Float Toward US

No Company Follows Apple’s Expanded China Factory Audits

Pew Study: We're Getting Less Friendly on Facebook

Political Novels Supplement History

Christians Guard Religious Liberty

Is the Republican Race Over Tonight?

Hope in the Belly of the Beast by Justin Raimondo --

Do Afghan Riots Spell E-X-I-T? by Kelley B. Vlahos --

WMDs Redux by Charles V. Peña --

Revealed: US plans to charge Assange

WikiLeaks Emails: Coca Cola Probe Reveals Secret FBI Investigation of PETA -- News from

WikiLeaks Emails: Stratfor Claims Several Pakistani Military Officials Knew Bin Laden’s Whereabouts -- News from

WikiLeaks Emails: Judge Told Stratfor Investigation Was a Result of Ruling Against Halliburton -- News from

Reform-Minded Youth Movement Marginalized in ‘Post-Saleh’ Yemen -- News from

Gwynne Dyer: China’s supremacy need not mean war with U.S. | states, united, britain - Opinion - The Orange County Register

The Mossad Has Long Given Marching Orders to AIPAC by Grant Smith --

Other People's Blood: New Ground for the Great Oil Game

Clinton, Manning among Nobel Peace Prize candidates | Herald Sun

These Are The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Armies

Newt: People in Afghanistan will have to learn 'to live your own miserable life' -

Stratfor calls WikiLeaks e-mail release 'deplorable' -

White House, NSA weigh cybersecurity, personal privacy - The Washington Post

Amid an information blackout, Venezuelans anxiously await news about Chavez's health - South Florida

Modern day zealots envision new Jewish Temple in Jerusalem - Yahoo! News

Inhofe: Cap and trade is ‘dead, gone, forever’

What does law say about Obama’s eligibility?

Is Obama really a true Christian?

The White House and the Devil

Mormons: Christians or not? - News

Cosmic Log - New find revives 'Jesus Tomb' flap

3 years in jail for serving raw milk?

Tyranny in American and how to get rid of it

Big Brothers race to control Internet

Facebook: Two thirds of users are pruning their friends list to be more selective | Mail Online

U.S. missile defense? Not against Iran

Biggest anti-Israel conference evah? Americans there; UN, Europe in official attendance; *UPDATE* « The Greenroom

Trashing Tricare | Washington Free Beacon

Louis Farrakhan: Obama’s life in danger – Glenn Beck

Mitt and Newt: A Closer Look at their 'Conservatism'(

"West" Wants Assad Out, Democracy or Not

Exploding the Myth of the Iranian Bomb

CNN Silences War-Skeptical Soldier

+Hitler's Roswell: Alien saucer crash in 1937 Nazi Germany | Before It's News

*FEMA Concentration Camps | Before It's News

Tyranny In American And How To Get Rid Of It | Before It's News

David Icke - The Madness of King Obama...The Fake President. - YouTube

The Six Principles of Global Manipulation - YouTube

Mike Philbin's Free Planet blog: Adrian Salbuchi - Globalisation is One World Government

Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun As We Are Taught : Nassim Haramein | Before It's News

Why Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun As We Are Taught - YouTube

What Does Law Say About Obama's Eligibility? | Before It's News

As End Time Prophecies Play Out, Are You Attending a Christian Cult? | Before It's News


national geographic UFO'S P1 OF 5 - YouTube

national geofraphic UFO'S P2 OF 5 - YouTube

national geographic UFO'S P3 O5 - YouTube

national geographic UFO'S P4 OF 5 - YouTube

national geographic UFO'S P5 OF 5 - YouTube

National Geographic UFO'S | Before It's News


Secret Bible Unearthed: 'Jesus Predicts Coming Of Prophet Muhammad' | Before It's News

Monumental Change Is Coming For Most Americans – Here’s Why | Before It's News

Is The Truth Just Too Simple? | Before It's News

The Shift Escalates: The Astrology of March 2012 « Søren Dreier

8 Reasons To Say NO To College | Before It's News

The Stunning Power Of Raw Cannabis | Before It's News

The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube

The Occult Roots of Scientology: Exploring the Influence of Aleister Crowley on L. Ron Hubbard

Unmanned Drones to Patrol U.S. Skies in Near Future

How Companies Learn Your Secrets

Windows 8 Will Have a “Kill Switch”

Mass Media Promoting Transhumanism: the “Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers”

+Mathematical Case for Brokered Convention; How Ron Paul Can Throw a Big Wrench Into Romney's Campaign by Mike "Mish" Shedlock

The Other Things | Eric Peters Autos

The Richest Zip Codes in the United States by Robert Wenzel

The Secret Media War of 2012 by Ron Holland

Ten Lessons I Learned from Shark Tank Altucher Confidential

Four Valuable Passports that Anyone Can Obtain

How to get rid of mold | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Damn your low fat diet: How a reformed vegan John Nicholson gorges on all the foods his granny enjoyed... and has never felt better | Mail Online

White House Uses Espionage Act to Pursue Leak Cases -

+4 Part / Conscience and Justice – Max Igan

Unemployment Stats Manipulated by Feds | American Free Press

Buchanan Bumped | American Free Press

WikiLeaks: Israel destroyed nuclear facilities in Iran - Israel News, Ynetnews

New light on death toll from U.S. drones - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Opt-Out Provision Would Halt Some, but Not All, Web Tracking -

Campus food banks help students through tough times –

Online-Retail Spending at $200 Billion Annually and Growing - Digits - WSJ

NYPD surveillance of students called 'disgusting'

Gingrich targeting 'Super Tuesday' states

Chardon High School Shooting: Second Student Dies as Alleged Gunman Is Identified - Yahoo! News

Parents of teen accused of shootings faced charges |

Chardon High School shooting: 'Bullied Ohio student arrested after killing 1 and injuring 4' | Mail Online

Emanuel Disavows 25% of School Kids, Says CTU | NBC Chicago

White House Pumped Millions Into NYPD’s Muslim Surveillance Programs « CBS DC

Seat Warmers Can Cause ‘Toasted Skin’ Rash, Scarring « CBS Minnesota

Airport emergency in New Jersey as 'landing gear problem' forces jet to make emergency landing | Mail Online

2-year-old falls out of moving car; mother notices after getting home | Wichita Eagle

Quiet fade-out for Obama’s faith council -

White House Uses Espionage Act to Pursue Leak Cases -

Long Island Couple Wants Investigation Of Lavatory Leak From Overhead Plane That Dropped Excrement Onto Their Neighborhood « CBS New York

Revealed: US plans to charge Assange

Santorum: I was on George Bush's team for Hill votes - Washington Times

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life -

Stephen Hawking visits California swingers' sex club | Mail Online

Bradley Manning Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize | The Weekly Standard

Growing number of people become 'super-commuters' -

Naked Man Arrested After Fighting With Officers « CBS Sacramento

Michael Moore: "A Lot Of My Democratic Friends Will Vote For Santorum" | RealClearPolitics

Santorum robocall makes appeal to Michigan's Democrats for votes | The Detroit News |

Trashing Tricare | Washington Free Beacon


**Cooking and Recipes

NEWSACLU Poll: 2/3 Oppose Illinois Abortion Ultrasound Bill

Quinn budget shortchanges schools, Democratic lawmaker says

Bankrupt Kodak asks court to let it slash retirees' health benefits

Kodak and 35-millimeter film saying goodbye to the Oscars

Tough talk testament to high stakes in Michigan primary

Mitt Romney on the Campaign Trail - YouTube

Obama rebuts GOP criticism of autos bailout

Santorum touts wider role for faith in public life

Mitt Romney shows off his funny side at

The Benefit of Obama Beating Romney

Romney: Throw Out and Rewrite Campaign Finance Laws

How Scott Brown Gets Ted Kennedy's Record On Contraception Mandates Wrong

Ron Paul to speak in St. Charles a week before GOP caucuses

In Arizona, a Vote for Romney, Pro-Legal Immigration

Early voting ends today, ballots down 10 percent

Nebraska voter photo ID bill gets filibuster treatment

Illinois Begins Early Voting for March 20 Primary

Biden to speak about jobs Thursday at Iowa State University

Internet pulls Angelina Jolie's Oscar-worthy leg

Jay Leno on Angelina Jolie's Leg Pose - YouTube

The Best and Worst Moments of the 2012 Oscars

Kate Who? Pippa Middleton and Brother James Hit the Slopes for Charity

Pitchfork Music Festival, July 13-15 at Chicago's Union Park, Announces 2012 ...

Radiohead Premiere New Songs 'Identikit' & 'Cut A Hole' at Tour Kickoff

Kid Rock to play with Detroit Symphony Orchestra

'Dancing With the Stars': And the new cast is...... | Inside TV |

IBM Busts Record for 'Superconducting' Quantum Computer

World's tallest penguin used to live in New Zealand, fossils show

What's up in the sky?

Study Finds Neanderthals Were on Verge of Extinction

Astronaut builds LEGO version of International Space Station — in zero gravity

'Rambo Root' Could Beat Climate Change - Study

What Would You Do at the Playboy Club in Space?

Bill Gates: The lack of energy funding is crazy

The Science Guy

Stanford research suggests 'nomad' planets wandering galaxy

The Associated Press: Scientists see red on NASA cuts of Mars missions

Prescription sleeping pills tied to increased risk for death, cancer

Stem Cells May Offer Fertility Hope by Helping Generate New Eggs - YouTube

Want a younger brain? Try eating omega-3

Does Wii work? Study shows virtual boxing, bowling and dancing do not help ...

How retailers like Starbucks cash in on your habits

Health Department Reports Influenza Activity On The Rise

Free HIV treatment on NHS for foreign nationals

Nicotine quick-fix mouth spray helps some quitters

MWC: HTC Aims for Comeback with Streamlined Phones

Time spent on Google+ dwindles while Pinterest draws growing user interest

Yahoo: Facebook must pay us or face patent lawsuits

Google 'fails to meet EU rules' on new privacy policy

Congressional Republicans seize on gas prices to blast Obama

Google Will Pay $1 Million for Chrome Hacks

Facebook Teams Up With Mobile Carriers for Payments

Profile of a failed Anonymous attack

Microsoft, others complain to EU about Google+, report says

Dell: 'We're Not Really A PC Company Anymore'

Home prices fell in December in most US cities

CME subpoenaed in MF Global collapse

Wall St rises on data, chipmakers up

FBI taps 'Gordon Gekko' to fight insider trading

Costa Cruises liner towed to Seychelles' main island

Costa cruise ship disaster strikes twice for one family - YouTube

Bin Laden hideout: Leaks suggest Pakistani officers knew

Gunmen Kill 18 Shi'ites in NW Pakistan

Authorities in London Dismantle St. Paul's Occupy Camp

Ireland To Hold Referendum On EU Treaty -Irish PM

Senegal Election Observers Await Possible 2nd Vote

Ex-News Corp. Executive Brooks Loaned Horse by Police in '08

French presidential favourite vows 75% super tax

South Sudan rebel group lays down arms

Six dead, 20 injured after nine-storey apartment block collapses in Russia

Twelve reported killed in western China rioting

Second student dies from Ohio school shooting

Chardon Ohio High School Shooting Suspect in Police Custody-2 dead - YouTube

Romney Admits Mistakes as Michigan Votes in Crucial Primary

National Pancake Day

Gingrich targeting 'Super Tuesday' states

Maine man named 'person of interest' in case of missing Florida firefighter: cops

Rutgers Witness 'Overwhelmed' When Told Tyler Clementi Feared Dead

Utah man charged after bullet aimed at mouse in pantry hits roommate in bathroom

Michelle Obama dazzles in sequins at Governors Dinner

2 hurt, 3 held after neo-Nazis, Occupy Oakland protesters clash

Feds shut gambling site Bodog, indict operators

Upper class more likely to be scofflaws due to greed, study finds

Could Facebook Ride to California's Rescue? The Ticker

US attorney general says ready for BP trial

The New World Order Creates Crap! - YouTube

Prison » The CIA, FED, GOP, And MSM Are Teaming Up Against Ron Paul And The American People

Prison » Thugs with Joysticks VS Thugs in Jackboots

*VIDEOS:Prison » Obama Plays Race Card, Calls on Churches to Support Campaign

Prison » CIA Director Admits Manipulating US News; CBS Confirms

*VIDEOS:Apocalyptic Visions of a GMO Future: Engineered Food Destroying Gut Flora, DNA & Cells Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Judge Sides With Monsanto and Ridicules Small Farmers’ Right to Grow Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Mystery virus kills thousands of lambs - Telegraph

» Anti-cancer fungus found to naturally eat away plastic waste Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Vaccines for everything: Researchers now on brink of developing salmonella jab Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Mainstream column admits vaccines cause cancer in pets Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » Forced DNA extraction of suspects, without a warrant, fully approved by federal court

Bernie Madoff | Media Matters | Foundations | The Daily Caller

Prison » Judge Throws out Organic Farmers’ Recent Case Against Monsanto

Prison » Harvard study: Pasteurized milk from industrial dairies linked to cancer

Prison » ‘Euthanasia Rollercoaster’ Hailed by Anti-Human Scientists

Evidence grows that 9/11 first-responders got cancer after working at Ground Zero - NY Daily News

» 9/11 Panel May Add Cancer Coverage to the Zadroga Act Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Putin assassination plot denounced as Russian election 'spectacle' | World news |

Doomsday in Wyoming: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » FEMA Puts Out Contract For Emergency Camps to House “Displaced Citizens”

Prison » Rights Groups Petition FAA On Use Of Drones In US Skies

Prison » Ethicists Argue Killing Newborn Babies Should Be Allowed

Prison » Obama Promises Israel Use Of Bases For Iran Attack If It Will Wait

Prison » 11 Reasons To Get Your Kids Out Of The Government Schools

Prison » The Secret Media War of 2012

Tried and true: Mounted patrols used to track smugglers - Las Cruces Sun-News

Muslim Brotherhood lawmaker: Arab Spring headed to Iran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Shambles: 'Syrian voters non-people for the West' - YouTube

Prison » Israel vulnerable to Iran retaliatory attacks: Israeli lawmaker

U.S. Getting a New Bomber | Flashpoints

Prison » Eminent Scholar: EU Will Survive, not Countries

Wikileaks Global Intelligence Files: Israel

» Afghanistan Invasion and Article 1, Section 8, Clause 15 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Second Amendment | Federal judge severely limits Second Amendment rights | The Daily Caller

FAQ: What’s in the ‘Privacy Bill of Rights?’ - The Washington Post

» RINOS Sold Out the Second Amendment Again Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why Is the ACLU Helping the Richest Americans Buy Our Elections? | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Digital Devices And The Question Of Privacy | Fox News


'CIA feeds us bad info on Iran nukes' - IAEA ex-head - YouTube

The World from Berlin: 'Europe is Pouring Money Into a Bottomless Barrel' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International

S&P officially downgrades Greece credit rating to 'selective default'

Prison » Military Keynesianism Can’t Work … Because WWII Was Different from Current Wars

Prison » The Perfection Of Crony Capitalism: Use Regulation To Destroy Competitors

Prison » Stockman: If We Want to Bring Oil Prices Down, We Should Stop Beating the War Drums

Prison » Economist Predicts US Interest Rates To Explode To 3.75% This Year

Prison » Engdahl: Greek bailout terms remind of Hitler

Engdahl: Greek bailout terms remind of Hitler - YouTube

Nasa identifies new asteroid threat which 'could hit Earth' in 2040 - and the UN has begun discussing how to divert it | Mail Online

Stone-age Europeans 'were the first to set foot on North America' - Telegraph

Pasteurized Milk Linked to Cancer: Infowars Nightly News - YouTube

Prison » 20 Signs That Dust Bowl Conditions Will Soon Return To The Heartland Of America

Prison » Mainstream column admits vaccines cause cancer in pets

Prison » The Mayan ‘Decline’ and Small Horses … More Climate Change Propaganda?

Monsanto settles 'Agent Orange' case with US victims | Environment |

Prison » Monsanto Pays 93 Million to Victims In Settlement

» Ethicists Argue Killing Newborn Babies Should Be Allowed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Van Rompuy to be re-appointed EU chief and given new eurozone role - Monsters and Critics

New evidence casts doubt in Lockerbie case - Africa - Al Jazeera English

New evidence casts doubt in Lockerbie case - YouTube

Prison » Buying The Vote: 12 Facts About Super PACs That Will Blow Your Mind

Prison » America 1950 vs. America 2012

Prison » Stratfor Email Leak Reveals Insider Views On Obama, Emanuel & Romney

Prison » Anyone’s a Terrorist: Fear-mongering machine takes over US

Anyone's a Terrorist: Fear-mongering machine takes over US - YouTube

Dick Morris: Obama Will Lose - YouTube

Prison » Hikes in Gas Price Eclipse Payroll Tax Cut

Former President Bill Clinton among Nobel Prize nominees | The Raw Story

» Popular Media Personality: The U.S. Has the Moral Authority to Annihilate Iran Because They’re Evil Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

*VIDEOS:A Greater Threat Than Al Qaeda! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Secret Media War of 2012 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Rick Santorum on JFK’s Separation of Church and State Speech

Santorum: JFK's 1960 Speech On Religion Made Me Want To Throw Up - YouTube

Ethicists Argue Killing Newborn Babies Should Be Allowed «

Report Reveals Facebook Spying on Smartphone Users’ Text Messages, Other Privacy Breaches «

Can Santorum Makes Us Smile For A Change?

Brownback: 'Go Work Somewhere Else' If You Want Contraception

Debbie Schlussel: HAMAS, Qaeda & Obama On Same Side of Syrian Conflict, Backing Rebels

Debbie Schlussel: I’m Voting for Rick Santorum in Tomorrow’s Michigan Primary

Debbie Schlussel: Alhamdillullah [Praise allah], “All-American Muslim” CANCELED!

Rick Santorum Repulses Me

The conservative Rush Limbaugh doesn't want to talk to!

The New Mortgage Servicing Settlement

Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama on Individual Liberty and Healthcare

Never more important, never more relevant

Billionaire Buffett admits mistakes, but not billionaire Saleh

Was This A JLo ‘Nip Slip’ Wardrobe Malfunction At The Oscars 2012? [Video]

Billy Crystal Calls GOP Candidates ‘Dark Knight, an American Psycho and a Charismatic Crack Addict At Oscars

Rush: Desperate to Distract from Obama, Liberals Claim I’m Destroying the Republican Party

Rush: Hillary and Durbin Accuse Republicans of Playing Politics with the War in Afghanistan

Rush On “Puppet” Danica Patrick’s Statement On Contraception: “What Do You Expect From A Woman Driver?”

Limbaugh: GOP Scared To Death Of Conservatism

Rush: Obama Would Get What He Wants If Catholic Churches Shut Down

Limbaugh: Santorum Shouldn’t Even Be Within Striking Distance In Michigan. But He Is.

BBC News - DNA reveals Neanderthal extinction clues

3 doomsaying experts who foresee economic devastation ahead –

Asteroids face barrage of high-speed impacts - Technology & science - Space - -

What really destroyed the Maya civilization?

The Moss Man Cometh! | Mysterious Universe

8 Things To Do If You See a Ghost

What If Humans Had Eagle Vision? | LiveScience

BBC News - Eavesdropping on the squid world

At the Monroe Institute, a spiritual experience could just be a beat away - The Washington Post

Witty Gravestones « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog

A wild online ride hits the digital piracy wall

Wearable Electronics Are Making a Statement - Novelties -

Mystery virus kills thousands of lambs - Telegraph

No explanation for mysterious ‘lake music’ reported by many Yellowstone visitors | Yellowstone Gate - Yellowstone Gate

Newest oldest shortest man

Earliest artificial eye

When Common Sense Becomes Controversial

The Very Last Picture Show

Drudge in the Dregs Again

Canada not one of Obama’s ’57’ states

Obama Torching Bible Mimics Crazed Reign of Tamburlaine the Great

Debasing Our Military, One Politically Correct Moment After Another

Facebook Says It Wasn’t Reading Your Text Messages…But It Could

Was Rick Santorum Really Wrong to Claim That College Makes Young People Less Religious?

Will Cain & Sen. Dick Durbin Face Off Over Notion That GOP Candidates Are at ‘War With Islam’

Get a Load of This Slightly Threatening Email From the Obama Re-Election Campaign

Creepy Putin Campaign Ad Predicts Future for ‘Virgin’ Voters: Vlad Will Be Your ‘First Love’

Why Are the Chinese Enacting ‘Occupy Obama’ on Google+?

MSNBC Host on Koran Apology: ‘Americans Wouldn’t Go in the Streets & Start Killing People’

Gingrich Accuses Santorum of Being a ‘Big Labor’ Republican

Rep. Allen West Slams Obama’s Koran-Burning Apology

Washington Post Editorial Says Santorum Should Be Disqualified as Presidential Contender

‘Battle Mug’: Check Out This Amazing Laser Sighted Coffee Cup

‘Dirty Trick’?: Santorum’s Surprise Robocall to Michigan…Democrats?

‘Jack O’Malley, Where’s Jack? Martin!’: President Flubs Maryland Governor’s Name Twice in 30 Seconds

Chicago Cardinal Francis George: If Contraception Mandate Stands, All Catholic Hospitals Will Close ‘Two Lents From Now’

‘We‘re Going to Release It If You Don’t Withdraw’: New Mexico Officials Charged With Blackmailing Rival Using Stripper

Ted Nugent Goes Off: Obama Is an ‘Anti-American Monster,’ Suggests GOP Candidates Lack Testosterone

Occupy Violence: Cops Hurt by OWS Protesters at ‘Pro-White’ Rally in Sacramento

Video Shows Aftermath After Plane Makes Emergency Landing With No Front Wheel

Is ‘Contagion’-Like Virus Coming? Scientists Identify Bat Flu for First Time

Bill Maher Explains Why He Donated $1 Million to Pro-Obama Super PAC: ‘These Republicans Scare Me’

Terry Jones Pledges to Burn More Korans & Prophet Muhammad Images if Iranian Pastor Isn’t Released

Gingrich Praises JFK Speech About Religion — The Same One That Almost Made Santorum ‘Throw Up’

Syrian Crops Added to Arctic ‘Doomsday’ Seed Vault

Wild Video: Citizens Jump in to Help as Naked Man Fights With Cops

‘An Insult to Catholics’: Empire State Building Refuses to Honor Cardinal Dolan’s Appointment

Media Matters CEO Embroiled in $850G ‘Blackmail’ Scandal with Former Domestic Partner

Another ESPN Firing on the Way? Headline Uses ‘Gook’ in Story About Asian Player

AZ State Rep. to Students Complaining About Tuition: ‘Welcome to Life’

The Shocking Moment a NASCAR Driver Careened Into a Jet Dryer — and the Resulting Fireball

Face of a Killer? Suspect Identified in Ohio Shooting as Second Student Declared Dead

Calif. Offers Another Subsidy for Volt… With Owners Given Free Pass for Carpool Lane

Obama‘s Faith Advisory Council Has ’Gone Dark’ & Stagnant as Fight With Religious Groups Ramps Up

Watch Famed Investor’s Cheeky Warning: If Obama Controls Congress ‘Consider Leaving the Country’

The ‘Top 5’ Most Loved and Hated States

‘Buy a Gun’ & ‘Keep Your Powder Dry’: Economists Warn of Looming ‘Economic 9/11′


27.2.2012 - 1/4 - Mind & Heart Revelations

27.2.2012 - 2/4 - Mind & Heart Revelations

27.2.2012 - 3/4 - Mind & Heart Revelations

27.2.2012 - 4/4 - Mind & Heart Revelations


Videos - Gregg Braden(

+Tools for Well-Being

+Download Library


Michelle Obama's Well-Marbled Manipulation

Quantum computing in our lifetime?

Your Obamanomics news for today

Occupy protestors in London evicted from church steps

Dems out to savage Rubio

Final polls give AZ to Romney while MI is too close to call

Are we headed for 15% inflation?

When Farrakhan talks, Father Pfleger listens

High calorie, low healthy eating at the White House

Bob Kerrey to run for open Nebraska senate seat

Exclusive Interview: Infidel Victim of Pennsylvania Sharia Judge Reveals Inside Details of Case

Fakegate Opens a Door

Barack Obama, in His Own Hand

The Obama Presidential Library

Catholics Need Not Apply?

The Work Ethic and U.S. Unemployment

The Folly of Interstate Health Insurance Competition

Here Comes Obama's 3 AM Phone Call

The Deal Between Romney and Paul?

Learning the Wrong Lessons From the Fort Hood Massacre

Spreading the Wealth Around Gets Personal

So Now It's the Lacrosse Murder

The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime

Fars News Agency :: Commander Views US Helplessness as Root Cause of Quran Burning by American Soldiers

The PJ Tatler » Carney: Apology to Karzai ‘Not Appropriate’ for Reporters to See

GOP frets Romney’s conservative tack could hurt in November general election -

MRFF - Military Religious Freedom Foundation And Mikey Weinstein | Sad Hill News

Questions arise over fire sale of Solyndra's assets - Washington Times

White House Uses Espionage Act to Pursue Leak Cases -

George Soros -- The Rich Man Who Is Hated Around The World | Fox News

Report: Internet radicalizes U.S. Muslims quickly - Washington Times

Can Obama’s detention plans be stopped?

Stratfor files: John McCain 'was urged to mount legal challenge to Barack Obama's presidential victory' - Telegraph

Swing states poll: Health care victories hurt Obama and Romney in 2012 –

Romney on Taxes: ‘I Want to Make Sure We Maintain the Progressivity of the Code’ |

Why Rick Santorum's Apocalyptic Talk Is Dooming His Campaign | Swampland |

Santorum Brings the Working Class into Campaign 2012 | Mother Jones

How The Culture War Undermines American Prosperity

The Maddow Blog - Santorum warns of higher ed 'indoctrination'

Where Does Obama Stand?

Left in the Past - LA Times Magazine

Readings | Waco - The Inside Story | FRONTLINE | PBS

David Koresh and the Waco Incident — Both Sides Prepare — Crime Library on

Saddam Hussein & the invasion of Kuwait - صدام حسين و غزو الكويت

Desert Storm Lessons--Arthur Herman -

First Gulf War showed U.S. is dependable, George H.W. Bush says - Houston Chronicle

M*A*S*H - The Museum of Broadcast Communications

Book Review: Watergate -

The Claremont Institute - Measuring the Slant

Dogma – Lars Iyer | Full Stop

Andrew Shaffer: PayPal Takes Controversial Stance Against Sex

A Purpose-Driven Cosmos: Why Jesus Doesn't Promise Us an 'Afterlife' | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction

Another Episcopal cathedral shoe drops » GetReligion

The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College | a conservative think tank promoting truth and liberty through a vision of faith and freedom. «

The Jerusalem Syndrome: Why Some Religious Tourists Believe They Are the Messiah | Wired Magazine |

The Heresy of Compromise | (A)theologies | Religion Dispatches

Does WikiLeaks still matter? — Tech News and Analysis

Look for the smartphone's future in the PC's past | Digital Media - CNET News

I.B.M. Inch Closer on Quantum Computer -

BBC News - Google Fiber: Can ultra-fast internet change a city?

There is no ethical smartphone - Apple -

On Google & Being "Evil"

Netflix and Hulu Are Trying to Please Too Many People at Once - Alyssa Rosenberg - Entertainment - The Atlantic

Blog: Do You Have Audiophile Ears?, by Robert Archer - Electronic House

Follow-Up: Smartphone Desperation (And Innovation?) At MWC | Fast Company

The Patient of the Future - Technology Review

The Science of Forgetting - Businessweek

How to Control a Prosthesis With Your Mind - IEEE Spectrum

Tech Complaints: Confusing Instructions Manuals | Tech Goes Strong

21 Ways to Buff Up Your Browser

Has the United States Beaten Peak Oil?

Which Alternative Energies will Lead us into the Future?

America's oil boom - at a cost - Feb. 27, 2012

Is Cleaning Coal Worth It? - Forbes

Obama's Algae Biofuel Proposal Could Be His 'Lunar Base' Moment - Yahoo! News

Crain's New York Business : Login

3 Reasons Why You're Not Buying an Electric Car - DailyFinance

There is a way to clean up ‘dirty’ oil’s problems - The Globe and Mail

A Good Question -

Did government create the shale gas boom? « The Enterprise Blog

Refuting David Frum - Innovation Policy Blog

Presidents and the Price of Oil – The Great Energy Challenge

Toll on Coal Continues | EnergyBiz

Do Age-Defying Worms Hold Key to Immortality?

Amoeba Offers Clue into Evolution of Photosynthesis

First-Ever Map of Charge Distribution in Molecule

Yoga Fans Sexual Flames and, Predictably, Plenty of Scandal -

CERN neutrino experiment: How many times have scientists proven Einstein wrong? - Slate Magazine

Ancient cave speaks of Hades myth –

The Myth of the Greater Good - Reason Magazine

Easily Pronounced Names May Make People More Likable | Wired Science |

Men say women weigh too much | ScienceNordic

Young Women Often Trendsetters in Vocal Patterns -

Five Things You Didn't Know About Pirates - Blog

Coffee Pest Gene Transfer | The Scientist

Bird Flu, Swine Flu … and Now Bat Flu? | Influenza Viruses & Wildlife Disease | LiveScience

How Big a Battery Would It Take to Power All of the U.S.?: Scientific American

New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America - Americas - World - The Independent

BBC - Future - Science & Environment - Will we ever... grow organs?

Women wearing red send signals that attract men - Telegraph

How Business Cards Survive in the Age of LinkedIn - Businessweek

Oil Prices Could Be the Excuse for a Market Pullback -

The Federal Reserve Might Be Powerless To Stop Runaway Inflation Next Year -

RAHN: Fixing the Federal Reserve - Washington Times

Not What Paul Volcker Had in Mind -

International human rights at the U.S. Supreme Court -

RealClearMarkets - The Economy and the 2012 Elections

The Truth About the Reagan-Thatcher Economic Miracle - CNBC

Is the Federal Reserve Responsible for High Oil Prices? - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic

Stefan Karlsson - The Christian Science Monitor -

How Will Central Banks Respond to Oil Prices? - The Source - WSJ

President Obama proposed a job creation tax credit in his budget, but it is bad policy | Business |

Moral Hazard as the Flip Side of Self-Reliance -

Government Is a Lousy Venture Capitalist — The American Magazine

MIT Online vs. Your Local College: How Will Web Learning Stack Up? - Alan Jacobs - Technology - The Atlantic

What Ails Europe? -

The odious ‘Israel first’ libel - NY Daily News

News Desk: Republicans Starting to Rethink Romney? : The New Yorker

USA Today/Gallup Poll: Swing-State Voters Want Obamacare to Be Repealed | The Weekly Standard

Editorial: GOP takes next steps in a long slog | gop, seemed, lead - Opinion - The Orange County Register

RealClearPolitics - Santorum's Rhetoric Goes to Extreme

David and Goliath in Michigan -

Iran Emerging as Election-Year Wild Card -

The State of the Anglosphere by Joel Kotkin and Shashi Parulekar, City Journal Winter 2012

RealClearPolitics - To Newt, Cheap Gas Is Good

Partisans ignoring stimulus’s success -

Polls Apart - Charlie Cook -

The American Spectator : Santorum and the Silence of the Shams

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are offering a different version of the same message to Michigan voters. - Slate Magazine

BusinessDay - GIDEON RACHMAN: The case against foreign intervention in Syria

Arm Syria’s Rebels -

Saudi Arabia Is Arming the Syrian Opposition - By Jonathan Schanzer | Foreign Policy

Why U.S., China Destined to Clash | The Diplomat

How the Catholic Church is Preparing for a Post-Castro Cuba | Foreign Affairs

Dealing with Pyongyang | The Japan Times Online

An economic bloodbath will test Assad's staying power - The National

The anti-war movement's dilemma – and how to resolve it | Richard Seymour | Comment is free |

Think Again: Cyberwar -- By Thomas Rid | Foreign Policy

Chavez’s Cancer Mystery: What if Venezuela’s President Doesn’t Run for Re-Election? | Global Spin |

Bashar Assad’s strategy—Amir Taheri -


*26th/Transcripts: Guests: Mitt Romney, Mitch Daniels

Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Guests: Sens. McCain & Graham, Robert Gibbs

Guests: Governors Chris Christie and Martin O'Malley

24th/Interview with Pres. Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview with Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Shields and Brooks on Syria

Panel on the Future of the "Occupy" Protests

23rd/Obama's Remarks on Energy

Panel Reviews the GOP Presidential Debate

Interview with Obama Advisor David Axelrod

Guest: Representative Elijah Cummings

22nd/The GOP Presidential Debate in Mesa, Arizona

Interview with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

Interviews with Govs. Jan Brewer and Rick Perry

Analysts on the GOP Campaigns in Michigan, Arizona

Panel on Corportate Tax Reform Plans

Interview with Rep. Thaddeus McCotter

20th/Interview with Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum

Interview w/Sens. John McCain & Lindsey Graham

Analysts on the Latest Polling the GOP Race

Roundtable on the U.S. and the Middle East

Media Availability with Secretary Clinton

19th/Guests: Newt Gingrich, House Maj. Ldr. Eric Cantor

Guests: Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann & Mitch Daniels

Interview with Senator John McCain

Guests: Representatives Paul Ryan & Chris Van Hollen

17th/Obama's Remarks on American Manufacturing


Video: Whitney Houston's Final Movie Fast-Tracked to Theaters

Video: Gov. Walker Thinks Driver Will Succeed On 'Dancing'

Video: Car rips through house

Video: Raw Video: Consumer Reports Top Pick Cars 2012

Video: The Meaning Behind Dreams

Video: Homicide suspect arrested

Video: New 'Dancing With the Stars' Cast Announced

Newsy Now: February 28 (1300 GMT)

Video: Dating sites use dead soldier's photo

Video: Gingrich: Obama Administration 'Anti-Religious'

Video: Top Pick 2012 Cars

Video: Horse Chase! -Deputies Hot On The Trail


'Pro-Gingrich Super PAC gets more Adelson cash'

Factbox: Michigan Republican presidential primary

'Supreme Court will set example under Grunis'

Economy, not the vote occupies Iranians

Doubts surround Sarkozy claim of Edith Bouvier rescue

China riots leave 12 people dead

'Gaza energy crisis remains despite Egypt deal'

FDA adds new safety information to statin drugs

Clinton defends US mission in Afghanistan

7 NH firms share $90,000 in job training grants

RI lawmaker wants law against gas price gouging

Mom: Girl who died after fight described 1 punch

Remains of some 9-11 victims went to landfill

Romney fights to avoid home-state embarrassment

LightSquared CEO resigns, Falcone joins board

A look at some new options for breakfast bites

Death toll rises to 3 in Ohio school shooting

Driver acquitted in deadly Megabus crash in NY

Vietnam study finds bribes dominate medicine prices

EU wants tangible outcome at Rio climate conference

U.S. and Egypt lurch into risky limbo on NGO case

Audio: Santorum’s Critics Balk at Assigning Moral Superiority to America

Obama Plays Both Sides in Afghanistan

How Reagan Would Handle Iran

WikiLeaks Publishes More than Five Million Security Firm Emails

Obama’s ‘Grovel-Ready’ Foreign Policy

Audio: Iranian Enrichment Reports, Prophecies Suggest Timetable for Attack on Israel

U.S. Military Burned Bibles at Bagram in 2009

A SWIFT Iranian Knockout Blow

Gerald Seib Gets Obama’s Iran Record Wrong in WSJ

New York Times Uses False Data To Smear Koch Brothers

Can NPR Legitimize Bias With New Handbook?

Representatives Walsh, Gosar, Labrador Discuss Media Bias In Fast and Furious

NYTimes Tries to Spin Obama’s Big Deficit Problem

Alan Dershowitz Declares War On Media Matters

Joan Walsh: Dissent Not Permitted At Salon?

Diane Sawyer Named Favorite Current Affairs Personality

Obama Admin Further Confuses Their Own Higher Ed Policy

Audio: Is Mitt Romney a Closet Keynesian?

Obama to Force Military Into ObamaCare Exchanges and Slash Healthcare Benefits

Michigan Labeled ‘To Close to Call’

Taxpayer-Supported Planned Parenthood Hands Out GPS Condoms

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows, Dems Cozy Up to Santorum

Some Leftists Were For the Free Market Before They Were Against It

In Bid to Boost Black Homeownership, Rick Santorum Fueled Housing Bubble That Led to Financial Crisis

Hard Times for the National Education Association

Occupy Protesters Assault Police Officers in Sacramento

Busting the Million Signature Myth-Recallers Filed Fewer than 860k Signatures Against Scott Walker

Dems Launch Robo-Calls Supporting Santorum in Michigan

Obama Admin Hooks Up With Gay Activist Who Created Santorum Google Bomb

Explaining Obama’s Lethargic Reaction to High Gas Prices

Mitt Romney for Vice President: The Irony, and Necessity, of a Brokered Republican Convention

A History of Failed Brokered Conventions in 1924 and 1940

Crony Capitalist Epic Systems Gets Rich by Manipulating Stimulus Timeline

Audio: Eliot Spitzer and the Left’s War Against Wall Street

‘Tower Heist’ Blu-ray Review: Perfect Piece of Popcorn Entertainment

Expect Liberal Critics to Carry Water for HBO’s ‘Game Change’

Calling All Hollywood WikiLeakers

Spotted at the Oscars: Movie Stars Desperate to Avoid Talking Politics

Thank New Media for Sucker Punch-Free Oscars

‘Act of Valor’: ‘Parenthood’ Actor Walks Back Tweet Comparing Film to Nazi Propaganda

Gordon Gekko Cuts Anti-Corporate Greed PSA

Your Obama Apologist of the Day: Jane Lynch

‘Glee,’ Jeff Goldblum and the God Squad

‘Act of Valor’: The Movie Traditional Hollywood Can’t – and Won’t – Make

Next Year, Sacha Baron Cohen Should Host the Oscars

ABC’s ‘GCB’: More Christian Bashing on the Way?

How Can HBO’s ‘Game Change’ Be ‘Fact-Based’ When It’s Based on Gossip and Lies?

Cartoon:No Time Left for You. - Big Government

Cartoon:UI: Think Green - Big Journalism

Michael Moore: "A Lot Of My Democratic Friends Will Vote For Santorum" | RealClearPolitics

Santorum blames 2008 mortgage crisis on $4-per-gallon gas - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Napolitano defends U.S. drug war in face of legalization debate | Reuters

The odious ‘Israel first’ libel - NY Daily News

Blog: Why won't Barack Obama cut ties to a group promoting anti-Semitism?

US to repatriate undocumented Mexicans by air


28-Feb-12 World View

27-Feb-12 World View

26-Feb-12 World View

*28 Feb.

American Minute for February 28th

February 28th in History

February 28 Events in History

Today in History: February 28

This Day in History for 28th February |

Today in History: February 28

Today in History for February 28th - YouTube


**NEWS VIDEOS:Santorum: High Gas Prices Caused ‘08 Recession

Disgraced Spitzer ‘Terrified’ Of Santorum

Romney: Santorum Robocalls ‘A New Low’

Hillary: GOP Outrage At Obama Apology Inflaming Situation In Afghanistan

Watters World: Clooney Shocked To Encounter Fox News On Oscar Red Carpet

Viral ‘One Percent Tipper’ Photo A Hoax

Obama’s Double Standard On Keystone

#OccupyLondon Evicted

WikiLeaks Publishes ‘Millions’ Of US Intel Firm Emails

Puerto Rico To Be 51st State?

Syrian Rebel Forces Brace For Advance

Fire Leaves Italian Cruise Ship Adrift

Dick Morris: Obama Will Lose

27th/Obama Gaffes: Calls Chair Of Governors Association Wrong Name

Obama Jabs Santorum On ‘College Snob’ Attack

Occupy Bullies Force Gov Brewer Into Silence During DC Speech

FBI, Michael Douglas Release Gordon Gekko Insider Trading PSA

Welding Job Applicant Shows Up Naked, Fights With Police

Santorum Adviser On Michigan: ‘We Have Already Won’

Anti-Free Speech Totalitarians: Occupy Activists Shout Down Pro-Israel Speakers

Rush Highlights Big Government Article On Democrat Gas Price Hypocrisy

HuffPo/AOL/Moviefone Calls Navy Seal Film ‘Propaganda’

Democrat Rep Admits: ‘Not Looking To Constitution’ On ObamaCare Contraception Mandate

Party Foul: Waiter Spills Beer Tray On German Chancellor Merkel

Buffett Responds To Christie’s ‘Shut Up’ Remark

NLRB Gives Non-Union Workers’ Phone Numbers, Home Addresses To Union Bosses

Romney To Racing Fans: My Friends Own NASCAR Teams

Obama Flashback: No Need To Drill, Just Inflate Tires

Syria’s Assad Votes In Referendum

Teenager Opens Fire At Ohio School, One Dead

Popular Social Network Tool Under Fire For Alleged Copyright Violations

Meryl Streep Wins Best Actress For ‘Iron Lady’

Jesse Jackson: Obama Is ‘Food Stamp President’

26th/Santorum: JFK ‘Church And State’ Speech Makes Me Throw Up

Newt: I’ve ‘Fallen Short Of The Glory Of God’

Occupy Denver Protesters ‘Urine Bomb’ Police

Obama ‘Hope’ Poster Artist Pleads Guilty To Destroying Evidence

2 US Troops Shot in Kabul; NATO Pulls Workers

25th/Dem Booed At Town Hall Over Birth Control Mandate

24th/World’s Most Famous Atheist: Can’t Be Sure God Does Not Exist

23rd/Pelosi Begins Lent With Attack On Catholic Church


Alex Jones 2012-02-27 Monday - YouTube

2012-02-27 Infowars Nightly News with Host Aaron Dykes - YouTube


The Alex Jones Show 02-26-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 02-26-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 02-27-12 Hr 1

The Alex Jones Show 02-27-12 Hr 2

The Alex Jones Show 02-27-12 Hr 3

The Alex Jones Show 02-27-12 Hr 4

The Manning Report – 27 February 2012

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-25-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-25-12 Hr 2

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-27-12 Hr 1

The Katherine Albrecht Show 02-27-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-26-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-26-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-26-12 Hr 3

Redding News Review 02-27-12 Hr 1

Redding News Review 02-27-12 Hr 2

Redding News Review 02-27-12 Hr 3

David Duke Show

David Duke Show 27th

Wide Awake

Feb. 27, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, February, 27, 2012

Blacklisted Radio 2/27/2012 Podcast

2012-02-27.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

02/27 The Mark Levin Show



02-27Kevin Trudeau Show








Michael Moore: "My Democratic Friends Will Vote For Santorum"
Obama: When I'm Not President In Five Years, I'm Going To Buy A Volt
Carney: Obama's Speech To UAW Was "Not At All" A Campaign Speech
Obama Calls On Auto Union To Fight In 2012: "I Have A Lot Of Fight In Me!"
NYT's Bill Keller: Santorum Wants "Christian Version Of Sharia Law"
Chuck Todd: Santorum Playing To "Glenn Beck Paranoia" With College Comment
Romney: Santorum's Robocall "Dirty Trick" Is "Outrageous And Disgusting"
Rep. King: "Whispering" Of Recruiting Another Candidate If Romney Loses Michigan
Halperin: If The GOP Can Get Its Act Together, It Can Defeat Obama
O'Reilly: "Santorum Goes Further Than Reagan" On Religion In Politics
Santorum Argues Gas Prices Brought On Recession
Heilemann: Most Republicans Believe They Are "Consigned To Defeat"
Hannity Interviews Newt Gingrich On Radio Show

Inside The Egyptian Revolution
How Deep Are Anti-American Feelings In Afghanistan?
Putin's Power Crumbling?
Carney: Afghan Turmoil Won't Change Strategy
Sec. Clinton: U.S. Limited In Supporting Syrian Resistance
Chinese Occupy Obama's Google+ Page
Raw Video: Syria Rebel Forces Brace For Advance
Protestor Disrupts World Bank News Conference
Raw Video: Italian Cruise Ship Drifts Powerless
Occupy London Camp At St. Paul's Dismantled
Apologies Don't Stop Bloodshed In Afghanistan


NOW: Ultrasounds Used To Stop "Constitutional Right" Of Abortion
Krauthammer: Obama Apology Didn't "Soothe The Savage Mob," It "Intensified The Violence"
Brit Hume: Santorum Gives Off "Whiff Of Intolerance"
Rick Santorum: I Can Attract Democrats
Maher: Republicans Are "Running Against A Fictional President"
Romney: Santorum's Robocalls To Democrats "A New Low"
Chris Matthews, Eugene Robinson Agree: Santorum Is A "Theocrat"
Super PAC Ad Hits Obama: "The Con Artist"
Limbaugh: Maybe It's Time To Say "The Hell" With Afghanistan And Get Out
Dem Robocall Urges Michigan Democrats To Vote For Santorum
Carney: Republicans "Forced Us" To Deny Keystone Pipeline
Bill Maher Says Jesus Christ Was "Palestinian"
Santorum: JFK's 1960 Speech On Religion "Makes Me Throw Up"
Kerrey Reconsidering Run For Ben Nelson's US Senate Seat
RCP's Tom Bevan, Sean Trende And The Daily Mail's Toby Harnden On GOP Race
Warren Buffett Responds To Chris Christie: Suggestion Was "Touching"
Gov. Luis Fortuno Predicts Puerto Rico Will Become 51st State
Jesse Jackson: "It's An Honor To Be A Food Stamp President"
Obama Calls Calls Martin O'Malley "Jack"
Romney: I Have "Friends Who Are NASCAR Team Owners"
Mitt Romney In 2007: "I Supported No Child Left Behind, I Still Do"

Iran And Syria: A Tale Of Two Crises
Crisis In Syria
No Talking Points: Presidential Apology
Clinton Blasts Russia, China For Stance On Syria
Anti-Putin Protest In Russia
Raw Video: Syria's Assad Votes In Referendum
Karzai Pleads For Calm
Airport Targeted In Bomb Blast
Australian PM Gillard Wins Vote, Keeps Job
U.S. Military Drones And Democracy
Private Consumption, Not Investment, Must Drive Chinese Economy
China On The Rise: Is China's Political Model Superior?
Iran: U.S. Policy Options
Kevin Rudd Rages During Video Recording
Syrian Crisis: Term Limit Referendum


Gibbs: "This Is Going To Be A Very Close Election"
Christie: "Possibility" Of Brokered Convention if Romney Loses Michigan
George Will: "Election Is Referendum On Limited Government And Romney Is On The Other Side"
Krauthammer: Romney And Paul Are "Objectively Allies"
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Possibility Of New GOP Candidate
Romney On Inability To Connect With Voters: "I Just Am Who I Am"
Santorum: Obama Shouldn't Have Apologized For Koran Burning
"This Week" Roundtable On Michigan, Gas Prices
Martin O'Malley: GOP Under "Extreme Right Control"
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Obama In 2012
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Endorses Mitt Romney


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