A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

27 February 2012

27 FEB.'12

Black History


RadioIO Blues

World Of Blues – Blues

LoudCity - Kansas City

Blues on


Killtown's: 9/11 Coincidences and Oddities

Understanding 9/11: A Television News Archive

September 11 Television Archive ; Internet Archive

9/11:Israel did it - WikiSpooks


Rense & Texe Marrs - Mitt Romney...Israeli Shill - Vid - YouTube

First Read - Romney lays out economic vision - in mostly empty stadium

2012 Election RIGGED - This is going Viral - YouTube

AFP: Russia 'thwarts plot' to assassinate Putin

Russia foils 'Chechen plot' to assassinate Vladimir Putin - Telegraph

Putin: Who gave NATO right to kill Gaddafi? - YouTube

Iranian film beats Israel's 'Footnote' at Academy Awards - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Gasoline Prices Are Not Rising, the Dollar Is Falling - Forbes

Pumping arms: Pentagon’s bigger stick to beat Iran — RT

Russian Secret Services: U.S., NATO, GCC Arm Syrian Rebels Through Iraq, Lebanon And Turkey

USDA to Give Monsanto’s New GMO Crops Special ‘Speed Approval’ | NationofChange

Newsvine - A fishy tale which could only mean that DWH blowout was a planned event.

The BP Gulf Oil Spill Disaster: An Explosive Detonation? «

Conclusive Evidence That BP Misrepresented Gulf Oil Spill Sent To Congress | Save The Gulf Advocacy Network

How The Gas Prices Are Manipulated By The Koch Brothers And Other Wall Street Players | Addicting Info

Report: Homeland Security lied to Congress about spying on citizens - National Conservative |

WikiLeaks begins publishing 5 million emails from STRATFOR -

Activist Post: World Bank Wants Control Of The High Seas

The Global Intelligence Files - Re: [alpha] S3/G3* ISRAEL/IRAN - Barak hails munitions blast in Iran

» U.S. Army Unveils World’s First Military Fleet of Fuel Cell Vehicles dé


The Power of RAW Cannabis. - YouTube

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett) - YouTube

Essential Cannabis Hemp Oil Making Tutorial Using Safe Countertop Distiller & FROZEN Alcohol - YouTube


(Morgellons In Russia?)03.02.2012 - YouTube


Rocklin: California town to ban smoking ANYWHERE outside, even in your backyard | Mail Online

Pressure builds for civilian drone flights at home | World news | The Guardian

Move Our Money: New State Bank Bills Address Credit and Housing Crises « WEB OF DEBT BLOG

Wyoming Prepares Doomsday Contingency Plans "In the Event of a Complete Economic or Political Collapse in the United States"

Drought will push up price of food, farmers warn | Environment | The Observer

Mystery virus kills thousands of lambs - Telegraph

Michael Murphy on The Jack Blood Show – February 24th, 2012 – Why in the World are They Spraying? : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Activist Post: New biological studies reconfirm that “human nature” is no excuse for violence

25% of college students fail basic math question | The Japan Times Online


* LISTEN - Linda Stone On Multiple Personalties & Ritual


H5N1 Bird Flu Effects Downplayed, Weaponized Strain Urged | Natural Society

Replacing electricity with light: First physical 'metatronic' circuit created

Secret £14million Bible in which 'Jesus predicts coming of Prophet Muhammad' unearthed in Turkey | Mail Online

Supreme Court to hear corporate human rights case - Yahoo! News

Massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey

Douglas Kennedy arrested after he 'kicked nurse in the crotch and fell holding 2-day-old baby' | Mail Online

Rivers, Lakes and Oceans Turning Red! - YouTube

StephenHannardADGUK's Channel - YouTube


Who’s Behind The Firing Of Pat Buchanan? | Real Zionist News

US planning to boost sea and land defences in Gulf as Iran war fears grow - Telegraph

Roy Tov: USA Denies Visa to Jewish Knesset Member

Tea For Two :60 - YouTube

The Candidate Interview Process | Farm Wars

Koran Burning - Dehumanizing Muslims

UN: 1.3 million still homeless from Iraq conflict | World news | The Guardian

Internet firms can access your texts, emails and pictures by spying through smartphone apps | Mail Online

Iran defense minister: Attack will lead to Israel's collapse - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israeli Assassinations and American Presidents by Alison Weir --

Koch Brothers Fire Back At Obama For Campaign Attack

BBC News - Two die in fire at Brazil's Antarctic research station

BP faces billions in fines as spill trial nears - Yahoo! News

Syria: Hillary Clinton calls Russia and China 'despicable' for opposing UN resolution - Telegraph

Robert Fisk: The new Cold War has already started – in Syria - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

Syrian opposition says West is already aiding rebels - Telegraph

Spoiling For War On Syria

NEW Ancient UFO-DISCLOSURE Artifacts Revealed!!! - YouTube

Treating China as an enemy – Telegraph Blogs

C-1: The electric motorbike with the creature comforts of a car | Mail Online

EXCLUSIVE: The Jack Blood Show – Tenth Amendment Center’s NDAA National Press Conference – 2.24.12 : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

UFOs Directed Laser-Like Beams Onto Nuclear Weapons Storage Sites: American and Soviet Facilities Targeted During the Cold War


Homeland Security Manual Lists Government Key Words For Monitoring Social Media, News


+Analyst’s Desktop Binder


An Empire of Poverty: Race, Punishment, and Social Control

Balochistan: CIA Carving Out New Role

...The Oldest Known Melody c.1400BC! - YouTube

Senate Candidate Rick Williams Leads Ron Paul Rally At California Republican Convention - YouTube

[Pic] The GOP Then and Now

Picture the Holy Crusades with nuclear weapons

Santorum Says Separation of Church and State Isn’t Absolute - Businessweek

Sherrie Questioning All: You like your Smart Phone? You download Facebook and Youtube Apps? If so they can access your phone and information anytime they want!

+Wikileaks Reveals Privately Run CIA’s Dirty Secrets - 12160

American's Journey: Escaping Tyranny: The Bitter Taste of Truth - Our only way out

Bankers Are Like Pedophiles: They won't stop till they are locked up - 12160

Biggest 9/11 truth audience ever! Gage, Ryan speak at NOI Saviour’s Day | Veterans Today

Diving for delegates: Ron Paul’s not-so-secret strategy — RT

How Goldman Sachs Helped Mask Greece's Debt - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: Assassinations anonymous

Wikileaks starts releasing hacked Stratfor emails, Friedman believes this is an “elite crisis”. - |

To Avoid Armageddon, Let's Open The Pages of The Hidden History Between The West And Iran

Israel is just Jealous of Iran & Palestine + WW3 Updates - YouTube

5 Things You Think Will Make You Happy (But Won't) |

The Recurring Myth of Peak Oil « Aletho News

The 5 Most Expensive Preps I Own | Ready Nutrition

10 Signs That America Is Decomposing Right In Front Of Our Eyes

Activist Post: 4 Cases that Prove the USDA Isn't Protecting Our Health

How the Russian soul can save the American Empire — RT

Putin Assassination Plot Foiled: Russian TV - Bloomberg

Activist Post: ‘Euthanasia Rollercoaster’ Hailed by Anti-Human Scientists

Activist Post: 8 Reasons to Say NO to College

Activist Post: 5 Reasons Iran is NOT a Threat to the U.S.

The British And U.S. Governments Installed Khomeini Into Power In 1979

Saudi Arabia Says Iran Warships Visited for Training | Defense News |

poorrichard's blog: Monsanto Pays 93 Million to Victims In Settlement

US Govt Covertly Ships Trillions to EU + Economic Collapse - YouTube

Mystery Grows As More Livestock Dies In Maury C - Flash Player Installation

PETA | Killing Animals | Animal Rights Campaign | The Daily Caller


*film/Why We Fight - - YouTube


Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Proof Marijuana CURES Cancer

poorrichard's blog: Pentagon as Lying Machine

Dresden, Hiroshima, and Soviet Machinations

Lone Star Watchdog: The Texas Warrant Roundup Training Police for Mass Arrest of Dissidents in the Future?

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : "The Way Obama Has Seized Executive Power Makes Dick Cheney Blush!" Elise Jordan


* Our World Documentaries(


Wikileaks Reveals Privately Run CIA's Dirty Secrets (Update 2)

FBI seeks new app to spy on Facebook, Twitter|Americas|

Look who's watching: it's not the FBI, it's Facebook - National News - National - General - Wyndham Weekly

FBI Turns Off Thousands of GPS Devices After Supreme Court Ruling - Digits - WSJ

Geithner: 'Privilege of Being an American' Is Why Rich Need Higher Taxes | The Weekly Standard

» Report: More Than 100,000 Americans Are Domestic Terrorists Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

WikiLeaks publishes intelligence firm's emails - Technology & science - Security -

Mysterious Siberian Blasts Warned Point To Rapid Pole Reversal

4 Parts/Conscience and Justice – Max Igan

» Ron Paul is the Only Candidate Who Will Cut Spending Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Media Sleepwalks, While History Is In the Making |

Rick Santorum on JFK’s Separation of Church and State Speech

Santorum: JFK's 1960 Speech On Religion Made Me Want To Throw Up - YouTube

Sharia Law Leads To Afghan Riots And Murders

Google+ Plus and the “L-Shaped” Ambush | Veterans Today

Google+ Plus and the L-Shaped Ambush (Part two) | Veterans Today

Personality Disorder-Trashing Our Army for Profit | Veterans Today

The “Global Crises of Capitalism”; Whose Crises, Who Profits? | Veterans Today

The Hoax – A Fable For Our Times | Veterans Today

The Pharisees of the Vatican | Veterans Today

Homeland Security Dept. Pays General Dynamics to Scour Internet for Criticism of its Policies -

Secret documents reveal DHS lied about tracking Americans on social media | The Raw Story

EPIC - EPIC v. Department of Homeland Security: Media Monitoring

AllGov - News - Napolitano’s Homeland Security Filtered Public Document Requests Through Political Aides

New evidence casts doubt in Lockerbie case - YouTube


State Department Uses ‘Nuclear Option’ Propaganda to Justify More Preemptive War -

An Empire of Poverty: Race, Punishment, and Social Control « Andrew Gavin Marshall

'US to Announce Aerial Blockade on Syria'

Russia’s Secret Service : Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey Supply Arms to Syrian Opposition:

Russia Seeks Major Role in Mideast Politics

Video: CIA Admits Using "News To Manipulate US Public Opinion

Video: From The Archives/ The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

Why Socialism?

New light on death toll from U.S. drones - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Opt-Out Provision Would Halt Some, but Not All, Web Tracking -

Pakistan Completes Demolition of Bin Laden's Hideout

Chinese Internet Users Flood Obama's Google Plus Web Page

"The Artist' a Big Winner at Oscars

Unmanned Drones to Patrol U.S. Skies in Near Future

How Companies Learn Your Secrets

ET Mummy Found In Egypt | Before It's News

Sex-Changing Treatment for Kids: It's on The Rise |

Lloyd Marcus -- Christians: Who Is On The Lord's Side?

Articles: Why is Obama in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Vatican ruled by 'omerta' code of silence, whistle-blower claims - Telegraph

Barack Obama Apologizes For Burning Korans But Not For Burning Bibles?

Vatican calls for global authority on economy, raps “idolatry of the market” | Reuters


film/The Third Jihad | Watch the Documentary Film Free Online | SnagFilms












How the Government Makes You Fat by Alex Yackery

It's Far Worse This Time 'Round, Mr. Browne by Jeff Berwick

My Remarks at the Amherst NY Presidential Straw Poll by James Ostrowski

The 5 Most Expensive Preps I Own | Ready Nutrition

Uncle Sam’s Fire Sale. Minimum Investment: $1 Billion by Addison Wiggin

Manvotional: Discipline – the Means to an End by Basil William Maturin

Do It Yourself Gunsmithing, by Charles M. -

You Want to Eat Like a Hunter-Gatherer | Mark's Daily Apple

10 Signs That America Is Decomposing Right In Front Of Our Eyes

Is Google Targeting Rick Santorum?

Santorum Gets Secret Service Protection

Santorum: Romney Isn't Conservative Enough for GOP

Gingrich Warns of Role of 'Secular Left'

Santorum: Kennedy's Church-State Speech Makes Me 'Throw Up'

Romney: If You Don't Like My Success, Vote for Other Guy

Mitt Romney Has 'Rockefeller Problems'

Haley Barbour: GOP Nomination Could Go to Brokered Convention

Secret Service Laxness Puts President at Risk

Ed Gillespie: Obama Makes World 'More Dangerous'

Dershowitz Declares War on Soros-Financed Media Matters Site

Santorum: $5 Trillion in Cuts in 5 Years

Streep's 'Iron Lady' Wins Metal; 'Artist' Silently Wins 5 Oscars

Nevada in Crisis Over Veterans Suicides

Bush v. Gore Ruling Offers Guidance to Appeals Courts

Buffett Says Stocks, Homes Are Fairly Cheap Now

Poll: Santorum Holds Ohio Lead

Wisconsin Gov. Walker: Recall Election is $9 Million Waste of Taxpayer Money

Huckabee Leaves Door Open for Run in 2016

Iran Seen 'Struggling' With New Nuclear Machines

Soaring Oil Prices Fuel Fears of Global Recession

Dr. Blaylock: Soft Drinks Hard on You

Study: Soy is Powerful Cholesterol Cutter

Nokia Pins Hopes on Cheaper Windows Smartphone

Celebrity Deaths Convey Life Lessons

Four Students Shot at Ohio High School; Suspect Captured

Unidentified metal object falls from the sky in Maranhao Brazil- Esfera cai do céu em Maranhão - YouTube

Secret Bible Unearthed: 'Jesus Predicts Coming Of Prophet Muhammad' | Before It's News

1500 year-old ‘ Syriac ‘ Bible found in Ankara, Turkey : Vatican in shock ! | Before It's News

If You Take Oral Vitamin D You Must Avoid Making This Serious Mistake | Before It's News - Artificial Objects Discovered In North America Nebula

Chemtrails And Depopulation - An Insider Speaks Out | Before It's News

Chemtrail Tankers Meet Huge UFO | Before It's News

Mariah Carey Sacrifice To Follow Whitney's? Prophet Linda Newkirk | Before It's News

Mariah Carey Next! Satanic Sacrifice Prophecy! | Before It's News

9/11 Foreknowledge Caught On Computers That Measure Global Mind | Before It's News

The Illuminati: The Georgia Guidestones Conspiracy - YouTube

Biggest 9/11 truth audience ever! Gage, Ryan speak at NOI Saviour’s Day | Veterans Today


Your Mind Is Its Own Prison | Before It's News

Thomas Jefferson Predicted 2012…And Congress Listened For Almost 200 Years | Before It's News

FEMA Concentration Camps | Before It's News


9/11 Foreknowledge Caught on Computers that Measure Global Mind

U.S. intelligence agencies agree: no evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons program

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1950) - YouTube

Activist Post: 10 Modern Methods of Mind Control

Gallup: 72% of All Americans and 56% of Democrats Say Obamacare Mandate Unconstitutional

Gingrich: Israel Will Strike The Morning It Thinks It Has To; 'I Strongly And Totally Support' Its Right To Defend Itself

Rush: Obama Needs 'Someone Slimy' As Pond-Scum Czar - Like Bill Maher

Planned Parenthood's 'Health' Brand Tells Teens 'You May Be Ready To Have Sex'

Obama’s More Deferential to Afghan Muslims Than American Catholics

Polls Show Liberals, Not Santorum, Are The Ones Who Are 'Well Outside The Mainstream'

'We Don’t Have Any’ Problem of Illegal Immigrants Voting in U.S., Dem Congressmen Say

After Solyndra and Other Failures, Obama Vows to 'Double Down' on Green Spending

FBI, hospitals: 5 students hurt in Ohio shooting

Qur’an Carnage: Islamic Bloc Calls for Calm, But Iranian General Says Burn the White House

Romney, Santorum Criticize Obama’s Apology to Afghan Leader

Clinton on Egypt NGO Trial: ‘We Have Problems With a Lot of Our Friends Around the World’

Despite Poor Economy, Study Finds Private Investment Offers Better Returns Than Social Security

Hillary Clinton Offers a Peculiar Response to a Question About ‘Zionist Lobbies’

'The Artist' Earns Best-Picture, Best Actor at Oscars

White House Explains Obama Apology to Karzai

The 20 Richest Oscar Winners of All Time

Madison Newspaper Falls For Leftist Hoax Press Release Against Paul Ryan

White House vows to stay involved in Afghanistan

Gov. Jan Brewer skips White House dinner Sunday

Democratic governors discuss bypassing Congress with Obama

Report: Russian and Ukrainian agents foil plot to assassinate Russian prime minister

Dems target House committee chairmen

17,000 Coloradans receive flawed voter registration cards from D.C.-based group

Battleground Poll: GOP president’s race takes toll, Obama inches up

Santorum disagrees with “absolute separation” between church and state outlined by JFK

Coulter predicts Jeb Bush to enter race

Santorum defends calling Obama a 'snob' over insistence on college for all

Democrats to Obama: Tap strategic oil reserve

Supreme Court to weigh torture lawsuits against corporations

Florida man dies after trash bin hits him in grocery lot in bizarre crash

Taliban's Response to Obama's Apology: 'Kill Them, Beat Them, Take Them as Prisoners' |

Testimony: Georgetown Law Student Couldn't Afford Contraception--At School Surrounded by Planned Parenthood Clinics Distributing Condoms |

Chris Hayes's Curious Advice To Conservatives: Call Bush's Iraq War 'Criminal' |

Statist Mindset at AP: Texas Court 'Approves' Idea That Landowners Own Underground Water |

Jennifer Aniston Slammed by WashPost Critic For...Not Going Nude? |

Afghan Officials Cancel DC Trip as Relations Sour

Antiwar Critics Forgotten on Oscar Night

Quran Burning Is a Political, Not a Theological, Issue

Janet Napolitano: The New J. Edgar Hoover?

New evidence casts doubt in Lockerbie case - Africa - Al Jazeera English

Hope in the Belly of the Beast by Justin Raimondo --

WMDs Redux by Charles V. Peña --

Farrakhan warns of climate that could lead to attempts on Obama's life -

LA Times - The Envelope: Academy Awards, nominees, winners, news, photos and red carpet fashion -

Oscar Red Carpet 'Cremaining!': Sacha Baron Cohen as the Dictator Dumps Ashes of 'Kim Jong Il' on Ryan Seacrest (Video & Poll) - The Hollywood Reporter

U.S. opening up airspace to use of drones - Technology & science - Science - -

Prison » Obama Plays Race Card, Calls on Churches to Support Campaign

Clinton Defends Obama Apology - Alexandra Jaffe -

Medical Tattoos Offer Important Health Information

More bad news: U.S. water bills to triple | Washington Examiner

Billy Crystal’s Shtick, and the Academy, Need Freshening -

Dupuy: Livestreamers 'Came to Protest and Stayed to Tell the Story'

Charter School or Scientology Center? Education In Rick Scott's Florida

Mitch Daniels is Repeatedly Dishonest About Right-to-Work and His Record

Romney Crashes and Burns Pandering at NASCAR's Daytona 500

Ken Aden (D-AR)-- Quintessential Grassroots Progressive

Chris Hayes: We Need to Talk About Syria

Gibbs Zings Gingrich: We'll Call Him for Lunar Colony Advice

David Gregory Gives Rick Santorum a Pass on 'Indoctrination' Remarks

Rick Santorum: Obama's Apology for Koran Burnings "Shows Weakness"

Romney: 'Vote for the Other Guy' If You Can't Relate to Me

Santorum: 'Singled Out,' 'Ridiculed' For Conservative Views In College. Funny How No One Else Remembers It!

Kay Bailey Hutchison Lies About Oil and Gas Production in Weekly Address

Brzezinski: GOP Presidential Race 'Embarrassing as an American'


The Nanny State is on a Mission to Enslave All 1/6 - YouTube

The Nanny State is on a Mission to Enslave All 2/6 - YouTube

The Nanny State is on a Mission to Enslave All 3/6 - YouTube

The Nanny State is on a Mission to Enslave All 4/6 - YouTube

The Nanny State is on a Mission to Enslave All 5/6 - YouTube

The Nanny State is on a Mission to Enslave All 6/6 - YouTube


The New World Order Creates Crap! - YouTube

Police Guard NBA All-Star Royalty! - YouTube


ElvisMatters - (

* [Google Translate] ElvisMatters - (


**The Presley Radio**


*Prison » Poll: Ron Paul Strongest Against Obama In Head To Head Matchup

**Ron Paul Addresses Small Business Owners in Hudsonville, Michigan - February 26 2012 - YouTube

+Ron Paul Highlights in 2/22/2012 Presidential Debate - YouTube

Prison » Hacked Email Reveals Democrats Remain Clueless on Obama’s Bankster Ties

Prison » Wikileaks publishes millions of ‘Shadow CIA’s’ emails

Israel, Kurdish fighters destroyed Iran nuclear facility, email released by WikiLeaks claims - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Prison » Harvard study: Pasteurized milk from industrial dairies linked to cancer

Prison » Military Keynesianism Can’t Work … Because WWII Was Different from Current Wars

Prison » America 1950 vs. America 2012

Prison » CIA Director Admits Manipulating US News; CBS Confirms

CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1950) - YouTube

Digital Devices And The Question Of Privacy | Fox News

Prison » Other People’s Blood: New Ground for the Great Oil Game

Prison » Barack Obama Apologizes For Burning Korans But Not For Burning Bibles?

Doctors call for HPV shots for boys - Washington Times

Prison » Mainstream column admits vaccines cause cancer in pets

Prison » The Mayan ‘Decline’ and Small Horses … More Climate Change Propaganda?

Former President Bill Clinton among Nobel Prize nominees | The Raw Story

Prison » Stratfor Email Leak Reveals Insider Views On Obama, Emanuel & Romney

Prison » Buying The Vote: 12 Facts About Super PACs That Will Blow Your Mind

Obama WH money used for NYC surveillance program

Drone makers cashing in as war tactics evolve - Yahoo! News

Gas Prices Signal Tsunami of Inflation | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

» Harvard study: Pasteurized milk from industrial dairies linked to cancer Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Prison » The Perfection Of Crony Capitalism: Use Regulation To Destroy Competitors

gas prices: Gas prices soar, reach $5 in some states -

Prison » In Europe and America … No Retirement! Just Sufferin’


Exposing Industry and Gov. Lies about GM Foods with Jeffrey M. Smith 1/4 - YouTube

Exposing Industry and Gov. Lies about GM Foods with Jeffrey M. Smith 2/4 - YouTube

Exposing Industry and Gov. Lies about GM Foods with Jeffrey M. Smith 3/4 - YouTube

Exposing Industry and Gov. Lies about GM Foods with Jeffrey M. Smith 4/4 - YouTube


» Vaccines for everything: Researchers now on brink of developing salmonella jab Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Pirates Threaten Ship in Closest Ever Incident to Hormuz Strait

Man confesses to family in fatal hit-run: 'He didn't even tell me he was sorry'

Cop accidentally shoots himself following chase and crash

Chicago gangs getting pushed out of city, into western suburbs

Brizard: No 'educational apartheid' at Chicago Public Schools

Some 4000 people hustle up Hancock's 94 floors

Obscure story by `Chicago' playwright discovered

Retired Illinois teachers could see benefits cut

Rooftop Pastor Corey Brooks: I Had to Tough It Out

Louis Farrakhan talks about race in Chicago

Stem cells in ovaries may grow new eggs, study shows

Medical marijuana dispensary forced to close - YouTube

Lifetime: Kids need exercise, too!

Fitness DVDs remain hale and hardly over the hill

Awareness: Hepatitis C Death Rate Creeps Past AIDS

Heart Attack Symptoms Differ Between Men And Women

Medical-marijuana shops near schools face cutoff today: Close or move

76% of patients neglect end-of-life care planning

Scientists see red on NASA cuts of Mars missions

US top court rejects states' appeal on Great Lakes carp

Heavenly Trio Form Rare Triple Conjunction In Skies Above LA

'Nomad planets' may teem in the Milky Way

Have scientists unraveled the mystery of the northern lights?

Lego geek astronaut builds Lego ISS on the ISS

Andromeda Galaxy's Exotic X-Ray Signal Actually a Bright Black Hole

Feds plan to spend $51.5M on 2012 Asian carp fight

To control space junk, remove 5 pieces a year, experts say

The critical year for commercial cargo and crew

Space News: NASA satellite finds Earth's clouds are getting lower

IBM Research Nanophysics Breakthrough Captures First-Ever Image of Charge Distribution in a Single Molecule - PR Newswire -

Santorum touts wider role for faith in public life

Romney erases Santorum's lead in the Gallup national poll

Obama urges governors to boost education funding

Wisconsin governor will not challenge recall signatures

Strange Garlic-Like Odor Sickens Phoenix Residents

Bill Clinton, Bradley Manning among Nobel Peace Prize candidates

Questions Surround Ca. Girl Who Died After Fight

Patrick Kennedy raps Scott Brown over Ted Kennedy's health-care legacy

Robert F. Kennedy's son charged over maternity ward clash with nurses

In Michigan, GOP candidate Rick Santorum says religion needs greater role in public policy - The Washington Post

New fighter jet training stalls, grounding pilots

Jury won’t hear that Rutgers student told school officials roommate spied on him with webcam - The Washington Post

NYPD’s Kelly not apologizing for surveillance of Muslims in NJ, calls criticism ‘knee-jerk’ - The Washington Post

One dead, four hurt in Ohio high school shooting

BREAKING Four students injured in shooting at Chardon High School - YouTube

Fears Expressed Over GOP Candidates - YouTube

Santorum to get Secret Service protection

Ron Paul is aiding Mitt Romney during the debates: Study

Barbour: GOP not focusing on Obama

Poll: 75 percent of Americans think wealthy should pay 30 percent or less in taxes

Early voting in Illinois begins

At Caucus, Maine Democrats Promise a Comeback

Ron Paul fans look to convention

The Republican's Biblical Boondoggle

Loose Border of 'Super PAC' and Campaign

FAQ: How Does a Caucus Work?

Bill Maher Donates $1 Million to Obama Campaign Super PAC

Dick Lugar, the grandfather of the Indiana GOP, fights for reelection

Oscar 2012 fashion: Red carpet hits and misses

2012 Oscars analysis: Meryl Streep's surprise win

Oscar parties: Love is in the air at 'Vanity Fair'

And the Biggest 2012 Oscars Shocker of All Is...Probably Not What You Think

Brad Goreski Picks His Oscars Best Dressed

J.Lo didn't have a wardrobe 'slip,' says stylist

Oscars 2012: 'Separation' director says Iranians care about Oscars

Navy SEALs-Starring 'Act Of Valor' Storms Box Office

Oscar parties: Stars rally for cause at Elton John bash

2012 Academy Awards: 'Dragon Tattoo' Star Rooney Mara Wows in White!

Congrats? Adam Sandler Sets the Record for Most Razzie Nominations

2012 Oscars: And the winners of best Academy Award winners’ speeches are... - NY Daily News

Ryan Seacrest Talks Dictator Dusting on Oscars Red Carpet: "I Was Surprised, but Not Surprised" - Red Carpet | E!Online

Jimmy Kimmel's post-Oscar show: See 'Movie: The Movie' here | PopWatch |

Attempt to kill Russia's Putin foiled: security agencies

Syria Says Voters Back New Constitution, Fresh Violence Kills 10

Iran nuclear program faltering because of old technology: UN watchdog

How serious is the bombast from North Korea?

Yemen's president Ali Abdullah Saleh cedes power

Bin Laden's Pakistan Home Demolished

A year after Mubarak's ouster, fear and suspicion grip Egypt

Nigeria repatriates 11000 'undesirable' foreigners

Last Missing Soldier in Iraq: Family Finally Learns Fate

Colombia's FARC rebels say group will stop kidnapping

Buffett: Stocks still cheap, best investment choice

Why Gasoline Prices Are So Different Around US

A Call for Beijing to Loosen Its Grip on the Economic Reins

Pending Sales of Existing Homes in U.S. Increase a More-Than-Estimated 2%

WikiLeaks publishes millions of emails stolen from US think tank


C2CAM - 2012.02.25 - Psychopaths in Power - YouTube


26.2.2012 - 1/4 - Inside the Neo-Nazi Movement - YouTube

26.2.2012 - 2/4 - Inside the Neo-Nazi Movement - YouTube

26.2.2012 - 3/4 - Inside the Neo-Nazi Movement - YouTube

26.2.2012 - 4/4 - Inside the Neo-Nazi Movement - YouTube


The Moss Man Cometh! | Mysterious Universe

8 Things To Do If You See a Ghost

What If Humans Had Eagle Vision? | LiveScience

BBC News - Eavesdropping on the squid world

At the Monroe Institute, a spiritual experience could just be a beat away - The Washington Post

A wild online ride hits the digital piracy wall

Witty Gravestones « Beachcombing's Bizarre History Blog

Wearable Electronics Are Making a Statement - Novelties -

No explanation for mysterious ‘lake music’ reported by many Yellowstone visitors | Yellowstone Gate - Yellowstone Gate



Was This Plane On Fire Over Toronto?

Was This A JLo ‘Nip Slip’ Wardrobe Malfunction At The Oscars 2012? [Video]

Billy Crystal Calls GOP Candidates ‘Dark Knight, an American Psycho and a Charismatic Crack Addict At Oscars

Debbie Schlussel:Oscars: Contest Between Class/Glamor & Endless Racism Merchantry

Cruise Control Skeptics

The New Mortgage Servicing Settlement

Ron Paul vs. Barack Obama on Individual Liberty and Healthcare

Never more important, never more relevant

Billionaire Buffett admits mistakes, but not billionaire Saleh

Common Core and Universal Design for Learning

The Iranian Countdown

Islam Uber Alles

The Clock Will Soon Be Still

The Religion of Peace™

Obama Torching Bible Mimics Crazed Reign of Tamburlaine the Great

Msgr. Ratzinger Offers Rare Glimpse at his Brother ... the Pope

It’s Time to Make the Republican Party “Elite” Go Away

Green Energy Transition Endangers German Industry

Debasing Our Military, One Politically Correct Moment After Another

Obama Syndicate Plans Imminent Takeover of USA by Islam and Globalists

Romney’s Religion: The Most Scrutinized Doctrines of Mormonism

The Energy of Poverty

President Obama's Theology: Is It Phony?

The Silence Regarding the Persecution of Christians

PETA's Hypocrisy

Mittmentum: Romney retakes national lead from Santorum

Obama Girls Cheer Obama Apology to Karzai, Forget Troops

Obama Begs Forgiveness

Blues Brothers excuses from our President

Do the Olympics Accept Gender Apartheid?

GOP warfare hurting the party's chances in November

Obamacare a drag on the president in swing states

Rasmussen: 55% oppose affirmative action for admissions

BBC chief admits anti-Christian bias

New Horizons for Hate Crimes

Here Comes Obama's 3 AM Phone Call

The Deal Between Romney and Paul?

Learning the Wrong Lessons From the Fort Hood Massacre

Spreading the Wealth Around Gets Personal

The Audacity of Ambition

The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime

Castro Pegs the GOP Primaries, As the Best Contenders Shun American Presidential Contest - The New York Sun

'The Artist,' Jean Dujardin And Meryl Streep Take Top Honors At Oscars | Fox News

Islamists win 80% of Egypt's upper parliamen... JPost - Headlines

With one hour and $260, any crook can score fake-ID cards in Jackson Heights, Queens, -

My Way News - Fla lawmaker resigns over sexy texts to prosecutor

North Korea vows to launch 'sacred war' over US-South naval exercises - Telegraph

New cancer drugs being held back to save Government money, says GlaxoSmithKline boss - Telegraph

Savage: Founders envisioned ‘petty dictator’ like Obama

My Way News - Florida museum auctions off antique cars, carousel

Ben & Jerry‘s Apologizes for ’Lin-Sanity’ Fortune Cookie Ice Cream

Louis Farrakhan Delivers Fiery Speech About Obama Assassination, 9/11 Conspiracy, & Jews

Watch Alleged Plot to Assassinate Vladimir Putin Foiled

Nigerian Churchgoers Club Would-Be Suicide Bomber to Death After His Car Bomb Fails to Kill Him

Lawyer Argues That His Lesbian Clients’ Assault on a Gay Man Can’t Be Hate Crime

Denver Anarchists Just Love Throwing ‘Urine Bombs’ at the Police

Romney on ‘Cadillacs’ Comment: If People Think There’s Something Wrong With Success, ‘Vote for the Other Guy’

Watch ‘The Artist’ Cleans Up: Wins 5 Academy Awards Including Best Picture, Actor and Director

Marine Credits Karma for $2.9 Million Bellagio Slot Jackpot

Bar Patrons Beat Would-Be Robber to a Pulp With His Own Shotgun

Santorum: Separation of Church and State Not ‘Absolute’

Watch Security Video Shows Chinese Woman Talking Down Robber at ATM Machine

Jan Brewer Endorses Romney for President: ‘By Far the Person Who Can Go in and Win’

New Planned Parenthood Condoms Use Special Codes to Show Where Users Had ‘Safe Sex’

Report: Germany Sending Tax Collectors to Greece — Sign of ‘Colonization?’

CAIR Slams NY Post for Political Cartoon That ‘Evokes Anti-Semitic Themes’

Sacha Baron Cohen Dumps ‘Kim Jong Il’s Ashes‘ on Ryan Seacrest’s Tuxedo on Oscars’ Red Carpet

Facebook Says It Wasn’t Reading Your Text Messages…But It Could

Was Rick Santorum Really Wrong to Claim That College Makes Young People Less Religious?

Watch 1 Student Dead, 4 Wounded as Ohio High School Is in ‘Crisis Mode’ Following Shooting

D’oh! Waiter Spills 5 Pints of Beer Down German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Back

MSNBC Host on Koran Apology: ‘Americans Wouldn’t Go in the Streets & Start Killing People’

Cartoon Creator Detained at Airport for Making ‘Racist’ Comment About Muslim Woman’s Hijab

Actor Kirk Cameron‘s ’Monumental‘ Film Looks to Rediscover America’s ‘National Treasure’

Watch Wyoming Advances ‘Doomsday Bill’ to Help Residents During Possible Collapse

It’s Coming: Union, Leftist Leaders Announce ‘99% Spring?’… and Training in ‘Places of Worship’

Can Obama’s detention plans be stopped?

Feds sued over Kagan’s Obamacare role

It’s time D.C. understood: ‘This Is Our America’

Al-Qaida seen moving in new terror direction

Suspected assassins: We’re no longer terrorists

Farah: This election ‘a matter of life and death’

Iran prepares for kamikaze attacks

Dershowitz: Media Matters will be re-election issue

Real SEALs star in stunning new film

Sinead O’Connor eyeing Playboy shoot | Celebrity Buzz | a blog

Which is 1st in your life, Bible or your belly?

Researchers Find Stem Cells Can Generate Human Eggs -

Green company gets $390M subsidies, lays off 125 | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Bosses baffled by 'text speak' of youngsters who can't write

The way freedom of religion should work

The limits of freedom

Whom would America's founders elect president?

Stimulus is killing us

Bang, bang. Kiss, kiss

Don't drink the Kool-Aid

Brainwashed by America's media

J. FARAH: Where Ron Paul goes off the rails

Of aspirin and contraception

STAR PARKER: Bullish on Santorum

ALAN KEYES: An 'honor killing' exemption?

THE BROWNS: The media have found their devil

B. DEAN: Question Obama's faith? You bet we should

Video:Racist, Sexist, Homophobe: Breitbart Faces Unhinged #Occupy Author On Live Radio

Video:Breakingviews: Succession at Berkshire Hathaway

Video: Lucy Lawless arrested in New Zealand

Video: Student's first hand account from the scene

Video: Mary Beth Talks All About Seniors Texting

Video: Dr. Oz: Don't Believe Diet Myths

Video: Police Investigate Santa Fe Deaths

Video:Suspect in custody after Ohio school shooting

Video: Oscar Likes and Dislikes

Video: TNT's Team Green Is A Fighting Machine

Next Year, Sacha Baron Cohen Should Host the Oscars

ABC’s ‘GCB’: More Christian Bashing on the Way?

How Can HBO’s ‘Game Change’ Be ‘Fact-Based’ When It’s Based on Gossip and Lies?

Phony Meme of the Night: Billy Crystal’s ‘Blackface’

Oscars: Baron Cohen’s ‘Dictator’ Dumps Kim Jong Il Ashes On Ryan Seacrest

Battle for Oscar Gold: The Actor Edition

Oscars 2012 Reviews: What the Critics Are Saying - The Hollywood Reporter

Oscar Analysis: Here's How 'The Artist' Charmed Its Way to Victory | The Wrap Awards

Billy Crystal Calls GOP Candidates 'Dark Knight, an American Psycho and a Charismatic Crack Addict' |

Sean Young Removed from Governors Ball: Report - Scandals & Feuds, Oscars 2012, No Way Out (Movie - 1987), James Woods, Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner, Sean Young, Oscars 2012 :

BH Interview: Radio Host Michael Medved On Liberal ‘Humanitarians’ and Pop Culture Bias – Part 1

BH Interview: Michael Medved On Conservative Films Then, and Now – Part 2

Is the IRS Attempting to Intimidate Local Tea Parties?

Stimulus ‘Success Story’ Lays Off 125 Workers and Posts $172 Million in Losses

Poll: Romney, Santorum Leading Obama in Swing States

Occupy ‘Revolutionary Scholar’ Begins to Openly Discuss Use of Violence

7 Gas Facts Obama Cannot Escape

Reagan Economists: Newt’s Economic Plan Is the Most Pro-Growth

Hear No Evil, See No Evil: Former SEC Official Says He Doesn’t Think Rep. Bachus Is Guilty of Insider Trading

Obama Campaign Tries Intimidation to Boost Fundraising

Wyoming Considers ‘Alternative Currency’ In the Event Of Economic Doomsday

Democratic Governors Get ‘Thrill Up Their Legs’ in Meeting with Obama

Nancy Pelosi: Vicar of Contraception

Santorum Is Absolutely Correct on the Media, Debates


Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care


Peta Kills Animals(


West's millions rank him No. 2 in U.S. House - South Florida

MMfA’s David Brock Paid Former Partner $850k in “Blackmail” Settlement

How Obama Uses False Media Narratives To Advance His Polices

Monday Morning Crib Sheet: Time Offends with “Yo Decido” Cover, Steinbeck Hearts Maddow

Shorter WaPo Columnist: How Dare You Criticize Obama During Black History Month

Liberal Tactics: Just Lie, No One Will Check!

War Correspondent Marie Colvin Killed While Retrieving Her Shoes

Texas Congressman Lamar Smith Blasts Media on House Floor: 'Be Honest and Fair' |

Study Shows Women Are Smarter Than Men About Social Media - Forbes


27-Feb-12 World View

26-Feb-12 World View

25-Feb-12 World View

24-Feb-12 World View

23-Feb-12 World View

22-Feb-12 World View

21-Feb-12 World View

20-Feb-12 World View


‘Hope and Change’ Only for America’s Enemies, Islamic Extremists

Afghanistan Meltdown: Grenades Thrown at U.S. Base, Diplomatic Visits Cancelled, NATO to Prosecute Alleged Quran Burners

Creeping Shari’ah in America Must Be Stopped

TransCanada touts oil pipeline from Okla. to Texas

Student: Ohio school shooter targeted victims

US: Military committed to Afghan strategy

Case of slain socialite in DC takes bizarre turns

Obama urges governors to boost education funding

Correa pardons newspaper in libel case

TransCanada aims to build southern Keystone leg

Fire leaves cruise ship adrift off Seychelles

UN to review report praising Gaddafi human rights

Rivlin to Russia: Stop Iran developing nukes

Obama's plan for nuclear sanity

IDF discovers second large bomb on Egypt-Israeli border

Liberman: Tal Law can't be extended one hour

Protect Mount of Olives, Americans tell Knesset

One in four citizens lacks access to bomb shelters

Ex-IAEA official: Iran using old nuke technology

A Good Question -

Do High Oil Prices Doom The US Economy?

Is the Federal Reserve Responsible for High Oil Prices? - Jordan Weissmann - Business - The Atlantic

Bottom Line - 8 reasons why gas will hit $5 a gallon this year

There is a way to clean up ‘dirty’ oil’s problems - The Globe and Mail

The metamorphosis of Ben Bernanke | Gavyn Davies | Insight into macroeconomics and the financial markets from the Financial Times –

Should We Abolish the Corporate Income Tax? - Businessweek

The US tax system needs rebuilding -

What High-I.Q. Investors Do Differently - Economic View -

5 Ways to Make College Much More Affordable for All Americans - Adam Cota, Andre Dua, and Martha Laboissiere - Business - The Atlantic

Intrade, Where Politics Meets the Market - Businessweek

Weiss: Ayn Rand Beats Rick Santelli as First Teapartyer - Bloomberg

The insanity of health insurance

What Ails Europe? -

The Obama Doctrine - By David Rohde | Foreign Policy

BBC News - Analysis: How Israel might strike at Iran

Frederick Kagan and Maseh Zarif: America's Iranian Self-Deception -

Apologies and Misperceived Intentions | The National Interest Blog

How Will China Pay Off Its Debt? - Forbes

What happens at the World Economic Forum in Davos? : The New Yorker

Russia: a gangster state - Telegraph Defiant Grace

My Take: Stop sugarcoating the Bible – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Is Jesus really Kosher? | Books | Jewish Journal

Fatima and Conspiracy Theories: Catholic World Report

In Amish Country, Accusations of a Ponzi Scheme -

Think Again: Cyberwar -- By Thomas Rid | Foreign Policy

Cyberwar Is Already Upon Us - By John Arquilla | Foreign Policy

Space Elevator, Going Up : Discovery News

Cosmic hurricane: black hole has 20 million MPH winds | Fox News

Mutated Trout Raise New Concerns Over Selenium -

Health | Report: Women have rare egg-producing stem cells | Seattle Times Newspaper

Does Taste Depend On Context? : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR

Bacteria! Bacteria in the Ball Pit! - Blog

Weekend Diversion: I Finally Learned to Tie My Shoes! : Starts With A Bang

European neandertals on the verge of extinction even before the arrival of modern humans - Uppsala University, Sweden

In vino veritas: Promiscuous yeast hook up in wine-making vats, Stanford study shows

NASA's Spitzer Finds Solid Buckyballs in Space - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Dental pulp stem cells transformed by 'bad breath' chemical | Science Codex

Tech giants have power to be political masters as well as our web ones | Technology | The Observer

Facebook, Flickr, others accused of reading text messages | ZDNet

Google, Now in Privacy Debates, May Have Outgrown a Conscience -

Why the iPhone Has a Head Start on the Future of Personal Computing | Techland |

Attack on Vatican Web Site Offers View of Hacker Group’s Tactics -

Wikileaks Pairs with Anonymous to Publish Intelligence Firm's Dirty Laundry | Threat Level |

Sprint Is Said to Abandon Plans to Buy MetroPCS for $8 Billion - Businessweek

The State of the Twitterverse 2012 - Brian Solis

Nokia launches 808 PureView with 41MP camera: hands-on pictures, video, and preview | The Verge

Steve Jobs was right: Dropbox is a feature, not a product | PandoDaily

A Closer Look at Google Public DNS - Forbes

Almost Three: A Brief History Of Foursquare Time (And A Look At Its Future) | TechCrunch

Washington Was Broke? Why Founding Fathers Were Strapped for Cash - The Daily Beast

Alec MacGillis Reviews "The Real Romney" | The New Republic

Sarah Pylas: Falling Back in Love With Reading

Google Drops Bookstore Affiliates

Encyclopedia of evil: a catalog of history's 100 worst atrocities -

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Burns

Lubbe, Marinus van der 1911-1934 |

Historians find 'proof' that Nazis burnt Reichstag - Telegraph

The Shanghai Communiqué | Foreign Policy

Occupation helped put Indonesia on the path to independence - The New York Times

Book Review: Watergate -

Obama’s dream: To run against Santorum - The Washington Post

Ohio GOP primary is referendum on future: Thomas Suddes |

Never Met a Tax He Didn’t Like | The Weekly Standard

The demonizing of Barack Obama - The Washington Post

Conrad Black: The Republicans send in the clowns | Full Comment | National Post

Ghastly Outdated Party -

Column: GOP forgets: It's the economy | The Detroit News |

How the 2012 Primary Has Revealed a GOP on the Verge of Collapse -- New York Magazine

It will take a leader to reassemble the GOP - The Globe and Mail

Tell America the whole truth about gas prices, Mr. President | Washington Examiner

White House Uses Espionage Act to Pursue Leak Cases -

Santorum's JFK story makes me want to throw up - Rick Santorum -

RealClearPolitics - Kaine Embraces Obama Anew -- Thanks to Va. GOP

Swing states poll: Health care victories hurt Obama and Romney in 2012 –

RealClearPolitics - Obama Hasn't Won It Yet

CURL: Can you really afford four more years? - Washington Times

2012 or Never

Michael Tomasky on the GOP’s Michigan Giveaway - The Daily Beast

RealClearPolitics - Romney, Santorum Represent Different White Americas

‘World News’ Political Insights: What Mitt Romney Has Already Lost - ABC News


**NEWS VIDEOS:Jesse Jackson: Obama Is ‘Food Stamp President’

Racist, Sexist, Homophobe: Breitbart Faces Unhinged #Occupy Author On Live Radio

Who Funds #Occupy?

Gibbs: Reelection Campaign Will Be ‘Very Tough’

MI Gov: Romney Will Win

Popular Social Network Tool Under Fire For Alleged Copyright Violations

Syria’s Assad Votes In Referendum

Meryl Streep Wins Best Actress For ‘Iron Lady’

26th/Plummer Brings Class To Oscars

Oscar Highlights

Cirque du Soleil Oscar Performance

‘The Bridesmaids’ Stars Spice Up Oscars With Racy Banter

Stunning J-Lo On Oscar Red Carpet

Nolte Predicts Plummer Will Beat Him For Oscar

Clooney: ‘I Like A World Where Brad Pitt Has An Academy Award’

Sacha Baron Cohen’s ‘Dictator’ Dumps Ashes Of Kim Jong Il All Over Ryan Seacrest

Occupy Denver Protesters ‘Urine Bomb’ Police

Santorum: JFK ‘Church And State’ Speech Makes Me Throw Up

Must See: ‘My Apology To President Karzai’

Newt: I’ve ‘Fallen Short Of The Glory Of God’

Chris Christie: Brokered Convention ‘Possibility’

Air Force Flour Bomb Prank

Obama ‘Hope’ Poster Artist Pleads Guilty To Destroying Evidence

Kathleen Parker On Romney: He’s ‘A Dork’

Fox News Watch: Franklin Graham ‘Twists Religion To Suit His Politics’

McCain Adviser Admits Giving Palin Worst Political Advice In History

2 US Troops Shot in Kabul; NATO Pulls Workers

Pakistan Demolishes Bin Laden’s Compound

25th/Dem Booed At Town Hall Over Birth Control Mandate

24th/World’s Most Famous Atheist: Can’t Be Sure God Does Not Exist


Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-26, Sunday


Bill Cunningham 1

Bill Cunningham 2

Bill Cunningham 3

*27 Feb.

American Minute for February 27th

Today in History: February 27

February 27th in History

February 27th This Day in History

This Day in History for 27th February |

February 27 Events in History

Today in History: February 27

Today in History for Wednesday, February 27th - YouTube

**News Video:

Iran And Syria: A Tale Of Two Crises
Crisis In Syria
No Talking Points: Presidential Apology
Clinton Blasts Russia, China For Stance On Syria
Anti-Putin Protest In Russia
Raw Video: Syria's Assad Votes In Referendum
Karzai Pleads For Calm
Airport Targeted In Bomb Blast
Australian PM Gillard Wins Vote, Keeps Job
U.S. Military Drones And Democracy
Private Consumption, Not Investment, Must Drive Chinese Economy
China On The Rise: Is China's Political Model Superior?
Iran: U.S. Policy Options
Kevin Rudd Rages During Video Recording
Syrian Crisis: Term Limit Referendum


Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Endorses Mitt Romney
George Will: "Election Is Referendum On Limited Government And Romney Is On The Other Side"
Krauthammer: Romney And Paul Are "Objectively Allies"
Romney On Inability To Connect With Voters: "I Just Am Who I Am"
Christie: "Possibility" Of Brokered Convention if Romney Loses Michigan
Santorum: Obama Shouldn't Have Apologized For Koran Burning
Gibbs: "This Is Going To Be A Very Close Election"
Martin O'Malley: GOP Under "Extreme Right Control"
"Meet The Press" Roundtable On Possibility Of New GOP Candidate
"This Week" Roundtable On Michigan, Gas Prices
"FOX News Sunday" Panel On Obama In 2012


Mark Levin: My Problem Is With "The Takers"
Dem Congresswoman Booed Over Birth Control At Town Hall
Joe Klein On GOP Field: "This Is Jonestown"
Santorum: Romney "Campaigning As An Occupy Wall Street Adherent"
Tapper: Obama Acting "Indignant" About Rising Gas Prices
Gingrich: "Continuing Effort By President Obama To Appease"
Hutchison Gives GOP Weekly: Obama Trying To Boost Cost Of Gas To European Levels
Rachel Maddow: Romney Running A Lousy Campaign
Obama Weekly Address: Drilling "Not A Plan," It's A "Bumper Sticker"
O'Reilly: Obama's "Leadership Is Lacking"
David Brooks: Santorum "Thinks Theologically" And "Dwells On The Negative"
DNC Web Ad Ties Mitt Romney To Koch Brothers


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