A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague. CICERO

25 February 2012

25 FEB.'12


Black History






Real Oldies 1690

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Sunday Oldies Jukebox


David Icke - The Reptilians and the Moon - YouTube


David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 1 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 2 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 3 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 4 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 5 of 6 - YouTube

David Icke - The Moon Matrix part 6 of 6 - YouTube


Obama Weekly Address: Drilling "Not A Plan," It's A "Bumper Sticker"
Gingrich: "Continuing Effort By President Obama To Appease"
Santorum: Romney "Campaigning As An Occupy Wall Street Adherent"
Hutchison Gives GOP Weekly: Obama Trying To Boost Cost Of Gas To European Levels
Rachel Maddow: Romney Running A Lousy Campaign
O'Reilly: Obama's "Leadership Is Lacking"
David Brooks: Santorum "Thinks Theologically" And "Dwells On The Negative"
Tapper: Obama Acting "Indignant" About Rising Gas Prices
DNC Web Ad Ties Mitt Romney To Koch Brothers


Santorum: "No Clear Contrast" Between Romney And Obama
Krauthammer On Apology To Muslims: Embarrassing, Self-Debasement And Groveling
Romney's Scathing Web On Santorum's "Courage"
Geithner: "Privilege Of Being An American" Is Why Rich Need Higher Taxes
Romney: My Wife "Drives A Couple Of Cadillacs"
Pat Buchanan Asked "Are You A Racist?"
"Daily Show" Analyzes Arizona GOP Debate
Bill Maher Gives $1 Million To Obama Super PAC
Arlen Specter: I Made No Promise About SCOTUS Nominees With Santorum
Klein: GOP Is Doing The Best They Can "To Offend" Latinos
"Special Report" Panel On Wednesday's GOP Debate
Matthews: Romney Had "Little Goody Two-Shoes Applauding On Command" At Debate
O'Reilly: GOP Debate Gets The Party "Nowhere"

U.S. Goals Toward China
Giuliani: Obama Should Threaten Iran
China, The U.S. And Capitalism
Gingrich: Obama 'Surrendered' On Quran
Assessing Obama's Foreign Policy
Sec. Clinton On Syria: There Will Be A Breaking Point
Rudd Will Challenge Gillard
Suu Kyi Calls For Unity In Burma's Restive North
Raw Video: Journalists Plead For Help In Syria
Syria: World Leaders Expected To Demand Ceasefire
Riots Highlight Mexico's Crumbling Prisons
Son-in-law To The King Of Spain Faces Justice
Prominent Syrian Journalist Talks About Escape


Down for Everyone or Just Me


Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 1 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 2 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 3 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 4 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 5 on Vimeo

Philosophy A Guide To Happiness Episode 6 on Vimeo



The Wrecking Crew :

The Wrecking Crew @ Facebook

Wrecking Crew Book —

The ‘Wrecking Crew’ Movie – Documentary About L.A. Studio Musicians Of The Sixties « Lost & Sound

‘The Wrecking Crew,’ by Kent Hartman, on ’60s Studio Musicians -

The Wrecking Crew (music) - Wikipedia

Billy Strange, ’60s Session Guitarist, Dies at 81 -


UFOs Directed Laser-Like Beams Onto Nuclear Weapons Storage Sites: American and Soviet Facilities Targeted During the Cold War


Big Brother's Recipe for 'Revolution in Military Affairs

Bill Maher donates $1M to pro-Obama super Pac - Video on

Paul Drockton M.A. Romney's Illegal Immigration Lies

Who’s Behind The Firing Of Pat Buchanan? | Real Zionist News

Why Laptops Should Be Renamed To Protect Consumers | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Is Sugar Becoming the Next Tobacco? | Natural Society

Farmer Faces Possible 3-year Prison Term for Feeding Community | Farm Wars

The Secret behind "The Secret"

AnonyOps Defacement: Team Matrix Hackers Declare War on Anonymous - International Business Times

Would We Have Drugged Up Einstein? How Anti-Authoritarianism Is Deemed a Mental Health Problem | Personal Health | AlterNet

THE HEALER'S TOOLBOX | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Is Barefoot Contact With the Earth Necessary For Health? | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Research: Antibiotics Will Not Help Your Sinuses | GreenMedInfo | Blog entry | Natural Medicine | Alternative Medicine | Integrative Medicine | Consumer Advocacy

Fractures in the Truth Movement, Part 4: Tabloids and the Alternative Press | War On You: Breaking Alternative News

Should Henry Makow be permanently banned from the Internet? | Henry Makow Watch

Antidepressants Are Useless, Pushed on Public Anyway | Natural Society

Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage

Anonymous takes on prison industrial complex with latest hack — RT

The Chart Barack Obama Doesn’t Want America To Know About - The Ulsterman Report

The Obama Administration seems to have a 'Let them eat cake - but make it a diet, low carb cake' mentality | Mail Online

Want a mortgage? Tell us what you spend on presents: Bank delves deeper into our personal lives to penalise extravagance | Mail Online

Activist Post: 6 Reasons Obama's Clean Energy Policy Is Dirty and Corrupt


The JFK Factor: Bill O’Reilly on the Assassination, Then and Now - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

The Deaths of JFK, RFK—and the Silence of the Lambs - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

NY Times’ Umbrella Man Exposed - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

JFK Umbrella Man—More Doubts - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

The NY Times’ Ostrich Act on JFK Assassination Getting Old - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

Letters to Jackie, But What About Jack? How to Avoid the Heart of the JFK Assassination - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy


Assassination Of Pope Warned Imminent As Vatican War Intensifies


Creation And Ancient Origins Video (01.11.2012) - YouTube

Giants And Lost Civilizations Video (01.12.2012) - YouTube

Enigmas And Aliens Video (01.17.2012) - YouTube

2012 And Prophecy Video (01.23.2012) - YouTube

SETI And Astronomy Video (01.24.2012) - YouTube

Mutilations, UFOs, NDAA, & GMO Foods Video (01.26.2012) - YouTube

Chemtrails And Morgellons Video (01.27.2012) - YouTube

Ancient Astronaut Theories Video (02.02.2012) - YouTube

Paranormal Encounters Video (02.03.2012) - YouTube

Chinese Astrology & Sunspots Video (02.04.2012) - YouTube

Forbidden Archaeology - (02-08-2012) - YouTube

GMO Foods & The Nephilim Video (02.09.2012) - YouTube

Coral Castle Video (02-15-2012) - YouTube

Area 51 & Predictions Video (02-16-2012) - YouTube

Investigating UFOs Video (02.19.2012) - YouTube

Space Missions/ Genetic Manipulation & Prophecy Video (02.20.2012) - YouTube

Mind Power & Healing Video (02.21.2012) - YouTube

Earth Changes & Golden Cities Video (02.22.2012) - YouTube

Unexplained Sounds Video (02.23.2012) - YouTube


flashback:Doubts On “Official Story” of Bin Laden Killing - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

flashback:Saudi Royal Ties to 9/11 Hijackers Via Florida Saudi Family? - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

New Net Rates the Force Behind Monster Slam Dunks | Playbook |

Why Japan Probably Won't Have a Space Elevator by 2050

Study: We're getting less friendly on Facebook –

Cryptomundo » Japanese Mystery Cats- Revisiting the Yamapikarya

Sifrhippus, the First Horse, Got Even Tinier as the Planet Heated Up -

'UFO Phil' Says He Can Assume Presidency Without A Single Vote

Must-Watch Video on Romney’s Flip-Flops - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy

Which Is More Likely? (A conspiracy of millions, or oil companies doing what they do?) - WhoWhatWhy | WhoWhatWhy


Remembering Scotty Littleton: An Eye Witness Account of The Battle of Los Angeles (70th Anniversary)

Remembering Scotty Littleton: An Eye Witness Account of The Battle of Los Angeles - Part II (70th Anniversary)


Penn State receives federal subpoena for info on officials, Sandusky, his charity -

Newt Gingrich's $2.50 gas promise - Feb. 24, 2012

US election 2012: Confident President Obama predicts 'I've got another 5 years' | Mail Online

Vladimir Putin invokes Napoleon invasion of Russia in patriotic call - Telegraph

Quake experts warn next 'big one' could be worse than first thought | Local & Regional | Seattle News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KOMO News

Indian medical chiefs call for crackdown on 'quack gurus' - Telegraph

Bird flu may not be so deadly after all, new analysis claims | Reuters

World Bank launches global coalition for marine protection | Environment |


Planetary Radio: Space Exploration, Astronomy and Science/20th


Ancient Astronauts Dr. Jack Pruett Coast to Coast am - YouTube

Reptilians And Underground Bases - YouTube

The Annunaki And Mankind - YouTube


'US pays price in money and blood for Israel' - YouTube

US spy agencies see no evidence of Iranian nuclear weapons program


*27 min./G. Edward Griffin, "The Federal Reserve is a Private Banking Cartel" - YouTube


Jeb Bush eyed as latest 'white knight' candidate in GOP presidential race | World news |

Insinuation As War Propaganda - OpEd

Hillary Clinton’s “Enemies of Syria” Conference a Total Fiasco: Many No-Shows, No Russia, No China, No Presentable Syrians, Reviled by Arabs «

Cyber War Threat: US to fight enemy it created itself - YouTube


Gerald Celente,- Capital Account - 24 February 2012 - YouTube


+What Really Happened with Mike Rivero 24th Feb 2012 - YouTube


INSANE! Facebook Like Causes County Lockdown - The Full Story - YouTube

Fluoride is Toxic Waste (LITERALLY) - YouTube

Dow and Monsanto Join Forces to Poison America's Heartland | Truthout

USDA to Give Monsanto's New GMO Crops 'Speedy Approval' | Natural Society


+Audio/MEDIAROOTS – Reporting From Outside Party Lines


John Bolton Dodges Question; Insults Anti-War Veteran - YouTube

Message To Mitt, I Won't Vote For The Banks - YouTube

Romney stages campaign event in virtually empty Detroit stadium | The Raw Story

U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb -

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable


* Refreshing News: Bible that predicted ‘coming of Prophet’ found


*109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250(

+Radio Broadcast / Bible Believers Radio


Gilad Atzmon - Writings - Zionist Immoral Intervention

'CIA & Western media's total fiasco in Syria' - YouTube

Lone Star Watchdog: Former UN Ambassador John Bolton Lies About NDAA Fox Bussiness Feb 23, 2012

poorrichard's blog: Is Big Pharma behind push to release critical details about H5N1 'super virus'?

Scientist deliberately 'militarizes' flu strain in deadly bioterrorism experiment

» What If Democracy Is Bunk? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Teachers: how are you teaching US War Crimes, destruction of US Constitution? - National Nonpartisan |

The Power of Experiential Education | Thomas J. Elpel

Santorum The Psychopath "Satan's Sights on America" + Iran War Updates - YouTube

Homeland Insecurity + FBI / CIA = James Bond Wannabe Terrorist Suspects - YouTube

poorrichard's blog: Proof that War Is Bad for the Economy

Jesse's Café Américain: MF Global Turns Into Battle For Scraps Between Hedge Funds and Customers

The Kill Switch Comes to the PC - Businessweek

Documents Show DHS Lied to Congress About Big Brother Policies :

The De-evolutionary Spiral of Government and Bankers! Time for (R)evolution - YouTube

Activist Post: Common Aspirin Can Cause Intestinal Bleeding, Deadly Stroke

poorrichard's blog: It’s All About Crushing Egypt’s Revolution Mr. Friedman

9/11 Terrorist Rudy Giuliani Advocates Illegal War with Iran :

The Volokh Conspiracy » Eleventh Circuit Finds Fifth Amendment Right Against Self Incrimination Protects Against Being Forced to Decrypt Hard Drive Contents

FBI Informants, Spies, PR Shills & Propagandists - YouTube

Activist Post: H5N1 Bird Flu Effects Downplayed as WHO Calls for Weaponized Strain to Go Public

Revolutionary Politics::Revolutionary Politics : Fox Focus Group Praise Ron Paul, Criticize Santorum

IMAGE SITE / Photo Sharing


+The Vindication of God's Prophet(LINK PAGE)

Official found dead, head covered with plastic bag after measuring radiation in Tokyo park

State Department Uses 'Nuclear Option' Propaganda to Justify More Preemptive War

Gas Prices Rising Along with the Bulls**t Meter

Are Teachers Even Addressing US War Crimes and Destruction of the US Constitution?

Activists Offer Evidence of Massive Animal Cruelty to Circus Goers

Russia continues to take action in opposition to US-NATO ABM program

Gathering Economic Storm Front

Documents show DHS lied to Congress about Big Brother policies

City Mayor Gives Endorsement to Soviet-style Checkpoints in South Carolina

ACTA 2.0: The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Buying The Vote: 12 Facts About Super PACs That Will Blow Your Mind

Antidepressants Proven to be Useless, Pushed on Public Anyway

6 Reasons Obama's Clean Energy Policy Is Dirty and Corrupt

The Broken Window Fallacy in War and Bailout Propaganda

CIA raising prices on declassification reviews, National Security Archive fights back

12 Preparedness Tips for Families with Children

Police Use Laws To Paint Cold Med Buyers as “Meth Heads”

Air Marshal Whistleblowers Reveal a Federal Aviation Culture of Discrimination, Abuse, and Incompetence

Hey Rick Santorum, What's The 4th Amendment? - YouTube

15 Ways Politics Steals Our Energy


Check Website (


Report: Area 51 Builds Massive Alien Pyramid | Before It's News

"Trumpets Of Apocalypse" Heard In Missoula, Montana 2-18-2012 | Before It's News - Biological UFOs In Space Filmed By NASA - Scientist Offers Evidence - with video


Average Joe Bodybuilder: The Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

UFO 'Lands' Near Roswell Crash Site... But Why Did Aliens Choose A Flying Saucer That Looks Like It Was Borrowed From A Movie? | Before It's News

Synchronicity: Strange Coincidences? | Before It's News

20 Most Amazing Coincidences - (coincidence, weird coincidences)

Mystery Of The Celtic Cross Symbol Nearly Solved | Before It's News

Top 10 Houseplants for Cleaner Air | Care2 Healthy Living

Mariah Carey Sacrifice To Follow Whitney's? Prophet Linda Newkirk | Before It's News

Strange Sounds in Missoula: My Ear-witness Account. - 107.5 Zoo FM


Max Igan in Conversation with Santos Bonacci - 1/4 - YouTube

Max Igan in Conversation with Santos Bonacci - 2/4 - YouTube

Max Igan in Conversation with Santos Bonacci - 3/4 - YouTube

Max Igan in Conversation with Santos Bonacci - 4/4 - YouTube


Santos Bonacci-Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican 1/5 - YouTube

Santos Bonacci-Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican 2/5 - YouTube

Santos Bonacci-Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican 3/5 - YouTube

Santos Bonacci-Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican 4/5 - YouTube

Santos Bonacci-Your Soul Is Owned By The Vatican 5/5 - YouTube


Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology, Astrotheology Part 1

Santos Bonacci The Ancient Theology, Astrotheology Part 2


Astrotheology in the bible 1 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

Astrotheology in the bible 2 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

Astrotheology in the bible 3 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

Astrotheology in the bible 4 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

Astrotheology in the bible 5 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

Astrotheology in the bible 6 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

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Astrotheology in the bible 8 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

Astrotheology in the bible 9 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!

Astrotheology in the bible 10 Mazzerroth, zodiac, astrology, allegory, hiding in the bible!


Astrotheology the Holy Science 1 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy science 2 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 3 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 4 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 5 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology the Holy Science 6 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology the Holy Science 7 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology the Holy Science 8 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 9 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology the Holy Science 10 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 11 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 12 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

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Astrotheology The Holy Science 15 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are

Astrotheology The Holy Science 16 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are

Astrotheology The Holy Science 17 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 18 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!

Astrotheology The Holy Science 19 Everything is Interrelated. Know who you are!


Sun of God? - YouTube



+The CrowHouse(

+The CrowHouse Video


School Of The Holy Science(


History of the 1979 Iranian revolution - YouTube

Transhumanism in Video Games | Before It's News

Near Death Experiences - The Secret Knowledge Revealed (Part 1) | Before It's News

Near Death Experiences - The Secret Knowledge Revealed (Part 2) | Before It's News

Near Death Experiences - The Secret Knowledge Revealed (Part 3) | Before It's News

The New Health Care (Obamacare) law H.R. 3200 section 2521 pg. 1001 paragraphed 1 requires all US citizens to have the RIFD implanted on march 2013. It will be able to track you,your medical records and have access to you bank accounts! | Before It's News

666 Micro Chip Implant Coming March 23, 2013 - YouTube

Spiritual Development And Healing | Before It's News

Bombshell Evidence! Obama at Same Hotel as Whitney at the time of her death! | Before It's News

Obama stays at hotel where Whitney Houston died -


**Cooking and Recipes


» Infowars Nightly News: Kurt Haskell Breaks Down Underwear Bomber Trial False Flag Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» BREAKING: Kurt Haskell Exposes Government False Flag Operation During Underwear Bomber Sentencing Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Kurt Haskell Exposes Government Deception In Underwear Bomber Case Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Judge Harassed Witness During Underwear Bomber Trial: Kurt Haskell Reports Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Kurt Haskell Witness to Government False Flag Part 2 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Kurt Haskell: Witness to Government False Flag Part 3 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Kurt Haskell: Witness to Government False Flag Part 4 Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


Bradley Manning declines to enter plea at court-martial - The Washington Post

Will Bradley Manning have a fair trial? |

Will Bradley Manning have a fair trial? - YouTube

What Ron Paul’s Detractors Reveal – Chuck Baldwin |

Resist or Submit: It’s Time to Pick a Team |

Lone Star Watchdog: RINOS Sold Out the Second Amendment Again;Another Obama Nominee Confirmed to the Bench

» The Great Debate: How Ron Paul’s Presidency Will Reshape America Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» The Fall of Communism in Virginia Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Geoengineering: Destroying The Atmosphere with Rosalind Peterson - YouTube

North Korea vows to launch 'sacred war' over US-South naval exercises - Telegraph

Farmer Faces Prison Time for Feeding Community: Infowars Nighlty News - YouTube

» Obama Plays Race Card, Calls on Churches to Support Campaign Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Talking Heads, Mainstream Media Pushing Paul/Romney Alliance Conspiracy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Jeb in Wonderland Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

2004 Republican National Convention - YouTube

Evidence grows that 9/11 first-responders got cancer after working at Ground Zero - NY Daily News

London-based oil executive linked to 9/11 hijackers - Telegraph

*Videos:Apocalyptic Visions of a GMO Future: Engineered Food Destroying Gut Flora, DNA & Cells Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obama's "Sneak Attack" on Senior Citizens - Forbes

Mitt Romney in Detroit: Just 1,250 turn out to hear him speak in stadium with 60k capacity | Mail Online

Digital Devices And The Question Of Privacy | Fox News

Hacker campaign targets US prison contractor | Bangkok Post: tech

» Fox Edits Anti-war Veteran’s Confrontation with Neocon John Bolton Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Against McCain’s Interventionist Policy Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» Clinton Scolds China and Russia on Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Iran: Military strike will lead ... JPost - Iranian Threat - News

Afghanistan: 2 Americans shot dead in interior ministry as Koran-burning protests continue | Mail Online

The Canadian Police State ( - YouTube

KLM offers way to avoid awkward in-flight chats - The Washington Post

TheRecord - Man shocked by arrest after daughter draws picture of...

FAQ: What’s in the ‘Privacy Bill of Rights?’ - The Washington Post

» New Government Initiative Would Circumvent Second Amendment By Targeting Ammunition Not Guns Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» RINOS Sold Out the Second Amendment Again Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Why Is the ACLU Helping the Richest Americans Buy Our Elections? | Civil Liberties | AlterNet

Videos:Kurt Haskell: Witness to Government False Flag Part 4 |


Black Listed News Radio - Friday, February, 24, 2012

Black Listed News Radio - Thursday, February, 23, 2012

Black Listed News Radio - Wednesday, February, 22, 2012

Black Listed News Radio - Tuesday, February, 21, 2012

Black Listed News Radio - Monday, February, 20, 2012


Windows 8 Will Have a “Kill Switch”

How Companies Learn Your Secrets

Mass Media Promoting Transhumanism: the “Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers”

VIDEO: Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life

SOCIAL MEDIA "TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE COLLECTION": Spying and Propaganda using Facebook, Twitter

VIDEO: "Food Rules" for Healthy People and Planet

VIDEO: DHS Testimony on Social Networking and Media Monitoring

**85 Things That Might Get You on a DHS Terrorist Watch List

War Plan Against Iran: A Dangerous Resolution

Teachers: How Are You Teaching US War Crimes, Destruction of US Constitution?

CIA-NATO Front Group Drafts “Humanitarian Aid” for Syria

Afghans Besiege US Bases in Koran Protests

Puppets, Lackeys And The Drums Of War

VIDEO: Don't Get Fooled Again on Iran

Is the ‘Green Economy’ A New Washington Consensus?

Top Social Media Websites Caught Censoring Controversial Content

VIDEO: Stand By Me: In Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners

McCain to Newsmax: Attacks on Palin ‘Unrelenting, Merciless’

Palin Emails Reveal Thoughts of Divorce, Political Frustration

Romney Would Raise Medicare Eligibility Age

Quinnipiac: Most Americans Want Obamacare Repealed

US Bolsters Defenses in Strait of Hormuz

Trump Tweets for Release of Condemned Iranian Pastor

Buffett Says He Was 'Dead Wrong' on Housing Market

RFK Son Accused of Fighting Nurses at NY Hospital

Sandusky Penn State Records Subpoenaed by US Attorney

Marco Rubio: Baptist or Catholic?

Gingrich Pins Campaign on a Cluster of Contests

Losing Michigan Could Commit Romney to Long Fight

Giuliani Urges GOP Caution on Social Issues

Al-Qaida Claims Deadly Attacks on Iraqi Cities

Geithner: ‘There’s No Quick Fix’ for Soaring Oil Prices

Berkshire Identifies Buffett Successor, But Not by Name

Lesson of Whitney's Tragic Death: Beware of Prescription Drug Dangers

Pelosi’s ‘Message to Church:’ ‘Catholic Women… From 14 … Or Younger … Are Practicing Birth Control’

Testimony: Georgetown Law Student Couldn't Afford Contraception--At School Surrounded by Planned Parenthood Clinics Distributing Condoms

Obama on His Term: 'Three of the Toughest Years This Country Has Gone Through In My Lifetime'

Dems Stage a Single-Witness ‘Hearing’ to Frame Their ‘Reproductive Rights’ Argument

Gas When Bush Left Office, $1.78 -- Gas Today, $3.64 -- Highest Average Price in Calif., $4.20

U.N. Human Rights Council Losing Controversial Members, As Others Prepare to Join

Making Our Borders Safe from – Illegal Pre-Columbian Art?

Rev. Franklin Graham: ‘I Cannot Support the President or Vote for Him’

‘We Don’t Have Any’ Problem of Illegal Immigrants Voting in U.S., Dem Congressmen Say

Higher Gas Prices Cloud Obama's Re-Election Hopes

Taliban's Response to Obama's Apology: 'Kill Them, Beat Them, Take Them as Prisoners' |

Gingrich: 'If Karzai...Doesn't Feel Like Apologizing We Should Say Goodbye and Good Luck' |

White House Explains Obama Apology to Karzai |

AP's Boring Borenstein: Gleick's Heartland Doc Theft 'Mirrors' Climategate Incidents |

CBS Touts Daily Show Likening Santorum, Conservatism to Crack |

Obama’s More Deferential to Afghan Muslims Than American Catholics |

Keller Confesses: NYT Leans Left, But Fairness Is 'Tedious' |

Bill Press Screws Up: Columnist Tim Carney Is Both Liberal And Conservative In the Same Book? |


Alex Jones' Infowars Nightly News Friday 2/24/2012 - YouTube

Info News 2012-02-23 Thursday - YouTube

Alex Jones Nightly News 2012-02-22 - YouTube

Infowars Nightly News for Tuesday, February 21, 2012 (Full) - YouTube

Alex Jones' Infowars Nightly News for Monday, February 20, 2012 - YouTube


"They Do Have It In For Bradley Manning The President Has Acknowledged That" Jane Hampsher - YouTube

Do Miranda Rights Still Exist In The U.S.? - YouTube

Mainscream Media: Iran hysteria stirring up in US - YouTube

Document Proves DHS Is Monitoring Social Media For Government Criticism

Question Obama’s Faith? You Bet We Should «

Jim Brown: A Major Shake Up Needed in Congress! «

Steve Sanchez: Where do You get Your Financial Advice? «

Barb Adams: Cosmic Hurricane Discovered in Our Galaxy «

Prison » ‘CIA & Western media’s total fiasco in Syria’

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

Prison » The Media And GOP Are Suppressing The Reality That Ron Paul Has Reached Critical Mass

Prison » Geoengineering: Destroying The Atmosphere with Rosalind Peterson

Prison » U.S. Fighting On the Same Side as Three Terrorist Groups In Syria

What is Iran's Supreme Leader's game? By Pepe Escobar

DIA director: China preparing for space warfare | Washington Free Beacon

Prison » Get Behind Ron Paul To Stop Iran War

Prison » What Ron Paul’s Detractors Reveal

Prison » Media Sleepwalks, While History Is In the Making

+Prison » Teachers: how are you teaching US War Crimes, destruction of US Constitution?

Prison » Are You Prepared to Vote For ‘More of the Same’ to Stop Obama?

Prison » In Europe and America … No Retirement! Just Sufferin’

Debt ceiling: Doomsday may come sooner than expected -

Prison » Buying The Vote: 12 Facts About Super PACs That Will Blow Your Mind

The Establishment’s Last Stand: Keep Obama

Muslim Convert Judge Rules Against American Citizen Attacked by Muslim Immigrant

As a Man Thinketh; the Devil and Rick Santorum

Politics’ Strangest Bedfellows

The Honest Simplicity of Early Americans is Disappearing Through Rogue Liberals

The Russians and American Progressives: Together Again

The Forbidden Word Impeach

Debbie Schlussel:OUTRAGE: Navy SEALs Movie’s Terrorist is . . . JEWISH (Tortures, Murders CIA Agents, Smuggles Jihadists into U.S.)

Oversharing? Va. Lawmaker Details How Ultrasound Bill Ruined Romantic Night With His Wife

Watch Taliban Claims Responsibility for Attack Killing 2 Americans Inside Afghan Foreign Ministry

Meet the ‘Mosquebusters’: British Legal Team Out to Stop Islamic Influence in its Tracks

RFK’s Son Charged With Harassment After Allegedly Kicking Nurse in the Groin in Hospital Fight

California Town Considering Total Outdoor Smoking Ban — Even on Private Property

Watch This Man Struggle to Stay Awake During a Joe Biden Speech

‘The Top Part of My Lip Here Was Gone’: TV Anchor Recalls On-Air Dog Bite

Jeb Bush: I Find GOP Rhetoric ‘A Little Troubling’

Nelson Mandela, 93, Admitted to Hospital With Stomach Ailment

NY Times Columnist Apologizes for Mocking Mitt Romney‘s Faith in ’Magic Underwear’ Tweet

Was 9/11 Hijacker Mohamed Atta Used in Facebook Ad for Car Insurance? Sure Looks Like It

MSNBC‘s O’Donnell Rips ‘Fake Libertarian Ron Paul’ Over Contraception & Abortion

How Much Is All the World’s Sunken Treasure Worth?

Artist Behind Obama ‘HOPE’ Poster Pleads Guilty to Criminal Contempt in NYC

Does Think Tank‘s ’Fakegate’ Reveal Agenda to Spread Global Warming Skepticism in Schools?

Why You Might Want to Delete Your Google Browser History Before Next Week

Gripping Video: Cops Gun Down Carjacking Suspect on Live TV as Bystander Ducks for Cover

Mitt Romney: Ann Drives A Couple of Cadillacs

Arlen Specter: Santorum's Not Telling The Truth

Homeland Security Warns Vermont Same-Sex Couple: You're Not Legally Married

Occupy the Banks: Financial Fridays

Serious Energy Workers Occupy Goose Island Factory

Stephen Colbert Converts All Dead Mormons to Judaism

C&L on The Point with Cenk Uygur: The Oscar Edition

Irony Alert: Jeb Bush Accuses Republican Presidential Candidates of Fear Mongering

The Truth About Right-to-Work (For Less)

Utah GOP Passes Bill to Ban Sex Education

The Fox Effect: Gas Prices Are a Perfect Example

Bill Maher Makes $1M Donation to Obama PAC

Same-Sex Marriage Bill Passes in Maryland; Governor Expected To Sign It - Unlike New Jersey's 'Straight Shooter'

Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Labor Is Back In Democratic Campaign's Corner

Lawrence O'Donnell on Ron Paul's 'Fake' Libertarianism

Female Witness to Darrell Issa: Using Contraception Makes Me Qualified to Testify

+Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care

In Tunisia, Clinton cites promise of Arab Spring

Santorum benefits from mistaken religious identity

Richard Dawkins: I can't be sure God does not exist - Telegraph

New York Times Columnist Mocks Romney’s ‘Magic Underwear’ - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

John Hinckley Says He's An Artist And A Musician, Not Just "The Guy Who Tried To Kill Reagan" | The Smoking Gun

'Iran ready to wipe Israel off the map' - Israel News, Ynetnews

Exclusive: State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs | The Cable

TODAY Entertainment - Baron Cohen's 'Dictator' threatens 'consequences' if Oscar ban continues

Fight at shower cited in slaying of 9-month-old boy | The Detroit News |

Nostalgic Oscars party like it's the 1920s again as show celebrates timeless cinema - Yahoo! News

Debt ceiling: Doomsday may come sooner than expected -

Michelle Obama's pitch: Share the wealth | Washington Examiner

Geithner: 'Privilege of Being an American' Is Why Rich Need Higher Taxes | The Weekly Standard

Homeless man tries to steal Secret Service car -

Mayoral Candidate Claims Rival Sent Him Topless Dancer, Taped Lap Dance « CBS Las Vegas

Long, damaging presidential primary has GOP considering changes to its rules - The Hill's Ballot Box

VP Biden: 'Americans Are Tired Of Being Tired' - The Triad News Story - WXII The Triad

Videos: High Gas Hypocrisy: Stunning 15 Times Obama And Top Dems Politicized Gas Prices

Video: Santorum Attacks Romney in Michigan

Videos: Santorum On Obama: 'What A Snob'

Videos: Does Navy SEAL Film 'Act of Valor' Divulge Trade Secrets?

Videos: JK Rowling New Book Targets Grown-ups

Videos: Obama On Drilling: Republicans Think American People Stupid

Videos: Man Snoozes Through Biden Speech

Videos: Trans-Vaginal Debate Spoils Romantic Mood For Virginia Pol

Top McCain Advisor on ‘Game Change’: Palin Didn’t Cost Republicans the Election – Obama’s Fundraising Did

Box Office Predictions: Are ‘Good Deeds’ More Valuable than an ‘Act Of Valor?’

BH Interview: ‘Act of Valor’ Directors Battle to Change Hollywood’s False Image of U.S. Soldiers

October Surprise? Obama Speech Writer Behind New NBC Presidential Comedy

Will Ideology Trump Artistry in Oscar Night Speeches?

Yahoo! Lets HBO’s Bill Maher Rip GOP, Promote Obama’s Super PAC

Liberal Movie Critics Decry Pro-Military, Pro-American ‘Act of Valor’

Carolla, Prager Team for Night of Comedy and Politics

Video Warfare: The New Candidates Edge on the Political Battleground

‘Unions v. State of New York’: The Battle Over Mixed Martial Arts

Operation Chaos? MoveOn & Unions Move in on Michigan, Ohio Air Times

Obama Cronies Up to Boeing

Who’s Afraid of Balls on the Beach, Gay Marriage, & Drug Legalization?

More Stimulus Money Blowing in the Wind

USPS: Neither Snow, Nor Rain, Nor Bankruptcy?

Palin and Gingrich Outraged Over Obama’s Apology for Quran Burnings

Occupy and Foreign Terror: The American Left’s Glorification of Greek Tragedy

Based on Where the Top 1 Percent Lives, the Occupy Crowd Should Be Protesting Against Big Government

VIDEO: Maryland Governor’s ‘Secret’ Plan to Sink Marriage Referendum UPDATE: Video Restored

Overzealous Union Teachers Drag Students into Their Messy Contract Disputes

BREAKING: Obama Campaign Attacks Koch Brothers, Blames Them For Gas Prices

The War On Women, By Women

Liberals Hate Mormons

Radical Protester Cindy Sheehan Sued by Feds

Cartoon:UI: MMfA Free Speech Policy - Big Journalism

U.S. oil shale boom puts big squeeze on small towns

Berlusconi cleared by statute of limitations

Milwaukee Art Museum to exhibit self-taught art

Reagan shooter wants to change 'assassin' image

CNN founder Turner opposed to Keystone XL line

NYC Hispanic museum seeks to make itself known

FTC says tax-related ID theft complaints on rise

Zimbabwe's Mugabe says ready for polls, slams violence

US auto bailout was necessary: analysts

US drone crashes in NW Pakistan: official

Thousands of trade unionists demonstrate in Tunis

States called on to restore anti-smoking funds

States called on to restore anti-smoking funds

Gay sheriff prompts intriguing questions

Mass. Iraq vet with PTSD finds new life at sea

Iran uranium "discrepancy" still unresolved - IAEA

Advice on dealing with the cost of cancer care

Cancer's growing burden: the high cost of care

2 Americans killed in Afghanistan in new Koran-burning violence

US officers killed in Afghan Interior Ministry

Livni slams party members for missing key vote

Palestinians, IDF clash at funeral for slain rioter

50 years later, impact of Eichmann trial endures

DA had chance to nab fugitive teacher accused of sex crimes

Qur'an burning protests: Nato recalls staff after two officers are shot dead

Toto On Oscars - YouTube

D.C.: Home to politicos, diplomats ... and cheaters? -

Alinsky-tied Group Awarded $56 Million Federal Loan For Health Insurance Project | Fox News


**News Videos:High Gas Hypocrisy: Stunning 15 Times Obama And Top Dems Politicized Gas Prices

Santorum On Obama: ‘What A Snob’

Mitt: ‘I’m The Only Chance To Beat Obama’

Prager Destroys Obama’s Algae Oil Speech

Watters’ World Occupies Beverly Hills

Obama On Drilling: Republicans Think American People Stupid

Man Snoozes Through Biden Speech

Trans-Vaginal Debate Spoils Romantic Mood For Virginia Pol

Dem Booed At Town Hall Over Birth Control Mandate

Newt: ‘Our Troops Get Killed, Nobody Apologizes’

24th/Maher Announces $1 Million Donation To Obama Super PAC

Santorum Responds: Specter Opposing Me Shows How ‘Strong Of A Conservative I Am’

John Bolton, Iraq War Vet Square Off

Romney: My Wife Drives A Couple Cadillacs

Jeb Bush: Wonders If He’s Conservative Because GOP Debates Are ‘A Little Troubling’

CNN’s Piers Morgan Asks Canadian-Born Jennifer Granholm To Consider Running For ‘Higher Office’

Juan Williams To Pat Buchanan: ‘Are You A Racist?’

‘Dingo Baby’ Case Reopened

Obama’s Broken Energy Promises

Geithner: ‘Privilege Of Being An American’ Why Rich Need Higher Taxes

Pelosi: High Gas Prices Wall Street’s Fault

Giuliani: Obama ‘Weakling’ On Iran

Time ’s Joe Klein: GOP ‘Scared White People’

Journalist Pleas For Help To Escape Syria

Edwards’ Mistress Takes Possession Of Sex Tapes

Flashback 2008: Obama Calls For Alaska Energy Pipeline

Flashback 2008: McCain Ad Predicts High Gas Prices, Blames Obama

World’s Most Famous Atheist: Can’t Be Sure God Does Not Exist

ACORN Reborn: ‘Action Now’ Bullies Join Chicago Teachers Union In Defending Failed Schools

23rd/Courageous US War Reporter Murdered In Syria

Tone Deaf: DNC Chair Says Americans ‘Overwhelmingly Support Obamacare’

Pelosi Begins Lent With Attack On Catholic Church

Cost Of Gas Jumps 10 Cents During ABC’s ‘World News’ Broadcast

Obama Advisor: White House Construction Proof Of Job Creation

Exclusive: Inside ‘Dorothy And The Witches Of Oz’

Piers Morgan, Comedians: GOP Candidates Have ‘No Character’

Eric Bolling Sings ‘The Gasoline Blues’ On Fox & Friends

22nd/Adele Flips Bird When Acceptance Speech Gets Cut-Off

Offshore Drilling: Candidate Obama vs. President Obama

Santorum: Climate Science ‘Political Science’

Man Screaming ‘Allah Is Great’ Tackled By Passengers On Flight

Man Captures Mother-In-Law Firing Gun At Him On iPhone

State Dept Orders Release Of Mexican Fugitive Accused Of Embezzling Millions

Apple Files Injunction Against Samsung For Patent Violation

Romney Employs Occupy ‘1%’ Rhetoric

Christie: Santorum’s Satan Comments ‘Relevant’

21st/Schultz Slams Dana Loesch, ‘Right-Wingers’ On VA Sonograms

Santorum Flashback: Satan Destroying America

20th/ Ousted Daily Kos Writer Speaks Out More On Radical Islam

Man Repeatedly Pepper Sprayed At Disneyland

Yosemite Waterfall Turns Into Virtual Lavafall

As Gas Prices Rise, Keystone Pipeline Battle Heats Up

Ryan On Obama Mandate ‘Compromise’: ‘Distinction Without A Difference’

19th/Did ABC News’ Stephanopoulos Have Advance Knowledge Of Contraception Issue When He Sprung Topic At Jan Debate?


Erich Alfred "Bubi" Hartmann

The Facts About Clinton and Terrorism - Byron York - National Review Online

60 Minutes: The Man Who Got Away - CBS News

J.P. Morgan: A Biography by Liz Bowen

Russia: Did Yeltsin Steal the 1996 Presidential Vote? - TIME

The Most Dangerous Man in Publishing - The Daily Beast

J.K. Rowling's new novel for adults: Will it be any good?

Angelina Jolie writes foreword to Billy Bob Thornton memoir | Film |

Watermelons | James Delingpole | Review by The Spectator


*Wunderbar! Why millions are flocking to Wunderlist — Tech News and Analysis




Playboy and Virgin Galactic Dream Up Cosmic Men's Space Club | Space Sex & Sex in Space | Virgin Galactic, Space Tourism & Private Space Travel |

How apps have taken over the world | Technology | The Guardian

Verizon and Redbox: Who Cares? | Sound and Vision Magazine

Facebook Shakes Hardware World With Own Storage Gear | Wired Enterprise |

BBC News - Anywhere working: Finding the office of the future

Walking the walk — the great Post-PC experiment | ZDNet

Tablet Prizefight: Transformer Prime vs. iPad 2 | Android Atlas - CNET Reviews

The Unexpected Way To Use Your Social Network Strategically | Fast Company

Mozilla's Open Phone Idea | John C. Dvorak |

Beyond Wi-Fi: Difference Engine: Wireless’s colliding worlds | The Economist

How Not to Become a Catholic | Catholic Exchange

Rev. Tom Davis: Santorum's Attack on My Church: A Clergy Response From the 'Shambles'

How the Catholic Church almost came to accept birth control — in the 1960s - The Washington Post

Richard Dawkins Reveals He Is Agnostic, Christian News

Is it time for a Jacobin pope? Plus, musings on an American | National Catholic Reporter

Pope takes to Twitter to reach his flock | World news | The Guardian

REFILE-Debate rages over Western role in Islamic finance | Reuters

Red Tape - Deleted by your friends? That's life on Facebook now

Science vs God: Richard Dawkins takes on Archbishop of Canterbury - Science - News - The Independent

The science of getting out of jury duty. - Slate Magazine

How the Military Can Change Personalities, Slightly - Miller-McCune

“Baby, you have the dreamiest antibodies…” « Promega Connections

Kombucha tea: Friend or foe?

NASA wants you to taste what's on the Martian space-food menu

Climate change may have caused Mayan civilization's collapse -

What's So Special About Oscar Winners? - Blog

Earth's Clouds Are Getting Lower, Which Could Be a Good Thing | Popular Science

Does your brain produce new cells? | Science |

Human body's 'shock absorber' discovered | COSMOS magazine

Quantum computing: An uncertain future | The Economist

What ‘left’ and ‘right’ really mean - The Washington Post

3 ways Obama’s corporate tax reform framework falls short « The Enterprise Blog

ObamaCare's High-Risk Pools Cost Twice as Much Per Person As Projected - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

A Disaster Waiting to Happen

What Would John Adams Do About Iran? - By James Traub | Foreign Policy

Africa's Amazing Rise and What it Can Teach the World - G. Pascal Zachary - International - The Atlantic

RealClearWorld - America's Alibis for Not Helping Syria

gulfnews : Long way to go to become a state

Robert Fisk: The new Cold War has already started – in Syria - Robert Fisk - Commentators - The Independent

The problem with political bloviating on China - The Week

Security, stability, Somalia - The Globe and Mail

Can You Ace a Wall Street Interview? 10 Sample Questions

The 4 Biggest Risks to the Economy

I Believe in What Works | Above the Market

Where Has All the Money Gone?

The Loud and Clear Message In President Obama's Budget - Forbes

The president’s tax-reform plan—Charles Gasparino -

The Book of Jobs | The Great Debate

President Obama Describes an All-of-the-Above Strategy for Energy | The White House

Why Apologize to Afghanistan? - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online

Republican Race's Volatility is Historic - 2012 Decoded

U.A.W. Tries to Help Obama Win Working-Class Voters -

Why Mitt Romney Might Be Even Weaker Than You Think | TPM2012

Obama’s Anti-American Energy Policies Invite the Next Crisis | Facebook

Bill Maher: Republican Debate Review

RealClearPolitics - Burke's Words Should Hearten Dismayed Conservatives

Alec MacGillis: The Specter Of Romney’s Record | The New Republic

The Weekend Interview With Norman Davies: The Emperor of Vanished Kingdoms -

Is Putting The Burden Of Federal Debt On His Daughters' Generation Obama's Idea Of Hope? -

Supreme Court shouldn't end affirmative action -

Obama: Leviathan 2012 - Conrad Black - National Review Online

Fact-Check: Did Romney Lie About Cardinal and Contraception During Wednesday Debate? « Boston Catholic Insider

United Citizens vs. Citizens United -- In These Times

A pro-military film—Michael A. Walsh -

» David Brock: Self-Styled Martyr of the Radical Totalitarian Left - Big Government

Rick Santorum’s wasted moment -

RealClearPolitics - Obama Faces Challenge Selling Recovery

**22 Feb./GOP DEBATE

**Republican Presidential Debate (CNN/Arizona Republican Party) - February 22 2012 - YouTube - Transcripts:GOP Presidential Debate in Mesa, Arizona


Who won GOP debate in Arizona? - All Star Panel - Special Report - Fox News


Where Ron Paul goes off the rails

The lust for power

Yes, Santorum can beat Obama

Bullish on Santorum

The 1st activist justice and his diabolical legacy

How Reagan would handle Iran

Can we really change ourselves?

Save the people – kill the European superstate

J. FARAH: Can Cold Case Posse resurrect eligibility issue?

J. FARAH: How to win Republican nomination

America's full-blown dhimmitude

B. FARBER: Obama's political hypnotism

D. LIMBAUGH: Obama's bogus 'tax cut'

An 'honor killing' exemption?

Michelle Obama's pitch: Share the wealth | Washington Examiner

New cancer drugs being held back to save Government money, says GlaxoSmithKline boss - Telegraph

Savage: Founders envisioned ‘petty dictator’ like Obama

Million-dollar foreclosures rise as rich walk away - Feb. 23, 2012

Translating Jihad: Saudi Study: Nearly a Quarter of Children Raped; Up to 46% of Students Suffer from Homosexuality

Mideast war in March?

By 2-1, Americans prefer spending cuts

Is Santorum a threat to religious liberty?

Madness after girl, 4, draws gun pic at school

Chuck Norris delivers roundhouse to pain

'Ellen' has a bone to pick with dog owner -

Santorum accuses Romney, Paul of jointly trying to derail campaign

US election 2012: Mitt Romney presents his economic plan in Detroit - YouTube

Santorum brings discussion of faith to the fore of GOP race

Santorum: Romney and Paul have backroom deal

Illegal immigration factoring into presidential race in Arizona

Debt will swell under 3 GOP plans

Romney's policy dead-end

Poll finds California voters not ready to return lawmakers to part-time status

Rick Santorum's Hypocrisy On Higher Education?

Obama raises cash with NBA celebrities, says GOP presidential candidates ...

Jon Huntsman is back in spotlight

Now on the periphery, Gingrich eyes Super Tuesday

Santorum's martyr complex

Commentary: The 'Seinfeld' Election

Elizabeth Warren Hits Up Hollywood to 'Recapture' Ted Kennedy's Senate Seat

California GOP convention theme: Communication deficit

Wurzelbacher hits campaign trail

PUSH panel: failing schools have been 'sabotaged'

Pastor ends rooftop vigil after donation from actor, director Tyler Perry

Pastor Corey Brooks and the New Beginnings Church - YouTube

'Shiny object' prompted Bolingbrook man to kill ex-wife, he testifies

Russell Peters gets first laughs in the new Factory

RFK's son struggles with nurses at NY hospital

Air traffic controllers caught on camera apparently sleeping, texting

Gingrich: Washington same-sex law the 'right way'

Gunman kills 2 Americans inside Afghan ministry

Nelson Mandela's hospital stay fuels anxiety worldwide

Yemeni President Hadi Sworn Into Office After Election Win

Pakistan begins demolishing bin Laden home

Venezuela's Chavez undergoes cancer tests in Cuba

North Korea Stance on Nuclear Plan Unchanged

Spanish King's Son-in-Law Testifies in Fraud Probe

Al Shabaab says extends reach into Somalia's Puntland

Prince Friso and the terrible trauma facing the Dutch royal family

Santorum Joins Romney in Michigan Push Before Primary

Boeing Replaces 787 Chief

Gold slips but notches largest gain in four weeks

US Navy Launches Next-Generation Military Satellite

TMB Metro Transit Strike Averted At Mobile World Congress

Tech Giants Agree to Deal on Privacy Policies for Apps

5 ways to stay safe until 'do not track' button arrives

Galaxy Note: Big screen browsing, but is it practical?

Flickr Adds Pinterest Blocking Code to Protect Its Images

Google Sells Clearwire Stake at a Big Loss

Facebook Users Getting Better at Managing Privacy, Study Finds

Court orders man to apologize to estranged wife on Facebook

Who will take the gold? Fox411's Dr. Oscar's offers Best Actor predictions

Sacha Baron Cohen Prevails Over Oscar Heads

'Tyler Perry's Good Deeds,' With Thandie Newton

Former Survivor Producer Speaks Out From Prison, Denies Killing Wife

Are Jennifer Aniston and 'Wanderlust' the real first signs of spring?

Unusually late flu season is upon us

investigation links deaths to paint-stripping chemical

Bird Flu: More Common, Less Deadly than We Thought?

What caused collapse of Mayan civilization?

4 Planets & Moon Dominate Weekend Night Sky

'Nomad planets' may mob the Milky Way

Space Elevator, Going Up

A Tiny Horse That Got Even Tinier as the Planet Heated Up

New Worry on Global Warming: Mass Shrinkage - YouTube

Two Technical Problems Leave Neutrinos' Speed in Question

Feds plan to spend $51.5M on 2012 Asian carp fight

Challenger Video: New Footage Of 1986 Space Shuttle Disaster Unearthed (VIDEO)

Playboy wants to make it in space

Black hole clocks fastest wind ever recorded by NASA

Moon's scarred crust hints at recent activity, scientists say

Hubble's 'waterworld' discovery: A new type of planet

NASA Detects Solid Buckyballs In Space

300-million-year-old forest discovered in China

Farmyard antibiotics linked to superbugs

How to Build a Robot Dinosaur With a 3D Printer

How eating oranges and grapefruit can cut the risk of a stroke by their anti-inflammatory properties | Mail Online

Doctors perform world's first quadruple limb transplant to attach two arms and legs to a man | Mail Online


Feb. 24, 2012 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN

The Manning Report – 24 February 2012

David Duke Show 24

Paul Drockton Show 23 1

Paul Drockton Show 23 2



Alex Jones - 2012-Feb-24, Friday

02/24 The Mark Levin Show

2012-02-24.Jesse Peterson Radio Show

02-24-2012.Kevin Trudeau Show

Live Free Or Die Radio - Monday, February, 20, 2012


The Legacy of World War I and the Holocaust

AUDIO:Muslim Judge: ‘The First Amendment Does Not Allow a Person to Piss Off Another Person or Culture’

Sascha Baron Cohen’s ‘Dictator’ Finds Resonance in Arab Spring

European Central Bank: ‘No Escape from Tough Austerity Measures’

Israeli Police Clash with Palestinians at ‘Dome of the Rock’

Obama Gives Diplomat Job to Fundraiser, Disaster Ensues

Muslim Judge Dismisses Assault Case; Muslim Perpetrator Caught on Tape and Confessed to Crime


25-Feb-12 World View

24-Feb-12 World View

*25 Feb.

American Minute for February 25th

February 25 Events in History

Today in History: February 25

Today in History: February 25

Historical Events on 25th February |

February 25th in History

February 25th This Day in History

Today in History for February 25th - YouTube

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